From 47c208ecb0b969ea3de063d691d0e43b54b20677 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Connor Peet <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2021 11:13:26 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] feat: allow disabling sourcemap renames

Fixes #1033
---                            |  2 +-                              | 24 ++++++++++++++++--------
 src/build/generate-contributions.ts     |  5 +++++
 src/build/strings.ts                    |  2 ++
 src/common/sourceMaps/renameProvider.ts | 14 +++++++++++++-
 src/configuration.ts                    |  7 +++++++
 6 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 520b1b797..63923adcd 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ This changelog records changes to stable releases since 1.50.2. "TBA" changes he
 ## Nightly
-Nothing (yet)
+- feat: allow disabling sourcemap renames ([#1033](
 ## v1.58 (June 2021)
diff --git a/ b/
index 6ef5ce2d1..181b27e3f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
   "webpack://?:*/*": "${workspaceFolder}/*",
   "webpack:///([a-z]):/(.+)": "$1:/$2",
   "meteor://💻app/*": "${workspaceFolder}/*"
-}</pre></code><h4>sourceMaps</h4><p>Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).</p>
+}</pre></code><h4>sourceMapRenames</h4><p>Whether to use the &quot;names&quot; mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.</p>
+<h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>true</pre></code><h4>sourceMaps</h4><p>Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>true</pre></code><h4>timeout</h4><p>Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>10000</pre></code><h4>timeouts</h4><p>Timeouts for several debugger operations.</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>{}</pre></code><h4>trace</h4><p>Configures what diagnostic output is produced.</p>
@@ -91,7 +92,8 @@
   "webpack://?:*/*": "${workspaceFolder}/*",
   "webpack:///([a-z]):/(.+)": "$1:/$2",
   "meteor://💻app/*": "${workspaceFolder}/*"
-}</pre></code><h4>sourceMaps</h4><p>Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).</p>
+}</pre></code><h4>sourceMapRenames</h4><p>Whether to use the &quot;names&quot; mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.</p>
+<h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>true</pre></code><h4>sourceMaps</h4><p>Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>true</pre></code><h4>stopOnEntry</h4><p>Automatically stop program after launch.</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>false</pre></code><h4>timeout</h4><p>Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>10000</pre></code><h4>timeouts</h4><p>Timeouts for several debugger operations.</p>
@@ -135,7 +137,8 @@
   "webpack://?:*/*": "${workspaceFolder}/*",
   "webpack:///([a-z]):/(.+)": "$1:/$2",
   "meteor://💻app/*": "${workspaceFolder}/*"
-}</pre></code><h4>sourceMaps</h4><p>Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).</p>
+}</pre></code><h4>sourceMapRenames</h4><p>Whether to use the &quot;names&quot; mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.</p>
+<h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>true</pre></code><h4>sourceMaps</h4><p>Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>true</pre></code><h4>timeout</h4><p>Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>10000</pre></code><h4>timeouts</h4><p>Timeouts for several debugger operations.</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>{}</pre></code><h4>trace</h4><p>Configures what diagnostic output is produced.</p>
@@ -181,7 +184,8 @@
   "webpack://?:*/*": "${workspaceFolder}/*",
   "webpack:///([a-z]):/(.+)": "$1:/$2",
   "meteor://💻app/*": "${workspaceFolder}/*"
-}</pre></code><h4>sourceMaps</h4><p>Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).</p>
+}</pre></code><h4>sourceMapRenames</h4><p>Whether to use the &quot;names&quot; mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.</p>
+<h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>true</pre></code><h4>sourceMaps</h4><p>Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>true</pre></code><h4>timeout</h4><p>Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>10000</pre></code><h4>timeouts</h4><p>Timeouts for several debugger operations.</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>{}</pre></code><h4>trace</h4><p>Configures what diagnostic output is produced.</p>
@@ -224,7 +228,8 @@
   "webpack://?:*/*": "${webRoot}/*",
   "webpack:///([a-z]):/(.+)": "$1:/$2",
   "meteor://💻app/*": "${webRoot}/*"
-}</pre></code><h4>sourceMaps</h4><p>Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).</p>
+}</pre></code><h4>sourceMapRenames</h4><p>Whether to use the &quot;names&quot; mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.</p>
+<h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>true</pre></code><h4>sourceMaps</h4><p>Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>true</pre></code><h4>timeout</h4><p>Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>10000</pre></code><h4>timeouts</h4><p>Timeouts for several debugger operations.</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>{}</pre></code><h4>trace</h4><p>Configures what diagnostic output is produced.</p>
@@ -269,7 +274,8 @@
   "webpack://?:*/*": "${webRoot}/*",
   "webpack:///([a-z]):/(.+)": "$1:/$2",
   "meteor://💻app/*": "${webRoot}/*"
-}</pre></code><h4>sourceMaps</h4><p>Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).</p>
+}</pre></code><h4>sourceMapRenames</h4><p>Whether to use the &quot;names&quot; mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.</p>
+<h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>true</pre></code><h4>sourceMaps</h4><p>Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>true</pre></code><h4>targetSelection</h4><p>Whether to attach to all targets that match the URL filter (&quot;automatic&quot;) or ask to pick one (&quot;pick&quot;).</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>"automatic"</pre></code><h4>timeout</h4><p>Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>10000</pre></code><h4>timeouts</h4><p>Timeouts for several debugger operations.</p>
@@ -321,7 +327,8 @@
   "webpack://?:*/*": "${webRoot}/*",
   "webpack:///([a-z]):/(.+)": "$1:/$2",
   "meteor://💻app/*": "${webRoot}/*"
-}</pre></code><h4>sourceMaps</h4><p>Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).</p>
+}</pre></code><h4>sourceMapRenames</h4><p>Whether to use the &quot;names&quot; mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.</p>
+<h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>true</pre></code><h4>sourceMaps</h4><p>Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>true</pre></code><h4>timeout</h4><p>Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>10000</pre></code><h4>timeouts</h4><p>Timeouts for several debugger operations.</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>{}</pre></code><h4>trace</h4><p>Configures what diagnostic output is produced.</p>
@@ -367,7 +374,8 @@
   "webpack://?:*/*": "${webRoot}/*",
   "webpack:///([a-z]):/(.+)": "$1:/$2",
   "meteor://💻app/*": "${webRoot}/*"
-}</pre></code><h4>sourceMaps</h4><p>Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).</p>
+}</pre></code><h4>sourceMapRenames</h4><p>Whether to use the &quot;names&quot; mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.</p>
+<h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>true</pre></code><h4>sourceMaps</h4><p>Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>true</pre></code><h4>targetSelection</h4><p>Whether to attach to all targets that match the URL filter (&quot;automatic&quot;) or ask to pick one (&quot;pick&quot;).</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>"automatic"</pre></code><h4>timeout</h4><p>Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.</p>
 <h5>Default value:</h4><pre><code>10000</pre></code><h4>timeouts</h4><p>Timeouts for several debugger operations.</p>
diff --git a/src/build/generate-contributions.ts b/src/build/generate-contributions.ts
index 3c4e66952..e32c22675 100644
--- a/src/build/generate-contributions.ts
+++ b/src/build/generate-contributions.ts
@@ -196,6 +196,11 @@ const baseConfigurationAttributes: ConfigurationAttributes<IBaseConfiguration> =
     description: refString('browser.sourceMaps.description'),
     default: true,
+  sourceMapRenames: {
+    type: 'boolean',
+    default: true,
+    description: refString('browser.sourceMapRenames.description'),
+  },
   sourceMapPathOverrides: {
     type: 'object',
     description: refString('node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description'),
diff --git a/src/build/strings.ts b/src/build/strings.ts
index c75ad8a6b..89e0bdfc2 100644
--- a/src/build/strings.ts
+++ b/src/build/strings.ts
@@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ const strings = {
     'A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk. See README for details.',
   'browser.sourceMaps.description': 'Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).',
+  'browser.sourceMapRenames.description':
+    'Whether to use the "names" mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.',
     'Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to the browser. Default is 10000 ms.',
   'browser.url.description': 'Will search for a tab with this exact url and attach to it, if found',
diff --git a/src/common/sourceMaps/renameProvider.ts b/src/common/sourceMaps/renameProvider.ts
index cec2a9784..895699fb9 100644
--- a/src/common/sourceMaps/renameProvider.ts
+++ b/src/common/sourceMaps/renameProvider.ts
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 import { inject, injectable } from 'inversify';
 import { ISourceWithMap, Source, SourceFromMap } from '../../adapter/sources';
 import { StackFrame } from '../../adapter/stackTrace';
+import { AnyLaunchConfiguration } from '../../configuration';
 import { Base01Position, IPosition } from '../positions';
 import { PositionToOffset } from '../stringUtils';
 import { SourceMap } from './sourceMap';
@@ -37,12 +38,19 @@ export const IRenameProvider = Symbol('IRenameProvider');
 export class RenameProvider implements IRenameProvider {
   private renames = new Map</* source uri */ string, Promise<RenameMapping>>();
-  constructor(@inject(ISourceMapFactory) private readonly sourceMapFactory: ISourceMapFactory) {}
+  constructor(
+    @inject(ISourceMapFactory) private readonly sourceMapFactory: ISourceMapFactory,
+    @inject(AnyLaunchConfiguration) private readonly launchConfig: AnyLaunchConfiguration,
+  ) {}
    * @inheritdoc
   public provideOnStackframe(frame: StackFrame) {
+    if (!this.launchConfig.sourceMapRenames) {
+      return RenameMapping.None;
+    }
     const location = frame.uiLocation();
     if (location === undefined) {
       return RenameMapping.None;
@@ -57,6 +65,10 @@ export class RenameProvider implements IRenameProvider {
    * @inheritdoc
   public provideForSource(source: Source | undefined) {
+    if (!this.launchConfig.sourceMapRenames) {
+      return RenameMapping.None;
+    }
     if (!(source instanceof SourceFromMap)) {
       return RenameMapping.None;
diff --git a/src/configuration.ts b/src/configuration.ts
index 216adc677..3fce8991b 100644
--- a/src/configuration.ts
+++ b/src/configuration.ts
@@ -126,6 +126,12 @@ export interface IBaseConfiguration extends IMandatedConfiguration {
   sourceMaps: boolean;
+  /**
+   * Whether to use the "names" mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting
+   * source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.
+   */
+  sourceMapRenames: boolean;
    * A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what
    * the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk.
@@ -802,6 +808,7 @@ export const baseDefaults: IBaseConfiguration = {
   skipFiles: [],
   smartStep: true,
   sourceMaps: true,
+  sourceMapRenames: true,
   pauseForSourceMap: true,
   resolveSourceMapLocations: null,
   rootPath: '${workspaceFolder}',