From 34a46b6a8225c8211148d7dbad671bb22b606294 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: vscode Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:58:52 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Updated strings from microsoft/vscode-loc-drop@f86cb78ee9f510b6dde9628fa156e5ebc1e5ae56 --- .../extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json | 28 +++++++++---------- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 8 ++++-- .../extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json | 28 +++++++++---------- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 8 ++++-- .../extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json | 28 +++++++++---------- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 8 ++++-- .../extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json | 28 +++++++++---------- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 8 ++++-- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 8 ++++-- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 8 ++++-- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 8 ++++-- .../extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json | 28 +++++++++---------- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 8 ++++-- .../extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json | 28 +++++++++---------- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 8 ++++-- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 8 ++++-- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 8 ++++-- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 8 ++++-- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 8 ++++-- .../extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json | 28 +++++++++---------- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 8 ++++-- 21 files changed, 168 insertions(+), 140 deletions(-) diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 99bc2a4de6..b92f3d35fb 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ "contents": { "package": { "add.eventListener.breakpoint": "Přepnout zarážky naslouchacího procesu událostí", - "add.xhr.breakpoint": "Add XHR/fetch Breakpoint", + "add.xhr.breakpoint": "Přidat zarážku XHR/Fetch", "attach.node.process": "Připojit k procesu uzlu", "base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "Seznam relací ladění, které budou také zastaveny, když bude ukončena tato relace ladění", "base.enableDWARF.label": "Přepíná, jestli se ladicí program pokusí přečíst ladicí symboly DWARF z WebAssembly, což může být náročné na prostředky. Aby bylo možné fungovat, vyžaduje rozšíření ms-vscode.wasm-vm-debugging.", - "breakpoint.xhr.any": "Any XHR/fetch", - "breakpoint.xhr.contains": "Break when URL contains:", + "breakpoint.xhr.any": "Jakékoli XHR/Fetch", + "breakpoint.xhr.contains": "Přerušit, pokud adresa URL obsahuje:", "browser.address.description": "IP adresa nebo název hostitele, na kterých naslouchá laděný prohlížeč", "browser.attach.port.description": "Port, který se má použít ke vzdálenému ladění prohlížeče, zadaný jako --remote-debugging-port při spuštění prohlížeče", "browser.baseUrl.description": "Base URL to resolve paths baseUrl. baseURL is trimmed when mapping URLs to the files on disk. Defaults to the launch URL domain.", @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ "edge.port.description": "Port, na kterém ladicí program webového zobrazení naslouchá při ladění webových zobrazení. Pokud není nastaveno, bude automaticky zjištěno.", "edge.useWebView.attach.description": "Objekt obsahující pipeName kanálu ladění pro Webview2 hostované na UPW Toto je MyTestSharedMemory při vytváření kanálu „\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory“.", "edge.useWebView.launch.description": "Když má hodnotu true, bude ladicí program považovat spustitelný soubor modulu runtime za hostitelskou aplikaci, která obsahuje webové zobrazení (WebView), což vám umožní ladit obsah skriptu webového zobrazení.", - "edit.xhr.breakpoint": "Edit XHR/fetch Breakpoint", + "edit.xhr.breakpoint": "Upravit zarážku XHR/Fetch", "enableContentValidation.description": "Určuje, jestli budeme ověřovat, že se obsah souborů na disku shoduje s těmi, které jsou načteny za běhu. To je užitečné v různých scénářích (a v některých z nich je to vyžadováno), může to však také vést k problémům, například pokud se použije transformace skriptů na straně serveru.", "errors.timeout": "{0}: timeout after {1}ms", "extension.description": "An extension for debugging Node.js programs and Chrome.", @@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ "profile.start": "Použít profil výkonu", "profile.stop": "Zastavit profil výkonu", "remove.eventListener.breakpoint.all": "Odebrat všechny zarážky naslouchacího procesu událostí", - "remove.xhr.breakpoint": "Remove XHR/fetch Breakpoint", - "remove.xhr.breakpoint.all": "Remove All XHR/fetch Breakpoints", + "remove.xhr.breakpoint": "Odebrat zarážku XHR/Fetch", + "remove.xhr.breakpoint.all": "Odebrat všechny zarážky XHR/Fetch", "requestCDPProxy.label": "Požadovat proxy CDP pro relaci ladění", "skipFiles.description": "Pole hodnot vzorů glob pro soubory, které se mají přeskočit při ladění. Vzor /** odpovídá všem interním modulům Node.js.", "smartStep.description": "Provede se automatické krokování vygenerovaného kódu, který nelze namapovat zpět do původního zdroje.", @@ -222,14 +222,14 @@ }, "bundle": { "A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "Relace profilování je už spuštěná. Chcete ji zastavit a spustit novou relaci?", - "Add XHR Breakpoint": "Add XHR Breakpoint", - "Add new URL...": "Add new URL...", + "Add XHR Breakpoint": "Přidat zarážku XHR", + "Add new URL...": "Přidat novou adresu URL...", "Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "Upravte vzory glob v atributu outFiles tak, aby pokrývaly vygenerovaný JavaScript.", "Always": "Vždy", "Always in this Workspace": "Vždy v tomto pracovním prostoru", "An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "Při načítání profilu z cíle došlo k chybě.", "Animation Frame Fired": "Vyvolán snímek animace", - "Any XHR or fetch": "Any XHR or fetch", + "Any XHR or fetch": "Jakékoli XHR nebo Fetch", "Assertion failed": "Kontrolní výraz selhal.", "Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "Připojit k procesu: {0} nevypadá jako ID procesu.", "Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "Připojit k procesu: Nelze povolit režim ladění pro proces {0} ({1}).", @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "Bidder Bidding Phase Start": "Zahájení fáze podávání nabídek zájemců", "Bidder Reporting Phase Start": "Zahájení fáze reportování zájemců", "Block": "Blokovat", - "Break when URL Contains": "Break when URL Contains", + "Break when URL Contains": "Přerušit, pokud adresa URL obsahuje", "Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "Pozastaví se na všech vyvolaných chybách, i když se zachytí později.", "Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "Přeruší se jenom pří chybách nebo zamítnutí příslibů, které nebyly zpracovány.", "CPU Profile": "Profil CPU", @@ -271,10 +271,10 @@ "Don't show again": "Příště už nezobrazovat", "Duration": "Doba trvání", "Duration of Profile": "Doba trvání profilu", - "Edit XHR Breakpoint": "Edit XHR Breakpoint", + "Edit XHR Breakpoint": "Upravit zarážku XHR", "Edit package.json": "Upravit soubor package.json", "Enables Node.js [auto attach]({0}) debugging in \"{1}\" mode/{Locked='[auto attach]({0})'}the 2nd placeholder is the setting value": "Povolí ladění Node.js [auto attach]({0}) v režimu „{1}“", - "Enter a URL or a pattern to match": "Enter a URL or a pattern to match", + "Enter a URL or a pattern to match": "Zadejte adresu URL nebo vzor, který se má shodovat.", "Eval": "Vyhodnocení", "Frame could not be restarted": "Rámec se nepovedlo restartovat.", "Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Vygeneruje soubor .cpuprofile, který můžete otevřít v Chrome DevTools.", @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ "Thread is not paused on exception": "Podproces není pozastaven při výjimce.", "Thread not found": "Vlákno se nenašlo", "Type of profile:": "Typ profilu:", - "URL contains \"{0}\"": "URL contains \"{0}\"", + "URL contains \"{0}\"": "Adresa URL obsahuje: {0}", "UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "Ladění webového zobrazení UPW není na vaší platformě k dispozici.", "Unable to attach to browser": "Nelze připojit k prohlížeči.", "Unable to evaluate": "Nelze vyhodnotit.", @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ "WebGL Warning Fired": "Vyvoláno upozornění WebGL", "With Block": "Blok With", "Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "Chcete si uložit konfiguraci do souboru launch.json, abyste k ní měli snadný přístup později?", - "XHR/Fetch URLs": "XHR/Fetch URLs", + "XHR/Fetch URLs": "Adresy URL pro XHR/Fetch", "Yes": "Ano", "You may install the `{}` module via npm for enhanced WebAssembly debugging": "Modul {} můžete nainstalovat přes npm pro vylepšené ladění WebAssembly.", "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "Pokud chcete ladit skripty npm, musíte otevřít složku pracovního prostoru.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json index 3782177de5..b1548b85b5 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -2342,6 +2342,7 @@ "editorInlayHintForeground": "Barva popředí vložených tipů", "editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "Barva popředí vložených tipů pro parametry", "editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "Barva popředí vložených tipů pro typy", + "editorLightBulbAiForeground": "The color used for the lightbulb AI icon.", "editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "Barva použitá pro ikonu žárovky s nabídkou akcí automatických oprav", "editorLightBulbForeground": "Barva použitá pro ikonu žárovky s nabídkou akcí", "editorSelectionBackground": "Barva výběru editoru", @@ -3456,7 +3457,7 @@ "editorActionsPosition": "Umístění akcí editoru", "editorQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Zadejte název editoru, který chcete otevřít.", "hidden": "Skryté", - "hideTabBar": "Skrýt", + "hideTabs": "Hidden", "ignoreTrimWhitespace.label": "Zobrazovat rozdíly v prázdných znacích na začátku/konci", "inlineView": "Vložené zobrazení", "joinInGroup": "Spojit ve skupině", @@ -7868,11 +7869,11 @@ "noProblems": "Žádné problémy", "problems": "Problémy", "problems.visibility": "Controls whether the problems are visible throughout the editor and workbench.", - "problemsOff": "Problems have been turned off.", "show multiline": "Zobrazit zprávu na více řádcích", "show singleline": "Zobrazit zprávu na jednom řádku", "status.problems": "Problémy", "status.problemsVisibility": "Problems Visibility", + "status.problemsVisibilityOff": "Problems are turned off. Click to open settings.", "toggle Excluded Files": "Přepnout vyloučené soubory", "toggle active file": "Přepnout aktivní soubor", "toggle errors": "Přepnout chyby", @@ -8984,6 +8985,7 @@ "keyboard": "Klávesnice", "mergeEditor": "Editor slučování", "minimap": "Minimapa", + "multiDiffEditor": "Multi-File Diff Editor", "newWindow": "Nové okno", "notebook": "Poznámkový blok", "other": "Další", @@ -10833,7 +10835,7 @@ "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.initial": "Nový rozdělený terminál bude používat pracovní adresář, se kterým byl spuštěn nadřazený terminál.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.workspaceRoot": "Nový rozdělený terminál bude jako pracovní adresář používat kořenový adresář pracovního prostoru. V pracovním prostoru s více kořenovými adresáři se zobrazí výzva k výběru kořenové složky, která se má použít.", "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.enabled": "Experimentální: Zobrazí aktuální příkaz v horní části terminálu.", - "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Definuje maximální počet rychlých čar, které se mají zobrazit.", + "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Defines the maximum number of sticky lines to show. Sticky scroll lines will never exceed 40% of the viewport regardless of this setting.", "terminal.integrated.tabStopWidth": "Počet buněk na zarážku tabulátoru.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultColor": "ID barvy motivu, které se má ve výchozím nastavení přidružit k ikoně terminálu.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultIcon": "ID ikony codicon, které se má ve výchozím nastavení přidružit k ikoně terminálu.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 642b37c104..c5e304af64 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ "contents": { "package": { "add.eventListener.breakpoint": "Ereignislistener-Haltepunkte umschalten", - "add.xhr.breakpoint": "Add XHR/fetch Breakpoint", + "add.xhr.breakpoint": "XHR/Fetch-Breakpoint hinzufügen", "attach.node.process": "An Node-Prozess anfügen", "base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "Eine Liste der Debugsitzungen, die bei Beenden dieser Debugsitzung ebenfalls beendet werden.", "base.enableDWARF.label": "Schaltet um, ob der Debugger versucht, DWARF-Debugsymbole aus WebAssembly zu lesen, was ressourcenintensiv sein kann. Erfordert die Erweiterung \"ms-vscode.wasm-debugging\", um zu funktionieren.", - "breakpoint.xhr.any": "Any XHR/fetch", - "breakpoint.xhr.contains": "Break when URL contains:", + "breakpoint.xhr.any": "Beliebiger XHR/Fetch", + "breakpoint.xhr.contains": "Unterbrechen, wenn URL enthält:", "browser.address.description": "IP-Adresse oder Hostname, auf die bzw. den der Browser lauscht, für den ein Debugging durchgeführt wird.", "browser.attach.port.description": "Port, der beim Remotedebugging des Browsers verwendet wird, angegeben als \"--remote-debugging-port\" beim Starten des Browsers.", "browser.baseUrl.description": "Die Basis-URL zum Auflösen von Pfaden (baseUrl). baseURL wird beim Zuordnen von URLs zu den Dateien auf dem Datenträger gekürzt. Der Standardwert ist die Start-URL-Domäne.", @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ "edge.port.description": "Beim Debuggen von Webansichten der Port, auf den die Webansicht lauscht. Sofern nicht festgelegt, wird eine automatische Erkennung durchgeführt.", "edge.useWebView.attach.description": "Ein Objekt, das den „pipeName“ einer Debug-Pipe für eine von UWP gehostete Webview2 enthält. Dies ist das \"MyTestSharedMemory\" beim Erstellen der Pipe \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"", "edge.useWebView.launch.description": "Bei „true“ behandelt der Debugger die ausführbare Laufzeitdatei als Hostanwendung, die eine WebView enthält, mit der Sie den Inhalt des WebView-Skripts debuggen können.", - "edit.xhr.breakpoint": "Edit XHR/fetch Breakpoint", + "edit.xhr.breakpoint": "XHR/Fetch-Breakpoint bearbeiten", "enableContentValidation.description": "Aktiviert oder deaktiviert die Überprüfung, ob die Inhalte von Dateien auf dem Datenträger mit denen der zur Laufzeit geladenen Dateien übereinstimmt. Dies ist in einer Vielzahl von Szenarios hilfreich und in einigen Fällen erforderlich, kann jedoch Probleme verursachen, wenn Sie beispielsweise eine serverseitige Transformation von Skripts durchführen.", "errors.timeout": "{0}: Timeout nach {1} ms", "extension.description": "Erweiterung zum Debuggen von Node.js-Programmen und Chrome.", @@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ "profile.start": "Leistungsprofil übernehmen", "profile.stop": "Leistungsprofil beenden", "remove.eventListener.breakpoint.all": "Alle Ereignislistener-Haltepunkte entfernen", - "remove.xhr.breakpoint": "Remove XHR/fetch Breakpoint", - "remove.xhr.breakpoint.all": "Remove All XHR/fetch Breakpoints", + "remove.xhr.breakpoint": "XHR/Fetch-Breakpoint entfernen", + "remove.xhr.breakpoint.all": "Alle XHR/Fetch-Breakpoints entfernen", "requestCDPProxy.label": "CDP-Proxy für Debugsitzung anfordern", "skipFiles.description": "Ein Array für Globmuster für Dateien, die beim Debuggen übersprungen werden. Das Muster \"/**\" stimmt mit allen internen Node.js-Modulen überein.", "smartStep.description": "Hiermit wird automatisch der generierte Code durchlaufen, der nicht der ursprünglichen Quelle zugeordnet werden kann.", @@ -222,14 +222,14 @@ }, "bundle": { "A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "Es wird bereits eine Sitzung zur Profilerstellung ausgeführt. Möchten Sie diese Sitzung beenden und eine neue Sitzung starten?", - "Add XHR Breakpoint": "Add XHR Breakpoint", - "Add new URL...": "Add new URL...", + "Add XHR Breakpoint": "XHR-Breakpoint hinzufügen", + "Add new URL...": "Neue URL hinzufügen...", "Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "Stellt das oder die Globmuster im \"outFiles\"- Attribut so ein, dass sie den generierten JavaScript-Code abdecken.", "Always": "Immer", "Always in this Workspace": "Immer in diesem Arbeitsbereich", "An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "Fehler beim Übernehmen eines Profils aus dem Ziel.", "Animation Frame Fired": "Animationsframe ausgelöst", - "Any XHR or fetch": "Any XHR or fetch", + "Any XHR or fetch": "Beliebiger XHR oder Fetch", "Assertion failed": "Assertionsfehler", "Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "An Prozess anfügen: \"{0}\" scheint keine Prozess-ID zu sein.", "Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "An den Prozess anhängen: Der Debugmodus für den Prozess \"{0}\" kann nicht aktiviert werden ({1}).", @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "Bidder Bidding Phase Start": "Beginn der Angebotsphase des Kaufinteressenten", "Bidder Reporting Phase Start": "Beginn der Berichterstellungsphase des Kaufinteressenten", "Block": "Block", - "Break when URL Contains": "Break when URL Contains", + "Break when URL Contains": "Unterbrechen, wenn URL enthält", "Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "Führt bei allen ausgelösten Fehlern zur Unterbrechung, selbst wenn die Fehler später abgefangen werden.", "Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "Bricht nur bei Fehlern oder Zusageverweigerungen ab, die nicht behandelt werden.", "CPU Profile": "CPU-Profil", @@ -271,10 +271,10 @@ "Don't show again": "Nicht mehr anzeigen", "Duration": "Laufzeit", "Duration of Profile": "Laufzeit des Profils", - "Edit XHR Breakpoint": "Edit XHR Breakpoint", + "Edit XHR Breakpoint": "XHR-Breakpoint bearbeiten", "Edit package.json": "package.json bearbeiten", "Enables Node.js [auto attach]({0}) debugging in \"{1}\" mode/{Locked='[auto attach]({0})'}the 2nd placeholder is the setting value": "Aktiviert das Debuggen des Node.js-Features [auto attach]({0}) im Modus \"{1}\".", - "Enter a URL or a pattern to match": "Enter a URL or a pattern to match", + "Enter a URL or a pattern to match": "URL oder Muster für Vergleich eingeben", "Eval": "Auswerten", "Frame could not be restarted": "Rahmen konnte nicht neu gestartet werden", "Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Generiert eine .cpuprofile-Datei, die Sie in den Chrome DevTools öffnen können.", @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ "Thread is not paused on exception": "Der Thread wird bei einer Ausnahme nicht angehalten.", "Thread not found": "Thread nicht gefunden.", "Type of profile:": "Profiltyp:", - "URL contains \"{0}\"": "URL contains \"{0}\"", + "URL contains \"{0}\"": "Die URL enthält \"{0}\"", "UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "Das Debuggen der UWP-Webansicht ist auf Ihrer Plattform nicht verfügbar.", "Unable to attach to browser": "Anfügen an Browser nicht möglich.", "Unable to evaluate": "Auswertung nicht möglich.", @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ "WebGL Warning Fired": "WebGL-Warnung ausgelöst", "With Block": "With-Block", "Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "Möchten Sie eine Konfiguration in Ihrer launch.json-Datei speichern, um den späteren Zugriff zu vereinfachen?", - "XHR/Fetch URLs": "XHR/Fetch URLs", + "XHR/Fetch URLs": "XHR/Fetch-URLs", "Yes": "Ja", "You may install the `{}` module via npm for enhanced WebAssembly debugging": "Sie können das {}-Modul über npm installieren, um erweitertes WebAssembly-Debuggen zu ermöglichen.", "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "Sie müssen einen Arbeitsbereichsordner öffnen, um npm-Skripts zu debuggen.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json index c7231ae6db..7b10747841 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -2342,6 +2342,7 @@ "editorInlayHintForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe für Inlinehinweise", "editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "Vordergrundfarbe von Inlinehinweisen für Parameter", "editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "Vordergrundfarbe von Inlinehinweisen für Typen", + "editorLightBulbAiForeground": "The color used for the lightbulb AI icon.", "editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "Die für das Aktionssymbol \"Automatische Glühbirnenkorrektur\" verwendete Farbe.", "editorLightBulbForeground": "Die für das Aktionssymbol \"Glühbirne\" verwendete Farbe.", "editorSelectionBackground": "Farbe der Editor-Auswahl.", @@ -3456,7 +3457,7 @@ "editorActionsPosition": "Position der Editoraktionen", "editorQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Geben Sie den Namen eines Editors ein, um ihn zu öffnen.", "hidden": "Ausgeblendet", - "hideTabBar": "Ausblenden", + "hideTabs": "Hidden", "ignoreTrimWhitespace.label": "Unterschiede zwischen vorangestellten/nachfolgenden Leerzeichen anzeigen", "inlineView": "Inlineansicht", "joinInGroup": "In Gruppe verknüpfen", @@ -7868,11 +7869,11 @@ "noProblems": "Keine Probleme", "problems": "Probleme", "problems.visibility": "Controls whether the problems are visible throughout the editor and workbench.", - "problemsOff": "Problems have been turned off.", "show multiline": "Nachricht in mehreren Zeilen anzeigen", "show singleline": "Meldung in einer Zeile anzeigen", "status.problems": "Probleme", "status.problemsVisibility": "Problems Visibility", + "status.problemsVisibilityOff": "Problems are turned off. Click to open settings.", "toggle Excluded Files": "Ausgeschlossene Dateien umschalten", "toggle active file": "Aktive Datei umschalten", "toggle errors": "Umschaltfehler", @@ -8984,6 +8985,7 @@ "keyboard": "Tastatur", "mergeEditor": "Merge-Editor", "minimap": "Minimap", + "multiDiffEditor": "Multi-File Diff Editor", "newWindow": "Neues Fenster", "notebook": "Notebook", "other": "Andere", @@ -10833,7 +10835,7 @@ "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.initial": "Ein neues geteiltes Terminal verwendet das Arbeitsverzeichnis, mit dem das übergeordnete Terminal gestartet wurde.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.workspaceRoot": "Ein neues geteiltes Terminal verwendet den Arbeitsbereichsstamm als Arbeitsverzeichnis. In einem Arbeitsbereich mit mehreren Stämmen können Sie auswählen, welcher Stamm als Arbeitsverzeichnis verwendet werden soll.", "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.enabled": "Experimentell: Zeigt den aktuellen Befehl am oberen Rand des Terminals an.", - "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Definiert die maximale Anzahl fixierter Zeilen, die angezeigt werden sollen.", + "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Defines the maximum number of sticky lines to show. Sticky scroll lines will never exceed 40% of the viewport regardless of this setting.", "terminal.integrated.tabStopWidth": "Die Anzahl der Zellen in einem Tabstopp.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultColor": "Eine Designfarb-ID, die standardmäßig mit Terminalsymbolen verknüpft wird.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultIcon": "Eine Codicon-ID, die Terminalsymbolen standardmäßig zugeordnet werden soll.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 5d2aed9812..b12e6bf8ba 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ "contents": { "package": { "add.eventListener.breakpoint": "Alternar puntos de interrupción de escucha de eventos", - "add.xhr.breakpoint": "Add XHR/fetch Breakpoint", + "add.xhr.breakpoint": "Agregar punto de interrupción de XHR/captura", "attach.node.process": "Conectarse con el proceso de Node", "base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "Lista de sesiones de depuración que también se detendrán cuando se termine esta sesión de depuración.", "base.enableDWARF.label": "Alterna si el depurador intentará leer los símbolos de depuración DWARF de WebAssembly, que pueden usar muchos recursos. Requiere la extensión \"ms-vscode.wasm-stretch-debugging\" para funcionar.", - "breakpoint.xhr.any": "Any XHR/fetch", - "breakpoint.xhr.contains": "Break when URL contains:", + "breakpoint.xhr.any": "Cualquier XHR/captura", + "breakpoint.xhr.contains": "Interrumpir cuando la dirección URL contenga:", "browser.address.description": "La dirección IP o el nombre de host donde escucha el explorador depurado.", "browser.attach.port.description": "Puerto para usar con la depuración remota del explorador, indicado como \"--remote-debugging-port\" al iniciar el explorador.", "browser.baseUrl.description": "Dirección URL base para resolver rutas de acceso baseUrl. baseURL se recorta al asignar direcciones URL a los archivos del disco. El valor predeterminado es el dominio de la dirección URL de inicio.", @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ "edge.port.description": "Al depurar vistas web, el puerto en que escucha el depurador de la vista web. Se detectará automáticamente si no se establece.", "edge.useWebView.attach.description": "Objeto que contiene el \"pipeName\" de una canalización de depuración para una Webview2 hospedada por UWP. Este es el valor \"MyTestSharedMemory\" al crear la canalización \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"", "edge.useWebView.launch.description": "Cuando sea \"verdadero\", el depurador tratará el ejecutable del entorno de ejecución como una aplicación host que contiene un elemento WebView que le permite depurar el contenido del script WebView.", - "edit.xhr.breakpoint": "Edit XHR/fetch Breakpoint", + "edit.xhr.breakpoint": "Editar punto de interrupción de XHR/captura", "enableContentValidation.description": "Alterna si se comprueba si el contenido de los archivos en el disco coincide con lo que se ha cargado en el entorno de ejecución. Resulta útil en diversos escenarios y es necesario en otros, pero puede causar problemas si, por ejemplo, se aplica la transformación de scripts del lado servidor.", "errors.timeout": "{0}: tiempo de espera después de {1} ms", "extension.description": "Extensión para depurar programas Node.js y Chrome.", @@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ "profile.start": "Tomar el perfil de rendimiento", "profile.stop": "Detener el perfil de rendimiento", "remove.eventListener.breakpoint.all": "Quitar todos los puntos de interrupción de escucha de eventos", - "remove.xhr.breakpoint": "Remove XHR/fetch Breakpoint", - "remove.xhr.breakpoint.all": "Remove All XHR/fetch Breakpoints", + "remove.xhr.breakpoint": "Quitar punto de interrupción de XHR/captura", + "remove.xhr.breakpoint.all": "Quitar todos los puntos de interrupción de XHR/captura", "requestCDPProxy.label": "Solicitar proxy de CDP para la sesión de depuración", "skipFiles.description": "Una matriz de patrones globales para que los archivos omitan al depurar. El patrón \"/**\" coincide con todos los módulos internos de Node.js.", "smartStep.description": "Explore automáticamente el código generado que no se puede volver a asignar al código fuente original.", @@ -222,14 +222,14 @@ }, "bundle": { "A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "Ya se está ejecutando una sesión de generación de perfiles. ¿Quiere detenerla e iniciar una sesión nueva?", - "Add XHR Breakpoint": "Add XHR Breakpoint", - "Add new URL...": "Add new URL...", + "Add XHR Breakpoint": "Agregar punto de interrupción de XHR", + "Add new URL...": "Agregar nueva dirección URL...", "Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "Ajusta modelos globales en los atributos ‘outFiles’ para cubrir el código JavaScript generado.", "Always": "Siempre", "Always in this Workspace": "Siempre en esta área de trabajo", "An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "Error al tomar un perfil del destino.", "Animation Frame Fired": "Fotograma de animación activado", - "Any XHR or fetch": "Any XHR or fetch", + "Any XHR or fetch": "Cualquier XHR o captura", "Assertion failed": "Error de aserción", "Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "Asociar al proceso: '{0}' no parece un id de proceso.", "Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "Asociar al proceso: no se puede habilitar el modo de depuración para el proceso '{0}' ({1}).", @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "Bidder Bidding Phase Start": "Inicio de la fase pujas", "Bidder Reporting Phase Start": "Inicio de la fase de informes de pujas", "Block": "Bloquear", - "Break when URL Contains": "Break when URL Contains", + "Break when URL Contains": "Interrumpir cuando la dirección URL contenga", "Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "Se interrumpe en todos los errores de inicio, incluso si se detectan más tarde.", "Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "Solo se interrumpe en caso de errores o rechazos de promesas que no se controlan.", "CPU Profile": "Perfil de CPU", @@ -271,10 +271,10 @@ "Don't show again": "No volver a mostrar", "Duration": "Duración", "Duration of Profile": "Duración del perfil", - "Edit XHR Breakpoint": "Edit XHR Breakpoint", + "Edit XHR Breakpoint": "Editar punto de interrupción de XHR", "Edit package.json": "Editar package.json", "Enables Node.js [auto attach]({0}) debugging in \"{1}\" mode/{Locked='[auto attach]({0})'}the 2nd placeholder is the setting value": "Habilita la depuración de Node.js [auto attach]({0}) en el modo \"{1}\"", - "Enter a URL or a pattern to match": "Enter a URL or a pattern to match", + "Enter a URL or a pattern to match": "Escriba una dirección URL o un patrón para coincidir", "Eval": "Eval", "Frame could not be restarted": "No se pudo reiniciar el marco", "Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Genera un archivo .cpuprofile que se puede abrir en Chrome DevTools", @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ "Thread is not paused on exception": "El subproceso no está en pausa por la excepción", "Thread not found": "No se encontró el subproceso", "Type of profile:": "Tipo de perfil:", - "URL contains \"{0}\"": "URL contains \"{0}\"", + "URL contains \"{0}\"": "La dirección URL contiene \"{0}\"", "UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "La depuración de la vista web UWP no está disponible en su plataforma.", "Unable to attach to browser": "No se puede asociar al explorador", "Unable to evaluate": "No se puede evaluar", @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ "WebGL Warning Fired": "Advertencia de WebGL desencadenada", "With Block": "Con bloque", "Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "¿Desea guardar una configuración en el archivo launch.json para un acceso fácil más adelante?", - "XHR/Fetch URLs": "XHR/Fetch URLs", + "XHR/Fetch URLs": "URL XHR/captura", "Yes": "Sí", "You may install the `{}` module via npm for enhanced WebAssembly debugging": "Puede instalar el módulo '{}' a través de npm para la depuración mejorada de WebAssembly", "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "Debe abrir una carpeta de área de trabajo para depurar scripts npm.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json index c91e6e8531..1446a40620 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -2342,6 +2342,7 @@ "editorInlayHintForeground": "Color de primer plano de las sugerencias insertadas", "editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "Color de primer plano de las sugerencias insertadas para los parámetros", "editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "Color de primer plano de las sugerencias insertadas para los tipos de letra", + "editorLightBulbAiForeground": "The color used for the lightbulb AI icon.", "editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "El color utilizado para el icono de la bombilla de acciones de corrección automática.", "editorLightBulbForeground": "El color utilizado para el icono de bombilla de acciones.", "editorSelectionBackground": "Color de la selección del editor.", @@ -3456,7 +3457,7 @@ "editorActionsPosition": "Posición de acciones del editor", "editorQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Escriba el nombre de un editor para abrirlo.", "hidden": "Oculto", - "hideTabBar": "Ocultar", + "hideTabs": "Hidden", "ignoreTrimWhitespace.label": "Mostrar las diferencias de espacios en blanco iniciales/finales", "inlineView": "Vista alineada", "joinInGroup": "Unir en grupo", @@ -7868,11 +7869,11 @@ "noProblems": "No hay problemas", "problems": "Problemas", "problems.visibility": "Controls whether the problems are visible throughout the editor and workbench.", - "problemsOff": "Problems have been turned off.", "show multiline": "Mostrar mensaje en varias líneas", "show singleline": "Mostrar mensaje en línea", "status.problems": "Problemas", "status.problemsVisibility": "Problems Visibility", + "status.problemsVisibilityOff": "Problems are turned off. Click to open settings.", "toggle Excluded Files": "Alternar archivos excluidos", "toggle active file": "Alternar archivo activo", "toggle errors": "Errores de alternancia", @@ -8984,6 +8985,7 @@ "keyboard": "Teclado", "mergeEditor": "Editor de combinación", "minimap": "Minimapa", + "multiDiffEditor": "Multi-File Diff Editor", "newWindow": "Nueva ventana", "notebook": "Bloc de notas", "other": "Otro", @@ -10833,7 +10835,7 @@ "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.initial": "Un nuevo terminal dividido usará el directorio de trabajo con el que comenzó el terminal principal.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.workspaceRoot": "Un nuevo terminal dividido usará la raíz del área de trabajo como directorio de trabajo. En un área de trabajo con varias raíces, se ofrece la opción de elegir la carpeta raíz que se va a usar.", "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.enabled": "Experimental: Muestra el comando actual en la parte superior del terminal.", - "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Define el número máximo de líneas rápidas que se mostrarán.", + "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Defines the maximum number of sticky lines to show. Sticky scroll lines will never exceed 40% of the viewport regardless of this setting.", "terminal.integrated.tabStopWidth": "Número de celdas en una tabulación.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultColor": "Identificador de color del tema que se va a asociar a los iconos de terminal de forma predeterminada.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultIcon": "Id. de codicon que se va a asociar a los iconos de terminal de forma predeterminada.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 76056d816a..711871ef90 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ "contents": { "package": { "add.eventListener.breakpoint": "Activer/désactiver les points d’arrêt de l’écouteur d’événements", - "add.xhr.breakpoint": "Add XHR/fetch Breakpoint", + "add.xhr.breakpoint": "Ajouter un point d’arrêt XHR/récupération (fetch)", "attach.node.process": "Attacher au processus Node", "base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "Liste de sessions de débogage qui, à la fin de cette session de débogage, sont également arrêtées.", "base.enableDWARF.label": "Indique si le débogueur essaiera de lire les symboles de débogage DE LA MACHINE À PARTIR de WebAssembly, ce qui peut entraîner une utilisation intensive des ressources. Nécessite l’extension ’ms-vscode.wasm-dwarf-debugging’ pour fonctionner.", - "breakpoint.xhr.any": "Any XHR/fetch", - "breakpoint.xhr.contains": "Break when URL contains:", + "breakpoint.xhr.any": "N’importe quel XHR/récupération (fetch)", + "breakpoint.xhr.contains": "Arrêter lorsque l’URL contient :", "browser.address.description": "Adresse IP ou nom d'hôte écouté par le navigateur débogué.", "browser.attach.port.description": "Port à utiliser pour le débogage à distance du navigateur, indiqué sous la forme '--remote-debugging-port' au lancement du navigateur.", "browser.baseUrl.description": "URL de base pour résoudre baseUrl pour les chemins. baseURL est tronqué en cas de mappage des URL aux fichiers sur le disque. La valeur par défaut est le domaine de l'URL de lancement.", @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ "edge.port.description": "Au moment du débogage des vues web, port écouté par le débogueur de vue web. La découverte s'effectue automatiquement, si aucune valeur n'est définie.", "edge.useWebView.attach.description": "Objet contenant le 'pipeName' d’un canal de débogage pour un Webview2 hébergé par UWP. Il s’agit de « MyTestSharedMemory » lors de la création du canal « \\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory »", "edge.useWebView.launch.description": "Quand la valeur est 'true', le débogueur traite l'exécutable de runtime comme une application hôte qui contient une vue web vous permettant de déboguer le contenu du script de vue web.", - "edit.xhr.breakpoint": "Edit XHR/fetch Breakpoint", + "edit.xhr.breakpoint": "Modifier le point d’arrêt XHR/récupération (fetch)", "enableContentValidation.description": "Définit si nous devons vérifier que les contenus des fichiers sur le disque correspondent à ceux chargés dans le runtime. Cette opération est utile dans de nombreux scénarios, voire obligatoire dans certains. Des problèmes peuvent toutefois se produire, notamment si vous avez une transformation côté serveur de scripts.", "errors.timeout": "{0} : expiration du délai d'attente au bout de {1} ms", "extension.description": "Extension pour déboguer les programmes Node.js et Chrome.", @@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ "profile.start": "Exécuter le profil du niveau de performance", "profile.stop": "Arrêter le profil du niveau de performance", "remove.eventListener.breakpoint.all": "Supprimer tous les points d’arrêt de l’écouteur d’événements", - "remove.xhr.breakpoint": "Remove XHR/fetch Breakpoint", - "remove.xhr.breakpoint.all": "Remove All XHR/fetch Breakpoints", + "remove.xhr.breakpoint": "Supprimer le point d’arrêt XHR/récupération (fetch)", + "remove.xhr.breakpoint.all": "Supprimer tous les points d’arrêt XHR/récupération (fetch)", "requestCDPProxy.label": "Demander un proxy CDP pour une session de débogage", "skipFiles.description": "Tableau de modèles glob pour les fichiers à ignorer pendant le débogage. Le modèle '/**' correspond à tous les modules Node.js internes.", "smartStep.description": "Exécutez pas à pas de façon automatique le code généré qui ne peut être mappé à la source d'origine.", @@ -222,14 +222,14 @@ }, "bundle": { "A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "Une session de profilage est déjà en cours d'exécution. Voulez-vous l'arrêter et démarrer une nouvelle session ?", - "Add XHR Breakpoint": "Add XHR Breakpoint", - "Add new URL...": "Add new URL...", + "Add XHR Breakpoint": "Ajouter un point d’arrêt XHR", + "Add new URL...": "Ajouter une nouvelle URL...", "Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "Ajustez le ou les modèles glob dans l'attribut 'outFiles' pour qu'ils couvrent le fichier JavaScript généré.", "Always": "Toujours", "Always in this Workspace": "Toujours dans cet espace de travail", "An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "Une erreur s'est produite au moment du profilage de la cible.", "Animation Frame Fired": "Frame d’animation déclenché", - "Any XHR or fetch": "Any XHR or fetch", + "Any XHR or fetch": "Tout XHR ou récupération (fetch)", "Assertion failed": "Échec d’assertion", "Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "Attacher au processus : '{0}' ne ressemble pas à un ID de processus.", "Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "Attacher au processus : impossible d'activer le mode de débogage pour le processus '{0}' ({1}).", @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "Bidder Bidding Phase Start": "Début de la phase d’exécution de l’essai", "Bidder Reporting Phase Start": "Début de la phase de création de rapports vendeur", "Block": "Bloquer", - "Break when URL Contains": "Break when URL Contains", + "Break when URL Contains": "Arrêter lorsque l’URL contient", "Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "S'arrête sur toutes les erreurs levées, même si elles sont interceptées plus tard.", "Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "S'interrompt uniquement en cas d'erreur ou de rejet de la promesse qui n'est pas géré.", "CPU Profile": "Profil du processeur", @@ -271,10 +271,10 @@ "Don't show again": "Ne plus afficher", "Duration": "Durée", "Duration of Profile": "Durée du profilage", - "Edit XHR Breakpoint": "Edit XHR Breakpoint", + "Edit XHR Breakpoint": "Modifier le point d’arrêt XHR", "Edit package.json": "Modifier package.json", "Enables Node.js [auto attach]({0}) debugging in \"{1}\" mode/{Locked='[auto attach]({0})'}the 2nd placeholder is the setting value": "Active le débogage Node.js [auto attach]({0}) en mode \"{1}\"", - "Enter a URL or a pattern to match": "Enter a URL or a pattern to match", + "Enter a URL or a pattern to match": "Entrer une URL ou un modèle à mettre en correspondance", "Eval": "Eval", "Frame could not be restarted": "Le cadre n’a pas pu être redémarré", "Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Génère un fichier .cpuprofile que vous pouvez ouvrir dans Chrome DevTools", @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ "Thread is not paused on exception": "Le thread n'est pas interrompu en cas d'exception", "Thread not found": "Thread introuvable", "Type of profile:": "Type de profil :", - "URL contains \"{0}\"": "URL contains \"{0}\"", + "URL contains \"{0}\"": "L’URL contient « {0} »", "UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "Le débogage de l’affichage web UWP n’est pas disponible sur votre plateforme.", "Unable to attach to browser": "Impossible d'attacher le navigateur", "Unable to evaluate": "Nous n’avons pas pu évaluer", @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ "WebGL Warning Fired": "Avertissement WebGL déclenché", "With Block": "Bloc With", "Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "Voulez-vous enregistrer une configuration dans votre fichier launch.json pour y accéder facilement plus tard ?", - "XHR/Fetch URLs": "XHR/Fetch URLs", + "XHR/Fetch URLs": "URL XHR/récupération (fetch)", "Yes": "Oui", "You may install the `{}` module via npm for enhanced WebAssembly debugging": "Vous pouvez installer le module `{}` par le biais de npm pour le débogage WebAssembly amélioré", "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "Vous devez ouvrir un dossier d'espace de travail pour déboguer les scripts npm.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json index 2d3ae72aee..acb1afedb8 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -2342,6 +2342,7 @@ "editorInlayHintForeground": "Couleur de premier plan des indicateurs inline", "editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "Couleur de premier plan des indicateurs inline pour les paramètres", "editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "Couleur de premier plan des indicateurs inline pour les types", + "editorLightBulbAiForeground": "The color used for the lightbulb AI icon.", "editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "Couleur utilisée pour l'icône d'ampoule suggérant des actions de correction automatique.", "editorLightBulbForeground": "Couleur utilisée pour l'icône d'ampoule suggérant des actions.", "editorSelectionBackground": "Couleur de la sélection de l'éditeur.", @@ -3456,7 +3457,7 @@ "editorActionsPosition": "Position des actions de l’éditeur", "editorQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Tapez le nom d'un éditeur pour l'ouvrir.", "hidden": "Masqué", - "hideTabBar": "Masquer", + "hideTabs": "Hidden", "ignoreTrimWhitespace.label": "Afficher les différences d'espace blanc de début/fin", "inlineView": "Vue inline", "joinInGroup": "Rejoindre dans le groupe", @@ -7868,11 +7869,11 @@ "noProblems": "Aucun problème", "problems": "Problèmes", "problems.visibility": "Controls whether the problems are visible throughout the editor and workbench.", - "problemsOff": "Problems have been turned off.", "show multiline": "Afficher le message sur plusieurs lignes", "show singleline": "Afficher le message sur une seule ligne", "status.problems": "Problèmes", "status.problemsVisibility": "Problems Visibility", + "status.problemsVisibilityOff": "Problems are turned off. Click to open settings.", "toggle Excluded Files": "Activer/désactiver les fichiers exclus", "toggle active file": "Activer/désactiver le fichier actif", "toggle errors": "Activer/désactiver les erreurs", @@ -8984,6 +8985,7 @@ "keyboard": "Clavier", "mergeEditor": "Éditeur de fusion", "minimap": "Minimap", + "multiDiffEditor": "Multi-File Diff Editor", "newWindow": "Nouvelle fenêtre", "notebook": "Notebook", "other": "Autre", @@ -10833,7 +10835,7 @@ "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.initial": "Un nouveau terminal divisé utilise le répertoire de travail dans lequel le terminal parent a démarré.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.workspaceRoot": "Un nouveau terminal divisé utilise la racine de l'espace de travail en tant que répertoire de travail. Dans un espace de travail multiracine, vous pouvez choisir le dossier racine à utiliser.", "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.enabled": "Expérimental : affiche la commande actuelle en haut du terminal.", - "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Définit le nombre maximal de lignes rémanentes à afficher.", + "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Defines the maximum number of sticky lines to show. Sticky scroll lines will never exceed 40% of the viewport regardless of this setting.", "terminal.integrated.tabStopWidth": "Nombre de cellules dans un taquet de tabulation.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultColor": "ID de couleur de thème à associer aux icônes de terminal par défaut.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultIcon": "ID de codicon à associer aux icônes de terminal par défaut.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json index ae3e2ddc9a..ba9d4c51a1 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -2342,6 +2342,7 @@ "editorInlayHintForeground": "Colore primo piano dei suggerimenti inline", "editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "Colore primo piano dei suggerimenti inline per i parametri", "editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "Colore primo piano dei suggerimenti inline per i tipi", + "editorLightBulbAiForeground": "The color used for the lightbulb AI icon.", "editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "Colore usato per l'icona delle azioni di correzione automatica con lampadina.", "editorLightBulbForeground": "Colore usato per l'icona delle azioni con lampadina.", "editorSelectionBackground": "Colore della selezione dell'editor.", @@ -3456,7 +3457,7 @@ "editorActionsPosition": "Posizione delle azioni dell'editor", "editorQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Digitare il nome di un editor per aprirlo.", "hidden": "Nascosto", - "hideTabBar": "Nascondi", + "hideTabs": "Hidden", "ignoreTrimWhitespace.label": "Mostra differenze spazi vuoti iniziali/finali", "inlineView": "Visualizzazione inline", "joinInGroup": "Unisci nel gruppo", @@ -7868,11 +7869,11 @@ "noProblems": "Nessun problema", "problems": "Problemi", "problems.visibility": "Controls whether the problems are visible throughout the editor and workbench.", - "problemsOff": "Problems have been turned off.", "show multiline": "Mostra il messaggio su più righe", "show singleline": "Mostra il messaggio su un'unica riga", "status.problems": "Problemi", "status.problemsVisibility": "Problems Visibility", + "status.problemsVisibilityOff": "Problems are turned off. Click to open settings.", "toggle Excluded Files": "Mostra/Nascondi file esclusi", "toggle active file": "Attiva/Disattiva file attivo", "toggle errors": "Attiva/Disattiva errori", @@ -8984,6 +8985,7 @@ "keyboard": "Tastiera", "mergeEditor": "Editor merge", "minimap": "Minimappa", + "multiDiffEditor": "Multi-File Diff Editor", "newWindow": "Nuova finestra", "notebook": "Notebook", "other": "Altro", @@ -10833,7 +10835,7 @@ "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.initial": "Un nuovo terminale diviso userà la directory di lavoro con cui è stato avviato il terminale padre.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.workspaceRoot": "Un nuovo terminale diviso userà la radice dell'area di lavoro come directory di lavoro. In un'area di lavoro con più radici è possibile scegliere la cartella radice da usare.", "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.enabled": "Sperimentale: mostra il comando corrente nella parte superiore del terminale.", - "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Definisce il numero massimo di righe permanenti da mostrare.", + "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Defines the maximum number of sticky lines to show. Sticky scroll lines will never exceed 40% of the viewport regardless of this setting.", "terminal.integrated.tabStopWidth": "Numero di celle in una tabulazione.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultColor": "ID colore del tema da associare alle icone del terminale per impostazione predefinita.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultIcon": "ID codicon da associare alle icone del terminale per impostazione predefinita.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json index 69fcb8abcc..8ea5b4c1f1 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -2342,6 +2342,7 @@ "editorInlayHintForeground": "インライン ヒントの前景色", "editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "パラメーターのインライン ヒントの前景色", "editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "種類のインライン ヒントの前景色", + "editorLightBulbAiForeground": "The color used for the lightbulb AI icon.", "editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "自動修正の電球アクション アイコンとして使用される色。", "editorLightBulbForeground": "電球アクション アイコンに使用する色。", "editorSelectionBackground": "エディターの選択範囲の色。", @@ -3456,7 +3457,7 @@ "editorActionsPosition": "エディター アクションの位置", "editorQuickAccessPlaceholder": "開くエディター名を入力します。", "hidden": "非表示", - "hideTabBar": "非表示にする", + "hideTabs": "Hidden", "ignoreTrimWhitespace.label": "先頭と末尾のスペースによる違いを表示する", "inlineView": "インライン ビュー", "joinInGroup": "グループ内統合", @@ -7868,11 +7869,11 @@ "noProblems": "問題なし", "problems": "問題", "problems.visibility": "Controls whether the problems are visible throughout the editor and workbench.", - "problemsOff": "Problems have been turned off.", "show multiline": "複数行にメッセージを表示します", "show singleline": "メッセージを 1 行に表示します", "status.problems": "問題", "status.problemsVisibility": "Problems Visibility", + "status.problemsVisibilityOff": "Problems are turned off. Click to open settings.", "toggle Excluded Files": "除外されたファイルの切り替え", "toggle active file": "アクティブ ファイルの切り替え", "toggle errors": "エラーの切り替え", @@ -8984,6 +8985,7 @@ "keyboard": "キーボード", "mergeEditor": "マージ エディター", "minimap": "ミニマップ", + "multiDiffEditor": "Multi-File Diff Editor", "newWindow": "新しいウィンドウ", "notebook": "ノートブック", "other": "その他", @@ -10833,7 +10835,7 @@ "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.initial": "新しい分割ターミナルでは、親ターミナルの起動時の作業ディレクトリが使用されます。", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.workspaceRoot": "新しい分割ターミナルでは、ワークスペースのルートが作業ディレクトリとして使用されます。マルチ ルートのワークスペースでは、どのルート フォルダーを使用するか選択できます。", "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.enabled": "試験段階: ターミナルの上部に現在のコマンドを表示します。", - "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "表示する追従行の最大数を定義します。", + "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Defines the maximum number of sticky lines to show. Sticky scroll lines will never exceed 40% of the viewport regardless of this setting.", "terminal.integrated.tabStopWidth": "タブ位置のセル数。", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultColor": "既定でターミナル アイコンに関連付けるテーマ カラー ID。", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultIcon": "既定でターミナル アイコンに関連付けるcodicon ID。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json index 6431ba3013..27ce2ff34a 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -2342,6 +2342,7 @@ "editorInlayHintForeground": "인라인 힌트의 전경색", "editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "매개 변수에 대한 인라인 힌트의 전경색", "editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "형식에 대한 인라인 힌트의 전경색", + "editorLightBulbAiForeground": "The color used for the lightbulb AI icon.", "editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "전구 자동 수정 작업 아이콘에 사용되는 색상입니다.", "editorLightBulbForeground": "전구 작업 아이콘에 사용되는 색상입니다.", "editorSelectionBackground": "편집기 선택 영역의 색입니다.", @@ -3456,7 +3457,7 @@ "editorActionsPosition": "편집기 작업 위치", "editorQuickAccessPlaceholder": "열려는 편집기 이름을 입력합니다.", "hidden": "숨겨짐", - "hideTabBar": "숨기기", + "hideTabs": "Hidden", "ignoreTrimWhitespace.label": "선행/후행 공백 차이 표시", "inlineView": "인라인 보기", "joinInGroup": "그룹에 참가", @@ -7868,11 +7869,11 @@ "noProblems": "문제없음", "problems": "문제", "problems.visibility": "Controls whether the problems are visible throughout the editor and workbench.", - "problemsOff": "Problems have been turned off.", "show multiline": "메시지를 여러 줄로 표시", "show singleline": "메시지를 한 줄로 표시", "status.problems": "문제", "status.problemsVisibility": "Problems Visibility", + "status.problemsVisibilityOff": "Problems are turned off. Click to open settings.", "toggle Excluded Files": "제외된 파일 설정/해제", "toggle active file": "활성 파일 설정/해제", "toggle errors": "오류 토글", @@ -8984,6 +8985,7 @@ "keyboard": "키보드", "mergeEditor": "병합 편집기", "minimap": "미니맵", + "multiDiffEditor": "Multi-File Diff Editor", "newWindow": "새 창", "notebook": "Notebook", "other": "기타", @@ -10833,7 +10835,7 @@ "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.initial": "새 분할 터미널은 부모 터미널이 시작된 작업 디렉터리를 사용합니다.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.workspaceRoot": "새 분할 터미널은 작업 영역 루트를 작업 디렉터리로 사용합니다. 다중 루트 작업 영역에서는 사용할 루트 폴더의 선택 항목이 제공됩니다.", "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.enabled": "실험적: 터미널 맨 위에 현재 명령을 표시합니다.", - "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "표시할 최대 고정 선 수를 정의합니다.", + "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Defines the maximum number of sticky lines to show. Sticky scroll lines will never exceed 40% of the viewport regardless of this setting.", "terminal.integrated.tabStopWidth": "탭 정지의 셀 수입니다.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultColor": "기본적으로 터미널 아이콘과 연결할 테마 색 ID입니다.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultIcon": "기본적으로 터미널 아이콘과 연결할 코디콘 ID입니다.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index f4a818ee5a..17a4fe7ac2 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ "contents": { "package": { "add.eventListener.breakpoint": "Przełącz punkty przerwania odbiornika zdarzeń", - "add.xhr.breakpoint": "Add XHR/fetch Breakpoint", + "add.xhr.breakpoint": "Dodaj XHR/pobranie punktu przerwania", "attach.node.process": "Dołącz do procesu węzła", "base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "Lista sesji debugowania, które również zostaną zatrzymane po przerwaniu tej sesji debugowania.", "base.enableDWARF.label": "Przełącza, jeśli debuger spróbuje odczytać symbole debugowania DWARF z zestawu WebAssembly, które mogą intensywnie korzystać z zasobów. Wymaga do działania rozszerzenia „ms-vscode.wasm-debugging-debugging”.", - "breakpoint.xhr.any": "Any XHR/fetch", - "breakpoint.xhr.contains": "Break when URL contains:", + "breakpoint.xhr.any": "Dowolny element XHR/pobranie", + "breakpoint.xhr.contains": "Przerwij, gdy adres URL zawiera:", "browser.address.description": "Adres IP lub nazwa hosta, na którym nasłuchuje debugowana przeglądarka.", "browser.attach.port.description": "Port używany do zdalnego debugowania przeglądarki, podany jako „--remote-debugging-port” podczas uruchamiania przeglądarki.", "browser.baseUrl.description": "Base URL to resolve paths baseUrl. baseURL is trimmed when mapping URLs to the files on disk. Defaults to the launch URL domain.", @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ "edge.port.description": "Podczas debugowania aplikacji WebView port, na którym nasłuchuje aplikacja WebView. Zostanie automatycznie wykryty, jeśli nie zostanie ustawiony.", "edge.useWebView.attach.description": "Obiekt zawierający element `pipeName` potoku debugowania dla elementu WebView2 hostowanego przez platformę UWP. To jest element „MyTestSharedMemory” podczas tworzenia potoku „\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory”", "edge.useWebView.launch.description": "W przypadku wartości „True” debuger będzie traktować plik wykonywalny środowiska uruchomieniowego jako aplikację hosta zawierającą element WebView, co umożliwia debugowanie zawartości skryptu WebView.", - "edit.xhr.breakpoint": "Edit XHR/fetch Breakpoint", + "edit.xhr.breakpoint": "Edytuj XHR/pobranie punktu przerwania", "enableContentValidation.description": "Przełącza, czy sprawdzamy zawartość plików na dysku pod kątem zgodności z zawartością załadowaną w czasie wykonywania. Jest to przydatne w różnych scenariuszach i wymagane w niektórych, ale może powodować problemy, jeśli na przykład masz transformację skryptów po stronie serwera.", "errors.timeout": "{0}: timeout after {1}ms", "extension.description": "An extension for debugging Node.js programs and Chrome.", @@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ "profile.start": "Pobierz profil wydajności", "profile.stop": "Zatrzymaj profil wydajności", "remove.eventListener.breakpoint.all": "Usuń wszystkie punkty przerwania odbiornika zdarzeń", - "remove.xhr.breakpoint": "Remove XHR/fetch Breakpoint", - "remove.xhr.breakpoint.all": "Remove All XHR/fetch Breakpoints", + "remove.xhr.breakpoint": "Usuń element XHR/pobranie punktu przerwania", + "remove.xhr.breakpoint.all": "Usuń wszystkie element XHR/pobrania punktów przerwania", "requestCDPProxy.label": "Zażądaj serwera proxy CDP dla sesji debugowania", "skipFiles.description": "Tablica wzorców globalnych dla plików do pominięcia podczas debugowania. Wzorzec „/**” pasuje do wszystkich modułów wewnętrznych platformy Node.js.", "smartStep.description": "Automatycznie przejdź krokowo przez wygenerowany kod, którego nie można zamapować z powrotem na oryginalne źródło.", @@ -222,14 +222,14 @@ }, "bundle": { "A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "Sesja profilowania jest już uruchomiona. Chcesz ją zatrzymać i rozpocząć nową sesję?", - "Add XHR Breakpoint": "Add XHR Breakpoint", - "Add new URL...": "Add new URL...", + "Add XHR Breakpoint": "Dodaj punkt przerwania XHR", + "Add new URL...": "Dodaj nowy adres URL...", "Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "Dostosuj wzorce globalne w atrybucie „outFiles”, aby obejmowały wygenerowany kod JavaScript.", "Always": "Zawsze", "Always in this Workspace": "Zawsze w tym obszarze roboczym", "An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "Wystąpił błąd podczas pobierania profilu z elementu docelowego.", "Animation Frame Fired": "Wywołano ramkę animacji", - "Any XHR or fetch": "Any XHR or fetch", + "Any XHR or fetch": "Dowolny element XHR lub pobranie", "Assertion failed": "Asercja nie powiodła się", "Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "Dołącz do procesu: „{0}” nie wygląda jak identyfikator procesu.", "Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "Dołącz do procesu: nie można włączyć trybu debugowania dla procesu „{0}” ({1}).", @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "Bidder Bidding Phase Start": "Rozpoczęcie fazy składania oferty przez oferenta", "Bidder Reporting Phase Start": "Rozpoczęcie fazy raportowania przez oferenta", "Block": "Blokuj", - "Break when URL Contains": "Break when URL Contains", + "Break when URL Contains": "Przerwij, gdy adres URL zawiera", "Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "Przerywa w przypadku każdego błędu zgłaszania, nawet jeśli zostaną przechwycone później.", "Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "Przerwy tylko w przypadku błędów lub odrzucenia obietnicy, które nie są obsługiwane.", "CPU Profile": "Profil procesora", @@ -271,10 +271,10 @@ "Don't show again": "Nie pokazuj ponownie", "Duration": "Czas trwania", "Duration of Profile": "Czas trwania profilu", - "Edit XHR Breakpoint": "Edit XHR Breakpoint", + "Edit XHR Breakpoint": "Edytuj punkt przerwania XHR", "Edit package.json": "Edytuj plik package.json", "Enables Node.js [auto attach]({0}) debugging in \"{1}\" mode/{Locked='[auto attach]({0})'}the 2nd placeholder is the setting value": "Włącza debugowanie środowiska Node.js [auto attach]({0}) w trybie „{1}”.", - "Enter a URL or a pattern to match": "Enter a URL or a pattern to match", + "Enter a URL or a pattern to match": "Wprowadź adres URL lub wzorzec do dopasowania", "Eval": "Obliczanie", "Frame could not be restarted": "Nie można ponownie uruchomić ramki", "Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Generuje plik .cpuprofile, który można otworzyć w narzędziu devtools przeglądarki Chrome", @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ "Thread is not paused on exception": "Wątek nie został wstrzymany w przypadku wyjątku", "Thread not found": "Nie znaleziono wątku", "Type of profile:": "Typ profilu:", - "URL contains \"{0}\"": "URL contains \"{0}\"", + "URL contains \"{0}\"": "Adres URL zawiera „{0}”", "UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "Debugowanie widoku internetowego platformy UWP nie jest dostępne na Twojej platformie.", "Unable to attach to browser": "Nie można dołączyć do przeglądarki", "Unable to evaluate": "Nie można obliczyć", @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ "WebGL Warning Fired": "Wyzwolono ostrzeżenie WebGL", "With Block": "Z blokiem", "Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "Czy chcesz zapisać konfigurację w pliku launch.json, aby ułatwić dostęp w przyszłości?", - "XHR/Fetch URLs": "XHR/Fetch URLs", + "XHR/Fetch URLs": "Adresy URL XHR/pobierania", "Yes": "Tak", "You may install the `{}` module via npm for enhanced WebAssembly debugging": "Moduł „{}” można zainstalować za pośrednictwem narzędzia npm w celu rozszerzonego debugowania zestawu WebAssembly", "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "Musisz otworzyć folder obszaru roboczego, aby debugować skrypty menedżera npm.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json index f2fba0e9f5..70919ca03a 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -2342,6 +2342,7 @@ "editorInlayHintForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu podpowiedzi śródwierszowych", "editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "Kolor pierwszego planu wskazówek śródwierszowych dla parametrów", "editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "Kolor pierwszego planu wskazówek śródwierszowych", + "editorLightBulbAiForeground": "The color used for the lightbulb AI icon.", "editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "Kolor używany dla ikony żarówki akcji automatycznej naprawy.", "editorLightBulbForeground": "Kolor używany dla ikony żarówki akcji.", "editorSelectionBackground": "Kolor zaznaczenia w edytorze.", @@ -3456,7 +3457,7 @@ "editorActionsPosition": "Pozycja akcji edytora", "editorQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Wpisz nazwę edytora, aby go otworzyć.", "hidden": "Ukryte", - "hideTabBar": "Ukryj", + "hideTabs": "Hidden", "ignoreTrimWhitespace.label": "Pokaż różnice wiodących/końcowych białych znaków", "inlineView": "Widok wbudowany", "joinInGroup": "Dołącz w grupie", @@ -7868,11 +7869,11 @@ "noProblems": "Brak problemów", "problems": "Problemy", "problems.visibility": "Controls whether the problems are visible throughout the editor and workbench.", - "problemsOff": "Problems have been turned off.", "show multiline": "Pokaż komunikat w wielu wierszach", "show singleline": "Pokaż komunikat w pojedynczym wierszu", "status.problems": "Problemy", "status.problemsVisibility": "Problems Visibility", + "status.problemsVisibilityOff": "Problems are turned off. Click to open settings.", "toggle Excluded Files": "Przełącz wykluczone pliki", "toggle active file": "Przełącz aktywny plik", "toggle errors": "Przełącz błędy", @@ -8984,6 +8985,7 @@ "keyboard": "Klawiatura", "mergeEditor": "Edytor scalania", "minimap": "Minimapa", + "multiDiffEditor": "Multi-File Diff Editor", "newWindow": "Nowe okno", "notebook": "Notes", "other": "Inne", @@ -10833,7 +10835,7 @@ "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.initial": "Nowy podzielony terminal będzie używać katalogu roboczego, przy użyciu którego uruchomiono terminal nadrzędny.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.workspaceRoot": "Nowy terminal podzielony będzie używać folderu głównego obszaru roboczego jako katalogu roboczego. W obszarze roboczym z wieloma folderami głównymi można wybrać folder główny do użycia.", "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.enabled": "Eksperymentalne: pokazuje bieżące polecenie u góry terminalu.", - "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Definiuje maksymalną liczbę linii przyklejonych do pokazania.", + "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Defines the maximum number of sticky lines to show. Sticky scroll lines will never exceed 40% of the viewport regardless of this setting.", "terminal.integrated.tabStopWidth": "Liczba komórek na tabulatorze.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultColor": "Identyfikator koloru motywu, który ma być skojarzony domyślnie z ikonami terminalu.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultIcon": "Identyfikator ikony codicon, która ma być skojarzona domyślnie z ikonami terminalu.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 8a0558efa4..08b47d86f6 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ "contents": { "package": { "add.eventListener.breakpoint": "Alternar Pontos de Interrupção do Ouvinte de Eventos", - "add.xhr.breakpoint": "Add XHR/fetch Breakpoint", + "add.xhr.breakpoint": "Adicionar Ponto de Interrupção XHR/fetch", "attach.node.process": "Anexar ao Processo do Node", "base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "Uma lista de sessões de depuração que, quando esta sessão de depuração for terminada, também será interrompida.", "base.enableDWARF.label": "Alterna se o depurador tentará ler símbolos de depuração DWARF do WebAssembly, o que pode consumir muitos recursos. Requer a extensão 'ms-vscode.wasm-dwarf-debugging' para funcionar.", - "breakpoint.xhr.any": "Any XHR/fetch", - "breakpoint.xhr.contains": "Break when URL contains:", + "breakpoint.xhr.any": "Qualquer XHR/fetch", + "breakpoint.xhr.contains": "Interromper quando o URL contiver:", "browser.address.description": "Endereço IP ou nome do host no qual o navegador depurado está escutando.", "browser.attach.port.description": "Porta a ser usada para depuração remota do navegador, dada como `--remote-debugging-port` ao iniciar o navegador.", "browser.baseUrl.description": "URL base para resolver os caminhos baseUrl. baseURL é aparado ao mapear URLs para os arquivos no disco. O padrão é o domínio da URL de inicialização.", @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ "edge.port.description": "Ao depurar modos de exibição da Web, a porta na qual o depurador do modo de exibição da Web está escutando. Será descoberto automaticamente se não estiver definido.", "edge.useWebView.attach.description": "Um objeto contendo o `pipeName` de um pipe de depuração para um Webview2 hospedado em UWP. Este é o \"MyTestSharedMemory\" ao criar o pipe \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"", "edge.useWebView.launch.description": "Quando 'verdadeiro', o depurador tratará o executável de tempo de execução como um aplicativo host que contém um WebView, permitindo que você depure o conteúdo do script WebView.", - "edit.xhr.breakpoint": "Edit XHR/fetch Breakpoint", + "edit.xhr.breakpoint": "Editar Ponto de Interrupção XHR/fetch", "enableContentValidation.description": "Ativa/desativa se deve ser feita uma verificação se os conteúdos dos arquivos no disco correspondem aos carregados no runtime. Isso é útil em uma variedade de cenários e exigido em alguns, mas poderá causar problemas se você tiver transformação de scripts do lado do servidor, por exemplo.", "errors.timeout": "{0}: tempo limite após {1} ms", "extension.description": "Uma extensão para depurar programas Node.js e Chrome.", @@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ "profile.start": "Iniciar Perfil de Desempenho", "profile.stop": "Parar Perfil de Desempenho", "remove.eventListener.breakpoint.all": "Remover Todos os Pontos de Interrupção do Ouvinte de Eventos", - "remove.xhr.breakpoint": "Remove XHR/fetch Breakpoint", - "remove.xhr.breakpoint.all": "Remove All XHR/fetch Breakpoints", + "remove.xhr.breakpoint": "Remover Ponto de Interrupção XHR/fetch", + "remove.xhr.breakpoint.all": "Remover Todos os Pontos de Interrupção XHR/fetch", "requestCDPProxy.label": "Solicitar Proxy de CDP para Sessão de Depuração", "skipFiles.description": "Uma matriz de padrões glob para arquivos a serem ignorados durante a depuração. O padrão `/**` corresponde a todos os módulos de Node.js internos.", "smartStep.description": "Percorrer automaticamente o código gerado que não pode ser mapeado novamente para a origem original.", @@ -222,14 +222,14 @@ }, "bundle": { "A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "Uma sessão de criação de perfil já está em execução. Deseja pará-la e iniciar uma nova sessão?", - "Add XHR Breakpoint": "Add XHR Breakpoint", - "Add new URL...": "Add new URL...", + "Add XHR Breakpoint": "Adicionar Ponto de Interrupção XHR", + "Add new URL...": "Adicionar novo URL...", "Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "Ajuste os padrões glob no atributo 'outFiles' para que eles abranjam o JavaScript gerado.", "Always": "Sempre", "Always in this Workspace": "Sempre neste Workspace", "An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "Ocorreu um erro ao fazer um perfil do destino.", "Animation Frame Fired": "Quadro de Animação Acionado", - "Any XHR or fetch": "Any XHR or fetch", + "Any XHR or fetch": "Qualquer XHR ou fetch", "Assertion failed": "Falha na declaração", "Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "Anexar ao processo: '{0}' não parece uma ID de processo.", "Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "Anexar ao processo: não é possível habilitar o modo de depuração para o processo '{0}' ({1}).", @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "Bidder Bidding Phase Start": "Início da Fase de Oferta do Ofertante", "Bidder Reporting Phase Start": "Início da Fase de Relatórios do Ofertante", "Block": "Bloquear", - "Break when URL Contains": "Break when URL Contains", + "Break when URL Contains": "Interromper quando o URL contiver", "Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "Ocorre uma interrupção em todos os erros gerados, mesmo que eles sejam capturados mais tarde.", "Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "Interrompe somente erros ou rejeições de promessa que não são tratadas.", "CPU Profile": "Perfil de CPU", @@ -271,10 +271,10 @@ "Don't show again": "Não mostrar novamente", "Duration": "Duração", "Duration of Profile": "Duração do Perfil", - "Edit XHR Breakpoint": "Edit XHR Breakpoint", + "Edit XHR Breakpoint": "Editar Ponto de Interrupção XHR", "Edit package.json": "Editar package.json", "Enables Node.js [auto attach]({0}) debugging in \"{1}\" mode/{Locked='[auto attach]({0})'}the 2nd placeholder is the setting value": "Habilita a depuração Node.js [auto attach]({0}) no modo \"{1}\"", - "Enter a URL or a pattern to match": "Enter a URL or a pattern to match", + "Enter a URL or a pattern to match": "Insira um URL ou um padrão para corresponder", "Eval": "Avaliar", "Frame could not be restarted": "Não foi possível reiniciar o quadro", "Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Gera um arquivo .cpuprofile que você pode abrir no devtools do Chrome", @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ "Thread is not paused on exception": "O thread não está em pausa na exceção", "Thread not found": "Thread não encontrado", "Type of profile:": "Tipo de perfil:", - "URL contains \"{0}\"": "URL contains \"{0}\"", + "URL contains \"{0}\"": "O URL contém \"{0}\"", "UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "A depuração de visualização da web UWP não está disponível em sua plataforma.", "Unable to attach to browser": "Não é possível anexar ao navegador", "Unable to evaluate": "Não é possível avaliar", @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ "WebGL Warning Fired": "Aviso de WebGL Acionado", "With Block": "Bloco Com", "Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "Deseja salvar uma configuração no launch.json para obter acesso fácil posteriormente?", - "XHR/Fetch URLs": "XHR/Fetch URLs", + "XHR/Fetch URLs": "URLs XHR/Fetch", "Yes": "Sim", "You may install the `{}` module via npm for enhanced WebAssembly debugging": "Você pode instalar o módulo '{}' via npm para depuração aprimorada do WebAssembly", "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "Você precisa abrir uma pasta da área de trabalho para depurar scripts npm.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json index 8cee5b0cee..f08efd3289 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -2342,6 +2342,7 @@ "editorInlayHintForeground": "Cor de primeiro plano das dicas embutidas", "editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "Cor do primeiro plano das dicas embutidos para parâmetros", "editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "Cor do primeiro plano das dicas embutidas para tipos", + "editorLightBulbAiForeground": "The color used for the lightbulb AI icon.", "editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "A cor usada para o ícone de ações de correção automática de lâmpada.", "editorLightBulbForeground": "A cor usada para o ícone de ações de lâmpada.", "editorSelectionBackground": "Cor da seleção do editor.", @@ -3456,7 +3457,7 @@ "editorActionsPosition": "Posição de Ações do Editor", "editorQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Digite o nome de um editor para abri-lo.", "hidden": "Oculto", - "hideTabBar": "Ocultar", + "hideTabs": "Hidden", "ignoreTrimWhitespace.label": "Mostrar Diferenças de Espaço em Branco à Esquerda/à Direita", "inlineView": "Exibição Embutida", "joinInGroup": "Ingressar no Grupo", @@ -7868,11 +7869,11 @@ "noProblems": "Nenhum Problema", "problems": "Problemas", "problems.visibility": "Controls whether the problems are visible throughout the editor and workbench.", - "problemsOff": "Problems have been turned off.", "show multiline": "Mostrar a mensagem em várias linhas", "show singleline": "Mostrar a mensagem em uma linha", "status.problems": "Problemas", "status.problemsVisibility": "Problems Visibility", + "status.problemsVisibilityOff": "Problems are turned off. Click to open settings.", "toggle Excluded Files": "Ativar/Desativar Arquivos Excluídos", "toggle active file": "Ativar/Desativar Arquivo Ativo", "toggle errors": "Ativar/Desativar Erros", @@ -8984,6 +8985,7 @@ "keyboard": "Teclado", "mergeEditor": "Editor de Mesclagem", "minimap": "Minimapa", + "multiDiffEditor": "Multi-File Diff Editor", "newWindow": "Nova Janela", "notebook": "Notebook", "other": "Outro", @@ -10833,7 +10835,7 @@ "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.initial": "Um novo terminal dividido usará o diretório de trabalho com o que o terminal pai começou.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.workspaceRoot": "Um novo terminal dividido usará a raiz do workspace como o diretório de trabalho. Em um workspace de várias raízes, uma escolha para qual pasta raiz usar é oferecida.", "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.enabled": "Experimental: mostra o comando atual na parte superior do terminal.", - "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Define o número máximo de linhas autoadesivas a serem mostradas.", + "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Defines the maximum number of sticky lines to show. Sticky scroll lines will never exceed 40% of the viewport regardless of this setting.", "terminal.integrated.tabStopWidth": "O número de células em uma parada de tabulação.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultColor": "Um ID de cor de tema para associar aos ícones do terminal por padrão.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultIcon": "Um ID de codicon para associar aos ícones do terminal por padrão.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json index 200aca6297..edd736854f 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -2342,6 +2342,7 @@ "editorInlayHintForeground": "Førëgrøµñð çølør øf ïñlïñë hïñts", "editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "Førëgrøµñð çølør øf ïñlïñë hïñts før pæræmëtërs", "editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "Førëgrøµñð çølør øf ïñlïñë hïñts før tÿpës", + "editorLightBulbAiForeground": "Thë çølør µsëð før thë lïghtþµlþ ÆÏ ïçøñ.", "editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "Thë çølør µsëð før thë lïghtþµlþ æµtø fïx æçtïøñs ïçøñ.", "editorLightBulbForeground": "Thë çølør µsëð før thë lïghtþµlþ æçtïøñs ïçøñ.", "editorSelectionBackground": "Çølør øf thë ëðïtør sëlëçtïøñ.", @@ -3456,7 +3457,7 @@ "editorActionsPosition": "Ëðïtør Æçtïøñs Pøsïtïøñ", "editorQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Tÿpë thë ñæmë øf æñ ëðïtør tø øpëñ ït.", "hidden": "Hïððëñ", - "hideTabBar": "Hïðë", + "hideTabs": "Hïððëñ", "ignoreTrimWhitespace.label": "§høw £ëæðïñg/Træïlïñg Whïtëspæçë Ðïffërëñçës", "inlineView": "Ïñlïñë Vïëw", "joinInGroup": "Jøïñ ïñ Grøµp", @@ -7868,11 +7869,11 @@ "noProblems": "Ñø Prøþlëms", "problems": "Prøþlëms", "problems.visibility": "Çøñtrøls whëthër thë prøþlëms ærë vïsïþlë thrøµghøµt thë ëðïtør æñð wørkþëñçh.", - "problemsOff": "Prøþlëms hævë þëëñ tµrñëð øff.", "show multiline": "§høw mëssægë ïñ mµltïplë lïñës", "show singleline": "§høw mëssægë ïñ sïñglë lïñë", "status.problems": "Prøþlëms", "status.problemsVisibility": "Prøþlëms Vïsïþïlïtÿ", + "status.problemsVisibilityOff": "Prøþlëms ærë tµrñëð øff. Çlïçk tø øpëñ sëttïñgs.", "toggle Excluded Files": "Tøgglë Ëxçlµðëð Fïlës", "toggle active file": "Tøgglë Æçtïvë Fïlë", "toggle errors": "Tøgglë Ërrørs", @@ -8984,6 +8985,7 @@ "keyboard": "Këÿþøærð", "mergeEditor": "Mërgë Ëðïtør", "minimap": "Mïñïmæp", + "multiDiffEditor": "Mµltï-Fïlë Ðïff Ëðïtør", "newWindow": "Ñëw Wïñðøw", "notebook": "Ñøtëþøøk", "other": "Øthër", @@ -10833,7 +10835,7 @@ "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.initial": "Æ ñëw splït tërmïñæl wïll µsë thë wørkïñg ðïrëçtørÿ thæt thë pærëñt tërmïñæl stærtëð wïth.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.workspaceRoot": "Æ ñëw splït tërmïñæl wïll µsë thë wørkspæçë røøt æs thë wørkïñg ðïrëçtørÿ. Ïñ æ mµltï-røøt wørkspæçë æ çhøïçë før whïçh røøt følðër tø µsë ïs øffërëð.", "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.enabled": "Ëxpërïmëñtæl: §høws thë çµrrëñt çømmæñð æt thë tøp øf thë tërmïñæl.", - "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Ðëfïñës thë mæxïmµm ñµmþër øf stïçkÿ lïñës tø shøw.", + "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Ðëfïñës thë mæxïmµm ñµmþër øf stïçkÿ lïñës tø shøw. §tïçkÿ sçrøll lïñës wïll ñëvër ëxçëëð 40% øf thë vïëwpørt rëgærðlëss øf thïs sëttïñg.", "terminal.integrated.tabStopWidth": "Thë ñµmþër øf çëlls ïñ æ tæþ støp.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultColor": "Æ thëmë çølør ÏÐ tø æssøçïætë wïth tërmïñæl ïçøñs þÿ ðëfæµlt.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultIcon": "Æ çøðïçøñ ÏÐ tø æssøçïætë wïth tërmïñæl ïçøñs þÿ ðëfæµlt.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json index 652c1de2f0..617bebdeb9 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -2342,6 +2342,7 @@ "editorInlayHintForeground": "Цвет переднего плана встроенных указаний", "editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "Цвет переднего плана встроенных указаний для параметров", "editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "Цвет переднего плана встроенных указаний для шрифтов", + "editorLightBulbAiForeground": "The color used for the lightbulb AI icon.", "editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "Цвет, используемый для значка действий автоматического исправления в меню лампочки.", "editorLightBulbForeground": "Цвет, используемый для значка действий в меню лампочки.", "editorSelectionBackground": "Цвет выделения редактора.", @@ -3456,7 +3457,7 @@ "editorActionsPosition": "Положение действий редактора", "editorQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Введите имя редактора, чтобы открыть его.", "hidden": "Скрыто", - "hideTabBar": "Скрыть", + "hideTabs": "Hidden", "ignoreTrimWhitespace.label": "Показать различия начальных и конечных пробелов", "inlineView": "Встроенное представление", "joinInGroup": "Присоединиться к группе", @@ -7868,11 +7869,11 @@ "noProblems": "Проблемы отсутствуют", "problems": "Проблемы", "problems.visibility": "Controls whether the problems are visible throughout the editor and workbench.", - "problemsOff": "Problems have been turned off.", "show multiline": "Показать сообщение на нескольких строках", "show singleline": "Показать сообщение в одной строке", "status.problems": "Проблемы", "status.problemsVisibility": "Problems Visibility", + "status.problemsVisibilityOff": "Problems are turned off. Click to open settings.", "toggle Excluded Files": "Переключить исключенные файлы", "toggle active file": "Переключить активный файл", "toggle errors": "Переключить ошибки", @@ -8984,6 +8985,7 @@ "keyboard": "Клавиатура", "mergeEditor": "Редактор слияния", "minimap": "Мини-карта", + "multiDiffEditor": "Multi-File Diff Editor", "newWindow": "Новое окно", "notebook": "Блокнот", "other": "Другое", @@ -10833,7 +10835,7 @@ "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.initial": "Новый разделенный терминал будет использовать рабочий каталог, с которого начал работу родительский терминал.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.workspaceRoot": "Новый разделенный терминал будет использовать корневую папку рабочей области в качестве рабочей папки. В рабочей области с несколькими корневыми папками предлагается выбрать используемую корневую папку.", "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.enabled": "Экспериментальный: отображает текущую команду в верхней части терминала.", - "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Определяет максимальное число залипающих линий для отображения.", + "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Defines the maximum number of sticky lines to show. Sticky scroll lines will never exceed 40% of the viewport regardless of this setting.", "terminal.integrated.tabStopWidth": "Число ячеек в позиции табуляции.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultColor": "Идентификатор цвета темы, связывающийся по умолчанию со значками терминала.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultIcon": "Идентификатор codicon, связывающийся по умолчанию со значками терминалов.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json index 77fdce0094..6f7a8b255a 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -2342,6 +2342,7 @@ "editorInlayHintForeground": "Satır içi ipuçlarının ön plan rengi", "editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "Parametreler için satır içi ipuçlarının ön plan rengi", "editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "Türler için satır içi ipuçlarının ön plan rengi", + "editorLightBulbAiForeground": "The color used for the lightbulb AI icon.", "editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "Ampul otomatik düzeltme eylemleri simgesi için kullanılan renk.", "editorLightBulbForeground": "Ampul eylemleri simgesi için kullanılan renk.", "editorSelectionBackground": "Düzenleyici seçiminin rengi.", @@ -3456,7 +3457,7 @@ "editorActionsPosition": "Düzenleyici Eylemleri Konumu", "editorQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Bir düzenleyiciyi açmak için adını yazın.", "hidden": "Gizli", - "hideTabBar": "Gizle", + "hideTabs": "Hidden", "ignoreTrimWhitespace.label": "Baştaki/Sondaki Boşluk Farklılıklarını Göster", "inlineView": "Satır İçi Görünüm", "joinInGroup": "Gruba Katıl", @@ -7868,11 +7869,11 @@ "noProblems": "Sorun Yok", "problems": "Sorunlar", "problems.visibility": "Controls whether the problems are visible throughout the editor and workbench.", - "problemsOff": "Problems have been turned off.", "show multiline": "İletiyi birden çok satırda göster", "show singleline": "İletiyi tek satırda göster", "status.problems": "Sorunlar", "status.problemsVisibility": "Problems Visibility", + "status.problemsVisibilityOff": "Problems are turned off. Click to open settings.", "toggle Excluded Files": "Dışlanan Dosyaları Aç/Kapat", "toggle active file": "Etkin Dosyayı Aç/Kapat", "toggle errors": "Hataları Aç/Kapat", @@ -8984,6 +8985,7 @@ "keyboard": "Klavye", "mergeEditor": "Birleştirme Düzenleyicisi", "minimap": "Mini Harita", + "multiDiffEditor": "Multi-File Diff Editor", "newWindow": "Yeni Pencere", "notebook": "Not Defteri", "other": "Diğer", @@ -10833,7 +10835,7 @@ "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.initial": "Yeni bir bölünmüş terminal, üst terminalin başlatıldığı çalışma dizinini kullanacak.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.workspaceRoot": "Yeni bir bölünmüş terminal, çalışma alanı kökünü çalışma dizini olarak kullanacak. Çok köklü bir çalışma alanında, kullanılacak kök klasörü için bir seçenek sunulur.", "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.enabled": "Deneysel: Terminalin üst kısmındaki geçerli komutu gösterir.", - "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Gösterilecek en fazla yapışkan satır sayısını tanımlar.", + "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Defines the maximum number of sticky lines to show. Sticky scroll lines will never exceed 40% of the viewport regardless of this setting.", "terminal.integrated.tabStopWidth": "Sekme durağındaki hücre sayısı.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultColor": "Bu terminalle varsayılan olarak ilişkilendirilecek tema renk kimliği.", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultIcon": "Bu terminalle varsayılan olarak ilişkilendirilecek codicon kimliği.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json index 142bfad55b..ca1322b420 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -2342,6 +2342,7 @@ "editorInlayHintForeground": "内联提示的前景色", "editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "参数内联提示的前景色", "editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "类型内联提示的前景色", + "editorLightBulbAiForeground": "The color used for the lightbulb AI icon.", "editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "用于灯泡自动修复操作图标的颜色。", "editorLightBulbForeground": "用于灯泡操作图标的颜色。", "editorSelectionBackground": "编辑器所选内容的颜色。", @@ -3456,7 +3457,7 @@ "editorActionsPosition": "编辑器操作位置", "editorQuickAccessPlaceholder": "键入要打开的编辑器名称。", "hidden": "隐藏", - "hideTabBar": "隐藏", + "hideTabs": "Hidden", "ignoreTrimWhitespace.label": "显示前导/尾随空格差异", "inlineView": "内联视图", "joinInGroup": "合并组", @@ -7868,11 +7869,11 @@ "noProblems": "没有问题", "problems": "问题", "problems.visibility": "Controls whether the problems are visible throughout the editor and workbench.", - "problemsOff": "Problems have been turned off.", "show multiline": "在多行中显示消息", "show singleline": "在单行中显示消息", "status.problems": "问题", "status.problemsVisibility": "Problems Visibility", + "status.problemsVisibilityOff": "Problems are turned off. Click to open settings.", "toggle Excluded Files": "切换排除的文件", "toggle active file": "切换活动文件", "toggle errors": "切换错误", @@ -8984,6 +8985,7 @@ "keyboard": "键盘", "mergeEditor": "合并编辑器", "minimap": "缩略图", + "multiDiffEditor": "Multi-File Diff Editor", "newWindow": "新建窗口", "notebook": "笔记本", "other": "其他", @@ -10833,7 +10835,7 @@ "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.initial": "新的拆分终端将使用父终端开始时使用的工作目录。", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.workspaceRoot": "新的拆分终端将使用工作区根作为工作目录。在多根工作区中,提供了要使用根文件夹的选项。", "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.enabled": "实验性: 在终端顶部显示当前命令。", - "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "定义要显示的最大粘滞行数。", + "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Defines the maximum number of sticky lines to show. Sticky scroll lines will never exceed 40% of the viewport regardless of this setting.", "terminal.integrated.tabStopWidth": "制表位中的单元格数。", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultColor": "默认情况下要与终端图标关联的主题颜色 ID。", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultIcon": "默认情况下要与终端图标关联的 codicon ID。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 477739da5c..863c0d4f7b 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ "contents": { "package": { "add.eventListener.breakpoint": "切換事件接聽程式中斷點", - "add.xhr.breakpoint": "Add XHR/fetch Breakpoint", + "add.xhr.breakpoint": "新增 XHR/擷取中斷點", "attach.node.process": "連結到節點處理序", "base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "當此偵錯工作階段終止時,也會一併停止的偵錯工作階段清單。", "base.enableDWARF.label": "切換偵錯工具是否會嘗試從可能耗用資源密集的 WebAssembly 讀取 DWARF 偵錯符號。需要 'ms-vscode.wasm-dwarf-debugging' 延伸模組才能運作。", - "breakpoint.xhr.any": "Any XHR/fetch", - "breakpoint.xhr.contains": "Break when URL contains:", + "breakpoint.xhr.any": "任何 XHR/擷取", + "breakpoint.xhr.contains": "當 URL 包含下列項目時中斷: ", "browser.address.description": "已偵錯瀏覽器所接聽的 IP 位址或主機名稱。", "browser.attach.port.description": "要用於對瀏覽器進行遠端偵錯的連接埠,會在啟動瀏覽器時指定為 `--remote-debugging-port`。", "browser.baseUrl.description": "用於解析路徑 baseUrl 的基底 URL。將 URL 對應至磁碟上的檔案時,baseURL 會受到修剪。預設為啟動 URL 網域。", @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ "edge.port.description": "對 Web 檢視進行偵錯時,該 Web 檢視偵錯工具所接聽的連接埠。如果未設定,則會自動探索。", "edge.useWebView.attach.description": "物件,包含 UWP 代管 Webview2 之偵錯管道的 'pipeName'。這是建立管道 \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\" 時的 \"MyTestSharedMemory\"", "edge.useWebView.launch.description": "為 'true' 時,偵錯工具會將執行階段可執行檔視為包含 WebView 的主機應用程式,以便您偵錯 WebView 指令碼內容。", - "edit.xhr.breakpoint": "Edit XHR/fetch Breakpoint", + "edit.xhr.breakpoint": "編輯 XHR/擷取中斷點", "enableContentValidation.description": "切換是否要驗證磁碟上的檔案內容符合執行時間中載入的內容。這適用於多種情況,而且在某些情況下是必要的,但舉例來說,如果您有指令碼的伺服器端轉換,就可能會造成問題。", "errors.timeout": "{0}: 經過 {1} 毫秒後逾時", "extension.description": "用於偵錯 Node.js 程式和 Chrome 的延伸模組。", @@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ "profile.start": "取得效能設定檔", "profile.stop": "停止效能設定檔", "remove.eventListener.breakpoint.all": "移除所有事件接聽程式中斷點", - "remove.xhr.breakpoint": "Remove XHR/fetch Breakpoint", - "remove.xhr.breakpoint.all": "Remove All XHR/fetch Breakpoints", + "remove.xhr.breakpoint": "移除 XHR/擷取中斷點", + "remove.xhr.breakpoint.all": "移除所有 XHR/擷取中斷點", "requestCDPProxy.label": "針對偵錯工作階段要求 CDP Proxy", "skipFiles.description": "偵錯時要跳過的檔案 Glob 模式陣列。該模式 `/**` 會比對所有內部 Node.js 模組。", "smartStep.description": "自動逐步執行產生的程式碼 (無法對應回原始來源)。", @@ -222,14 +222,14 @@ }, "bundle": { "A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "分析工作階段已在執行。要停止該工作階段,然後再啟動新的工作階段嗎?", - "Add XHR Breakpoint": "Add XHR Breakpoint", - "Add new URL...": "Add new URL...", + "Add XHR Breakpoint": "新增 XHR 中斷點", + "Add new URL...": "新增新的 URL...", "Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "調整 'outFiles' 屬性中的 Glob 模式,讓模式涵蓋所產生的 JavaScript。", "Always": "永遠", "Always in this Workspace": "一律在此工作區中", "An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "從目標擷取設定檔時發生錯誤。", "Animation Frame Fired": "已觸發動畫畫面格", - "Any XHR or fetch": "Any XHR or fetch", + "Any XHR or fetch": "任何 XHR 或擷取", "Assertion failed": "判斷提示失敗", "Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "附加至處理序: '{0}' 看起來不像處理序識別碼。", "Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "附加至處理序: 無法啟用處理序 '{0}' ({1}) 的偵錯模式。", @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "Bidder Bidding Phase Start": "競標者競標階段開始", "Bidder Reporting Phase Start": "競標者報告階段開始", "Block": "封鎖", - "Break when URL Contains": "Break when URL Contains", + "Break when URL Contains": "當 URL 包含下列項目時中斷: ", "Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "中斷所有擲回錯誤,即使是之後攔截的也一樣。", "Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "只在未處理的錯誤或承諾拒絕時中斷。", "CPU Profile": "CPU 設定檔", @@ -271,10 +271,10 @@ "Don't show again": "不要再顯示", "Duration": "持續時間", "Duration of Profile": "設定檔持續時間", - "Edit XHR Breakpoint": "Edit XHR Breakpoint", + "Edit XHR Breakpoint": "編輯 XHR 中斷點", "Edit package.json": "編輯 package.json", "Enables Node.js [auto attach]({0}) debugging in \"{1}\" mode/{Locked='[auto attach]({0})'}the 2nd placeholder is the setting value": "以 \"{1}\" 模式啟用 Node.js [auto attach]({0}) 偵錯", - "Enter a URL or a pattern to match": "Enter a URL or a pattern to match", + "Enter a URL or a pattern to match": "輸入要比對的 URL 或模式", "Eval": "Eval", "Frame could not be restarted": "無法重新啟動框架", "Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "產生可以在 Chrome DevTools 中開啟的 .cpuprofile 檔案", @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ "Thread is not paused on exception": "執行緒未在發生例外狀況時暫停", "Thread not found": "找不到執行緒", "Type of profile:": "設定檔類型:", - "URL contains \"{0}\"": "URL contains \"{0}\"", + "URL contains \"{0}\"": "URL 包含 \"{0}\"", "UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "您的平台無法使用 UWP Web 檢視偵錯。", "Unable to attach to browser": "無法連結到瀏覽器", "Unable to evaluate": "無法評估", @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ "WebGL Warning Fired": "已觸發 WebGL 警告", "With Block": "With 區塊", "Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "您要將設定儲存在您的 launch.json 中,以便日後存取嗎?", - "XHR/Fetch URLs": "XHR/Fetch URLs", + "XHR/Fetch URLs": "XHR/擷取 URL", "Yes": "是", "You may install the `{}` module via npm for enhanced WebAssembly debugging": "您可以透過 npm 安裝 '{}' 模組以進行增強式 WebAssembly 偵錯", "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "您需要開啟工作區資料夾,才能偵錯 npm 指令碼。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json index c79ec430c4..3e5ad417b4 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -2342,6 +2342,7 @@ "editorInlayHintForeground": "內嵌提示的前景色彩", "editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "參數內嵌提示的前景色彩", "editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "類型內嵌提示的前景色彩", + "editorLightBulbAiForeground": "The color used for the lightbulb AI icon.", "editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "用於燈泡自動修正動作圖示的色彩。", "editorLightBulbForeground": "用於燈泡動作圖示的色彩。", "editorSelectionBackground": "編輯器選取範圍的色彩。", @@ -3456,7 +3457,7 @@ "editorActionsPosition": "編輯器動作位置", "editorQuickAccessPlaceholder": "鍵入編輯器名稱以開啟該編輯器。", "hidden": "隱藏", - "hideTabBar": "隱藏", + "hideTabs": "Hidden", "ignoreTrimWhitespace.label": "顯示前置/後置空白字元差異", "inlineView": "內嵌檢視", "joinInGroup": "加入群組", @@ -7868,11 +7869,11 @@ "noProblems": "沒有問題", "problems": "問題", "problems.visibility": "Controls whether the problems are visible throughout the editor and workbench.", - "problemsOff": "Problems have been turned off.", "show multiline": "在多行中顯示訊息", "show singleline": "在單行中顯示訊息", "status.problems": "問題", "status.problemsVisibility": "Problems Visibility", + "status.problemsVisibilityOff": "Problems are turned off. Click to open settings.", "toggle Excluded Files": "切換排除的檔案", "toggle active file": "切換使用中的檔案", "toggle errors": "切換錯誤", @@ -8984,6 +8985,7 @@ "keyboard": "鍵盤", "mergeEditor": "合併編輯器", "minimap": "縮圖", + "multiDiffEditor": "Multi-File Diff Editor", "newWindow": "開新視窗", "notebook": "筆記本", "other": "其他", @@ -10833,7 +10835,7 @@ "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.initial": "新的分割終端會使用父終端開始的工作目錄。", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd.workspaceRoot": "新的分割終端會使用工作區根目錄作為工作目錄。您可在多重根目錄工作區中選擇要使用的根資料夾。", "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.enabled": "實驗: 在終端機頂端顯示目前的命令。", - "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "定義要顯示的自黏線數目上限。", + "terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": "Defines the maximum number of sticky lines to show. Sticky scroll lines will never exceed 40% of the viewport regardless of this setting.", "terminal.integrated.tabStopWidth": "定位停駐點中的儲存格數目。", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultColor": "根據預設要與這個終端機圖示相關聯的佈景主題色彩識別碼。", "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultIcon": "根據預設要與這個終端機圖示相關聯的 codicon 識別碼。",