diff --git a/src/notebooks/controllers/commands/installPythonControllerCommands.ts b/src/notebooks/controllers/commands/installPythonControllerCommands.ts
index 9fd79b3cec7..6376dcd935f 100644
--- a/src/notebooks/controllers/commands/installPythonControllerCommands.ts
+++ b/src/notebooks/controllers/commands/installPythonControllerCommands.ts
@@ -2,18 +2,11 @@
 // Licensed under the MIT License.
 import { inject, injectable } from 'inversify';
-import {
-    NotebookCell,
-    NotebookCellExecutionState,
-    NotebookCellExecutionStateChangeEvent,
-    commands,
-    notebooks,
-    window
-} from 'vscode';
+import { commands, window } from 'vscode';
 import { IDataScienceErrorHandler } from '../../../kernels/errors/types';
 import { IExtensionSyncActivationService } from '../../../platform/activation/types';
 import { IPythonApiProvider, IPythonExtensionChecker } from '../../../platform/api/types';
-import { Commands, JupyterNotebookView, Telemetry } from '../../../platform/common/constants';
+import { Commands, Telemetry } from '../../../platform/common/constants';
 import { IDisposableRegistry } from '../../../platform/common/types';
 import { raceTimeout } from '../../../platform/common/utils/async';
 import { Common, DataScience } from '../../../platform/common/utils/localize';
@@ -27,8 +20,6 @@ import { sendTelemetryEvent } from '../../../telemetry';
 export class InstallPythonControllerCommands implements IExtensionSyncActivationService {
     private installedOnceBefore?: boolean;
-    // WeakSet of executing cells, so they get cleaned up on document close without worrying
-    private executingCells: WeakSet<NotebookCell> = new WeakSet<NotebookCell>();
         @inject(IDisposableRegistry) private readonly disposables: IDisposableRegistry,
         @inject(IPythonExtensionChecker) private readonly extensionChecker: IPythonExtensionChecker,
@@ -37,9 +28,6 @@ export class InstallPythonControllerCommands implements IExtensionSyncActivation
         @inject(IDataScienceErrorHandler) private readonly errorHandler: IDataScienceErrorHandler
     ) {}
     public activate() {
-        this.disposables.push(
-            notebooks.onDidChangeNotebookCellExecutionState(this.onDidChangeNotebookCellExecutionState, this)
-        );
         // Register our commands that will handle installing the python extension or python via the kernel picker
@@ -53,20 +41,6 @@ export class InstallPythonControllerCommands implements IExtensionSyncActivation
-    // Track if there are any cells currently executing or pending
-    private onDidChangeNotebookCellExecutionState(stateEvent: NotebookCellExecutionStateChangeEvent) {
-        if (stateEvent.cell.notebook.notebookType === JupyterNotebookView) {
-            if (
-                stateEvent.state === NotebookCellExecutionState.Pending ||
-                stateEvent.state === NotebookCellExecutionState.Executing
-            ) {
-                this.executingCells.add(stateEvent.cell);
-            } else if (stateEvent.state === NotebookCellExecutionState.Idle) {
-                this.executingCells.delete(stateEvent.cell);
-            }
-        }
-    }
     // This is called via the "install python" command in the kernel picker in the case where
     // we have the python extension installed, but 0 valid python kernels / interpreters found
     // just pop up a dialog box to prompt the user on how to install python