On this page:
- [âšī¸ General guidelines](#âšī¸-general-guidelines)
- [đ¤ Content (strings and microcopy)](#-content-strings-and-microcopy)
## âšī¸ General guidelines
We strive to auto-enforce coding standards as much as possible and follow common practices you'll find in other projects to simplify onboarding.
Here's a quick run-down of the main points:
- Install the recommended extensions in VS Code to apply guidelines and auto-format code on save.
- Document everything.
- Documentation should be inline, with the code.
- Every folder should have a README.
- Add inline comments to all major code blocks.
- Resolve all lint errors before submitting PRs.
- Follow standard language conventions:
- [PowerShell guidelines](https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/scripting/developer/cmdlet/cmdlet-development-guidelines)
- [Bicep lint rules](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/azure-resource-manager/bicep/linter)
## đ¤ Content (strings and microcopy)
We adhere to the [Microsoft style guide](https://docs.microsoft.com/style-guide/welcome). There's a ton to keep in mind in this space, from capitalization to terms to specific phrasing and more. A few quick tips to be aware of:
- Use bigger ideas, fewer words
- Write like you speak
- Project friendliness
- Get to the point fast
- Be brief
- When in doubt, don't capitalize â Always use sentence casing, not Title Casing, unless it's a product name.
- Avoid end punctuation on titles, headings, subheads, UI titles, and items in a list that are three or fewer words.
- Remember the last comma â Always use a comma before "and" and "or" in a list of 3 or more items.
- Don't be spacey
- Revise weak writing
[Learn more](https://docs.microsoft.com/style-guide/welcome)