diff --git a/TELEMETRY.md b/TELEMETRY.md
index 3cdc29c70ce..317eb470bc1 100644
--- a/TELEMETRY.md
+++ b/TELEMETRY.md
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
private maybeSendSliceDataDimensionalityTelemetry(numberOfDimensions: number) {
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
if (payload.shape?.length) {
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ No description provided
## Locations Used
this.kernel.onDisposed(() => {
void debug.stopDebugging(this.session);
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ No description provided
cellStateChange.state === NotebookCellExecutionState.Idle &&
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ No description provided
if (editor) {
const controller = this.notebookToRunByLineController.get(editor.notebook);
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ No description provided
## Locations Used
@@ -594,6 +594,27 @@ No description provided
return result;
+## Description
+ Telemetry sent when we have managed to successfully start the Interactive Window debugger using the Jupyter protocol.
+## Properties
+No properties for event
+## Locations Used
+Event can be removed. Not referenced anywhere
@@ -611,7 +632,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
private readonly kernel: IKernel,
private readonly commandManager: ICommandManager
@@ -622,6 +643,18 @@ No properties for event
public async willSendEvent(_msg: DebugProtocolMessage): Promise {
+ public readonly debugCell: NotebookCell,
+ private readonly kernel: IKernel
+ ) {
+ sendTelemetryEvent(DebuggingTelemetry.successfullyStartedRunAndDebugCell);
+ }
+ public async willSendEvent(_msg: DebugProtocolMessage): Promise {
@@ -639,7 +672,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
private readonly kernel: IKernel,
private readonly settings: IConfigurationService
@@ -916,7 +949,7 @@ No properties for event
@@ -928,7 +961,7 @@ No properties for event
public async executeCell(cell: NotebookCell): Promise {
@@ -1050,7 +1083,7 @@ No description provided
@@ -1102,7 +1135,7 @@ No description provided
## Locations Used
await this.performExport(format, sourceDocument, target, token, candidateInterpreter);
} catch (e) {
@@ -1130,7 +1163,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
return result;
@@ -1158,7 +1191,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
@@ -1186,7 +1219,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
} catch (e) {
@@ -1215,9 +1248,9 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
- } catch (ex) {
+ }
// We know that this fails when we have xeus kernels installed (untill that's resolved thats one instance when we can have duplicates).
@@ -1266,7 +1299,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
const key = `${kind}:${useCache}`;
if (this.startTimeForFetching && !this.fetchingTelemetrySent.has(key)) {
@@ -1294,10 +1327,10 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
- @inject(IJupyterRequestCreator) private readonly requestCreator: IJupyterRequestCreator
- ) {}
+ this.serverUriStorage.onDidRemoveUris(this.onDidRemoveUris, this, this.disposables);
+ }
public getPasswordConnectionInfo(url: string): Promise {
@@ -1395,7 +1428,7 @@ No description provided
## Locations Used
return this.statusProvider.waitWithStatus(promise, message, undefined, canceled);
@@ -1407,7 +1440,7 @@ No description provided
@@ -1436,7 +1469,7 @@ No description provided
## Locations Used
executeSilently(kernel.session, this.tracingEnableCode, {
traceErrors: true,
@@ -1448,7 +1481,7 @@ No description provided
executeSilently(kernel.session, this.tracingDisableCode, {
traceErrors: true,
@@ -1460,7 +1493,7 @@ No description provided
const importResults = await executeSilently(kernel.session, this.waitForDebugClientCode, {
traceErrors: true,
@@ -1472,7 +1505,7 @@ No description provided
traceErrors: true,
@@ -1484,7 +1517,7 @@ No description provided
? await executeSilently(kernel.session, this.enableDebuggerCode, {
traceErrors: true,
@@ -1512,7 +1545,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
this.documentExecutions.set(document, newCellExecutionQueue);
return newCellExecutionQueue;
@@ -1856,7 +1889,7 @@ No description provided
## Locations Used
await this.executeSilently(session, startupCode, {
traceErrors: true,
@@ -2656,7 +2689,7 @@ function resetData(resource: Resource, eventName: string, properties: any) {
// Otherwise a real error occurred.
@@ -2668,7 +2701,7 @@ function resetData(resource: Resource, eventName: string, properties: any) {
@@ -2765,7 +2798,7 @@ No properties for event
await (this._jupyterSessionPromise
? this.kernelExecution.restart(this._jupyterSessionPromise)
@@ -2777,7 +2810,7 @@ No properties for event
this.restarting = undefined;
// If we get a kernel promise failure, then restarting timed out. Just shutdown and restart the entire server.
@@ -3114,7 +3147,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
case DataViewerMessages.RefreshDataViewer:
@@ -3307,7 +3340,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
// Note, full variable results isn't necessary for this call. It only really needs the variable value.
const result = this.lastKnownVariables.find((v) => v.name === name);
@@ -4119,7 +4152,7 @@ No properties for event
@@ -4131,7 +4164,7 @@ No properties for event
return this.requestCreator.getFetchMethod()(url, this.addAllowUnauthorized(url, true, options));
@@ -4183,7 +4216,7 @@ No properties for event
.showErrorMessage(DataScience.jupyterSelfCertFail().format(err.message), enableOption, closeOption)
.then((value) => {
@@ -4195,7 +4228,7 @@ No properties for event
@@ -4307,7 +4340,7 @@ No description provided
## Locations Used
// Log telemetry about number of rows
@@ -4319,7 +4352,7 @@ No description provided
private sendElapsedTimeTelemetry() {
@@ -4574,7 +4607,7 @@ No description provided
## Locations Used
await this.executeSilently(session, this.getUserStartupCommands(), {
traceErrors: true,
@@ -5205,7 +5238,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
const props = { notebook: true };
if (!CellExecution.sentExecuteCellTelemetry) {
@@ -5248,7 +5281,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
CellExecution.sentExecuteCellTelemetry = true;
sendTelemetryEvent(Telemetry.ExecuteCellPerceivedCold, this.stopWatchForTelemetry.elapsedTime, props);
@@ -5300,7 +5333,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
await this.fs.writeLocalFile(kernelSpecFilePath.fsPath, JSON.stringify(contents, undefined, 4));
} catch (ex) {
@@ -5312,7 +5345,7 @@ No properties for event
await this.fs.writeLocalFile(kernelSpecFilePath, JSON.stringify(specModel, undefined, 2));
} catch (ex) {
@@ -5506,7 +5539,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
const requestHeaders = { Cookie: cookieString, 'X-XSRFToken': xsrfCookie };
return { requestHeaders };
@@ -5534,7 +5567,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
// If we found everything return it all back if not, undefined as partial is useless
@@ -5766,7 +5799,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
return newCellExecutionQueue;
@@ -6378,7 +6411,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
// eslint-disable-next-line
@@ -6512,7 +6545,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
// Should be available now, wait with a timeout
return await this.launchProcess(kernelConnectionMetadata, resource, workingDirectory, timeout, cancelToken);
@@ -6737,14 +6770,14 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
console.log(`Done initing variables`);
public async load(codeWebview: vscodeWebviewView) {
- await super.loadWebview(process.cwd(), codeWebview).catch(traceError);
+ await super.loadWebview(Uri.file(process.cwd()), codeWebview).catch(traceError);
@@ -6765,7 +6798,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
// I've we've been made visible, make sure that we are updated
@@ -6939,7 +6972,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
// Setup telemetry
if (!this.perceivedJupyterStartupTelemetryCaptured) {
@@ -6951,7 +6984,7 @@ No properties for event
@@ -6981,7 +7014,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
: getTelemetrySafeLanguage(getLanguageInNotebookMetadata(notebookMetadata) || '');
@@ -7008,7 +7041,7 @@ No description provided
## Locations Used
onlyConnection && (matchReason |= PreferredKernelExactMatchReason.OnlyKernel);
topMatchIsPreferredInterpreter && (matchReason |= PreferredKernelExactMatchReason.WasPreferredInterpreter);
@@ -7479,7 +7512,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
} else {
traceWarning(`Didn't get response for requestKernelInfo after ${stopWatch.elapsedTime}ms.`);
@@ -7507,7 +7540,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
@@ -7536,7 +7569,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
throw error;
@@ -7597,7 +7630,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
const disposable = kernelProcess.exited(
@@ -7621,7 +7654,7 @@ No properties for event
if (session !== this.session) {
@@ -7649,7 +7682,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
const rawNotebookProvider = serviceContainer.tryGet(IRawNotebookProvider);
const rawLocalKernel = rawNotebookProvider?.isSupported && isLocal;
@@ -7680,7 +7713,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
// We want to know why we got shut down
const stacktrace = new Error().stack;
@@ -7709,7 +7742,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
// Only connect our session if we didn't cancel or timeout
@@ -7721,9 +7754,9 @@ No properties for event
- if (error instanceof CancellationError) {
+ if (isCancellationError(error) || options.token.isCancellationRequested) {
@@ -7733,7 +7766,7 @@ No properties for event
} else if (error instanceof TimedOutError) {
@@ -7745,7 +7778,7 @@ No properties for event
// Send our telemetry event with the error included
@@ -7773,7 +7806,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
@@ -7801,7 +7834,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
newSession = await this.startRawSession(options);
@@ -7829,7 +7862,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
@@ -7857,13 +7890,13 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
sendKernelTelemetryEvent(this.resource, Telemetry.RawKernelSessionStartUserCancel);
- traceInfo('Starting of raw session cancelled by user');
+ traceVerbose('Starting of raw session cancelled by user');
throw error;
} else if (error instanceof TimedOutError) {
@@ -7885,7 +7918,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
return this.startRawSession({ token: cancelToken, ui: new DisplayOptions(disableUI) });
@@ -7913,7 +7946,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
@@ -7962,7 +7995,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
@@ -7990,7 +8023,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
@@ -8278,7 +8311,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
this.perceivedJupyterStartupTelemetryCaptured = true;
sendTelemetryEvent(Telemetry.PerceivedJupyterStartupNotebook, stopWatch.elapsedTime);
@@ -8306,7 +8339,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
@@ -8359,7 +8392,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
export class JupyterSessionStartError extends WrappedError {
constructor(originalException: Error) {
@@ -8611,7 +8644,7 @@ No description provided
## Locations Used
const response = await this.variables.getVariables(args, activeNotebook);
@@ -8638,7 +8671,7 @@ No description provided
## Locations Used
// Unless we already know its an unknown output type.
const outputType: nbformat.OutputType =
@@ -8666,7 +8699,7 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
return true;
@@ -8722,7 +8755,7 @@ No description provided
## Locations Used
protected webViewRendered() {
if (this.webviewInit && !this.webviewInit.resolved) {
@@ -8750,15 +8783,15 @@ No properties for event
## Locations Used
- private async handleCssRequest(request: IGetCssRequest): Promise {
- const settings = await this.generateDataScienceExtraSettings();
- const requestIsDark = settings.ignoreVscodeTheme ? false : request?.isDark;
+ private async handleCssRequest(): Promise {
+ const isDark = await this.isDark();
+ return this.postMessageInternal(CssMessages.GetCssResponse, {
diff --git a/src/kernels/common/baseJupyterSession.ts b/src/kernels/common/baseJupyterSession.ts
index 881c210ec71..972eff93540 100644
--- a/src/kernels/common/baseJupyterSession.ts
+++ b/src/kernels/common/baseJupyterSession.ts
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import { ChainingExecuteRequester } from './chainingExecuteRequester';
import { getResourceType } from '../../platform/common/utils';
import { KernelProgressReporter } from '../../platform/progress/kernelProgressReporter';
import { isTestExecution } from '../../platform/common/constants';
+import { KernelConnectionWrapper } from './kernelConnectionWrapper';
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
export function suppressShutdownErrors(realKernel: any) {
@@ -71,6 +72,13 @@ export class JupyterSessionStartError extends WrappedError {
export abstract class BaseJupyterSession implements IJupyterSession {
+ /**
+ * Keep a single instance of KernelConnectionWrapper.
+ * This way when sessions change, we still have a single Kernel.IKernelConnection proxy (wrapper),
+ * which will have all of the event handlers bound to it.
+ * This allows consumers to add event handlers hand not worry about internals & can use the lower level Jupyter API.
+ */
+ private _wrappedKernel?: KernelConnectionWrapper;
private _isDisposed?: boolean;
private readonly _disposed = new EventEmitter();
protected readonly disposables: IDisposable[] = [];
@@ -83,28 +91,30 @@ export abstract class BaseJupyterSession implements IJupyterSession {
protected get session(): ISessionWithSocket | undefined {
return this._session;
+ public get kernelId(): string {
+ return this.session?.kernel?.id || '';
+ }
public get kernel(): Kernel.IKernelConnection | undefined {
- return this._session?.kernel || undefined;
+ if (this._wrappedKernel) {
+ return this._wrappedKernel;
+ }
+ if (!this._session?.kernel) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._wrappedKernel = new KernelConnectionWrapper(this._session.kernel, this.disposables);
+ return this._wrappedKernel;
public get kernelSocket(): Observable {
return this._kernelSocket;
public get onSessionStatusChanged(): Event {
return this.onStatusChangedEvent.event;
- public get onIOPubMessage(): Event {
- if (!this.ioPubEventEmitter) {
- this.ioPubEventEmitter = new EventEmitter();
- }
- return this.ioPubEventEmitter.event;
- }
public get status(): KernelMessage.Status {
return this.getServerStatus();
- public abstract get kernelId(): string;
public get isConnected(): boolean {
return this.connected;
@@ -115,11 +125,9 @@ export abstract class BaseJupyterSession implements IJupyterSession {
protected restartSessionPromise?: { token: CancellationTokenSource; promise: Promise };
private _session: ISessionWithSocket | undefined;
private _kernelSocket = new ReplaySubject();
- private ioPubEventEmitter = new EventEmitter();
- private ioPubHandler: Slot;
private unhandledMessageHandler: Slot;
private chainingExecute = new ChainingExecuteRequester();
+ private previousAnyMessageHandler?: IDisposable;
public readonly kind: 'localRaw' | 'remoteJupyter' | 'localJupyter',
protected resource: Resource,
@@ -128,7 +136,6 @@ export abstract class BaseJupyterSession implements IJupyterSession {
private readonly interruptTimeout: number
) {
this.statusHandler = this.onStatusChanged.bind(this);
- this.ioPubHandler = (_s, m) => this.ioPubEventEmitter.fire(m);
this.unhandledMessageHandler = (_s, m) => {
traceInfo(`Unhandled message found: ${m.header.msg_type}`);
@@ -345,10 +352,8 @@ export abstract class BaseJupyterSession implements IJupyterSession {
// Changes the current session.
protected setSession(session: ISessionWithSocket | undefined, forceUpdateKernelSocketInfo: boolean = false) {
const oldSession = this._session;
+ this.previousAnyMessageHandler?.dispose();
if (oldSession) {
- if (this.ioPubHandler) {
- oldSession.iopubMessage.disconnect(this.ioPubHandler);
- }
if (this.unhandledMessageHandler) {
@@ -358,11 +363,29 @@ export abstract class BaseJupyterSession implements IJupyterSession {
this._session = session;
if (session) {
+ if (session.kernel && this._wrappedKernel) {
+ this._wrappedKernel.changeKernel(session.kernel);
+ }
// Listen for session status changes
- if (session.iopubMessage) {
- session.iopubMessage.connect(this.ioPubHandler);
+ if (session.kernelSocketInformation.socket?.onAnyMessage) {
+ // These messages are sent directly to the kernel bypassing the Jupyter lab npm libraries.
+ // As a result, we don't get any notification that messages were sent (on the anymessage signal).
+ // To ensure those signals can still be used to monitor such messages, send them via a callback so that we can emit these messages on the anymessage signal.
+ this.previousAnyMessageHandler = session.kernelSocketInformation.socket?.onAnyMessage((msg) => {
+ try {
+ if (this._wrappedKernel) {
+ const jupyterLabSerialize =
+ require('@jupyterlab/services/lib/kernel/serialize') as typeof import('@jupyterlab/services/lib/kernel/serialize'); // NOSONAR
+ const message =
+ typeof msg.msg === 'string' ? jupyterLabSerialize.deserialize(msg.msg) : msg.msg;
+ this._wrappedKernel.anyMessage.emit({ direction: msg.direction, msg: message });
+ }
+ } catch (ex) {
+ traceWarning(`failed to deserialize message to broadcast anymessage signal`);
+ }
+ });
if (session.unhandledMessage) {
@@ -443,6 +466,7 @@ export abstract class BaseJupyterSession implements IJupyterSession {
+ this.previousAnyMessageHandler?.dispose();
traceVerbose('Shutdown session -- complete');
diff --git a/src/kernels/common/kernelConnectionWrapper.ts b/src/kernels/common/kernelConnectionWrapper.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..df0b9730a43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kernels/common/kernelConnectionWrapper.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT License.
+import type { Kernel } from '@jupyterlab/services';
+import { IDisposable } from '../../platform/common/types';
+import { BaseKernelConnectionWrapper } from '../jupyter/baseKernelConnectionWrapper';
+export class KernelConnectionWrapper extends BaseKernelConnectionWrapper {
+ /**
+ * Use `kernelConnection` to access the value as its not a constant (can change over time).
+ * E.g. when restarting kernels or the like.
+ */
+ private _kernelConnection!: Kernel.IKernelConnection;
+ protected get possibleKernelConnection(): undefined | Kernel.IKernelConnection {
+ return this._kernelConnection;
+ }
+ public get kernel() {
+ return this._kernelConnection;
+ }
+ constructor(kernel: Kernel.IKernelConnection, disposables: IDisposable[]) {
+ super(kernel, disposables);
+ this._kernelConnection = kernel;
+ }
+ public changeKernel(kernel: Kernel.IKernelConnection) {
+ if (this.kernel === kernel) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.stopHandlingKernelMessages(this.possibleKernelConnection!);
+ this._kernelConnection = kernel;
+ this.startHandleKernelMessages(kernel);
+ }
+ async shutdown(): Promise {
+ await this._kernelConnection.shutdown();
+ }
+ dispose(): void {
+ this._kernelConnection.dispose();
+ }
+ async interrupt(): Promise {
+ await this._kernelConnection.interrupt();
+ }
+ async restart(): Promise {
+ await this._kernelConnection.restart();
+ }
+ protected override startHandleKernelMessages(kernelConnection: Kernel.IKernelConnection) {
+ super.startHandleKernelMessages(kernelConnection);
+ this._kernelConnection = kernelConnection;
+ kernelConnection.connectionStatusChanged.connect(this.onConnectionStatusChanged, this);
+ kernelConnection.statusChanged.connect(this.onStatusChanged, this);
+ kernelConnection.disposed.connect(this.onDisposed, this);
+ }
+ protected override stopHandlingKernelMessages(kernelConnection: Kernel.IKernelConnection): void {
+ super.stopHandlingKernelMessages(kernelConnection);
+ kernelConnection.connectionStatusChanged.disconnect(this.onConnectionStatusChanged, this);
+ kernelConnection.statusChanged.disconnect(this.onStatusChanged, this);
+ kernelConnection.disposed.disconnect(this.onDisposed, this);
+ }
+ private onDisposed(connection: Kernel.IKernelConnection) {
+ if (connection === this.possibleKernelConnection) {
+ this.disposed.emit();
+ }
+ }
+ private onStatusChanged(connection: Kernel.IKernelConnection, args: Kernel.Status) {
+ if (connection === this.possibleKernelConnection) {
+ this.statusChanged.emit(args);
+ }
+ }
+ private onConnectionStatusChanged(connection: Kernel.IKernelConnection, args: Kernel.ConnectionStatus) {
+ if (connection === this.possibleKernelConnection) {
+ this.connectionStatusChanged.emit(args);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/kernels/common/kernelSocketWrapper.ts b/src/kernels/common/kernelSocketWrapper.ts
index f1034f83c11..0916f6e29dc 100644
--- a/src/kernels/common/kernelSocketWrapper.ts
+++ b/src/kernels/common/kernelSocketWrapper.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
+import { EventEmitter } from 'vscode';
import * as WebSocketWS from 'ws';
import { ClassType } from '../../platform/ioc/types';
import { traceError } from '../../platform/logging';
@@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ export function KernelSocketWrapper>(SuperCl
this.receiveHooks = [];
this.sendHooks = [];
+ private _onAnyMessage = new EventEmitter<{ msg: string; direction: 'send' }>();
+ public onAnyMessage = this._onAnyMessage.event;
protected patchSuperEmit(patch: (event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]) => boolean) {
super.emit = patch;
@@ -67,6 +70,7 @@ export function KernelSocketWrapper>(SuperCl
public sendToRealKernel(data: any, a2: any) {
// This will skip the send hooks. It's coming from
// the UI side.
+ this._onAnyMessage.fire({ msg: data, direction: 'send' });
super.send(data, a2);
diff --git a/src/kernels/debugger/kernelDebugAdapterBase.ts b/src/kernels/debugger/kernelDebugAdapterBase.ts
index d2a616a8e26..e07cb305dda 100644
--- a/src/kernels/debugger/kernelDebugAdapterBase.ts
+++ b/src/kernels/debugger/kernelDebugAdapterBase.ts
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import {
+ Disposable,
@@ -33,7 +34,6 @@ import {
} from './types';
import { sendTelemetryEvent } from '../../telemetry';
-import { IDisposable } from '../../platform/common/types';
import { traceError, traceInfo, traceInfoIfCI, traceVerbose } from '../../platform/logging';
import {
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import {
} from '../../notebooks/debugger/helper';
import { ResourceMap } from '../../platform/vscode-path/map';
+import { IDisposable } from '../../platform/common/types';
* For info on the custom requests implemented by jupyter see:
@@ -89,18 +90,9 @@ export abstract class KernelDebugAdapterBase implements DebugAdapter, IKernelDeb
this.debugCell = notebookDocument.cellAt(configuration.__cellIndex!);
+ this.jupyterSession.kernel?.iopubMessage.connect(this.onIOPubMessage, this);
- this.jupyterSession.onIOPubMessage(async (msg: KernelMessage.IIOPubMessage) => {
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
- const anyMsg = msg as any;
- traceInfoIfCI(`Debug IO Pub message: ${JSON.stringify(msg)}`);
- if (anyMsg.header.msg_type === 'debug_event') {
- this.trace('event', JSON.stringify(msg));
- if (!(await this.delegate?.willSendEvent(anyMsg))) {
- this.sendMessage.fire(msg.content);
- }
- }
- })
+ new Disposable(() => this.jupyterSession.kernel?.iopubMessage.disconnect(this.onIOPubMessage, this))
if (this.kernel) {
@@ -157,6 +149,17 @@ export abstract class KernelDebugAdapterBase implements DebugAdapter, IKernelDeb
traceVerbose(`[Debug] ${tag}: ${msg}`);
+ async onIOPubMessage(_: unknown, msg: KernelMessage.IIOPubMessage) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+ const anyMsg = msg as any;
+ traceInfoIfCI(`Debug IO Pub message: ${JSON.stringify(msg)}`);
+ if (anyMsg.header.msg_type === 'debug_event') {
+ this.trace('event', JSON.stringify(msg));
+ if (!(await this.delegate?.willSendEvent(anyMsg))) {
+ this.sendMessage.fire(msg.content);
+ }
+ }
+ }
async handleMessage(message: DebugProtocol.ProtocolMessage) {
try {
traceInfoIfCI(`KernelDebugAdapter::handleMessage ${JSON.stringify(message, undefined, ' ')}`);
diff --git a/src/kernels/kernelConnectionWrapper.ts b/src/kernels/jupyter/baseKernelConnectionWrapper.ts
similarity index 72%
rename from src/kernels/kernelConnectionWrapper.ts
rename to src/kernels/jupyter/baseKernelConnectionWrapper.ts
index 8c5c0a766c4..6a828ed19e2 100644
--- a/src/kernels/kernelConnectionWrapper.ts
+++ b/src/kernels/jupyter/baseKernelConnectionWrapper.ts
@@ -34,11 +34,9 @@ import { ISpecModel } from '@jupyterlab/services/lib/kernelspec/restapi';
import { JSONObject } from '@lumino/coreutils';
import { Signal } from '@lumino/signaling';
import { Disposable } from 'vscode';
-import { IDisposable } from '../platform/common/types';
-import { noop } from '../platform/common/utils/misc';
-import { IKernel } from './types';
+import { IDisposable } from '../../platform/common/types';
-export class KernelConnectionWrapper implements Kernel.IKernelConnection {
+export abstract class BaseKernelConnectionWrapper implements Kernel.IKernelConnection {
public readonly statusChanged = new Signal(this);
public readonly connectionStatusChanged = new Signal(this);
public readonly iopubMessage = new Signal>(this);
@@ -48,23 +46,8 @@ export class KernelConnectionWrapper implements Kernel.IKernelConnection {
return (this.possibleKernelConnection || this._previousKernelConnection).serverSettings;
public readonly disposed = new Signal(this);
- /**
- * Use `kernelConnection` to access the value as its not a constant (can change over time).
- * E.g. when restarting kernels or the like.
- */
- private _kernelConnection!: Kernel.IKernelConnection;
- private readonly _previousKernelConnection: Kernel.IKernelConnection;
// private _isRestarting?: boolean;
- private get possibleKernelConnection(): undefined | Kernel.IKernelConnection {
- if (this.kernel.session?.kernel === this._kernelConnection) {
- return this._kernelConnection;
- }
- this.stopHandlingKernelMessages(this._kernelConnection);
- if (this.kernel.session?.kernel) {
- this.startHandleKernelMessages(this.kernel.session.kernel);
- return this._kernelConnection;
- }
- }
+ protected abstract get possibleKernelConnection(): undefined | Kernel.IKernelConnection;
private getKernelConnection(): Kernel.IKernelConnection {
if (!this.possibleKernelConnection) {
throw new Error(
@@ -74,27 +57,8 @@ export class KernelConnectionWrapper implements Kernel.IKernelConnection {
return this.possibleKernelConnection;
- constructor(readonly kernel: IKernel, disposables: IDisposable[]) {
- const emiStatusChangeEvents = () => {
- this.statusChanged.emit(kernel.status);
- if (kernel.status === 'dead' && !kernel.disposed && !kernel.disposing) {
- this.connectionStatusChanged.emit('disconnected');
- }
- };
- kernel.onDisposed(
- () => {
- // this._isRestarting = false;
- emiStatusChangeEvents();
- this.disposed.emit();
- },
- this,
- disposables
- );
- kernel.onStarted(emiStatusChangeEvents, this, disposables);
- kernel.onRestarted(emiStatusChangeEvents, this, disposables);
- kernel.onStatusChanged(emiStatusChangeEvents, this, disposables);
- this._previousKernelConnection = kernel.session!.kernel!;
- this.startHandleKernelMessages(kernel.session!.kernel!);
+ constructor(private _previousKernelConnection: Kernel.IKernelConnection, disposables: IDisposable[]) {
+ this.startHandleKernelMessages(_previousKernelConnection);
new Disposable(() => {
if (this.possibleKernelConnection) {
@@ -103,6 +67,11 @@ export class KernelConnectionWrapper implements Kernel.IKernelConnection {
+ abstract shutdown(): Promise;
+ abstract dispose(): void;
+ abstract interrupt(): Promise;
+ abstract restart(): Promise;
public get id(): string {
return (this.possibleKernelConnection || this._previousKernelConnection).id;
@@ -110,7 +79,7 @@ export class KernelConnectionWrapper implements Kernel.IKernelConnection {
return (this.possibleKernelConnection || this._previousKernelConnection).name;
public get isDisposed(): boolean {
- return this.kernel.disposed;
+ return this.possibleKernelConnection ? this.possibleKernelConnection?.isDisposed === true : true;
public get model(): Kernel.IModel {
@@ -233,55 +202,18 @@ export class KernelConnectionWrapper implements Kernel.IKernelConnection {
): void {
return this.getKernelConnection().removeMessageHook(msgId, hook);
- async shutdown(): Promise {
- if (
- this.kernel.kernelConnectionMetadata.kind === 'startUsingRemoteKernelSpec' ||
- this.kernel.kernelConnectionMetadata.kind === 'connectToLiveRemoteKernel'
- ) {
- await this.kernel.session?.shutdown();
- }
- await this.kernel.dispose();
- }
_options?: Pick
): Kernel.IKernelConnection {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
- dispose(): void {
- this.kernel.dispose().catch(noop);
- }
- async interrupt(): Promise {
- // Sometimes we end up starting a new session.
- // Hence assume a new session was created, meaning we need to bind to the kernel connection all over again.
- this.stopHandlingKernelMessages(this.possibleKernelConnection!);
- await this.kernel.interrupt();
- if (!this.kernel.session?.kernel) {
- throw new Error('Restart failed');
- }
- this.startHandleKernelMessages(this.kernel.session?.kernel);
- }
- async restart(): Promise {
- if (this.possibleKernelConnection) {
- this.stopHandlingKernelMessages(this.possibleKernelConnection);
- }
- // If this is a remote, then we do something special.
- await this.kernel.restart();
- if (!this.kernel.session?.kernel) {
- throw new Error('Restart failed');
- }
- this.startHandleKernelMessages(this.kernel.session?.kernel);
- }
- private startHandleKernelMessages(kernelConnection: Kernel.IKernelConnection) {
- this._kernelConnection = kernelConnection;
+ protected startHandleKernelMessages(kernelConnection: Kernel.IKernelConnection) {
kernelConnection.anyMessage.connect(this.onAnyMessage, this);
kernelConnection.iopubMessage.connect(this.onIOPubMessage, this);
kernelConnection.unhandledMessage.connect(this.onUnhandledMessage, this);
- private stopHandlingKernelMessages(kernelConnection: Kernel.IKernelConnection) {
+ protected stopHandlingKernelMessages(kernelConnection: Kernel.IKernelConnection) {
kernelConnection.anyMessage.disconnect(this.onAnyMessage, this);
kernelConnection.iopubMessage.disconnect(this.onIOPubMessage, this);
kernelConnection.unhandledMessage.disconnect(this.onUnhandledMessage, this);
diff --git a/src/kernels/jupyter/session/jupyterSession.ts b/src/kernels/jupyter/session/jupyterSession.ts
index 375a85277d9..93940918d5e 100644
--- a/src/kernels/jupyter/session/jupyterSession.ts
+++ b/src/kernels/jupyter/session/jupyterSession.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,7 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
'use strict';
-import type {
- Contents,
- ContentsManager,
- Kernel,
- KernelSpecManager,
- Session,
- SessionManager
-} from '@jupyterlab/services';
+import type { Contents, ContentsManager, KernelSpecManager, Session, SessionManager } from '@jupyterlab/services';
import * as uuid from 'uuid/v4';
import { CancellationToken, CancellationTokenSource } from 'vscode-jsonrpc';
import { Cancellation } from '../../../platform/common/cancellation';
@@ -76,15 +69,6 @@ export class JupyterSession extends BaseJupyterSession implements IJupyterServer
// Wait for idle on this session
return this.waitForIdleOnSession(this.session, timeout);
- public override get kernel(): Kernel.IKernelConnection | undefined {
- return this.session?.kernel || undefined;
- }
- public get kernelId(): string {
- return this.session?.kernel?.id || '';
- }
public async connect(options: { token: CancellationToken; ui: IDisplayOptions }): Promise {
// Start a new session
this.setSession(await this.createNewKernelSession(options));
@@ -158,7 +142,6 @@ export class JupyterSession extends BaseJupyterSession implements IJupyterServer
return newSession;
protected async createRestartSession(
disableUI: boolean,
session: ISessionWithSocket,
diff --git a/src/kernels/raw/session/rawJupyterSession.node.ts b/src/kernels/raw/session/rawJupyterSession.node.ts
index 5eab7f33b16..4afc7237b31 100644
--- a/src/kernels/raw/session/rawJupyterSession.node.ts
+++ b/src/kernels/raw/session/rawJupyterSession.node.ts
@@ -51,9 +51,6 @@ export class RawJupyterSession extends BaseJupyterSession {
return super.status;
- public get kernelId(): string {
- return this.session?.kernel?.id || '';
- }
private readonly kernelLauncher: IKernelLauncher,
resource: Resource,
diff --git a/src/kernels/raw/session/rawSocket.node.ts b/src/kernels/raw/session/rawSocket.node.ts
index b5b2d1a424e..e8a03eb7096 100644
--- a/src/kernels/raw/session/rawSocket.node.ts
+++ b/src/kernels/raw/session/rawSocket.node.ts
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import { IWebSocketLike } from '../../common/kernelSocketWrapper';
import { IKernelSocket } from '../../types';
import { IKernelConnection } from '../types';
import type { Channel } from '@jupyterlab/services/lib/kernel/messages';
+import { EventEmitter } from 'vscode';
function formConnectionString(config: IKernelConnection, channel: string) {
const portDelimiter = config.transport === 'tcp' ? ':' : '-';
@@ -34,6 +35,8 @@ interface IChannels {
* it does all serialization/deserialization itself.
export class RawSocket implements IWebSocketLike, IKernelSocket, IDisposable {
+ private _onAnyMessage = new EventEmitter<{ msg: string; direction: 'send' }>();
+ public onAnyMessage = this._onAnyMessage.event;
public onopen: (event: { target: any }) => void = noop;
public onerror: (event: { error: any; message: string; type: string; target: any }) => void = noop;
public onclose: (event: { wasClean: boolean; code: number; reason: string; target: any }) => void = noop;
@@ -100,7 +103,10 @@ export class RawSocket implements IWebSocketLike, IKernelSocket, IDisposable {
// If from ipywidgets, this will be serialized already, so turn it back into a message so
// we can add the special hash to it.
const message = this.deserialize(data);
+ // These messages are sent directly to the kernel bypassing the Jupyter lab npm libraries.
+ // As a result, we don't get any notification that messages were sent (on the anymessage signal).
+ // To ensure those signals can still be used to monitor such messages, send them via a callback so that we can emit these messages on the anymessage signal.
+ this._onAnyMessage.fire({ msg: data, direction: 'send' });
// Send this directly (don't call back into the hooks)
this.sendMessage(message, true);
diff --git a/src/kernels/types.ts b/src/kernels/types.ts
index 7ba266a512f..92e746f7a5e 100644
--- a/src/kernels/types.ts
+++ b/src/kernels/types.ts
@@ -270,7 +270,6 @@ export interface IJupyterSession extends IAsyncDisposable {
isServerSession(): this is IJupyterServerSession;
onSessionStatusChanged: Event;
onDidDispose: Event;
- onIOPubMessage: Event;
interrupt(): Promise;
restart(): Promise;
waitForIdle(timeout: number): Promise;
@@ -433,6 +432,12 @@ export interface INotebookProvider {
export interface IKernelSocket {
+ /**
+ * These messages are sent directly to the kernel bypassing the Jupyter lab npm libraries.
+ * As a result, we don't get any notification that messages were sent (on the anymessage signal).
+ * To ensure those signals can still be used to monitor such messages, send them via a callback so that we can emit these messages on the anymessage signal.
+ */
+ onAnyMessage: Event<{ msg: string | KernelMessage.IMessage; direction: 'send' }>;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
sendToRealKernel(data: any, cb?: (err?: Error) => void): void;
diff --git a/src/notebooks/execution/cellExecution.ts b/src/notebooks/execution/cellExecution.ts
index 020709cd91b..da758fbbd35 100644
--- a/src/notebooks/execution/cellExecution.ts
+++ b/src/notebooks/execution/cellExecution.ts
@@ -3,99 +3,46 @@
'use strict';
-import * as fastDeepEqual from 'fast-deep-equal';
-import type * as nbformat from '@jupyterlab/nbformat';
import type * as KernelMessage from '@jupyterlab/services/lib/kernel/messages';
import {
- NotebookCellKind,
- NotebookCellExecutionSummary,
- NotebookDocument,
- WorkspaceEdit,
- NotebookCellData,
- Range,
- CancellationTokenSource,
- EventEmitter,
- ExtensionMode,
- NotebookEdit
+ EventEmitter
} from 'vscode';
import { Kernel } from '@jupyterlab/services';
-import { CellOutputDisplayIdTracker } from './cellDisplayIdTracker';
import { CellExecutionCreator } from './cellExecutionCreator';
-import { IApplicationShell } from '../../platform/common/application/types';
import { analyzeKernelErrors, createOutputWithErrorMessageForDisplay } from '../../platform/errors/errorUtils';
import { BaseError } from '../../platform/errors/types';
import { disposeAllDisposables } from '../../platform/common/helpers';
import { traceError, traceInfoIfCI, traceWarning } from '../../platform/logging';
-import { RefBool } from '../../platform/common/refBool.node';
-import { IDisposable, IExtensionContext } from '../../platform/common/types';
-import { Deferred, createDeferred } from '../../platform/common/utils/async';
+import { IDisposable } from '../../platform/common/types';
+import { createDeferred } from '../../platform/common/utils/async';
import { StopWatch } from '../../platform/common/utils/stopWatch';
-import {
- NotebookCellStateTracker,
- traceCellMessage,
- cellOutputToVSCCellOutput,
- translateCellDisplayOutput,
- isJupyterNotebook
-} from '../helpers';
+import { NotebookCellStateTracker, traceCellMessage } from '../helpers';
import { sendTelemetryEvent } from '../../telemetry';
-import { formatStreamText, concatMultilineString } from '../../webviews/webview-side/common';
import { Telemetry } from '../../webviews/webview-side/common/constants';
-import { swallowExceptions } from '../../platform/common/utils/decorators';
import { noop } from '../../platform/common/utils/misc';
import { getDisplayNameOrNameOfKernelConnection, isPythonKernelConnection } from '../../kernels/helpers';
-import {
- IJupyterSession,
- ITracebackFormatter,
- KernelConnectionMetadata,
- NotebookCellRunState
-} from '../../kernels/types';
-import { handleTensorBoardDisplayDataOutput } from './executionHelpers';
-import { WIDGET_MIMETYPE } from '../../kernels/ipywidgets-message-coordination/constants';
import { isCancellationError } from '../../platform/common/cancellation';
-// Helper interface for the set_next_input execute reply payload
-interface ISetNextInputPayload {
- replace: boolean;
- source: 'set_next_input';
- text: string;
-type ExecuteResult = nbformat.IExecuteResult & {
- transient?: { display_id?: string };
-type DisplayData = nbformat.IDisplayData & {
- transient?: { display_id?: string };
+import { activeNotebookCellExecution, CellExecutionMessageHandler } from './cellExecutionMessageHandler';
+import { CellExecutionMessageHandlerService } from './cellExecutionMessageHandlerService';
+import { IJupyterSession, KernelConnectionMetadata, NotebookCellRunState } from '../../kernels/types';
export class CellExecutionFactory {
- private readonly appShell: IApplicationShell,
private readonly controller: NotebookController,
- private readonly outputTracker: CellOutputDisplayIdTracker,
- private readonly context: IExtensionContext,
- private readonly formatters: ITracebackFormatter[]
+ private readonly requestListener: CellExecutionMessageHandlerService
) {}
public create(cell: NotebookCell, code: string | undefined, metadata: Readonly) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define
- return CellExecution.fromCell(
- cell,
- code,
- this.appShell,
- metadata,
- this.controller,
- this.outputTracker,
- this.context,
- this.formatters
- );
+ return CellExecution.fromCell(cell, code, metadata, this.controller, this.requestListener);
@@ -115,16 +62,6 @@ export class CellExecution implements IDisposable {
public get preExecute(): Event {
return this._preExecuteEmitter.event;
- /**
- * To be used only in tests.
- */
- public static cellsCompletedForTesting = new WeakMap>();
- /**
- * At any given point in time, we can only have one cell actively running.
- * This will keep track of that task.
- */
- private static activeNotebookCellExecution = new WeakMap();
private static sentExecuteCellTelemetry?: boolean;
private stopWatch = new StopWatch();
@@ -138,30 +75,17 @@ export class CellExecution implements IDisposable {
private startTime?: number;
private endTime?: number;
private execution?: NotebookCellExecution;
- private temporaryExecution?: NotebookCellExecution;
- private previousResultsToRestore?: NotebookCellExecutionSummary;
private cancelHandled = false;
- private cellHasErrorsInOutput?: boolean;
- /**
- * We keep track of the last output that was used to store stream text.
- * We need this so that we can update it later on (when we get new data for the same stream).
- * If users clear outputs or if we have a new output other than stream, then clear this item.
- * Because if after the stream we have an image, then the stream is not the last output item, hence its cleared.
- */
- private lastUsedStreamOutput?: { stream: 'stdout' | 'stderr'; text: string; output: NotebookCellOutput };
private request: Kernel.IShellFuture | undefined;
private readonly disposables: IDisposable[] = [];
- private readonly prompts = new Set();
private _preExecuteEmitter = new EventEmitter();
+ private cellExecutionHandler?: CellExecutionMessageHandler;
private constructor(
public readonly cell: NotebookCell,
private readonly codeOverride: string | undefined,
- private readonly applicationService: IApplicationShell,
private readonly kernelConnection: Readonly,
private readonly controller: NotebookController,
- private readonly outputDisplayIdTracker: CellOutputDisplayIdTracker,
- private readonly context: IExtensionContext,
- private readonly formatters: ITracebackFormatter[]
+ private readonly requestListener: CellExecutionMessageHandlerService
) {
(e) => {
@@ -181,23 +105,6 @@ export class CellExecution implements IDisposable {
- workspace.onDidChangeNotebookDocument(
- (e) => {
- if (!isJupyterNotebook(e.notebook)) {
- return;
- }
- const thisCellChange = e.cellChanges.find(({ cell }) => cell === this.cell);
- if (!thisCellChange) {
- return;
- }
- if (thisCellChange.outputs?.length === 0) {
- // keep track of the fact that user has cleared the output.
- this.clearLastUsedStreamOutput();
- }
- },
- this,
- this.disposables
- );
NotebookCellStateTracker.setCellState(cell, NotebookCellExecutionState.Idle);
const execution = CellExecutionCreator.get(cell);
if (this.canExecuteCell()) {
@@ -221,14 +128,11 @@ export class CellExecution implements IDisposable {
public static fromCell(
cell: NotebookCell,
code: string | undefined,
- appService: IApplicationShell,
metadata: Readonly,
controller: NotebookController,
- outputTracker: CellOutputDisplayIdTracker,
- context: IExtensionContext,
- formatters: ITracebackFormatter[]
+ requestListener: CellExecutionMessageHandlerService
) {
- return new CellExecution(cell, code, appService, metadata, controller, outputTracker, context, formatters);
+ return new CellExecution(cell, code, metadata, controller, requestListener);
public async start(session: IJupyterSession) {
if (this.cancelHandled) {
@@ -253,10 +157,9 @@ export class CellExecution implements IDisposable {
this.started = true;
this.startTime = new Date().getTime();
- CellExecution.activeNotebookCellExecution.set(this.cell.notebook, this.execution);
+ activeNotebookCellExecution.set(this.cell.notebook, this.execution);
NotebookCellStateTracker.setCellState(this.cell, NotebookCellExecutionState.Executing);
- this.clearLastUsedStreamOutput();
// Await here, so that the UI updates on the progress & we clear the output.
// Else when running cells with existing outputs, the outputs don't get cleared & it doesn't look like its running.
// Ideally we shouldn't have any awaits, but here we want the UI to get updated.
@@ -283,8 +186,6 @@ export class CellExecution implements IDisposable {
if (this.cancelHandled) {
- // Close all of the prompts (if we any any UI prompts asking user for input).
- this.prompts.forEach((item) => item.cancel());
if (this.started && !forced) {
// At this point the cell execution can only be stopped from kernel & we should not
// stop handling execution results & the like from the kernel.
@@ -309,11 +210,6 @@ export class CellExecution implements IDisposable {
public dispose() {
traceCellMessage(this.cell, 'Execution disposed');
- this.prompts.forEach((item) => item.dispose());
- this.prompts.clear();
- }
- private clearLastUsedStreamOutput() {
- this.lastUsedStreamOutput = undefined;
private completedWithErrors(error: Partial) {
traceWarning(`Cell completed with errors`, error);
@@ -358,7 +254,7 @@ export class CellExecution implements IDisposable {
let success: 'success' | 'failed' = 'success';
// If there are any errors in the cell, then change status to error.
- if (this.cellHasErrorsInOutput) {
+ if (this.cellExecutionHandler?.hasErrorOutput) {
success = 'failed';
runState = NotebookCellRunState.Error;
@@ -383,58 +279,12 @@ export class CellExecution implements IDisposable {
// Undefined for not success or failures
- if (CellExecution.activeNotebookCellExecution.get(this.cell.notebook) === this.execution) {
- CellExecution.activeNotebookCellExecution.set(this.cell.notebook, undefined);
+ if (activeNotebookCellExecution.get(this.cell.notebook) === this.execution) {
+ activeNotebookCellExecution.set(this.cell.notebook, undefined);
NotebookCellStateTracker.setCellState(this.cell, NotebookCellExecutionState.Idle);
this.execution = undefined;
- /**
- * Assume we run cell A
- * Now run cell B, and this will update cell A.
- * The way it works is, the request object created for cell A will get a message saying update your output.
- * Cell A has completed, hence there's no execution task, we should create one or re-use an existing one.
- * Creating one results in side effects such as execution order getting reset and timers starting.
- * Hence where possible re-use an existing cell execution task associated with this document.
- */
- private createTemporaryTask() {
- if (this.cell.document.isClosed) {
- return;
- }
- // If we have an active task, use that instead of creating a new task.
- const existingTask = CellExecution.activeNotebookCellExecution.get(this.cell.notebook);
- if (existingTask) {
- return existingTask;
- }
- // Create a temporary task.
- this.previousResultsToRestore = { ...(this.cell.executionSummary || {}) };
- this.temporaryExecution = CellExecutionCreator.getOrCreate(this.cell, this.controller);
- this.temporaryExecution?.start();
- if (this.previousResultsToRestore?.executionOrder && this.execution) {
- this.execution.executionOrder = this.previousResultsToRestore.executionOrder;
- }
- return this.temporaryExecution;
- }
- private endTemporaryTask() {
- if (this.previousResultsToRestore?.executionOrder && this.execution) {
- this.execution.executionOrder = this.previousResultsToRestore.executionOrder;
- }
- if (this.previousResultsToRestore && this.temporaryExecution) {
- if (this.previousResultsToRestore.executionOrder) {
- this.temporaryExecution.executionOrder = this.previousResultsToRestore.executionOrder;
- }
- this.temporaryExecution.end(
- this.previousResultsToRestore.success,
- this.previousResultsToRestore.timing?.endTime
- );
- } else {
- // Undefined for not success or failure
- this.temporaryExecution?.end(undefined);
- }
- this.previousResultsToRestore = undefined;
- this.temporaryExecution = undefined;
- }
private completedDueToCancellation() {
traceCellMessage(this.cell, 'Completed due to cancellation');
@@ -502,26 +352,16 @@ export class CellExecution implements IDisposable {
traceError(`Cell execution failed without request, for cell Index ${this.cell.index}`, ex);
return this.completedWithErrors(ex);
- // Listen to messages and update our cell execution state appropriately
- // Keep track of our clear state
- const clearState = new RefBool(false);
- const request = this.request;
- request.onIOPub = (msg) => {
- // Cell has been deleted or the like.
- if (this.cell.document.isClosed) {
- request.dispose();
- }
- this.handleIOPub(clearState, msg);
- };
- request.onReply = (msg) => {
- // Cell has been deleted or the like.
- if (this.cell.document.isClosed) {
- request.dispose();
+ this.cellExecutionHandler = this.requestListener.registerListener(this.cell, {
+ kernel: session.kernel!,
+ cellExecution: this.execution!,
+ request: this.request,
+ onErrorHandlingExecuteRequestIOPubMessage: (error) => {
+ traceError(`Cell (index = ${this.cell.index}) execution completed with errors (2).`, error);
+ // If not a restart error, then tell the subscriber
+ this.completedWithErrors(error);
- this.handleReply(clearState, msg);
- };
- request.onStdin = this.handleInputRequest.bind(this, session);
+ });
// WARNING: Do not dispose `request`.
// Even after request.done & execute_reply is sent we could have more messages coming from iopub.
@@ -532,7 +372,7 @@ export class CellExecution implements IDisposable {
// request.done resolves even before all iopub messages have been sent through.
// Solution is to wait for all messages to get processed.
traceCellMessage(this.cell, 'Wait for jupyter execution');
- await request.done;
+ await this.request.done;
traceCellMessage(this.cell, 'Jupyter execution completed');
traceCellMessage(this.cell, 'Executed successfully in executeCell');
@@ -552,379 +392,4 @@ export class CellExecution implements IDisposable {
- @swallowExceptions()
- private handleIOPub(clearState: RefBool, msg: KernelMessage.IIOPubMessage) {
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports
- const jupyterLab = require('@jupyterlab/services') as typeof import('@jupyterlab/services');
- try {
- if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isExecuteResultMsg(msg)) {
- this.handleExecuteResult(msg as KernelMessage.IExecuteResultMsg, clearState);
- } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isExecuteInputMsg(msg)) {
- this.handleExecuteInput(msg as KernelMessage.IExecuteInputMsg, clearState);
- } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isStatusMsg(msg)) {
- // Status is handled by the result promise. While it is running we are active. Otherwise we're stopped.
- // So ignore status messages.
- const statusMsg = msg as KernelMessage.IStatusMsg;
- this.handleStatusMessage(statusMsg, clearState);
- } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isStreamMsg(msg)) {
- this.handleStreamMessage(msg as KernelMessage.IStreamMsg, clearState);
- } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isDisplayDataMsg(msg)) {
- this.handleDisplayData(msg as KernelMessage.IDisplayDataMsg, clearState);
- } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isUpdateDisplayDataMsg(msg)) {
- this.handleUpdateDisplayDataMessage(msg);
- } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isClearOutputMsg(msg)) {
- this.handleClearOutput(msg as KernelMessage.IClearOutputMsg, clearState);
- } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isErrorMsg(msg)) {
- this.handleError(msg as KernelMessage.IErrorMsg, clearState);
- } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isCommOpenMsg(msg)) {
- // Noop.
- } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isCommMsgMsg(msg)) {
- // Noop.
- } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isCommCloseMsg(msg)) {
- // Noop.
- } else {
- traceWarning(`Unknown message ${msg.header.msg_type} : hasData=${'data' in msg.content}`);
- }
- // Set execution count, all messages should have it
- if ('execution_count' in msg.content && typeof msg.content.execution_count === 'number' && this.execution) {
- this.execution.executionOrder = msg.content.execution_count;
- }
- } catch (err) {
- traceError(`Cell (index = ${this.cell.index}) execution completed with errors (2).`, err);
- // If not a restart error, then tell the subscriber
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
- this.completedWithErrors(err as any);
- }
- }
- private addToCellData(
- output: ExecuteResult | DisplayData | nbformat.IStream | nbformat.IError | nbformat.IOutput,
- clearState: RefBool
- ) {
- if (
- this.context.extensionMode === ExtensionMode.Test &&
- output.data &&
- typeof output.data === 'object' &&
- WIDGET_MIMETYPE in output.data
- ) {
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
- (output.data[WIDGET_MIMETYPE] as any)['_vsc_test_cellIndex'] = this.cell.index;
- }
- const cellOutput = cellOutputToVSCCellOutput(output);
- const displayId =
- 'transient' in output &&
- typeof output.transient === 'object' &&
- output.transient &&
- 'display_id' in output.transient &&
- typeof output.transient?.display_id === 'string'
- ? output.transient?.display_id
- : undefined;
- if (this.cell.document.isClosed) {
- return;
- }
- traceCellMessage(this.cell, 'Update output');
- // Clear if necessary
- if (clearState.value) {
- this.clearLastUsedStreamOutput();
- this.execution?.clearOutput().then(noop, noop);
- clearState.update(false);
- }
- // Keep track of the displa_id against the output item, we might need this to update this later.
- if (displayId) {
- this.outputDisplayIdTracker.trackOutputByDisplayId(this.cell, displayId, cellOutput);
- }
- // Append to the data (we would push here but VS code requires a recreation of the array)
- // Possible execution of cell has completed (the task would have been disposed).
- // This message could have come from a background thread.
- // In such circumstances, create a temporary task & use that to update the output (only cell execution tasks can update cell output).
- const task = this.execution || this.createTemporaryTask();
- this.clearLastUsedStreamOutput();
- traceCellMessage(this.cell, 'Append output in addToCellData');
- task?.appendOutput([cellOutput]).then(noop, noop);
- this.endTemporaryTask();
- }
- private async handleInputRequest(session: IJupyterSession, msg: KernelMessage.IStdinMessage) {
- // Ask the user for input
- if (msg.content && 'prompt' in msg.content) {
- const cancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
- this.prompts.add(cancelToken);
- const hasPassword = msg.content.password !== null && (msg.content.password as boolean);
- await this.applicationService
- .showInputBox(
- {
- prompt: msg.content.prompt ? msg.content.prompt.toString() : '',
- ignoreFocusOut: true,
- password: hasPassword
- },
- cancelToken.token
- )
- .then((v) => {
- session.sendInputReply({ value: v || '', status: 'ok' });
- }, noop);
- this.prompts.delete(cancelToken);
- }
- }
- // See this for docs on the messages:
- // https://jupyter-client.readthedocs.io/en/latest/messaging.html#messaging-in-jupyter
- private handleExecuteResult(msg: KernelMessage.IExecuteResultMsg, clearState: RefBool) {
- this.addToCellData(
- {
- output_type: 'execute_result',
- data: msg.content.data,
- metadata: msg.content.metadata,
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
- transient: msg.content.transient as any, // NOSONAR
- execution_count: msg.content.execution_count
- },
- clearState
- );
- }
- private handleExecuteReply(msg: KernelMessage.IExecuteReplyMsg, clearState: RefBool) {
- const reply = msg.content as KernelMessage.IExecuteReply;
- if (reply.payload) {
- reply.payload.forEach((payload) => {
- if (
- payload.source &&
- payload.source === 'set_next_input' &&
- 'text' in payload &&
- 'replace' in payload
- ) {
- this.handleSetNextInput(payload as unknown as ISetNextInputPayload);
- }
- if (payload.data && payload.data.hasOwnProperty('text/plain')) {
- this.addToCellData(
- {
- // Mark as stream output so the text is formatted because it likely has ansi codes in it.
- output_type: 'stream',
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
- text: (payload.data as any)['text/plain'].toString(),
- name: 'stdout',
- metadata: {},
- execution_count: reply.execution_count
- },
- clearState
- );
- }
- });
- }
- }
- // Handle our set_next_input message, which can either replace or insert a new cell with text
- private handleSetNextInput(payload: ISetNextInputPayload) {
- const edit = new WorkspaceEdit();
- if (payload.replace) {
- // Replace the contents of the current cell with text
- edit.replace(
- this.cell.document.uri,
- new Range(
- this.cell.document.lineAt(0).range.start,
- this.cell.document.lineAt(this.cell.document.lineCount - 1).range.end
- ),
- payload.text
- );
- } else {
- // Add a new cell after the current with text
- traceCellMessage(this.cell, 'Create new cell after current');
- const cellData = new NotebookCellData(NotebookCellKind.Code, payload.text, this.cell.document.languageId);
- cellData.outputs = [];
- cellData.metadata = {};
- const nbEdit = NotebookEdit.insertCells(this.cell.index + 1, [cellData]);
- edit.set(this.cell.notebook.uri, [nbEdit]);
- }
- workspace.applyEdit(edit).then(noop, noop);
- }
- private handleExecuteInput(msg: KernelMessage.IExecuteInputMsg, _clearState: RefBool) {
- if (msg.content.execution_count && this.execution) {
- this.execution.executionOrder = msg.content.execution_count;
- }
- }
- private handleStatusMessage(msg: KernelMessage.IStatusMsg, _clearState: RefBool) {
- traceCellMessage(this.cell, `Kernel switching to ${msg.content.execution_state}`);
- }
- private handleStreamMessage(msg: KernelMessage.IStreamMsg, clearState: RefBool) {
- // eslint-disable-next-line complexity
- traceCellMessage(this.cell, 'Update streamed output');
- // Possible execution of cell has completed (the task would have been disposed).
- // This message could have come from a background thread.
- // In such circumstances, create a temporary task & use that to update the output (only cell execution tasks can update cell output).
- const task = this.execution || this.createTemporaryTask();
- // Clear output if waiting for a clear
- const clearOutput = clearState.value;
- if (clearOutput) {
- traceCellMessage(this.cell, 'Clear cell output');
- this.clearLastUsedStreamOutput();
- task?.clearOutput().then(noop, noop);
- clearState.update(false);
- }
- // Ensure we append to previous output, only if the streams as the same &
- // If the last output is the desired stream type.
- if (this.lastUsedStreamOutput?.stream === msg.content.name) {
- // Get the jupyter output from the vs code output (so we can concatenate the text ourselves).
- let existingOutputText = this.lastUsedStreamOutput.text;
- let newContent = msg.content.text;
- // Look for the ansi code `[A`. (this means move up)
- // Not going to support `[2A` (not for now).
- const moveUpCode = `${String.fromCharCode(27)}[A`;
- if (msg.content.text.startsWith(moveUpCode)) {
- // Split message by lines & strip out the last n lines (where n = number of lines to move cursor up).
- const existingOutputLines = existingOutputText.splitLines({
- trim: false,
- removeEmptyEntries: false
- });
- if (existingOutputLines.length) {
- existingOutputLines.pop();
- }
- existingOutputText = existingOutputLines.join('\n');
- newContent = newContent.substring(moveUpCode.length);
- }
- // Create a new output item with the concatenated string.
- this.lastUsedStreamOutput.text = formatStreamText(
- concatMultilineString(`${existingOutputText}${newContent}`)
- );
- const output = cellOutputToVSCCellOutput({
- output_type: 'stream',
- name: msg.content.name,
- text: this.lastUsedStreamOutput.text
- });
- traceCellMessage(this.cell, `Replace output items ${this.lastUsedStreamOutput.text.substring(0, 100)}`);
- task?.replaceOutputItems(output.items, this.lastUsedStreamOutput.output).then(noop, noop);
- } else if (clearOutput) {
- // Replace the current outputs with a single new output.
- const text = formatStreamText(concatMultilineString(msg.content.text));
- const output = cellOutputToVSCCellOutput({
- output_type: 'stream',
- name: msg.content.name,
- text
- });
- this.lastUsedStreamOutput = { output, stream: msg.content.name, text };
- traceCellMessage(this.cell, `Replace output ${this.lastUsedStreamOutput.text.substring(0, 100)}`);
- task?.replaceOutput([output]).then(noop, noop);
- } else {
- // Create a new output
- const text = formatStreamText(concatMultilineString(msg.content.text));
- const output = cellOutputToVSCCellOutput({
- output_type: 'stream',
- name: msg.content.name,
- text
- });
- this.lastUsedStreamOutput = { output, stream: msg.content.name, text };
- traceCellMessage(this.cell, `Append output ${this.lastUsedStreamOutput.text.substring(0, 100)}`);
- task?.appendOutput([output]).then(noop, noop);
- }
- this.endTemporaryTask();
- }
- private handleDisplayData(msg: KernelMessage.IDisplayDataMsg, clearState: RefBool) {
- const output = {
- output_type: 'display_data',
- data: handleTensorBoardDisplayDataOutput(msg.content.data),
- metadata: msg.content.metadata,
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
- transient: msg.content.transient as any // NOSONAR
- };
- this.addToCellData(output, clearState);
- }
- private handleClearOutput(msg: KernelMessage.IClearOutputMsg, clearState: RefBool) {
- // If the message says wait, add every message type to our clear state. This will
- // make us wait for this type of output before we clear it.
- if (msg && msg.content.wait) {
- clearState.update(true);
- } else {
- // Possible execution of cell has completed (the task would have been disposed).
- // This message could have come from a background thread.
- // In such circumstances, create a temporary task & use that to update the output (only cell execution tasks can update cell output).
- // Clear all outputs and start over again.
- const task = this.execution || this.createTemporaryTask();
- this.clearLastUsedStreamOutput();
- task?.clearOutput().then(noop, noop);
- this.endTemporaryTask();
- }
- }
- private handleError(msg: KernelMessage.IErrorMsg, clearState: RefBool) {
- let traceback = msg.content.traceback;
- this.formatters.forEach((formatter) => {
- traceback = formatter.format(this.cell, traceback);
- });
- const output: nbformat.IError = {
- output_type: 'error',
- ename: msg.content.ename,
- evalue: msg.content.evalue,
- traceback
- };
- this.addToCellData(output, clearState);
- this.cellHasErrorsInOutput = true;
- }
- @swallowExceptions()
- private handleReply(clearState: RefBool, msg: KernelMessage.IShellControlMessage) {
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports
- const jupyterLab = require('@jupyterlab/services') as typeof import('@jupyterlab/services');
- if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isExecuteReplyMsg(msg)) {
- this.handleExecuteReply(msg, clearState);
- // Set execution count, all messages should have it
- if ('execution_count' in msg.content && typeof msg.content.execution_count === 'number' && this.execution) {
- this.execution.executionOrder = msg.content.execution_count;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Execution of Cell B could result in updates to output in Cell A.
- */
- private handleUpdateDisplayDataMessage(msg: KernelMessage.IUpdateDisplayDataMsg) {
- const displayId = msg.content.transient.display_id;
- if (!displayId) {
- return;
- }
- const outputToBeUpdated = this.outputDisplayIdTracker.getMappedOutput(this.cell.notebook, displayId);
- if (!outputToBeUpdated) {
- return;
- }
- const output = translateCellDisplayOutput(outputToBeUpdated);
- const newOutput = cellOutputToVSCCellOutput({
- ...output,
- data: msg.content.data,
- metadata: msg.content.metadata
- } as nbformat.IDisplayData);
- // If there was no output and still no output, then nothing to do.
- if (outputToBeUpdated.items.length === 0 && newOutput.items.length === 0) {
- return;
- }
- // Compare each output item (at the end of the day everything is serializable).
- // Hence this is a safe comparison.
- if (outputToBeUpdated.items.length === newOutput.items.length) {
- let allAllOutputItemsSame = true;
- for (let index = 0; index < outputToBeUpdated.items.length; index++) {
- if (!fastDeepEqual(outputToBeUpdated.items[index], newOutput.items[index])) {
- allAllOutputItemsSame = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (allAllOutputItemsSame) {
- // If everything is still the same, then there's nothing to update.
- return;
- }
- }
- // Possible execution of cell has completed (the task would have been disposed).
- // This message could have come from a background thread.
- // In such circumstances, create a temporary task & use that to update the output (only cell execution tasks can update cell output).
- const task = this.execution || this.createTemporaryTask();
- traceCellMessage(this.cell, `Replace output items in display data ${newOutput.items.length}`);
- task?.replaceOutputItems(newOutput.items, outputToBeUpdated).then(noop, noop);
- this.endTemporaryTask();
- }
diff --git a/src/notebooks/execution/cellExecutionMessageHandler.ts b/src/notebooks/execution/cellExecutionMessageHandler.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dcb2a4feddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/notebooks/execution/cellExecutionMessageHandler.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT License.
+'use strict';
+import * as fastDeepEqual from 'fast-deep-equal';
+import type * as nbformat from '@jupyterlab/nbformat';
+import type * as KernelMessage from '@jupyterlab/services/lib/kernel/messages';
+import {
+ NotebookCell,
+ NotebookCellExecution,
+ NotebookCellKind,
+ NotebookCellExecutionSummary,
+ NotebookDocument,
+ workspace,
+ NotebookController,
+ WorkspaceEdit,
+ NotebookCellData,
+ Range,
+ NotebookCellOutput,
+ CancellationTokenSource,
+ EventEmitter,
+ ExtensionMode,
+ NotebookEdit
+} from 'vscode';
+import { Kernel } from '@jupyterlab/services';
+import { CellOutputDisplayIdTracker } from './cellDisplayIdTracker';
+import { CellExecutionCreator } from './cellExecutionCreator';
+import { IApplicationShell } from '../../platform/common/application/types';
+import { disposeAllDisposables } from '../../platform/common/helpers';
+import { traceError, traceWarning } from '../../platform/logging';
+import { RefBool } from '../../platform/common/refBool';
+import { IDisposable, IExtensionContext } from '../../platform/common/types';
+import { traceCellMessage, cellOutputToVSCCellOutput, translateCellDisplayOutput, isJupyterNotebook } from '../helpers';
+import { formatStreamText, concatMultilineString } from '../../webviews/webview-side/common';
+import { swallowExceptions } from '../../platform/common/utils/decorators';
+import { noop } from '../../platform/common/utils/misc';
+import { ITracebackFormatter } from '../../kernels/types';
+import { handleTensorBoardDisplayDataOutput } from './executionHelpers';
+import { WIDGET_MIMETYPE } from '../../kernels/ipywidgets-message-coordination/constants';
+// Helper interface for the set_next_input execute reply payload
+interface ISetNextInputPayload {
+ replace: boolean;
+ source: 'set_next_input';
+ text: string;
+type ExecuteResult = nbformat.IExecuteResult & {
+ transient?: { display_id?: string };
+type DisplayData = nbformat.IDisplayData & {
+ transient?: { display_id?: string };
+ * At any given point in time, we can only have one cell actively running.
+ * This will keep track of that task.
+ */
+export const activeNotebookCellExecution = new WeakMap();
+ * Responsible for handling of jupyter messages as a result of execution of individual cells.
+ */
+export class CellExecutionMessageHandler implements IDisposable {
+ /**
+ * The msg_id of the original request execute (when executing the cell).
+ */
+ public readonly executeRequestMessageId: string;
+ /**
+ * Whether we're done with handling of the original request execute for a cell.
+ */
+ private completedExecution?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Listen to messages and update our cell execution state appropriately
+ * Keep track of our clear state
+ */
+ private readonly clearState = new RefBool(false);
+ private execution?: NotebookCellExecution;
+ private readonly _onErrorHandlingIOPubMessage = new EventEmitter<{
+ error: Error;
+ msg: KernelMessage.IIOPubMessage;
+ }>();
+ public readonly onErrorHandlingExecuteRequestIOPubMessage = this._onErrorHandlingIOPubMessage.event;
+ private temporaryExecution?: NotebookCellExecution;
+ private previousResultsToRestore?: NotebookCellExecutionSummary;
+ private cellHasErrorsInOutput?: boolean;
+ public get hasErrorOutput() {
+ return this.cellHasErrorsInOutput === true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * We keep track of the last output that was used to store stream text.
+ * We need this so that we can update it later on (when we get new data for the same stream).
+ * If users clear outputs or if we have a new output other than stream, then clear this item.
+ * Because if after the stream we have an image, then the stream is not the last output item, hence its cleared.
+ */
+ private lastUsedStreamOutput?: { stream: 'stdout' | 'stderr'; text: string; output: NotebookCellOutput };
+ private readonly disposables: IDisposable[] = [];
+ private readonly prompts = new Set();
+ /**
+ * List of comm_ids Jupyter sent back when this cell was first executed
+ * or for any subsequent requests as a result of outputs sending custom messages.
+ */
+ private readonly ownedCommIds = new Set();
+ /**
+ * List of msg_ids of requests sent either as part of request_execute
+ * or for any subsequent requests as a result of outputs sending custom messages.
+ */
+ private readonly ownedRequestIds = new Set();
+ constructor(
+ public readonly cell: NotebookCell,
+ private readonly applicationService: IApplicationShell,
+ private readonly controller: NotebookController,
+ private readonly outputDisplayIdTracker: CellOutputDisplayIdTracker,
+ private readonly context: IExtensionContext,
+ private readonly formatters: ITracebackFormatter[],
+ private readonly kernel: Kernel.IKernelConnection,
+ request: Kernel.IShellFuture,
+ cellExecution: NotebookCellExecution
+ ) {
+ this.executeRequestMessageId = request.msg.header.msg_id;
+ this.ownedRequestIds.add(request.msg.header.msg_id);
+ workspace.onDidChangeNotebookDocument(
+ (e) => {
+ if (!isJupyterNotebook(e.notebook)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const thisCellChange = e.cellChanges.find(({ cell }) => cell === this.cell);
+ if (!thisCellChange) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (thisCellChange.outputs?.length === 0) {
+ // keep track of the fact that user has cleared the output.
+ this.clearLastUsedStreamOutput();
+ this.cellHasErrorsInOutput = false;
+ }
+ },
+ this,
+ this.disposables
+ );
+ this.execution = cellExecution;
+ request.onIOPub = (msg) => {
+ // Cell has been deleted or the like.
+ if (this.cell.document.isClosed) {
+ request.dispose();
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ this.handleIOPub(msg);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ this._onErrorHandlingIOPubMessage.fire(ex);
+ }
+ };
+ request.onReply = (msg) => {
+ // Cell has been deleted or the like.
+ if (this.cell.document.isClosed) {
+ request.dispose();
+ return;
+ }
+ this.handleReply(msg);
+ };
+ request.onStdin = this.handleInputRequest.bind(this);
+ request.done
+ .finally(() => {
+ this.completedExecution = true;
+ // We're only interested in messages after execution has completed.
+ // See https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-jupyter/issues/9503 for more information.
+ this.kernel.anyMessage.connect(this.onKernelAnyMessage, this);
+ this.kernel.iopubMessage.connect(this.onKernelIOPubMessage, this);
+ this.endCellExecution();
+ })
+ .catch(noop);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is called when all execution has been completed (successfully or failed).
+ * Or when execution has been cancelled.
+ */
+ public dispose() {
+ traceCellMessage(this.cell, 'Execution disposed');
+ disposeAllDisposables(this.disposables);
+ this.prompts.forEach((item) => item.dispose());
+ this.prompts.clear();
+ this.clearLastUsedStreamOutput();
+ this.execution = undefined;
+ this.kernel.anyMessage.disconnect(this.onKernelAnyMessage, this);
+ this.kernel.iopubMessage.disconnect(this.onKernelIOPubMessage, this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This merely marks the end of the cell execution.
+ * However this class will still monitor iopub messages from the kernel.
+ * As its possible a widget from the output of this cell sends message to the kernel and
+ * as a result of the response we get some new output.
+ */
+ private endCellExecution() {
+ this.prompts.forEach((item) => item.dispose());
+ this.prompts.clear();
+ this.clearLastUsedStreamOutput();
+ this.execution = undefined;
+ if (this.ownedCommIds.size === 0 && this.completedExecution) {
+ // If no comms channels were opened as a result of any outputs of this cell,
+ // this means we don't have any widgets that can send comm message back to the kernel.
+ // Hence no point listening to any of the iopub messages & the like, i.e. we can stop listening to everything in this class.
+ this.dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ private onKernelAnyMessage(_: unknown, { direction, msg }: Kernel.IAnyMessageArgs) {
+ // We're only interested in messages after execution has completed.
+ // See https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-jupyter/issues/9503 for more information.
+ if (direction !== 'send' || !this.completedExecution) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports
+ const jupyterLab = require('@jupyterlab/services') as typeof import('@jupyterlab/services');
+ if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isCommMsgMsg(msg) && this.ownedCommIds.has(msg.content.comm_id)) {
+ // Looks like we have a comm msg request sent by some output or the like.
+ // See https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-jupyter/issues/9503 for more information.
+ this.ownedRequestIds.add(msg.header.msg_id);
+ }
+ }
+ private onKernelIOPubMessage(_: unknown, msg: KernelMessage.IIOPubMessage) {
+ // We're only interested in messages after execution has completed.
+ // See https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-jupyter/issues/9503 for more information.
+ // Handle iopub messages that are sent from Jupyter in response to some
+ // comm message (requests) sent by an output widget.
+ // See https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-jupyter/issues/9503 for more information.
+ if (
+ !this.completedExecution ||
+ !msg.parent_header ||
+ !('msg_id' in msg.parent_header) ||
+ msg.parent_header.msg_id === this.executeRequestMessageId ||
+ !this.ownedRequestIds.has(msg.parent_header.msg_id) ||
+ msg.channel !== 'iopub'
+ ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ this.handleIOPub(msg);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ traceError(`Failed to handle iopub message as a result of some comm message`, msg, ex);
+ }
+ }
+ private clearLastUsedStreamOutput() {
+ this.lastUsedStreamOutput = undefined;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assume we run cell A
+ * Now run cell B, and this will update cell A.
+ * The way it works is, the request object created for cell A will get a message saying update your output.
+ * Cell A has completed, hence there's no execution task, we should create one or re-use an existing one.
+ * Creating one results in side effects such as execution order getting reset and timers starting.
+ * Hence where possible re-use an existing cell execution task associated with this document.
+ */
+ private createTemporaryTask() {
+ if (this.cell.document.isClosed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // If we have an active task, use that instead of creating a new task.
+ const existingTask = activeNotebookCellExecution.get(this.cell.notebook);
+ if (existingTask) {
+ return existingTask;
+ }
+ // Create a temporary task.
+ this.previousResultsToRestore = { ...(this.cell.executionSummary || {}) };
+ this.temporaryExecution = CellExecutionCreator.getOrCreate(this.cell, this.controller);
+ this.temporaryExecution?.start();
+ if (this.previousResultsToRestore?.executionOrder && this.execution) {
+ this.execution.executionOrder = this.previousResultsToRestore.executionOrder;
+ }
+ return this.temporaryExecution;
+ }
+ private endTemporaryTask() {
+ if (this.previousResultsToRestore?.executionOrder && this.execution) {
+ this.execution.executionOrder = this.previousResultsToRestore.executionOrder;
+ }
+ if (this.previousResultsToRestore && this.temporaryExecution) {
+ if (this.previousResultsToRestore.executionOrder) {
+ this.temporaryExecution.executionOrder = this.previousResultsToRestore.executionOrder;
+ }
+ this.temporaryExecution.end(
+ this.previousResultsToRestore.success,
+ this.previousResultsToRestore.timing?.endTime
+ );
+ } else {
+ // Undefined for not success or failure
+ this.temporaryExecution?.end(undefined);
+ }
+ this.previousResultsToRestore = undefined;
+ this.temporaryExecution = undefined;
+ }
+ private handleIOPub(msg: KernelMessage.IIOPubMessage) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports
+ const jupyterLab = require('@jupyterlab/services') as typeof import('@jupyterlab/services');
+ if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isCommOpenMsg(msg)) {
+ this.ownedCommIds.add(msg.content.comm_id);
+ } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isExecuteResultMsg(msg)) {
+ this.handleExecuteResult(msg as KernelMessage.IExecuteResultMsg);
+ } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isExecuteInputMsg(msg)) {
+ this.handleExecuteInput(msg as KernelMessage.IExecuteInputMsg);
+ } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isStatusMsg(msg)) {
+ // Status is handled by the result promise. While it is running we are active. Otherwise we're stopped.
+ // So ignore status messages.
+ const statusMsg = msg as KernelMessage.IStatusMsg;
+ this.handleStatusMessage(statusMsg);
+ } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isStreamMsg(msg)) {
+ this.handleStreamMessage(msg as KernelMessage.IStreamMsg);
+ } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isDisplayDataMsg(msg)) {
+ this.handleDisplayData(msg as KernelMessage.IDisplayDataMsg);
+ } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isUpdateDisplayDataMsg(msg)) {
+ this.handleUpdateDisplayDataMessage(msg);
+ } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isClearOutputMsg(msg)) {
+ this.handleClearOutput(msg as KernelMessage.IClearOutputMsg);
+ } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isErrorMsg(msg)) {
+ this.handleError(msg as KernelMessage.IErrorMsg);
+ } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isCommOpenMsg(msg)) {
+ // Noop.
+ } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isCommMsgMsg(msg)) {
+ // Noop.
+ } else if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isCommCloseMsg(msg)) {
+ // Noop.
+ } else {
+ traceWarning(`Unknown message ${msg.header.msg_type} : hasData=${'data' in msg.content}`);
+ }
+ // Set execution count, all messages should have it
+ if ('execution_count' in msg.content && typeof msg.content.execution_count === 'number' && this.execution) {
+ this.execution.executionOrder = msg.content.execution_count;
+ }
+ }
+ private addToCellData(output: ExecuteResult | DisplayData | nbformat.IStream | nbformat.IError | nbformat.IOutput) {
+ if (
+ this.context.extensionMode === ExtensionMode.Test &&
+ output.data &&
+ typeof output.data === 'object' &&
+ WIDGET_MIMETYPE in output.data
+ ) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+ (output.data[WIDGET_MIMETYPE] as any)['_vsc_test_cellIndex'] = this.cell.index;
+ }
+ const cellOutput = cellOutputToVSCCellOutput(output);
+ const displayId =
+ 'transient' in output &&
+ typeof output.transient === 'object' &&
+ output.transient &&
+ 'display_id' in output.transient &&
+ typeof output.transient?.display_id === 'string'
+ ? output.transient?.display_id
+ : undefined;
+ if (this.cell.document.isClosed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ traceCellMessage(this.cell, 'Update output');
+ // Clear if necessary
+ if (this.clearState.value) {
+ this.clearLastUsedStreamOutput();
+ this.execution?.clearOutput().then(noop, noop);
+ this.clearState.update(false);
+ }
+ // Keep track of the displa_id against the output item, we might need this to update this later.
+ if (displayId) {
+ this.outputDisplayIdTracker.trackOutputByDisplayId(this.cell, displayId, cellOutput);
+ }
+ // Append to the data (we would push here but VS code requires a recreation of the array)
+ // Possible execution of cell has completed (the task would have been disposed).
+ // This message could have come from a background thread.
+ // In such circumstances, create a temporary task & use that to update the output (only cell execution tasks can update cell output).
+ const task = this.execution || this.createTemporaryTask();
+ this.clearLastUsedStreamOutput();
+ traceCellMessage(this.cell, 'Append output in addToCellData');
+ task?.appendOutput([cellOutput]).then(noop, noop);
+ this.endTemporaryTask();
+ }
+ private async handleInputRequest(msg: KernelMessage.IStdinMessage) {
+ // Ask the user for input
+ if (msg.content && 'prompt' in msg.content) {
+ const cancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ this.prompts.add(cancelToken);
+ const hasPassword = msg.content.password !== null && (msg.content.password as boolean);
+ await this.applicationService
+ .showInputBox(
+ {
+ prompt: msg.content.prompt ? msg.content.prompt.toString() : '',
+ ignoreFocusOut: true,
+ password: hasPassword
+ },
+ cancelToken.token
+ )
+ .then((v) => {
+ this.kernel.sendInputReply({ value: v || '', status: 'ok' });
+ }, noop);
+ this.prompts.delete(cancelToken);
+ }
+ }
+ // See this for docs on the messages:
+ // https://jupyter-client.readthedocs.io/en/latest/messaging.html#messaging-in-jupyter
+ private handleExecuteResult(msg: KernelMessage.IExecuteResultMsg) {
+ this.addToCellData({
+ output_type: 'execute_result',
+ data: msg.content.data,
+ metadata: msg.content.metadata,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+ transient: msg.content.transient as any, // NOSONAR
+ execution_count: msg.content.execution_count
+ });
+ }
+ private handleExecuteReply(msg: KernelMessage.IExecuteReplyMsg) {
+ const reply = msg.content as KernelMessage.IExecuteReply;
+ if (reply.payload) {
+ reply.payload.forEach((payload) => {
+ if (
+ payload.source &&
+ payload.source === 'set_next_input' &&
+ 'text' in payload &&
+ 'replace' in payload
+ ) {
+ this.handleSetNextInput(payload as unknown as ISetNextInputPayload);
+ }
+ if (payload.data && payload.data.hasOwnProperty('text/plain')) {
+ this.addToCellData({
+ // Mark as stream output so the text is formatted because it likely has ansi codes in it.
+ output_type: 'stream',
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+ text: (payload.data as any)['text/plain'].toString(),
+ name: 'stdout',
+ metadata: {},
+ execution_count: reply.execution_count
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // Handle our set_next_input message, which can either replace or insert a new cell with text
+ private handleSetNextInput(payload: ISetNextInputPayload) {
+ const edit = new WorkspaceEdit();
+ if (payload.replace) {
+ // Replace the contents of the current cell with text
+ edit.replace(
+ this.cell.document.uri,
+ new Range(
+ this.cell.document.lineAt(0).range.start,
+ this.cell.document.lineAt(this.cell.document.lineCount - 1).range.end
+ ),
+ payload.text
+ );
+ } else {
+ // Add a new cell after the current with text
+ traceCellMessage(this.cell, 'Create new cell after current');
+ const cellData = new NotebookCellData(NotebookCellKind.Code, payload.text, this.cell.document.languageId);
+ cellData.outputs = [];
+ cellData.metadata = {};
+ const nbEdit = NotebookEdit.insertCells(this.cell.index + 1, [cellData]);
+ edit.set(this.cell.notebook.uri, [nbEdit]);
+ }
+ workspace.applyEdit(edit).then(noop, noop);
+ }
+ private handleExecuteInput(msg: KernelMessage.IExecuteInputMsg) {
+ if (msg.content.execution_count && this.execution) {
+ this.execution.executionOrder = msg.content.execution_count;
+ }
+ }
+ private handleStatusMessage(msg: KernelMessage.IStatusMsg) {
+ traceCellMessage(this.cell, `Kernel switching to ${msg.content.execution_state}`);
+ }
+ private handleStreamMessage(msg: KernelMessage.IStreamMsg) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line complexity
+ traceCellMessage(this.cell, 'Update streamed output');
+ // Possible execution of cell has completed (the task would have been disposed).
+ // This message could have come from a background thread.
+ // In such circumstances, create a temporary task & use that to update the output (only cell execution tasks can update cell output).
+ const task = this.execution || this.createTemporaryTask();
+ // Clear output if waiting for a clear
+ const clearOutput = this.clearState.value;
+ if (clearOutput) {
+ traceCellMessage(this.cell, 'Clear cell output');
+ this.clearLastUsedStreamOutput();
+ task?.clearOutput().then(noop, noop);
+ this.clearState.update(false);
+ }
+ // Ensure we append to previous output, only if the streams as the same &
+ // If the last output is the desired stream type.
+ if (this.lastUsedStreamOutput?.stream === msg.content.name) {
+ // Get the jupyter output from the vs code output (so we can concatenate the text ourselves).
+ let existingOutputText = this.lastUsedStreamOutput.text;
+ let newContent = msg.content.text;
+ // Look for the ansi code `[A`. (this means move up)
+ // Not going to support `[2A` (not for now).
+ const moveUpCode = `${String.fromCharCode(27)}[A`;
+ if (msg.content.text.startsWith(moveUpCode)) {
+ // Split message by lines & strip out the last n lines (where n = number of lines to move cursor up).
+ const existingOutputLines = existingOutputText.splitLines({
+ trim: false,
+ removeEmptyEntries: false
+ });
+ if (existingOutputLines.length) {
+ existingOutputLines.pop();
+ }
+ existingOutputText = existingOutputLines.join('\n');
+ newContent = newContent.substring(moveUpCode.length);
+ }
+ // Create a new output item with the concatenated string.
+ this.lastUsedStreamOutput.text = formatStreamText(
+ concatMultilineString(`${existingOutputText}${newContent}`)
+ );
+ const output = cellOutputToVSCCellOutput({
+ output_type: 'stream',
+ name: msg.content.name,
+ text: this.lastUsedStreamOutput.text
+ });
+ traceCellMessage(this.cell, `Replace output items ${this.lastUsedStreamOutput.text.substring(0, 100)}`);
+ task?.replaceOutputItems(output.items, this.lastUsedStreamOutput.output).then(noop, noop);
+ } else if (clearOutput) {
+ // Replace the current outputs with a single new output.
+ const text = formatStreamText(concatMultilineString(msg.content.text));
+ const output = cellOutputToVSCCellOutput({
+ output_type: 'stream',
+ name: msg.content.name,
+ text
+ });
+ this.lastUsedStreamOutput = { output, stream: msg.content.name, text };
+ traceCellMessage(this.cell, `Replace output ${this.lastUsedStreamOutput.text.substring(0, 100)}`);
+ task?.replaceOutput([output]).then(noop, noop);
+ } else {
+ // Create a new output
+ const text = formatStreamText(concatMultilineString(msg.content.text));
+ const output = cellOutputToVSCCellOutput({
+ output_type: 'stream',
+ name: msg.content.name,
+ text
+ });
+ this.lastUsedStreamOutput = { output, stream: msg.content.name, text };
+ traceCellMessage(this.cell, `Append output ${this.lastUsedStreamOutput.text.substring(0, 100)}`);
+ task?.appendOutput([output]).then(noop, noop);
+ }
+ this.endTemporaryTask();
+ }
+ private handleDisplayData(msg: KernelMessage.IDisplayDataMsg) {
+ const output = {
+ output_type: 'display_data',
+ data: handleTensorBoardDisplayDataOutput(msg.content.data),
+ metadata: msg.content.metadata,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+ transient: msg.content.transient as any // NOSONAR
+ };
+ this.addToCellData(output);
+ }
+ private handleClearOutput(msg: KernelMessage.IClearOutputMsg) {
+ // If the message says wait, add every message type to our clear state. This will
+ // make us wait for this type of output before we clear it.
+ if (msg && msg.content.wait) {
+ this.clearState.update(true);
+ } else {
+ // Possible execution of cell has completed (the task would have been disposed).
+ // This message could have come from a background thread.
+ // In such circumstances, create a temporary task & use that to update the output (only cell execution tasks can update cell output).
+ // Clear all outputs and start over again.
+ const task = this.execution || this.createTemporaryTask();
+ this.clearLastUsedStreamOutput();
+ task?.clearOutput().then(noop, noop);
+ this.endTemporaryTask();
+ }
+ }
+ private handleError(msg: KernelMessage.IErrorMsg) {
+ let traceback = msg.content.traceback;
+ this.formatters.forEach((formatter) => {
+ traceback = formatter.format(this.cell, traceback);
+ });
+ const output: nbformat.IError = {
+ output_type: 'error',
+ ename: msg.content.ename,
+ evalue: msg.content.evalue,
+ traceback
+ };
+ this.addToCellData(output);
+ this.cellHasErrorsInOutput = true;
+ }
+ @swallowExceptions()
+ private handleReply(msg: KernelMessage.IShellControlMessage) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports
+ const jupyterLab = require('@jupyterlab/services') as typeof import('@jupyterlab/services');
+ if (jupyterLab.KernelMessage.isExecuteReplyMsg(msg)) {
+ this.handleExecuteReply(msg);
+ // Set execution count, all messages should have it
+ if ('execution_count' in msg.content && typeof msg.content.execution_count === 'number' && this.execution) {
+ this.execution.executionOrder = msg.content.execution_count;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Execution of Cell B could result in updates to output in Cell A.
+ */
+ private handleUpdateDisplayDataMessage(msg: KernelMessage.IUpdateDisplayDataMsg) {
+ const displayId = msg.content.transient.display_id;
+ if (!displayId) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const outputToBeUpdated = this.outputDisplayIdTracker.getMappedOutput(this.cell.notebook, displayId);
+ if (!outputToBeUpdated) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const output = translateCellDisplayOutput(outputToBeUpdated);
+ const newOutput = cellOutputToVSCCellOutput({
+ ...output,
+ data: msg.content.data,
+ metadata: msg.content.metadata
+ } as nbformat.IDisplayData);
+ // If there was no output and still no output, then nothing to do.
+ if (outputToBeUpdated.items.length === 0 && newOutput.items.length === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Compare each output item (at the end of the day everything is serializable).
+ // Hence this is a safe comparison.
+ if (outputToBeUpdated.items.length === newOutput.items.length) {
+ let allAllOutputItemsSame = true;
+ for (let index = 0; index < outputToBeUpdated.items.length; index++) {
+ if (!fastDeepEqual(outputToBeUpdated.items[index], newOutput.items[index])) {
+ allAllOutputItemsSame = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (allAllOutputItemsSame) {
+ // If everything is still the same, then there's nothing to update.
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Possible execution of cell has completed (the task would have been disposed).
+ // This message could have come from a background thread.
+ // In such circumstances, create a temporary task & use that to update the output (only cell execution tasks can update cell output).
+ const task = this.execution || this.createTemporaryTask();
+ traceCellMessage(this.cell, `Replace output items in display data ${newOutput.items.length}`);
+ task?.replaceOutputItems(newOutput.items, outputToBeUpdated).then(noop, noop);
+ this.endTemporaryTask();
+ }
diff --git a/src/notebooks/execution/cellExecutionMessageHandlerService.ts b/src/notebooks/execution/cellExecutionMessageHandlerService.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6d5c19bb2a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/notebooks/execution/cellExecutionMessageHandlerService.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT License.
+import { Kernel, KernelMessage } from '@jupyterlab/services';
+import { NotebookCell, NotebookCellExecution, NotebookController, NotebookDocument, workspace } from 'vscode';
+import { ITracebackFormatter } from '../../kernels/types';
+import { IApplicationShell } from '../../platform/common/application/types';
+import { disposeAllDisposables } from '../../platform/common/helpers';
+import { IDisposable, IExtensionContext } from '../../platform/common/types';
+import { CellOutputDisplayIdTracker } from './cellDisplayIdTracker';
+import { CellExecutionMessageHandler } from './cellExecutionMessageHandler';
+export class CellExecutionMessageHandlerService {
+ private readonly disposables: IDisposable[] = [];
+ private notebook?: NotebookDocument;
+ private readonly messageHandlers = new WeakMap();
+ constructor(
+ private readonly appShell: IApplicationShell,
+ private readonly controller: NotebookController,
+ private readonly outputDisplayIdTracker: CellOutputDisplayIdTracker,
+ private readonly context: IExtensionContext,
+ private readonly formatters: ITracebackFormatter[]
+ ) {
+ workspace.onDidChangeNotebookDocument(
+ (e) => {
+ if (e.notebook !== this.notebook) {
+ return;
+ }
+ e.contentChanges.forEach((change) =>
+ // If the cell is deleted, then dispose the corresponding handler.
+ change.removedCells.forEach((cell) => this.messageHandlers.get(cell)?.dispose())
+ );
+ },
+ this,
+ this.disposables
+ );
+ }
+ dispose() {
+ disposeAllDisposables(this.disposables);
+ if (this.notebook) {
+ this.notebook.getCells().forEach((cell) => this.messageHandlers.get(cell)?.dispose());
+ }
+ }
+ public registerListener(
+ cell: NotebookCell,
+ options: {
+ kernel: Kernel.IKernelConnection;
+ request: Kernel.IShellFuture;
+ cellExecution: NotebookCellExecution;
+ onErrorHandlingExecuteRequestIOPubMessage: (error: Error) => void;
+ }
+ ): CellExecutionMessageHandler {
+ this.notebook = cell.notebook;
+ // Always dispose any previous handlers & create new ones.
+ this.messageHandlers.get(cell)?.dispose();
+ const handler = new CellExecutionMessageHandler(
+ cell,
+ this.appShell,
+ this.controller,
+ this.outputDisplayIdTracker,
+ this.context,
+ this.formatters,
+ options.kernel,
+ options.request,
+ options.cellExecution
+ );
+ // This object must be kept in memory has it monitors the kernel messages.
+ this.messageHandlers.set(cell, handler);
+ return handler;
+ }
diff --git a/src/notebooks/execution/kernelExecution.ts b/src/notebooks/execution/kernelExecution.ts
index 27a1467b981..a2767ad2b04 100644
--- a/src/notebooks/execution/kernelExecution.ts
+++ b/src/notebooks/execution/kernelExecution.ts
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import {
import { traceCellMessage } from '../helpers';
import { getDisplayPath } from '../../platform/common/platform/fs-paths';
import { getAssociatedNotebookDocument } from '../controllers/kernelSelector';
+import { CellExecutionMessageHandlerService } from './cellExecutionMessageHandlerService';
* Separate class that deals just with kernel execution.
@@ -49,7 +50,15 @@ export class KernelExecution implements IDisposable {
context: IExtensionContext,
formatters: ITracebackFormatter[]
) {
- this.executionFactory = new CellExecutionFactory(appShell, controller, outputTracker, context, formatters);
+ const requestListener = new CellExecutionMessageHandlerService(
+ appShell,
+ controller,
+ outputTracker,
+ context,
+ formatters
+ );
+ this.disposables.push(requestListener);
+ this.executionFactory = new CellExecutionFactory(controller, requestListener);
public get onPreExecute() {
diff --git a/src/platform/api/kernelApi.ts b/src/platform/api/kernelApi.ts
index 60be576b92d..eb8ffa3fbe7 100644
--- a/src/platform/api/kernelApi.ts
+++ b/src/platform/api/kernelApi.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import { injectable, inject } from 'inversify';
import { Disposable, Event, EventEmitter, Uri } from 'vscode';
-import { KernelConnectionWrapper } from '../../kernels/kernelConnectionWrapper';
+import { KernelConnectionWrapper } from './kernelConnectionWrapper';
import {
diff --git a/src/platform/api/kernelConnectionWrapper.ts b/src/platform/api/kernelConnectionWrapper.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..826351b68b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/platform/api/kernelConnectionWrapper.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT License.
+import type { Kernel } from '@jupyterlab/services';
+import { IDisposable } from '../common/types';
+import { noop } from '../common/utils/misc';
+import { BaseKernelConnectionWrapper } from '../../kernels/jupyter/baseKernelConnectionWrapper';
+import { IKernel } from '../../kernels/types';
+export class KernelConnectionWrapper extends BaseKernelConnectionWrapper {
+ /**
+ * Use `kernelConnection` to access the value as its not a constant (can change over time).
+ * E.g. when restarting kernels or the like.
+ */
+ private _kernelConnection!: Kernel.IKernelConnection;
+ protected get possibleKernelConnection(): undefined | Kernel.IKernelConnection {
+ if (this.kernel.session?.kernel === this._kernelConnection) {
+ return this._kernelConnection;
+ }
+ this.stopHandlingKernelMessages(this._kernelConnection);
+ if (this.kernel.session?.kernel) {
+ this.startHandleKernelMessages(this.kernel.session.kernel);
+ return this._kernelConnection;
+ }
+ }
+ constructor(readonly kernel: IKernel, disposables: IDisposable[]) {
+ super(kernel.session!.kernel!, disposables);
+ const emiStatusChangeEvents = () => {
+ this.statusChanged.emit(kernel.status);
+ if (kernel.status === 'dead' && !kernel.disposed && !kernel.disposing) {
+ this.connectionStatusChanged.emit('disconnected');
+ }
+ };
+ kernel.onDisposed(
+ () => {
+ // this._isRestarting = false;
+ emiStatusChangeEvents();
+ this.disposed.emit();
+ },
+ this,
+ disposables
+ );
+ kernel.onStarted(emiStatusChangeEvents, this, disposables);
+ kernel.onRestarted(emiStatusChangeEvents, this, disposables);
+ kernel.onStatusChanged(emiStatusChangeEvents, this, disposables);
+ this.startHandleKernelMessages(kernel.session!.kernel!);
+ }
+ async shutdown(): Promise {
+ if (
+ this.kernel.kernelConnectionMetadata.kind === 'startUsingRemoteKernelSpec' ||
+ this.kernel.kernelConnectionMetadata.kind === 'connectToLiveRemoteKernel'
+ ) {
+ await this.kernel.session?.shutdown();
+ }
+ await this.kernel.dispose();
+ }
+ dispose(): void {
+ this.kernel.dispose().catch(noop);
+ }
+ async interrupt(): Promise {
+ // Sometimes we end up starting a new session.
+ // Hence assume a new session was created, meaning we need to bind to the kernel connection all over again.
+ this.stopHandlingKernelMessages(this.possibleKernelConnection!);
+ await this.kernel.interrupt();
+ if (!this.kernel.session?.kernel) {
+ throw new Error('Restart failed');
+ }
+ this.startHandleKernelMessages(this.kernel.session?.kernel);
+ }
+ async restart(): Promise {
+ if (this.possibleKernelConnection) {
+ this.stopHandlingKernelMessages(this.possibleKernelConnection);
+ }
+ // If this is a remote, then we do something special.
+ await this.kernel.restart();
+ if (!this.kernel.session?.kernel) {
+ throw new Error('Restart failed');
+ }
+ this.startHandleKernelMessages(this.kernel.session?.kernel);
+ }
+ protected override startHandleKernelMessages(kernelConnection: Kernel.IKernelConnection) {
+ this._kernelConnection = kernelConnection;
+ super.startHandleKernelMessages(kernelConnection);
+ }
diff --git a/src/platform/common/refBool.node.ts b/src/platform/common/refBool.ts
similarity index 67%
rename from src/platform/common/refBool.node.ts
rename to src/platform/common/refBool.ts
index c0ef43a2077..22b0421b5e9 100644
--- a/src/platform/common/refBool.node.ts
+++ b/src/platform/common/refBool.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT License.
export class RefBool {
constructor(private val: boolean) {}
diff --git a/src/test/common.node.ts b/src/test/common.node.ts
index 6e27e840ee8..16bf55135b7 100644
--- a/src/test/common.node.ts
+++ b/src/test/common.node.ts
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ import * as fs from 'fs-extra';
import * as path from '../platform/vscode-path/path';
import * as uuid from 'uuid/v4';
import { coerce, SemVer } from 'semver';
-import type { ConfigurationTarget, Event, TextDocument, Uri } from 'vscode';
+import type { ConfigurationTarget, TextDocument, Uri } from 'vscode';
import { IProcessService } from '../platform/common/process/types.node';
-import { IDisposable } from '../platform/common/types';
import { noop } from './core';
import { isCI } from '../platform/common/constants';
import { IWorkspaceService } from '../platform/common/application/types';
-import { waitForCondition } from './common';
+export { createEventHandler } from './common';
const StreamZip = require('node-stream-zip');
@@ -302,87 +302,6 @@ export async function openFile(file: string): Promise {
assert(vscode.window.activeTextEditor, 'No active editor');
return textDocument;
- * Helper class to test events.
- *
- * Usage: Assume xyz.onDidSave is the event we want to test.
- * const handler = new TestEventHandler(xyz.onDidSave);
- * // Do something that would trigger the event.
- * assert.ok(handler.fired)
- * assert.equal(handler.first, 'Args Passed to first onDidSave')
- * assert.equal(handler.count, 1)// Only one should have been fired.
- */
-export class TestEventHandler implements IDisposable {
- public get fired() {
- return this.handledEvents.length > 0;
- }
- public get first(): T {
- return this.handledEvents[0];
- }
- public get second(): T {
- return this.handledEvents[1];
- }
- public get last(): T {
- return this.handledEvents[this.handledEvents.length - 1];
- }
- public get count(): number {
- return this.handledEvents.length;
- }
- public get all(): T[] {
- return this.handledEvents;
- }
- private readonly handler: IDisposable;
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
- private readonly handledEvents: any[] = [];
- constructor(event: Event, private readonly eventNameForErrorMessages: string, disposables: IDisposable[] = []) {
- disposables.push(this);
- this.handler = event(this.listener, this);
- }
- public reset() {
- while (this.handledEvents.length) {
- this.handledEvents.pop();
- }
- }
- public async assertFired(waitPeriod: number = 100): Promise {
- await waitForCondition(async () => this.fired, waitPeriod, `${this.eventNameForErrorMessages} event not fired`);
- }
- public async assertFiredExactly(numberOfTimesFired: number, waitPeriod: number = 2_000): Promise {
- await waitForCondition(
- async () => this.count === numberOfTimesFired,
- waitPeriod,
- `${this.eventNameForErrorMessages} event fired ${this.count}, expected ${numberOfTimesFired}`
- );
- }
- public async assertFiredAtLeast(numberOfTimesFired: number, waitPeriod: number = 2_000): Promise {
- await waitForCondition(
- async () => this.count >= numberOfTimesFired,
- waitPeriod,
- `${this.eventNameForErrorMessages} event fired ${this.count}, expected at least ${numberOfTimesFired}.`
- );
- }
- public atIndex(index: number): T {
- return this.handledEvents[index];
- }
- public dispose() {
- this.handler.dispose();
- }
- private listener(e: T) {
- this.handledEvents.push(e);
- }
-export function createEventHandler(
- obj: T,
- eventName: K,
- disposables: IDisposable[] = []
-): T[K] extends Event ? TestEventHandler : TestEventHandler {
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
- return new TestEventHandler(obj[eventName] as any, eventName as string, disposables) as any;
* Captures screenshots (png format) & dumpts into root directory (only on CI).
* If there's a failure, it will be logged (errors are swallowed).
diff --git a/src/test/common.ts b/src/test/common.ts
index 7d829232a1a..6ad2b82f2dd 100644
--- a/src/test/common.ts
+++ b/src/test/common.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
// Licensed under the MIT License.
'use strict';
+import { Event } from 'vscode';
import { IExtensionApi } from '../platform/api';
+import { IDisposable } from '../platform/common/types';
import { IServiceContainer, IServiceManager } from '../platform/ioc/types';
export interface IExtensionTestApi extends IExtensionApi {
@@ -80,3 +82,83 @@ export async function waitForCondition(
+ * Helper class to test events.
+ *
+ * Usage: Assume xyz.onDidSave is the event we want to test.
+ * const handler = new TestEventHandler(xyz.onDidSave);
+ * // Do something that would trigger the event.
+ * assert.ok(handler.fired)
+ * assert.equal(handler.first, 'Args Passed to first onDidSave')
+ * assert.equal(handler.count, 1)// Only one should have been fired.
+ */
+export class TestEventHandler implements IDisposable {
+ public get fired() {
+ return this.handledEvents.length > 0;
+ }
+ public get first(): T {
+ return this.handledEvents[0];
+ }
+ public get second(): T {
+ return this.handledEvents[1];
+ }
+ public get last(): T {
+ return this.handledEvents[this.handledEvents.length - 1];
+ }
+ public get count(): number {
+ return this.handledEvents.length;
+ }
+ public get all(): T[] {
+ return this.handledEvents;
+ }
+ private readonly handler: IDisposable;
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+ private readonly handledEvents: any[] = [];
+ constructor(event: Event, private readonly eventNameForErrorMessages: string, disposables: IDisposable[] = []) {
+ disposables.push(this);
+ this.handler = event(this.listener, this);
+ }
+ public reset() {
+ while (this.handledEvents.length) {
+ this.handledEvents.pop();
+ }
+ }
+ public async assertFired(waitPeriod: number = 100): Promise {
+ await waitForCondition(async () => this.fired, waitPeriod, `${this.eventNameForErrorMessages} event not fired`);
+ }
+ public async assertFiredExactly(numberOfTimesFired: number, waitPeriod: number = 2_000): Promise {
+ await waitForCondition(
+ async () => this.count === numberOfTimesFired,
+ waitPeriod,
+ `${this.eventNameForErrorMessages} event fired ${this.count}, expected ${numberOfTimesFired}`
+ );
+ }
+ public async assertFiredAtLeast(numberOfTimesFired: number, waitPeriod: number = 2_000): Promise {
+ await waitForCondition(
+ async () => this.count >= numberOfTimesFired,
+ waitPeriod,
+ `${this.eventNameForErrorMessages} event fired ${this.count}, expected at least ${numberOfTimesFired}.`
+ );
+ }
+ public atIndex(index: number): T {
+ return this.handledEvents[index];
+ }
+ public dispose() {
+ this.handler.dispose();
+ }
+ private listener(e: T) {
+ this.handledEvents.push(e);
+ }
+export function createEventHandler(
+ obj: T,
+ eventName: K,
+ disposables: IDisposable[] = []
+): T[K] extends Event ? TestEventHandler : TestEventHandler {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+ return new TestEventHandler(obj[eventName] as any, eventName as string, disposables) as any;
diff --git a/src/test/datascience/notebook/helper.ts b/src/test/datascience/notebook/helper.ts
index b271585210f..353c58979c4 100644
--- a/src/test/datascience/notebook/helper.ts
+++ b/src/test/datascience/notebook/helper.ts
@@ -239,6 +239,7 @@ export async function createEmptyPythonNotebook(
await waitForKernelToGetAutoSelected();
await deleteAllCellsAndWait();
+ return vscodeNotebook.activeNotebookEditor!.notebook;
async function shutdownAllNotebooks() {
@@ -816,7 +817,10 @@ export async function waitForTextOutput(
cell.index + 1
} in output index ${index}, it is ${cell.outputs
- (output, index) => `Output for Index "${index}" is "${output.items.map(getOutputText).join('\n')}"`
+ (output, index) =>
+ `Output for Index "${index}" with total outputs ${output.items.length} is "${output.items
+ .map(getOutputText)
+ .join('\n')}"`
diff --git a/src/test/datascience/notebook/kernelEvents.vscode.common.ts b/src/test/datascience/notebook/kernelEvents.vscode.common.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9f343f4908d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/datascience/notebook/kernelEvents.vscode.common.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-void */
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT License.
+'use strict';
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports, @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */
+import { assert } from 'chai';
+import * as sinon from 'sinon';
+import { Disposable, NotebookDocument } from 'vscode';
+import { traceInfo } from '../../../platform/logging';
+import {
+ IConfigurationService,
+ IDisposable,
+ IWatchableJupyterSettings,
+ ReadWrite
+} from '../../../platform/common/types';
+import { IExtensionTestApi, waitForCondition } from '../../common';
+import { initialize } from '../../initialize';
+import {
+ runCell,
+ insertCodeCell,
+ waitForTextOutput,
+ closeNotebooksAndCleanUpAfterTests,
+ createEmptyPythonNotebook
+} from './helper';
+import { createEventHandler } from '../../common';
+import { IKernelProvider } from '../../../kernels/types';
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, no-invalid-this */
+export function sharedKernelEventTests(
+ this: Mocha.Suite,
+ options: {
+ startJupyterServer: (notebook?: NotebookDocument) => Promise;
+ }
+) {
+ let api: IExtensionTestApi;
+ const disposables: IDisposable[] = [];
+ let configSettings: ReadWrite;
+ let kernelProvider: IKernelProvider;
+ let previousDisableJupyterAutoStartValue: boolean;
+ this.timeout(120_000);
+ suiteSetup(async function () {
+ traceInfo(`Suite Setup ${this.currentTest?.title}`);
+ this.timeout(120_000);
+ try {
+ api = await initialize();
+ sinon.restore();
+ kernelProvider = api.serviceContainer.get(IKernelProvider);
+ const configService = api.serviceContainer.get(IConfigurationService);
+ configSettings = configService.getSettings(undefined) as any;
+ previousDisableJupyterAutoStartValue = configSettings.disableJupyterAutoStart;
+ configSettings.disableJupyterAutoStart = true;
+ traceInfo('Suite Setup (completed)');
+ } catch (e) {
+ traceInfo('Suite Setup (failed)');
+ throw e;
+ }
+ });
+ // Use same notebook without starting kernel in every single test (use one for whole suite).
+ setup(async function () {
+ try {
+ traceInfo(`Start Test ${this.currentTest?.title}`);
+ sinon.restore();
+ const configService = api.serviceContainer.get(IConfigurationService);
+ configSettings = configService.getSettings(undefined) as any;
+ configSettings.disableJupyterAutoStart = true;
+ await options.startJupyterServer();
+ traceInfo(`Start Test (completed) ${this.currentTest?.title}`);
+ } catch (e) {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ });
+ teardown(async function () {
+ traceInfo(`Ended Test ${this.currentTest?.title}`);
+ await closeNotebooksAndCleanUpAfterTests(disposables);
+ configSettings.disableJupyterAutoStart = previousDisableJupyterAutoStartValue;
+ traceInfo(`Ended Test (completed) ${this.currentTest?.title}`);
+ });
+ suiteTeardown(() => closeNotebooksAndCleanUpAfterTests(disposables));
+ test('Kernel Events', async () => {
+ const kernelCreated = createEventHandler(kernelProvider, 'onDidCreateKernel', disposables);
+ const kernelStarted = createEventHandler(kernelProvider, 'onDidStartKernel', disposables);
+ const kernelDisposed = createEventHandler(kernelProvider, 'onDidDisposeKernel', disposables);
+ const kernelRestarted = createEventHandler(kernelProvider, 'onDidRestartKernel', disposables);
+ const kernelStatusChanged = createEventHandler(kernelProvider, 'onKernelStatusChanged', disposables);
+ const nb = await createEmptyPythonNotebook(disposables);
+ await waitForCondition(async () => !!kernelProvider.get(nb.uri), 5_000, 'Kernel not created');
+ const kernel = kernelProvider.get(nb.uri)!;
+ const startedEvent = createEventHandler(kernel, 'onStarted', disposables);
+ const onPreExecuteEvent = createEventHandler(kernel, 'onPreExecute', disposables);
+ const onStatusChangeEvent = createEventHandler(kernel, 'onStatusChanged', disposables);
+ const onDisposed = createEventHandler(kernel, 'onDisposed', disposables);
+ const restartEvent = createEventHandler(kernel, 'onRestarted', disposables);
+ const cell = await insertCodeCell('print("cell1")', { index: 0 });
+ await Promise.all([runCell(cell), waitForTextOutput(cell, 'cell1')]);
+ assert.isTrue(kernelCreated.fired, 'IKernelProvider.onDidCreateKernel not fired');
+ assert.isTrue(kernelStarted.fired, 'IKernelProvider.onDidStartKernel not fired');
+ assert.isTrue(kernelStatusChanged.fired, 'IKernelProvider.onKernelStatusChanged not fired');
+ assert.isFalse(kernelRestarted.fired, 'IKernelProvider.onDidRestartKernel should not have fired');
+ assert.isFalse(kernelDisposed.fired, 'IKernelProvider.onDidDisposeKernel should not have fired');
+ assert.equal(onPreExecuteEvent.first, cell, 'Incorrect cell');
+ assert.isTrue(startedEvent.fired, 'IKernel.onStarted not fired');
+ assert.isTrue(onPreExecuteEvent.fired, 'IKernel.onPreExecute not fired');
+ assert.isTrue(onStatusChangeEvent.fired, 'IKernel.onStatusChanged not fired');
+ assert.isFalse(restartEvent.fired, 'IKernel.onRestarted event should not have fired');
+ assert.isFalse(onDisposed.fired, 'IKernel.onDisposed event should not have fired');
+ await kernel.restart();
+ assert.isTrue(restartEvent.fired, 'IKernel.onRestarted event not fired');
+ assert.isFalse(onDisposed.fired, 'IKernel.onDisposed event should not have fired');
+ assert.isTrue(kernelRestarted.fired, 'IKernelProvider.onDidRestartKernel not fired');
+ assert.isFalse(kernelDisposed.fired, 'IKernelProvider.onDidDisposeKernel should not have fired');
+ await kernel.dispose();
+ assert.isTrue(onDisposed.fired, 'Disposed event not fired');
+ assert.isTrue(kernelDisposed.fired, 'IKernelProvider.onDidDisposeKernel not fired');
+ });
+ test('Kernel.IKernelConnection Events', async () => {
+ const nb = await createEmptyPythonNotebook(disposables);
+ await waitForCondition(async () => !!kernelProvider.get(nb.uri), 5_000, 'Kernel not created');
+ const kernel = kernelProvider.get(nb.uri)!;
+ const onPreExecuteEvent = createEventHandler(kernel, 'onPreExecute', disposables);
+ const cell = await insertCodeCell('print("cell1")', { index: 0 });
+ await Promise.all([runCell(cell), waitForTextOutput(cell, 'cell1')]);
+ const kernelConnection = kernelProvider.get(nb.uri)!.session!.kernel!;
+ assert.strictEqual(onPreExecuteEvent.count, 1, 'Pre-execute should be fired once');
+ assert.equal(onPreExecuteEvent.first, cell, 'Incorrect cell');
+ let gotAnyMessage = false;
+ let gotIOPubMessage = false;
+ let statusChanged = false;
+ const onAnyMessage = () => (gotAnyMessage = true);
+ const onIOPubMessage = () => (gotIOPubMessage = true);
+ const onStatusChanged = () => (statusChanged = true);
+ kernelConnection.anyMessage.connect(onAnyMessage);
+ kernelConnection.iopubMessage.connect(onIOPubMessage);
+ kernelConnection.statusChanged.connect(onStatusChanged);
+ disposables.push(new Disposable(() => void kernelConnection.anyMessage.disconnect(onAnyMessage)));
+ disposables.push(new Disposable(() => void kernelConnection.iopubMessage.disconnect(onIOPubMessage)));
+ disposables.push(new Disposable(() => void kernelConnection.statusChanged.disconnect(onStatusChanged)));
+ const cell2 = await insertCodeCell('print("cell2")', { index: 0 });
+ await Promise.all([runCell(cell2), waitForTextOutput(cell2, 'cell2')]);
+ assert.strictEqual(onPreExecuteEvent.count, 2, 'Pre-execute should be fired twice');
+ assert.equal(onPreExecuteEvent.second, cell2, 'Incorrect cell');
+ assert.isTrue(gotAnyMessage, 'AnyMessage event not fired');
+ assert.isTrue(gotIOPubMessage, 'IOPubMessage event fired');
+ assert.isTrue(statusChanged, 'StatusChange event fired');
+ // Restart the kernel & verify we still get the events fired.
+ gotAnyMessage = false;
+ gotIOPubMessage = false;
+ statusChanged = false;
+ await kernel.restart();
+ const cell3 = await insertCodeCell('print("cell3")', { index: 0 });
+ await Promise.all([runCell(cell3), waitForTextOutput(cell3, 'cell3')]);
+ assert.isTrue(gotAnyMessage, 'AnyMessage event not fired after restarting the kernel');
+ assert.isTrue(gotIOPubMessage, 'IOPubMessage event fired after restarting the kernel');
+ assert.isTrue(statusChanged, 'StatusChange event fired after restarting the kernel');
+ });
diff --git a/src/test/datascience/notebook/kernelEvents.vscode.test.ts b/src/test/datascience/notebook/kernelEvents.vscode.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..40c5a4dfb1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/datascience/notebook/kernelEvents.vscode.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT License.
+import { startJupyterServer } from './helper.node';
+import { sharedKernelEventTests } from './kernelEvents.vscode.common';
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, no-invalid-this */
+suite('Kernel Events', function () {
+ sharedKernelEventTests.bind(this)({ startJupyterServer });
diff --git a/src/test/datascience/notebook/kernelEvents.vscode.web.test.ts b/src/test/datascience/notebook/kernelEvents.vscode.web.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e727cd21b32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/datascience/notebook/kernelEvents.vscode.web.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT License.
+import { startJupyterServer } from './helper.web';
+import { sharedKernelEventTests } from './kernelEvents.vscode.common';
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, no-invalid-this */
+suite('Kernel Events', function () {
+ sharedKernelEventTests.bind(this)({ startJupyterServer });
diff --git a/src/test/datascience/widgets/notebooks/button_widget_comm_msg.ipynb b/src/test/datascience/widgets/notebooks/button_widget_comm_msg.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cf18cfd63f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/datascience/widgets/notebooks/button_widget_comm_msg.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import ipywidgets as widgets\n",
+ "from IPython.display import display\n",
+ "button = widgets.Button(description=\"Click Me!\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "display(button)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def on_button_clicked(b):\n",
+ " print(\"Button clicked.\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "button.on_click(on_button_clicked)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "display(button)"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "language_info": {
+ "name": "python"
+ },
+ "orig_nbformat": 4
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/src/test/datascience/widgets/notebooks/button_widget_comm_msg_matplotlib.ipynb b/src/test/datascience/widgets/notebooks/button_widget_comm_msg_matplotlib.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..49d4c350601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/datascience/widgets/notebooks/button_widget_comm_msg_matplotlib.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "%matplotlib widget\n",
+ "from IPython.display import display\n",
+ "from ipywidgets import widgets\n",
+ "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
+ "import numpy as np\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "button = widgets.Button(description=\"Click Me!\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def on_button_clicked(b):\n",
+ "\tX = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi)\n",
+ "\tY = np.sin(X)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\t_, ax = plt.subplots()\n",
+ "\tax.plot(X, Y)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "display(button)\n",
+ "button.on_click(on_button_clicked)\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "display(button)"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "language_info": {
+ "name": "python"
+ },
+ "orig_nbformat": 4
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/src/test/datascience/widgets/standard.vscode.common.ts b/src/test/datascience/widgets/standard.vscode.common.ts
index 0739639a4ad..e13f7fdc8ee 100644
--- a/src/test/datascience/widgets/standard.vscode.common.ts
+++ b/src/test/datascience/widgets/standard.vscode.common.ts
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import {
+ waitForTextOutput,
} from '../notebook/helper';
import { initializeWidgetComms, Utils } from './commUtils';
@@ -214,6 +215,30 @@ export function sharedIPyWidgetsTests(
await assertOutputContainsHtml(cell1, comms, ['Button clicked']);
await assertOutputContainsHtml(cell2, comms, ['Button clicked']);
+ test('Button Widget with custom comm message', async () => {
+ const comms = await initializeNotebook({ templateFile: 'button_widget_comm_msg.ipynb' });
+ const [cell0, cell1] = vscodeNotebook.activeNotebookEditor!.notebook.getCells();
+ await executeCellAndWaitForOutput(cell0, comms);
+ await executeCellAndWaitForOutput(cell1, comms);
+ await assertOutputContainsHtml(cell0, comms, ['Click Me!', '