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Available requests

The subsequent section provides a detailed description of the various requests that a test framework may receive and process.

Before proceeding to the next section, it's crucial to thoroughly comprehend the concept of the IMessageBus, which is the essential service for conveying test execution information to the testing platform.

The TestNodeUpdateMessage data payload

As mentioned in the IMessageBus section, before utilizing the message bus, you must specify the type of data you intend to supply. The testing platform has defined a well-known type, TestNodeUpdateMessage, to represent the concept of a test update information. This part of the document will explain how to utilize this payload data. Let's examine the surface:

public sealed class TestNodeUpdateMessage(SessionUid sessionUid, TestNode testNode, TestNodeUid? parentTestNodeUid = null)
    public TestNode TestNode { get; }
    public TestNodeUid? ParentTestNodeUid { get; }

public class TestNode
    public required TestNodeUid Uid { get; init; }
    public required string DisplayName { get; init; }
    public PropertyBag Properties { get; init; } = new();

public sealed class TestNodeUid(string value)

public sealed partial class PropertyBag
    public PropertyBag();
    public PropertyBag(params IProperty[] properties);
    public PropertyBag(IEnumerable<IProperty> properties);
    public int Count { get; }
    public void Add(IProperty property);
    public bool Any<TProperty>();
    public TProperty? SingleOrDefault<TProperty>();
    public TProperty Single<TProperty>();
    public TProperty[] OfType<TProperty>();
    public IEnumerable<IProperty> AsEnumerable();
    public IEnumerator<IProperty> GetEnumerator();

public interface IProperty
  • TestNodeUpdateMessage: The TestNodeUpdateMessage consists of two properties: a TestNode, which we will discuss in this section, and a ParentTestNodeUid. The ParentTestNodeUid indicates that a test may have a parent test, introducing the concept of a test tree where TestNodes can be arranged in relation to each other. This structure allows for future enhancements and features based on the tree relationship between the nodes. If your test framework doesn't require a test tree structure, you can opt not to use it and simply set it to null, resulting in a straightforward flat list of TestNodes.

  • TestNode: The TestNode is composed of three properties, one of which is the Uid of type TestNodeUid. This Uid serves as the UNIQUE STABLE ID for the node. The term UNIQUE STABLE ID implies that the same TestNode should maintain an IDENTICAL Uid across different runs and operating systems. The TestNodeUid is an arbitrary opaque string that the testing platform accepts as is.


The stability and uniqueness of the ID are crucial in the testing domain. They enable the precise targeting of a single test for execution and allow the ID to serve as a persistent identifier for a test, facilitating powerful extensions and features.

The second property is DisplayName, which is the human-friendly name for the test. For example, this name is displayed when you execute the --list-tests command line.

The third attribute is Properties, which is a PropertyBag type. As demonstrated in the code, this is a specialized property bag that holds generic properties about the TestNodeUpdateMessage. This implies that you can append any property to the node that implements the placeholder interface IProperty.

The testing platform identifies specific properties added to a TestNode.Properties to determine whether a test has passed, failed, or been skipped.

You can find the current list of available properties with the relative description in the section TestNodeUpdateMessage.TestNode

The PropertyBag type is typically accessible in every IData and is utilized to store miscellaneous properties that can be queried by the platform and extensions. This mechanism allows us to enhance the platform with new information without introducing breaking changes. If a component recognizes the property, it can query it; otherwise, it will disregard it.

Finally this section makes clear that you test framework implementaion needs to implement the IDataProducer that produces TestNodeUpdateMessages like in the sample below:

internal sealed class TestingFramework : ITestFramework, IDataProducer
   public Type[] DataTypesProduced => new[] { typeof(TestNodeUpdateMessage) };

If your test adapter requires the publication of files during execution, you can find the recognized properties in this source file: As you can see, you can provide file assets in a general manner or associate them with a specific TestNode. Remember, if you intend to push a SessionFileArtifact, you must declare it to the platform in advance, as shown below:

internal sealed class TestingFramework : ITestFramework, IDataProducer
   public Type[] DataTypesProduced => new[] { typeof(TestNodeUpdateMessage), typeof(SessionFileArtifact) };


public class DiscoverTestExecutionRequest
    // Detailed in the custom section below
    public TestSessionContext Session { get; }

    // This is experimental and intended for future use, please disregard for now.
    public ITestExecutionFilter Filter { get; }

The DiscoverTestExecutionRequest instructs the test framework to discover the tests and communicate this information thought to the IMessageBus.

As outlined in the previous section, the property for a discovered test is DiscoveredTestNodeStateProperty. Here is a generic code snippet for reference:

var testNode = new TestNode()
    Uid = GenerateUniqueStableId(),
    DisplayName = GetDisplayName(),
    Properties = new PropertyBag(DiscoveredTestNodeStateProperty.CachedInstance),

await context.MessageBus.PublishAsync(this, new TestNodeUpdateMessage(discoverTestExecutionRequest.Session.SessionUid, testNode));

You can visit the code sample for a working discovery sample.


public class RunTestExecutionRequest
    // Detailed in the custom section below
    public TestSessionContext Session { get; }

    // This is experimental and intended for future use, please disregard for now.
    public ITestExecutionFilter Filter { get; }

The RunTestExecutionRequest instructs the test framework to execute the tests and communicate this information thought to the IMessageBus.

Here is a generic code snippet for reference:

var skippedTestNode = new TestNode()
    Uid = GenerateUniqueStableId(),
    DisplayName = GetDisplayName(),
    Properties = new PropertyBag(SkippedTestNodeStateProperty.CachedInstance),

await context.MessageBus.PublishAsync(this, new TestNodeUpdateMessage(runTestExecutionRequest.Session.SessionUid, skippedTestNode));
var successfulTestNode = new TestNode()
    Uid = GenerateUniqueStableId(),
    DisplayName = GetDisplayName(),
    Properties = new PropertyBag(PassedTestNodeStateProperty.CachedInstance),

await context.MessageBus.PublishAsync(this, new TestNodeUpdateMessage(runTestExecutionRequest.Session.SessionUid, successfulTestNode));
var assertionFailedTestNode = new TestNode()
    Uid = GenerateUniqueStableId(),
    DisplayName = GetDisplayName(),
    Properties = new PropertyBag(new FailedTestNodeStateProperty(assertionException)),

await context.MessageBus.PublishAsync(this, new TestNodeUpdateMessage(runTestExecutionRequest.Session.SessionUid, assertionFailedTestNode));
var failedTestNode = new TestNode()
    Uid = GenerateUniqueStableId(),
    DisplayName = GetDisplayName(),
    Properties = new PropertyBag(new ErrorTestNodeStateProperty(ex.InnerException!)),

await context.MessageBus.PublishAsync(this, new TestNodeUpdateMessage(runTestExecutionRequest.Session.SessionUid, failedTestNode));

You can visit the code sample for a working execution sample.


The TestSessionContext is a shared property across all requests, providing information about the ongoing test session:

public class TestSessionContext
    public SessionUid SessionUid { get; }
    public ClientInfo Client { get; }

public readonly struct SessionUid(string value)
    public string Value { get; }

public sealed class ClientInfo
    public string Id { get; }
    public string Version { get; }

The TestSessionContext consists of the SessionUid, a unique identifier for the ongoing test session that aids in logging and correlating test session data. It also includes the ClientInfo type, which provides details about the initiator of the test session. The test framework may choose different routes or publish varying information based on the identity of the test session's initiator.