npx react-native run-windows √ Auto-linking... Success: No auto-linking changes necessary. (2298ms) √ Found compatible MSBuild at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\MSBuild\Current\Bin (17.0.32014.148) √ Found Solution: E:\Samples\CodePush\windowscodepushsample\windows\windowscodepushsample.sln i Build configuration: Debug i Build platform: x86 × Building Solution: ] × Build failed with message Building Solution - error code 1. Check your build configuration. × It is possible your installation is missing required software dependencies. Dependencies can be automatically installed by running E:\Samples\CodePush\windowscodepushsample\node_modules\react-native-windows\scripts\rnw-dependencies.ps1 from an elevated PowerShell prompt. For more information, go to Re-run the command with --logging for more information Your session id was 22e3a2b348a1591eefa59ebfd23df0c5