From 7bca43da7960e468a5cfc040b69fabd18460dfaa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gabriela Araujo Britto <>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2025 18:20:38 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] revert return type narrowing

 src/compiler/checker.ts                       |  377 +---
 src/compiler/types.ts                         |   11 +-
 .../conditionalReturnExpression.errors.txt    |   36 +
 .../conditionalReturnExpression.symbols       |   63 +
 .../conditionalReturnExpression.types         |  167 ++
 .../reference/dependentReturnType1.errors.txt |  645 ------
 .../reference/dependentReturnType1.symbols    | 1386 ------------
 .../reference/dependentReturnType1.types      | 2008 -----------------
 .../reference/dependentReturnType2.errors.txt |  314 ---
 .../reference/dependentReturnType2.symbols    |  594 -----
 .../reference/dependentReturnType2.types      | 1007 ---------
 .../reference/dependentReturnType3.errors.txt |  224 --
 .../reference/dependentReturnType3.symbols    |  679 ------
 .../reference/dependentReturnType3.types      | 1000 --------
 .../reference/dependentReturnType4.errors.txt |   40 -
 .../reference/dependentReturnType4.symbols    |   76 -
 .../reference/dependentReturnType4.types      |   95 -
 .../reference/dependentReturnType5.errors.txt |  109 -
 .../reference/dependentReturnType5.symbols    |  220 --
 .../reference/dependentReturnType5.types      |  331 ---
 .../reference/dependentReturnType6.errors.txt |  193 --
 .../reference/dependentReturnType6.symbols    |  367 ---
 .../reference/dependentReturnType6.types      |  512 -----
 .../reference/dependentReturnType8.symbols    |   30 -
 .../reference/dependentReturnType8.types      |   38 -
 .../reference/dependentReturnType9.errors.txt |   71 -
 .../reference/dependentReturnType9.symbols    |  173 --
 .../reference/dependentReturnType9.types      |  306 ---
 .../compiler/conditionalReturnExpression.ts   |   24 +
 tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType1.ts  |  519 -----
 tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType2.ts  |  307 ---
 tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType3.ts  |  216 --
 tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType4.ts  |   36 -
 tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType5.ts  |   99 -
 tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType6.ts  |  137 --
 tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType8.ts  |   13 -
 tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType9.ts  |   67 -
 .../returnTypeNarrowingAfterCachingTypes.ts   |   12 -
 38 files changed, 311 insertions(+), 12191 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/conditionalReturnExpression.errors.txt
 create mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/conditionalReturnExpression.symbols
 create mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/conditionalReturnExpression.types
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType1.errors.txt
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType1.symbols
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType1.types
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType2.errors.txt
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType2.symbols
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType2.types
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType3.errors.txt
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType3.symbols
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType3.types
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType4.errors.txt
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType4.symbols
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType4.types
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType5.errors.txt
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType5.symbols
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType5.types
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType6.errors.txt
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType6.symbols
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType6.types
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType8.symbols
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType8.types
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType9.errors.txt
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType9.symbols
 delete mode 100644 tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType9.types
 create mode 100644 tests/cases/compiler/conditionalReturnExpression.ts
 delete mode 100644 tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType1.ts
 delete mode 100644 tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType2.ts
 delete mode 100644 tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType3.ts
 delete mode 100644 tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType4.ts
 delete mode 100644 tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType5.ts
 delete mode 100644 tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType6.ts
 delete mode 100644 tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType8.ts
 delete mode 100644 tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType9.ts
 delete mode 100644 tests/cases/fourslash/returnTypeNarrowingAfterCachingTypes.ts

diff --git a/src/compiler/checker.ts b/src/compiler/checker.ts
index fcb93c45dc1dd..7a4370b2b52fc 100644
--- a/src/compiler/checker.ts
+++ b/src/compiler/checker.ts
@@ -2381,7 +2381,6 @@ export function createTypeChecker(host: TypeCheckerHost): TypeChecker {
         [".json", ".json"],
-    var narrowableReturnTypeCache = new Map<string, boolean>();
     /* eslint-enable no-var */
@@ -16630,18 +16629,14 @@ export function createTypeChecker(host: TypeCheckerHost): TypeChecker {
         return !!(type.flags & TypeFlags.Substitution && (type as SubstitutionType).constraint.flags & TypeFlags.Unknown);
-    function isNarrowingSubstitutionType(type: Type): boolean {
-        return !!(type.flags & TypeFlags.Substitution && (type as SubstitutionType).objectFlags & ObjectFlags.IsNarrowingType);
-    }
-    function getSubstitutionType(baseType: Type, constraint: Type, isNarrowed?: boolean) {
+    function getSubstitutionType(baseType: Type, constraint: Type) {
         return constraint.flags & TypeFlags.AnyOrUnknown || constraint === baseType || baseType.flags & TypeFlags.Any ?
             baseType :
-            getOrCreateSubstitutionType(baseType, constraint, isNarrowed);
+            getOrCreateSubstitutionType(baseType, constraint);
-    function getOrCreateSubstitutionType(baseType: Type, constraint: Type, isNarrowed?: boolean) {
-        const id = `${getTypeId(baseType)}>${getTypeId(constraint)}${isNarrowed ? ">N" : ""}`;
+    function getOrCreateSubstitutionType(baseType: Type, constraint: Type) {
+        const id = `${getTypeId(baseType)}>${getTypeId(constraint)}`;
         const cached = substitutionTypes.get(id);
         if (cached) {
             return cached;
@@ -16649,9 +16644,6 @@ export function createTypeChecker(host: TypeCheckerHost): TypeChecker {
         const result = createType(TypeFlags.Substitution) as SubstitutionType;
         result.baseType = baseType;
         result.constraint = constraint;
-        if (isNarrowed) {
-            result.objectFlags |= ObjectFlags.IsNarrowingType;
-        }
         substitutionTypes.set(id, result);
         return result;
@@ -19186,14 +19178,7 @@ export function createTypeChecker(host: TypeCheckerHost): TypeChecker {
         return isGenericType(type) || checkTuples && isTupleType(type) && some(getElementTypes(type), isGenericType);
-    function getConditionalType(
-        root: ConditionalRoot,
-        mapper: TypeMapper | undefined,
-        forConstraint: boolean,
-        aliasSymbol?: Symbol,
-        aliasTypeArguments?: readonly Type[],
-        forNarrowing?: boolean,
-    ): Type {
+    function getConditionalType(root: ConditionalRoot, mapper: TypeMapper | undefined, forConstraint: boolean, aliasSymbol?: Symbol, aliasTypeArguments?: readonly Type[]): Type {
         let result;
         let extraTypes: Type[] | undefined;
         let tailCount = 0;
@@ -19215,9 +19200,6 @@ export function createTypeChecker(host: TypeCheckerHost): TypeChecker {
             if (checkType === wildcardType || extendsType === wildcardType) {
                 return wildcardType;
-            const effectiveCheckType = forNarrowing && isNarrowingSubstitutionType(checkType)
-                ? (checkType as SubstitutionType).constraint
-                : checkType;
             const checkTypeNode = skipTypeParentheses(root.node.checkType);
             const extendsTypeNode = skipTypeParentheses(root.node.extendsType);
             // When the check and extends types are simple tuple types of the same arity, we defer resolution of the
@@ -19225,7 +19207,7 @@ export function createTypeChecker(host: TypeCheckerHost): TypeChecker {
             // types can be written `[X] extends [Y] ? ...` and be deferred similarly to `X extends Y ? ...`.
             const checkTuples = isSimpleTupleType(checkTypeNode) && isSimpleTupleType(extendsTypeNode) &&
                 length((checkTypeNode as TupleTypeNode).elements) === length((extendsTypeNode as TupleTypeNode).elements);
-            const checkTypeDeferred = isDeferredType(effectiveCheckType, checkTuples);
+            const checkTypeDeferred = isDeferredType(checkType, checkTuples);
             let combinedMapper: TypeMapper | undefined;
             if (root.inferTypeParameters) {
                 // When we're looking at making an inference for an infer type, when we get its constraint, it'll automagically be
@@ -19261,17 +19243,17 @@ export function createTypeChecker(host: TypeCheckerHost): TypeChecker {
             const inferredExtendsType = combinedMapper ? instantiateType(root.extendsType, combinedMapper) : extendsType;
             // We attempt to resolve the conditional type only when the check and extends types are non-generic
             if (!checkTypeDeferred && !isDeferredType(inferredExtendsType, checkTuples)) {
-                // Return falseType for a definitely false extends check. We check an instantiation of the two
+                // Return falseType for a definitely false extends check. We check an instantiations of the two
                 // types with type parameters mapped to the wildcard type, the most permissive instantiations
                 // possible (the wildcard type is assignable to and from all types). If those are not related,
                 // then no instantiations will be and we can just return the false branch type.
-                if (!(inferredExtendsType.flags & TypeFlags.AnyOrUnknown) && (effectiveCheckType.flags & TypeFlags.Any || !isTypeAssignableTo(getPermissiveInstantiation(effectiveCheckType), getPermissiveInstantiation(inferredExtendsType)))) {
+                if (!(inferredExtendsType.flags & TypeFlags.AnyOrUnknown) && (checkType.flags & TypeFlags.Any || !isTypeAssignableTo(getPermissiveInstantiation(checkType), getPermissiveInstantiation(inferredExtendsType)))) {
                     // Return union of trueType and falseType for 'any' since it matches anything. Furthermore, for a
                     // distributive conditional type applied to the constraint of a type variable, include trueType if
                     // there are possible values of the check type that are also possible values of the extends type.
                     // We use a reverse assignability check as it is less expensive than the comparable relationship
                     // and avoids false positives of a non-empty intersection check.
-                    if (effectiveCheckType.flags & TypeFlags.Any || forConstraint && !(inferredExtendsType.flags & TypeFlags.Never) && someType(getPermissiveInstantiation(inferredExtendsType), t => isTypeAssignableTo(t, getPermissiveInstantiation(effectiveCheckType)))) {
+                    if (checkType.flags & TypeFlags.Any || forConstraint && !(inferredExtendsType.flags & TypeFlags.Never) && someType(getPermissiveInstantiation(inferredExtendsType), t => isTypeAssignableTo(t, getPermissiveInstantiation(checkType)))) {
                         (extraTypes || (extraTypes = [])).push(instantiateType(getTypeFromTypeNode(root.node.trueType), combinedMapper || mapper));
                     // If falseType is an immediately nested conditional type that isn't distributive or has an
@@ -19295,7 +19277,7 @@ export function createTypeChecker(host: TypeCheckerHost): TypeChecker {
                 // that has no constraint. This ensures that, for example, the type
                 //   type Foo<T extends { x: any }> = T extends { x: string } ? string : number
                 // doesn't immediately resolve to 'string' instead of being deferred.
-                if (inferredExtendsType.flags & TypeFlags.AnyOrUnknown || isTypeAssignableTo(getRestrictiveInstantiation(effectiveCheckType), getRestrictiveInstantiation(inferredExtendsType))) {
+                if (inferredExtendsType.flags & TypeFlags.AnyOrUnknown || isTypeAssignableTo(getRestrictiveInstantiation(checkType), getRestrictiveInstantiation(inferredExtendsType))) {
                     const trueType = getTypeFromTypeNode(root.node.trueType);
                     const trueMapper = combinedMapper || mapper;
                     if (canTailRecurse(trueType, trueMapper)) {
@@ -20421,38 +20403,13 @@ export function createTypeChecker(host: TypeCheckerHost): TypeChecker {
             if (!result) {
                 const newMapper = createTypeMapper(root.outerTypeParameters, typeArguments);
                 const checkType = root.checkType;
-                let distributionType = root.isDistributive ? getReducedType(getMappedType(checkType, newMapper)) : undefined;
-                let narrowingBaseType: Type | undefined;
-                const forNarrowing = distributionType && isNarrowingSubstitutionType(distributionType) && isNarrowableConditionalType(type, mapper);
-                if (forNarrowing) {
-                    narrowingBaseType = (distributionType as SubstitutionType).baseType;
-                    distributionType = getReducedType((distributionType as SubstitutionType).constraint);
-                }
+                const distributionType = root.isDistributive ? getReducedType(getMappedType(checkType, newMapper)) : undefined;
                 // Distributive conditional types are distributed over union types. For example, when the
                 // distributive conditional type T extends U ? X : Y is instantiated with A | B for T, the
                 // result is (A extends U ? X : Y) | (B extends U ? X : Y).
-                if (distributionType && checkType !== distributionType && distributionType.flags & (TypeFlags.Union | TypeFlags.Never)) {
-                    if (narrowingBaseType) {
-                        result = mapTypeToIntersection(
-                            distributionType,
-                            (t: Type) =>
-                                getConditionalType(
-                                    root,
-                                    prependTypeMapping(checkType, getSubstitutionType(narrowingBaseType, t, /*isNarrowed*/ true), newMapper),
-                                    forConstraint,
-                                    /*aliasSymbol*/ undefined,
-                                    /*aliasTypeArguments*/ undefined,
-                                    forNarrowing,
-                                ),
-                        );
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        result = mapTypeWithAlias(distributionType, (t: Type) => getConditionalType(root, prependTypeMapping(checkType, t, newMapper), forConstraint), aliasSymbol, aliasTypeArguments);
-                    }
-                }
-                else {
-                    result = getConditionalType(root, newMapper, forConstraint, aliasSymbol, aliasTypeArguments, forNarrowing);
-                }
+                result = distributionType && checkType !== distributionType && distributionType.flags & (TypeFlags.Union | TypeFlags.Never) ?
+                    mapTypeWithAlias(distributionType, t => getConditionalType(root, prependTypeMapping(checkType, t, newMapper), forConstraint), aliasSymbol, aliasTypeArguments) :
+                    getConditionalType(root, newMapper, forConstraint, aliasSymbol, aliasTypeArguments);
                 root.instantiations!.set(id, result);
             return result;
@@ -21773,12 +21730,10 @@ export function createTypeChecker(host: TypeCheckerHost): TypeChecker {
     function shouldNormalizeIntersection(type: IntersectionType) {
         let hasInstantiable = false;
         let hasNullableOrEmpty = false;
-        let hasSubstitution = false;
         for (const t of type.types) {
             hasInstantiable ||= !!(t.flags & TypeFlags.Instantiable);
             hasNullableOrEmpty ||= !!(t.flags & TypeFlags.Nullable) || isEmptyAnonymousObjectType(t);
-            hasSubstitution ||= isNarrowingSubstitutionType(t); // This avoids displaying error messages with types like `T & T` when narrowing a return type
-            if (hasInstantiable && hasNullableOrEmpty || hasSubstitution) return true;
+            if (hasInstantiable && hasNullableOrEmpty) return true;
         return false;
@@ -27963,23 +27918,6 @@ export function createTypeChecker(host: TypeCheckerHost): TypeChecker {
         return changed ? mappedTypes && getUnionType(mappedTypes, noReductions ? UnionReduction.None : UnionReduction.Literal) : type;
-    /**
-     * Similar to {@link mapType}, but creates an intersection with the result of mapping over a union type.
-     */
-    function mapTypeToIntersection(type: Type, mapper: (t: Type) => Type): Type {
-        if (type.flags & TypeFlags.Never) {
-            return type;
-        }
-        if (!(type.flags & TypeFlags.Union)) {
-            return mapper(type);
-        }
-        const origin = (type as UnionType).origin;
-        const types = origin && origin.flags & TypeFlags.Union ? (origin as UnionType).types : (type as UnionType).types;
-        const mappedTypes = => t.flags & TypeFlags.Union ? mapTypeToIntersection(t, mapper) : mapper(t));
-        return getIntersectionType(mappedTypes);
-    }
     function mapTypeWithAlias(type: Type, mapper: (t: Type) => Type, aliasSymbol: Symbol | undefined, aliasTypeArguments: readonly Type[] | undefined) {
         return type.flags & TypeFlags.Union && aliasSymbol ?
             getUnionType(map((type as UnionType).types, mapper), UnionReduction.Literal, aliasSymbol, aliasTypeArguments) :
@@ -29866,7 +29804,7 @@ export function createTypeChecker(host: TypeCheckerHost): TypeChecker {
         return contextualType && !isGenericType(contextualType);
-    function getNarrowableTypeForReference(type: Type, reference: Node, checkMode?: CheckMode, forReturnTypeNarrowing?: boolean) {
+    function getNarrowableTypeForReference(type: Type, reference: Node, checkMode?: CheckMode) {
         if (isNoInferType(type)) {
             type = (type as SubstitutionType).baseType;
@@ -29879,7 +29817,7 @@ export function createTypeChecker(host: TypeCheckerHost): TypeChecker {
         // 'string | undefined' to give control flow analysis the opportunity to narrow to type 'string'.
         const substituteConstraints = !(checkMode && checkMode & CheckMode.Inferential) &&
             someType(type, isGenericTypeWithUnionConstraint) &&
-            (forReturnTypeNarrowing || isConstraintPosition(type, reference) || hasContextualTypeWithNoGenericTypes(reference, checkMode));
+            (isConstraintPosition(type, reference) || hasContextualTypeWithNoGenericTypes(reference, checkMode));
         return substituteConstraints ? mapType(type, getBaseConstraintOrType) : type;
@@ -31419,16 +31357,9 @@ export function createTypeChecker(host: TypeCheckerHost): TypeChecker {
     function getContextualTypeForReturnExpression(node: Expression, contextFlags: ContextFlags | undefined): Type | undefined {
         const func = getContainingFunction(node);
         if (func) {
-            const functionFlags = getFunctionFlags(func);
-            const links = getNodeLinks(node);
-            if (links.contextualReturnType) {
-                if (functionFlags & FunctionFlags.Async) {
-                    return getUnionType([links.contextualReturnType, createPromiseLikeType(links.contextualReturnType)]);
-                }
-                return links.contextualReturnType;
-            }
             let contextualReturnType = getContextualReturnType(func, contextFlags);
             if (contextualReturnType) {
+                const functionFlags = getFunctionFlags(func);
                 if (functionFlags & FunctionFlags.Generator) { // Generator or AsyncGenerator function
                     const isAsyncGenerator = (functionFlags & FunctionFlags.Async) !== 0;
                     if (contextualReturnType.flags & TypeFlags.Union) {
@@ -32179,13 +32110,6 @@ export function createTypeChecker(host: TypeCheckerHost): TypeChecker {
         if (index >= 0) {
             return contextualTypes[index];
-        const links = getNodeLinks(node);
-        if (links.contextualReturnType) {
-            if (node.flags & NodeFlags.AwaitContext) {
-                return getUnionType([links.contextualReturnType, createPromiseLikeType(links.contextualReturnType)]);
-            }
-            return links.contextualReturnType;
-        }
         const { parent } = node;
         switch (parent.kind) {
             case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration:
@@ -45868,270 +45792,7 @@ export function createTypeChecker(host: TypeCheckerHost): TypeChecker {
         const effectiveExpr = expr && getEffectiveCheckNode(expr); // The effective expression for diagnostics purposes.
         const errorNode = inReturnStatement && !inConditionalExpression ? node : effectiveExpr;
-        // If the return type is not narrowable, we simply check if the return expression type is assignable to the return type.
-        if (!(unwrappedReturnType.flags & (TypeFlags.IndexedAccess | TypeFlags.Conditional)) || !couldContainTypeVariables(unwrappedReturnType)) {
-            checkTypeAssignableToAndOptionallyElaborate(unwrappedExprType, unwrappedReturnType, errorNode, effectiveExpr);
-            return;
-        }
-        // If type of return expression is assignable to original return type, we don't need to narrow the return type.
-        if (checkTypeAssignableTo(unwrappedExprType, unwrappedReturnType, /*errorNode*/ undefined)) {
-            return;
-        }
-        // There are two cases for obtaining a position in the control-flow graph on which references will be analyzed:
-        // - When the return expression is defined, and it is one of the two branches of a conditional expression, then the position is the expression itself:
-        // `function foo(...) {
-        //       return cond ? |expr| : ...
-        // }`
-        // - When the return expression is undefined, or it is defined and it is not one of the branches of a conditional expression, then the position is the return statement itself:
-        // `function foo(...) {
-        //       |return expr;|
-        // }`
-        // or
-        // `function foo(...) {
-        //       |return;|
-        // }`
-        let narrowPosition: Node = node;
-        let narrowFlowNode = inReturnStatement && (node as ReturnStatement).flowNode;
-        if (expr && isConditionalExpression(expr.parent)) {
-            narrowFlowNode = expr.parent.whenTrue === expr ? expr.parent.flowNodeWhenTrue : expr.parent.flowNodeWhenFalse;
-            narrowPosition = expr;
-        }
-        if (!narrowFlowNode) {
-            checkTypeAssignableToAndOptionallyElaborate(unwrappedExprType, unwrappedReturnType, errorNode, effectiveExpr);
-            return;
-        }
-        const allTypeParameters = appendTypeParameters(getOuterTypeParameters(container, /*includeThisTypes*/ false), getEffectiveTypeParameterDeclarations(container as DeclarationWithTypeParameters));
-        const narrowableTypeParameters = allTypeParameters && getNarrowableTypeParameters(allTypeParameters);
-        if (
-            !narrowableTypeParameters ||
-            !narrowableTypeParameters.length ||
-            !isNarrowableReturnType(unwrappedReturnType as ConditionalType | IndexedAccessType)
-        ) {
-            checkTypeAssignableToAndOptionallyElaborate(unwrappedExprType, unwrappedReturnType, errorNode, effectiveExpr);
-            return;
-        }
-        const narrowedTypeParameters: TypeParameter[] = [];
-        const narrowedTypes: Type[] = [];
-        for (const [typeParam, symbol, reference] of narrowableTypeParameters) {
-            const narrowReference = factory.cloneNode(reference); // Construct a reference that can be narrowed.
-            // Don't reuse the original reference's node id,
-            // because that could cause us to get a type that was cached for the original reference.
-   = undefined;
-            // Set the symbol of the synthetic reference.
-            // This allows us to get the type of the reference at a location where the reference is possibly shadowed.
-            getNodeLinks(narrowReference).resolvedSymbol = symbol;
-            setParent(narrowReference, narrowPosition.parent);
-            narrowReference.flowNode = narrowFlowNode;
-            const initialType = getNarrowableTypeForReference(typeParam, narrowReference, /*checkMode*/ undefined, /*forReturnTypeNarrowing*/ true);
-            if (initialType === typeParam) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            const flowType = getFlowTypeOfReference(narrowReference, initialType);
-            const exprType = getTypeFromFlowType(flowType);
-            // If attempting to narrow the expression type did not produce a narrower type,
-            // then discard this type parameter from narrowing.
-            if (
-                exprType.flags & TypeFlags.AnyOrUnknown
-                || isErrorType(exprType)
-                || exprType === typeParam
-                || exprType === mapType(typeParam, getBaseConstraintOrType)
-            ) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            const narrowedType = getSubstitutionType(typeParam, exprType, /*isNarrowed*/ true);
-            narrowedTypeParameters.push(typeParam);
-            narrowedTypes.push(narrowedType);
-        }
-        const narrowMapper = createTypeMapper(narrowedTypeParameters, narrowedTypes);
-        const narrowedReturnType = instantiateType(
-            unwrappedReturnType,
-            narrowMapper,
-        );
-        if (expr) {
-            const links = getNodeLinks(expr);
-            if (!links.contextualReturnType) {
-                links.contextualReturnType = narrowedReturnType;
-            }
-        }
-        const narrowedExprType = expr ? checkExpression(expr) : undefinedType;
-        const narrowedUnwrappedExprType = functionFlags & FunctionFlags.Async
-            ? checkAwaitedType(
-                narrowedExprType,
-                /*withAlias*/ false,
-                node,
-                Diagnostics.The_return_type_of_an_async_function_must_either_be_a_valid_promise_or_must_not_contain_a_callable_then_member,
-            )
-            : narrowedExprType;
-        checkTypeAssignableToAndOptionallyElaborate(narrowedUnwrappedExprType, narrowedReturnType, errorNode, effectiveExpr);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Narrowable type parameters are type parameters that:
-     * (1) have a union type constraint;
-     * (2) are used as the type of a single parameter in the function, and nothing else
-     */
-    function getNarrowableTypeParameters(candidates: TypeParameter[]): [TypeParameter, Symbol, Identifier][] {
-        const narrowableParams: [TypeParameter, Symbol, Identifier][] = [];
-        for (const typeParam of candidates) {
-            const constraint = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(typeParam);
-            if (!constraint || !(constraint.flags & TypeFlags.Union)) continue;
-            if (typeParam.symbol && typeParam.symbol.declarations && typeParam.symbol.declarations.length === 1) {
-                const declaration = typeParam.symbol.declarations[0];
-                const container = isJSDocTemplateTag(declaration.parent) ? getJSDocHost(declaration.parent) : declaration.parent;
-                if (!isFunctionLike(container)) continue;
-                let reference: Identifier | undefined;
-                let hasInvalidReference = false;
-                for (const paramDecl of container.parameters) {
-                    const typeNode = getEffectiveTypeAnnotationNode(paramDecl);
-                    if (!typeNode) continue;
-                    if (isTypeParameterReferenced(typeParam, typeNode)) {
-                        let candidateReference;
-                        if (
-                            isTypeReferenceNode(typeNode) &&
-                            isReferenceToTypeParameter(typeParam, typeNode) &&
-                            (candidateReference = getValidParameterReference(paramDecl, constraint))
-                        ) {
-                            // Type parameter has more than one valid reference.
-                            if (reference) {
-                                hasInvalidReference = true;
-                                break;
-                            }
-                            reference = candidateReference;
-                        }
-                        else { // Type parameter has invalid reference.
-                            hasInvalidReference = true;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                if (!hasInvalidReference && reference) {
-                    const symbol = getResolvedSymbol(reference);
-                    if (symbol !== unknownSymbol) narrowableParams.push([typeParam, symbol, reference]);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return narrowableParams;
-        // For a parameter of declared type `T` to be a valid reference for narrowing, it must satisfy:
-        // - the parameter name is an identifier
-        // - if the parameter is optional, then `T`'s constraint must allow for undefined
-        function getValidParameterReference(paramDecl: ParameterDeclaration, constraint: Type): Identifier | undefined {
-            if (!isIdentifier( return;
-            const isOptional = !!paramDecl.questionToken || isJSDocOptionalParameter(paramDecl);
-            if (isOptional && !containsUndefinedType(constraint)) return;
-            return;
-        }
-        function isReferenceToTypeParameter(typeParam: TypeParameter, node: TypeReferenceNode) {
-            return getTypeFromTypeReference(node) === typeParam;
-        }
-        function isTypeParameterReferenced(typeParam: TypeParameter, node: TypeNode) {
-            return isReferenced(node);
-            function isReferenced(node: Node): boolean {
-                if (isTypeReferenceNode(node)) {
-                    return isReferenceToTypeParameter(typeParam, node);
-                }
-                if (isTypeQueryNode(node)) {
-                    return isTypeParameterPossiblyReferenced(typeParam, node);
-                }
-                return !!forEachChild(node, isReferenced);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    function isNarrowableReturnType(returnType: IndexedAccessType | ConditionalType): boolean {
-        return isConditionalType(returnType)
-            ? isNarrowableConditionalType(returnType)
-            : !!(returnType.indexType.flags & TypeFlags.TypeParameter);
-    }
-    function isNarrowableConditionalType(type: ConditionalType, mapper?: TypeMapper): boolean {
-        const typeArguments = mapper && map(type.root.outerTypeParameters, t => {
-            const mapped = getMappedType(t, mapper);
-            if (isNarrowingSubstitutionType(mapped)) {
-                return (mapped as SubstitutionType).baseType;
-            }
-            return mapped;
-        });
-        const id = `${}:${getTypeListId(typeArguments)}`;
-        let result = narrowableReturnTypeCache.get(id);
-        if (result === undefined) {
-            const nonNarrowingMapper = type.root.outerTypeParameters
-                && typeArguments
-                && createTypeMapper(type.root.outerTypeParameters, typeArguments);
-            const instantiatedType = instantiateType(type, nonNarrowingMapper);
-            result = isConditionalType(instantiatedType) && isNarrowableConditionalTypeWorker(instantiatedType);
-            narrowableReturnTypeCache.set(id, result);
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    // A narrowable conditional type is one that has the following shape:
-    // `T extends A ? TrueBranch<T> : FalseBranch<T>`, in other words:
-    // (0) The conditional type is distributive;
-    // (1) The conditional type has no `infer` type parameters;
-    // (2) The conditional type's check type is a narrowable type parameter (i.e. a type parameter with a union constraint);
-    // (3) The extends type `A` is a type or a union of types belonging to the union constraint of the type parameter;
-    // (4) `TrueBranch<T>` and `FalseBranch<T>` must be valid, recursively.
-    //      In particular, the false-most branch of the conditional type must be `never`.
-    function isNarrowableConditionalTypeWorker(type: ConditionalType): boolean {
-        // (0)
-        if (!type.root.isDistributive) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        // (1)
-        if (type.root.inferTypeParameters) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        // (2)
-        if (!(type.checkType.flags & TypeFlags.TypeParameter)) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        // (2)
-        const constraintType = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(type.checkType as TypeParameter);
-        if (!constraintType || !(constraintType.flags & TypeFlags.Union)) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        // (3)
-        if (
-            !everyType(type.extendsType, extendsType =>
-                some(
-                    (constraintType as UnionType).types,
-                    constraintType => isTypeIdenticalTo(constraintType, extendsType),
-                ))
-        ) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        // (4)
-        const trueType = getTrueTypeFromConditionalType(type);
-        const isValidTrueType = isConditionalType(trueType)
-            ? isNarrowableConditionalType(trueType)
-            : true;
-        if (!isValidTrueType) return false;
-        const falseType = getFalseTypeFromConditionalType(type);
-        const isValidFalseType = isConditionalType(falseType)
-            ? isNarrowableConditionalType(falseType)
-            : falseType === neverType;
-        return isValidFalseType;
-    }
-    function isConditionalType(type: Type): type is ConditionalType {
-        return !!(type.flags & TypeFlags.Conditional);
+        checkTypeAssignableToAndOptionallyElaborate(unwrappedExprType, unwrappedReturnType, errorNode, effectiveExpr);
     function checkWithStatement(node: WithStatement) {
diff --git a/src/compiler/types.ts b/src/compiler/types.ts
index 449ad50cb014d..9cd1a9b9fc618 100644
--- a/src/compiler/types.ts
+++ b/src/compiler/types.ts
@@ -6249,7 +6249,6 @@ export interface NodeLinks {
     decoratorSignature?: Signature;     // Signature for decorator as if invoked by the runtime.
     spreadIndices?: { first: number | undefined, last: number | undefined }; // Indices of first and last spread elements in array literal
     parameterInitializerContainsUndefined?: boolean; // True if this is a parameter declaration whose type annotation contains "undefined".
-    contextualReturnType?: Type;        // If the node is a return statement's expression, then this is the contextual return type.
     fakeScopeForSignatureDeclaration?: "params" | "typeParams"; // If present, this is a fake scope injected into an enclosing declaration chain.
     assertionExpressionType?: Type;     // Cached type of the expression of a type assertion
     potentialThisCollisions?: Node[];
@@ -6517,8 +6516,6 @@ export const enum ObjectFlags {
     IsGenericIndexType = 1 << 23, // Union or intersection contains generic index type
     /** @internal */
     IsGenericType = IsGenericObjectType | IsGenericIndexType,
-    /** @internal */
-    IsNarrowingType = 1 << 24, // Substitution type that comes from type narrowing
     // Flags that require TypeFlags.Union
     /** @internal */
@@ -6918,16 +6915,12 @@ export interface StringMappingType extends InstantiableType {
 // Type parameter substitution (TypeFlags.Substitution)
-// - Substitution types are created for type parameters or indexed access types that occur in the
+// Substitution types are created for type parameters or indexed access types that occur in the
 // true branch of a conditional type. For example, in 'T extends string ? Foo<T> : Bar<T>', the
 // reference to T in Foo<T> is resolved as a substitution type that substitutes 'string & T' for T.
 // Thus, if Foo has a 'string' constraint on its type parameter, T will satisfy it.
-// - Substitution types are also created for NoInfer<T> types. Those are represented as substitution
+// Substitution type are also created for NoInfer<T> types. Those are represented as substitution
 // types where the constraint is type 'unknown' (which is never generated for the case above).
-// - Substitution types are also created for return type narrowing:
-// if a type parameter `T` is linked to a parameter `x` and `x`'s narrowed type is `S`,
-// we represent that with a substitution type with base `T` and constraint `S`.
-// The resulting substitution type has `ObjectFlags.IsNarrowedType` set.
 export interface SubstitutionType extends InstantiableType {
     objectFlags: ObjectFlags;
     baseType: Type; // Target type
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/conditionalReturnExpression.errors.txt b/tests/baselines/reference/conditionalReturnExpression.errors.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..52dba11d81eb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/baselines/reference/conditionalReturnExpression.errors.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+conditionalReturnExpression.ts(2,18): error TS2322: Type '1' is not assignable to type '3'.
+conditionalReturnExpression.ts(2,23): error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type '3'.
+conditionalReturnExpression.ts(8,43): error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
+conditionalReturnExpression.ts(19,71): error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
+==== conditionalReturnExpression.ts (4 errors) ====
+    function return1(x: boolean): 3 {
+        return (x ? (1) : 2);
+                     ~
+!!! error TS2322: Type '1' is not assignable to type '3'.
+                          ~
+!!! error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type '3'.
+    }
+    declare function getAny(): any;
+    function return2(x: string): string {
+        return x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1;
+                                              ~
+!!! error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
+    }
+    function return3(x: string): string {
+        return x.startsWith("a") ? "a" : x;
+    }
+    function return4(x: string): string {
+        return (x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1) as string;
+    }
+    const return5 = (x: string): string => x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1;
+                                                                          ~
+!!! error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
+    const return6 = (x: string): string => (x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1) as string;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/conditionalReturnExpression.symbols b/tests/baselines/reference/conditionalReturnExpression.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..266619261adc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/baselines/reference/conditionalReturnExpression.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+//// [tests/cases/compiler/conditionalReturnExpression.ts] ////
+=== conditionalReturnExpression.ts ===
+function return1(x: boolean): 3 {
+>return1 : Symbol(return1, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 0, 0))
+>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 0, 17))
+    return (x ? (1) : 2);
+>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 0, 17))
+declare function getAny(): any;
+>getAny : Symbol(getAny, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 2, 1))
+function return2(x: string): string {
+>return2 : Symbol(return2, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 4, 31))
+>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 6, 17))
+    return x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1;
+>x.startsWith : Symbol(String.startsWith, Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
+>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 6, 17))
+>startsWith : Symbol(String.startsWith, Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
+>getAny : Symbol(getAny, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 2, 1))
+function return3(x: string): string {
+>return3 : Symbol(return3, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 8, 1))
+>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 10, 17))
+    return x.startsWith("a") ? "a" : x;
+>x.startsWith : Symbol(String.startsWith, Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
+>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 10, 17))
+>startsWith : Symbol(String.startsWith, Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
+>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 10, 17))
+function return4(x: string): string {
+>return4 : Symbol(return4, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 12, 1))
+>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 14, 17))
+    return (x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1) as string;
+>x.startsWith : Symbol(String.startsWith, Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
+>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 14, 17))
+>startsWith : Symbol(String.startsWith, Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
+>getAny : Symbol(getAny, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 2, 1))
+const return5 = (x: string): string => x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1;
+>return5 : Symbol(return5, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 18, 5))
+>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 18, 17))
+>x.startsWith : Symbol(String.startsWith, Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
+>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 18, 17))
+>startsWith : Symbol(String.startsWith, Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
+>getAny : Symbol(getAny, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 2, 1))
+const return6 = (x: string): string => (x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1) as string;
+>return6 : Symbol(return6, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 20, 5))
+>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 20, 17))
+>x.startsWith : Symbol(String.startsWith, Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
+>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 20, 17))
+>startsWith : Symbol(String.startsWith, Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
+>getAny : Symbol(getAny, Decl(conditionalReturnExpression.ts, 2, 1))
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/conditionalReturnExpression.types b/tests/baselines/reference/conditionalReturnExpression.types
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..2dc26aa814086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/baselines/reference/conditionalReturnExpression.types
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+//// [tests/cases/compiler/conditionalReturnExpression.ts] ////
+=== conditionalReturnExpression.ts ===
+function return1(x: boolean): 3 {
+>return1 : (x: boolean) => 3
+>        : ^ ^^       ^^^^^ 
+>x : boolean
+>  : ^^^^^^^
+    return (x ? (1) : 2);
+>(x ? (1) : 2) : 1 | 2
+>              : ^^^^^
+>x ? (1) : 2 : 1 | 2
+>            : ^^^^^
+>x : boolean
+>  : ^^^^^^^
+>(1) : 1
+>    : ^
+>1 : 1
+>  : ^
+>2 : 2
+>  : ^
+declare function getAny(): any;
+>getAny : () => any
+>       : ^^^^^^   
+function return2(x: string): string {
+>return2 : (x: string) => string
+>        : ^ ^^      ^^^^^      
+>x : string
+>  : ^^^^^^
+    return x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1;
+>x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1 : any
+>                                 : ^^^
+>x.startsWith("a") : boolean
+>                  : ^^^^^^^
+>x.startsWith : (searchString: string, position?: number) => boolean
+>             : ^            ^^      ^^        ^^^      ^^^^^       
+>x : string
+>  : ^^^^^^
+>startsWith : (searchString: string, position?: number) => boolean
+>           : ^            ^^      ^^        ^^^      ^^^^^       
+>"a" : "a"
+>    : ^^^
+>getAny() : any
+>         : ^^^
+>getAny : () => any
+>       : ^^^^^^   
+>1 : 1
+>  : ^
+function return3(x: string): string {
+>return3 : (x: string) => string
+>        : ^ ^^      ^^^^^      
+>x : string
+>  : ^^^^^^
+    return x.startsWith("a") ? "a" : x;
+>x.startsWith("a") ? "a" : x : string
+>                            : ^^^^^^
+>x.startsWith("a") : boolean
+>                  : ^^^^^^^
+>x.startsWith : (searchString: string, position?: number) => boolean
+>             : ^            ^^      ^^        ^^^      ^^^^^       
+>x : string
+>  : ^^^^^^
+>startsWith : (searchString: string, position?: number) => boolean
+>           : ^            ^^      ^^        ^^^      ^^^^^       
+>"a" : "a"
+>    : ^^^
+>"a" : "a"
+>    : ^^^
+>x : string
+>  : ^^^^^^
+function return4(x: string): string {
+>return4 : (x: string) => string
+>        : ^ ^^      ^^^^^      
+>x : string
+>  : ^^^^^^
+    return (x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1) as string;
+>(x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1) as string : string
+>                                             : ^^^^^^
+>(x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1) : any
+>                                   : ^^^
+>x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1 : any
+>                                 : ^^^
+>x.startsWith("a") : boolean
+>                  : ^^^^^^^
+>x.startsWith : (searchString: string, position?: number) => boolean
+>             : ^            ^^      ^^        ^^^      ^^^^^       
+>x : string
+>  : ^^^^^^
+>startsWith : (searchString: string, position?: number) => boolean
+>           : ^            ^^      ^^        ^^^      ^^^^^       
+>"a" : "a"
+>    : ^^^
+>getAny() : any
+>         : ^^^
+>getAny : () => any
+>       : ^^^^^^   
+>1 : 1
+>  : ^
+const return5 = (x: string): string => x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1;
+>return5 : (x: string) => string
+>        : ^ ^^      ^^^^^      
+>(x: string): string => x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1 : (x: string) => string
+>                                                        : ^ ^^      ^^^^^      
+>x : string
+>  : ^^^^^^
+>x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1 : any
+>                                 : ^^^
+>x.startsWith("a") : boolean
+>                  : ^^^^^^^
+>x.startsWith : (searchString: string, position?: number) => boolean
+>             : ^            ^^      ^^        ^^^      ^^^^^       
+>x : string
+>  : ^^^^^^
+>startsWith : (searchString: string, position?: number) => boolean
+>           : ^            ^^      ^^        ^^^      ^^^^^       
+>"a" : "a"
+>    : ^^^
+>getAny() : any
+>         : ^^^
+>getAny : () => any
+>       : ^^^^^^   
+>1 : 1
+>  : ^
+const return6 = (x: string): string => (x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1) as string;
+>return6 : (x: string) => string
+>        : ^ ^^      ^^^^^      
+>(x: string): string => (x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1) as string : (x: string) => string
+>                                                                    : ^ ^^      ^^^^^      
+>x : string
+>  : ^^^^^^
+>(x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1) as string : string
+>                                             : ^^^^^^
+>(x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1) : any
+>                                   : ^^^
+>x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1 : any
+>                                 : ^^^
+>x.startsWith("a") : boolean
+>                  : ^^^^^^^
+>x.startsWith : (searchString: string, position?: number) => boolean
+>             : ^            ^^      ^^        ^^^      ^^^^^       
+>x : string
+>  : ^^^^^^
+>startsWith : (searchString: string, position?: number) => boolean
+>           : ^            ^^      ^^        ^^^      ^^^^^       
+>"a" : "a"
+>    : ^^^
+>getAny() : any
+>         : ^^^
+>getAny : () => any
+>       : ^^^^^^   
+>1 : 1
+>  : ^
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType1.errors.txt b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType1.errors.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4513ccb75cf29..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType1.errors.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,645 +0,0 @@
-dependentReturnType1.ts(11,9): error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'A[T]'.
-  Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(26,9): error TS2322: Type '""' is not assignable to type 'C[T]'.
-  Type '""' is not assignable to type 'never'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(35,9): error TS2322: Type '""' is not assignable to type 'never'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(69,9): error TS2322: Type '{ a: "a"; b: "b"; c: "c"; d: "d"; e: "e"; f: "f"; }' is not assignable to type 'T extends 1 ? One : T extends 2 ? Two : T extends 3 ? Three : Four'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(71,5): error TS2322: Type '{ a: "a"; b: "b"; c: "c"; d: "d"; e: "e"; f: "f"; g: "g"; }' is not assignable to type 'T extends 1 ? One : T extends 2 ? Two : T extends 3 ? Three : Four'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(80,22): error TS2353: Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'b' does not exist in type 'Three & Four'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(96,9): error TS2322: Type 'LeftOut' is not assignable to type 'Arg extends LeftIn ? LeftOut : Arg extends RightIn ? RightOut : never'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(98,9): error TS2322: Type 'RightOut' is not assignable to type 'Arg extends LeftIn ? LeftOut : Arg extends RightIn ? RightOut : never'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(115,9): error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'T extends Dog ? number : string'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(117,5): error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'T extends Dog ? number : string'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(152,13): error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(154,9): error TS2322: Type 'this' is not assignable to type 'T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never'.
-  Type 'Unnamed' is not assignable to type 'T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(169,13): error TS2322: Type 'this' is not assignable to type 'string'.
-  Type 'Unnamed' is not assignable to type 'string'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(172,9): error TS2322: Type 'T & {}' is not assignable to type 'this'.
-  'this' could be instantiated with an arbitrary type which could be unrelated to 'T & {}'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(206,24): error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(206,28): error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(243,9): error TS2322: Type '""' is not assignable to type 'T extends 1 | 2 ? T extends 1 ? string : T extends 2 ? boolean : never : T extends 3 ? number : never'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(245,9): error TS2322: Type 'true' is not assignable to type 'T extends 1 | 2 ? T extends 1 ? string : T extends 2 ? boolean : never : T extends 3 ? number : never'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(247,5): error TS2322: Type '3' is not assignable to type 'T extends 1 | 2 ? T extends 1 ? string : T extends 2 ? boolean : never : T extends 3 ? number : never'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(275,9): error TS2322: Type '1' is not assignable to type 'HelperCond<{ x: U; y: V; }, { x: string; y: true; }, 1, { x: number; y: false; }, 2>'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(278,9): error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type 'HelperCond<{ x: U; y: V; }, { x: string; y: true; }, 1, { x: number; y: false; }, 2>'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(280,5): error TS2322: Type '0' is not assignable to type 'HelperCond<{ x: U; y: V; }, { x: string; y: true; }, 1, { x: number; y: false; }, 2>'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(302,9): error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'string[]'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(311,9): error TS2322: Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'T extends {} ? void : T extends undefined ? number : never'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(313,5): error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'T extends {} ? void : T extends undefined ? number : never'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(334,9): error TS2322: Type '1' is not assignable to type '4'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(367,13): error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : never'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(369,9): error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : never'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(392,9): error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type 'T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(402,13): error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(412,9): error TS2322: Type 'true' is not assignable to type 'T extends [infer R] ? R : T extends number ? boolean : never'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(414,5): error TS2322: Type '""' is not assignable to type 'T extends [infer R] ? R : T extends number ? boolean : never'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(439,15): error TS2322: Type '1' is not assignable to type 'T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(441,11): error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type 'T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(470,13): error TS2322: Type 'R' is not assignable to type 'ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp>'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(472,13): error TS2322: Type 'R' is not assignable to type 'ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp>'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(474,13): error TS2322: Type 'T' is not assignable to type 'ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp>'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(488,9): error TS2322: Type 'R' is not assignable to type 'ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp>'.
-dependentReturnType1.ts(514,5): error TS2322: Type '1' is not assignable to type 'never'.
-==== dependentReturnType1.ts (39 errors) ====
-    interface A {
-        1: number;
-        2: string;
-    }
-    function f1<T extends 1 | 2>(x: T): A[T] {
-        if (x === 1) {
-            return 0; // Ok
-        }
-        else {
-            return 1; // Error
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'A[T]'.
-!!! error TS2322:   Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
-        }
-    }
-    interface C {
-        1: number;
-        2: string;
-        3: boolean;
-    }
-    function f2<T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(x: T): C[T] {
-        if (x === 1) {
-            return 0; // Ok
-        }
-        else {
-            return ""; // Error, returned expression needs to have type string & boolean (= never)
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '""' is not assignable to type 'C[T]'.
-!!! error TS2322:   Type '""' is not assignable to type 'never'.
-        }
-    }
-    function f3<T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(x: T): T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : T extends 3 ? boolean : never {
-        if (x === 1) {
-            return 0; // Ok
-        }
-        else {
-            return ""; // Error, returned expression needs to have type string & boolean (= never)
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '""' is not assignable to type 'never'.
-        }
-    }
-    interface One {
-        a: "a";
-        b: "b";
-        c: "c";
-        d: "d";
-    }
-    interface Two {
-        a: "a";
-        b: "b";
-        e: "e";
-        f: "f";
-    }
-    interface Three {
-        a: "a";
-        c: "c";
-        e: "e";
-        g: "g";
-    }
-    interface Four {
-        a: "a";
-        d: "d";
-        f: "f";
-        g: "g";
-    }
-    // Badly written conditional return type, will not trigger narrowing
-    function f10<T extends 1 | 2 | 3 | 4>(x: T): T extends 1 ? One : T extends 2 ? Two : T extends 3 ? Three : Four {
-        if (x === 1 || x === 2) {
-            return { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f" }; // Error
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '{ a: "a"; b: "b"; c: "c"; d: "d"; e: "e"; f: "f"; }' is not assignable to type 'T extends 1 ? One : T extends 2 ? Two : T extends 3 ? Three : Four'.
-        }
-        return { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f", g: "g" }; // Error
-        ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '{ a: "a"; b: "b"; c: "c"; d: "d"; e: "e"; f: "f"; g: "g"; }' is not assignable to type 'T extends 1 ? One : T extends 2 ? Two : T extends 3 ? Three : Four'.
-    }
-    // Well written conditional
-    function f101<T extends 1 | 2 | 3 | 4>(x: T): T extends 1 ? One : T extends 2 ? Two : T extends 3 ? Three : T extends 4 ? Four : never {
-        if (x === 1 || x === 2) {
-            return { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f" }; // Ok
-        }
-        // Excess property becomes a problem with the change,
-        // because we now check assignability to a narrower type...
-        return { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f", g: "g" }; // EPC Error
-                         ~
-!!! error TS2353: Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'b' does not exist in type 'Three & Four'.
-    }
-    // This will not work for several reasons:
-    // - first because the constraint of type parameter `Arg` is generic,
-    //   so attempting to narrow the type of `arg` in the `if` would result in type `Arg & LeftIn`,
-    //   which when substituted in the conditional return type, would not further resolve that conditional type
-    // - second because the `else` branch would never work because we don't narrow the type of `arg` to `Arg & RightIn` 
-    function conditionalProducingIf<LeftIn, RightIn, LeftOut, RightOut, Arg extends LeftIn | RightIn>(
-        arg: Arg,
-        cond: (arg: LeftIn | RightIn) => arg is LeftIn,
-        produceLeftOut: (arg: LeftIn) => LeftOut,
-        produceRightOut: (arg: RightIn) => RightOut):
-        Arg extends LeftIn ? LeftOut : Arg extends RightIn ? RightOut : never
-    {
-        if (cond(arg)) {
-            return produceLeftOut(arg);
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'LeftOut' is not assignable to type 'Arg extends LeftIn ? LeftOut : Arg extends RightIn ? RightOut : never'.
-        } else {
-            return produceRightOut(arg as RightIn);
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'RightOut' is not assignable to type 'Arg extends LeftIn ? LeftOut : Arg extends RightIn ? RightOut : never'.
-        }
-    }
-    interface Animal {
-        name: string;
-    }
-    interface Dog extends Animal {
-        bark: () => string;
-    }
-    // This would be unsafe to narrow.
-    declare function isDog(x: Animal): x is Dog;
-    declare function doggy(x: Dog): number;
-    function f12<T extends Animal>(x: T): T extends Dog ? number : string {
-        if (isDog(x)) { // `x` has type `T & Dog` here
-            return doggy(x);
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'T extends Dog ? number : string'.
-        }
-        return ""; // Error: Should not work because we can't express "not a Dog" in the type system
-        ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'T extends Dog ? number : string'.
-    }
-    // Cannot narrow `keyof` too eagerly or something like the below breaks
-    function f<Entry extends { [index: string]: number | boolean }, EntryId extends keyof Entry>(entry: EntryId): Entry[EntryId] {
-        const entries = {} as Entry;
-        return entries[entry];
-    }
-    // Works the same as before
-    declare function takeA(val: 'A'): void;
-    export function bounceAndTakeIfA<AB extends 'A' | 'B'>(value: AB): AB {
-        if (value === 'A') {
-            takeA(value);
-            takeAB(value);
-            return value;
-        }
-        return value;
-        function takeAB(val: AB): void {}
-    }
-    // Works the same as before
-    export function bbb<AB extends "a" | "b">(value: AB): "a" {
-        if (value === "a") {
-            return value;
-        }
-        return "a";
-    }
-    class Unnamed {
-        root!: { name: string };
-        // Error: No narrowing because parameter is optional but `T` doesn't allow for undefined
-        name<T extends string>(name?: T): T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never {
-            if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
-                return;
-                ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never'.
-            }
-            return this;
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'this' is not assignable to type 'T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never'.
-!!! error TS2322:   Type 'Unnamed' is not assignable to type 'T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never'.
-        }
-        // Good conditional
-        name2<T extends string | undefined>(name?: T): T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never {
-            if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
-                return; // Ok
-            }
-   = name;
-            return this; // Ok
-        }
-        // Good conditional, wrong return expressions
-        name3<T extends string | undefined>(name?: T): T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never {
-            if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
-                return this; // Error
-                ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'this' is not assignable to type 'string'.
-!!! error TS2322:   Type 'Unnamed' is not assignable to type 'string'.
-            }
-   = name;
-            return name; // Error
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'T & {}' is not assignable to type 'this'.
-!!! error TS2322:   'this' could be instantiated with an arbitrary type which could be unrelated to 'T & {}'.
-        }
-    }
-    // Conditional expressions
-    interface Aa {
-        1: number;
-        2: string;
-        3: boolean;
-    }
-    function trivialConditional<T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(x: T): Aa[T] {
-        if (x !== 1) {
-            return x === 2 ? "" : true;
-        }
-        else {
-            return 0;
-        }
-    }
-    function conditional<T extends boolean>(x: T):
-     T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
-        return x ? 1 : 2; // Ok
-    }
-    function contextualConditional<T extends "a" | "b">(
-        x: T
-    ): T extends "a" ? "a" : T extends "b" ? number : never {
-        return x === "a" ? x : parseInt(x); // Ok
-    }
-    function conditionalWithError<T extends "a" | "b">(
-        x: T
-    ): T extends "a" ? number : T extends "b" ? string : never {
-        return x === "a" ? x : parseInt(x); // Error
-                           ~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
-                               ~~~~~~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
-    }
-    // Multiple indexed type reductions
-    interface BB {
-        "a": number;
-        [y: number]: string;
-    }
-    interface AA<T extends keyof BB> {
-        "c": BB[T];
-        "d": boolean,
-    }
-    function reduction<T extends keyof BB, U extends "c" | "d">(x: T, y: U): AA<T>[U] {
-        if (y === "c" && x === "a") {
-            // AA<T>[U='c'] -> BB[T]
-            // BB[T='a'] -> number
-            return 0; // Ok
-        }
-        return undefined as never;
-    }
-    // Substitution types are not narrowed
-    function subsCond<T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(
-        x: T,
-    ): T extends 1 | 2
-        ? T extends 1
-            ? string
-            : T extends 2
-              ? boolean
-              : never
-        : T extends 3
-          ? number
-          : never {
-        if (x === 1) {
-            return "";
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '""' is not assignable to type 'T extends 1 | 2 ? T extends 1 ? string : T extends 2 ? boolean : never : T extends 3 ? number : never'.
-        } else if (x == 2) {
-            return true;
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'true' is not assignable to type 'T extends 1 | 2 ? T extends 1 ? string : T extends 2 ? boolean : never : T extends 3 ? number : never'.
-        }
-        return 3;
-        ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '3' is not assignable to type 'T extends 1 | 2 ? T extends 1 ? string : T extends 2 ? boolean : never : T extends 3 ? number : never'.
-    }
-    // Unsafe: check types overlap
-    declare function q(x: object): x is { b: number };
-    function foo<T extends { a: string } | { b: number }>(
-        x: T,
-    ): T extends { a: string } ? number : T extends { b: number } ? string : never {
-        if (q(x)) {
-            x.b;
-            return "";
-        }
-        x.a;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    let y = { a: "", b: 1 }
-    const r = foo<{ a: string }>(y); // type says number but actually string
-    type HelperCond<T, A, R1, B, R2> = T extends A ? R1 : T extends B ? R2 : never;
-    // We don't narrow the return type because the conditionals are not distributive
-    function foo2<U extends string | number, V extends boolean>(x: U, y: V):
-        HelperCond<{ x: U, y: V },
-            { x: string, y: true }, 1,
-            { x: number, y: false }, 2> {
-        if (typeof x === "string" && y === true) {
-            return 1; // Error
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '1' is not assignable to type 'HelperCond<{ x: U; y: V; }, { x: string; y: true; }, 1, { x: number; y: false; }, 2>'.
-        }
-        if (typeof x === "number" && y === false) {
-            return 2; // Error
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type 'HelperCond<{ x: U; y: V; }, { x: string; y: true; }, 1, { x: number; y: false; }, 2>'.
-        }
-        return 0; // Error
-        ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '0' is not assignable to type 'HelperCond<{ x: U; y: V; }, { x: string; y: true; }, 1, { x: number; y: false; }, 2>'.
-    }
-    // From
-    declare function isString(s: unknown): s is string;
-    // capitalize a string or each element of an array of strings
-    function capitalize<T extends string | string[]>(
-        input: T
-    ): T extends string[] ? string[] : T extends string ? string : never {
-        if (isString(input)) {
-            return input[0].toUpperCase() + input.slice(1); // Ok
-        } else {
-            return => capitalize(elt)); // Ok
-        }
-    }
-    function badCapitalize<T extends string | string[]>(
-        input: T
-    ): T extends string[] ? string[] : T extends string ? string : never {
-        if (isString(input)) {
-            return input[0].toUpperCase() + input.slice(1); // Ok
-        } else {
-            return input[0].toUpperCase() + input.slice(1); // Bad, error
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'string[]'.
-        }
-    }
-    // No narrowing because conditional's extends type is different from type parameter constraint types
-    function voidRet<T extends { a: string } | undefined>(
-        x: T
-    ): T extends {} ? void : T extends undefined ? number : never {
-        if (x) {
-            return;
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'T extends {} ? void : T extends undefined ? number : never'.
-        }
-        return 1;
-        ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'T extends {} ? void : T extends undefined ? number : never'.
-    }
-    // Multiple type parameters at once
-    function woo<T extends string | number, U extends string | number>(
-        x: T,
-        y: U,
-    ): T extends string
-        ? U extends string
-            ? 1
-            : U extends number
-              ? 2
-              : never
-        : T extends number
-          ? U extends number
-              ? 3
-              : U extends string
-                ? 4
-                : never
-          : never {
-        if (typeof x === "number" && typeof y === "string") {
-            return 1; // Good error
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '1' is not assignable to type '4'.
-        }
-        return undefined as any;
-    }
-    function ttt<T extends string | number, U extends string | number>(
-        x: T,
-        y: U,
-    ): T extends string
-        ? U extends string
-            ? 1
-            : U extends number
-              ? 2
-              : never
-        : T extends number
-          ? U extends number
-              ? 3
-              : U extends string
-                ? 4
-                : never
-          : never {
-        if (typeof x === "number" && typeof y === "string") {
-            return 4; // Ok
-        }
-        return undefined as any;
-    }
-    // Shadowing of the narrowed reference
-    function shadowing<T extends 1 | 2>(x: T): T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : never {
-        if (true) {
-            let x: number = Math.random() ? 1 : 2;
-            if (x === 1) {
-                return 1; // Error
-                ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : never'.
-            }
-            return ""; // Error
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : never'.
-        }
-    }
-    function noShadowing<T extends 1 | 2>(x: T): T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : never {
-        if (true) {
-            if (x === 1) {
-                return 1; // Ok
-            }
-            return ""; // Ok
-        }
-    }
-    // If the narrowing reference is out of scope, we simply won't narrow its type
-    declare let someX: boolean;
-    function scope2<T extends boolean>(a: T): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
-        if ((true)) {
-            const someX = a;
-            if (someX) { // We narrow `someX` and the return type here
-                return 1;
-            }
-        }
-        if (!someX) { // This is a different `someX`, so we don't narrow here
-            return 2;
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type 'T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never'.
-        }
-        return undefined as any;
-    }
-    function moreShadowing<T extends 1 | 2>(x: T): T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : never {
-        if (x === 2) {
-            let x: number = Math.random() ? 1 : 2;
-            if (x === 1) {
-                return 1; // Error
-                ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
-            }
-            return ""; // Ok
-        }
-        return 0; // Ok
-    }
-    // This would be unsafe to narrow due to `infer` type.
-    function withInfer<T extends [string] | number>(x: T): T extends [infer R] ? R : T extends number ? boolean : never {
-        if (typeof x === "number") {
-            return true;
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'true' is not assignable to type 'T extends [infer R] ? R : T extends number ? boolean : never'.
-        }
-        return "";
-        ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '""' is not assignable to type 'T extends [infer R] ? R : T extends number ? boolean : never'.
-    }
-    const withInferResult = withInfer(["a"] as const); // The type says it returns `"a"`, but the function actually returns `""`.
-    // Ok
-    async function abool<T extends true | false>(x: T): Promise<T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never> {
-        if (x) {
-            return 1;
-        }
-        return 2;
-    }
-    // Ok
-    function* bbool<T extends true | false>(x: T): Generator<number, T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never, unknown> {
-        yield 3;
-        if (x) {
-            return 1;
-        }
-        return 2;
-    }
-    // We don't do the same type of narrowing for `yield` statements
-    function* cbool<T extends true | false>(x: T): Generator<T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never, number, unknown> {
-        if (x) {
-            yield 1;
-                  ~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '1' is not assignable to type 'T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never'.
-        }
-        yield 2;
-              ~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type 'T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never'.
-        return 0;
-    }
-    // From #33912
-    abstract class Operation<T, R> {
-        abstract perform(t: T): R;
-    }
-    type ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp extends Operation<T, R> | undefined> =
-        EOp extends Operation<T, R> ? R : EOp extends undefined ? T | R : never;
-    class ConditionalOperation<
-        T,
-        R,
-        EOp extends Operation<T, R> | undefined,
-    > extends Operation<T, ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp>> {
-        constructor(
-            private predicate: (value: T) => boolean,
-            private thenOp: Operation<T, R>,
-            private elseOp?: EOp,
-        ) {
-            super();
-        }
-        // We won't try to narrow the return type because `T` is declared on the class and we don't analyze this case.
-        perform(t: T): ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp> {
-            if (this.predicate(t)) {
-                return this.thenOp.perform(t); // Bad: this is assignable to all of the branches of the conditional, but we still can't return it
-                ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'R' is not assignable to type 'ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp>'.
-            } else if (typeof this.elseOp !== "undefined") {
-                return this.elseOp.perform(t); // Would be ok
-                ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'R' is not assignable to type 'ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp>'.
-            } else {
-                return t; // Would be ok
-                ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'T' is not assignable to type 'ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp>'.
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Like the version above, we will not attempt to narrow because there's more than one reference to `T`,
-    // because `T` shows up in the type of `predicate`.
-    function perform<T, R, EOp extends Operation<T, R> | undefined>(
-        t: T,
-        predicate: (value: T) => boolean,
-        thenOp: Operation<T, R>,
-        elseOp?: EOp,
-        ): ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp> {
-        if (predicate(t)) {
-            return thenOp.perform(t); // Bad: this is assignable to all of the branches of the conditional, but we still can't return it
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'R' is not assignable to type 'ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp>'.
-        } else if (elseOp !== undefined) {
-            return elseOp.perform(t); // Would be ok
-        } else {
-            return t; // Would be ok
-        }
-    }
-    // Return conditional expressions with parentheses
-    function returnStuff1<T extends boolean>(x: T ): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
-        return (x ? (1) : 2);
-    }
-    function returnStuff2<T extends 1 | 2 | "a">(x: T ):
-        T extends 1 ? "one" : T extends 2 ? "two" : T extends "a" ? 0 : never {
-        return (typeof x === "string" ? 0 : (x === 1 ? ("one") : "two"));
-    }
-    // If the conditional type's input is `never`, then it resolves to `never`:
-    function neverOk<T extends boolean>(x: T): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
-        if (x === true) {
-            return 1;
-        }
-        if (x === false) {
-            return 2;
-        }
-        return 1;
-        ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '1' is not assignable to type 'never'.
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType1.symbols b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType1.symbols
deleted file mode 100644
index 11976eb81c5e6..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType1.symbols
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1386 +0,0 @@
-//// [tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType1.ts] ////
-=== dependentReturnType1.ts ===
-interface A {
->A : Symbol(A, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 0, 0))
-    1: number;
->1 : Symbol(A[1], Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 0, 13))
-    2: string;
->2 : Symbol(A[2], Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 1, 14))
-function f1<T extends 1 | 2>(x: T): A[T] {
->f1 : Symbol(f1, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 3, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 5, 12))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 5, 29))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 5, 12))
->A : Symbol(A, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 0, 0))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 5, 12))
-    if (x === 1) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 5, 29))
-        return 0; // Ok
-    }
-    else {
-        return 1; // Error
-    }
-interface C {
->C : Symbol(C, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 12, 1))
-    1: number;
->1 : Symbol(C[1], Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 14, 13))
-    2: string;
->2 : Symbol(C[2], Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 15, 14))
-    3: boolean;
->3 : Symbol(C[3], Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 16, 14))
-function f2<T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(x: T): C[T] {
->f2 : Symbol(f2, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 18, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 20, 12))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 20, 33))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 20, 12))
->C : Symbol(C, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 12, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 20, 12))
-    if (x === 1) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 20, 33))
-        return 0; // Ok
-    }
-    else {
-        return ""; // Error, returned expression needs to have type string & boolean (= never)
-    }
-function f3<T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(x: T): T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : T extends 3 ? boolean : never {
->f3 : Symbol(f3, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 27, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 29, 12))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 29, 33))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 29, 12))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 29, 12))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 29, 12))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 29, 12))
-    if (x === 1) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 29, 33))
-        return 0; // Ok
-    }
-    else {
-        return ""; // Error, returned expression needs to have type string & boolean (= never)
-    }
-interface One {
->One : Symbol(One, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 36, 1))
-    a: "a";
->a : Symbol(One.a, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 38, 15))
-    b: "b";
->b : Symbol(One.b, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 39, 11))
-    c: "c";
->c : Symbol(One.c, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 40, 11))
-    d: "d";
->d : Symbol(One.d, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 41, 11))
-interface Two {
->Two : Symbol(Two, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 43, 1))
-    a: "a";
->a : Symbol(Two.a, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 45, 15))
-    b: "b";
->b : Symbol(Two.b, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 46, 11))
-    e: "e";
->e : Symbol(Two.e, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 47, 11))
-    f: "f";
->f : Symbol(Two.f, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 48, 11))
-interface Three {
->Three : Symbol(Three, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 50, 1))
-    a: "a";
->a : Symbol(Three.a, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 52, 17))
-    c: "c";
->c : Symbol(Three.c, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 53, 11))
-    e: "e";
->e : Symbol(Three.e, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 54, 11))
-    g: "g";
->g : Symbol(Three.g, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 55, 11))
-interface Four {
->Four : Symbol(Four, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 57, 1))
-    a: "a";
->a : Symbol(Four.a, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 59, 16))
-    d: "d";
->d : Symbol(Four.d, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 60, 11))
-    f: "f";
->f : Symbol(Four.f, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 61, 11))
-    g: "g";
->g : Symbol(Four.g, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 62, 11))
-// Badly written conditional return type, will not trigger narrowing
-function f10<T extends 1 | 2 | 3 | 4>(x: T): T extends 1 ? One : T extends 2 ? Two : T extends 3 ? Three : Four {
->f10 : Symbol(f10, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 64, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 66, 13))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 66, 38))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 66, 13))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 66, 13))
->One : Symbol(One, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 36, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 66, 13))
->Two : Symbol(Two, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 43, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 66, 13))
->Three : Symbol(Three, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 50, 1))
->Four : Symbol(Four, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 57, 1))
-    if (x === 1 || x === 2) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 66, 38))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 66, 38))
-        return { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f" }; // Error
->a : Symbol(a, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 68, 16))
->b : Symbol(b, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 68, 24))
->c : Symbol(c, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 68, 32))
->d : Symbol(d, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 68, 40))
->e : Symbol(e, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 68, 48))
->f : Symbol(f, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 68, 56))
-    }
-    return { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f", g: "g" }; // Error
->a : Symbol(a, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 70, 12))
->b : Symbol(b, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 70, 20))
->c : Symbol(c, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 70, 28))
->d : Symbol(d, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 70, 36))
->e : Symbol(e, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 70, 44))
->f : Symbol(f, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 70, 52))
->g : Symbol(g, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 70, 60))
-// Well written conditional
-function f101<T extends 1 | 2 | 3 | 4>(x: T): T extends 1 ? One : T extends 2 ? Two : T extends 3 ? Three : T extends 4 ? Four : never {
->f101 : Symbol(f101, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 71, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 73, 14))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 73, 39))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 73, 14))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 73, 14))
->One : Symbol(One, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 36, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 73, 14))
->Two : Symbol(Two, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 43, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 73, 14))
->Three : Symbol(Three, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 50, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 73, 14))
->Four : Symbol(Four, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 57, 1))
-    if (x === 1 || x === 2) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 73, 39))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 73, 39))
-        return { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f" }; // Ok
->a : Symbol(a, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 75, 16))
->b : Symbol(b, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 75, 24))
->c : Symbol(c, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 75, 32))
->d : Symbol(d, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 75, 40))
->e : Symbol(e, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 75, 48))
->f : Symbol(f, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 75, 56))
-    }
-    // Excess property becomes a problem with the change,
-    // because we now check assignability to a narrower type...
-    return { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f", g: "g" }; // EPC Error
->a : Symbol(a, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 79, 12))
->b : Symbol(b, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 79, 20))
->c : Symbol(c, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 79, 28))
->d : Symbol(d, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 79, 36))
->e : Symbol(e, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 79, 44))
->f : Symbol(f, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 79, 52))
->g : Symbol(g, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 79, 60))
-// This will not work for several reasons:
-// - first because the constraint of type parameter `Arg` is generic,
-//   so attempting to narrow the type of `arg` in the `if` would result in type `Arg & LeftIn`,
-//   which when substituted in the conditional return type, would not further resolve that conditional type
-// - second because the `else` branch would never work because we don't narrow the type of `arg` to `Arg & RightIn` 
-function conditionalProducingIf<LeftIn, RightIn, LeftOut, RightOut, Arg extends LeftIn | RightIn>(
->conditionalProducingIf : Symbol(conditionalProducingIf, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 80, 1))
->LeftIn : Symbol(LeftIn, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 32))
->RightIn : Symbol(RightIn, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 39))
->LeftOut : Symbol(LeftOut, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 48))
->RightOut : Symbol(RightOut, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 57))
->Arg : Symbol(Arg, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 67))
->LeftIn : Symbol(LeftIn, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 32))
->RightIn : Symbol(RightIn, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 39))
-    arg: Arg,
->arg : Symbol(arg, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 98))
->Arg : Symbol(Arg, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 67))
-    cond: (arg: LeftIn | RightIn) => arg is LeftIn,
->cond : Symbol(cond, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 88, 13))
->arg : Symbol(arg, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 89, 11))
->LeftIn : Symbol(LeftIn, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 32))
->RightIn : Symbol(RightIn, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 39))
->arg : Symbol(arg, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 89, 11))
->LeftIn : Symbol(LeftIn, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 32))
-    produceLeftOut: (arg: LeftIn) => LeftOut,
->produceLeftOut : Symbol(produceLeftOut, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 89, 51))
->arg : Symbol(arg, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 90, 21))
->LeftIn : Symbol(LeftIn, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 32))
->LeftOut : Symbol(LeftOut, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 48))
-    produceRightOut: (arg: RightIn) => RightOut):
->produceRightOut : Symbol(produceRightOut, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 90, 45))
->arg : Symbol(arg, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 91, 22))
->RightIn : Symbol(RightIn, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 39))
->RightOut : Symbol(RightOut, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 57))
-    Arg extends LeftIn ? LeftOut : Arg extends RightIn ? RightOut : never
->Arg : Symbol(Arg, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 67))
->LeftIn : Symbol(LeftIn, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 32))
->LeftOut : Symbol(LeftOut, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 48))
->Arg : Symbol(Arg, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 67))
->RightIn : Symbol(RightIn, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 39))
->RightOut : Symbol(RightOut, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 57))
-    if (cond(arg)) {
->cond : Symbol(cond, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 88, 13))
->arg : Symbol(arg, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 98))
-        return produceLeftOut(arg);
->produceLeftOut : Symbol(produceLeftOut, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 89, 51))
->arg : Symbol(arg, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 98))
-    } else {
-        return produceRightOut(arg as RightIn);
->produceRightOut : Symbol(produceRightOut, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 90, 45))
->arg : Symbol(arg, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 98))
->RightIn : Symbol(RightIn, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 87, 39))
-    }
-interface Animal {
->Animal : Symbol(Animal, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 99, 1))
-    name: string;
->name : Symbol(, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 101, 18))
-interface Dog extends Animal {
->Dog : Symbol(Dog, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 103, 1))
->Animal : Symbol(Animal, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 99, 1))
-    bark: () => string;
->bark : Symbol(Dog.bark, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 105, 30))
-// This would be unsafe to narrow.
-declare function isDog(x: Animal): x is Dog;
->isDog : Symbol(isDog, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 107, 1))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 110, 23))
->Animal : Symbol(Animal, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 99, 1))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 110, 23))
->Dog : Symbol(Dog, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 103, 1))
-declare function doggy(x: Dog): number;
->doggy : Symbol(doggy, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 110, 44))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 111, 23))
->Dog : Symbol(Dog, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 103, 1))
-function f12<T extends Animal>(x: T): T extends Dog ? number : string {
->f12 : Symbol(f12, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 111, 39))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 112, 13))
->Animal : Symbol(Animal, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 99, 1))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 112, 31))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 112, 13))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 112, 13))
->Dog : Symbol(Dog, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 103, 1))
-    if (isDog(x)) { // `x` has type `T & Dog` here
->isDog : Symbol(isDog, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 107, 1))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 112, 31))
-        return doggy(x);
->doggy : Symbol(doggy, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 110, 44))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 112, 31))
-    }
-    return ""; // Error: Should not work because we can't express "not a Dog" in the type system
-// Cannot narrow `keyof` too eagerly or something like the below breaks
-function f<Entry extends { [index: string]: number | boolean }, EntryId extends keyof Entry>(entry: EntryId): Entry[EntryId] {
->f : Symbol(f, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 117, 1))
->Entry : Symbol(Entry, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 120, 11))
->index : Symbol(index, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 120, 28))
->EntryId : Symbol(EntryId, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 120, 63))
->Entry : Symbol(Entry, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 120, 11))
->entry : Symbol(entry, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 120, 93))
->EntryId : Symbol(EntryId, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 120, 63))
->Entry : Symbol(Entry, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 120, 11))
->EntryId : Symbol(EntryId, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 120, 63))
-    const entries = {} as Entry;
->entries : Symbol(entries, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 121, 9))
->Entry : Symbol(Entry, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 120, 11))
-    return entries[entry];
->entries : Symbol(entries, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 121, 9))
->entry : Symbol(entry, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 120, 93))
-// Works the same as before
-declare function takeA(val: 'A'): void;
->takeA : Symbol(takeA, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 123, 1))
->val : Symbol(val, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 126, 23))
-export function bounceAndTakeIfA<AB extends 'A' | 'B'>(value: AB): AB {
->bounceAndTakeIfA : Symbol(bounceAndTakeIfA, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 126, 39))
->AB : Symbol(AB, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 127, 33))
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 127, 55))
->AB : Symbol(AB, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 127, 33))
->AB : Symbol(AB, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 127, 33))
-    if (value === 'A') {
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 127, 55))
-        takeA(value);
->takeA : Symbol(takeA, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 123, 1))
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 127, 55))
-        takeAB(value);
->takeAB : Symbol(takeAB, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 134, 17))
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 127, 55))
-        return value;
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 127, 55))
-    }
-    return value;
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 127, 55))
-    function takeAB(val: AB): void {}
->takeAB : Symbol(takeAB, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 134, 17))
->val : Symbol(val, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 135, 20))
->AB : Symbol(AB, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 127, 33))
-// Works the same as before
-export function bbb<AB extends "a" | "b">(value: AB): "a" {
->bbb : Symbol(bbb, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 136, 1))
->AB : Symbol(AB, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 139, 20))
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 139, 42))
->AB : Symbol(AB, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 139, 20))
-    if (value === "a") {
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 139, 42))
-        return value;
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 139, 42))
-    }
-    return "a";
-class Unnamed {
->Unnamed : Symbol(Unnamed, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 144, 1))
-    root!: { name: string };
->root : Symbol(Unnamed.root, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 146, 15))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 147, 12))
-    // Error: No narrowing because parameter is optional but `T` doesn't allow for undefined
-    name<T extends string>(name?: T): T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never {
->name : Symbol(, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 147, 28))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 149, 9))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 149, 27))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 149, 9))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 149, 9))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 149, 9))
-        if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 149, 27))
-            return;
-> : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 147, 12))
->this.root : Symbol(Unnamed.root, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 146, 15))
->this : Symbol(Unnamed, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 144, 1))
->root : Symbol(Unnamed.root, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 146, 15))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 147, 12))
-        }
-        return this;
->this : Symbol(Unnamed, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 144, 1))
-    }
-    // Good conditional
-    name2<T extends string | undefined>(name?: T): T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never {
->name2 : Symbol(Unnamed.name2, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 154, 5))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 157, 10))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 157, 40))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 157, 10))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 157, 10))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 157, 10))
-        if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 157, 40))
-            return; // Ok
-> : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 147, 12))
->this.root : Symbol(Unnamed.root, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 146, 15))
->this : Symbol(Unnamed, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 144, 1))
->root : Symbol(Unnamed.root, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 146, 15))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 147, 12))
-        }
- = name;
-> : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 147, 12))
->this.root : Symbol(Unnamed.root, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 146, 15))
->this : Symbol(Unnamed, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 144, 1))
->root : Symbol(Unnamed.root, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 146, 15))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 147, 12))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 157, 40))
-        return this; // Ok
->this : Symbol(Unnamed, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 144, 1))
-    }
-    // Good conditional, wrong return expressions
-    name3<T extends string | undefined>(name?: T): T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never {
->name3 : Symbol(Unnamed.name3, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 163, 5))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 166, 10))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 166, 40))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 166, 10))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 166, 10))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 166, 10))
-        if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 166, 40))
-            return this; // Error
->this : Symbol(Unnamed, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 144, 1))
-        }
- = name;
-> : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 147, 12))
->this.root : Symbol(Unnamed.root, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 146, 15))
->this : Symbol(Unnamed, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 144, 1))
->root : Symbol(Unnamed.root, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 146, 15))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 147, 12))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 166, 40))
-        return name; // Error
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 166, 40))
-    }
-// Conditional expressions
-interface Aa {
->Aa : Symbol(Aa, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 173, 1))
-    1: number;
->1 : Symbol(Aa[1], Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 176, 14))
-    2: string;
->2 : Symbol(Aa[2], Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 177, 14))
-    3: boolean;
->3 : Symbol(Aa[3], Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 178, 14))
-function trivialConditional<T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(x: T): Aa[T] {
->trivialConditional : Symbol(trivialConditional, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 180, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 182, 28))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 182, 49))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 182, 28))
->Aa : Symbol(Aa, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 173, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 182, 28))
-    if (x !== 1) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 182, 49))
-        return x === 2 ? "" : true;
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 182, 49))
-    }
-    else {
-        return 0;
-    }
-function conditional<T extends boolean>(x: T):
->conditional : Symbol(conditional, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 189, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 191, 21))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 191, 40))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 191, 21))
- T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 191, 21))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 191, 21))
-    return x ? 1 : 2; // Ok
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 191, 40))
-function contextualConditional<T extends "a" | "b">(
->contextualConditional : Symbol(contextualConditional, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 194, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 196, 31))
-    x: T
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 196, 52))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 196, 31))
-): T extends "a" ? "a" : T extends "b" ? number : never {
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 196, 31))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 196, 31))
-    return x === "a" ? x : parseInt(x); // Ok
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 196, 52))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 196, 52))
->parseInt : Symbol(parseInt, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 196, 52))
-function conditionalWithError<T extends "a" | "b">(
->conditionalWithError : Symbol(conditionalWithError, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 200, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 202, 30))
-    x: T
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 202, 51))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 202, 30))
-): T extends "a" ? number : T extends "b" ? string : never {
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 202, 30))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 202, 30))
-    return x === "a" ? x : parseInt(x); // Error
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 202, 51))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 202, 51))
->parseInt : Symbol(parseInt, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 202, 51))
-// Multiple indexed type reductions
-interface BB {
->BB : Symbol(BB, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 206, 1))
-    "a": number;
->"a" : Symbol(BB["a"], Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 209, 14))
-    [y: number]: string;
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 211, 5))
-interface AA<T extends keyof BB> {
->AA : Symbol(AA, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 212, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 214, 13))
->BB : Symbol(BB, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 206, 1))
-    "c": BB[T];
->"c" : Symbol(AA["c"], Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 214, 34))
->BB : Symbol(BB, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 206, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 214, 13))
-    "d": boolean,
->"d" : Symbol(AA["d"], Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 215, 15))
-function reduction<T extends keyof BB, U extends "c" | "d">(x: T, y: U): AA<T>[U] {
->reduction : Symbol(reduction, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 217, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 219, 19))
->BB : Symbol(BB, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 206, 1))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 219, 38))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 219, 60))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 219, 19))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 219, 65))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 219, 38))
->AA : Symbol(AA, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 212, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 219, 19))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 219, 38))
-    if (y === "c" && x === "a") {
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 219, 65))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 219, 60))
-        // AA<T>[U='c'] -> BB[T]
-        // BB[T='a'] -> number
-        return 0; // Ok
-    }
-    return undefined as never;
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-// Substitution types are not narrowed
-function subsCond<T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(
->subsCond : Symbol(subsCond, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 227, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 230, 18))
-    x: T,
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 230, 39))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 230, 18))
-): T extends 1 | 2
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 230, 18))
-    ? T extends 1
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 230, 18))
-        ? string
-        : T extends 2
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 230, 18))
-          ? boolean
-          : never
-    : T extends 3
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 230, 18))
-      ? number
-      : never {
-    if (x === 1) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 230, 39))
-        return "";
-    } else if (x == 2) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 230, 39))
-        return true;
-    }
-    return 3;
-// Unsafe: check types overlap
-declare function q(x: object): x is { b: number };
->q : Symbol(q, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 247, 1))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 251, 19))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 251, 19))
->b : Symbol(b, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 251, 37))
-function foo<T extends { a: string } | { b: number }>(
->foo : Symbol(foo, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 251, 50))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 252, 13))
->a : Symbol(a, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 252, 24))
->b : Symbol(b, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 252, 40))
-    x: T,
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 252, 54))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 252, 13))
-): T extends { a: string } ? number : T extends { b: number } ? string : never {
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 252, 13))
->a : Symbol(a, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 254, 14))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 252, 13))
->b : Symbol(b, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 254, 49))
-    if (q(x)) {
->q : Symbol(q, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 247, 1))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 252, 54))
-        x.b;
->x.b : Symbol(b, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 252, 40))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 252, 54))
->b : Symbol(b, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 252, 40))
-        return "";
-    }
-    x.a;
->x.a : Symbol(a, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 252, 24))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 252, 54))
->a : Symbol(a, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 252, 24))
-    return 1;
-let y = { a: "", b: 1 }
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 263, 3))
->a : Symbol(a, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 263, 9))
->b : Symbol(b, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 263, 16))
-const r = foo<{ a: string }>(y); // type says number but actually string
->r : Symbol(r, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 264, 5))
->foo : Symbol(foo, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 251, 50))
->a : Symbol(a, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 264, 15))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 263, 3))
-type HelperCond<T, A, R1, B, R2> = T extends A ? R1 : T extends B ? R2 : never;
->HelperCond : Symbol(HelperCond, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 264, 32))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 266, 16))
->A : Symbol(A, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 266, 18))
->R1 : Symbol(R1, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 266, 21))
->B : Symbol(B, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 266, 25))
->R2 : Symbol(R2, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 266, 28))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 266, 16))
->A : Symbol(A, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 266, 18))
->R1 : Symbol(R1, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 266, 21))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 266, 16))
->B : Symbol(B, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 266, 25))
->R2 : Symbol(R2, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 266, 28))
-// We don't narrow the return type because the conditionals are not distributive
-function foo2<U extends string | number, V extends boolean>(x: U, y: V):
->foo2 : Symbol(foo2, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 266, 79))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 269, 14))
->V : Symbol(V, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 269, 40))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 269, 60))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 269, 14))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 269, 65))
->V : Symbol(V, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 269, 40))
-    HelperCond<{ x: U, y: V },
->HelperCond : Symbol(HelperCond, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 264, 32))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 270, 16))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 269, 14))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 270, 22))
->V : Symbol(V, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 269, 40))
-        { x: string, y: true }, 1,
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 271, 9))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 271, 20))
-        { x: number, y: false }, 2> {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 272, 9))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 272, 20))
-    if (typeof x === "string" && y === true) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 269, 60))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 269, 65))
-        return 1; // Error
-    }
-    if (typeof x === "number" && y === false) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 269, 60))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 269, 65))
-        return 2; // Error
-    }
-    return 0; // Error
-// From
-declare function isString(s: unknown): s is string;
->isString : Symbol(isString, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 280, 1))
->s : Symbol(s, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 283, 26))
->s : Symbol(s, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 283, 26))
-// capitalize a string or each element of an array of strings
-function capitalize<T extends string | string[]>(
->capitalize : Symbol(capitalize, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 283, 51))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 285, 20))
-    input: T
->input : Symbol(input, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 285, 49))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 285, 20))
-): T extends string[] ? string[] : T extends string ? string : never {
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 285, 20))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 285, 20))
-    if (isString(input)) {
->isString : Symbol(isString, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 280, 1))
->input : Symbol(input, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 285, 49))
-        return input[0].toUpperCase() + input.slice(1); // Ok
->input[0].toUpperCase : Symbol(String.toUpperCase, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->input : Symbol(input, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 285, 49))
->toUpperCase : Symbol(String.toUpperCase, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->input.slice : Symbol(String.slice, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->input : Symbol(input, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 285, 49))
->slice : Symbol(String.slice, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
-    } else {
-        return => capitalize(elt)); // Ok
-> : Symbol(, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->input : Symbol(input, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 285, 49))
->map : Symbol(, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->elt : Symbol(elt, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 291, 25))
->capitalize : Symbol(capitalize, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 283, 51))
->elt : Symbol(elt, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 291, 25))
-    }
-function badCapitalize<T extends string | string[]>(
->badCapitalize : Symbol(badCapitalize, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 293, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 295, 23))
-    input: T
->input : Symbol(input, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 295, 52))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 295, 23))
-): T extends string[] ? string[] : T extends string ? string : never {
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 295, 23))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 295, 23))
-    if (isString(input)) {
->isString : Symbol(isString, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 280, 1))
->input : Symbol(input, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 295, 52))
-        return input[0].toUpperCase() + input.slice(1); // Ok
->input[0].toUpperCase : Symbol(String.toUpperCase, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->input : Symbol(input, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 295, 52))
->toUpperCase : Symbol(String.toUpperCase, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->input.slice : Symbol(String.slice, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->input : Symbol(input, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 295, 52))
->slice : Symbol(String.slice, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
-    } else {
-        return input[0].toUpperCase() + input.slice(1); // Bad, error
->input[0].toUpperCase : Symbol(String.toUpperCase, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->input : Symbol(input, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 295, 52))
->toUpperCase : Symbol(String.toUpperCase, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->input.slice : Symbol(Array.slice, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->input : Symbol(input, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 295, 52))
->slice : Symbol(Array.slice, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
-    }
-// No narrowing because conditional's extends type is different from type parameter constraint types
-function voidRet<T extends { a: string } | undefined>(
->voidRet : Symbol(voidRet, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 303, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 306, 17))
->a : Symbol(a, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 306, 28))
-    x: T
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 306, 54))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 306, 17))
-): T extends {} ? void : T extends undefined ? number : never {
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 306, 17))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 306, 17))
-    if (x) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 306, 54))
-        return;
-    }
-    return 1;
-// Multiple type parameters at once
-function woo<T extends string | number, U extends string | number>(
->woo : Symbol(woo, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 313, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 316, 13))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 316, 39))
-    x: T,
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 316, 67))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 316, 13))
-    y: U,
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 317, 9))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 316, 39))
-): T extends string
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 316, 13))
-    ? U extends string
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 316, 39))
-        ? 1
-        : U extends number
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 316, 39))
-          ? 2
-          : never
-    : T extends number
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 316, 13))
-      ? U extends number
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 316, 39))
-          ? 3
-          : U extends string
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 316, 39))
-            ? 4
-            : never
-      : never {
-    if (typeof x === "number" && typeof y === "string") {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 316, 67))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 317, 9))
-        return 1; // Good error
-    }
-    return undefined as any;
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-function ttt<T extends string | number, U extends string | number>(
->ttt : Symbol(ttt, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 336, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 338, 13))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 338, 39))
-    x: T,
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 338, 67))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 338, 13))
-    y: U,
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 339, 9))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 338, 39))
-): T extends string
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 338, 13))
-    ? U extends string
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 338, 39))
-        ? 1
-        : U extends number
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 338, 39))
-          ? 2
-          : never
-    : T extends number
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 338, 13))
-      ? U extends number
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 338, 39))
-          ? 3
-          : U extends string
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 338, 39))
-            ? 4
-            : never
-      : never {
-    if (typeof x === "number" && typeof y === "string") {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 338, 67))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 339, 9))
-        return 4; // Ok
-    }
-    return undefined as any;
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-// Shadowing of the narrowed reference
-function shadowing<T extends 1 | 2>(x: T): T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : never {
->shadowing : Symbol(shadowing, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 359, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 362, 19))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 362, 36))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 362, 19))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 362, 19))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 362, 19))
-    if (true) {
-        let x: number = Math.random() ? 1 : 2;
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 364, 11))
->Math.random : Symbol(Math.random, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->Math : Symbol(Math, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.esnext.float16.d.ts, --, --))
->random : Symbol(Math.random, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
-        if (x === 1) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 364, 11))
-            return 1; // Error
-        }
-        return ""; // Error
-    }
-function noShadowing<T extends 1 | 2>(x: T): T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : never {
->noShadowing : Symbol(noShadowing, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 370, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 372, 21))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 372, 38))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 372, 21))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 372, 21))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 372, 21))
-    if (true) {
-        if (x === 1) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 372, 38))
-            return 1; // Ok
-        }
-        return ""; // Ok
-    }
-// If the narrowing reference is out of scope, we simply won't narrow its type
-declare let someX: boolean;
->someX : Symbol(someX, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 382, 11))
-function scope2<T extends boolean>(a: T): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
->scope2 : Symbol(scope2, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 382, 27))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 383, 16))
->a : Symbol(a, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 383, 35))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 383, 16))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 383, 16))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 383, 16))
-    if ((true)) {
-        const someX = a;
->someX : Symbol(someX, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 385, 13))
->a : Symbol(a, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 383, 35))
-        if (someX) { // We narrow `someX` and the return type here
->someX : Symbol(someX, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 385, 13))
-            return 1;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!someX) { // This is a different `someX`, so we don't narrow here
->someX : Symbol(someX, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 382, 11))
-        return 2;
-    }
-    return undefined as any;
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-function moreShadowing<T extends 1 | 2>(x: T): T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : never {
->moreShadowing : Symbol(moreShadowing, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 395, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 397, 23))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 397, 40))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 397, 23))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 397, 23))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 397, 23))
-    if (x === 2) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 397, 40))
-        let x: number = Math.random() ? 1 : 2;
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 399, 11))
->Math.random : Symbol(Math.random, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->Math : Symbol(Math, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.esnext.float16.d.ts, --, --))
->random : Symbol(Math.random, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
-        if (x === 1) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 399, 11))
-            return 1; // Error
-        }
-        return ""; // Ok
-    }
-    return 0; // Ok
-// This would be unsafe to narrow due to `infer` type.
-function withInfer<T extends [string] | number>(x: T): T extends [infer R] ? R : T extends number ? boolean : never {
->withInfer : Symbol(withInfer, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 406, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 409, 19))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 409, 48))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 409, 19))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 409, 19))
->R : Symbol(R, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 409, 71))
->R : Symbol(R, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 409, 71))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 409, 19))
-    if (typeof x === "number") {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 409, 48))
-        return true;
-    }
-    return "";
-const withInferResult = withInfer(["a"] as const); // The type says it returns `"a"`, but the function actually returns `""`.
->withInferResult : Symbol(withInferResult, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 416, 5))
->withInfer : Symbol(withInfer, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 406, 1))
->const : Symbol(const)
-// Ok
-async function abool<T extends true | false>(x: T): Promise<T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never> {
->abool : Symbol(abool, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 416, 50))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 419, 21))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 419, 45))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 419, 21))
->Promise : Symbol(Promise, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.promise.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2018.promise.d.ts, --, --))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 419, 21))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 419, 21))
-    if (x) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 419, 45))
-        return 1;
-    }
-    return 2;
-// Ok
-function* bbool<T extends true | false>(x: T): Generator<number, T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never, unknown> {
->bbool : Symbol(bbool, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 424, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 427, 16))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 427, 40))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 427, 16))
->Generator : Symbol(Generator, Decl(lib.es2015.generator.d.ts, --, --))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 427, 16))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 427, 16))
-    yield 3;
-    if (x) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 427, 40))
-        return 1;
-    }
-    return 2;
-// We don't do the same type of narrowing for `yield` statements
-function* cbool<T extends true | false>(x: T): Generator<T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never, number, unknown> {
->cbool : Symbol(cbool, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 433, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 436, 16))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 436, 40))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 436, 16))
->Generator : Symbol(Generator, Decl(lib.es2015.generator.d.ts, --, --))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 436, 16))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 436, 16))
-    if (x) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 436, 40))
-        yield 1;
-    }
-    yield 2;
-    return 0;
-// From #33912
-abstract class Operation<T, R> {
->Operation : Symbol(Operation, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 442, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 445, 25))
->R : Symbol(R, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 445, 27))
-    abstract perform(t: T): R;
->perform : Symbol(Operation.perform, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 445, 32))
->t : Symbol(t, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 446, 21))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 445, 25))
->R : Symbol(R, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 445, 27))
-type ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp extends Operation<T, R> | undefined> =
->ConditionalReturnType : Symbol(ConditionalReturnType, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 447, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 449, 27))
->R : Symbol(R, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 449, 29))
->EOp : Symbol(EOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 449, 32))
->Operation : Symbol(Operation, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 442, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 449, 27))
->R : Symbol(R, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 449, 29))
-    EOp extends Operation<T, R> ? R : EOp extends undefined ? T | R : never;
->EOp : Symbol(EOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 449, 32))
->Operation : Symbol(Operation, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 442, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 449, 27))
->R : Symbol(R, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 449, 29))
->R : Symbol(R, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 449, 29))
->EOp : Symbol(EOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 449, 32))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 449, 27))
->R : Symbol(R, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 449, 29))
-class ConditionalOperation<
->ConditionalOperation : Symbol(ConditionalOperation, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 450, 76))
-    T,
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 453, 27))
-    R,
->R : Symbol(R, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 454, 6))
-    EOp extends Operation<T, R> | undefined,
->EOp : Symbol(EOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 455, 6))
->Operation : Symbol(Operation, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 442, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 453, 27))
->R : Symbol(R, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 454, 6))
-> extends Operation<T, ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp>> {
->Operation : Symbol(Operation, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 442, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 453, 27))
->ConditionalReturnType : Symbol(ConditionalReturnType, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 447, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 453, 27))
->R : Symbol(R, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 454, 6))
->EOp : Symbol(EOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 455, 6))
-    constructor(
-        private predicate: (value: T) => boolean,
->predicate : Symbol(ConditionalOperation.predicate, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 458, 16))
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 459, 28))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 453, 27))
-        private thenOp: Operation<T, R>,
->thenOp : Symbol(ConditionalOperation.thenOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 459, 49))
->Operation : Symbol(Operation, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 442, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 453, 27))
->R : Symbol(R, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 454, 6))
-        private elseOp?: EOp,
->elseOp : Symbol(ConditionalOperation.elseOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 460, 40))
->EOp : Symbol(EOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 455, 6))
-    ) {
-        super();
->super : Symbol(Operation, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 442, 1))
-    }
-    // We won't try to narrow the return type because `T` is declared on the class and we don't analyze this case.
-    perform(t: T): ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp> {
->perform : Symbol(ConditionalOperation.perform, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 464, 5))
->t : Symbol(t, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 467, 12))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 453, 27))
->ConditionalReturnType : Symbol(ConditionalReturnType, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 447, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 453, 27))
->R : Symbol(R, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 454, 6))
->EOp : Symbol(EOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 455, 6))
-        if (this.predicate(t)) {
->this.predicate : Symbol(ConditionalOperation.predicate, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 458, 16))
->this : Symbol(ConditionalOperation, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 450, 76))
->predicate : Symbol(ConditionalOperation.predicate, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 458, 16))
->t : Symbol(t, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 467, 12))
-            return this.thenOp.perform(t); // Bad: this is assignable to all of the branches of the conditional, but we still can't return it
->this.thenOp.perform : Symbol(Operation.perform, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 445, 32))
->this.thenOp : Symbol(ConditionalOperation.thenOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 459, 49))
->this : Symbol(ConditionalOperation, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 450, 76))
->thenOp : Symbol(ConditionalOperation.thenOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 459, 49))
->perform : Symbol(Operation.perform, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 445, 32))
->t : Symbol(t, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 467, 12))
-        } else if (typeof this.elseOp !== "undefined") {
->this.elseOp : Symbol(ConditionalOperation.elseOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 460, 40))
->this : Symbol(ConditionalOperation, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 450, 76))
->elseOp : Symbol(ConditionalOperation.elseOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 460, 40))
-            return this.elseOp.perform(t); // Would be ok
->this.elseOp.perform : Symbol(Operation.perform, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 445, 32))
->this.elseOp : Symbol(ConditionalOperation.elseOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 460, 40))
->this : Symbol(ConditionalOperation, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 450, 76))
->elseOp : Symbol(ConditionalOperation.elseOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 460, 40))
->perform : Symbol(Operation.perform, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 445, 32))
->t : Symbol(t, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 467, 12))
-        } else {
-            return t; // Would be ok
->t : Symbol(t, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 467, 12))
-        }
-    }
-// Like the version above, we will not attempt to narrow because there's more than one reference to `T`,
-// because `T` shows up in the type of `predicate`.
-function perform<T, R, EOp extends Operation<T, R> | undefined>(
->perform : Symbol(perform, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 476, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 480, 17))
->R : Symbol(R, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 480, 19))
->EOp : Symbol(EOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 480, 22))
->Operation : Symbol(Operation, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 442, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 480, 17))
->R : Symbol(R, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 480, 19))
-    t: T,
->t : Symbol(t, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 480, 64))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 480, 17))
-    predicate: (value: T) => boolean,
->predicate : Symbol(predicate, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 481, 9))
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 482, 16))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 480, 17))
-    thenOp: Operation<T, R>,
->thenOp : Symbol(thenOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 482, 37))
->Operation : Symbol(Operation, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 442, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 480, 17))
->R : Symbol(R, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 480, 19))
-    elseOp?: EOp,
->elseOp : Symbol(elseOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 483, 28))
->EOp : Symbol(EOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 480, 22))
-    ): ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp> {
->ConditionalReturnType : Symbol(ConditionalReturnType, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 447, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 480, 17))
->R : Symbol(R, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 480, 19))
->EOp : Symbol(EOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 480, 22))
-    if (predicate(t)) {
->predicate : Symbol(predicate, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 481, 9))
->t : Symbol(t, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 480, 64))
-        return thenOp.perform(t); // Bad: this is assignable to all of the branches of the conditional, but we still can't return it
->thenOp.perform : Symbol(Operation.perform, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 445, 32))
->thenOp : Symbol(thenOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 482, 37))
->perform : Symbol(Operation.perform, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 445, 32))
->t : Symbol(t, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 480, 64))
-    } else if (elseOp !== undefined) {
->elseOp : Symbol(elseOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 483, 28))
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-        return elseOp.perform(t); // Would be ok
->elseOp.perform : Symbol(Operation.perform, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 445, 32))
->elseOp : Symbol(elseOp, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 483, 28))
->perform : Symbol(Operation.perform, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 445, 32))
->t : Symbol(t, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 480, 64))
-    } else {
-        return t; // Would be ok
->t : Symbol(t, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 480, 64))
-    }
-// Return conditional expressions with parentheses
-function returnStuff1<T extends boolean>(x: T ): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
->returnStuff1 : Symbol(returnStuff1, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 493, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 496, 22))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 496, 41))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 496, 22))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 496, 22))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 496, 22))
-    return (x ? (1) : 2);
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 496, 41))
-function returnStuff2<T extends 1 | 2 | "a">(x: T ):
->returnStuff2 : Symbol(returnStuff2, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 498, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 500, 22))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 500, 45))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 500, 22))
-    T extends 1 ? "one" : T extends 2 ? "two" : T extends "a" ? 0 : never {
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 500, 22))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 500, 22))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 500, 22))
-    return (typeof x === "string" ? 0 : (x === 1 ? ("one") : "two"));
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 500, 45))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 500, 45))
-// If the conditional type's input is `never`, then it resolves to `never`:
-function neverOk<T extends boolean>(x: T): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
->neverOk : Symbol(neverOk, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 503, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 506, 17))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 506, 36))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 506, 17))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 506, 17))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 506, 17))
-    if (x === true) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 506, 36))
-        return 1;
-    }
-    if (x === false) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType1.ts, 506, 36))
-        return 2;
-    }
-    return 1;
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType1.types b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType1.types
deleted file mode 100644
index 96265db6b57be..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType1.types
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2008 +0,0 @@
-//// [tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType1.ts] ////
-=== dependentReturnType1.ts ===
-interface A {
-    1: number;
->1 : number
->  : ^^^^^^
-    2: string;
->2 : string
->  : ^^^^^^
-function f1<T extends 1 | 2>(x: T): A[T] {
->f1 : <T extends 1 | 2>(x: T) => A[T]
->   : ^ ^^^^^^^^^     ^^ ^^ ^^^^^    
->x : T
->  : ^
-    if (x === 1) {
->x === 1 : boolean
->        : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-        return 0; // Ok
->0 : 0
->  : ^
-    }
-    else {
-        return 1; // Error
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-    }
-interface C {
-    1: number;
->1 : number
->  : ^^^^^^
-    2: string;
->2 : string
->  : ^^^^^^
-    3: boolean;
->3 : boolean
->  : ^^^^^^^
-function f2<T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(x: T): C[T] {
->f2 : <T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(x: T) => C[T]
->   : ^ ^^^^^^^^^         ^^ ^^ ^^^^^    
->x : T
->  : ^
-    if (x === 1) {
->x === 1 : boolean
->        : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-        return 0; // Ok
->0 : 0
->  : ^
-    }
-    else {
-        return ""; // Error, returned expression needs to have type string & boolean (= never)
->"" : ""
->   : ^^
-    }
-function f3<T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(x: T): T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : T extends 3 ? boolean : never {
->f3 : <T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(x: T) => T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : T extends 3 ? boolean : never
->   : ^ ^^^^^^^^^         ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                                           
->x : T
->  : ^
-    if (x === 1) {
->x === 1 : boolean
->        : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-        return 0; // Ok
->0 : 0
->  : ^
-    }
-    else {
-        return ""; // Error, returned expression needs to have type string & boolean (= never)
->"" : ""
->   : ^^
-    }
-interface One {
-    a: "a";
->a : "a"
->  : ^^^
-    b: "b";
->b : "b"
->  : ^^^
-    c: "c";
->c : "c"
->  : ^^^
-    d: "d";
->d : "d"
->  : ^^^
-interface Two {
-    a: "a";
->a : "a"
->  : ^^^
-    b: "b";
->b : "b"
->  : ^^^
-    e: "e";
->e : "e"
->  : ^^^
-    f: "f";
->f : "f"
->  : ^^^
-interface Three {
-    a: "a";
->a : "a"
->  : ^^^
-    c: "c";
->c : "c"
->  : ^^^
-    e: "e";
->e : "e"
->  : ^^^
-    g: "g";
->g : "g"
->  : ^^^
-interface Four {
-    a: "a";
->a : "a"
->  : ^^^
-    d: "d";
->d : "d"
->  : ^^^
-    f: "f";
->f : "f"
->  : ^^^
-    g: "g";
->g : "g"
->  : ^^^
-// Badly written conditional return type, will not trigger narrowing
-function f10<T extends 1 | 2 | 3 | 4>(x: T): T extends 1 ? One : T extends 2 ? Two : T extends 3 ? Three : Four {
->f10 : <T extends 1 | 2 | 3 | 4>(x: T) => T extends 1 ? One : T extends 2 ? Two : T extends 3 ? Three : Four
->    : ^ ^^^^^^^^^             ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                                  
->x : T
->  : ^
-    if (x === 1 || x === 2) {
->x === 1 || x === 2 : boolean
->                   : ^^^^^^^
->x === 1 : boolean
->        : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
->x === 2 : boolean
->        : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-        return { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f" }; // Error
->{ a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f" } : { a: "a"; b: "b"; c: "c"; d: "d"; e: "e"; f: "f"; }
->                                                   : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->a : "a"
->  : ^^^
->"a" : "a"
->    : ^^^
->b : "b"
->  : ^^^
->"b" : "b"
->    : ^^^
->c : "c"
->  : ^^^
->"c" : "c"
->    : ^^^
->d : "d"
->  : ^^^
->"d" : "d"
->    : ^^^
->e : "e"
->  : ^^^
->"e" : "e"
->    : ^^^
->f : "f"
->  : ^^^
->"f" : "f"
->    : ^^^
-    }
-    return { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f", g: "g" }; // Error
->{ a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f", g: "g" } : { a: "a"; b: "b"; c: "c"; d: "d"; e: "e"; f: "f"; g: "g"; }
->                                                           : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->a : "a"
->  : ^^^
->"a" : "a"
->    : ^^^
->b : "b"
->  : ^^^
->"b" : "b"
->    : ^^^
->c : "c"
->  : ^^^
->"c" : "c"
->    : ^^^
->d : "d"
->  : ^^^
->"d" : "d"
->    : ^^^
->e : "e"
->  : ^^^
->"e" : "e"
->    : ^^^
->f : "f"
->  : ^^^
->"f" : "f"
->    : ^^^
->g : "g"
->  : ^^^
->"g" : "g"
->    : ^^^
-// Well written conditional
-function f101<T extends 1 | 2 | 3 | 4>(x: T): T extends 1 ? One : T extends 2 ? Two : T extends 3 ? Three : T extends 4 ? Four : never {
->f101 : <T extends 1 | 2 | 3 | 4>(x: T) => T extends 1 ? One : T extends 2 ? Two : T extends 3 ? Three : T extends 4 ? Four : never
->     : ^ ^^^^^^^^^             ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                                                        
->x : T
->  : ^
-    if (x === 1 || x === 2) {
->x === 1 || x === 2 : boolean
->                   : ^^^^^^^
->x === 1 : boolean
->        : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
->x === 2 : boolean
->        : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-        return { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f" }; // Ok
->{ a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f" } : { a: "a"; b: "b"; c: "c"; d: "d"; e: "e"; f: "f"; }
->                                                   : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->a : "a"
->  : ^^^
->"a" : "a"
->    : ^^^
->b : "b"
->  : ^^^
->"b" : "b"
->    : ^^^
->c : "c"
->  : ^^^
->"c" : "c"
->    : ^^^
->d : "d"
->  : ^^^
->"d" : "d"
->    : ^^^
->e : "e"
->  : ^^^
->"e" : "e"
->    : ^^^
->f : "f"
->  : ^^^
->"f" : "f"
->    : ^^^
-    }
-    // Excess property becomes a problem with the change,
-    // because we now check assignability to a narrower type...
-    return { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f", g: "g" }; // EPC Error
->{ a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f", g: "g" } : { a: "a"; b: string; c: "c"; d: "d"; e: "e"; f: "f"; g: "g"; }
->                                                           : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->a : "a"
->  : ^^^
->"a" : "a"
->    : ^^^
->b : string
->  : ^^^^^^
->"b" : "b"
->    : ^^^
->c : "c"
->  : ^^^
->"c" : "c"
->    : ^^^
->d : "d"
->  : ^^^
->"d" : "d"
->    : ^^^
->e : "e"
->  : ^^^
->"e" : "e"
->    : ^^^
->f : "f"
->  : ^^^
->"f" : "f"
->    : ^^^
->g : "g"
->  : ^^^
->"g" : "g"
->    : ^^^
-// This will not work for several reasons:
-// - first because the constraint of type parameter `Arg` is generic,
-//   so attempting to narrow the type of `arg` in the `if` would result in type `Arg & LeftIn`,
-//   which when substituted in the conditional return type, would not further resolve that conditional type
-// - second because the `else` branch would never work because we don't narrow the type of `arg` to `Arg & RightIn` 
-function conditionalProducingIf<LeftIn, RightIn, LeftOut, RightOut, Arg extends LeftIn | RightIn>(
->conditionalProducingIf : <LeftIn, RightIn, LeftOut, RightOut, Arg extends LeftIn | RightIn>(arg: Arg, cond: (arg: LeftIn | RightIn) => arg is LeftIn, produceLeftOut: (arg: LeftIn) => LeftOut, produceRightOut: (arg: RightIn) => RightOut) => Arg extends LeftIn ? LeftOut : Arg extends RightIn ? RightOut : never
->                       : ^      ^^       ^^       ^^        ^^   ^^^^^^^^^                ^^   ^^   ^^    ^^                                        ^^              ^^                        ^^               ^^                          ^^^^^                                                                     
-    arg: Arg,
->arg : Arg
->    : ^^^
-    cond: (arg: LeftIn | RightIn) => arg is LeftIn,
->cond : (arg: LeftIn | RightIn) => arg is LeftIn
->     : ^   ^^                ^^^^^             
->arg : LeftIn | RightIn
->    : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    produceLeftOut: (arg: LeftIn) => LeftOut,
->produceLeftOut : (arg: LeftIn) => LeftOut
->               : ^   ^^      ^^^^^       
->arg : LeftIn
->    : ^^^^^^
-    produceRightOut: (arg: RightIn) => RightOut):
->produceRightOut : (arg: RightIn) => RightOut
->                : ^   ^^       ^^^^^        
->arg : RightIn
->    : ^^^^^^^
-    Arg extends LeftIn ? LeftOut : Arg extends RightIn ? RightOut : never
-    if (cond(arg)) {
->cond(arg) : boolean
->          : ^^^^^^^
->cond : (arg: LeftIn | RightIn) => arg is LeftIn
->     : ^   ^^                ^^^^^             
->arg : Arg
->    : ^^^
-        return produceLeftOut(arg);
->produceLeftOut(arg) : LeftOut
->                    : ^^^^^^^
->produceLeftOut : (arg: LeftIn) => LeftOut
->               : ^   ^^      ^^^^^       
->arg : Arg & LeftIn
->    : ^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    } else {
-        return produceRightOut(arg as RightIn);
->produceRightOut(arg as RightIn) : RightOut
->                                : ^^^^^^^^
->produceRightOut : (arg: RightIn) => RightOut
->                : ^   ^^       ^^^^^        
->arg as RightIn : RightIn
->               : ^^^^^^^
->arg : Arg
->    : ^^^
-    }
-interface Animal {
-    name: string;
->name : string
->     : ^^^^^^
-interface Dog extends Animal {
-    bark: () => string;
->bark : () => string
->     : ^^^^^^      
-// This would be unsafe to narrow.
-declare function isDog(x: Animal): x is Dog;
->isDog : (x: Animal) => x is Dog
->      : ^ ^^      ^^^^^        
->x : Animal
->  : ^^^^^^
-declare function doggy(x: Dog): number;
->doggy : (x: Dog) => number
->      : ^ ^^   ^^^^^      
->x : Dog
->  : ^^^
-function f12<T extends Animal>(x: T): T extends Dog ? number : string {
->f12 : <T extends Animal>(x: T) => T extends Dog ? number : string
->    : ^ ^^^^^^^^^      ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                               
->x : T
->  : ^
-    if (isDog(x)) { // `x` has type `T & Dog` here
->isDog(x) : boolean
->         : ^^^^^^^
->isDog : (x: Animal) => x is Dog
->      : ^ ^^      ^^^^^        
->x : T
->  : ^
-        return doggy(x);
->doggy(x) : number
->         : ^^^^^^
->doggy : (x: Dog) => number
->      : ^ ^^   ^^^^^      
->x : T & Dog
->  : ^^^^^^^
-    }
-    return ""; // Error: Should not work because we can't express "not a Dog" in the type system
->"" : ""
->   : ^^
-// Cannot narrow `keyof` too eagerly or something like the below breaks
-function f<Entry extends { [index: string]: number | boolean }, EntryId extends keyof Entry>(entry: EntryId): Entry[EntryId] {
->f : <Entry extends { [index: string]: number | boolean; }, EntryId extends keyof Entry>(entry: EntryId) => Entry[EntryId]
->  : ^     ^^^^^^^^^                                      ^^       ^^^^^^^^^           ^^     ^^       ^^^^^              
->index : string
->      : ^^^^^^
->entry : EntryId
->      : ^^^^^^^
-    const entries = {} as Entry;
->entries : Entry
->        : ^^^^^
->{} as Entry : Entry
->            : ^^^^^
->{} : {}
->   : ^^
-    return entries[entry];
->entries[entry] : Entry[EntryId]
->               : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->entries : Entry
->        : ^^^^^
->entry : EntryId
->      : ^^^^^^^
-// Works the same as before
-declare function takeA(val: 'A'): void;
->takeA : (val: "A") => void
->      : ^   ^^   ^^^^^    
->val : "A"
->    : ^^^
-export function bounceAndTakeIfA<AB extends 'A' | 'B'>(value: AB): AB {
->bounceAndTakeIfA : <AB extends "A" | "B">(value: AB) => AB
->                 : ^  ^^^^^^^^^         ^^     ^^  ^^^^^  
->value : AB
->      : ^^
-    if (value === 'A') {
->value === 'A' : boolean
->              : ^^^^^^^
->value : AB
->      : ^^
->'A' : "A"
->    : ^^^
-        takeA(value);
->takeA(value) : void
->             : ^^^^
->takeA : (val: "A") => void
->      : ^   ^^   ^^^^^    
->value : "A"
->      : ^^^
-        takeAB(value);
->takeAB(value) : void
->              : ^^^^
->takeAB : (val: AB) => void
->       : ^   ^^  ^^^^^    
->value : AB
->      : ^^
-        return value;
->value : AB
->      : ^^
-    }
-    return value;
->value : AB
->      : ^^
-    function takeAB(val: AB): void {}
->takeAB : (val: AB) => void
->       : ^   ^^  ^^^^^    
->val : AB
->    : ^^
-// Works the same as before
-export function bbb<AB extends "a" | "b">(value: AB): "a" {
->bbb : <AB extends "a" | "b">(value: AB) => "a"
->    : ^  ^^^^^^^^^         ^^     ^^  ^^^^^   
->value : AB
->      : ^^
-    if (value === "a") {
->value === "a" : boolean
->              : ^^^^^^^
->value : AB
->      : ^^
->"a" : "a"
->    : ^^^
-        return value;
->value : "a"
->      : ^^^
-    }
-    return "a";
->"a" : "a"
->    : ^^^
-class Unnamed {
->Unnamed : Unnamed
->        : ^^^^^^^
-    root!: { name: string };
->root : { name: string; }
->     : ^^^^^^^^      ^^^
->name : string
->     : ^^^^^^
-    // Error: No narrowing because parameter is optional but `T` doesn't allow for undefined
-    name<T extends string>(name?: T): T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never {
->name : <T extends string>(name?: T) => T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never
->     : ^ ^^^^^^^^^      ^^    ^^^ ^^^^^                                                              
->name : T | undefined
->     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-        if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
->typeof name === 'undefined' : boolean
->                            : ^^^^^^^
->typeof name : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->            : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->name : T | undefined
->     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->'undefined' : "undefined"
->            : ^^^^^^^^^^^
-            return;
-> : string
->               : ^^^^^^
->this.root : { name: string; }
->          : ^^^^^^^^      ^^^
->this : this
->     : ^^^^
->root : { name: string; }
->     : ^^^^^^^^      ^^^
->name : string
->     : ^^^^^^
-        }
-        return this;
->this : this
->     : ^^^^
-    }
-    // Good conditional
-    name2<T extends string | undefined>(name?: T): T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never {
->name2 : <T extends string | undefined>(name?: T) => T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never
->      : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                  ^^    ^^^ ^^^^^                                                              
->name : T | undefined
->     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-        if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
->typeof name === 'undefined' : boolean
->                            : ^^^^^^^
->typeof name : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->            : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->name : T | undefined
->     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->'undefined' : "undefined"
->            : ^^^^^^^^^^^
-            return; // Ok
-> : string
->               : ^^^^^^
->this.root : { name: string; }
->          : ^^^^^^^^      ^^^
->this : this
->     : ^^^^
->root : { name: string; }
->     : ^^^^^^^^      ^^^
->name : string
->     : ^^^^^^
-        }
- = name;
-> = name : string
->                      : ^^^^^^
-> : string
->               : ^^^^^^
->this.root : { name: string; }
->          : ^^^^^^^^      ^^^
->this : this
->     : ^^^^
->root : { name: string; }
->     : ^^^^^^^^      ^^^
->name : string
->     : ^^^^^^
->name : string
->     : ^^^^^^
-        return this; // Ok
->this : this
->     : ^^^^
-    }
-    // Good conditional, wrong return expressions
-    name3<T extends string | undefined>(name?: T): T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never {
->name3 : <T extends string | undefined>(name?: T) => T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never
->      : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                  ^^    ^^^ ^^^^^                                                              
->name : T | undefined
->     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-        if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
->typeof name === 'undefined' : boolean
->                            : ^^^^^^^
->typeof name : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->            : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->name : T | undefined
->     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->'undefined' : "undefined"
->            : ^^^^^^^^^^^
-            return this; // Error
->this : this
->     : ^^^^
-        }
- = name;
-> = name : string
->                      : ^^^^^^
-> : string
->               : ^^^^^^
->this.root : { name: string; }
->          : ^^^^^^^^      ^^^
->this : this
->     : ^^^^
->root : { name: string; }
->     : ^^^^^^^^      ^^^
->name : string
->     : ^^^^^^
->name : string
->     : ^^^^^^
-        return name; // Error
->name : T & {}
->     : ^^^^^^
-    }
-// Conditional expressions
-interface Aa {
-    1: number;
->1 : number
->  : ^^^^^^
-    2: string;
->2 : string
->  : ^^^^^^
-    3: boolean;
->3 : boolean
->  : ^^^^^^^
-function trivialConditional<T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(x: T): Aa[T] {
->trivialConditional : <T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(x: T) => Aa[T]
->                   : ^ ^^^^^^^^^         ^^ ^^ ^^^^^     
->x : T
->  : ^
-    if (x !== 1) {
->x !== 1 : boolean
->        : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-        return x === 2 ? "" : true;
->x === 2 ? "" : true : true | ""
->                    : ^^^^^^^^^
->x === 2 : boolean
->        : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->2 : 2
->  : ^
->"" : ""
->   : ^^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
-    }
-    else {
-        return 0;
->0 : 0
->  : ^
-    }
-function conditional<T extends boolean>(x: T):
->conditional : <T extends boolean>(x: T) => T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never
->            : ^ ^^^^^^^^^       ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                
->x : T
->  : ^
- T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-    return x ? 1 : 2; // Ok
->x ? 1 : 2 : 1 | 2
->          : ^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-function contextualConditional<T extends "a" | "b">(
->contextualConditional : <T extends "a" | "b">(x: T) => T extends "a" ? "a" : T extends "b" ? number : never
->                      : ^ ^^^^^^^^^         ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                    
-    x: T
->x : T
->  : ^
-): T extends "a" ? "a" : T extends "b" ? number : never {
-    return x === "a" ? x : parseInt(x); // Ok
->x === "a" ? x : parseInt(x) : number | "a"
->                            : ^^^^^^^^^^^^
->x === "a" : boolean
->          : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->"a" : "a"
->    : ^^^
->x : "a"
->  : ^^^
->parseInt(x) : number
->            : ^^^^^^
->parseInt : (string: string, radix?: number) => number
->         : ^      ^^      ^^     ^^^      ^^^^^      
->x : "b"
->  : ^^^
-function conditionalWithError<T extends "a" | "b">(
->conditionalWithError : <T extends "a" | "b">(x: T) => T extends "a" ? number : T extends "b" ? string : never
->                     : ^ ^^^^^^^^^         ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                       
-    x: T
->x : T
->  : ^
-): T extends "a" ? number : T extends "b" ? string : never {
-    return x === "a" ? x : parseInt(x); // Error
->x === "a" ? x : parseInt(x) : number | "a"
->                            : ^^^^^^^^^^^^
->x === "a" : boolean
->          : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->"a" : "a"
->    : ^^^
->x : "a"
->  : ^^^
->parseInt(x) : number
->            : ^^^^^^
->parseInt : (string: string, radix?: number) => number
->         : ^      ^^      ^^     ^^^      ^^^^^      
->x : "b"
->  : ^^^
-// Multiple indexed type reductions
-interface BB {
-    "a": number;
->"a" : number
->    : ^^^^^^
-    [y: number]: string;
->y : number
->  : ^^^^^^
-interface AA<T extends keyof BB> {
-    "c": BB[T];
->"c" : BB[T]
->    : ^^^^^
-    "d": boolean,
->"d" : boolean
->    : ^^^^^^^
-function reduction<T extends keyof BB, U extends "c" | "d">(x: T, y: U): AA<T>[U] {
->reduction : <T extends keyof BB, U extends "c" | "d">(x: T, y: U) => AA<T>[U]
->          : ^ ^^^^^^^^^        ^^ ^^^^^^^^^         ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^        
->x : T
->  : ^
->y : U
->  : ^
-    if (y === "c" && x === "a") {
->y === "c" && x === "a" : boolean
->                       : ^^^^^^^
->y === "c" : boolean
->          : ^^^^^^^
->y : U
->  : ^
->"c" : "c"
->    : ^^^
->x === "a" : boolean
->          : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->"a" : "a"
->    : ^^^
-        // AA<T>[U='c'] -> BB[T]
-        // BB[T='a'] -> number
-        return 0; // Ok
->0 : 0
->  : ^
-    }
-    return undefined as never;
->undefined as never : never
->                   : ^^^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-// Substitution types are not narrowed
-function subsCond<T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(
->subsCond : <T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(x: T) => T extends 1 | 2 ? T extends 1 ? string : T extends 2 ? boolean : never : T extends 3 ? number : never
->         : ^ ^^^^^^^^^         ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                                                                     
-    x: T,
->x : T
->  : ^
-): T extends 1 | 2
-    ? T extends 1
-        ? string
-        : T extends 2
-          ? boolean
-          : never
-    : T extends 3
-      ? number
-      : never {
-    if (x === 1) {
->x === 1 : boolean
->        : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-        return "";
->"" : ""
->   : ^^
-    } else if (x == 2) {
->x == 2 : boolean
->       : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-        return true;
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
-    }
-    return 3;
->3 : 3
->  : ^
-// Unsafe: check types overlap
-declare function q(x: object): x is { b: number };
->q : (x: object) => x is { b: number; }
->  : ^ ^^      ^^^^^                   
->x : object
->  : ^^^^^^
->b : number
->  : ^^^^^^
-function foo<T extends { a: string } | { b: number }>(
->foo : <T extends { a: string; } | { b: number; }>(x: T) => T extends { a: string; } ? number : T extends { b: number; } ? string : never
->    : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                               ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                                             
->a : string
->  : ^^^^^^
->b : number
->  : ^^^^^^
-    x: T,
->x : T
->  : ^
-): T extends { a: string } ? number : T extends { b: number } ? string : never {
->a : string
->  : ^^^^^^
->b : number
->  : ^^^^^^
-    if (q(x)) {
->q(x) : boolean
->     : ^^^^^^^
->q : (x: object) => x is { b: number; }
->  : ^ ^^      ^^^^^                   
->x : { a: string; } | { b: number; }
->  : ^^^^^      ^^^^^^^^^^^      ^^^
-        x.b;
->x.b : number
->    : ^^^^^^
->x : { b: number; }
->  : ^^^^^      ^^^
->b : number
->  : ^^^^^^
-        return "";
->"" : ""
->   : ^^
-    }
-    x.a;
->x.a : string
->    : ^^^^^^
->x : { a: string; }
->  : ^^^^^      ^^^
->a : string
->  : ^^^^^^
-    return 1;
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-let y = { a: "", b: 1 }
->y : { a: string; b: number; }
->  : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->{ a: "", b: 1 } : { a: string; b: number; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->a : string
->  : ^^^^^^
->"" : ""
->   : ^^
->b : number
->  : ^^^^^^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-const r = foo<{ a: string }>(y); // type says number but actually string
->r : number
->  : ^^^^^^
->foo<{ a: string }>(y) : number
->                      : ^^^^^^
->foo : <T extends { a: string; } | { b: number; }>(x: T) => T extends { a: string; } ? number : T extends { b: number; } ? string : never
->    : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                               ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                                             
->a : string
->  : ^^^^^^
->y : { a: string; b: number; }
->  : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-type HelperCond<T, A, R1, B, R2> = T extends A ? R1 : T extends B ? R2 : never;
->HelperCond : HelperCond<T, A, R1, B, R2>
->           : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-// We don't narrow the return type because the conditionals are not distributive
-function foo2<U extends string | number, V extends boolean>(x: U, y: V):
->foo2 : <U extends string | number, V extends boolean>(x: U, y: V) => HelperCond<{ x: U; y: V; }, { x: string; y: true; }, 1, { x: number; y: false; }, 2>
->     : ^ ^^^^^^^^^               ^^ ^^^^^^^^^       ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                                                    
->x : U
->  : ^
->y : V
->  : ^
-    HelperCond<{ x: U, y: V },
->x : U
->  : ^
->y : V
->  : ^
-        { x: string, y: true }, 1,
->x : string
->  : ^^^^^^
->y : true
->  : ^^^^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
-        { x: number, y: false }, 2> {
->x : number
->  : ^^^^^^
->y : false
->  : ^^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-    if (typeof x === "string" && y === true) {
->typeof x === "string" && y === true : boolean
->                                    : ^^^^^^^
->typeof x === "string" : boolean
->                      : ^^^^^^^
->typeof x : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->x : U
->  : ^
->"string" : "string"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
->y === true : boolean
->           : ^^^^^^^
->y : V
->  : ^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
-        return 1; // Error
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-    }
-    if (typeof x === "number" && y === false) {
->typeof x === "number" && y === false : boolean
->                                     : ^^^^^^^
->typeof x === "number" : boolean
->                      : ^^^^^^^
->typeof x : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->x : U
->  : ^
->"number" : "number"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
->y === false : boolean
->            : ^^^^^^^
->y : V
->  : ^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-        return 2; // Error
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-    }
-    return 0; // Error
->0 : 0
->  : ^
-// From
-declare function isString(s: unknown): s is string;
->isString : (s: unknown) => s is string
->         : ^ ^^       ^^^^^           
->s : unknown
->  : ^^^^^^^
-// capitalize a string or each element of an array of strings
-function capitalize<T extends string | string[]>(
->capitalize : <T extends string | string[]>(input: T) => T extends string[] ? string[] : T extends string ? string : never
->           : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                 ^^     ^^ ^^^^^                                                                 
-    input: T
->input : T
->      : ^
-): T extends string[] ? string[] : T extends string ? string : never {
-    if (isString(input)) {
->isString(input) : boolean
->                : ^^^^^^^
->isString : (s: unknown) => s is string
->         : ^ ^^       ^^^^^           
->input : string | string[]
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-        return input[0].toUpperCase() + input.slice(1); // Ok
->input[0].toUpperCase() + input.slice(1) : string
->                                        : ^^^^^^
->input[0].toUpperCase() : string
->                       : ^^^^^^
->input[0].toUpperCase : () => string
->                     : ^^^^^^      
->input[0] : string
->         : ^^^^^^
->input : string
->      : ^^^^^^
->0 : 0
->  : ^
->toUpperCase : () => string
->            : ^^^^^^      
->input.slice(1) : string
->               : ^^^^^^
->input.slice : (start?: number, end?: number) => string
->            : ^     ^^^      ^^   ^^^      ^^^^^      
->input : string
->      : ^^^^^^
->slice : (start?: number, end?: number) => string
->      : ^     ^^^      ^^   ^^^      ^^^^^      
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-    } else {
-        return => capitalize(elt)); // Ok
-> => capitalize(elt)) : string[]
->                                  : ^^^^^^^^
-> : <U>(callbackfn: (value: string, index: number, array: string[]) => U, thisArg?: any) => U[]
->          : ^ ^^          ^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^     ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^       ^^^   ^^^^^^^^
->input : string[]
->      : ^^^^^^^^
->map : <U>(callbackfn: (value: string, index: number, array: string[]) => U, thisArg?: any) => U[]
->    : ^ ^^          ^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^     ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^       ^^^   ^^^^^^^^
->elt => capitalize(elt) : (elt: string) => string
->                       : ^   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->elt : string
->    : ^^^^^^
->capitalize(elt) : string
->                : ^^^^^^
->capitalize : <T extends string | string[]>(input: T) => T extends string[] ? string[] : T extends string ? string : never
->           : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                 ^^     ^^ ^^^^^                                                                 
->elt : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-    }
-function badCapitalize<T extends string | string[]>(
->badCapitalize : <T extends string | string[]>(input: T) => T extends string[] ? string[] : T extends string ? string : never
->              : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                 ^^     ^^ ^^^^^                                                                 
-    input: T
->input : T
->      : ^
-): T extends string[] ? string[] : T extends string ? string : never {
-    if (isString(input)) {
->isString(input) : boolean
->                : ^^^^^^^
->isString : (s: unknown) => s is string
->         : ^ ^^       ^^^^^           
->input : string | string[]
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-        return input[0].toUpperCase() + input.slice(1); // Ok
->input[0].toUpperCase() + input.slice(1) : string
->                                        : ^^^^^^
->input[0].toUpperCase() : string
->                       : ^^^^^^
->input[0].toUpperCase : () => string
->                     : ^^^^^^      
->input[0] : string
->         : ^^^^^^
->input : string
->      : ^^^^^^
->0 : 0
->  : ^
->toUpperCase : () => string
->            : ^^^^^^      
->input.slice(1) : string
->               : ^^^^^^
->input.slice : (start?: number, end?: number) => string
->            : ^     ^^^      ^^   ^^^      ^^^^^      
->input : string
->      : ^^^^^^
->slice : (start?: number, end?: number) => string
->      : ^     ^^^      ^^   ^^^      ^^^^^      
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-    } else {
-        return input[0].toUpperCase() + input.slice(1); // Bad, error
->input[0].toUpperCase() + input.slice(1) : string
->                                        : ^^^^^^
->input[0].toUpperCase() : string
->                       : ^^^^^^
->input[0].toUpperCase : () => string
->                     : ^^^^^^      
->input[0] : string
->         : ^^^^^^
->input : string[]
->      : ^^^^^^^^
->0 : 0
->  : ^
->toUpperCase : () => string
->            : ^^^^^^      
->input.slice(1) : string[]
->               : ^^^^^^^^
->input.slice : (start?: number, end?: number) => string[]
->            : ^     ^^^      ^^   ^^^      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->input : string[]
->      : ^^^^^^^^
->slice : (start?: number, end?: number) => string[]
->      : ^     ^^^      ^^   ^^^      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-    }
-// No narrowing because conditional's extends type is different from type parameter constraint types
-function voidRet<T extends { a: string } | undefined>(
->voidRet : <T extends { a: string; } | undefined>(x: T) => T extends {} ? void : T extends undefined ? number : never
->        : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                          ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                          
->a : string
->  : ^^^^^^
-    x: T
->x : T
->  : ^
-): T extends {} ? void : T extends undefined ? number : never {
-    if (x) {
->x : T
->  : ^
-        return;
-    }
-    return 1;
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-// Multiple type parameters at once
-function woo<T extends string | number, U extends string | number>(
->woo : <T extends string | number, U extends string | number>(x: T, y: U) => T extends string ? U extends string ? 1 : U extends number ? 2 : never : T extends number ? U extends number ? 3 : U extends string ? 4 : never : never
->    : ^ ^^^^^^^^^               ^^ ^^^^^^^^^               ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                                                                                                                       
-    x: T,
->x : T
->  : ^
-    y: U,
->y : U
->  : ^
-): T extends string
-    ? U extends string
-        ? 1
-        : U extends number
-          ? 2
-          : never
-    : T extends number
-      ? U extends number
-          ? 3
-          : U extends string
-            ? 4
-            : never
-      : never {
-    if (typeof x === "number" && typeof y === "string") {
->typeof x === "number" && typeof y === "string" : boolean
->                                               : ^^^^^^^
->typeof x === "number" : boolean
->                      : ^^^^^^^
->typeof x : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->"number" : "number"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
->typeof y === "string" : boolean
->                      : ^^^^^^^
->typeof y : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->y : U
->  : ^
->"string" : "string"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
-        return 1; // Good error
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-    }
-    return undefined as any;
->undefined as any : any
->                 : ^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-function ttt<T extends string | number, U extends string | number>(
->ttt : <T extends string | number, U extends string | number>(x: T, y: U) => T extends string ? U extends string ? 1 : U extends number ? 2 : never : T extends number ? U extends number ? 3 : U extends string ? 4 : never : never
->    : ^ ^^^^^^^^^               ^^ ^^^^^^^^^               ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                                                                                                                       
-    x: T,
->x : T
->  : ^
-    y: U,
->y : U
->  : ^
-): T extends string
-    ? U extends string
-        ? 1
-        : U extends number
-          ? 2
-          : never
-    : T extends number
-      ? U extends number
-          ? 3
-          : U extends string
-            ? 4
-            : never
-      : never {
-    if (typeof x === "number" && typeof y === "string") {
->typeof x === "number" && typeof y === "string" : boolean
->                                               : ^^^^^^^
->typeof x === "number" : boolean
->                      : ^^^^^^^
->typeof x : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->"number" : "number"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
->typeof y === "string" : boolean
->                      : ^^^^^^^
->typeof y : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->y : U
->  : ^
->"string" : "string"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
-        return 4; // Ok
->4 : 4
->  : ^
-    }
-    return undefined as any;
->undefined as any : any
->                 : ^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-// Shadowing of the narrowed reference
-function shadowing<T extends 1 | 2>(x: T): T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : never {
->shadowing : <T extends 1 | 2>(x: T) => T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : never
->          : ^ ^^^^^^^^^     ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                   
->x : T
->  : ^
-    if (true) {
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
-        let x: number = Math.random() ? 1 : 2;
->x : number
->  : ^^^^^^
->Math.random() ? 1 : 2 : 1 | 2
->                      : ^^^^^
->Math.random() : number
->              : ^^^^^^
->Math.random : () => number
->            : ^^^^^^      
->Math : Math
->     : ^^^^
->random : () => number
->       : ^^^^^^      
->1 : 1
->  : ^
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-        if (x === 1) {
->x === 1 : boolean
->        : ^^^^^^^
->x : number
->  : ^^^^^^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-            return 1; // Error
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-        }
-        return ""; // Error
->"" : ""
->   : ^^
-    }
-function noShadowing<T extends 1 | 2>(x: T): T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : never {
->noShadowing : <T extends 1 | 2>(x: T) => T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : never
->            : ^ ^^^^^^^^^     ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                   
->x : T
->  : ^
-    if (true) {
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
-        if (x === 1) {
->x === 1 : boolean
->        : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-            return 1; // Ok
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-        }
-        return ""; // Ok
->"" : ""
->   : ^^
-    }
-// If the narrowing reference is out of scope, we simply won't narrow its type
-declare let someX: boolean;
->someX : boolean
->      : ^^^^^^^
-function scope2<T extends boolean>(a: T): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
->scope2 : <T extends boolean>(a: T) => T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never
->       : ^ ^^^^^^^^^       ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                
->a : T
->  : ^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-    if ((true)) {
->(true) : true
->       : ^^^^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
-        const someX = a;
->someX : T
->      : ^
->a : T
->  : ^
-        if (someX) { // We narrow `someX` and the return type here
->someX : T
->      : ^
-            return 1;
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-        }
-    }
-    if (!someX) { // This is a different `someX`, so we don't narrow here
->!someX : boolean
->       : ^^^^^^^
->someX : boolean
->      : ^^^^^^^
-        return 2;
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-    }
-    return undefined as any;
->undefined as any : any
->                 : ^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-function moreShadowing<T extends 1 | 2>(x: T): T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : never {
->moreShadowing : <T extends 1 | 2>(x: T) => T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : never
->              : ^ ^^^^^^^^^     ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                   
->x : T
->  : ^
-    if (x === 2) {
->x === 2 : boolean
->        : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-        let x: number = Math.random() ? 1 : 2;
->x : number
->  : ^^^^^^
->Math.random() ? 1 : 2 : 1 | 2
->                      : ^^^^^
->Math.random() : number
->              : ^^^^^^
->Math.random : () => number
->            : ^^^^^^      
->Math : Math
->     : ^^^^
->random : () => number
->       : ^^^^^^      
->1 : 1
->  : ^
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-        if (x === 1) {
->x === 1 : boolean
->        : ^^^^^^^
->x : number
->  : ^^^^^^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-            return 1; // Error
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-        }
-        return ""; // Ok
->"" : ""
->   : ^^
-    }
-    return 0; // Ok
->0 : 0
->  : ^
-// This would be unsafe to narrow due to `infer` type.
-function withInfer<T extends [string] | number>(x: T): T extends [infer R] ? R : T extends number ? boolean : never {
->withInfer : <T extends [string] | number>(x: T) => T extends [infer R] ? R : T extends number ? boolean : never
->          : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                 ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                            
->x : T
->  : ^
-    if (typeof x === "number") {
->typeof x === "number" : boolean
->                      : ^^^^^^^
->typeof x : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->"number" : "number"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
-        return true;
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
-    }
-    return "";
->"" : ""
->   : ^^
-const withInferResult = withInfer(["a"] as const); // The type says it returns `"a"`, but the function actually returns `""`.
->withInferResult : "a"
->                : ^^^
->withInfer(["a"] as const) : "a"
->                          : ^^^
->withInfer : <T extends [string] | number>(x: T) => T extends [infer R] ? R : T extends number ? boolean : never
->          : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                 ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                            
->["a"] as const : ["a"]
->               : ^^^^^
->["a"] : ["a"]
->      : ^^^^^
->"a" : "a"
->    : ^^^
-// Ok
-async function abool<T extends true | false>(x: T): Promise<T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never> {
->abool : <T extends true | false>(x: T) => Promise<T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never>
->      : ^ ^^^^^^^^^            ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                         
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-    if (x) {
->x : T
->  : ^
-        return 1;
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-    }
-    return 2;
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-// Ok
-function* bbool<T extends true | false>(x: T): Generator<number, T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never, unknown> {
->bbool : <T extends true | false>(x: T) => Generator<number, T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never, unknown>
->      : ^ ^^^^^^^^^            ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                                            
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-    yield 3;
->yield 3 : unknown
->        : ^^^^^^^
->3 : 3
->  : ^
-    if (x) {
->x : T
->  : ^
-        return 1;
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-    }
-    return 2;
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-// We don't do the same type of narrowing for `yield` statements
-function* cbool<T extends true | false>(x: T): Generator<T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never, number, unknown> {
->cbool : <T extends true | false>(x: T) => Generator<T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never, number, unknown>
->      : ^ ^^^^^^^^^            ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                                            
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-    if (x) {
->x : T
->  : ^
-        yield 1;
->yield 1 : unknown
->        : ^^^^^^^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-    }
-    yield 2;
->yield 2 : unknown
->        : ^^^^^^^
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-    return 0;
->0 : 0
->  : ^
-// From #33912
-abstract class Operation<T, R> {
->Operation : Operation<T, R>
->          : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    abstract perform(t: T): R;
->perform : (t: T) => R
->        : ^ ^^ ^^^^^ 
->t : T
->  : ^
-type ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp extends Operation<T, R> | undefined> =
->ConditionalReturnType : ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp>
->                      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    EOp extends Operation<T, R> ? R : EOp extends undefined ? T | R : never;
-class ConditionalOperation<
->ConditionalOperation : ConditionalOperation<T, R, EOp>
->                     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    T,
-    R,
-    EOp extends Operation<T, R> | undefined,
-> extends Operation<T, ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp>> {
->Operation : Operation<T, ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp>>
->          : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    constructor(
-        private predicate: (value: T) => boolean,
->predicate : (value: T) => boolean
->          : ^     ^^ ^^^^^       
->value : T
->      : ^
-        private thenOp: Operation<T, R>,
->thenOp : Operation<T, R>
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-        private elseOp?: EOp,
->elseOp : EOp | undefined
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    ) {
-        super();
->super() : void
->        : ^^^^
->super : typeof Operation
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    }
-    // We won't try to narrow the return type because `T` is declared on the class and we don't analyze this case.
-    perform(t: T): ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp> {
->perform : (t: T) => ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp>
->        : ^ ^^ ^^^^^                                
->t : T
->  : ^
-        if (this.predicate(t)) {
->this.predicate(t) : boolean
->                  : ^^^^^^^
->this.predicate : (value: T) => boolean
->               : ^     ^^ ^^^^^       
->this : this
->     : ^^^^
->predicate : (value: T) => boolean
->          : ^     ^^ ^^^^^       
->t : T
->  : ^
-            return this.thenOp.perform(t); // Bad: this is assignable to all of the branches of the conditional, but we still can't return it
->this.thenOp.perform(t) : R
->                       : ^
->this.thenOp.perform : (t: T) => R
->                    : ^ ^^^^^^^^^
->this.thenOp : Operation<T, R>
->            : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->this : this
->     : ^^^^
->thenOp : Operation<T, R>
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->perform : (t: T) => R
->        : ^ ^^^^^^^^^
->t : T
->  : ^
-        } else if (typeof this.elseOp !== "undefined") {
->typeof this.elseOp !== "undefined" : boolean
->                                   : ^^^^^^^
->typeof this.elseOp : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->                   : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->this.elseOp : EOp | undefined
->            : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->this : this
->     : ^^^^
->elseOp : EOp | undefined
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->"undefined" : "undefined"
->            : ^^^^^^^^^^^
-            return this.elseOp.perform(t); // Would be ok
->this.elseOp.perform(t) : R
->                       : ^
->this.elseOp.perform : (t: T) => R
->                    : ^ ^^^^^^^^^
->this.elseOp : Operation<T, R>
->            : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->this : this
->     : ^^^^
->elseOp : Operation<T, R>
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->perform : (t: T) => R
->        : ^ ^^^^^^^^^
->t : T
->  : ^
-        } else {
-            return t; // Would be ok
->t : T
->  : ^
-        }
-    }
-// Like the version above, we will not attempt to narrow because there's more than one reference to `T`,
-// because `T` shows up in the type of `predicate`.
-function perform<T, R, EOp extends Operation<T, R> | undefined>(
->perform : <T, R, EOp extends Operation<T, R> | undefined>(t: T, predicate: (value: T) => boolean, thenOp: Operation<T, R>, elseOp?: EOp) => ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp>
->        : ^ ^^ ^^   ^^^^^^^^^                           ^^ ^^ ^^         ^^                     ^^      ^^               ^^      ^^^   ^^^^^                                
-    t: T,
->t : T
->  : ^
-    predicate: (value: T) => boolean,
->predicate : (value: T) => boolean
->          : ^     ^^ ^^^^^       
->value : T
->      : ^
-    thenOp: Operation<T, R>,
->thenOp : Operation<T, R>
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    elseOp?: EOp,
->elseOp : EOp | undefined
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    ): ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp> {
-    if (predicate(t)) {
->predicate(t) : boolean
->             : ^^^^^^^
->predicate : (value: T) => boolean
->          : ^     ^^ ^^^^^       
->t : T
->  : ^
-        return thenOp.perform(t); // Bad: this is assignable to all of the branches of the conditional, but we still can't return it
->thenOp.perform(t) : R
->                  : ^
->thenOp.perform : (t: T) => R
->               : ^ ^^^^^^^^^
->thenOp : Operation<T, R>
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->perform : (t: T) => R
->        : ^ ^^^^^^^^^
->t : T
->  : ^
-    } else if (elseOp !== undefined) {
->elseOp !== undefined : boolean
->                     : ^^^^^^^
->elseOp : EOp | undefined
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-        return elseOp.perform(t); // Would be ok
->elseOp.perform(t) : R
->                  : ^
->elseOp.perform : (t: T) => R
->               : ^ ^^^^^^^^^
->elseOp : Operation<T, R>
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->perform : (t: T) => R
->        : ^ ^^^^^^^^^
->t : T
->  : ^
-    } else {
-        return t; // Would be ok
->t : T
->  : ^
-    }
-// Return conditional expressions with parentheses
-function returnStuff1<T extends boolean>(x: T ): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
->returnStuff1 : <T extends boolean>(x: T) => T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never
->             : ^ ^^^^^^^^^       ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                
->x : T
->  : ^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-    return (x ? (1) : 2);
->(x ? (1) : 2) : 1 | 2
->              : ^^^^^
->x ? (1) : 2 : 1 | 2
->            : ^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->(1) : 1
->    : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-function returnStuff2<T extends 1 | 2 | "a">(x: T ):
->returnStuff2 : <T extends 1 | 2 | "a">(x: T) => T extends 1 ? "one" : T extends 2 ? "two" : T extends "a" ? 0 : never
->             : ^ ^^^^^^^^^           ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                                     
->x : T
->  : ^
-    T extends 1 ? "one" : T extends 2 ? "two" : T extends "a" ? 0 : never {
-    return (typeof x === "string" ? 0 : (x === 1 ? ("one") : "two"));
->(typeof x === "string" ? 0 : (x === 1 ? ("one") : "two")) : 0 | "one" | "two"
->                                                          : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->typeof x === "string" ? 0 : (x === 1 ? ("one") : "two") : 0 | "one" | "two"
->                                                        : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->typeof x === "string" : boolean
->                      : ^^^^^^^
->typeof x : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->"string" : "string"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
->0 : 0
->  : ^
->(x === 1 ? ("one") : "two") : "one" | "two"
->                            : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->x === 1 ? ("one") : "two" : "one" | "two"
->                          : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->x === 1 : boolean
->        : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
->("one") : "one"
->        : ^^^^^
->"one" : "one"
->      : ^^^^^
->"two" : "two"
->      : ^^^^^
-// If the conditional type's input is `never`, then it resolves to `never`:
-function neverOk<T extends boolean>(x: T): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
->neverOk : <T extends boolean>(x: T) => T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never
->        : ^ ^^^^^^^^^       ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                
->x : T
->  : ^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-    if (x === true) {
->x === true : boolean
->           : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
-        return 1;
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-    }
-    if (x === false) {
->x === false : boolean
->            : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-        return 2;
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-    }
-    return 1;
->1 : 1
->  : ^
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType2.errors.txt b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType2.errors.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4eddac31221f3..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType2.errors.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-file.js(155,13): error TS2322: Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'HelperCond<I, string, T | undefined, RegExp, SettingComposedValue<T>[]>'.
-file.js(168,16): error TS2536: Type 'I' cannot be used to index type '{ [s: string]: any; }'.
-file.js(185,9): error TS2322: Type 'Record<string, MyObj[]>' is not assignable to type 'HelperCond<T, string, MyObj[], undefined, Record<string, MyObj[]>>'.
-==== file.js (3 errors) ====
-    // Adapted from ts-error-deltas repos
-    /**
-     * @template T
-     * @template A
-     * @template R1
-     * @template B
-     * @template R2
-     * @typedef {T extends A ? R1 : T extends B ? R2 : never} HelperCond
-     */
-    /**
-     * @typedef IMessage
-     * @property {string} [html]
-     * @property {Object[]} [tokens]
-     */
-    class NewKatex {
-        /**
-         * @param {string} s
-         * @returns {string}
-         */
-        render(s) {
-            return "";
-        }
-        /**
-         * @template {string | IMessage} T
-         * @param {T} message
-         * @returns {T extends string ? string : T extends IMessage ? IMessage : never}
-         */
-        renderMessage(message) {
-            if (typeof message === 'string') {
-                return this.render(message); // Ok
-            }
-            if (!message.html?.trim()) {
-                return message; // Ok
-            }
-            if (!message.tokens) {
-                message.tokens = [];
-            }
-            message.html = this.render(message.html);
-            return message; // Ok
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * @template {true | false} T
-     * @param {{ dollarSyntax: boolean; parenthesisSyntax: boolean; }} options
-     * @param {T} _isMessage
-     * @returns {T extends true ? (message: IMessage) => IMessage : T extends false ? (message: string) => string : never}
-     */
-    function createKatexMessageRendering(options, _isMessage) {
-        const instance = new NewKatex();
-        if (_isMessage) {
-            return (/** @type {IMessage} */ message) => instance.renderMessage(message); // Ok
-        }
-        return (/** @type {string} */ message) => instance.renderMessage(message); // Ok
-    }
-    // File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/settings/lib/settings.ts
-    /**
-     * @typedef {Record<any, any>} MyObj
-     */
-    /**
-     * @typedef {MyObj} SettingValue
-     */
-    /**
-     * @template {SettingValue} T
-     * @typedef {Object} SettingComposedValue
-     * @property {string} key
-     * @property {SettingValue} value
-     */
-    /**
-     * @callback SettingCallback
-     * @param {string} key
-     * @param {SettingValue} value
-     * @param {boolean} [initialLoad]
-     * @returns {void}
-     */
-    /** @type {{ settings: { [s: string]: any } }} */
-    const Meteor = /** @type {any} */ (undefined);
-    /** @type {{ isRegExp(x: unknown): x is RegExp; }} */
-    const _ = /** @type {any} */ (undefined);
-    /**
-     * @param {RegExp} x
-     * @returns {void}
-     */
-    function takesRegExp(x) {
-        return /** @type {any} */ undefined;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param {string} x
-     * @returns {void}
-     */
-    function takesString(x) {
-        return /** @type {any} */ undefined;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @class NewSettingsBase
-     */
-    class NewSettingsBase {
-        /**
-         * @template {SettingCallback | undefined} C
-         * @template {string | RegExp} I
-         * @template {SettingValue} T
-         * @param {I} _id
-         * @param {C} [callback]
-         * @returns {HelperCond<C, SettingCallback, void, undefined, HelperCond<I, string, T | undefined, RegExp, SettingComposedValue<T>[]>>}
-         */
-        newGet(_id, callback) {
-            if (callback !== undefined) {
-                if (!Meteor.settings) {
-                    return; // Ok
-                }
-                if (_id === '*') {
-                    return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => {
-                        const value = Meteor.settings[key];
-                        callback(key, value);
-                    });
-                }
-                if (_.isRegExp(_id) && Meteor.settings) {
-                    return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => {
-                        if (!_id.test(key)) {
-                            return;
-                        }
-                        const value = Meteor.settings[key];
-                        callback(key, value);
-                    });
-                }
-                if (typeof _id === 'string') {
-                    const value = Meteor.settings[_id];
-                    if (value != null) {
-                        callback(_id, Meteor.settings[_id]);
-                    }
-                    return; // Ok
-                }
-                return; // Ok, needed for exhaustiveness check
-            }
-            if (!Meteor.settings) {
-                return undefined; // Error
-                ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'HelperCond<I, string, T | undefined, RegExp, SettingComposedValue<T>[]>'.
-            }
-            if (_.isRegExp(_id)) {
-                return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).reduce((/** @type {SettingComposedValue<T>[]} */ items, key) => {
-                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];
-                    if (_id.test(key)) {
-                        items.push({ key, value });
-                    }
-                    return items;
-                }, []); // Ok
-            }
-            return Meteor.settings?.[_id]; // Error
-                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2536: Type 'I' cannot be used to index type '{ [s: string]: any; }'.
-        }
-    }
-    // File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/ui-utils/client/lib/messageBox.ts
-    /**
-     * @typedef {MyObj} MessageBoxAction
-     */
-    /**
-     * @template {string | undefined} T
-     * @param {T} group
-     * @returns {HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>>}
-     */
-    function getWithBug(group) {
-        if (!group) {
-            return /** @type {Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>} */({}); // Error
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'Record<string, MyObj[]>' is not assignable to type 'HelperCond<T, string, MyObj[], undefined, Record<string, MyObj[]>>'.
-        }
-        return /** @type {MessageBoxAction[]} */([]); // Ok
-    }
-    /**
-     * @template {string | undefined} T
-     * @param {T} group
-     * @returns {HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>>}
-     */
-    function getWithoutBug(group) {
-        if (group === undefined) {
-            return /** @type {Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>} */({}); // Ok
-        }
-        return /** @type {MessageBoxAction[]} */([]); // Ok
-    }
-    // File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/ee/server/lib/engagementDashboard/date.ts
-    /**
-     * @param {string} x
-     * @returns {Date}
-     */
-    function mapDateForAPI(x) {
-        return /** @type {any} */ (undefined);
-    }
-    /**
-     * @template {string | undefined} T
-     * @param {string} start
-     * @param {T} [end]
-     * @returns {HelperCond<T, string, { start: Date, end: Date }, undefined, { start: Date, end: undefined }>}
-     */
-    function transformDatesForAPI(start, end) {
-        return end !== undefined ?
-            {
-                start: mapDateForAPI(start),
-                end: mapDateForAPI(end),
-            } :
-            {
-                start: mapDateForAPI(start),
-                end: undefined
-            };
-    }
-    // File: Rocket.Chat/packages/agenda/src/Agenda.ts
-    /**
-     * @typedef {MyObj} RepeatOptions
-     */
-    /**
-     * @typedef {MyObj} Job
-     */
-    /**
-     * @typedef {Object} IJob
-     * @property {MyObj} data
-     */
-    class NewAgenda {
-        /**
-         * @param {string | number} interval
-         * @param {string} name
-         * @param {IJob['data']} data
-         * @param {RepeatOptions} options
-         * @returns {Promise<Job>}
-         */
-        async _createIntervalJob(interval, name, data, options) {
-            return /** @type {any} */ (undefined);
-        }
-        /**
-         * @param {string | number} interval
-         * @param {string[]} names
-         * @param {IJob['data']} data
-         * @param {RepeatOptions} options
-         * @returns {Promise<Job[]> | undefined}
-         */
-        _createIntervalJobs(interval, names, data, options) {
-            return undefined;
-        }
-        /**
-         * @template {string | string[]} T
-         * @param {string | number} interval
-         * @param {T} name
-         * @param {IJob['data']} data
-         * @param {RepeatOptions} options
-         * @returns {Promise<HelperCond<T, string, Job, string[], Job[] | undefined>>}
-         */
-        async newEvery(interval, name, data, options) {
-            if (typeof name === 'string') {
-                return this._createIntervalJob(interval, name, data, options); // Ok
-            }
-            if (Array.isArray(name)) {
-                return this._createIntervalJobs(interval, name, data, options); // Ok
-            }
-            throw new Error('Unexpected error: Invalid job name(s)');
-        }
-    }
-    // File: angular/packages/common/src/pipes/case_conversion_pipes.ts
-    /**
-     * @template {string | null | undefined} T
-     * @param {T} value
-     * @returns {HelperCond<T, string, string, null | undefined, null>}
-     */
-    function transform1(value) {
-        if (value == null) return null; // Ok
-        if (typeof value !== 'string') {
-            throw new Error();
-        }
-        return value.toLowerCase(); // Ok
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType2.symbols b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType2.symbols
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b41f3fe744db..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType2.symbols
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,594 +0,0 @@
-//// [tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType2.ts] ////
-=== file.js ===
-// Adapted from ts-error-deltas repos
- * @template T
- * @template A
- * @template R1
- * @template B
- * @template R2
- * @typedef {T extends A ? R1 : T extends B ? R2 : never} HelperCond
- */
- * @typedef IMessage
- * @property {string} [html]
- * @property {Object[]} [tokens]
- */
-class NewKatex {
->NewKatex : Symbol(NewKatex, Decl(file.js, 0, 0))
-    /**
-     * @param {string} s
-     * @returns {string}
-     */
-    render(s) {
->render : Symbol(NewKatex.render, Decl(file.js, 17, 16))
->s : Symbol(s, Decl(file.js, 22, 11))
-        return "";
-    }
-    /**
-     * @template {string | IMessage} T
-     * @param {T} message
-     * @returns {T extends string ? string : T extends IMessage ? IMessage : never}
-     */
-    renderMessage(message) {
->renderMessage : Symbol(NewKatex.renderMessage, Decl(file.js, 24, 5))
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(file.js, 31, 18))
-        if (typeof message === 'string') {
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(file.js, 31, 18))
-            return this.render(message); // Ok
->this.render : Symbol(NewKatex.render, Decl(file.js, 17, 16))
->this : Symbol(NewKatex, Decl(file.js, 0, 0))
->render : Symbol(NewKatex.render, Decl(file.js, 17, 16))
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(file.js, 31, 18))
-        }
-        if (!message.html?.trim()) {
->message.html?.trim : Symbol(String.trim, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->message.html : Symbol(html, Decl(file.js, 13, 3))
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(file.js, 31, 18))
->html : Symbol(html, Decl(file.js, 13, 3))
->trim : Symbol(String.trim, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
-            return message; // Ok
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(file.js, 31, 18))
-        }
-        if (!message.tokens) {
->message.tokens : Symbol(tokens, Decl(file.js, 14, 3))
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(file.js, 31, 18))
->tokens : Symbol(tokens, Decl(file.js, 14, 3))
-            message.tokens = [];
->message.tokens : Symbol(tokens, Decl(file.js, 14, 3))
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(file.js, 31, 18))
->tokens : Symbol(tokens, Decl(file.js, 14, 3))
-        }
-        message.html = this.render(message.html);
->message.html : Symbol(html, Decl(file.js, 13, 3))
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(file.js, 31, 18))
->html : Symbol(html, Decl(file.js, 13, 3))
->this.render : Symbol(NewKatex.render, Decl(file.js, 17, 16))
->this : Symbol(NewKatex, Decl(file.js, 0, 0))
->render : Symbol(NewKatex.render, Decl(file.js, 17, 16))
->message.html : Symbol(html, Decl(file.js, 13, 3))
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(file.js, 31, 18))
->html : Symbol(html, Decl(file.js, 13, 3))
-        return message; // Ok
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(file.js, 31, 18))
-    }
- * @template {true | false} T
- * @param {{ dollarSyntax: boolean; parenthesisSyntax: boolean; }} options
- * @param {T} _isMessage
- * @returns {T extends true ? (message: IMessage) => IMessage : T extends false ? (message: string) => string : never}
- */
-function createKatexMessageRendering(options, _isMessage) {
->createKatexMessageRendering : Symbol(createKatexMessageRendering, Decl(file.js, 47, 1))
->options : Symbol(options, Decl(file.js, 55, 37))
->_isMessage : Symbol(_isMessage, Decl(file.js, 55, 45))
-    const instance = new NewKatex();
->instance : Symbol(instance, Decl(file.js, 56, 9))
->NewKatex : Symbol(NewKatex, Decl(file.js, 0, 0))
-    if (_isMessage) {
->_isMessage : Symbol(_isMessage, Decl(file.js, 55, 45))
-        return (/** @type {IMessage} */ message) => instance.renderMessage(message); // Ok
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(file.js, 58, 16))
->instance.renderMessage : Symbol(NewKatex.renderMessage, Decl(file.js, 24, 5))
->instance : Symbol(instance, Decl(file.js, 56, 9))
->renderMessage : Symbol(NewKatex.renderMessage, Decl(file.js, 24, 5))
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(file.js, 58, 16))
-    }
-    return (/** @type {string} */ message) => instance.renderMessage(message); // Ok
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(file.js, 60, 12))
->instance.renderMessage : Symbol(NewKatex.renderMessage, Decl(file.js, 24, 5))
->instance : Symbol(instance, Decl(file.js, 56, 9))
->renderMessage : Symbol(NewKatex.renderMessage, Decl(file.js, 24, 5))
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(file.js, 60, 12))
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/settings/lib/settings.ts
- * @typedef {Record<any, any>} MyObj
- */
- * @typedef {MyObj} SettingValue
- */
- * @template {SettingValue} T
- * @typedef {Object} SettingComposedValue
- * @property {string} key
- * @property {SettingValue} value
- */
- * @callback SettingCallback
- * @param {string} key
- * @param {SettingValue} value
- * @param {boolean} [initialLoad]
- * @returns {void}
- */
-/** @type {{ settings: { [s: string]: any } }} */
-const Meteor = /** @type {any} */ (undefined);
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(file.js, 90, 5))
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-/** @type {{ isRegExp(x: unknown): x is RegExp; }} */
-const _ = /** @type {any} */ (undefined);
->_ : Symbol(_, Decl(file.js, 92, 5))
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
- * @param {RegExp} x
- * @returns {void}
- */
-function takesRegExp(x) {
->takesRegExp : Symbol(takesRegExp, Decl(file.js, 92, 41))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.js, 98, 21))
-    return /** @type {any} */ undefined;
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
- * @param {string} x
- * @returns {void}
- */
-function takesString(x) {
->takesString : Symbol(takesString, Decl(file.js, 100, 1))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.js, 105, 21))
-    return /** @type {any} */ undefined;
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
- * @class NewSettingsBase
- */
-class NewSettingsBase {
->NewSettingsBase : Symbol(NewSettingsBase, Decl(file.js, 107, 1))
-    /**
-     * @template {SettingCallback | undefined} C
-     * @template {string | RegExp} I
-     * @template {SettingValue} T
-     * @param {I} _id
-     * @param {C} [callback]
-     * @returns {HelperCond<C, SettingCallback, void, undefined, HelperCond<I, string, T | undefined, RegExp, SettingComposedValue<T>[]>>}
-     */
-    newGet(_id, callback) {
->newGet : Symbol(NewSettingsBase.newGet, Decl(file.js, 112, 23))
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(file.js, 121, 11))
->callback : Symbol(callback, Decl(file.js, 121, 15))
-        if (callback !== undefined) {
->callback : Symbol(callback, Decl(file.js, 121, 15))
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-            if (!Meteor.settings) {
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(file.js, 90, 5))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
-                return; // Ok
-            }
-            if (_id === '*') {
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(file.js, 121, 11))
-                return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => {
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach : Symbol(Array.forEach, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->Object.keys : Symbol(ObjectConstructor.keys, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
->Object : Symbol(Object, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->keys : Symbol(ObjectConstructor.keys, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(file.js, 90, 5))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->forEach : Symbol(Array.forEach, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(file.js, 127, 61))
-                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(file.js, 128, 25))
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(file.js, 90, 5))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(file.js, 127, 61))
-                    callback(key, value);
->callback : Symbol(callback, Decl(file.js, 121, 15))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(file.js, 127, 61))
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(file.js, 128, 25))
-                });
-            }
-            if (_.isRegExp(_id) && Meteor.settings) {
->_.isRegExp : Symbol(isRegExp, Decl(file.js, 91, 12))
->_ : Symbol(_, Decl(file.js, 92, 5))
->isRegExp : Symbol(isRegExp, Decl(file.js, 91, 12))
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(file.js, 121, 11))
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(file.js, 90, 5))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
-                return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => {
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach : Symbol(Array.forEach, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->Object.keys : Symbol(ObjectConstructor.keys, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
->Object : Symbol(Object, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->keys : Symbol(ObjectConstructor.keys, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(file.js, 90, 5))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->forEach : Symbol(Array.forEach, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(file.js, 133, 61))
-                    if (!_id.test(key)) {
->_id.test : Symbol(RegExp.test, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(file.js, 121, 11))
->test : Symbol(RegExp.test, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(file.js, 133, 61))
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(file.js, 137, 25))
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(file.js, 90, 5))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(file.js, 133, 61))
-                    callback(key, value);
->callback : Symbol(callback, Decl(file.js, 121, 15))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(file.js, 133, 61))
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(file.js, 137, 25))
-                });
-            }
-            if (typeof _id === 'string') {
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(file.js, 121, 11))
-                const value = Meteor.settings[_id];
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(file.js, 143, 21))
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(file.js, 90, 5))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(file.js, 121, 11))
-                if (value != null) {
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(file.js, 143, 21))
-                    callback(_id, Meteor.settings[_id]);
->callback : Symbol(callback, Decl(file.js, 121, 15))
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(file.js, 121, 11))
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(file.js, 90, 5))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(file.js, 121, 11))
-                }
-                return; // Ok
-            }
-            return; // Ok, needed for exhaustiveness check
-        }
-        if (!Meteor.settings) {
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(file.js, 90, 5))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
-            return undefined; // Error
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-        }
-        if (_.isRegExp(_id)) {
->_.isRegExp : Symbol(isRegExp, Decl(file.js, 91, 12))
->_ : Symbol(_, Decl(file.js, 92, 5))
->isRegExp : Symbol(isRegExp, Decl(file.js, 91, 12))
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(file.js, 121, 11))
-            return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).reduce((/** @type {SettingComposedValue<T>[]} */ items, key) => {
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings).reduce : Symbol(Array.reduce, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->Object.keys : Symbol(ObjectConstructor.keys, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
->Object : Symbol(Object, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->keys : Symbol(ObjectConstructor.keys, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(file.js, 90, 5))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->reduce : Symbol(Array.reduce, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->items : Symbol(items, Decl(file.js, 158, 56))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(file.js, 158, 103))
-                const value = Meteor.settings[key];
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(file.js, 159, 21))
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(file.js, 90, 5))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(file.js, 158, 103))
-                if (_id.test(key)) {
->_id.test : Symbol(RegExp.test, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(file.js, 121, 11))
->test : Symbol(RegExp.test, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(file.js, 158, 103))
-                    items.push({ key, value });
->items.push : Symbol(Array.push, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->items : Symbol(items, Decl(file.js, 158, 56))
->push : Symbol(Array.push, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(file.js, 161, 32))
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(file.js, 161, 37))
-                }
-                return items;
->items : Symbol(items, Decl(file.js, 158, 56))
-            }, []); // Ok
-        }
-        return Meteor.settings?.[_id]; // Error
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(file.js, 90, 5))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(file.js, 89, 12))
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(file.js, 121, 11))
-    }
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/ui-utils/client/lib/messageBox.ts
- * @typedef {MyObj} MessageBoxAction
- */
- * @template {string | undefined} T
- * @param {T} group
- * @returns {HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>>}
- */
-function getWithBug(group) {
->getWithBug : Symbol(getWithBug, Decl(file.js, 169, 1))
->group : Symbol(group, Decl(file.js, 182, 20))
-    if (!group) {
->group : Symbol(group, Decl(file.js, 182, 20))
-        return /** @type {Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>} */({}); // Error
-    }
-    return /** @type {MessageBoxAction[]} */([]); // Ok
- * @template {string | undefined} T
- * @param {T} group
- * @returns {HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>>}
- */
-function getWithoutBug(group) {
->getWithoutBug : Symbol(getWithoutBug, Decl(file.js, 187, 1))
->group : Symbol(group, Decl(file.js, 194, 23))
-    if (group === undefined) {
->group : Symbol(group, Decl(file.js, 194, 23))
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-        return /** @type {Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>} */({}); // Ok
-    }
-    return /** @type {MessageBoxAction[]} */([]); // Ok
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/ee/server/lib/engagementDashboard/date.ts
- * @param {string} x
- * @returns {Date}
- */
-function mapDateForAPI(x) {
->mapDateForAPI : Symbol(mapDateForAPI, Decl(file.js, 199, 1))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.js, 207, 23))
-    return /** @type {any} */ (undefined);
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
- * @template {string | undefined} T
- * @param {string} start
- * @param {T} [end]
- * @returns {HelperCond<T, string, { start: Date, end: Date }, undefined, { start: Date, end: undefined }>}
- */
-function transformDatesForAPI(start, end) {
->transformDatesForAPI : Symbol(transformDatesForAPI, Decl(file.js, 209, 1))
->start : Symbol(start, Decl(file.js, 217, 30))
->end : Symbol(end, Decl(file.js, 217, 36))
-    return end !== undefined ?
->end : Symbol(end, Decl(file.js, 217, 36))
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-        {
-            start: mapDateForAPI(start),
->start : Symbol(start, Decl(file.js, 219, 9))
->mapDateForAPI : Symbol(mapDateForAPI, Decl(file.js, 199, 1))
->start : Symbol(start, Decl(file.js, 217, 30))
-            end: mapDateForAPI(end),
->end : Symbol(end, Decl(file.js, 220, 40))
->mapDateForAPI : Symbol(mapDateForAPI, Decl(file.js, 199, 1))
->end : Symbol(end, Decl(file.js, 217, 36))
-        } :
-        {
-            start: mapDateForAPI(start),
->start : Symbol(start, Decl(file.js, 223, 9))
->mapDateForAPI : Symbol(mapDateForAPI, Decl(file.js, 199, 1))
->start : Symbol(start, Decl(file.js, 217, 30))
-            end: undefined
->end : Symbol(end, Decl(file.js, 224, 40))
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-        };
-// File: Rocket.Chat/packages/agenda/src/Agenda.ts
- * @typedef {MyObj} RepeatOptions
- */
- * @typedef {MyObj} Job
- */
- * @typedef {Object} IJob
- * @property {MyObj} data
- */
-class NewAgenda {
->NewAgenda : Symbol(NewAgenda, Decl(file.js, 227, 1))
-    /**
-     * @param {string | number} interval
-     * @param {string} name
-     * @param {IJob['data']} data
-     * @param {RepeatOptions} options
-     * @returns {Promise<Job>}
-     */
-    async _createIntervalJob(interval, name, data, options) {
->_createIntervalJob : Symbol(NewAgenda._createIntervalJob, Decl(file.js, 243, 17))
->interval : Symbol(interval, Decl(file.js, 251, 29))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(file.js, 251, 38))
->data : Symbol(data, Decl(file.js, 251, 44))
->options : Symbol(options, Decl(file.js, 251, 50))
-        return /** @type {any} */ (undefined);
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param {string | number} interval
-     * @param {string[]} names
-     * @param {IJob['data']} data
-     * @param {RepeatOptions} options
-     * @returns {Promise<Job[]> | undefined}
-     */
-    _createIntervalJobs(interval, names, data, options) {
->_createIntervalJobs : Symbol(NewAgenda._createIntervalJobs, Decl(file.js, 253, 5))
->interval : Symbol(interval, Decl(file.js, 262, 24))
->names : Symbol(names, Decl(file.js, 262, 33))
->data : Symbol(data, Decl(file.js, 262, 40))
->options : Symbol(options, Decl(file.js, 262, 46))
-        return undefined;
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-    }
-    /**
-     * @template {string | string[]} T
-     * @param {string | number} interval
-     * @param {T} name
-     * @param {IJob['data']} data
-     * @param {RepeatOptions} options
-     * @returns {Promise<HelperCond<T, string, Job, string[], Job[] | undefined>>}
-     */
-    async newEvery(interval, name, data, options) {
->newEvery : Symbol(NewAgenda.newEvery, Decl(file.js, 264, 5))
->interval : Symbol(interval, Decl(file.js, 274, 19))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(file.js, 274, 28))
->data : Symbol(data, Decl(file.js, 274, 34))
->options : Symbol(options, Decl(file.js, 274, 40))
-        if (typeof name === 'string') {
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(file.js, 274, 28))
-            return this._createIntervalJob(interval, name, data, options); // Ok
->this._createIntervalJob : Symbol(NewAgenda._createIntervalJob, Decl(file.js, 243, 17))
->this : Symbol(NewAgenda, Decl(file.js, 227, 1))
->_createIntervalJob : Symbol(NewAgenda._createIntervalJob, Decl(file.js, 243, 17))
->interval : Symbol(interval, Decl(file.js, 274, 19))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(file.js, 274, 28))
->data : Symbol(data, Decl(file.js, 274, 34))
->options : Symbol(options, Decl(file.js, 274, 40))
-        }
-        if (Array.isArray(name)) {
->Array.isArray : Symbol(ArrayConstructor.isArray, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->Array : Symbol(Array, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --) ... and 4 more)
->isArray : Symbol(ArrayConstructor.isArray, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(file.js, 274, 28))
-            return this._createIntervalJobs(interval, name, data, options); // Ok
->this._createIntervalJobs : Symbol(NewAgenda._createIntervalJobs, Decl(file.js, 253, 5))
->this : Symbol(NewAgenda, Decl(file.js, 227, 1))
->_createIntervalJobs : Symbol(NewAgenda._createIntervalJobs, Decl(file.js, 253, 5))
->interval : Symbol(interval, Decl(file.js, 274, 19))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(file.js, 274, 28))
->data : Symbol(data, Decl(file.js, 274, 34))
->options : Symbol(options, Decl(file.js, 274, 40))
-        }
-        throw new Error('Unexpected error: Invalid job name(s)');
->Error : Symbol(Error, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2022.error.d.ts, --, --))
-    }
-// File: angular/packages/common/src/pipes/case_conversion_pipes.ts
- * @template {string | null | undefined} T
- * @param {T} value
- * @returns {HelperCond<T, string, string, null | undefined, null>}
- */
-function transform1(value) {
->transform1 : Symbol(transform1, Decl(file.js, 285, 1))
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(file.js, 294, 20))
-    if (value == null) return null; // Ok
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(file.js, 294, 20))
-    if (typeof value !== 'string') {
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(file.js, 294, 20))
-        throw new Error();
->Error : Symbol(Error, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2022.error.d.ts, --, --))
-    }
-    return value.toLowerCase(); // Ok
->value.toLowerCase : Symbol(String.toLowerCase, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(file.js, 294, 20))
->toLowerCase : Symbol(String.toLowerCase, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType2.types b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType2.types
deleted file mode 100644
index 1adf92c29a8fd..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType2.types
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1007 +0,0 @@
-//// [tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType2.ts] ////
-=== file.js ===
-// Adapted from ts-error-deltas repos
- * @template T
- * @template A
- * @template R1
- * @template B
- * @template R2
- * @typedef {T extends A ? R1 : T extends B ? R2 : never} HelperCond
- */
- * @typedef IMessage
- * @property {string} [html]
- * @property {Object[]} [tokens]
- */
-class NewKatex {
->NewKatex : NewKatex
->         : ^^^^^^^^
-    /**
-     * @param {string} s
-     * @returns {string}
-     */
-    render(s) {
->render : (s: string) => string
->       : ^ ^^      ^^^^^      
->s : string
->  : ^^^^^^
-        return "";
->"" : ""
->   : ^^
-    }
-    /**
-     * @template {string | IMessage} T
-     * @param {T} message
-     * @returns {T extends string ? string : T extends IMessage ? IMessage : never}
-     */
-    renderMessage(message) {
->renderMessage : <T extends string | IMessage>(message: T) => T extends string ? string : T extends IMessage ? IMessage : never
->              : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                 ^^       ^^ ^^^^^                                                                 
->message : T
->        : ^
-        if (typeof message === 'string') {
->typeof message === 'string' : boolean
->                            : ^^^^^^^
->typeof message : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->               : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->message : T
->        : ^
->'string' : "string"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
-            return this.render(message); // Ok
->this.render(message) : string
->                     : ^^^^^^
->this.render : (s: string) => string
->            : ^ ^^      ^^^^^      
->this : this
->     : ^^^^
->render : (s: string) => string
->       : ^ ^^      ^^^^^      
->message : string
->        : ^^^^^^
-        }
-        if (!message.html?.trim()) {
->!message.html?.trim() : boolean
->                      : ^^^^^^^
->message.html?.trim() : string | undefined
->                     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->message.html?.trim : (() => string) | undefined
->                   : ^^^^^^^      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->message.html : string | undefined
->             : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->message : IMessage
->        : ^^^^^^^^
->html : string | undefined
->     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->trim : (() => string) | undefined
->     : ^^^^^^^      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-            return message; // Ok
->message : IMessage
->        : ^^^^^^^^
-        }
-        if (!message.tokens) {
->!message.tokens : boolean
->                : ^^^^^^^
->message.tokens : Object[] | undefined
->               : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->message : IMessage
->        : ^^^^^^^^
->tokens : Object[] | undefined
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-            message.tokens = [];
->message.tokens = [] : never[]
->                    : ^^^^^^^
->message.tokens : Object[] | undefined
->               : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->message : IMessage
->        : ^^^^^^^^
->tokens : Object[] | undefined
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->[] : never[]
->   : ^^^^^^^
-        }
-        message.html = this.render(message.html);
->message.html = this.render(message.html) : string
->                                         : ^^^^^^
->message.html : string | undefined
->             : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->message : IMessage
->        : ^^^^^^^^
->html : string | undefined
->     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->this.render(message.html) : string
->                          : ^^^^^^
->this.render : (s: string) => string
->            : ^ ^^      ^^^^^      
->this : this
->     : ^^^^
->render : (s: string) => string
->       : ^ ^^      ^^^^^      
->message.html : string
->             : ^^^^^^
->message : IMessage
->        : ^^^^^^^^
->html : string
->     : ^^^^^^
-        return message; // Ok
->message : IMessage
->        : ^^^^^^^^
-    }
- * @template {true | false} T
- * @param {{ dollarSyntax: boolean; parenthesisSyntax: boolean; }} options
- * @param {T} _isMessage
- * @returns {T extends true ? (message: IMessage) => IMessage : T extends false ? (message: string) => string : never}
- */
-function createKatexMessageRendering(options, _isMessage) {
->createKatexMessageRendering : <T extends true | false>(options: { dollarSyntax: boolean; parenthesisSyntax: boolean; }, _isMessage: T) => T extends true ? (message: IMessage) => IMessage : T extends false ? (message: string) => string : never
->                            : ^ ^^^^^^^^^            ^^       ^^                                                      ^^          ^^ ^^^^^                                                                                                        
->options : { dollarSyntax: boolean; parenthesisSyntax: boolean; }
->        : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^       ^^^
->_isMessage : T
->           : ^
-    const instance = new NewKatex();
->instance : NewKatex
->         : ^^^^^^^^
->new NewKatex() : NewKatex
->               : ^^^^^^^^
->NewKatex : typeof NewKatex
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    if (_isMessage) {
->_isMessage : T
->           : ^
-        return (/** @type {IMessage} */ message) => instance.renderMessage(message); // Ok
->(/** @type {IMessage} */ message) => instance.renderMessage(message) : (message: IMessage) => IMessage
->                                                                     : ^       ^^        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->message : IMessage
->        : ^^^^^^^^
->instance.renderMessage(message) : IMessage
->                                : ^^^^^^^^
->instance.renderMessage : <T_1 extends string | IMessage>(message: T_1) => T_1 extends string ? string : T_1 extends IMessage ? IMessage : never
->                       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^                 ^^       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->instance : NewKatex
->         : ^^^^^^^^
->renderMessage : <T_1 extends string | IMessage>(message: T_1) => T_1 extends string ? string : T_1 extends IMessage ? IMessage : never
->              : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^                 ^^       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->message : IMessage
->        : ^^^^^^^^
-    }
-    return (/** @type {string} */ message) => instance.renderMessage(message); // Ok
->(/** @type {string} */ message) => instance.renderMessage(message) : (message: string) => string
->                                                                   : ^       ^^      ^^^^^^^^^^^
->message : string
->        : ^^^^^^
->instance.renderMessage(message) : string
->                                : ^^^^^^
->instance.renderMessage : <T_1 extends string | IMessage>(message: T_1) => T_1 extends string ? string : T_1 extends IMessage ? IMessage : never
->                       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^                 ^^       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->instance : NewKatex
->         : ^^^^^^^^
->renderMessage : <T_1 extends string | IMessage>(message: T_1) => T_1 extends string ? string : T_1 extends IMessage ? IMessage : never
->              : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^                 ^^       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->message : string
->        : ^^^^^^
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/settings/lib/settings.ts
- * @typedef {Record<any, any>} MyObj
- */
- * @typedef {MyObj} SettingValue
- */
- * @template {SettingValue} T
- * @typedef {Object} SettingComposedValue
- * @property {string} key
- * @property {SettingValue} value
- */
- * @callback SettingCallback
- * @param {string} key
- * @param {SettingValue} value
- * @param {boolean} [initialLoad]
- * @returns {void}
- */
-/** @type {{ settings: { [s: string]: any } }} */
-const Meteor = /** @type {any} */ (undefined);
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->(undefined) : any
->            : ^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-/** @type {{ isRegExp(x: unknown): x is RegExp; }} */
-const _ = /** @type {any} */ (undefined);
->_ : { isRegExp(x: unknown): x is RegExp; }
->  : ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^       ^^^           ^^^
->(undefined) : any
->            : ^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
- * @param {RegExp} x
- * @returns {void}
- */
-function takesRegExp(x) {
->takesRegExp : (x: RegExp) => void
->            : ^ ^^      ^^^^^    
->x : RegExp
->  : ^^^^^^
-    return /** @type {any} */ undefined;
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
- * @param {string} x
- * @returns {void}
- */
-function takesString(x) {
->takesString : (x: string) => void
->            : ^ ^^      ^^^^^    
->x : string
->  : ^^^^^^
-    return /** @type {any} */ undefined;
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
- * @class NewSettingsBase
- */
-class NewSettingsBase {
->NewSettingsBase : NewSettingsBase
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    /**
-     * @template {SettingCallback | undefined} C
-     * @template {string | RegExp} I
-     * @template {SettingValue} T
-     * @param {I} _id
-     * @param {C} [callback]
-     * @returns {HelperCond<C, SettingCallback, void, undefined, HelperCond<I, string, T | undefined, RegExp, SettingComposedValue<T>[]>>}
-     */
-    newGet(_id, callback) {
->newGet : <C extends SettingCallback | undefined, I extends string | RegExp, T extends SettingValue>(_id: I, callback?: C) => HelperCond<C, SettingCallback, void, undefined, HelperCond<I, string, T | undefined, RegExp, SettingComposedValue<T>[]>>
->       : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                           ^^ ^^^^^^^^^               ^^ ^^^^^^^^^            ^^   ^^ ^^        ^^^ ^^^^^                                                                                                                        
->_id : I
->    : ^
->callback : C | undefined
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-        if (callback !== undefined) {
->callback !== undefined : boolean
->                       : ^^^^^^^
->callback : C | undefined
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-            if (!Meteor.settings) {
->!Meteor.settings : false
->                 : ^^^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-                return; // Ok
-            }
-            if (_id === '*') {
->_id === '*' : boolean
->            : ^^^^^^^
->_id : I
->    : ^
->'*' : "*"
->    : ^^^
-                return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => {
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => {                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];                    callback(key, value);                }) : void
->                                                                                                                                                                  : ^^^^
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach : (callbackfn: (value: string, index: number, array: string[]) => void, thisArg?: any) => void
->                                     : ^          ^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^     ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    ^^       ^^^   ^^^^^    
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings) : string[]
->                             : ^^^^^^^^
->Object.keys : { (o: object): string[]; (o: {}): string[]; }
->            : ^^^ ^^      ^^^        ^^^ ^^  ^^^        ^^^
->Object : ObjectConstructor
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->keys : { (o: object): string[]; (o: {}): string[]; }
->     : ^^^ ^^      ^^^        ^^^ ^^  ^^^        ^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->forEach : (callbackfn: (value: string, index: number, array: string[]) => void, thisArg?: any) => void
->        : ^          ^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^     ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    ^^       ^^^   ^^^^^    
->(key) => {                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];                    callback(key, value);                } : (key: string) => void
->                                                                                                                            : ^   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];
->value : any
->      : ^^^
->Meteor.settings[key] : any
->                     : ^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-                    callback(key, value);
->callback(key, value) : void
->                     : ^^^^
->callback : SettingCallback
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
->value : any
->      : ^^^
-                });
-            }
-            if (_.isRegExp(_id) && Meteor.settings) {
->_.isRegExp(_id) && Meteor.settings : false | { [s: string]: any; }
->                                   : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->_.isRegExp(_id) : boolean
->                : ^^^^^^^
->_.isRegExp : (x: unknown) => x is RegExp
->           : ^ ^^       ^^^^^           
->_ : { isRegExp(x: unknown): x is RegExp; }
->  : ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^       ^^^           ^^^
->isRegExp : (x: unknown) => x is RegExp
->         : ^ ^^       ^^^^^           
->_id : string | RegExp
->    : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-                return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => {
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => {                    if (!_id.test(key)) {                        return;                    }                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];                    callback(key, value);                }) : void
->                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               : ^^^^
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach : (callbackfn: (value: string, index: number, array: string[]) => void, thisArg?: any) => void
->                                     : ^          ^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^     ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    ^^       ^^^   ^^^^^    
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings) : string[]
->                             : ^^^^^^^^
->Object.keys : { (o: object): string[]; (o: {}): string[]; }
->            : ^^^ ^^      ^^^        ^^^ ^^  ^^^        ^^^
->Object : ObjectConstructor
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->keys : { (o: object): string[]; (o: {}): string[]; }
->     : ^^^ ^^      ^^^        ^^^ ^^  ^^^        ^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->forEach : (callbackfn: (value: string, index: number, array: string[]) => void, thisArg?: any) => void
->        : ^          ^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^     ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    ^^       ^^^   ^^^^^    
->(key) => {                    if (!_id.test(key)) {                        return;                    }                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];                    callback(key, value);                } : (key: string) => void
->                                                                                                                                                                                                                         : ^   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-                    if (!_id.test(key)) {
->!_id.test(key) : boolean
->               : ^^^^^^^
->_id.test(key) : boolean
->              : ^^^^^^^
->_id.test : (string: string) => boolean
->         : ^      ^^      ^^^^^       
->_id : RegExp
->    : ^^^^^^
->test : (string: string) => boolean
->     : ^      ^^      ^^^^^       
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];
->value : any
->      : ^^^
->Meteor.settings[key] : any
->                     : ^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-                    callback(key, value);
->callback(key, value) : void
->                     : ^^^^
->callback : SettingCallback
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
->value : any
->      : ^^^
-                });
-            }
-            if (typeof _id === 'string') {
->typeof _id === 'string' : boolean
->                        : ^^^^^^^
->typeof _id : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->           : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->_id : I
->    : ^
->'string' : "string"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
-                const value = Meteor.settings[_id];
->value : any
->      : ^^^
->Meteor.settings[_id] : any
->                     : ^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->_id : I & string
->    : ^^^^^^^^^^
-                if (value != null) {
->value != null : boolean
->              : ^^^^^^^
->value : any
->      : ^^^
-                    callback(_id, Meteor.settings[_id]);
->callback(_id, Meteor.settings[_id]) : void
->                                    : ^^^^
->callback : SettingCallback
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->_id : string
->    : ^^^^^^
->Meteor.settings[_id] : any
->                     : ^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->_id : I & string
->    : ^^^^^^^^^^
-                }
-                return; // Ok
-            }
-            return; // Ok, needed for exhaustiveness check
-        }
-        if (!Meteor.settings) {
->!Meteor.settings : false
->                 : ^^^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-            return undefined; // Error
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-        }
-        if (_.isRegExp(_id)) {
->_.isRegExp(_id) : boolean
->                : ^^^^^^^
->_.isRegExp : (x: unknown) => x is RegExp
->           : ^ ^^       ^^^^^           
->_ : { isRegExp(x: unknown): x is RegExp; }
->  : ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^       ^^^           ^^^
->isRegExp : (x: unknown) => x is RegExp
->         : ^ ^^       ^^^^^           
->_id : string | RegExp
->    : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-            return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).reduce((/** @type {SettingComposedValue<T>[]} */ items, key) => {
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings).reduce((/** @type {SettingComposedValue<T>[]} */ items, key) => {                const value = Meteor.settings[key];                if (_id.test(key)) {                    items.push({ key, value });                }                return items;            }, []) : SettingComposedValue<T>[]
->                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings).reduce : { (callbackfn: (previousValue: string, currentValue: string, currentIndex: number, array: string[]) => string): string; (callbackfn: (previousValue: string, currentValue: string, currentIndex: number, array: string[]) => string, initialValue: string): string; <U>(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: string, currentIndex: number, array: string[]) => U, initialValue: U): U; }
->                                    : ^^^          ^^^             ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^          ^^^             ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^          ^^^             ^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings) : string[]
->                             : ^^^^^^^^
->Object.keys : { (o: object): string[]; (o: {}): string[]; }
->            : ^^^ ^^      ^^^        ^^^ ^^  ^^^        ^^^
->Object : ObjectConstructor
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->keys : { (o: object): string[]; (o: {}): string[]; }
->     : ^^^ ^^      ^^^        ^^^ ^^  ^^^        ^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->reduce : { (callbackfn: (previousValue: string, currentValue: string, currentIndex: number, array: string[]) => string): string; (callbackfn: (previousValue: string, currentValue: string, currentIndex: number, array: string[]) => string, initialValue: string): string; <U>(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: string, currentIndex: number, array: string[]) => U, initialValue: U): U; }
->       : ^^^          ^^^             ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^          ^^^             ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^          ^^^             ^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^
->(/** @type {SettingComposedValue<T>[]} */ items, key) => {                const value = Meteor.settings[key];                if (_id.test(key)) {                    items.push({ key, value });                }                return items;            } : (items: SettingComposedValue<T>[], key: string) => SettingComposedValue<T>[]
->                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            : ^     ^^                         ^^   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->items : SettingComposedValue<T>[]
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-                const value = Meteor.settings[key];
->value : any
->      : ^^^
->Meteor.settings[key] : any
->                     : ^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-                if (_id.test(key)) {
->_id.test(key) : boolean
->              : ^^^^^^^
->_id.test : (string: string) => boolean
->         : ^      ^^      ^^^^^       
->_id : RegExp
->    : ^^^^^^
->test : (string: string) => boolean
->     : ^      ^^      ^^^^^       
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-                    items.push({ key, value });
->items.push({ key, value }) : number
->                           : ^^^^^^
->items.push : (...items: SettingComposedValue<T>[]) => number
->           : ^^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^      
->items : SettingComposedValue<T>[]
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->push : (...items: SettingComposedValue<T>[]) => number
->     : ^^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^      
->{ key, value } : { key: string; value: any; }
->               : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
->value : any
->      : ^^^
-                }
-                return items;
->items : SettingComposedValue<T>[]
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-            }, []); // Ok
->[] : never[]
->   : ^^^^^^^
-        }
-        return Meteor.settings?.[_id]; // Error
->Meteor.settings?.[_id] : any
->                       : ^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->_id : I
->    : ^
-    }
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/ui-utils/client/lib/messageBox.ts
- * @typedef {MyObj} MessageBoxAction
- */
- * @template {string | undefined} T
- * @param {T} group
- * @returns {HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>>}
- */
-function getWithBug(group) {
->getWithBug : <T extends string | undefined>(group: T) => HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>>
->           : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                  ^^     ^^ ^^^^^                                                                                        
->group : T
->      : ^
-    if (!group) {
->!group : boolean
->       : ^^^^^^^
->group : T
->      : ^
-        return /** @type {Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>} */({}); // Error
->({}) : Record<string, MyObj[]>
->     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->{} : {}
->   : ^^
-    }
-    return /** @type {MessageBoxAction[]} */([]); // Ok
->([]) : MyObj[]
->     : ^^^^^^^
->[] : never[]
->   : ^^^^^^^
- * @template {string | undefined} T
- * @param {T} group
- * @returns {HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>>}
- */
-function getWithoutBug(group) {
->getWithoutBug : <T extends string | undefined>(group: T) => HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>>
->              : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                  ^^     ^^ ^^^^^                                                                                        
->group : T
->      : ^
-    if (group === undefined) {
->group === undefined : boolean
->                    : ^^^^^^^
->group : T
->      : ^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-        return /** @type {Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>} */({}); // Ok
->({}) : Record<string, MyObj[]>
->     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->{} : {}
->   : ^^
-    }
-    return /** @type {MessageBoxAction[]} */([]); // Ok
->([]) : MyObj[]
->     : ^^^^^^^
->[] : never[]
->   : ^^^^^^^
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/ee/server/lib/engagementDashboard/date.ts
- * @param {string} x
- * @returns {Date}
- */
-function mapDateForAPI(x) {
->mapDateForAPI : (x: string) => Date
->              : ^ ^^      ^^^^^    
->x : string
->  : ^^^^^^
-    return /** @type {any} */ (undefined);
->(undefined) : any
->            : ^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
- * @template {string | undefined} T
- * @param {string} start
- * @param {T} [end]
- * @returns {HelperCond<T, string, { start: Date, end: Date }, undefined, { start: Date, end: undefined }>}
- */
-function transformDatesForAPI(start, end) {
->transformDatesForAPI : <T extends string | undefined>(start: string, end?: T) => HelperCond<T, string, { start: Date; end: Date; }, undefined, { start: Date; end: undefined; }>
->                     : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                  ^^     ^^      ^^   ^^^ ^^^^^                                                                                               
->start : string
->      : ^^^^^^
->end : T | undefined
->    : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    return end !== undefined ?
->end !== undefined ?        {            start: mapDateForAPI(start),            end: mapDateForAPI(end),        } :        {            start: mapDateForAPI(start),            end: undefined        } : { start: Date; end: Date; } | { start: Date; end: undefined; }
->                                                                                                                                                                                                        : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->end !== undefined : boolean
->                  : ^^^^^^^
->end : T | undefined
->    : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-        {
->{            start: mapDateForAPI(start),            end: mapDateForAPI(end),        } : { start: Date; end: Date; }
->                                                                                       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-            start: mapDateForAPI(start),
->start : Date
->      : ^^^^
->mapDateForAPI(start) : Date
->                     : ^^^^
->mapDateForAPI : (x: string) => Date
->              : ^ ^^      ^^^^^    
->start : string
->      : ^^^^^^
-            end: mapDateForAPI(end),
->end : Date
->    : ^^^^
->mapDateForAPI(end) : Date
->                   : ^^^^
->mapDateForAPI : (x: string) => Date
->              : ^ ^^      ^^^^^    
->end : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-        } :
-        {
->{            start: mapDateForAPI(start),            end: undefined        } : { start: Date; end: undefined; }
->                                                                             : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-            start: mapDateForAPI(start),
->start : Date
->      : ^^^^
->mapDateForAPI(start) : Date
->                     : ^^^^
->mapDateForAPI : (x: string) => Date
->              : ^ ^^      ^^^^^    
->start : string
->      : ^^^^^^
-            end: undefined
->end : undefined
->    : ^^^^^^^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-        };
-// File: Rocket.Chat/packages/agenda/src/Agenda.ts
- * @typedef {MyObj} RepeatOptions
- */
- * @typedef {MyObj} Job
- */
- * @typedef {Object} IJob
- * @property {MyObj} data
- */
-class NewAgenda {
->NewAgenda : NewAgenda
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-    /**
-     * @param {string | number} interval
-     * @param {string} name
-     * @param {IJob['data']} data
-     * @param {RepeatOptions} options
-     * @returns {Promise<Job>}
-     */
-    async _createIntervalJob(interval, name, data, options) {
->_createIntervalJob : (interval: string | number, name: string, data: IJob["data"], options: RepeatOptions) => Promise<Job>
->                   : ^        ^^               ^^    ^^      ^^    ^^            ^^       ^^             ^^^^^            
->interval : string | number
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->name : string
->     : ^^^^^^
->data : MyObj
->     : ^^^^^
->options : MyObj
->        : ^^^^^
-        return /** @type {any} */ (undefined);
->(undefined) : any
->            : ^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param {string | number} interval
-     * @param {string[]} names
-     * @param {IJob['data']} data
-     * @param {RepeatOptions} options
-     * @returns {Promise<Job[]> | undefined}
-     */
-    _createIntervalJobs(interval, names, data, options) {
->_createIntervalJobs : (interval: string | number, names: string[], data: IJob["data"], options: RepeatOptions) => Promise<Job[]> | undefined
->                    : ^        ^^               ^^     ^^        ^^    ^^            ^^       ^^             ^^^^^                          
->interval : string | number
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->names : string[]
->      : ^^^^^^^^
->data : MyObj
->     : ^^^^^
->options : MyObj
->        : ^^^^^
-        return undefined;
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-    }
-    /**
-     * @template {string | string[]} T
-     * @param {string | number} interval
-     * @param {T} name
-     * @param {IJob['data']} data
-     * @param {RepeatOptions} options
-     * @returns {Promise<HelperCond<T, string, Job, string[], Job[] | undefined>>}
-     */
-    async newEvery(interval, name, data, options) {
->newEvery : <T extends string | string[]>(interval: string | number, name: T, data: IJob["data"], options: RepeatOptions) => Promise<HelperCond<T, string, Job, string[], Job[] | undefined>>
->         : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                 ^^        ^^               ^^    ^^ ^^    ^^            ^^       ^^             ^^^^^                                                                
->interval : string | number
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->name : T
->     : ^
->data : MyObj
->     : ^^^^^
->options : MyObj
->        : ^^^^^
-        if (typeof name === 'string') {
->typeof name === 'string' : boolean
->                         : ^^^^^^^
->typeof name : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->            : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->name : T
->     : ^
->'string' : "string"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
-            return this._createIntervalJob(interval, name, data, options); // Ok
->this._createIntervalJob(interval, name, data, options) : Promise<MyObj>
->                                                       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->this._createIntervalJob : (interval: string | number, name: string, data: IJob["data"], options: RepeatOptions) => Promise<Job>
->                        : ^        ^^               ^^    ^^      ^^    ^^            ^^       ^^             ^^^^^            
->this : this
->     : ^^^^
->_createIntervalJob : (interval: string | number, name: string, data: IJob["data"], options: RepeatOptions) => Promise<Job>
->                   : ^        ^^               ^^    ^^      ^^    ^^            ^^       ^^             ^^^^^            
->interval : string | number
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->name : string
->     : ^^^^^^
->data : MyObj
->     : ^^^^^
->options : MyObj
->        : ^^^^^
-        }
-        if (Array.isArray(name)) {
->Array.isArray(name) : boolean
->                    : ^^^^^^^
->Array.isArray : (arg: any) => arg is any[]
->              : ^   ^^   ^^^^^            
->Array : ArrayConstructor
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->isArray : (arg: any) => arg is any[]
->        : ^   ^^   ^^^^^            
->name : string[]
->     : ^^^^^^^^
-            return this._createIntervalJobs(interval, name, data, options); // Ok
->this._createIntervalJobs(interval, name, data, options) : Promise<MyObj[]> | undefined
->                                                        : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->this._createIntervalJobs : (interval: string | number, names: string[], data: IJob["data"], options: RepeatOptions) => Promise<Job[]> | undefined
->                         : ^        ^^               ^^     ^^        ^^    ^^            ^^       ^^             ^^^^^                          
->this : this
->     : ^^^^
->_createIntervalJobs : (interval: string | number, names: string[], data: IJob["data"], options: RepeatOptions) => Promise<Job[]> | undefined
->                    : ^        ^^               ^^     ^^        ^^    ^^            ^^       ^^             ^^^^^                          
->interval : string | number
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->name : string[]
->     : ^^^^^^^^
->data : MyObj
->     : ^^^^^
->options : MyObj
->        : ^^^^^
-        }
-        throw new Error('Unexpected error: Invalid job name(s)');
->new Error('Unexpected error: Invalid job name(s)') : Error
->                                                   : ^^^^^
->Error : ErrorConstructor
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->'Unexpected error: Invalid job name(s)' : "Unexpected error: Invalid job name(s)"
->                                        : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    }
-// File: angular/packages/common/src/pipes/case_conversion_pipes.ts
- * @template {string | null | undefined} T
- * @param {T} value
- * @returns {HelperCond<T, string, string, null | undefined, null>}
- */
-function transform1(value) {
->transform1 : <T extends string | null | undefined>(value: T) => HelperCond<T, string, string, null | undefined, null>
->           : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                         ^^     ^^ ^^^^^                                                     
->value : T
->      : ^
-    if (value == null) return null; // Ok
->value == null : boolean
->              : ^^^^^^^
->value : T
->      : ^
-    if (typeof value !== 'string') {
->typeof value !== 'string' : boolean
->                          : ^^^^^^^
->typeof value : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->             : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->value : NonNullable<T>
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->'string' : "string"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
-        throw new Error();
->new Error() : Error
->            : ^^^^^
->Error : ErrorConstructor
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    }
-    return value.toLowerCase(); // Ok
->value.toLowerCase() : string
->                    : ^^^^^^
->value.toLowerCase : () => string
->                  : ^^^^^^      
->value : string
->      : ^^^^^^
->toLowerCase : () => string
->            : ^^^^^^      
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType3.errors.txt b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType3.errors.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 39a9326242262..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType3.errors.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-dependentReturnType3.ts(114,13): error TS2322: Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'HelperCond<I, string, T | undefined, RegExp, SettingComposedValue<T>[]>'.
-dependentReturnType3.ts(130,16): error TS2536: Type 'I' cannot be used to index type '{ [s: string]: any; }'.
-dependentReturnType3.ts(141,9): error TS2322: Type 'Record<string, object[]>' is not assignable to type 'HelperCond<T, string, object[], undefined, Record<string, object[]>>'.
-==== dependentReturnType3.ts (3 errors) ====
-    // Adapted from ts-error-deltas repos
-    type HelperCond<T, A, R1, B, R2> =
-        T extends A
-            ? R1
-            : T extends B
-                ? R2
-                : never;
-    // File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/katex/client/index.ts
-    interface IMessage {
-        html?: string;
-        tokens?: {}[];
-    }
-    class NewKatex {
-        render(s: string): string {
-            return "";
-        }
-        renderMessage<T extends string | IMessage>(message: T):
-            T extends string
-            ? string
-            : T extends IMessage
-              ? IMessage
-              : never {
-            if (typeof message === 'string') {
-                return this.render(message); // Ok
-            }
-            if (!message.html?.trim()) {
-                return message; // Ok
-            }
-            if (!message.tokens) {
-                message.tokens = [];
-            }
-            message.html = this.render(message.html);
-            return message; // Ok
-        }
-    }
-    export function createKatexMessageRendering<T extends true | false>(
-        options: {
-            dollarSyntax: boolean;
-            parenthesisSyntax: boolean;
-        },
-        _isMessage: T,
-    ): T extends true
-        ? (message: IMessage) => IMessage
-        : T extends false
-          ? (message: string) => string
-          : never {
-        const instance = new NewKatex();
-        if (_isMessage) {
-            return (message: IMessage): IMessage => instance.renderMessage(message); // Ok
-        }
-        return (message: string): string => instance.renderMessage(message); // Ok
-    }
-    // File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/settings/lib/settings.ts
-    type SettingComposedValue<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue> = { key: string; value: T };
-    type SettingCallback = (key: string, value: SettingValue, initialLoad?: boolean) => void;
-    type SettingValue = object;
-    declare const Meteor: { settings: { [s: string]: any } };
-    declare const _: { isRegExp(x: unknown): x is RegExp; };
-    declare function takesRegExp(x: RegExp): void;
-    declare function takesString(x: string): void;
-    class NewSettingsBase {
-        public newGet<C extends SettingCallback | undefined, I extends string | RegExp, T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(
-            _id: I,
-            callback?: C,
-        ): HelperCond<C,
-            SettingCallback, void,
-            undefined, HelperCond<I,
-                string, T | undefined,
-                RegExp, SettingComposedValue<T>[]>> {
-            if (callback !== undefined) {
-                if (!Meteor.settings) {
-                    return; // Ok
-                }
-                if (_id === '*') {
-                    return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => { // Ok
-                        const value = Meteor.settings[key];
-                        callback(key, value);
-                    });
-                }
-                if (_.isRegExp(_id) && Meteor.settings) {
-                    return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => { // Ok
-                        if (!_id.test(key)) {
-                            return;
-                        }
-                        const value = Meteor.settings[key];
-                        callback(key, value);
-                    });
-                }
-                if (typeof _id === 'string') {
-                    const value = Meteor.settings[_id];
-                    if (value != null) {
-                        callback(_id, Meteor.settings[_id]);
-                    }
-                    return; // Ok
-                }
-                return; // Ok, needed for exhaustiveness check
-            }
-            if (!Meteor.settings) { // Wrong: we don't know that _id is string here, cannot return undefined
-                return undefined; // Error
-                ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'HelperCond<I, string, T | undefined, RegExp, SettingComposedValue<T>[]>'.
-            }
-            if (_.isRegExp(_id)) {
-                return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).reduce((items: SettingComposedValue<T>[], key) => {
-    				const value = Meteor.settings[key];
-    				if (_id.test(key)) {
-    					items.push({
-    						key,
-    						value,
-    					});
-    				}
-    				return items;
-    			}, []); // Ok
-            }
-            return Meteor.settings?.[_id]; // Error
-                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2536: Type 'I' cannot be used to index type '{ [s: string]: any; }'.
-            // The indexing currently doesn't work because it doesn't use the narrowed type of `_id`.
-        }
-    }
-    // File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/ui-utils/client/lib/messageBox.ts
-    type MessageBoxAction = object;
-    function getWithBug<T extends string | undefined>(group: T):
-    HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>> {
-        if (!group) {
-            return {} as Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>; // Error, could fall into this branch when group is empty string
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'Record<string, object[]>' is not assignable to type 'HelperCond<T, string, object[], undefined, Record<string, object[]>>'.
-        }
-        return [] as MessageBoxAction[]; // Ok
-    }
-    function getWithoutBug<T extends string | undefined>(group: T):
-    HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>> {
-        if (group === undefined) {
-            return {} as Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>; // Ok
-        }
-        return [] as MessageBoxAction[]; // Ok
-    }
-    // File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/ee/server/lib/engagementDashboard/date.ts
-    declare function mapDateForAPI(x: string): Date;
-    export function transformDatesForAPI<T extends string | undefined>(
-        start: string,
-        end?: T
-    ): HelperCond<T, string, { start: Date, end: Date }, undefined, { start: Date, end: undefined }> {
-        return end !== undefined ? // Ok
-            {
-                start: mapDateForAPI(start),
-                end: mapDateForAPI(end),
-            } :
-            {
-                start: mapDateForAPI(start),
-                end: undefined
-            };
-    }
-    // File: Rocket.Chat/packages/agenda/src/Agenda.ts
-    type RepeatOptions = object;
-    type Job = object;
-    type IJob = { data: object };
-    class NewAgenda {
-        public async _createIntervalJob(interval: string | number, name: string, data: IJob['data'], options: RepeatOptions): Promise<Job> { return undefined as any; }
-        private _createIntervalJobs(
-            interval: string | number,
-            names: string[],
-            data: IJob['data'],
-            options: RepeatOptions,
-        ): Promise<Job[]> | undefined { return undefined as any; }
-        public async newEvery<T extends string | string[]>(
-            interval: string | number,
-            name: T,
-            data: IJob['data'],
-            options: RepeatOptions): Promise<HelperCond<T, string, Job, string[], Job[] | undefined>> {
-            if (typeof name === 'string') {
-                return this._createIntervalJob(interval, name, data, options); // Ok
-            }
-            if (Array.isArray(name)) {
-                return this._createIntervalJobs(interval, name, data, options); // Ok
-                // Possible bug in original: createIntervalJobs can return undefined, but the original overload did not acount for that.
-            }
-            throw new Error('Unexpected error: Invalid job name(s)');
-        }
-    }
-    // File: angular/packages/common/src/pipes/case_conversion_pipes.ts
-    function transform1<T extends string | null | undefined>(value: T): HelperCond<T, string, string, null | undefined, null> {
-        if (value == null) return null; // Ok
-        if (typeof value !== 'string') {
-            throw new Error();
-        }
-        return value.toLowerCase(); // Ok
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType3.symbols b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType3.symbols
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d39bf1559fba..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType3.symbols
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,679 +0,0 @@
-//// [tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType3.ts] ////
-=== dependentReturnType3.ts ===
-// Adapted from ts-error-deltas repos
-type HelperCond<T, A, R1, B, R2> =
->HelperCond : Symbol(HelperCond, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 0, 0))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 2, 16))
->A : Symbol(A, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 2, 18))
->R1 : Symbol(R1, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 2, 21))
->B : Symbol(B, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 2, 25))
->R2 : Symbol(R2, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 2, 28))
-    T extends A
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 2, 16))
->A : Symbol(A, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 2, 18))
-        ? R1
->R1 : Symbol(R1, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 2, 21))
-        : T extends B
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 2, 16))
->B : Symbol(B, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 2, 25))
-            ? R2
->R2 : Symbol(R2, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 2, 28))
-            : never;
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/katex/client/index.ts
-interface IMessage {
->IMessage : Symbol(IMessage, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 7, 20))
-    html?: string;
->html : Symbol(IMessage.html, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 11, 20))
-    tokens?: {}[];
->tokens : Symbol(IMessage.tokens, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 12, 18))
-class NewKatex {
->NewKatex : Symbol(NewKatex, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 14, 1))
-    render(s: string): string {
->render : Symbol(NewKatex.render, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 16, 16))
->s : Symbol(s, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 17, 11))
-        return "";
-    }
-    renderMessage<T extends string | IMessage>(message: T):
->renderMessage : Symbol(NewKatex.renderMessage, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 19, 5))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 21, 18))
->IMessage : Symbol(IMessage, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 7, 20))
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 21, 47))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 21, 18))
-        T extends string
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 21, 18))
-        ? string
-        : T extends IMessage
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 21, 18))
->IMessage : Symbol(IMessage, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 7, 20))
-          ? IMessage
->IMessage : Symbol(IMessage, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 7, 20))
-          : never {
-        if (typeof message === 'string') {
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 21, 47))
-            return this.render(message); // Ok
->this.render : Symbol(NewKatex.render, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 16, 16))
->this : Symbol(NewKatex, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 14, 1))
->render : Symbol(NewKatex.render, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 16, 16))
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 21, 47))
-        }
-        if (!message.html?.trim()) {
->message.html?.trim : Symbol(String.trim, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->message.html : Symbol(IMessage.html, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 11, 20))
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 21, 47))
->html : Symbol(IMessage.html, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 11, 20))
->trim : Symbol(String.trim, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
-            return message; // Ok
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 21, 47))
-        }
-        if (!message.tokens) {
->message.tokens : Symbol(IMessage.tokens, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 12, 18))
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 21, 47))
->tokens : Symbol(IMessage.tokens, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 12, 18))
-            message.tokens = [];
->message.tokens : Symbol(IMessage.tokens, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 12, 18))
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 21, 47))
->tokens : Symbol(IMessage.tokens, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 12, 18))
-        }
-        message.html = this.render(message.html);
->message.html : Symbol(IMessage.html, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 11, 20))
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 21, 47))
->html : Symbol(IMessage.html, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 11, 20))
->this.render : Symbol(NewKatex.render, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 16, 16))
->this : Symbol(NewKatex, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 14, 1))
->render : Symbol(NewKatex.render, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 16, 16))
->message.html : Symbol(IMessage.html, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 11, 20))
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 21, 47))
->html : Symbol(IMessage.html, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 11, 20))
-        return message; // Ok
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 21, 47))
-    }
-export function createKatexMessageRendering<T extends true | false>(
->createKatexMessageRendering : Symbol(createKatexMessageRendering, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 42, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 44, 44))
-    options: {
->options : Symbol(options, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 44, 68))
-        dollarSyntax: boolean;
->dollarSyntax : Symbol(dollarSyntax, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 45, 14))
-        parenthesisSyntax: boolean;
->parenthesisSyntax : Symbol(parenthesisSyntax, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 46, 30))
-    },
-    _isMessage: T,
->_isMessage : Symbol(_isMessage, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 48, 6))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 44, 44))
-): T extends true
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 44, 44))
-    ? (message: IMessage) => IMessage
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 51, 7))
->IMessage : Symbol(IMessage, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 7, 20))
->IMessage : Symbol(IMessage, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 7, 20))
-    : T extends false
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 44, 44))
-      ? (message: string) => string
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 53, 9))
-      : never {
-    const instance = new NewKatex();
->instance : Symbol(instance, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 55, 9))
->NewKatex : Symbol(NewKatex, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 14, 1))
-    if (_isMessage) {
->_isMessage : Symbol(_isMessage, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 48, 6))
-        return (message: IMessage): IMessage => instance.renderMessage(message); // Ok
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 57, 16))
->IMessage : Symbol(IMessage, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 7, 20))
->IMessage : Symbol(IMessage, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 7, 20))
->instance.renderMessage : Symbol(NewKatex.renderMessage, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 19, 5))
->instance : Symbol(instance, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 55, 9))
->renderMessage : Symbol(NewKatex.renderMessage, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 19, 5))
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 57, 16))
-    }
-    return (message: string): string => instance.renderMessage(message); // Ok
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 59, 12))
->instance.renderMessage : Symbol(NewKatex.renderMessage, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 19, 5))
->instance : Symbol(instance, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 55, 9))
->renderMessage : Symbol(NewKatex.renderMessage, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 19, 5))
->message : Symbol(message, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 59, 12))
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/settings/lib/settings.ts
-type SettingComposedValue<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue> = { key: string; value: T };
->SettingComposedValue : Symbol(SettingComposedValue, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 60, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 63, 26))
->SettingValue : Symbol(SettingValue, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 64, 89))
->SettingValue : Symbol(SettingValue, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 64, 89))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 63, 68))
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 63, 81))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 63, 26))
-type SettingCallback = (key: string, value: SettingValue, initialLoad?: boolean) => void;
->SettingCallback : Symbol(SettingCallback, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 63, 93))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 64, 24))
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 64, 36))
->SettingValue : Symbol(SettingValue, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 64, 89))
->initialLoad : Symbol(initialLoad, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 64, 57))
-type SettingValue = object;
->SettingValue : Symbol(SettingValue, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 64, 89))
-declare const Meteor: { settings: { [s: string]: any } };
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 13))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->s : Symbol(s, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 37))
-declare const _: { isRegExp(x: unknown): x is RegExp; };
->_ : Symbol(_, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 68, 13))
->isRegExp : Symbol(isRegExp, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 68, 18))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 68, 28))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 68, 28))
->RegExp : Symbol(RegExp, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --))
-declare function takesRegExp(x: RegExp): void;
->takesRegExp : Symbol(takesRegExp, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 68, 56))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 69, 29))
->RegExp : Symbol(RegExp, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --))
-declare function takesString(x: string): void;
->takesString : Symbol(takesString, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 69, 46))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 70, 29))
-class NewSettingsBase {
->NewSettingsBase : Symbol(NewSettingsBase, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 70, 46))
-    public newGet<C extends SettingCallback | undefined, I extends string | RegExp, T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(
->newGet : Symbol(NewSettingsBase.newGet, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 72, 23))
->C : Symbol(C, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 18))
->SettingCallback : Symbol(SettingCallback, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 63, 93))
->I : Symbol(I, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 56))
->RegExp : Symbol(RegExp, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 83))
->SettingValue : Symbol(SettingValue, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 64, 89))
->SettingValue : Symbol(SettingValue, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 64, 89))
-        _id: I,
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 123))
->I : Symbol(I, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 56))
-        callback?: C,
->callback : Symbol(callback, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 74, 15))
->C : Symbol(C, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 18))
-    ): HelperCond<C,
->HelperCond : Symbol(HelperCond, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 0, 0))
->C : Symbol(C, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 18))
-        SettingCallback, void,
->SettingCallback : Symbol(SettingCallback, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 63, 93))
-        undefined, HelperCond<I,
->HelperCond : Symbol(HelperCond, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 0, 0))
->I : Symbol(I, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 56))
-            string, T | undefined,
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 83))
-            RegExp, SettingComposedValue<T>[]>> {
->RegExp : Symbol(RegExp, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --))
->SettingComposedValue : Symbol(SettingComposedValue, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 60, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 83))
-        if (callback !== undefined) {
->callback : Symbol(callback, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 74, 15))
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-            if (!Meteor.settings) {
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 13))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
-                return; // Ok
-            }
-            if (_id === '*') {
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 123))
-                return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => { // Ok
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach : Symbol(Array.forEach, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->Object.keys : Symbol(ObjectConstructor.keys, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
->Object : Symbol(Object, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->keys : Symbol(ObjectConstructor.keys, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 13))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->forEach : Symbol(Array.forEach, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 86, 61))
-                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 87, 25))
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 13))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 86, 61))
-                    callback(key, value);
->callback : Symbol(callback, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 74, 15))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 86, 61))
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 87, 25))
-                });
-            }
-            if (_.isRegExp(_id) && Meteor.settings) {
->_.isRegExp : Symbol(isRegExp, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 68, 18))
->_ : Symbol(_, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 68, 13))
->isRegExp : Symbol(isRegExp, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 68, 18))
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 123))
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 13))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
-                return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => { // Ok
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach : Symbol(Array.forEach, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->Object.keys : Symbol(ObjectConstructor.keys, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
->Object : Symbol(Object, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->keys : Symbol(ObjectConstructor.keys, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 13))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->forEach : Symbol(Array.forEach, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 92, 61))
-                    if (!_id.test(key)) {
->_id.test : Symbol(RegExp.test, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 123))
->test : Symbol(RegExp.test, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 92, 61))
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 96, 25))
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 13))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 92, 61))
-                    callback(key, value);
->callback : Symbol(callback, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 74, 15))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 92, 61))
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 96, 25))
-                });
-            }
-            if (typeof _id === 'string') {
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 123))
-                const value = Meteor.settings[_id];
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 102, 21))
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 13))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 123))
-                if (value != null) {
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 102, 21))
-                    callback(_id, Meteor.settings[_id]);
->callback : Symbol(callback, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 74, 15))
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 123))
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 13))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 123))
-                }
-                return; // Ok
-            }
-            return; // Ok, needed for exhaustiveness check
-        }
-        if (!Meteor.settings) { // Wrong: we don't know that _id is string here, cannot return undefined
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 13))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
-            return undefined; // Error
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-        }
-        if (_.isRegExp(_id)) {
->_.isRegExp : Symbol(isRegExp, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 68, 18))
->_ : Symbol(_, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 68, 13))
->isRegExp : Symbol(isRegExp, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 68, 18))
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 123))
-            return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).reduce((items: SettingComposedValue<T>[], key) => {
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings).reduce : Symbol(Array.reduce, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->Object.keys : Symbol(ObjectConstructor.keys, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
->Object : Symbol(Object, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->keys : Symbol(ObjectConstructor.keys, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --))
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 13))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->reduce : Symbol(Array.reduce, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->items : Symbol(items, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 117, 56))
->SettingComposedValue : Symbol(SettingComposedValue, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 60, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 83))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 117, 89))
-				const value = Meteor.settings[key];
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 118, 9))
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 13))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 117, 89))
-				if (_id.test(key)) {
->_id.test : Symbol(RegExp.test, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 123))
->test : Symbol(RegExp.test, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 117, 89))
-					items.push({
->items.push : Symbol(Array.push, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->items : Symbol(items, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 117, 56))
->push : Symbol(Array.push, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
-						key,
->key : Symbol(key, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 120, 17))
-						value,
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 121, 10))
-					});
-				}
-				return items;
->items : Symbol(items, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 117, 56))
-			}, []); // Ok
-        }
-        return Meteor.settings?.[_id]; // Error
->Meteor.settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->Meteor : Symbol(Meteor, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 13))
->settings : Symbol(settings, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 67, 23))
->_id : Symbol(_id, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 73, 123))
-        // The indexing currently doesn't work because it doesn't use the narrowed type of `_id`.
-    }
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/ui-utils/client/lib/messageBox.ts
-type MessageBoxAction = object;
->MessageBoxAction : Symbol(MessageBoxAction, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 132, 1))
-function getWithBug<T extends string | undefined>(group: T):
->getWithBug : Symbol(getWithBug, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 135, 31))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 137, 20))
->group : Symbol(group, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 137, 50))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 137, 20))
-HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>> {
->HelperCond : Symbol(HelperCond, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 0, 0))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 137, 20))
->MessageBoxAction : Symbol(MessageBoxAction, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 132, 1))
->Record : Symbol(Record, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->MessageBoxAction : Symbol(MessageBoxAction, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 132, 1))
-    if (!group) {
->group : Symbol(group, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 137, 50))
-        return {} as Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>; // Error, could fall into this branch when group is empty string
->Record : Symbol(Record, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->MessageBoxAction : Symbol(MessageBoxAction, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 132, 1))
-    }
-    return [] as MessageBoxAction[]; // Ok
->MessageBoxAction : Symbol(MessageBoxAction, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 132, 1))
-function getWithoutBug<T extends string | undefined>(group: T):
->getWithoutBug : Symbol(getWithoutBug, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 144, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 146, 23))
->group : Symbol(group, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 146, 53))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 146, 23))
-HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>> {
->HelperCond : Symbol(HelperCond, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 0, 0))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 146, 23))
->MessageBoxAction : Symbol(MessageBoxAction, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 132, 1))
->Record : Symbol(Record, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->MessageBoxAction : Symbol(MessageBoxAction, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 132, 1))
-    if (group === undefined) {
->group : Symbol(group, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 146, 53))
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-        return {} as Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>; // Ok
->Record : Symbol(Record, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->MessageBoxAction : Symbol(MessageBoxAction, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 132, 1))
-    }
-    return [] as MessageBoxAction[]; // Ok
->MessageBoxAction : Symbol(MessageBoxAction, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 132, 1))
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/ee/server/lib/engagementDashboard/date.ts
-declare function mapDateForAPI(x: string): Date;
->mapDateForAPI : Symbol(mapDateForAPI, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 153, 1))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 156, 31))
->Date : Symbol(Date, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.scripthost.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --))
-export function transformDatesForAPI<T extends string | undefined>(
->transformDatesForAPI : Symbol(transformDatesForAPI, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 156, 48))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 157, 37))
-    start: string,
->start : Symbol(start, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 157, 67))
-    end?: T
->end : Symbol(end, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 158, 18))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 157, 37))
-): HelperCond<T, string, { start: Date, end: Date }, undefined, { start: Date, end: undefined }> {
->HelperCond : Symbol(HelperCond, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 0, 0))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 157, 37))
->start : Symbol(start, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 160, 26))
->Date : Symbol(Date, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.scripthost.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --))
->end : Symbol(end, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 160, 39))
->Date : Symbol(Date, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.scripthost.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --))
->start : Symbol(start, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 160, 65))
->Date : Symbol(Date, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.scripthost.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --))
->end : Symbol(end, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 160, 78))
-    return end !== undefined ? // Ok
->end : Symbol(end, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 158, 18))
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-        {
-            start: mapDateForAPI(start),
->start : Symbol(start, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 162, 9))
->mapDateForAPI : Symbol(mapDateForAPI, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 153, 1))
->start : Symbol(start, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 157, 67))
-            end: mapDateForAPI(end),
->end : Symbol(end, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 163, 40))
->mapDateForAPI : Symbol(mapDateForAPI, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 153, 1))
->end : Symbol(end, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 158, 18))
-        } :
-        {
-            start: mapDateForAPI(start),
->start : Symbol(start, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 166, 9))
->mapDateForAPI : Symbol(mapDateForAPI, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 153, 1))
->start : Symbol(start, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 157, 67))
-            end: undefined
->end : Symbol(end, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 167, 40))
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-        };
-// File: Rocket.Chat/packages/agenda/src/Agenda.ts
-type RepeatOptions = object;
->RepeatOptions : Symbol(RepeatOptions, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 170, 1))
-type Job = object;
->Job : Symbol(Job, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 173, 28))
-type IJob = { data: object };
->IJob : Symbol(IJob, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 174, 18))
->data : Symbol(data, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 175, 13))
-class NewAgenda {
->NewAgenda : Symbol(NewAgenda, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 175, 29))
-    public async _createIntervalJob(interval: string | number, name: string, data: IJob['data'], options: RepeatOptions): Promise<Job> { return undefined as any; }
->_createIntervalJob : Symbol(NewAgenda._createIntervalJob, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 176, 17))
->interval : Symbol(interval, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 177, 36))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 177, 62))
->data : Symbol(data, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 177, 76))
->IJob : Symbol(IJob, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 174, 18))
->options : Symbol(options, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 177, 96))
->RepeatOptions : Symbol(RepeatOptions, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 170, 1))
->Promise : Symbol(Promise, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.promise.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --))
->Job : Symbol(Job, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 173, 28))
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-    private _createIntervalJobs(
->_createIntervalJobs : Symbol(NewAgenda._createIntervalJobs, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 177, 163))
-        interval: string | number,
->interval : Symbol(interval, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 178, 32))
-        names: string[],
->names : Symbol(names, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 179, 34))
-        data: IJob['data'],
->data : Symbol(data, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 180, 24))
->IJob : Symbol(IJob, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 174, 18))
-        options: RepeatOptions,
->options : Symbol(options, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 181, 27))
->RepeatOptions : Symbol(RepeatOptions, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 170, 1))
-    ): Promise<Job[]> | undefined { return undefined as any; }
->Promise : Symbol(Promise, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.promise.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --))
->Job : Symbol(Job, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 173, 28))
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-    public async newEvery<T extends string | string[]>(
->newEvery : Symbol(NewAgenda.newEvery, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 183, 62))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 185, 26))
-        interval: string | number,
->interval : Symbol(interval, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 185, 55))
-        name: T,
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 186, 34))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 185, 26))
-        data: IJob['data'],
->data : Symbol(data, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 187, 16))
->IJob : Symbol(IJob, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 174, 18))
-        options: RepeatOptions): Promise<HelperCond<T, string, Job, string[], Job[] | undefined>> {
->options : Symbol(options, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 188, 27))
->RepeatOptions : Symbol(RepeatOptions, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 170, 1))
->Promise : Symbol(Promise, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.promise.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --))
->HelperCond : Symbol(HelperCond, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 0, 0))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 185, 26))
->Job : Symbol(Job, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 173, 28))
->Job : Symbol(Job, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 173, 28))
-        if (typeof name === 'string') {
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 186, 34))
-            return this._createIntervalJob(interval, name, data, options); // Ok
->this._createIntervalJob : Symbol(NewAgenda._createIntervalJob, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 176, 17))
->this : Symbol(NewAgenda, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 175, 29))
->_createIntervalJob : Symbol(NewAgenda._createIntervalJob, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 176, 17))
->interval : Symbol(interval, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 185, 55))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 186, 34))
->data : Symbol(data, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 187, 16))
->options : Symbol(options, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 188, 27))
-        }
-        if (Array.isArray(name)) {
->Array.isArray : Symbol(ArrayConstructor.isArray, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->Array : Symbol(Array, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --))
->isArray : Symbol(ArrayConstructor.isArray, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 186, 34))
-            return this._createIntervalJobs(interval, name, data, options); // Ok
->this._createIntervalJobs : Symbol(NewAgenda._createIntervalJobs, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 177, 163))
->this : Symbol(NewAgenda, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 175, 29))
->_createIntervalJobs : Symbol(NewAgenda._createIntervalJobs, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 177, 163))
->interval : Symbol(interval, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 185, 55))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 186, 34))
->data : Symbol(data, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 187, 16))
->options : Symbol(options, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 188, 27))
-            // Possible bug in original: createIntervalJobs can return undefined, but the original overload did not acount for that.
-        }
-        throw new Error('Unexpected error: Invalid job name(s)');
->Error : Symbol(Error, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
-    }
-// File: angular/packages/common/src/pipes/case_conversion_pipes.ts
-function transform1<T extends string | null | undefined>(value: T): HelperCond<T, string, string, null | undefined, null> {
->transform1 : Symbol(transform1, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 201, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 205, 20))
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 205, 57))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 205, 20))
->HelperCond : Symbol(HelperCond, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 0, 0))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 205, 20))
-    if (value == null) return null; // Ok
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 205, 57))
-    if (typeof value !== 'string') {
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 205, 57))
-        throw new Error();
->Error : Symbol(Error, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
-    }
-    return value.toLowerCase(); // Ok
->value.toLowerCase : Symbol(String.toLowerCase, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->value : Symbol(value, Decl(dependentReturnType3.ts, 205, 57))
->toLowerCase : Symbol(String.toLowerCase, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType3.types b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType3.types
deleted file mode 100644
index ac94d85e9b9e3..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType3.types
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1000 +0,0 @@
-//// [tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType3.ts] ////
-=== dependentReturnType3.ts ===
-// Adapted from ts-error-deltas repos
-type HelperCond<T, A, R1, B, R2> =
->HelperCond : HelperCond<T, A, R1, B, R2>
->           : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    T extends A
-        ? R1
-        : T extends B
-            ? R2
-            : never;
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/katex/client/index.ts
-interface IMessage {
-    html?: string;
->html : string | undefined
->     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    tokens?: {}[];
->tokens : {}[] | undefined
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-class NewKatex {
->NewKatex : NewKatex
->         : ^^^^^^^^
-    render(s: string): string {
->render : (s: string) => string
->       : ^ ^^      ^^^^^      
->s : string
->  : ^^^^^^
-        return "";
->"" : ""
->   : ^^
-    }
-    renderMessage<T extends string | IMessage>(message: T):
->renderMessage : <T extends string | IMessage>(message: T) => T extends string ? string : T extends IMessage ? IMessage : never
->              : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                 ^^       ^^ ^^^^^                                                                 
->message : T
->        : ^
-        T extends string
-        ? string
-        : T extends IMessage
-          ? IMessage
-          : never {
-        if (typeof message === 'string') {
->typeof message === 'string' : boolean
->                            : ^^^^^^^
->typeof message : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->               : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->message : T
->        : ^
->'string' : "string"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
-            return this.render(message); // Ok
->this.render(message) : string
->                     : ^^^^^^
->this.render : (s: string) => string
->            : ^ ^^      ^^^^^      
->this : this
->     : ^^^^
->render : (s: string) => string
->       : ^ ^^      ^^^^^      
->message : string
->        : ^^^^^^
-        }
-        if (!message.html?.trim()) {
->!message.html?.trim() : boolean
->                      : ^^^^^^^
->message.html?.trim() : string | undefined
->                     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->message.html?.trim : (() => string) | undefined
->                   : ^^^^^^^      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->message.html : string | undefined
->             : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->message : IMessage
->        : ^^^^^^^^
->html : string | undefined
->     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->trim : (() => string) | undefined
->     : ^^^^^^^      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-            return message; // Ok
->message : IMessage
->        : ^^^^^^^^
-        }
-        if (!message.tokens) {
->!message.tokens : boolean
->                : ^^^^^^^
->message.tokens : {}[] | undefined
->               : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->message : IMessage
->        : ^^^^^^^^
->tokens : {}[] | undefined
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-            message.tokens = [];
->message.tokens = [] : never[]
->                    : ^^^^^^^
->message.tokens : {}[] | undefined
->               : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->message : IMessage
->        : ^^^^^^^^
->tokens : {}[] | undefined
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->[] : never[]
->   : ^^^^^^^
-        }
-        message.html = this.render(message.html);
->message.html = this.render(message.html) : string
->                                         : ^^^^^^
->message.html : string | undefined
->             : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->message : IMessage
->        : ^^^^^^^^
->html : string | undefined
->     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->this.render(message.html) : string
->                          : ^^^^^^
->this.render : (s: string) => string
->            : ^ ^^      ^^^^^      
->this : this
->     : ^^^^
->render : (s: string) => string
->       : ^ ^^      ^^^^^      
->message.html : string
->             : ^^^^^^
->message : IMessage
->        : ^^^^^^^^
->html : string
->     : ^^^^^^
-        return message; // Ok
->message : IMessage
->        : ^^^^^^^^
-    }
-export function createKatexMessageRendering<T extends true | false>(
->createKatexMessageRendering : <T extends true | false>(options: { dollarSyntax: boolean; parenthesisSyntax: boolean; }, _isMessage: T) => T extends true ? (message: IMessage) => IMessage : T extends false ? (message: string) => string : never
->                            : ^ ^^^^^^^^^            ^^       ^^                                                      ^^          ^^ ^^^^^                                                                                                        
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-    options: {
->options : { dollarSyntax: boolean; parenthesisSyntax: boolean; }
->        : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^       ^^^
-        dollarSyntax: boolean;
->dollarSyntax : boolean
->             : ^^^^^^^
-        parenthesisSyntax: boolean;
->parenthesisSyntax : boolean
->                  : ^^^^^^^
-    },
-    _isMessage: T,
->_isMessage : T
->           : ^
-): T extends true
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
-    ? (message: IMessage) => IMessage
->message : IMessage
->        : ^^^^^^^^
-    : T extends false
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-      ? (message: string) => string
->message : string
->        : ^^^^^^
-      : never {
-    const instance = new NewKatex();
->instance : NewKatex
->         : ^^^^^^^^
->new NewKatex() : NewKatex
->               : ^^^^^^^^
->NewKatex : typeof NewKatex
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    if (_isMessage) {
->_isMessage : T
->           : ^
-        return (message: IMessage): IMessage => instance.renderMessage(message); // Ok
->(message: IMessage): IMessage => instance.renderMessage(message) : (message: IMessage) => IMessage
->                                                                 : ^       ^^        ^^^^^        
->message : IMessage
->        : ^^^^^^^^
->instance.renderMessage(message) : IMessage
->                                : ^^^^^^^^
->instance.renderMessage : <T_1 extends string | IMessage>(message: T_1) => T_1 extends string ? string : T_1 extends IMessage ? IMessage : never
->                       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^                 ^^       ^^   ^^^^^                                                                     
->instance : NewKatex
->         : ^^^^^^^^
->renderMessage : <T_1 extends string | IMessage>(message: T_1) => T_1 extends string ? string : T_1 extends IMessage ? IMessage : never
->              : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^                 ^^       ^^   ^^^^^                                                                     
->message : IMessage
->        : ^^^^^^^^
-    }
-    return (message: string): string => instance.renderMessage(message); // Ok
->(message: string): string => instance.renderMessage(message) : (message: string) => string
->                                                             : ^       ^^      ^^^^^      
->message : string
->        : ^^^^^^
->instance.renderMessage(message) : string
->                                : ^^^^^^
->instance.renderMessage : <T_1 extends string | IMessage>(message: T_1) => T_1 extends string ? string : T_1 extends IMessage ? IMessage : never
->                       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^                 ^^       ^^   ^^^^^                                                                     
->instance : NewKatex
->         : ^^^^^^^^
->renderMessage : <T_1 extends string | IMessage>(message: T_1) => T_1 extends string ? string : T_1 extends IMessage ? IMessage : never
->              : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^                 ^^       ^^   ^^^^^                                                                     
->message : string
->        : ^^^^^^
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/settings/lib/settings.ts
-type SettingComposedValue<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue> = { key: string; value: T };
->SettingComposedValue : SettingComposedValue<T>
->                     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
->value : T
->      : ^
-type SettingCallback = (key: string, value: SettingValue, initialLoad?: boolean) => void;
->SettingCallback : SettingCallback
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
->value : object
->      : ^^^^^^
->initialLoad : boolean | undefined
->            : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-type SettingValue = object;
->SettingValue : object
->             : ^^^^^^
-declare const Meteor: { settings: { [s: string]: any } };
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->s : string
->  : ^^^^^^
-declare const _: { isRegExp(x: unknown): x is RegExp; };
->_ : { isRegExp(x: unknown): x is RegExp; }
->  : ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^       ^^^           ^^^
->isRegExp : (x: unknown) => x is RegExp
->         : ^ ^^       ^^^^^           
->x : unknown
->  : ^^^^^^^
-declare function takesRegExp(x: RegExp): void;
->takesRegExp : (x: RegExp) => void
->            : ^ ^^      ^^^^^    
->x : RegExp
->  : ^^^^^^
-declare function takesString(x: string): void;
->takesString : (x: string) => void
->            : ^ ^^      ^^^^^    
->x : string
->  : ^^^^^^
-class NewSettingsBase {
->NewSettingsBase : NewSettingsBase
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    public newGet<C extends SettingCallback | undefined, I extends string | RegExp, T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(
->newGet : <C extends SettingCallback | undefined, I extends string | RegExp, T extends SettingValue = object>(_id: I, callback?: C) => HelperCond<C, SettingCallback, void, undefined, HelperCond<I, string, T | undefined, RegExp, SettingComposedValue<T>[]>>
->       : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                           ^^ ^^^^^^^^^               ^^ ^^^^^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^^   ^^ ^^        ^^^ ^^^^^                                                                                                                        
-        _id: I,
->_id : I
->    : ^
-        callback?: C,
->callback : C | undefined
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    ): HelperCond<C,
-        SettingCallback, void,
-        undefined, HelperCond<I,
-            string, T | undefined,
-            RegExp, SettingComposedValue<T>[]>> {
-        if (callback !== undefined) {
->callback !== undefined : boolean
->                       : ^^^^^^^
->callback : C | undefined
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-            if (!Meteor.settings) {
->!Meteor.settings : false
->                 : ^^^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-                return; // Ok
-            }
-            if (_id === '*') {
->_id === '*' : boolean
->            : ^^^^^^^
->_id : I
->    : ^
->'*' : "*"
->    : ^^^
-                return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => { // Ok
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => { // Ok                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];                    callback(key, value);                }) : void
->                                                                                                                                                                        : ^^^^
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach : (callbackfn: (value: string, index: number, array: string[]) => void, thisArg?: any) => void
->                                     : ^          ^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^     ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    ^^       ^^^   ^^^^^    
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings) : string[]
->                             : ^^^^^^^^
->Object.keys : { (o: object): string[]; (o: {}): string[]; }
->            : ^^^ ^^      ^^^        ^^^ ^^  ^^^        ^^^
->Object : ObjectConstructor
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->keys : { (o: object): string[]; (o: {}): string[]; }
->     : ^^^ ^^      ^^^        ^^^ ^^  ^^^        ^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->forEach : (callbackfn: (value: string, index: number, array: string[]) => void, thisArg?: any) => void
->        : ^          ^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^     ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    ^^       ^^^   ^^^^^    
->(key) => { // Ok                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];                    callback(key, value);                } : (key: string) => void
->                                                                                                                                  : ^   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];
->value : any
->      : ^^^
->Meteor.settings[key] : any
->                     : ^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-                    callback(key, value);
->callback(key, value) : void
->                     : ^^^^
->callback : SettingCallback
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
->value : any
->      : ^^^
-                });
-            }
-            if (_.isRegExp(_id) && Meteor.settings) {
->_.isRegExp(_id) && Meteor.settings : false | { [s: string]: any; }
->                                   : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->_.isRegExp(_id) : boolean
->                : ^^^^^^^
->_.isRegExp : (x: unknown) => x is RegExp
->           : ^ ^^       ^^^^^           
->_ : { isRegExp(x: unknown): x is RegExp; }
->  : ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^       ^^^           ^^^
->isRegExp : (x: unknown) => x is RegExp
->         : ^ ^^       ^^^^^           
->_id : string | RegExp
->    : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-                return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => { // Ok
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => { // Ok                    if (!_id.test(key)) {                        return;                    }                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];                    callback(key, value);                }) : void
->                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     : ^^^^
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach : (callbackfn: (value: string, index: number, array: string[]) => void, thisArg?: any) => void
->                                     : ^          ^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^     ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    ^^       ^^^   ^^^^^    
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings) : string[]
->                             : ^^^^^^^^
->Object.keys : { (o: object): string[]; (o: {}): string[]; }
->            : ^^^ ^^      ^^^        ^^^ ^^  ^^^        ^^^
->Object : ObjectConstructor
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->keys : { (o: object): string[]; (o: {}): string[]; }
->     : ^^^ ^^      ^^^        ^^^ ^^  ^^^        ^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->forEach : (callbackfn: (value: string, index: number, array: string[]) => void, thisArg?: any) => void
->        : ^          ^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^     ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    ^^       ^^^   ^^^^^    
->(key) => { // Ok                    if (!_id.test(key)) {                        return;                    }                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];                    callback(key, value);                } : (key: string) => void
->                                                                                                                                                                                                                               : ^   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-                    if (!_id.test(key)) {
->!_id.test(key) : boolean
->               : ^^^^^^^
->_id.test(key) : boolean
->              : ^^^^^^^
->_id.test : (string: string) => boolean
->         : ^      ^^      ^^^^^       
->_id : RegExp
->    : ^^^^^^
->test : (string: string) => boolean
->     : ^      ^^      ^^^^^       
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];
->value : any
->      : ^^^
->Meteor.settings[key] : any
->                     : ^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-                    callback(key, value);
->callback(key, value) : void
->                     : ^^^^
->callback : SettingCallback
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
->value : any
->      : ^^^
-                });
-            }
-            if (typeof _id === 'string') {
->typeof _id === 'string' : boolean
->                        : ^^^^^^^
->typeof _id : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->           : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->_id : I
->    : ^
->'string' : "string"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
-                const value = Meteor.settings[_id];
->value : any
->      : ^^^
->Meteor.settings[_id] : any
->                     : ^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->_id : I & string
->    : ^^^^^^^^^^
-                if (value != null) {
->value != null : boolean
->              : ^^^^^^^
->value : any
->      : ^^^
-                    callback(_id, Meteor.settings[_id]);
->callback(_id, Meteor.settings[_id]) : void
->                                    : ^^^^
->callback : SettingCallback
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->_id : string
->    : ^^^^^^
->Meteor.settings[_id] : any
->                     : ^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->_id : I & string
->    : ^^^^^^^^^^
-                }
-                return; // Ok
-            }
-            return; // Ok, needed for exhaustiveness check
-        }
-        if (!Meteor.settings) { // Wrong: we don't know that _id is string here, cannot return undefined
->!Meteor.settings : false
->                 : ^^^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-            return undefined; // Error
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-        }
-        if (_.isRegExp(_id)) {
->_.isRegExp(_id) : boolean
->                : ^^^^^^^
->_.isRegExp : (x: unknown) => x is RegExp
->           : ^ ^^       ^^^^^           
->_ : { isRegExp(x: unknown): x is RegExp; }
->  : ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^       ^^^           ^^^
->isRegExp : (x: unknown) => x is RegExp
->         : ^ ^^       ^^^^^           
->_id : string | RegExp
->    : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-            return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).reduce((items: SettingComposedValue<T>[], key) => {
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings).reduce((items: SettingComposedValue<T>[], key) => {				const value = Meteor.settings[key];				if (_id.test(key)) {					items.push({						key,						value,					});				}				return items;			}, []) : SettingComposedValue<T>[]
->                                                                                                                                                                                                                              : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings).reduce : { (callbackfn: (previousValue: string, currentValue: string, currentIndex: number, array: string[]) => string): string; (callbackfn: (previousValue: string, currentValue: string, currentIndex: number, array: string[]) => string, initialValue: string): string; <U>(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: string, currentIndex: number, array: string[]) => U, initialValue: U): U; }
->                                    : ^^^          ^^^             ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^          ^^^             ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^          ^^^             ^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^
->Object.keys(Meteor.settings) : string[]
->                             : ^^^^^^^^
->Object.keys : { (o: object): string[]; (o: {}): string[]; }
->            : ^^^ ^^      ^^^        ^^^ ^^  ^^^        ^^^
->Object : ObjectConstructor
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->keys : { (o: object): string[]; (o: {}): string[]; }
->     : ^^^ ^^      ^^^        ^^^ ^^  ^^^        ^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->reduce : { (callbackfn: (previousValue: string, currentValue: string, currentIndex: number, array: string[]) => string): string; (callbackfn: (previousValue: string, currentValue: string, currentIndex: number, array: string[]) => string, initialValue: string): string; <U>(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: string, currentIndex: number, array: string[]) => U, initialValue: U): U; }
->       : ^^^          ^^^             ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^          ^^^             ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^          ^^^             ^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^            ^^      ^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^
->(items: SettingComposedValue<T>[], key) => {				const value = Meteor.settings[key];				if (_id.test(key)) {					items.push({						key,						value,					});				}				return items;			} : (items: SettingComposedValue<T>[], key: string) => SettingComposedValue<T>[]
->                                                                                                                                                                                     : ^     ^^                         ^^   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->items : SettingComposedValue<T>[]
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-				const value = Meteor.settings[key];
->value : any
->      : ^^^
->Meteor.settings[key] : any
->                     : ^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-				if (_id.test(key)) {
->_id.test(key) : boolean
->              : ^^^^^^^
->_id.test : (string: string) => boolean
->         : ^      ^^      ^^^^^       
->_id : RegExp
->    : ^^^^^^
->test : (string: string) => boolean
->     : ^      ^^      ^^^^^       
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-					items.push({
->items.push({						key,						value,					}) : number
->                                          : ^^^^^^
->items.push : (...items: SettingComposedValue<T>[]) => number
->           : ^^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^      
->items : SettingComposedValue<T>[]
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->push : (...items: SettingComposedValue<T>[]) => number
->     : ^^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^      
->{						key,						value,					} : { key: string; value: any; }
->                              : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-						key,
->key : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-						value,
->value : any
->      : ^^^
-					});
-				}
-				return items;
->items : SettingComposedValue<T>[]
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-			}, []); // Ok
->[] : never[]
->   : ^^^^^^^
-        }
-        return Meteor.settings?.[_id]; // Error
->Meteor.settings?.[_id] : any
->                       : ^^^
->Meteor.settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->Meteor : { settings: { [s: string]: any; }; }
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^
->settings : { [s: string]: any; }
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->_id : I
->    : ^
-        // The indexing currently doesn't work because it doesn't use the narrowed type of `_id`.
-    }
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/ui-utils/client/lib/messageBox.ts
-type MessageBoxAction = object;
->MessageBoxAction : object
->                 : ^^^^^^
-function getWithBug<T extends string | undefined>(group: T):
->getWithBug : <T extends string | undefined>(group: T) => HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>>
->           : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                  ^^     ^^ ^^^^^                                                                                        
->group : T
->      : ^
-HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>> {
-    if (!group) {
->!group : boolean
->       : ^^^^^^^
->group : T
->      : ^
-        return {} as Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>; // Error, could fall into this branch when group is empty string
->{} as Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]> : Record<string, object[]>
->                                         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->{} : {}
->   : ^^
-    }
-    return [] as MessageBoxAction[]; // Ok
->[] as MessageBoxAction[] : object[]
->                         : ^^^^^^^^
->[] : never[]
->   : ^^^^^^^
-function getWithoutBug<T extends string | undefined>(group: T):
->getWithoutBug : <T extends string | undefined>(group: T) => HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>>
->              : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                  ^^     ^^ ^^^^^                                                                                        
->group : T
->      : ^
-HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>> {
-    if (group === undefined) {
->group === undefined : boolean
->                    : ^^^^^^^
->group : T
->      : ^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-        return {} as Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>; // Ok
->{} as Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]> : Record<string, object[]>
->                                         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->{} : {}
->   : ^^
-    }
-    return [] as MessageBoxAction[]; // Ok
->[] as MessageBoxAction[] : object[]
->                         : ^^^^^^^^
->[] : never[]
->   : ^^^^^^^
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/ee/server/lib/engagementDashboard/date.ts
-declare function mapDateForAPI(x: string): Date;
->mapDateForAPI : (x: string) => Date
->              : ^ ^^      ^^^^^    
->x : string
->  : ^^^^^^
-export function transformDatesForAPI<T extends string | undefined>(
->transformDatesForAPI : <T extends string | undefined>(start: string, end?: T) => HelperCond<T, string, { start: Date; end: Date; }, undefined, { start: Date; end: undefined; }>
->                     : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                  ^^     ^^      ^^   ^^^ ^^^^^                                                                                               
-    start: string,
->start : string
->      : ^^^^^^
-    end?: T
->end : T | undefined
->    : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-): HelperCond<T, string, { start: Date, end: Date }, undefined, { start: Date, end: undefined }> {
->start : Date
->      : ^^^^
->end : Date
->    : ^^^^
->start : Date
->      : ^^^^
->end : undefined
->    : ^^^^^^^^^
-    return end !== undefined ? // Ok
->end !== undefined ? // Ok        {            start: mapDateForAPI(start),            end: mapDateForAPI(end),        } :        {            start: mapDateForAPI(start),            end: undefined        } : { start: Date; end: Date; } | { start: Date; end: undefined; }
->                                                                                                                                                                                                              : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->end !== undefined : boolean
->                  : ^^^^^^^
->end : T | undefined
->    : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-        {
->{            start: mapDateForAPI(start),            end: mapDateForAPI(end),        } : { start: Date; end: Date; }
->                                                                                       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-            start: mapDateForAPI(start),
->start : Date
->      : ^^^^
->mapDateForAPI(start) : Date
->                     : ^^^^
->mapDateForAPI : (x: string) => Date
->              : ^ ^^      ^^^^^    
->start : string
->      : ^^^^^^
-            end: mapDateForAPI(end),
->end : Date
->    : ^^^^
->mapDateForAPI(end) : Date
->                   : ^^^^
->mapDateForAPI : (x: string) => Date
->              : ^ ^^      ^^^^^    
->end : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-        } :
-        {
->{            start: mapDateForAPI(start),            end: undefined        } : { start: Date; end: undefined; }
->                                                                             : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-            start: mapDateForAPI(start),
->start : Date
->      : ^^^^
->mapDateForAPI(start) : Date
->                     : ^^^^
->mapDateForAPI : (x: string) => Date
->              : ^ ^^      ^^^^^    
->start : string
->      : ^^^^^^
-            end: undefined
->end : undefined
->    : ^^^^^^^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-        };
-// File: Rocket.Chat/packages/agenda/src/Agenda.ts
-type RepeatOptions = object;
->RepeatOptions : object
->              : ^^^^^^
-type Job = object;
->Job : object
->    : ^^^^^^
-type IJob = { data: object };
->IJob : IJob
->     : ^^^^
->data : object
->     : ^^^^^^
-class NewAgenda {
->NewAgenda : NewAgenda
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-    public async _createIntervalJob(interval: string | number, name: string, data: IJob['data'], options: RepeatOptions): Promise<Job> { return undefined as any; }
->_createIntervalJob : (interval: string | number, name: string, data: IJob["data"], options: RepeatOptions) => Promise<Job>
->                   : ^        ^^               ^^    ^^      ^^    ^^            ^^       ^^             ^^^^^            
->interval : string | number
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->name : string
->     : ^^^^^^
->data : object
->     : ^^^^^^
->options : object
->        : ^^^^^^
->undefined as any : any
->                 : ^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-    private _createIntervalJobs(
->_createIntervalJobs : (interval: string | number, names: string[], data: IJob["data"], options: RepeatOptions) => Promise<Job[]> | undefined
->                    : ^        ^^               ^^     ^^        ^^    ^^            ^^       ^^             ^^^^^                          
-        interval: string | number,
->interval : string | number
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-        names: string[],
->names : string[]
->      : ^^^^^^^^
-        data: IJob['data'],
->data : object
->     : ^^^^^^
-        options: RepeatOptions,
->options : object
->        : ^^^^^^
-    ): Promise<Job[]> | undefined { return undefined as any; }
->undefined as any : any
->                 : ^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-    public async newEvery<T extends string | string[]>(
->newEvery : <T extends string | string[]>(interval: string | number, name: T, data: IJob["data"], options: RepeatOptions) => Promise<HelperCond<T, string, Job, string[], Job[] | undefined>>
->         : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                 ^^        ^^               ^^    ^^ ^^    ^^            ^^       ^^             ^^^^^                                                                
-        interval: string | number,
->interval : string | number
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-        name: T,
->name : T
->     : ^
-        data: IJob['data'],
->data : object
->     : ^^^^^^
-        options: RepeatOptions): Promise<HelperCond<T, string, Job, string[], Job[] | undefined>> {
->options : object
->        : ^^^^^^
-        if (typeof name === 'string') {
->typeof name === 'string' : boolean
->                         : ^^^^^^^
->typeof name : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->            : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->name : T
->     : ^
->'string' : "string"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
-            return this._createIntervalJob(interval, name, data, options); // Ok
->this._createIntervalJob(interval, name, data, options) : Promise<object>
->                                                       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->this._createIntervalJob : (interval: string | number, name: string, data: IJob["data"], options: RepeatOptions) => Promise<Job>
->                        : ^        ^^               ^^    ^^      ^^    ^^            ^^       ^^             ^^^^^            
->this : this
->     : ^^^^
->_createIntervalJob : (interval: string | number, name: string, data: IJob["data"], options: RepeatOptions) => Promise<Job>
->                   : ^        ^^               ^^    ^^      ^^    ^^            ^^       ^^             ^^^^^            
->interval : string | number
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->name : string
->     : ^^^^^^
->data : object
->     : ^^^^^^
->options : object
->        : ^^^^^^
-        }
-        if (Array.isArray(name)) {
->Array.isArray(name) : boolean
->                    : ^^^^^^^
->Array.isArray : (arg: any) => arg is any[]
->              : ^   ^^   ^^^^^            
->Array : ArrayConstructor
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->isArray : (arg: any) => arg is any[]
->        : ^   ^^   ^^^^^            
->name : string[]
->     : ^^^^^^^^
-            return this._createIntervalJobs(interval, name, data, options); // Ok
->this._createIntervalJobs(interval, name, data, options) : Promise<object[]> | undefined
->                                                        : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->this._createIntervalJobs : (interval: string | number, names: string[], data: IJob["data"], options: RepeatOptions) => Promise<Job[]> | undefined
->                         : ^        ^^               ^^     ^^        ^^    ^^            ^^       ^^             ^^^^^                          
->this : this
->     : ^^^^
->_createIntervalJobs : (interval: string | number, names: string[], data: IJob["data"], options: RepeatOptions) => Promise<Job[]> | undefined
->                    : ^        ^^               ^^     ^^        ^^    ^^            ^^       ^^             ^^^^^                          
->interval : string | number
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->name : string[]
->     : ^^^^^^^^
->data : object
->     : ^^^^^^
->options : object
->        : ^^^^^^
-            // Possible bug in original: createIntervalJobs can return undefined, but the original overload did not acount for that.
-        }
-        throw new Error('Unexpected error: Invalid job name(s)');
->new Error('Unexpected error: Invalid job name(s)') : Error
->                                                   : ^^^^^
->Error : ErrorConstructor
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->'Unexpected error: Invalid job name(s)' : "Unexpected error: Invalid job name(s)"
->                                        : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    }
-// File: angular/packages/common/src/pipes/case_conversion_pipes.ts
-function transform1<T extends string | null | undefined>(value: T): HelperCond<T, string, string, null | undefined, null> {
->transform1 : <T extends string | null | undefined>(value: T) => HelperCond<T, string, string, null | undefined, null>
->           : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                         ^^     ^^ ^^^^^                                                     
->value : T
->      : ^
-    if (value == null) return null; // Ok
->value == null : boolean
->              : ^^^^^^^
->value : T
->      : ^
-    if (typeof value !== 'string') {
->typeof value !== 'string' : boolean
->                          : ^^^^^^^
->typeof value : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->             : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->value : NonNullable<T>
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->'string' : "string"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
-        throw new Error();
->new Error() : Error
->            : ^^^^^
->Error : ErrorConstructor
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    }
-    return value.toLowerCase(); // Ok
->value.toLowerCase() : string
->                    : ^^^^^^
->value.toLowerCase : () => string
->                  : ^^^^^^      
->value : string
->      : ^^^^^^
->toLowerCase : () => string
->            : ^^^^^^      
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType4.errors.txt b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType4.errors.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f06601f9fe98..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType4.errors.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-dependentReturnType4.ts(28,9): error TS2322: Type '0' is not assignable to type 'T extends undefined ? 0 : T extends string ? 1 : never'.
-dependentReturnType4.ts(30,5): error TS2322: Type '1' is not assignable to type 'T extends undefined ? 0 : T extends string ? 1 : never'.
-==== dependentReturnType4.ts (2 errors) ====
-    declare const rand: { a?: never };
-    type Missing = typeof rand.a;
-    // Detection of valid optional parameter references
-    // Ok, will narrow return type
-    function bar1<T extends string | Missing>(x?: T):
-        T extends Missing ? 0 : T extends string ? 1 : never {
-        if (x === undefined) {
-            return 0;
-        }
-        return 1;
-    }
-    // Ok, will narrow return type
-    function bar2<T extends string | undefined>(x?: T):
-        T extends undefined ? 0 : T extends string ? 1 : never {
-        if (x === undefined) {
-            return 0;
-        }
-        return 1;
-    }
-    // Not ok, will not narrow return type
-    function bar3<T extends string>(x?: T):
-        T extends undefined ? 0 : T extends string ? 1 : never {
-        if (x === undefined) {
-            return 0;
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '0' is not assignable to type 'T extends undefined ? 0 : T extends string ? 1 : never'.
-        }
-        return 1;
-        ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '1' is not assignable to type 'T extends undefined ? 0 : T extends string ? 1 : never'.
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType4.symbols b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType4.symbols
deleted file mode 100644
index 77b99a29dd972..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType4.symbols
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-//// [tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType4.ts] ////
-=== dependentReturnType4.ts ===
-declare const rand: { a?: never };
->rand : Symbol(rand, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 0, 13))
->a : Symbol(a, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 0, 21))
-type Missing = typeof rand.a;
->Missing : Symbol(Missing, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 0, 34))
->rand.a : Symbol(a, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 0, 21))
->rand : Symbol(rand, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 0, 13))
->a : Symbol(a, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 0, 21))
-// Detection of valid optional parameter references
-// Ok, will narrow return type
-function bar1<T extends string | Missing>(x?: T):
->bar1 : Symbol(bar1, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 1, 29))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 6, 14))
->Missing : Symbol(Missing, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 0, 34))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 6, 42))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 6, 14))
-    T extends Missing ? 0 : T extends string ? 1 : never {
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 6, 14))
->Missing : Symbol(Missing, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 0, 34))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 6, 14))
-    if (x === undefined) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 6, 42))
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return 1;
-// Ok, will narrow return type
-function bar2<T extends string | undefined>(x?: T):
->bar2 : Symbol(bar2, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 12, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 15, 14))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 15, 44))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 15, 14))
-    T extends undefined ? 0 : T extends string ? 1 : never {
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 15, 14))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 15, 14))
-    if (x === undefined) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 15, 44))
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return 1;
-// Not ok, will not narrow return type
-function bar3<T extends string>(x?: T):
->bar3 : Symbol(bar3, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 21, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 24, 14))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 24, 32))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 24, 14))
-    T extends undefined ? 0 : T extends string ? 1 : never {
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 24, 14))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 24, 14))
-    if (x === undefined) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType4.ts, 24, 32))
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return 1;
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType4.types b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType4.types
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b2b910a65fbb..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType4.types
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-//// [tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType4.ts] ////
-=== dependentReturnType4.ts ===
-declare const rand: { a?: never };
->rand : { a?: never; }
->     : ^^^^^^     ^^^
->a : undefined
->  : ^^^^^^^^^
-type Missing = typeof rand.a;
->Missing : undefined
->        : ^^^^^^^^^
->rand.a : undefined
->       : ^^^^^^^^^
->rand : { a?: never; }
->     : ^^^^^^     ^^^
->a : undefined
->  : ^^^^^^^^^
-// Detection of valid optional parameter references
-// Ok, will narrow return type
-function bar1<T extends string | Missing>(x?: T):
->bar1 : <T extends string | Missing>(x?: T) => T extends Missing ? 0 : T extends string ? 1 : never
->     : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^                                                    
->x : T | undefined
->  : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    T extends Missing ? 0 : T extends string ? 1 : never {
-    if (x === undefined) {
->x === undefined : boolean
->                : ^^^^^^^
->x : T | undefined
->  : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-        return 0;
->0 : 0
->  : ^
-    }
-    return 1;
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-// Ok, will narrow return type
-function bar2<T extends string | undefined>(x?: T):
->bar2 : <T extends string | undefined>(x?: T) => T extends undefined ? 0 : T extends string ? 1 : never
->     : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                  ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^                                                      
->x : T | undefined
->  : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    T extends undefined ? 0 : T extends string ? 1 : never {
-    if (x === undefined) {
->x === undefined : boolean
->                : ^^^^^^^
->x : T | undefined
->  : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-        return 0;
->0 : 0
->  : ^
-    }
-    return 1;
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-// Not ok, will not narrow return type
-function bar3<T extends string>(x?: T):
->bar3 : <T extends string>(x?: T) => T extends undefined ? 0 : T extends string ? 1 : never
->     : ^ ^^^^^^^^^      ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^                                                      
->x : T | undefined
->  : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    T extends undefined ? 0 : T extends string ? 1 : never {
-    if (x === undefined) {
->x === undefined : boolean
->                : ^^^^^^^
->x : T | undefined
->  : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-        return 0;
->0 : 0
->  : ^
-    }
-    return 1;
->1 : 1
->  : ^
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType5.errors.txt b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType5.errors.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ce2ada8762c9b..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType5.errors.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-dependentReturnType5.ts(54,13): error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type 'Comp[T]'.
-  Type '2' is not assignable to type '3'.
-dependentReturnType5.ts(65,5): error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type 'Comp[T]'.
-  Type '2' is not assignable to type '3'.
-==== dependentReturnType5.ts (2 errors) ====
-    // Indexed access return type
-    interface A1 {
-        "prop": true;
-        [s: string]: boolean;
-    }
-    // This was already allowed but is unsound.
-    function foo1<T extends string>(x: T): A1[T] {
-        return false;
-    }
-    const rfoo1 = foo1("prop"); // Type says true, but actually returns false.
-    interface A2 {
-        "prop": true;
-        [n: number]: string;
-    }
-    // We could soundly allow that, because `"prop"` and `[n: number]` are disjoint types.
-    function foo2<T extends "prop" | number>(x: T): A2[T] {
-        if (x === "prop") {
-            return true;
-        }
-        return "some string";
-    }
-    const rfoo2 = foo2("prop");
-    const rfoo22 = foo2(34);
-    const rfoo222 = foo2(Math.random() ? "prop" : 34);
-    interface A3 {
-        [s: string]: boolean;
-    }
-    // No need for return type narrowing.
-    function foo3<T extends string>(x: T): A3[T] {
-        if (Math.random()) return true;
-        return false;
-    }
-    interface Comp {
-        foo: 2;
-        [n: number]: 3;
-        [s: string]: 2 | 3 | 4;
-    }
-    function indexedComp<T extends number | string>(x: T): Comp[T] {
-        if (x === "foo") {
-            if (Math.random()) {
-                return 3; // Error
-            }
-            return 2; // Ok
-        }
-        if (typeof x === "number") {
-            if (Math.random()) {
-                return 2; // Error
-                ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type 'Comp[T]'.
-!!! error TS2322:   Type '2' is not assignable to type '3'.
-            }
-            return 3; // Ok
-        }
-        return 4; // Ok
-    }
-    function indexedComp2<T extends number | string>(x: T): Comp[T] {
-        if (Math.random()) {
-            return 3; // Bad, unsound
-        }
-        return 2; // Error
-        ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type 'Comp[T]'.
-!!! error TS2322:   Type '2' is not assignable to type '3'.
-    }
-    // Most common case supported:
-    interface F {
-        "t": number,
-        "f": boolean,
-    }
-    // Ok
-    function depLikeFun<T extends "t" | "f">(str: T): F[T] {
-        if (str === "t") {
-            return 1;
-        } else {
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    depLikeFun("t"); // has type number
-    depLikeFun("f"); // has type boolean
-    type IndirectF<T extends keyof F> = F[T];
-    // Ok
-    function depLikeFun2<T extends "t" | "f">(str: T): IndirectF<T> {
-        if (str === "t") {
-            return 1;
-        } else {
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType5.symbols b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType5.symbols
deleted file mode 100644
index 9061f59ff0c12..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType5.symbols
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-//// [tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType5.ts] ////
-=== dependentReturnType5.ts ===
-// Indexed access return type
-interface A1 {
->A1 : Symbol(A1, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 0, 0))
-    "prop": true;
->"prop" : Symbol(A1["prop"], Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 1, 14))
-    [s: string]: boolean;
->s : Symbol(s, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 3, 5))
-// This was already allowed but is unsound.
-function foo1<T extends string>(x: T): A1[T] {
->foo1 : Symbol(foo1, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 4, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 7, 14))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 7, 32))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 7, 14))
->A1 : Symbol(A1, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 0, 0))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 7, 14))
-    return false;
-const rfoo1 = foo1("prop"); // Type says true, but actually returns false.
->rfoo1 : Symbol(rfoo1, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 10, 5))
->foo1 : Symbol(foo1, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 4, 1))
-interface A2 {
->A2 : Symbol(A2, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 10, 27))
-    "prop": true;
->"prop" : Symbol(A2["prop"], Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 12, 14))
-    [n: number]: string;
->n : Symbol(n, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 14, 5))
-// We could soundly allow that, because `"prop"` and `[n: number]` are disjoint types.
-function foo2<T extends "prop" | number>(x: T): A2[T] {
->foo2 : Symbol(foo2, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 15, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 18, 14))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 18, 41))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 18, 14))
->A2 : Symbol(A2, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 10, 27))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 18, 14))
-    if (x === "prop") {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 18, 41))
-        return true;
-    }
-    return "some string";
-const rfoo2 = foo2("prop");
->rfoo2 : Symbol(rfoo2, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 24, 5))
->foo2 : Symbol(foo2, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 15, 1))
-const rfoo22 = foo2(34);
->rfoo22 : Symbol(rfoo22, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 25, 5))
->foo2 : Symbol(foo2, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 15, 1))
-const rfoo222 = foo2(Math.random() ? "prop" : 34);
->rfoo222 : Symbol(rfoo222, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 26, 5))
->foo2 : Symbol(foo2, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 15, 1))
->Math.random : Symbol(Math.random, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->Math : Symbol(Math, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->random : Symbol(Math.random, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
-interface A3 {
->A3 : Symbol(A3, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 26, 50))
-    [s: string]: boolean;
->s : Symbol(s, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 29, 5))
-// No need for return type narrowing.
-function foo3<T extends string>(x: T): A3[T] {
->foo3 : Symbol(foo3, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 30, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 33, 14))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 33, 32))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 33, 14))
->A3 : Symbol(A3, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 26, 50))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 33, 14))
-    if (Math.random()) return true;
->Math.random : Symbol(Math.random, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->Math : Symbol(Math, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->random : Symbol(Math.random, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
-    return false;
-interface Comp {
->Comp : Symbol(Comp, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 36, 1))
-    foo: 2;
->foo : Symbol(, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 38, 16))
-    [n: number]: 3;
->n : Symbol(n, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 40, 5))
-    [s: string]: 2 | 3 | 4;
->s : Symbol(s, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 41, 5))
-function indexedComp<T extends number | string>(x: T): Comp[T] {
->indexedComp : Symbol(indexedComp, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 42, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 44, 21))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 44, 48))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 44, 21))
->Comp : Symbol(Comp, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 36, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 44, 21))
-    if (x === "foo") {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 44, 48))
-        if (Math.random()) {
->Math.random : Symbol(Math.random, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->Math : Symbol(Math, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->random : Symbol(Math.random, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
-            return 3; // Error
-        }
-        return 2; // Ok
-    }
-    if (typeof x === "number") {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 44, 48))
-        if (Math.random()) {
->Math.random : Symbol(Math.random, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->Math : Symbol(Math, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->random : Symbol(Math.random, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
-            return 2; // Error
-        }
-        return 3; // Ok
-    }
-    return 4; // Ok
-function indexedComp2<T extends number | string>(x: T): Comp[T] {
->indexedComp2 : Symbol(indexedComp2, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 58, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 60, 22))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 60, 49))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 60, 22))
->Comp : Symbol(Comp, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 36, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 60, 22))
-    if (Math.random()) {
->Math.random : Symbol(Math.random, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->Math : Symbol(Math, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->random : Symbol(Math.random, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
-        return 3; // Bad, unsound
-    }
-    return 2; // Error
-// Most common case supported:
-interface F {
->F : Symbol(F, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 65, 1))
-    "t": number,
->"t" : Symbol(F["t"], Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 69, 13))
-    "f": boolean,
->"f" : Symbol(F["f"], Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 70, 16))
-// Ok
-function depLikeFun<T extends "t" | "f">(str: T): F[T] {
->depLikeFun : Symbol(depLikeFun, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 72, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 75, 20))
->str : Symbol(str, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 75, 41))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 75, 20))
->F : Symbol(F, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 65, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 75, 20))
-    if (str === "t") {
->str : Symbol(str, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 75, 41))
-        return 1;
-    } else {
-        return true;
-    }
-depLikeFun("t"); // has type number
->depLikeFun : Symbol(depLikeFun, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 72, 1))
-depLikeFun("f"); // has type boolean
->depLikeFun : Symbol(depLikeFun, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 72, 1))
-type IndirectF<T extends keyof F> = F[T];
->IndirectF : Symbol(IndirectF, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 84, 16))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 86, 15))
->F : Symbol(F, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 65, 1))
->F : Symbol(F, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 65, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 86, 15))
-// Ok
-function depLikeFun2<T extends "t" | "f">(str: T): IndirectF<T> {
->depLikeFun2 : Symbol(depLikeFun2, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 86, 41))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 89, 21))
->str : Symbol(str, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 89, 42))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 89, 21))
->IndirectF : Symbol(IndirectF, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 84, 16))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 89, 21))
-    if (str === "t") {
->str : Symbol(str, Decl(dependentReturnType5.ts, 89, 42))
-        return 1;
-    } else {
-        return true;
-    }
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType5.types b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType5.types
deleted file mode 100644
index 25f542fec56de..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType5.types
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-//// [tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType5.ts] ////
-=== dependentReturnType5.ts ===
-// Indexed access return type
-interface A1 {
-    "prop": true;
->"prop" : true
->       : ^^^^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
-    [s: string]: boolean;
->s : string
->  : ^^^^^^
-// This was already allowed but is unsound.
-function foo1<T extends string>(x: T): A1[T] {
->foo1 : <T extends string>(x: T) => A1[T]
->     : ^ ^^^^^^^^^      ^^ ^^ ^^^^^     
->x : T
->  : ^
-    return false;
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-const rfoo1 = foo1("prop"); // Type says true, but actually returns false.
->rfoo1 : true
->      : ^^^^
->foo1("prop") : true
->             : ^^^^
->foo1 : <T extends string>(x: T) => A1[T]
->     : ^ ^^^^^^^^^      ^^ ^^ ^^^^^     
->"prop" : "prop"
->       : ^^^^^^
-interface A2 {
-    "prop": true;
->"prop" : true
->       : ^^^^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
-    [n: number]: string;
->n : number
->  : ^^^^^^
-// We could soundly allow that, because `"prop"` and `[n: number]` are disjoint types.
-function foo2<T extends "prop" | number>(x: T): A2[T] {
->foo2 : <T extends "prop" | number>(x: T) => A2[T]
->     : ^ ^^^^^^^^^               ^^ ^^ ^^^^^     
->x : T
->  : ^
-    if (x === "prop") {
->x === "prop" : boolean
->             : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->"prop" : "prop"
->       : ^^^^^^
-        return true;
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
-    }
-    return "some string";
->"some string" : "some string"
->              : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-const rfoo2 = foo2("prop");
->rfoo2 : true
->      : ^^^^
->foo2("prop") : true
->             : ^^^^
->foo2 : <T extends "prop" | number>(x: T) => A2[T]
->     : ^ ^^^^^^^^^               ^^ ^^ ^^^^^     
->"prop" : "prop"
->       : ^^^^^^
-const rfoo22 = foo2(34);
->rfoo22 : string
->       : ^^^^^^
->foo2(34) : string
->         : ^^^^^^
->foo2 : <T extends "prop" | number>(x: T) => A2[T]
->     : ^ ^^^^^^^^^               ^^ ^^ ^^^^^     
->34 : 34
->   : ^^
-const rfoo222 = foo2(Math.random() ? "prop" : 34);
->rfoo222 : string | true
->        : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->foo2(Math.random() ? "prop" : 34) : string | true
->                                  : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->foo2 : <T extends "prop" | number>(x: T) => A2[T]
->     : ^ ^^^^^^^^^               ^^ ^^ ^^^^^     
->Math.random() ? "prop" : 34 : "prop" | 34
->                            : ^^^^^^^^^^^
->Math.random() : number
->              : ^^^^^^
->Math.random : () => number
->            : ^^^^^^      
->Math : Math
->     : ^^^^
->random : () => number
->       : ^^^^^^      
->"prop" : "prop"
->       : ^^^^^^
->34 : 34
->   : ^^
-interface A3 {
-    [s: string]: boolean;
->s : string
->  : ^^^^^^
-// No need for return type narrowing.
-function foo3<T extends string>(x: T): A3[T] {
->foo3 : <T extends string>(x: T) => A3[T]
->     : ^ ^^^^^^^^^      ^^ ^^ ^^^^^     
->x : T
->  : ^
-    if (Math.random()) return true;
->Math.random() : number
->              : ^^^^^^
->Math.random : () => number
->            : ^^^^^^      
->Math : Math
->     : ^^^^
->random : () => number
->       : ^^^^^^      
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
-    return false;
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-interface Comp {
-    foo: 2;
->foo : 2
->    : ^
-    [n: number]: 3;
->n : number
->  : ^^^^^^
-    [s: string]: 2 | 3 | 4;
->s : string
->  : ^^^^^^
-function indexedComp<T extends number | string>(x: T): Comp[T] {
->indexedComp : <T extends number | string>(x: T) => Comp[T]
->            : ^ ^^^^^^^^^               ^^ ^^ ^^^^^       
->x : T
->  : ^
-    if (x === "foo") {
->x === "foo" : boolean
->            : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->"foo" : "foo"
->      : ^^^^^
-        if (Math.random()) {
->Math.random() : number
->              : ^^^^^^
->Math.random : () => number
->            : ^^^^^^      
->Math : Math
->     : ^^^^
->random : () => number
->       : ^^^^^^      
-            return 3; // Error
->3 : 3
->  : ^
-        }
-        return 2; // Ok
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-    }
-    if (typeof x === "number") {
->typeof x === "number" : boolean
->                      : ^^^^^^^
->typeof x : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->"number" : "number"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
-        if (Math.random()) {
->Math.random() : number
->              : ^^^^^^
->Math.random : () => number
->            : ^^^^^^      
->Math : Math
->     : ^^^^
->random : () => number
->       : ^^^^^^      
-            return 2; // Error
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-        }
-        return 3; // Ok
->3 : 3
->  : ^
-    }
-    return 4; // Ok
->4 : 4
->  : ^
-function indexedComp2<T extends number | string>(x: T): Comp[T] {
->indexedComp2 : <T extends number | string>(x: T) => Comp[T]
->             : ^ ^^^^^^^^^               ^^ ^^ ^^^^^       
->x : T
->  : ^
-    if (Math.random()) {
->Math.random() : number
->              : ^^^^^^
->Math.random : () => number
->            : ^^^^^^      
->Math : Math
->     : ^^^^
->random : () => number
->       : ^^^^^^      
-        return 3; // Bad, unsound
->3 : 3
->  : ^
-    }
-    return 2; // Error
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-// Most common case supported:
-interface F {
-    "t": number,
->"t" : number
->    : ^^^^^^
-    "f": boolean,
->"f" : boolean
->    : ^^^^^^^
-// Ok
-function depLikeFun<T extends "t" | "f">(str: T): F[T] {
->depLikeFun : <T extends "t" | "f">(str: T) => F[T]
->           : ^ ^^^^^^^^^         ^^   ^^ ^^^^^    
->str : T
->    : ^
-    if (str === "t") {
->str === "t" : boolean
->            : ^^^^^^^
->str : T
->    : ^
->"t" : "t"
->    : ^^^
-        return 1;
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-    } else {
-        return true;
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
-    }
-depLikeFun("t"); // has type number
->depLikeFun("t") : number
->                : ^^^^^^
->depLikeFun : <T extends "t" | "f">(str: T) => F[T]
->           : ^ ^^^^^^^^^         ^^   ^^ ^^^^^    
->"t" : "t"
->    : ^^^
-depLikeFun("f"); // has type boolean
->depLikeFun("f") : boolean
->                : ^^^^^^^
->depLikeFun : <T extends "t" | "f">(str: T) => F[T]
->           : ^ ^^^^^^^^^         ^^   ^^ ^^^^^    
->"f" : "f"
->    : ^^^
-type IndirectF<T extends keyof F> = F[T];
->IndirectF : IndirectF<T>
->          : ^^^^^^^^^^^^
-// Ok
-function depLikeFun2<T extends "t" | "f">(str: T): IndirectF<T> {
->depLikeFun2 : <T extends "t" | "f">(str: T) => IndirectF<T>
->            : ^ ^^^^^^^^^         ^^   ^^ ^^^^^            
->str : T
->    : ^
-    if (str === "t") {
->str === "t" : boolean
->            : ^^^^^^^
->str : T
->    : ^
->"t" : "t"
->    : ^^^
-        return 1;
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-    } else {
-        return true;
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
-    }
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType6.errors.txt b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType6.errors.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 638c23268ad80..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType6.errors.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-file.ts(28,26): error TS2322: Type 'true' is not assignable to type 'SomeInterfaceBad<T>[U]'.
-  Type 'true' is not assignable to type 'T extends 1 ? true : T extends 2 ? false : never'.
-file.ts(28,33): error TS2322: Type 'false' is not assignable to type 'SomeInterfaceBad<T>[U]'.
-  Type 'false' is not assignable to type 'T extends 1 ? true : T extends 2 ? false : never'.
-file.ts(30,16): error TS2322: Type '1' is not assignable to type 'SomeInterfaceBad<T>[U]'.
-  Type '1' is not assignable to type 'T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never'.
-file.ts(30,20): error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type 'SomeInterfaceBad<T>[U]'.
-  Type '2' is not assignable to type 'T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never'.
-file.ts(80,13): error TS2322: Type '1' is not assignable to type 'this extends Sub1 ? 1 : this extends Sub2 ? 2 : never'.
-file.ts(82,9): error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type 'this extends Sub1 ? 1 : this extends Sub2 ? 2 : never'.
-file.ts(94,16): error TS2322: Type '1' is not assignable to type 'T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never'.
-file.ts(94,20): error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type 'T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never'.
-file.ts(98,100): error TS2322: Type '1 | 2' is not assignable to type 'T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never'.
-  Type '1' is not assignable to type 'T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never'.
-file.ts(106,9): error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'SomeCond<T>'.
-file.ts(106,9): error TS2589: Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite.
-file.ts(108,5): error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'SomeCond<T>'.
-file.ts(114,60): error TS2366: Function lacks ending return statement and return type does not include 'undefined'.
-file.ts(116,9): error TS2322: Type '"one"' is not assignable to type 'OtherCond<U> | OtherCond<V>'.
-file.ts(126,9): error TS2322: Type '"a"' is not assignable to type 'T extends (infer P)[] ? P : T extends number ? undefined : never'.
-file.ts(128,5): error TS2322: Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'T extends (infer P)[] ? P : T extends number ? undefined : never'.
-==== file.ts (16 errors) ====
-    // Type parameter in outer scope
-    function outer<T extends boolean>(x: T): number {
-        return inner();
-        function inner(): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
-            return x ? 1 : 2;
-        }
-    }
-    // Overloads
-    function fun6<T extends boolean>(x: T, y: string): T extends true ? string : T extends false ? 2 : never;
-    function fun6<T extends boolean>(x: T, y: undefined): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never;
-    function fun6(x: boolean): 1 | 2 | string;
-    function fun6<T extends boolean>(x: T, y?: string): T extends true ? 1 | string : T extends false ? 2 : never {
-        return x ? y !== undefined ? y : 1 : 2;
-    }
-    // Indexed access with conditional inside
-    // DOESN'T NARROW the nested conditional type of wrong shape
-    interface SomeInterfaceBad<T> {
-        prop1: T extends 1 ? true : T extends 2 ? false : never;
-        prop2: T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never;
-    }
-    function fun4bad<T, U extends keyof SomeInterfaceBad<unknown>>(x: T, y: U): SomeInterfaceBad<T>[U] {
-        if (y === "prop1") {
-            return x === 1 ? true : false;
-                             ~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'true' is not assignable to type 'SomeInterfaceBad<T>[U]'.
-!!! error TS2322:   Type 'true' is not assignable to type 'T extends 1 ? true : T extends 2 ? false : never'.
-                                    ~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'false' is not assignable to type 'SomeInterfaceBad<T>[U]'.
-!!! error TS2322:   Type 'false' is not assignable to type 'T extends 1 ? true : T extends 2 ? false : never'.
-        }
-        return x ? 1 : 2;
-                   ~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '1' is not assignable to type 'SomeInterfaceBad<T>[U]'.
-!!! error TS2322:   Type '1' is not assignable to type 'T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never'.
-                       ~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type 'SomeInterfaceBad<T>[U]'.
-!!! error TS2322:   Type '2' is not assignable to type 'T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never'.
-    }
-    // Narrows nested conditional type of right shape
-    interface SomeInterfaceGood<T> {
-        prop1: T extends true ? 2 : T extends false ? 1 : never;
-        prop2: T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never;
-    }
-    function fun4good<T extends boolean, U extends keyof SomeInterfaceGood<unknown>>(x: T, y: U): SomeInterfaceGood<T>[U] {
-        if (y === "prop1") {
-            return x ? 2 : 1;
-        }
-        return x ? 1 : 2;
-    }
-    // Indexed access with indexed access inside - OK, narrows
-    interface BB {
-        "a": number;
-        "b": string;
-    }
-    interface AA<T extends keyof BB> {
-        "c": BB[T];
-        "d": boolean,
-    }
-    function reduction<T extends keyof BB, U extends keyof AA<any>>(x: T, y: U): AA<T>[U] {
-        if (x === "a" && y === "c") {
-            return 0; // Ok
-        }
-        return undefined as never;
-    }
-    // Conditional with indexed access inside - OK, narrows
-    function fun5<T extends 1 | 2, U extends keyof BB>(x: T, y: U): T extends 1 ? BB[U] : T extends 2 ? boolean : never {
-        if (x === 1) {
-            if (y === "a") {
-                return 0;
-            }
-            return "";
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    // `this` type parameter - Doesn't narrow
-    abstract class SomeClass {
-        fun3(this: Sub1 | Sub2): this extends Sub1 ? 1 : this extends Sub2 ? 2 : never {
-            if (this instanceof Sub1) {
-                return 1;
-                ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '1' is not assignable to type 'this extends Sub1 ? 1 : this extends Sub2 ? 2 : never'.
-            }
-            return 2;
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type 'this extends Sub1 ? 1 : this extends Sub2 ? 2 : never'.
-        }
-    }
-    class Sub1 extends SomeClass {
-        #sub1!: symbol;
-    };
-    class Sub2 extends SomeClass {
-        #sub2!: symbol;
-    };
-    // Detection of type parameter reference in presence of typeof
-    function fun2<T extends boolean>(x: T, y: typeof x): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
-        return x ? 1 : 2;
-                   ~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '1' is not assignable to type 'T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never'.
-                       ~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type 'T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never'.
-    }
-    // Contextually-typed lambdas
-    const fun1: <T extends boolean>(x: T) => T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never = (x) => x ? 1 : 2;
-                                                                                                       ~~~~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '1 | 2' is not assignable to type 'T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never'.
-!!! error TS2322:   Type '1' is not assignable to type 'T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never'.
-!!! related TS6502 file.ts:98:13: The expected type comes from the return type of this signature.
-    // Circular conditionals
-    type SomeCond<T> = T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? SomeCond<T> : never;
-    function f7<T extends boolean>(x: T): SomeCond<T> {
-        if (x) {
-            return 1;
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'SomeCond<T>'.
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2589: Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite.
-        }
-        return 2;
-        ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'SomeCond<T>'.
-    }
-    // Composite instantiation of conditional type
-    type OtherCond<T> = T extends 1 ? "one" : T extends 2 ? "two" : T extends 3 ? "three" : T extends 4 ? "four" : never;
-    function f8<U extends 1 | 2, V extends 3 | 4>(x: U, y: V): OtherCond<U | V> {
-                                                               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2366: Function lacks ending return statement and return type does not include 'undefined'.
-        if (x === 1 && y === 3)  {
-            return "one";
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '"one"' is not assignable to type 'OtherCond<U> | OtherCond<V>'.
-        }
-    }
-    // Conditionals with `infer` - will not narrow, it is not safe to infer from the narrowed type into an `infer` type parameter
-    function f9<T extends "a"[] | "b"[] | number>(x: T): T extends Array<infer P> ? P : T extends number ? undefined : never {
-        if (Array.isArray(x)) {
-            // If we allowed narrowing of the conditional return type, when resolving the conditional `T & ("a"[] | "b"[]) extends Array<infer P> ? P : ...`,
-            // we could infer `"a" | "b"` for `P`, and allow "a" to be returned. However, when calling `f10`, `T` could be instantiated with `"b"[]`, and the return type would be `"b"`,
-            // so allowing an `"a"` return would be unsound.
-            return "a";
-            ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type '"a"' is not assignable to type 'T extends (infer P)[] ? P : T extends number ? undefined : never'.
-        }
-        return undefined;
-        ~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2322: Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'T extends (infer P)[] ? P : T extends number ? undefined : never'.
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType6.symbols b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType6.symbols
deleted file mode 100644
index 44fc28739e099..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType6.symbols
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-//// [tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType6.ts] ////
-=== file.ts ===
-// Type parameter in outer scope
-function outer<T extends boolean>(x: T): number {
->outer : Symbol(outer, Decl(file.ts, 0, 0))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 1, 15))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 1, 34))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 1, 15))
-    return inner();
->inner : Symbol(inner, Decl(file.ts, 2, 19))
-    function inner(): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
->inner : Symbol(inner, Decl(file.ts, 2, 19))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 1, 15))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 1, 15))
-        return x ? 1 : 2;
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 1, 34))
-    }
-// Overloads
-function fun6<T extends boolean>(x: T, y: string): T extends true ? string : T extends false ? 2 : never;
->fun6 : Symbol(fun6, Decl(file.ts, 7, 1), Decl(file.ts, 10, 105), Decl(file.ts, 11, 103), Decl(file.ts, 12, 42))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 10, 14))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 10, 33))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 10, 14))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(file.ts, 10, 38))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 10, 14))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 10, 14))
-function fun6<T extends boolean>(x: T, y: undefined): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never;
->fun6 : Symbol(fun6, Decl(file.ts, 7, 1), Decl(file.ts, 10, 105), Decl(file.ts, 11, 103), Decl(file.ts, 12, 42))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 11, 14))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 11, 33))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 11, 14))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(file.ts, 11, 38))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 11, 14))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 11, 14))
-function fun6(x: boolean): 1 | 2 | string;
->fun6 : Symbol(fun6, Decl(file.ts, 7, 1), Decl(file.ts, 10, 105), Decl(file.ts, 11, 103), Decl(file.ts, 12, 42))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 12, 14))
-function fun6<T extends boolean>(x: T, y?: string): T extends true ? 1 | string : T extends false ? 2 : never {
->fun6 : Symbol(fun6, Decl(file.ts, 7, 1), Decl(file.ts, 10, 105), Decl(file.ts, 11, 103), Decl(file.ts, 12, 42))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 13, 14))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 13, 33))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 13, 14))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(file.ts, 13, 38))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 13, 14))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 13, 14))
-    return x ? y !== undefined ? y : 1 : 2;
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 13, 33))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(file.ts, 13, 38))
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(file.ts, 13, 38))
-// Indexed access with conditional inside
-// DOESN'T NARROW the nested conditional type of wrong shape
-interface SomeInterfaceBad<T> {
->SomeInterfaceBad : Symbol(SomeInterfaceBad, Decl(file.ts, 15, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 20, 27))
-    prop1: T extends 1 ? true : T extends 2 ? false : never;
->prop1 : Symbol(SomeInterfaceBad.prop1, Decl(file.ts, 20, 31))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 20, 27))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 20, 27))
-    prop2: T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never;
->prop2 : Symbol(SomeInterfaceBad.prop2, Decl(file.ts, 21, 60))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 20, 27))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 20, 27))
-function fun4bad<T, U extends keyof SomeInterfaceBad<unknown>>(x: T, y: U): SomeInterfaceBad<T>[U] {
->fun4bad : Symbol(fun4bad, Decl(file.ts, 23, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 25, 17))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(file.ts, 25, 19))
->SomeInterfaceBad : Symbol(SomeInterfaceBad, Decl(file.ts, 15, 1))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 25, 63))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 25, 17))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(file.ts, 25, 68))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(file.ts, 25, 19))
->SomeInterfaceBad : Symbol(SomeInterfaceBad, Decl(file.ts, 15, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 25, 17))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(file.ts, 25, 19))
-    if (y === "prop1") {
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(file.ts, 25, 68))
-        return x === 1 ? true : false;
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 25, 63))
-    }
-    return x ? 1 : 2;
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 25, 63))
-// Narrows nested conditional type of right shape
-interface SomeInterfaceGood<T> {
->SomeInterfaceGood : Symbol(SomeInterfaceGood, Decl(file.ts, 30, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 33, 28))
-    prop1: T extends true ? 2 : T extends false ? 1 : never;
->prop1 : Symbol(SomeInterfaceGood.prop1, Decl(file.ts, 33, 32))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 33, 28))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 33, 28))
-    prop2: T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never;
->prop2 : Symbol(SomeInterfaceGood.prop2, Decl(file.ts, 34, 60))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 33, 28))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 33, 28))
-function fun4good<T extends boolean, U extends keyof SomeInterfaceGood<unknown>>(x: T, y: U): SomeInterfaceGood<T>[U] {
->fun4good : Symbol(fun4good, Decl(file.ts, 36, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 38, 18))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(file.ts, 38, 36))
->SomeInterfaceGood : Symbol(SomeInterfaceGood, Decl(file.ts, 30, 1))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 38, 81))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 38, 18))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(file.ts, 38, 86))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(file.ts, 38, 36))
->SomeInterfaceGood : Symbol(SomeInterfaceGood, Decl(file.ts, 30, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 38, 18))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(file.ts, 38, 36))
-    if (y === "prop1") {
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(file.ts, 38, 86))
-        return x ? 2 : 1;
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 38, 81))
-    }
-    return x ? 1 : 2;
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 38, 81))
-// Indexed access with indexed access inside - OK, narrows
-interface BB {
->BB : Symbol(BB, Decl(file.ts, 43, 1))
-    "a": number;
->"a" : Symbol(BB["a"], Decl(file.ts, 46, 14))
-    "b": string;
->"b" : Symbol(BB["b"], Decl(file.ts, 47, 16))
-interface AA<T extends keyof BB> {
->AA : Symbol(AA, Decl(file.ts, 49, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 51, 13))
->BB : Symbol(BB, Decl(file.ts, 43, 1))
-    "c": BB[T];
->"c" : Symbol(AA["c"], Decl(file.ts, 51, 34))
->BB : Symbol(BB, Decl(file.ts, 43, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 51, 13))
-    "d": boolean,
->"d" : Symbol(AA["d"], Decl(file.ts, 52, 15))
-function reduction<T extends keyof BB, U extends keyof AA<any>>(x: T, y: U): AA<T>[U] {
->reduction : Symbol(reduction, Decl(file.ts, 54, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 56, 19))
->BB : Symbol(BB, Decl(file.ts, 43, 1))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(file.ts, 56, 38))
->AA : Symbol(AA, Decl(file.ts, 49, 1))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 56, 64))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 56, 19))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(file.ts, 56, 69))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(file.ts, 56, 38))
->AA : Symbol(AA, Decl(file.ts, 49, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 56, 19))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(file.ts, 56, 38))
-    if (x === "a" && y === "c") {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 56, 64))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(file.ts, 56, 69))
-        return 0; // Ok
-    }
-    return undefined as never;
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
-// Conditional with indexed access inside - OK, narrows
-function fun5<T extends 1 | 2, U extends keyof BB>(x: T, y: U): T extends 1 ? BB[U] : T extends 2 ? boolean : never {
->fun5 : Symbol(fun5, Decl(file.ts, 62, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 65, 14))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(file.ts, 65, 30))
->BB : Symbol(BB, Decl(file.ts, 43, 1))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 65, 51))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 65, 14))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(file.ts, 65, 56))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(file.ts, 65, 30))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 65, 14))
->BB : Symbol(BB, Decl(file.ts, 43, 1))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(file.ts, 65, 30))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 65, 14))
-    if (x === 1) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 65, 51))
-        if (y === "a") {
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(file.ts, 65, 56))
-            return 0;
-        }
-        return "";
-    }
-    return true;
-// `this` type parameter - Doesn't narrow
-abstract class SomeClass {
->SomeClass : Symbol(SomeClass, Decl(file.ts, 73, 1))
-    fun3(this: Sub1 | Sub2): this extends Sub1 ? 1 : this extends Sub2 ? 2 : never {
->fun3 : Symbol(SomeClass.fun3, Decl(file.ts, 76, 26))
->this : Symbol(this, Decl(file.ts, 77, 9))
->Sub1 : Symbol(Sub1, Decl(file.ts, 83, 1))
->Sub2 : Symbol(Sub2, Decl(file.ts, 86, 2))
->Sub1 : Symbol(Sub1, Decl(file.ts, 83, 1))
->Sub2 : Symbol(Sub2, Decl(file.ts, 86, 2))
-        if (this instanceof Sub1) {
->this : Symbol(this, Decl(file.ts, 77, 9))
->Sub1 : Symbol(Sub1, Decl(file.ts, 83, 1))
-            return 1;
-        }
-        return 2;
-    }
-class Sub1 extends SomeClass {
->Sub1 : Symbol(Sub1, Decl(file.ts, 83, 1))
->SomeClass : Symbol(SomeClass, Decl(file.ts, 73, 1))
-    #sub1!: symbol;
->#sub1 : Symbol(Sub1.#sub1, Decl(file.ts, 84, 30))
-class Sub2 extends SomeClass {
->Sub2 : Symbol(Sub2, Decl(file.ts, 86, 2))
->SomeClass : Symbol(SomeClass, Decl(file.ts, 73, 1))
-    #sub2!: symbol;
->#sub2 : Symbol(Sub2.#sub2, Decl(file.ts, 87, 30))
-// Detection of type parameter reference in presence of typeof
-function fun2<T extends boolean>(x: T, y: typeof x): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
->fun2 : Symbol(fun2, Decl(file.ts, 89, 2))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 92, 14))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 92, 33))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 92, 14))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(file.ts, 92, 38))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 92, 33))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 92, 14))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 92, 14))
-    return x ? 1 : 2;
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 92, 33))
-// Contextually-typed lambdas
-const fun1: <T extends boolean>(x: T) => T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never = (x) => x ? 1 : 2;
->fun1 : Symbol(fun1, Decl(file.ts, 97, 5))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 97, 13))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 97, 32))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 97, 13))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 97, 13))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 97, 13))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 97, 93))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 97, 93))
-// Circular conditionals
-type SomeCond<T> = T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? SomeCond<T> : never;
->SomeCond : Symbol(SomeCond, Decl(file.ts, 97, 109))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 101, 14))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 101, 14))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 101, 14))
->SomeCond : Symbol(SomeCond, Decl(file.ts, 97, 109))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 101, 14))
-function f7<T extends boolean>(x: T): SomeCond<T> {
->f7 : Symbol(f7, Decl(file.ts, 101, 78))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 103, 12))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 103, 31))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 103, 12))
->SomeCond : Symbol(SomeCond, Decl(file.ts, 97, 109))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 103, 12))
-    if (x) {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 103, 31))
-        return 1;
-    }
-    return 2;
-// Composite instantiation of conditional type
-type OtherCond<T> = T extends 1 ? "one" : T extends 2 ? "two" : T extends 3 ? "three" : T extends 4 ? "four" : never;
->OtherCond : Symbol(OtherCond, Decl(file.ts, 108, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 111, 15))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 111, 15))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 111, 15))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 111, 15))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 111, 15))
-function f8<U extends 1 | 2, V extends 3 | 4>(x: U, y: V): OtherCond<U | V> {
->f8 : Symbol(f8, Decl(file.ts, 111, 117))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(file.ts, 113, 12))
->V : Symbol(V, Decl(file.ts, 113, 28))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 113, 46))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(file.ts, 113, 12))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(file.ts, 113, 51))
->V : Symbol(V, Decl(file.ts, 113, 28))
->OtherCond : Symbol(OtherCond, Decl(file.ts, 108, 1))
->U : Symbol(U, Decl(file.ts, 113, 12))
->V : Symbol(V, Decl(file.ts, 113, 28))
-    if (x === 1 && y === 3)  {
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 113, 46))
->y : Symbol(y, Decl(file.ts, 113, 51))
-        return "one";
-    }
-// Conditionals with `infer` - will not narrow, it is not safe to infer from the narrowed type into an `infer` type parameter
-function f9<T extends "a"[] | "b"[] | number>(x: T): T extends Array<infer P> ? P : T extends number ? undefined : never {
->f9 : Symbol(f9, Decl(file.ts, 117, 1))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 120, 12))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 120, 46))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 120, 12))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 120, 12))
->Array : Symbol(Array, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --) ... and 4 more)
->P : Symbol(P, Decl(file.ts, 120, 74))
->P : Symbol(P, Decl(file.ts, 120, 74))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(file.ts, 120, 12))
-    if (Array.isArray(x)) {
->Array.isArray : Symbol(ArrayConstructor.isArray, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->Array : Symbol(Array, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.core.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --) ... and 4 more)
->isArray : Symbol(ArrayConstructor.isArray, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->x : Symbol(x, Decl(file.ts, 120, 46))
-        // If we allowed narrowing of the conditional return type, when resolving the conditional `T & ("a"[] | "b"[]) extends Array<infer P> ? P : ...`,
-        // we could infer `"a" | "b"` for `P`, and allow "a" to be returned. However, when calling `f10`, `T` could be instantiated with `"b"[]`, and the return type would be `"b"`,
-        // so allowing an `"a"` return would be unsound.
-        return "a";
-    }
-    return undefined;
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType6.types b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType6.types
deleted file mode 100644
index f1831992e691f..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType6.types
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
-//// [tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType6.ts] ////
-=== Performance Stats ===
-Instantiation count: 5,000
-=== file.ts ===
-// Type parameter in outer scope
-function outer<T extends boolean>(x: T): number {
->outer : <T extends boolean>(x: T) => number
->      : ^ ^^^^^^^^^       ^^ ^^ ^^^^^      
->x : T
->  : ^
-    return inner();
->inner() : T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never
->        : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->inner : () => T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never
->      : ^^^^^^                                                
-    function inner(): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
->inner : () => T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never
->      : ^^^^^^                                                
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-        return x ? 1 : 2;
->x ? 1 : 2 : 1 | 2
->          : ^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-    }
-// Overloads
-function fun6<T extends boolean>(x: T, y: string): T extends true ? string : T extends false ? 2 : never;
->fun6 : { <T extends boolean>(x: T, y: string): T extends true ? string : T extends false ? 2 : never; <T_1 extends boolean>(x: T_1, y: undefined): T_1 extends true ? 1 : T_1 extends false ? 2 : never; (x: boolean): 1 | 2 | string; }
->     : ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^       ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^      ^^^                                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^       ^^ ^^   ^^ ^^         ^^^                                                    ^^^ ^^       ^^^              ^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->y : string
->  : ^^^^^^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-function fun6<T extends boolean>(x: T, y: undefined): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never;
->fun6 : { <T_1 extends boolean>(x: T_1, y: string): T_1 extends true ? string : T_1 extends false ? 2 : never; <T extends boolean>(x: T, y: undefined): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never; (x: boolean): 1 | 2 | string; }
->     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^       ^^ ^^   ^^ ^^      ^^^                                                         ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^       ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^         ^^^                                                ^^^ ^^       ^^^              ^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->y : undefined
->  : ^^^^^^^^^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-function fun6(x: boolean): 1 | 2 | string;
->fun6 : { <T extends boolean>(x: T, y: string): T extends true ? string : T extends false ? 2 : never; <T extends boolean>(x: T, y: undefined): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never; (x: boolean): 1 | 2 | string; }
->     : ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^       ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^      ^^^                                                     ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^       ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^         ^^^                                                ^^^ ^^       ^^^              ^^^
->x : boolean
->  : ^^^^^^^
-function fun6<T extends boolean>(x: T, y?: string): T extends true ? 1 | string : T extends false ? 2 : never {
->fun6 : { <T_1 extends boolean>(x: T_1, y: string): T_1 extends true ? string : T_1 extends false ? 2 : never; <T_1 extends boolean>(x: T_1, y: undefined): T_1 extends true ? 1 : T_1 extends false ? 2 : never; (x: boolean): 1 | 2 | string; }
->     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^       ^^ ^^   ^^ ^^      ^^^                                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^       ^^ ^^   ^^ ^^         ^^^                                                    ^^^ ^^       ^^^              ^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->y : string | undefined
->  : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-    return x ? y !== undefined ? y : 1 : 2;
->x ? y !== undefined ? y : 1 : 2 : string | 1 | 2
->                                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->y !== undefined ? y : 1 : string | 1
->                        : ^^^^^^^^^^
->y !== undefined : boolean
->                : ^^^^^^^
->y : string | undefined
->  : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
->y : string
->  : ^^^^^^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-// Indexed access with conditional inside
-// DOESN'T NARROW the nested conditional type of wrong shape
-interface SomeInterfaceBad<T> {
-    prop1: T extends 1 ? true : T extends 2 ? false : never;
->prop1 : T extends 1 ? true : T extends 2 ? false : never
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-    prop2: T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never;
->prop2 : T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-function fun4bad<T, U extends keyof SomeInterfaceBad<unknown>>(x: T, y: U): SomeInterfaceBad<T>[U] {
->fun4bad : <T, U extends keyof SomeInterfaceBad<unknown>>(x: T, y: U) => SomeInterfaceBad<T>[U]
->        : ^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^                               ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                      
->x : T
->  : ^
->y : U
->  : ^
-    if (y === "prop1") {
->y === "prop1" : boolean
->              : ^^^^^^^
->y : U
->  : ^
->"prop1" : "prop1"
->        : ^^^^^^^
-        return x === 1 ? true : false;
->x === 1 ? true : false : boolean
->                       : ^^^^^^^
->x === 1 : boolean
->        : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-    }
-    return x ? 1 : 2;
->x ? 1 : 2 : 1 | 2
->          : ^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-// Narrows nested conditional type of right shape
-interface SomeInterfaceGood<T> {
-    prop1: T extends true ? 2 : T extends false ? 1 : never;
->prop1 : T extends true ? 2 : T extends false ? 1 : never
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-    prop2: T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never;
->prop2 : T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-function fun4good<T extends boolean, U extends keyof SomeInterfaceGood<unknown>>(x: T, y: U): SomeInterfaceGood<T>[U] {
->fun4good : <T extends boolean, U extends keyof SomeInterfaceGood<unknown>>(x: T, y: U) => SomeInterfaceGood<T>[U]
->         : ^ ^^^^^^^^^       ^^ ^^^^^^^^^                                ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                       
->x : T
->  : ^
->y : U
->  : ^
-    if (y === "prop1") {
->y === "prop1" : boolean
->              : ^^^^^^^
->y : U
->  : ^
->"prop1" : "prop1"
->        : ^^^^^^^
-        return x ? 2 : 1;
->x ? 2 : 1 : 1 | 2
->          : ^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->2 : 2
->  : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-    }
-    return x ? 1 : 2;
->x ? 1 : 2 : 1 | 2
->          : ^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-// Indexed access with indexed access inside - OK, narrows
-interface BB {
-    "a": number;
->"a" : number
->    : ^^^^^^
-    "b": string;
->"b" : string
->    : ^^^^^^
-interface AA<T extends keyof BB> {
-    "c": BB[T];
->"c" : BB[T]
->    : ^^^^^
-    "d": boolean,
->"d" : boolean
->    : ^^^^^^^
-function reduction<T extends keyof BB, U extends keyof AA<any>>(x: T, y: U): AA<T>[U] {
->reduction : <T extends keyof BB, U extends keyof AA<any>>(x: T, y: U) => AA<T>[U]
->          : ^ ^^^^^^^^^        ^^ ^^^^^^^^^             ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^        
->x : T
->  : ^
->y : U
->  : ^
-    if (x === "a" && y === "c") {
->x === "a" && y === "c" : boolean
->                       : ^^^^^^^
->x === "a" : boolean
->          : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->"a" : "a"
->    : ^^^
->y === "c" : boolean
->          : ^^^^^^^
->y : U
->  : ^
->"c" : "c"
->    : ^^^
-        return 0; // Ok
->0 : 0
->  : ^
-    }
-    return undefined as never;
->undefined as never : never
->                   : ^^^^^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-// Conditional with indexed access inside - OK, narrows
-function fun5<T extends 1 | 2, U extends keyof BB>(x: T, y: U): T extends 1 ? BB[U] : T extends 2 ? boolean : never {
->fun5 : <T extends 1 | 2, U extends keyof BB>(x: T, y: U) => T extends 1 ? BB[U] : T extends 2 ? boolean : never
->     : ^ ^^^^^^^^^     ^^ ^^^^^^^^^        ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                   
->x : T
->  : ^
->y : U
->  : ^
-    if (x === 1) {
->x === 1 : boolean
->        : ^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-        if (y === "a") {
->y === "a" : boolean
->          : ^^^^^^^
->y : U
->  : ^
->"a" : "a"
->    : ^^^
-            return 0;
->0 : 0
->  : ^
-        }
-        return "";
->"" : ""
->   : ^^
-    }
-    return true;
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
-// `this` type parameter - Doesn't narrow
-abstract class SomeClass {
->SomeClass : SomeClass
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-    fun3(this: Sub1 | Sub2): this extends Sub1 ? 1 : this extends Sub2 ? 2 : never {
->fun3 : (this: Sub1 | Sub2) => this extends Sub1 ? 1 : this extends Sub2 ? 2 : never
->     : ^    ^^           ^^^^^                                                     
->this : Sub1 | Sub2
->     : ^^^^^^^^^^^
-        if (this instanceof Sub1) {
->this instanceof Sub1 : boolean
->                     : ^^^^^^^
->this : Sub1 | Sub2
->     : ^^^^^^^^^^^
->Sub1 : typeof Sub1
->     : ^^^^^^^^^^^
-            return 1;
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-        }
-        return 2;
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-    }
-class Sub1 extends SomeClass {
->Sub1 : Sub1
->     : ^^^^
->SomeClass : SomeClass
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-    #sub1!: symbol;
->#sub1 : symbol
->      : ^^^^^^
-class Sub2 extends SomeClass {
->Sub2 : Sub2
->     : ^^^^
->SomeClass : SomeClass
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
-    #sub2!: symbol;
->#sub2 : symbol
->      : ^^^^^^
-// Detection of type parameter reference in presence of typeof
-function fun2<T extends boolean>(x: T, y: typeof x): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
->fun2 : <T extends boolean>(x: T, y: typeof x) => T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never
->     : ^ ^^^^^^^^^       ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^        ^^^^^                                                
->x : T
->  : ^
->y : T
->  : ^
->x : T
->  : ^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-    return x ? 1 : 2;
->x ? 1 : 2 : 1 | 2
->          : ^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-// Contextually-typed lambdas
-const fun1: <T extends boolean>(x: T) => T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never = (x) => x ? 1 : 2;
->fun1 : <T extends boolean>(x: T) => T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never
->     : ^ ^^^^^^^^^       ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                
->x : T
->  : ^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
->(x) => x ? 1 : 2 : <T extends boolean>(x: T) => 1 | 2
->                 : ^ ^^^^^^^^^       ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->x ? 1 : 2 : 1 | 2
->          : ^^^^^
->x : T
->  : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-// Circular conditionals
-type SomeCond<T> = T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? SomeCond<T> : never;
->SomeCond : SomeCond<T>
->         : ^^^^^^^^^^^
->true : true
->     : ^^^^
->false : false
->      : ^^^^^
-function f7<T extends boolean>(x: T): SomeCond<T> {
->f7 : <T extends boolean>(x: T) => SomeCond<T>
->   : ^ ^^^^^^^^^       ^^ ^^ ^^^^^           
->x : T
->  : ^
-    if (x) {
->x : T
->  : ^
-        return 1;
->1 : 1
->  : ^
-    }
-    return 2;
->2 : 2
->  : ^
-// Composite instantiation of conditional type
-type OtherCond<T> = T extends 1 ? "one" : T extends 2 ? "two" : T extends 3 ? "three" : T extends 4 ? "four" : never;
->OtherCond : OtherCond<T>
->          : ^^^^^^^^^^^^
-function f8<U extends 1 | 2, V extends 3 | 4>(x: U, y: V): OtherCond<U | V> {
->f8 : <U extends 1 | 2, V extends 3 | 4>(x: U, y: V) => OtherCond<U | V>
->   : ^ ^^^^^^^^^     ^^ ^^^^^^^^^     ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                
->x : U
->  : ^
->y : V
->  : ^
-    if (x === 1 && y === 3)  {
->x === 1 && y === 3 : boolean
->                   : ^^^^^^^
->x === 1 : boolean
->        : ^^^^^^^
->x : U
->  : ^
->1 : 1
->  : ^
->y === 3 : boolean
->        : ^^^^^^^
->y : V
->  : ^
->3 : 3
->  : ^
-        return "one";
->"one" : "one"
->      : ^^^^^
-    }
-// Conditionals with `infer` - will not narrow, it is not safe to infer from the narrowed type into an `infer` type parameter
-function f9<T extends "a"[] | "b"[] | number>(x: T): T extends Array<infer P> ? P : T extends number ? undefined : never {
->f9 : <T extends "a"[] | "b"[] | number>(x: T) => T extends Array<infer P> ? P : T extends number ? undefined : never
->   : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                      ^^ ^^ ^^^^^                                                                   
->x : T
->  : ^
-    if (Array.isArray(x)) {
->Array.isArray(x) : boolean
->                 : ^^^^^^^
->Array.isArray : (arg: any) => arg is any[]
->              : ^   ^^   ^^^^^            
->Array : ArrayConstructor
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->isArray : (arg: any) => arg is any[]
->        : ^   ^^   ^^^^^            
->x : number | "a"[] | "b"[]
->  : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-        // If we allowed narrowing of the conditional return type, when resolving the conditional `T & ("a"[] | "b"[]) extends Array<infer P> ? P : ...`,
-        // we could infer `"a" | "b"` for `P`, and allow "a" to be returned. However, when calling `f10`, `T` could be instantiated with `"b"[]`, and the return type would be `"b"`,
-        // so allowing an `"a"` return would be unsound.
-        return "a";
->"a" : "a"
->    : ^^^
-    }
-    return undefined;
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType8.symbols b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType8.symbols
deleted file mode 100644
index 9151c3c4dde80..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType8.symbols
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-//// [tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType8.ts] ////
-=== dependentReturnType8.ts ===
-export {};
-declare const record: Record<string, string[]>;
->record : Symbol(record, Decl(dependentReturnType8.ts, 2, 13))
->Record : Symbol(Record, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
-declare const array: string[];
->array : Symbol(array, Decl(dependentReturnType8.ts, 3, 13))
-// Arrow function with expression body
-const getObject =
->getObject : Symbol(getObject, Decl(dependentReturnType8.ts, 6, 5))
-    <T extends string | undefined>(group: T): T extends string ? string[] : T extends undefined ? Record<string, string[]> : never =>
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType8.ts, 7, 5))
->group : Symbol(group, Decl(dependentReturnType8.ts, 7, 35))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType8.ts, 7, 5))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType8.ts, 7, 5))
->T : Symbol(T, Decl(dependentReturnType8.ts, 7, 5))
->Record : Symbol(Record, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
-        group === undefined ? record : array;
->group : Symbol(group, Decl(dependentReturnType8.ts, 7, 35))
->undefined : Symbol(undefined)
->record : Symbol(record, Decl(dependentReturnType8.ts, 2, 13))
->array : Symbol(array, Decl(dependentReturnType8.ts, 3, 13))
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType8.types b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType8.types
deleted file mode 100644
index c42a8b0bccb77..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType8.types
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-//// [tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType8.ts] ////
-=== dependentReturnType8.ts ===
-export {};
-declare const record: Record<string, string[]>;
->record : Record<string, string[]>
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-declare const array: string[];
->array : string[]
->      : ^^^^^^^^
-// Arrow function with expression body
-const getObject =
->getObject : <T extends string | undefined>(group: T) => T extends string ? string[] : T extends undefined ? Record<string, string[]> : never
->          : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                  ^^     ^^ ^^^^^                                                                                    
-    <T extends string | undefined>(group: T): T extends string ? string[] : T extends undefined ? Record<string, string[]> : never =>
-><T extends string | undefined>(group: T): T extends string ? string[] : T extends undefined ? Record<string, string[]> : never =>        group === undefined ? record : array : <T extends string | undefined>(group: T) => T extends string ? string[] : T extends undefined ? Record<string, string[]> : never
->                                                                                                                                                                              : ^ ^^^^^^^^^                  ^^     ^^ ^^^^^                                                                                    
->group : T
->      : ^
-        group === undefined ? record : array;
->group === undefined ? record : array : string[] | Record<string, string[]>
->                                     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->group === undefined : boolean
->                    : ^^^^^^^
->group : T
->      : ^
->undefined : undefined
->          : ^^^^^^^^^
->record : Record<string, string[]>
->       : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->array : string[]
->      : ^^^^^^^^
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType9.errors.txt b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType9.errors.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index da12eeaab2eb4..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType9.errors.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-dependentReturnType9.ts(57,4): error TS2366: Function lacks ending return statement and return type does not include 'undefined'.
-==== dependentReturnType9.ts (1 errors) ====
-    type Payload =
-      | { _tag: "auth"; username: string; password: string }
-      | { _tag: "cart"; items: Array<{ id: string; quantity: number }> }
-      | { _tag: "person"; name: string; age: number };
-    type PayloadContent = {
-      [P in Payload as P["_tag"]]: Omit<P, "_tag">;
-    };
-    // ok, exhaustive cases and default case with throw
-    function mockPayload<P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(
-      str: P_TAG,
-    ): PayloadContent[P_TAG] {
-      switch (str) {
-        case "auth":
-          return { username: "test", password: "admin" };
-        case "cart":
-          return { items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] };
-        case "person":
-          return { name: "andrea", age: 27 };
-        default:
-          throw new Error("unknown tag");
-      }
-    }
-    // ok, non-exhaustive cases but default case with throw
-    function mockPayload2<P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(
-      str: P_TAG,
-    ): PayloadContent[P_TAG] {
-      switch (str) {
-        case "auth":
-          return { username: "test", password: "admin" };
-        case "cart":
-          return { items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] };
-        default:
-          throw new Error("unhandled tag");
-      }
-    }
-    // ok, exhaustive cases
-    function mockPayload3<P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(
-      str: P_TAG,
-    ): PayloadContent[P_TAG] {
-      switch (str) {
-        case "auth":
-          return { username: "test", password: "admin" };
-        case "cart":
-          return { items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] };
-        case "person":
-          return { name: "andrea", age: 27 };
-      }
-    }
-    // error, non-exhaustive cases
-    function mockPayload4<P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(
-      str: P_TAG,
-    ): PayloadContent[P_TAG] {
-       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-!!! error TS2366: Function lacks ending return statement and return type does not include 'undefined'.
-      switch (str) {
-        case "auth":
-          return { username: "test", password: "admin" };
-        case "cart":
-          return { items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] };
-      }
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType9.symbols b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType9.symbols
deleted file mode 100644
index d66bb2d76f040..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType9.symbols
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-//// [tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType9.ts] ////
-=== dependentReturnType9.ts ===
-type Payload =
->Payload : Symbol(Payload, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 0, 0))
-  | { _tag: "auth"; username: string; password: string }
->_tag : Symbol(_tag, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 1, 5))
->username : Symbol(username, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 1, 19))
->password : Symbol(password, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 1, 37))
-  | { _tag: "cart"; items: Array<{ id: string; quantity: number }> }
->_tag : Symbol(_tag, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 2, 5))
->items : Symbol(items, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 2, 19))
->Array : Symbol(Array, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->id : Symbol(id, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 2, 34))
->quantity : Symbol(quantity, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 2, 46))
-  | { _tag: "person"; name: string; age: number };
->_tag : Symbol(_tag, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 3, 5))
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 3, 21))
->age : Symbol(age, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 3, 35))
-type PayloadContent = {
->PayloadContent : Symbol(PayloadContent, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 3, 50))
-  [P in Payload as P["_tag"]]: Omit<P, "_tag">;
->P : Symbol(P, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 6, 3))
->Payload : Symbol(Payload, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 0, 0))
->P : Symbol(P, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 6, 3))
->Omit : Symbol(Omit, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
->P : Symbol(P, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 6, 3))
-// ok, exhaustive cases and default case with throw
-function mockPayload<P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(
->mockPayload : Symbol(mockPayload, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 7, 2))
->P_TAG : Symbol(P_TAG, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 10, 21))
->Payload : Symbol(Payload, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 0, 0))
-  str: P_TAG,
->str : Symbol(str, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 10, 52))
->P_TAG : Symbol(P_TAG, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 10, 21))
-): PayloadContent[P_TAG] {
->PayloadContent : Symbol(PayloadContent, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 3, 50))
->P_TAG : Symbol(P_TAG, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 10, 21))
-  switch (str) {
->str : Symbol(str, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 10, 52))
-    case "auth":
-      return { username: "test", password: "admin" };
->username : Symbol(username, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 15, 14))
->password : Symbol(password, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 15, 32))
-    case "cart":
-      return { items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] };
->items : Symbol(items, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 17, 14))
->id : Symbol(id, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 17, 24))
->quantity : Symbol(quantity, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 17, 35))
-    case "person":
-      return { name: "andrea", age: 27 };
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 19, 14))
->age : Symbol(age, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 19, 30))
-    default:
-      throw new Error("unknown tag");
->Error : Symbol(Error, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
-  }
-// ok, non-exhaustive cases but default case with throw
-function mockPayload2<P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(
->mockPayload2 : Symbol(mockPayload2, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 23, 1))
->P_TAG : Symbol(P_TAG, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 26, 22))
->Payload : Symbol(Payload, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 0, 0))
-  str: P_TAG,
->str : Symbol(str, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 26, 53))
->P_TAG : Symbol(P_TAG, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 26, 22))
-): PayloadContent[P_TAG] {
->PayloadContent : Symbol(PayloadContent, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 3, 50))
->P_TAG : Symbol(P_TAG, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 26, 22))
-  switch (str) {
->str : Symbol(str, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 26, 53))
-    case "auth":
-      return { username: "test", password: "admin" };
->username : Symbol(username, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 31, 14))
->password : Symbol(password, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 31, 32))
-    case "cart":
-      return { items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] };
->items : Symbol(items, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 33, 14))
->id : Symbol(id, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 33, 24))
->quantity : Symbol(quantity, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 33, 35))
-    default:
-      throw new Error("unhandled tag");
->Error : Symbol(Error, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
-  }
-// ok, exhaustive cases
-function mockPayload3<P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(
->mockPayload3 : Symbol(mockPayload3, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 37, 1))
->P_TAG : Symbol(P_TAG, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 40, 22))
->Payload : Symbol(Payload, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 0, 0))
-  str: P_TAG,
->str : Symbol(str, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 40, 53))
->P_TAG : Symbol(P_TAG, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 40, 22))
-): PayloadContent[P_TAG] {
->PayloadContent : Symbol(PayloadContent, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 3, 50))
->P_TAG : Symbol(P_TAG, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 40, 22))
-  switch (str) {
->str : Symbol(str, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 40, 53))
-    case "auth":
-      return { username: "test", password: "admin" };
->username : Symbol(username, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 45, 14))
->password : Symbol(password, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 45, 32))
-    case "cart":
-      return { items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] };
->items : Symbol(items, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 47, 14))
->id : Symbol(id, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 47, 24))
->quantity : Symbol(quantity, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 47, 35))
-    case "person":
-      return { name: "andrea", age: 27 };
->name : Symbol(name, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 49, 14))
->age : Symbol(age, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 49, 30))
-  }
-// error, non-exhaustive cases
-function mockPayload4<P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(
->mockPayload4 : Symbol(mockPayload4, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 51, 1))
->P_TAG : Symbol(P_TAG, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 54, 22))
->Payload : Symbol(Payload, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 0, 0))
-  str: P_TAG,
->str : Symbol(str, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 54, 53))
->P_TAG : Symbol(P_TAG, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 54, 22))
-): PayloadContent[P_TAG] {
->PayloadContent : Symbol(PayloadContent, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 3, 50))
->P_TAG : Symbol(P_TAG, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 54, 22))
-  switch (str) {
->str : Symbol(str, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 54, 53))
-    case "auth":
-      return { username: "test", password: "admin" };
->username : Symbol(username, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 59, 14))
->password : Symbol(password, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 59, 32))
-    case "cart":
-      return { items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] };
->items : Symbol(items, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 61, 14))
->id : Symbol(id, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 61, 24))
->quantity : Symbol(quantity, Decl(dependentReturnType9.ts, 61, 35))
-  }
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType9.types b/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType9.types
deleted file mode 100644
index 834e5f578388b..0000000000000
--- a/tests/baselines/reference/dependentReturnType9.types
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-//// [tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType9.ts] ////
-=== dependentReturnType9.ts ===
-type Payload =
->Payload : Payload
->        : ^^^^^^^
-  | { _tag: "auth"; username: string; password: string }
->_tag : "auth"
->     : ^^^^^^
->username : string
->         : ^^^^^^
->password : string
->         : ^^^^^^
-  | { _tag: "cart"; items: Array<{ id: string; quantity: number }> }
->_tag : "cart"
->     : ^^^^^^
->items : { id: string; quantity: number; }[]
->      : ^^^^^^      ^^^^^^^^^^^^      ^^^^^
->id : string
->   : ^^^^^^
->quantity : number
->         : ^^^^^^
-  | { _tag: "person"; name: string; age: number };
->_tag : "person"
->     : ^^^^^^^^
->name : string
->     : ^^^^^^
->age : number
->    : ^^^^^^
-type PayloadContent = {
->PayloadContent : PayloadContent
->               : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-  [P in Payload as P["_tag"]]: Omit<P, "_tag">;
-// ok, exhaustive cases and default case with throw
-function mockPayload<P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(
->mockPayload : <P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(str: P_TAG) => PayloadContent[P_TAG]
->            : ^     ^^^^^^^^^               ^^   ^^     ^^^^^                     
-  str: P_TAG,
->str : P_TAG
->    : ^^^^^
-): PayloadContent[P_TAG] {
-  switch (str) {
->str : P_TAG
->    : ^^^^^
-    case "auth":
->"auth" : "auth"
->       : ^^^^^^
-      return { username: "test", password: "admin" };
->{ username: "test", password: "admin" } : { username: string; password: string; }
->                                        : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->username : string
->         : ^^^^^^
->"test" : "test"
->       : ^^^^^^
->password : string
->         : ^^^^^^
->"admin" : "admin"
->        : ^^^^^^^
-    case "cart":
->"cart" : "cart"
->       : ^^^^^^
-      return { items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] };
->{ items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] } : { items: { id: string; quantity: number; }[]; }
->                                          : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->items : { id: string; quantity: number; }[]
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->[{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] : { id: string; quantity: number; }[]
->                               : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->{ id: "123", quantity: 123 } : { id: string; quantity: number; }
->                             : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->id : string
->   : ^^^^^^
->"123" : "123"
->      : ^^^^^
->quantity : number
->         : ^^^^^^
->123 : 123
->    : ^^^
-    case "person":
->"person" : "person"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
-      return { name: "andrea", age: 27 };
->{ name: "andrea", age: 27 } : { name: string; age: number; }
->                            : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->name : string
->     : ^^^^^^
->"andrea" : "andrea"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
->age : number
->    : ^^^^^^
->27 : 27
->   : ^^
-    default:
-      throw new Error("unknown tag");
->new Error("unknown tag") : Error
->                         : ^^^^^
->Error : ErrorConstructor
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->"unknown tag" : "unknown tag"
->              : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-  }
-// ok, non-exhaustive cases but default case with throw
-function mockPayload2<P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(
->mockPayload2 : <P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(str: P_TAG) => PayloadContent[P_TAG]
->             : ^     ^^^^^^^^^               ^^   ^^     ^^^^^                     
-  str: P_TAG,
->str : P_TAG
->    : ^^^^^
-): PayloadContent[P_TAG] {
-  switch (str) {
->str : P_TAG
->    : ^^^^^
-    case "auth":
->"auth" : "auth"
->       : ^^^^^^
-      return { username: "test", password: "admin" };
->{ username: "test", password: "admin" } : { username: string; password: string; }
->                                        : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->username : string
->         : ^^^^^^
->"test" : "test"
->       : ^^^^^^
->password : string
->         : ^^^^^^
->"admin" : "admin"
->        : ^^^^^^^
-    case "cart":
->"cart" : "cart"
->       : ^^^^^^
-      return { items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] };
->{ items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] } : { items: { id: string; quantity: number; }[]; }
->                                          : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->items : { id: string; quantity: number; }[]
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->[{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] : { id: string; quantity: number; }[]
->                               : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->{ id: "123", quantity: 123 } : { id: string; quantity: number; }
->                             : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->id : string
->   : ^^^^^^
->"123" : "123"
->      : ^^^^^
->quantity : number
->         : ^^^^^^
->123 : 123
->    : ^^^
-    default:
-      throw new Error("unhandled tag");
->new Error("unhandled tag") : Error
->                           : ^^^^^
->Error : ErrorConstructor
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->"unhandled tag" : "unhandled tag"
->                : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-  }
-// ok, exhaustive cases
-function mockPayload3<P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(
->mockPayload3 : <P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(str: P_TAG) => PayloadContent[P_TAG]
->             : ^     ^^^^^^^^^               ^^   ^^     ^^^^^                     
-  str: P_TAG,
->str : P_TAG
->    : ^^^^^
-): PayloadContent[P_TAG] {
-  switch (str) {
->str : P_TAG
->    : ^^^^^
-    case "auth":
->"auth" : "auth"
->       : ^^^^^^
-      return { username: "test", password: "admin" };
->{ username: "test", password: "admin" } : { username: string; password: string; }
->                                        : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->username : string
->         : ^^^^^^
->"test" : "test"
->       : ^^^^^^
->password : string
->         : ^^^^^^
->"admin" : "admin"
->        : ^^^^^^^
-    case "cart":
->"cart" : "cart"
->       : ^^^^^^
-      return { items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] };
->{ items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] } : { items: { id: string; quantity: number; }[]; }
->                                          : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->items : { id: string; quantity: number; }[]
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->[{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] : { id: string; quantity: number; }[]
->                               : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->{ id: "123", quantity: 123 } : { id: string; quantity: number; }
->                             : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->id : string
->   : ^^^^^^
->"123" : "123"
->      : ^^^^^
->quantity : number
->         : ^^^^^^
->123 : 123
->    : ^^^
-    case "person":
->"person" : "person"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
-      return { name: "andrea", age: 27 };
->{ name: "andrea", age: 27 } : { name: string; age: number; }
->                            : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->name : string
->     : ^^^^^^
->"andrea" : "andrea"
->         : ^^^^^^^^
->age : number
->    : ^^^^^^
->27 : 27
->   : ^^
-  }
-// error, non-exhaustive cases
-function mockPayload4<P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(
->mockPayload4 : <P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(str: P_TAG) => PayloadContent[P_TAG]
->             : ^     ^^^^^^^^^               ^^   ^^     ^^^^^                     
-  str: P_TAG,
->str : P_TAG
->    : ^^^^^
-): PayloadContent[P_TAG] {
-  switch (str) {
->str : P_TAG
->    : ^^^^^
-    case "auth":
->"auth" : "auth"
->       : ^^^^^^
-      return { username: "test", password: "admin" };
->{ username: "test", password: "admin" } : { username: string; password: string; }
->                                        : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->username : string
->         : ^^^^^^
->"test" : "test"
->       : ^^^^^^
->password : string
->         : ^^^^^^
->"admin" : "admin"
->        : ^^^^^^^
-    case "cart":
->"cart" : "cart"
->       : ^^^^^^
-      return { items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] };
->{ items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] } : { items: { id: string; quantity: number; }[]; }
->                                          : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->items : { id: string; quantity: number; }[]
->      : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->[{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] : { id: string; quantity: number; }[]
->                               : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->{ id: "123", quantity: 123 } : { id: string; quantity: number; }
->                             : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
->id : string
->   : ^^^^^^
->"123" : "123"
->      : ^^^^^
->quantity : number
->         : ^^^^^^
->123 : 123
->    : ^^^
-  }
diff --git a/tests/cases/compiler/conditionalReturnExpression.ts b/tests/cases/compiler/conditionalReturnExpression.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..8c1aefe8d5e33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cases/compiler/conditionalReturnExpression.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// @noEmit: true
+// @target: esnext
+function return1(x: boolean): 3 {
+    return (x ? (1) : 2);
+declare function getAny(): any;
+function return2(x: string): string {
+    return x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1;
+function return3(x: string): string {
+    return x.startsWith("a") ? "a" : x;
+function return4(x: string): string {
+    return (x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1) as string;
+const return5 = (x: string): string => x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1;
+const return6 = (x: string): string => (x.startsWith("a") ? getAny() : 1) as string;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType1.ts b/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType1.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 7527d3015bc3b..0000000000000
--- a/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType1.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,519 +0,0 @@
-// @strict: true
-// @noEmit: true
-// @target: esnext
-interface A {
-    1: number;
-    2: string;
-function f1<T extends 1 | 2>(x: T): A[T] {
-    if (x === 1) {
-        return 0; // Ok
-    }
-    else {
-        return 1; // Error
-    }
-interface C {
-    1: number;
-    2: string;
-    3: boolean;
-function f2<T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(x: T): C[T] {
-    if (x === 1) {
-        return 0; // Ok
-    }
-    else {
-        return ""; // Error, returned expression needs to have type string & boolean (= never)
-    }
-function f3<T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(x: T): T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : T extends 3 ? boolean : never {
-    if (x === 1) {
-        return 0; // Ok
-    }
-    else {
-        return ""; // Error, returned expression needs to have type string & boolean (= never)
-    }
-interface One {
-    a: "a";
-    b: "b";
-    c: "c";
-    d: "d";
-interface Two {
-    a: "a";
-    b: "b";
-    e: "e";
-    f: "f";
-interface Three {
-    a: "a";
-    c: "c";
-    e: "e";
-    g: "g";
-interface Four {
-    a: "a";
-    d: "d";
-    f: "f";
-    g: "g";
-// Badly written conditional return type, will not trigger narrowing
-function f10<T extends 1 | 2 | 3 | 4>(x: T): T extends 1 ? One : T extends 2 ? Two : T extends 3 ? Three : Four {
-    if (x === 1 || x === 2) {
-        return { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f" }; // Error
-    }
-    return { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f", g: "g" }; // Error
-// Well written conditional
-function f101<T extends 1 | 2 | 3 | 4>(x: T): T extends 1 ? One : T extends 2 ? Two : T extends 3 ? Three : T extends 4 ? Four : never {
-    if (x === 1 || x === 2) {
-        return { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f" }; // Ok
-    }
-    // Excess property becomes a problem with the change,
-    // because we now check assignability to a narrower type...
-    return { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d", e: "e", f: "f", g: "g" }; // EPC Error
-// This will not work for several reasons:
-// - first because the constraint of type parameter `Arg` is generic,
-//   so attempting to narrow the type of `arg` in the `if` would result in type `Arg & LeftIn`,
-//   which when substituted in the conditional return type, would not further resolve that conditional type
-// - second because the `else` branch would never work because we don't narrow the type of `arg` to `Arg & RightIn` 
-function conditionalProducingIf<LeftIn, RightIn, LeftOut, RightOut, Arg extends LeftIn | RightIn>(
-    arg: Arg,
-    cond: (arg: LeftIn | RightIn) => arg is LeftIn,
-    produceLeftOut: (arg: LeftIn) => LeftOut,
-    produceRightOut: (arg: RightIn) => RightOut):
-    Arg extends LeftIn ? LeftOut : Arg extends RightIn ? RightOut : never
-    if (cond(arg)) {
-        return produceLeftOut(arg);
-    } else {
-        return produceRightOut(arg as RightIn);
-    }
-interface Animal {
-    name: string;
-interface Dog extends Animal {
-    bark: () => string;
-// This would be unsafe to narrow.
-declare function isDog(x: Animal): x is Dog;
-declare function doggy(x: Dog): number;
-function f12<T extends Animal>(x: T): T extends Dog ? number : string {
-    if (isDog(x)) { // `x` has type `T & Dog` here
-        return doggy(x);
-    }
-    return ""; // Error: Should not work because we can't express "not a Dog" in the type system
-// Cannot narrow `keyof` too eagerly or something like the below breaks
-function f<Entry extends { [index: string]: number | boolean }, EntryId extends keyof Entry>(entry: EntryId): Entry[EntryId] {
-    const entries = {} as Entry;
-    return entries[entry];
-// Works the same as before
-declare function takeA(val: 'A'): void;
-export function bounceAndTakeIfA<AB extends 'A' | 'B'>(value: AB): AB {
-    if (value === 'A') {
-        takeA(value);
-        takeAB(value);
-        return value;
-    }
-    return value;
-    function takeAB(val: AB): void {}
-// Works the same as before
-export function bbb<AB extends "a" | "b">(value: AB): "a" {
-    if (value === "a") {
-        return value;
-    }
-    return "a";
-class Unnamed {
-    root!: { name: string };
-    // Error: No narrowing because parameter is optional but `T` doesn't allow for undefined
-    name<T extends string>(name?: T): T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never {
-        if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
-            return;
-        }
-        return this;
-    }
-    // Good conditional
-    name2<T extends string | undefined>(name?: T): T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never {
-        if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
-            return; // Ok
-        }
- = name;
-        return this; // Ok
-    }
-    // Good conditional, wrong return expressions
-    name3<T extends string | undefined>(name?: T): T extends string ? this : T extends undefined ? string : never {
-        if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
-            return this; // Error
-        }
- = name;
-        return name; // Error
-    }
-// Conditional expressions
-interface Aa {
-    1: number;
-    2: string;
-    3: boolean;
-function trivialConditional<T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(x: T): Aa[T] {
-    if (x !== 1) {
-        return x === 2 ? "" : true;
-    }
-    else {
-        return 0;
-    }
-function conditional<T extends boolean>(x: T):
- T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
-    return x ? 1 : 2; // Ok
-function contextualConditional<T extends "a" | "b">(
-    x: T
-): T extends "a" ? "a" : T extends "b" ? number : never {
-    return x === "a" ? x : parseInt(x); // Ok
-function conditionalWithError<T extends "a" | "b">(
-    x: T
-): T extends "a" ? number : T extends "b" ? string : never {
-    return x === "a" ? x : parseInt(x); // Error
-// Multiple indexed type reductions
-interface BB {
-    "a": number;
-    [y: number]: string;
-interface AA<T extends keyof BB> {
-    "c": BB[T];
-    "d": boolean,
-function reduction<T extends keyof BB, U extends "c" | "d">(x: T, y: U): AA<T>[U] {
-    if (y === "c" && x === "a") {
-        // AA<T>[U='c'] -> BB[T]
-        // BB[T='a'] -> number
-        return 0; // Ok
-    }
-    return undefined as never;
-// Substitution types are not narrowed
-function subsCond<T extends 1 | 2 | 3>(
-    x: T,
-): T extends 1 | 2
-    ? T extends 1
-        ? string
-        : T extends 2
-          ? boolean
-          : never
-    : T extends 3
-      ? number
-      : never {
-    if (x === 1) {
-        return "";
-    } else if (x == 2) {
-        return true;
-    }
-    return 3;
-// Unsafe: check types overlap
-declare function q(x: object): x is { b: number };
-function foo<T extends { a: string } | { b: number }>(
-    x: T,
-): T extends { a: string } ? number : T extends { b: number } ? string : never {
-    if (q(x)) {
-        x.b;
-        return "";
-    }
-    x.a;
-    return 1;
-let y = { a: "", b: 1 }
-const r = foo<{ a: string }>(y); // type says number but actually string
-type HelperCond<T, A, R1, B, R2> = T extends A ? R1 : T extends B ? R2 : never;
-// We don't narrow the return type because the conditionals are not distributive
-function foo2<U extends string | number, V extends boolean>(x: U, y: V):
-    HelperCond<{ x: U, y: V },
-        { x: string, y: true }, 1,
-        { x: number, y: false }, 2> {
-    if (typeof x === "string" && y === true) {
-        return 1; // Error
-    }
-    if (typeof x === "number" && y === false) {
-        return 2; // Error
-    }
-    return 0; // Error
-// From
-declare function isString(s: unknown): s is string;
-// capitalize a string or each element of an array of strings
-function capitalize<T extends string | string[]>(
-    input: T
-): T extends string[] ? string[] : T extends string ? string : never {
-    if (isString(input)) {
-        return input[0].toUpperCase() + input.slice(1); // Ok
-    } else {
-        return => capitalize(elt)); // Ok
-    }
-function badCapitalize<T extends string | string[]>(
-    input: T
-): T extends string[] ? string[] : T extends string ? string : never {
-    if (isString(input)) {
-        return input[0].toUpperCase() + input.slice(1); // Ok
-    } else {
-        return input[0].toUpperCase() + input.slice(1); // Bad, error
-    }
-// No narrowing because conditional's extends type is different from type parameter constraint types
-function voidRet<T extends { a: string } | undefined>(
-    x: T
-): T extends {} ? void : T extends undefined ? number : never {
-    if (x) {
-        return;
-    }
-    return 1;
-// Multiple type parameters at once
-function woo<T extends string | number, U extends string | number>(
-    x: T,
-    y: U,
-): T extends string
-    ? U extends string
-        ? 1
-        : U extends number
-          ? 2
-          : never
-    : T extends number
-      ? U extends number
-          ? 3
-          : U extends string
-            ? 4
-            : never
-      : never {
-    if (typeof x === "number" && typeof y === "string") {
-        return 1; // Good error
-    }
-    return undefined as any;
-function ttt<T extends string | number, U extends string | number>(
-    x: T,
-    y: U,
-): T extends string
-    ? U extends string
-        ? 1
-        : U extends number
-          ? 2
-          : never
-    : T extends number
-      ? U extends number
-          ? 3
-          : U extends string
-            ? 4
-            : never
-      : never {
-    if (typeof x === "number" && typeof y === "string") {
-        return 4; // Ok
-    }
-    return undefined as any;
-// Shadowing of the narrowed reference
-function shadowing<T extends 1 | 2>(x: T): T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : never {
-    if (true) {
-        let x: number = Math.random() ? 1 : 2;
-        if (x === 1) {
-            return 1; // Error
-        }
-        return ""; // Error
-    }
-function noShadowing<T extends 1 | 2>(x: T): T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : never {
-    if (true) {
-        if (x === 1) {
-            return 1; // Ok
-        }
-        return ""; // Ok
-    }
-// If the narrowing reference is out of scope, we simply won't narrow its type
-declare let someX: boolean;
-function scope2<T extends boolean>(a: T): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
-    if ((true)) {
-        const someX = a;
-        if (someX) { // We narrow `someX` and the return type here
-            return 1;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!someX) { // This is a different `someX`, so we don't narrow here
-        return 2;
-    }
-    return undefined as any;
-function moreShadowing<T extends 1 | 2>(x: T): T extends 1 ? number : T extends 2 ? string : never {
-    if (x === 2) {
-        let x: number = Math.random() ? 1 : 2;
-        if (x === 1) {
-            return 1; // Error
-        }
-        return ""; // Ok
-    }
-    return 0; // Ok
-// This would be unsafe to narrow due to `infer` type.
-function withInfer<T extends [string] | number>(x: T): T extends [infer R] ? R : T extends number ? boolean : never {
-    if (typeof x === "number") {
-        return true;
-    }
-    return "";
-const withInferResult = withInfer(["a"] as const); // The type says it returns `"a"`, but the function actually returns `""`.
-// Ok
-async function abool<T extends true | false>(x: T): Promise<T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never> {
-    if (x) {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    return 2;
-// Ok
-function* bbool<T extends true | false>(x: T): Generator<number, T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never, unknown> {
-    yield 3;
-    if (x) {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    return 2;
-// We don't do the same type of narrowing for `yield` statements
-function* cbool<T extends true | false>(x: T): Generator<T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never, number, unknown> {
-    if (x) {
-        yield 1;
-    }
-    yield 2;
-    return 0;
-// From #33912
-abstract class Operation<T, R> {
-    abstract perform(t: T): R;
-type ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp extends Operation<T, R> | undefined> =
-    EOp extends Operation<T, R> ? R : EOp extends undefined ? T | R : never;
-class ConditionalOperation<
-    T,
-    R,
-    EOp extends Operation<T, R> | undefined,
-> extends Operation<T, ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp>> {
-    constructor(
-        private predicate: (value: T) => boolean,
-        private thenOp: Operation<T, R>,
-        private elseOp?: EOp,
-    ) {
-        super();
-    }
-    // We won't try to narrow the return type because `T` is declared on the class and we don't analyze this case.
-    perform(t: T): ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp> {
-        if (this.predicate(t)) {
-            return this.thenOp.perform(t); // Bad: this is assignable to all of the branches of the conditional, but we still can't return it
-        } else if (typeof this.elseOp !== "undefined") {
-            return this.elseOp.perform(t); // Would be ok
-        } else {
-            return t; // Would be ok
-        }
-    }
-// Like the version above, we will not attempt to narrow because there's more than one reference to `T`,
-// because `T` shows up in the type of `predicate`.
-function perform<T, R, EOp extends Operation<T, R> | undefined>(
-    t: T,
-    predicate: (value: T) => boolean,
-    thenOp: Operation<T, R>,
-    elseOp?: EOp,
-    ): ConditionalReturnType<T, R, EOp> {
-    if (predicate(t)) {
-        return thenOp.perform(t); // Bad: this is assignable to all of the branches of the conditional, but we still can't return it
-    } else if (elseOp !== undefined) {
-        return elseOp.perform(t); // Would be ok
-    } else {
-        return t; // Would be ok
-    }
-// Return conditional expressions with parentheses
-function returnStuff1<T extends boolean>(x: T ): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
-    return (x ? (1) : 2);
-function returnStuff2<T extends 1 | 2 | "a">(x: T ):
-    T extends 1 ? "one" : T extends 2 ? "two" : T extends "a" ? 0 : never {
-    return (typeof x === "string" ? 0 : (x === 1 ? ("one") : "two"));
-// If the conditional type's input is `never`, then it resolves to `never`:
-function neverOk<T extends boolean>(x: T): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
-    if (x === true) {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    if (x === false) {
-        return 2;
-    }
-    return 1;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType2.ts b/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType2.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f14e3f7faa87..0000000000000
--- a/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType2.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-// @strict: true
-// @noEmit: true
-// @target: esnext
-// @checkJs: true
-// @filename: file.js
-// Adapted from ts-error-deltas repos
- * @template T
- * @template A
- * @template R1
- * @template B
- * @template R2
- * @typedef {T extends A ? R1 : T extends B ? R2 : never} HelperCond
- */
- * @typedef IMessage
- * @property {string} [html]
- * @property {Object[]} [tokens]
- */
-class NewKatex {
-    /**
-     * @param {string} s
-     * @returns {string}
-     */
-    render(s) {
-        return "";
-    }
-    /**
-     * @template {string | IMessage} T
-     * @param {T} message
-     * @returns {T extends string ? string : T extends IMessage ? IMessage : never}
-     */
-    renderMessage(message) {
-        if (typeof message === 'string') {
-            return this.render(message); // Ok
-        }
-        if (!message.html?.trim()) {
-            return message; // Ok
-        }
-        if (!message.tokens) {
-            message.tokens = [];
-        }
-        message.html = this.render(message.html);
-        return message; // Ok
-    }
- * @template {true | false} T
- * @param {{ dollarSyntax: boolean; parenthesisSyntax: boolean; }} options
- * @param {T} _isMessage
- * @returns {T extends true ? (message: IMessage) => IMessage : T extends false ? (message: string) => string : never}
- */
-function createKatexMessageRendering(options, _isMessage) {
-    const instance = new NewKatex();
-    if (_isMessage) {
-        return (/** @type {IMessage} */ message) => instance.renderMessage(message); // Ok
-    }
-    return (/** @type {string} */ message) => instance.renderMessage(message); // Ok
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/settings/lib/settings.ts
- * @typedef {Record<any, any>} MyObj
- */
- * @typedef {MyObj} SettingValue
- */
- * @template {SettingValue} T
- * @typedef {Object} SettingComposedValue
- * @property {string} key
- * @property {SettingValue} value
- */
- * @callback SettingCallback
- * @param {string} key
- * @param {SettingValue} value
- * @param {boolean} [initialLoad]
- * @returns {void}
- */
-/** @type {{ settings: { [s: string]: any } }} */
-const Meteor = /** @type {any} */ (undefined);
-/** @type {{ isRegExp(x: unknown): x is RegExp; }} */
-const _ = /** @type {any} */ (undefined);
- * @param {RegExp} x
- * @returns {void}
- */
-function takesRegExp(x) {
-    return /** @type {any} */ undefined;
- * @param {string} x
- * @returns {void}
- */
-function takesString(x) {
-    return /** @type {any} */ undefined;
- * @class NewSettingsBase
- */
-class NewSettingsBase {
-    /**
-     * @template {SettingCallback | undefined} C
-     * @template {string | RegExp} I
-     * @template {SettingValue} T
-     * @param {I} _id
-     * @param {C} [callback]
-     * @returns {HelperCond<C, SettingCallback, void, undefined, HelperCond<I, string, T | undefined, RegExp, SettingComposedValue<T>[]>>}
-     */
-    newGet(_id, callback) {
-        if (callback !== undefined) {
-            if (!Meteor.settings) {
-                return; // Ok
-            }
-            if (_id === '*') {
-                return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => {
-                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];
-                    callback(key, value);
-                });
-            }
-            if (_.isRegExp(_id) && Meteor.settings) {
-                return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => {
-                    if (!_id.test(key)) {
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];
-                    callback(key, value);
-                });
-            }
-            if (typeof _id === 'string') {
-                const value = Meteor.settings[_id];
-                if (value != null) {
-                    callback(_id, Meteor.settings[_id]);
-                }
-                return; // Ok
-            }
-            return; // Ok, needed for exhaustiveness check
-        }
-        if (!Meteor.settings) {
-            return undefined; // Error
-        }
-        if (_.isRegExp(_id)) {
-            return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).reduce((/** @type {SettingComposedValue<T>[]} */ items, key) => {
-                const value = Meteor.settings[key];
-                if (_id.test(key)) {
-                    items.push({ key, value });
-                }
-                return items;
-            }, []); // Ok
-        }
-        return Meteor.settings?.[_id]; // Error
-    }
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/ui-utils/client/lib/messageBox.ts
- * @typedef {MyObj} MessageBoxAction
- */
- * @template {string | undefined} T
- * @param {T} group
- * @returns {HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>>}
- */
-function getWithBug(group) {
-    if (!group) {
-        return /** @type {Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>} */({}); // Error
-    }
-    return /** @type {MessageBoxAction[]} */([]); // Ok
- * @template {string | undefined} T
- * @param {T} group
- * @returns {HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>>}
- */
-function getWithoutBug(group) {
-    if (group === undefined) {
-        return /** @type {Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>} */({}); // Ok
-    }
-    return /** @type {MessageBoxAction[]} */([]); // Ok
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/ee/server/lib/engagementDashboard/date.ts
- * @param {string} x
- * @returns {Date}
- */
-function mapDateForAPI(x) {
-    return /** @type {any} */ (undefined);
- * @template {string | undefined} T
- * @param {string} start
- * @param {T} [end]
- * @returns {HelperCond<T, string, { start: Date, end: Date }, undefined, { start: Date, end: undefined }>}
- */
-function transformDatesForAPI(start, end) {
-    return end !== undefined ?
-        {
-            start: mapDateForAPI(start),
-            end: mapDateForAPI(end),
-        } :
-        {
-            start: mapDateForAPI(start),
-            end: undefined
-        };
-// File: Rocket.Chat/packages/agenda/src/Agenda.ts
- * @typedef {MyObj} RepeatOptions
- */
- * @typedef {MyObj} Job
- */
- * @typedef {Object} IJob
- * @property {MyObj} data
- */
-class NewAgenda {
-    /**
-     * @param {string | number} interval
-     * @param {string} name
-     * @param {IJob['data']} data
-     * @param {RepeatOptions} options
-     * @returns {Promise<Job>}
-     */
-    async _createIntervalJob(interval, name, data, options) {
-        return /** @type {any} */ (undefined);
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param {string | number} interval
-     * @param {string[]} names
-     * @param {IJob['data']} data
-     * @param {RepeatOptions} options
-     * @returns {Promise<Job[]> | undefined}
-     */
-    _createIntervalJobs(interval, names, data, options) {
-        return undefined;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @template {string | string[]} T
-     * @param {string | number} interval
-     * @param {T} name
-     * @param {IJob['data']} data
-     * @param {RepeatOptions} options
-     * @returns {Promise<HelperCond<T, string, Job, string[], Job[] | undefined>>}
-     */
-    async newEvery(interval, name, data, options) {
-        if (typeof name === 'string') {
-            return this._createIntervalJob(interval, name, data, options); // Ok
-        }
-        if (Array.isArray(name)) {
-            return this._createIntervalJobs(interval, name, data, options); // Ok
-        }
-        throw new Error('Unexpected error: Invalid job name(s)');
-    }
-// File: angular/packages/common/src/pipes/case_conversion_pipes.ts
- * @template {string | null | undefined} T
- * @param {T} value
- * @returns {HelperCond<T, string, string, null | undefined, null>}
- */
-function transform1(value) {
-    if (value == null) return null; // Ok
-    if (typeof value !== 'string') {
-        throw new Error();
-    }
-    return value.toLowerCase(); // Ok
diff --git a/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType3.ts b/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType3.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index df60c0677fd5d..0000000000000
--- a/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType3.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-// @strict: true
-// @noEmit: true
-// @target: ES6
-// Adapted from ts-error-deltas repos
-type HelperCond<T, A, R1, B, R2> =
-    T extends A
-        ? R1
-        : T extends B
-            ? R2
-            : never;
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/katex/client/index.ts
-interface IMessage {
-    html?: string;
-    tokens?: {}[];
-class NewKatex {
-    render(s: string): string {
-        return "";
-    }
-    renderMessage<T extends string | IMessage>(message: T):
-        T extends string
-        ? string
-        : T extends IMessage
-          ? IMessage
-          : never {
-        if (typeof message === 'string') {
-            return this.render(message); // Ok
-        }
-        if (!message.html?.trim()) {
-            return message; // Ok
-        }
-        if (!message.tokens) {
-            message.tokens = [];
-        }
-        message.html = this.render(message.html);
-        return message; // Ok
-    }
-export function createKatexMessageRendering<T extends true | false>(
-    options: {
-        dollarSyntax: boolean;
-        parenthesisSyntax: boolean;
-    },
-    _isMessage: T,
-): T extends true
-    ? (message: IMessage) => IMessage
-    : T extends false
-      ? (message: string) => string
-      : never {
-    const instance = new NewKatex();
-    if (_isMessage) {
-        return (message: IMessage): IMessage => instance.renderMessage(message); // Ok
-    }
-    return (message: string): string => instance.renderMessage(message); // Ok
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/settings/lib/settings.ts
-type SettingComposedValue<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue> = { key: string; value: T };
-type SettingCallback = (key: string, value: SettingValue, initialLoad?: boolean) => void;
-type SettingValue = object;
-declare const Meteor: { settings: { [s: string]: any } };
-declare const _: { isRegExp(x: unknown): x is RegExp; };
-declare function takesRegExp(x: RegExp): void;
-declare function takesString(x: string): void;
-class NewSettingsBase {
-    public newGet<C extends SettingCallback | undefined, I extends string | RegExp, T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(
-        _id: I,
-        callback?: C,
-    ): HelperCond<C,
-        SettingCallback, void,
-        undefined, HelperCond<I,
-            string, T | undefined,
-            RegExp, SettingComposedValue<T>[]>> {
-        if (callback !== undefined) {
-            if (!Meteor.settings) {
-                return; // Ok
-            }
-            if (_id === '*') {
-                return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => { // Ok
-                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];
-                    callback(key, value);
-                });
-            }
-            if (_.isRegExp(_id) && Meteor.settings) {
-                return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).forEach((key) => { // Ok
-                    if (!_id.test(key)) {
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    const value = Meteor.settings[key];
-                    callback(key, value);
-                });
-            }
-            if (typeof _id === 'string') {
-                const value = Meteor.settings[_id];
-                if (value != null) {
-                    callback(_id, Meteor.settings[_id]);
-                }
-                return; // Ok
-            }
-            return; // Ok, needed for exhaustiveness check
-        }
-        if (!Meteor.settings) { // Wrong: we don't know that _id is string here, cannot return undefined
-            return undefined; // Error
-        }
-        if (_.isRegExp(_id)) {
-            return Object.keys(Meteor.settings).reduce((items: SettingComposedValue<T>[], key) => {
-				const value = Meteor.settings[key];
-				if (_id.test(key)) {
-					items.push({
-						key,
-						value,
-					});
-				}
-				return items;
-			}, []); // Ok
-        }
-        return Meteor.settings?.[_id]; // Error
-        // The indexing currently doesn't work because it doesn't use the narrowed type of `_id`.
-    }
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/app/ui-utils/client/lib/messageBox.ts
-type MessageBoxAction = object;
-function getWithBug<T extends string | undefined>(group: T):
-HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>> {
-    if (!group) {
-        return {} as Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>; // Error, could fall into this branch when group is empty string
-    }
-    return [] as MessageBoxAction[]; // Ok
-function getWithoutBug<T extends string | undefined>(group: T):
-HelperCond<T, string, MessageBoxAction[], undefined, Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>> {
-    if (group === undefined) {
-        return {} as Record<string, MessageBoxAction[]>; // Ok
-    }
-    return [] as MessageBoxAction[]; // Ok
-// File: Rocket.Chat/apps/meteor/ee/server/lib/engagementDashboard/date.ts
-declare function mapDateForAPI(x: string): Date;
-export function transformDatesForAPI<T extends string | undefined>(
-    start: string,
-    end?: T
-): HelperCond<T, string, { start: Date, end: Date }, undefined, { start: Date, end: undefined }> {
-    return end !== undefined ? // Ok
-        {
-            start: mapDateForAPI(start),
-            end: mapDateForAPI(end),
-        } :
-        {
-            start: mapDateForAPI(start),
-            end: undefined
-        };
-// File: Rocket.Chat/packages/agenda/src/Agenda.ts
-type RepeatOptions = object;
-type Job = object;
-type IJob = { data: object };
-class NewAgenda {
-    public async _createIntervalJob(interval: string | number, name: string, data: IJob['data'], options: RepeatOptions): Promise<Job> { return undefined as any; }
-    private _createIntervalJobs(
-        interval: string | number,
-        names: string[],
-        data: IJob['data'],
-        options: RepeatOptions,
-    ): Promise<Job[]> | undefined { return undefined as any; }
-    public async newEvery<T extends string | string[]>(
-        interval: string | number,
-        name: T,
-        data: IJob['data'],
-        options: RepeatOptions): Promise<HelperCond<T, string, Job, string[], Job[] | undefined>> {
-        if (typeof name === 'string') {
-            return this._createIntervalJob(interval, name, data, options); // Ok
-        }
-        if (Array.isArray(name)) {
-            return this._createIntervalJobs(interval, name, data, options); // Ok
-            // Possible bug in original: createIntervalJobs can return undefined, but the original overload did not acount for that.
-        }
-        throw new Error('Unexpected error: Invalid job name(s)');
-    }
-// File: angular/packages/common/src/pipes/case_conversion_pipes.ts
-function transform1<T extends string | null | undefined>(value: T): HelperCond<T, string, string, null | undefined, null> {
-    if (value == null) return null; // Ok
-    if (typeof value !== 'string') {
-        throw new Error();
-    }
-    return value.toLowerCase(); // Ok
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diff --git a/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType4.ts b/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType4.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 166b8497fa3eb..0000000000000
--- a/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType4.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// @strict: true
-// @noEmit: true
-// @target: ES2022
-// @exactOptionalPropertyTypes: true
-declare const rand: { a?: never };
-type Missing = typeof rand.a;
-// Detection of valid optional parameter references
-// Ok, will narrow return type
-function bar1<T extends string | Missing>(x?: T):
-    T extends Missing ? 0 : T extends string ? 1 : never {
-    if (x === undefined) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return 1;
-// Ok, will narrow return type
-function bar2<T extends string | undefined>(x?: T):
-    T extends undefined ? 0 : T extends string ? 1 : never {
-    if (x === undefined) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return 1;
-// Not ok, will not narrow return type
-function bar3<T extends string>(x?: T):
-    T extends undefined ? 0 : T extends string ? 1 : never {
-    if (x === undefined) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return 1;
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diff --git a/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType5.ts b/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType5.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 137474217ecb7..0000000000000
--- a/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType5.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-// @strict: true
-// @noEmit: true
-// Indexed access return type
-interface A1 {
-    "prop": true;
-    [s: string]: boolean;
-// This was already allowed but is unsound.
-function foo1<T extends string>(x: T): A1[T] {
-    return false;
-const rfoo1 = foo1("prop"); // Type says true, but actually returns false.
-interface A2 {
-    "prop": true;
-    [n: number]: string;
-// We could soundly allow that, because `"prop"` and `[n: number]` are disjoint types.
-function foo2<T extends "prop" | number>(x: T): A2[T] {
-    if (x === "prop") {
-        return true;
-    }
-    return "some string";
-const rfoo2 = foo2("prop");
-const rfoo22 = foo2(34);
-const rfoo222 = foo2(Math.random() ? "prop" : 34);
-interface A3 {
-    [s: string]: boolean;
-// No need for return type narrowing.
-function foo3<T extends string>(x: T): A3[T] {
-    if (Math.random()) return true;
-    return false;
-interface Comp {
-    foo: 2;
-    [n: number]: 3;
-    [s: string]: 2 | 3 | 4;
-function indexedComp<T extends number | string>(x: T): Comp[T] {
-    if (x === "foo") {
-        if (Math.random()) {
-            return 3; // Error
-        }
-        return 2; // Ok
-    }
-    if (typeof x === "number") {
-        if (Math.random()) {
-            return 2; // Error
-        }
-        return 3; // Ok
-    }
-    return 4; // Ok
-function indexedComp2<T extends number | string>(x: T): Comp[T] {
-    if (Math.random()) {
-        return 3; // Bad, unsound
-    }
-    return 2; // Error
-// Most common case supported:
-interface F {
-    "t": number,
-    "f": boolean,
-// Ok
-function depLikeFun<T extends "t" | "f">(str: T): F[T] {
-    if (str === "t") {
-        return 1;
-    } else {
-        return true;
-    }
-depLikeFun("t"); // has type number
-depLikeFun("f"); // has type boolean
-type IndirectF<T extends keyof F> = F[T];
-// Ok
-function depLikeFun2<T extends "t" | "f">(str: T): IndirectF<T> {
-    if (str === "t") {
-        return 1;
-    } else {
-        return true;
-    }
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diff --git a/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType6.ts b/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType6.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a319fa7f401a..0000000000000
--- a/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType6.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-// @strict: true
-// @noEmit: true
-// @target: esnext
-// Tests for when return type narrowing can and cannot happen
-// @filename: file.ts
-// Type parameter in outer scope
-function outer<T extends boolean>(x: T): number {
-    return inner();
-    function inner(): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
-        return x ? 1 : 2;
-    }
-// Overloads
-function fun6<T extends boolean>(x: T, y: string): T extends true ? string : T extends false ? 2 : never;
-function fun6<T extends boolean>(x: T, y: undefined): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never;
-function fun6(x: boolean): 1 | 2 | string;
-function fun6<T extends boolean>(x: T, y?: string): T extends true ? 1 | string : T extends false ? 2 : never {
-    return x ? y !== undefined ? y : 1 : 2;
-// Indexed access with conditional inside
-// DOESN'T NARROW the nested conditional type of wrong shape
-interface SomeInterfaceBad<T> {
-    prop1: T extends 1 ? true : T extends 2 ? false : never;
-    prop2: T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never;
-function fun4bad<T, U extends keyof SomeInterfaceBad<unknown>>(x: T, y: U): SomeInterfaceBad<T>[U] {
-    if (y === "prop1") {
-        return x === 1 ? true : false;
-    }
-    return x ? 1 : 2;
-// Narrows nested conditional type of right shape
-interface SomeInterfaceGood<T> {
-    prop1: T extends true ? 2 : T extends false ? 1 : never;
-    prop2: T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never;
-function fun4good<T extends boolean, U extends keyof SomeInterfaceGood<unknown>>(x: T, y: U): SomeInterfaceGood<T>[U] {
-    if (y === "prop1") {
-        return x ? 2 : 1;
-    }
-    return x ? 1 : 2;
-// Indexed access with indexed access inside - OK, narrows
-interface BB {
-    "a": number;
-    "b": string;
-interface AA<T extends keyof BB> {
-    "c": BB[T];
-    "d": boolean,
-function reduction<T extends keyof BB, U extends keyof AA<any>>(x: T, y: U): AA<T>[U] {
-    if (x === "a" && y === "c") {
-        return 0; // Ok
-    }
-    return undefined as never;
-// Conditional with indexed access inside - OK, narrows
-function fun5<T extends 1 | 2, U extends keyof BB>(x: T, y: U): T extends 1 ? BB[U] : T extends 2 ? boolean : never {
-    if (x === 1) {
-        if (y === "a") {
-            return 0;
-        }
-        return "";
-    }
-    return true;
-// `this` type parameter - Doesn't narrow
-abstract class SomeClass {
-    fun3(this: Sub1 | Sub2): this extends Sub1 ? 1 : this extends Sub2 ? 2 : never {
-        if (this instanceof Sub1) {
-            return 1;
-        }
-        return 2;
-    }
-class Sub1 extends SomeClass {
-    #sub1!: symbol;
-class Sub2 extends SomeClass {
-    #sub2!: symbol;
-// Detection of type parameter reference in presence of typeof
-function fun2<T extends boolean>(x: T, y: typeof x): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
-    return x ? 1 : 2;
-// Contextually-typed lambdas
-const fun1: <T extends boolean>(x: T) => T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never = (x) => x ? 1 : 2;
-// Circular conditionals
-type SomeCond<T> = T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? SomeCond<T> : never;
-function f7<T extends boolean>(x: T): SomeCond<T> {
-    if (x) {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    return 2;
-// Composite instantiation of conditional type
-type OtherCond<T> = T extends 1 ? "one" : T extends 2 ? "two" : T extends 3 ? "three" : T extends 4 ? "four" : never;
-function f8<U extends 1 | 2, V extends 3 | 4>(x: U, y: V): OtherCond<U | V> {
-    if (x === 1 && y === 3)  {
-        return "one";
-    }
-// Conditionals with `infer` - will not narrow, it is not safe to infer from the narrowed type into an `infer` type parameter
-function f9<T extends "a"[] | "b"[] | number>(x: T): T extends Array<infer P> ? P : T extends number ? undefined : never {
-    if (Array.isArray(x)) {
-        // If we allowed narrowing of the conditional return type, when resolving the conditional `T & ("a"[] | "b"[]) extends Array<infer P> ? P : ...`,
-        // we could infer `"a" | "b"` for `P`, and allow "a" to be returned. However, when calling `f10`, `T` could be instantiated with `"b"[]`, and the return type would be `"b"`,
-        // so allowing an `"a"` return would be unsound.
-        return "a";
-    }
-    return undefined;
diff --git a/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType8.ts b/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType8.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 169d5f540c2b6..0000000000000
--- a/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType8.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-// @strict: true
-// @noEmit: true
-export {};
-declare const record: Record<string, string[]>;
-declare const array: string[];
-// Arrow function with expression body
-const getObject =
-    <T extends string | undefined>(group: T): T extends string ? string[] : T extends undefined ? Record<string, string[]> : never =>
-        group === undefined ? record : array;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType9.ts b/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType9.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 65437a8aea1c8..0000000000000
--- a/tests/cases/compiler/dependentReturnType9.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// @strict: true
-// @noEmit: true
-type Payload =
-  | { _tag: "auth"; username: string; password: string }
-  | { _tag: "cart"; items: Array<{ id: string; quantity: number }> }
-  | { _tag: "person"; name: string; age: number };
-type PayloadContent = {
-  [P in Payload as P["_tag"]]: Omit<P, "_tag">;
-// ok, exhaustive cases and default case with throw
-function mockPayload<P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(
-  str: P_TAG,
-): PayloadContent[P_TAG] {
-  switch (str) {
-    case "auth":
-      return { username: "test", password: "admin" };
-    case "cart":
-      return { items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] };
-    case "person":
-      return { name: "andrea", age: 27 };
-    default:
-      throw new Error("unknown tag");
-  }
-// ok, non-exhaustive cases but default case with throw
-function mockPayload2<P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(
-  str: P_TAG,
-): PayloadContent[P_TAG] {
-  switch (str) {
-    case "auth":
-      return { username: "test", password: "admin" };
-    case "cart":
-      return { items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] };
-    default:
-      throw new Error("unhandled tag");
-  }
-// ok, exhaustive cases
-function mockPayload3<P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(
-  str: P_TAG,
-): PayloadContent[P_TAG] {
-  switch (str) {
-    case "auth":
-      return { username: "test", password: "admin" };
-    case "cart":
-      return { items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] };
-    case "person":
-      return { name: "andrea", age: 27 };
-  }
-// error, non-exhaustive cases
-function mockPayload4<P_TAG extends Payload["_tag"]>(
-  str: P_TAG,
-): PayloadContent[P_TAG] {
-  switch (str) {
-    case "auth":
-      return { username: "test", password: "admin" };
-    case "cart":
-      return { items: [{ id: "123", quantity: 123 }] };
-  }
diff --git a/tests/cases/fourslash/returnTypeNarrowingAfterCachingTypes.ts b/tests/cases/fourslash/returnTypeNarrowingAfterCachingTypes.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index fad2f1452fd11..0000000000000
--- a/tests/cases/fourslash/returnTypeNarrowingAfterCachingTypes.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-/// <reference path="fourslash.ts" />
-// @strict: true
-//// function h<T extends boolean>(x: T): T extends true ? 1 : T extends false ? 2 : never {
-////   if (x) {
-////       return 1;
-////   }
-////   return 2;
-//// }
-verify.encodedSemanticClassificationsLength("2020", 21);
\ No newline at end of file