diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index a68f142497..8257f80368 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ "Conflict: Deleted By Us": "Konflikt: Odstraněno místní stranou", "Continue Rebase": "Pokračovat v přenesení změn", "Continuing Rebase...": "Pokračuje se v přenesení změn...", + "Copy Commit Hash": "Kopírovat hodnotu hash potvrzení", "Could not clone your repository as Git is not installed.": "Úložiště se nepovedlo naklonovat, protože není nainstalovaný Git.", "Create Empty Commit": "Vytvořit prázdné potvrzení", "Current": "Aktuální", @@ -112,10 +113,11 @@ "File \"{0}\" was deleted by us and modified by them.\n\nWhat would you like to do?": "Místní strana soubor {0} odstranila a protistrana ho upravila.\n\nCo chcete udělat?", "Force Checkout": "Vynutit rezervaci", "Force push is not allowed, please enable it with the \"git.allowForcePush\" setting.": "Vynucení nasdílení změn není povolené. Povolte ho prosím pomocí nastavení git.allowForcePush.", - "Git Blame Information": "Git Blame Information", + "Git Blame Information": "Informace o Git Blame", "Git History": "Historie Gitu", "Git error": "Chyba Gitu", - "Git local working changes": "Místní pracovní změny Gitu", + "Git local changes (working tree + index)": "Místní změny Gitu (pracovní strom + index)", + "Git local changes (working tree)": "Místní změny Gitu (pracovní strom)", "Git not found. Install it or configure it using the \"git.path\" setting.": "Git se nenašel. Nainstalujte ho nebo ho nakonfigurujte pomocí nastavení git.path.", "Git repositories were found in the parent folders of the workspace or the open file(s). Would you like to open the repositories?": "V nadřazených složkách pracovního prostoru nebo v otevřených souborech jsme našli úložiště Git. Chcete je otevřít?", "Git: {0}": "Git: {0}", @@ -156,8 +158,8 @@ "Never": "Nikdy", "No": "Ne", "No rebase in progress.": "Neprobíhá žádné přenesení změn.", - "Not Committed Yet": "Not Committed Yet", - "Not Committed Yet (Staged)": "Not Committed Yet (Staged)", + "Not Committed Yet": "Zatím nepotvrzeno", + "Not Committed Yet (Staged)": "Zatím nepotvrzeno (připravené)", "OK": "OK", "OK, Don't Ask Again": "OK, dotaz už příště nezobrazovat", "OK, Don't Show Again": "OK, příště už nezobrazovat", @@ -284,7 +286,7 @@ "Untracked": "Nesledováno", "Untracked Changes": "Nesledované změny", "Update Git": "Aktualizovat Git", - "View Commit": "View Commit", + "View Commit": "Zobrazit potvrzení", "Would you like to add \"{0}\" to .gitignore?": "Chcete přidat {0} do souboru .gitignore?", "Would you like to open the cloned repository, or add it to the current workspace?": "Chcete naklonované úložiště otevřít nebo ho přidat do aktuálního pracovního prostoru?", "Would you like to open the cloned repository?": "Chcete otevřít naklonované úložiště?", @@ -308,9 +310,9 @@ "[main] Using git \"{0}\" from \"{1}\"": "[hlavní] Používá se úložiště Git {0} z {1}", "[main] Validating found git in: \"{0}\"": "[hlavní] Ověřování nalezeného úložiště Git v: {0}", "branches": "větve", - "in {0}": "in {0}", + "in {0}": "za {0}", "no": "ne", - "now": "now", + "now": "teď", "remote branches": "vzdálené větve", "tags": "značky", "yes": "ano", @@ -337,63 +339,63 @@ "{0} Publish Branch/{Locked=\"Branch\"}Do not translate \"Branch\" as it is a git term": "{0} Publikovat Branch", "{0} Sync Changes{1}{2}": "{0} Synchronizovat změny{1}{2}", "{0} characters over {1} in current line": "Počet znaků nad {1} na aktuálním řádku: {0}", - "{0} day": "{0} day", - "{0} day ago": "{0} day ago", - "{0} days": "{0} days", - "{0} days ago": "{0} days ago", - "{0} hour": "{0} hour", - "{0} hour ago": "{0} hour ago", - "{0} hours": "{0} hours", - "{0} hours ago": "{0} hours ago", - "{0} hr": "{0} hr", - "{0} hr ago": "{0} hr ago", - "{0} hrs": "{0} hrs", - "{0} hrs ago": "{0} hrs ago", + "{0} day": "{0} den", + "{0} day ago": "před {0} dnem", + "{0} days": "{0} d.", + "{0} days ago": "před {0} dny", + "{0} hour": "{0} h", + "{0} hour ago": "před {0} hodinou", + "{0} hours": "{0} h", + "{0} hours ago": "před {0} hodinami", + "{0} hr": "{0} h", + "{0} hr ago": "před {0} h", + "{0} hrs": "{0} h", + "{0} hrs ago": "před {0} h", "{0} min": "{0} min", - "{0} min ago": "{0} min ago", - "{0} mins": "{0} mins", - "{0} mins ago": "{0} mins ago", - "{0} minute": "{0} minute", - "{0} minute ago": "{0} minute ago", - "{0} minutes": "{0} minutes", - "{0} minutes ago": "{0} minutes ago", - "{0} mo": "{0} mo", - "{0} mo ago": "{0} mo ago", - "{0} month": "{0} month", - "{0} month ago": "{0} month ago", - "{0} months": "{0} months", - "{0} months ago": "{0} months ago", - "{0} mos": "{0} mos", - "{0} mos ago": "{0} mos ago", - "{0} sec": "{0} sec", - "{0} sec ago": "{0} sec ago", - "{0} second": "{0} second", - "{0} second ago": "{0} second ago", - "{0} seconds": "{0} seconds", - "{0} seconds ago": "{0} seconds ago", - "{0} secs": "{0} secs", - "{0} secs ago": "{0} secs ago", - "{0} week": "{0} week", - "{0} week ago": "{0} week ago", - "{0} weeks": "{0} weeks", - "{0} weeks ago": "{0} weeks ago", - "{0} wk": "{0} wk", - "{0} wk ago": "{0} wk ago", - "{0} wks": "{0} wks", - "{0} wks ago": "{0} wks ago", - "{0} year": "{0} year", - "{0} year ago": "{0} year ago", - "{0} years": "{0} years", - "{0} years ago": "{0} years ago", - "{0} yr": "{0} yr", - "{0} yr ago": "{0} yr ago", - "{0} yrs": "{0} yrs", - "{0} yrs ago": "{0} yrs ago", + "{0} min ago": "před {0} min.", + "{0} mins": "{0} min", + "{0} mins ago": "před {0} min", + "{0} minute": "{0} minuta", + "{0} minute ago": "před {0} minutou", + "{0} minutes": "{0} min", + "{0} minutes ago": "před {0} minutami", + "{0} mo": "{0} měs.", + "{0} mo ago": "před {0} měs.", + "{0} month": "{0} měsíc", + "{0} month ago": "před {0} měsícem", + "{0} months": "{0} měs.", + "{0} months ago": "před {0} měsíci", + "{0} mos": "{0} měs.", + "{0} mos ago": "před {0} měs.", + "{0} sec": "{0} s", + "{0} sec ago": "před {0} s", + "{0} second": "{0} s", + "{0} second ago": "před {0} sekundou", + "{0} seconds": "{0} s", + "{0} seconds ago": "před {0} sekundami", + "{0} secs": "{0} s", + "{0} secs ago": "před {0} s", + "{0} week": "{0} týden", + "{0} week ago": "před {0} týdnem", + "{0} weeks": "{0} týd.", + "{0} weeks ago": "před {0} týdny", + "{0} wk": "{0} týd.", + "{0} wk ago": "před {0} týd.", + "{0} wks": "{0} týd.", + "{0} wks ago": "před {0} týd.", + "{0} year": "{0} rok", + "{0} year ago": "před {0} rokem", + "{0} years": "{0} r.", + "{0} years ago": "před {0} lety", + "{0} yr": "{0} r.", + "{0} yr ago": "před {0} r.", + "{0} yrs": "{0} r.", + "{0} yrs ago": "před {0} r.", "{0} ↔ {1}": "{0} ↔ {1}" }, "package": { "colors.added": "Barva pro přidané prostředky", - "colors.blameEditorDecoration": "Color for the blame editor decoration.", + "colors.blameEditorDecoration": "Barva dekorace editoru blame", "colors.conflict": "Barva pro prostředky s konflikty", "colors.deleted": "Barva pro odstraněné prostředky", "colors.ignored": "Barva pro ignorované prostředky", @@ -415,6 +417,7 @@ "command.branchFrom": "Vytvořit větev z...", "command.checkout": "Přechod na aktuální…", "command.checkoutDetached": "Rezervovat do (odpojeno)...", + "command.checkoutRef": "Pokladna", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Přechod na aktuální (odpojeno)", "command.cherryPick": "Výběr určitých položek...", "command.cherryPickAbort": "Přerušit výběr změn", @@ -552,8 +555,10 @@ "config.autofetch": "Když se nastaví na true, potvrzení se budou automaticky načítat z výchozího vzdáleného úložiště aktuálního úložiště Gitu. Nastavením na all se načtou všechna vzdálená úložiště.", "config.autofetchPeriod": "Doba trvání v sekundách mezi každým automatickým načtením z úložiště Git, když je povolené nastavení #git.autofetch#", "config.autorefresh": "Určuje, jestli je povolena automatická aktualizace.", - "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Controls whether to show git blame information in the editor using editor decorations.", - "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Controls whether to show git blame information in the status bar.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Určuje, jestli se mají v editoru zobrazovat informace o blame pomocí dekorací editoru.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.template": "Šablona pro dekoraci editoru informací o blame Podporované proměnné:\r\n\r\n* `hash`: hodnota hash potvrzení\r\n\r\n* `hashShort`: prvních 8 znaků hodnoty hash potvrzení\r\n\r\n* `subject`: první řádek zprávy potvrzení\r\n\r\n* `authorName`: jméno autora\r\n\r\n* `authorEmail`: e-mail autora\r\n\r\n* `authorDate`: datum autora\r\n\r\n* `authorDateAgo`: časový rozdíl mezi dnešním datem a datem autora\r\n\r\n", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Určuje, jestli se mají na stavovém řádku zobrazovat informace o blame.", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.template": "Šablona pro položku stavového řádku s informacemi o blame Podporované proměnné:\r\n\r\n* `hash`: hodnota hash potvrzení\r\n\r\n* `hashShort`: prvních 8 znaků hodnoty hash potvrzení\r\n\r\n* `subject`: první řádek zprávy potvrzení\r\n\r\n* `authorName`: jméno autora\r\n\r\n* `authorEmail`: e-mail autora\r\n\r\n* `authorDate`: datum autora\r\n\r\n* `authorDateAgo`: časový rozdíl mezi dnešním datem a datem autora\r\n\r\n", "config.branchPrefix": "Předpona použitá při vytváření nové větve.", "config.branchProtection": "Seznam chráněných větví. Ve výchozím nastavení se před potvrzením změn do chráněné větve zobrazí dotaz. Tento dotaz lze řídit pomocí nastavení #git.branchProtectionPrompt#.", "config.branchProtectionPrompt": "Určuje, jestli se před potvrzením změn v chráněné větvi zobrazí výzva.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json index b8c6eb5ab7..c4bae44a21 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "$ref '{0}' in '{1}' can not be resolved.": "$ref {0} v {1} se nedá přeložit.", "": "", "A default value. Used by suggestions.": "Výchozí hodnota. Používá se v návrzích.", - "A descriptive title of the element.": "Popisný název elementu.", - "A long description of the element. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "Dlouhý popis elementu. Používá se v nabídkách a návrzích při přechodu myší.", + "A descriptive title of the schema.": "A descriptive title of the schema.", + "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.", "A map of property names to either an array of property names or a schema. An array of property names means the property named in the key depends on the properties in the array being present in the object in order to be valid. If the value is a schema, then the schema is only applied to the object if the property in the key exists on the object.": "Mapa názvů vlastností pro pole názvů vlastností nebo schéma. Pole názvů vlastností znamená, že platnost vlastnosti pojmenované v klíči závisí na tom, aby se vlastnosti v poli nacházely i v objektu. Pokud je hodnotou schéma, použije se schéma na objekt pouze v případě, že vlastnost v klíči existuje i v objektu.", "A map of property names to schemas for each property.": "Mapa názvů vlastností pro schémata pro každou vlastnost.", "A map of regular expressions on property names to schemas for matching properties.": "Mapa regulárních výrazů v názvech vlastností pro schémata pro odpovídající vlastnosti.", @@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ "Configured in workspace settings": "Nakonfigurováno v nastavení pracovního prostoru", "Default value": "Výchozí hodnota", "Describes the content encoding of a string property.": "Popisuje kódování obsahu řetězcové vlastnosti.", - "Describes the format expected for the value.": "Popisuje formát očekávaný pro hodnotu.", + "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation": "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation", "Describes the media type of a string property.": "Popisuje typ média vlastnosti řetězce.", "Downloading schemas is disabled through setting '{0}'": "Stahování schémat je prostřednictvím nastavení {0} zakázané.", "Downloading schemas is disabled. Click to configure.": "Stahování schémat je zakázané. Po kliknutí ho můžete nakonfigurovat.", "Draft-03 schemas are not supported.": "Schémata Draft-03 se nepodporují.", "Duplicate anchor declaration: '{0}'": "Duplicitní deklarace ukotvení: {0}", "Duplicate object key": "Duplikovat klíč objektu", - "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, then used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties' or 'patternProperties'. If false, then any properties not matched by either will cause this schema to fail.": "Schéma nebo logická hodnota. Pokud jde o schéma, pak se použije k ověření všech vlastností, které neodpovídají vlastnostem properties nebo patternProperties. Pokud je false, způsobí všechny vlastnosti, které se neshodují s žádnou z těchto vlastností, selhání tohoto schématu.", + "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.": "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.", "Either a string of one of the basic schema types (number, integer, null, array, object, boolean, string) or an array of strings specifying a subset of those types.": "Buď řetězec jednoho ze základních typů schématu (číslo, celé číslo, null, pole, objekt, logická hodnota, řetězec), nebo pole řetězců určující podmnožinu těchto typů.", "End of file expected.": "Očekával se konec souboru.", "Expected a JSON object, array or literal.": "Očekává se objekt JSON, pole nebo literál.", @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ "Expected comma or closing brace": "Očekávala se čárka nebo pravá složená závorka.", "Expected comma or closing bracket": "Očekává se čárka nebo pravá hranatá závorka", "Failed to sort the JSONC document, please consider opening an issue.": "Nepovedlo se seřadit dokument JSONC. Zvažte prosím nahlášení problému.", - "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If it is a schema, then this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items array. If it is false, then additional items will cause validation to fail.": "Pro pole pouze v případě, že jsou položky nastaveny jako pole. Pokud se jedná o schéma, pak toto schéma ověří položky po položkách určených polem položek. Pokud je false, způsobí další položky selhání ověření.", + "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.": "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.", "For arrays. Can either be a schema to validate every element against or an array of schemas to validate each item against in order (the first schema will validate the first element, the second schema will validate the second element, and so on.": "Pro pole. Může se jednat o schéma, proti němuž se ověří každý prvek, nebo pole schémat pro ověření jednotlivých položek v uvedeném pořadí (první schéma ověří první prvek, druhé schéma ověří druhý prvek atd.", "If all of the items in the array must be unique. Defaults to false.": "Použijte, pokud musí být všechny položky v poli jedinečné. Výchozí hodnota je false.", "If the instance is an object, this keyword validates if every property name in the instance validates against the provided schema.": "Pokud je instance objektem, toto klíčové slovo ověří, jestli se všechny názvy vlastností v instanci ověřují proti zadanému schématu.", @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ "String is not an e-mail address.": "Řetězec není e-mailová adresa.", "String is shorter than the minimum length of {0}.": "Řetězec je kratší než minimální délka {0}.", "The \"else\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema fails.": "Podschéma else se používá k ověření, když selže podschéma if.", - "The \"if\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "Subschéma if se používá k ověření, když je subschéma if úspěšné.", + "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.", "The maximum length of a string.": "Maximální délka řetězce.", "The maximum number of items that can be inside an array. Inclusive.": "Maximální počet položek, které mohou být uvnitř pole. Inkluzivní.", "The maximum number of properties an object can have. Inclusive.": "Maximální počet vlastností, které objekt může mít. Inkluzivní.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index 4d7bd38354..3a9eaa866d 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -34,16 +34,16 @@ "Follow link": "Přejít na odkaz", "Go to link definition": "Přejít na definici odkazu", "Header does not exist in file: {0}": "Neexistující hlavička v souboru: {0}", - "Insert Markdown Audio": "Insert Markdown Audio", + "Insert Markdown Audio": "Vložit zvuk Markdownu", "Insert Markdown Image": "Vložit obrázek Markdown", "Insert Markdown Images": "Vložit obrázky Markdown", "Insert Markdown Images and Links": "Vložit obrázky a odkazy Markdown", "Insert Markdown Link": "Vložit odkaz Markdown", "Insert Markdown Links": "Vložit odkazy Markdown", "Insert Markdown Media": "Vložit média Markdown", - "Insert Markdown Media and Images": "Insert Markdown Media and Images", + "Insert Markdown Media and Images": "Vložit multimédia a obrázky Markdownu", "Insert Markdown Media and Links": "Vložit média a odkazy Markdown", - "Insert Markdown Video": "Insert Markdown Video", + "Insert Markdown Video": "Vložit video Markdownu", "Insert image": "Vložit obrázek", "Insert link": "Vložit odkaz", "Link definition for '{0}' already exists": "Definice odkazu pro {0} už existuje.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json index 8d2a88c2d4..21324d64cf 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ "package": { "description": "Zprostředkovatel ověřování společnosti Microsoft", "displayName": "Učet Microsoft", - "microsoft-authentication.implementation.description": "The authentication implementation to use for signing in with a Microsoft account.", - "microsoft-authentication.implementation.enumDescriptions.classic": "Use the classic authentication flow to sign in with a Microsoft account.", + "microsoft-authentication.implementation.description": "Implementace ověřování, která se použije pro přihlašování pomocí účtu Microsoft", + "microsoft-authentication.implementation.enumDescriptions.classic": "K přihlášení pomocí účtu Microsoft použijte klasický postup ověřování.", "microsoft-authentication.implementation.enumDescriptions.msal": "Přihlaste se k účtu Microsoft pomocí knihovny MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library).", "microsoft-sovereign-cloud.customEnvironment.activeDirectoryEndpointUrl.description": "Koncový bod Active Directory pro vlastní suverénní cloud.", "microsoft-sovereign-cloud.customEnvironment.activeDirectoryResourceId.description": "ID prostředku Active Directory pro vlastní suverénní cloud.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json index 930d5316d4..6f5544ad5a 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ "version": "1.0.0", "contents": { "package": { - "description": "Extension to add terminal completions for zsh, bash, and fish terminals.", - "displayName": "Terminal Suggest for VS Code", - "view.name": "Terminal Suggest" + "description": "Rozšíření pro přidání dokončování v terminálu pro terminály zsh, bash a fish", + "displayName": "Návrh terminálu pro VS Code", + "view.name": "Návrh terminálu" } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json index 7f795a8f9f..dac4b713a9 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.explicit": "Animace plynulé stříšky je povolená jenom v případě, že uživatel přesune kurzor explicitním gestem.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.off": "Animace plynulé stříšky je zakázaná.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.on": "Animace plynulé stříšky je vždy povolená.", - "cursorStyle": "Určuje styl kurzoru.", + "cursorStyle": "Určuje styl kurzoru v režimu vstupu s vkládáním.", "cursorSurroundingLines": "Určuje minimální počet viditelných řádků před (minimálně 0) a za kurzorem (minimálně 1). V některých jiných editorech se toto nastavení označuje jako scrollOff nebo scrollOffset.", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle": "Určuje, kdy se má vynucovat nastavení #editor.cursorSurroundingLines#.", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle.all": "cursorSurroundingLines se vynucuje vždy.", @@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ "inline": "Rychlé návrhy se zobrazují jako zástupný text.", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Určuje, jestli se má uživatelům čtečky obrazovky poskytnout pomocný parametr usnadnění při zobrazení vloženého dokončení.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Určuje, jestli se mají ve vložených návrzích povolit experimentální úpravy.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.onlyShowWhenCloseToCursor": "Určuje, jestli se mají vložené návrhy zobrazovat jenom v případě, že je kurzor blízko návrhu.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useInterleavedLinesDiff": "Určuje, jestli se má ve vložených návrzích povolit experimentální funkce rozdílů s prokládanými řádky.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useMixedLinesDiff": "Určuje, jestli se mají ve vložených návrzích povolit experimentální úpravy.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "Určuje, jestli se mají v editoru automaticky zobrazovat vložené návrhy.", @@ -609,6 +610,8 @@ "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Určuje dobu prodlevy v milisekundách, po které se zvýrazní výskyty.", "off": "Rychlé návrhy jsou zakázané.", "on": "Rychlé návrhy se zobrazují ve widgetu návrhů.", + "overtypeCursorStyle": "Určuje styl kurzoru v režimu vstupu s přepisováním.", + "overtypeOnPaste": "Určuje, jestli se má při vkládání provádět přepisování.", "overviewRulerBorder": "Určuje, jestli má být kolem přehledového pravítka vykresleno ohraničení.", "padding.bottom": "Určuje velikost mezery mezi dolním okrajem editoru a posledním řádkem.", "padding.top": "Určuje velikost mezery mezi horním okrajem editoru a prvním řádkem.", @@ -1082,12 +1085,12 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/copyPasteContribution": { "pasteAs": "Vložit jako...", - "pasteAs.kind": "The kind of the paste edit to try pasting with.\r\nIf there are multiple edits for this kind, the editor will show a picker. If there are no edits of this kind, the editor will show an error message.", - "pasteAs.preferences": "List of preferred paste edit kind to try applying.\r\nThe first edit matching the preferences will be applied.", + "pasteAs.kind": "Druh úpravy vložení, pomocí kterého se má zkusit provést vložení\r\nPokud pro tento druh existuje více úprav, zobrazí editor ovládací prvek pro výběr. Pokud žádné úpravy tohoto druhu neexistují, editor zobrazí chybovou zprávu.", + "pasteAs.preferences": "Seznam upřednostňovaných druhů úprav vložení, které se mají zkusit použít\r\nPoužije se první úprava odpovídající předvolbám.", "pasteAsText": "Vložit jako text" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/copyPasteController": { - "noPreferences": "empty", + "noPreferences": "prázdný", "pasteAsDefault": "Konfigurovat výchozí akci vložení", "pasteAsError": "Pro {0} se nenašly žádné úpravy vložení.", "pasteAsPickerPlaceholder": "Vybrat akci vložení", @@ -1410,9 +1413,10 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Zobrazit další vložený návrh", "action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "Zobrazit předchozí vložený návrh", "action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "Aktivovat vložený návrh", - "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.inlineEdit": "Aktivovat vloženou úpravu", + "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.explicitInlineEdit": "Aktivovat vloženou úpravu", "jump": "Přejít na", - "noInlineEditAvailable": "Není k dispozici žádná vložená úprava." + "noInlineEditAvailable": "Není k dispozici žádná vložená úprava.", + "reject": "Reject" }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/controller/inlineCompletionContextKeys": { "cursorAtInlineEdit": "Určuje, jestli je kurzor na vložené úpravě.", @@ -2045,12 +2049,14 @@ }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "Marketplace není povolen.", + "VS Code for Web": "{0} pro Web", "incompatible platform": "Rozšíření „{0}“ není k dispozici v {1} pro {2}.", "incompatibleAPI": "Rozšíření {0} nejde nainstalovat. {1}", - "learn more": "Learn More", + "learn why": "Zjistěte proč", "malicious extension": "Rozšíření nelze nainstalovat, protože bylo nahlášeno jako problematické.", "multipleDependentsError": "Rozšíření {0} není možné odinstalovat. Závisí na něm rozšíření {1}, {2} a jedno další.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "Rozšíření {0} není možné odinstalovat. Vedlo by to i k odinstalaci rozšíření {1}, na němž závisí rozšíření {2}, {3} a některá další.", + "not allowed to install": "Toto rozšíření nelze nainstalovat, protože {0}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "Rozšíření {0} nelze nainstalovat, protože není kompatibilní s aktuální verzí {1} (verze {2}).", "notFoundDeprecatedReplacementExtension": "Rozšíření {0} se nedá nainstalovat, protože je zastaralé a náhradní rozšíření {1} nejde najít.", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "Není možné nainstalovat vydanou verzi rozšíření {0}, protože nemá žádnou vydanou verzi.", @@ -2059,6 +2065,13 @@ "twoDependentsError": "Rozšíření {0} není možné odinstalovat. Závisí na něm rozšíření {1} a {2}.", "twoIndirectDependentsError": "Rozšíření {0} není možné odinstalovat. Vedlo by to i k odinstalaci rozšíření {1}, na němž závisí rozšíření {2} a {3}." }, + "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/allowedExtensionsService": { + "extension prerelease not allowed": "předběžné verze tohoto rozšíření nejsou v [seznamu povolených]({0})", + "prerelease versions from this publisher not allowed": "předběžné verze od tohoto vydavatele nejsou v [seznamu povolených]({1})", + "publisher not allowed": "rozšíření od tohoto vydavatele nejsou v [seznamu povolených]({1})", + "specific extension not allowed": "není v [seznamu povolených]({0})", + "specific version of extension not allowed": "verze {0} tohoto rozšíření není v [seznamu povolených]({1})" + }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { "extensions": "Rozšíření", "preferences": "Předvolby" @@ -2096,10 +2109,6 @@ "updateMessage": "Rozšíření {0} se aktualizuje na verzi {1}.", "useId": "Zkontrolujte, že používáte úplné ID rozšíření, včetně vydavatele, například {0}." }, - "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementIpc": { - "incompatible platform": "Rozšíření „{0}“ není k dispozici v {1} pro {2}.", - "learn more": "Learn More" - }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionNls": { "missingNLSKey": "Nepovedlo se najít zprávu pro klíč {0}." }, @@ -2117,7 +2126,7 @@ "errorDeleting": "Při instalaci rozšíření {1} se nepovedlo odstranit existující složku {0}. Odstraňte prosím složku ručně a zkuste to znovu.", "incompatible": "Rozšíření nelze {0} nainstalovat, protože není kompatibilní s VS Code {1}.", "invalidManifest": "Rozšíření {0} se nedá nainstalovat kvůli neshodě manifestu s Marketplace.", - "not signed": "Rozšíření není podepsané.", + "notAllowed": "Toto rozšíření nelze nainstalovat, protože {0}", "removeError": "Chyba při odebírání rozšíření: {0}. Před opakováním pokusu prosím ukončete a znovu spusťte VS Code.", "restartCode": "Před přeinstalací {0} prosím restartujte VS Code.", "signature verification failed": "Ověření podpisu se nezdařilo s chybou {0}.", @@ -2725,6 +2734,9 @@ "activityWarningBadge.foreground": "Barva popředí odznáčku aktivity upozornění", "badgeBackground": "Barva pozadí odznáčku. Odznáčky jsou malé informační popisky, například s počtem výsledků hledání.", "badgeForeground": "Barva popředí odznáčku. Odznáčky jsou malé informační popisky, například s počtem výsledků hledání.", + "chartAxis": "Barva osy grafu", + "chartGuide": "Vodicí čára pro graf", + "chartLine": "Barva čáry grafu", "progressBarBackground": "Barva pozadí indikátoru průběhu, který se může zobrazit u dlouhotrvajících operací", "sashActiveBorder": "Barva ohraničení aktivních rámečků", "scrollbarShadow": "Stín posuvníku označující, že je zobrazení posouváno", @@ -3063,6 +3075,11 @@ "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadNotebookSaveParticipant": { "timeout.onWillSave": "Událost onWillSaveNotebookDocument-event se zrušila po 1750 ms" }, + "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadOutputService": { + "status.showOutput": "Zobrazit výstup", + "status.showOutputAria": "Zobrazit výstupní kanál {0}", + "status.showOutputTooltip": "Zobrazit výstupní kanál {0}" + }, "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadProgress": { "manageExtension": "Spravovat rozšíření" }, @@ -3868,6 +3885,7 @@ "miRestoreEditorsToMainWindow": "&&Obnovit editory do hlavního okna", "minimizeOtherEditorGroups": "Rozbalit skupinu editorů", "minimizeOtherEditorGroupsHideSidebar": "Rozbalit skupinu editorů a skrýt postranní panely", + "mitoggleOvertypeInsertMode": "&&Přepnout režim přepisování a vkládání", "moveActiveGroupDown": "Přesunout skupinu editorů dolů", "moveActiveGroupLeft": "Posunout skupinu editorů doleva", "moveActiveGroupRight": "Přesunout skupinu editorů doprava", @@ -3939,6 +3957,8 @@ "toggleEditorType": "Přepnout typ editoru", "toggleEditorWidths": "Přepnout velikosti skupin editorů", "toggleMaximizeEditorGroup": "Přepnout maximalizaci skupiny editorů", + "toggleOvertypeInsertMode": "Přepnout režim přepisování a vkládání", + "toggleOvertypeMode.description": "Umožňuje přepínat mezi režimem přepisování a vkládání.", "unpinEditor": "Odepnout editor" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorCommands": { @@ -4045,6 +4065,7 @@ "guessedEncoding": "Odhadnuto z obsahu", "indentConvert": "převést soubor", "indentView": "změnit zobrazení", + "inputModeOvertype": "PŘES", "languageDescription": "({0}) – nakonfigurovaný jazyk", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", "languagesPicks": "jazyky (identifikátor)", @@ -4071,6 +4092,7 @@ "spacesAndTabsSize": "Mezery: {0} (Velikost tabulátoru: {1})", "spacesSize": "Mezery: {0}", "status.editor.columnSelectionMode": "Režim výběru sloupce", + "status.editor.enableInsertMode": "Povolit režim vkládání", "status.editor.encoding": "Kódování v editoru", "status.editor.eol": "Konec řádku editoru", "status.editor.indentation": "Odsazení v editoru", @@ -4585,11 +4607,13 @@ "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.always": "Při otevírání vždy maximalizovat panel", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.never": "Při otevírání nikdy nemaximalizovat panel. Panel se otevře bez maximalizace.", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.preserve": "Otevřít panel nastavený tak, jak byl před zavřením", + "workbench.panel.output": "Zobrazení výstupu", "workbench.quickOpen.preserveInput": "Určuje, jestli se při příštím otevření mají obnovit data naposledy zadaná do okna rychlého otevření.", "workbench.reduceMotion": "Určuje, jestli se má pracovní plocha vykreslit s menším počtem animací.", "workbench.reduceMotion.auto": "Vykreslování s omezeným pohybem na základě konfigurace operačního systému.", "workbench.reduceMotion.off": "Nevykreslovat s omezeným pohybem", "workbench.reduceMotion.on": "Vždy vykreslovat s omezeným pohybem.", + "workbench.view.showQuietly": "Pokud rozšíření žádá o zobrazení skrytého zobrazení, zobrazí místo toho ukazatel stavového řádku, na který lze kliknout.", "wrapTabs": "Určuje, jestli mají být karty při překročení dostupného místa zalomeny na více řádků nebo jestli se má zobrazit posuvník. Tato hodnota je ignorována, pokud možnost {0} není nastavena na hodnotu {1}.", "zenMode.centerLayout": "Určuje, jestli se při zapnutí režimu Zen také zarovná rozložení na střed.", "zenMode.fullScreen": "Určuje, jestli se při zapnutí režimu Zen také přepne pracovní plocha do režimu zobrazení na celou obrazovku.", @@ -4775,6 +4799,7 @@ "panelStickyScrollBackground": "Barva pozadí rychlého posouvání na panelu", "panelStickyScrollBorder": "Barva pozadí statického posouvání na panelu.", "panelStickyScrollShadow": "Barva stínu rychlého posouvání na panelu", + "panelTitleBorder": "Barva ohraničení názvu panelu v dolní části oddělující název od zobrazení. Panely se zobrazují pod oblastí editorů a obsahují zobrazení, jako je výstup a integrovaný terminál.", "profileBadgeBackground": "Barva pozadí odznáčku profilu. Odznáček profilu se zobrazuje na ikoně ozubeného kolečka nastavení na panelu aktivit.", "profileBadgeForeground": "Barva popředí odznáčku profilu. Odznáček profilu se zobrazuje na ikoně ozubeného kolečka nastavení na panelu aktivit.", "sideBarActivityBarTopBorder": "Barva ohraničení mezi panelem aktivity v horní nebo dolní části a zobrazeními", @@ -4789,6 +4814,7 @@ "sideBarStickyScrollBorder": "Barva pozadí statického posouvání na bočním panelu.", "sideBarStickyScrollShadow": "Barva stínu statického posouvání na bočním panelu.", "sideBarTitleBackground": "Barva pozadí nadpisu postranního panelu. Postranní panel je kontejner pro zobrazení, jako je průzkumník a vyhledávání.", + "sideBarTitleBorder": "Barva ohraničení názvu postranního panelu v dolní části oddělující název od zobrazení. Postranní panel je kontejner pro zobrazení, jako je průzkumník a vyhledávání.", "sideBarTitleForeground": "Barva popředí názvu postranního panelu. Postranní panel je kontejner pro zobrazení, jako je průzkumník a vyhledávání.", "sideBySideEditor.horizontalBorder": "Barva, která oddělí dva editory od sebe, když se zobrazí vedle sebe ve skupině editorů shora dolů.", "sideBySideEditor.verticalBorder": "Barva, která oddělí dva editory od sebe, když se zobrazí vedle sebe ve skupině editorů zleva doprava.", @@ -5417,7 +5443,7 @@ "chat.clear.label": "Vymazat všechny chaty pracovního prostoru", "chat.history.label": "Zobrazit chaty…", "chat.history.rename": "Přejmenovat", - "chat.releaseNotes.label": "Explore New Features", + "chat.releaseNotes.label": "Prozkoumat nové funkce", "chatWith": "Chat s rozšířením", "currentChatLabel": "aktuální", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Vymazat historii vstupu", @@ -5427,12 +5453,16 @@ "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Přepnout na chat", "interactiveSession.open": "Otevřít editor", "learnMore": "Další informace", + "managePlan": "Spravovat plán Copilotu", + "manageSettings": "Spravovat nastavení Copilotu", "more": "Další…", "newChatTitle": "Nový název chatu", "openChat": "Otevřít chat", + "showCopilotUsageExtensions": "Zobrazit rozšíření pomocí Copilotu", "title4": "Chat", - "toggle.chatControl": "Ovládací prvky chatu", - "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Přepnout viditelnost ovládacích prvků chatu v záhlaví" + "toggle.chatControl": "Ovládací prvky Copilotu", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Přepnout viditelnost ovládacích prvků Copilotu v záhlaví", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { "chat.done.label": "Hotovo", @@ -5532,9 +5562,9 @@ "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "Tato akce vrátí zpět úpravy provedené v {0} souborech v pracovní sadě od této žádosti. Chcete pokračovat?", "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "Chcete opakovat poslední žádost?", "chat.startEditing.label2": "Upravit pomocí Copilotu", - "chat.startEditing.last": "The last {0} requests", - "chat.startEditing.pickAll": "All requests from the conversation", - "chat.startEditing.pickCustom": "Manually select requests...", + "chat.startEditing.last": "Posledních {0} žádostí", + "chat.startEditing.pickAll": "Všechny žádosti z konverzace", + "chat.startEditing.pickCustom": "Ručně vybrat žádosti...", "chat.startEditing.pickRequest": "Vyberte požadavky, které chcete použít pro úpravy.", "interactive.helpful.label": "Užitečné", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "Vložit do poznámkového bloku", @@ -5562,9 +5592,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Chat", - "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Určuje, jestli centrum příkazů zobrazí nabídku pro akce chatu (vyžaduje {0}).", + "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Určuje, jestli centrum příkazů zobrazuje nabídku akcí pro řízení Copilotu (vyžaduje {0}).", "chat.detectParticipant.enabled": "Povolí automatickou detekci účastníka chatu pro panelový chat.", - "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Určuje, jestli se před uložením souborů se změnami provedenými v chatu vždy zeptat.", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether files that have changes made by chat can be saved without confirmation.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Určuje, jestli se má před odebráním žádosti a přidružených úprav zobrazit potvrzení.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Určuje, jestli se má před opakováním žádosti a souvisejících úprav zobrazit potvrzení.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Povolí automatickou detekci účastníka chatu pro panelový chat.", @@ -5594,7 +5624,11 @@ "reservedName": "Toto rozšíření chatu používá vyhrazený název.", "viewExtensionLabel": "Zobrazit rozšíření" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAgentCommandContentPart": { + "rerun": "Znovu spustit bez {0}{1}" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAttachmentsContentPart": { + "chat.attachment": "Připojený kontext, {0}", "chat.attachment3": "Připojený kontext: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachment3": "Připojeno: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Připojeno: {0}, řádek {1} až řádek {2}.", @@ -5602,7 +5636,8 @@ "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Vynecháno: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Vynecháno: {0}, řádek {1} až řádek {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Částečně připojeno: {0}.", - "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "Částečně připojeno: {0}, řádek {1} až řádek {2}." + "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "Částečně připojeno: {0}, řádek {1} až řádek {2}.", + "resource": "Úplná hodnota prostředku přílohy chatu, včetně schématu a cesty" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatCodeCitationContentPart": { "viewMatches": "Zobrazit shody" @@ -5617,7 +5652,16 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatMarkdownContentPart": { "chat.codeblock.applying": "Aplikují se úpravy...", "chat.codeblock.applyingPercentage": "Aplikují se úpravy ({0}%)...", - "chat.codeblock.generating": "Generují se úpravy…" + "chat.codeblock.deletions": "Počet odstranění: {0}", + "chat.codeblock.deletions.one": "Počet odstranění: {0}", + "chat.codeblock.generating": "Generují se úpravy…", + "chat.codeblock.insertions": "Počet vložení: {0}", + "chat.codeblock.insertions.one": "Počet vložení: {0}", + "summary": "Upraveno: {0}, {1}, {2}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatQuotaExceededPart": { + "signedUpClickToContinue": "Signed up? Click to continue!", + "upgradeToCopilotPro": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { "addToChat": "Přidat soubor do chatu", @@ -5646,13 +5690,15 @@ "file": "Soubor", "files": "Soubory", "folder": "Složka", - "image": "Image" + "image": "Image", + "symbol": "Symbol" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingActions": { "accept": "Přijmout", "accept.file": "Přijmout", "acceptAllEdits": "Přijmout všechny úpravy", "addFileToWorkingSet": "Přidat soubor", + "addFilesFromReferences": "Přidat soubory z odkazů", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.manyFiles": "Tato akce vrátí zpět změny provedené uživatelem {0} v(e) {1} souborech. Chcete pokračovat?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.oneFile": "Tato akce vrátí zpět změny provedené uživatelem {0} v {1}. Chcete pokračovat?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.primaryButton": "Ano", @@ -5669,12 +5715,11 @@ "chat.undoEdits.label": "Vrátit zpět úpravy", "chatEditing.snapshot": "{0} (snímek {1})", "chatEditing.viewChanges": "Zobrazit všechny úpravy", + "clearWorkingSet": "Vymazat pracovní sadu", "discard": "Zahodit", "discard.file": "Zahodit", "discardAllEdits": "Zahodit všechny úpravy", "open.fileInDiff": "Otevřít změny v Editoru rozdílů", - "removeAll": "Remove All", - "removeAllFiles": "Remove All Files", "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Odebrat soubor", "workbench.action.chat.addSelectedFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Přidat vybrané soubory do pracovní sady" }, @@ -5687,7 +5732,7 @@ "chatEditing.modified": "Čekající změny z {0}", "chatEditing.modified2": "Čekající změny z chatu", "chatEditing.startingSession": "Generují se úpravy…", - "join.chatEditingSession": "Saving chat edits history" + "join.chatEditingSession": "Ukládá se historie úprav v chatu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingSession": { "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0} chce vytvořit soubor. Zvolte, kam se má uložit.", @@ -5706,6 +5751,7 @@ "undo2": "Vrátit zpět" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.ctxHasRequestInProgress": "The current editor shows a file from an edit session which is still in progress", "chat.hasEditorModifications": "Aktuální editor obsahuje úpravy z chatu" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { @@ -5713,12 +5759,14 @@ "chatEditorName": "Chat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorOverlay": { + "applyingPercentage": "{0}% Applying edits...", + "generating": "Generating edits...", "label": "Stav navigace", "nOfM": "{0} z(e) {1}", - "tooltip_11": "1 change in 1 file", - "tooltip_1n": "1 change in {0} files", - "tooltip_n1": "{0} changes in 1 file", - "tooltip_nm": "{0} changes in {1} files" + "tooltip_11": "1 změna v 1 souboru", + "tooltip_1n": "1 změna v(e) {0} souborech", + "tooltip_n1": "{0} změn(y) v 1 souboru", + "tooltip_nm": "{0} změn(y) v(e) {1} souborech" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { "chat": "chat", @@ -5751,8 +5799,7 @@ "miGotoDefinition": "Přejít k &&definici", "miGotoImplementations": "Přejít na &&implementace", "miGotoReference": "Přejít na &&odkazy", - "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Přejít na &&definice typů", - "resource": "Úplná hodnota prostředku ukotvení chatu, včetně schématu a cesty" + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Přejít na &&definice typů" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Vstup chatu, zadejte dotaz nebo zadejte / pro témata, stisknutím klávesy Enter odešlete žádost. {0} slouží pro nápovědu k přístupnosti chatu.", @@ -5764,17 +5811,19 @@ "chat.imageAttachment": "Připojený obrázek, {0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Odeslat komu: @{0}", "chatAddFiles": "{0} Přidat soubory...", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "The Working Set file limit has ben reached. {0} is excluded from the Woking Set. Remove other files to make space for {0}.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} files)", - "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "1 file is excluded from the Working Set.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "{0} files are excluded from the Working Set.", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "Bylo dosaženo limitu počtu souborů pracovní sady. Soubor {0} je z pracovní sady vyloučen. Pokud chcete uvolnit místo pro soubor {0}, odeberte jiné soubory.", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "(soubory: {0}/{1})", + "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "1 soubor je z pracovní sady vyloučen.", + "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "Počet souborů vyloučených z pracovní sady: {0}", "chatEditingSession.fileLimitReached": "Dosáhli jste maximálního počtu souborů, které lze přidat do pracovní sady.", "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "(počet souborů: {0})", "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 soubor)", + "chatEditingSession.removeSuggested": "Remove suggestion", "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Pracovní sada", "chatInput": "Vstup chatu", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Vstup chatu. Sem zadejte kód a stisknutím klávesy Enter ho spusťte. Další informace získáte pomocí příkazu Nápověda k usnadnění chatu.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Další…" + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Další…", + "suggeste.title": "{0} - {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "vybráno {0}", @@ -5791,7 +5840,7 @@ "usedAgent": "[[(znovu spustit bez)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "použito: {0} [[(znovu spustit bez)]]" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipant.contribution": { "chat.viewContainer.label": "Chat", "chatCommand": "Krátký název, na který se tento příkaz odkazuje v uživatelském rozhraní, např. `fix` nebo * `explain` pro příkazy, které opravují problém nebo vysvětlují kód. Název by měl být v rámci příkazů zadaných tímto účastníkem jedinečný.", "chatCommandDescription": "Popis tohoto příkazu", @@ -5804,7 +5853,7 @@ "chatCommandWhen": "Podmínka, která musí být true, aby byl tento příkaz povolen.", "chatCommandsDescription": "Příkazy dostupné pro tohoto účastníka chatu, které uživatel může vyvolat pomocí lomítka (/).", "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Úpravy v Copilotu", - "chatFailErrorMessage": "Chat failed to load because the installed version of the {0} extension is not compatible with this version of {1}. Please ensure that the {2} extension is up to date.", + "chatFailErrorMessage": "Chat se nepodařilo načíst, protože nainstalovaná verze rozšíření Chat s Copilotem není kompatibilní s touto verzí {0}. Ujistěte se prosím, že je rozšíření Chat s Copilotem aktuální.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Popis tohoto účastníka chatu zobrazený v uživatelském rozhraní", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Metadata, která pomáhají automaticky směrovat dotazy uživatelů na tohoto účastníka chatu", "chatParticipantDisambiguationCategory": "Podrobný název této kategorie, např. workspace_questions nebo web_questions.", @@ -5821,22 +5870,53 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Přidává účastníka chatu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedAttachment.multipleLines": "Počet řádků: {0}", + "pastedAttachment.oneLine": "1 řádek", + "pastedCodeAttachment": "Příloha s vloženým kódem", + "pastedImageAttachment": "Příloha s vloženým obrázkem", "pastedImageName": "Vložený obrázek" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup.contribution": { - "hideChatSetup": "Hide {0}", - "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide {0}?", - "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore chat controls from the 'chat.commandCenter.enabled' setting.", - "installChat": "Nainstalovat {0}", - "learnMore": "Další informace", - "setup": "Nainstalovat {0}", - "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Setting up Chat for you...", - "setupChatSigningIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", - "setupFooter": "By proceeding you agree to our [privacy statement]({0}).", - "setupHeader": "{0} is your AI pair programmer.", - "signInAndInstallChat": "Přihlaste se, abyste mohli používat {0}.", - "signInAndSetup": "Přihlaste se, abyste mohli používat {0}.", - "triggerChatSetup": "Aktivovat nastavení chatu" + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatQuotasService": { + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached the limits of your Copilot Free plan, click for details", + "chatQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly chat messages limit, click for details", + "completionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly code completions limit, click for details", + "copilotQuotaExceeded": "Copilot Limit Reached", + "dismiss": "Dismiss", + "indicator": "Copilot Quota Indicator", + "limit reached": "Copilot Free", + "limit reset": "Your limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitReached": "Limit Reached", + "managePlan": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "out of completions": "You've run out of free code completions, but free chat responses are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of free chat responses": "You've run out of free chat responses, but free code completions are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of limits": "You've reached the limits of the Copilot Free plan.", + "simulateCopilotQuotaExceeded": "Simulate Copilot Quota Exceeded", + "upgradeChat": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "upgradeToPro": "Here's what you can expect when upgrading to Copilot Pro:\r\n- Unlimited code completions\r\n- Unlimited chat interactions\r\n- 30 day free trial" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup": { + "detectionLabel": "Allow code suggestions that [match public code]({0})", + "featureChat": "Code faster with completions and Inline Chat", + "featureEdits": "Build features and resolve bugs with Copilot Edits", + "featureExplore": "Explore your codebase with chat", + "hideChatSetup": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupButton": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide Copilot?", + "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore Copilot by running the '{0}' command.", + "limitedSkuHeader": "$(sparkle-filled) We now offer [Copilot for free]({0}).", + "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Getting Copilot Ready...", + "setupChatProgress": "Getting Copilot ready...", + "setupChatSignIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", + "setupHeader": "[Copilot]({0} 'Copilot') is your AI pair programmer.", + "signInGh": "Sign in with a GitHub.com Account", + "signInGhe": "Sign in with a GHE.com Account", + "signUp": "Sign in to Use Copilot", + "signUpFree": "Sign in to Use Copilot for Free", + "startUp": "Use Copilot", + "startUpLimited": "Use Copilot for Free", + "termsLabel": "By continuing, you agree to our [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free...", + "welcomeChat": "Welcome to Copilot" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { "chatWidget.tips": "{0} nebo napište {1} pro připojení kontextu\r\n\r\n{2} pro chat s rozšířeními\r\n\r\nNapište {3} pro použití příkazů", @@ -5849,8 +5929,8 @@ "chat.codeBlockHelp": "Blok kódu", "chat.codeBlockLabel": "Blok kódu {0}", "chat.compareCodeBlockLabel": "Úpravy kódu", - "chat.edits.1": "V [[{0}]] byla provedena 1 změna.", - "chat.edits.N": "V [[{1}]] byl proveden tento počet změn: {0}.", + "chat.edits.1": "Applied 1 change in [[``{0}``]]", + "chat.edits.N": "Applied {0} changes in [[``{1}``]]", "chat.edits.rejected": "Úpravy v [[{0}]] byly odmítnuty.", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm": "Původní soubor byl změněn.", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm.detail": "Chcete změny přesto použít?", @@ -5866,13 +5946,14 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { "fileEntryDescription": "{0} ({1})", "installLabel": "Nainstalovat rozšíření chatu...", - "pickFileLabel": "Vybrat soubor" + "pickFileLabel": "Vybrat soubor", + "pickSymbolLabel": "Vyberte symbol" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "Tady je část zobrazovaná po najetí myší na agenta chatu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputRelatedFilesContrib": { - "relatedFile": "Navrhovaný soubor" + "relatedFile": "{0} (Suggested)" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { "screenshot": "Snímek obrazovky" @@ -5880,7 +5961,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { "toolInvocationMessage": "Používá se {0}" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeHandler": { "chatViewsWelcome.content": "Obsah uvítací zprávy První odkaz příkazu se vykreslí jako tlačítko.", "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "Ikona uvítací zprávy", "chatViewsWelcome.title": "Nadpis uvítací zprávy", @@ -5917,12 +5998,6 @@ "chatResponseFiltered": "Pravda, když server vyfiltroval odpověď chatu.", "chatResponseSupportsIssueReporting": "True, když aktuální odpověď na chat podporuje hlášení problémů", "chatSessionResponseDetectedAgentOrCommand": "Když se agent nebo příkaz zjistí automaticky", - "chatSetupEntitled": "True, když je přihlášenému oprávněnému uživateli nabídnuto nastavení chatu.", - "chatSetupInstalled": "True when the chat extension is installed.", - "chatSetupInstalling": "True, když nastavení chatu instaluje chat.", - "chatSetupSignedIn": "True, když je přihlášenému uživateli nabídnuto nastavení chatu.", - "chatSetupSigningIn": "True, když nastavení chatu čeká na přihlášení.", - "chatSetupTriggered": "True, když se aktivuje nastavení chatu.", "inChat": "True, pokud je fokus ve widgetu chatu, jinak false.", "inInteractiveInput": "True, pokud je fokus ve vstupu chatu, jinak false.", "inQuickChat": "True, pokud má uživatelské rozhraní rychlého chatu fokus, jinak false", @@ -5952,7 +6027,8 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.languageModels.whitespaceVendor": "Pole dodavatele nemůže začínat ani končit prázdnými znaky." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelStats": { - "Language Models": "Jazykové modely", + "Language Models": "Copilot", + "chat": "chat", "languageModels": "Statistika využití jazykových modelů tohoto rozšíření" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { @@ -6672,6 +6748,7 @@ "findExtension": "&&Najít rozšíření: {0}", "installExt": "Nainstalovat rozšíření...", "installLanguage": "Nainstalovat rozšíření pro {0}...", + "moreOptionsForDebugType": "Další možnosti ({0})...", "selectDebug": "Vybrat ladicí program", "suggestedDebuggers": "Navrhováno", "suppressMultipleSessionWarning": "Zakázat upozornění při pokusu o spuštění stejné konfigurace ladění více než jednou." @@ -7037,7 +7114,6 @@ "allDebuggersDisabled": "Všechna rozšíření ladění jsou zakázaná. Povolte rozšíření ladění nebo nainstalujte nové z Marketplace.", "customizeRunAndDebug": "Pokud si chcete přizpůsobit konfiguraci Spustit a ladit, [vytvořte soubor launch.json](command:{0}).", "customizeRunAndDebugOpenFolder": "Pokud si chcete přizpůsobit konfiguraci Spustit a ladit, [otevřete složku](command:{0}) a vytvořte soubor launch.json.", - "detectThenRunAndDebug": "Zobrazit všechny konfigurace automatického ladění", "openAFileWhichCanBeDebugged": "[Otevřete soubor](command:{0}), který lze ladit nebo spustit.", "run": "Spustit", "runAndDebugAction": "Spustit a ladit" @@ -7057,6 +7133,7 @@ "breakpointWidgetVisibile": "True, když je viditelný widget zóny editoru zarážek, jinak false", "breakpointsExist": "True, když existuje alespoň jedna zarážka", "breakpointsFocused": "True, když má zobrazení ZARÁŽKY fokus, jinak false", + "callStackFocused": "True, když má zobrazení CALLSTACK fokus, jinak false", "callStackItemStopped": "True, pokud je položka s fokusem v ZÁSOBNÍKU VOLÁNÍ zastavená. Používá se interně pro vložené nabídky v zobrazení ZÁSOBNÍK VOLÁNÍ.", "callStackItemType": "Představuje typ položky elementu s fokusem v zobrazení ZÁSOBNÍK VOLÁNÍ. Příklad: session, thread, stackFrame", "callStackSessionHasOneThread": "True, pokud relace s fokusem v zobrazení ZÁSOBNÍK VOLÁNÍ má přesně jedno vlákno. Používá se interně pro vložené nabídky v zobrazení ZÁSOBNÍK VOLÁNÍ.", @@ -7325,10 +7402,10 @@ "errors": "Nezachycené chyby: {0}", "extensionActivating": "Rozšíření se aktivuje", "languageActivation": "Aktivováno prostřednictvím {1}, protože jste otevřeli soubor {0}", - "requests count": "{0} žádostí: {1} (celkem)", + "requests count": "Využití {0}: počet žádostí: {1}", "requests count title": "Poslední žádost byla {0}.", "runtimeExtensions": "Rozšíření modulu runtime", - "session requests count": ", {0} (relace)", + "session requests count": ", počet žádostí (relace): {0}", "showRuntimeExtensions": "Zobrazit spuštěná rozšíření", "starActivation": "Aktivováno prostřednictvím {0} při spuštění", "startupFinishedActivation": "Aktivováno prostřednictvím {0} po dokončení spuštění", @@ -7401,16 +7478,15 @@ "accessExtensionFeature": "Povolit funkci {0}", "activation": "Aktivace", "cancel": "Zrušit", + "chartDescription": "Za posledních 30 dní byl z tohoto rozšíření zaznamenán tento počet žádostí: {0} {1}.", "disableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "Chcete odvolat rozšíření {0} pro přístup k funkci {1}?", "enable": "Povolit přístup", "enableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "Chcete povolit rozšíření {0} pro přístup k funkci {1}?", "extension features list": "Funkce rozšíření", "grant": "Povolit přístup", - "last request": "Poslední žádost: {0}", + "label": "Využití {0}", "messaages": "Zprávy ({0})", "noFeatures": "Nepřispívá žádnými funkcemi.", - "requests count session": "Žádosti (relace): {0}", - "requests count total": "Žádosti (celkem): {0}", "revoke": "Odvolat přístup", "revoked": "Žádný přístup", "runtime": "Stav modulu runtime", @@ -7461,6 +7537,7 @@ "enabled filter": "Povoleno", "extension": "Rozšíření", "extension updates filter": "Aktualizace", + "extension.publisher.allow.description": "Povolení nebo zakázání všech rozšíření od vydavatele", "extensionInfoDescription": "Popis: {0}", "extensionInfoId": "ID: {0}", "extensionInfoName": "Název: {0}", @@ -7470,11 +7547,25 @@ "extensionUpdates": "Zobrazit aktualizace rozšíření", "extensions": "Rozšíření", "extensions.affinity": "Nakonfigurujte rozšíření, které se má spustit v jiném hostitelském procesu rozšíření.", + "extensions.allow.all.description": "Povolení nebo zakázání všech rozšíření", + "extensions.allow.all.disable": "Zakázání všech rozšíření", + "extensions.allow.all.enable": "Povolení všech rozšíření", + "extensions.allow.description": "Povolení nebo zakázání rozšíření", + "extensions.allow.version.description": "Povolení nebo zakázání konkrétní verze rozšíření K určení konkrétní verze platformy použijte formát „platform@1.2.3“, například „win32-x64@1.2.3“. Podporované platformy jsou win32-x64, win32-arm64, linux-x64, linux-arm64, linux-armhf, alpine-x64, alpine-arm64, dashboard-x64, unix-arm64 a unix-arm64.", + "extensions.allowed": "Specify a list of extensions that are allowed to use. This helps maintain a secure and consistent development environment by restricting the use of unauthorized extensions. For more information on how to configure this setting, please visit the [Configure Allowed Extensions](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/enterprise#_configure-allowed-extensions) section.", + "extensions.allowed.all": "Všechna rozšíření jsou povolena.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.desc": "Rozšíření není povoleno.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "Povolení pouze stabilních verzí rozšíření", + "extensions.allowed.enable.desc": "Rozšíření je povoleno.", + "extensions.allowed.none": "Nejsou povolena žádná rozšíření.", "extensions.autoUpdate": "Určuje chování automatických aktualizací rozšíření. Aktualizace se načítají z online služby Microsoftu.", "extensions.autoUpdate.enabled": "Umožňuje automaticky stahovat a instalovat aktualizace pouze pro vybraná rozšíření.", "extensions.autoUpdate.false": "Rozšíření se neaktualizují automaticky.", "extensions.autoUpdate.true": "Umožňuje automaticky stahovat a instalovat aktualizace pro všechna rozšíření.", "extensions.gallery.useUnpkgResourceApi": "Pokud je tato možnost povolená, rozšíření, která se mají aktualizovat, se načítají ze služby Unpkg.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.desc": "Všechna rozšíření od vydavatele nejsou povolena.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "Povolení pouze stabilních verzí rozšíření od vydavatele", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.enable.desc": "Všechna rozšíření od vydavatele jsou povolena.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces": "Přepíše podporu nedůvěryhodného pracovního prostoru rozšíření. Rozšíření, která používají hodnotu true, budou vždy povolená. Rozšíření používající omezené jsou vždy povolená a rozšíření skryje funkce, které vyžadují vztah důvěryhodnosti. Rozšíření, která používají hodnotu false, se povolí jenom v případě, že je pracovní prostor důvěryhodný.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.false": "Rozšíření bude povoleno pouze v případě, že je pracovní prostor důvěryhodný.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.limited": "Rozšíření bude vždy povoleno a rozšíření bude skrývat funkce vyžadující vztah důvěryhodnosti.", @@ -7485,6 +7576,7 @@ "extensions.verifySignature": "Pokud je tato možnost povolená, před instalací se ověří, že jsou rozšíření podepsaná.", "extensionsCheckUpdates": "Když je povoleno, automaticky se vyhledávají aktualizace rozšíření. Pokud je pro rozšíření k dispozici aktualizace, je rozšíření v zobrazení rozšíření označeno jako zastaralé. Aktualizace se načítají z online služby Microsoftu.", "extensionsCloseExtensionDetailsOnViewChange": "Pokud je povoleno, editory s podrobnostmi o rozšíření se při přechodu mimo zobrazení rozšíření automaticky zavřou.", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Rozšíření", "extensionsDeferredStartupFinishedActivation": "Pokud je tato možnost povolená, rozšíření, která deklarují aktivační událost onStartupFinished, se aktivují po vypršení časového limitu.", "extensionsIgnoreRecommendations": "Pokud je povoleno, nebudou se zobrazovat oznámení s doporučením rozšíření.", "extensionsInQuickAccess": "Pokud je tato možnost povolená, je možné rozšíření vyhledávat prostřednictvím Rychlého přístupu a hlásit problémy odtud.", @@ -7556,6 +7648,7 @@ "workbench.extensions.action.configureKeybindings": "Klávesové zkratky", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtension": "Kopírovat", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtensionId": "Kopírovat ID rozšíření", + "workbench.extensions.action.copyLink": "Kopírovat odkaz", "workbench.extensions.action.ignoreRecommendation": "Ignorovat doporučení", "workbench.extensions.action.removeExtensionFromWorkspaceRecommendations": "Odebrat z doporučení pracovního prostoru", "workbench.extensions.action.toggleApplyToAllProfiles": "Použít rozšíření pro všechny profily", @@ -7614,6 +7707,7 @@ "disableGloballyAction": "Zakázat", "disableGloballyActionToolTip": "Zakázat toto rozšíření", "disabled": "Zakázáno", + "disabled - not allowed": "Toto rozšíření je zakázáno, protože {0}", "disabled because of virtual workspace": "Toto rozšíření je zakázané, protože nepodporuje virtuální pracovní prostory.", "disabled by environment": "Toto rozšíření je zakázáno prostředím.", "do not sync": "Nesynchronizovat toto rozšíření", @@ -7836,6 +7930,7 @@ "no local extensions": "Nejsou k dispozici žádná rozšíření, která by bylo možné nainstalovat.", "offline error": "Marketplace se nedá prohledávat v režimu offline. Zkontrolujte prosím vaše síťové připojení.", "open user settings": "Otevřít uživatelská nastavení", + "showingExtensionsForFeature": "Extensions using {0} in the last 30 days", "suggestProxyError": "Marketplace vrátil chybu ECONNREFUSED. Zkontrolujte prosím nastavení http.proxy." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/extensionsWidgets": { @@ -7845,6 +7940,8 @@ "extensionIconStarForeground": "Barva ikony pro hodnocení rozšíření", "extensionIconVerifiedForeground": "Barva ikony pro ověřeného vydavatele rozšíření", "extensionPreReleaseForeground": "Barva ikony pro rozšíření předběžné verze.", + "feature access label": "Počet žádostí: {0}", + "feature usage label": "Využití {0}", "has prerelease": "U tohoto rozšíření je k dispozici {0}.", "local extension": "Místní rozšíření", "message": "Počet zpráv: 1", @@ -7856,6 +7953,7 @@ "sponsor": "Sponzor", "startup": "Spuštění", "syncingore.label": "Toto rozšíření se během synchronizace ignoruje.", + "total": "Počet žádostí za posledních 30 dní: {0} {1}", "uncaught error": "Nezachycené chyby: 1", "uncaught errors": "Nezachycené chyby: {0}", "updateRequired": "Nejnovější verze:", @@ -7873,11 +7971,13 @@ "deprecated extensions": "Zjistila se zastaralá rozšíření. Zkontrolujte je a migrujte na alternativy.", "disable all": "Zakázat vše", "disableDependents": "Zakázat rozšíření se závislými rozšířeními", - "disallowed": "This extension is disallowed to be installed.", - "download": "Download", + "disallowed": "Toto rozšíření není povoleno instalovat.", + "disallowed extensions": "Some extensions are disabled because they are configured not to be allowed.", + "disallowed extensions by policy": "Some extensions are disabled because they are not allowed by your system administrator.", + "download": "Stáhnout", "download title": "Vyberte složku, do které se má stáhnout VSIX", "download.completed": "Stažení VSIX bylo úspěšně dokončeno.", - "downloading...": "Downlading VSIX...", + "downloading...": "Stahuje se VSIX...", "enable locally": "Pokud chcete toto rozšíření povolit místně, proveďte prosím toto: {0}.", "enable remote": "Pokud chcete toto rozšíření povolit v {1}, proveďte prosím toto: {0}.", "enableButtonLabel": "&&Povolit rozšíření", @@ -7886,6 +7986,7 @@ "enableExtensionTitle": "Povolit rozšíření", "extension not found": "Rozšíření {0} nebylo nalezeno.", "extensionsAutoRestart": "Rozšíření se automaticky restartovala, aby se povolily aktualizace.", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Rozšíření", "incompatible": "Rozšíření {0} nelze nainstalovat, protože není kompatibilní.", "incompatibleExtensions": "Některá rozšíření jsou zakázána z důvodu nekompatibilní verze. Zkontrolujte je a aktualizujte.", "installButtonLabel": "&&Nainstalovat rozšíření", @@ -7899,12 +8000,12 @@ "malicious": "Toto rozšíření je hlášeno jako problematické.", "multipleDependentsError": "Nejde zakázat samotné rozšíření {0}. Na tomto rozšíření závisí {1}, {2} a další rozšíření. Chcete zakázat všechna tato rozšíření?", "multipleDependentsUninstallError": "Rozšíření {0} nelze odinstalovat samostatně. Závisí na něm rozšíření {1}, {2} a některá další. Chcete odinstalovat všechna tato rozšíření?", - "not an extension": "The provided object is not an extension.", + "not an extension": "Zadaný objekt není rozšířením.", "not found": "Rozšíření {0} se nedá nainstalovat, protože se nenašlo.", "not found version": "Rozšíření {0} se nepovedlo nainstalovat, protože požadovaná verze {1} se nenašla.", - "not signed": "This extension is not signed.", + "not signed": "Toto rozšíření není podepsané.", "open": "Otevřít rozšíření", - "platform placeholder": "Please select the platform for which you want to download the VSIX", + "platform placeholder": "Vyberte prosím platformu, pro kterou chcete stáhnout VSIX.", "postDisableTooltip": "Pokud chcete toto rozšíření zakázat, proveďte prosím toto: {0}.", "postEnableTooltip": "Pokud chcete toto rozšíření povolit, proveďte prosím toto: {0}.", "postUninstallTooltip": "Pokud chcete dokončit odinstalaci tohoto rozšíření, proveďte prosím toto: {0}.", @@ -7936,6 +8037,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/workspaceRecommendations": { "workspaceRecommendation": "Toto rozšíření doporučují uživatelé aktuálního pracovního prostoru." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensions": { + "extensions": "Rozšíření" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensionsFileTemplate": { "app.extension.identifier.errorMessage": "Očekával se formát ${publisher}.${name}. Příklad: vscode.csharp", "app.extensions.json.recommendations": "Seznam rozšíření, která by se měla doporučovat uživatelům tohoto pracovního prostoru. Identifikátor rozšíření je vždy ${publisher}.${name}. Například: vscode.csharp", @@ -8548,8 +8652,14 @@ "welcome.2": "Probíhá příprava..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { - "inlineChatExpansion": "Určuje, jestli je na konci právě napsaného řádku povoleno rozšíření vloženého chatu.", - "startWithCurrentLine": "Začít v editoru na aktuálním řádku" + "defaultTitle": "Chat", + "disableHint": "Zakázat nápovědu k vloženému chatu", + "hideHint": "Skrýt nápovědu k vloženému chatu", + "inlineChatShowingHint": "Určuje, jestli se v vloženém chatu zobrazuje kontextová nápověda.", + "showHint": "Zobrazit nápovědu k vloženému chatu", + "startWithCurrentLine": "Začít v editoru na aktuálním řádku", + "title1": "{0} k pokračování pomocí {1}", + "title2": "{0} k úpravě pomocí {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { "config": "Změny vygenerované AI vždy ukládat bez dotazování", @@ -8574,6 +8684,7 @@ "accessibleDiffView.on": "Přístupný prohlížeč rozdílů je vždy povolen.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatInserted": "Barva značky přehledového pravítka pro vložený obsah vloženého chatu.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatRemoved": "Barva značky přehledového pravítka pro odebraný obsah vloženého chatu.", + "emptyLineHint": "Určuje, jestli se má na prázdných řádcích zobrazovat nápověda pro generování kódu pomocí vloženého chatu.", "finishOnType": "Určuje, jestli se má při psaní mimo změněné oblasti dokončit relace vloženého chatu.", "holdToSpeech": "Určuje, jestli podržení klávesové zkratky vložené konverzace automaticky povolí rozpoznávání řeči.", "inlineChat.background": "Barva pozadí widgetu interaktivního editoru", @@ -8605,6 +8716,7 @@ "inlineChatResponseTypes": "Jaké typy odpovědí byly přijaty, zatím nic, jen zprávy, nebo zprávy a místní úpravy", "inlineChatUserDidEdit": "Určuje, jestli uživatel provedl změny v rámci vloženého chatu", "inlineChatVisible": "Určuje, jestli je interaktivní vstup editoru viditelný", + "lineSuffixHint": "Whether a hint to complete a line with inline chat is shown. Only shows when at the end of a line that is dominated by natural language, like `class Person with name and hobbies`", "mode": "Nakonfigurujte, jestli se změny vytvořené pomocí vloženého chatu použijí přímo na dokument nebo se nejdřív zobrazí náhled.", "mode.live": "Změny se aplikují přímo na dokument. Dají se zvýraznit pomocí vložených rozdílů a přijmout nebo zahodit různě. Ukončení relace zachová změny.", "mode.preview": "Změny se zobrazují pouze v náhledu a je nutné je přijmout pomocí tlačítka Použít. Ukončení relace zahodí změny." @@ -9408,8 +9520,7 @@ "notebookActions.chatFixCellError": "Opravit chybu buňky" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellDiagnostics/diagnosticCellStatusBarContrib": { - "notebook.cell.status.explain": "Vysvětlit pomocí chatu", - "notebook.cell.status.fix": "Opravit pomocí vloženého chatu" + "notebook.cell.status.diagnostic": "Rychlé akce {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/executionStatusBarItemController": { "notebook.cell.status.executing": "Provádí se", @@ -9417,7 +9528,8 @@ "notebook.cell.status.pending": "Čekající", "notebook.cell.status.success": "Úspěch", "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip": "**Poslední spuštění** {0}\r\n\r\n**Doba spuštění** {1}\r\n\r\n **Režijní čas** {2}\r\n\r\n **Doby vykreslování**\r\n\r\n{3}", - "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Pomocí výše uvedených odkazů můžete nahlásit problém pomocí hlásiče problémů." + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Pomocí výše uvedených odkazů můžete nahlásit problém pomocí hlásiče problémů.", + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerVerbose": "Last Execution: {0}, Duration: {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/statusBarProviders": { "notebook.cell.status.autoDetectLanguage": "Přijmout rozpoznaný jazyk: {0}", @@ -9775,6 +9887,9 @@ "insertToolbarLocation.notebookToolbar": "Panel nástrojů v horní části editoru poznámkového bloku.", "notebook.VariablesView.description": "Na panelu ladění povolte experimentální zobrazení proměnných poznámkového bloku.", "notebook.backup.sizeLimit": "Limit výstupní velikosti poznámkového bloku v kilobajtech (kB), kdy se již nebudou zálohovat soubory poznámkového bloku pro opětovné načtení za provozu. Pro neomezenou velikost použijte hodnotu 0.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.default.description": "The cell execution duration is visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.description": "Controls the verbosity of the cell execution time in the cell status bar.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.verbose.description": "The cell last execution timestamp and duration are visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", "notebook.cellFailureDiagnostics": "Zobrazí dostupnou diagnostiku pro selhání buněk.", "notebook.cellGenerate": "Pokud chcete vytvořit buňku kódu s povoleným vloženým chatem, povolte experimentální akci generování.", "notebook.cellToolbarLocation.description": "Určuje, kde se má zobrazit panel nástrojů buňky nebo jestli má být skrytý.", @@ -12654,8 +12769,8 @@ "suggest.builtinCompletions": "Určuje, která předdefinovaná dokončování se aktivují. Toto nastavení může způsobit konflikty, pokud jsou v profilu prostředí nakonfigurována vlastní dokončení prostředí.", "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshCode": "Vlastní dokončování argumentů PowerShellu se zaregistrují pro rozhraní příkazového řádku „code“ a „code-insiders“ ve VS Code. V současné době je to velmi základní a vždy to navrhuje příznaky a dílčí příkazy bez kontroly kontextu.", "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshGit": "Vlastní dokončování argumentů PowerShellu se zaregistrují pro rozhraní příkazového řádku „git“.", - "suggest.enableExtensionCompletions": "Controls whether extension completions are enabled.", - "suggest.enabled": "Enables experimental terminal Intellisense suggestions for supported shells ({0}) when {1} is set to {2}.\r\n\r\nIf shell integration is installed manually, {3} needs to be set to {4} before calling the shell integration script. \r\n\r\nFor extension provided completions, {5} will also need to be set.", + "suggest.enableExtensionCompletions": "Určuje, jestli jsou povolená dokončování rozšíření.", + "suggest.enabled": "Povolí experimentální návrhy IntelliSense terminálu pro podporovaná prostředí ({0}), když je {1} nastaveno na {2}.\r\n\r\nPokud je integrace prostředí nainstalována ručně, {3} se musí být před voláním skriptu integrace prostředí nastavit na {4}. \r\n\r\nU dokončování poskytovaných rozšířením je také potřeba nastavit {5}.", "suggest.quickSuggestions": "Určuje, jestli se při psaní mají automaticky zobrazovat návrhy. Pozor také na nastavení {0}, které řídí, jestli budou návrhy vyvolány speciálními znaky.", "suggest.runOnEnter": "Určuje, jestli se mají návrhy spustit okamžitě, když je k přijetí výsledku použita klávesa Enter (nikoli Tab).", "suggest.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": "Určuje, jestli se mají při napsání aktivačních znaků automaticky zobrazovat návrhy." @@ -12888,7 +13003,8 @@ "testingCountBadgePassed": "Úspěšné testy: {0}", "testingCountBadgeSkipped": "Přeskočené testy: {0}", "testingFindExtension": "Zobrazit testy pracovní prostoru", - "testingNoTest": "V tomto souboru nebyly nalezeny žádné testy." + "testingNoTest": "V tomto souboru nebyly nalezeny žádné testy.", + "testingSelectConfig": "Vybrat konfiguraci..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Zavřít", @@ -13067,6 +13183,11 @@ "testError": "Při pokusu o spuštění testů došlo k chybě: {0}", "testTrust": "Spuštěné testy můžou ve vašem pracovním prostoru spustit kód." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/testTypes": { + "testing.runProfileBitset.coverage": "Pokrytí", + "testing.runProfileBitset.debug": "Ladit", + "testing.runProfileBitset.run": "Spustit" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/themes/browser/themes.contribution": { "browseColorThemeInMarketPlace.label": "Procházení barevných motivů na Marketplace", "browseColorThemes": "Procházet další barevné motivy…", @@ -13656,7 +13777,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { "getStarted": "Vítejte", - "walkthroughPageTitle": "Průvodce: " + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Podrobný návod: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "Integrované", @@ -13674,6 +13795,7 @@ "browsePopularWeb": "Procházet oblíbená webová rozšíření", "cloneRepo": "Naklonovat úložiště", "commandPalette": "Otevřít paletu příkazů", + "copilotTerms": "By continuing, you agree to Copilot [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", "enableSync": "Nastavení zálohování a synchronizace", "enableTrust": "Povolit důvěryhodnost", "getting-started-beginner-icon": "Ikona používaní pro kategorii pro začátečníky na úvodní stránce", @@ -13695,6 +13817,8 @@ "gettingStarted.commandPalette.title": "Pracujte produktivněji díky využívání palety příkazů ", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.description.interpolated": "Spouštějte příkazy pro jakékoli úlohy ve VS Code bez nutnosti používat myš.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.title": "Pracujte produktivněji díky využívání palety příkazů ", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.description": "Write code faster and smarter with [Copilot]({0}) for free.", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.title": "Use AI features with Copilot for free", "gettingStarted.debug.description.interpolated": "Urychlete cyklus úprav, sestavení, testování a ladění nastavením konfigurace spuštění.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.debug.title": "Sledujte svůj kód v akci", "gettingStarted.extensions.description.interpolated": "Rozšíření vylepšují VS Code. Nabízejí užitečné nástroje pro produktivitu, rozšiřují původní funkce, nebo třeba přidávají funkce, které jsou zcela nové.\r\n{0}", @@ -13789,6 +13913,9 @@ "quickOpen": "Rychle otevřít soubor", "runProject": "Spuštění projektu", "runTasks": "Spustit automaticky zjištěné úkoly", + "setupCopilotButton.chatWithCopilot": "Chat with Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.setup": "Setup Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.signIn": "Sign in to use Copilot", "showOrFocusHover": "Zobrazit nebo zaměřit na najetí myší", "showTerminal": "Otevřít terminál", "titleID": "Procházet barevné motivy", @@ -14046,6 +14173,7 @@ "menus.explorerContextShare": "Podnabídka „Sdílet“ v místní nabídce Průzkumníka souborů", "menus.extensionContext": "Místní nabídka rozšíření", "menus.historyItemContext": "Místní nabídka položky historie správy zdrojového kódu", + "menus.historyItemRefContext": "Místní nabídka odkazu na položku historie správy zdrojového kódu", "menus.home": "Místní nabídka indikátoru domovské stránky (jen web)", "menus.input": "Nabídka vstupního pole správy zdrojového kódu", "menus.mergeEditorResult": "Panel nástrojů výsledků v editoru sloučení", @@ -14350,6 +14478,7 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/browser/extensionEnablementService": { "Reload": "Znovu načíst a povolit rozšíření", "cannot change disablement environment": "Povolení rozšíření {0} není možné změnit, protože je v prostředí zakázáno.", + "cannot change disallowed extension enablement": "Povolení rozšíření {0} nelze změnit, protože je zakázáno.", "cannot change enablement dependency": "Rozšíření {0} se nedá povolit, protože závisí na rozšíření {1}, které není možné povolit.", "cannot change enablement environment": "Povolení rozšíření {0} není možné změnit, protože je povoleno v prostředí.", "cannot change enablement extension kind": "Povolení rozšíření {0} se nedá kvůli jeho typu rozšíření změnit", @@ -14371,9 +14500,6 @@ "allow": "Povolit", "disallow": "Nepovolovat" }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { - "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Rozšíření" - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementServerService": { "browser": "Prohlížeč", "remote": "Vzdálené" @@ -14403,11 +14529,6 @@ "singleDependentError": "Rozšíření {0} nelze odinstalovat. Závisí na něm rozšíření {1}.", "twoDependentsError": "Rozšíření {0} nelze odinstalovat. Závisí na něm rozšíření {1} a {2}." }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/webExtensionManagementService": { - "VS Code for Web": "{0} pro Web", - "learn why": "Zjistěte proč", - "not web tooltip": "Rozšíření {0} není v {1} k dispozici." - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/extensionManagementServerService": { "local": "Místní", "remote": "Vzdálené" diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index 69c1662fc3..df6429e025 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ "Conflict: Deleted By Us": "Konflikt: von uns gelöscht", "Continue Rebase": "Rebase fortsetzen", "Continuing Rebase...": "Rebase wird fortgesetzt...", + "Copy Commit Hash": "Commithash kopieren", "Could not clone your repository as Git is not installed.": "Ihr Repository konnte nicht geklont werden, da Git nicht installiert ist.", "Create Empty Commit": "Leeren Commit erstellen", "Current": "Aktuell", @@ -112,10 +113,11 @@ "File \"{0}\" was deleted by us and modified by them.\n\nWhat would you like to do?": "Die Datei \"{0}\" wurde von uns gelöscht und von ihnen geändert.\n\nWas möchten Sie tun?", "Force Checkout": "Auschecken erzwingen", "Force push is not allowed, please enable it with the \"git.allowForcePush\" setting.": "Push erzwingen ist nicht zulässig. Aktivieren Sie es mit der Einstellung \"git.allowForcePush\".", - "Git Blame Information": "Git Blame Information", + "Git Blame Information": "Git Blame-Informationen", "Git History": "Git-Verlauf", "Git error": "Git-Fehler", - "Git local working changes": "Lokale Git-Arbeitsänderungen", + "Git local changes (working tree + index)": "Lokale Git-Änderungen (Arbeitsstruktur + Index)", + "Git local changes (working tree)": "Lokale Git-Änderungen (Arbeitsstruktur)", "Git not found. Install it or configure it using the \"git.path\" setting.": "Git wurde nicht gefunden. Installieren Sie es, oder konfigurieren Sie es mithilfe der Einstellung \"git.path\".", "Git repositories were found in the parent folders of the workspace or the open file(s). Would you like to open the repositories?": "Git-Repositorys wurden in den übergeordneten Ordnern des Arbeitsbereichs oder in den geöffneten Dateien gefunden. Möchten Sie die Repositorys öffnen?", "Git: {0}": "Git: {0}", @@ -415,6 +417,7 @@ "command.branchFrom": "Branch erstellen aus...", "command.checkout": "Check-Out nach...", "command.checkoutDetached": "Auschecken an (getrennt)...", + "command.checkoutRef": "Check-Out", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Check-Out (getrennt)", "command.cherryPick": "Cherry-Pick...", "command.cherryPickAbort": "Cherrypicking abbrechen", @@ -552,8 +555,10 @@ "config.autofetch": "Bei Festlegung auf TRUE werden Commits automatisch aus dem Standardremoteverzeichnis des aktuellen Git-Repositorys abgerufen. Bei Festlegung auf \"Alle\" erfolgt der Abruf aus allen Remoteverzeichnissen.", "config.autofetchPeriod": "Dauer in Sekunden zwischen jeder automatischen Git-Abrufung, wenn \"#git.autofetch#\" aktiviert ist.", "config.autorefresh": "Gibt an, ob die automatische Aktualisierung aktiviert ist.", - "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Steuert, ob Git-Blame-Informationen mithilfe von Editordekorationen im Editor angezeigt werden.", - "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Steuert, ob Git-Blame-Informationen in der Statusleiste angezeigt werden.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Steuert, ob Blame-Informationen mithilfe von Editordekorationen im Editor angezeigt werden.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.template": "Vorlage für die Editor-Dekoration der Blame-Informationen. Unterstützte Variablen:\r\n\r\n* „hash“: Hash committen\r\n\r\n* „hashShort“: Erste 8 Zeichen des Commithashs\r\n\r\n* „Betreff“: Erste Zeile der Commitnachricht\r\n\r\n* „authorName“: Name des Autors\r\n\r\n* „authorEmail“: E-Mail-Adresse des Autors\r\n\r\n* „authorDate“: Erstellungsdatum\r\n\r\n* „authorDateAgo“: Zeitunterschied zwischen jetzt und Erstellungsdatum\r\n\r\n", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Steuert, ob Blame-Informationen in der Statusleiste angezeigt werden.", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.template": "Vorlage für das Statusleistenelement für die Blame-Informationen. Unterstützte Variablen:\r\n\r\n* „hash“: Hash committen\r\n\r\n* „hashShort“: Erste 8 Zeichen des Commithashs\r\n\r\n* „Betreff“: Erste Zeile der Commitnachricht\r\n\r\n* „authorName“: Name des Autors\r\n\r\n* „authorEmail“: E-Mail-Adresse des Autors\r\n\r\n* „authorDate“: Erstellungsdatum\r\n\r\n* „authorDateAgo“: Zeitunterschied zwischen jetzt und Erstellungsdatum\r\n\r\n", "config.branchPrefix": "Präfix, das beim Erstellen einer neuen Verzweigung verwendet wird.", "config.branchProtection": "Liste der geschützten Verzweigungen. Standardmäßig wird eine Eingabeaufforderung angezeigt, bevor ein Commit für Änderungen für eine geschützte Verzweigung ausgeführt wird. Die Eingabeaufforderung kann mithilfe der Einstellung „#git.branchProtectionPrompt#“ gesteuert werden.", "config.branchProtectionPrompt": "Steuert, ob eine Eingabeaufforderung angezeigt wird, bevor ein Commit für Änderungen an einen geschützten Branch ausgeführt wird.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json index 77b02e0daf..854ff07369 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "$ref '{0}' in '{1}' can not be resolved.": "$ref „{0}“ in „{1}“ kann nicht aufgelöst werden.", "": "", "A default value. Used by suggestions.": "Ein Standardwert. Wird von Vorschlägen verwendet.", - "A descriptive title of the element.": "Ein beschreibender Titel des Elements.", - "A long description of the element. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "Eine lange Beschreibung des Elements. Wird in Hovermenüs und Vorschlägen verwendet.", + "A descriptive title of the schema.": "A descriptive title of the schema.", + "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.", "A map of property names to either an array of property names or a schema. An array of property names means the property named in the key depends on the properties in the array being present in the object in order to be valid. If the value is a schema, then the schema is only applied to the object if the property in the key exists on the object.": "Eine Zuordnung von Eigenschaftsnamen zu entweder einem Array von Eigenschaftsnamen oder einem Schema. Ein Array von Eigenschaftsnamen bedeutet, dass die im Schlüssel genannte Eigenschaft davon abhängt, dass die Eigenschaften im Array im Objekt vorhanden sind, um gültig zu sein. Wenn der Wert ein Schema ist, wird das Schema nur dann auf das Objekt angewendet, wenn die Eigenschaft im Schlüssel im Objekt vorhanden ist.", "A map of property names to schemas for each property.": "Eine Zuordnung von Eigenschaftennamen zu Schemas für jede Eigenschaft.", "A map of regular expressions on property names to schemas for matching properties.": "Eine Zuordnung von regulären Ausdrücken für Eigenschaftsnamen zu Schemata für passende Eigenschaften.", @@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ "Configured in workspace settings": "In Arbeitsbereichseinstellungen konfiguriert", "Default value": "Standardwert", "Describes the content encoding of a string property.": "Beschreibt die Inhaltscodierung einer Zeichenfolgeneigenschaft.", - "Describes the format expected for the value.": "Beschreibt das für den Wert erwartete Format.", + "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation": "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation", "Describes the media type of a string property.": "Beschreibt den Medientyp einer Zeichenfolgeneigenschaft.", "Downloading schemas is disabled through setting '{0}'": "Das Herunterladen von Schemas wird über die Einstellung \"{0}\" deaktiviert.", "Downloading schemas is disabled. Click to configure.": "Das Herunterladen von Schemas ist deaktiviert. Klicken Sie, um eine Konfiguration durchzuführen.", "Draft-03 schemas are not supported.": "Draft-03-Schemas werden nicht unterstützt.", "Duplicate anchor declaration: '{0}'": "Doppelte Ankerdeklaration: „{0}“", "Duplicate object key": "Doppelter Objektschlüssel", - "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, then used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties' or 'patternProperties'. If false, then any properties not matched by either will cause this schema to fail.": "Entweder ein Schema oder ein Boolescher Wert. Wenn es sich um ein Schema handelt, werden alle Eigenschaften überprüft, die nicht mit „properties“ oder „patternProperties“ übereinstimmen. FALSE bedeutet, dass alle Eigenschaften, die nicht mit einem der beiden Schemata übereinstimmen, zum Scheitern dieses Schemas führen.", + "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.": "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.", "Either a string of one of the basic schema types (number, integer, null, array, object, boolean, string) or an array of strings specifying a subset of those types.": "Entweder eine Zeichenfolge eines der grundlegenden Schematypen (Zahl, Ganzzahl, Null, Array, Objekt, Boolescher Wert, Zeichenfolge) oder eine Reihe von Zeichenfolgen, die eine Untermenge dieser Typen angeben.", "End of file expected.": "Ende der Datei erwartet.", "Expected a JSON object, array or literal.": "Es wurde ein JSON-Objekt, ein Array oder ein Literal erwartet.", @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ "Expected comma or closing brace": "Komma oder schließende geschweifte Klammer erwartet", "Expected comma or closing bracket": "Komma oder schließende Klammer erwartet", "Failed to sort the JSONC document, please consider opening an issue.": "Fehler beim Sortieren des JSONC-Dokuments. Erwägen Sie, ein Problem zu öffnen.", - "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If it is a schema, then this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items array. If it is false, then additional items will cause validation to fail.": "Für Arrays, nur wenn items als Array festgelegt ist. Wenn es sich um ein Schema handelt, dann validiert dieses Schema Elemente nach den durch das Array items angegebenen. Ist es FALSE, dann führen zusätzliche Elemente zu einem Fehlschlag der Validierung.", + "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.": "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.", "For arrays. Can either be a schema to validate every element against or an array of schemas to validate each item against in order (the first schema will validate the first element, the second schema will validate the second element, and so on.": "Für Arrays. Kann entweder ein Schema sein, gegen das jedes Element validiert wird, oder ein Array von Schemata, gegen die jedes Element der Reihe nach validiert wird (das erste Schema validiert das erste Element, das zweite Schema validiert das zweite Element usw.).", "If all of the items in the array must be unique. Defaults to false.": "Wenn alle Elemente im Array eindeutig sein müssen. Der Standardwert ist „FALSE“.", "If the instance is an object, this keyword validates if every property name in the instance validates against the provided schema.": "Wenn es sich bei der Instanz um ein Objekt handelt, prüft dieses Schlüsselwort, ob jeder Eigenschaftsname in der Instanz anhand des angegebenen Schemas validiert wird.", @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ "String is not an e-mail address.": "Die Zeichenfolge ist keine E-Mail-Adresse.", "String is shorter than the minimum length of {0}.": "Die Zeichenfolge ist kürzer als die Mindestlänge von {0}.", "The \"else\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema fails.": "Das Unterschema „else“ wird für die Überprüfung verwendet, wenn das Unterschema „if“ fehlschlägt.", - "The \"if\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "Das Unterschema „if“ wird für die Überprüfung verwendet, wenn das Unterschema „if“ erfolgreich ist.", + "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.", "The maximum length of a string.": "Die maximale Länge einer Zeichenfolge.", "The maximum number of items that can be inside an array. Inclusive.": "Die maximale Anzahl von Elementen, die sich innerhalb eines Arrays befinden können. Inklusive.", "The maximum number of properties an object can have. Inclusive.": "Die maximale Anzahl von Eigenschaften, die ein Objekt aufweisen kann. Inklusive.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json index 50f01c9c53..df8fa1aef8 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.explicit": "Die Smooth Caret-Animation ist nur aktiviert, wenn der Benutzer den Cursor mit einer expliziten Geste bewegt.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.off": "Die Smooth Caret-Animation ist deaktiviert.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.on": "Die Smooth Caret-Animation ist immer aktiviert.", - "cursorStyle": "Steuert den Cursor-Stil.", + "cursorStyle": "Steuert den Cursorstil im Einfügeeingabemodus.", "cursorSurroundingLines": "Steuert die Mindestanzahl sichtbarer führender Zeilen (mindestens 0) und nachfolgender Zeilen (mindestens 1) um den Cursor. Dies wird in einigen anderen Editoren als „scrollOff“ oder „scrollOffset“ bezeichnet.", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle": "Steuert, wann „#editor.cursorSurroundingLines#“ erzwungen werden soll.", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle.all": "\"cursorSurroundingLines\" wird immer erzwungen.", @@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ "inline": "Schnelle Vorschläge werden als inaktiver Text angezeigt", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Steuert, ob für Benutzer*innen, die eine Sprachausgabe nutzen, bei Anzeige einer Inlinevervollständigung ein Hinweis zur Barrierefreiheit angezeigt werden soll.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Steuert, ob experimentelle Bearbeitungen in Inlinevorschlägen aktiviert werden sollen.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.onlyShowWhenCloseToCursor": "Steuert, ob nur Inlinevorschläge angezeigt werden sollen, wenn sich der Cursor in der Nähe des Vorschlags befindet.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useInterleavedLinesDiff": "Steuert, ob experimentelle Unterschiede zwischen überlappenden Linien in Inlinevorschlägen aktiviert werden sollen.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useMixedLinesDiff": "Steuert, ob experimentelle Bearbeitungen in Inlinevorschlägen aktiviert werden sollen.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "Steuert, ob Inline-Vorschläge automatisch im Editor angezeigt werden.", @@ -609,6 +610,8 @@ "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Steuert die Verzögerung in Millisekunden, nach der Vorkommen hervorgehoben werden.", "off": "Schnelle Vorschläge sind deaktiviert", "on": "Schnelle Vorschläge werden im Vorschlagswidget angezeigt", + "overtypeCursorStyle": "Steuert den Cursorstil im Überschreibeingabemodus.", + "overtypeOnPaste": "Steuert, ob das Einfügen überschrieben werden soll.", "overviewRulerBorder": "Steuert, ob um das Übersichtslineal ein Rahmen gezeichnet werden soll.", "padding.bottom": "Steuert den Abstand zwischen dem unteren Rand des Editors und der letzten Zeile.", "padding.top": "Steuert den Abstand zwischen dem oberen Rand des Editors und der ersten Zeile.", @@ -1410,9 +1413,10 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Nächsten Inline-Vorschlag anzeigen", "action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "Vorherigen Inline-Vorschlag anzeigen", "action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "Inline-Vorschlag auslösen", - "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.inlineEdit": "Inline-Bearbeitung auslösen", + "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.explicitInlineEdit": "Inline-Bearbeitung auslösen", "jump": "Springen", - "noInlineEditAvailable": "Es ist keine Inlinebearbeitung verfügbar." + "noInlineEditAvailable": "Es ist keine Inlinebearbeitung verfügbar.", + "reject": "Reject" }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/controller/inlineCompletionContextKeys": { "cursorAtInlineEdit": "Gibt an, ob sich der Cursor an einer Inline-Bearbeitung befindet", @@ -2045,12 +2049,14 @@ }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "Marketplace ist nicht aktiviert.", + "VS Code for Web": "{0} für das Web", "incompatible platform": "Die Erweiterung „{0}“ ist in {1} nicht für {2} verfügbar.", "incompatibleAPI": "Die Erweiterung \"{0}\" kann nicht installiert werden. {1}", - "learn more": "Weitere Informationen", + "learn why": "Erfahren Sie, warum", "malicious extension": "Die Erweiterung „{0}“ kann nicht installiert werden, da sie als problematisch gemeldet wurde.", "multipleDependentsError": "Die Erweiterung \"{0}\" kann nicht deinstalliert werden. \"{1}\" und \"{2}\" sowie weitere Erweiterungen hängen von dieser Erweiterung ab.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "Die Erweiterung \"{0}\" kann nicht deinstalliert werden. Beim Deinstallieren wird auch die Erweiterung \"{1}\" entfernt, und \"{2}\", \"{3}\" sowie weitere Erweiterungen hängen von dieser Erweiterung ab.", + "not allowed to install": "Diese Erweiterung kann aus folgendem Grund nicht installiert werden: {0}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "Die Erweiterung „{0}“ kann nicht installiert werden, weil sie nicht mit der aktuellen Version von {1} (Version {2}) kompatibel ist.", "notFoundDeprecatedReplacementExtension": "Die Erweiterung \"{0}\" kann nicht installiert werden, da sie veraltet ist und die Ersatzerweiterung \"{1}\" nicht gefunden wurde.", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "Die Releaseversion der Erweiterung \"{0}\" kann nicht installiert werden, da sie keine Releaseversion aufweist.", @@ -2059,6 +2065,13 @@ "twoDependentsError": "Die Erweiterung \"{0}\" kann nicht deinstalliert werden. Die Erweiterungen \"{1}\" und \"{2}\" hängen von dieser Erweiterung ab.", "twoIndirectDependentsError": "Die Erweiterung \"{0}\" kann nicht deinstalliert werden. Beim Deinstallieren wird auch die Erweiterung \"{1}\" entfernt, und \"{2}\" und \"{3}\" hängen von dieser Erweiterung ab." }, + "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/allowedExtensionsService": { + "extension prerelease not allowed": "Die Vorabversionen dieser Erweiterung sind nicht in der [Liste zulässiger Dateien]({0}) enthalten.", + "prerelease versions from this publisher not allowed": "Die Vorabversionen dieses Herausgebers sind nicht in der [Liste zulässiger Versionen]({1}) enthalten.", + "publisher not allowed": "die Erweiterungen von diesem Herausgeber sind nicht in der [zulässigen Liste]({1}) enthalten", + "specific extension not allowed": "er ist nicht in der [zulässigen Liste]({0}) enthalten.", + "specific version of extension not allowed": "Die Version {0} dieser Erweiterung ist nicht in der [Liste zulässiger Dateien]({1}) enthalten" + }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { "extensions": "Erweiterungen", "preferences": "Einstellungen" @@ -2096,10 +2109,6 @@ "updateMessage": "Die Erweiterung \"{0}\" wird auf Version {1} aktualisiert.", "useId": "Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die vollständige Erweiterungs-ID verwenden, einschließlich des Herausgebers. Beispiel: {0}" }, - "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementIpc": { - "incompatible platform": "Die Erweiterung „{0}“ ist in {1} nicht für {2} verfügbar.", - "learn more": "Weitere Informationen" - }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionNls": { "missingNLSKey": "Die Nachricht für den Schlüssel {0} wurde nicht gefunden." }, @@ -2117,7 +2126,7 @@ "errorDeleting": "Der vorhandene Ordner '{0}' konnte während der Installation der Erweiterung '{1}' nicht gelöscht werden. Löschen Sie den Ordner manuell, und versuchen Sie es noch mal.", "incompatible": "Die Erweiterung \"{0}\" kann nicht installiert werden, weil sie nicht mit VS Code {1} kompatibel ist.", "invalidManifest": "Die Erweiterung \"{0}\" kann aufgrund eines Manifestkonflikts mit Marketplace nicht installiert werden.", - "not signed": "Die Erweiterung ist nicht signiert.", + "notAllowed": "Diese Erweiterung kann aus folgendem Grund nicht installiert werden: {0}", "removeError": "Fehler beim Entfernen der Erweiterung: {0}. Beenden und starten Sie VS Code neu, bevor Sie erneut versuchen, die Erweiterung zu installieren.", "restartCode": "Starten Sie VS Code neu, bevor Sie {0} neu installieren.", "signature verification failed": "Fehler \"{0}\" bei der Signaturüberprüfung.", @@ -2725,6 +2734,9 @@ "activityWarningBadge.foreground": "Vordergrundfarbe des Badges „Warnungsaktivität“", "badgeBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe für Badge. Badges sind kurze Info-Texte, z.B. für Anzahl Suchergebnisse.", "badgeForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe für Badge. Badges sind kurze Info-Texte, z.B. für Anzahl Suchergebnisse.", + "chartAxis": "Achsenfarbe für das Diagramm.", + "chartGuide": "Führungslinie für das Diagramm.", + "chartLine": "Linienfarbe für das Diagramm.", "progressBarBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe des Fortschrittbalkens, der für zeitintensive Vorgänge angezeigt werden kann.", "sashActiveBorder": "Rahmenfarbe aktiver Trennleisten.", "scrollbarShadow": "Schatten der Scrollleiste, um anzuzeigen, dass die Ansicht gescrollt wird.", @@ -3063,6 +3075,11 @@ "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadNotebookSaveParticipant": { "timeout.onWillSave": "WillSaveNotebookDocument-Ereignis nach 1750 ms abgebrochen" }, + "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadOutputService": { + "status.showOutput": "Ausgabe anzeigen", + "status.showOutputAria": "Ausgabekanal {0} anzeigen", + "status.showOutputTooltip": "Ausgabekanal {0} anzeigen" + }, "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadProgress": { "manageExtension": "Erweiterung verwalten" }, @@ -3868,6 +3885,7 @@ "miRestoreEditorsToMainWindow": "&&Editoren im Hauptfenster wiederherstellen", "minimizeOtherEditorGroups": "Editorgruppe erweitern", "minimizeOtherEditorGroupsHideSidebar": "Editor-Gruppe erweitern und Seitenleiste ausblenden", + "mitoggleOvertypeInsertMode": "Überschreib-/Einfügemodus &&umschalten", "moveActiveGroupDown": "Editor-Gruppe nach unten verschieben", "moveActiveGroupLeft": "Editor-Gruppe nach links verschieben", "moveActiveGroupRight": "Editor-Gruppe nach rechts verschieben", @@ -3939,6 +3957,8 @@ "toggleEditorType": "Editortyp umschalten", "toggleEditorWidths": "Editor-Gruppengrößen umschalten", "toggleMaximizeEditorGroup": "Maximieren der Editorgruppe umschalten", + "toggleOvertypeInsertMode": "Überschreib-/Einfügemodus umschalten", + "toggleOvertypeMode.description": "Zwischen Überschreib- und Einfügemodus umschalten", "unpinEditor": "Editor lösen" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorCommands": { @@ -4045,6 +4065,7 @@ "guessedEncoding": "Vom Inhalt abgeleitet", "indentConvert": "Datei konvertieren", "indentView": "Ansicht wechseln", + "inputModeOvertype": "ÜB", "languageDescription": "({0}): konfigurierte Sprache", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", "languagesPicks": "Sprachen (Bezeichner)", @@ -4071,6 +4092,7 @@ "spacesAndTabsSize": "Leerzeichen: {0} (Registerkartengröße: {1})", "spacesSize": "Leerzeichen: {0}", "status.editor.columnSelectionMode": "Spaltenauswahlmodus", + "status.editor.enableInsertMode": "Einfügemodus aktivieren", "status.editor.encoding": "Editorcodierung", "status.editor.eol": "Zeilenende im Editor", "status.editor.indentation": "Editoreinzug", @@ -4585,11 +4607,13 @@ "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.always": "Hiermit wird das Panel beim Öffnen immer maximiert.", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.never": "Hiermit wird das Panel beim Öffnen niemals maximiert. Das Panel wird im nicht maximierten Zustand geöffnet.", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.preserve": "Hiermit wird das Panel in dem Zustand geöffnet, in dem es sich vor dem Schließen befand.", + "workbench.panel.output": "Ausgabeansicht", "workbench.quickOpen.preserveInput": "Steuert, ob die letzte Eingabe in Quick Open beim nächsten Öffnen wiederhergestellt werden soll.", "workbench.reduceMotion": "Steuert, ob die Workbench mit weniger Animationen gerendert werden soll.", "workbench.reduceMotion.auto": "Rendern mit reduzierter Bewegung basierend auf der Betriebssystemkonfiguration.", "workbench.reduceMotion.off": "Nicht mit reduzierter Bewegung rendern", "workbench.reduceMotion.on": "Rendern Sie immer mit reduzierter Bewegung.", + "workbench.view.showQuietly": "Wenn eine Erweiterung die Anzeige einer ausgeblendeten Ansicht anfordert, zeigen Sie stattdessen eine anklickbare Statusleistenanzeige an.", "wrapTabs": "Steuert, ob Registerkarten über mehrere Zeilen umbrochen werden oder ob eine Scrollleiste angezeigt werden soll, wenn nicht genügend Platz zur vollständigen Anzeige vorhanden ist. Dieser Wert wird ignoriert, wenn {0} nicht auf „{1}“ festgelegt ist.", "zenMode.centerLayout": "Steuert, ob das Layout durch Aktivieren des Zen-Modus ebenfalls zentriert wird.", "zenMode.fullScreen": "Steuert, ob die Workbench durch das Aktivieren des Zen-Modus in den Vollbildmodus wechselt.", @@ -4775,6 +4799,7 @@ "panelStickyScrollBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe des fixierten Bildlaufs im Bereich.", "panelStickyScrollBorder": "Rahmenfarbe des fixierten Bildlaufs im Bereich.", "panelStickyScrollShadow": "Schattenfarbe des fixierten Bildlaufs im Bereich.", + "panelTitleBorder": "Rahmenfarbe des Bereichstitels am unteren Rand, die den Titel von den Ansichten trennt. Bereiche werden unterhalb des Editorbereichs angezeigt und enthalten Ansichten wie Ausgabe und integriertes Terminal.", "profileBadgeBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe des Profilbadges. Der Profilbadge wird über dem Zahnradsymbol der Einstellungen in der Aktivitätsleiste angezeigt.", "profileBadgeForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe des Profilbadges. Der Profilbadge wird über dem Zahnradsymbol der Einstellungen in der Aktivitätsleiste angezeigt.", "sideBarActivityBarTopBorder": "Rahmenfarbe zwischen der Aktivitätsleiste oben/unten und den Ansichten.", @@ -4789,6 +4814,7 @@ "sideBarStickyScrollBorder": "Rahmenfarbe des fixierten Bildlaufs in der Seitenleiste.", "sideBarStickyScrollShadow": "Schattenfarbe des fixierten Bildlaufs in der Seitenleiste.", "sideBarTitleBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe des Seitenleistentitels. Die Seitenleiste ist der Container für Ansichten wie den Explorer und die Suche.", + "sideBarTitleBorder": "Rahmenfarbe des Seitenleistentitels am unteren Rand, die den Titel von den Ansichten trennt. Die Seitenleiste ist der Container für Ansichten wie den Explorer und die Suche.", "sideBarTitleForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe des Seitenleistentitels. Die Seitenleiste ist der Container für Ansichten wie den Explorer und die Suche.", "sideBySideEditor.horizontalBorder": "Farbe, um zwei Editoren voneinander zu trennen, wenn sie in einer Editorgruppe von oben nach unten nebeneinander angezeigt werden.", "sideBySideEditor.verticalBorder": "Farbe, um zwei Editoren voneinander zu trennen, wenn sie in einer Editorgruppe von links nach rechts nebeneinander angezeigt werden.", @@ -5427,12 +5453,16 @@ "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Zum Chat wechseln", "interactiveSession.open": "Editor öffnen", "learnMore": "Weitere Informationen", + "managePlan": "Manage Copilot Plan", + "manageSettings": "Copilot-Einstellungen verwalten", "more": "Mehr...", "newChatTitle": "Neuer Chattitel", "openChat": "Chat öffnen", + "showCopilotUsageExtensions": "Erweiterungen mit Copilot anzeigen", "title4": "Chat", - "toggle.chatControl": "Chatsteuerelemente", - "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Sichtbarkeit der Chatsteuerelemente in der Titelleiste umschalten" + "toggle.chatControl": "Copilot-Steuerelemente", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Sichtbarkeit der Copilot-Steuerelemente in der Titelleiste umschalten", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { "chat.done.label": "Fertig", @@ -5562,9 +5592,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Chat", - "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Steuert, ob im Befehlscenter ein Menü für Chataktionen angezeigt wird (erfordert {0}).", + "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Steuert, ob im Befehlscenter ein Menü für Aktionen angezeigt wird zur Kontrolle von Copilot (erfordert {0}).", "chat.detectParticipant.enabled": "Aktiviert die automatische Erkennung von Chatteilnehmern für Panelchat.", - "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Gibt an, ob vor dem Speichern von Dateien mit Änderungen, die vom Chat vorgenommen wurden, immer gefragt werden soll.", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether files that have changes made by chat can be saved without confirmation.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Gibt an, ob vor dem Entfernen einer Anforderung und der zugehörigen Bearbeitungen eine Bestätigung angezeigt werden soll.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Gibt an, ob vor dem Wiederholen einer Anforderung und der zugehörigen Bearbeitungen eine Bestätigung angezeigt werden soll.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Aktiviert die automatische Erkennung von Chatteilnehmern für Panelchat.", @@ -5594,7 +5624,11 @@ "reservedName": "Diese Chaterweiterung verwendet einen reservierten Namen.", "viewExtensionLabel": "Erweiterung anzeigen" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAgentCommandContentPart": { + "rerun": "Erneut ausführen ohne {0}{1}" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAttachmentsContentPart": { + "chat.attachment": "Angefügter Kontext, {0}", "chat.attachment3": "Angefügter Kontext: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachment3": "Angefügt: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Angefügt: {0}, Zeile {1} bis Zeile {2}.", @@ -5602,7 +5636,8 @@ "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Ausgelassen: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Ausgelassen: {0}, Zeile {1} bis Zeile {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Teilweise angefügt: {0}.", - "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "Teilweise angefügt: {0}, Zeile {1} bis Zeile {2}." + "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "Teilweise angefügt: {0}, Zeile {1} bis Zeile {2}.", + "resource": "Der vollständige Wert der Chatanlageressource, einschließlich Schema und Pfad" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatCodeCitationContentPart": { "viewMatches": "Übereinstimmungen anzeigen" @@ -5617,7 +5652,16 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatMarkdownContentPart": { "chat.codeblock.applying": "Bearbeitungen werden angewendet...", "chat.codeblock.applyingPercentage": "Bearbeitungen werden angewendet ({0}%)...", - "chat.codeblock.generating": "Bearbeitungen werden generiert..." + "chat.codeblock.deletions": "{0} Löschvorgänge", + "chat.codeblock.deletions.one": "{0} Löschvorgang", + "chat.codeblock.generating": "Bearbeitungen werden generiert...", + "chat.codeblock.insertions": "{0} Einfügungen", + "chat.codeblock.insertions.one": "{0} Einfügevorgang", + "summary": "{0}, {1}, {2} bearbeitet" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatQuotaExceededPart": { + "signedUpClickToContinue": "Signed up? Click to continue!", + "upgradeToCopilotPro": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { "addToChat": "Datei zum Chat hinzufügen", @@ -5646,13 +5690,15 @@ "file": "Datei", "files": "Dateien", "folder": "Ordner", - "image": "Bild" + "image": "Bild", + "symbol": "Symbol" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingActions": { "accept": "Annehmen", "accept.file": "Akzeptieren", "acceptAllEdits": "Alle Bearbeitungen annehmen", "addFileToWorkingSet": "Datei hinzufügen", + "addFilesFromReferences": "Hinzufügen von Dateien aus Verweisen", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.manyFiles": "Dadurch werden Änderungen rückgängig gemacht, die von {0} in {1} Dateien vorgenommen wurden. Möchten Sie den Vorgang fortsetzen?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.oneFile": "Dadurch werden Änderungen rückgängig gemacht, die von {0} in {1}vorgenommen wurden. Möchten Sie den Vorgang fortsetzen?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.primaryButton": "Ja", @@ -5669,12 +5715,11 @@ "chat.undoEdits.label": "Bearbeitungen rückgängig machen", "chatEditing.snapshot": "{0} (Momentaufnahme {1})", "chatEditing.viewChanges": "Alle Bearbeitungen anzeigen", + "clearWorkingSet": "Arbeitssatz löschen", "discard": "Verwerfen", "discard.file": "Verwerfen", "discardAllEdits": "Alle Bearbeitungen verwerfen", "open.fileInDiff": "Änderungen in Diff-Editor öffnen", - "removeAll": "Remove All", - "removeAllFiles": "Remove All Files", "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Datei entfernen", "workbench.action.chat.addSelectedFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Ausgewählte Dateien zum Arbeitssatz hinzufügen" }, @@ -5706,6 +5751,7 @@ "undo2": "Rückgängig machen" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.ctxHasRequestInProgress": "The current editor shows a file from an edit session which is still in progress", "chat.hasEditorModifications": "Der aktuelle Editor enthält Chatänderungen." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { @@ -5713,6 +5759,8 @@ "chatEditorName": "Chat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorOverlay": { + "applyingPercentage": "{0}% Applying edits...", + "generating": "Generating edits...", "label": "Navigationsstatus", "nOfM": "{0} von {1}", "tooltip_11": "1 Änderung in 1 Datei", @@ -5751,8 +5799,7 @@ "miGotoDefinition": "Gehe &&zu Definition", "miGotoImplementations": "Gehe zu &&Implementierungen", "miGotoReference": "Gehe zu &&Verweisen", - "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Gehe zu &&Typdefinitionen", - "resource": "Der vollständige Wert der Chatankerressource, einschließlich Schema und Pfad" + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Gehe zu &&Typdefinitionen" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Chateingabe, Eingabe zum Stellen von Fragen oder Eingabe für Themen: Drücken Sie die Eingabetaste, um die Anfrage zu senden. Verwenden Sie {0} für die Hilfe zur Barrierefreiheit des Chats.", @@ -5765,16 +5812,18 @@ "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Senden an @{0}", "chatAddFiles": "{0} Dateien hinzufügen...", "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "Der Grenzwert für die Arbeitssatzdatei wurde erreicht. {0} ist aus dem Arbeitssatz ausgeschlossen. Entfernen Sie andere Dateien, um Platz für {0} zu schaffen.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} files)", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} Dateien)", "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "1 Datei ist aus dem Arbeitssatz ausgeschlossen.", "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "{0} Dateien sind aus dem Arbeitssatz ausgeschlossen.", "chatEditingSession.fileLimitReached": "Sie haben die maximale Anzahl von Dateien erreicht, die dem Arbeitssatz hinzugefügt werden können.", "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} Dateien)", "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 Datei)", + "chatEditingSession.removeSuggested": "Remove suggestion", "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Arbeitssatz", "chatInput": "Chateingabe", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Chateingabe, Geben Sie hier Code ein, und drücken Sie zum Ausführen die EINGABETASTE. Verwenden Sie den Befehl \"Hilfe zur Chat-Barrierefreiheit\", um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Mehr..." + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Mehr...", + "suggeste.title": "{0} - {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "\"{0}\" ausgewählt", @@ -5791,7 +5840,7 @@ "usedAgent": "[[(erneut ausführen ohne)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "{0} verwendet [[(erneut ausführen ohne)]]" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipant.contribution": { "chat.viewContainer.label": "Chat", "chatCommand": "Ein Kurzname, mit dem auf diesen Befehl in der Benutzeroberfläche verwiesen wird, z. B. `reparieren` oder * `erklären` für Befehle, die ein Problem beheben oder Code erklären. Der Name sollte unter den von diesem Teilnehmer bereitgestellten Befehlen eindeutig sein.", "chatCommandDescription": "Eine Beschreibung dieses Befehls.", @@ -5804,7 +5853,7 @@ "chatCommandWhen": "Eine Bedingung, die erfüllt sein muss, um diesen Befehl zu aktivieren.", "chatCommandsDescription": "Für diesen Chatteilnehmer verfügbare Befehle, die der Benutzer mit einem `/` aufrufen kann.", "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot-Bearbeitungen", - "chatFailErrorMessage": "Chat failed to load because the installed version of the {0} extension is not compatible with this version of {1}. Please ensure that the {2} extension is up to date.", + "chatFailErrorMessage": "Fehler beim Laden des Chats, weil die installierte Version der Copilot-Chaterweiterung nicht mit dieser Version von {0} kompatibel ist. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Copilot-Chaterweiterung auf dem neuesten Stand ist.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Eine Beschreibung dieses Chatteilnehmers, die in der Benutzeroberfläche angezeigt wird.", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Metadaten, die beim automatischen Weiterleiten von Benutzerfragen an diesen Chatteilnehmer helfen.", "chatParticipantDisambiguationCategory": "Ein detaillierter Name für diese Kategorie, z. B. \"workspace_questions\" oder \"web_questions\".", @@ -5821,22 +5870,53 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Fügt einen Chatteilnehmer hinzu" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedAttachment.multipleLines": "{0} Zeilen", + "pastedAttachment.oneLine": "1 Zeile", + "pastedCodeAttachment": "Eingefügte Codeanlage", + "pastedImageAttachment": "Eingefügte Bildanlage", "pastedImageName": "Eingefügtes Bild" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup.contribution": { - "hideChatSetup": "Hide {0}", - "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide {0}?", - "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore chat controls from the 'chat.commandCenter.enabled' setting.", - "installChat": "{0} installieren", - "learnMore": "Weitere Informationen", - "setup": "{0} installieren", - "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Setting up Chat for you...", - "setupChatSigningIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", - "setupFooter": "By proceeding you agree to our [privacy statement]({0}).", - "setupHeader": "{0} is your AI pair programmer.", - "signInAndInstallChat": "Melden Sie sich an, um {0} zu verwenden", - "signInAndSetup": "Melden Sie sich an, um {0} zu verwenden", - "triggerChatSetup": "Chat-Setup auslösen" + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatQuotasService": { + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached the limits of your Copilot Free plan, click for details", + "chatQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly chat messages limit, click for details", + "completionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly code completions limit, click for details", + "copilotQuotaExceeded": "Copilot Limit Reached", + "dismiss": "Dismiss", + "indicator": "Copilot Quota Indicator", + "limit reached": "Copilot Free", + "limit reset": "Your limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitReached": "Limit Reached", + "managePlan": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "out of completions": "You've run out of free code completions, but free chat responses are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of free chat responses": "You've run out of free chat responses, but free code completions are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of limits": "You've reached the limits of the Copilot Free plan.", + "simulateCopilotQuotaExceeded": "Simulate Copilot Quota Exceeded", + "upgradeChat": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "upgradeToPro": "Here's what you can expect when upgrading to Copilot Pro:\r\n- Unlimited code completions\r\n- Unlimited chat interactions\r\n- 30 day free trial" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup": { + "detectionLabel": "Allow code suggestions that [match public code]({0})", + "featureChat": "Code faster with completions and Inline Chat", + "featureEdits": "Build features and resolve bugs with Copilot Edits", + "featureExplore": "Explore your codebase with chat", + "hideChatSetup": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupButton": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide Copilot?", + "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore Copilot by running the '{0}' command.", + "limitedSkuHeader": "$(sparkle-filled) We now offer [Copilot for free]({0}).", + "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Getting Copilot Ready...", + "setupChatProgress": "Getting Copilot ready...", + "setupChatSignIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", + "setupHeader": "[Copilot]({0} 'Copilot') is your AI pair programmer.", + "signInGh": "Sign in with a GitHub.com Account", + "signInGhe": "Sign in with a GHE.com Account", + "signUp": "Sign in to Use Copilot", + "signUpFree": "Sign in to Use Copilot for Free", + "startUp": "Use Copilot", + "startUpLimited": "Use Copilot for Free", + "termsLabel": "By continuing, you agree to our [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free...", + "welcomeChat": "Welcome to Copilot" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { "chatWidget.tips": "{0} oder geben Sie {1} ein, um den Kontext anzufügen.\r\n\r\n{2} zum Chatten mit Erweiterungen\r\n\r\nGeben Sie {3} ein, um Befehle zu verwenden.", @@ -5849,8 +5929,8 @@ "chat.codeBlockHelp": "Codeblock", "chat.codeBlockLabel": "Codeblock {0}", "chat.compareCodeBlockLabel": "Codebearbeitungen", - "chat.edits.1": "1 Änderung in [[\"{0}\"]] vorgenommen", - "chat.edits.N": "{0} Änderungen in [[\"{1}\"]] vorgenommen", + "chat.edits.1": "Applied 1 change in [[``{0}``]]", + "chat.edits.N": "Applied {0} changes in [[``{1}``]]", "chat.edits.rejected": "Änderungen in [[''{0}'']] wurden abgelehnt", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm": "Die Originaldatei wurde geändert.", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm.detail": "Möchten Sie die Änderungen trotzdem anwenden?", @@ -5866,13 +5946,14 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { "fileEntryDescription": "{0} ({1})", "installLabel": "Chaterweiterungen installieren...", - "pickFileLabel": "Datei auswählen" + "pickFileLabel": "Datei auswählen", + "pickSymbolLabel": "Symbol auswählen" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "Hier befindet sich ein Chat-Agent-Hoverteil." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputRelatedFilesContrib": { - "relatedFile": "Vorgeschlagene Datei" + "relatedFile": "{0} (Suggested)" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { "screenshot": "Bildschirmfoto" @@ -5880,7 +5961,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { "toolInvocationMessage": "Mithilfe von {0}" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeHandler": { "chatViewsWelcome.content": "Der Inhalt der Begrüßungsnachricht. Der erste Befehlslink wird als Schaltfläche gerendert.", "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "Das Symbol für die Begrüßungsnachricht.", "chatViewsWelcome.title": "Der Titel der Begrüßungsnachricht.", @@ -5917,12 +5998,6 @@ "chatResponseFiltered": "\"True\", wenn die Chatantwort vom Server herausgefiltert wurde.", "chatResponseSupportsIssueReporting": "TRUE, wenn die aktuelle Chatantwort die Problemberichterstellung unterstützt.", "chatSessionResponseDetectedAgentOrCommand": "Wann der Agent oder Befehl automatisch erkannt wurde", - "chatSetupEntitled": "True, wenn die Chateinrichtung für einen angemeldeten, berechtigten Benutzer angeboten wird.", - "chatSetupInstalled": "True when the chat extension is installed.", - "chatSetupInstalling": "True, wenn das Chatsetup den Chat installiert.", - "chatSetupSignedIn": "True, wenn die Chateinrichtung für einen angemeldeten Benutzer angeboten wird.", - "chatSetupSigningIn": "True, wenn das Chatsetup auf die Anmeldung wartet.", - "chatSetupTriggered": "True, wenn die Chateinrichtung ausgelöst wird.", "inChat": "TRUE, wenn der Fokus auf dem Chatwidget liegt, andernfalls FALSE.", "inInteractiveInput": "Wahr, wenn der Fokus auf der Chateingabe liegt, andernfalls falsch.", "inQuickChat": "TRUE, wenn die Schnellchatoberfläche den Fokus hat, andernfalls FALSE.", @@ -5952,7 +6027,8 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.languageModels.whitespaceVendor": "Das Anbieterfeld darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen beginnen oder enden." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelStats": { - "Language Models": "Sprachmodelle", + "Language Models": "Copilot", + "chat": "Chat", "languageModels": "Statistik zur Verwendung von Sprachmodellen für diese Erweiterung." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { @@ -6672,6 +6748,7 @@ "findExtension": "&&{0}-Erweiterung suchen", "installExt": "Erweiterung installieren...", "installLanguage": "Erweiterung für {0} installieren...", + "moreOptionsForDebugType": "Weitere {0} Optionen...", "selectDebug": "Debugger auswählen", "suggestedDebuggers": "Vorgeschlagen", "suppressMultipleSessionWarning": "Deaktivieren Sie die Warnung, wenn Sie versuchen, dieselbe Debugkonfiguration mehrmals zu starten." @@ -7037,7 +7114,6 @@ "allDebuggersDisabled": "Alle Debugerweiterungen sind deaktiviert. Aktivieren Sie eine Debugerweiterung, oder installieren Sie eine neue aus Marketplace.", "customizeRunAndDebug": "Zum Anpassen von \"Ausführen und Debuggen\" [erstellen Sie eine launch.json-Datei](command:{0}).", "customizeRunAndDebugOpenFolder": "Öffnen Sie zum Anpassen von \"Ausführen und debuggen\" [einen Ordner](command:{0}), und erstellen Sie eine launch.json-Datei.", - "detectThenRunAndDebug": "Alle Konfigurationen für das automatische Debuggen anzeigen", "openAFileWhichCanBeDebugged": "[Öffnen Sie eine Datei](command:{0}), die gedebuggt oder ausgeführt werden kann.", "run": "Ausführen", "runAndDebugAction": "Ausführen und debuggen" @@ -7057,6 +7133,7 @@ "breakpointWidgetVisibile": "TRUE, wenn das Widget für die Zone des Haltepunkt-Editors sichtbar ist, andernfalls FALSE.", "breakpointsExist": "TRUE, wenn mindestens ein Haltepunkt vorhanden ist.", "breakpointsFocused": "TRUE, wenn der Fokus auf der Ansicht BREAKPOINTS liegt, andernfalls FALSE.", + "callStackFocused": "True, wenn die CALLSTACK-Ansicht fokussiert ist, andernfalls false.", "callStackItemStopped": "TRUE, wenn das Element mit dem Fokus in CALL STACK beendet wird. Wird intern für Inlinemenüs in der CALL STACK-Ansicht verwendet.", "callStackItemType": "Repräsentiert den Elementtyp des Elements mit dem Fokus in der CALL STACK-Ansicht. Beispiele: \"session\", \"thread\", \"stackFrame\"", "callStackSessionHasOneThread": "TRUE, wenn die Sitzung mit dem Fokus in der CALL STACK-Ansicht genau einen Thread aufweist. Wird intern für Inlinemenüs in der CALL STACK-Ansicht verwendet.", @@ -7325,10 +7402,10 @@ "errors": "{0} nicht abgefangene Fehler", "extensionActivating": "Die Erweiterung wird aktiviert...", "languageActivation": "Durch {1} aktiviert, weil Sie eine {0}-Datei geöffnet haben.", - "requests count": "{0} Anforderungen: {1} (gesamt)", + "requests count": "{0} Syntax: {1} Anforderungen", "requests count title": "Letzte Anforderung war {0}.", "runtimeExtensions": "Runtimeerweiterungen", - "session requests count": ", {0} (Sitzung)", + "session requests count": ", {0} Anforderungen (Sitzung)", "showRuntimeExtensions": "Ausgeführte Erweiterungen anzeigen", "starActivation": "Beim Start durch {0} aktiviert.", "startupFinishedActivation": "Nach Abschluss des Starts durch \"{0}\" aktiviert", @@ -7401,16 +7478,15 @@ "accessExtensionFeature": "Feature \"{0}\" aktivieren", "activation": "Aktivierung", "cancel": "Abbrechen", + "chartDescription": "In den letzten 30 Tagen gab es {0} {1} Anforderungen von dieser Erweiterung.", "disableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "Möchten Sie die Erweiterung \"{0}\" widerrufen, um auf das Feature \"{1}\" zuzugreifen?", "enable": "Zugriff erlauben", "enableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "Möchten Sie die Erweiterung \"{0}\" zulassen, um auf das Feature \"{1}\" zuzugreifen?", "extension features list": "Erweiterungsfeatures", "grant": "Zugriff erlauben", - "last request": "Letzte Anforderung: \"{0}\"", + "label": "Nutzung von {0}", "messaages": "Meldungen ({0})", "noFeatures": "Es wurden keine Features beigetragen.", - "requests count session": "Anforderungen (Sitzung): \"{0}\"", - "requests count total": "Anforderungen (gesamt): \"{0}\"", "revoke": "Zugriff widerrufen", "revoked": "Kein Zugriff", "runtime": "Laufzeitstatus", @@ -7461,6 +7537,7 @@ "enabled filter": "Aktiviert", "extension": "Erweiterung", "extension updates filter": "Aktualisierungen", + "extension.publisher.allow.description": "Alle Erweiterungen vom Herausgeber zulassen oder verweigern.", "extensionInfoDescription": "Beschreibung: {0}", "extensionInfoId": "ID: {0}", "extensionInfoName": "Name: {0}", @@ -7470,11 +7547,25 @@ "extensionUpdates": "Erweiterungsupdates anzeigen", "extensions": "Erweiterungen", "extensions.affinity": "Konfigurieren Sie eine Erweiterung für die Ausführung in einem anderen Erweiterungshostprozess.", + "extensions.allow.all.description": "Alle Erweiterungen zulassen oder verweigern.", + "extensions.allow.all.disable": "Alle Erweiterungen verweigern.", + "extensions.allow.all.enable": "Alle Erweiterungen zulassen.", + "extensions.allow.description": "Die Erweiterung zulassen oder verweigern.", + "extensions.allow.version.description": "Bestimmte Versionen der Erweiterung zulassen oder nicht zulassen. Um eine plattformspezifische Version anzugeben, verwenden Sie das Format „platform@1.2.3“, z. B. „win32-x64@1.2.3“. Unterstützte Plattformen sind „win32-x64“, „win32-arm64“, „linux-x64“, „linux-arm64“, „linux-armhf“, „alpine-x64“, „alpine-arm64“, „darwin-x64“, „darwin-arm64“.", + "extensions.allowed": "Specify a list of extensions that are allowed to use. This helps maintain a secure and consistent development environment by restricting the use of unauthorized extensions. For more information on how to configure this setting, please visit the [Configure Allowed Extensions](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/enterprise#_configure-allowed-extensions) section.", + "extensions.allowed.all": "Alle Erweiterungen sind zulässig.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.desc": "Die Erweiterung ist nicht zulässig.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "Nur stabile Versionen der Erweiterung zulassen.", + "extensions.allowed.enable.desc": "Erweiterung ist zulässig.", + "extensions.allowed.none": "Es sind keine Erweiterungen zulässig.", "extensions.autoUpdate": "Steuert das Verhalten zur automatischen Aktualisierung von Erweiterungen. Die Aktualisierungen werden von einem Microsoft-Onlinedienst abgerufen.", "extensions.autoUpdate.enabled": "Updates werden nur für aktivierte Erweiterungen automatisch heruntergeladen und installiert.", "extensions.autoUpdate.false": "Hiermit werden Erweiterungen nicht automatisch aktualisiert.", "extensions.autoUpdate.true": "Hiermit werden Aktualisierungen für alle Erweiterungen automatisch heruntergeladen und installiert.", "extensions.gallery.useUnpkgResourceApi": "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, werden zu aktualisierende Erweiterungen aus dem Unpkg-Dienst abgerufen.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.desc": "Alle Erweiterungen vom Herausgeber sind nicht zulässig.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "Nur stabile Versionen der Erweiterungen vom Herausgeber zulassen.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.enable.desc": "Alle Erweiterungen vom Herausgeber sind zulässig.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces": "Überschreiben Sie die Unterstützung nicht vertrauenswürdiger Arbeitsbereiche einer Erweiterung. Erweiterungen mit „true“ sind immer aktiviert. Erweiterungen mit „limited“ sind immer aktiviert und die Erweiterung blendet Funktionen aus, für die eine Vertrauensstellung erforderlich ist. Erweiterungen mit „false“ sind nur aktiviert, wenn der Arbeitsbereich vertrauenswürdig ist.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.false": "Die Erweiterung ist nur aktiviert, wenn der Arbeitsbereich vertrauenswürdig ist.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.limited": "Die Erweiterung ist immer aktiviert und blendet Funktionen aus, für die eine Vertrauensstellung erforderlich ist.", @@ -7485,6 +7576,7 @@ "extensions.verifySignature": "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, wird vor der Installation die Signatur der Erweiterungen überprüft.", "extensionsCheckUpdates": "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, wird automatisch geprüft, ob Updates für Erweiterungen verfügbar sind. Liegt für eine Erweiterung ein Update vor, wird sie in der Ansicht für Erweiterungen als veraltet markiert. Die Updates werden von einem Microsoft-Onlinedienst heruntergeladen.", "extensionsCloseExtensionDetailsOnViewChange": "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, werden Editoren mit Erweiterungsdetails beim Verlassen der Erweiterungsansicht automatisch geschlossen.", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Erweiterungen", "extensionsDeferredStartupFinishedActivation": "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, werden Erweiterungen, die das Aktivierungsereignis \"onStartupFinished\" deklarieren, nach einem Timeout aktiviert.", "extensionsIgnoreRecommendations": "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, werden keine Empfehlungen für Erweiterungen angezeigt.", "extensionsInQuickAccess": "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, können Sie über den Schnellzugriff nach Erweiterungen suchen und Probleme melden.", @@ -7556,6 +7648,7 @@ "workbench.extensions.action.configureKeybindings": "Tastenkombinationen", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtension": "Kopieren", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtensionId": "Erweiterungs-ID kopieren", + "workbench.extensions.action.copyLink": "Link kopieren", "workbench.extensions.action.ignoreRecommendation": "Empfehlung ignorieren", "workbench.extensions.action.removeExtensionFromWorkspaceRecommendations": "Aus Arbeitsbereichsempfehlungen entfernen", "workbench.extensions.action.toggleApplyToAllProfiles": "Erweiterung auf alle Profile anwenden", @@ -7614,6 +7707,7 @@ "disableGloballyAction": "Deaktivieren", "disableGloballyActionToolTip": "Diese Erweiterung deaktivieren", "disabled": "Deaktiviert", + "disabled - not allowed": "Diese Erweiterung ist aus folgendem Grund deaktiviert: {0}", "disabled because of virtual workspace": "Diese Erweiterung wurde deaktiviert, weil sie keine virtuellen Arbeitsbereiche unterstützt.", "disabled by environment": "Diese Erweiterung wurde durch die Umgebung deaktiviert.", "do not sync": "Diese Erweiterung nicht synchronisieren", @@ -7836,6 +7930,7 @@ "no local extensions": "Es sind keine Erweiterungen zur Installation vorhanden.", "offline error": "Marketplace kann im Offlinemodus nicht durchsucht werden. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Netzwerkverbindung.", "open user settings": "Benutzereinstellungen öffnen", + "showingExtensionsForFeature": "Extensions using {0} in the last 30 days", "suggestProxyError": "Marketplace hat \"ECONNREFUSED\" zurückgegeben. Überprüfen Sie die http.proxy-Einstellung." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/extensionsWidgets": { @@ -7845,6 +7940,8 @@ "extensionIconStarForeground": "Die Symbolfarbe für Erweiterungsbewertungen.", "extensionIconVerifiedForeground": "Die Symbolfarbe für den verifizierten Erweiterungsherausgeber.", "extensionPreReleaseForeground": "Die Symbolfarbe für die Vorabversion der Erweiterung.", + "feature access label": "{0} Anforderungen", + "feature usage label": "{0} Verbrauch", "has prerelease": "{0} ist für diese Erweiterung verfügbar", "local extension": "Lokale Erweiterung", "message": "1 Meldung", @@ -7856,6 +7953,7 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "startup": "Start", "syncingore.label": "Diese Erweiterung wird während der Synchronisierung ignoriert.", + "total": "{0} {1} Anforderungen in den letzten 30 Tagen", "uncaught error": "1 nicht abgefangener Fehler", "uncaught errors": "{0} nicht abgefangene Fehler", "updateRequired": "Aktuelle Version:", @@ -7874,6 +7972,8 @@ "disable all": "Alle deaktivieren", "disableDependents": "Erweiterung mit abhängigen Elementen deaktivieren", "disallowed": "Die Installation dieser Erweiterung ist unzulässig.", + "disallowed extensions": "Some extensions are disabled because they are configured not to be allowed.", + "disallowed extensions by policy": "Some extensions are disabled because they are not allowed by your system administrator.", "download": "Herunterladen", "download title": "Ordner zum Herunterladen der VSIX auswählen", "download.completed": "VSIX erfolgreich heruntergeladen", @@ -7886,6 +7986,7 @@ "enableExtensionTitle": "Erweiterung aktivieren", "extension not found": "Die Erweiterung '{0}' wurde nicht gefunden.", "extensionsAutoRestart": "Erweiterungen wurden automatisch neu gestartet, um Updates zu aktivieren.", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Erweiterungen", "incompatible": "Die Erweiterung \"{0}\" kann nicht installiert werden, da sie nicht kompatibel ist.", "incompatibleExtensions": "Einige Erweiterungen sind aufgrund einer Versionsinkompatibilität deaktiviert. Überprüfen und Aktualisieren Sie sie.", "installButtonLabel": "&&Erweiterung installieren", @@ -7936,6 +8037,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/workspaceRecommendations": { "workspaceRecommendation": "Diese Erweiterung wird von Benutzern des aktuellen Arbeitsbereichs empfohlen." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensions": { + "extensions": "Erweiterungen" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensionsFileTemplate": { "app.extension.identifier.errorMessage": "Erwartetes Format: \"${publisher}.${name}\". Beispiel: \"vscode.csharp\".", "app.extensions.json.recommendations": "Liste von Erweiterungen, die für Benutzer dieses Arbeitsbereichs zu empfehlen sind. Der Bezeichner einer Erweiterung lautet immer \"${herausgeber}.${name}\". Beispiel: \"vscode.csharp\".", @@ -8548,8 +8652,14 @@ "welcome.2": "Wird vorbereitet..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { - "inlineChatExpansion": "Gibt an, ob die Inlinechaterweiterung am Ende einer gerade eingegebenen Zeile aktiviert ist.", - "startWithCurrentLine": "Im Editor mit aktueller Zeile beginnen" + "defaultTitle": "Chat", + "disableHint": "Inlinechathinweis deaktivieren", + "hideHint": "Inlinechathinweis ausblenden", + "inlineChatShowingHint": "Gibt an, ob im Inlinechat ein kontextbezogener Hinweis angezeigt wird", + "showHint": "Inlinechathinweis anzeigen", + "startWithCurrentLine": "Im Editor mit aktueller Zeile beginnen", + "title1": "{0} um fortzufahren mit {1}", + "title2": "{0} zum Bearbeiten mit {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { "config": "Immer mit KI-generierten Änderungen speichern, ohne zu fragen", @@ -8574,6 +8684,7 @@ "accessibleDiffView.on": "Der zugängliche Diff-Viewer ist immer aktiviert.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatInserted": "Übersichtslinealmarkerfarbe für Inhalte, die dem Inlinechat hinzugefügt wurden.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatRemoved": "Übersichtslinealmarkerfarbe für Inhalte, die aus dem Inlinechat entfernt wurden.", + "emptyLineHint": "Gibt an, ob leere Zeilen einen Hinweis zum Generieren von Code mit Inlinechat anzeigen.", "finishOnType": "Gibt an, ob eine Inlinechatsitzung beendet werden soll, wenn die Texteingabe außerhalb von geänderten Regionen erfolgt.", "holdToSpeech": "Gibt an, ob das Gedrückthalten der Inlinechat-Tastenbindung, die Spracherkennung automatisch aktiviert.", "inlineChat.background": "Hintergrundfarbe des interaktiven Editor-Widgets", @@ -8605,6 +8716,7 @@ "inlineChatResponseTypes": "Von welchem Typ waren die Antworten: noch nichts, nur Nachrichten oder Nachrichten und lokale Bearbeitungen?", "inlineChatUserDidEdit": "Gibt an, ob der Benutzer Änderungen am Ende des Inlinechats vorgenommen hat.", "inlineChatVisible": "Gibt an, ob die interaktive Editor-Eingabe sichtbar ist", + "lineSuffixHint": "Whether a hint to complete a line with inline chat is shown. Only shows when at the end of a line that is dominated by natural language, like `class Person with name and hobbies`", "mode": "Konfigurieren Sie, ob Änderungen, die mit Inlinechat erstellt wurden, direkt auf das Dokument angewendet werden oder zuerst in der Vorschau angezeigt werden.", "mode.live": "Änderungen werden direkt auf das Dokument angewendet, können über Inlineunterschiede hervorgehoben und von Hunks akzeptiert/verworfen werden. Durch das Beenden einer Sitzung bleiben die Änderungen erhalten.", "mode.preview": "Änderungen werden nur in der Vorschau angezeigt und müssen über die Schaltfläche \"Anwenden\" akzeptiert werden. Wenn Sie eine Sitzung beenden, werden die Änderungen verworfen." @@ -9408,8 +9520,7 @@ "notebookActions.chatFixCellError": "Zellenfehler beheben" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellDiagnostics/diagnosticCellStatusBarContrib": { - "notebook.cell.status.explain": "Mit Chat erklären", - "notebook.cell.status.fix": "Mit Inlinechat beheben" + "notebook.cell.status.diagnostic": "Schnellaktionen-{0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/executionStatusBarItemController": { "notebook.cell.status.executing": "Wird ausgeführt", @@ -9417,7 +9528,8 @@ "notebook.cell.status.pending": "Ausstehend", "notebook.cell.status.success": "Erfolgreich", "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip": "**Letzte Ausführung** {0}\r\n\r\n**Ausführungszeit** {1}\r\n\r\n**Mehraufwand** {2}\r\n\r\n**Renderzeiten**\r\n\r\n{3}", - "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Verwenden Sie die obigen Links, um ein Problem mithilfe des Problemberichts zu melden." + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Verwenden Sie die obigen Links, um ein Problem mithilfe des Problemberichts zu melden.", + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerVerbose": "Last Execution: {0}, Duration: {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/statusBarProviders": { "notebook.cell.status.autoDetectLanguage": "Erkannte Sprache akzeptieren: {0}", @@ -9775,6 +9887,9 @@ "insertToolbarLocation.notebookToolbar": "Die Symbolleiste oben im Notizbuch-Editor.", "notebook.VariablesView.description": "Experimentelle Notebookvariablenansicht im Debugbereich aktivieren.", "notebook.backup.sizeLimit": "Das Limit der Notebook-Ausgabegröße in Kilobytes (KB), bei dem Notebook-Dateien nicht mehr für Hot Reload gesichert werden. Verwenden Sie 0 für unbegrenzte Anzahl.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.default.description": "The cell execution duration is visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.description": "Controls the verbosity of the cell execution time in the cell status bar.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.verbose.description": "The cell last execution timestamp and duration are visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", "notebook.cellFailureDiagnostics": "Verfügbare Diagnose für Zellfehler anzeigen.", "notebook.cellGenerate": "Experimentelle Generierungsaktion zum Erstellen einer Codezelle mit aktiviertem Inlinechat aktivieren.", "notebook.cellToolbarLocation.description": "Hiermit wird angegeben, wo die Zellensymbolleiste angezeigt bzw. ob sie ausgeblendet werden soll.", @@ -12655,7 +12770,7 @@ "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshCode": "Benutzerdefinierte PowerShell-Argumentvervollständigener werden für die \"code\"- und \"code-insiders\"-CLIs von VS Code registriert. Dies ist zurzeit sehr grundlegend und schlägt immer Flags und Unterbefehle vor, ohne den Kontext zu überprüfen.", "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshGit": "Benutzerdefinierte PowerShell-Argumentvervollständigener werden für die \"git\"-CLI registriert.", "suggest.enableExtensionCompletions": "Steuert, ob Erweiterungsabschlüsse aktiviert sind.", - "suggest.enabled": "Enables experimental terminal Intellisense suggestions for supported shells ({0}) when {1} is set to {2}.\r\n\r\nIf shell integration is installed manually, {3} needs to be set to {4} before calling the shell integration script. \r\n\r\nFor extension provided completions, {5} will also need to be set.", + "suggest.enabled": "Aktiviert experimentelle IntelliSense-Terminalvorschläge für unterstützte Shells ({0}), wenn {1} auf {2} festgelegt ist.\r\n\r\nWenn die Shellintegration manuell installiert wird, muss {3} auf {4} festgelegt werden, bevor das Skript für die Shellintegration aufgerufen wird. \r\n\r\nFür über Erweiterungen bereitgestellte Abschlüsse muss {5} ebenfalls festgelegt werden.", "suggest.quickSuggestions": "Steuert, ob Vorschläge während des Tippens automatisch angezeigt werden sollen. Beachten Sie auch die {0}-Einstellung, die steuert, ob Vorschläge durch Sonderzeichen ausgelöst werden.", "suggest.runOnEnter": "Steuert, ob Vorschläge sofort ausgeführt werden sollen, wenn die EINGABETASTE (nicht TABULATOR) verwendet wird, um das Ergebnis zu akzeptieren.", "suggest.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": "Steuert, ob Vorschläge automatisch angezeigt werden sollen, wenn Triggerzeichen eingegeben werden." @@ -12888,7 +13003,8 @@ "testingCountBadgePassed": "{0} bestandene Tests", "testingCountBadgeSkipped": "{0} übersprungene Tests", "testingFindExtension": "Arbeitsbereichstests anzeigen", - "testingNoTest": "In dieser Datei wurden keine Tests gefunden." + "testingNoTest": "In dieser Datei wurden keine Tests gefunden.", + "testingSelectConfig": "Konfiguration auswählen..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Schließen", @@ -13067,6 +13183,11 @@ "testError": "Fehler beim Ausführen von Tests: {0}", "testTrust": "Durch Ausführen von Tests kann Code in Ihrem Arbeitsbereich ausgeführt werden." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/testTypes": { + "testing.runProfileBitset.coverage": "Abdeckung", + "testing.runProfileBitset.debug": "Debuggen", + "testing.runProfileBitset.run": "Ausführen" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/themes/browser/themes.contribution": { "browseColorThemeInMarketPlace.label": "Farbdesigns im Marketplace durchsuchen", "browseColorThemes": "Zusätzliche Farbdesigns durchsuchen...", @@ -13656,7 +13777,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { "getStarted": "Willkommen", - "walkthroughPageTitle": "Exemplarische Vorgehensweise: " + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Exemplarische Vorgehensweise: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "Integriert", @@ -13674,6 +13795,7 @@ "browsePopularWeb": "Beliebte Weberweiterungen durchsuchen", "cloneRepo": "Repository klonen", "commandPalette": "Befehlspalette öffnen", + "copilotTerms": "By continuing, you agree to Copilot [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", "enableSync": "Einstellungen für Sicherung und Synchronisierung", "enableTrust": "Vertrauensstellung aktivieren", "getting-started-beginner-icon": "Symbol für die Kategorie „Anfänger“ der Willkommensseite", @@ -13695,6 +13817,8 @@ "gettingStarted.commandPalette.title": "Produktivität mit der Befehlspalette steigern ", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.description.interpolated": "Führen Sie Befehle ohne Maus aus, um eine Aufgabe in VS Code auszuführen.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.title": "Steigern der Produktivität mit der Befehlspalette ", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.description": "Write code faster and smarter with [Copilot]({0}) for free.", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.title": "Use AI features with Copilot for free", "gettingStarted.debug.description.interpolated": "Beschleunigen Sie die Bearbeitungs-, Build-, Test- und Debugschleife durch Einrichten einer Startkonfiguration.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.debug.title": "Code in Aktion ansehen", "gettingStarted.extensions.description.interpolated": "Durch Erweiterungen können Sie VS Code noch umfassender nutzen. Diese reichen von praktischen Hacks zur Produktivitätssteigerung über Erweiterungen für vorkonfigurierte Features bis hin zu völlig neuen Funktionen.\r\n{0}", @@ -13789,6 +13913,9 @@ "quickOpen": "Datei über Quick Open öffnen", "runProject": "Ausführen Ihres Projekts", "runTasks": "Automatisch erkannte Aufgaben ausführen", + "setupCopilotButton.chatWithCopilot": "Chat with Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.setup": "Setup Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.signIn": "Sign in to use Copilot", "showOrFocusHover": "Anzeigen oder Fokus beim Daraufzeigen", "showTerminal": "Terminal öffnen", "titleID": "Farbdesigns durchsuchen", @@ -14046,6 +14173,7 @@ "menus.explorerContextShare": "Untermenü „Teilen“ im Kontextmenü des Datei-Explorers", "menus.extensionContext": "Das Erweiterungskontextmenü", "menus.historyItemContext": "Kontextmenü des Verlaufselements der Quellcodeverwaltung", + "menus.historyItemRefContext": "Kontextmenü des Referenzkontexts des Quellcodeverwaltungsverlaufselements", "menus.home": "Kontextmenü für Startseitenindikator (nur Web)", "menus.input": "Das Eingabefeldmenü \"Quellcodeverwaltung\"", "menus.mergeEditorResult": "Die Ergebnissymbolleiste des Merge-Editors", @@ -14350,6 +14478,7 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/browser/extensionEnablementService": { "Reload": "Erweiterungen erneut laden und aktivieren", "cannot change disablement environment": "Die Aktivierung der {0}-Erweiterung kann nicht geändert werden, da sie in der Umgebung deaktiviert ist.", + "cannot change disallowed extension enablement": "Die Aktivierung der Erweiterung {0} kann nicht geändert werden, da sie nicht zulässig ist", "cannot change enablement dependency": "Die Erweiterung \"{0}\" kann nicht aktiviert werden, da Sie von der Erweiterung \"{1}\" abhängig ist, die nicht aktiviert werden kann.", "cannot change enablement environment": "Die Aktivierung der {0}-Erweiterung kann nicht geändert werden, da sie in der Umgebung aktiviert ist.", "cannot change enablement extension kind": "Die Aktivierung der {0} Erweiterung kann aufgrund ihrer Erweiterungsart nicht geändert werden.", @@ -14371,9 +14500,6 @@ "allow": "Zulassen", "disallow": "Nicht zulassen" }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { - "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Erweiterungen" - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementServerService": { "browser": "Browser", "remote": "Remote" @@ -14403,11 +14529,6 @@ "singleDependentError": "Die Erweiterung \"{0}\" kann nicht deinstalliert werden. Die Erweiterung \"{1}\" hängt von dieser Erweiterung ab.", "twoDependentsError": "Die Erweiterung \"{0}\" kann nicht deinstalliert werden. Die Erweiterungen \"{1}\" und \"{2}\" hängen von dieser Erweiterung ab." }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/webExtensionManagementService": { - "VS Code for Web": "{0} für das Web", - "learn why": "Erfahren Sie, warum.", - "not web tooltip": "Die Erweiterung „{0}“ ist unter {1} nicht verfügbar." - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/extensionManagementServerService": { "local": "LOCAL", "remote": "Remote" diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index 80e887ab6d..a2d09a00d0 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ "Conflict: Deleted By Us": "Conflicto: eliminado por nosotros", "Continue Rebase": "Continuar fusión mediante cambio de base", "Continuing Rebase...": "Continuando fusión mediante cambio de base...", + "Copy Commit Hash": "Copiar hash de confirmación", "Could not clone your repository as Git is not installed.": "No se pudo clonar el repositorio porque GIT no está instalado.", "Create Empty Commit": "Crear \"commit\" vacío", "Current": "Actual", @@ -112,10 +113,11 @@ "File \"{0}\" was deleted by us and modified by them.\n\nWhat would you like to do?": "Nosotros eliminamos el archivo \"{0}\" y ellos lo modificaron.\n\n¿Qué quiere hacer?", "Force Checkout": "Forzar extracción del repositorio", "Force push is not allowed, please enable it with the \"git.allowForcePush\" setting.": "No está permitido forzar envío de cambios, habilite la opción mediante el control \"git.allowForcePush\".", - "Git Blame Information": "Git Blame Information", + "Git Blame Information": "Información de Git Blame", "Git History": "Historia de Git", "Git error": "Error de GIT", - "Git local working changes": "Cambios de trabajo locales de Git", + "Git local changes (working tree + index)": "Cambios locales de Git (árbol de trabajo + índice)", + "Git local changes (working tree)": "Cambios locales de Git (árbol de trabajo)", "Git not found. Install it or configure it using the \"git.path\" setting.": "Git no encontrado. Instálelo o configúrelo mediante el valor \"git.path\".", "Git repositories were found in the parent folders of the workspace or the open file(s). Would you like to open the repositories?": "Se encontraron repositorios Git en las carpetas primarias del área de trabajo o en los archivos abiertos. ¿Desea abrir los repositorios?", "Git: {0}": "GIT: {0}", @@ -415,6 +417,7 @@ "command.branchFrom": "Crear rama desde...", "command.checkout": "Desproteger en...", "command.checkoutDetached": "Extraer del repositorio en (desasociado)...", + "command.checkoutRef": "Finalizar la compra", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Restauración (desasociado)", "command.cherryPick": "Selección exclusiva...", "command.cherryPickAbort": "Anular selección exclusiva", @@ -552,8 +555,10 @@ "config.autofetch": "Cuando se establece en true, se aplica \"fetch\" a los \"commits\" de forma automática para recuperar los cambios del elemento remoto predeterminado del repositorio GIT actual. Si se establece en \"all\" se recuperan los cambios con \"fetch\" de todos los elementos remotos.", "config.autofetchPeriod": "Duración en segundos entre cada búsqueda de GIT automática, cuando se habilita \"git.autofetch\".", "config.autorefresh": "Si la actualización automática es habilitada.", - "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Controla si se mostrará la información de Git Blame en el editor mediante decoraciones del editor.", - "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Controla si se mostrará información de Git Blame en la barra de estado.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Controla si se va a mostrar información de autoría en el editor mediante decoraciones de editor.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.template": "Plantilla para la decoración del editor de información del autor. Variables admitidas:\r\n\r\n* `hash`: hash de confirmación\r\n\r\n* `hashShort`: primeros 8 caracteres del hash de confirmación\r\n\r\n* `subject`: primera línea del mensaje de confirmación\r\n\r\n* `authorName`: nombre del autor\r\n\r\n* `authorEmail`: correo electrónico del autor\r\n\r\n* `authorDate`: fecha de creación\r\n\r\n* `authorDateAgo`: diferencia de hora entre ahora y la fecha de creación\r\n\r\n", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Controla si se va a mostrar información de autoría en la barra de estado.", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.template": "Plantilla para el elemento de barra de estado de información de autoría. Variables admitidas:\r\n\r\n* `hash`: hash de confirmación\r\n\r\n* `hashShort`: primeros 8 caracteres del hash de confirmación\r\n\r\n* `subject`: primera línea del mensaje de confirmación\r\n\r\n* `authorName`: nombre del autor\r\n\r\n* `authorEmail`: correo electrónico del autor\r\n\r\n* `authorDate`: fecha de creación\r\n\r\n* `authorDateAgo`: diferencia de hora entre ahora y la fecha de creación\r\n\r\n", "config.branchPrefix": "Prefijo usado al crear una rama nueva.", "config.branchProtection": "Lista de ramas protegidas. De forma predeterminada, se muestra un mensaje antes de que se confirmen los cambios en una rama protegida. El mensaje se puede controlar mediante la configuración '#git.branchProtectionPrompt#'.", "config.branchProtectionPrompt": "Controla si se muestra un mensaje antes de confirmar los cambios en una rama protegida.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json index f3177a23b5..fe1833364f 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "$ref '{0}' in '{1}' can not be resolved.": "$ref '{0}' en '{1}' no se puede resolver.", "": "", "A default value. Used by suggestions.": "Valor predeterminado. Usado por sugerencias.", - "A descriptive title of the element.": "Título descriptivo del elemento.", - "A long description of the element. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "Descripción larga del elemento. Se usa en menús y sugerencias al mantener el puntero.", + "A descriptive title of the schema.": "A descriptive title of the schema.", + "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.", "A map of property names to either an array of property names or a schema. An array of property names means the property named in the key depends on the properties in the array being present in the object in order to be valid. If the value is a schema, then the schema is only applied to the object if the property in the key exists on the object.": "Asignación de nombres de propiedad a una matriz de nombres de propiedad o a un esquema. Una matriz de nombres de propiedad significa que la propiedad denominada en la clave depende de las propiedades de la matriz presentes en el objeto para que sean válidas. Si el valor es un esquema, el esquema solo se aplica al objeto si la propiedad de la clave existe en el objeto.", "A map of property names to schemas for each property.": "Asignación de nombres de propiedad a esquemas para cada propiedad.", "A map of regular expressions on property names to schemas for matching properties.": "Asignación de expresiones regulares en nombres de propiedad a esquemas para propiedades coincidentes.", @@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ "Configured in workspace settings": "Configurado en la configuración del área de trabajo", "Default value": "Valor predeterminado", "Describes the content encoding of a string property.": "Describe la codificación de contenido de una propiedad de cadena.", - "Describes the format expected for the value.": "Describe el formato esperado para el valor.", + "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation": "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation", "Describes the media type of a string property.": "Describe el tipo de medio de una propiedad de cadena.", "Downloading schemas is disabled through setting '{0}'": "La descarga de esquemas está deshabilitada mediante el valor \"{0}\"", "Downloading schemas is disabled. Click to configure.": "La descarga de esquemas está deshabilitada. Haga clic para configurar.", "Draft-03 schemas are not supported.": "No se admiten esquemas borrador-03.", "Duplicate anchor declaration: '{0}'": "Declaración de delimitador duplicada: '{0}'", "Duplicate object key": "Clave de objeto duplicada", - "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, then used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties' or 'patternProperties'. If false, then any properties not matched by either will cause this schema to fail.": "Esquema o booleano. Si es un esquema, se usará para validar todas las propiedades que no coincidan con \"properties\" o \"patternProperties\". Si es falso, las propiedades que no coincidan con cualquiera provocarán un error en este esquema.", + "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.": "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.", "Either a string of one of the basic schema types (number, integer, null, array, object, boolean, string) or an array of strings specifying a subset of those types.": "Cadena de uno de los tipos de esquema básicos (número, entero, null, matriz, objeto, booleano, cadena) o una matriz de cadenas que especifica un subconjunto de esos tipos.", "End of file expected.": "Se esperaba el final del archivo.", "Expected a JSON object, array or literal.": "Se esperaba un objeto JSON, una matriz o un literal.", @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ "Expected comma or closing brace": "Se esperaba una coma o un corchete de cierre", "Expected comma or closing bracket": "Se esperaba una coma o un corchete de cierre", "Failed to sort the JSONC document, please consider opening an issue.": "No se pudo ordenar el documento JSONC. Considere la posibilidad de abrir una incidencia.", - "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If it is a schema, then this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items array. If it is false, then additional items will cause validation to fail.": "Para matrices, solo cuando los elementos se establezcan como una matriz. Si se tratara de un esquema, este esquema validará los elementos después de los especificados por la matriz de elementos. Si es falso, los elementos adicionales provocarán un error de validación.", + "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.": "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.", "For arrays. Can either be a schema to validate every element against or an array of schemas to validate each item against in order (the first schema will validate the first element, the second schema will validate the second element, and so on.": "Para matrices. Puede ser un esquema con el que validar cada elemento o una matriz de esquemas para validar cada elemento en orden (el primer esquema validará el primer elemento, el segundo esquema validará el segundo elemento, y así sucesivamente.", "If all of the items in the array must be unique. Defaults to false.": "Si todos los elementos de la matriz deben ser únicos. El valor predeterminado es false.", "If the instance is an object, this keyword validates if every property name in the instance validates against the provided schema.": "Si la instancia es un objeto, esta palabra clave valida si todos los nombres de propiedad de la instancia se validan con el esquema proporcionado.", @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ "String is not an e-mail address.": "La cadena no es una dirección de correo electrónico.", "String is shorter than the minimum length of {0}.": "La cadena es más corta que la longitud mínima de {0}.", "The \"else\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema fails.": "El subesquema \"else\" se usa para la validación cuando el subesquema \"if\" no tiene éxito.", - "The \"if\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "El subesquema \"if\" se usa para la validación cuando el subesquema \"if\" tiene éxito.", + "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.", "The maximum length of a string.": "La longitud máxima de una cadena.", "The maximum number of items that can be inside an array. Inclusive.": "Número máximo de elementos que pueden estar dentro de una matriz. Inclusivo.", "The maximum number of properties an object can have. Inclusive.": "Número máximo de propiedades que puede tener un objeto. Inclusivo.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json index 434dd79bc0..3b133ca56d 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.explicit": "La animación de símbolo de intercalación suave solo se habilita cuando el usuario mueve el cursor con un gesto explícito.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.off": "La animación del símbolo de intercalación suave está deshabilitada.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.on": "La animación de símbolo de intercalación suave siempre está habilitada.", - "cursorStyle": "Controla el estilo del cursor.", + "cursorStyle": "Controla el estilo del cursor en el modo de entrada de inserción.", "cursorSurroundingLines": "Controla el número mínimo de líneas iniciales visibles (mínimo 0) y líneas finales (mínimo 1) que rodean el cursor. Se conoce como \"scrollOff\" o \"scrollOffset\" en otros editores.", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle": "Controla cuándo se debe aplicar '#editor.cursorSurroundingLines#'.", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle.all": "\"cursorSurroundingLines\" se aplica siempre.", @@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ "find.autoFindInSelection": "Controla la condición para activar la búsqueda en la selección de forma automática.", "find.cursorMoveOnType": "Controla si el cursor debe saltar para buscar coincidencias mientras se escribe.", "find.globalFindClipboard": "Controla si el widget de búsqueda debe leer o modificar el Portapapeles de búsqueda compartido en macOS.", - "find.history": "Controls how the find widget history should be stored", + "find.history": "Controla cómo se debe almacenar el historial de búsqueda del widget de búsqueda", "find.loop": "Controla si la búsqueda se reinicia automáticamente desde el principio (o el final) cuando no se encuentran más coincidencias.", "find.seedSearchStringFromSelection": "Controla si la cadena de búsqueda del widget de búsqueda se inicializa desde la selección del editor.", "folding": "Controla si el editor tiene el plegado de código habilitado.", @@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ "inline": "Las sugerencias rápidas se muestran como texto fantasma", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Controla si se debe proporcionar la sugerencia de accesibilidad a los usuarios del lector de pantalla cuando se muestra una finalización insertada.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Controla si se habilitan las ediciones experimentales en sugerencias insertadas.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.onlyShowWhenCloseToCursor": "Controla si solo se muestran sugerencias insertadas cuando el cursor está cerca de la sugerencia.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useInterleavedLinesDiff": "Controla si se habilitan las diferencias de líneas intercaladas experimentales en sugerencias insertadas.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useMixedLinesDiff": "Controla si se habilitan las ediciones experimentales en sugerencias insertadas.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "Controla si se deben mostrar automáticamente las sugerencias alineadas en el editor.", @@ -609,6 +610,8 @@ "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Controla el retraso en milisegundos después del cual se resaltan las repeticiones.", "off": "Las sugerencias rápidas están deshabilitadas", "on": "Las sugerencias rápidas se muestran dentro del widget de sugerencias", + "overtypeCursorStyle": "Controla el estilo del cursor en el modo de entrada de sobrescritura.", + "overtypeOnPaste": "Controla si el pegado debe sobrescribirse.", "overviewRulerBorder": "Controla si debe dibujarse un borde alrededor de la regla de información general.", "padding.bottom": "Controla el espacio entre el borde inferior del editor y la última línea.", "padding.top": "Controla la cantidad de espacio entre el borde superior del editor y la primera línea.", @@ -1410,9 +1413,10 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Mostrar sugerencia alineada siguiente", "action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "Mostrar sugerencia alineada anterior", "action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "Desencadenar sugerencia insertada", - "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.inlineEdit": "Desencadenar edición insertada", + "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.explicitInlineEdit": "Desencadenar edición insertada", "jump": "Saltar", - "noInlineEditAvailable": "No hay ninguna edición insertada disponible." + "noInlineEditAvailable": "No hay ninguna edición insertada disponible.", + "reject": "Reject" }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/controller/inlineCompletionContextKeys": { "cursorAtInlineEdit": "Si el cursor está en una edición insertada", @@ -2045,12 +2049,14 @@ }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "Marketplace no está habilitado", + "VS Code for Web": "{0} para la Web", "incompatible platform": "La extensión \"{0}\" no está disponible en {1} para {2}.", "incompatibleAPI": "No se puede instalar la extensión '{0}'. {1}", - "learn more": "Más información", + "learn why": "Información sobre el motivo", "malicious extension": "No se puede instalar la extensión \"{0}\" ya que se informó de que era problemática.", "multipleDependentsError": "No se puede desinstalar la extensión \"{0}\". Las extensiones \"{1}\" y \"{2}\", entre otras, dependen de esta.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "No se puede desinstalar la extensión \"{0}\". Incluye la desinstalación de la extensión \"{1}\" y las extensiones \"{2}\" y \"{3}\", entre otras, dependen de esta.", + "not allowed to install": "Esta extensión no se puede instalar porque {0}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "No se puede instalar la extensión \"{0}\" porque no es compatible con la versión actual de {1} (versión {2}).", "notFoundDeprecatedReplacementExtension": "No se puede instalar la extensión '{0}' porque estaba en desuso y no se encuentra la extensión de reemplazo '{1}'.", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "No se puede instalar la versión de lanzamiento de la extensión \"{0}\" porque no tiene ninguna versión de lanzamiento.", @@ -2059,6 +2065,13 @@ "twoDependentsError": "No se puede desinstalar la extensión \"{0}\". Las extensiones \"{1}\" y \"{2}\" dependen de esta.", "twoIndirectDependentsError": "No se puede desinstalar la extensión \"{0}\". Incluye la desinstalación de la extensión \"{1}\" y las extensiones \"{2}\" y \"{3}\" dependen de esta." }, + "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/allowedExtensionsService": { + "extension prerelease not allowed": "las versiones preliminares de esta extensión no están en la [lista de permitidos]({0})", + "prerelease versions from this publisher not allowed": "las versiones preliminares de este publicador no están en la [lista de permitidos]({1})", + "publisher not allowed": "las extensiones de este publicador no están en la [lista de permitidos]({1})", + "specific extension not allowed": "no está en la [lista de permitidos]({0})", + "specific version of extension not allowed": "la versión {0} de esta extensión no está en la [lista de permitidos]({1})" + }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { "extensions": "Extensiones", "preferences": "Preferencias" @@ -2096,10 +2109,6 @@ "updateMessage": "Actualizando la extensión '{0}' a la versión {1}", "useId": "Asegúrese de utilizar el identificador de extensión completo, incluido el publicador, por ejemplo: {0}" }, - "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementIpc": { - "incompatible platform": "La extensión \"{0}\" no está disponible en {1} para {2}.", - "learn more": "Más información" - }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionNls": { "missingNLSKey": "No se encontró un mensaje para la clave {0}." }, @@ -2117,7 +2126,7 @@ "errorDeleting": "No se puede eliminar la carpeta '{0}' mientras se instala la extensión '{1}'. Elimine la carpeta manualmente y vuelva a intentarlo.", "incompatible": "No se puede instalar la extensión \"{0}\" porque no es compatible con VS Code \"{1}\".", "invalidManifest": "No se puede instalar la extensión \"{0}\" porque el manifiesto no coincide con Marketplace", - "not signed": "La extensión no está firmada.", + "notAllowed": "Esta extensión no se puede instalar porque {0}", "removeError": "Error al quitar la extensión: {0}. Salga e inicie VS Code antes de intentarlo de nuevo.", "restartCode": "Por favor reinicia VS Code antes de reinstalar {0}.", "signature verification failed": "Error \"{0}\" en la comprobación de la firma.", @@ -2725,6 +2734,9 @@ "activityWarningBadge.foreground": "Color de primer plano del distintivo de actividad de advertencia", "badgeBackground": "Color de fondo de la insignia. Las insignias son pequeñas etiquetas de información, por ejemplo los resultados de un número de resultados.", "badgeForeground": "Color de primer plano de la insignia. Las insignias son pequeñas etiquetas de información, por ejemplo los resultados de un número de resultados.", + "chartAxis": "Color del eje para el gráfico.", + "chartGuide": "Línea de guía para el gráfico.", + "chartLine": "Color de línea para el gráfico.", "progressBarBackground": "Color de fondo para la barra de progreso que se puede mostrar para las operaciones de larga duración.", "sashActiveBorder": "Color de borde de los marcos activos.", "scrollbarShadow": "Sombra de la barra de desplazamiento indica que la vista se ha despazado.", @@ -3063,6 +3075,11 @@ "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadNotebookSaveParticipant": { "timeout.onWillSave": "Se anuló onWillSaveNotebookDocument-event después de 1750 ms" }, + "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadOutputService": { + "status.showOutput": "Mostrar salida", + "status.showOutputAria": "Mostrar {0} canal de salida", + "status.showOutputTooltip": "Mostrar {0} canal de salida" + }, "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadProgress": { "manageExtension": "Administrar extensión" }, @@ -3868,6 +3885,7 @@ "miRestoreEditorsToMainWindow": "&&Restaurar editores en la ventana principal", "minimizeOtherEditorGroups": "Expandir grupo de editores", "minimizeOtherEditorGroupsHideSidebar": "Expandir grupo de editores y ocultar barras laterales", + "mitoggleOvertypeInsertMode": "&&Alternar el modo de sobrescritura o inserción", "moveActiveGroupDown": "Mover Grupo Editor Abajo", "moveActiveGroupLeft": "Mover el grupo de editores a la izquierda", "moveActiveGroupRight": "Mover el grupo de editores a la derecha", @@ -3939,6 +3957,8 @@ "toggleEditorType": "Alternar tipo de editor", "toggleEditorWidths": "Alternar tamaños de grupo de editor", "toggleMaximizeEditorGroup": "Alternar para maximizar grupo de editores", + "toggleOvertypeInsertMode": "Alternar el modo de sobrescritura o inserción", + "toggleOvertypeMode.description": "Alternar entre el modo de sobrescritura e inserción", "unpinEditor": "Desanclar editor" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorCommands": { @@ -4045,6 +4065,7 @@ "guessedEncoding": "Adivinado por el contenido", "indentConvert": "convertir archivo", "indentView": "cambiar vista", + "inputModeOvertype": "OVR", "languageDescription": "({0}): lenguaje configurado", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", "languagesPicks": "lenguajes (identificador)", @@ -4071,6 +4092,7 @@ "spacesAndTabsSize": "Espacios: {0} (Tamaño de tabulación: {1})", "spacesSize": "Espacios: {0}", "status.editor.columnSelectionMode": "Modo selección de columnas", + "status.editor.enableInsertMode": "Habilitar modo de inserción", "status.editor.encoding": "Codificación del editor", "status.editor.eol": "Editor final de línea", "status.editor.indentation": "Sangría del editor", @@ -4585,11 +4607,13 @@ "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.always": "Maximice siempre el panel al abrirlo.", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.never": "No maximice nunca el panel al abrirlo. El panel se abrirá sin maximizar.", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.preserve": "Abra el panel en el estado en el que se encontraba antes de cerrarlo.", + "workbench.panel.output": "Vista de salida", "workbench.quickOpen.preserveInput": "Controla si debe restaurarse la última entrada escrita en Quick Open al abrirlo la próxima vez.", "workbench.reduceMotion": "Controla si el área de trabajo debe representarse con menos animaciones.", "workbench.reduceMotion.auto": "Representación con movimiento reducido basado en la configuración del sistema operativo.", "workbench.reduceMotion.off": "No representar con movimiento reducido", "workbench.reduceMotion.on": "Representar siempre con movimiento reducido.", + "workbench.view.showQuietly": "Si una extensión solicita que se muestre una vista oculta, muestre en su lugar un indicador de barra de estado en el que se pueda hacer clic.", "wrapTabs": "Controla si las tabulaciones deben ajustarse en varias líneas al superar el espacio disponible o si debe mostrarse una barra de desplazamiento en su lugar. Este valor se omite cuando {0} no se establece en \"{1}\".", "zenMode.centerLayout": "Controla si al activar el modo zen se centra también el diseño.", "zenMode.fullScreen": "Controla si al activar el modo zen se pone también el área de trabajo en modo de pantalla completa.", @@ -4775,6 +4799,7 @@ "panelStickyScrollBackground": "Color de fondo del desplazamiento permanente en el panel.", "panelStickyScrollBorder": "Color de borde del desplazamiento permanente en el panel.", "panelStickyScrollShadow": "Color de sombra del desplazamiento permanente en el panel.", + "panelTitleBorder": "Color del borde del título del panel en la parte inferior, separando el título de las vistas. Los paneles se muestran debajo del área del editor y contienen vistas como la salida y el terminal integrado.", "profileBadgeBackground": "Color de fondo del distintivo de perfil. El distintivo de perfil se muestra en la parte superior del icono de engranaje de configuración de la barra de actividad.", "profileBadgeForeground": "Color de primer plano del distintivo de perfil. El distintivo de perfil se muestra en la parte superior del icono de engranaje de configuración de la barra de actividad.", "sideBarActivityBarTopBorder": "Color de borde entre la barra de actividad en la parte superior e inferior y las vistas.", @@ -4789,6 +4814,7 @@ "sideBarStickyScrollBorder": "Color de borde del desplazamiento permanente en la barra lateral.", "sideBarStickyScrollShadow": "Color de sombra del desplazamiento permanente en la barra lateral.", "sideBarTitleBackground": "Color de fondo de título de barra lateral. La barra lateral es el contenedor de vistas como Explorador y Búsqueda.", + "sideBarTitleBorder": "Color del borde del título de la barra lateral en la parte inferior, separando el título de las vistas. La barra lateral es el contenedor de vistas como Explorador y Búsqueda.", "sideBarTitleForeground": "Color de primer plano del título de la barra lateral, que es el contenedor de vistas como Explorador y Búsqueda.", "sideBySideEditor.horizontalBorder": "Color para separar dos editores entre sí cuando se muestran en paralelo en un grupo de editores de arriba a abajo.", "sideBySideEditor.verticalBorder": "Color para separar dos editores entre sí cuando se muestran en paralelo en un grupo de editores de izquierda a derecha.", @@ -5427,12 +5453,16 @@ "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Cambiar a chat", "interactiveSession.open": "Abrir Editor", "learnMore": "Más información", + "managePlan": "Administrar el plan de Copilot", + "manageSettings": "Administrar la configuración de Copilot", "more": "Más...", "newChatTitle": "Nuevo título del chat", "openChat": "Abrir chat", + "showCopilotUsageExtensions": "Mostrar extensiones usando Copilot", "title4": "Chat", - "toggle.chatControl": "Controles de chat", - "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Alternar visibilidad de los controles de diseño en la barra de título" + "toggle.chatControl": "Controles de Copilot", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Alternar visibilidad de los controles Copilot en la barra de título", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { "chat.done.label": "Listo", @@ -5562,9 +5592,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Chat", - "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Controla si el centro de comandos muestra un menú para las acciones de chat (requiere {0}).", + "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Controla si el centro de comandos muestra un menú para las acciones para controlar Copilot (requiere {0}).", "chat.detectParticipant.enabled": "Habilita la detección automática del participante del chat para el chat del panel.", - "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Si se debe preguntar siempre antes de guardar los archivos con los cambios realizados por chat.", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether files that have changes made by chat can be saved without confirmation.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Indica si se debe mostrar una confirmación antes de quitar una solicitud y sus ediciones asociadas.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Indica si se debe mostrar una confirmación antes de reintentar una solicitud y sus ediciones asociadas.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Habilita la detección automática del participante del chat para el chat del panel.", @@ -5594,7 +5624,11 @@ "reservedName": "Esta extensión de chat usa un nombre reservado.", "viewExtensionLabel": "Ver extensión" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAgentCommandContentPart": { + "rerun": "Volver a ejecutar sin {0}{1}" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAttachmentsContentPart": { + "chat.attachment": "Contexto adjunto, {0}", "chat.attachment3": "Contexto adjunto: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachment3": "Adjunto: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Adjunto: {0}, línea {1} a línea {2}.", @@ -5602,7 +5636,8 @@ "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Omitido: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Omitido: {0}, línea {1} a línea {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Parcialmente adjunto: {0}.", - "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "Parcialmente adjuntado: {0}, línea {1} a línea {2}." + "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "Parcialmente adjuntado: {0}, línea {1} a línea {2}.", + "resource": "El valor completo del recurso de datos adjuntos del chat, incluido el esquema y la ruta de acceso" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatCodeCitationContentPart": { "viewMatches": "Ver coincidencias" @@ -5617,7 +5652,16 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatMarkdownContentPart": { "chat.codeblock.applying": "Aplicando ediciones...", "chat.codeblock.applyingPercentage": "Aplicando ediciones ({0}%)...", - "chat.codeblock.generating": "Generando ediciones..." + "chat.codeblock.deletions": "{0} eliminaciones", + "chat.codeblock.deletions.one": "{0} eliminación", + "chat.codeblock.generating": "Generando ediciones...", + "chat.codeblock.insertions": "{0} inserciones", + "chat.codeblock.insertions.one": "{0} inserción", + "summary": "Se editaron {0}, {1}, {2}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatQuotaExceededPart": { + "signedUpClickToContinue": "Signed up? Click to continue!", + "upgradeToCopilotPro": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { "addToChat": "Agregar archivo al chat", @@ -5646,13 +5690,15 @@ "file": "Archivo", "files": "Archivos", "folder": "Carpeta", - "image": "Imagen" + "image": "Imagen", + "symbol": "Símbolo" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingActions": { "accept": "Aceptar", "accept.file": "Aceptar", "acceptAllEdits": "Aceptar todas las ediciones", "addFileToWorkingSet": "Agregar archivo", + "addFilesFromReferences": "Agregar archivos a partir de referencias", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.manyFiles": "Esto deshará los cambios realizados {0}en {1} los archivos. ¿Desea continuar?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.oneFile": "Esto deshará los cambios realizados por {0} en {1}. ¿Desea continuar?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.primaryButton": "Sí", @@ -5669,12 +5715,11 @@ "chat.undoEdits.label": "Deshacer ediciones", "chatEditing.snapshot": "{0} (instantánea {1})", "chatEditing.viewChanges": "Ver todas las ediciones", + "clearWorkingSet": "Borrar espacio de trabajo", "discard": "Descartar", "discard.file": "Descartar", "discardAllEdits": "Descartar todas las ediciones", "open.fileInDiff": "Abrir cambios en el Editor de diferencias", - "removeAll": "Remove All", - "removeAllFiles": "Remove All Files", "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Quitar archivo", "workbench.action.chat.addSelectedFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Agregar archivos seleccionados al conjunto de trabajo" }, @@ -5706,6 +5751,7 @@ "undo2": "Deshacer" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.ctxHasRequestInProgress": "The current editor shows a file from an edit session which is still in progress", "chat.hasEditorModifications": "El editor actual contiene modificaciones de chat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { @@ -5713,6 +5759,8 @@ "chatEditorName": "Chat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorOverlay": { + "applyingPercentage": "{0}% Applying edits...", + "generating": "Generating edits...", "label": "Estado de navegación", "nOfM": "{0} de {1}", "tooltip_11": "1 cambio en 1 archivo", @@ -5751,8 +5799,7 @@ "miGotoDefinition": "Ir a la &&Definición", "miGotoImplementations": "Ir a &&implementaciones", "miGotoReference": "Ir a &&Referencias", - "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Ir a definiciones de &&tipo", - "resource": "El valor completo del recurso de anclaje de chat, incluido el esquema y la ruta de acceso" + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Ir a definiciones de &&tipo" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Entrada de chat, Escribir para hacer preguntas o escribir / para temas, presione Entrar para enviar la solicitud. Use {0} para la Ayuda de accesibilidad del chat.", @@ -5765,16 +5812,18 @@ "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Enviar a @{0}", "chatAddFiles": "{0} Agregar archivos...", "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "Se ha alcanzado el límite de archivos del conjunto de trabajo. {0} se excluye del conjunto de trabajo. Quite otros archivos para crear espacio para {0}.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} files)", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} archivos)", "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "1 archivo se excluye del conjunto de trabajo.", "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "{0} archivos se excluyen del conjunto de trabajo.", "chatEditingSession.fileLimitReached": "Ha alcanzado el número máximo de archivos que se pueden agregar al espacio de trabajo.", "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} archivos)", "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 archivo)", + "chatEditingSession.removeSuggested": "Remove suggestion", "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Espacio de trabajo", "chatInput": "Entrada de chat", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Entrada de chat, escriba el código aquí y presione Entrar para ejecutarlo. Use el comando Ayuda de accesibilidad del chat para obtener más información.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Más..." + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Más...", + "suggeste.title": "{0} - {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "seleccionado \"{0}\"", @@ -5791,9 +5840,9 @@ "usedAgent": "[[(rerun without)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "se usó {0} [[(rerun without)]]" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipant.contribution": { "chat.viewContainer.label": "Chat", - "chatCommand": "Nombre corto con el que se hace referencia a este comando en la interfaz de usuario; por ejemplo, \"fix\" o * \"explain\" para comandos que corrigen un problema o código de explicación. El nombre debe ser único entre los comandos proporcionados por este participante.", + "chatCommand": "Nombre corto con el que se hace referencia a este comando en la interfaz de usuario, por ejemplo, \"fix\" o * \"explain\" para los comandos que corrigen un problema o explican el código. El nombre debe ser único entre los comandos proporcionados por este participante.", "chatCommandDescription": "Descripción de este comando.", "chatCommandDisambiguation": "Metadatos para ayudar a enrutar automáticamente las preguntas del usuario a este comando de chat.", "chatCommandDisambiguationCategory": "Un nombre detallado para esta categoría, por ejemplo, \"workspace_questions\" o \"web_questions\".", @@ -5804,7 +5853,7 @@ "chatCommandWhen": "Condición que debe ser verdadera para habilitar este comando.", "chatCommandsDescription": "Comandos disponibles para este participante del chat, que el usuario puede invocar con \"/\".", "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Ediciones de Copilot", - "chatFailErrorMessage": "Chat failed to load because the installed version of the {0} extension is not compatible with this version of {1}. Please ensure that the {2} extension is up to date.", + "chatFailErrorMessage": "No se pudo cargar el chat porque la versión instalada de la extensión Copilot Chat no es compatible con esta versión de {0}. Asegúrese de que la extensión Copilot Chat está actualizada.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Una descripción de este participante del chat, que se muestra en la interfaz de usuario.", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Metadatos para ayudar a enrutar automáticamente las preguntas del usuario a este participante del chat.", "chatParticipantDisambiguationCategory": "Un nombre detallado para esta categoría, por ejemplo, \"workspace_questions\" o \"web_questions\".", @@ -5821,22 +5870,53 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Contribuye a un participante del chat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedAttachment.multipleLines": "{0} líneas", + "pastedAttachment.oneLine": "1 línea", + "pastedCodeAttachment": "Datos adjuntos de código pegados", + "pastedImageAttachment": "Datos adjuntos de imagen pegados", "pastedImageName": "Imagen pegada" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup.contribution": { - "hideChatSetup": "Hide {0}", - "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide {0}?", - "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore chat controls from the 'chat.commandCenter.enabled' setting.", - "installChat": "Instalar {0}", - "learnMore": "Aprende más", - "setup": "Instalar {0}", - "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Setting up Chat for you...", - "setupChatSigningIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", - "setupFooter": "By proceeding you agree to our [privacy statement]({0}).", - "setupHeader": "{0} is your AI pair programmer.", - "signInAndInstallChat": "Inicie sesión para usar {0}", - "signInAndSetup": "Inicie sesión para usar {0}", - "triggerChatSetup": "Desencadenar configuración de chat" + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatQuotasService": { + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached the limits of your Copilot Free plan, click for details", + "chatQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly chat messages limit, click for details", + "completionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly code completions limit, click for details", + "copilotQuotaExceeded": "Copilot Limit Reached", + "dismiss": "Dismiss", + "indicator": "Copilot Quota Indicator", + "limit reached": "Copilot Free", + "limit reset": "Your limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitReached": "Limit Reached", + "managePlan": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "out of completions": "You've run out of free code completions, but free chat responses are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of free chat responses": "You've run out of free chat responses, but free code completions are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of limits": "You've reached the limits of the Copilot Free plan.", + "simulateCopilotQuotaExceeded": "Simulate Copilot Quota Exceeded", + "upgradeChat": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "upgradeToPro": "Here's what you can expect when upgrading to Copilot Pro:\r\n- Unlimited code completions\r\n- Unlimited chat interactions\r\n- 30 day free trial" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup": { + "detectionLabel": "Allow code suggestions that [match public code]({0})", + "featureChat": "Code faster with completions and Inline Chat", + "featureEdits": "Build features and resolve bugs with Copilot Edits", + "featureExplore": "Explore your codebase with chat", + "hideChatSetup": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupButton": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide Copilot?", + "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore Copilot by running the '{0}' command.", + "limitedSkuHeader": "$(sparkle-filled) We now offer [Copilot for free]({0}).", + "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Getting Copilot Ready...", + "setupChatProgress": "Getting Copilot ready...", + "setupChatSignIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", + "setupHeader": "[Copilot]({0} 'Copilot') is your AI pair programmer.", + "signInGh": "Sign in with a GitHub.com Account", + "signInGhe": "Sign in with a GHE.com Account", + "signUp": "Sign in to Use Copilot", + "signUpFree": "Sign in to Use Copilot for Free", + "startUp": "Use Copilot", + "startUpLimited": "Use Copilot for Free", + "termsLabel": "By continuing, you agree to our [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free...", + "welcomeChat": "Welcome to Copilot" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { "chatWidget.tips": "{0} o escriba {1} para adjuntar contexto\r\n\r\n{2} para chatear con extensiones\r\n\r\nEscriba {3} para usar comandos", @@ -5849,8 +5929,8 @@ "chat.codeBlockHelp": "Bloque de código", "chat.codeBlockLabel": "Bloque de código {0}", "chat.compareCodeBlockLabel": "Ediciones de código", - "chat.edits.1": "Se realizó 1 cambio en [[``{0}``]]", - "chat.edits.N": "Se realizaron {0} cambios en [[``{1}``]]", + "chat.edits.1": "Applied 1 change in [[``{0}``]]", + "chat.edits.N": "Applied {0} changes in [[``{1}``]]", "chat.edits.rejected": "Las ediciones de [[''{0}'']] se han rechazado", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm": "Se ha modificado el archivo original.", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm.detail": "¿Desea aplicar los cambios de todos modos?", @@ -5866,13 +5946,14 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { "fileEntryDescription": "{0} ({1})", "installLabel": "Instalar extensiones de chat...", - "pickFileLabel": "Elegir un archivo" + "pickFileLabel": "Elegir un archivo", + "pickSymbolLabel": "Seleccionar un símbolo" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "Aquí hay una parte activable del agente de chat." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputRelatedFilesContrib": { - "relatedFile": "Archivo sugerido" + "relatedFile": "{0} (Suggested)" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { "screenshot": "Recorte de pantalla" @@ -5880,7 +5961,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { "toolInvocationMessage": "Usando {0}" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeHandler": { "chatViewsWelcome.content": "Contenido del mensaje de bienvenida. El primer vínculo de comando se representará como un botón.", "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "Icono del mensaje de bienvenida.", "chatViewsWelcome.title": "Título del mensaje de bienvenida.", @@ -5917,12 +5998,6 @@ "chatResponseFiltered": "Es true cuando el servidor filtró la respuesta del chat.", "chatResponseSupportsIssueReporting": "Es verdadero cuando la respuesta de chat actual admite informes de problemas.", "chatSessionResponseDetectedAgentOrCommand": "Cuando se detectó automáticamente el agente o el comando", - "chatSetupEntitled": "True cuando se ofrece la configuración del chat para un usuario con derecho a iniciar sesión.", - "chatSetupInstalled": "True when the chat extension is installed.", - "chatSetupInstalling": "True cuando la configuración del chat está instalando el chat.", - "chatSetupSignedIn": "True cuando se ofrece la configuración del chat para un usuario que ha iniciado sesión.", - "chatSetupSigningIn": "True cuando la configuración del chat está esperando el inicio de sesión.", - "chatSetupTriggered": "Verdadero cuando se desencadena la configuración del chat.", "inChat": "es true cuando el foco está en el widget del chat; en caso contrario, es false.", "inInteractiveInput": "es true cuando el foco está en la entrada del chat; en caso contrario, es false.", "inQuickChat": "Es true cuando la interfaz de usuario de chat rápido tiene el foco; de lo contrario, es false.", @@ -5952,7 +6027,8 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.languageModels.whitespaceVendor": "El campo de proveedor no puede empezar ni terminar con espacios en blanco." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelStats": { - "Language Models": "Modelos de lenguaje", + "Language Models": "Copilot", + "chat": "chat", "languageModels": "El lenguaje modela las estadísticas de uso de esta extensión." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { @@ -6672,6 +6748,7 @@ "findExtension": "&&Buscar extensión {0}", "installExt": "Instalar extensión...", "installLanguage": "Instalar una extensión para {0}...", + "moreOptionsForDebugType": "Más opciones de {0}...", "selectDebug": "Seleccionar depurador", "suggestedDebuggers": "Sugerencias", "suppressMultipleSessionWarning": "Deshabilitar la advertencia al intentar iniciar la misma configuración de depuración más de una vez." @@ -7037,7 +7114,6 @@ "allDebuggersDisabled": "Todas las extensiones de depuración están deshabilitadas. Habilite una extensión de depuración o instale una nueva desde Marketplace.", "customizeRunAndDebug": "Para personalizar Ejecutar y depurar [cree un archivo launch.json](command:{0}).", "customizeRunAndDebugOpenFolder": "Para personalizar Ejecutar y depurar, [abra una carpeta](command:{0}) y cree un archivo launch.json.", - "detectThenRunAndDebug": "Mostrar todas las configuraciones de depuración automática", "openAFileWhichCanBeDebugged": "[Abrir un archivo](command:{0}) que se puede depurar o ejecutar.", "run": "Ejecutar", "runAndDebugAction": "Ejecución y depuración" @@ -7057,6 +7133,7 @@ "breakpointWidgetVisibile": "Es true cuando el widget de zona del editor de puntos de interrupción está visible; de lo contrario, es false.", "breakpointsExist": "Es true cuando existe al menos un punto de interrupción.", "breakpointsFocused": "Es true cuando la vista de PUNTOS DE INTERRUPCIÓN tiene el foco; de lo contrario, es false.", + "callStackFocused": "True cuando se centra la vista CALLSTACK; en caso contrario, false.", "callStackItemStopped": "Es true cuando se detiene el elemento con foco en la PILA DE LLAMADAS. Se usa de forma interna para los menús insertados en la vista PILA DE LLAMADAS.", "callStackItemType": "Representa el tipo del elemento con foco en la vista PILA DE LLAMADAS. Por ejemplo: \"session\", \"thread\", \"stackFrame\"", "callStackSessionHasOneThread": "Es true si la sesión con foco en la vista PILA DE LLAMADAS tiene exactamente un subproceso. Se usa internamente para los menús insertados en la vista PILA DE LLAMADAS.", @@ -7325,10 +7402,10 @@ "errors": "{0} errores no detectados", "extensionActivating": "La extensión se está activando...", "languageActivation": "Activado por {1} porque ha abierto un archivo de {0}", - "requests count": "Solicitudes de{0} : {1} (general)", + "requests count": "Uso de{0}: solicitudes de {1} ", "requests count title": "La última solicitud fue {0}.", "runtimeExtensions": "Extensiones en tiempo de ejecución", - "session requests count": ", {0} (sesión)", + "session requests count": ", {0} Solicitudes (sesión)", "showRuntimeExtensions": "Mostrar extensiones en ejecución", "starActivation": "Activación por {0} al iniciar", "startupFinishedActivation": "Activado por {0} después de que se haya completado el inicio", @@ -7401,16 +7478,15 @@ "accessExtensionFeature": "Habilitar característica '{0}'", "activation": "Activación", "cancel": "Cancelar", + "chartDescription": "Hubo {0} {1} solicitudes de esta extensión en los últimos 30 días.", "disableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "¿Quiere revocar la extensión '{0}' para acceder a la característica '{1}'?", "enable": "Permitir acceso", "enableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "¿Le gustaría permitir a la extensión '{0}' acceder a la característica '{1}'?", "extension features list": "Características de extensión", "grant": "Permitir acceso", - "last request": "Última solicitud: '{0}'", + "label": "{0} Uso ", "messaages": "Mensajes ({0})", "noFeatures": "No ha contribuido ninguna característica.", - "requests count session": "Solicitudes (sesión): '{0}'", - "requests count total": "Solicitudes (general): '{0}'", "revoke": "Revocar acceso", "revoked": "Sin acceso", "runtime": "Estado en tiempo de ejecución", @@ -7461,6 +7537,7 @@ "enabled filter": "Habilitada", "extension": "Extensión", "extension updates filter": "Actualizaciones", + "extension.publisher.allow.description": "Permitir o denegar todas las extensiones del publicador.", "extensionInfoDescription": "Descripción: {0}", "extensionInfoId": "ID: {0}", "extensionInfoName": "Nombre: {0}", @@ -7470,11 +7547,25 @@ "extensionUpdates": "Mostrar actualizaciones de la extensión", "extensions": "Extensiones", "extensions.affinity": "Configura una extensión para que se ejecute en un proceso de host de extensión diferente.", + "extensions.allow.all.description": "Permitir o denegar todas las extensiones.", + "extensions.allow.all.disable": "No permitir todas las extensiones.", + "extensions.allow.all.enable": "Permitir todas las extensiones.", + "extensions.allow.description": "Permitir o denegar la extensión.", + "extensions.allow.version.description": "Permitir o denegar versiones específicas de la extensión. Para especificar una versión específica de la plataforma, use el formato `platform@1.2.3`, por ejemplo, `win32-x64@1.2.3`. Las plataformas admitidas son `win32-x64`, `win32-arm64`, `linux-x64`, `linux-arm64`, `linux-armhf`, `alpine-x64`, `alpine-arm64`, `darwin-x64`, `darwin-arm64`", + "extensions.allowed": "Specify a list of extensions that are allowed to use. This helps maintain a secure and consistent development environment by restricting the use of unauthorized extensions. For more information on how to configure this setting, please visit the [Configure Allowed Extensions](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/enterprise#_configure-allowed-extensions) section.", + "extensions.allowed.all": "Se permiten todas las extensiones.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.desc": "No se permite la extensión.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "Permitir solo versiones estables de la extensión.", + "extensions.allowed.enable.desc": "Se permite la extensión.", + "extensions.allowed.none": "No se permiten extensiones.", "extensions.autoUpdate": "Controla el comportamiento de actualización automática de las extensiones. Las actualizaciones se obtienen de un servicio en línea de Microsoft.", "extensions.autoUpdate.enabled": "Descarga e instala las actualizaciones de forma automática solo para las extensiones habilitadas.", "extensions.autoUpdate.false": "Las extensiones no se actualizan automáticamente.", "extensions.autoUpdate.true": "Descarga e instala las actualizaciones de forma automática para todas las extensiones.", "extensions.gallery.useUnpkgResourceApi": "Cuando se habilita, las extensiones que se van a actualizar se capturan desde el servicio Unpkg.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.desc": "No se permiten todas las extensiones del publicador.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "Permitir solo las versiones estables de las extensiones del publicador.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.enable.desc": "Se permiten todas las extensiones del publicador.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces": "Reemplazar el soporte de área de trabajo no confiable de una extensión. Las extensiones que usen \"true\" estarán siempre habilitadas. Las extensiones que usen \"limited\" estarán siempre habilitadas, y la extensión ocultará la funcionalidad que requiera confianza. Las extensiones que usen \"false\" solo se habilitarán cuando el área de trabajo sea de confianza.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.false": "La extensión sólo se activará cuando el área de trabajo sea de confianza.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.limited": "La extensión siempre estará habilitada, y la extensión ocultará la funcionalidad que requiere confianza.", @@ -7485,6 +7576,7 @@ "extensions.verifySignature": "Cuando se habilita, se comprueba que las extensiones se firmen antes de instalarse.", "extensionsCheckUpdates": "Cuando se habilita, comprueba automáticamente las extensiones para las actualizaciones. Si una extensión tiene una actualización, se marca como obsoleta en la vista de extensiones. Las actualizaciones se obtienen de un servicio en línea de Microsoft.", "extensionsCloseExtensionDetailsOnViewChange": "Cuando esta opción está habilitada, los editores con detalles de la extensión se cerrarán automáticamente al salir de la vista de extensiones. ", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Extensiones", "extensionsDeferredStartupFinishedActivation": "Cuando se habilita, las extensiones que declaran el evento de activación \"onStartupFinished\" se activarán después de un tiempo de espera.", "extensionsIgnoreRecommendations": "Cuando esta opción está habilitada, las notificaciones para las recomendaciones de la extensión no se mostrarán.", "extensionsInQuickAccess": "Cuando está habilitada, se pueden buscar extensiones a través de Acceso rápido e informar de problemas desde allí.", @@ -7556,6 +7648,7 @@ "workbench.extensions.action.configureKeybindings": "Métodos abreviados de teclado", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtension": "Copiar", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtensionId": "Copiar Id. de extensión", + "workbench.extensions.action.copyLink": "Copiar vínculo", "workbench.extensions.action.ignoreRecommendation": "Omitir recomendación", "workbench.extensions.action.removeExtensionFromWorkspaceRecommendations": "Quitar de las recomendaciones del área de trabajo", "workbench.extensions.action.toggleApplyToAllProfiles": "Aplicar extensión a todos los perfiles", @@ -7614,6 +7707,7 @@ "disableGloballyAction": "Deshabilitar", "disableGloballyActionToolTip": "Deshabilitar esta extensión", "disabled": "Deshabilitado", + "disabled - not allowed": "Esta extensión está deshabilitada porque {0}", "disabled because of virtual workspace": "Esta extensión se ha desactivado porque no es compatible con las áreas de trabajo virtuales.", "disabled by environment": "El entorno deshabilita esta extensión.", "do not sync": "No sincronizar esta extensión", @@ -7836,6 +7930,7 @@ "no local extensions": "No hay ninguna extensión para instalar.", "offline error": "No se puede buscar en Marketplace sin conexión. Compruebe la conexión de red.", "open user settings": "Abrir la configuración de usuario", + "showingExtensionsForFeature": "Extensions using {0} in the last 30 days", "suggestProxyError": "Marketplace devolvió \"ECONNREFUSED\". Compruebe la configuración de \"http.proxy\"." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/extensionsWidgets": { @@ -7845,6 +7940,8 @@ "extensionIconStarForeground": "Color del icono para clasificaciones de extensión.", "extensionIconVerifiedForeground": "Color del icono para el publicador comprobado de la extensión.", "extensionPreReleaseForeground": "Color del icono para la extensión de versión preliminar.", + "feature access label": "{0} solicitudes", + "feature usage label": "{0} uso", "has prerelease": "Esta extensión tiene una {0} disponible", "local extension": "Extensión local", "message": "1 mensaje", @@ -7856,6 +7953,7 @@ "sponsor": "Patrocinador", "startup": "Inicio", "syncingore.label": "Esta extensión se omite durante la sincronización.", + "total": "{0} {1} solicitudes en los últimos 30 días", "uncaught error": "1 error no detectado", "uncaught errors": "{0} errores no detectados", "updateRequired": "Última versión:", @@ -7874,6 +7972,8 @@ "disable all": "Deshabilitar todo", "disableDependents": "Deshabilitar extensión con elementos dependientes", "disallowed": "No se permite instalar esta extensión.", + "disallowed extensions": "Some extensions are disabled because they are configured not to be allowed.", + "disallowed extensions by policy": "Some extensions are disabled because they are not allowed by your system administrator.", "download": "Descargar", "download title": "Seleccione la carpeta para descargar VSIX", "download.completed": "VSIX se descargó correctamente", @@ -7886,6 +7986,7 @@ "enableExtensionTitle": "Habilitar extensión", "extension not found": "La extensión '{0}' no se encontró.", "extensionsAutoRestart": "Las extensiones se reiniciaron automáticamente para habilitar las actualizaciones.", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Extensiones", "incompatible": "No se puede instalar la extensión '{0}' porque no es compatible.", "incompatibleExtensions": "Algunas extensiones están deshabilitadas debido a la incompatibilidad de la versión. Revíselas y actualícelas.", "installButtonLabel": "&&Instalar extensión", @@ -7936,6 +8037,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/workspaceRecommendations": { "workspaceRecommendation": "Los usuarios del área de trabajo actual recomiendan esta extensión." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensions": { + "extensions": "Extensiones" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensionsFileTemplate": { "app.extension.identifier.errorMessage": "Se esperaba el formato '${publisher}.${name}'. Ejemplo: 'vscode.csharp'.", "app.extensions.json.recommendations": "Lista de extensiones que debe recomendarse a los usuarios de esta área de trabajo. El identificador de una extensión es siempre \"${anunciante}.${nombre}\". Por ejemplo: \"vscode.csharp\".", @@ -8548,8 +8652,14 @@ "welcome.2": "En preparación..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { - "inlineChatExpansion": "Si la expansión del chat en línea está habilitada cuando se encuentra al final de una línea just-typed", - "startWithCurrentLine": "Iniciar en el Editor con la línea actual" + "defaultTitle": "Chat", + "disableHint": "Deshabilitar sugerencia de chat en línea", + "hideHint": "Ocultar sugerencia de chat insertado", + "inlineChatShowingHint": "Indica si el chat insertado muestra una sugerencia contextual.", + "showHint": "Mostrar sugerencia de chat insertado", + "startWithCurrentLine": "Iniciar en el Editor con la línea actual", + "title1": "{0} continuar con {1}", + "title2": "{0} para editar con {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { "config": "Guardar siempre con cambios generados por inteligencia artificial sin preguntar", @@ -8574,6 +8684,7 @@ "accessibleDiffView.on": "El visor de diferencias accesible siempre está habilitado.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatInserted": "Color del marcador de regla de información general para el contenido insertado en el chat insertado.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatRemoved": "Color del marcador de regla de información general para el contenido eliminado en el chat insertado.", + "emptyLineHint": "Indica si las líneas vacías muestran una sugerencia para generar código con el chat en línea.", "finishOnType": "Indica si se debe finalizar una sesión de chat insertado al escribir fuera de las regiones modificadas.", "holdToSpeech": "Indica si al mantener el enlace de teclado de chat insertado se habilitará automáticamente el reconocimiento de voz.", "inlineChat.background": "Color de fondo del widget del editor interactivo", @@ -8605,6 +8716,7 @@ "inlineChatResponseTypes": "¿De qué tipo se han recibido las respuestas? Todavía no hay nada, solo mensajes o ediciones locales y de mensajes", "inlineChatUserDidEdit": "Si el usuario realizó cambios encima del chat en línea", "inlineChatVisible": "Si la entrada del editor interactivo está visible", + "lineSuffixHint": "Whether a hint to complete a line with inline chat is shown. Only shows when at the end of a line that is dominated by natural language, like `class Person with name and hobbies`", "mode": "Configurar si los cambios creados con el chat insertado se aplican directamente al documento o se muestran antes como una vista previa.", "mode.live": "Los cambios se aplican directamente al documento, se pueden resaltar a través de diferencias insertadas y se aceptan o descartan por partes. Al finalizar una sesión, se conservarán los cambios.", "mode.preview": "Solo se obtiene una vista previa de los cambios y es necesario aceptarlos mediante el botón Aplicar. Al finalizar una sesión, se descartarán los cambios." @@ -9408,8 +9520,7 @@ "notebookActions.chatFixCellError": "Corregir error de celda" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellDiagnostics/diagnosticCellStatusBarContrib": { - "notebook.cell.status.explain": "Explicar con chat", - "notebook.cell.status.fix": "Corregir con chat en línea" + "notebook.cell.status.diagnostic": "Acciones rápidas {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/executionStatusBarItemController": { "notebook.cell.status.executing": "En ejecución", @@ -9417,7 +9528,8 @@ "notebook.cell.status.pending": "Pendiente", "notebook.cell.status.success": "Correcto", "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip": "**Última ejecución** {0}\r\n\r\n**Tiempo de ejecución** {1}\r\n\r\n**Tiempo de sobrecarga** {2}\r\n\r\n**Tiempos de representación**\r\n\r\n{3}", - "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Usa los vínculos anteriores para presentar un problema mediante el informador del problema." + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Usa los vínculos anteriores para presentar un problema mediante el informador del problema.", + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerVerbose": "Last Execution: {0}, Duration: {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/statusBarProviders": { "notebook.cell.status.autoDetectLanguage": "Aceptar lenguaje detectado: {0}", @@ -9775,6 +9887,9 @@ "insertToolbarLocation.notebookToolbar": "Barra de herramientas situada en la parte superior del editor del Bloc de notas.", "notebook.VariablesView.description": "Habilitar la vista de variables experimentales del bloc de notas en el panel de depuración.", "notebook.backup.sizeLimit": "Límite del tamaño de salida del cuaderno en kilobytes (KB) donde ya no se hará una copia de seguridad de los archivos del cuaderno para la recarga activa. Usa 0 para un número ilimitado.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.default.description": "The cell execution duration is visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.description": "Controls the verbosity of the cell execution time in the cell status bar.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.verbose.description": "The cell last execution timestamp and duration are visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", "notebook.cellFailureDiagnostics": "Muestra los diagnósticos disponibles para los errores de celda.", "notebook.cellGenerate": "Habilite la acción de generación experimental para crear una celda de código con el chat en línea habilitado.", "notebook.cellToolbarLocation.description": "Indica si la barra de herramientas de celdas debe mostrarse u ocultarse.", @@ -12655,7 +12770,7 @@ "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshCode": "Los completadores de argumentos personalizados de PowerShell se registrarán para las CLI \"code\" y \"code-insiders\" de VS Code. Actualmente, esto es muy básico y siempre sugiere marcas y subcomandos sin comprobar el contexto.", "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshGit": "Los completadores de argumentos personalizados de PowerShell se registrarán para la CLI de \"git\".", "suggest.enableExtensionCompletions": "Controla si las finalizaciones de extensiones están habilitadas.", - "suggest.enabled": "Enables experimental terminal Intellisense suggestions for supported shells ({0}) when {1} is set to {2}.\r\n\r\nIf shell integration is installed manually, {3} needs to be set to {4} before calling the shell integration script. \r\n\r\nFor extension provided completions, {5} will also need to be set.", + "suggest.enabled": "Habilita las sugerencias experimentales de IntelliSense de terminal para los shells admitidos ({0}) cuando {1} se establece en {2}.\r\n\r\nSi la integración del shell se instala manualmente, {3} debe establecerse en {4} antes de llamar al script de integración del shell. \r\n\r\nPara las finalizaciones proporcionadas por la extensión, {5} también tendrá que establecerse.", "suggest.quickSuggestions": "Controla si las sugerencias deben mostrarse automáticamente al escribir. Tenga en cuenta también la configuración de {0} que controla si los caracteres especiales desencadenan las sugerencias.", "suggest.runOnEnter": "Controla si las sugerencias deben ejecutarse inmediatamente cuando se usa \"Entrar\" (no \"Tab\") para aceptar el resultado.", "suggest.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": "Controla si deben aparecer sugerencias de forma automática al escribir caracteres desencadenadores." @@ -12888,7 +13003,8 @@ "testingCountBadgePassed": "{0} pruebas superadas", "testingCountBadgeSkipped": "{0} pruebas omitidas", "testingFindExtension": "Mostrar pruebas de áreas de trabajo", - "testingNoTest": "Mostrar pruebas del área de trabajo" + "testingNoTest": "Mostrar pruebas del área de trabajo", + "testingSelectConfig": "Seleccionar configuración..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Cerrar", @@ -13067,6 +13183,11 @@ "testError": "Error al intentar ejecutar las pruebas: {0}", "testTrust": "La ejecución de las pruebas puede ejecutar el código en su espacio de trabajo." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/testTypes": { + "testing.runProfileBitset.coverage": "Cobertura", + "testing.runProfileBitset.debug": "Depurar", + "testing.runProfileBitset.run": "Ejecutar" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/themes/browser/themes.contribution": { "browseColorThemeInMarketPlace.label": "Examinar temas de color en Marketplace", "browseColorThemes": "Examinar temas de color adicionales...", @@ -13656,7 +13777,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { "getStarted": "Bienvenido", - "walkthroughPageTitle": "Tutorial: " + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Tutorial: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "Integrado", @@ -13674,6 +13795,7 @@ "browsePopularWeb": "Examinar extensiones web conocidas", "cloneRepo": "Clonar repositorio", "commandPalette": "Abrir paleta de comandos", + "copilotTerms": "By continuing, you agree to Copilot [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", "enableSync": "Configuración de copia de seguridad y sincronización", "enableTrust": "habilitar confianza", "getting-started-beginner-icon": "Icono que se usa para la categoría de principiante de la página principal.", @@ -13695,6 +13817,8 @@ "gettingStarted.commandPalette.title": "Desbloquear la productividad con la paleta de comandos ", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.description.interpolated": "Ejecute comandos sin tener que usar el mouse para realizar cualquier tarea en VS Code.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.title": "Desbloquear la productividad con la paleta de comandos ", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.description": "Write code faster and smarter with [Copilot]({0}) for free.", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.title": "Use AI features with Copilot for free", "gettingStarted.debug.description.interpolated": "Agilice los bucles de edición, creación, prueba y depuración mediante la configuración de un lanzamiento.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.debug.title": "Vea su código en acción", "gettingStarted.extensions.description.interpolated": "Las extensiones son recursos esenciales de VS Code. Abarcan desde prácticas soluciones de productividad, pasando por características listas para usar ampliables hasta la adición de capacidades completamente nuevas.\r\n{0}", @@ -13789,6 +13913,9 @@ "quickOpen": "Quick Open para archivo", "runProject": "Ejecute su proyecto", "runTasks": "Ejecutar tareas detectadas automáticamente", + "setupCopilotButton.chatWithCopilot": "Chat with Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.setup": "Setup Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.signIn": "Sign in to use Copilot", "showOrFocusHover": "Mostrar o centrarse al mantener el puntero", "showTerminal": "Abrir terminal", "titleID": "Examinar temas de color", @@ -14046,6 +14173,7 @@ "menus.explorerContextShare": "Submenú \"Compartir\" en el menú contextual del Explorador de archivos", "menus.extensionContext": "Menú contextual de la extensión", "menus.historyItemContext": "El menú contextual del elemento de historial de control de código fuente", + "menus.historyItemRefContext": "El menú contextual de referencia del elemento de historial de control de código fuente", "menus.home": "Menú contextual del indicador de inicio (solo web)", "menus.input": "Menú del cuadro de entrada control de código fuente", "menus.mergeEditorResult": "Barra de herramientas de resultados del editor de combinaciones", @@ -14350,6 +14478,7 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/browser/extensionEnablementService": { "Reload": "Recargar y habilitar las extensiones", "cannot change disablement environment": "No se puede cambiar la activación de la extensión {0} porque está deshabilitada en el entorno", + "cannot change disallowed extension enablement": "No se puede cambiar la habilitación de {0} extensión porque no está permitida", "cannot change enablement dependency": "No se puede habilitar la extensión '{0}' porque depende de la extensión '{1}' que no se puede habilitar", "cannot change enablement environment": "No se puede cambiar la activación de la extensión {0} porque está habilitada en el entorno", "cannot change enablement extension kind": "No se puede cambiar la habilitación de la extensión {0} debido a su tipo de extensión", @@ -14371,9 +14500,6 @@ "allow": "Permitir", "disallow": "No permitir" }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { - "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Extensiones" - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementServerService": { "browser": "Explorador", "remote": "Remoto" @@ -14403,11 +14529,6 @@ "singleDependentError": "No se puede desinstalar la extensión '{0}'. La extensión '{1}' depende de esta.", "twoDependentsError": "No se puede desinstalar la extensión '{0}'. Las extensiones '{1}' y '{2}' dependen de esta." }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/webExtensionManagementService": { - "VS Code for Web": "{0} para la Web", - "learn why": "Información sobre el motivo", - "not web tooltip": "La extensión \"{0}\" no está disponible en {1}." - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/extensionManagementServerService": { "local": "LOCAL", "remote": "Remoto" diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index aac13c8e4d..12cd00ad92 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ "Conflict: Deleted By Us": "Conflit : suppression de notre part", "Continue Rebase": "Poursuite du rebasement", "Continuing Rebase...": "Poursuite du rebasement...", + "Copy Commit Hash": "Copier un code de hachage de validation", "Could not clone your repository as Git is not installed.": "Impossible de cloner votre dépôt, car Git n’est pas installé.", "Create Empty Commit": "Créer un commit vide", "Current": "Actuelle", @@ -112,10 +113,11 @@ "File \"{0}\" was deleted by us and modified by them.\n\nWhat would you like to do?": "Nous avons supprimé le fichier '{0}', et ils l'ont supprimé.\n\nQue voulez-vous faire ?", "Force Checkout": "Forcer l'extraction", "Force push is not allowed, please enable it with the \"git.allowForcePush\" setting.": "L’envoi forcé n’est pas autorisé. Activez-le avec le paramètre « git.allowForcePush ».", - "Git Blame Information": "Git Blame Information", + "Git Blame Information": "Informations sur Git Blame", "Git History": "Historique git", "Git error": "Erreur Git", - "Git local working changes": "Modifications de travail locales Git", + "Git local changes (working tree + index)": "Modifications locales Git (arborescence de travail + index)", + "Git local changes (working tree)": "Modifications locales Git (arborescence de travail)", "Git not found. Install it or configure it using the \"git.path\" setting.": "Git non trouvé. Installez-le et configurez-le en utilisant le paramètre 'git.path'.", "Git repositories were found in the parent folders of the workspace or the open file(s). Would you like to open the repositories?": "Des dépôts Git ont été trouvés dans les dossiers parents de l’espace de travail ou dans les fichiers ouverts. Voulez-vous ouvrir les référentiels ?", "Git: {0}": "Git : {0}", @@ -415,6 +417,7 @@ "command.branchFrom": "Créer une branche à partir de...", "command.checkout": "Basculer sur...", "command.checkoutDetached": "Extraire vers (mode détaché)...", + "command.checkoutRef": "Vérifiez", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Validation (en mode détaché)", "command.cherryPick": "Faire un cherry-pick...", "command.cherryPickAbort": "Abandonner la sélection", @@ -552,8 +555,10 @@ "config.autofetch": "Quand la valeur est true, les commits sont automatiquement récupérés (fetch) à partir du dépôt distant par défaut du dépôt Git actuel. Quand la valeur est 'all', les commits sont récupérés à partir de tous les dépôts distants.", "config.autofetchPeriod": "Durée en secondes entre chaque récupération git automatique quand `git.autofetch` est activé.", "config.autorefresh": "Détermine si l'actualisation automatique est activée.", - "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Contrôle l'affichage ou non des informations sur le blâme Git dans l'éditeur à l'aide des décorations de l'éditeur.", - "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Contrôle l'affichage ou non des informations de blâme Git dans la barre d'état.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Contrôle l’affichage ou non des informations sur le blâme dans l’éditeur à l’aide des décorations de l’éditeur.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.template": "Modèle de la décoration de l’éditeur d’informations sur le blâme. Variables prises en charge :\r\n\r\n* 'hash' : code de hachage de validation\r\n\r\n* 'hashShort' : 8 premiers caractères du hachage de validation\r\n\r\n* 'subject' : première ligne du message de validation\r\n\r\n* 'authorName' : nom de l’auteur\r\n\r\n* 'authorEmail' : e-mail de l’auteur\r\n\r\n* 'authorDate' : date de l’auteur\r\n\r\n* 'authorDateAgo' : différence d’heure entre le maintenant et la date de l’auteur\r\n\r\n", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Contrôle l’affichage ou non des informations sur le blâme dans la barre d’état.", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.template": "Modèle de l’élément de barre d’état d’informations sur le blâme. Variables prises en charge :\r\n\r\n* 'hash' : code de hachage de validation\r\n\r\n* 'hashShort' : 8 premiers caractères du hachage de validation\r\n\r\n* 'subject' : première ligne du message de validation\r\n\r\n* 'authorName' : nom de l’auteur\r\n\r\n* 'authorEmail' : e-mail de l’auteur\r\n\r\n* 'authorDate' : date de l’auteur\r\n\r\n* 'authorDateAgo' : différence d’heure entre le maintenant et la date de l’auteur\r\n\r\n", "config.branchPrefix": "Préfixe utilisé lors de la création d’une branche.", "config.branchProtection": "Liste des branches protégées. Par défaut, une invite s’affiche avant que les modifications ne soient validées dans une branche protégée. L’invite peut être contrôlée à l’aide du paramètre `#git.branchProtectionPrompt#`.", "config.branchProtectionPrompt": "Contrôle si une invite est affichée avant la validation des modifications dans une branche protégée.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json index d524b67352..63517f818a 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "$ref '{0}' in '{1}' can not be resolved.": "$ref « {0} » dans « {1} » ne peut pas être résolu.", "": "", "A default value. Used by suggestions.": "Valeur par défaut. Utilisée par les suggestions.", - "A descriptive title of the element.": "Titre descriptif de l’élément.", - "A long description of the element. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "Description longue de l’élément. Utilisé dans les menus sensitif et les suggestions.", + "A descriptive title of the schema.": "A descriptive title of the schema.", + "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.", "A map of property names to either an array of property names or a schema. An array of property names means the property named in the key depends on the properties in the array being present in the object in order to be valid. If the value is a schema, then the schema is only applied to the object if the property in the key exists on the object.": "Mappage des noms de propriétés à un tableau de noms de propriétés ou à un schéma. Un tableau de noms de propriétés signifie que la propriété nommée dans la clé dépend des propriétés du tableau présent dans l’objet pour être valide. Si la valeur est un schéma, le schéma n’est appliqué à l’objet que si la propriété de la clé existe sur l’objet.", "A map of property names to schemas for each property.": "Mappage des noms de propriétés aux schémas de chaque propriété.", "A map of regular expressions on property names to schemas for matching properties.": "Mappage d’expressions régulières sur des noms de propriétés vers des schémas pour les propriétés correspondantes.", @@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ "Configured in workspace settings": "Configuré dans les paramètres de l’espace de travail", "Default value": "Valeur par défaut", "Describes the content encoding of a string property.": "Décrit l’encodage de contenu d’une propriété de chaîne.", - "Describes the format expected for the value.": "Décrit le format attendu pour la valeur.", + "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation": "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation", "Describes the media type of a string property.": "Décrit le type de média d’une propriété de chaîne.", "Downloading schemas is disabled through setting '{0}'": "Le téléchargement des schémas est désactivé via le paramètre '{0}'", "Downloading schemas is disabled. Click to configure.": "Le téléchargement des schémas est désactivé. Cliquez pour configurer.", "Draft-03 schemas are not supported.": "Les schémas Draft-03 ne sont pas pris en charge.", "Duplicate anchor declaration: '{0}'": "Déclaration d’ancre dupliquée : « {0} »", "Duplicate object key": "Clé d’objet en double", - "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, then used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties' or 'patternProperties'. If false, then any properties not matched by either will cause this schema to fail.": "Schéma ou booléen. S’il s’agit d’un schéma, il sert à valider toutes les propriétés sans correspondance par 'properties' ou 'patternProperties'. Si la valeur est fausse, toutes les propriétés sans correspondance entraînent l’échec de ce schéma.", + "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.": "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.", "Either a string of one of the basic schema types (number, integer, null, array, object, boolean, string) or an array of strings specifying a subset of those types.": "Chaîne de l’un des types de schéma de base (nombre, entier, caractère Null, tableau, objet, booléen, chaîne) ou tableau de chaînes spécifiant un sous-ensemble de ces types.", "End of file expected.": "Fin de fichier attendue.", "Expected a JSON object, array or literal.": "Objet, tableau ou littéral JSON attendu.", @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ "Expected comma or closing brace": "Virgule ou accolade fermante attendue", "Expected comma or closing bracket": "Virgule ou crochet fermant attendu", "Failed to sort the JSONC document, please consider opening an issue.": "Échec du tri du document JSONC. Envisagez d’ouvrir un problème.", - "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If it is a schema, then this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items array. If it is false, then additional items will cause validation to fail.": "Pour les tableaux, uniquement quand les éléments sont définis sous forme de tableau. S’il s’agit d’un schéma, ce schéma valide les éléments après ceux spécifiés par le tableau d’éléments. Si la valeur est fausse, les éléments supplémentaires entraînent l’échec de la validation.", + "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.": "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.", "For arrays. Can either be a schema to validate every element against or an array of schemas to validate each item against in order (the first schema will validate the first element, the second schema will validate the second element, and so on.": "Pour les tableaux. Peut être un schéma par rapport auquel valider chaque élément ou un tableau de schémas par rapport auquel valider chaque élément dans l’ordre (le premier schéma valide le premier élément, le second schéma valide le deuxième élément, et ainsi de suite).", "If all of the items in the array must be unique. Defaults to false.": "Indique si tous les éléments du tableau doivent être uniques. La valeur par défaut est false.", "If the instance is an object, this keyword validates if every property name in the instance validates against the provided schema.": "Si l’instance est un objet, ce mot clé vérifie si chaque nom de propriété de l’instance est validé par rapport au schéma fourni.", @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ "String is not an e-mail address.": "La chaîne n’est pas une adresse e-mail.", "String is shorter than the minimum length of {0}.": "La chaîne est plus courte que la longueur minimale de {0}.", "The \"else\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema fails.": "Le sous-schéma « else » est utilisé pour la validation en cas d’échec du sous-schéma « if ».", - "The \"if\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "Le sous-schéma « if » est utilisé pour la validation quand le sous-schéma « if » réussit.", + "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.", "The maximum length of a string.": "Longueur maximale d’une chaîne.", "The maximum number of items that can be inside an array. Inclusive.": "Nombre maximal d’éléments pouvant se trouver dans un tableau. Inclusif.", "The maximum number of properties an object can have. Inclusive.": "Nombre maximal de propriétés qu’un objet peut avoir. Inclusif.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index a979619de1..73935f4c49 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -34,16 +34,16 @@ "Follow link": "Suivre le lien", "Go to link definition": "Accéder à la définition de lien", "Header does not exist in file: {0}": "L’en-tête n’existe pas dans le fichier : {0}", - "Insert Markdown Audio": "Insert Markdown Audio", + "Insert Markdown Audio": "Insérer un audio Markdown", "Insert Markdown Image": "Insérer une image Markdown", "Insert Markdown Images": "Insérer des images Markdown", "Insert Markdown Images and Links": "Insérer des images et des liens Markdown", "Insert Markdown Link": "Insérer un lien Markdown", "Insert Markdown Links": "Insérer des liens Markdown", "Insert Markdown Media": "Insérer un média Markdown", - "Insert Markdown Media and Images": "Insert Markdown Media and Images", + "Insert Markdown Media and Images": "Insérer des médias et des images Markdown", "Insert Markdown Media and Links": "Insérer des médias et des liens Markdown", - "Insert Markdown Video": "Insert Markdown Video", + "Insert Markdown Video": "Insérer une vidéo Markdown", "Insert image": "Insérer une image", "Insert link": "Insérer un lien", "Link definition for '{0}' already exists": "La définition de lien de « {0} » existe déjà", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json index d69821d5a9..a0c4d6921a 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ "package": { "description": "Fournisseur d'authentification Microsoft", "displayName": "Compte Microsoft", - "microsoft-authentication.implementation.description": "The authentication implementation to use for signing in with a Microsoft account.", - "microsoft-authentication.implementation.enumDescriptions.classic": "Use the classic authentication flow to sign in with a Microsoft account.", + "microsoft-authentication.implementation.description": "Implémentation d’authentification à utiliser pour se connecter avec un compte Microsoft.", + "microsoft-authentication.implementation.enumDescriptions.classic": "Utilisez le flux d’authentification classique pour vous connecter avec un compte Microsoft.", "microsoft-authentication.implementation.enumDescriptions.msal": "Utilisez la bibliothèque d’authentification Microsoft (MSAL) pour vous connecter avec un compte Microsoft.", "microsoft-sovereign-cloud.customEnvironment.activeDirectoryEndpointUrl.description": "Point de terminaison Active Directory pour le cloud souverain personnalisé.", "microsoft-sovereign-cloud.customEnvironment.activeDirectoryResourceId.description": "ID de ressource Active Directory pour le cloud souverain personnalisé.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json index 930d5316d4..8afa8f9598 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ "version": "1.0.0", "contents": { "package": { - "description": "Extension to add terminal completions for zsh, bash, and fish terminals.", - "displayName": "Terminal Suggest for VS Code", - "view.name": "Terminal Suggest" + "description": "Extension permettant d’ajouter des complétions de terminal pour les terminaux zsh, bash et fish.", + "displayName": "Suggestion de terminal pour VS Code", + "view.name": "Suggestion de terminal" } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json index 2fb0c2230e..520b78ef91 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.explicit": "L’animation de caret fluide est activée uniquement lorsque l’utilisateur déplace le curseur avec un mouvement explicite.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.off": "L’animation de caret fluide est désactivée.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.on": "L’animation de caret fluide est toujours activée.", - "cursorStyle": "Contrôle le style du curseur.", + "cursorStyle": "Contrôle le style du curseur en mode d’entrée d’insertion.", "cursorSurroundingLines": "Contrôle le nombre minimal de lignes de début (0 minimum) et de fin (1 minimum) visibles autour du curseur. Également appelé « scrollOff » ou « scrollOffset » dans d'autres éditeurs.", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle": "Contrôle le moment où #editor.cursorSurroundingLines# doit être appliqué.", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle.all": "'cursorSurroundingLines' est toujours appliqué.", @@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ "inline": "Les suggestions rapides s’affichent sous forme de texte fantôme", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Contrôle si l'indicateur d'accessibilité doit être fourni aux utilisateurs du lecteur d'écran lorsqu'une complétion inline est affichée.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Contrôle s’il faut activer les modifications expérimentales dans les suggestions inline.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.onlyShowWhenCloseToCursor": "Contrôle s’il faut afficher uniquement les suggestions inline lorsque le curseur est proche de la suggestion.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useInterleavedLinesDiff": "Contrôle s’il faut activer la différence de lignes entrelacées expérimentales dans les suggestions inline.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useMixedLinesDiff": "Contrôle s’il faut activer les modifications expérimentales dans les suggestions inline.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "Contrôle si les suggestions en ligne doivent être affichées automatiquement dans l’éditeur.", @@ -609,6 +610,8 @@ "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Contrôle le délai en millisecondes après lequel les occurrences sont mises en surbrillance.", "off": "Les suggestions rapides sont désactivées", "on": "Des suggestions rapides s’affichent dans le widget de suggestion", + "overtypeCursorStyle": "Contrôle le style du curseur en mode d’entrée de surtype.", + "overtypeOnPaste": "Contrôle si le collage doit être surtype.", "overviewRulerBorder": "Contrôle si une bordure doit être dessinée autour de la règle de la vue d'ensemble.", "padding.bottom": "Contrôle la quantité d'espace entre le bord inférieur de l'éditeur et la dernière ligne.", "padding.top": "Contrôle la quantité d’espace entre le bord supérieur de l’éditeur et la première ligne.", @@ -1082,12 +1085,12 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/copyPasteContribution": { "pasteAs": "Coller en tant que...", - "pasteAs.kind": "The kind of the paste edit to try pasting with.\r\nIf there are multiple edits for this kind, the editor will show a picker. If there are no edits of this kind, the editor will show an error message.", - "pasteAs.preferences": "List of preferred paste edit kind to try applying.\r\nThe first edit matching the preferences will be applied.", + "pasteAs.kind": "Type de la modification de collage à essayer pour les opérations de collage.\r\nS’il existe plusieurs modifications de ce type, l’éditeur affiche un sélecteur. S’il n’existe aucune modification de ce type, l’éditeur affiche un message d’erreur.", + "pasteAs.preferences": "Liste du type de modification de collage préféré à appliquer.\r\nLa première modification correspondant aux préférences est appliquée.", "pasteAsText": "Coller au format texte" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/copyPasteController": { - "noPreferences": "empty", + "noPreferences": "vide", "pasteAsDefault": "Configurer l’action de collage par défaut", "pasteAsError": "Nous n’avons trouvé aucune modification de collage n’a été trouvée pour « {0} »", "pasteAsPickerPlaceholder": "Sélectionner l’action Coller", @@ -1365,11 +1368,11 @@ "view problem": "Voir le problème" }, "vs/editor/contrib/indentation/browser/indentation": { - "changeTabDisplaySize": "Modifier la taille d’affichage de l’onglet", + "changeTabDisplaySize": "Modifier la taille d’affichage des tabulations", "changeTabDisplaySizeDescription": "Modifier la taille d’espace équivalente à l’onglet.", "configuredTabSize": "Taille des tabulations configurée", - "currentTabSize": "Taille actuelle de l’onglet", - "defaultTabSize": "Taille d’onglet par défaut", + "currentTabSize": "Taille actuelle des tabulations", + "defaultTabSize": "Taille des tabulations par défaut", "detectIndentation": "Détecter la mise en retrait à partir du contenu", "detectIndentationDescription": "Détectez la mise en retrait du contenu.", "editor.reindentlines": "Remettre en retrait les lignes", @@ -1410,9 +1413,10 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Afficher la suggestion en ligne suivante", "action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "Afficher la suggestion en ligne précédente", "action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "Déclencher une suggestion en ligne", - "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.inlineEdit": "Modifier l’inline du déclencheur", + "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.explicitInlineEdit": "Modifier l’inline du déclencheur", "jump": "Accéder", - "noInlineEditAvailable": "Aucune modification inline n’est disponible." + "noInlineEditAvailable": "Aucune modification inline n’est disponible.", + "reject": "Reject" }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/controller/inlineCompletionContextKeys": { "cursorAtInlineEdit": "Indique si le curseur est à une modification inline", @@ -2045,12 +2049,14 @@ }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "La Place de marché n’est pas activée", + "VS Code for Web": "{0} pour le web", "incompatible platform": "L’extension «{0}» n’est pas disponible dans {1} pour {2}.", "incompatibleAPI": "Impossible d’installer l’extension « {0} ». {1}", - "learn more": "En savoir plus", + "learn why": "Découvrez pourquoi", "malicious extension": "Impossible d’installer l'extension '{0}' car elle a été signalée comme problématique.", "multipleDependentsError": "Impossible de désinstaller l'extension '{0}'. '{1}', '{2}' et d'autres extensions en dépendent.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "Impossible de désinstaller l'extension '{0}'. Cela inclut la désinstallation de l'extension '{1}' mais '{2}', '{3}' et d'autres extensions en dépendent.", + "not allowed to install": "Cette extension ne peut pas être installée car {0}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "Impossible d'installer l'extension '{0}' car elle n'est pas compatible avec la version actuelle de {1} (version {2}).", "notFoundDeprecatedReplacementExtension": "Impossible d’installer l’extension « {0} », car elle est déconseillée et l’extension de remplacement « {1} » est introuvable.", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "Impossible d’installer la version de mise en production de '{0}' extension, car elle n’a pas de version de mise en production.", @@ -2059,6 +2065,13 @@ "twoDependentsError": "Impossible de désinstaller l'extension '{0}'. Les extensions '{1}' et '{2}' en dépendent.", "twoIndirectDependentsError": "Impossible de désinstaller l'extension '{0}'. Cela inclut la désinstallation de l'extension '{1}' mais les extensions '{2}' et '{3}' en dépendent." }, + "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/allowedExtensionsService": { + "extension prerelease not allowed": "les versions préliminaires de cette extension ne sont pas dans le [allowed list]({0})", + "prerelease versions from this publisher not allowed": "les versions préliminaires de cet éditeur ne sont pas dans le [allowed list]({1})", + "publisher not allowed": "les extensions de cet éditeur ne sont pas dans la [liste autorisée]({1})", + "specific extension not allowed": "il ne figure pas dans la [liste autorisée]({0})", + "specific version of extension not allowed": "la version {0} de cette extension n’est pas dans le [allowed list]({1})" + }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { "extensions": "Extensions", "preferences": "Préférences" @@ -2096,10 +2109,6 @@ "updateMessage": "Mise à jour de l'extension '{0}' vers la version {1}", "useId": "Vérifiez que vous utilisez l'ID d'extension complet, y compris l'éditeur, par ex. : {0}" }, - "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementIpc": { - "incompatible platform": "L’extension «{0}» n’est pas disponible dans {1} pour {2}.", - "learn more": "En savoir plus" - }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionNls": { "missingNLSKey": "Le message est introuvable pour la clé {0}." }, @@ -2117,7 +2126,7 @@ "errorDeleting": "Impossible de supprimer le dossier existant '{0}' pendant l'installation de l'extension '{1}'. Supprimez le dossier manuellement et réessayez", "incompatible": "Impossible d'installer l'extension '{0}', car elle n'est pas compatible avec VS Code '{1}'.", "invalidManifest": "Impossible d’installer l’extension « {0} » en raison d’une incompatibilité manifeste avec la Place de marché", - "not signed": "L’extension n’est pas signée.", + "notAllowed": "Cette extension ne peut pas être installée car {0}", "removeError": "Erreur lors de la suppression de l’extension : {0}. Veuillez quitter et relancer VS Code avant de réessayer.", "restartCode": "Redémarrez VS Code avant de réinstaller {0}.", "signature verification failed": "Échec de la vérification de la signature avec l’erreur «{0}».", @@ -2725,6 +2734,9 @@ "activityWarningBadge.foreground": "Couleur de premier plan du badge d’activité d’avertissement", "badgeBackground": "Couleur de fond des badges. Les badges sont de courts libellés d'information, ex. le nombre de résultats de recherche.", "badgeForeground": "Couleur des badges. Les badges sont de courts libellés d'information, ex. le nombre de résultats de recherche.", + "chartAxis": "Couleur de l’axe pour le graphique.", + "chartGuide": "Ligne directrice pour le graphique.", + "chartLine": "Couleur de ligne du graphique.", "progressBarBackground": "Couleur de fond pour la barre de progression qui peut s'afficher lors d'opérations longues.", "sashActiveBorder": "Couleur de bordure des fenêtres coulissantes.", "scrollbarShadow": "Ombre de la barre de défilement pour indiquer que la vue défile.", @@ -3063,6 +3075,11 @@ "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadNotebookSaveParticipant": { "timeout.onWillSave": "Événement onWillSaveNotebookDocument abandonné après 1 750 ms" }, + "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadOutputService": { + "status.showOutput": "Afficher la sortie", + "status.showOutputAria": "Afficher {0} canal de sortie", + "status.showOutputTooltip": "Afficher {0} canal de sortie" + }, "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadProgress": { "manageExtension": "Gérer l'extension" }, @@ -3868,6 +3885,7 @@ "miRestoreEditorsToMainWindow": "&&Restaurer les éditeurs dans la fenêtre principale", "minimizeOtherEditorGroups": "Développer le groupe d'éditeurs", "minimizeOtherEditorGroupsHideSidebar": "Développer le groupe d’éditeurs et masquer les barres latérales", + "mitoggleOvertypeInsertMode": "&&Activer/désactiver le mode Overtype/Insert", "moveActiveGroupDown": "Déplacer le groupe d'éditeurs vers le bas", "moveActiveGroupLeft": "Déplacer le groupe d'éditeurs vers la gauche", "moveActiveGroupRight": "Déplacer le groupe d'éditeurs vers la droite", @@ -3939,6 +3957,8 @@ "toggleEditorType": "Activer/désactiver le type d'éditeur", "toggleEditorWidths": "Taille des groupes du Toggle Editor", "toggleMaximizeEditorGroup": "Toggle Agrandir le groupe d'éditeurs", + "toggleOvertypeInsertMode": "Activer/désactiver le mode Overtype/Insert", + "toggleOvertypeMode.description": "Basculer entre le mode surtype et le mode Insertion", "unpinEditor": "Détacher l'éditeur" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorCommands": { @@ -4045,6 +4065,7 @@ "guessedEncoding": "Deviné à partir du contenu", "indentConvert": "convertir le fichier", "indentView": "modifier la vue", + "inputModeOvertype": "RFP", "languageDescription": "({0}) - Langage configuré", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", "languagesPicks": "langages (identificateur)", @@ -4071,6 +4092,7 @@ "spacesAndTabsSize": "Espaces : {0} (Taille de tabulation : {1})", "spacesSize": "Espaces : {0}", "status.editor.columnSelectionMode": "Mode de sélection de colonne", + "status.editor.enableInsertMode": "Activer le mode d'insertion", "status.editor.encoding": "Encodage de l'éditeur", "status.editor.eol": "Fin de ligne de l'éditeur", "status.editor.indentation": "Mise en retrait de l'éditeur", @@ -4585,11 +4607,13 @@ "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.always": "Toujours ouvrir le panneau de manière agrandie.", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.never": "Ne jamais ouvrir le panneau de manière agrandie. Le panneau s'ouvre en étant réduit.", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.preserve": "Ouvrez le panneau dans l'état dans lequel il se trouvait, avant sa fermeture.", + "workbench.panel.output": "Vue de sortie", "workbench.quickOpen.preserveInput": "Détermine si la dernière entrée tapée dans Quick Open doit être restaurée à la prochaine ouverture.", "workbench.reduceMotion": "Contrôle si le banc d’essai doit être affiché avec moins d’animations.", "workbench.reduceMotion.auto": "Rendu avec mouvement réduit en fonction de la configuration du système d’exploitation", "workbench.reduceMotion.off": "Ne pas afficher avec un mouvement réduit", "workbench.reduceMotion.on": "Toujours afficher avec un mouvement réduit", + "workbench.view.showQuietly": "Si une extension demande l’affichage d’une vue masquée, affichez un indicateur de barre de statut interactif à la place.", "wrapTabs": "Contrôle si les onglets doivent être enroulés sur plusieurs lignes en cas de dépassement de l’espace disponible ou si une barre de défilement doit apparaître à la place. Cette valeur est ignorée lorsque {0} n’est pas défini sur « {1} ».", "zenMode.centerLayout": "Contrôle si activer le Mode Zen centre également la mise en page.", "zenMode.fullScreen": "Contrôle si activer le Mode Zen met aussi le workbench en mode plein écran.", @@ -4775,6 +4799,7 @@ "panelStickyScrollBackground": "Couleur d’arrière-plan du défilement rémanent dans le panneau.", "panelStickyScrollBorder": "Couleur de bordure du défilement rémanent dans le panneau.", "panelStickyScrollShadow": "Couleur d’ombre du défilement rémanent dans le panneau.", + "panelTitleBorder": "Couleur de bordure du titre du panneau en bas, séparant le titre des vues. Les panneaux s'affichent sous la zone d'éditeurs et contiennent des affichages tels que la sortie et le terminal intégré.", "profileBadgeBackground": "Couleur d’arrière-plan du badge de profil. Le badge de profil s’affiche en haut de l’icône d’engrenage des paramètres dans la barre d’activités.", "profileBadgeForeground": "Couleur de premier plan du badge de profil. Le badge de profil s’affiche en haut de l’icône d’engrenage des paramètres dans la barre d’activités.", "sideBarActivityBarTopBorder": "Couleur de bordure entre la barre d’activité en haut/bas et les vues.", @@ -4789,6 +4814,7 @@ "sideBarStickyScrollBorder": "Couleur de bordure du défilement rémanent dans la barre latérale.", "sideBarStickyScrollShadow": "Couleur d’ombre du défilement rémanent dans la barre latérale.", "sideBarTitleBackground": "Couleur d’arrière-plan du titre de la barre latérale. La barre latérale est le conteneur des affichages tels que ceux de l'exploration et la recherche.", + "sideBarTitleBorder": "Couleur de bordure du titre de la barre latérale en bas, séparant le titre des vues. La barre latérale est le conteneur des affichages tels que ceux de l'exploration et la recherche.", "sideBarTitleForeground": "Couleur de premier plan du titre de la barre latérale. La barre latérale est le conteneur des affichages tels que ceux de l'exploration et la recherche.", "sideBySideEditor.horizontalBorder": "Couleur pour séparer deux éditeurs l'un de l'autre lorsqu'ils sont affichés côte à côte dans un groupe d'éditeurs de haut en bas.", "sideBySideEditor.verticalBorder": "Couleur pour séparer deux éditeurs l'un de l'autre lorsqu'ils sont affichés côte à côte dans un groupe d'éditeurs de gauche à droite.", @@ -5417,7 +5443,7 @@ "chat.clear.label": "Effacer toutes les conversations de l’espace de travail", "chat.history.label": "Afficher les conversations...", "chat.history.rename": "Renommer", - "chat.releaseNotes.label": "Explore New Features", + "chat.releaseNotes.label": "Explorer les nouvelles fonctionnalités", "chatWith": "Chat avec extension", "currentChatLabel": "actuel", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Effacer l’historique d’entrée", @@ -5427,12 +5453,16 @@ "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Basculer vers la conversation", "interactiveSession.open": "Ouvrir l’éditeur", "learnMore": "En savoir plus", + "managePlan": "Gérer le plan Copilot", + "manageSettings": "Gérer les paramètres Copilot", "more": "Plus...", "newChatTitle": "Nouveau titre de la conversation", "openChat": "Ouvrir la conversation", + "showCopilotUsageExtensions": "Afficher les extensions à l’aide de Copilot", "title4": "Conversation", - "toggle.chatControl": "Contrôles de conversation", - "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Activer/désactiver la visibilité des contrôles de conversation dans la barre de titre" + "toggle.chatControl": "Contrôles Copilot", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Activer/désactiver la visibilité des contrôles de Copilot dans la barre de titre", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { "chat.done.label": "Fait", @@ -5532,9 +5562,9 @@ "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "Cette opération annule les modifications apportées aux {0} fichiers de votre plage de travail depuis cette requête. Voulez-vous continuer ?", "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "Voulez-vous réessayer votre dernière requête ?", "chat.startEditing.label2": "Modifier avec Copilot", - "chat.startEditing.last": "The last {0} requests", - "chat.startEditing.pickAll": "All requests from the conversation", - "chat.startEditing.pickCustom": "Manually select requests...", + "chat.startEditing.last": "Les {0} dernières demandes", + "chat.startEditing.pickAll": "Toutes les demandes de la conversation", + "chat.startEditing.pickCustom": "Sélectionner manuellement les demandes...", "chat.startEditing.pickRequest": "Sélectionnez les requêtes que vous souhaitez utiliser pour l'édition", "interactive.helpful.label": "Utile", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "Insérer dans Notebook", @@ -5562,9 +5592,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Conversation", - "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Permet de contrôler l’affichage ou non par le centre de commandes d’un menu pour les actions de conversation (nécessite {0}).", + "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Contrôle si le centre de commande affiche un menu d'actions pour contrôler Copilot (nécessite {0}).", "chat.detectParticipant.enabled": "Active la détection automatique des participants à la conversation pour la conversation de panneau.", - "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Indique s’il faut toujours demander avant d’enregistrer les fichiers avec les modifications apportées par la conversation.", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether files that have changes made by chat can be saved without confirmation.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Indique s’il faut afficher une confirmation avant de supprimer une requête et ses modifications associées.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Indique s’il faut afficher une confirmation avant de réessayer une requête et ses modifications associées.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Active la détection automatique des participants à la conversation pour la conversation de panneau.", @@ -5594,7 +5624,11 @@ "reservedName": "Cette extension de conversation utilise un nom réservé.", "viewExtensionLabel": "Afficher l'extension" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAgentCommandContentPart": { + "rerun": "Réexécuter sans {0}{1}" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAttachmentsContentPart": { + "chat.attachment": "Contexte attaché, {0}", "chat.attachment3": "Contexte attaché : {0}.", "chat.fileAttachment3": "Joint : {0}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Attaché : {0}, ligne {1} à ligne {2}.", @@ -5602,7 +5636,8 @@ "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Omis : {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Omis : {0}, ligne {1} à ligne {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Partiellement attaché : {0}.", - "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "Partiellement attaché : {0}, ligne {1} à la ligne {2}." + "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "Partiellement attaché : {0}, ligne {1} à la ligne {2}.", + "resource": "Valeur complète de la ressource de pièce jointe de conversation, notamment le schéma et le chemin d’accès" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatCodeCitationContentPart": { "viewMatches": "Afficher les correspondances" @@ -5617,7 +5652,16 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatMarkdownContentPart": { "chat.codeblock.applying": "Application des modifications...", "chat.codeblock.applyingPercentage": "Application des modifications ({0}%)...", - "chat.codeblock.generating": "Génération de modifications..." + "chat.codeblock.deletions": "{0} suppressions", + "chat.codeblock.deletions.one": "{0} suppression", + "chat.codeblock.generating": "Génération de modifications...", + "chat.codeblock.insertions": "{0} insertions", + "chat.codeblock.insertions.one": "{0} insertion", + "summary": "Modifié {0}, {1} et {2}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatQuotaExceededPart": { + "signedUpClickToContinue": "Signed up? Click to continue!", + "upgradeToCopilotPro": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { "addToChat": "Ajouter un fichier à la conversation", @@ -5646,13 +5690,15 @@ "file": "Fichier", "files": "Fichiers", "folder": "Dossier", - "image": "Image" + "image": "Image", + "symbol": "Symbole" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingActions": { "accept": "Accepter", "accept.file": "Accepter", "acceptAllEdits": "Accepter toutes les modifications", "addFileToWorkingSet": "Ajoutez un fichier", + "addFilesFromReferences": "Ajoutez des fichiers à partir de références", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.manyFiles": "Cela annulera les modifications apportées par {0} aux fichiers {1}. Voulez-vous continuer ?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.oneFile": "Cela annulera les modifications apportées par {0} dans {1}. Voulez-vous continuer ?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.primaryButton": "Oui", @@ -5669,12 +5715,11 @@ "chat.undoEdits.label": "Annuler les modifications", "chatEditing.snapshot": "{0} (Capture instantanée {1})", "chatEditing.viewChanges": "Afficher toutes les modifications", + "clearWorkingSet": "Effacer la plage de travail", "discard": "Abandonner", "discard.file": "Abandonner", "discardAllEdits": "Ignorer toutes les modifications", "open.fileInDiff": "Ouvrir les modifications dans l’Éditeur de diff", - "removeAll": "Remove All", - "removeAllFiles": "Remove All Files", "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Supprimer le fichier", "workbench.action.chat.addSelectedFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Ajouter les fichiers sélectionnés au jeu de travail" }, @@ -5687,7 +5732,7 @@ "chatEditing.modified": "Modifications en attente de {0}", "chatEditing.modified2": "Modifications en attente depuis la conversation instantanée", "chatEditing.startingSession": "Génération des modifications en cours... Merci de patienter.", - "join.chatEditingSession": "Saving chat edits history" + "join.chatEditingSession": "Enregistrement de l’historique des modifications de conversation" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingSession": { "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0} souhaite créer un fichier. Choisissez l’emplacement d’enregistrement souhaité.", @@ -5706,6 +5751,7 @@ "undo2": "Annulez" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.ctxHasRequestInProgress": "The current editor shows a file from an edit session which is still in progress", "chat.hasEditorModifications": "L’éditeur actuel contient des modifications de conversation" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { @@ -5713,12 +5759,14 @@ "chatEditorName": "Conversation" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorOverlay": { + "applyingPercentage": "{0}% Applying edits...", + "generating": "Generating edits...", "label": "État de la navigation", "nOfM": "{0} sur {1}", - "tooltip_11": "1 change in 1 file", - "tooltip_1n": "1 change in {0} files", - "tooltip_n1": "{0} changes in 1 file", - "tooltip_nm": "{0} changes in {1} files" + "tooltip_11": "1 modification dans 1 fichier", + "tooltip_1n": "1 modification dans {0} fichiers", + "tooltip_n1": "{0} modifications dans 1 fichier", + "tooltip_nm": "{0} modifications dans {1} fichiers" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { "chat": "conversation", @@ -5751,8 +5799,7 @@ "miGotoDefinition": "Atteindre la &&définition", "miGotoImplementations": "Atteindre les &&implémentations", "miGotoReference": "Atteindre les &&références", - "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Aller à &&Définitions de type", - "resource": "Valeur complète de la ressource d’ancre de conversation, notamment le schéma et le chemin d’accès" + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Aller à &&Définitions de type" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Saisie pour la conversation, tapez pour poser des questions ou tapez / pour les sujets, appuyez sur entrée pour envoyer la demande. À utiliser {0} pour l’aide à l’accessibilité de la conversation.", @@ -5764,17 +5811,19 @@ "chat.imageAttachment": "Image attachée, {0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Envoyer à @{0}", "chatAddFiles": "{0} Ajouter des fichiers...", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "The Working Set file limit has ben reached. {0} is excluded from the Woking Set. Remove other files to make space for {0}.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} files)", - "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "1 file is excluded from the Working Set.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "{0} files are excluded from the Working Set.", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "La limite de fichiers de la plage de travail a été atteinte. {0} est exclu de la plage de travail. Supprimez d’autres fichiers afin de libérer de l’espace pour {0}.", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} fichiers)", + "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "1 fichier est exclu de la plage de travail.", + "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "{0} fichiers sont exclus de la plage de travail.", "chatEditingSession.fileLimitReached": "Vous avez atteint le nombre maximal de fichiers pouvant être ajoutés à la plage de travail.", "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} fichiers)", "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 fichier)", + "chatEditingSession.removeSuggested": "Remove suggestion", "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Plage de travail", "chatInput": "Entrée de conversation", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Entrée de conversation, tapez le code ici et appuyez sur Entrée pour l’exécuter. Pour plus d’informations, utilisez la commande d’aide sur l’accessibilité de la conversation.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Plus..." + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Plus...", + "suggeste.title": "{0} - {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "« {0} » sélectionné", @@ -5791,7 +5840,7 @@ "usedAgent": "[[(réexécuter sans)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "utilisé {0} [[(réexécuter sans)]]" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipant.contribution": { "chat.viewContainer.label": "Conversation", "chatCommand": "Nom court auquel cette commande fait référence dans l’interface utilisateur, par exemple `fix` ou * `explain` pour les commandes qui corrigent un problème ou expliquent du code. Le nom doit être unique parmi les commandes fournies par ce participant.", "chatCommandDescription": "Description de cette commande.", @@ -5804,7 +5853,7 @@ "chatCommandWhen": "Condition qui doit avoir la valeur true pour activer cette commande.", "chatCommandsDescription": "Commandes disponibles pour ce participant à la conversation que l’utilisateur peut appeler avec un `/`.", "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Modifications de Copilot", - "chatFailErrorMessage": "Chat failed to load because the installed version of the {0} extension is not compatible with this version of {1}. Please ensure that the {2} extension is up to date.", + "chatFailErrorMessage": "Désolé... Nous n’avons pas pu charger la conversation, car la version installée de l’extension Conversation Copilot n’est pas compatible avec cette version de {0}. Veuillez vérifier que l’extension Conversation Copilot est à jour.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Description de ce participant à la conversation, affichée dans l’interface utilisateur.", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Métadonnées pour faciliter l’acheminement automatique des questions des utilisateurs vers ce participant à la conversation.", "chatParticipantDisambiguationCategory": "Nom détaillé de cette catégorie, par exemple « workspace_questions » ou « web_questions ».", @@ -5815,28 +5864,59 @@ "chatParticipantName": "Nom d’utilisateur pour ce participant à la conversation. L’utilisateur utilisera « @ » avec ce nom pour appeler le participant. Le nom ne doit pas contenir d’espace blanc.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Condition qui doit avoir la valeur true pour activer ce(tte) participant(e).", "chatSampleRequest": "Lorsque l’utilisateur clique sur ce participant dans « /help », ce texte est envoyé au participant.", - "miToggleChat": "&&Conversation instantanée", + "miToggleChat": "&&Conversation", "miToggleEdits": "Éd&&itions Copilot", "showExtension": "Afficher l’extension", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Contribue à un participant à la conversation" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedAttachment.multipleLines": "{0} lignes", + "pastedAttachment.oneLine": "1 ligne", + "pastedCodeAttachment": "Pièce jointe de code collé", + "pastedImageAttachment": "Pièce jointe d’image collée", "pastedImageName": "Image collée" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup.contribution": { - "hideChatSetup": "Hide {0}", - "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide {0}?", - "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore chat controls from the 'chat.commandCenter.enabled' setting.", - "installChat": "Installez {0}", - "learnMore": "En savoir plus", - "setup": "Installez {0}", - "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Setting up Chat for you...", - "setupChatSigningIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", - "setupFooter": "By proceeding you agree to our [privacy statement]({0}).", - "setupHeader": "{0} is your AI pair programmer.", - "signInAndInstallChat": "Connectez-vous pour utiliser {0}", - "signInAndSetup": "Connectez-vous pour utiliser {0}", - "triggerChatSetup": "Configuration du déclencheur de la conversation instantanée" + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatQuotasService": { + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached the limits of your Copilot Free plan, click for details", + "chatQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly chat messages limit, click for details", + "completionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly code completions limit, click for details", + "copilotQuotaExceeded": "Copilot Limit Reached", + "dismiss": "Dismiss", + "indicator": "Copilot Quota Indicator", + "limit reached": "Copilot Free", + "limit reset": "Your limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitReached": "Limit Reached", + "managePlan": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "out of completions": "You've run out of free code completions, but free chat responses are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of free chat responses": "You've run out of free chat responses, but free code completions are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of limits": "You've reached the limits of the Copilot Free plan.", + "simulateCopilotQuotaExceeded": "Simulate Copilot Quota Exceeded", + "upgradeChat": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "upgradeToPro": "Here's what you can expect when upgrading to Copilot Pro:\r\n- Unlimited code completions\r\n- Unlimited chat interactions\r\n- 30 day free trial" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup": { + "detectionLabel": "Allow code suggestions that [match public code]({0})", + "featureChat": "Code faster with completions and Inline Chat", + "featureEdits": "Build features and resolve bugs with Copilot Edits", + "featureExplore": "Explore your codebase with chat", + "hideChatSetup": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupButton": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide Copilot?", + "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore Copilot by running the '{0}' command.", + "limitedSkuHeader": "$(sparkle-filled) We now offer [Copilot for free]({0}).", + "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Getting Copilot Ready...", + "setupChatProgress": "Getting Copilot ready...", + "setupChatSignIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", + "setupHeader": "[Copilot]({0} 'Copilot') is your AI pair programmer.", + "signInGh": "Sign in with a GitHub.com Account", + "signInGhe": "Sign in with a GHE.com Account", + "signUp": "Sign in to Use Copilot", + "signUpFree": "Sign in to Use Copilot for Free", + "startUp": "Use Copilot", + "startUpLimited": "Use Copilot for Free", + "termsLabel": "By continuing, you agree to our [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free...", + "welcomeChat": "Welcome to Copilot" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { "chatWidget.tips": "{0} ou tapez {1} pour attacher le contexte\r\n\r\n{2} pour converser avec des extensions\r\n\r\nTapez {3} pour utiliser des commandes", @@ -5849,8 +5929,8 @@ "chat.codeBlockHelp": "Bloc de code", "chat.codeBlockLabel": "Bloc de code {0}", "chat.compareCodeBlockLabel": "Modifications du code", - "chat.edits.1": "1 modification apportée dans [[''{0}'']]", - "chat.edits.N": "{0} modifications apportées dans [[``{1}``]]", + "chat.edits.1": "Applied 1 change in [[``{0}``]]", + "chat.edits.N": "Applied {0} changes in [[``{1}``]]", "chat.edits.rejected": "Les modifications dans [[''{0}'']] ont été rejetées", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm": "Le fichier d’origine a été modifié.", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm.detail": "Voulez-vous quand même appliquer les modifications ?", @@ -5866,13 +5946,14 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { "fileEntryDescription": "{0} ({1})", "installLabel": "Installer des extensions de conversation...", - "pickFileLabel": "Choisir un fichier" + "pickFileLabel": "Choisir un fichier", + "pickSymbolLabel": "Choisissez un symbole" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "Il y a une partie de pointage de l’agent de conversation ici." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputRelatedFilesContrib": { - "relatedFile": "Fichier suggéré" + "relatedFile": "{0} (Suggested)" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { "screenshot": "Capture d’écran" @@ -5880,7 +5961,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { "toolInvocationMessage": "Utilisation de {0}" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeHandler": { "chatViewsWelcome.content": "Contenu du message de bienvenue. Le premier lien de commande sera rendu en tant que bouton.", "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "Icône du message de bienvenue.", "chatViewsWelcome.title": "Titre du message de bienvenue.", @@ -5917,12 +5998,6 @@ "chatResponseFiltered": "True lorsque la réponse à la conversation a été filtrée par le serveur.", "chatResponseSupportsIssueReporting": "Vrai lorsque la réponse de chat actuelle prend en charge le signalement de problèmes.", "chatSessionResponseDetectedAgentOrCommand": "Lors de la détection automatique de l’agent ou de la commande", - "chatSetupEntitled": "Vrai lorsque la configuration de la conversation instantanée est proposée à un utilisateur connecté et autorisé.", - "chatSetupInstalled": "True when the chat extension is installed.", - "chatSetupInstalling": "Vrai lorsque la configuration de la conversation instantanée installe le chat.", - "chatSetupSignedIn": "Vrai lorsque la configuration de la conversation instantanée est proposée à un utilisateur connecté.", - "chatSetupSigningIn": "Vrai lorsque la configuration de la conversation instantanée attend la connexion.", - "chatSetupTriggered": "Vrai lorsque la configuration de la conversation instantanée est déclenchée.", "inChat": "True lorsque le focus est dans l’entrée de la conversation, false dans le cas contraire.", "inInteractiveInput": "True lorsque le focus est dans l’entrée de conversation, false dans le cas contraire.", "inQuickChat": "True quand l’interface utilisateur de la conversation rapide a le focus, sinon false.", @@ -5952,7 +6027,8 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.languageModels.whitespaceVendor": "Le champ fournisseur ne peut pas commencer ou se terminer par un espace blanc." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelStats": { - "Language Models": "Modèles de langage", + "Language Models": "Copilot", + "chat": "conversation", "languageModels": "Statistiques d’utilisation des modèles de langage de cette extension." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { @@ -6672,6 +6748,7 @@ "findExtension": "&&Trouver l’extension {0}", "installExt": "Installer une extension...", "installLanguage": "Installer une extension pour {0}...", + "moreOptionsForDebugType": "{0} autres options...", "selectDebug": "Sélectionner le débogueur", "suggestedDebuggers": "Suggestions", "suppressMultipleSessionWarning": "Désactivez l’avertissement lors de plusieurs tentatives de démarrage de la même configuration de débogage." @@ -7037,7 +7114,6 @@ "allDebuggersDisabled": "Toutes les extensions de débogage sont désactivées. Activez une extension de débogage ou installez-en une nouvelle à partir de Marketplace.", "customizeRunAndDebug": "Pour personnaliser Exécuter et déboguer [créer un fichier launch.json](command:{0}).", "customizeRunAndDebugOpenFolder": "Pour personnaliser Exécuter et déboguer, [ouvrez un dossier](command:{0}) et créez un fichier launch.json.", - "detectThenRunAndDebug": "Afficher toutes les configurations de débogage automatique", "openAFileWhichCanBeDebugged": "[Ouvrir un fichier](command:{0}) qui peut être débogué ou exécuté.", "run": "Exécuter", "runAndDebugAction": "Exécuter et déboguer" @@ -7057,6 +7133,7 @@ "breakpointWidgetVisibile": "La valeur est true quand le widget de zone de l'éditeur de points d'arrêt est visible, sinon false.", "breakpointsExist": "La valeur est true quand il existe au moins un point d'arrêt.", "breakpointsFocused": "La valeur est true quand la vue POINTS D'ARRÊT a le focus, sinon false.", + "callStackFocused": "La valeur est true quand la vue CALLSTACK a le focus, sinon false.", "callStackItemStopped": "La valeur est true quand l'élément ayant le focus dans la PILE DES APPELS est à l'arrêt. Utilisé de manière interne pour les menus en ligne dans la vue PILE DES APPELS.", "callStackItemType": "Représente le type d'élément de l'élément ayant le focus dans la vue PILE DES APPELS. Exemples : 'session', 'thread', 'stackFrame'", "callStackSessionHasOneThread": "La valeur est true quand la session ayant le focus dans la vue PILE DES APPELS n'a qu'un seul thread. Utilisé de manière interne pour les menus en ligne dans la vue PILE DES APPELS.", @@ -7325,10 +7402,10 @@ "errors": " {0} erreurs non détectées", "extensionActivating": "L’extension est en cours d’activation...", "languageActivation": "Activation effectuée par {1}, car vous avez ouvert un fichier {0}", - "requests count": "{0} Demandes : {1} (globales)", + "requests count": "{0} Utilisation : {1} Demandes", "requests count title": "La dernière requête était {0}.", "runtimeExtensions": "Extensions de runtime", - "session requests count": ", {0} (session)", + "session requests count": ", `{0}`demandes (session)", "showRuntimeExtensions": "Afficher les extensions en cours d'exécution", "starActivation": "Activé par {0} au démarrage", "startupFinishedActivation": "Activé par {0} une fois le démarrage effectué", @@ -7401,16 +7478,15 @@ "accessExtensionFeature": "Activer la fonctionnalité « {0} »", "activation": "Activation", "cancel": "Annuler", + "chartDescription": "Cette extension a fait l'objet de {0} {1} demandes au cours des 30 derniers jours.", "disableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "Voulez-vous révoquer l’extension « {0} » pour accéder à la fonctionnalité « {1} » ?", "enable": "Autoriser l’accès", "enableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "Voulez-vous autoriser l’extension « {0} » à accéder à la fonctionnalité « {1} » ?", "extension features list": "Fonctionnalités d’extension", "grant": "Autoriser l’accès", - "last request": "Dernière demande : « {0} »", + "label": "Utilisation de {0}", "messaages": "Messages ({0})", "noFeatures": "Aucune fonctionnalité n’a été mise en avant.", - "requests count session": "Demandes (session) : « {0} »", - "requests count total": "Demandes (globales) : « {0} »", "revoke": "Révoquer l'accès", "revoked": "Aucun accès", "runtime": "État du runtime", @@ -7461,6 +7537,7 @@ "enabled filter": "Activée", "extension": "Extension", "extension updates filter": "Mises à jour", + "extension.publisher.allow.description": "Autorisez ou non toutes les extensions de l’éditeur.", "extensionInfoDescription": "Description : {0}", "extensionInfoId": "ID : {0}", "extensionInfoName": "Nom : {0}", @@ -7470,11 +7547,25 @@ "extensionUpdates": "Afficher les Mises à jour d’extension", "extensions": "Extensions", "extensions.affinity": "Configurez une extension à exécuter dans un autre processus hôte d’extension.", + "extensions.allow.all.description": "Autorisez ou non toutes les extensions.", + "extensions.allow.all.disable": "Interdire toutes les extensions.", + "extensions.allow.all.enable": "Autoriser toutes les extensions.", + "extensions.allow.description": "Autorisez ou non l’extension.", + "extensions.allow.version.description": "Autorisez ou non des versions spécifiques de l’extension. Pour spécifier une version spécifique à la plateforme, utilisez le format 'platform@1.2.3', par exemple 'win32-x64@1.2.3'. Les plateformes prises en charge sont 'win32-x64', 'win32-arm64', 'linux-x64', 'linux-arm64', 'linux-armhf', 'alpine-x64', 'alpine-arm64', 'darwin-x64', 'darwin-arm64'", + "extensions.allowed": "Specify a list of extensions that are allowed to use. This helps maintain a secure and consistent development environment by restricting the use of unauthorized extensions. For more information on how to configure this setting, please visit the [Configure Allowed Extensions](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/enterprise#_configure-allowed-extensions) section.", + "extensions.allowed.all": "Toutes les extensions sont autorisées.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.desc": "L’extension n’est pas autorisée.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "Autoriser uniquement les versions stables de l’extension.", + "extensions.allowed.enable.desc": "L’extension est autorisée.", + "extensions.allowed.none": "Aucune extension n’est autorisée.", "extensions.autoUpdate": "Contrôle le comportement de mise à jour automatique des extensions. Les mises à jour sont récupérées à partir d'un service en ligne Microsoft.", "extensions.autoUpdate.enabled": "Téléchargez et installez automatiquement les mises à jour uniquement pour les extensions activées.", "extensions.autoUpdate.false": "Les extensions ne sont pas mises à jour automatiquement.", "extensions.autoUpdate.true": "Télécharge et installe automatiquement les mises à jour pour toutes les extensions.", "extensions.gallery.useUnpkgResourceApi": "Lorsque cette option est activée, les extensions à mettre à jour sont extraites du service Unpkg.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.desc": "Toutes les extensions de l’éditeur ne sont pas autorisées.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "Autoriser uniquement les versions stables des extensions du serveur de publication.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.enable.desc": "Toutes les extensions de l’éditeur sont autorisées.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces": "Remplacez la prise en charge d’une extension par un espace de travail non approuvé. Les extensions utilisant la valeur `true` sont toujours activées. Les extensions utilisant la valeur `limited` sont toujours activées et l’extension masquera les fonctionnalités nécessitant une approbation. Les extensions utilisant la valeur `false` ne sont activées que dans un espace de travail approuvé.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.false": "L’extension est uniquement activée quand l’espace de travail est approuvé.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.limited": "L’extension est toujours activée et l’extension masque les fonctionnalités nécessitant une approbation.", @@ -7485,6 +7576,7 @@ "extensions.verifySignature": "Lorsque cette option est activée, la signature des extensions est vérifiée avant d’être installée.", "extensionsCheckUpdates": "Lorsqu’activé, vérifie automatiquement les extensions pour les mises à jour. Si une extension est une mise à jour, elle est marquée comme obsolète dans l’affichage des Extensions. Les mises à jour sont récupérées à partir d’un service en ligne de Microsoft.", "extensionsCloseExtensionDetailsOnViewChange": "Si cette option est activée, les éditeurs avec les détails d'extension sont automatiquement fermés quand vous quittez l'affichage Extensions.", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Extensions", "extensionsDeferredStartupFinishedActivation": "Quand cette option est activée, les extensions qui déclarent l’événement d’activation « onStartupFinished » sont activées après un délai d’expiration.", "extensionsIgnoreRecommendations": "Si cette option est activée, les notifications pour les recommandations d’extension ne sont pas affichées.", "extensionsInQuickAccess": "Lorsque cette option est activée, les extensions peuvent être recherchées via Accès rapide et signaler des problèmes à partir de là.", @@ -7556,6 +7648,7 @@ "workbench.extensions.action.configureKeybindings": "Raccourcis clavier", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtension": "Copier", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtensionId": "Copier l'ID d'extension", + "workbench.extensions.action.copyLink": "Copier un lien", "workbench.extensions.action.ignoreRecommendation": "Ignorer la recommandation", "workbench.extensions.action.removeExtensionFromWorkspaceRecommendations": "Supprimer des recommandations de l'espace de travail", "workbench.extensions.action.toggleApplyToAllProfiles": "Appliquer l’extension à tous les profils", @@ -7614,6 +7707,7 @@ "disableGloballyAction": "Désactiver", "disableGloballyActionToolTip": "Désactiver cette extension", "disabled": "Désactivé", + "disabled - not allowed": "Cette extension est désactivée car {0}", "disabled because of virtual workspace": "Cette extension a été désactivée car elle ne prend pas en charge les espaces de travail virtuels.", "disabled by environment": "Cette extension est désactivée par l’environnement.", "do not sync": "Ne pas synchroniser cette extension", @@ -7836,6 +7930,7 @@ "no local extensions": "Il n'y a aucune extension à installer.", "offline error": "Impossible de rechercher dans la Place de marché en mode hors connexion. Vérifiez votre connexion réseau.", "open user settings": "Ouvrir les paramètres utilisateur", + "showingExtensionsForFeature": "Extensions using {0} in the last 30 days", "suggestProxyError": "Marketplace a retourné 'ECONNREFUSED'. Vérifiez le paramètre 'http.proxy'." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/extensionsWidgets": { @@ -7845,6 +7940,8 @@ "extensionIconStarForeground": "Couleur de l'icône des évaluations des extensions.", "extensionIconVerifiedForeground": "La couleur de l'icône de l'éditeur vérifié de l'extension.", "extensionPreReleaseForeground": "Couleur d’icône de l’extension de préversion.", + "feature access label": "{0} dem.", + "feature usage label": "{0} utilisation", "has prerelease": "Cette extension a un {0} disponible.", "local extension": "Extension locale", "message": "1 message", @@ -7856,6 +7953,7 @@ "sponsor": "1. COMMANDITAIRE", "startup": "Démarrage", "syncingore.label": "Cette extension est ignorée pendant la synchronisation.", + "total": "{0} {1} demandes au cours des 30 derniers jours)", "uncaught error": "1 erreur non interceptée", "uncaught errors": "{0} erreurs non détectées", "updateRequired": "Dernière version :", @@ -7874,6 +7972,8 @@ "disable all": "Tout désactiver", "disableDependents": "Désactiver l’extension avec Dependents", "disallowed": "Cette extension n’est pas autorisée à être installée.", + "disallowed extensions": "Some extensions are disabled because they are configured not to be allowed.", + "disallowed extensions by policy": "Some extensions are disabled because they are not allowed by your system administrator.", "download": "Télécharger", "download title": "Sélectionner le dossier pour télécharger le VSIX", "download.completed": "Le VSIX a été téléchargé", @@ -7886,6 +7986,7 @@ "enableExtensionTitle": "Activer l'extension", "extension not found": "Extension '{0}' introuvable.", "extensionsAutoRestart": "Les extensions ont été redémarrées automatiquement pour activer les mises à jour.", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Extensions", "incompatible": "Impossible d’installer l’extension «{0}», car elle n’est pas compatible.", "incompatibleExtensions": "Certaines extensions sont désactivées en raison d’une incompatibilité de version. Passez-les en revue et mettez-les à jour.", "installButtonLabel": "&&Installer l’extension", @@ -7936,6 +8037,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/workspaceRecommendations": { "workspaceRecommendation": "Cette extension est recommandée par les utilisateurs de l'espace de travail actuel." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensions": { + "extensions": "Extensions" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensionsFileTemplate": { "app.extension.identifier.errorMessage": "Format attendu : '${publisher}.${name}'. Exemple : 'vscode.csharp'.", "app.extensions.json.recommendations": "Liste des extensions qui doivent être recommandées pour les utilisateurs de cet espace de travail. L'identificateur d'une extension est toujours '${publisher}.${name}'. Par exemple : 'vscode.csharp'.", @@ -8548,8 +8652,14 @@ "welcome.2": "Préparation en cours... Merci de patienter." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { - "inlineChatExpansion": "Indique si l’expansion de conversation en ligne est activée à la fin d’une ligne venant d’être tapée", - "startWithCurrentLine": "Démarrer dans l’éditeur avec la ligne active" + "defaultTitle": "Conversation", + "disableHint": "Désactiver l’indicateur de conversation inline", + "hideHint": "Masquer l’indicateur de conversation inlined", + "inlineChatShowingHint": "Indique si la conversation inlined affiche un indicateur contextuel", + "showHint": "Afficher l’indicateur de conversation inlined", + "startWithCurrentLine": "Démarrer dans l’éditeur avec la ligne active", + "title1": "{0} pour continuer avec {1}", + "title2": "{0} pour modifier avec {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { "config": "Enregistrer systématiquement les modifications générées par l'IA sans demander l'avis de l'utilisateur", @@ -8574,6 +8684,7 @@ "accessibleDiffView.on": "La visionneuse diff accessible est toujours activée.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatInserted": "Couleur de marqueur de la règle d’aperçu pour le contenu inséré de la conversation en ligne.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatRemoved": "Couleur de marqueur de la règle d’aperçu pour le contenu supprimé de la conversation en ligne.", + "emptyLineHint": "Indique si les lignes vides affichent un indicateur pour générer du code avec une conversation inline.", "finishOnType": "Indique si une session de conversation en ligne doit prendre fin lorsque vous tapez en dehors des régions modifiées.", "holdToSpeech": "Indique si la conservation de la combinaison de touches de conversation en ligne active automatiquement la reconnaissance vocale.", "inlineChat.background": "Couleur d’arrière-plan du widget d’éditeur interactif", @@ -8605,6 +8716,7 @@ "inlineChatResponseTypes": "Quel type de réponses ont été reçues, rien encore, seulement des messages, ou des modifications de message et locales", "inlineChatUserDidEdit": "Indique si l’utilisateur a effectué des modifications au-dessus de la conversation en ligne", "inlineChatVisible": "Indique si l’entrée de l’éditeur interactif est visible", + "lineSuffixHint": "Whether a hint to complete a line with inline chat is shown. Only shows when at the end of a line that is dominated by natural language, like `class Person with name and hobbies`", "mode": "Configurer si les modifications apportées avec la conversation en ligne sont appliquées directement vers le document ou sont d’abord en aperçu.", "mode.live": "Les modifications sont appliquées directement au document, mais peuvent être mises en évidence par des différences en ligne et acceptées/abandonnées par morceaux. La fin d’une session conserve les modifications.", "mode.preview": "Les modifications sont uniquement visualisées et doivent être acceptées à l’aide du bouton Appliquer. La fin d’une session annule les modifications." @@ -9408,8 +9520,7 @@ "notebookActions.chatFixCellError": "Corriger l’erreur de cellule" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellDiagnostics/diagnosticCellStatusBarContrib": { - "notebook.cell.status.explain": "Expliquer avec la conversation instantanée", - "notebook.cell.status.fix": "Corriger avec la conversation instantanée inline" + "notebook.cell.status.diagnostic": "Actions rapides {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/executionStatusBarItemController": { "notebook.cell.status.executing": "Exécution en cours", @@ -9417,7 +9528,8 @@ "notebook.cell.status.pending": "En attente", "notebook.cell.status.success": "Opération réussie", "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip": "**Dernière exécution** {0}\r\n\r\n**Durée d’exécution** {1}\r\n\r\n**Surcharge de temps** {2}\r\n\r\n**Temps de rendu**\r\n\r\n{3}", - "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Utilisez les liens ci-dessus pour enregistrer un problème à l’aide du rapporteur du problème." + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Utilisez les liens ci-dessus pour enregistrer un problème à l’aide du rapporteur du problème.", + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerVerbose": "Last Execution: {0}, Duration: {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/statusBarProviders": { "notebook.cell.status.autoDetectLanguage": "Accepter le langage détecté : {0}", @@ -9694,7 +9806,7 @@ "workbench.notebook.layout.webview.reset.label": "Réinitialiser l’affichage web du bloc-notes" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/controller/notebookIndentationActions": { - "changeTabDisplaySize": "Modifier la taille d’affichage de l’onglet", + "changeTabDisplaySize": "Modifier la taille d’affichage des tabulations", "convertIndentation": "Convertir la mise en retrait", "convertIndentationToSpaces": "Convertir les retraits en espaces", "convertIndentationToTabs": "Convertir les retraits en tabulations", @@ -9775,6 +9887,9 @@ "insertToolbarLocation.notebookToolbar": "Barre d’outils en haut de l’éditeur de blocs-notes.", "notebook.VariablesView.description": "Activez la vue des variables de bloc-notes expérimentales dans le panneau de débogage.", "notebook.backup.sizeLimit": "Limite de la taille de sortie du notebook en kilo-octets (Ko) où les fichiers de notebook ne seront plus sauvegardés pour le rechargement à chaud. Utilisez 0 pour un nombre illimité.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.default.description": "The cell execution duration is visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.description": "Controls the verbosity of the cell execution time in the cell status bar.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.verbose.description": "The cell last execution timestamp and duration are visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", "notebook.cellFailureDiagnostics": "Afficher les diagnostics disponibles pour les défaillances de cellule.", "notebook.cellGenerate": "Activez l’action de génération expérimentale pour créer une cellule de code avec la conversation en ligne activée.", "notebook.cellToolbarLocation.description": "Indique si la barre d'outils de la cellule doit être affichée, ou si elle doit être masquée.", @@ -12655,7 +12770,7 @@ "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshCode": "Les complétions d'arguments PowerShell personnalisés seront enregistrés pour les CLI `code` et `code-insiders` de VS Code. Ceci est actuellement très simple et suggère toujours des indicateurs et des sous-commandes sans vérifier le contexte.", "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshGit": "Les complétions d’arguments PowerShell personnalisés seront enregistrés pour la CLI `git`.", "suggest.enableExtensionCompletions": "Contrôle si les complétions d’extension sont activées.", - "suggest.enabled": "Enables experimental terminal Intellisense suggestions for supported shells ({0}) when {1} is set to {2}.\r\n\r\nIf shell integration is installed manually, {3} needs to be set to {4} before calling the shell integration script. \r\n\r\nFor extension provided completions, {5} will also need to be set.", + "suggest.enabled": "Permet les suggestions Intellisense du terminal expérimental pour les shells pris en charge ({0}) lorsque {1} est défini sur {2}.\r\n\r\nSi l’intégration de l’interpréteur de commandes est installée manuellement, {3} doit être définie sur {4} avant d’appeler le script d’intégration de l’interpréteur de commandes. \r\n\r\nPour les complétions fournies par l’extension, {5} devrez également être défini.", "suggest.quickSuggestions": "Contrôle si les suggestions doivent s’afficher automatiquement lors de la saisie. Tenez également compte du {0}-setting qui contrôle si les suggestions sont déclenchées par des caractères spéciaux.", "suggest.runOnEnter": "Contrôle si les suggestions doivent s’exécuter immédiatement lorsque « Entrée » (et non « Tab ») est utilisé pour accepter le résultat.", "suggest.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": "Contrôle si les suggestions devraient automatiquement s’afficher lorsque vous tapez les caractères de déclencheur." @@ -12888,7 +13003,8 @@ "testingCountBadgePassed": "{0} tests réussis", "testingCountBadgeSkipped": "{0} tests ignorés", "testingFindExtension": "Afficher les tests de l’espace de travail", - "testingNoTest": "Nous n’avons pas trouvé de test dans ce fichier." + "testingNoTest": "Nous n’avons pas trouvé de test dans ce fichier.", + "testingSelectConfig": "Sélectionner une configuration..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Fermer", @@ -13067,6 +13183,11 @@ "testError": "Une erreur s'est produite durant la tentative d'exécution des tests : {0}", "testTrust": "L’exécution de tests peut mener à l’exécution de code dans votre espace de travail." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/testTypes": { + "testing.runProfileBitset.coverage": "Couverture", + "testing.runProfileBitset.debug": "Déboguer", + "testing.runProfileBitset.run": "Exécuter" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/themes/browser/themes.contribution": { "browseColorThemeInMarketPlace.label": "Parcourir les thèmes de couleur dans la Place de marché", "browseColorThemes": "Parcourir les thèmes de couleur supplémentaires...", @@ -13656,7 +13777,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { "getStarted": "Bienvenue", - "walkthroughPageTitle": "Procédure pas à pas : " + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Procédure pas à pas : {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "Intégré", @@ -13674,6 +13795,7 @@ "browsePopularWeb": "Parcourir les extensions les plus demandées", "cloneRepo": "Cloner le dépôt", "commandPalette": "Ouvrir la palette de commandes", + "copilotTerms": "By continuing, you agree to Copilot [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", "enableSync": "Paramètres de sauvegarde et de synchronisation", "enableTrust": "activer l’approbation", "getting-started-beginner-icon": "Icône utilisée pour la catégorie débutant de la page d’accueil", @@ -13695,6 +13817,8 @@ "gettingStarted.commandPalette.title": "Libérez la productivité avec la palette de commandes ", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.description.interpolated": "Exécutez des commandes sans utiliser votre souris pour accomplir une tâche dans VS Code.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.title": "Libérer la productivité avec la palette de commandes ", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.description": "Write code faster and smarter with [Copilot]({0}) for free.", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.title": "Use AI features with Copilot for free", "gettingStarted.debug.description.interpolated": "Accélérez votre boucle de modification, de génération, de test et de débogage en configurant une configuration de lancement.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.debug.title": "Observez votre code en action", "gettingStarted.extensions.description.interpolated": "Les extensions sont les vitamines de VS Code. Elles vont des hacks de productivité pratiques ou de l'extension de fonctionnalités prêtes à l'emploi à l'ajout de toutes nouvelles fonctionnalités.\r\n{0}", @@ -13789,6 +13913,9 @@ "quickOpen": "Quick Open sur un fichier", "runProject": "Exécuter votre projet", "runTasks": "Exécuter des tâches détectées automatiquement", + "setupCopilotButton.chatWithCopilot": "Chat with Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.setup": "Setup Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.signIn": "Sign in to use Copilot", "showOrFocusHover": "Afficher ou focus sur pointer", "showTerminal": "Ouvrir le terminal", "titleID": "Parcourir les thèmes de couleur", @@ -14046,6 +14173,7 @@ "menus.explorerContextShare": "Sous-menu « Partager » dans le menu contextuel de l’Explorateur de fichiers", "menus.extensionContext": "Menu contextuel de l'extension", "menus.historyItemContext": "Menu contextuel de l’élément d’historique du contrôle de code source", + "menus.historyItemRefContext": "Menu contextuel de référence de l’élément d’historique du contrôle de code source", "menus.home": "Menu contextuel de l'indicateur d'accueil (web uniquement)", "menus.input": "Menu de la zone d’entrée Contrôle de code source", "menus.mergeEditorResult": "Barre d’outils des résultats de l’éditeur de fusion", @@ -14350,6 +14478,7 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/browser/extensionEnablementService": { "Reload": "Recharger et activer les extensions", "cannot change disablement environment": "Impossible de modifier l’activation de l'extension {0}, car elle est désactivée dans l’environnement", + "cannot change disallowed extension enablement": "Nous ne pouvons pas modifier l’activation de l’extension {0}, car elle n’est pas autorisée", "cannot change enablement dependency": "Impossible d’activer l’extension « {0} », car elle dépend de l’extension « {1} » qui ne peut pas être activée", "cannot change enablement environment": "Impossible de modifier l’activation de l'extension {0}, car elle est activée dans l’environnement", "cannot change enablement extension kind": "Impossible de modifier l’activation de {0} extension en raison de son type d’extension", @@ -14371,9 +14500,6 @@ "allow": "Autoriser", "disallow": "Ne pas autoriser" }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { - "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Extensions" - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementServerService": { "browser": "Navigateur", "remote": "Distant" @@ -14403,11 +14529,6 @@ "singleDependentError": "Impossible de désinstaller l'extension '{0}'. L'extension '{1}' en dépend.", "twoDependentsError": "Impossible de désinstaller l'extension '{0}'. Les extensions '{1}' et '{2}' en dépendent." }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/webExtensionManagementService": { - "VS Code for Web": "{0} pour le web", - "learn why": "Learn Why", - "not web tooltip": "L’extension «{0}» n’est pas disponible dans {1}." - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/extensionManagementServerService": { "local": "LOCAL", "remote": "Distant" diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index 869cab6b9a..7177dd76a1 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ "Conflict: Deleted By Us": "Conflitto: eliminato da Microsoft", "Continue Rebase": "Continua riassegnazione", "Continuing Rebase...": "Continuazione della riassegnazione...", + "Copy Commit Hash": "Copia l'hash di commit", "Could not clone your repository as Git is not installed.": "Non è stato possibile clonare il repository perché Git non è installato.", "Create Empty Commit": "Crea commit vuoto", "Current": "Corrente", @@ -112,10 +113,11 @@ "File \"{0}\" was deleted by us and modified by them.\n\nWhat would you like to do?": "Il file \"{0}\" è stato eliminato dall'utente corrente e modificato da altri utenti.\n\nCome si vuole procedere?", "Force Checkout": "Forza checkout", "Force push is not allowed, please enable it with the \"git.allowForcePush\" setting.": "Il push forzato non è consentito. Per abilitarlo, usare l'impostazione \"git.allowForcePush\".", - "Git Blame Information": "Git Blame Information", + "Git Blame Information": "Informazioni errore GIT", "Git History": "Cronologia GIT", "Git error": "Errore GIT", - "Git local working changes": "Modifiche di lavoro locali di Git", + "Git local changes (working tree + index)": "Modifiche locali Git (albero di lavoro e indice)", + "Git local changes (working tree)": "Modifiche locali Git (albero di lavoro)", "Git not found. Install it or configure it using the \"git.path\" setting.": "Git non trovato. Installarlo o configurarlo usando l'impostazione \"git.path\".", "Git repositories were found in the parent folders of the workspace or the open file(s). Would you like to open the repositories?": "I repository Git sono stati trovati nelle cartelle padre dell'area di lavoro o dei file aperti. Aprire i repository?", "Git: {0}": "GIT: {0}", @@ -415,6 +417,7 @@ "command.branchFrom": "Crea ramo da...", "command.checkout": "Esegui checkout in...", "command.checkoutDetached": "Esegui checkout in (modalità scollegata)...", + "command.checkoutRef": "Checkout", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Checkout (scollegato)", "command.cherryPick": "Esegui cherry-pick...", "command.cherryPickAbort": "Interrompi cherry pick", @@ -552,8 +555,10 @@ "config.autofetch": "Quando è impostata su true, i commit verranno recuperati automaticamente dal repository remoto del repository GIT corrente. Se è impostata su `all`, verranno recuperati da tutti i repository remoti.", "config.autofetchPeriod": "Durata in secondi tra ogni git fetch automatico, quando è abilitata l'opzione `#git.autofetch#`.", "config.autorefresh": "Indica se l'aggiornamento automatico è abilitato.", - "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Controlla se visualizzare le informazioni sull'errore GIT nell'editor usando le decorazioni dell'editor.", - "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Controlla se visualizzare le informazioni sull'errore GIT nella barra di stato.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Controlla se visualizzare le informazioni di segnalazione errore nell'editor usando le decorazioni dell'editor.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.template": "Modello per la decorazione dell'editor delle informazioni di segnalazione errore. Variabili supportate:\r\n\r\n* `hash`: hash di commit\r\n\r\n* 'hashShort': primi 8 caratteri dell'hash di commit\r\n\r\n* 'subject': prima riga del messaggio di commit\r\n\r\n* 'authorName': nome dell'autore\r\n\r\n* 'authorEmail': indirizzo e-mail dell'autore\r\n\r\n* 'authorDate': data dell'autore\r\n\r\n* 'authorDateAgo': differenza di orario tra il momento attuale e la data dell'autore\r\n\r\n", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Controlla se visualizzare le informazioni di segnalazione errore nella barra di stato.", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.template": "Modello per l'elemento della barra di stato delle informazioni di segnalazione errore. Variabili supportate:\r\n\r\n* `hash`: hash di commit\r\n\r\n* 'hashShort': primi 8 caratteri dell'hash di commit\r\n\r\n* 'subject': prima riga del messaggio di commit\r\n\r\n* 'authorName': nome dell'autore\r\n\r\n* 'authorEmail': indirizzo e-mail dell'autore\r\n\r\n* 'authorDate': data dell'autore\r\n\r\n* 'authorDateAgo': differenza di orario tra il momento attuale e la data dell'autore\r\n\r\n", "config.branchPrefix": "Prefisso usato per la creazione di un nuovo ramo.", "config.branchProtection": "Elenco di rami protetti. Per impostazione predefinita, viene visualizzato un prompt prima del commit delle modifiche in un ramo protetto. È possibile controllare la richiesta usando l'impostazione '#git.branchProtectionPrompt#'.", "config.branchProtectionPrompt": "Controlla se viene visualizzato un prompt prima del commit delle modifiche in un ramo protetto.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json index 0546427326..85a0defc5f 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "$ref '{0}' in '{1}' can not be resolved.": "$ref '{0}' in '{1}' non può essere risolto.", "": "", "A default value. Used by suggestions.": "Valore predefinito. Usato dai suggerimenti.", - "A descriptive title of the element.": "Titolo descrittivo dell\\'elemento.", - "A long description of the element. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "Descrizione lunga dell'elemento. Usato nei menu e nei suggerimenti al passaggio del mouse.", + "A descriptive title of the schema.": "A descriptive title of the schema.", + "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.", "A map of property names to either an array of property names or a schema. An array of property names means the property named in the key depends on the properties in the array being present in the object in order to be valid. If the value is a schema, then the schema is only applied to the object if the property in the key exists on the object.": "Una mappa di nomi di proprietà per una matrice di nomi di proprietà o uno schema. Una matrice di nomi di proprietà indica che la proprietà denominata nella chiave dipende dalla presenza delle proprietà della matrice nell\\'oggetto per essere valida. Se il valore è uno schema, lo schema viene applicato all\\'oggetto solo se la proprietà nella chiave esiste nell\\'oggetto.", "A map of property names to schemas for each property.": "Una mappa dei nomi delle proprietà e degli schemi per ogni proprietà.", "A map of regular expressions on property names to schemas for matching properties.": "Una mappa di espressioni regolari sui nomi delle proprietà e sugli schemi per le proprietà corrispondenti.", @@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ "Configured in workspace settings": "Configurato nelle impostazioni dell'area di lavoro", "Default value": "Valore predefinito", "Describes the content encoding of a string property.": "Descrive la codifica dei contenuti di una proprietà stringa.", - "Describes the format expected for the value.": "Descrive il formato previsto per il valore.", + "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation": "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation", "Describes the media type of a string property.": "Descrive il tipo di supporto di una proprietà stringa.", "Downloading schemas is disabled through setting '{0}'": "Il download degli schemi è disabilitato tramite l'impostazione '{0}'", "Downloading schemas is disabled. Click to configure.": "Il download degli schemi è disabilitato. Fare clic per configurare.", "Draft-03 schemas are not supported.": "Gli schemi Draft-03 non sono supportati.", "Duplicate anchor declaration: '{0}'": "Dichiarazione di ancoraggio duplicato: '{0}'", "Duplicate object key": "Chiave oggetto duplicata", - "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, then used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties' or 'patternProperties'. If false, then any properties not matched by either will cause this schema to fail.": "Schema o valore booleano. Se uno schema viene usato per convalidare tutte le proprietà non corrispondenti a 'properties' o 'patternProperties'. Se false, qualsiasi proprietà non corrispondente a nessuna delle due causerà l'esito negativo dello schema.", + "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.": "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.", "Either a string of one of the basic schema types (number, integer, null, array, object, boolean, string) or an array of strings specifying a subset of those types.": "Stringa di uno dei tipi di schema di base (numero, numero intero, null, matrice, oggetto, valore booleano, stringa) o matrice di stringhe che specificano un subset di tali tipi.", "End of file expected.": "È previsto un carattere di fine file.", "Expected a JSON object, array or literal.": "È previsto un oggetto JSON, una matrice o un valore letterale.", @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ "Expected comma or closing brace": "Prevista virgola o parentesi graffa di chiusura", "Expected comma or closing bracket": "Prevista una virgola o una parentesi quadra di chiusura", "Failed to sort the JSONC document, please consider opening an issue.": "Non è stato possibile ordinare il documento JSONC. Provare ad aprire un problema.", - "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If it is a schema, then this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items array. If it is false, then additional items will cause validation to fail.": "Per le matrici, solo quando gli elementi sono impostati come matrice. Se si tratta di uno schema, questo schema convalida gli elementi dopo quelli specificati dalla matrice di elementi. Se è false, gli elementi aggiuntivi causeranno l'esito negativo della convalida.", + "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.": "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.", "For arrays. Can either be a schema to validate every element against or an array of schemas to validate each item against in order (the first schema will validate the first element, the second schema will validate the second element, and so on.": "Per le matrici. Può essere uno schema rispetto a cui convalidare ogni elemento o una matrice di schemi rispetto a cui convalidare ogni elemento in ordine: il primo schema convaliderà il primo elemento, il secondo schema convaliderà il secondo elemento e così via.", "If all of the items in the array must be unique. Defaults to false.": "Se tutti gli elementi della matrice devono essere univoci. Il valore predefinito è false.", "If the instance is an object, this keyword validates if every property name in the instance validates against the provided schema.": "Se l\\'istanza è un oggetto, questa parola chiave convalida se tutti i nomi delle proprietà dell\\'istanza sono validi rispetto allo schema specificato.", @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ "String is not an e-mail address.": "La stringa non è un indirizzo di posta elettronica.", "String is shorter than the minimum length of {0}.": "La stringa è inferiore alla lunghezza minima di {0}.", "The \"else\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema fails.": "\\\"else\\\" subschema viene usato per la convalida quando \\\"if\\\" subschema non riuscito.", - "The \"if\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "Il sottoschema \"if\" viene utilizzato per la convalida quando il sottoschema \"if\" ha esito positivo.", + "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.", "The maximum length of a string.": "Lunghezza massima di una stringa.", "The maximum number of items that can be inside an array. Inclusive.": "Numero massimo di elementi che possono essere all'interno di una matrice. Incluso.", "The maximum number of properties an object can have. Inclusive.": "Numero massimo di proprietà che un oggetto può avere. All inclusive.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index 7dc380e08b..182e0b0117 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -34,16 +34,16 @@ "Follow link": "Segui il collegamento", "Go to link definition": "Andare alla definizione di collegamento", "Header does not exist in file: {0}": "Intestazione inesistente nel file: {0}", - "Insert Markdown Audio": "Insert Markdown Audio", + "Insert Markdown Audio": "Inserire audio Markdown", "Insert Markdown Image": "Inserire immagine Markdown", "Insert Markdown Images": "Inserire immagini Markdown", "Insert Markdown Images and Links": "Inserire immagini e collegamenti Markdown", "Insert Markdown Link": "Inserire collegamento Markdown", "Insert Markdown Links": "Inserire collegamenti Markdown", "Insert Markdown Media": "Insert Markdown Media", - "Insert Markdown Media and Images": "Insert Markdown Media and Images", + "Insert Markdown Media and Images": "Inserire media e immagini Markdown", "Insert Markdown Media and Links": "Inserire media e collegamenti Markdown", - "Insert Markdown Video": "Insert Markdown Video", + "Insert Markdown Video": "Inserire video Markdown", "Insert image": "Inserisci immagine", "Insert link": "Inserisci collegamento", "Link definition for '{0}' already exists": "La definizione del collegamento per '{0}' esiste già", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json index eb2459baac..bea6425caa 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.explicit": "L'animazione con cursore uniforme è abilitata solo quando l'utente sposta il cursore con un movimento esplicito.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.off": "L'animazione con cursore arrotondato è disabilitata.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.on": "L'animazione con cursore uniforme è sempre abilitata.", - "cursorStyle": "Controlla lo stile del cursore.", + "cursorStyle": "Controlla lo stile del cursore in modalità di inserimento input.", "cursorSurroundingLines": "Controllare il numero minimo di linee iniziali visibili (minimo 0) e finali (minimo 1) visibili che circondano il cursore. Noto come 'scrollOff' o 'scrollOffset' in altri editor.", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle": "Controlla quando deve essere applicato '#editor.cursorSurroundingLines#'.", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle.all": "`cursorSurroundingLines` viene sempre applicato.", @@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ "inline": "I suggerimenti rapidi vengono visualizzati come testo fantasma", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Controlla se l'hint di accessibilità deve essere fornito agli utenti dell'utilità per la lettura dello schermo quando viene visualizzato un completamento inline.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Controlla se abilitare le modifiche sperimentali nei suggerimenti inline.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.onlyShowWhenCloseToCursor": "Controlla se visualizzare i suggerimenti inline solo quando il cursore è vicino al suggerimento.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useInterleavedLinesDiff": "Controlla se abilitare le diff nelle righe interleaved sperimentali nei suggerimenti inline.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useMixedLinesDiff": "Controlla se abilitare le modifiche sperimentali nei suggerimenti inline.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "Controlla se visualizzare automaticamente i suggerimenti inline nell'Editor.", @@ -609,6 +610,8 @@ "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Controlla il ritardo in millisecondi dopo il quale vengono evidenziate le occorrenze.", "off": "I suggerimenti rapidi sono disabilitati", "on": "I suggerimenti rapidi vengono visualizzati all'interno del widget dei suggerimenti", + "overtypeCursorStyle": "Controlla lo stile del cursore in modalità di inserimento input in sovrascrittura.", + "overtypeOnPaste": "Controlla se l'operazione Incolla deve sovrascrivere.", "overviewRulerBorder": "Controlla se deve essere disegnato un bordo intorno al righello delle annotazioni.", "padding.bottom": "Controlla la quantità di spazio tra il bordo inferiore dell'editor e l'ultima riga.", "padding.top": "Controlla la quantità di spazio tra il bordo superiore dell'editor e la prima riga.", @@ -1082,12 +1085,12 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/copyPasteContribution": { "pasteAs": "Incolla come...", - "pasteAs.kind": "The kind of the paste edit to try pasting with.\r\nIf there are multiple edits for this kind, the editor will show a picker. If there are no edits of this kind, the editor will show an error message.", - "pasteAs.preferences": "List of preferred paste edit kind to try applying.\r\nThe first edit matching the preferences will be applied.", + "pasteAs.kind": "Il tipo di modifica di incollaggio con cui provare l'incollaggio.\r\nEsistono più modifiche per questo tipo; l'editor mostrerà una selezione. Se non esistono modifiche di questo tipo, l'editor mostrerà un messaggio di errore.", + "pasteAs.preferences": "Elenco del tipo di modifica di incollaggio preferito per provare l'applicazione.\r\nVerrà applicata la prima modifica corrispondente alle preferenze.", "pasteAsText": "Incolla come testo" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/copyPasteController": { - "noPreferences": "empty", + "noPreferences": "vuoto", "pasteAsDefault": "Configura l’azione Incolla predefinita", "pasteAsError": "Non è stata trovata alcuna modifica incolla per '{0}'", "pasteAsPickerPlaceholder": "Seleziona azione Incolla", @@ -1410,9 +1413,10 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Mostrare suggerimento inline successivo", "action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "Mostrare suggerimento inline precedente", "action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "Attiva suggerimento inline", - "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.inlineEdit": "Attiva modifica inline", + "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.explicitInlineEdit": "Attiva modifica inline", "jump": "Passare direttamente", - "noInlineEditAvailable": "Non sono disponibili modifiche inline." + "noInlineEditAvailable": "Non sono disponibili modifiche inline.", + "reject": "Reject" }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/controller/inlineCompletionContextKeys": { "cursorAtInlineEdit": "Indica se il cursore si trova in corrispondenza di una modifica inline", @@ -2045,12 +2049,14 @@ }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "Il Marketplace non è abilitato", + "VS Code for Web": "{0} per il Web", "incompatible platform": "L'estensione '{0}' non è disponibile in {1} per {2}.", "incompatibleAPI": "Non è possibile installare l'estensione \"{0}\". {1}", - "learn more": "Altre informazioni", + "learn why": "Informazioni sul motivo", "malicious extension": "Non è possibile installare l'estensione '{0}' poiché è stata segnalata come problematica.", "multipleDependentsError": "Non è possibile disinstallare l'estensione '{0}'. Altre estensioni, tra cui '{1}' e '{2}', dipendono da tale estensione.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "Non è possibile disinstallare l'estensione '{0}'. Include la disinstallazione dell'estensione '{1}' e altre estensioni, tra cui '{2}' e '{3}', dipendono da tale estensione.", + "not allowed to install": "Non è possibile installare questa estensione perché {0}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "Non è possibile installare l'estensione '{0}' perché non è compatibile con la versione corrente di {1} (versione {2}).", "notFoundDeprecatedReplacementExtension": "Non è possibile installare l’estensione '{0}' perché è deprecata e l'estensione sostitutiva '{1}' non è stata trovata.", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "Non è possibile installare la versione finale dell'estensione '{0}' perché non ha una versione finale.", @@ -2059,6 +2065,13 @@ "twoDependentsError": "Non è possibile disinstallare l'estensione '{0}'. Le estensioni '{1}' e '{2}' dipendono da tale estensione.", "twoIndirectDependentsError": "Non è possibile disinstallare l'estensione '{0}'. Include la disinstallazione dell'estensione '{1}' e le estensioni '{2}' e '{3}' dipendono da tale estensione." }, + "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/allowedExtensionsService": { + "extension prerelease not allowed": "le versioni non definitive di questa estensione non sono presenti in [elenco consentite]({0})", + "prerelease versions from this publisher not allowed": "le versioni non definitive di questa entità di pubblicazione non sono presenti in [elenco consentite]({1})", + "publisher not allowed": "le estensioni di questa entità di pubblicazione non sono presenti in [elenco consentiti]({1})", + "specific extension not allowed": "non presente in [elenco consentiti]({0})", + "specific version of extension not allowed": "la versione {0} di questa estensione non è presente in [elenco consentite]({1})" + }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { "extensions": "Estensioni", "preferences": "Preferenze" @@ -2096,10 +2109,6 @@ "updateMessage": "Aggiornamento dell'estensione '{0}' alla versione {1}", "useId": "Assicurarsi di usare l'ID estensione completo, incluso l'editore, ad esempio {0}" }, - "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementIpc": { - "incompatible platform": "L'estensione '{0}' non è disponibile in {1} per {2}.", - "learn more": "Altre informazioni" - }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionNls": { "missingNLSKey": "Il messaggio per la chiave {0} non è stato trovato." }, @@ -2117,7 +2126,7 @@ "errorDeleting": "Non è possibile eliminare la cartella esistente '{0}' durante l'installazione dell'estensione '{1}'. Eliminare la cartella manualmente e riprovare", "incompatible": "Non è possibile installare l'estensione '{0}' perché non è compatibile con VS Code '{1}'.", "invalidManifest": "Non è possibile installare l'estensione '{0}' a causa della mancata corrispondenza del manifesto con il Marketplace", - "not signed": "L'estensione non è firmata.", + "notAllowed": "Non è possibile installare questa estensione perché {0}", "removeError": "Errore durante la rimozione dell'estensione: {0}. Chiudere e riavviare VS Code prima di riprovare.", "restartCode": "Riavviare VS Code prima di reinstallare {0}.", "signature verification failed": "Verifica della firma non riuscita con errore '{0}'.", @@ -2725,6 +2734,9 @@ "activityWarningBadge.foreground": "Colore primo piano della notifica dell'attività di avviso", "badgeBackground": "Colore di sfondo del badge. I badge sono piccole etichette informative, ad esempio per mostrare il conteggio dei risultati della ricerca.", "badgeForeground": "Colore primo piano del badge. I badge sono piccole etichette informative, ad esempio per mostrare il conteggio dei risultati di una ricerca.", + "chartAxis": "Colore dell'asse del grafico.", + "chartGuide": "Linea di guida per il grafico.", + "chartLine": "Colore della linea per il grafico.", "progressBarBackground": "Colore di sfondo dell'indicatore di stato che può essere mostrato per operazioni a esecuzione prolungata.", "sashActiveBorder": "Colore dei bordi di ridimensionamento attivi.", "scrollbarShadow": "Ombra della barra di scorrimento per indicare lo scorrimento della visualizzazione.", @@ -3063,6 +3075,11 @@ "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadNotebookSaveParticipant": { "timeout.onWillSave": "Evento onWillSaveNotebookDocument interrotto dopo 1750 ms" }, + "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadOutputService": { + "status.showOutput": "Mostra output", + "status.showOutputAria": "Mostra canale di output {0}", + "status.showOutputTooltip": "Mostra canale di output {0}" + }, "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadProgress": { "manageExtension": "Gestisci estensione" }, @@ -3868,6 +3885,7 @@ "miRestoreEditorsToMainWindow": "&&Ripristina editor nella finestra principale", "minimizeOtherEditorGroups": "Espandere gruppo di editor", "minimizeOtherEditorGroupsHideSidebar": "Espandi il gruppo di editor e nascondi le barre laterali", + "mitoggleOvertypeInsertMode": "A&&ttiva/disattiva la modalità sovrascrittura/inserimento", "moveActiveGroupDown": "Sposta il gruppo di editor giù", "moveActiveGroupLeft": "Sposta gruppo di editor a sinistra", "moveActiveGroupRight": "Sposta gruppo di editor a destra", @@ -3939,6 +3957,8 @@ "toggleEditorType": "Attiva/Disattiva tipo di editor", "toggleEditorWidths": "Attiva/Disattiva le dimensioni del gruppo di editor", "toggleMaximizeEditorGroup": "Attiva/disattiva ingrandisci gruppo di editor", + "toggleOvertypeInsertMode": "Attiva/disattiva la modalità sovrascrittura/inserimento", + "toggleOvertypeMode.description": "Attiva/disattiva la modalità di sovrascrittura e di inserimento", "unpinEditor": "Sblocca editor" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorCommands": { @@ -4045,6 +4065,7 @@ "guessedEncoding": "Ipotizzata dal contenuto", "indentConvert": "converti file", "indentView": "cambia visualizzazione", + "inputModeOvertype": "SSC", "languageDescription": "({0}) - Linguaggio configurato", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", "languagesPicks": "linguaggi (identificatore)", @@ -4071,6 +4092,7 @@ "spacesAndTabsSize": "Spazi: {0} (Dimensioni scheda: {1})", "spacesSize": "Spazi: {0}", "status.editor.columnSelectionMode": "Modalità di selezione colonne", + "status.editor.enableInsertMode": "Abilita modalità inserimento", "status.editor.encoding": "Codifica editor", "status.editor.eol": "Fine riga editor", "status.editor.indentation": "Rientri editor", @@ -4314,7 +4336,7 @@ "toggle.layoutDescription": "Attiva/Disattiva la visibilità dei controlli layout nella barra del titolo", "toggle.navigation": "Controlli di spostamento", "toggle.navigationDescription": "Attiva/Disattiva la visibilità dei controlli di spostamento nella barra del titolo", - "toggle.titleBarStyle": "Restore Native Title Bar" + "toggle.titleBarStyle": "Ripristina barra del titolo nativa" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/titlebar/titlebarPart": { "ariaLabelTitleActions": "Azioni titolo", @@ -4585,11 +4607,13 @@ "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.always": "Apri sempre il pannello a schermo intero.", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.never": "Non aprire mai il pannello a schermo intero. Il pannello verrà aperto non a schermo intero.", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.preserve": "Apri il pannello nello stato in cui si trovava prima della chiusura.", + "workbench.panel.output": "Visualizzazione output", "workbench.quickOpen.preserveInput": "Controlla se l'ultimo input digitato in Quick Open deve essere ripristinato alla riapertura successiva.", "workbench.reduceMotion": "Controlla se il rendering del workbench deve essere eseguito con meno animazioni.", "workbench.reduceMotion.auto": "Esegui il rendering con un movimento ridotto in base alla configurazione del sistema operativo.", "workbench.reduceMotion.off": "Non eseguire il rendering con movimento ridotto", "workbench.reduceMotion.on": "Esegui sempre il rendering con movimento ridotto.", + "workbench.view.showQuietly": "Se un'estensione richiede di mostrare una visualizzazione nascosta, visualizzare un indicatore della barra di stato selezionabile.", "wrapTabs": "Controlla se il testo nelle schede deve essere suddiviso su più righe quando si supera lo spazio disponibile oppure se deve essere visualizzata una barra di scorrimento. Questo valore viene ignorato quando {0} non è impostato su '{1}'.", "zenMode.centerLayout": "Controlla se attivando la modalità Zen viene centrato anche il layout.", "zenMode.fullScreen": "Consente di controllare se attivando la modalità Zen anche l'area di lavoro passa alla modalità schermo intero.", @@ -4775,6 +4799,7 @@ "panelStickyScrollBackground": "Colore di sfondo della barra di scorrimento permanente nel riquadro.", "panelStickyScrollBorder": "Colore del bordo dello scorrimento permanente nel riquadro.", "panelStickyScrollShadow": "Colore ombreggiatura dello scorrimento permanente nel riquadro.", + "panelTitleBorder": "Colore del bordo del titolo del pannello nella parte inferiore, separando il titolo dalle visualizzazioni. I pannelli sono visualizzati sotto l'area degli editor e contengono visualizzazioni come output e terminale integrato.", "profileBadgeBackground": "Colore di sfondo della notifica del profilo. La notifica del profilo viene visualizzata sopra l'icona dell'ingranaggio delle impostazioni nella barra attività.", "profileBadgeForeground": "Colore primo piano del badge del profilo. La notifica del profilo viene visualizzata sopra l'icona dell'ingranaggio delle impostazioni nella barra attività.", "sideBarActivityBarTopBorder": "Colore del bordo tra la barra attività in alto/in basso e le viste.", @@ -4789,6 +4814,7 @@ "sideBarStickyScrollBorder": "Colore del bordo dello scorrimento permanente nella barra laterale.", "sideBarStickyScrollShadow": "Colore dell'ombreggiatura dello scorrimento permanente nella barra laterale.", "sideBarTitleBackground": "Colore di sfondo del titolo della barra laterale. La barra laterale è il contenitore di visualizzazioni quali Esplora risorse e Cerca.", + "sideBarTitleBorder": "Colore del bordo del titolo della barra laterale nella parte inferiore, separando il titolo dalle visualizzazioni. La barra laterale è il contenitore di visualizzazioni come Esplora risorse e Cerca.", "sideBarTitleForeground": "Colore primo piano del titolo della barra laterale. La barra laterale è il contenitore di visualizzazioni quali Esplora risorse e Cerca.", "sideBySideEditor.horizontalBorder": "Colore per separare due editor tra loro quando vengono visualizzati affiancati in un gruppo di editor dall’alto in basso.", "sideBySideEditor.verticalBorder": "Colore per separare due editor tra loro quando vengono visualizzati affiancati in un gruppo di editor da sinistra a destra.", @@ -5427,12 +5453,16 @@ "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Passa alla chat", "interactiveSession.open": "Apri Editor", "learnMore": "Altre informazioni", + "managePlan": "Gestire il piano Copilot", + "manageSettings": "Gestire le impostazioni di Copilot", "more": "Altro...", "newChatTitle": "Nuovo titolo della chat", "openChat": "Apri chat", + "showCopilotUsageExtensions": "Mostra estensioni usando Copilot", "title4": "Chat", - "toggle.chatControl": "Controlli chat", - "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Attivare/Disattivare la visibilità dei controlli chat nella barra del titolo" + "toggle.chatControl": "Controlli di Copilot", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Attivare/Disattivare la visibilità dei controlli Copilot nella barra del titolo", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { "chat.done.label": "Fatto", @@ -5562,9 +5592,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Chat", - "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Controlla se il centro comandi mostra un menu per le azioni chat (richiede {0}).", + "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Controllare se il centro comandi mostra un menu per le azioni per controllare Copilot (richiede {0}).", "chat.detectParticipant.enabled": "Abilita il rilevamento automatico dei partecipanti alla chat per la chat del pannello.", - "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Se chiedere sempre prima di salvare i file con le modifiche apportate dalla chat.", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether files that have changes made by chat can be saved without confirmation.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Indica se visualizzare una conferma prima di rimuovere una richiesta e le modifiche associate.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Indica se visualizzare una conferma prima di riprovare una richiesta e le modifiche associate.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Abilita il rilevamento automatico dei partecipanti alla chat per la chat del pannello.", @@ -5594,7 +5624,11 @@ "reservedName": "Questa estensione della chat usa un nome riservato.", "viewExtensionLabel": "Visualizza estensione" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAgentCommandContentPart": { + "rerun": "Eseguire di nuovo senza {0}{1}" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAttachmentsContentPart": { + "chat.attachment": "Contesto allegato, {0}", "chat.attachment3": "Contesto allegato: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachment3": "Collegato: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Allegato: {0}, da riga {1} a riga {2}.", @@ -5602,7 +5636,8 @@ "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Omesso: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Omesso: {0}, da riga {1} a riga {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Parzialmente collegato: {0}.", - "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "Parzialmente collegato: {0}, da riga {1} a riga {2}." + "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "Parzialmente collegato: {0}, da riga {1} a riga {2}.", + "resource": "Valore completo della risorsa di allegato alla chat, inclusi schema e percorso" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatCodeCitationContentPart": { "viewMatches": "Vedi corrispondenze" @@ -5617,7 +5652,16 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatMarkdownContentPart": { "chat.codeblock.applying": "Applicazione delle modifiche in corso...", "chat.codeblock.applyingPercentage": "Applicazione delle modifiche in corso ({0}%) in corso...", - "chat.codeblock.generating": "Generazione delle modifiche in corso..." + "chat.codeblock.deletions": "{0} eliminazioni", + "chat.codeblock.deletions.one": "{0} eliminazione", + "chat.codeblock.generating": "Generazione delle modifiche in corso...", + "chat.codeblock.insertions": "{0} inserimenti", + "chat.codeblock.insertions.one": "{0} inserimento", + "summary": "{0}, {1}, {2} modificati" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatQuotaExceededPart": { + "signedUpClickToContinue": "Signed up? Click to continue!", + "upgradeToCopilotPro": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { "addToChat": "Aggiungi file alla chat", @@ -5646,13 +5690,15 @@ "file": "File", "files": "File", "folder": "Cartella", - "image": "Immagine" + "image": "Immagine", + "symbol": "Simbolo" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingActions": { "accept": "Accetta", "accept.file": "Accetta", "acceptAllEdits": "Accetta tutte le modifiche", "addFileToWorkingSet": "Aggiungi file", + "addFilesFromReferences": "Aggiungi file da riferimenti", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.manyFiles": "Questa operazione annullerà le modifiche apportate da {0} in {1} file. Continuare?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.oneFile": "Questa operazione annullerà le modifiche apportate da {0} in {1}. Continuare?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.primaryButton": "Sì", @@ -5669,12 +5715,11 @@ "chat.undoEdits.label": "Annulla modifiche", "chatEditing.snapshot": "{0} ({1} snapshot)", "chatEditing.viewChanges": "Visualizza tutte le modifiche", + "clearWorkingSet": "Cancella working set", "discard": "Rimuovi", "discard.file": "Rimuovi", "discardAllEdits": "Rimuovi tutte le modifiche", "open.fileInDiff": "Apri modifiche nell'editor Diff", - "removeAll": "Remove All", - "removeAllFiles": "Remove All Files", "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Rimuovi file", "workbench.action.chat.addSelectedFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Aggiungi file selezionati al set di lavoro" }, @@ -5706,6 +5751,7 @@ "undo2": "Annulla" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.ctxHasRequestInProgress": "The current editor shows a file from an edit session which is still in progress", "chat.hasEditorModifications": "L'editor corrente contiene modifiche della chat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { @@ -5713,6 +5759,8 @@ "chatEditorName": "Chat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorOverlay": { + "applyingPercentage": "{0}% Applying edits...", + "generating": "Generating edits...", "label": "Stato di spostamento", "nOfM": "{0} di {1}", "tooltip_11": "1 modifica in 1 file", @@ -5751,8 +5799,7 @@ "miGotoDefinition": "Vai alla &&definizione", "miGotoImplementations": "Vai a &&Implementazioni", "miGotoReference": "Vai a &&riferimenti", - "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Vai a Definizioni di &&tipo", - "resource": "Valore completo della risorsa ancoraggio chat, inclusi schema e percorso" + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Vai a Definizioni di &&tipo" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Input chat, Digitare per porre domande o digitare/per gli argomenti, premere invio per inviare la richiesta. Usare {0} per la Guida sull'accessibilità della chat.", @@ -5765,16 +5812,18 @@ "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Invia a @{0}", "chatAddFiles": "Aggiungi file {0}...", "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "È stato raggiunto il limite di file del working set. {0} è escluso dal working set. Rimuovere altri file per liberare spazio per {0}.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} files)", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} file)", "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "1 file è escluso dal working set.", "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "{0} file sono esclusi dal working set.", "chatEditingSession.fileLimitReached": "È stato raggiunto il numero massimo di file che è possibile aggiungere al set di lavoro.", "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} file)", "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 file)", + "chatEditingSession.removeSuggested": "Remove suggestion", "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Working set", "chatInput": "Input chat", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Input chat, digita qui il codice e premi INVIO per l’esecuzione. Per altre informazioni, usa il comando Guida sull'accessibilità della chat.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Altro..." + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Altro...", + "suggeste.title": "{0} - {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "\"{0}\" selezionato", @@ -5791,7 +5840,7 @@ "usedAgent": "[[(riesegui senza)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "è stato usato {0} [[(riesegui senza)]]" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipant.contribution": { "chat.viewContainer.label": "Chat", "chatCommand": "Un nome breve a cui fa riferimento questo comando nell'interfaccia utente, ad es. 'fix' o * 'explain' per i comandi che consentono di risolvere un problema o di spiegare il codice. Il nome deve essere univoco tra i comandi forniti da questo partecipante.", "chatCommandDescription": "Una descrizione di questo comando.", @@ -5804,7 +5853,7 @@ "chatCommandWhen": "Una condizione che deve essere True per abilitare questo comando.", "chatCommandsDescription": "Comandi disponibili per questo partecipante alla chat, che l'utente può richiamare con '/'.", "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Modifiche di Copilot", - "chatFailErrorMessage": "Chat failed to load because the installed version of the {0} extension is not compatible with this version of {1}. Please ensure that the {2} extension is up to date.", + "chatFailErrorMessage": "Il caricamento della chat non è riuscito perché la versione installata dell'estensione Chat di Copilot non è compatibile con questa versione di {0}. Assicurarsi che l'estensione Chat di Copilot sia aggiornata.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Una descrizione di questo partecipante alla chat, visualizzata nell'interfaccia utente.", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Metadati che consentono di instradare automaticamente le domande dell’utente a questo partecipante della chat.", "chatParticipantDisambiguationCategory": "Un nome dettagliato per questa categoria, ad esempio 'workspace_questions' o 'web_questions'.", @@ -5817,26 +5866,57 @@ "chatSampleRequest": "Quando l'utente fa clic su questo partecipante in '/help', il testo viene inviato al partecipante.", "miToggleChat": "&&Chat", "miToggleEdits": "Mo&difiche Copilot", - "showExtension": "Mostrare estensione", + "showExtension": "Mostra estensione", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Fornisce un partecipante alla chat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedAttachment.multipleLines": "{0} righe", + "pastedAttachment.oneLine": "1 rga", + "pastedCodeAttachment": "Allegato codice incollato", + "pastedImageAttachment": "Allegato immagine incollata", "pastedImageName": "Immagine incollata" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup.contribution": { - "hideChatSetup": "Hide {0}", - "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide {0}?", - "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore chat controls from the 'chat.commandCenter.enabled' setting.", - "installChat": "Installa {0}", - "learnMore": "Altre informazioni", - "setup": "Installa {0}", - "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Setting up Chat for you...", - "setupChatSigningIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", - "setupFooter": "By proceeding you agree to our [privacy statement]({0}).", - "setupHeader": "{0} is your AI pair programmer.", - "signInAndInstallChat": "Accedi per usare {0}", - "signInAndSetup": "Accedi per usare {0}", - "triggerChatSetup": "Attiva configurazione della chat" + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatQuotasService": { + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached the limits of your Copilot Free plan, click for details", + "chatQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly chat messages limit, click for details", + "completionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly code completions limit, click for details", + "copilotQuotaExceeded": "Copilot Limit Reached", + "dismiss": "Dismiss", + "indicator": "Copilot Quota Indicator", + "limit reached": "Copilot Free", + "limit reset": "Your limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitReached": "Limit Reached", + "managePlan": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "out of completions": "You've run out of free code completions, but free chat responses are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of free chat responses": "You've run out of free chat responses, but free code completions are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of limits": "You've reached the limits of the Copilot Free plan.", + "simulateCopilotQuotaExceeded": "Simulate Copilot Quota Exceeded", + "upgradeChat": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "upgradeToPro": "Here's what you can expect when upgrading to Copilot Pro:\r\n- Unlimited code completions\r\n- Unlimited chat interactions\r\n- 30 day free trial" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup": { + "detectionLabel": "Allow code suggestions that [match public code]({0})", + "featureChat": "Code faster with completions and Inline Chat", + "featureEdits": "Build features and resolve bugs with Copilot Edits", + "featureExplore": "Explore your codebase with chat", + "hideChatSetup": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupButton": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide Copilot?", + "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore Copilot by running the '{0}' command.", + "limitedSkuHeader": "$(sparkle-filled) We now offer [Copilot for free]({0}).", + "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Getting Copilot Ready...", + "setupChatProgress": "Getting Copilot ready...", + "setupChatSignIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", + "setupHeader": "[Copilot]({0} 'Copilot') is your AI pair programmer.", + "signInGh": "Sign in with a GitHub.com Account", + "signInGhe": "Sign in with a GHE.com Account", + "signUp": "Sign in to Use Copilot", + "signUpFree": "Sign in to Use Copilot for Free", + "startUp": "Use Copilot", + "startUpLimited": "Use Copilot for Free", + "termsLabel": "By continuing, you agree to our [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free...", + "welcomeChat": "Welcome to Copilot" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { "chatWidget.tips": "{0} o digitare {1} per collegare il contesto\r\n\r\n{2} per chattare con le estensioni\r\n\r\nDigitare {3} per usare i comandi", @@ -5849,8 +5929,8 @@ "chat.codeBlockHelp": "Blocco di codice", "chat.codeBlockLabel": "Blocco di codice {0}", "chat.compareCodeBlockLabel": "Modifiche al codice", - "chat.edits.1": "È stata apportata 1 modifica in [[``{0}``]]", - "chat.edits.N": "Sono state apportate {0} modifiche in [[``{1}``]]", + "chat.edits.1": "Applied 1 change in [[``{0}``]]", + "chat.edits.N": "Applied {0} changes in [[``{1}``]]", "chat.edits.rejected": "Le modifiche in [[''{0}'']] sono state rifiutate", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm": "Il file originale è stato modificato.", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm.detail": "Applicare comunque le modifiche?", @@ -5866,13 +5946,14 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { "fileEntryDescription": "{0} ({1})", "installLabel": "Installa estensioni chat...", - "pickFileLabel": "Selezionare un file" + "pickFileLabel": "Selezionare un file", + "pickSymbolLabel": "Scegli un simbolo" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "Qui è presente una parte con passaggio del mouse dell'agente di chat." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputRelatedFilesContrib": { - "relatedFile": "File suggerito" + "relatedFile": "{0} (Suggested)" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { "screenshot": "Screenshot" @@ -5880,10 +5961,10 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { "toolInvocationMessage": "Uso di {0}" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { - "chatViewsWelcome.content": "Contenuto del messaggio di benvenuto. Il rendering del primo collegamento al comando verrà eseguito come pulsante.", + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeHandler": { + "chatViewsWelcome.content": "Il contenuto del messaggio di benvenuto. Il rendering del primo collegamento al comando verrà eseguito come pulsante.", "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "Icona del messaggio di benvenuto.", - "chatViewsWelcome.title": "Titolo del messaggio di benvenuto.", + "chatViewsWelcome.title": "Il titolo del messaggio di benvenuto.", "chatViewsWelcome.when": "Condizione quando viene visualizzato il messaggio di benvenuto.", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatViewsWelcome": "Aggiunge un messaggio di benvenuto a una visualizzazione chat" }, @@ -5917,12 +5998,6 @@ "chatResponseFiltered": "Vero quando la risposta della chat è stata filtrata dal server.", "chatResponseSupportsIssueReporting": "Vero quando la risposta della chat corrente supporta la segnalazione dei problemi.", "chatSessionResponseDetectedAgentOrCommand": "Quando l'agente o il comando è stato rilevato automaticamente", - "chatSetupEntitled": "True quando viene offerta la configurazione della chat per un utente autorizzato che ha eseguito l'accesso.", - "chatSetupInstalled": "True when the chat extension is installed.", - "chatSetupInstalling": "True quando la configurazione della chat sta installando la chat.", - "chatSetupSignedIn": "True quando viene offerta la configurazione della chat per un utente che ha eseguito l'accesso.", - "chatSetupSigningIn": "True quando la configurazione della chat è in attesa dell'accesso.", - "chatSetupTriggered": "True quando viene attivata la configurazione della chat.", "inChat": "True quando lo stato attivo è nel widget della chat, false in caso contrario.", "inInteractiveInput": "True quando lo stato attivo è nell'input della chat; in caso contrario, false.", "inQuickChat": "True quando l'interfaccia utente della chat veloce ha Focus; in caso contrario, false.", @@ -5952,7 +6027,8 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.languageModels.whitespaceVendor": "Il campo del fornitore non può iniziare o terminare con spazi vuoti." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelStats": { - "Language Models": "Modelli linguistici", + "Language Models": "Copilot", + "chat": "chat", "languageModels": "Statistiche di utilizzo dei modelli linguistici di questa estensione." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { @@ -6672,6 +6748,7 @@ "findExtension": "&&Trova l'estensione {0}", "installExt": "Installa l'estensione...", "installLanguage": "Installa un'estensione per {0}...", + "moreOptionsForDebugType": "Altre opzioni {0}...", "selectDebug": "Selezionare debugger", "suggestedDebuggers": "Suggerito", "suppressMultipleSessionWarning": "Disabilitare l'avviso quando si tenta di avviare la stessa configurazione di debug più di una volta." @@ -7037,7 +7114,6 @@ "allDebuggersDisabled": "Tutte le estensioni di debug sono disabilitate. Abilitare un'estensione di debug o installarne una nuova dal Marketplace.", "customizeRunAndDebug": "Per personalizzare Esegui con debug, [creare un file launch.json](command:{0}).", "customizeRunAndDebugOpenFolder": "Per personalizzare Esegui con debug, [aprire una cartella](command:{0}) e creare un file launch.json.", - "detectThenRunAndDebug": "Mostra tutte le configurazioni di debug automatiche", "openAFileWhichCanBeDebugged": "[Aprire un file](command:{0}) che può essere sottoposto a debug o eseguito.", "run": "Esegui", "runAndDebugAction": "Esegui con debug" @@ -7057,6 +7133,7 @@ "breakpointWidgetVisibile": "È true quando il widget Zona dell'editor dei punto di interruzione è visibile; in caso contrario, è false.", "breakpointsExist": "È true quando esiste almeno un punto di interruzione.", "breakpointsFocused": "È true quando la visualizzazione PUNTI DI INTERRUZIONE ha lo stato attivo; in caso contrario, è false.", + "callStackFocused": "VERO quando la visualizzazione CALLSTACK è evidenziata, FALSO in caso contrario.", "callStackItemStopped": "È true quando l'elemento con lo stato attivo in STACK DI CHIAMATE viene arrestato. Viene usato internamente per i menu inline nella visualizzazione STACK DI CHIAMATE.", "callStackItemType": "Rappresenta il tipo di elemento dell'elemento con lo stato attivo nella visualizzazione STACK DI CHIAMATE. Ad esempio: 'session', 'thread', 'stackFrame'", "callStackSessionHasOneThread": "È true quando la sessione con lo stato attivo nella visualizzazione STACK DI CHIAMATE include esattamente un thread. Viene usato internamente per i menu inline nella visualizzazione STACK DI CHIAMATE.", @@ -7325,10 +7402,10 @@ "errors": "{0} errori non rilevati", "extensionActivating": "Estensione in fase di attivazione...", "languageActivation": "Attivata da {1} perché è stato aperto un file {0}", - "requests count": "{0} richieste: {1} (In totale)", + "requests count": "Utilizzo di {0}: {1} richieste", "requests count title": "Ultima richiesta: {0}.", "runtimeExtensions": "Estensioni di runtime", - "session requests count": ", {0} (sessione)", + "session requests count": ", {0} richieste (sessione)", "showRuntimeExtensions": "Mostra estensioni in esecuzione", "starActivation": "Attivata da {0} all'avvio", "startupFinishedActivation": "Attivata da un evento {0} al termine dell'avvio", @@ -7401,16 +7478,15 @@ "accessExtensionFeature": "Abilita funzionalità '{0}'", "activation": "Attivazione", "cancel": "Annulla", + "chartDescription": "Vi sono state {0} {1} richieste da questa estensione negli ultimi 30 giorni.", "disableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "Revocare l'estensione '{0}' per accedere alla funzionalità '{1}'?", "enable": "Consenti accesso", "enableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "Consentire l'estensione '{0}' per accedere alla funzionalità '{1}'?", "extension features list": "Funzionalità dell'estensione", "grant": "Consenti accesso", - "last request": "Ultima richiesta: '{0}'", + "label": "Utilizzo di {0}", "messaages": "Messaggi ({0})", "noFeatures": "Nessuna funzionalità aggiunta come contributo.", - "requests count session": "Richieste (sessione): '{0}'", - "requests count total": "Richieste (complessive): '{0}'", "revoke": "Revoca accesso", "revoked": "Nessun accesso", "runtime": "Stato runtime", @@ -7461,6 +7537,7 @@ "enabled filter": "Abilitate", "extension": "Estensione", "extension updates filter": "Aggiornamenti", + "extension.publisher.allow.description": "Consentire o non consentire tutte le estensioni dell'entità di pubblicazione.", "extensionInfoDescription": "Descrizione: {0}", "extensionInfoId": "ID: {0}", "extensionInfoName": "Nome: {0}", @@ -7470,11 +7547,25 @@ "extensionUpdates": "Mostra aggiornamenti delle estensioni", "extensions": "Estensioni", "extensions.affinity": "Configurare un'estensione da eseguire in un processo host dell’estensione diverso.", + "extensions.allow.all.description": "Consentire o non consentire tutte le estensioni.", + "extensions.allow.all.disable": "Non consentire tutte le estensioni.", + "extensions.allow.all.enable": "Consentire tutte le estensioni.", + "extensions.allow.description": "Consentire o non consentire l'estensione.", + "extensions.allow.version.description": "Consentire o non consentire versioni specifiche dell'estensione. Per specificare una versione specifica della piattaforma, usare il formato 'platform@1.2.3', ad esempio 'win32-x64@1.2.3'. Le piattaforme supportate sono 'win32-x64', 'win32-arm64', 'linux-x64', 'linux-arm64', 'linux-armhf', 'alpine-x64', 'alpine-arm64', 'darwin-x64', 'darwin-arm64'", + "extensions.allowed": "Specify a list of extensions that are allowed to use. This helps maintain a secure and consistent development environment by restricting the use of unauthorized extensions. For more information on how to configure this setting, please visit the [Configure Allowed Extensions](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/enterprise#_configure-allowed-extensions) section.", + "extensions.allowed.all": "Sono consentite tutte le estensioni.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.desc": "L'estensione non è consentita.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "Consentire solo versioni stabili dell'estensione.", + "extensions.allowed.enable.desc": "L'estensione è consentita.", + "extensions.allowed.none": "Non sono consentite estensioni.", "extensions.autoUpdate": "Controlla il comportamento di aggiornamento automatico delle estensioni. Gli aggiornamenti vengono recuperati da un servizio Microsoft online.", "extensions.autoUpdate.enabled": "Scaricare e installare automaticamente gli aggiornamenti solo per le estensioni selezionate.", "extensions.autoUpdate.false": "Le estensioni non vengono aggiornate automaticamente.", "extensions.autoUpdate.true": "Scarica e installa automaticamente gli aggiornamenti per tutte le estensioni.", "extensions.gallery.useUnpkgResourceApi": "Se questa opzione è abilitata, le estensioni da aggiornare vengono recuperate dal servizio Unpkg.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.desc": "Tutte le estensioni dell'entità di pubblicazione non sono consentite.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "Consentire solo le versioni stabili delle estensioni dell'entità di pubblicazione.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.enable.desc": "Tutte le estensioni dell'entità di pubblicazione sono consentite.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces": "Consente di eseguire l'override del supporto dell'area di lavoro non attendibile di un'estensione. Le estensioni che usano `true` saranno sempre abilitate. Le estensioni che usano `limited` saranno sempre abilitate e l'estensione nasconderà le funzionalità che richiedono attendibilità. Le estensioni che usano `false` verranno abilitate solo quando l'area di lavoro è attendibile.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.false": "L'estensione verrà abilitata solo quando l'area di lavoro è attendibile.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.limited": "L'estensione verrà sempre abilitata e nasconderà le funzionalità che richiedono attendibilità.", @@ -7485,6 +7576,7 @@ "extensions.verifySignature": "Se questa opzione è abilitata, viene verificato che le estensioni siano firmate prima dell'installazione.", "extensionsCheckUpdates": "Se è abilitata, controlla automaticamente la disponibilità di aggiornamenti per le estensioni. Se per un'estensione è disponibile un aggiornamento, l'estensione viene contrassegnata come obsoleta nella visualizzazione Estensioni. Gli aggiornamenti vengono recuperati da un servizio Microsoft online.", "extensionsCloseExtensionDetailsOnViewChange": "Se è abilitata, gli editor con dettagli di estensione verranno chiusi automaticamente quando si esce dalla visualizzazione delle estensioni.", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Estensioni", "extensionsDeferredStartupFinishedActivation": "Se l’opzione è abilitata, le estensioni che dichiarano l'evento di attivazione `onStartupFinished` verranno attivate dopo un timeout.", "extensionsIgnoreRecommendations": "Se è abilitata, le notifiche per le estensioni consigliate non verranno mostrate.", "extensionsInQuickAccess": "Se questa opzione è abilitata, è possibile cercare le estensioni tramite Accesso rapido e segnalare problemi da quella posizione.", @@ -7556,6 +7648,7 @@ "workbench.extensions.action.configureKeybindings": "Scelte rapide da tastiera", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtension": "Copia", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtensionId": "Copia ID estensione", + "workbench.extensions.action.copyLink": "Copia collegamento", "workbench.extensions.action.ignoreRecommendation": "Ignora raccomandazione", "workbench.extensions.action.removeExtensionFromWorkspaceRecommendations": "Rimuovi dalle raccomandazioni dell'area di lavoro", "workbench.extensions.action.toggleApplyToAllProfiles": "Applica estensione a tutti i profili", @@ -7614,6 +7707,7 @@ "disableGloballyAction": "Disabilita", "disableGloballyActionToolTip": "Disabilita questa estensione", "disabled": "Disabilitato", + "disabled - not allowed": "Questa estensione è disabilitata perché {0}", "disabled because of virtual workspace": "Questa estensione è stata disabilitata poiché non supporta le aree di lavoro virtuali.", "disabled by environment": "Questa estensione viene disabilitata dall’ambiente.", "do not sync": "Non sincronizzare questa estensione", @@ -7836,6 +7930,7 @@ "no local extensions": "Non ci sono estensioni da installare.", "offline error": "Non è possibile eseguire ricerche nel Marketplace offline. Controllare la connessione di rete.", "open user settings": "Apri impostazioni utente", + "showingExtensionsForFeature": "Extensions using {0} in the last 30 days", "suggestProxyError": "Marketplace ha restituito 'ECONNREFUSED'. Controllare l'impostazione 'http.proxy'." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/extensionsWidgets": { @@ -7845,6 +7940,8 @@ "extensionIconStarForeground": "Colore dell'icona per le valutazioni delle estensioni.", "extensionIconVerifiedForeground": "Colore dell'icona per l'autore verificato dell'estensione.", "extensionPreReleaseForeground": "Il colore dell’icona per l’estensione non definitiva.", + "feature access label": "{0} richieste", + "feature usage label": "Utilizzo di {0}", "has prerelease": "Questa estensione ha un {0} disponibile", "local extension": "Estensione locale", "message": "1 messaggio", @@ -7856,6 +7953,7 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "startup": "Avvio", "syncingore.label": "Questa estensione viene ignorata durante la sincronizzazione.", + "total": "{0} {1} richieste negli ultimi 30 giorni", "uncaught error": "1 errore non rilevato", "uncaught errors": "{0} errori non rilevati", "updateRequired": "Ultima versione:", @@ -7874,6 +7972,8 @@ "disable all": "Disabilita tutto", "disableDependents": "Disinstalla estensione con dipendenti", "disallowed": "L’installazione di questa estensione non è consentita.", + "disallowed extensions": "Some extensions are disabled because they are configured not to be allowed.", + "disallowed extensions by policy": "Some extensions are disabled because they are not allowed by your system administrator.", "download": "Scaricare", "download title": "Selezionare la cartella in cui scaricare VSIX", "download.completed": "Download di VSIX completato", @@ -7886,6 +7986,7 @@ "enableExtensionTitle": "Abilita estensione", "extension not found": "L'estensione '{0}' non è stata trovata.", "extensionsAutoRestart": "Le estensioni sono state riavviate automaticamente per abilitare gli aggiornamenti.", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Estensioni", "incompatible": "Non è possibile installare l’estensione '{0}' perché non è compatibile.", "incompatibleExtensions": "Alcune estensioni sono disabilitate a causa di incompatibilità di versione. Controllarle e aggiornarle.", "installButtonLabel": "&&Installa estensione", @@ -7936,6 +8037,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/workspaceRecommendations": { "workspaceRecommendation": "Questa estensione è consigliata dagli utenti dell'area di lavoro corrente." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensions": { + "extensions": "Estensioni" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensionsFileTemplate": { "app.extension.identifier.errorMessage": "Formato imprevisto '${publisher}.${name}'. Esempio: 'vscode.csharp'.", "app.extensions.json.recommendations": "Elenco delle estensioni che dovrebbero essere consigliate per gli utenti di questa area di lavoro. L'identificatore di un'estensione è sempre '${publisher}.${name}'. Ad esempio: 'vscode.csharp'.", @@ -8548,8 +8652,14 @@ "welcome.2": "Preparazione..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { - "inlineChatExpansion": "Indica se l'espansione della chat online è abilitata alla fine di una riga appena digitata", - "startWithCurrentLine": "Inizia nell'editor con la riga attuale" + "defaultTitle": "Chat", + "disableHint": "Disabilita hint chat inline", + "hideHint": "Nascondi hint chat inline", + "inlineChatShowingHint": "Se nella chat inline è visualizzato un hint contestuale", + "showHint": "Mostra hint chat inline", + "startWithCurrentLine": "Inizia nell'editor con la riga attuale", + "title1": "{0} per continuare con {1}", + "title2": "{0} da modificare con {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { "config": "Salvare sempre con le modifiche generate dall'intelligenza artificiale senza chiedere", @@ -8574,6 +8684,7 @@ "accessibleDiffView.on": "Il visualizzatore differenze accessibile è sempre abilitato.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatInserted": "Colore del marcatore del righello della panoramica per il contenuto inserito nella chat inline.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatRemoved": "Colore del marcatore del righello della panoramica per il contenuto rimosso dalla chat inline.", + "emptyLineHint": "Indica se le righe vuote mostrano un hint per generare codice con la chat inline.", "finishOnType": "Indica se terminare una sessione di chat inline durante la digitazione all'esterno delle aree modificate.", "holdToSpeech": "Indica se il tasto di scelta rapida della chat inline abiliterà automaticamente il riconoscimento vocale.", "inlineChat.background": "Colore di sfondo del widget dell'editor interattivo", @@ -8605,6 +8716,7 @@ "inlineChatResponseTypes": "Tipo di risposte ricevute, niente ancora, solo messaggi o modifiche e messaggi locali", "inlineChatUserDidEdit": "Indica se l'utente ha apportato modifiche sopra la chat inline", "inlineChatVisible": "Indica se l'input dell'editor interattivo è visibile", + "lineSuffixHint": "Whether a hint to complete a line with inline chat is shown. Only shows when at the end of a line that is dominated by natural language, like `class Person with name and hobbies`", "mode": "Configura se le modifiche create con la chat inline vengono applicate direttamente al documento o vengono prima visualizzate per prima cosa in anteprima.", "mode.live": "Le modifiche vengono applicate direttamente al documento, ma possono essere evidenziate tramite differenze inline e accettate/rimosse via hunk. Se si termina una sessione, le modifiche verranno conservate.", "mode.preview": "Le modifiche sono disponibili solo in anteprima e devono essere accettate tramite il pulsante Applica. Se si termina una sessione, le modifiche verranno rimosse." @@ -9408,8 +9520,7 @@ "notebookActions.chatFixCellError": "Correggi errore di cella" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellDiagnostics/diagnosticCellStatusBarContrib": { - "notebook.cell.status.explain": "Spiega con la chat", - "notebook.cell.status.fix": "Correggi con la chat inline" + "notebook.cell.status.diagnostic": "Azioni rapide {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/executionStatusBarItemController": { "notebook.cell.status.executing": "In esecuzione", @@ -9417,7 +9528,8 @@ "notebook.cell.status.pending": "In sospeso", "notebook.cell.status.success": "Operazione completata", "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip": "**Ultima esecuzione** {0}\r\n\r\n**Tempo di esecuzione** {1}\r\n\r\n**Tempo di strumentazione** {2}\r\n\r\n**Tempi di rendering**\r\n\r\n{3}", - "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Usare i collegamenti precedenti per inviare un problema usando segnalazione problemi." + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Usare i collegamenti precedenti per inviare un problema usando segnalazione problemi.", + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerVerbose": "Last Execution: {0}, Duration: {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/statusBarProviders": { "notebook.cell.status.autoDetectLanguage": "Accetta lingua rilevata: {0}", @@ -9775,6 +9887,9 @@ "insertToolbarLocation.notebookToolbar": "Barra degli strumenti nella parte superiore dell'editor del blocco appunti.", "notebook.VariablesView.description": "Abilitare la visualizzazione delle variabili del blocco aoounti sperimentale all'interno del pannello di debug.", "notebook.backup.sizeLimit": "Limite delle dimensioni di output del notebook in kilobyte (KB) in cui non verrà più eseguito il backup dei file notebook per il ricaricamento rapido. Usa 0 per un numero illimitato.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.default.description": "The cell execution duration is visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.description": "Controls the verbosity of the cell execution time in the cell status bar.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.verbose.description": "The cell last execution timestamp and duration are visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", "notebook.cellFailureDiagnostics": "Mostra la diagnostica disponibile per gli errori delle celle.", "notebook.cellGenerate": "Abilitare l'azione di generazione sperimentale per creare una cella di codice con la chat inline abilitata.", "notebook.cellToolbarLocation.description": "Indica la posizione in cui visualizzare la barra degli strumenti della cella o se deve essere nascosta.", @@ -12655,7 +12770,7 @@ "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshCode": "I completer degli argomenti di PowerShell personalizzati verranno registrati per le interfacce della riga di comando \"code\" e \"code-insiders\" di VS Code. Attualmente è molto semplice e suggerisce sempre flag e sottocomandi senza controllare il contesto.", "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshGit": "I completer degli argomenti di PowerShell personalizzati verranno registrati per l'interfaccia della riga di comando \"git\".", "suggest.enableExtensionCompletions": "Controlla se i completamenti delle estensioni sono abilitati.", - "suggest.enabled": "Enables experimental terminal Intellisense suggestions for supported shells ({0}) when {1} is set to {2}.\r\n\r\nIf shell integration is installed manually, {3} needs to be set to {4} before calling the shell integration script. \r\n\r\nFor extension provided completions, {5} will also need to be set.", + "suggest.enabled": "Abilita i suggerimenti IntelliSense del terminale sperimentale per le shell supportate ({0}) quando {1} è impostato su {2}.\r\n\r\nSe l'integrazione della shell viene installata manualmente, è necessario impostare {3} su {4} prima di chiamare lo script di integrazione della shell. \r\n\r\nPer i completamenti forniti dall’estensione, sarà anche necessario impostare {5}.", "suggest.quickSuggestions": "Controlla se i suggerimenti devono essere visualizzati automaticamente durante la digitazione. Tenere anche conto dell'impostazione {0} che controlla se i suggerimenti vengono attivati dai caratteri speciali.", "suggest.runOnEnter": "Controlla se i suggerimenti devono essere eseguiti immediatamente quando si preme \"INVIO\" (non il tasto \"TAB\") per accettare il risultato.", "suggest.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": "Controlla se i suggerimenti devono essere visualizzati automaticamente durante la digitazione dei caratteri trigger." @@ -12888,7 +13003,8 @@ "testingCountBadgePassed": "{0} test superati", "testingCountBadgeSkipped": "{0} test ignorati", "testingFindExtension": "Mostra i test dell'area di lavoro", - "testingNoTest": "Nel file non sono stati trovati test." + "testingNoTest": "Nel file non sono stati trovati test.", + "testingSelectConfig": "Seleziona configurazione..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Chiudi", @@ -13067,6 +13183,11 @@ "testError": "Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di esecuzione dei test: {0}", "testTrust": "I test in esecuzione possono eseguire codice nell'area di lavoro." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/testTypes": { + "testing.runProfileBitset.coverage": "Copertura", + "testing.runProfileBitset.debug": "Esegui debug", + "testing.runProfileBitset.run": "Esegui" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/themes/browser/themes.contribution": { "browseColorThemeInMarketPlace.label": "Sfoglia temi colore nel Marketplace", "browseColorThemes": "Esplora altri temi a colori...", @@ -13656,7 +13777,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { "getStarted": "Introduzione", - "walkthroughPageTitle": "Procedura dettagliata: " + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Procedura dettagliata: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "Predefinito", @@ -13674,6 +13795,7 @@ "browsePopularWeb": "Sfoglia estensioni Web più richieste", "cloneRepo": "Clona repository", "commandPalette": "Apri il riquadro comandi", + "copilotTerms": "By continuing, you agree to Copilot [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", "enableSync": "Impostazioni di backup e sincronizzazione", "enableTrust": "abilita attendibilità", "getting-started-beginner-icon": "Icona usata per la categoria principiante della home page", @@ -13695,6 +13817,8 @@ "gettingStarted.commandPalette.title": "Sblocca la produttività con il riquadro comandi ", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.description.interpolated": "Esegui comandi senza il mouse per eseguire qualunque attività in VS Code.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.title": "Sblocca la produttività con il riquadro comandi ", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.description": "Write code faster and smarter with [Copilot]({0}) for free.", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.title": "Use AI features with Copilot for free", "gettingStarted.debug.description.interpolated": "Accelerare il ciclo di modifica, build, test e debug configurando una configurazione di avvio.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.debug.title": "Guarda il codice in azione", "gettingStarted.extensions.description.interpolated": "Le estensioni sono potenziamenti di VS Code. Spaziano da pratici strumenti per la produttività, all'espansione di funzionalità già pronte all'uso, fino all'aggiunta di funzionalità completamente nuove.\r\n{0}", @@ -13789,6 +13913,9 @@ "quickOpen": "Apri un file con Quick Open", "runProject": "Esegui il progetto", "runTasks": "Esegui attività rilevate automaticamente", + "setupCopilotButton.chatWithCopilot": "Chat with Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.setup": "Setup Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.signIn": "Sign in to use Copilot", "showOrFocusHover": "Mostra o sposta lo stato attivo al passaggio del mouse", "showTerminal": "Apri terminale", "titleID": "Sfoglia temi colore", @@ -14046,6 +14173,7 @@ "menus.explorerContextShare": "Sottomenu 'Condividi' nel menu di scelta rapida di Esplora file", "menus.extensionContext": "Menu di scelta rapida dell'estensione", "menus.historyItemContext": "Menu di scelta rapida della voce della cronologia del controllo del codice sorgente", + "menus.historyItemRefContext": "Menu di scelta rapida di riferimento della voce della cronologia del controllo del codice sorgente", "menus.home": "Menu di scelta rapida dell'indicatore della home page (solo Web)", "menus.input": "Menu della casella di input del controllo del codice sorgente", "menus.mergeEditorResult": "Barra degli strumenti dei risultati dell'editor di merge", @@ -14350,6 +14478,7 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/browser/extensionEnablementService": { "Reload": "Ricarica e abilita le estensioni", "cannot change disablement environment": "Non è possibile modificare l’abilitazione dell’estensione {0} perché è disabilitata nell’ambiente", + "cannot change disallowed extension enablement": "Non è possibile modificare l'abilitazione dell'estensione {0} perché non è consentita", "cannot change enablement dependency": "Non è possibile abilitare l'estensione “{0}” perché dipende dall'estensione “{1}” che non può essere abilitata", "cannot change enablement environment": "Non è possibile modificare l’abilitazione dell’estensione {0} perché è abilitata nell’ambiente", "cannot change enablement extension kind": "Non è possibile modificare l'abilitazione dell'estensione {0} a causa del relativo tipo di estensione", @@ -14371,9 +14500,6 @@ "allow": "Consenti", "disallow": "Non consentire" }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { - "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Estensioni" - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementServerService": { "browser": "Browser", "remote": "Remoto" @@ -14403,11 +14529,6 @@ "singleDependentError": "Non è possibile disinstallare l'estensione '{0}'. L'estensione '{1}' dipende da tale estensione.", "twoDependentsError": "Non è possibile disinstallare l'estensione '{0}'. Le estensioni '{1}' e '{2}' dipendono da tale estensione." }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/webExtensionManagementService": { - "VS Code for Web": "{0} per il Web", - "learn why": "Informazioni sul motivo", - "not web tooltip": "L'estensione '{0}' non è disponibile in {1}." - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/extensionManagementServerService": { "local": "LOCAL", "remote": "Remoto" @@ -14485,7 +14606,7 @@ "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onSearch": "Un evento di attivazione emesso ogni volta che viene avviata una ricerca nella cartella con lo schema specificato.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onStartupFinished": "Evento di attivazione generato al termine dell'avvio (dopo l'attivazione di tutte le estensioni attivate tramite `*`).", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onTaskType": "Evento di attivazione generato ogni volta che le attività di un determinato tipo devono essere elencate o risolte.", - "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onTerminalCompletionsRequested": "An activation event emitted when terminal completions are requested.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onTerminalCompletionsRequested": "Evento di attivazione generato quando vengono richiesti completamenti dei terminali.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onTerminalProfile": "Evento di attivazione emesso quando viene avviato un profilo del terminale specifico.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onTerminalQuickFixRequest": "Evento di attivazione generato quando un comando corrisponde al selettore associato a questo ID", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onUri": "Un evento di attivazione emesso ogni volta che viene aperto un URI a livello di sistema indirizzato a questa estensione.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index ddba72c7c0..38b63b0fc2 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ "Conflict: Deleted By Us": "競合: こちらが削除", "Continue Rebase": "リベースを続行する", "Continuing Rebase...": "リベースを続行しています...", + "Copy Commit Hash": "コミット ハッシュのコピー", "Could not clone your repository as Git is not installed.": "Git がインストールされていないため、リポジトリをクローンできませんでした。", "Create Empty Commit": "空のコミットの作成", "Current": "現在のマシン", @@ -112,10 +113,11 @@ "File \"{0}\" was deleted by us and modified by them.\n\nWhat would you like to do?": "ファイル \"{0}\" は、こちらが削除し、他者が変更しました。\n\nどのように処理しますか?", "Force Checkout": "チェックアウトの強制", "Force push is not allowed, please enable it with the \"git.allowForcePush\" setting.": "強制的なプッシュは禁止されています。\"git.allowForcePush\" 設定で有効にしてください。", - "Git Blame Information": "Git Blame Information", + "Git Blame Information": "Git Blame 情報", "Git History": "Git 履歴", "Git error": "Git エラー", - "Git local working changes": "Git ローカル作業の変更", + "Git local changes (working tree + index)": "Git ローカルの変更 (作業ツリーとインデックス)", + "Git local changes (working tree)": "Git ローカルの変更 (作業ツリー)", "Git not found. Install it or configure it using the \"git.path\" setting.": "Git が見つかりません。Git をインストールするか \"git.path\" 設定でパスを構成してください。", "Git repositories were found in the parent folders of the workspace or the open file(s). Would you like to open the repositories?": "ワークスペースまたは開いているファイルの親フォルダーに Git リポジトリが見つかりました。リポジトリを開きますか?", "Git: {0}": "Git: {0}", @@ -415,6 +417,7 @@ "command.branchFrom": "ブランチの作成元...", "command.checkout": "チェックアウト先...", "command.checkoutDetached": "チェックアウト先 (デタッチ済み)...", + "command.checkoutRef": "チェックアウト", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "チェックアウト (デタッチ済み)", "command.cherryPick": "チェリーピック...", "command.cherryPickAbort": "チェリー ピックの中止", @@ -552,8 +555,10 @@ "config.autofetch": "true に設定すると、現在の Git リポジトリの既定のリモートからコミットが自動的にフェッチされます。[すべて] に設定すると、すべてのリモートからフェッチされます。", "config.autofetchPeriod": "`#git.autofetch#` が有効な場合の git の自動フェッチ間隔 (秒単位)。", "config.autorefresh": "自動更新の有効/無効。", - "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "エディターの装飾を使用して、エディターに git blame の情報を表示するかどうかを制御します。", - "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "ステータス バーに git blame の情報を表示するかどうかを制御します。", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "エディターの装飾を使用して、エディターに blame の情報を表示するかどうかを制御します。", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.template": "blame 情報エディターの装飾用のテンプレート。サポート対象の変数:\r\n\r\n* `hash`: コミット ハッシュ\r\n\r\n* `hashShort`: コミット ハッシュの最初の 8 文字\r\n\r\n* `subject`: コミット メッセージの最初の行\r\n\r\n* `authorName`: 作成者名\r\n\r\n* `authorEmail`: 作成者のメール\r\n\r\n* `authorDate`: 作成日\r\n\r\n* `authorDateAgo`: 現在と作成日の間の時間差\r\n\r\n", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "ステータス バーに blame の情報を表示するかどうかを制御します。", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.template": "blame 情報のステータス バー項目のテンプレート。サポート対象の変数:\r\n\r\n* `hash`: コミット ハッシュ\r\n\r\n* `hashShort`: コミット ハッシュの最初の 8 文字\r\n\r\n* `subject`: コミット メッセージの最初の行\r\n\r\n* `authorName`: 作成者名\r\n\r\n* `authorEmail`: 作成者のメール\r\n\r\n* `authorDate`: 作成日\r\n\r\n* `authorDateAgo`: 現在と作成日の間の時間差\r\n\r\n", "config.branchPrefix": "新しいブランチを作成するときに使用されるプレフィックス。", "config.branchProtection": "保護されたブランチのリスト。既定では、変更が保護されたブランチにコミットされる前にプロンプトが表示されます。プロンプトは、'#git.branchProtectionPrompt#' 設定を使用して制御できます。", "config.branchProtectionPrompt": "保護されたブランチに変更をコミットする前にプロンプトを表示するかどうかを制御します。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json index b631299d2c..c9cada8f0d 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "$ref '{0}' in '{1}' can not be resolved.": "'{1}' の $ref '{0}' を解決できません。", "": "", "A default value. Used by suggestions.": "既定値。候補によって使用されます。", - "A descriptive title of the element.": "要素の説明的なタイトル。", - "A long description of the element. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "要素の詳しい説明です。ホバー メニューと候補で使用されます。", + "A descriptive title of the schema.": "A descriptive title of the schema.", + "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.", "A map of property names to either an array of property names or a schema. An array of property names means the property named in the key depends on the properties in the array being present in the object in order to be valid. If the value is a schema, then the schema is only applied to the object if the property in the key exists on the object.": "プロパティ名の配列またはスキーマへのプロパティ名のマップです。プロパティ名の配列は、キーで指定されたプロパティが有効であるために、配列内のプロパティがオブジェクトに存在することに依存することを意味します。値がスキーマの場合、キーのプロパティがオブジェクトに存在する場合にのみ、スキーマがオブジェクトに適用されます。", "A map of property names to schemas for each property.": "各プロパティのスキーマへのプロパティ名のマップ。", "A map of regular expressions on property names to schemas for matching properties.": "プロパティ名の正規表現を一致するプロパティのスキーマにマップします。", @@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ "Configured in workspace settings": "ワークスペース設定で構成済み", "Default value": "既定値", "Describes the content encoding of a string property.": "文字列プロパティのコンテンツ エンコードを示します。", - "Describes the format expected for the value.": "値に必要な形式を説明します。", + "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation": "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation", "Describes the media type of a string property.": "文字列プロパティのメディアの種類を示します。", "Downloading schemas is disabled through setting '{0}'": "スキーマのダウンロードは、設定 '{0}' によって無効になっています", "Downloading schemas is disabled. Click to configure.": "スキーマのダウンロードは無効になっています。構成するには、クリックしてください。", "Draft-03 schemas are not supported.": "Draft-03 スキーマはサポートされていません。", "Duplicate anchor declaration: '{0}'": "アンカー宣言が重複しています: '{0}'", "Duplicate object key": "オブジェクト キーが重複しています", - "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, then used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties' or 'patternProperties'. If false, then any properties not matched by either will cause this schema to fail.": "スキーマまたはブール値のいずれかです。スキーマの場合、'properties' または 'patternProperties' と一致しないすべてのプロパティを検証するために使用されます。false の場合、いずれのプロパティとも一致しない場合、このスキーマは失敗します。", + "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.": "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.", "Either a string of one of the basic schema types (number, integer, null, array, object, boolean, string) or an array of strings specifying a subset of those types.": "基本スキーマ型 (数値、整数、null、配列、オブジェクト、ブール値、文字列) のいずれかの文字列、またはこれらの型のサブセットを指定する文字列の配列。", "End of file expected.": "ファイルの終わりが必要です。", "Expected a JSON object, array or literal.": "JSON オブジェクト、配列、またはリテラルが必要です。", @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ "Expected comma or closing brace": "コンマまたは閉じかっこが必要です", "Expected comma or closing bracket": "コンマまたは閉じかっこが必要です", "Failed to sort the JSONC document, please consider opening an issue.": "JSONC ドキュメントの並べ替えができませんでした。問題の報告を検討してください。", - "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If it is a schema, then this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items array. If it is false, then additional items will cause validation to fail.": "配列の場合、項目が配列として設定されている場合のみ。スキーマの場合、このスキーマは項目配列で指定された後の項目を検証します。false の場合、追加の項目が原因で検証が失敗します。", + "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.": "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.", "For arrays. Can either be a schema to validate every element against or an array of schemas to validate each item against in order (the first schema will validate the first element, the second schema will validate the second element, and so on.": "配列の場合。すべての要素を検証するスキーマ、または各項目を順番に検証するスキーマの配列にすることができます (最初のスキーマは最初の要素を検証し、2 番目のスキーマは 2 番目の要素を検証します。", "If all of the items in the array must be unique. Defaults to false.": "配列内のすべての項目が一意である必要がある場合。既定値は false です。", "If the instance is an object, this keyword validates if every property name in the instance validates against the provided schema.": "インスタンスがオブジェクトの場合、このキーワードは、インスタンス内のすべてのプロパティ名が指定されたスキーマに対して検証されるかどうかを検証します。", @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ "String is not an e-mail address.": "文字列がメール アドレスではありません。", "String is shorter than the minimum length of {0}.": "文字列が {0} の最小長より短くなっています。", "The \"else\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema fails.": "\"else\" サブスキーマは、\"if\" サブスキーマが失敗した場合に検証に使用されます。", - "The \"if\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "\"if\" サブスキーマは、\"if\" サブスキーマが成功した場合に検証に使用されます。", + "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.", "The maximum length of a string.": "文字列の最大長。", "The maximum number of items that can be inside an array. Inclusive.": "配列内に配置できる項目の最大数。その数を含みます。", "The maximum number of properties an object can have. Inclusive.": "オブジェクトに設定できるプロパティの最大数。その数を含みます。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index 7a0915e8ea..e098ddd817 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -34,16 +34,16 @@ "Follow link": "リンクをフォロー", "Go to link definition": "リンク定義に移動する", "Header does not exist in file: {0}": "ヘッダーがファイルに存在しません: {0}", - "Insert Markdown Audio": "Insert Markdown Audio", + "Insert Markdown Audio": "Markdown オーディオの挿入", "Insert Markdown Image": "Markdown 画像の挿入", "Insert Markdown Images": "Markdown 画像の挿入", "Insert Markdown Images and Links": "Markdown 画像とリンクの挿入", "Insert Markdown Link": "Markdown リンクの挿入", "Insert Markdown Links": "Markdown リンクの挿入", "Insert Markdown Media": "Markdown メディアの挿入", - "Insert Markdown Media and Images": "Insert Markdown Media and Images", + "Insert Markdown Media and Images": "Markdown メディアと画像の挿入", "Insert Markdown Media and Links": "Markdown メディアとリンクの挿入", - "Insert Markdown Video": "Insert Markdown Video", + "Insert Markdown Video": "Markdown ビデオの挿入", "Insert image": "画像の挿入", "Insert link": "リンクの挿入", "Link definition for '{0}' already exists": "'{0}' のリンク定義は既に存在します", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json index fb35573ce9..a6c2422622 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ "package": { "description": "Microsoft 認証プロバイダー", "displayName": "Microsoft アカウント", - "microsoft-authentication.implementation.description": "The authentication implementation to use for signing in with a Microsoft account.", - "microsoft-authentication.implementation.enumDescriptions.classic": "Use the classic authentication flow to sign in with a Microsoft account.", + "microsoft-authentication.implementation.description": "Microsoft アカウントでサインインするために使用する認証の実装です。", + "microsoft-authentication.implementation.enumDescriptions.classic": "従来の認証フローを使用して、Microsoft アカウントでサインインします。", "microsoft-authentication.implementation.enumDescriptions.msal": "Microsoft 認証ライブラリ (MSAL) を使用して、Microsoft アカウントでサインインします。", "microsoft-sovereign-cloud.customEnvironment.activeDirectoryEndpointUrl.description": "カスタム ソブリン クラウドの Active Directory エンドポイント。", "microsoft-sovereign-cloud.customEnvironment.activeDirectoryResourceId.description": "カスタム ソブリン クラウドの Active Directory リソース ID。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json index 930d5316d4..13c4a72985 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ "version": "1.0.0", "contents": { "package": { - "description": "Extension to add terminal completions for zsh, bash, and fish terminals.", - "displayName": "Terminal Suggest for VS Code", - "view.name": "Terminal Suggest" + "description": "zsh、bash、fish terminals のターミナル補完を追加する拡張機能です。", + "displayName": "VS Code のターミナルの候補", + "view.name": "ターミナルの候補" } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json index 51b57d8cb6..29857775f7 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.explicit": "スムーズ キャレット アニメーションは、ユーザーが明示的なジェスチャでカーソルを移動した場合にのみ有効になります。", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.off": "スムーズ キャレット アニメーションが無効になっています。", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.on": "スムーズ キャレット アニメーションは常に有効です。", - "cursorStyle": "カーソルのスタイルを制御します。", + "cursorStyle": "挿入入力モードのカーソル スタイルを制御します。", "cursorSurroundingLines": "カーソル前後の表示可能な先頭の行 (最小 0) と末尾の行 (最小 1) の最小数を制御します。他の一部のエディターでは 'scrollOff' または 'scrollOffset' と呼ばれます。", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle": "`#editor.cursorSurroundingLines#` を適用するタイミングを制御します。", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle.all": "`cursorSurroundingLines` は常に適用されます。", @@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ "inline": "クイック候補がゴースト テキストとして表示される", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "インライン入力候補が表示されたときに、スクリーン リーダー ユーザーにユーザー補助ヒントを提供するかどうかを制御します。", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "インライン提案内で試験的な編集機能を有効にするかどうかを制御します。", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.onlyShowWhenCloseToCursor": "カーソルがインライン候補の近くにある場合にのみその候補を表示するかどうかを制御します。", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useInterleavedLinesDiff": "インライン提案で試験的なインターリーブ行の差分を有効にするかどうかを制御します。", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useMixedLinesDiff": "インライン提案内で試験的な編集機能を有効にするかどうかを制御します。", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "エディターにインライン候補を自動的に表示するかどうかを制御します。", @@ -609,6 +610,8 @@ "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "発生回数が強調表示されるまでの遅延をミリ秒単位で制御します。", "off": "クイック候補が無効になっています", "on": "提案ウィジェット内にクイック候補が表示される", + "overtypeCursorStyle": "上書き入力モードでのカーソル スタイルを制御します。", + "overtypeOnPaste": "貼り付けで上書きするかどうかを制御します。", "overviewRulerBorder": "概要ルーラーの周囲に境界線が描画されるかどうかを制御します。", "padding.bottom": "エディターの下端と最後の行の間の余白の大きさを制御します。", "padding.top": "エディターの上端と最初の行の間の余白の大きさを制御します。", @@ -1082,12 +1085,12 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/copyPasteContribution": { "pasteAs": "貼り付けのオプション...", - "pasteAs.kind": "The kind of the paste edit to try pasting with.\r\nIf there are multiple edits for this kind, the editor will show a picker. If there are no edits of this kind, the editor will show an error message.", - "pasteAs.preferences": "List of preferred paste edit kind to try applying.\r\nThe first edit matching the preferences will be applied.", + "pasteAs.kind": "貼り付けを試みる貼り付け編集の種類。\r\nこの種類の編集が複数ある場合は、エディターにピッカーが表示されます。この種類の編集がない場合は、エディターにエラー メッセージが表示されます。", + "pasteAs.preferences": "適用を試みるユーザー設定の貼り付け編集の種類の一覧。\r\nユーザー設定に一致する最初の編集が適用されます。", "pasteAsText": "テキストとして貼り付け" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/copyPasteController": { - "noPreferences": "empty", + "noPreferences": "空", "pasteAsDefault": "既定の貼り付けアクションを構成する", "pasteAsError": "'{0}' の貼り付けの編集が見つかりませんでした", "pasteAsPickerPlaceholder": "貼り付け操作の選択", @@ -1410,9 +1413,10 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "次のインライン候補を表示する", "action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "前のインライン候補を表示する", "action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "インライン候補をトリガーする", - "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.inlineEdit": "インライン編集のトリガー", + "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.explicitInlineEdit": "インライン編集のトリガー", "jump": "ジャンプ", - "noInlineEditAvailable": "インライン編集は使用できません。" + "noInlineEditAvailable": "インライン編集は使用できません。", + "reject": "Reject" }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/controller/inlineCompletionContextKeys": { "cursorAtInlineEdit": "カーソルがインライン編集中かどうか", @@ -2045,12 +2049,14 @@ }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "Marketplace が有効になっていません", + "VS Code for Web": "Web 版の {0}", "incompatible platform": "'{0}' 拡張機能は {2} の {1} では使用できません。", "incompatibleAPI": "'{0}' 拡張機能をインストールできません。{1}", - "learn more": "詳細情報", + "learn why": "理由をご確認ください", "malicious extension": "問題が報告されたので、'{0}' 拡張機能をインストールできません。", "multipleDependentsError": "'{0}' 拡張機能をアンインストールできません。'{1}'、'{2}' および他の拡張機能がこれに依存しています。", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "'{0}' 拡張機能をアンインストールできません。これには '{1}' 拡張機能のアンインストールが含まれていますが、'{2}'、'{3}' および他の拡張機能がこれに依存しています。", + "not allowed to install": "この拡張機能はインストールできません。{0}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "{1} の現在のバージョン (バージョン {2}) と互換性がないため、\"{0}\" 拡張機能はインストールできません。", "notFoundDeprecatedReplacementExtension": "'{0}'拡張機能は非推奨であり、置換拡張機能'{1}'が見つからないため、インストールできません。", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "'{0}' 拡張機能のリリース バージョンがないため、リリース バージョンをインストールできません。", @@ -2059,6 +2065,13 @@ "twoDependentsError": "'{0}' 拡張機能をアンインストールできません。'{1}' と '{2}' の拡張機能がこれに依存しています。", "twoIndirectDependentsError": "'{0}' 拡張機能をアンインストールできません。これには '{1}' 拡張機能のアンインストールが含まれていますが、'{2}' と '{3}' の拡張機能がこれに依存しています。" }, + "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/allowedExtensionsService": { + "extension prerelease not allowed": "この拡張機能のプレリリース バージョンが [許可リスト]({0}) にありません", + "prerelease versions from this publisher not allowed": "この発行元のプレリリース バージョンが [許可リスト]({1}) に含まれていません", + "publisher not allowed": "この発行元の拡張機能が [許可リスト]({1}) に含まれていません", + "specific extension not allowed": "[許可リスト]({0}) にありません", + "specific version of extension not allowed": "この拡張機能のバージョン {0} が [許可リスト]({1}) にありません" + }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { "extensions": "拡張機能", "preferences": "基本設定" @@ -2096,10 +2109,6 @@ "updateMessage": "拡張機能 '{0}' をバージョン {1} に更新しています", "useId": "パブリッシャーを含む完全な拡張機能 ID (例: {0}) を使用していることをご確認ください。" }, - "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementIpc": { - "incompatible platform": "'{0}' 拡張機能は {2} の {1} では使用できません。", - "learn more": "詳細情報" - }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionNls": { "missingNLSKey": "キー {0} のメッセージが見つかりませんでした。" }, @@ -2117,7 +2126,7 @@ "errorDeleting": "拡張機能 '{1}' のインストール中に既存のフォルダー '{0}' を削除できません。フォルダーを手動で削除してもう一度お試しください", "incompatible": "拡張機能 '{0}' は、VS Code '{1}' と互換性がないため、インストールできません。", "invalidManifest": "マニフェストが Marketplace と一致しないため、'{0}' 拡張機能をインストールできません", - "not signed": "拡張機能は署名されていません。", + "notAllowed": "この拡張機能はインストールできません。{0}", "removeError": "拡張機能の削除中にエラーが発生しました: {0}。もう一度やり直す前に、VS Code の終了と起動を実施してください。", "restartCode": "{0} を再インストールする前に、VS Code を再起動してください。", "signature verification failed": "署名の検証が '{0}' エラーで失敗しました。", @@ -2725,6 +2734,9 @@ "activityWarningBadge.foreground": "警告アクティビティ バッジの前景色", "badgeBackground": "バッジの背景色。バッジとは小さな情報ラベルのことです。例:検索結果の数", "badgeForeground": "バッジの前景色。バッジとは小さな情報ラベルのことです。例:検索結果の数", + "chartAxis": "グラフの軸の色。", + "chartGuide": "グラフのガイド線。", + "chartLine": "グラフの線の色。", "progressBarBackground": "時間のかかる操作で表示するプログレス バーの背景色。", "sashActiveBorder": "アクティブな枠の境界線の色。", "scrollbarShadow": "ビューがスクロールされたことを示すスクロール バーの影。", @@ -3063,6 +3075,11 @@ "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadNotebookSaveParticipant": { "timeout.onWillSave": "onWillSaveNotebookDocument-event は 1750ms 後に中止されました" }, + "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadOutputService": { + "status.showOutput": "出力の表示", + "status.showOutputAria": "{0} 出力チャネルの表示", + "status.showOutputTooltip": "{0} 出力チャネルの表示" + }, "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadProgress": { "manageExtension": "拡張機能の管理" }, @@ -3868,6 +3885,7 @@ "miRestoreEditorsToMainWindow": "エディターをメイン ウィンドウに復元する(&R)", "minimizeOtherEditorGroups": "エディター グループの展開", "minimizeOtherEditorGroupsHideSidebar": "エディター グループを展開してサイド バーを非表示にする", + "mitoggleOvertypeInsertMode": "上書き/挿入モードの切り替え(&&T)", "moveActiveGroupDown": "エディター グループを下に移動", "moveActiveGroupLeft": "エディター グループを左側に移動する", "moveActiveGroupRight": "エディター グループを右側に移動する", @@ -3939,6 +3957,8 @@ "toggleEditorType": "エディターの種類の切り替え", "toggleEditorWidths": "エディター グループ サイズの切り替え", "toggleMaximizeEditorGroup": "エディター グループの最大化の切り替え", + "toggleOvertypeInsertMode": "上書き/挿入モードの切り替え", + "toggleOvertypeMode.description": "上書き入力モードと挿入モードを切り替えます", "unpinEditor": "エディターの固定を解除する" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorCommands": { @@ -4045,6 +4065,7 @@ "guessedEncoding": "コンテンツから推測", "indentConvert": "ファイルの変換", "indentView": "ビューの変更", + "inputModeOvertype": "上書き", "languageDescription": "({0}) - 構成済みの言語", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", "languagesPicks": "言語 (識別子)", @@ -4071,6 +4092,7 @@ "spacesAndTabsSize": "スペース: {0} (タブ サイズ: {1})", "spacesSize": "スペース: {0}", "status.editor.columnSelectionMode": "列選択モード", + "status.editor.enableInsertMode": "挿入モードを有効にする", "status.editor.encoding": "エディターのエンコード", "status.editor.eol": "エディターの行末", "status.editor.indentation": "エディターのインデント", @@ -4314,7 +4336,7 @@ "toggle.layoutDescription": "タイトル バーのレイアウト コントロールの表示/非表示を切り替えます", "toggle.navigation": "ナビゲーション コントロール", "toggle.navigationDescription": "タイトル バーのナビゲーション コントロールの表示を切り替える", - "toggle.titleBarStyle": "Restore Native Title Bar" + "toggle.titleBarStyle": "ネイティブ タイトル バーの復元" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/titlebar/titlebarPart": { "ariaLabelTitleActions": "タイトル アクション", @@ -4585,11 +4607,13 @@ "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.always": "開くときにパネルを常に最大化します。", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.never": "開くときにパネルを決して最大化しません。パネルは最大化されずに開きます。", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.preserve": "閉じる前の状態でパネルを開きます。", + "workbench.panel.output": "出力ビュー", "workbench.quickOpen.preserveInput": "Quick Open を次回開いたとき、Quick Open の最後の入力を復元するかどうかを制御します。", "workbench.reduceMotion": "ワークベンチがレンダリングするアニメーション数を減少させるかどうかを制御します。", "workbench.reduceMotion.auto": "OS 構成に基づいて、モーションを削減してレンダリングします。", "workbench.reduceMotion.off": "モーションを削減してレンダリングしない", "workbench.reduceMotion.on": "常にモーションを削減してレンダリングする。", + "workbench.view.showQuietly": "拡張機能が非表示のビューの表示を要求している場合は、代わりにクリック可能なステータス バー インジケーターを表示します。", "wrapTabs": "使用可能な領域を超えたときに複数の行にタブを折り返すか、またはスクロール バーを表示するかどうかを制御します。{0} が '{1}' に設定されていない場合、この値は無視されます。", "zenMode.centerLayout": "Zen Mode をオンにしたときに、レイアウトを中央寄せにするかどうかを制御します。", "zenMode.fullScreen": "Zen Mode をオンにしたときに、ワークベンチを自動的に全画面モードに切り替えるかどうかを制御します。", @@ -4775,6 +4799,7 @@ "panelStickyScrollBackground": "パネル内での固定スクロールの背景色。", "panelStickyScrollBorder": "パネル内での固定スクロールの境界線の色。", "panelStickyScrollShadow": "エディター内での固定スクロールの影付きの色", + "panelTitleBorder": "下部のパネルのタイトルの境界線の色。ビューからタイトルを区切ります。パネルはエディター領域の下に表示され、出力や統合ターミナルなどのビューを含みます。", "profileBadgeBackground": "プロファイル バッジの背景色。プロフィール バッジは、アクティビティ バーの設定歯車アイコンの上部に表示されます。", "profileBadgeForeground": "プロファイル バッジの前景色。プロフィール バッジは、アクティビティ バーの設定歯車アイコンの上部に表示されます。", "sideBarActivityBarTopBorder": "上部/下部のアクティビティ バーとビューの間の境界線の色。", @@ -4789,6 +4814,7 @@ "sideBarStickyScrollBorder": "サイド バー内での固定スクロールの境界線の色。", "sideBarStickyScrollShadow": "サイド バー内での固定スクロールの影付きの色。", "sideBarTitleBackground": "サイド バーのタイトルの背景色。サイド バーは、エクスプローラーや検索などのビューが入るコンテナーです。", + "sideBarTitleBorder": "下部のサイド バーのタイトルの境界線の色。ビューからタイトルを区切ります。サイド バーは、エクスプローラーや検索などのビューが入るコンテナーです。", "sideBarTitleForeground": "サイド バーのタイトルの前景色。サイド バーは、エクスプローラーや検索などのビューが入るコンテナーです。", "sideBySideEditor.horizontalBorder": "エディター グループでエディターを上下に並べて表示する場合に、各エディターを互いに区別する色。", "sideBySideEditor.verticalBorder": "エディター グループでエディターを左右に並べて表示する場合に、各エディターを互いに区別する色。", @@ -5417,7 +5443,7 @@ "chat.clear.label": "すべてのワークスペース チャットをクリア", "chat.history.label": "チャットの表示...", "chat.history.rename": "名前の変更", - "chat.releaseNotes.label": "Explore New Features", + "chat.releaseNotes.label": "新機能を確認する", "chatWith": "拡張機能を使用してチャットする", "currentChatLabel": "現在", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "入力履歴のクリア", @@ -5427,12 +5453,16 @@ "interactiveSession.history.pick": "チャットに切り替える", "interactiveSession.open": "エディターを開く", "learnMore": "詳細情報", + "managePlan": "Copilot プランを管理", + "manageSettings": "Copilot 設定を管理", "more": "その他...", "newChatTitle": "新しいチャットのタイトル", "openChat": "チャットを開く", + "showCopilotUsageExtensions": "Copilot を使用して拡張機能を表示する", "title4": "チャット", - "toggle.chatControl": "チャット コントロール", - "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "タイトル バーのチャット コントロールの表示/非表示を切り替えます" + "toggle.chatControl": "Copilot コントロール", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "タイトル バーの Copilot コントロールの表示/非表示を切り替えます", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { "chat.done.label": "完了", @@ -5532,9 +5562,9 @@ "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "これを行うと、この要求以降に作業セット内の {0} 個のファイルに対して行われた編集が元に戻されます。続行しますか?", "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "最後の要求を再試行しますか?", "chat.startEditing.label2": "Copilot で編集する", - "chat.startEditing.last": "The last {0} requests", - "chat.startEditing.pickAll": "All requests from the conversation", - "chat.startEditing.pickCustom": "Manually select requests...", + "chat.startEditing.last": "最後の {0} 回の要求", + "chat.startEditing.pickAll": "会話からのすべての要求", + "chat.startEditing.pickCustom": "要求を手動で選択します...", "chat.startEditing.pickRequest": "編集に使用する要求を選択する", "interactive.helpful.label": "役に立った", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "ノートブックに挿入する", @@ -5562,9 +5592,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "チャット", - "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "コマンド センターにチャット アクションのメニューを表示するかどうかを制御します ({0} が必要です)。", + "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "コマンド センターが Copilot を制御するための操作のメニューを表示するかどうかを制御します ({0} が必要です)。", "chat.detectParticipant.enabled": "パネル チャットのチャット参加者の自動検出を有効にします。", - "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "チャットで変更が行われたファイルを保存する前に毎回確認するかどうか。", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether files that have changes made by chat can be saved without confirmation.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "要求とそれに関連付けられた編集を削除する前に確認を表示するかどうか。", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "要求とそれに関連付けられた編集を再試行する前に確認を表示するかどうか。", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "パネル チャットのチャット参加者の自動検出を有効にします。", @@ -5594,7 +5624,11 @@ "reservedName": "このチャット拡張機能は予約された名前を使用しています。", "viewExtensionLabel": "拡張機能の表示" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAgentCommandContentPart": { + "rerun": "{0}{1} なしで再実行する" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAttachmentsContentPart": { + "chat.attachment": "添付コンテキスト、{0}", "chat.attachment3": "コンテキスト {0} をアタッチしました。", "chat.fileAttachment3": "{0} をアタッチしました。", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "{0}、行 {1} から行 {2} をアタッチしました。", @@ -5602,7 +5636,8 @@ "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "{0} を省略しました。", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "{0}、行 {1} から行 {2} を省略しました。", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "{0} を部分的にアタッチしました。", - "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "{0}、行 {1} から行 {2} を部分的にアタッチしました。" + "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "{0}、行 {1} から行 {2} を部分的にアタッチしました。", + "resource": "スキームとパスを含めた、チャット添付ファイル リソースのすべての値" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatCodeCitationContentPart": { "viewMatches": "一致を表示する" @@ -5617,7 +5652,16 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatMarkdownContentPart": { "chat.codeblock.applying": "編集を適用しています...", "chat.codeblock.applyingPercentage": "編集を適用しています ({0}%)...", - "chat.codeblock.generating": "編集を生成しています..." + "chat.codeblock.deletions": "{0} 件の削除", + "chat.codeblock.deletions.one": "{0} 件の削除", + "chat.codeblock.generating": "編集を生成しています...", + "chat.codeblock.insertions": "{0} 件の挿入", + "chat.codeblock.insertions.one": "{0} 件の挿入", + "summary": "{0}、{1}、{2} を編集しました" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatQuotaExceededPart": { + "signedUpClickToContinue": "Signed up? Click to continue!", + "upgradeToCopilotPro": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { "addToChat": "ファイルをチャットに追加", @@ -5646,13 +5690,15 @@ "file": "ファイル", "files": "ファイル", "folder": "フォルダー", - "image": "画像" + "image": "画像", + "symbol": "シンボル" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingActions": { "accept": "採用", "accept.file": "採用", "acceptAllEdits": "すべての編集を採用", "addFileToWorkingSet": "ファイルの追加", + "addFilesFromReferences": "参照からファイルを追加", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.manyFiles": "これにより、{1} ファイルに {0} によって行われた変更が元に戻されます。続行しますか?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.oneFile": "これにより、{1} で {0} によって行われた変更が元に戻されます。続行しますか?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.primaryButton": "はい", @@ -5669,12 +5715,11 @@ "chat.undoEdits.label": "編集を元に戻す", "chatEditing.snapshot": "{0} (スナップショット {1})", "chatEditing.viewChanges": "すべての編集を表示", + "clearWorkingSet": "ワーキング セットのクリア", "discard": "破棄", "discard.file": "破棄", "discardAllEdits": "すべての編集を破棄", "open.fileInDiff": "変更内容を差分エディターで開く", - "removeAll": "Remove All", - "removeAllFiles": "Remove All Files", "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "ファイルの削除", "workbench.action.chat.addSelectedFilesToWorkingSet.label": "選択したファイルを作業セットに追加する" }, @@ -5687,7 +5732,7 @@ "chatEditing.modified": "{0} からの保留中の変更", "chatEditing.modified2": "チャットからの保留中の変更", "chatEditing.startingSession": "編集を生成しています...", - "join.chatEditingSession": "Saving chat edits history" + "join.chatEditingSession": "チャットの編集履歴を保存しています" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingSession": { "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0} がファイルを作成しようとしています。保存する場所を選択してください。", @@ -5706,6 +5751,7 @@ "undo2": "元に戻す" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.ctxHasRequestInProgress": "The current editor shows a file from an edit session which is still in progress", "chat.hasEditorModifications": "現在のエディターにはチャットでの変更が含まれています" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { @@ -5713,12 +5759,14 @@ "chatEditorName": "チャット" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorOverlay": { + "applyingPercentage": "{0}% Applying edits...", + "generating": "Generating edits...", "label": "ナビゲーションの状態", "nOfM": "{1} の {0}", - "tooltip_11": "1 change in 1 file", - "tooltip_1n": "1 change in {0} files", - "tooltip_n1": "{0} changes in 1 file", - "tooltip_nm": "{0} changes in {1} files" + "tooltip_11": "1 個のファイル内の 1 件の変更", + "tooltip_1n": "{0} 個のファイル内の 1 件の変更", + "tooltip_n1": "1 個のファイル内の {0} 件の変更", + "tooltip_nm": "{1} 個のファイル内の {0} 件の変更" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { "chat": "チャット", @@ -5751,8 +5799,7 @@ "miGotoDefinition": "定義に移動(&&D)", "miGotoImplementations": "実装に移動(&&I)", "miGotoReference": "参照へ移動(&&R)", - "miGotoTypeDefinition": "型定義へ移動(&&T)", - "resource": "スキームとパスを含めた、チャット アンカー リソースのすべての値" + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "型定義へ移動(&&T)" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "チャット入力、入力して質問するか、トピックに対して / を入力し、Enter キーを押して要求を送信します。チャットアクセシビリティのヘルプに {0} を使用します。", @@ -5764,17 +5811,19 @@ "chat.imageAttachment": "添付画像、{0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "@{0} に送信", "chatAddFiles": "{0} ファイルの追加...", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "The Working Set file limit has ben reached. {0} is excluded from the Woking Set. Remove other files to make space for {0}.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} files)", - "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "1 file is excluded from the Working Set.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "{0} files are excluded from the Working Set.", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "ワーキング セット ファイルの上限に達しました。{0} はワーキング セットから除外されます。その他のファイルを削除して、{0} 用の領域を作成します。", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} ファイル)", + "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "1 個のファイルがワーキング セットから除外されます。", + "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "{0} 個のファイルがワーキング セットから除外されます。", "chatEditingSession.fileLimitReached": "作業セットに追加できるファイルの最大数に達しました。", "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} 個のファイル)", "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 ファイル)", + "chatEditingSession.removeSuggested": "Remove suggestion", "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "作業セット", "chatInput": "チャット入力", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "チャット入力、ここにコードを入力し、Enter キーを押して実行します。詳細については、Chat Accessibility Help コマンドを使用してください。", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "その他..." + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "その他...", + "suggeste.title": "{0} - {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "選択した \"{0}\"", @@ -5791,7 +5840,7 @@ "usedAgent": "[[(rerun without)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "{0} を使用 [[(なしで再実行)]]" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipant.contribution": { "chat.viewContainer.label": "チャット", "chatCommand": "このコマンドが UI で参照されるときの短い名前。たとえば、問題を修正するコマンドやコードを説明するコマンドの場合は、'fix' や * 'explain' などです。この名前は、参加者が提供するコマンドの中で一意である必要があります。", "chatCommandDescription": "このコマンドの説明。", @@ -5804,7 +5853,7 @@ "chatCommandWhen": "このコマンドを有効にするために true にする必要がある条件。", "chatCommandsDescription": "このチャット参加者が使用できるコマンド。ユーザーは '/' で呼び出すことができます。", "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot の編集", - "chatFailErrorMessage": "Chat failed to load because the installed version of the {0} extension is not compatible with this version of {1}. Please ensure that the {2} extension is up to date.", + "chatFailErrorMessage": "インストールされている Copilot チャット拡張機能のバージョンにこのバージョンの {0} との互換性がないため、チャットを読み込めませんでした。Copilot チャット拡張機能が最新であることをご確認ください。", "chatParticipantDescription": "UI に表示される、このチャット参加者の説明。", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "ユーザーの質問をこのチャット参加者に自動的にルーティングするのに役立つメタデータ。", "chatParticipantDisambiguationCategory": "このカテゴリの詳細な名前 (例: `workspace_questions`、`web_questions`)。", @@ -5815,28 +5864,59 @@ "chatParticipantName": "このチャット参加者のユーザー向けの名前。ユーザーはこの名前と一緒に '@' を使用して参加者を呼び出します。名前には空白を含めないでください。", "chatParticipantWhen": "この参加者を有効にするには TRUE にする必要がある条件。", "chatSampleRequest": "ユーザーが '/help' でこの参加者をクリックすると、このテキストがこの参加者に送信されます。", - "miToggleChat": "チャット(&C)", - "miToggleEdits": "Copilot の編集(&I)", + "miToggleChat": "チャット(&&C)", + "miToggleEdits": "Copilot の編集(&&I)", "showExtension": "拡張機能の表示", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "チャット参加者を投稿する" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedAttachment.multipleLines": "{0} 行", + "pastedAttachment.oneLine": "1 行", + "pastedCodeAttachment": "貼り付けられたコードの添付ファイル", + "pastedImageAttachment": "貼り付けられた画像の添付ファイル", "pastedImageName": "貼り付けられた画像" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup.contribution": { - "hideChatSetup": "Hide {0}", - "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide {0}?", - "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore chat controls from the 'chat.commandCenter.enabled' setting.", - "installChat": "{0} のインストール", - "learnMore": "詳細情報", - "setup": "{0} のインストール", - "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Setting up Chat for you...", - "setupChatSigningIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", - "setupFooter": "By proceeding you agree to our [privacy statement]({0}).", - "setupHeader": "{0} is your AI pair programmer.", - "signInAndInstallChat": "サインインして {0} を使用する", - "signInAndSetup": "サインインして {0} を使用する", - "triggerChatSetup": "チャットのセットアップをトリガーする" + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatQuotasService": { + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached the limits of your Copilot Free plan, click for details", + "chatQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly chat messages limit, click for details", + "completionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly code completions limit, click for details", + "copilotQuotaExceeded": "Copilot Limit Reached", + "dismiss": "Dismiss", + "indicator": "Copilot Quota Indicator", + "limit reached": "Copilot Free", + "limit reset": "Your limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitReached": "Limit Reached", + "managePlan": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "out of completions": "You've run out of free code completions, but free chat responses are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of free chat responses": "You've run out of free chat responses, but free code completions are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of limits": "You've reached the limits of the Copilot Free plan.", + "simulateCopilotQuotaExceeded": "Simulate Copilot Quota Exceeded", + "upgradeChat": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "upgradeToPro": "Here's what you can expect when upgrading to Copilot Pro:\r\n- Unlimited code completions\r\n- Unlimited chat interactions\r\n- 30 day free trial" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup": { + "detectionLabel": "Allow code suggestions that [match public code]({0})", + "featureChat": "Code faster with completions and Inline Chat", + "featureEdits": "Build features and resolve bugs with Copilot Edits", + "featureExplore": "Explore your codebase with chat", + "hideChatSetup": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupButton": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide Copilot?", + "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore Copilot by running the '{0}' command.", + "limitedSkuHeader": "$(sparkle-filled) We now offer [Copilot for free]({0}).", + "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Getting Copilot Ready...", + "setupChatProgress": "Getting Copilot ready...", + "setupChatSignIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", + "setupHeader": "[Copilot]({0} 'Copilot') is your AI pair programmer.", + "signInGh": "Sign in with a GitHub.com Account", + "signInGhe": "Sign in with a GHE.com Account", + "signUp": "Sign in to Use Copilot", + "signUpFree": "Sign in to Use Copilot for Free", + "startUp": "Use Copilot", + "startUpLimited": "Use Copilot for Free", + "termsLabel": "By continuing, you agree to our [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free...", + "welcomeChat": "Welcome to Copilot" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { "chatWidget.tips": "コンテキストをアタッチするには、{0}、または {1} と入力します\r\n\r\n拡張機能を使用してチャットするには、{2}\r\n\r\nコマンドを使用するには、{3} と入力します", @@ -5849,8 +5929,8 @@ "chat.codeBlockHelp": "コード ブロック", "chat.codeBlockLabel": "コード ブロック {0}", "chat.compareCodeBlockLabel": "コードの編集", - "chat.edits.1": "[[``{0}``]] で 1 件の変更を行いました", - "chat.edits.N": "[[``{1}``]] で {0} 件の変更を行いました", + "chat.edits.1": "Applied 1 change in [[``{0}``]]", + "chat.edits.N": "Applied {0} changes in [[``{1}``]]", "chat.edits.rejected": "[[``{0}``]] での編集が拒否されました", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm": "元のファイルが変更されました。", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm.detail": "変更を適用しますか?", @@ -5866,13 +5946,14 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { "fileEntryDescription": "{0} ({1})", "installLabel": "チャット拡張機能をインストール...", - "pickFileLabel": "ファイルを選択する" + "pickFileLabel": "ファイルを選択する", + "pickSymbolLabel": "記号の選択" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "ここにチャット エージェントのホバー部分があります。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputRelatedFilesContrib": { - "relatedFile": "提案されたファイル" + "relatedFile": "{0} (Suggested)" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { "screenshot": "スクリーンショット" @@ -5880,7 +5961,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { "toolInvocationMessage": "{0} を使用" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeHandler": { "chatViewsWelcome.content": "ウェルカム メッセージの内容。最初のコマンド リンクはボタンとして表示されます。", "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "ウェルカム メッセージのアイコン。", "chatViewsWelcome.title": "ウェルカム メッセージのタイトル。", @@ -5917,12 +5998,6 @@ "chatResponseFiltered": "サーバーによってチャット応答がフィルターで除外された場合は True です。", "chatResponseSupportsIssueReporting": "現在のチャット応答で問題の報告がサポートされている場合は True です。", "chatSessionResponseDetectedAgentOrCommand": "エージェントまたはコマンドが自動的に検出されたとき", - "chatSetupEntitled": "サインインした資格のあるユーザーに対してチャットのセットアップが提供される場合は true。", - "chatSetupInstalled": "True when the chat extension is installed.", - "chatSetupInstalling": "チャットのセットアップでチャットをインストールする場合は true。", - "chatSetupSignedIn": "サインインしたユーザーに対してチャットのセットアップが提供される場合は true。", - "chatSetupSigningIn": "チャットのセットアップがサインインを待機している場合は true。", - "chatSetupTriggered": "チャットのセットアップがトリガーされた場合は true。", "inChat": "フォーカスがチャット ウィジェットにある場合は True、それ以外の場合は False です。", "inInteractiveInput": "フォーカスがチャット入力にある場合は True、それ以外の場合は False です。", "inQuickChat": "クイック チャット UI にフォーカスがある場合は true、それ以外の場合は false。", @@ -5952,7 +6027,8 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.languageModels.whitespaceVendor": "ベンダー フィールドの先頭または末尾を空白にすることはできません。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelStats": { - "Language Models": "言語モデル", + "Language Models": "Copilot", + "chat": "チャット", "languageModels": "この拡張機能の言語モデルの使用状況の統計情報。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { @@ -6672,6 +6748,7 @@ "findExtension": "{0} 拡張機能の検索(&&F)", "installExt": "拡張機能をインストールする...", "installLanguage": "{0} の拡張機能のインストール...", + "moreOptionsForDebugType": "その他 {0} 個のオプション...", "selectDebug": "デバッガーの選択", "suggestedDebuggers": "提案", "suppressMultipleSessionWarning": "同じデバッグ構成を複数回起動しようとしたときの警告を無効にしました。" @@ -7037,7 +7114,6 @@ "allDebuggersDisabled": "すべてのデバッグ拡張機能が無効になっています。デバッグ拡張機能を有効にするか、Marketplace から新しい拡張機能をインストールします。", "customizeRunAndDebug": "実行とデバッグをカスタマイズするには、[launch.json ファイルを作成します](command:{0})。", "customizeRunAndDebugOpenFolder": "実行とデバッグをカスタマイズするには、[フォルダーを開いた](command:{0})後、launch.json ファイルを作成します。", - "detectThenRunAndDebug": "すべての自動デバッグ構成を表示", "openAFileWhichCanBeDebugged": "デバッグまたは実行可能な[ファイルを開きます](command:{0})。", "run": "実行", "runAndDebugAction": "実行とデバッグ" @@ -7057,6 +7133,7 @@ "breakpointWidgetVisibile": "ブレークポイント エディター ゾーン ウィジェットが表示されている場合は True、それ以外の場合は False です。", "breakpointsExist": "ブレークポイントが少なくとも 1 つ存在する場合は True です。", "breakpointsFocused": "[ブレークポイント] ビューがフォーカスされている場合は True、それ以外の場合は False です。", + "callStackFocused": "[コールスタック] ビューがフォーカスされている場合は True、それ以外の場合は False です。", "callStackItemStopped": "コール スタック内のフォーカスがある項目が停止しているとき、true になります。コール スタック ビューのインライン メニューで内部的に使用されます。", "callStackItemType": "[呼び出し履歴] ビュー内のフォーカスされた要素の項目の種類を表します。例: 'session'、'thread'、'stackFrame'", "callStackSessionHasOneThread": "コール スタック ビュー内のフォーカスがあるセッションにスレッドが 1 つだけ含まれているとき、true になります。コール スタック ビューのインライン メニューで内部的に使用されます。", @@ -7325,10 +7402,10 @@ "errors": "キャッチできない {0} 個のエラーが検出されました", "extensionActivating": "拡張機能をアクティブ化しています...", "languageActivation": "{0} ファイルを開いたため、{1} によってアクティブ化されました", - "requests count": "{0} 件の要求: '{1}' (全体)", + "requests count": "{0} の使用状況: {1} 件のリクエスト", "requests count title": "最後の要求は {0} でした。", "runtimeExtensions": "ランタイム拡張機能", - "session requests count": "、{0} (セッション)", + "session requests count": "、{0} 件のリクエスト (セッション)", "showRuntimeExtensions": "実行中の拡張機能の表示", "starActivation": "起動時に {0} によってアクティブ化されました", "startupFinishedActivation": "起動が完了した後に {0} によってアクティブ化されました", @@ -7401,16 +7478,15 @@ "accessExtensionFeature": "'{0}' 機能を有効にする", "activation": "アクティブ化", "cancel": "キャンセル", + "chartDescription": "過去 30 日間にこの拡張機能からの要求が {0} {1} 件ありました。", "disableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "'{1}' 機能にアクセスするために '{0}' 拡張機能を取り消しますか?", "enable": "アクセスを許可", "enableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "'{0}' 拡張機能に '{1}' 機能へのアクセスを許可しますか?", "extension features list": "拡張機能の機能", "grant": "アクセスを許可", - "last request": "最後の要求: '{0}'", + "label": "{0} の使用状況", "messaages": "メッセージ ({0})", "noFeatures": "提供された機能はありません。", - "requests count session": "要求 (セッション) : '{0}'", - "requests count total": "要求 (全体): '{0}'", "revoke": "アクセスの取り消し", "revoked": "アクセスなし", "runtime": "ランタイムの状態", @@ -7461,6 +7537,7 @@ "enabled filter": "有効", "extension": "拡張子", "extension updates filter": "更新情報", + "extension.publisher.allow.description": "公開元からのすべての拡張機能を許可または不許可にします。", "extensionInfoDescription": "説明: {0}", "extensionInfoId": "ID: {0}", "extensionInfoName": "名前: {0}", @@ -7470,11 +7547,25 @@ "extensionUpdates": "拡張機能の更新を表示", "extensions": "拡張機能", "extensions.affinity": "別の拡張機能ホスト プロセスで実行するように拡張機能を構成します。", + "extensions.allow.all.description": "すべての拡張機能を許可または不許可にします。", + "extensions.allow.all.disable": "すべての拡張機能を不許可にします。", + "extensions.allow.all.enable": "すべての拡張機能を許可します。", + "extensions.allow.description": "拡張機能を許可または不許可にします。", + "extensions.allow.version.description": "特定のバージョンの拡張機能を許可または不許可にします。プラットフォーム固有のバージョンを特定するには、形式 `platform@1.2.3`, e.g. `win32-x64@1.2.3` を使用します。サポートされているプラットフォームは、`win32-x64`、`win32-arm64`、`linux-x64`、`linux-arm64`、`linux-armhf`、`alpine-x64`、`alpine-arm64`、`darwin-x64`、`darwin-arm64` です", + "extensions.allowed": "Specify a list of extensions that are allowed to use. This helps maintain a secure and consistent development environment by restricting the use of unauthorized extensions. For more information on how to configure this setting, please visit the [Configure Allowed Extensions](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/enterprise#_configure-allowed-extensions) section.", + "extensions.allowed.all": "すべての拡張機能が許可されていません。", + "extensions.allowed.disable.desc": "拡張機能は許可されていません。", + "extensions.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "拡張機能の安定したバージョンのみを許可します。", + "extensions.allowed.enable.desc": "拡張機能が許可されています。", + "extensions.allowed.none": "拡張機能は許可されていません。", "extensions.autoUpdate": "拡張機能の自動更新の動作を制御します。更新プログラムは、Microsoft オンライン サービスからフェッチされます。", "extensions.autoUpdate.enabled": "有効にした拡張機能に対してのみ、更新プログラムを自動的にダウンロードしてインストールします。", "extensions.autoUpdate.false": "拡張機能は自動的には更新されません。", "extensions.autoUpdate.true": "すべての拡張機能の更新プログラムを自動的にダウンロードしてインストールします。", "extensions.gallery.useUnpkgResourceApi": "有効にすると、更新する拡張機能が Unpkg サービスからフェッチされます。", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.desc": "発行元からのすべての拡張機能が許可されていません。", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "発行元からの安定したバージョンの拡張機能のみを許可します。", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.enable.desc": "発行元からのすべての拡張機能が許可されています。", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces": "拡張機能の信頼されていないワークペースのサポートをオーバーライドします。`true` を使用する拡張機能は常に有効になります。`limited` を使用する拡張機能は常に有効になり、信頼を必要とする機能は拡張子により非表示にされます。`false` を使用している拡張機能は、ワークスペースが信頼されている場合にのみ有効になります。", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.false": "拡張機能は、ワークスペースが信頼されている場合にのみ有効になります。", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.limited": "拡張機能は常に有効になり、信頼が必要な機能は非表示にされます。", @@ -7485,6 +7576,7 @@ "extensions.verifySignature": "有効にすると、拡張機能はインストールされる前に署名されているかどうか検証されます。", "extensionsCheckUpdates": "有効にした場合、拡張機能の更新を自動的に確認します。拡張機能に更新がある場合は、拡張機能ビューで古くなった拡張機能として表示されます。更新は Microsoft オンライン サービスから取得されます。", "extensionsCloseExtensionDetailsOnViewChange": "有効にした場合、拡張機能の詳細を表示したエディターは拡張機能ビューから移動すると自動的に閉じられるようになります。", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "拡張機能", "extensionsDeferredStartupFinishedActivation": "有効にすると、タイムアウト後に `onStartupFinished` アクティブ化イベントを宣言する拡張機能がアクティブ化されます。", "extensionsIgnoreRecommendations": "有効にした場合、拡張機能の推奨事項の通知を表示しません。", "extensionsInQuickAccess": "有効にすると、クイック アクセスを使用して拡張機能を検索し、そこから問題を報告できます。", @@ -7556,6 +7648,7 @@ "workbench.extensions.action.configureKeybindings": "キーボード ショートカット", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtension": "コピーする", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtensionId": "拡張機能 ID のコピー", + "workbench.extensions.action.copyLink": "リンクのコピー", "workbench.extensions.action.ignoreRecommendation": "推奨事項を無視する", "workbench.extensions.action.removeExtensionFromWorkspaceRecommendations": "ワークスペースの推奨事項から削除する", "workbench.extensions.action.toggleApplyToAllProfiles": "すべてのプロファイルに拡張機能を適用する", @@ -7614,6 +7707,7 @@ "disableGloballyAction": "無効にする", "disableGloballyActionToolTip": "この拡張機能を無効にする", "disabled": "無効", + "disabled - not allowed": "{0} のため、この拡張機能は無効になっています", "disabled because of virtual workspace": "この拡張機能は、仮想ワークスペースをサポートしていないため、無効になっています。", "disabled by environment": "この拡張機能は環境に従って無効化されています。", "do not sync": "この拡張機能を同期しないでください", @@ -7836,6 +7930,7 @@ "no local extensions": "インストールする拡張機能はありません。", "offline error": "オフライン時にマーケットプレースを検索できません。ネットワーク接続を確認してください。", "open user settings": "ユーザー設定を開く", + "showingExtensionsForFeature": "Extensions using {0} in the last 30 days", "suggestProxyError": "Marketplace から 'ECONNREFUSED' が返されました。'http.proxy' 設定をご確認ください。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/extensionsWidgets": { @@ -7845,6 +7940,8 @@ "extensionIconStarForeground": "拡張機能の評価のアイコンの色。", "extensionIconVerifiedForeground": "拡張機能の確認済みの発行元のアイコンの色。", "extensionPreReleaseForeground": "プレリリース拡張機能のアイコンの色。", + "feature access label": "{0} 件のリクエスト", + "feature usage label": "{0} の使用状況", "has prerelease": "この拡張子には利用可能な {0} があります", "local extension": "ローカル拡張機能", "message": "1 個のメッセージ", @@ -7856,6 +7953,7 @@ "sponsor": "スポンサー", "startup": "スタートアップ", "syncingore.label": "同期中はこの拡張機能が無視されます。", + "total": "過去 30 日間の合計リクエスト数: {0} {1}", "uncaught error": "キャッチできない 1 個のエラーが検出されました", "uncaught errors": "キャッチできない {0} 個のエラーが検出されました", "updateRequired": "最新バージョン:", @@ -7873,11 +7971,13 @@ "deprecated extensions": "非推奨の拡張機能が検出されました。これらを確認し、代替手段に移行します。", "disable all": "すべて無効にする", "disableDependents": "依存関係を伴う拡張機能の無効化", - "disallowed": "This extension is disallowed to be installed.", - "download": "Download", + "disallowed": "この拡張機能のインストールは許可されていません。", + "disallowed extensions": "Some extensions are disabled because they are configured not to be allowed.", + "disallowed extensions by policy": "Some extensions are disabled because they are not allowed by your system administrator.", + "download": "ダウンロード", "download title": "VSIX をダウンロードするフォルダーの選択", "download.completed": "VSIX が正常にダウンロードされました", - "downloading...": "Downlading VSIX...", + "downloading...": "VSIX をダウンロードしています...", "enable locally": "この拡張機能をローカルで有効にするには、{0} してください。", "enable remote": "{1} でこの拡張機能を有効にするには、{0} してください。", "enableButtonLabel": "拡張機能の有効化(&&E)", @@ -7886,6 +7986,7 @@ "enableExtensionTitle": "拡張機能の有効化", "extension not found": "拡張機能 '{0}' が見つかりませんでした。", "extensionsAutoRestart": "更新を有効にするために拡張機能が自動的に再起動されました。", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "拡張機能", "incompatible": "'{0}' 拡張機能は互換性がないため、インストールできません。", "incompatibleExtensions": "バージョンの互換性がないため、一部の拡張機能が無効になっています。これらを確認して更新します。", "installButtonLabel": "拡張機能のインストール(&&I)", @@ -7899,12 +8000,12 @@ "malicious": "この拡張機能は問題ありと報告されました。", "multipleDependentsError": "'{0}' 拡張機能のみを無効にすることはできません。'{1}'、'{2}'、その他の拡張機能がこれに依存しています。これらの拡張機能をすべて無効にしますか?", "multipleDependentsUninstallError": "'{0}' 拡張機能のみをアンインストールできません。'{1}'、'{2}' とその他の拡張機能はこれに依存しています。これらの拡張機能をすべてアンインストールしますか?", - "not an extension": "The provided object is not an extension.", + "not an extension": "指定されたオブジェクトは拡張機能ではありません。", "not found": "拡張機能 '{0}' が見つからないため、インストールできません。", "not found version": "拡張機能 '{0}' をインストールできません。要求されたバージョン '{1}' が見つかりません。", - "not signed": "This extension is not signed.", + "not signed": "この拡張機能は署名されていません。", "open": "拡張機能を開く", - "platform placeholder": "Please select the platform for which you want to download the VSIX", + "platform placeholder": "VSIX をダウンロードするプラットフォームを選択してください", "postDisableTooltip": "この拡張機能を無効にするには、{0} してください。", "postEnableTooltip": "この拡張機能を有効にするには、{0} してください。", "postUninstallTooltip": "この拡張機能のアンインストールを完了するには、{0} してください。", @@ -7936,6 +8037,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/workspaceRecommendations": { "workspaceRecommendation": "この拡張機能は、現在のワークスペースのユーザーによって推奨されています。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensions": { + "extensions": "拡張機能" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensionsFileTemplate": { "app.extension.identifier.errorMessage": "予期される形式 '${publisher}.${name}'。例: 'vscode.csharp'。", "app.extensions.json.recommendations": "このワークスペースのユーザーに推奨する拡張機能のリスト。拡張機能の ID は常に '${publisher}.${name}' です。例: 'vscode.csharp'。", @@ -8548,8 +8652,14 @@ "welcome.2": "準備しています..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { - "inlineChatExpansion": "入力した行の末尾でインライン チャットの展開を有効になっているかどうか", - "startWithCurrentLine": "現在の行でエディターを起動" + "defaultTitle": "チャット", + "disableHint": "インライン チャットのヒントを無効にする", + "hideHint": "インライン チャットのヒントを非表示にする", + "inlineChatShowingHint": "インライン チャットにコンテキスト ヒントが表示されるかどうか", + "showHint": "インライン チャットのヒントを表示する", + "startWithCurrentLine": "現在の行でエディターを起動", + "title1": "{0} して {1} で続行する", + "title2": "{0} して {1} を使用して編集する" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { "config": "AI によって生成された変更を確認せずに常に保存する", @@ -8574,6 +8684,7 @@ "accessibleDiffView.on": "アクセシビリティの高い差分ビューアーは常に有効です。", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatInserted": "インライン チャットが挿入されたコンテンツの概要ルーラー マーカーの色。", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatRemoved": "インライン チャットが削除されたコンテンツの概要ルーラー マーカーの色。", + "emptyLineHint": "空の行にインライン チャットでコードを生成するためのヒントを表示するかどうか。", "finishOnType": "変更されたリージョン外で入力するときにインライン チャット セッションを終了するかどうか。", "holdToSpeech": "インライン チャット キー バインドを保持すると、音声認識が自動的に有効になるかどうか。", "inlineChat.background": "対話型エディター ウィジェットの背景色", @@ -8605,6 +8716,7 @@ "inlineChatResponseTypes": "受信した応答の種類、まだ何もない、メッセージのみ、またはメッセージとして送信されたローカルの編集", "inlineChatUserDidEdit": "ユーザーがインライン チャットの上部で変更を行ったかどうか", "inlineChatVisible": "対話型エディター入力が表示されているかどうか", + "lineSuffixHint": "Whether a hint to complete a line with inline chat is shown. Only shows when at the end of a line that is dominated by natural language, like `class Person with name and hobbies`", "mode": "インライン チャットで作成された変更をドキュメントに直接適用するか、最初にプレビューするかを構成します。", "mode.live": "変更はドキュメントに直接適用されますが、インライン差分を介して強調表示し、チャンク単位で受け入れ/破棄できます。セッションを終了しても変更は保持されます。", "mode.preview": "変更はプレビューのみであり、適用ボタンを使用して承認する必要があります。セッションを終了すると、変更は破棄されます。" @@ -9408,8 +9520,7 @@ "notebookActions.chatFixCellError": "セル エラーの修正" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellDiagnostics/diagnosticCellStatusBarContrib": { - "notebook.cell.status.explain": "チャットで説明する", - "notebook.cell.status.fix": "インライン チャットで修正" + "notebook.cell.status.diagnostic": "クイック操作 {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/executionStatusBarItemController": { "notebook.cell.status.executing": "実行中", @@ -9417,7 +9528,8 @@ "notebook.cell.status.pending": "保留中", "notebook.cell.status.success": "成功", "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip": "**前回の実行** {0}\r\n\r\n**実行時間** {1}\r\n\r\n**オーバーヘッド時間** {2}\r\n\r\n**レンダリング時間**\r\n\r\n{3}", - "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "上記のリンクを使用して、問題のレポーターを使用して問題を提出します。" + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "上記のリンクを使用して、問題のレポーターを使用して問題を提出します。", + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerVerbose": "Last Execution: {0}, Duration: {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/statusBarProviders": { "notebook.cell.status.autoDetectLanguage": "検出された言語を承諾する: {0}", @@ -9775,6 +9887,9 @@ "insertToolbarLocation.notebookToolbar": "ノートブック エディターの上部にあるツールバー。", "notebook.VariablesView.description": "デバッグ パネル内で実験的なノートブック変数ビューを有効にします。", "notebook.backup.sizeLimit": "ノートブック ファイルがホット リロードの用にバックアップされなくなるノートブック出力サイズの制限 (KB 単位)。無制限の場合は 0 を使用します。", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.default.description": "The cell execution duration is visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.description": "Controls the verbosity of the cell execution time in the cell status bar.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.verbose.description": "The cell last execution timestamp and duration are visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", "notebook.cellFailureDiagnostics": "セル エラーの使用可能な診断を表示します。", "notebook.cellGenerate": "インライン チャットを有効にしてコード セルを作成するための実験用の生成アクションを有効にします。", "notebook.cellToolbarLocation.description": "セルのツールバーを表示するか非表示にするかどうか。", @@ -12654,8 +12769,8 @@ "suggest.builtinCompletions": "アクティブ化される組み込みの入力候補を制御します。カスタム シェル入力候補がシェル プロファイルで構成されている場合、この設定によって競合が発生する可能性があります。", "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshCode": "カスタム PowerShell 引数 completers は、VS Codeの 'code' および 'code-insiders' CLI に登録されます。これは現在非常に基本的であり、コンテキストを確認せずにフラグとサブコマンドを常に提案します。", "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshGit": "カスタム PowerShell 引数 completers が 'git' CLI に登録されます。", - "suggest.enableExtensionCompletions": "Controls whether extension completions are enabled.", - "suggest.enabled": "Enables experimental terminal Intellisense suggestions for supported shells ({0}) when {1} is set to {2}.\r\n\r\nIf shell integration is installed manually, {3} needs to be set to {4} before calling the shell integration script. \r\n\r\nFor extension provided completions, {5} will also need to be set.", + "suggest.enableExtensionCompletions": "拡張機能の入力候補を有効にするかどうかを制御します。", + "suggest.enabled": "{1} が {2} に設定されている場合、サポートされているシェル ({0}) の試験的なターミナル IntelliSense 候補が有効になります。\r\n\r\nシェル統合を手動でインストールする場合は、シェル統合スクリプトを呼び出す前に、{3} を {4} に設定する必要があります。\r\n\r\n拡張機能から提供された入力候補では、{5} も設定する必要があります。", "suggest.quickSuggestions": "入力中に候補を自動的に表示するかどうかを制御します。また、提案が特殊文字によってトリガーされるかどうかを制御する {0}-設定にも注意してください。", "suggest.runOnEnter": "`Enter` キー (`タブ` ではない) を使用して結果を承諾するときに候補をすぐに実行するかどうかを制御します。", "suggest.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": "トリガー文字の入力時に候補が自動的に表示されるようにするかどうかを制御します。" @@ -12888,7 +13003,8 @@ "testingCountBadgePassed": "成功したテスト: {0} 件", "testingCountBadgeSkipped": "スキップされたテスト: {0} 件", "testingFindExtension": "ワークスペースの表示テスト", - "testingNoTest": "このファイルにはテストが見つかりませんでした。" + "testingNoTest": "このファイルにはテストが見つかりませんでした。", + "testingSelectConfig": "構成の選択..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "閉じる", @@ -13067,6 +13183,11 @@ "testError": "テストを実行しようとしてエラーが発生しました: {0}", "testTrust": "テストを実行すると、ワークスペースでコードが実行される可能性があります。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/testTypes": { + "testing.runProfileBitset.coverage": "カバレッジ", + "testing.runProfileBitset.debug": "デバッグ", + "testing.runProfileBitset.run": "実行" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/themes/browser/themes.contribution": { "browseColorThemeInMarketPlace.label": "Marketplace で色のテーマを参照する", "browseColorThemes": "その他の色のテーマを参照...", @@ -13656,7 +13777,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { "getStarted": "ようこそ", - "walkthroughPageTitle": "チュートリアル:" + "walkthroughPageTitle": "チュートリアル: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "ビルトイン", @@ -13674,6 +13795,7 @@ "browsePopularWeb": "人気の Web 拡張機能の閲覧", "cloneRepo": "リポジトリのクローン", "commandPalette": "コマンド パレットを開く", + "copilotTerms": "By continuing, you agree to Copilot [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", "enableSync": "バックアップと同期の設定", "enableTrust": "信頼を有効にする", "getting-started-beginner-icon": "ウェルカム ページの初心者カテゴリに使用されるアイコン", @@ -13695,6 +13817,8 @@ "gettingStarted.commandPalette.title": "コマンド パレットを使用して生産性を高める ", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.description.interpolated": "マウスに接続せずにコマンドを実行して、VS Code のタスクを完了します。\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.title": "コマンド パレットを使用して生産性を高める", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.description": "Write code faster and smarter with [Copilot]({0}) for free.", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.title": "Use AI features with Copilot for free", "gettingStarted.debug.description.interpolated": "起動構成を設定して、編集、ビルド、テスト、デバッグのループを高速化します。\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.debug.title": "動作中のコードを監視する", "gettingStarted.extensions.description.interpolated": "拡張機能により、VS Code が強化されます。生産性を上げる便利なコツから、すぐに使える機能の拡張、まったく新しい機能の追加まで、多岐に渡ります。\r\n{0}", @@ -13789,6 +13913,9 @@ "quickOpen": "ファイルをすばやく開く", "runProject": "プロジェクトの実行", "runTasks": "自動検出されたタスクの実行", + "setupCopilotButton.chatWithCopilot": "Chat with Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.setup": "Setup Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.signIn": "Sign in to use Copilot", "showOrFocusHover": "[表示またはフォーカス] ホバー", "showTerminal": "ターミナルを開く", "titleID": "色のテーマを参照する", @@ -14046,6 +14173,7 @@ "menus.explorerContextShare": "エクスプローラーのコンテキスト メニューの '共有' サブメニュー", "menus.extensionContext": "拡張機能のコンテキスト メニュー", "menus.historyItemContext": "ソース管理履歴項目のコンテキスト メニュー", + "menus.historyItemRefContext": "ソース管理履歴項目の参照コンテキスト メニュー", "menus.home": "ホーム インジケーターのコンテキスト メニュー (Web のみ)", "menus.input": "ソース管理の入力ボックス メニュー", "menus.mergeEditorResult": "マージ エディターの結果ツール バー", @@ -14350,6 +14478,7 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/browser/extensionEnablementService": { "Reload": "拡張機能を再度読み込んで有効にする", "cannot change disablement environment": "{0} の拡張機能を有効化する設定は変更できません。なぜなら、環境に従って無効化されているからです", + "cannot change disallowed extension enablement": "{0} 拡張機能は許可されていないため、有効化を変更できません", "cannot change enablement dependency": "\"{0}\" 拡張機能は有効化できません。なぜなら、有効化できない \"{1}\" 拡張機能に依存しているためです", "cannot change enablement environment": "{0} の拡張機能を有効化する設定は変更できません。なぜなら、環境に従って有効化されているからです", "cannot change enablement extension kind": "拡張機能の種類により、{0} 拡張機能の有効化を変更できません", @@ -14371,9 +14500,6 @@ "allow": "許可", "disallow": "許可しない" }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { - "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "拡張機能" - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementServerService": { "browser": "ブラウザー", "remote": "リモート" @@ -14403,11 +14529,6 @@ "singleDependentError": "拡張機能 '{0}' をアンインストールできません。拡張機能 '{1}' がこの拡張機能に依存しています。", "twoDependentsError": "拡張機能 '{0}' をアンインストールできません。拡張機能 '{1}' と '{2}' がこの拡張機能に依存しています。" }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/webExtensionManagementService": { - "VS Code for Web": "Web 版の {0}", - "learn why": "理由をご確認ください", - "not web tooltip": "'{0}' 拡張機能は {1} では使用できません。" - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/extensionManagementServerService": { "local": "LOCAL", "remote": "リモート" diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index 64e9fd6e07..31efab2ccc 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ "Conflict: Deleted By Us": "충돌: 자체 삭제", "Continue Rebase": "계속 기준 다시 지정", "Continuing Rebase...": "기준 주소 다시 지정을 계속하는 중...", + "Copy Commit Hash": "커밋 해시 복사", "Could not clone your repository as Git is not installed.": "Git이 설치되지 않아 저장소를 복제할 수 없습니다.", "Create Empty Commit": "빈 커밋 만들기", "Current": "현재", @@ -112,10 +113,11 @@ "File \"{0}\" was deleted by us and modified by them.\n\nWhat would you like to do?": "“{0}” 파일을 Microsoft가 삭제하고 다른 사용자가 수정했습니다.\n\n원하는 작업을 선택하세요.", "Force Checkout": "강제 체크 아웃", "Force push is not allowed, please enable it with the \"git.allowForcePush\" setting.": "강제 푸시가 허용되지 않습니다. \"git.allowForcePush\" 설정으로 사용하도록 설정하세요.", - "Git Blame Information": "Git Blame Information", + "Git Blame Information": "Git 원인 정보", "Git History": "Git 기록", "Git error": "Git 오류", - "Git local working changes": "Git 로컬 작업 변경 내용", + "Git local changes (working tree + index)": "Git 로컬 변경 내용(작업 트리 + 인덱스)", + "Git local changes (working tree)": "Git 로컬 변경 내용(작업 트리)", "Git not found. Install it or configure it using the \"git.path\" setting.": "Git을 찾을 수 없습니다. “git.path”를 사용하여 Git을 설치하거나 구성합니다.", "Git repositories were found in the parent folders of the workspace or the open file(s). Would you like to open the repositories?": "작업 영역의 부모 폴더 또는 열린 파일에서 Git 리포지토리를 찾았습니다. 리포지토리를 열까요?", "Git: {0}": "Git: {0}", @@ -415,6 +417,7 @@ "command.branchFrom": "타 분기에서 새 분기 만들기...", "command.checkout": "다음으로 체크 아웃...", "command.checkoutDetached": "체크 아웃(분리됨)...", + "command.checkoutRef": "체크 아웃", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "체크 아웃(분리됨)", "command.cherryPick": "cherry-pick...", "command.cherryPickAbort": "Cherry Pick 중단", @@ -553,7 +556,9 @@ "config.autofetchPeriod": "#git.autofetch#가 사용되는 경우 각 자동 git fetch 사이의 시간(초)입니다.", "config.autorefresh": "자동 새로 고침을 사용할지 여부입니다.", "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "편집기 장식을 사용하여 편집기에서 git 블레임 정보를 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다.", - "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "상태 표시줄에 git 블레임 정보를 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.template": "블레임 정보 편집기 장식의 템플릿입니다. 지원되는 변수:\r\n\r\n* `hash`: 커밋 해시\r\n\r\n* 'hashShort': 커밋 해시의 처음 8자\r\n\r\n* 'subject': 커밋 메시지의 첫 줄\r\n\r\n* 'authorName': 작성자 이름\r\n\r\n* 'authorEmail': 작성자 이메일\r\n\r\n* 'authorDate': 작성자 날짜\r\n\r\n* 'authorDateAgo': 현재 날짜와 작성자 날짜 간의 시간 차이\r\n\r\n", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "상태 표시줄에 블레임 정보를 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다.", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.template": "블레임 정보 상태 표시줄 항목에 대한 템플릿입니다. 지원되는 변수:\r\n\r\n* `hash`: 커밋 해시\r\n\r\n* 'hashShort': 커밋 해시의 처음 8자\r\n\r\n* 'subject': 커밋 메시지의 첫 줄\r\n\r\n* 'authorName': 작성자 이름\r\n\r\n* 'authorEmail': 작성자 이메일\r\n\r\n* 'authorDate': 작성자 날짜\r\n\r\n* 'authorDateAgo': 현재 날짜와 작성자 날짜 간의 시간 차이\r\n\r\n", "config.branchPrefix": "새 브랜치를 만들 때 사용되는 접두사입니다.", "config.branchProtection": "보호된 브랜치 목록입니다. 기본적으로 변경 내용이 보호된 브랜치에 커밋되기 전에 프롬프트가 표시됩니다. 프롬프트는 '#git.branchProtectionPrompt#' 설정을 사용하여 제어할 수 있습니다.", "config.branchProtectionPrompt": "변경 내용이 보호된 분기에 커밋되기 전에 프롬프트가 표시되는지 여부를 제어합니다.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json index 0b10505faf..7d643cf658 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "$ref '{0}' in '{1}' can not be resolved.": "'{1}'의 $ref '{0}'을(를) 확인할 수 없습니다.", "": "", "A default value. Used by suggestions.": "기본값입니다. 제안에서 사용됩니다.", - "A descriptive title of the element.": "요소에 대한 설명이 포함된 제목입니다.", - "A long description of the element. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "요소에 대한 자세한 설명입니다. 가리킨 항목 메뉴 및 제안에 사용됩니다.", + "A descriptive title of the schema.": "A descriptive title of the schema.", + "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.", "A map of property names to either an array of property names or a schema. An array of property names means the property named in the key depends on the properties in the array being present in the object in order to be valid. If the value is a schema, then the schema is only applied to the object if the property in the key exists on the object.": "속성 이름 배열 또는 스키마에 대한 속성 이름 맵입니다. 속성 이름의 배열은 키에 이름이 지정된 속성이 유효하기 위해 개체에 있는 배열의 속성에 종속됨을 의미합니다. 값이 스키마이면 키의 속성이 개체에 있는 경우에만 스키마가 개체에 적용됩니다.", "A map of property names to schemas for each property.": "각 속성의 스키마에 대한 속성 이름 맵입니다.", "A map of regular expressions on property names to schemas for matching properties.": "일치하는 속성의 스키마에 대한 속성 이름의 정규식 맵입니다.", @@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ "Configured in workspace settings": "작업 영역 설정에 구성됨", "Default value": "기본값", "Describes the content encoding of a string property.": "문자열 속성의 콘텐츠 인코딩을 설명합니다.", - "Describes the format expected for the value.": "값에 필요한 형식을 설명합니다.", + "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation": "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation", "Describes the media type of a string property.": "문자열 속성의 미디어 유형을 설명합니다.", "Downloading schemas is disabled through setting '{0}'": "'{0}' 설정을 통해 스키마 다운로드를 사용하지 않도록 설정함", "Downloading schemas is disabled. Click to configure.": "스키마 다운로드를 사용할 수 없습니다. 구성하려면 클릭하세요.", "Draft-03 schemas are not supported.": "Draft-03 스키마는 지원되지 않습니다.", "Duplicate anchor declaration: '{0}'": "앵커 선언 중복: '{0}'", "Duplicate object key": "중복된 개체 키", - "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, then used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties' or 'patternProperties'. If false, then any properties not matched by either will cause this schema to fail.": "스키마 또는 부울입니다. 스키마인 경우 'properties' 또는 'patternProperties'와 일치하지 않는 모든 속성의 유효성을 검사하는 데 사용됩니다. false이면 둘 중 하나와 일치하지 않는 속성이 있으면 이 스키마가 실패하게 됩니다.", + "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.": "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.", "Either a string of one of the basic schema types (number, integer, null, array, object, boolean, string) or an array of strings specifying a subset of those types.": "기본 스키마 형식(숫자, 정수, null, 배열, 개체, 부울, 문자열) 중 하나의 문자열 또는 이러한 형식의 하위 집합을 지정하는 문자열의 배열입니다.", "End of file expected.": "파일의 끝이 필요합니다.", "Expected a JSON object, array or literal.": "JSON 개체, 배열 또는 리터럴이 필요합니다.", @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ "Expected comma or closing brace": "쉼표 또는 닫는 중괄호 필요", "Expected comma or closing bracket": "쉼표 또는 닫는 대괄호 필요", "Failed to sort the JSONC document, please consider opening an issue.": "JSONC 문서를 정렬하지 못했습니다. 문제를 여는 것이 좋습니다.", - "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If it is a schema, then this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items array. If it is false, then additional items will cause validation to fail.": "배열의 경우 항목이 배열로 설정된 경우에만 적용됩니다. 스키마인 경우 이 스키마는 항목 배열에서 지정한 항목 뒤에 있는 항목의 유효성을 검사합니다. false이면 추가 항목으로 인해 유효성 검사가 실패합니다.", + "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.": "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.", "For arrays. Can either be a schema to validate every element against or an array of schemas to validate each item against in order (the first schema will validate the first element, the second schema will validate the second element, and so on.": "배열의 경우입니다. 모든 요소의 유효성을 검사할 대상 스키마이거나 각 항목의 유효성을 검사할 대상 스키마 배열일 수 있습니다. 첫 번째 스키마는 첫 번째 요소의 유효성을 검사하고, 두 번째 스키마는 두 번째 요소의 유효성을 검사하는 순서입니다.", "If all of the items in the array must be unique. Defaults to false.": "배열의 모든 항목이 고유해야 하는 경우입니다. 기본값은 false입니다.", "If the instance is an object, this keyword validates if every property name in the instance validates against the provided schema.": "인스턴스가 개체인 경우 이 키워드는 인스턴스의 모든 속성 이름이 제공된 스키마에 대해 유효성을 검사하는지 확인합니다.", @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ "String is not an e-mail address.": "문자열이 이메일 주소가 아닙니다.", "String is shorter than the minimum length of {0}.": "문자열이 최소 길이 {0}보다 짧습니다.", "The \"else\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema fails.": "\"else\" 하위 스키마는 \"if\" 하위 스키마가 실패할 때 유효성 검사에 사용됩니다.", - "The \"if\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "\"if\" 하위 스키마는 \"if\" 하위 스키마가 성공하는 경우 유효성 검사에 사용됩니다.", + "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.", "The maximum length of a string.": "문자열의 최대 길이입니다.", "The maximum number of items that can be inside an array. Inclusive.": "배열 내에 있을 수 있는 최대 항목 수입니다. 명시한 수를 포함합니다.", "The maximum number of properties an object can have. Inclusive.": "개체가 가질 수 있는 최대 속성 수입니다. 명시한 숫자를 포함합니다.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index 69fc667b73..c5070eb33c 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -34,16 +34,16 @@ "Follow link": "링크로 이동", "Go to link definition": "링크 정의로 이동", "Header does not exist in file: {0}": "헤더가 파일에 없습니다. {0}", - "Insert Markdown Audio": "Insert Markdown Audio", + "Insert Markdown Audio": "Markdown 오디오 삽입", "Insert Markdown Image": "Markdown 이미지 삽입", "Insert Markdown Images": "Markdown 이미지 삽입", "Insert Markdown Images and Links": "Markdown 이미지 및 링크 삽입", "Insert Markdown Link": "Markdown 링크 삽입", "Insert Markdown Links": "Markdown 링크 삽입", "Insert Markdown Media": "Markdown 미디어 삽입", - "Insert Markdown Media and Images": "Insert Markdown Media and Images", + "Insert Markdown Media and Images": "Markdown 미디어 및 이미지 삽입", "Insert Markdown Media and Links": "Markdown 미디어 및 링크 삽입", - "Insert Markdown Video": "Insert Markdown Video", + "Insert Markdown Video": "Markdown 비디오 삽입", "Insert image": "이미지 삽입", "Insert link": "링크 삽입", "Link definition for '{0}' already exists": "'{0}'에 대한 링크 정의가 이미 있습니다.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json index 930d5316d4..a54be564de 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ "version": "1.0.0", "contents": { "package": { - "description": "Extension to add terminal completions for zsh, bash, and fish terminals.", - "displayName": "Terminal Suggest for VS Code", - "view.name": "Terminal Suggest" + "description": "zsh, bash 및 fish 터미널에 대한 터미널 완성을 추가하는 확장입니다.", + "displayName": "VS Code 터미널 제안", + "view.name": "터미널 제안" } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json index 42e20cff27..ca16f462a1 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.explicit": "부드러운 캐럿 애니메이션은 사용자가 명시적 제스처를 사용하여 커서를 이동할 때만 사용됩니다.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.off": "부드러운 캐럿 애니메이션을 사용할 수 없습니다.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.on": "부드러운 캐럿 애니메이션은 항상 사용됩니다.", - "cursorStyle": "커서 스타일을 제어합니다.", + "cursorStyle": "삽입 입력 모드에서 커서 스타일을 제어합니다.", "cursorSurroundingLines": "커서 주변에 표시되는 선행 줄(최소 0)과 후행 줄(최소 1)의 최소 수를 제어합니다. 일부 다른 편집기에서는 'scrollOff' 또는 'scrollOffset'으로 알려져 있습니다.", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle": "`#editor.cursorSurroundingLines#`를 적용해야 하는 경우를 제어합니다.", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle.all": "`cursorSurroundingLines`는 항상 적용됩니다.", @@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ "find.autoFindInSelection": "선택 영역에서 찾기를 자동으로 설정하는 조건을 제어합니다.", "find.cursorMoveOnType": "입력하는 동안 일치 항목을 찾기 위한 커서 이동 여부를 제어합니다.", "find.globalFindClipboard": "macOS에서 Find Widget이 공유 클립보드 찾기를 읽을지 수정할지 제어합니다.", - "find.history": "Controls how the find widget history should be stored", + "find.history": "위젯 찾기 기록을 저장하는 방법을 제어합니다.", "find.loop": "더 이상 일치하는 항목이 없을 때 검색을 처음이나 끝에서 자동으로 다시 시작할지 여부를 제어합니다.", "find.seedSearchStringFromSelection": "편집기 선택에서 Find Widget의 검색 문자열을 시딩할지 여부를 제어합니다.", "folding": "편집기에 코드 접기가 사용하도록 설정되는지 여부를 제어합니다.", @@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ "inline": "빠른 제안이 유령 텍스트로 표시됨", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "인라인 완성이 표시될 때 화면 읽기 프로그램 사용자에게 접근성 힌트를 제공해야 하는지 여부를 제어합니다.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "인라인 제안에서 실험적 편집을 사용할지 여부를 제어합니다.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.onlyShowWhenCloseToCursor": "커서가 제안과 가까운 경우에만 인라인 제안을 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useInterleavedLinesDiff": "인라인 제안에서 실험적인 인터리브 라인 diff를 활성화할지 여부를 제어합니다.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useMixedLinesDiff": "인라인 제안에서 실험적 편집을 사용할지 여부를 제어합니다.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "편집기에서 인라인 제안을 자동으로 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다.", @@ -609,6 +610,8 @@ "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "발생이 강조 표시된 후의 지연 시간(밀리초)을 제어합니다.", "off": "빠른 제안이 사용 중지되었습니다.", "on": "제안 위젯 내부에 빠른 제안이 표시됩니다.", + "overtypeCursorStyle": "오버타입 입력 모드에서 커서 스타일을 제어합니다.", + "overtypeOnPaste": "붙여넣기를 오버타입해야 하는지 여부를 제어합니다.", "overviewRulerBorder": "개요 눈금자 주위에 테두리를 그릴지 여부를 제어합니다.", "padding.bottom": "편집기의 아래쪽 가장자리와 마지막 줄 사이의 공백을 제어합니다.", "padding.top": "편집기의 위쪽 가장자리와 첫 번째 줄 사이의 공백을 제어합니다.", @@ -1410,9 +1413,10 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "다음 인라인 제안 표시", "action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "이전 인라인 제안 표시", "action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "인라인 제안 트리거", - 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'{1}', '{2}' 및 기타 확장이 이 확장에 종속됩니다.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "'{0}' 확장을 제거할 수 없습니다. '{1}' 확장 제거를 포함하며 '{2}', '{3}' 및 기타 확장이 이 확장에 종속됩니다.", + "not allowed to install": "{0} 때문에 이 확장을 설치할 수 없습니다.", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "'{0}' 확장은 현재 버전의 {1}(버전 {2})와 호환되지 않기 때문에 설치할 수 없습니다.", "notFoundDeprecatedReplacementExtension": "'{0}' 확장은 더 이상 사용되지 않으며 대체 확장 '{1}'을(를) 찾을 수 없기 때문에 설치할 수 없습니다.", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "릴리스 버전이 없으므로 '{0}' 확장의 릴리스 버전을 설치할 수 없습니다.", @@ -2059,6 +2065,13 @@ "twoDependentsError": "'{0}' 확장을 제거할 수 없습니다. '{1}' 및 '{2}' 확장이 이 확장에 종속됩니다.", "twoIndirectDependentsError": "'{0}' 확장을 제거할 수 없습니다. '{1}' 확장 제거를 포함하며 '{2}' 및 '{3}' 확장이 이 확장에 종속됩니다." }, + "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/allowedExtensionsService": { + "extension prerelease not allowed": "이 확장의 시험판 버전이 [allowed list]({0})에 없습니다.", + "prerelease versions from this publisher not allowed": "이 게시자의 시험판 버전이 [allowed list]({1})에 없습니다.", + "publisher not allowed": "이 게시자의 확장이 [allowed list]({1})에 없습니다.", + "specific extension not allowed": "[allowed list]({0})에 없습니다.", + "specific version of extension not allowed": "이 확장의 {0} 버전이 [allowed list]({1})에 없습니다." + }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { "extensions": "확장", "preferences": "기본 설정" @@ -2096,10 +2109,6 @@ "updateMessage": "'{0}' 확장을 버전 {1}(으)로 업데이트하는 중", "useId": "게시자를 포함하여 전체 확장 ID를 사용하세요(예: {0})." }, - "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementIpc": { - "incompatible platform": "'{0}' 확장자는 {2}에 대해 {1}에서 사용할 수 없습니다.", - "learn more": "자세히 알아보기" - }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionNls": { "missingNLSKey": "키 {0}에 대한 메시지를 찾을 수 없습니다." }, @@ -2117,7 +2126,7 @@ "errorDeleting": "'{1}' 확장을 설치하는 동안 기존 '{0}' 폴더를 삭제할 수 없습니다. 폴더를 수동으로 삭제하고 다시 시도하세요.", "incompatible": "VS Code '{1}'과(와) 호환되지 않으므로 확장 '{0}'을(를) 설치할 수 없습니다.", "invalidManifest": "Marketplace와의 매니페스트 불일치로 인해 '{0}' 확장을 설치할 수 없음", - "not signed": "확장이 서명되지 않았습니다.", + "notAllowed": "{0} 때문에 이 확장을 설치할 수 없습니다.", "removeError": "확장을 제거하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. {0}. 다시 시도하기 전에 VS Code를 종료하고 다시 시작하세요.", "restartCode": "{0}을(를) 다시 설치하기 전에 VS Code를 다시 시작하세요.", "signature verification failed": "'{0}' 오류로 서명 확인에 실패했습니다.", @@ -2725,6 +2734,9 @@ "activityWarningBadge.foreground": "경고 활동 배지의 전경색", "badgeBackground": "배지 배경색입니다. 배지는 검색 결과 수와 같은 소량의 정보 레이블입니다.", "badgeForeground": "배지 전경색입니다. 배지는 검색 결과 수와 같은 소량의 정보 레이블입니다.", + "chartAxis": "차트의 축 색입니다.", + "chartGuide": "차트의 안내선입니다.", + "chartLine": "차트의 선 색입니다.", "progressBarBackground": "장기 작업을 대상으로 표시될 수 있는 진행률 표시줄의 배경색입니다.", "sashActiveBorder": "활성 섀시의 테두리 색입니다.", "scrollbarShadow": "스크롤되는 보기를 나타내는 스크롤 막대 그림자입니다.", @@ -3063,6 +3075,11 @@ "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadNotebookSaveParticipant": { "timeout.onWillSave": "1750ms 후에 onWillSaveNotebookDocument-event가 중단됨" }, + "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadOutputService": { + "status.showOutput": "출력 표시", + "status.showOutputAria": "{0} 출력 채널 표시", + "status.showOutputTooltip": "{0} 출력 채널 표시" + }, "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadProgress": { "manageExtension": "확장 관리" }, @@ -3868,6 +3885,7 @@ "miRestoreEditorsToMainWindow": "편집기를 주 창으로 복원(&&R)", "minimizeOtherEditorGroups": "편집기 그룹 확장", "minimizeOtherEditorGroupsHideSidebar": "편집기 그룹 확장 및 사이드바 숨기기", + "mitoggleOvertypeInsertMode": "겹쳐서 표시/삽입 모드 간 전환(&T)", "moveActiveGroupDown": "편집기 그룹을 아래로 이동", "moveActiveGroupLeft": "편집기 그룹을 왼쪽으로 이동", "moveActiveGroupRight": "편집기 그룹을 오른쪽으로 이동", @@ -3939,6 +3957,8 @@ "toggleEditorType": "편집기 유형 설정/해제", "toggleEditorWidths": "편집기 그룹 크기 전환", "toggleMaximizeEditorGroup": "편집기 그룹 최대화 토글", + "toggleOvertypeInsertMode": "겹쳐서 입력/삽입 모드 간 전환", + "toggleOvertypeMode.description": "오버타입과 삽입 모드 간 전환", "unpinEditor": "편집기 고정 해제" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorCommands": { @@ -4045,6 +4065,7 @@ "guessedEncoding": "콘텐츠에서 추측함", "indentConvert": "파일 변환", "indentView": "보기 변경", + "inputModeOvertype": "OVR", "languageDescription": "({0}) - 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"chat.releaseNotes.label": "Explore New Features", + "chat.releaseNotes.label": "새로운 기능 살펴보기", "chatWith": "확장과 채팅", "currentChatLabel": "현재", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "입력 기록 지우기", @@ -5427,12 +5453,16 @@ "interactiveSession.history.pick": "채팅으로 전환", "interactiveSession.open": "편집기 열기", "learnMore": "자세히 알아보기", + "managePlan": "Copilot 플랜 관리", + "manageSettings": "Copilot 설정 관리", "more": "자세히...", "newChatTitle": "새 채팅 제목", "openChat": "채팅 열기", + "showCopilotUsageExtensions": "Copilot을 사용하여 확장 표시", "title4": "채팅", - "toggle.chatControl": "채팅 컨트롤", - "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "제목 표시줄에서 채팅 컨트롤 표시 여부 설정/해제" + "toggle.chatControl": "Copilot 컨트롤", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "제목 표시줄에서 Copilot 컨트롤의 표시 여부 설정/해제", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { "chat.done.label": "완료", @@ -5532,9 +5562,9 @@ "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "이렇게 하면 이 요청 이후 작업 집합의 {0} 파일에 대한 편집 내용이 실행 취소됩니다. 계속하시겠습니까?", "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "마지막 요청을 다시 시도하시겠습니까?", "chat.startEditing.label2": "Copilot로 편집", - "chat.startEditing.last": "The last {0} requests", - "chat.startEditing.pickAll": "All requests from the conversation", - "chat.startEditing.pickCustom": "Manually select requests...", + "chat.startEditing.last": "마지막 {0} 요청", + "chat.startEditing.pickAll": "대화의 모든 요청", + "chat.startEditing.pickCustom": "수동으로 요청 선택...", "chat.startEditing.pickRequest": "편집에 사용할 요청 선택", "interactive.helpful.label": "유용함", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "전자 필기장에 삽입", @@ -5562,9 +5592,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "채팅", - "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "명령 센터에서 채팅 작업의 메뉴를 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다({0} 필요).", + "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "명령 센터에 Copilot를 제어하기 위한 작업 메뉴를 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다({0} 필요).", "chat.detectParticipant.enabled": "패널 채팅에서 채팅 참가자 자동 감지를 사용합니다.", - "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "채팅에서 변경한 내용이 포함된 파일을 저장하기 전에 항상 요청할지 여부입니다.", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether files that have changes made by chat can be saved without confirmation.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "요청 및 관련 편집을 제거하기 전에 확인을 표시할지 여부입니다.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "요청 및 관련 편집을 다시 시도하기 전에 확인을 표시할지 여부입니다.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "패널 채팅에서 채팅 참가자 자동 감지를 사용합니다.", @@ -5594,7 +5624,11 @@ "reservedName": "이 채팅 확장에서 예약된 이름을 사용하고 있습니다.", "viewExtensionLabel": "확장 보기" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAgentCommandContentPart": { + "rerun": "{0}{1} 없이 다시 실행" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAttachmentsContentPart": { + "chat.attachment": "연결된 컨텍스트, {0}", "chat.attachment3": "연결된 컨텍스트: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachment3": "연결됨: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "연결됨: {0}, {1} 줄부터 {2} 줄까지.", @@ -5602,7 +5636,8 @@ "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "생략됨: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "생략됨: {0}, {1} 줄부터 {2} 줄까지.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "부분적으로 연결됨: {0}.", - "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "부분적으로 연결됨: {0}, {1} 줄부터 {2} 줄까지." + "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "부분적으로 연결됨: {0}, {1} 줄부터 {2} 줄까지.", + "resource": "스키마 및 경로를 포함한 채팅 첨부 파일 리소스의 전체 값" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatCodeCitationContentPart": { "viewMatches": "일치 항목 검토" @@ -5617,7 +5652,16 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatMarkdownContentPart": { "chat.codeblock.applying": "편집 적용 중...", "chat.codeblock.applyingPercentage": "편집 적용 중({0}%)...", - "chat.codeblock.generating": "편집을 생성하는 중..." + "chat.codeblock.deletions": "{0} 삭제", + "chat.codeblock.deletions.one": "{0} 삭제", + "chat.codeblock.generating": "편집을 생성하는 중...", + "chat.codeblock.insertions": "{0} 삽입", + "chat.codeblock.insertions.one": "{0} 삽입", + "summary": "편집한 {0}, {1}, {2}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatQuotaExceededPart": { + "signedUpClickToContinue": "Signed up? Click to continue!", + "upgradeToCopilotPro": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { "addToChat": "채팅에 파일 추가", @@ -5646,13 +5690,15 @@ "file": "파일", "files": "파일", "folder": "폴더", - "image": "이미지" + "image": "이미지", + "symbol": "Symbol" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingActions": { "accept": "수락", "accept.file": "수락", "acceptAllEdits": "모든 편집 수락", "addFileToWorkingSet": "파일 추가", + "addFilesFromReferences": "참조에서 파일 추가", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.manyFiles": "이렇게 하면 {1} 파일의 {0}에 의해 변경된 내용이 실행 취소됩니다. 계속하시겠습니까?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.oneFile": "이렇게 하면 {1}의 {0}에 의해 변경된 내용이 실행 취소됩니다. 계속하시겠습니까?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.primaryButton": "예", @@ -5669,12 +5715,11 @@ "chat.undoEdits.label": "편집 실행 취소", "chatEditing.snapshot": "{0}(스냅샷 {1})", "chatEditing.viewChanges": "모든 편집 내용 보기", + "clearWorkingSet": "작업 집합 지우기", "discard": "취소", "discard.file": "취소", "discardAllEdits": "모든 편집 내용 취소", "open.fileInDiff": "Diff 편집기에서 변경 내용 열기", - "removeAll": "Remove All", - "removeAllFiles": "Remove All Files", "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "파일 제거", "workbench.action.chat.addSelectedFilesToWorkingSet.label": "작업 집합에 선택한 파일 추가" }, @@ -5687,7 +5732,7 @@ "chatEditing.modified": "{0}에서 보류 중인 변경 내용", "chatEditing.modified2": "채팅에서 보류 중인 변경 내용", "chatEditing.startingSession": "편집을 생성하는 중...", - "join.chatEditingSession": "Saving chat edits history" + "join.chatEditingSession": "채팅 편집 기록을 저장하는 중" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingSession": { "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0}이(가) 파일을 만들려고 합니다. 저장할 위치를 선택합니다.", @@ -5706,6 +5751,7 @@ "undo2": "실행 취소" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.ctxHasRequestInProgress": "The current editor shows a file from an edit session which is still in progress", "chat.hasEditorModifications": "현재 편집기에 채팅 수정 내용이 포함되어 있습니다." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { @@ -5713,12 +5759,14 @@ "chatEditorName": "채팅" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorOverlay": { + "applyingPercentage": "{0}% Applying edits...", + "generating": "Generating edits...", "label": "탐색 상태", "nOfM": "{0}/{1}개", - "tooltip_11": "1 change in 1 file", - "tooltip_1n": "1 change in {0} files", - "tooltip_n1": "{0} changes in 1 file", - "tooltip_nm": "{0} changes in {1} files" + "tooltip_11": "1개 파일에 변경 내용 1개", + "tooltip_1n": "{0}개 파일 변경 내용 1개", + "tooltip_n1": "1개 파일의 변경 내용 {0}개", + "tooltip_nm": "{1}개 파일의 변경 내용 {0}개" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { "chat": "채팅", @@ -5751,8 +5799,7 @@ "miGotoDefinition": "정의로 이동(&&D)", "miGotoImplementations": "구현으로 이동(&&I)", "miGotoReference": "참조로 이동(&&R)", - "miGotoTypeDefinition": "형식 정의로 이동(&&T)", - "resource": "체계 및 경로를 포함한 채팅 앵커 리소스의 전체 값" + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "형식 정의로 이동(&&T)" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "채팅 입력, 입력하여 질문하거나 주제에 대해 /를 입력하고 Enter 키를 눌러 요청을 보내세요. 채팅 접근성 도움말은 {0}을(를) 사용하세요.", @@ -5764,17 +5811,19 @@ "chat.imageAttachment": "첨부된 이미지, {0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "@{0}(으)로 보내기", "chatAddFiles": "{0} 파일 추가", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "The Working Set file limit has ben reached. {0} is excluded from the Woking Set. Remove other files to make space for {0}.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} files)", - "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "1 file is excluded from the Working Set.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "{0} files are excluded from the Working Set.", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "작업 집합 파일 제한에 도달했습니다. {0}(이)가 작업 집합에서 제외되었습니다. {0}을(를) 위한 공간을 만들기 위해 다른 파일을 제거합니다.", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} 파일)", + "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "1개 파일이 작업 집합에서 제외되었습니다.", + "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "{0}개 파일이 작업 집합에서 제외되었습니다.", "chatEditingSession.fileLimitReached": "작업 집합에 추가할 수 있는 최대 파일 수에 도달했습니다.", "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} 파일)", "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(파일 1개)", + "chatEditingSession.removeSuggested": "Remove suggestion", "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "작업 집합", "chatInput": "채팅 입력", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "채팅 입력, 여기에 코드를 입력하고 Enter 키를 눌러 실행하세요. 자세한 내용을 보려면 채팅 접근성 도움말 명령을 사용하세요.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "자세히..." + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "자세히...", + "suggeste.title": "{0} - {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "\"{0}\" 선택됨", @@ -5791,7 +5840,7 @@ "usedAgent": "[[(rerun without)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "{0} 사용됨 [[(없이 다시 실행)]]" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipant.contribution": { "chat.viewContainer.label": "채팅", "chatCommand": "이 명령이 UI에서 참조되는 짧은 이름(예: 문제를 해결하거나 코드를 설명하는 명령에 대한 'fix' 또는 * 'explain')입니다. 이름은 이 참가자가 제공한 명령 중에서 고유해야 합니다.", "chatCommandDescription": "이 명령에 대한 설명.", @@ -5804,7 +5853,7 @@ "chatCommandWhen": "이 명령을 사용하려면 true여야 하는 조건입니다.", "chatCommandsDescription": "이 채팅 참가자에 사용할 수 있는 명령입니다. 사용자가 '/'를 사용하여 호출할 수 있습니다.", "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot 편집", - "chatFailErrorMessage": "Chat failed to load because the installed version of the {0} extension is not compatible with this version of {1}. Please ensure that the {2} extension is up to date.", + "chatFailErrorMessage": "설치된 Copilot 채팅 확장 버전이 이 버전의 {0}과(와) 호환되지 않으므로 채팅을 로드하지 못했습니다. Copilot 채팅 확장이 최신 상태인지 확인하세요.", "chatParticipantDescription": "UI에 표시된 이 채팅 참가자에 대한 설명입니다.", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "사용자 질문을 이 채팅 참가자에게 자동으로 라우팅하는 데 도움이 되는 메타데이터입니다.", "chatParticipantDisambiguationCategory": "이 범주의 자세한 이름입니다(예: `workspace_questions` 또는 `web_questions`).", @@ -5816,27 +5865,58 @@ "chatParticipantWhen": "이 참가자를 활성화하기 위해 true여야 하는 조건입니다.", "chatSampleRequest": "사용자가 `/help`에서 이 참가자를 클릭하면 이 텍스트가 해당 참가자에게 제출됩니다.", "miToggleChat": "&&채팅", - "miToggleEdits": "Copilot Ed&its", + "miToggleEdits": "Copilot 수정사항", "showExtension": "확장 표시", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "채팅 참가자 기여" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedAttachment.multipleLines": "{0} 줄", + "pastedAttachment.oneLine": "1줄", + "pastedCodeAttachment": "붙여넣은 코드 첨부 파일", + "pastedImageAttachment": "붙여넣은 이미지 첨부 파일", "pastedImageName": "붙여넣은 이미지" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup.contribution": { - "hideChatSetup": "Hide {0}", - "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide {0}?", - "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore chat controls from the 'chat.commandCenter.enabled' setting.", - "installChat": "{0} 설치", - "learnMore": "자세히 알아보기", - "setup": "{0} 설치", - "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Setting up Chat for you...", - "setupChatSigningIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", - "setupFooter": "By proceeding you agree to our [privacy statement]({0}).", - "setupHeader": "{0} is your AI pair programmer.", - "signInAndInstallChat": "{0}을(를) 사용하려면 로그인", - "signInAndSetup": "{0}을(를) 사용하려면 로그인", - "triggerChatSetup": "채팅 설정 트리거" + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatQuotasService": { + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached the limits of your Copilot Free plan, click for details", + "chatQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly chat messages limit, click for details", + "completionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly code completions limit, click for details", + "copilotQuotaExceeded": "Copilot Limit Reached", + "dismiss": "Dismiss", + "indicator": "Copilot Quota Indicator", + "limit reached": "Copilot Free", + "limit reset": "Your limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitReached": "Limit Reached", + "managePlan": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "out of completions": "You've run out of free code completions, but free chat responses are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of free chat responses": "You've run out of free chat responses, but free code completions are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of limits": "You've reached the limits of the Copilot Free plan.", + "simulateCopilotQuotaExceeded": "Simulate Copilot Quota Exceeded", + "upgradeChat": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "upgradeToPro": "Here's what you can expect when upgrading to Copilot Pro:\r\n- Unlimited code completions\r\n- Unlimited chat interactions\r\n- 30 day free trial" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup": { + "detectionLabel": "Allow code suggestions that [match public code]({0})", + "featureChat": "Code faster with completions and Inline Chat", + "featureEdits": "Build features and resolve bugs with Copilot Edits", + "featureExplore": "Explore your codebase with chat", + "hideChatSetup": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupButton": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide Copilot?", + "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore Copilot by running the '{0}' command.", + "limitedSkuHeader": "$(sparkle-filled) We now offer [Copilot for free]({0}).", + "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Getting Copilot Ready...", + "setupChatProgress": "Getting Copilot ready...", + "setupChatSignIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", + "setupHeader": "[Copilot]({0} 'Copilot') is your AI pair programmer.", + "signInGh": "Sign in with a GitHub.com Account", + "signInGhe": "Sign in with a GHE.com Account", + "signUp": "Sign in to Use Copilot", + "signUpFree": "Sign in to Use Copilot for Free", + "startUp": "Use Copilot", + "startUpLimited": "Use Copilot for Free", + "termsLabel": "By continuing, you agree to our [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free...", + "welcomeChat": "Welcome to Copilot" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { "chatWidget.tips": "컨텍스트를 연결할 {0} 또는 {1} 입력\r\n\r\n내선 번호로 채팅하려면 {2}\r\n\r\n명령을 사용하려면 {3}을(를) 입력하세요.", @@ -5849,8 +5929,8 @@ "chat.codeBlockHelp": "코드 블록", "chat.codeBlockLabel": "코드 블록 {0}", "chat.compareCodeBlockLabel": "코드 편집", - "chat.edits.1": "[[``{0}``]]에서 1개 변경", - "chat.edits.N": "[[``{1}``]]에서 {0}개 변경", + "chat.edits.1": "Applied 1 change in [[``{0}``]]", + "chat.edits.N": "Applied {0} changes in [[``{1}``]]", "chat.edits.rejected": "[[``{0}``]]의 편집이 거부되었습니다.", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm": "원본 파일이 수정되었습니다.", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm.detail": "그래도 변경 내용을 적용하시겠습니까?", @@ -5866,13 +5946,14 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { "fileEntryDescription": "{0}({1})", "installLabel": "채팅 확장 설치...", - "pickFileLabel": "파일 선택" + "pickFileLabel": "파일 선택", + "pickSymbolLabel": "기호 선택" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "여기에 채팅 상담원 호버링 부분이 있습니다." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputRelatedFilesContrib": { - "relatedFile": "제안된 파일" + "relatedFile": "{0} (Suggested)" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { "screenshot": "스크린 샷" @@ -5880,7 +5961,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { "toolInvocationMessage": "{0} 사용" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeHandler": { "chatViewsWelcome.content": "환영 메시지 내용입니다. 첫 번째 명령 링크는 단추로 렌더링됩니다.", "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "환영 메시지 아이콘입니다.", "chatViewsWelcome.title": "환영 메시지 제목입니다.", @@ -5917,12 +5998,6 @@ "chatResponseFiltered": "서버에서 채팅 응답을 필터링한 경우 True입니다.", "chatResponseSupportsIssueReporting": "현재 채팅 응답이 이슈 보고를 지원하는 경우 True입니다.", "chatSessionResponseDetectedAgentOrCommand": "에이전트 또는 명령이 자동으로 검색된 경우", - "chatSetupEntitled": "로그인한 권한 있는 사용자에 대해 채팅 설정이 제공되면 True입니다.", - "chatSetupInstalled": "True when the chat extension is installed.", - "chatSetupInstalling": "채팅 설정이 채팅을 설치하는 경우 True입니다.", - "chatSetupSignedIn": "로그인한 사용자에 대해 채팅 설정이 제공되면 True입니다.", - "chatSetupSigningIn": "채팅 설정이 로그인을 기다리는 동안 True입니다.", - "chatSetupTriggered": "채팅 설정이 트리거되면 True입니다.", "inChat": "포커스가 채팅 위젯에 있으면 True이고 그렇지 않으면 false입니다.", "inInteractiveInput": "포커스가 채팅 입력에 있으면 True이고 그렇지 않으면 false입니다.", "inQuickChat": "빠른 채팅 UI에 포커스가 있으면 true, 그렇지 않으면 false입니다.", @@ -5952,7 +6027,8 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.languageModels.whitespaceVendor": "공급업체 필드는 공백으로 시작하거나 끝날 수 없습니다." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelStats": { - "Language Models": "언어 모델", + "Language Models": "Copilot", + "chat": "채팅", "languageModels": "이 확장 기능의 언어 모델 사용 통계입니다." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { @@ -6672,6 +6748,7 @@ "findExtension": "{0} 확장 찾기(&&F)", "installExt": "확장 설치...", "installLanguage": "{0}대한 확장 설치...", + "moreOptionsForDebugType": "{0}개 옵션 더 보기...", "selectDebug": "디버거 선택", "suggestedDebuggers": "제안됨", "suppressMultipleSessionWarning": "동일한 디버그 구성을 두 번 이상 시작하려고 할 때 경고를 비활성화합니다." @@ -7037,7 +7114,6 @@ "allDebuggersDisabled": "모든 디버그 확장이 비활성화됩니다. 디버그 확장을 사용하도록 설정하거나 Marketplace에서 새 확장을 설치하세요.", "customizeRunAndDebug": "실행 및 디버그를 사용자 지정하려면 [launch.json 파일 만들기](command:{0})를 수행합니다.", "customizeRunAndDebugOpenFolder": "실행 및 디버그를 사용자 지정하려면 [폴더를 열고](command:{0}) launch.json 파일을 만듭니다.", - "detectThenRunAndDebug": "모든 자동 디버그 구성 표시", "openAFileWhichCanBeDebugged": "디버그하거나 실행할 수 있는 [파일 열기](command:{0})입니다.", "run": "실행", "runAndDebugAction": "실행 및 디버그" @@ -7057,6 +7133,7 @@ "breakpointWidgetVisibile": "중단점 편집기 영역 위젯이 표시되면 true이고, 그러지 않으면 false입니다.", "breakpointsExist": "하나 이상의 중단점이 있는 경우 true입니다.", "breakpointsFocused": "BREAKPOINTS 뷰에 포커스가 있으면 true이고, 그렇지 않으면 false입니다.", + "callStackFocused": "CALLSTACK 뷰에 포커스가 있으면 true이고, 그렇지 않으면 false입니다.", "callStackItemStopped": "CALL STACK의 포커스가 있는 항목이 중지되면 true입니다. CALL STACK 뷰의 인라인 메뉴에 내부적으로 사용됩니다.", "callStackItemType": "호출 스택 뷰에서 포커스가 있는 요소의 항목 종류를 나타냅니다. 예: 'session', 'thread', 'stackFrame'", "callStackSessionHasOneThread": "CALL STACK 뷰의 포커스가 있는 세션에 정확히 하나의 스레드가 있는 경우 true입니다. CALL STACK 뷰의 인라인 메뉴에 내부적으로 사용됩니다.", @@ -7325,10 +7402,10 @@ "errors": "Catch되지 않은 오류 {0}개", "extensionActivating": "확장을 활성화하는 중...", "languageActivation": "{0} 파일을 열었기 때문에 {1}에 의해 활성화되었습니다.", - "requests count": "{0} 요청: {1} (전체)", + "requests count": "{0} 사용량: {1} 요청", "requests count title": "마지막 요청은 {0}입니다.", "runtimeExtensions": "런타임 확장", - "session requests count": ", {0} (세션)", + "session requests count": ", {0} 요청(세션)", "showRuntimeExtensions": "실행 중인 확장 표시", "starActivation": "시작 시 {0}에 의해 활성화됨", "startupFinishedActivation": "시작이 완료된 후 {0}에 의해 활성화됨", @@ -7401,16 +7478,15 @@ "accessExtensionFeature": "'{0}' 기능 사용", "activation": "활성화", "cancel": "취소", + "chartDescription": "지난 30일 동안 이 확장에서 {0} {1} 요청이 있었습니다.", "disableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "'{1}' 기능에 액세스하기 위해 '{0}' 확장을 취소하시겠습니까?", "enable": "액세스 허용", "enableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "'{1}' 기능에 액세스하기 위해 '{0}' 확장을 허용하시겠습니까?", "extension features list": "확장 기능", "grant": "액세스 허용", - "last request": "마지막 요청: `{0}`", + "label": "{0} 사용량", "messaages": "메시지({0})", "noFeatures": "제공된 기능이 없습니다.", - "requests count session": "요청(세션) : '{0}`", - "requests count total": "요청(전체): `{0}`", "revoke": "액세스 취소", "revoked": "액세스 못함", "runtime": "런타임 상태", @@ -7461,6 +7537,7 @@ "enabled filter": "사용", "extension": "확장", "extension updates filter": "업데이트", + "extension.publisher.allow.description": "게시자의 모든 확장을 허용하거나 허용하지 않습니다.", "extensionInfoDescription": "설명: {0}", "extensionInfoId": "ID: {0}", "extensionInfoName": "이름: {0}", @@ -7470,11 +7547,25 @@ "extensionUpdates": "확장 업데이트 표시", "extensions": "확장", "extensions.affinity": "다른 확장 호스트 프로세스에서 실행되도록 확장을 구성합니다.", + "extensions.allow.all.description": "모든 확장을 허용하거나 허용하지 않습니다.", + "extensions.allow.all.disable": "모든 확장을 허용하지 않습니다.", + "extensions.allow.all.enable": "모든 확장을 허용합니다.", + "extensions.allow.description": "확장을 허용하거나 허용하지 않습니다.", + "extensions.allow.version.description": "특정 버전의 확장을 허용하거나 허용하지 않습니다. 플랫폼별 버전을 지정하려면 'platform@1.2.3' 형식(예: 'win32-x64@1.2.3')을 사용합니다. 지원되는 플랫폼은 'win32-x64', 'win32-arm64', 'linux-x64', 'linux-arm64', 'linux-armhf', 'alpine-x64', 'alpine-arm64', 'darwin-x64', 'darwin-arm64'입니다.", + "extensions.allowed": "Specify a list of extensions that are allowed to use. This helps maintain a secure and consistent development environment by restricting the use of unauthorized extensions. For more information on how to configure this setting, please visit the [Configure Allowed Extensions](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/enterprise#_configure-allowed-extensions) section.", + "extensions.allowed.all": "모든 확장이 허용됩니다.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.desc": "확장이 허용되지 않습니다.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "안정적인 버전의 확장만 허용합니다.", + "extensions.allowed.enable.desc": "확장이 허용됩니다.", + "extensions.allowed.none": "확장이 허용되지 않습니다.", "extensions.autoUpdate": "확장의 자동 업데이트 동작을 제어합니다. 업데이트는 Microsoft 온라인 서비스에서 페치됩니다.", "extensions.autoUpdate.enabled": "활성화된 확장에 대해서만 업데이트를 자동으로 다운로드하고 설치합니다.", "extensions.autoUpdate.false": "확장이 자동으로 업데이트되지 않습니다.", "extensions.autoUpdate.true": "모든 확장의 업데이트를 자동으로 다운로드하고 설치합니다.", "extensions.gallery.useUnpkgResourceApi": "사용하도록 설정하면 업데이트할 확장을 Unpkg 서비스에서 가져옵니다.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.desc": "게시자의 모든 확장은 허용되지 않습니다.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "게시자의 안정적인 확장 버전만 허용합니다.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.enable.desc": "게시자의 모든 확장이 허용됩니다.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces": "확장의 신뢰할 수 없는 작업 영역 지원을 재정의합니다. 'true'를 사용하는 확장은 항상 사용할 수 있습니다. '제한됨'을 사용하는 확장은 항상 사용할 수 있으며, 확장은 신뢰를 필요로 하는 기능을 숨깁니다. 'false'를 사용한 확장은 작업 영역을 신뢰할 수 있는 경우에만 사용할 수 있습니다.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.false": "확장은 작업 영역을 신뢰할 수 있는 경우에만 사용할 수 있습니다.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.limited": "확장은 항상 사용할 수 있으며 확장에서 신뢰가 필요한 기능을 숨깁니다.", @@ -7485,6 +7576,7 @@ "extensions.verifySignature": "사용하도록 설정하면 확장을 설치하기 전에 서명된 것으로 확인됩니다.", "extensionsCheckUpdates": "사용하도록 설정하면 확장의 업데이트가 있는지를 자동으로 확인합니다. 확장의 업데이트가 있으면 확장 보기에서 오래된 것으로 표시됩니다. 업데이트는 Microsoft 온라인 서비스에서 가져옵니다.", "extensionsCloseExtensionDetailsOnViewChange": "사용하도록 설정하는 경우 확장 뷰에서 나가면 확장 정보가 포함된 편집기가 자동으로 닫힙니다.", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "확장자", "extensionsDeferredStartupFinishedActivation": "사용하도록 설정하면 제한 시간 후에 'onStartupFinished' 활성화 이벤트를 선언하는 확장이 활성화됩니다.", "extensionsIgnoreRecommendations": "사용하도록 설정하면 확장 권장 사항에 대한 알림이 표시되지 않습니다.", "extensionsInQuickAccess": "사용하도록 설정하면 빠른 액세스를 통해 확장을 검색하고 해당 위치에서 문제를 보고할 수 있습니다.", @@ -7556,6 +7648,7 @@ "workbench.extensions.action.configureKeybindings": "바로 가기 키", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtension": "복사", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtensionId": "확장 ID 복사", + "workbench.extensions.action.copyLink": "링크 복사", "workbench.extensions.action.ignoreRecommendation": "권장 사항 무시", "workbench.extensions.action.removeExtensionFromWorkspaceRecommendations": "작업 영역에서 제거 권장 사항", "workbench.extensions.action.toggleApplyToAllProfiles": "모든 프로필에 확장 적용", @@ -7614,6 +7707,7 @@ "disableGloballyAction": "사용 안 함", "disableGloballyActionToolTip": "이 확장 사용 안 함", "disabled": "사용 안 함", + "disabled - not allowed": "{0} 때문에 이 확장을 사용할 수 없습니다.", "disabled because of virtual workspace": "이 확장은 가상 작업 영역을 지원하지 않으므로 사용할 수 없습니다.", "disabled by environment": "이 확장은 환경에서 사용할 수 없습니다.", "do not sync": "이 확장을 동기화하지 않음", @@ -7836,6 +7930,7 @@ "no local extensions": "설치할 확장이 없습니다.", "offline error": "오프라인일 때 Marketplace를 검색할 수 없습니다. 네트워크 연결을 확인하세요.", "open user settings": "사용자 설정 열기", + "showingExtensionsForFeature": "Extensions using {0} in the last 30 days", "suggestProxyError": "Marketplace에서 'ECONNREFUSED'가 반환되었습니다. 'http.proxy' 설정을 확인하세요." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/extensionsWidgets": { @@ -7845,6 +7940,8 @@ "extensionIconStarForeground": "확장 등급의 아이콘 색입니다.", "extensionIconVerifiedForeground": "확장 확인 게시자의 아이콘 색입니다.", "extensionPreReleaseForeground": "시험판 확장의 아이콘 색입니다.", + "feature access label": "{0} 요청", + "feature usage label": "{0} 사용량", "has prerelease": "이 확장에 {0} 사용 가능", "local extension": "로컬 확장", "message": "메시지 1개", @@ -7856,6 +7953,7 @@ "sponsor": "스폰서", "startup": "시작", "syncingore.label": "이 확장은 동기화하는 동안 무시됩니다.", + "total": "지난 30일 동안의 {0} {1} 요청", "uncaught error": "발견되지 않은 오류 1개", "uncaught errors": "{0} 발견되지 않은 오류", "updateRequired": "최신 버전:", @@ -7873,11 +7971,13 @@ "deprecated extensions": "사용되지 않는 확장이 검색되었습니다. 검토한 후 대체 항목으로 마이그레이션합니다.", "disable all": "모두 사용 안 함", "disableDependents": "종속된 확장 사용 안 함", - "disallowed": "This extension is disallowed to be installed.", - "download": "Download", + "disallowed": "이 확장은 설치가 허용되지 않습니다.", + "disallowed extensions": "Some extensions are disabled because they are configured not to be allowed.", + "disallowed extensions by policy": "Some extensions are disabled because they are not allowed by your system administrator.", + "download": "다운로드", "download title": "VSIX를 다운로드할 폴더 선택", "download.completed": "VSIX를 다운로드했습니다.", - "downloading...": "Downlading VSIX...", + "downloading...": "VSIX 다운로드 중...", "enable locally": "이 확장을 로컬로 활성화하려면 {0}합니다.", "enable remote": "{1}에서 이 확장을 활성화하려면 {0}합니다.", "enableButtonLabel": "확장 사용(&E)", @@ -7886,6 +7986,7 @@ "enableExtensionTitle": "확장 사용", "extension not found": "'{0}' 확장을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "extensionsAutoRestart": "업데이트를 사용하도록 확장이 자동으로 다시 시작되었습니다.", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "확장", "incompatible": "'{0}' 확장은 호환되지 않으므로 설치할 수 없습니다.", "incompatibleExtensions": "버전 비호환성으로 인해 일부 확장을 사용할 수 없습니다. 검토하고 업데이트합니다.", "installButtonLabel": "확장 설치(&I)", @@ -7899,12 +8000,12 @@ "malicious": "이 확장은 문제가 있는 것으로 보고되었습니다.", "multipleDependentsError": "'{0}' 확장만 사용하지 않도록 설정할 수 없습니다. '{1}' 및 '{2}' 확장은 이 확장에 따라 달라집니다. 이러한 모든 확장을 사용하지 않도록 설정하시겠습니까?", "multipleDependentsUninstallError": "'{0}' 확장만 제거할 수 없습니다. '{1}', '{2}' 및 다른 확장이 이 확장에 종속되어 있습니다. 이 모든 확장을 제거하시겠습니까?", - "not an extension": "The provided object is not an extension.", + "not an extension": "제공된 개체가 확장이 아닙니다.", "not found": "'{0}' 확장을 찾을 수 없으므로 설치할 수 없습니다.", "not found version": "요청된 버전 '{0}'이(가) 없으므로 확장 '{1}'을(를) 설치할 수 없습니다.", - "not signed": "This extension is not signed.", + "not signed": "이 확장은 서명되지 않았습니다.", "open": "오픈 확장", - "platform placeholder": "Please select the platform for which you want to download the VSIX", + "platform placeholder": "VSIX를 다운로드할 플랫폼을 선택하세요.", "postDisableTooltip": "이 확장을 비활성화하려면 {0}합니다.", "postEnableTooltip": "이 확장을 활성화하려면 {0}합니다.", "postUninstallTooltip": "이 확장 제거를 완료하려면 {0}합니다.", @@ -7936,6 +8037,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/workspaceRecommendations": { "workspaceRecommendation": "이 확장은 현재 작업 영역의 사용자가 권장한 항목입니다." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensions": { + "extensions": "확장" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensionsFileTemplate": { "app.extension.identifier.errorMessage": "필요한 형식은 '${publisher}.${name}'입니다. 예: 'vscode.csharp'", "app.extensions.json.recommendations": "이 작업 영역의 사용자에게 추천해야 하는 확장의 목록입니다. 확장의 식별자는 항상 '${publisher}.${name}'입니다. 예: 'vscode.csharp'", @@ -8548,8 +8652,14 @@ "welcome.2": "준비 중..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { - "inlineChatExpansion": "방금 입력한 줄 끝에서 인라인 채팅 확장이 활성화되는지 여부", - "startWithCurrentLine": "편집기에서 현재 줄로 시작" + "defaultTitle": "채팅", + "disableHint": "인라인 채팅 힌트 사용 안 함", + "hideHint": "인라인 채팅 힌트 숨기기", + "inlineChatShowingHint": "인라인 채팅이 상황에 맞는 힌트를 표시하는지 여부", + "showHint": "인라인 채팅 힌트 표시", + "startWithCurrentLine": "편집기에서 현재 줄로 시작", + "title1": "{1}(으)로 계속하려면 {0}", + "title2": "{1}(으)로 편집하려면 {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { "config": "묻지 않고 AI에서 생성된 변경 내용으로 항상 저장", @@ -8574,6 +8684,7 @@ "accessibleDiffView.on": "액세스 가능한 diff 뷰어는 항상 사용하도록 설정됩니다.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatInserted": "인라인 채팅 삽입 콘텐츠의 개요 눈금자 표식 색입니다.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatRemoved": "인라인 채팅 제거 콘텐츠에 대한 개요 눈금자 표식 색입니다.", + "emptyLineHint": "빈 줄에 인라인 채팅을 사용하여 코드를 생성하는 힌트가 표시되는지 여부입니다.", "finishOnType": "변경된 지역 외부에서 입력할 때 인라인 채팅 세션을 완료할지 여부입니다.", "holdToSpeech": "인라인 채팅 키 바인딩을 보유하면 음성 인식이 자동으로 활성화되는지 여부입니다.", "inlineChat.background": "대화형 편집기 위젯의 배경색", @@ -8605,6 +8716,7 @@ "inlineChatResponseTypes": "어떤 유형의 응답을 받았는지, 아직 아무 것도 받지 않았는지, 메시지만 받았거나 메시지 및 로컬 편집을 받았는지 여부", "inlineChatUserDidEdit": "사용자가 인라인 채팅의 맨 위에서 변경했는지 여부", "inlineChatVisible": "대화형 편집기 입력이 표시되는지 여부", + "lineSuffixHint": "Whether a hint to complete a line with inline chat is shown. Only shows when at the end of a line that is dominated by natural language, like `class Person with name and hobbies`", "mode": "인라인 채팅을 사용하여 만든 변경 내용이 문서에 직접 적용되거나 먼저 미리 보기되는지 여부를 구성합니다.", "mode.live": "변경 내용은 문서에 직접 적용되고, 인라인 차이로 강조 표시될 수 있으며, 허용/삭제됩니다. 세션을 종료하면 변경 내용이 유지됩니다.", "mode.preview": "변경 내용은 미리 보기로만 제공되며 적용 단추를 통해 수락해야 합니다. 세션을 종료하면 변경 내용이 삭제됩니다." @@ -9408,8 +9520,7 @@ "notebookActions.chatFixCellError": "셀 오류 수정" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellDiagnostics/diagnosticCellStatusBarContrib": { - "notebook.cell.status.explain": "채팅으로 설명", - "notebook.cell.status.fix": "인라인 채팅으로 수정" + "notebook.cell.status.diagnostic": "빠른 작업 {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/executionStatusBarItemController": { "notebook.cell.status.executing": "실행 중", @@ -9417,7 +9528,8 @@ "notebook.cell.status.pending": "보류 중", "notebook.cell.status.success": "성공", "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip": "**마지막 실행** {0}\r\n\r\n**실행 시간** {1}\r\n\r\n**오버헤드 시간** {2}\r\n\r\n**렌더링 시간**\r\n\r\n{3}", - "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "위의 링크를 사용하여 문제 보고자를 사용하여 문제를 제출합니다." + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "위의 링크를 사용하여 문제 보고자를 사용하여 문제를 제출합니다.", + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerVerbose": "Last Execution: {0}, Duration: {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/statusBarProviders": { "notebook.cell.status.autoDetectLanguage": "감지된 언어 수락: {0}", @@ -9775,6 +9887,9 @@ "insertToolbarLocation.notebookToolbar": "전자 필기장 편집기의 맨 위에 있는 도구 모음입니다.", "notebook.VariablesView.description": "디버그 패널 내에서 실험적 Notebook 변수 보기를 사용하도록 설정합니다.", "notebook.backup.sizeLimit": "핫 다시 로드를 위해 Notebook 파일이 더 이상 백업되지 않는 Notebook 출력 크기 제한(KB)입니다. 무제한으로 0을 사용합니다.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.default.description": "The cell execution duration is visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.description": "Controls the verbosity of the cell execution time in the cell status bar.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.verbose.description": "The cell last execution timestamp and duration are visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", "notebook.cellFailureDiagnostics": "셀 오류에 대해 사용 가능한 진단을 표시합니다.", "notebook.cellGenerate": "실험적 생성 작업을 활성화하여 인라인 채팅이 활성화된 코드 셀을 생성합니다.", "notebook.cellToolbarLocation.description": "셀 도구 모음을 표시해야 하거나 숨겨야 하는지 여부입니다.", @@ -12654,8 +12769,8 @@ "suggest.builtinCompletions": "활성화되는 기본 제공 완료를 제어합니다. 이 설정은 셸 프로필에 사용자 지정 셸 완성이 구성된 경우 충돌을 일으킬 수 있습니다.", "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshCode": "사용자 지정 PowerShell 인수 완료자는 VS Code의 `code` 및 `code-insiders` CLI에 등록됩니다. 현재 매우 기본적이며 컨텍스트를 확인하지 않고 항상 플래그와 하위 명령을 제안합니다.", "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshGit": "사용자 지정 PowerShell 인수 완료자가 `git` CLI에 등록됩니다.", - "suggest.enableExtensionCompletions": "Controls whether extension completions are enabled.", - "suggest.enabled": "Enables experimental terminal Intellisense suggestions for supported shells ({0}) when {1} is set to {2}.\r\n\r\nIf shell integration is installed manually, {3} needs to be set to {4} before calling the shell integration script. \r\n\r\nFor extension provided completions, {5} will also need to be set.", + "suggest.enableExtensionCompletions": "확장 완료를 사용할지 여부를 제어합니다.", + "suggest.enabled": "{1}이(가) {2}(으)로 설정된 경우 지원되는 셸({0})에 대한 실험적 터미널 Intellisense 제안을 활성화합니다.\r\n\r\n셸 통합을 수동으로 설치한 경우 셸 통합 스크립트를 호출하기 전에 {3}을(를) {4}(으)로 설정해야 합니다. \r\n\r\n확장 제공 완료의 경우 {5}을(를) 설정해야 합니다.", "suggest.quickSuggestions": "입력하는 동안 제안을 자동으로 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다. 또한 제안이 특수 문자에 의해 실행되는지 여부를 제어하는 {0}-설정에 유의하세요.", "suggest.runOnEnter": "`Enter` 키(`Tab` 아님)를 사용하여 결과를 수락할 때 제안이 즉시 실행될지 여부를 제어합니다.", "suggest.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": "트리거 문자를 입력할 때 제안을 자동으로 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다." @@ -12888,7 +13003,8 @@ "testingCountBadgePassed": "통과한 테스트 {0}개", "testingCountBadgeSkipped": "건너뛴 테스트 {0}개", "testingFindExtension": "작업 영역 테스트 표시", - "testingNoTest": "이 파일에서 테스트를 찾을 수 없습니다." + "testingNoTest": "이 파일에서 테스트를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "testingSelectConfig": "구성 선택..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "닫기", @@ -13067,6 +13183,11 @@ "testError": "테스트를 실행하는 동안 오류 발생: {0}", "testTrust": "테스트를 실행하면 작업 영역에서 코드를 실행할 수 있습니다." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/testTypes": { + "testing.runProfileBitset.coverage": "적용 범위", + "testing.runProfileBitset.debug": "디버그", + "testing.runProfileBitset.run": "실행" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/themes/browser/themes.contribution": { "browseColorThemeInMarketPlace.label": "마켓플레이스에서 색 테마 찾아보기", "browseColorThemes": "추가 색 테마 찾아보기...", @@ -13656,7 +13777,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { "getStarted": "시작", - "walkthroughPageTitle": "연습: " + "walkthroughPageTitle": "연습: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "기본 제공", @@ -13674,6 +13795,7 @@ "browsePopularWeb": "인기 웹 확장 찾아보기", "cloneRepo": "리포지토리 복제", "commandPalette": "명령 팔레트 열기", + "copilotTerms": "By continuing, you agree to Copilot [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", "enableSync": "백업 및 동기화 설정", "enableTrust": "신뢰 사용", "getting-started-beginner-icon": "홈페이지의 초보자 범주에 사용되는 아이콘", @@ -13695,6 +13817,8 @@ "gettingStarted.commandPalette.title": "명령 팔레트를 사용하여 생산성 향상 ", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.description.interpolated": "마우스를 사용하지 않고 명령을 실행하여 VS Code 작업을 수행합니다.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.title": "명령 팔레트를 사용하여 생산성 향상 ", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.description": "Write code faster and smarter with [Copilot]({0}) for free.", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.title": "Use AI features with Copilot for free", "gettingStarted.debug.description.interpolated": "시작 구성을 설정하여 편집, 빌드, 테스트 및 디버그 루프를 가속화합니다.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.debug.title": "작업 중인 코드 보기", "gettingStarted.extensions.description.interpolated": "확장은 VS Code의 기능을 향상해 줍니다. 확장은 유용한 생산성 요령, 기본 제공 기능 확장, 완전히 새로운 기능 추가 등 그 범위가 다양합니다.\r\n{0}", @@ -13789,6 +13913,9 @@ "quickOpen": "빠른 파일 열기", "runProject": "프로젝트 실행", "runTasks": "자동 검색된 작업 실행", + "setupCopilotButton.chatWithCopilot": "Chat with Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.setup": "Setup Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.signIn": "Sign in to use Copilot", "showOrFocusHover": "가리키기 또는 포커스 표시", "showTerminal": "터미널 열기", "titleID": "색 테마 찾아보기", @@ -14046,6 +14173,7 @@ "menus.explorerContextShare": "파일 탐색기 상황에 맞는 메뉴의 '공유' 하위 메뉴", "menus.extensionContext": "확장 상황에 따른 메뉴", "menus.historyItemContext": "소스 제어 기록 항목 상황에 맞는 메뉴", + "menus.historyItemRefContext": "소스 제어 기록 항목 참조 상황에 맞는 메뉴", "menus.home": "홈 표시기 상황에 맞는 메뉴(웹 전용)", "menus.input": "소스 제어 입력 상자 메뉴", "menus.mergeEditorResult": "병합 편집기의 결과 도구 모음", @@ -14350,6 +14478,7 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/browser/extensionEnablementService": { "Reload": "확장을 다시 로드하고 사용하도록 설정", "cannot change disablement environment": "환경에서 사용하지 않도록 설정되어 있으므로 {0} 확장의 사용 여부를 변경할 수 없습니다.", + "cannot change disallowed extension enablement": "{0} 확장이 허용되지 않으므로 사용하도록 설정할 수 없습니다.", "cannot change enablement dependency": "'{0}' 확장은 사용하도록 설정할 수 없는 '{1}' 확장에 종속되어 있으므로 사용하도록 설정할 수 없습니다.", "cannot change enablement environment": "환경에서 사용하도록 설정되어 있으므로 {0} 확장의 사용 여부를 변경할 수 없습니다.", "cannot change enablement extension kind": "확장 종류 때문에 {0} 확장을 사용하도록 설정한 것을 변경할 수 없습니다.", @@ -14371,9 +14500,6 @@ "allow": "허용", "disallow": "허용 안 함" }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { - "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "확장" - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementServerService": { "browser": "브라우저", "remote": "원격" @@ -14403,11 +14529,6 @@ "singleDependentError": "확장 '{0}'을(를) 제거할 수 없습니다. 확장 '{1}'이(가) 이 확장에 종속됩니다.", "twoDependentsError": "확장 '{0}'을(를) 제거할 수 없습니다. 확장 '{1}' 및 '{2}'이(가) 이 확장에 종속됩니다." }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/webExtensionManagementService": { - "VS Code for Web": "웹용 {0}", - "learn why": "Learn Why", - "not web tooltip": "{1}에서 '{0}' 확장을 사용할 수 없습니다." - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/extensionManagementServerService": { "local": "LOCAL", "remote": "원격" diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index d490146a7e..5de8b89b61 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ "Conflict: Deleted By Us": "Konflikt: usunięte przez nas", "Continue Rebase": "Kontynuuj zmianę bazy", "Continuing Rebase...": "Kontynuowanie zmiany bazy...", + "Copy Commit Hash": "Kopiuj skrót zatwierdzenia", "Could not clone your repository as Git is not installed.": "Nie można sklonować repozytorium, ponieważ nie zainstalowano usługi GIT.", "Create Empty Commit": "Utwórz puste zatwierdzenie", "Current": "Bieżące", @@ -112,10 +113,11 @@ "File \"{0}\" was deleted by us and modified by them.\n\nWhat would you like to do?": "Plik „{0}” został usunięty przez nas i zmodyfikowany przez nich. \n\nCo chcesz zrobić?", "Force Checkout": "Wymuszaj wyewidencjonowywanie", "Force push is not allowed, please enable it with the \"git.allowForcePush\" setting.": "Wymuszanie wypchnięcia jest niedozwolone. Włącz je przy użyciu ustawienia „git.allowForcePush”.", - "Git Blame Information": "Git Blame Information", + "Git Blame Information": "Informacje o usłudze Git Blame", "Git History": "Historia Git", "Git error": "Błąd Git", - "Git local working changes": "Lokalne zmiany robocze w usłudze Git", + "Git local changes (working tree + index)": "Zmiany lokalne usługi Git (drzewo robocze + indeks)", + "Git local changes (working tree)": "Zmiany lokalne usługi Git (drzewo robocze)", "Git not found. Install it or configure it using the \"git.path\" setting.": "Nie znaleziono usługi Git. Zainstaluj ją lub skonfiguruj przy użyciu ustawienia „git.path”.", "Git repositories were found in the parent folders of the workspace or the open file(s). Would you like to open the repositories?": "Znaleziono repozytoria Git w folderach nadrzędnych obszaru roboczego lub otwartych plików. Czy chcesz otworzyć repozytoria?", "Git: {0}": "Git: {0}", @@ -415,6 +417,7 @@ "command.branchFrom": "Utwórz gałąź z...", "command.checkout": "Wyewidencjonowanie do...", "command.checkoutDetached": "Wyewidencjonowanie do (odłączone)...", + "command.checkoutRef": "Wyewidencjonuj", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Wyewidencjonuj (odłączone)", "command.cherryPick": "Selekcjonowanie...", "command.cherryPickAbort": "Przerwij selekcjonowanie", @@ -552,8 +555,10 @@ "config.autofetch": "W przypadku ustawienia wartości true zatwierdzenia będą automatycznie pobierane z domyślnego repozytorium zdalnego bieżącego repozytorium Git. Ustawienie wartości `all` powoduje pobieranie ze wszystkich repozytoriów zdalnych.", "config.autofetchPeriod": "Czas w sekundach pomiędzy każdym automatycznym pobraniem git, gdy `#git.autofetch#` jest włączony.", "config.autorefresh": "Określa, czy jest włączone automatyczne odświeżanie.", - "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Określa, czy wyświetlać informacje git blame w edytorze przy użyciu dekoracji edytora.", - "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Określa, czy wyświetlać informacje o git blame na pasku stanu.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Określa, czy wyświetlać informacje blame w edytorze przy użyciu dekoracji edytora.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.template": "Szablon dekoracji edytora informacji o winie. Obsługiwane zmienne:\r\n\r\n* `hash`: zatwierdź skrót\r\n\r\n* 'hashShort': pierwsze 8 znaków skrótu zatwierdzenia\r\n\r\n* `subject`: pierwszy wiersz komunikatu zatwierdzenia\r\n\r\n* `authorName`: nazwa autora\r\n\r\n* `authorEmail`: Wiadomość e-mail autora\r\n\r\n* `authorDate`: data autora\r\n\r\n* `authorDateAgo`: różnica czasu między datą dzisiejszą a datą autora\r\n\r\n", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Określa, czy wyświetlać informacje blame na pasku stanu.", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.template": "Szablon elementu paska stanu informacji o blame. Obsługiwane zmienne:\r\n\r\n* `hash`: zatwierdź skrót\r\n\r\n* 'hashShort': pierwsze 8 znaków skrótu zatwierdzenia\r\n\r\n* `subject`: pierwszy wiersz komunikatu zatwierdzenia\r\n\r\n* `authorName`: nazwa autora\r\n\r\n* `authorEmail`: Wiadomość e-mail autora\r\n\r\n* `authorDate`: data autora\r\n\r\n* `authorDateAgo`: różnica czasu między datą dzisiejszą a datą autora\r\n\r\n", "config.branchPrefix": "Prefiks używany podczas tworzenia nowej gałęzi.", "config.branchProtection": "Lista chronionych gałęzi. Domyślnie monit jest wyświetlany, zanim zmiany zostaną zatwierdzone w chronionej gałęzi. Monit można kontrolować przy użyciu ustawienia „#git.branchProtectionPrompt#”.", "config.branchProtectionPrompt": "Określa, czy monit jest wyświetlany, zanim zmiany zostaną zatwierdzone w chronionej gałęzi.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json index 9086b86c7e..5c8b0d77e2 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "$ref '{0}' in '{1}' can not be resolved.": "Nie można rozpoznać elementu $ref \"{0}\" w \"{1}\".", "": "", "A default value. Used by suggestions.": "Wartość domyślna. Używane przez sugestie.", - "A descriptive title of the element.": "Opisowy tytuł elementu.", - "A long description of the element. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "Długi opis elementu. Używane w menu i sugestiach aktywowania.", + "A descriptive title of the schema.": "A descriptive title of the schema.", + "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.", "A map of property names to either an array of property names or a schema. An array of property names means the property named in the key depends on the properties in the array being present in the object in order to be valid. If the value is a schema, then the schema is only applied to the object if the property in the key exists on the object.": "Mapa nazw właściwości na tablicę nazw właściwości lub schemat. Tablica nazw właściwości oznacza, że właściwość nazwana w kluczu zależy od właściwości w tablicy znajdującej się w obiekcie, aby była prawidłowa. Jeśli wartość jest schematem, schemat jest stosowany do obiektu tylko wtedy, gdy właściwość w kluczu istnieje w obiekcie.", "A map of property names to schemas for each property.": "Mapa nazw właściwości do schematów dla każdej właściwości.", "A map of regular expressions on property names to schemas for matching properties.": "Mapa wyrażeń regularnych nazw właściwości do schematów w celu dopasowania właściwości.", @@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ "Configured in workspace settings": "Skonfigurowane w ustawieniach obszaru roboczego", "Default value": "Wartość domyślna", "Describes the content encoding of a string property.": "Opisuje kodowanie zawartości właściwości ciągu.", - "Describes the format expected for the value.": "Opisuje format oczekiwany dla wartości.", + "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation": "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation", "Describes the media type of a string property.": "Opisuje typ nośnika właściwości ciągu.", "Downloading schemas is disabled through setting '{0}'": "Pobieranie schematów zostało wyłączone za pomocą ustawienia „{0}”", "Downloading schemas is disabled. Click to configure.": "Pobieranie schematów jest wyłączone. Kliknij, aby skonfigurować.", "Draft-03 schemas are not supported.": "Schematy wersji roboczej 03 nie są obsługiwane.", "Duplicate anchor declaration: '{0}'": "Zduplikowana deklaracja kotwicy: \"{0}\"", "Duplicate object key": "Zduplikowany klucz obiektu", - "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, then used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties' or 'patternProperties'. If false, then any properties not matched by either will cause this schema to fail.": "Schemat lub wartość logiczna. Jeśli schemat jest używany do sprawdzania poprawności wszystkich właściwości, które nie są zgodne z właściwościami „properties” lub „patternProperties”. W przypadku wartości false wszystkie właściwości, które nie są zgodne z żadnym z tych elementów, spowodują niepowodzenie tego schematu.", + "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.": "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.", "Either a string of one of the basic schema types (number, integer, null, array, object, boolean, string) or an array of strings specifying a subset of those types.": "Ciąg jednego z podstawowych typów schematów (liczba, liczba całkowita, null, tablica, obiekt, wartość logiczna, ciąg) lub tablica ciągów określająca podzbiór tych typów.", "End of file expected.": "Oczekiwano końca pliku.", "Expected a JSON object, array or literal.": "Oczekiwano obiektu JSON, tablicy lub literału.", @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ "Expected comma or closing brace": "Oczekiwano przecinka lub zamykającego nawiasu klamrowego", "Expected comma or closing bracket": "Oczekiwano przecinka lub nawiasu zamykającego", "Failed to sort the JSONC document, please consider opening an issue.": "Nie można posortować dokumentu JSONC. Rozważ otwarcie problemu.", - "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If it is a schema, then this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items array. If it is false, then additional items will cause validation to fail.": "W przypadku tablic tylko wtedy, gdy elementy są ustawiane jako tablica. Jeśli jest to schemat, ten schemat weryfikuje elementy po elementach określonych przez tablicę elementów. Jeśli wartość jest równa false, dodatkowe elementy spowodują niepowodzenie sprawdzania poprawności.", + "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.": "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.", "For arrays. Can either be a schema to validate every element against or an array of schemas to validate each item against in order (the first schema will validate the first element, the second schema will validate the second element, and so on.": "Dla tablic. Może to być schemat do sprawdzania poprawności każdego elementu lub tablica schematów w celu zweryfikowania każdego elementu w kolejności (pierwszy schemat zweryfikuje pierwszy element, drugi schemat zweryfikuje drugi element itd.).", "If all of the items in the array must be unique. Defaults to false.": "Jeśli wszystkie elementy w tablicy muszą być unikatowe. Wartość domyślna to false.", "If the instance is an object, this keyword validates if every property name in the instance validates against the provided schema.": "Jeśli wystąpienie jest obiektem, to słowo kluczowe sprawdza, czy każda nazwa właściwości w wystąpieniu sprawdza poprawność względem podanego schematu.", @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ "String is not an e-mail address.": "Ciąg nie jest adresem e-mail.", "String is shorter than the minimum length of {0}.": "Długość ciągu jest mniejsza niż minimalna długość {0}.", "The \"else\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema fails.": "Schemat podrzędny „else” jest używany do sprawdzania poprawności, gdy schemat podrzędny „if” zakończy się niepowodzeniem.", - "The \"if\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "Schemat podrzędny „if” jest używany do sprawdzania poprawności, gdy schemat podrzędny „if” zakończy się powodzeniem.", + "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.", "The maximum length of a string.": "Maksymalna długość ciągu.", "The maximum number of items that can be inside an array. Inclusive.": "Maksymalna liczba elementów, które mogą znajdować się wewnątrz tablicy. All inclusive.", "The maximum number of properties an object can have. Inclusive.": "Maksymalna liczba właściwości, które może mieć obiekt. All inclusive.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json index c18ec4d059..628e8daa48 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.explicit": "Płynna animacja daszka jest włączona tylko wtedy, gdy użytkownik przesuwa kursor za pomocą jawnego gestu.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.off": "Płynna animacja daszka jest wyłączona.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.on": "Płynna animacja daszka jest zawsze włączona.", - "cursorStyle": "Steruje stylem kursora.", + "cursorStyle": "Kontroluje styl kursora w trybie wstawiania danych wejściowych.", "cursorSurroundingLines": "Określa minimalną liczbę widocznych wierszy wiodących (minimum 0) i wierszy końcowych (minimum 1) otaczających kursor. W niektórych edytorach opcja ta nazywana jest „scrollOff” lub „scrollOffset”.", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle": "Kontroluje, kiedy `#editor.cursorSurroundingLines#` powinien być wymuszany.", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle.all": "element „cursorSurroundingLines” jest wymuszany zawsze.", @@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ "inline": "Szybkie sugestie są wyświetlane jako tekst widmo", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Określa, czy wskazówka ułatwień dostępu ma być dostarczana użytkownikom czytnika zawartości ekranu, gdy jest pokazywane uzupełnianie w tekście.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Określa, czy włączyć edycje eksperymentalne w sugestiach wbudowanych.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.onlyShowWhenCloseToCursor": "Określa, czy sugestie wbudowane mają być wyświetlane tylko wtedy, gdy kursor znajduje się blisko sugestii.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useInterleavedLinesDiff": "Określa, czy włączyć eksperymentalne przeplatane linie zróżnicowane w sugestiach śródwierszowych.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useMixedLinesDiff": "Określa, czy włączyć edycje eksperymentalne w sugestiach wbudowanych.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "Określa, czy automatycznie wyświetlać wbudowane sugestie w edytorze.", @@ -609,6 +610,8 @@ "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Kontroluje opóźnienie (w milisekundach), po którym wyróżniane są wystąpienia.", "off": "Szybkie sugestie są wyłączone", "on": "Szybkie sugestie są wyświetlane wewnątrz widżetu sugestii", + "overtypeCursorStyle": "Kontroluje styl kursora w trybie nadpisywania danych wejściowych.", + "overtypeOnPaste": "Określa, czy wklejanie powinno nadpisywać.", "overviewRulerBorder": "Określa, czy wokół linijki przeglądu ma być rysowane obramowanie.", "padding.bottom": "Kontroluje ilość miejsca między dolną krawędzią edytora a ostatnim wierszem.", "padding.top": "Kontroluje ilość miejsca między górną krawędzią edytora a pierwszym wierszem.", @@ -1082,12 +1085,12 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/copyPasteContribution": { "pasteAs": "Wklej jako...", - "pasteAs.kind": "The kind of the paste edit to try pasting with.\r\nIf there are multiple edits for this kind, the editor will show a picker. If there are no edits of this kind, the editor will show an error message.", - "pasteAs.preferences": "List of preferred paste edit kind to try applying.\r\nThe first edit matching the preferences will be applied.", + "pasteAs.kind": "Rodzaj edycji wklejania, z jaką chcesz wkleić.\r\nJeśli istnieje wiele edycji dla tego rodzaju, w edytorze zostanie wyświetlony selektor. Jeśli nie ma edycji dla tego rodzaju, w edytorze zostanie wyświetlony komunikat o błędzie.", + "pasteAs.preferences": "Lista preferowanych rodzajów edycji wklejania do zastosowania.\r\nZostanie zastosowana pierwsza edycja zgodna z preferencjami.", "pasteAsText": "Wklej jako tekst" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/copyPasteController": { - "noPreferences": "empty", + "noPreferences": "puste", "pasteAsDefault": "Konfiguruj domyślną akcję wklejania", "pasteAsError": "Nie znaleziono edycji wklejania dla elementu ''{0}''", "pasteAsPickerPlaceholder": "Wybierz akcję wklejania", @@ -1410,9 +1413,10 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Pokaż następną wbudowaną sugestię", "action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "Pokaż poprzednią wbudowaną sugestię", "action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "Wyzwól sugestię śródwierszową", - "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.inlineEdit": "Wyzwól edycję wbudowaną", + "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.explicitInlineEdit": "Edytu śródwierszowo wyzwalacz", "jump": "Przejdź", - "noInlineEditAvailable": "Nie jest dostępna żadna edycja wbudowana." + "noInlineEditAvailable": "Nie jest dostępna żadna edycja wbudowana.", + "reject": "Reject" }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/controller/inlineCompletionContextKeys": { "cursorAtInlineEdit": "Określa, czy kursor znajduje się w pozycji edycji śródwierszowej", @@ -2045,12 +2049,14 @@ }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "Platforma handlowa nie jest włączona", + "VS Code for Web": "{0} dla sieci Web", "incompatible platform": "Rozszerzenie \"{0}\" nie jest dostępne w {1} dla {2}", "incompatibleAPI": "Nie można zainstalować rozszerzenia „{0}”. {1}", - "learn more": "Dowiedz się więcej", + "learn why": "Dowiedz się, dlaczego", "malicious extension": "Nie można zainstalować rozszerzenia \"{0}\", ponieważ zostało zgłoszone jako problematyczne.", "multipleDependentsError": "Nie można odinstalować rozszerzenia „{0}”. Rozszerzenia „{1}”, „{2}” i inne zależą od niego.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "Nie można odinstalować rozszerzenia „{0}”. Obejmuje to odinstalowanie rozszerzenia „{1}”, a rozszerzenia „{2}”, „{3}” i inne zależą od tego rozszerzenia.", + "not allowed to install": "Nie można zainstalować tego rozszerzenia, ponieważ {0}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "Nie można zainstalować rozszerzenia „{0}”, ponieważ nie jest ono zgodne z bieżącą wersją {1} (wersja {2}).", "notFoundDeprecatedReplacementExtension": "Nie można zainstalować rozszerzenia „{0}”, ponieważ było ono przestarzałe i nie można odnaleźć rozszerzenia zastępczego „{1}”.", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "Nie można zainstalować wersji wydania rozszerzenia „{0}”, ponieważ nie ma ono wersji wydania.", @@ -2059,6 +2065,13 @@ "twoDependentsError": "Nie można odinstalować rozszerzenia „{0}”. Rozszerzenia „{1}” i „{2}” zależą od niego.", "twoIndirectDependentsError": "Nie można odinstalować rozszerzenia „{0}”. Obejmuje to odinstalowanie rozszerzenia „{1}”, a rozszerzenia „{2}” i „{3}” zależą od tego rozszerzenia." }, + "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/allowedExtensionsService": { + "extension prerelease not allowed": "wersje wstępne tego rozszerzenia nie znajdują się na [liście dozwolonych]({0})", + "prerelease versions from this publisher not allowed": "wersji wstępnych tego wydawcy nie ma na [liście dozwolonych]({1})", + "publisher not allowed": "rozszerzenia od tego wydawcy nie znajdują się na [liście dozwolonych]({1})", + "specific extension not allowed": "nie znajduje się on na [liście dozwolonych]({0})", + "specific version of extension not allowed": "wersja {0} tego rozszerzenia nie znajduje się na [liście dozwolonych]({1})" + }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { "extensions": "Rozszerzenia", "preferences": "Preferencje" @@ -2096,10 +2109,6 @@ "updateMessage": "Aktualizowanie rozszerzenia „{0}” do wersji {1}", "useId": "Upewnij się, że używasz pełnego identyfikatora rozszerzenia, w tym wydawcy, np. {0}" }, - "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementIpc": { - "incompatible platform": "Rozszerzenie \"{0}\" nie jest dostępne w {1} dla {2}", - "learn more": "Dowiedz się więcej" - }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionNls": { "missingNLSKey": "Nie można znaleźć komunikatu dla klucza {0}." }, @@ -2117,7 +2126,7 @@ "errorDeleting": "Nie można usunąć istniejącego folderu „{0}” podczas instalowania rozszerzenia „{1}”. Usuń folder ręcznie i spróbuj ponownie.", "incompatible": "Nie można zainstalować rozszerzenia „{0}”, ponieważ nie jest ono zgodne z programem VS Code „{1}”.", "invalidManifest": "Nie można zainstalować rozszerzenia „{0}” z powodu niezgodności manifestu z witryną Marketplace", - "not signed": "Rozszerzenie nie jest podpisane.", + "notAllowed": "Nie można zainstalować tego rozszerzenia, ponieważ {0}", "removeError": "Błąd podczas usuwania rozszerzenia: {0}. Zamknij i uruchom program VS Code przed ponowną próbą.", "restartCode": "Uruchom ponownie program VS Code przed ponowną instalacją rozszerzenia {0}.", "signature verification failed": "Weryfikowanie podpisu nie powiodło się z powodu błędu „{0}”.", @@ -2725,6 +2734,9 @@ "activityWarningBadge.foreground": "Kolor pierwszego planu znaczka działania ostrzeżenia", "badgeBackground": "Kolor tła znaczka. Znaczki to małe etykiety informacyjne, na przykład liczba wyników wyszukiwania.", "badgeForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu znaczka. Znaczki to małe etykiety informacyjne, na przykład liczba wyników wyszukiwania.", + "chartAxis": "Kolor osi wykresu.", + "chartGuide": "Linia prowadnicy wykresu.", + "chartLine": "Kolor linii wykresu.", "progressBarBackground": "Kolor tła paska postępu, który może być wyświetlany dla długotrwałych operacji.", "sashActiveBorder": "Kolor obramowania aktywnych okienek.", "scrollbarShadow": "Cień paska przewijania wskazujący, że widok jest przewijany.", @@ -3063,6 +3075,11 @@ "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadNotebookSaveParticipant": { "timeout.onWillSave": "Przerwano zdarzenie onWillSaveTextDocument-event po 1 750 ms" }, + "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadOutputService": { + "status.showOutput": "Pokaż dane wyjściowe", + "status.showOutputAria": "Pokaż kanał danych wyjściowych {0}...", + "status.showOutputTooltip": "Pokaż kanał danych wyjściowych {0}..." + }, "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadProgress": { "manageExtension": "Zarządzanie rozszerzeniem" }, @@ -3868,6 +3885,7 @@ "miRestoreEditorsToMainWindow": "&&Przywróć edytory do okna głównego", "minimizeOtherEditorGroups": "Rozwiń grupę edytora", "minimizeOtherEditorGroupsHideSidebar": "Rozszerz grupę edytorów i ukryj paski boczne", + "mitoggleOvertypeInsertMode": "&&Przełączaj między trybem zastępowania/wstawiania", "moveActiveGroupDown": "Przenieś grupę edytora w dół", "moveActiveGroupLeft": "Przenieś grupę edytora w lewo", "moveActiveGroupRight": "Przenieś grupę edytora w prawo", @@ -3939,6 +3957,8 @@ "toggleEditorType": "Przełącz typ edytora", "toggleEditorWidths": "Przełącz rozmiary grup edytora", "toggleMaximizeEditorGroup": "Przełącz Maksymalizuj grupę edytora", + "toggleOvertypeInsertMode": "Przełącz tryb zastępowania/wstawiania", + "toggleOvertypeMode.description": "Przełączaj między trybem zastępowania i wstawiania", "unpinEditor": "Odepnij edytor" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorCommands": { @@ -4045,6 +4065,7 @@ "guessedEncoding": "Odgadnięty z zawartości", "indentConvert": "konwertowanie pliku", "indentView": "zmienianie widoku", + "inputModeOvertype": "ZAS", "languageDescription": "({0}) — skonfigurowany język", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", "languagesPicks": "języki (identyfikator)", @@ -4071,6 +4092,7 @@ "spacesAndTabsSize": "Spacje: {0} (rozmiar karty: {1})", "spacesSize": "Spacje: {0}", "status.editor.columnSelectionMode": "Tryb zaznaczania kolumny", + "status.editor.enableInsertMode": "Włącz tryb wstawiania", "status.editor.encoding": "Kodowanie edytora", "status.editor.eol": "Koniec wiersza edytora", "status.editor.indentation": "Wcięcie edytora", @@ -4314,7 +4336,7 @@ "toggle.layoutDescription": "Przełącz widoczność kontrolek układu na pasku tytułu", "toggle.navigation": "Kontrolki nawigacji", "toggle.navigationDescription": "Przełącz widoczność kontrolek nawigacji na pasku tytułu", - "toggle.titleBarStyle": "Restore Native Title Bar" + "toggle.titleBarStyle": "Przywróć natywny pasek tytułu" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/titlebar/titlebarPart": { "ariaLabelTitleActions": "Akcje tytułu", @@ -4585,11 +4607,13 @@ "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.always": "Zawsze maksymalizuj panel przy jego otwieraniu.", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.never": "Nigdy nie maksymalizuj panelu przy jego otwieraniu. Panel zostanie otwarty z przywróconym rozmiarem.", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.preserve": "Otwórz panel w stanie, w którym znajdował się przed zamknięciem.", + "workbench.panel.output": "Widok danych wyjściowych", "workbench.quickOpen.preserveInput": "Określa, czy ostatnie wpisane dane wejściowe do szybkiego otwierania powinny zostać przywrócone podczas następnego otwarcia.", "workbench.reduceMotion": "Określa, czy środowisko robocze ma być renderowane z mniejszą liczbą animacji.", "workbench.reduceMotion.auto": "Renderuj przy ograniczonym ruchu na podstawie konfiguracji systemu operacyjnego.", "workbench.reduceMotion.off": "Nie renderuj przy ograniczonym ruchu", "workbench.reduceMotion.on": "Zawsze renderuj przy ograniczonym ruchu.", + "workbench.view.showQuietly": "Jeśli rozszerzenie żąda wyświetlenia ukrytego widoku, zamiast tego wyświetl wskaźnik paska stanu, który można kliknąć.", "wrapTabs": "Określa, czy karty powinny być zawijane w wielu wierszach po przekroczeniu dostępnego miejsca, czy zamiast tego ma pojawić się pasek przewijania. Ta wartość jest ignorowana, gdy ustawienie {0} nie ma wartości ''{1}''.", "zenMode.centerLayout": "Określa, czy włączenie trybu Zen powoduje również wyśrodkowanie układu.", "zenMode.fullScreen": "Określa, czy włączenie trybu Zen powoduje również przejście środowiska roboczego w tryb pełnoekranowy.", @@ -4775,6 +4799,7 @@ "panelStickyScrollBackground": "Kolor tła przewijania przylepnego w panelu.", "panelStickyScrollBorder": "Kolor obramowania przyklejonego przewijania na panelu.", "panelStickyScrollShadow": "Kolor cienia przewijania przylepnego w panelu.", + "panelTitleBorder": "Kolor obramowania tytułu paska bocznego u dołu oddzielającego tytuł od widoków. Panele są wyświetlane poniżej obszaru edytora i zawierają widoki takie jak dane wyjściowe i zintegrowany terminal.", "profileBadgeBackground": "Kolor tła znaczka profilu. Znaczek profilu jest wyświetlany na ikonie koła zębatego ustawień na pasku aktywności.", "profileBadgeForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu znaczka profilu. Znaczek profilu jest wyświetlany na ikonie koła zębatego ustawień na pasku aktywności.", "sideBarActivityBarTopBorder": "Kolor obramowania między paskiem aktywności u góry/dołu a widokami.", @@ -4789,6 +4814,7 @@ "sideBarStickyScrollBorder": "Kolor obramowania przyklejonego przewijania na pasku bocznym.", "sideBarStickyScrollShadow": "Kolor cienia przyklejonego przewijania na pasku bocznym.", "sideBarTitleBackground": "Kolor tła tytułu paska bocznego. Pasek boczny jest kontenerem dla widoków, takich jak eksplorator i wyszukiwanie.", + "sideBarTitleBorder": "Kolor obramowania tytułu paska bocznego u dołu oddzielającego tytuł od widoków. Pasek boczny jest kontenerem dla widoków, takich jak eksplorator i wyszukiwanie.", "sideBarTitleForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu tytułu paska bocznego. Pasek boczny jest kontenerem dla widoków, takich jak eksplorator i wyszukiwanie.", "sideBySideEditor.horizontalBorder": "Kolor oddzielający dwa edytory od siebie, gdy są wyświetlane obok siebie w grupie edytorów od góry do dołu.", "sideBySideEditor.verticalBorder": "Kolor oddzielający dwa edytory od siebie, gdy są wyświetlane obok siebie w grupie edytorów od lewej do prawej.", @@ -5417,7 +5443,7 @@ "chat.clear.label": "Wyczyść wszystkie czaty w obszarze roboczym", "chat.history.label": "Pokaż czaty...", "chat.history.rename": "Zmień nazwę", - "chat.releaseNotes.label": "Explore New Features", + "chat.releaseNotes.label": "Poznaj nowe funkcje", "chatWith": "Czat z rozszerzeniem", "currentChatLabel": "bieżące", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Wyczyść historię wprowadzania", @@ -5427,12 +5453,16 @@ "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Przełącz do czatu", "interactiveSession.open": "Otwórz edytor", "learnMore": "Dowiedz się więcej", + "managePlan": "Zarządzaj planem funkcji Copilot", + "manageSettings": "Zarządzaj ustawieniami funkcji Copilot", "more": "Więcej...", "newChatTitle": "Tytuł nowego czatu", "openChat": "Otwórz czat", + "showCopilotUsageExtensions": "Pokaż rozszerzenia korzystające z funkcji Copilot", "title4": "Czat", - "toggle.chatControl": "Kontrolki czatu", - "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Przełącz widoczność kontrolek czatu na pasku tytułu" + "toggle.chatControl": "Kontrolki funkcji Copilot", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Przełącz widoczność kontrolek funkcji Copilot na pasku tytułu", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { "chat.done.label": "Gotowe", @@ -5532,9 +5562,9 @@ "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "Spowoduje to cofnięcie zmian wprowadzonych w {0} plikach w zestawie roboczym od tego żądania. Czy chcesz kontynuować?", "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "Czy chcesz ponowić ostatnie żądanie?", "chat.startEditing.label2": "Edytuj za pomocą funkcji Copilot", - "chat.startEditing.last": "The last {0} requests", - "chat.startEditing.pickAll": "All requests from the conversation", - "chat.startEditing.pickCustom": "Manually select requests...", + "chat.startEditing.last": "Ostatnie żądania: {0}", + "chat.startEditing.pickAll": "Wszystkie żądania z konwersacji", + "chat.startEditing.pickCustom": "Ręcznie wybierz żądania...", "chat.startEditing.pickRequest": "Wybierz żądania, których chcesz użyć do edycji", "interactive.helpful.label": "Przydatne", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "Wstaw do notesu", @@ -5562,9 +5592,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Czat", - "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Określa, czy w centrum poleceń jest wyświetlane menu akcji czatu (wymagane: {0}).", + "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Określa, czy centrum poleceń wyświetla menu dla akcji w celu kontrolowania funkcji Copilot (wymaga {0}).", "chat.detectParticipant.enabled": "Włącza automatyczne wykrywanie uczestnika czatu na potrzeby czatu panelowego.", - "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Określa, czy zawsze pytać przed zapisaniem plików ze zmianami wprowadzonymi przez czat.", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether files that have changes made by chat can be saved without confirmation.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Określa, czy wyświetlić potwierdzenie przed usunięciem żądania i skojarzonych z nim zmian.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Określa, czy wyświetlić potwierdzenie przed ponowieniem próby żądania i skojarzonymi z nim zmianami.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Włącza automatyczne wykrywanie uczestnika czatu na potrzeby czatu panelowego.", @@ -5594,7 +5624,11 @@ "reservedName": "To rozszerzenie czatu używa zastrzeżonej nazwy.", "viewExtensionLabel": "Wyświetl rozszerzenie" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAgentCommandContentPart": { + "rerun": "Uruchom ponownie bez {0}{1}" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAttachmentsContentPart": { + "chat.attachment": "Dołączony kontekst, {0}", "chat.attachment3": "Dołączony kontekst, {0}.", "chat.fileAttachment3": "Dołączono: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Dołączono: {0}. Wiersz {1} do wiersza {2}.", @@ -5602,7 +5636,8 @@ "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Pominięto: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Pominięto: {0}. Wiersz {1} do wiersza {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Częściowo dołączone: {0}.", - "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "Częściowo dołączone: {0}. Wiersz {1} do wiersza {2}." + "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "Częściowo dołączone: {0}. Wiersz {1} do wiersza {2}.", + "resource": "Pełna wartość zasobu załącznika czatu, w tym schemat i ścieżka" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatCodeCitationContentPart": { "viewMatches": "Wyświetl dopasowania" @@ -5617,7 +5652,16 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatMarkdownContentPart": { "chat.codeblock.applying": "Trwa stosowanie zmian...", "chat.codeblock.applyingPercentage": "Trwa stosowanie zmian ({0}%)...", - "chat.codeblock.generating": "Trwa generowanie zmian..." + "chat.codeblock.deletions": "{0} usunięć", + "chat.codeblock.deletions.one": "{0} usunięcia", + "chat.codeblock.generating": "Trwa generowanie zmian...", + "chat.codeblock.insertions": "{0} wstawień", + "chat.codeblock.insertions.one": "{0} wstawienia", + "summary": "Edytowane {0}, {1}, {2}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatQuotaExceededPart": { + "signedUpClickToContinue": "Signed up? Click to continue!", + "upgradeToCopilotPro": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { "addToChat": "Dodaj plik do czatu", @@ -5646,13 +5690,15 @@ "file": "Plik", "files": "Pliki", "folder": "Folder", - "image": "Obraz" + "image": "Obraz", + "symbol": "Symbol" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingActions": { "accept": "Akceptuj", "accept.file": "Akceptuj", "acceptAllEdits": "Zaakceptuj wszystkie edycje", "addFileToWorkingSet": "Dodaj plik", + "addFilesFromReferences": "Dodaj pliki z odwołań", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.manyFiles": "Spowoduje to cofnięcie zmian wprowadzonych przez {0} w plikach {1}. Czy chcesz kontynuować?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.oneFile": "Spowoduje to cofnięcie zmian wprowadzonych przez {0} w {1}. Czy chcesz kontynuować?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.primaryButton": "Tak", @@ -5669,12 +5715,11 @@ "chat.undoEdits.label": "Cofnij edycje", "chatEditing.snapshot": "{0} (Migawka {1})", "chatEditing.viewChanges": "Wyświetl wszystkie edycje", + "clearWorkingSet": "Wyczyść zestaw roboczy", "discard": "Odrzuć", "discard.file": "Odrzuć", "discardAllEdits": "Odrzuć wszystkie edycje", "open.fileInDiff": "Otwieranie zmian w Edytorze różnic", - "removeAll": "Remove All", - "removeAllFiles": "Remove All Files", "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Usuń plik", "workbench.action.chat.addSelectedFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Dodawanie wybranych plików do zestawu roboczego" }, @@ -5687,7 +5732,7 @@ "chatEditing.modified": "Oczekujące zmiany z {0}", "chatEditing.modified2": "Oczekujące zmiany z czatu", "chatEditing.startingSession": "Trwa generowanie edycji...", - "join.chatEditingSession": "Saving chat edits history" + "join.chatEditingSession": "Zapisywanie historii edycji czatu" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingSession": { "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0} chce utworzyć plik. Wybierz miejsce, w którym ma zostać zapisany.", @@ -5706,6 +5751,7 @@ "undo2": "Cofnij" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.ctxHasRequestInProgress": "The current editor shows a file from an edit session which is still in progress", "chat.hasEditorModifications": "Bieżący edytor zawiera modyfikacje czatu" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { @@ -5713,12 +5759,14 @@ "chatEditorName": "Czat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorOverlay": { + "applyingPercentage": "{0}% Applying edits...", + "generating": "Generating edits...", "label": "Stan nawigacji", "nOfM": "{0} z {1}", - "tooltip_11": "1 change in 1 file", - "tooltip_1n": "1 change in {0} files", - "tooltip_n1": "{0} changes in 1 file", - "tooltip_nm": "{0} changes in {1} files" + "tooltip_11": "1 zmiana w 1 pliku", + "tooltip_1n": "1 zmiana w {0} plikach", + "tooltip_n1": "Liczba zmian w 1 pliku: {0}", + "tooltip_nm": "Liczba zmian w {1} plikach: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { "chat": "czat", @@ -5751,8 +5799,7 @@ "miGotoDefinition": "Przejdź do &&Definicje", "miGotoImplementations": "Przejdź do &&implementacji", "miGotoReference": "Przejdź do &&Odwołania", - "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Przejdź do &&definicji typu", - "resource": "Pełna wartość zasobu zakładki czatu, w tym schemat i ścieżka" + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Przejdź do &&definicji typu" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Wprowadzanie danych do czatu: wpisz, aby zadać pytanie lub wpisz / dla tematów, naciśnij klawisz Enter, aby wysłać żądanie. Użyj {0} do pomocy dotyczącej ułatwień dostępu.", @@ -5764,17 +5811,19 @@ "chat.imageAttachment": "Dołączony obraz, {0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Wyślij do @{0}", "chatAddFiles": "Dodawanie plików {0}...", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "The Working Set file limit has ben reached. {0} is excluded from the Woking Set. Remove other files to make space for {0}.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} files)", - "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "1 file is excluded from the Working Set.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "{0} files are excluded from the Working Set.", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "Osiągnięto limit plików zestawu roboczego. Plik {0} jest wykluczony z zestawu roboczego. Usuń inne pliki, aby zwolnić miejsce dla pliku {0}.", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} plików)", + "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "1 plik jest wykluczony z zestawu roboczego.", + "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "Z zestawu roboczego wykluczono następującą liczbę plików: {0}.", "chatEditingSession.fileLimitReached": "Osiągnięto maksymalną liczbę plików, które można dodać do zestawu roboczego.", "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "(Pliki: {0})", "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 plik)", + "chatEditingSession.removeSuggested": "Remove suggestion", "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Zestaw roboczy", "chatInput": "Dane wejściowe czatu", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Dane wejściowe czatu, wpisz tutaj kod i naciśnij klawisz Enter, aby uruchomić. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, użyj polecenia Pomoc ułatwień dostępu czatu.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Więcej..." + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Więcej...", + "suggeste.title": "{0} - {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "zaznaczono „{0}”", @@ -5791,7 +5840,7 @@ "usedAgent": "[[(rerun without)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "użyto {0} [[(rerun without)]]" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipant.contribution": { "chat.viewContainer.label": "Czat", "chatCommand": "Krótka nazwa, pod którą to polecenie jest określane w interfejsie użytkownika, np. `fix` lub * `explain` dla poleceń, które naprawiają błąd lub wyjaśniają kod. Nazwa powinna być unikatowa wśród poleceń dostarczonych przez tego uczestnika.", "chatCommandDescription": "Opis tego polecenia.", @@ -5803,8 +5852,8 @@ "chatCommandSticky": "To, czy wywołanie polecenia powoduje przejście czatu w tryb trwały, w którym polecenie jest automatycznie dodawane do danych wejściowych czatu dla następnej wiadomości.", "chatCommandWhen": "Warunek, który musi mieć wartość True (Prawda), aby włączyć to polecenie.", "chatCommandsDescription": "Polecenia dostępne dla tego uczestnika czatu, które użytkownik może wywołać za pomocą znaku `/`.", - "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Edycje funkcji Copilot", - "chatFailErrorMessage": "Chat failed to load because the installed version of the {0} extension is not compatible with this version of {1}. Please ensure that the {2} extension is up to date.", + "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot Edits", + "chatFailErrorMessage": "Nie można załadować czatu, ponieważ zainstalowana wersja rozszerzenia czatu funkcji Copilot jest niezgodna z tą wersją {0}. Upewnij się, że rozszerzenie czatu funkcji Copilot jest aktualne.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Opis tego uczestnika czatu wyświetlany w interfejsie użytkownika.", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Metadane, które ułatwiają automatyczny routing pytań użytkowników do tego uczestnika czatu.", "chatParticipantDisambiguationCategory": "Szczegółowa nazwa tej kategorii, np. „workspace_questions” lub „web_questions”.", @@ -5816,27 +5865,58 @@ "chatParticipantWhen": "Warunek, który musi mieć wartość Prawda, aby włączyć tego uczestnika.", "chatSampleRequest": "Gdy użytkownik kliknie tego uczestnika w `/help`, tekst ten zostanie przesłany do uczestnika.", "miToggleChat": "&&Czat", - "miToggleEdits": "Ed&&ycje funkcji Copilot", + "miToggleEdits": "Copilot Ed&&its", "showExtension": "Pokaż rozszerzenie", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Współtworzy uczestnika czatu" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedAttachment.multipleLines": "{0} wierszy", + "pastedAttachment.oneLine": "1 linia", + "pastedCodeAttachment": "Wklejony załącznik kodu", + "pastedImageAttachment": "Wklejony załącznik obrazu", "pastedImageName": "Wklejony obraz" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup.contribution": { - "hideChatSetup": "Hide {0}", - "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide {0}?", - "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore chat controls from the 'chat.commandCenter.enabled' setting.", - "installChat": "Zainstaluj {0}", - "learnMore": "Dowiedz się więcej", - "setup": "Zainstaluj {0}", - "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Setting up Chat for you...", - "setupChatSigningIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", - "setupFooter": "By proceeding you agree to our [privacy statement]({0}).", - "setupHeader": "{0} is your AI pair programmer.", - "signInAndInstallChat": "Zaloguj się, aby używać {0}", - "signInAndSetup": "Zaloguj się, aby używać {0}", - "triggerChatSetup": "Wyzwalanie konfigurowania czatu" + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatQuotasService": { + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached the limits of your Copilot Free plan, click for details", + "chatQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly chat messages limit, click for details", + "completionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly code completions limit, click for details", + "copilotQuotaExceeded": "Copilot Limit Reached", + "dismiss": "Dismiss", + "indicator": "Copilot Quota Indicator", + "limit reached": "Copilot Free", + "limit reset": "Your limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitReached": "Limit Reached", + "managePlan": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "out of completions": "You've run out of free code completions, but free chat responses are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of free chat responses": "You've run out of free chat responses, but free code completions are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of limits": "You've reached the limits of the Copilot Free plan.", + "simulateCopilotQuotaExceeded": "Simulate Copilot Quota Exceeded", + "upgradeChat": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "upgradeToPro": "Here's what you can expect when upgrading to Copilot Pro:\r\n- Unlimited code completions\r\n- Unlimited chat interactions\r\n- 30 day free trial" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup": { + "detectionLabel": "Allow code suggestions that [match public code]({0})", + "featureChat": "Code faster with completions and Inline Chat", + "featureEdits": "Build features and resolve bugs with Copilot Edits", + "featureExplore": "Explore your codebase with chat", + "hideChatSetup": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupButton": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide Copilot?", + "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore Copilot by running the '{0}' command.", + "limitedSkuHeader": "$(sparkle-filled) We now offer [Copilot for free]({0}).", + "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Getting Copilot Ready...", + "setupChatProgress": "Getting Copilot ready...", + "setupChatSignIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", + "setupHeader": "[Copilot]({0} 'Copilot') is your AI pair programmer.", + "signInGh": "Sign in with a GitHub.com Account", + "signInGhe": "Sign in with a GHE.com Account", + "signUp": "Sign in to Use Copilot", + "signUpFree": "Sign in to Use Copilot for Free", + "startUp": "Use Copilot", + "startUpLimited": "Use Copilot for Free", + "termsLabel": "By continuing, you agree to our [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free...", + "welcomeChat": "Welcome to Copilot" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { "chatWidget.tips": "{0} lub wpisz {1}, aby dołączyć kontekst\r\n\r\n{2}, aby rozmawiać na czacie z rozszerzeniami\r\n\r\nWpisz {3}, aby użyć poleceń", @@ -5849,8 +5929,8 @@ "chat.codeBlockHelp": "Blok kodu", "chat.codeBlockLabel": "Blok kodu {0}", "chat.compareCodeBlockLabel": "Edycje kodu", - "chat.edits.1": "Wprowadzono 1 zmianę w [[``{0}``]]", - "chat.edits.N": "Wprowadzono {0} zmiany w [[``{1}``]]", + "chat.edits.1": "Applied 1 change in [[``{0}``]]", + "chat.edits.N": "Applied {0} changes in [[``{1}``]]", "chat.edits.rejected": "Zmiany w [[``{0}``]] zostały odrzucone", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm": "Oryginalny plik został zmodyfikowany.", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm.detail": "Czy mimo to chcesz zastosować zmiany?", @@ -5866,13 +5946,14 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { "fileEntryDescription": "{0} ({1})", "installLabel": "Zainstaluj rozszerzenia czatu...", - "pickFileLabel": "Wybierz plik" + "pickFileLabel": "Wybierz plik", + "pickSymbolLabel": "Wybierz symbol" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "Tutaj znajduje się część aktywowania agenta czatu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputRelatedFilesContrib": { - "relatedFile": "Sugerowany plik" + "relatedFile": "{0} (Suggested)" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { "screenshot": "Zrzut ekranu" @@ -5880,7 +5961,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { "toolInvocationMessage": "Korzystanie z {0}" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeHandler": { "chatViewsWelcome.content": "Zawartość wiadomości powitalnej. Pierwszy link polecenia zostanie renderowany jako przycisk.", "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "Ikona wiadomości powitalnej.", "chatViewsWelcome.title": "Tytuł wiadomości powitalnej.", @@ -5917,12 +5998,6 @@ "chatResponseFiltered": "Ma wartość true, gdy odpowiedź czatu została odfiltrowana przez serwer.", "chatResponseSupportsIssueReporting": "Wartość true, gdy bieżąca odpowiedź czatu obsługuje raportowanie problemów.", "chatSessionResponseDetectedAgentOrCommand": "Gdy agent lub polecenie zostało wykryte automatycznie", - "chatSetupEntitled": "Wartość true, jeśli konfigurowanie czatu jest oferowane dla zalogowanego, uprawnionego użytkownika.", - "chatSetupInstalled": "True when the chat extension is installed.", - "chatSetupInstalling": "Wartość true, jeśli konfigurowanie czatu instaluje czat.", - "chatSetupSignedIn": "Wartość true, jeśli konfigurowanie czatu jest oferowane dla zalogowanego użytkownika.", - "chatSetupSigningIn": "Wartość true, jeśli konfigurowanie czatu oczekuje na zalogowanie.", - "chatSetupTriggered": "Wartość true, jeśli konfigurowanie czatu zostało wyzwolona.", "inChat": "Wartość True, gdy fokus znajduje się w widżecie czatu. W przeciwnym razie ma wartość false.", "inInteractiveInput": "Wartość true, gdy fokus znajduje się w danych wejściowych czatu. W przeciwnym razie wartość false.", "inQuickChat": "Ma wartość True (Prawda), gdy interfejs użytkownika szybkiego czatu ma fokus, w przeciwnym razie ma wartość False (Fałsz).", @@ -5952,7 +6027,8 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.languageModels.whitespaceVendor": "Pole dostawcy nie może rozpoczynać się ani kończyć białym znakiem." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelStats": { - "Language Models": "Modele językowe", + "Language Models": "Copilot", + "chat": "czat", "languageModels": "Statystyki użycia modeli językowych tego rozszerzenia." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { @@ -6672,6 +6748,7 @@ "findExtension": "&&Znajdź rozszerzenie {0}", "installExt": "Trwa instalowanie rozszerzenia...", "installLanguage": "Trwa instalowanie rozszerzenia dla {0}...", + "moreOptionsForDebugType": "Więcej {0} opcji...", "selectDebug": "Wybierz debuger", "suggestedDebuggers": "Sugerowane", "suppressMultipleSessionWarning": "Wyłącz ostrzeżenie podczas próby uruchomienia tej samej konfiguracji debugowania więcej niż raz." @@ -7037,7 +7114,6 @@ "allDebuggersDisabled": "Wszystkie rozszerzenia debugowania są wyłączone. Włącz rozszerzenie debugowania lub zainstaluj nowe rozszerzenie z witryny Marketplace.", "customizeRunAndDebug": "Aby dostosować uruchomienie i debugowanie, [utwórz plik launch.json](command:{0}).", "customizeRunAndDebugOpenFolder": "Aby dostosować uruchomienie i debugowanie, [otwórz folder](command:{0}) i utwórz plik launch.json.", - "detectThenRunAndDebug": "Pokaż wszystkie konfiguracje debugowania automatycznego", "openAFileWhichCanBeDebugged": "[Otwórz plik](command:{0}), który może być debugowany lub uruchamiany.", "run": "Uruchom", "runAndDebugAction": "Uruchom i debuguj" @@ -7057,6 +7133,7 @@ "breakpointWidgetVisibile": "Wartość true, gdy jest widoczny widżet strefy edytora punktów przerwania. W przeciwnym razie wartość false.", "breakpointsExist": "Wartość true, gdy istnieje co najmniej jeden punkt przerwania.", "breakpointsFocused": "Wartość true, gdy widok PUNKTY PRZERWANIA ma fokus. W przeciwnym razie wartość false.", + "callStackFocused": "Wartość true, gdy fokus jest ustawiony na widok CALLSTACK. W przeciwnym razie wartością jest false.", "callStackItemStopped": "Wartość true, gdy element mający fokus w widoku STOS WYWOŁAŃ jest zatrzymany. Używane wewnętrznie dla menu wbudowanych w widoku STOS WYWOŁAŃ.", "callStackItemType": "Reprezentuje typ elementu z fokusem w widoku STOS WYWOŁAŃ. Na przykład: „session”, „thread”, „stackFrame”", "callStackSessionHasOneThread": "Wartość true, gdy sesja mająca fokus w widoku STOS WYWOŁAŃ ma dokładnie jeden wątek. Używane wewnętrznie dla menu wbudowanych w widoku STOS WYWOŁAŃ.", @@ -7325,10 +7402,10 @@ "errors": "Nieprzechwycone błędy: {0}", "extensionActivating": "Trwa aktywowanie rozszerzenia...", "languageActivation": "Aktywowany przez {1}, ponieważ otwarto plik {0}", - "requests count": "{0} Żądanie: {1} (Ogółem)", + "requests count": "Użycie {0}: liczba żądań — {1}", "requests count title": "Zakończenie ostatniego żądania: {0}.", "runtimeExtensions": "Rozszerzenia środowiska uruchomieniowego", - "session requests count": ", {0} (Sesja)", + "session requests count": "Liczba żądań (sesja): `{0}`", "showRuntimeExtensions": "Pokaż uruchomione rozszerzenia", "starActivation": "Aktywowane przez {0} przy uruchomieniu", "startupFinishedActivation": "Aktywowane przez zdarzenie {0} po zakończeniu uruchamiania", @@ -7401,16 +7478,15 @@ "accessExtensionFeature": "Włącz funkcję „{0}”", "activation": "Aktywacja", "cancel": "Anuluj", + "chartDescription": "W ciągu ostatnich 30 dni wystąpiły żądania {1} ({0}) z tego rozszerzenia.", "disableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "Czy chcesz odwołać rozszerzenie „{0}”, aby uzyskać dostęp do funkcji „{1}”?", "enable": "Zezwalaj na dostęp", "enableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "Czy chcesz zezwolić rozszerzeniu „{0}” na dostęp do funkcji „{1}”?", "extension features list": "Funkcje rozszerzenia", "grant": "Zezwalaj na dostęp", - "last request": "Ostatnie żądanie: „{0}”", + "label": "{0} — użycie", "messaages": "Komunikaty ({0})", "noFeatures": "Brak współtworzeń funkcji.", - "requests count session": "Żądania (sesja): „{0}”", - "requests count total": "Żądania (ogólnie): „{0}”", "revoke": "Odwołaj dostęp", "revoked": "Brak dostępu", "runtime": "Stan środowiska uruchomieniowego", @@ -7461,6 +7537,7 @@ "enabled filter": "Włączone", "extension": "Rozszerzenie", "extension updates filter": "Aktualizacje", + "extension.publisher.allow.description": "Zezwalaj lub nie zezwalaj na wszystkie rozszerzenia od wydawcy.", "extensionInfoDescription": "Opis: {0}", "extensionInfoId": "Identyfikator: {0}", "extensionInfoName": "Nazwa: {0}", @@ -7470,11 +7547,25 @@ "extensionUpdates": "Pokaż aktualizacje rozszerzeń", "extensions": "Rozszerzenia", "extensions.affinity": "Konfiguruj rozszerzenie do wykonania w innym procesie hosta rozszerzenia.", + "extensions.allow.all.description": "Zezwalaj lub nie zezwalaj na wszystkie rozszerzenia.", + "extensions.allow.all.disable": "Nie zezwalaj na wszystkie rozszerzenia.", + "extensions.allow.all.enable": "Zezwalaj na wszystkie rozszerzenia.", + "extensions.allow.description": "Zezwalaj lub nie zezwalaj na rozszerzenie.", + "extensions.allow.version.description": "Zezwalaj na określone wersje rozszerzenia lub nie zezwalaj na nie. Aby określić wersję specyficzną dla platformy, użyj formatu „platform@1.2.3”, np. „win32-x64@1.2.3”. Obsługiwane platformy to „win32-x64”, „win32-arm64”, „linux-x64”, „linux-arm64”, „linux-armhf”, „alpine-x64”, „alpine-arm64”, „linux-x64”, „linux-arm64”", + "extensions.allowed": "Specify a list of extensions that are allowed to use. This helps maintain a secure and consistent development environment by restricting the use of unauthorized extensions. For more information on how to configure this setting, please visit the [Configure Allowed Extensions](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/enterprise#_configure-allowed-extensions) section.", + "extensions.allowed.all": "Wszystkie rozszerzenia są dozwolone.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.desc": "Rozszerzenie jest niedozwolone.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "Zezwalaj tylko na stabilne wersje rozszerzenia.", + "extensions.allowed.enable.desc": "Rozszerzenie jest dozwolone.", + "extensions.allowed.none": "Nie są dozwolone żadne rozszerzenia.", "extensions.autoUpdate": "Steruje działaniem automatycznej aktualizacji rozszerzeń. Aktualizacje są pobierane z usługi online firmy Microsoft.", "extensions.autoUpdate.enabled": "Automatycznie pobieraj i instaluj aktualizacje tylko dla wybranych rozszerzeń.", "extensions.autoUpdate.false": "Rozszerzenia nie są automatycznie aktualizowane.", "extensions.autoUpdate.true": "Pobierz i zainstaluj aktualizacje automatycznie dla wszystkich rozszerzeń.", "extensions.gallery.useUnpkgResourceApi": "Po włączeniu rozszerzenia do aktualizacji są pobierane z usługi Unpkg.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.desc": "Nie są dozwolone wszystkie rozszerzenia od wydawcy.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "Zezwalaj tylko na stabilne wersje rozszerzeń od wydawcy.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.enable.desc": "Dozwolone są wszystkie rozszerzenia od wydawcy.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces": "Odrzuć obsługę niezaufanego obszaru roboczego rozszerzenia. Rozszerzenia używające wartości \"true\" będą zawsze włączone. Rozszerzenia używające wartości \"limited\" będą zawsze włączone, a rozszerzenie ukryje funkcje wymagające zaufania. Rozszerzenia używające wartości\"false\" zostaną włączone tylko wtedy, gdy obszar roboczy będzie zaufany.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.false": "Rozszerzenie zostanie włączone tylko wtedy, gdy obszar roboczy jest zaufany.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.limited": "Rozszerzenie będzie zawsze włączone i będzie ukrywać funkcje wymagające zaufania.", @@ -7485,6 +7576,7 @@ "extensions.verifySignature": "Po włączeniu rozszerzenia są weryfikowane jako podpisane przed zainstalowaniem.", "extensionsCheckUpdates": "Gdy ta funkcja jest włączona, automatycznie sprawdza rozszerzenia pod kątem aktualizacji. Jeśli rozszerzenie ma aktualizację, jest oznaczane jako nieaktualne w widoku rozszerzeń. Aktualizacje są pobierane z usługi online firmy Microsoft.", "extensionsCloseExtensionDetailsOnViewChange": "W przypadku włączenia tej opcji edytory ze szczegółami rozszerzenia będą automatycznie zamykane po wyjściu z widoku Rozszerzenia.", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Rozszerzenia", "extensionsDeferredStartupFinishedActivation": "Po włączeniu, rozszerzenia, które deklarują zdarzenie aktywacji „onStartupFinished”, zostaną aktywowane po przekroczeniu limitu czasu.", "extensionsIgnoreRecommendations": "W przypadku włączenia tej opcji powiadomienia o rekomendacjach dotyczących rozszerzeń nie będą wyświetlane.", "extensionsInQuickAccess": "Po włączeniu rozszerzenia można wyszukiwać za pośrednictwem szybkiego dostępu i zgłaszać problemy z tego miejsca.", @@ -7556,6 +7648,7 @@ "workbench.extensions.action.configureKeybindings": "Skróty klawiaturowe", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtension": "Kopiuj", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtensionId": "Kopiuj identyfikator rozszerzenia", + "workbench.extensions.action.copyLink": "Kopiuj link", "workbench.extensions.action.ignoreRecommendation": "Ignoruj rekomendację", "workbench.extensions.action.removeExtensionFromWorkspaceRecommendations": "Usuń rekomendacje dla obszaru roboczego", "workbench.extensions.action.toggleApplyToAllProfiles": "Zastosuj rozszerzenie do wszystkich profilów", @@ -7614,6 +7707,7 @@ "disableGloballyAction": "Wyłącz", "disableGloballyActionToolTip": "Wyłącz to rozszerzenie", "disabled": "Wyłączone", + "disabled - not allowed": "To rozszerzenie jest wyłączone ponieważ {0}", "disabled because of virtual workspace": "To rozszerzenie zostało wyłączone, ponieważ nie obsługuje wirtualnych obszarów roboczych.", "disabled by environment": "To rozszerzenie jest wyłączone przez środowisko.", "do not sync": "Nie synchronizuj ponownie tego rozszerzenia", @@ -7836,6 +7930,7 @@ "no local extensions": "Nie ma żadnych rozszerzeń do zainstalowania.", "offline error": "Nie można przeszukać witryny Marketplace w trybie offline. Sprawdź połączenie sieciowe.", "open user settings": "Otwórz ustawienia użytkownika", + "showingExtensionsForFeature": "Extensions using {0} in the last 30 days", "suggestProxyError": "Platforma handlowa zwróciła wartość „ECONNREFUSED”. Sprawdź ustawienie „http.proxy”." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/extensionsWidgets": { @@ -7845,6 +7940,8 @@ "extensionIconStarForeground": "Kolor ikony ocen rozszerzeń.", "extensionIconVerifiedForeground": "Kolor ikony zweryfikowanego wydawcy rozszerzeń.", "extensionPreReleaseForeground": "Kolor ikony rozszerzenia wersji wstępnej.", + "feature access label": "Liczba żądań: {0}", + "feature usage label": "{0} — użycie", "has prerelease": "To rozszerzenie ma dostępną opcję {0}", "local extension": "Rozszerzenie lokalne", "message": "1 komunikat", @@ -7856,6 +7953,7 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "startup": "Uruchomienie", "syncingore.label": "To rozszerzenie jest ignorowane podczas synchronizacji.", + "total": "liczba żądań {1} w ciągu ostatnich 30 dni: {0}", "uncaught error": "1 nieprzechwycony błąd", "uncaught errors": "Nieprzechwycone błędy: {0}", "updateRequired": "Najnowsza wersja:", @@ -7873,11 +7971,13 @@ "deprecated extensions": "Wykryto przestarzałe rozszerzenia. Przejrzyj je i przeprowadź migrację do alternatyw.", "disable all": "Wyłącz wszystkie", "disableDependents": "Odinstaluj rozszerzenie z elementami zależnymi", - "disallowed": "This extension is disallowed to be installed.", - "download": "Download", + "disallowed": "Nie można zainstalować tego rozszerzenia.", + "disallowed extensions": "Some extensions are disabled because they are configured not to be allowed.", + "disallowed extensions by policy": "Some extensions are disabled because they are not allowed by your system administrator.", + "download": "Pobierz", "download title": "Wybierz folder, aby pobrać plik VSIX", "download.completed": "Pomyślnie pobrano plik VSIX", - "downloading...": "Downlading VSIX...", + "downloading...": "Pobieranie jednostki VSIX...", "enable locally": "Włącz {0} to rozszerzenie lokalnie.", "enable remote": "Włącz {0} to rozszerzenie w {1}.", "enableButtonLabel": "&&&Włącz rozszerzenie", @@ -7886,6 +7986,7 @@ "enableExtensionTitle": "Włącz rozszerzenie", "extension not found": "Nie znaleziono rozszerzenia „{0}”.", "extensionsAutoRestart": "Rozszerzenia zostały automatycznie uruchomione ponownie, aby umożliwić aktualizacje.", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Rozszerzenia", "incompatible": "Nie można zainstalować rozszerzenia „{0}”, ponieważ jest ono niezgodne.", "incompatibleExtensions": "Niektóre rozszerzenia są wyłączone z powodu niezgodności wersji. Przejrzyj i zaktualizuj je.", "installButtonLabel": "&&Zainstaluj rozszerzenie", @@ -7899,12 +8000,12 @@ "malicious": "To rozszerzenie jest zgłaszane jako problematyczne.", "multipleDependentsError": "Nie można wyłączyć samego rozszerzenia „{0}”. Zależą od niego rozszerzenia „{1}”, „{2}” i inne. Czy chcesz wyłączyć wszystkie te rozszerzenia?", "multipleDependentsUninstallError": "Nie można odinstalować samego rozszerzenia „{0}”. Rozszerzenia „{1}” i „{2}” i inne rozszerzenia zależą od tego. Czy na pewno chcesz odinstalować te rozszerzenia?", - "not an extension": "The provided object is not an extension.", + "not an extension": "Podany obiekt nie jest rozszerzeniem.", "not found": "Nie można zainstalować rozszerzenia „{0}”, ponieważ nie zostało znalezione.", "not found version": "Nie można zainstalować rozszerzenia „{0}”, ponieważ nie odnaleziono żądanej wersji „{1}”.", - "not signed": "This extension is not signed.", + "not signed": "To rozszerzenie nie jest podpisane.", "open": "Otwórz rozszerzenie", - "platform placeholder": "Please select the platform for which you want to download the VSIX", + "platform placeholder": "Wybierz platformę, dla której chcesz pobrać jednostkę VSIX", "postDisableTooltip": "Wyłącz {0} to rozszerzenie.", "postEnableTooltip": "Włącz {0} to rozszerzenie.", "postUninstallTooltip": "Dokończ {0} odinstalowywanie tego rozszerzenia.", @@ -7936,6 +8037,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/workspaceRecommendations": { "workspaceRecommendation": "To rozszerzenie jest zalecane przez użytkowników bieżącego obszaru roboczego." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensions": { + "extensions": "Rozszerzenia" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensionsFileTemplate": { "app.extension.identifier.errorMessage": "Oczekiwano formatu ${publisher}.${name}”. Przykład: „vscode.CSharp”.", "app.extensions.json.recommendations": "Lista rozszerzeń, które powinny być zalecane dla użytkowników tego obszaru roboczego. Identyfikatorem rozszerzenia jest zawsze „${publisher}.${name}”. Na przykład: „vscode.csharp”.", @@ -8548,8 +8652,14 @@ "welcome.2": "Trwa przygotowywanie..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { - "inlineChatExpansion": "Określa, czy rozszerzenie czatu wbudowanego jest włączone w przypadku znajdowania się na końcu właśnie wpisanego wiersza", - "startWithCurrentLine": "Rozpocznij w Redaktorze z bieżącym wierszem" + "defaultTitle": "Czat", + "disableHint": "Wyłącz wskazówkę dotyczącą czatu śródwierszowego", + "hideHint": "Ukryj wskazówkę dotyczącą czatu wbudowanego", + "inlineChatShowingHint": "Czy czat wbudowany pokazuje wskazówkę kontekstową", + "showHint": "Pokaż wskazówkę dotyczącą czatu wbudowanego", + "startWithCurrentLine": "Rozpocznij w Redaktorze z bieżącym wierszem", + "title1": "{0}, aby kontynuować za pomocą:{1}", + "title2": "{0}, aby edytować za pomocą:{1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { "config": "Zawsze zapisuj ze zmianami generowanymi przez sztuczną inteligencję bez pytania", @@ -8574,6 +8684,7 @@ "accessibleDiffView.on": "Przeglądarka różnic z ułatwieniami dostępu jest zawsze włączona.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatInserted": "Omówienie koloru znacznika linijki dla zawartości wstawionej do śródwierszowego czatu.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatRemoved": "Omówienie koloru znacznika linijki dla zawartości usuniętej ze śródwierszowego czatu.", + "emptyLineHint": "Określa, czy puste wiersze pokazują wskazówkę umożliwiającą wygenerowanie kodu za pomocą czatu śródwierszowego.", "finishOnType": "Określa, czy zakończyć sesję śródwierszowego czatu podczas pisania poza zmienionymi regionami.", "holdToSpeech": "Określa, czy utrzymywanie powiązania klawiszy śródwierszowego czatu spowoduje automatyczne włączenie rozpoznawania mowy.", "inlineChat.background": "Kolor tła widżetu edytora interaktywnego", @@ -8605,6 +8716,7 @@ "inlineChatResponseTypes": "Jakiego typu odpowiedzi zostały otrzymane, jeszcze nic, tylko wiadomości lub wiadomości i lokalne edycje", "inlineChatUserDidEdit": "Czy użytkownik wprowadzał zmiany na czacie wbudowanym", "inlineChatVisible": "Określa, czy dane wejściowe edytora interakcyjnego są widoczne", + "lineSuffixHint": "Whether a hint to complete a line with inline chat is shown. Only shows when at the end of a line that is dominated by natural language, like `class Person with name and hobbies`", "mode": "Skonfiguruj, czy zmiany wprowadzane we wbudowanym czacie są stosowane bezpośrednio w dokumencie, czy są najpierw jest wyświetlany podgląd.", "mode.live": "Zmiany są stosowane bezpośrednio w dokumencie, można je wyróżnić za pomocą różnic wbudowanych i akceptować/odrzucać fragmenty. Zakończenie sesji spowoduje zachowanie zmian.", "mode.preview": "Zmiany są wyświetlane tylko w wersji zapoznawczej i muszą zostać zaakceptowane za pośrednictwem przycisku Zastosuj. Zakończenie sesji spowoduje odrzucenie zmian." @@ -9408,8 +9520,7 @@ "notebookActions.chatFixCellError": "Napraw błąd komórki" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellDiagnostics/diagnosticCellStatusBarContrib": { - "notebook.cell.status.explain": "Wyjaśnij za pomocą czatu", - "notebook.cell.status.fix": "Rozwiąż problem za pomocą czatu wbudowanego" + "notebook.cell.status.diagnostic": "Szybkie akcje — {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/executionStatusBarItemController": { "notebook.cell.status.executing": "Wykonywanie", @@ -9417,7 +9528,8 @@ "notebook.cell.status.pending": "Oczekiwanie", "notebook.cell.status.success": "Sukces", "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip": "**Ostatnie wykonanie** {0}\r\n\r\n**Czas wykonywania** {1}\r\n\r\n**Czas pracy** {2}\r\n\r\n**Czasy renderowania**\r\n\r\n{3}", - "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Użyj powyższych linków, aby rozwiązać problem przy użyciu reportera problemu." + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Użyj powyższych linków, aby rozwiązać problem przy użyciu reportera problemu.", + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerVerbose": "Last Execution: {0}, Duration: {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/statusBarProviders": { "notebook.cell.status.autoDetectLanguage": "Zaakceptuj wykryty język: {0}", @@ -9775,6 +9887,9 @@ "insertToolbarLocation.notebookToolbar": "Pasek narzędzi u góry edytora notesów.", "notebook.VariablesView.description": "Włącz widok eksperymentalnych zmiennych notesu w panelu debugowania.", "notebook.backup.sizeLimit": "Limit rozmiaru danych wyjściowych notesu w kilobajtach (KB), w którym kopie zapasowe plików notesu nie będą już wykonywane w celu ponownego załadowania na gorąco. Użyj 0 dla nieograniczonej liczby.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.default.description": "The cell execution duration is visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.description": "Controls the verbosity of the cell execution time in the cell status bar.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.verbose.description": "The cell last execution timestamp and duration are visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", "notebook.cellFailureDiagnostics": "Pokaż dostępną diagnostykę błędów komórek.", "notebook.cellGenerate": "Włącz eksperymentalne generowanie akcji, aby utworzyć komórkę kodu z włączonym czatem wbudowanym.", "notebook.cellToolbarLocation.description": "Gdzie powinien być wyświetlany pasek narzędzi komórki lub czy powinien być ukryty.", @@ -12655,7 +12770,7 @@ "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshCode": "Niestandardowe uzupełnienia argumentów powłoki PowerShell zostaną zarejestrowane dla interfejsów CLI w usłudze VS Code `code` i `code-insiders`. Jest to obecnie bardzo proste i zawsze sugeruje flagi i polecenia podrzędne bez sprawdzania kontekstu.", "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshGit": "Niestandardowe uzupełnienia argumentów powłoki PowerShell zostaną zarejestrowane dla interfejsu CLI `git`.", "suggest.enableExtensionCompletions": "Określa, czy uzupełnianie rozszerzeń jest włączone.", - "suggest.enabled": "Enables experimental terminal Intellisense suggestions for supported shells ({0}) when {1} is set to {2}.\r\n\r\nIf shell integration is installed manually, {3} needs to be set to {4} before calling the shell integration script. \r\n\r\nFor extension provided completions, {5} will also need to be set.", + "suggest.enabled": "Włącza eksperymentalne podpowiedzi terminala IntelliSense dla obsługiwanych powłok ({0}), gdy {1} jest ustawiona na {2}.\r\n\r\nJeśli integracja powłoki jest instalowana ręcznie, należy ustawić {3} na {4} przed wywołaniem skryptu integracji powłoki. \r\n\r\nW przypadku uzupełnień dostarczonych przez rozszerzenie, należy również ustawić {5}.", "suggest.quickSuggestions": "Określa, czy sugestie powinny być automatycznie wyświetlane podczas pisania. Pamiętaj również o ustawieniu {0}, które kontroluje, czy sugestie są wyzwalane przez znaki specjalne.", "suggest.runOnEnter": "Kontroluje, czy sugestie powinny być uruchamiane natychmiast po użyciu klawisza `Enter` (nie `Tab`) do zaakceptowania wyniku.", "suggest.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": "Określa, czy sugestie powinny być automatycznie wyświetlane podczas wpisywania znaków wyzwalacza." @@ -12888,7 +13003,8 @@ "testingCountBadgePassed": "Testy zakończone powodzeniem: {0}", "testingCountBadgeSkipped": "Pominięte testy: {0}", "testingFindExtension": "Pokaż testy obszaru roboczego", - "testingNoTest": "Nie znaleziono testów w tym pliku." + "testingNoTest": "Nie znaleziono testów w tym pliku.", + "testingSelectConfig": "Wybierz konfigurację..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Zamknij", @@ -13067,6 +13183,11 @@ "testError": "Wystąpił błąd podczas próby uruchomienia testów: {0}", "testTrust": "Uruchomienie testów może wykonać kod w Twoim obszarze roboczym." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/testTypes": { + "testing.runProfileBitset.coverage": "Pokrycie", + "testing.runProfileBitset.debug": "Debuguj", + "testing.runProfileBitset.run": "Uruchom" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/themes/browser/themes.contribution": { "browseColorThemeInMarketPlace.label": "Przeglądaj motywy kolorów w witrynie Marketplace", "browseColorThemes": "Przeglądaj dodatkowe motywy kolorów...", @@ -13656,7 +13777,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { "getStarted": "Witamy", - "walkthroughPageTitle": "Przewodnik: " + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Przewodnik: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "Wbudowane", @@ -13674,6 +13795,7 @@ "browsePopularWeb": "Przeglądaj popularne rozszerzenia sieci Web", "cloneRepo": "Klonowanie repozytorium", "commandPalette": "Otwieranie palety poleceń", + "copilotTerms": "By continuing, you agree to Copilot [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", "enableSync": "Ustawienia kopii zapasowej i synchronizacji", "enableTrust": "włączyć zaufanie", "getting-started-beginner-icon": "Ikona używana dla kategorii początkujących strony powitalnej", @@ -13695,6 +13817,8 @@ "gettingStarted.commandPalette.title": "Zwiększanie produktywności za pomocą palety poleceń ", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.description.interpolated": "Uruchamiaj polecenia bez sięgania po mysz, aby wykonać dowolne zadanie w programie VS Code.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.title": "Zwiększanie produktywności za pomocą palety poleceń ", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.description": "Write code faster and smarter with [Copilot]({0}) for free.", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.title": "Use AI features with Copilot for free", "gettingStarted.debug.description.interpolated": "Przyspiesz edytowanie, tworzenie, testowanie i debugowanie pętli, ustawiając konfigurację uruchamiania.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.debug.title": "Sprawdzanie działania kodu", "gettingStarted.extensions.description.interpolated": "Rozszerzenia to ulepszenia programu VS Code. Mogą one wprowadzać przydatne sztuczki zwiększające produktywność, rozbudowywać wbudowane o funkcje gotowe do użycia, a nawet dodawać zupełnie nowe możliwości.\r\n{0}", @@ -13789,6 +13913,9 @@ "quickOpen": "Szybkie otwieranie pliku", "runProject": "Uruchamianie projektu", "runTasks": "Uruchamianie automatycznie wykrytych zadań", + "setupCopilotButton.chatWithCopilot": "Chat with Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.setup": "Setup Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.signIn": "Sign in to use Copilot", "showOrFocusHover": "Pokaż lub ustaw fokus na wskaźniku myszy", "showTerminal": "Otwórz terminal", "titleID": "Przeglądanie motywów kolorów", @@ -14046,6 +14173,7 @@ "menus.explorerContextShare": "Menu podrzędne „Udostępnij” w menu kontekstowym eksploratora plików", "menus.extensionContext": "Menu kontekstowe rozszerzenia", "menus.historyItemContext": "Menu kontekstowe elementu historii Kontroli źródła", + "menus.historyItemRefContext": "Menu kontekstowe odwołania elementu historii Kontroli źródła", "menus.home": "Menu kontekstowe wskaźnika elementu głównego (tylko Internet)", "menus.input": "Menu pola wprowadzania kontroli źródła", "menus.mergeEditorResult": "Pasek narzędzi wyników edytora scalania", @@ -14350,6 +14478,7 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/browser/extensionEnablementService": { "Reload": "Załaduj ponownie i włącz rozszerzenia", "cannot change disablement environment": "Nie można zmienić włączenia {0}rozszerzenia, ponieważ jest wyłączona w środowisku", + "cannot change disallowed extension enablement": "Nie można zmienić włączenia rozszerzenia {0}, ponieważ jest ono niedozwolone", "cannot change enablement dependency": "Nie można włączyć rozszerzenia „{0}”, ponieważ zależy ono od rozszerzenia „{1}”, które nie może być włączone", "cannot change enablement environment": "Nie można zmienić włączenia {0}rozszerzenia, ponieważ jest włączona w środowisku", "cannot change enablement extension kind": "Nie można zmienić włączenia rozszerzenia {0} ze względu na jego rodzaj rozszerzenia", @@ -14371,9 +14500,6 @@ "allow": "Zezwalaj", "disallow": "Nie zezwalaj" }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { - "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Rozszerzenia" - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementServerService": { "browser": "Przeglądarka", "remote": "Zdalne" @@ -14403,11 +14529,6 @@ "singleDependentError": "Nie można odinstalować rozszerzenia „{0}”. Rozszerzenie „{1}” jest od niego zależne.", "twoDependentsError": "Nie można odinstalować rozszerzenia „{0}”. Rozszerzenia „{1}” i „{2}” są od niego zależne." }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/webExtensionManagementService": { - "VS Code for Web": "{0} dla sieci Web", - "learn why": "Learn Why", - "not web tooltip": "Rozszerzenie „{0}” nie jest dostępne w {1}." - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/extensionManagementServerService": { "local": "Lokalne", "remote": "Zdalne" diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index f8ababdf69..292c7e973a 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ "Conflict: Deleted By Us": "Conflito: Excluído por Nós", "Continue Rebase": "Continuar Troca de base", "Continuing Rebase...": "Continuando troca de base...", + "Copy Commit Hash": "Copiar Hash do Commit", "Could not clone your repository as Git is not installed.": "Não foi possível clonar seu repositório porque o Git não está instalado.", "Create Empty Commit": "Criar um Commit Vazio", "Current": "Atual", @@ -112,10 +113,11 @@ "File \"{0}\" was deleted by us and modified by them.\n\nWhat would you like to do?": "O arquivo ''{0}'' foi excluído por nós e modificado por eles.\n\nO que você deseja fazer?", "Force Checkout": "Forçar o Check-out", "Force push is not allowed, please enable it with the \"git.allowForcePush\" setting.": "Não é permitido forçar push. Habilite-o com a configuração ''git.allowForcePush''.", - "Git Blame Information": "Git Blame Information", + "Git Blame Information": "Informações do Git Blame", "Git History": "Histórico de Git", "Git error": "Erro de git", - "Git local working changes": "Alterações do trabalho local do Git", + "Git local changes (working tree + index)": "Alterações locais do Git (árvore de trabalho + índice)", + "Git local changes (working tree)": "Alterações locais do Git (árvore de trabalho)", "Git not found. Install it or configure it using the \"git.path\" setting.": "Git não encontrado. Instale ou configure-o usando a configuração ''git.path''.", "Git repositories were found in the parent folders of the workspace or the open file(s). Would you like to open the repositories?": "Repositórios Git foram encontrados nas pastas pai do workspace ou nos arquivos abertos. Deseja abrir os repositórios?", "Git: {0}": "Git: {0}", @@ -415,6 +417,7 @@ "command.branchFrom": "Criar Ramificação de...", "command.checkout": "Check-out para...", "command.checkoutDetached": "Check-out para (Desanexado)...", + "command.checkoutRef": "Finalizar compra", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Check-out (Desanexado)", "command.cherryPick": "Cherry-pick...", "command.cherryPickAbort": "Anular Cherry Pick", @@ -552,8 +555,10 @@ "config.autofetch": "Quando esta opção estiver definida como true, os commits serão buscados automaticamente no repositório remoto padrão do repositório do Git atual. Quando ela estiver definida como `all` os commits serão buscados de todos os repositórios remotos.", "config.autofetchPeriod": "Duração em segundos entre cada busca automática de git, quando `#git.autofetch#` está habilitado.", "config.autorefresh": "Se a atualização automática está habilitada.", - "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Controla se as informações de blame do Git devem ser mostradas no editor usando decorações do editor.", - "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Controla se as informações de blame do Git devem ser mostradas na barra de status.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Controla se as informações de blame devem ser mostradas no editor usando decorações do editor.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.template": "Modelo para a decoração do editor de informações de reação. Variáveis com suporte:\r\n\r\n* `hash`: hash do Commit\r\n\r\n* `hashShort`: primeiros 8 caracteres do hash do commit\r\n\r\n* `subject`: Primeira linha do mensagem do commit\r\n\r\n* `authorName`: nome do autor\r\n\r\n* `authorEmail`: Email do autor\r\n\r\n* `authorDate`: data do autor\r\n\r\n* `authorDateAgo`: diferença de tempo entre agora e a data do autor\r\n\r\n", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Controla se as informações de blame devem ser mostradas na barra de status.", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.template": "Modelo para o item barra de status de informações de blame. Variáveis com suporte:\r\n\r\n* `hash`: hash do Commit\r\n\r\n* `hashShort`: primeiros 8 caracteres do hash do commit\r\n\r\n* `subject`: Primeira linha do mensagem do commit\r\n\r\n* `authorName`: nome do autor\r\n\r\n* `authorEmail`: Email do autor\r\n\r\n* `authorDate`: data do autor\r\n\r\n* `authorDateAgo`: diferença de tempo entre agora e a data do autor\r\n\r\n", "config.branchPrefix": "Prefixo usado ao criar um novo branch.", "config.branchProtection": "Lista de branches protegidos. Por padrão, um prompt é mostrado antes que as alterações sejam confirmadas em um branch protegido. O prompt pode ser controlado usando a configuração `#git.branchProtectionPrompt#`.", "config.branchProtectionPrompt": "Controla se um prompt está sendo mostrado antes que as alterações sejam confirmadas em um branch protegido.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json index a506e6d3a4..1f7fc96479 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "$ref '{0}' in '{1}' can not be resolved.": "$ref “{0}” in “{1}” não pode ser resolvido.", "": "", "A default value. Used by suggestions.": "Um valor padrão. Usado pelas sugestões.", - "A descriptive title of the element.": "Um título descritivo do elemento.", - "A long description of the element. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "Uma descrição longa do elemento. Usado em menus de foco e sugestões.", + "A descriptive title of the schema.": "A descriptive title of the schema.", + "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.", "A map of property names to either an array of property names or a schema. An array of property names means the property named in the key depends on the properties in the array being present in the object in order to be valid. If the value is a schema, then the schema is only applied to the object if the property in the key exists on the object.": "Um mapa de nomes de propriedade para uma matriz de nomes de propriedade ou um esquema. Uma matriz de nomes de propriedade significa que a propriedade nomeada na chave depende das propriedades na matriz que estão presentes no objeto para serem válidas. Se o valor for um esquema, o esquema só será aplicado ao objeto se a propriedade na chave existir no objeto.", "A map of property names to schemas for each property.": "Um mapa de nomes de propriedades para esquemas para cada propriedade.", "A map of regular expressions on property names to schemas for matching properties.": "Um mapa de expressões regulares em nomes de propriedades para esquemas para propriedades correspondentes.", @@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ "Configured in workspace settings": "Definindo nas configurações do espaço de trabalho", "Default value": "Valor padrão", "Describes the content encoding of a string property.": "Descreve a codificação de conteúdo de uma propriedade de cadeia.", - "Describes the format expected for the value.": "Descreve o formato esperado para o valor.", + "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation": "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation", "Describes the media type of a string property.": "Descreve o tipo de mídia de uma propriedade de cadeia.", "Downloading schemas is disabled through setting '{0}'": "O download de esquemas está desabilitado pela configuração '{0}'", "Downloading schemas is disabled. Click to configure.": "O download de esquemas está desabilitado. Clique para configurar.", "Draft-03 schemas are not supported.": "Não há suporte para esquemas draft-03.", "Duplicate anchor declaration: '{0}'": "Declaração de âncora duplicada: “{0}”", "Duplicate object key": "Chave de objeto duplicada", - "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, then used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties' or 'patternProperties'. If false, then any properties not matched by either will cause this schema to fail.": "Um esquema ou um booliano. Se for um esquema, então usado para validar todas as propriedades não correspondidas por \"properties\" ou \"patternProperties\". Se for falso, qualquer propriedade não correspondida por nenhuma das propriedades causará a falha desse esquema.", + "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.": "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.", "Either a string of one of the basic schema types (number, integer, null, array, object, boolean, string) or an array of strings specifying a subset of those types.": "Uma cadeia de um dos tipos de esquema básicos (número, inteiro, nulo, matriz, objeto, booliano, cadeia) ou uma matriz de cadeias de caracteres especificando um subconjunto desses tipos.", "End of file expected.": "Fim do arquivo esperado.", "Expected a JSON object, array or literal.": "Esperava-se um objeto JSON, matriz ou literal.", @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ "Expected comma or closing brace": "Esperava-se vírgula ou chave de fechamento", "Expected comma or closing bracket": "Esperava-se vírgula ou colchete de fechamento", "Failed to sort the JSONC document, please consider opening an issue.": "Falha ao classificar o documento JSONC. Considere abrir um problema.", - "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If it is a schema, then this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items array. If it is false, then additional items will cause validation to fail.": "Para matrizes, apenas quando os itens são definidos como uma matriz. Se for um esquema, esse esquema validará os itens após aqueles especificados pela matriz de itens. Se for falso, os itens adicionais causarão falha na validação.", + "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.": "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.", "For arrays. Can either be a schema to validate every element against or an array of schemas to validate each item against in order (the first schema will validate the first element, the second schema will validate the second element, and so on.": "Para matrizes. Pode ser um esquema para validar cada elemento ou uma matriz de esquemas para validar cada item em ordem (o primeiro esquema validará o primeiro elemento, o segundo esquema validará o segundo elemento e assim por diante.", "If all of the items in the array must be unique. Defaults to false.": "Se todos os itens na matriz devem ser exclusivos. O padrão é false.", "If the instance is an object, this keyword validates if every property name in the instance validates against the provided schema.": "Se a instância for um objeto, essa palavra-chave validará se cada nome de propriedade na instância for validado em relação ao esquema fornecido.", @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ "String is not an e-mail address.": "A cadeia não é um endereço de email.", "String is shorter than the minimum length of {0}.": "A cadeia é menor que o comprimento mínimo de {0}.", "The \"else\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema fails.": "O subesquema \"else\" é usado para validação quando o subesquema \"if\" falha.", - "The \"if\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "O subesquema \"if\" é usado para validação quando o subesquema \"if\" é bem-sucedido.", + "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.", "The maximum length of a string.": "O comprimento máximo de uma cadeia de caracteres.", "The maximum number of items that can be inside an array. Inclusive.": "O número máximo de itens que podem estar dentro de uma matriz. Inclusivo.", "The maximum number of properties an object can have. Inclusive.": "O número máximo de propriedades que um objeto pode ter. Inclusivo.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json index b07fb94e2e..14c2220498 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ "package": { "description": "Provedor de autenticação da Microsoft", "displayName": "Conta Microsoft", - "microsoft-authentication.implementation.description": "The authentication implementation to use for signing in with a Microsoft account.", - "microsoft-authentication.implementation.enumDescriptions.classic": "Use the classic authentication flow to sign in with a Microsoft account.", + "microsoft-authentication.implementation.description": "A implementação de autenticação a ser usada para entrar com uma conta Microsoft.", + "microsoft-authentication.implementation.enumDescriptions.classic": "Use o fluxo de autenticação clássico para entrar com uma conta Microsoft.", "microsoft-authentication.implementation.enumDescriptions.msal": "Use a Biblioteca de Autenticação da Microsoft (MSAL) para entrar com uma conta Microsoft.", "microsoft-sovereign-cloud.customEnvironment.activeDirectoryEndpointUrl.description": "O ponto de extremidade do Active Directory para o Sovereign Cloud personalizado.", "microsoft-sovereign-cloud.customEnvironment.activeDirectoryResourceId.description": "O ID de recurso do Active Directory para o Sovereign Cloud personalizado.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json index 930d5316d4..acde7f3c52 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ "version": "1.0.0", "contents": { "package": { - "description": "Extension to add terminal completions for zsh, bash, and fish terminals.", - "displayName": "Terminal Suggest for VS Code", - "view.name": "Terminal Suggest" + "description": "Extensão para adicionar conclusões de terminal para terminais zsh, bash e fish.", + "displayName": "Sugestão de Terminal para VS Code", + "view.name": "Sugestão de Terminal" } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json index fab8ea1959..79cb0aca32 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.explicit": "A animação de cursor suave é habilitada somente quando o usuário move o cursor com um gesto explícito.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.off": "A animação de cursor suave está desabilitada.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.on": "A animação de cursor suave está sempre habilitada.", - "cursorStyle": "Controla o estilo do cursor.", + "cursorStyle": "Controla o estilo do cursor no modo inserção de entrada.", "cursorSurroundingLines": "Controla o número mínimo de linhas iniciais visíveis (mínimo 0) e linhas finais (mínimo 1) ao redor do cursor. Conhecido como 'scrollOff' ou 'scrollOffset' em alguns outros editores.", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle": "Controla quando `#editor.cursorSurroundingLines#` deve ser imposto.", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle.all": "`cursorSurroundingLines` é sempre imposto.", @@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ "inline": "As Sugestões rápidas são mostradas como texto fantasma", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Controla se a dica de acessibilidade deve ser fornecida aos usuários do leitor de tela quando uma conclusão embutida é mostrada.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Controla se as edições experimentais em sugestões embutidas serão habilitadas.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.onlyShowWhenCloseToCursor": "Controla se as sugestões em linha devem ser exibidas apenas quando o cursor está próximo da sugestão.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useInterleavedLinesDiff": "Controla se a comparação de linhas intercaladas experimentais deve ser habilitada em sugestões em linha.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useMixedLinesDiff": "Controla se as edições experimentais em sugestões embutidas serão habilitadas.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "Controla se quer mostrar automaticamente sugestões em linha no editor.", @@ -609,6 +610,8 @@ "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Controla o atraso em milissegundos após o qual as ocorrências são realçadas.", "off": "As Sugestões rápidas estão desabilitadas", "on": "As Sugestões rápidas são mostradas dentro do widget de sugestão", + "overtypeCursorStyle": "Controla o estilo do cursor no modo sobrescrever de entrada.", + "overtypeOnPaste": "Controla se a colagem deve sobrescrever.", "overviewRulerBorder": "Controla se uma borda deve ser desenhada ao redor da régua de visão geral.", "padding.bottom": "Controla a quantidade de espaço entre a borda inferior do editor e a última linha.", "padding.top": "Controla a quantidade de espaço entre a borda superior do editor e a primeira linha.", @@ -1410,9 +1413,10 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Mostrar próxima sugestão em linha", "action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "Mostrar sugestões em linha anteriores", "action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "Disparar a Sugestão Embutida", - "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.inlineEdit": "Acionar edição em linha", + "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.explicitInlineEdit": "Acionar edição em linha", "jump": "Pular", - "noInlineEditAvailable": "Nenhuma edição em linha está disponível." + "noInlineEditAvailable": "Nenhuma edição em linha está disponível.", + "reject": "Reject" }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/controller/inlineCompletionContextKeys": { "cursorAtInlineEdit": "Se o cursor está em uma edição em linha", @@ -2045,12 +2049,14 @@ }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "O Marketplace não está habilitado", + "VS Code for Web": "{0} para a Web", "incompatible platform": "A extensão '{0}' não está disponível no {1} para {2}.", "incompatibleAPI": "Não foi possível instalar a extensão \"{0}\". {1}", - "learn more": "Saiba mais", + "learn why": "Saiba por quê", "malicious extension": "Não é possível instalar a extensão '{0}' porque foi relatado como problemático.", "multipleDependentsError": "Não foi possível desinstalar a extensão '{0}'. As extensões '{1}' e '{2}' e outras dependem dela.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "Não é possível desinstalar a extensão '{0}'. Isso inclui a desinstalação da extensão '{1}' e as extensões '{2}', '{3}' e outras dependem dela.", + "not allowed to install": "Essa extensão não pode ser instalada porque {0}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "Não é possível instalar a extensão '{0}' porque não é compatível com a versão atual do {1} (versão {2}).", "notFoundDeprecatedReplacementExtension": "Não é possível instalar a extensão '{0}' porque foi obsoleta e a extensão de substituição '{1}' não pode ser encontrada.", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "Não é possível instalar a versão de lançamento da extensão '{0}' porque ela não tem nenhuma versão de lançamento.", @@ -2059,6 +2065,13 @@ "twoDependentsError": "Não foi possível desinstalar a extensão '{0}'. As extensões '{1}' e '{2}' dependem dela.", "twoIndirectDependentsError": "Não é possível desinstalar a extensão '{0}'. Isso inclui a desinstalação da extensão '{1}' e as extensões '{2}' e '{3}' dependem dela." }, + "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/allowedExtensionsService": { + "extension prerelease not allowed": "as versões de pré-lançamento dessa extensão não estão na [lista permitida]({0})", + "prerelease versions from this publisher not allowed": "as versões de pré-lançamento desse fornecedor não estão na [lista permitida]({1})", + "publisher not allowed": "as extensões desse fornecedor não estão na [lista permitida]({1})", + "specific extension not allowed": "não está na [lista permitida]({0})", + "specific version of extension not allowed": "a versão {0} dessa extensão não está na [lista permitida]({1})" + }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { "extensions": "Extensões", "preferences": "Preferências" @@ -2096,10 +2109,6 @@ "updateMessage": "Atualizando a extensão '{0}' para a versão {1}", "useId": "Não se esqueça de usar a ID de extensão completa, incluindo o editor, por exemplo: {0}" }, - "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementIpc": { - "incompatible platform": "A extensão '{0}' não está disponível no {1} para {2}.", - "learn more": "Saiba mais" - }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionNls": { "missingNLSKey": "Não foi possível localizar a mensagem para a chave {0}." }, @@ -2117,7 +2126,7 @@ "errorDeleting": "Não é possível excluir a pasta '{0}' existente ao instalar a extensão '{1}'. Exclua a pasta manualmente e tente de novo", "incompatible": "Não é possível instalar a extensão ' {0} ', pois não é compatível com o VS Code '{1} '.", "invalidManifest": "Não é possível instalar a extensão '{0}' devido à incompatibilidade de manifesto com o Marketplace", - "not signed": "A extensão não está assinada.", + "notAllowed": "Essa extensão não pode ser instalada porque {0}", "removeError": "Erro ao remover a extensão: {0}. Encerre e inicie o VS Code antes de tentar novamente.", "restartCode": "Reinicie o VS Code antes de reinstalar {0}.", "signature verification failed": "Falha na verificação de assinatura com o erro '{0}'.", @@ -2725,6 +2734,9 @@ "activityWarningBadge.foreground": "Cor de primeiro plano do selo de atividade de aviso", "badgeBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo do selo. Os selos são pequenas etiquetas de informações, por exemplo, para contagem de resultados da pesquisa.", "badgeForeground": "Cor de primeiro plano do selo. Os selos são pequenas etiquetas de informações, por exemplo, para contagem de resultados da pesquisa.", + "chartAxis": "Cor do eixo do gráfico.", + "chartGuide": "Linha de guia para o gráfico.", + "chartLine": "Cor da linha do gráfico.", "progressBarBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo da barra de progresso que pode ser exibida para operações de execução prolongada.", "sashActiveBorder": "Cor da borda dos caixilhos ativos.", "scrollbarShadow": "Sombra da barra de rolagem para indicar que a exibição é rolada.", @@ -3063,6 +3075,11 @@ "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadNotebookSaveParticipant": { "timeout.onWillSave": "Interrompido onWillSaveNotebookDocument-event após 1750ms" }, + "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadOutputService": { + "status.showOutput": "Mostrar saída", + "status.showOutputAria": "Mostrar {0} canal de saída", + "status.showOutputTooltip": "Mostrar {0} canal de saída" + }, "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadProgress": { "manageExtension": "Gerenciar a Extensão" }, @@ -3868,6 +3885,7 @@ "miRestoreEditorsToMainWindow": "&&Restaurar Editores na Janela Principal", "minimizeOtherEditorGroups": "Expandir o Grupo de Editores", "minimizeOtherEditorGroupsHideSidebar": "Expandir o Grupo do Editor e Ocultar Barras Laterais", + "mitoggleOvertypeInsertMode": "&&Ativar/Desativar Modo de Inserção/Sobrescrição", "moveActiveGroupDown": "Mover Grupo de Editor para Baixo", "moveActiveGroupLeft": "Mover Grupo de Editor para a Esquerda", "moveActiveGroupRight": "Mover Grupo de Editor para a Direita", @@ -3939,6 +3957,8 @@ "toggleEditorType": "Ativar/Desativar Tipo de Editor", "toggleEditorWidths": "Ativar/Desativar Tamanhos de Grupo de Editor", "toggleMaximizeEditorGroup": "Ativar/Desativar Maximizar Grupo de Editores", + "toggleOvertypeInsertMode": "Ativar/Desativar Modo de Inserção/Sobrescrição", + "toggleOvertypeMode.description": "Alternar entre o modo de inserção e sobretipo", "unpinEditor": "Desafixar Editor" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorCommands": { @@ -4045,6 +4065,7 @@ "guessedEncoding": "Adivinhado do conteúdo", "indentConvert": "converter arquivo", "indentView": "alterar exibição", + "inputModeOvertype": "OVR", "languageDescription": "({0}) – Linguagem Configurada", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", "languagesPicks": "linguagens (identificador)", @@ -4071,6 +4092,7 @@ "spacesAndTabsSize": "Espaços: {0} (Tamanho da Guia: {1})", "spacesSize": "Espaços: {0}", "status.editor.columnSelectionMode": "Modo de Seleção de Coluna", + "status.editor.enableInsertMode": "Habilitar modo de inserção", "status.editor.encoding": "Codificação do Editor", "status.editor.eol": "Fim da Linha do Editor", "status.editor.indentation": "Recuo do Editor", @@ -4585,11 +4607,13 @@ "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.always": "Sempre maximize o painel ao abri-lo.", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.never": "Nunca maximizar o painel ao abri-lo. O painel será aberto não maximizado.", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.preserve": "Abrir o painel no estado em que estava antes de ser fechado.", + "workbench.panel.output": "Exibição de saída", "workbench.quickOpen.preserveInput": "Controla se a última entrada digitada para a Abertura Rápida deverá ser restaurada ao ser aberta na próxima vez.", "workbench.reduceMotion": "Controla se o workbench deve ser renderizado com menos animações.", "workbench.reduceMotion.auto": "Renderize com movimentos reduzidos com base na configuração do sistema operacional.", "workbench.reduceMotion.off": "Não renderizar com movimentos reduzidos", "workbench.reduceMotion.on": "Sempre renderizar com movimentos reduzidos.", + "workbench.view.showQuietly": "Se uma extensão solicitar que uma exibição oculta seja mostrada, exiba um indicador de barra de status clicável.", "wrapTabs": "Controla se as guias devem ser agrupadas em várias linhas ao exceder o espaço disponível ou se uma barra de rolagem deve aparecer em seu lugar. Esse valor é ignorado quando {0} não está definido como ''{1}''.", "zenMode.centerLayout": "Controla se a ativação do modo Zen também centraliza o layout.", "zenMode.fullScreen": "Controla se a ativação do modo Zen também coloca o workbench no modo de tela inteira.", @@ -4775,6 +4799,7 @@ "panelStickyScrollBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo da rolagem autoadesiva no painel.", "panelStickyScrollBorder": "Cor da borda da rolagem autoadesiva no painel.", "panelStickyScrollShadow": "Cor da sombra da rolagem autoadesiva no painel.", + "panelTitleBorder": "Cor da borda do título do painel na parte inferior, separando o título dos modos de exibição. Os painéis são mostrados abaixo da área do editor e contêm exibições como saída e terminal integrado.", "profileBadgeBackground": "Cor de fundo do crachá do perfil. O selo do perfil é exibido acima do ícone de engrenagem de configurações na barra de atividades.", "profileBadgeForeground": "Cor de primeiro plano do emblema do perfil. O selo do perfil é exibido acima do ícone de engrenagem de configurações na barra de atividades.", "sideBarActivityBarTopBorder": "Cor da borda entre a barra de atividade na parte superior/inferior e os modos de exibição.", @@ -4789,6 +4814,7 @@ "sideBarStickyScrollBorder": "Cor da borda da rolagem autoadesiva na barra lateral.", "sideBarStickyScrollShadow": "Cor da sombra da rolagem autoadesiva na barra lateral.", "sideBarTitleBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo do título da barra lateral. A barra lateral é o contêiner de modos de exibição, como explorador e pesquisa.", + "sideBarTitleBorder": "Cor da borda do título da barra lateral na parte inferior, separando o título dos modos de exibição. A barra lateral é o contêiner de modos de exibição, como explorador e pesquisa.", "sideBarTitleForeground": "Cor de primeiro plano do título da barra lateral. A barra lateral é o contêiner dos modos de exibição, como explorador e pesquisa.", "sideBySideEditor.horizontalBorder": "Cor para separar dois editores um do outro quando mostrados lado a lado em um grupo de editores de cima para baixo.", "sideBySideEditor.verticalBorder": "Cor para separar dois editores um do outro quando mostrados lado a lado em um grupo de editores da esquerda para a direita.", @@ -5427,12 +5453,16 @@ "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Alternar para o chat", "interactiveSession.open": "Abrir Editor", "learnMore": "Saiba Mais", + "managePlan": "Gerenciar Plano do Copilot", + "manageSettings": "Gerenciar Configurações do Copilot", "more": "Mais...", "newChatTitle": "Título do novo chat", "openChat": "Abrir Chat", + "showCopilotUsageExtensions": "Mostrar Extensões usando o Copilot", "title4": "Chat", - "toggle.chatControl": "Controles de Chat", - "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Alternar a visibilidade dos controles de chat na barra de título" + "toggle.chatControl": "Controles do Copilot", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Alternar a visibilidade dos Controles do Copilot na barra de título", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { "chat.done.label": "Concluído", @@ -5562,9 +5592,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Chat", - "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Controla se o centro de comandos mostra um menu para ações de chat (requer {0}).", + "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Controla se o centro de comandos mostra um menu para ações para controlar o Copilot (requer {0}).", "chat.detectParticipant.enabled": "Habilita a detecção automática do participante do chat para o chat do painel.", - "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Se deseja sempre perguntar antes de salvar arquivos com alterações feitas por chat.", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether files that have changes made by chat can be saved without confirmation.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Se deseja mostrar uma confirmação antes de remover uma solicitação e suas edições associadas.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Se deseja mostrar uma confirmação antes de repetir uma solicitação e suas edições associadas.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Habilita a detecção automática do participante do chat para o chat do painel.", @@ -5594,7 +5624,11 @@ "reservedName": "Esta extensão de chat está usando um nome reservado.", "viewExtensionLabel": "Exibir extensão" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAgentCommandContentPart": { + "rerun": "Executar novamente sem {0}{1}" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAttachmentsContentPart": { + "chat.attachment": "Contexto anexado, {0}", "chat.attachment3": "Contexto anexado: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachment3": "Anexado: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Anexado: {0}, linha {1} a linha {2}.", @@ -5602,7 +5636,8 @@ "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Omitido: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Omitido: {0}, linha {1} para linha {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Parcialmente anexado: {0}.", - "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "Parcialmente anexado: {0}, linha {1} a linha {2}." + "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "Parcialmente anexado: {0}, linha {1} a linha {2}.", + "resource": "O valor total do recurso de anexo de chat, incluindo o esquema e o caminho" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatCodeCitationContentPart": { "viewMatches": "Exibir correspondências" @@ -5617,7 +5652,16 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatMarkdownContentPart": { "chat.codeblock.applying": "Aplicando edições...", "chat.codeblock.applyingPercentage": "Aplicando edições ({0}%)...", - "chat.codeblock.generating": "Gerando edições..." + "chat.codeblock.deletions": "{0} exclusões", + "chat.codeblock.deletions.one": "{0} exclusão", + "chat.codeblock.generating": "Gerando edições...", + "chat.codeblock.insertions": "{0} inserções", + "chat.codeblock.insertions.one": "{0} inserção", + "summary": "Editado {0}, {1}, {2}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatQuotaExceededPart": { + "signedUpClickToContinue": "Signed up? Click to continue!", + "upgradeToCopilotPro": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { "addToChat": "Adicionar Arquivo ao Chat", @@ -5646,13 +5690,15 @@ "file": "Arquivo", "files": "Arquivos", "folder": "Pasta", - "image": "Imagem" + "image": "Imagem", + "symbol": "Símbolo" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingActions": { "accept": "Aceitar", "accept.file": "Aceitar", "acceptAllEdits": "Aceitar Todas as Edições", "addFileToWorkingSet": "Adicionar Arquivo", + "addFilesFromReferences": "Adicionar Arquivos de Referências", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.manyFiles": "Isso vai desfazer as alterações feitas por {0} nos arquivos {1}. Deseja continuar?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.oneFile": "Isso vai desfazer as alterações feitas por {0} no {1}. Deseja continuar?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.primaryButton": "Sim", @@ -5669,12 +5715,11 @@ "chat.undoEdits.label": "Desfazer Edições", "chatEditing.snapshot": "{0} (Instantâneo {1})", "chatEditing.viewChanges": "Ver todas as edições", + "clearWorkingSet": "Limpar Conjunto de Trabalho", "discard": "Descartar", "discard.file": "Descartar", "discardAllEdits": "Descartar Todas as Edições", "open.fileInDiff": "Abrir Alterações no Editor de Comparação", - "removeAll": "Remove All", - "removeAllFiles": "Remove All Files", "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Remover Arquivo", "workbench.action.chat.addSelectedFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Adicionar arquivos selecionados ao conjunto de trabalho" }, @@ -5706,6 +5751,7 @@ "undo2": "Desfazer" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.ctxHasRequestInProgress": "The current editor shows a file from an edit session which is still in progress", "chat.hasEditorModifications": "O editor atual contém modificações de chat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { @@ -5713,6 +5759,8 @@ "chatEditorName": "Chat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorOverlay": { + "applyingPercentage": "{0}% Applying edits...", + "generating": "Generating edits...", "label": "Estado de Navegação", "nOfM": "{0} de {1}", "tooltip_11": "1 alteração em 1 arquivo", @@ -5751,8 +5799,7 @@ "miGotoDefinition": "Ir para &&Definição", "miGotoImplementations": "Acesse &&Implementações", "miGotoReference": "Ir para &&Referências", - "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Acesse &&Definições de Tipo", - "resource": "O valor total do recurso de âncora de chat, incluindo o esquema e o caminho" + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Acesse &&Definições de Tipo" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Entrada de Chat, Digite para fazer perguntas ou digite / para tópicos, pressione Enter para enviar a solicitação. Use {0} para a Ajuda de Acessibilidade de Chat.", @@ -5765,16 +5812,18 @@ "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Enviar para @{0}", "chatAddFiles": "{0} Adicionar Arquivos...", "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "O limite de arquivo do Conjunto de Trabalho foi atingido. {0} foi excluído do Conjunto de Trabalho. Remova outros arquivos para liberar espaço para {0}.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} files)", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} arquivos)", "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "1 arquivo foi excluído do Conjunto de Trabalho.", "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "{0} arquivos são excluídos do Conjunto de Trabalho.", "chatEditingSession.fileLimitReached": "Você atingiu o número máximo de arquivos que podem ser adicionados ao conjunto de trabalho.", "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} arquivos)", "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 arquivo)", + "chatEditingSession.removeSuggested": "Remove suggestion", "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Conjunto de Trabalho", "chatInput": "Entrada de Chat", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Entrada de bate-papo, digite o código aqui e pressione Enter para executar. Use o comando Chat Accessibility Help para obter mais informações.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Mais..." + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Mais...", + "suggeste.title": "{0} - {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "selecionado “{0}”", @@ -5791,7 +5840,7 @@ "usedAgent": "[[(executar novamente sem)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "usado {0} [[(executar novamente sem)]]" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipant.contribution": { "chat.viewContainer.label": "Chat", "chatCommand": "Um nome curto pelo qual este comando é referenciado na interface do usuário, por exemplo, `fix` ou * `explain` para comandos que corrigem um problema ou um código de explicação. O nome deve ser exclusivo entre os comandos fornecidos por este participante.", "chatCommandDescription": "Uma descrição deste comando.", @@ -5804,7 +5853,7 @@ "chatCommandWhen": "Uma condição que deve ser verdadeira para habilitar esse comando.", "chatCommandsDescription": "Comandos disponíveis para este participante do chat, que o usuário pode invocar com um `/`.", "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Edições do Copilot", - "chatFailErrorMessage": "Chat failed to load because the installed version of the {0} extension is not compatible with this version of {1}. Please ensure that the {2} extension is up to date.", + "chatFailErrorMessage": "Falha ao carregar o chat porque a versão instalada da extensão de Chat do Copilot não é compatível com esta versão do {0}. Verifique se a extensão de Chat do Copilot está atualizada.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Uma descrição deste participante do chat, mostrada na interface do usuário.", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Metadados para ajudar a rotear automaticamente as perguntas dos usuários para este participante do chat.", "chatParticipantDisambiguationCategory": "Um nome detalhado para essa categoria, por exemplo, `workspace_questions` ou `web_questions`.", @@ -5816,27 +5865,58 @@ "chatParticipantWhen": "Uma condição que deve ser verdadeira para habilitar esse participante.", "chatSampleRequest": "Quando o usuário clicar nesse participante em `/help`, esse texto será enviado ao participante.", "miToggleChat": "&&Chat", - "miToggleEdits": "Ed&ições do Copilot", + "miToggleEdits": "Ed&&ições do Copilot", "showExtension": "Mostrar Extensão", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Contribui com um participante do chat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedAttachment.multipleLines": "{0} linhas", + "pastedAttachment.oneLine": "1 linha", + "pastedCodeAttachment": "Anexo de Código Colado", + "pastedImageAttachment": "Anexo de Imagem Colado", "pastedImageName": "Imagem Colada" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup.contribution": { - "hideChatSetup": "Hide {0}", - "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide {0}?", - "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore chat controls from the 'chat.commandCenter.enabled' setting.", - "installChat": "Instalar {0}", - "learnMore": "Saiba Mais", - "setup": "Instalar {0}", - "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Setting up Chat for you...", - "setupChatSigningIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", - "setupFooter": "By proceeding you agree to our [privacy statement]({0}).", - "setupHeader": "{0} is your AI pair programmer.", - "signInAndInstallChat": "Entrar para usar {0}", - "signInAndSetup": "Entrar para usar {0}", - "triggerChatSetup": "Disparar Configuração de Chat" + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatQuotasService": { + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached the limits of your Copilot Free plan, click for details", + "chatQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly chat messages limit, click for details", + "completionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly code completions limit, click for details", + "copilotQuotaExceeded": "Copilot Limit Reached", + "dismiss": "Dismiss", + "indicator": "Copilot Quota Indicator", + "limit reached": "Copilot Free", + "limit reset": "Your limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitReached": "Limit Reached", + "managePlan": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "out of completions": "You've run out of free code completions, but free chat responses are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of free chat responses": "You've run out of free chat responses, but free code completions are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of limits": "You've reached the limits of the Copilot Free plan.", + "simulateCopilotQuotaExceeded": "Simulate Copilot Quota Exceeded", + "upgradeChat": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "upgradeToPro": "Here's what you can expect when upgrading to Copilot Pro:\r\n- Unlimited code completions\r\n- Unlimited chat interactions\r\n- 30 day free trial" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup": { + "detectionLabel": "Allow code suggestions that [match public code]({0})", + "featureChat": "Code faster with completions and Inline Chat", + "featureEdits": "Build features and resolve bugs with Copilot Edits", + "featureExplore": "Explore your codebase with chat", + "hideChatSetup": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupButton": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide Copilot?", + "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore Copilot by running the '{0}' command.", + "limitedSkuHeader": "$(sparkle-filled) We now offer [Copilot for free]({0}).", + "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Getting Copilot Ready...", + "setupChatProgress": "Getting Copilot ready...", + "setupChatSignIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", + "setupHeader": "[Copilot]({0} 'Copilot') is your AI pair programmer.", + "signInGh": "Sign in with a GitHub.com Account", + "signInGhe": "Sign in with a GHE.com Account", + "signUp": "Sign in to Use Copilot", + "signUpFree": "Sign in to Use Copilot for Free", + "startUp": "Use Copilot", + "startUpLimited": "Use Copilot for Free", + "termsLabel": "By continuing, you agree to our [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free...", + "welcomeChat": "Welcome to Copilot" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { "chatWidget.tips": "{0} ou digite {1} para anexar o contexto\r\n\r\n{2} para conversar com extensões\r\n\r\nDigite {3} para usar os comandos", @@ -5849,8 +5929,8 @@ "chat.codeBlockHelp": "Bloco de código", "chat.codeBlockLabel": "Bloco de código {0}", "chat.compareCodeBlockLabel": "Edições de Código", - "chat.edits.1": "Fez 1 alteração em [[``{0}``]]", - "chat.edits.N": "Fez {0} alterações em [[``{1}``]]", + "chat.edits.1": "Applied 1 change in [[``{0}``]]", + "chat.edits.N": "Applied {0} changes in [[``{1}``]]", "chat.edits.rejected": "As edições em [[``{0}``]] foram rejeitadas", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm": "O arquivo original foi modificado.", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm.detail": "Deseja aplicar as alterações mesmo assim?", @@ -5866,13 +5946,14 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { "fileEntryDescription": "{0} ({1})", "installLabel": "Instalar Extensões de Chat...", - "pickFileLabel": "Escolher um arquivo" + "pickFileLabel": "Escolher um arquivo", + "pickSymbolLabel": "Escolher um símbolo" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "Há uma parte de foco do agente de chat aqui." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputRelatedFilesContrib": { - "relatedFile": "Arquivo Sugerido" + "relatedFile": "{0} (Suggested)" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { "screenshot": "Captura de tela" @@ -5880,7 +5961,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { "toolInvocationMessage": "Usando {0}" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeHandler": { "chatViewsWelcome.content": "O conteúdo da mensagem de boas-vindas. O primeiro link de comando será renderizado como um botão.", "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "O ícone da mensagem de boas-vindas.", "chatViewsWelcome.title": "O título da mensagem de boas-vindas.", @@ -5917,12 +5998,6 @@ "chatResponseFiltered": "True quando a resposta de chat foi filtrada pelo servidor.", "chatResponseSupportsIssueReporting": "True quando a resposta de bate-papo atual oferece suporte a relatórios de problemas.", "chatSessionResponseDetectedAgentOrCommand": "Quando o agente ou comando foi detectado automaticamente", - "chatSetupEntitled": "Verdadeiro quando a configuração de chat é oferecida para um usuário conectado e qualificado.", - "chatSetupInstalled": "True when the chat extension is installed.", - "chatSetupInstalling": "Verdadeiro quando a configuração do chat estiver instalando o chat.", - "chatSetupSignedIn": "Verdadeiro quando a configuração de chat é oferecida para um usuário conectado.", - "chatSetupSigningIn": "Verdadeiro quando a configuração do chat estiver aguardando para entrar.", - "chatSetupTriggered": "Verdadeiro quando a configuração do chat é disparada.", "inChat": "True quando o foco está no widget do chat; caso contrário, false.", "inInteractiveInput": "True quando o foco está na entrada do chat; caso contrário, false.", "inQuickChat": "True quando a interface do usuário do chat rápido tem foco; caso contrário, false.", @@ -5952,7 +6027,8 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.languageModels.whitespaceVendor": "O campo do fornecedor não pode começar ou terminar com espaço em branco." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelStats": { - "Language Models": "Modelos de Linguagem", + "Language Models": "Copilot", + "chat": "chat", "languageModels": "Estatísticas de uso de modelos de linguagem desta extensão." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { @@ -6672,6 +6748,7 @@ "findExtension": "&&Localizar extensão {0}", "installExt": "Instalar a Extensão...", "installLanguage": "Instalar uma Extensão para {0}...", + "moreOptionsForDebugType": "Mais opções {0}...", "selectDebug": "Selecionar depurador", "suggestedDebuggers": "Sugerido", "suppressMultipleSessionWarning": "Desabilite o aviso ao tentar iniciar a mesma configuração de depuração mais de uma vez." @@ -7037,7 +7114,6 @@ "allDebuggersDisabled": "Todas as extensões de depuração estão desabilitadas. Habilite uma extensão de depuração ou instale uma nova do Marketplace.", "customizeRunAndDebug": "Para personalizar a execução e a depuração [crie um arquivo launch.json](command:{0}).", "customizeRunAndDebugOpenFolder": "Para personalizar execução e a depuração, [abra uma pasta](command:{0}) e crie um arquivo launch.json.", - "detectThenRunAndDebug": "Mostrar todas as configurações de depuração automática", "openAFileWhichCanBeDebugged": "[Abrir um arquivo](command:{0}) que pode ser depurado ou executado.", "run": "Executar", "runAndDebugAction": "Executar e Depurar" @@ -7057,6 +7133,7 @@ "breakpointWidgetVisibile": "True quando o widget de zona do editor de ponto de interrupção está visível. Caso contrário, false.", "breakpointsExist": "True quando existe pelo menos um ponto de interrupção.", "breakpointsFocused": "True quando a exibição PONTOS DE INTERRUPÇÃO está focalizada. Caso contrário, false.", + "callStackFocused": "True quando o modo de exibição CALLSTACK está focado; caso contrário, false.", "callStackItemStopped": "Esta opção é true quando o item focalizado na PILHA DE CHAMADAS está parado. Usada internamente para os menus embutidos na exibição PILHA DE CHAMADAS.", "callStackItemType": "Representa o tipo de item do elemento focalizado na exibição PILHA DE CHAMADAS. Por exemplo: 'session', 'thread', 'stackFrame'", "callStackSessionHasOneThread": "Esta opção é true quando a sessão focalizada na exibição PILHA DE CHAMADAS tem exatamente um thread. Usada internamente para os menus embutidos na exibição PILHA DE CHAMADAS.", @@ -7325,10 +7402,10 @@ "errors": "{0} erros não percebidos", "extensionActivating": "A extensão está ativando...", "languageActivation": "Ativado por {1} porque você abriu um arquivo {0}", - "requests count": "{0} Solicitações: {1} (Geral)", + "requests count": "{0} Uso: {1} Solicitações", "requests count title": "A última solicitação foi {0}.", "runtimeExtensions": "Extensões de Runtime", - "session requests count": ", {0} (Sessão)", + "session requests count": ", {0} Solicitações (Sessão)", "showRuntimeExtensions": "Mostrar Extensões em Execução", "starActivation": "Ativado por {0} na inicialização", "startupFinishedActivation": "Ativado por {0} após o término da inicialização", @@ -7401,16 +7478,15 @@ "accessExtensionFeature": "Habilitar Recurso \"{0}\"", "activation": "Ativação", "cancel": "Cancelar", + "chartDescription": "Houve {0} {1} solicitações desta extensão nos últimos 30 dias.", "disableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "Deseja revogar a extensão \"{0}\" para acessar o recurso \"{1}\"?", "enable": "Permitir Acesso", "enableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "Deseja permitir que a extensão \"{0}\" acesse o recurso \"{1}\"?", "extension features list": "Recursos de Extensão", "grant": "Permitir Acesso", - "last request": "Última Solicitação: \"{0}\"", + "label": "{0} Uso", "messaages": "Mensagens ({0})", "noFeatures": "Nenhum recursos contribuiu.", - "requests count session": "Solicitações (Sessão): \"{0}\"", - "requests count total": "Solicitações (Geral): \"{0}\"", "revoke": "Revogar Acesso", "revoked": "Sem Acesso", "runtime": "Status de Tempo de Execução", @@ -7461,6 +7537,7 @@ "enabled filter": "Habilitado", "extension": "Extensão", "extension updates filter": "Atualizações", + "extension.publisher.allow.description": "Permitir ou não permitir todas as extensões do publicador.", "extensionInfoDescription": "Descrição: {0}", "extensionInfoId": "ID: {0}", "extensionInfoName": "Nome: {0}", @@ -7470,11 +7547,25 @@ "extensionUpdates": "Mostrar Atualizações de Extensão", "extensions": "Extensões", "extensions.affinity": "Configure uma extensão a ser executada em um processo de host de extensão diferente.", + "extensions.allow.all.description": "Permitir ou não permitir todas as extensões.", + "extensions.allow.all.disable": "Não permitir todas as extensões.", + "extensions.allow.all.enable": "Permitir todas as extensões.", + "extensions.allow.description": "Permitir ou não permitir a extensão.", + "extensions.allow.version.description": "Permitir ou não permitir versões específicas da extensão. Para especificar uma versão específica da plataforma, use o formato `platform@1.2.3`, por exemplo, `win32-x64@1.2.3`. As plataformas com suporte são `win32-x64`, `win32-arm64`, `linux-x64`, `linux-arm64`, `linux-armhf`, `alpine-x64`, `alpine-arm64`, `darwin-x64`, `darwin-arm64`", + "extensions.allowed": "Specify a list of extensions that are allowed to use. This helps maintain a secure and consistent development environment by restricting the use of unauthorized extensions. For more information on how to configure this setting, please visit the [Configure Allowed Extensions](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/enterprise#_configure-allowed-extensions) section.", + "extensions.allowed.all": "Todas as extensões são permitidas.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.desc": "A extensão não é permitida.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "Permitir somente versões estáveis da extensão.", + "extensions.allowed.enable.desc": "A extensão é permitida.", + "extensions.allowed.none": "Nenhuma extensão é permitida.", "extensions.autoUpdate": "Controla o comportamento de atualização automática das extensões. As atualizações são buscadas em um serviço online Microsoft.", "extensions.autoUpdate.enabled": "Baixar e instalar as atualizações automaticamente somente para as extensões habilitadas.", "extensions.autoUpdate.false": "As extensões não são atualizadas automaticamente.", "extensions.autoUpdate.true": "Baixar e instalar as atualizações automaticamente para todas as extensões.", "extensions.gallery.useUnpkgResourceApi": "Quando habilitadas, as extensões a serem atualizadas são buscadas no serviço Unpkg.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.desc": "Todas as extensões do publicador não são permitidas.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "Permitir somente versões estáveis das extensões do publicador.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.enable.desc": "Todas as extensões do publicador são permitidas.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces": "Ignora o suporte do espaço de trabalho não confiável de uma extensão. As extensões que usam 'true' sempre serão habilitadas. As extensões que usam 'limited' sempre serão habilitadas e a extensão ocultará a funcionalidade que exige confiança. As extensões que usam 'false' só serão habilitadas se o espaço de trabalho for confiável.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.false": "A extensão só será habilitada quando o espaço de trabalho for confiável.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.limited": "A extensão sempre será habilitada e a extensão ocultará a funcionalidade que exige confiança.", @@ -7485,6 +7576,7 @@ "extensions.verifySignature": "Quando habilitadas, as extensões são verificadas para serem assinadas antes de serem instaladas.", "extensionsCheckUpdates": "Quando habilitado, verifica automaticamente as extensões quanto a atualizações. Se uma extensão tiver uma atualização, ela será marcada como desatualizada no modo de exibição de Extensões. As atualizações são buscadas em um serviço online da Microsoft.", "extensionsCloseExtensionDetailsOnViewChange": "Quando habilitados, os editores com detalhes de extensão são fechados automaticamente ao navegar para fora do modo de exibição de Extensões.", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Extensões", "extensionsDeferredStartupFinishedActivation": "Quando habilitadas, as extensões que declararem o evento de ativação `onStartupFinished` serão ativadas após um tempo limite.", "extensionsIgnoreRecommendations": "Quando habilitadas, as notificações para as recomendações de extensão não serão mostradas.", "extensionsInQuickAccess": "Quando habilitadas, as extensões podem ser pesquisadas por meio do Acesso Rápido e relatar problemas a partir daí.", @@ -7556,6 +7648,7 @@ "workbench.extensions.action.configureKeybindings": "Atalhos de Teclado", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtension": "Copiar", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtensionId": "Copiar a ID da Extensão", + "workbench.extensions.action.copyLink": "Copiar link", "workbench.extensions.action.ignoreRecommendation": "Ignorar a Recomendação", "workbench.extensions.action.removeExtensionFromWorkspaceRecommendations": "Remover das Recomendações do Workspace", "workbench.extensions.action.toggleApplyToAllProfiles": "Aplicar Extensão a todos os Perfis", @@ -7614,6 +7707,7 @@ "disableGloballyAction": "Desabilitar", "disableGloballyActionToolTip": "Desabilitar esta extensão", "disabled": "Desabilitado", + "disabled - not allowed": "Esta extensão está desabilitada porque {0}", "disabled because of virtual workspace": "Essa extensão foi desabilitada porque não oferece suporte aos espaços de trabalho virtuais.", "disabled by environment": "Essa extensão está desabilitada pelo ambiente.", "do not sync": "Não sincronizar esta extensão", @@ -7836,6 +7930,7 @@ "no local extensions": "Não há extensões a serem instaladas.", "offline error": "Não é possível pesquisar no Marketplace offline. Verifique sua conexão de rede.", "open user settings": "Abrir as Configurações de Usuário", + "showingExtensionsForFeature": "Extensions using {0} in the last 30 days", "suggestProxyError": "O Marketplace retornou 'ECONNREFUSED'. Verifique a configuração 'http.proxy'." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/extensionsWidgets": { @@ -7845,6 +7940,8 @@ "extensionIconStarForeground": "A cor do ícone das classificações de extensão.", "extensionIconVerifiedForeground": "A cor do ícone do editor com extensão verificada.", "extensionPreReleaseForeground": "A cor do ícone para extensão de pré-lançamento.", + "feature access label": "{0} solicitações", + "feature usage label": "{0} uso", "has prerelease": "Esta extensão tem um {0} disponível", "local extension": "Extensão local", "message": "Uma mensagem", @@ -7856,6 +7953,7 @@ "sponsor": "Patrocinador", "startup": "Inicialização", "syncingore.label": "Esta extensão foi ignorada durante a sincronização.", + "total": "{0} {1} solicitações nos últimos 30 dias", "uncaught error": "Um erro não detectado", "uncaught errors": "{0} erros não detectados", "updateRequired": "Última versão:", @@ -7874,6 +7972,8 @@ "disable all": "Desabilitar Tudo", "disableDependents": "Desabilitar a Extensão com Dependentes", "disallowed": "Não é permitido instalar esta extensão.", + "disallowed extensions": "Some extensions are disabled because they are configured not to be allowed.", + "disallowed extensions by policy": "Some extensions are disabled because they are not allowed by your system administrator.", "download": "Baixar", "download title": "Selecione a pasta para baixar o VSIX", "download.completed": "O VSIX foi baixado com sucesso", @@ -7886,6 +7986,7 @@ "enableExtensionTitle": "Habilitar extensão", "extension not found": "Extensão '{0}' não encontrada.", "extensionsAutoRestart": "As extensões foram reiniciadas automaticamente para habilitar as atualizações.", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Extensões", "incompatible": "Não é possível instalar a extensão '{0}' porque não é compatível.", "incompatibleExtensions": "Algumas extensões estão desabilitadas devido à incompatibilidade de versão. Examine-as e as atualize.", "installButtonLabel": "&&Instalar extensão", @@ -7936,6 +8037,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/workspaceRecommendations": { "workspaceRecommendation": "Esta extensão é recomendada pelos usuários do workspace atual." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensions": { + "extensions": "Extensões" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensionsFileTemplate": { "app.extension.identifier.errorMessage": "Esperava-se o formato '${publisher}.${name}'. Exemplo: 'vscode.csharp'.", "app.extensions.json.recommendations": "Lista de extensões que devem ser recomendadas para usuários deste workspace. O identificador de uma extensão é sempre '${publisher}.${name}'. Por exemplo: 'vscode.csharp'.", @@ -8548,8 +8652,14 @@ "welcome.2": "Preparando..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { - "inlineChatExpansion": "Se a expansão do chat em linha está habilitada no final de uma linha que acabou de ser digitada", - "startWithCurrentLine": "Iniciar no Editor com a Linha Atual" + "defaultTitle": "Chat", + "disableHint": "Desabilitar Dica de Chat Embutido", + "hideHint": "Ocultar Dica de Chat Embutido", + "inlineChatShowingHint": "Se o chat embutido mostrar uma dica contextual", + "showHint": "Mostrar Dica de Chat Embutido", + "startWithCurrentLine": "Iniciar no Editor com a Linha Atual", + "title1": "{0} para continuar com {1}", + "title2": "{0} para editar com {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { "config": "Sempre salvar com alterações geradas por IA sem perguntar", @@ -8574,6 +8684,7 @@ "accessibleDiffView.on": "O visualizador de comparação acessível está sempre habilitado.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatInserted": "Cor do marcador da régua de visão geral para conteúdo inserido no chat embutido.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatRemoved": "Cor do marcador da régua de visão geral para conteúdo removido do chat embutido.", + "emptyLineHint": "Se linhas vazias mostram uma dica para gerar código com chat embutido.", "finishOnType": "Se uma sessão de Chat Embutido deve ser encerrada ao digitar fora das regiões alteradas.", "holdToSpeech": "Manter o atalho de teclado do chat embutido habilitará automaticamente o reconhecimento de fala.", "inlineChat.background": "Cor de fundo do widget do editor interativo", @@ -8605,6 +8716,7 @@ "inlineChatResponseTypes": "Que tipo de respostas foram recebidas: nada ainda, apenas mensagens, ou mensagens e edições locais", "inlineChatUserDidEdit": "Se o usuário fez alterações no chat online", "inlineChatVisible": "Se a entrada do editor interativo está visível", + "lineSuffixHint": "Whether a hint to complete a line with inline chat is shown. Only shows when at the end of a line that is dominated by natural language, like `class Person with name and hobbies`", "mode": "Configure se as alterações criadas com chat embutido são aplicadas diretamente ao documento ou são visualizadas primeiro.", "mode.live": "As alterações são aplicadas diretamente ao documento, podem ser realçadas por meio de comparações embutidas e aceitas/descartadas por partes. Terminar uma sessão manterá as alterações.", "mode.preview": "As alterações são apenas visualizadas e precisam ser aceitas por meio do botão Aplicar. Encerrar uma sessão descartará as alterações." @@ -9408,8 +9520,7 @@ "notebookActions.chatFixCellError": "Correção de Erro de Célula" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellDiagnostics/diagnosticCellStatusBarContrib": { - "notebook.cell.status.explain": "Explicar com Chat", - "notebook.cell.status.fix": "Correção com Chat Embutido" + "notebook.cell.status.diagnostic": "Ações Rápidas {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/executionStatusBarItemController": { "notebook.cell.status.executing": "Executando", @@ -9417,7 +9528,8 @@ "notebook.cell.status.pending": "Pendente", "notebook.cell.status.success": "Sucesso", "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip": "**Última Execução** {0}\r\n\r\n**Tempo de Execução** {1}\r\n\r\n **Tempo de Sobrecarga** {2}\r\n\r\n**Tempos de Renderização**\r\n\r\n{3}", - "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Use os links acima para enviar um problema usando o relator do problema." + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Use os links acima para enviar um problema usando o relator do problema.", + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerVerbose": "Last Execution: {0}, Duration: {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/statusBarProviders": { "notebook.cell.status.autoDetectLanguage": "Aceitar Idioma Detectado: {0}", @@ -9775,6 +9887,9 @@ "insertToolbarLocation.notebookToolbar": "A barra de ferramentas na parte superior do editor de bloco de anotações.", "notebook.VariablesView.description": "Habilite a exibição de variáveis do notebook experimental no painel de depuração.", "notebook.backup.sizeLimit": "O limite de tamanho de saída do notebook em quilobytes (KB) em que os arquivos de notebook não terão mais backup para Recarga Dinâmica. Use 0 para ilimitado.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.default.description": "The cell execution duration is visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.description": "Controls the verbosity of the cell execution time in the cell status bar.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.verbose.description": "The cell last execution timestamp and duration are visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", "notebook.cellFailureDiagnostics": "Mostrar diagnósticos disponíveis para falhas de célula.", "notebook.cellGenerate": "Habilite a ação de geração experimental para criar uma célula de código com chat embutido habilitado.", "notebook.cellToolbarLocation.description": "Onde a barra de ferramentas da célula deve ser mostrada ou se deve ficar oculta.", @@ -12655,7 +12770,7 @@ "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshCode": "Os complementos de argumentos personalizados do PowerShell serão registrados para as CLIs `code` e `code-insiders` do VS Code. Atualmente, isso é muito básico e sempre sugere sinalizadores e subcomandos sem verificar o contexto.", "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshGit": "Os complementos de argumentos personalizados do PowerShell serão registrados para a CLI do `git`.", "suggest.enableExtensionCompletions": "Controla se as conclusões de extensão estão habilitadas.", - "suggest.enabled": "Enables experimental terminal Intellisense suggestions for supported shells ({0}) when {1} is set to {2}.\r\n\r\nIf shell integration is installed manually, {3} needs to be set to {4} before calling the shell integration script. \r\n\r\nFor extension provided completions, {5} will also need to be set.", + "suggest.enabled": "Habilita sugestões de intelliSense de terminal experimental para shells ({0}) com suporte quando {1} estiver definido como {2}.\r\n\r\nSe a integração do shell for instalada manualmente, {3} precisará ser definido como {4} antes de chamar o script de integração do shell. \r\n\r\nPara as conclusões fornecidas pela extensão, {5} também precisará ser definido.", "suggest.quickSuggestions": "Controla se as sugestões devem aparecer automaticamente durante a digitação. Esteja ciente também da configuração {0}-que controla se as sugestões são acionadas por caracteres especiais.", "suggest.runOnEnter": "Controla se as sugestões devem ser executadas imediatamente quando `Enter` (não `Tab`) for usado para aceitar o resultado.", "suggest.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": "Controla se as sugestões devem ser exibidas automaticamente ao digitar caracteres de gatilho." @@ -12888,7 +13003,8 @@ "testingCountBadgePassed": "{0} testes aprovados", "testingCountBadgeSkipped": "{0} testes ignorados", "testingFindExtension": "Mostrar Testes do Espaço de Trabalho", - "testingNoTest": "Nenhum teste foi encontrado neste arquivo." + "testingNoTest": "Nenhum teste foi encontrado neste arquivo.", + "testingSelectConfig": "Selecionar Configuração..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Fechar", @@ -13067,6 +13183,11 @@ "testError": "Ocorreu um erro ao tentar executar os testes: {0}", "testTrust": "A execução de testes pode executar o código no seu espaço de trabalho." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/testTypes": { + "testing.runProfileBitset.coverage": "Cobertura", + "testing.runProfileBitset.debug": "Depurar", + "testing.runProfileBitset.run": "Executar" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/themes/browser/themes.contribution": { "browseColorThemeInMarketPlace.label": "Procurar Temas de Cores no Marketplace", "browseColorThemes": "Procurar Temas de Cores Adicionais...", @@ -13656,7 +13777,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { "getStarted": "Bem-vindo", - "walkthroughPageTitle": "Passo a passo: " + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Passo a passo: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "Construídas em", @@ -13674,6 +13795,7 @@ "browsePopularWeb": "Procurar Extensões da Web Populares", "cloneRepo": "Clonar Repositório", "commandPalette": "Abrir a Paleta de Comandos", + "copilotTerms": "By continuing, you agree to Copilot [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", "enableSync": "Configurações de Backup e Sincronização", "enableTrust": "habilitar a confiança", "getting-started-beginner-icon": "Ícone usado para a categoria de iniciante da página de boas-vindas", @@ -13695,6 +13817,8 @@ "gettingStarted.commandPalette.title": "Desbloqueie a produtividade com a Paleta de Comandos ", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.description.interpolated": "Execute comandos sem alcançar o mouse para realizar qualquer tarefa no VS Code.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.title": "Desbloqueie a produtividade com a Paleta de Comandos ", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.description": "Write code faster and smarter with [Copilot]({0}) for free.", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.title": "Use AI features with Copilot for free", "gettingStarted.debug.description.interpolated": "Acelere sua edição, compilação, teste e depuração de loop, definindo uma configuração de inicialização.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.debug.title": "Assista ao seu código em ação", "gettingStarted.extensions.description.interpolated": "As extensões são as ativações do VS Code. Elas variam de ferramentas de produtividade úteis, que expandem os recursos prontos para uso, até a adição de funcionalidades totalmente novas.\r\n{0}", @@ -13789,6 +13913,9 @@ "quickOpen": "Abrir um Arquivo Rapidamente", "runProject": "Executar seu Projeto", "runTasks": "Executar Tarefas Auto-detectadas", + "setupCopilotButton.chatWithCopilot": "Chat with Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.setup": "Setup Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.signIn": "Sign in to use Copilot", "showOrFocusHover": "Mostrar Foco ou Focalizar", "showTerminal": "Terminal aberto", "titleID": "Procurar Temas de Cores", @@ -14046,6 +14173,7 @@ "menus.explorerContextShare": "Submenu \"Compartilhar\" no menu de contexto do explorador de arquivos", "menus.extensionContext": "O menu de contexto de extensão", "menus.historyItemContext": "O menu de contexto do item de histórico do Controle do Código-Fonte", + "menus.historyItemRefContext": "O menu de contexto de referência do histórico de Controle do Código-Fonte", "menus.home": "O menu de contexto do indicador inicial (somente Web)", "menus.input": "O menu da caixa de entrada controle do código-fonte", "menus.mergeEditorResult": "A barra de ferramentas de resultados do editor de mesclagem", @@ -14350,6 +14478,7 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/browser/extensionEnablementService": { "Reload": "Recarregar e Habilitar as Extensões", "cannot change disablement environment": "Não é possível alterar a habilitação da extensão {0} porque ela está desabilitada no ambiente", + "cannot change disallowed extension enablement": "Não foi possível alterar a habilitação da extensão {0} porque ela não é permitida", "cannot change enablement dependency": "Não é possível habilitar a extensão '{0}' porque ela depende da extensão '{1}' que não pode ser habilitada", "cannot change enablement environment": "Não é possível alterar a habilitação da extensão {0} porque ela está habilitada no ambiente", "cannot change enablement extension kind": "Não é possível alterar a habilitação da {0} extensão por causa do seu tipo de extensão", @@ -14371,9 +14500,6 @@ "allow": "Permitir", "disallow": "Não Permitir" }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { - "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Extensões" - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementServerService": { "browser": "Navegador", "remote": "Remoto" @@ -14403,11 +14529,6 @@ "singleDependentError": "Não é possível desinstalar a extensão '{0}'. A extensão '{1}' depende disso.", "twoDependentsError": "Não é possível desinstalar a extensão '{0}'. As extensões '{1}' e '{2}' dependem disso." }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/webExtensionManagementService": { - "VS Code for Web": "{0} para a Web", - "learn why": "Learn Why", - "not web tooltip": "A extensão '{0}' não está disponível em {1}." - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/extensionManagementServerService": { "local": "Local", "remote": "Remoto" @@ -14485,7 +14606,7 @@ "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onSearch": "Um evento de ativação é emitido sempre que uma pesquisa é iniciada na pasta com o esquema especificado.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onStartupFinished": "Um evento de ativação foi emitido após a conclusão da inicialização (após todas as extensões ativadas `*` terminarem de ser ativadas).", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onTaskType": "Um evento de ativação emitido sempre que as tarefas de um determinado tipo precisam ser listadas ou resolvidas.", - "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onTerminalCompletionsRequested": "An activation event emitted when terminal completions are requested.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onTerminalCompletionsRequested": "Um evento de ativação emitido quando as conclusões do terminal são solicitadas.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onTerminalProfile": "Um evento de ativação emitido quando um perfil de terminal específico é lançado.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onTerminalQuickFixRequest": "Um evento de ativação emitido quando um comando corresponde ao seletor associado a este ID", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onUri": "Um evento de ativação é emitido sempre que um URI de todo o sistema direcionado para essa extensão é aberto.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index 040071eb89..5570802755 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ "Conflict: Deleted By Us": "Çøñflïçt: Ðëlëtëð ßÿ Üs", "Continue Rebase": "Çøñtïñµë Rëþæsë", "Continuing Rebase...": "Çøñtïñµïñg Rëþæsë...", + "Copy Commit Hash": "Çøpÿ Çømmït Hæsh", "Could not clone your repository as Git is not installed.": "Çøµlð ñøt çløñë ÿøµr rëpøsïtørÿ æs Gït ïs ñøt ïñstællëð.", "Create Empty Commit": "Çrëætë Ëmptÿ Çømmït", "Current": "ǵrrëñt", @@ -115,7 +116,8 @@ "Git Blame Information": "Gït ßlæmë Ïñførmætïøñ", "Git History": "Gït Hïstørÿ", "Git error": "Gït ërrør", - "Git local working changes": "Gït løçæl wørkïñg çhæñgës", + "Git local changes (working tree + index)": "Gït løçæl çhæñgës (wørkïñg trëë + ïñðëx)", + "Git local changes (working tree)": "Gït løçæl çhæñgës (wørkïñg trëë)", "Git not found. Install it or configure it using the \"git.path\" setting.": "Gït ñøt føµñð. Ïñstæll ït ør çøñfïgµrë ït µsïñg thë \"gït.pæth\" sëttïñg.", "Git repositories were found in the parent folders of the workspace or the open file(s). Would you like to open the repositories?": "Gït rëpøsïtørïës wërë føµñð ïñ thë pærëñt følðërs øf thë wørkspæçë ør thë øpëñ fïlë(s). Wøµlð ÿøµ lïkë tø øpëñ thë rëpøsïtørïës?", "Git: {0}": "Gït: {0}", @@ -415,6 +417,7 @@ "command.branchFrom": "Çrëætë ßræñçh Frøm...", "command.checkout": "Çhëçkøµt tø...", "command.checkoutDetached": "Çhëçkøµt tø (Ðëtæçhëð)...", + "command.checkoutRef": "Çhëçkøµt", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Çhëçkøµt (Ðëtæçhëð)", "command.cherryPick": "Çhërrÿ Pïçk...", "command.cherryPickAbort": "Æþørt Çhërrÿ Pïçk", @@ -552,8 +555,10 @@ "config.autofetch": "Whëñ sët tø trµë, çømmïts wïll æµtømætïçællÿ þë fëtçhëð frøm thë ðëfæµlt rëmøtë øf thë çµrrëñt Gït rëpøsïtørÿ. §ëttïñg tø `æll` wïll fëtçh frøm æll rëmøtës.", "config.autofetchPeriod": "еrætïøñ ïñ sëçøñðs þëtwëëñ ëæçh æµtømætïç gït fëtçh, whëñ `#gït.æµtøfëtçh#` ïs ëñæþlëð.", "config.autorefresh": "Whëthër æµtø rëfrëshïñg ïs ëñæþlëð.", - "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Çøñtrøls whëthër tø shøw gït þlæmë ïñførmætïøñ ïñ thë ëðïtør µsïñg ëðïtør ðëçørætïøñs.", - "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Çøñtrøls whëthër tø shøw gït þlæmë ïñførmætïøñ ïñ thë stætµs þær.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Çøñtrøls whëthër tø shøw þlæmë ïñførmætïøñ ïñ thë ëðïtør µsïñg ëðïtør ðëçørætïøñs.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.template": "Tëmplætë før thë þlæmë ïñførmætïøñ ëðïtør ðëçørætïøñ. §µppørtëð værïæþlës:\r\n\r\n* `hæsh`: Çømmït hæsh\r\n\r\n* `hæsh§hørt`: Fïrst 8 çhæræçtërs øf thë çømmït hæsh\r\n\r\n* `sµþjëçt`: Fïrst lïñë øf thë çømmït mëssægë\r\n\r\n* `æµthørÑæmë`: Ƶthør ñæmë\r\n\r\n* `æµthørËmæïl`: Ƶthør ëmæïl\r\n\r\n* `æµthørÐætë`: Ƶthør ðætë\r\n\r\n* `æµthørÐætëÆgø`: Tïmë ðïffërëñçë þëtwëëñ ñøw æñð thë æµthør ðætë\r\n\r\n", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Çøñtrøls whëthër tø shøw þlæmë ïñførmætïøñ ïñ thë stætµs þær.", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.template": "Tëmplætë før thë þlæmë ïñførmætïøñ stætµs þær ïtëm. §µppørtëð værïæþlës:\r\n\r\n* `hæsh`: Çømmït hæsh\r\n\r\n* `hæsh§hørt`: Fïrst 8 çhæræçtërs øf thë çømmït hæsh\r\n\r\n* `sµþjëçt`: Fïrst lïñë øf thë çømmït mëssægë\r\n\r\n* `æµthørÑæmë`: Ƶthør ñæmë\r\n\r\n* `æµthørËmæïl`: Ƶthør ëmæïl\r\n\r\n* `æµthørÐætë`: Ƶthør ðætë\r\n\r\n* `æµthørÐætëÆgø`: Tïmë ðïffërëñçë þëtwëëñ ñøw æñð thë æµthør ðætë\r\n\r\n", "config.branchPrefix": "Prëfïx µsëð whëñ çrëætïñg æ ñëw þræñçh.", "config.branchProtection": "£ïst øf prøtëçtëð þræñçhës. ßÿ ðëfæµlt, æ prømpt ïs shøwñ þëførë çhæñgës ærë çømmïttëð tø æ prøtëçtëð þræñçh. Thë prømpt çæñ þë çøñtrøllëð µsïñg thë `#gït.þræñçhPrøtëçtïøñPrømpt#` sëttïñg.", "config.branchProtectionPrompt": "Çøñtrøls whëthër æ prømpt ïs þëïñg shøwñ þëførë çhæñgës ærë çømmïttëð tø æ prøtëçtëð þræñçh.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json index e5de9dbfcb..123b968d35 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "$ref '{0}' in '{1}' can not be resolved.": "$rëf '{0}' ïñ '{1}' çæñ ñøt þë rësølvëð.", "": "<ëmptÿ>", "A default value. Used by suggestions.": "Æ ðëfæµlt vælµë. Üsëð þÿ sµggëstïøñs.", - "A descriptive title of the element.": "Æ ðësçrïptïvë tïtlë øf thë ëlëmëñt.", - "A long description of the element. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "Æ løñg ðësçrïptïøñ øf thë ëlëmëñt. Üsëð ïñ høvër mëñµs æñð sµggëstïøñs.", + "A descriptive title of the schema.": "Æ ðësçrïptïvë tïtlë øf thë sçhëmæ.", + "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "Æ løñg ðësçrïptïøñ øf thë sçhëmæ. Üsëð ïñ høvër mëñµs æñð sµggëstïøñs.", "A map of property names to either an array of property names or a schema. An array of property names means the property named in the key depends on the properties in the array being present in the object in order to be valid. If the value is a schema, then the schema is only applied to the object if the property in the key exists on the object.": "Æ mæp øf prøpërtÿ ñæmës tø ëïthër æñ ærræÿ øf prøpërtÿ ñæmës ør æ sçhëmæ. Æñ ærræÿ øf prøpërtÿ ñæmës mëæñs thë prøpërtÿ ñæmëð ïñ thë këÿ ðëpëñðs øñ thë prøpërtïës ïñ thë ærræÿ þëïñg prësëñt ïñ thë øþjëçt ïñ ørðër tø þë vælïð. Ïf thë vælµë ïs æ sçhëmæ, thëñ thë sçhëmæ ïs øñlÿ æpplïëð tø thë øþjëçt ïf thë prøpërtÿ ïñ thë këÿ ëxïsts øñ thë øþjëçt.", "A map of property names to schemas for each property.": "Æ mæp øf prøpërtÿ ñæmës tø sçhëmæs før ëæçh prøpërtÿ.", "A map of regular expressions on property names to schemas for matching properties.": "Æ mæp øf rëgµlær ëxprëssïøñs øñ prøpërtÿ ñæmës tø sçhëmæs før mætçhïñg prøpërtïës.", @@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ "Configured in workspace settings": "Çøñfïgµrëð ïñ wørkspæçë sëttïñgs", "Default value": "Ðëfæµlt vælµë", "Describes the content encoding of a string property.": "Ðësçrïþës thë çøñtëñt ëñçøðïñg øf æ strïñg prøpërtÿ.", - "Describes the format expected for the value.": "Ðësçrïþës thë førmæt ëxpëçtëð før thë vælµë.", + "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation": "Ðësçrïþës thë førmæt ëxpëçtëð før thë vælµë. ßÿ ðëfæµlt, ñøt µsëð før vælïðætïøñ", "Describes the media type of a string property.": "Ðësçrïþës thë mëðïæ tÿpë øf æ strïñg prøpërtÿ.", "Downloading schemas is disabled through setting '{0}'": "Ðøwñløæðïñg sçhëmæs ïs ðïsæþlëð thrøµgh sëttïñg '{0}'", "Downloading schemas is disabled. Click to configure.": "Ðøwñløæðïñg sçhëmæs ïs ðïsæþlëð. Çlïçk tø çøñfïgµrë.", "Draft-03 schemas are not supported.": "Ðræft-03 sçhëmæs ærë ñøt sµppørtëð.", "Duplicate anchor declaration: '{0}'": "еplïçætë æñçhør ðëçlærætïøñ: '{0}'", "Duplicate object key": "еplïçætë øþjëçt këÿ", - "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, then used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties' or 'patternProperties'. If false, then any properties not matched by either will cause this schema to fail.": "Ëïthër æ sçhëmæ ør æ þøølëæñ. Ïf æ sçhëmæ, thëñ µsëð tø vælïðætë æll prøpërtïës ñøt mætçhëð þÿ 'prøpërtïës' ør 'pættërñPrøpërtïës'. Ïf fælsë, thëñ æñÿ prøpërtïës ñøt mætçhëð þÿ ëïthër wïll çæµsë thïs sçhëmæ tø fæïl.", + "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.": "Ëïthër æ sçhëmæ ør æ þøølëæñ. Ïf æ sçhëmæ, µsëð tø vælïðætë æll prøpërtïës ñøt mætçhëð þÿ 'prøpërtïës', 'prøpërtÿÑæmës', ør 'pættërñPrøpërtïës'. Ïf fælsë, æñÿ prøpërtïës ñøt ðëfïñëð þÿ thë æðæjæçëñt këÿwørðs wïll çæµsë thïs sçhëmæ tø fæïl.", "Either a string of one of the basic schema types (number, integer, null, array, object, boolean, string) or an array of strings specifying a subset of those types.": "Ëïthër æ strïñg øf øñë øf thë þæsïç sçhëmæ tÿpës (ñµmþër, ïñtëgër, ñµll, ærræÿ, øþjëçt, þøølëæñ, strïñg) ør æñ ærræÿ øf strïñgs spëçïfÿïñg æ sµþsët øf thøsë tÿpës.", "End of file expected.": "Ëñð øf fïlë ëxpëçtëð.", "Expected a JSON object, array or literal.": "Ëxpëçtëð æ J§ØÑ øþjëçt, ærræÿ ør lïtëræl.", @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ "Expected comma or closing brace": "Ëxpëçtëð çømmæ ør çløsïñg þræçë", "Expected comma or closing bracket": "Ëxpëçtëð çømmæ ør çløsïñg þræçkët", "Failed to sort the JSONC document, please consider opening an issue.": "Fæïlëð tø sørt thë J§ØÑÇ ðøçµmëñt, plëæsë çøñsïðër øpëñïñg æñ ïssµë.", - "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If it is a schema, then this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items array. If it is false, then additional items will cause validation to fail.": "Før ærræÿs, øñlÿ whëñ ïtëms ïs sët æs æñ ærræÿ. Ïf ït ïs æ sçhëmæ, thëñ thïs sçhëmæ vælïðætës ïtëms æftër thë øñës spëçïfïëð þÿ thë ïtëms ærræÿ. Ïf ït ïs fælsë, thëñ æððïtïøñæl ïtëms wïll çæµsë vælïðætïøñ tø fæïl.", + "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.": "Før ærræÿs, øñlÿ whëñ ïtëms ïs sët æs æñ ærræÿ. Ïf ïtëms ærë æ sçhëmæ, thïs sçhëmæ vælïðætës ïtëms æftër thë øñës spëçïfïëð þÿ thë ïtëms sçhëmæ. Ïf fælsë, æððïtïøñæl ïtëms wïll çæµsë vælïðætïøñ tø fæïl.", "For arrays. Can either be a schema to validate every element against or an array of schemas to validate each item against in order (the first schema will validate the first element, the second schema will validate the second element, and so on.": "Før ærræÿs. Çæñ ëïthër þë æ sçhëmæ tø vælïðætë ëvërÿ ëlëmëñt ægæïñst ør æñ ærræÿ øf sçhëmæs tø vælïðætë ëæçh ïtëm ægæïñst ïñ ørðër (thë fïrst sçhëmæ wïll vælïðætë thë fïrst ëlëmëñt, thë sëçøñð sçhëmæ wïll vælïðætë thë sëçøñð ëlëmëñt, æñð sø øñ.", "If all of the items in the array must be unique. Defaults to false.": "Ïf æll øf thë ïtëms ïñ thë ærræÿ mµst þë µñïqµë. Ðëfæµlts tø fælsë.", "If the instance is an object, this keyword validates if every property name in the instance validates against the provided schema.": "Ïf thë ïñstæñçë ïs æñ øþjëçt, thïs këÿwørð vælïðætës ïf ëvërÿ prøpërtÿ ñæmë ïñ thë ïñstæñçë vælïðætës ægæïñst thë prøvïðëð sçhëmæ.", @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ "String is not an e-mail address.": "§trïñg ïs ñøt æñ ë-mæïl æððrëss.", "String is shorter than the minimum length of {0}.": "§trïñg ïs shørtër thæñ thë mïñïmµm lëñgth øf {0}.", "The \"else\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema fails.": "Thë \"ëlsë\" sµþsçhëmæ ïs µsëð før vælïðætïøñ whëñ thë \"ïf\" sµþsçhëmæ fæïls.", - "The \"if\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "Thë \"ïf\" sµþsçhëmæ ïs µsëð før vælïðætïøñ whëñ thë \"ïf\" sµþsçhëmæ sµççëëðs.", + "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "Thë \"thëñ\" sµþsçhëmæ ïs µsëð før vælïðætïøñ whëñ thë \"ïf\" sµþsçhëmæ sµççëëðs.", "The maximum length of a string.": "Thë mæxïmµm lëñgth øf æ strïñg.", "The maximum number of items that can be inside an array. Inclusive.": "Thë mæxïmµm ñµmþër øf ïtëms thæt çæñ þë ïñsïðë æñ ærræÿ. Ïñçlµsïvë.", "The maximum number of properties an object can have. Inclusive.": "Thë mæxïmµm ñµmþër øf prøpërtïës æñ øþjëçt çæñ hævë. Ïñçlµsïvë.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json index d93e0aaad5..fa374a1493 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.explicit": "§møøth çærët æñïmætïøñ ïs ëñæþlëð øñlÿ whëñ thë µsër møvës thë çµrsør wïth æñ ëxplïçït gëstµrë.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.off": "§møøth çærët æñïmætïøñ ïs ðïsæþlëð.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.on": "§møøth çærët æñïmætïøñ ïs ælwæÿs ëñæþlëð.", - "cursorStyle": "Çøñtrøls thë çµrsør stÿlë.", + "cursorStyle": "Çøñtrøls thë çµrsør stÿlë ïñ ïñsërt ïñpµt møðë.", "cursorSurroundingLines": "Çøñtrøls thë mïñïmæl ñµmþër øf vïsïþlë lëæðïñg lïñës (mïñïmµm 0) æñð træïlïñg lïñës (mïñïmµm 1) sµrrøµñðïñg thë çµrsør. 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Ëxtëñsïøñs µsïñg `lïmïtëð` wïll ælwæÿs þë ëñæþlëð, æñð thë ëxtëñsïøñ wïll hïðë fµñçtïøñælïtÿ thæt rëqµïrës trµst. Ëxtëñsïøñs µsïñg `fælsë` wïll øñlÿ þë ëñæþlëð øñlÿ whëñ thë wørkspæçë ïs trµstëð.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.false": "Ëxtëñsïøñ wïll øñlÿ þë ëñæþlëð øñlÿ whëñ thë wørkspæçë ïs trµstëð.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.limited": "Ëxtëñsïøñ wïll ælwæÿs þë ëñæþlëð, æñð thë ëxtëñsïøñ wïll hïðë fµñçtïøñælïtÿ rëqµïrïñg trµst.", @@ -7485,6 +7576,7 @@ "extensions.verifySignature": "Whëñ ëñæþlëð, ëxtëñsïøñs ærë vërïfïëð tø þë sïgñëð þëførë gëttïñg ïñstællëð.", "extensionsCheckUpdates": "Whëñ ëñæþlëð, æµtømætïçællÿ çhëçks ëxtëñsïøñs før µpðætës. Ïf æñ ëxtëñsïøñ hæs æñ µpðætë, ït ïs mærkëð æs øµtðætëð ïñ thë Ëxtëñsïøñs vïëw. 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Øñlÿ shøws whëñ æt thë ëñð øf æ lïñë thæt ïs ðømïñætëð þÿ ñætµræl læñgµægë, lïkë `çlæss Përsøñ wïth ñæmë æñð høþþïës`", "mode": "Çøñfïgµrë ïf çhæñgës çræftëð wïth ïñlïñë çhæt ærë æpplïëð ðïrëçtlÿ tø thë ðøçµmëñt ør ærë prëvïëwëð fïrst.", "mode.live": "Çhæñgës ærë æpplïëð ðïrëçtlÿ tø thë ðøçµmëñt, çæñ þë hïghlïghtëð vïæ ïñlïñë ðïffs, æñð æççëptëð/ðïsçærðëð þÿ hµñks. Ëñðïñg æ sëssïøñ wïll këëp thë çhæñgës.", "mode.preview": "Çhæñgës ærë prëvïëwëð øñlÿ æñð ñëëð tø þë æççëptëð vïæ thë æpplÿ þµttøñ. Ëñðïñg æ sëssïøñ wïll ðïsçærð thë çhæñgës." @@ -9408,8 +9520,7 @@ "notebookActions.chatFixCellError": "Fïx Çëll Ërrør" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellDiagnostics/diagnosticCellStatusBarContrib": { - "notebook.cell.status.explain": "Ëxplæïñ Wïth Çhæt", - "notebook.cell.status.fix": "Fïx Wïth Ïñlïñë Çhæt" + "notebook.cell.status.diagnostic": "Qµïçk Æçtïøñs {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/executionStatusBarItemController": { "notebook.cell.status.executing": "Ëxëçµtïñg", @@ -9417,7 +9528,8 @@ "notebook.cell.status.pending": "Pëñðïñg", "notebook.cell.status.success": "§µççëss", "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip": "**£æst Ëxëçµtïøñ** {0}\r\n\r\n**Ëxëçµtïøñ Tïmë** {1}\r\n\r\n**Øvërhëæð Tïmë** {2}\r\n\r\n**Rëñðër Tïmës**\r\n\r\n{3}", - "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Üsë thë lïñks æþøvë tø fïlë æñ ïssµë µsïñg thë ïssµë rëpørtër." + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Üsë thë lïñks æþøvë tø fïlë æñ ïssµë µsïñg thë ïssµë rëpørtër.", + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerVerbose": "£æst Ëxëçµtïøñ: {0}, еrætïøñ: {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/statusBarProviders": { "notebook.cell.status.autoDetectLanguage": "Æççëpt Ðëtëçtëð £æñgµægë: {0}", @@ -9775,6 +9887,9 @@ "insertToolbarLocation.notebookToolbar": "Thë tøølþær æt thë tøp øf thë ñøtëþøøk ëðïtør.", "notebook.VariablesView.description": "Ëñæþlë thë ëxpërïmëñtæl ñøtëþøøk værïæþlës vïëw wïthïñ thë ðëþµg pæñël.", "notebook.backup.sizeLimit": "Thë lïmït øf ñøtëþøøk øµtpµt sïzë ïñ kïløþÿtës (Kß) whërë ñøtëþøøk fïlës wïll ñø løñgër þë þæçkëð µp før høt rëløæð. Üsë 0 før µñlïmïtëð.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.default.description": "Thë çëll ëxëçµtïøñ ðµrætïøñ ïs vïsïþlë, wïth æðvæñçëð ïñførmætïøñ ïñ thë høvër tøøltïp.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.description": "Çøñtrøls thë vërþøsïtÿ øf thë çëll ëxëçµtïøñ tïmë ïñ thë çëll stætµs þær.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.verbose.description": "Thë çëll læst ëxëçµtïøñ tïmëstæmp æñð ðµrætïøñ ærë vïsïþlë, wïth æðvæñçëð ïñførmætïøñ ïñ thë høvër tøøltïp.", "notebook.cellFailureDiagnostics": "§høw ævæïlæþlë ðïægñøstïçs før çëll fæïlµrës.", "notebook.cellGenerate": "Ëñæþlë ëxpërïmëñtæl gëñërætë æçtïøñ tø çrëætë çøðë çëll wïth ïñlïñë çhæt ëñæþlëð.", "notebook.cellToolbarLocation.description": "Whërë thë çëll tøølþær shøµlð þë shøwñ, ør whëthër ït shøµlð þë hïððëñ.", @@ -12888,7 +13003,8 @@ "testingCountBadgePassed": "{0} pæssëð tësts", "testingCountBadgeSkipped": "{0} skïppëð tësts", "testingFindExtension": "§høw Wørkspæçë Tësts", - "testingNoTest": "Ñø tësts wërë føµñð ïñ thïs fïlë." + "testingNoTest": "Ñø tësts wërë føµñð ïñ thïs fïlë.", + "testingSelectConfig": "§ëlëçt Çøñfïgµrætïøñ..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Çløsë", @@ -13067,6 +13183,11 @@ "testError": "Æñ ërrør øççµrrëð ættëmptïñg tø rµñ tësts: {0}", "testTrust": "Rµññïñg tësts mæÿ ëxëçµtë çøðë ïñ ÿøµr wørkspæçë." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/testTypes": { + "testing.runProfileBitset.coverage": "Çøvërægë", + "testing.runProfileBitset.debug": "Ðëþµg", + "testing.runProfileBitset.run": "Rµñ" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/themes/browser/themes.contribution": { "browseColorThemeInMarketPlace.label": "ßrøwsë Çølør Thëmës ïñ Mærkëtplæçë", "browseColorThemes": "ßrøwsë Æððïtïøñæl Çølør Thëmës...", @@ -13656,7 +13777,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { "getStarted": "Wëlçømë", - "walkthroughPageTitle": "Wælkthrøµgh: " + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Wælkthrøµgh: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "ßµïlt-Ïñ", @@ -13674,6 +13795,7 @@ "browsePopularWeb": "ßrøwsë Pøpµlær Wëþ Ëxtëñsïøñs", "cloneRepo": "Çløñë Rëpøsïtørÿ", "commandPalette": "Øpëñ Çømmæñð Pælëttë", + "copilotTerms": "ßÿ çøñtïñµïñg, ÿøµ ægrëë tø Çøpïløt [Tërms]({0}) æñð [Prïvæçÿ Pølïçÿ]({1}).", "enableSync": "ßæçkµp æñð §ÿñç §ëttïñgs", "enableTrust": "ëñæþlë trµst", "getting-started-beginner-icon": "Ïçøñ µsëð før thë þëgïññër çætëgørÿ øf wëlçømë pægë", @@ -13695,6 +13817,8 @@ "gettingStarted.commandPalette.title": "Üñløçk prøðµçtïvïtÿ wïth thë Çømmæñð Pælëttë ", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.description.interpolated": "Rµñ çømmæñðs wïthøµt rëæçhïñg før ÿøµr møµsë tø æççømplïsh æñÿ tæsk ïñ V§ Çøðë.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.title": "Üñløçk prøðµçtïvïtÿ wïth thë Çømmæñð Pælëttë ", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.description": "Wrïtë çøðë fæstër æñð smærtër wïth [Çøpïløt]({0}) før frëë.", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.title": "Üsë ÆÏ fëætµrës wïth Çøpïløt før frëë", "gettingStarted.debug.description.interpolated": "Æççëlërætë ÿøµr ëðït, þµïlð, tëst, æñð ðëþµg løøp þÿ sëttïñg µp æ læµñçh çøñfïgµrætïøñ.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.debug.title": "Wætçh ÿøµr çøðë ïñ æçtïøñ", "gettingStarted.extensions.description.interpolated": "Ëxtëñsïøñs ærë V§ Çøðë's pøwër-µps. Thëÿ ræñgë frøm hæñðÿ prøðµçtïvïtÿ hæçks, ëxpæñðïñg øµt-øf-thë-þøx fëætµrës, tø æððïñg çømplëtëlÿ ñëw çæpæþïlïtïës.\r\n{0}", @@ -13789,6 +13913,9 @@ "quickOpen": "Qµïçk Øpëñ æ Fïlë", "runProject": "Rµñ ÿøµr Prøjëçt", "runTasks": "Rµñ Ƶtø-ðëtëçtëð Tæsks", + "setupCopilotButton.chatWithCopilot": "Çhæt wïth Çøpïløt", + "setupCopilotButton.setup": "§ëtµp Çøpïløt", + "setupCopilotButton.signIn": "§ïgñ ïñ tø µsë Çøpïløt", "showOrFocusHover": "§høw ør Føçµs Høvër", "showTerminal": "Øpëñ Tërmïñæl", "titleID": "ßrøwsë Çølør Thëmës", @@ -14046,6 +14173,7 @@ "menus.explorerContextShare": "'§hærë' sµþmëñµ ïñ thë fïlë ëxplørër çøñtëxt mëñµ", "menus.extensionContext": "Thë ëxtëñsïøñ çøñtëxt mëñµ", "menus.historyItemContext": "Thë §øµrçë Çøñtrøl hïstørÿ ïtëm çøñtëxt mëñµ", + "menus.historyItemRefContext": "Thë §øµrçë Çøñtrøl hïstørÿ ïtëm rëfërëñçë çøñtëxt mëñµ", "menus.home": "Thë hømë ïñðïçætør çøñtëxt mëñµ (wëþ øñlÿ)", "menus.input": "Thë §øµrçë Çøñtrøl ïñpµt þøx mëñµ", "menus.mergeEditorResult": "Thë rësµlt tøølþær øf thë mërgë ëðïtør", @@ -14350,6 +14478,7 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/browser/extensionEnablementService": { "Reload": "Rëløæð æñð Ëñæþlë Ëxtëñsïøñs", "cannot change disablement environment": "Çæññøt çhæñgë ëñæþlëmëñt øf {0} ëxtëñsïøñ þëçæµsë ït ïs ðïsæþlëð ïñ ëñvïrøñmëñt", + "cannot change disallowed extension enablement": "Çæññøt çhæñgë ëñæþlëmëñt øf {0} ëxtëñsïøñ þëçæµsë ït ïs ðïsælløwëð", "cannot change enablement dependency": "Çæññøt ëñæþlë '{0}' ëxtëñsïøñ þëçæµsë ït ðëpëñðs øñ '{1}' ëxtëñsïøñ thæt çæññøt þë ëñæþlëð", "cannot change enablement environment": "Çæññøt çhæñgë ëñæþlëmëñt øf {0} ëxtëñsïøñ þëçæµsë ït ïs ëñæþlëð ïñ ëñvïrøñmëñt", "cannot change enablement extension kind": "Çæññøt çhæñgë ëñæþlëmëñt øf {0} ëxtëñsïøñ þëçæµsë øf ïts ëxtëñsïøñ kïñð", @@ -14371,9 +14500,6 @@ "allow": "Ælløw", "disallow": "Ðøñ't Ælløw" }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { - "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Ëxtëñsïøñs" - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementServerService": { "browser": "ßrøwsër", "remote": "Rëmøtë" @@ -14403,11 +14529,6 @@ "singleDependentError": "Çæññøt µñïñstæll ëxtëñsïøñ '{0}'. Ëxtëñsïøñ '{1}' ðëpëñðs øñ thïs.", "twoDependentsError": "Çæññøt µñïñstæll ëxtëñsïøñ '{0}'. Ëxtëñsïøñs '{1}' æñð '{2}' ðëpëñð øñ thïs." }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/webExtensionManagementService": { - "VS Code for Web": "{0} før thë Wëþ", - "learn why": "£ëærñ Whÿ", - "not web tooltip": "Thë '{0}' ëxtëñsïøñ ïs ñøt ævæïlæþlë ïñ {1}." - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/extensionManagementServerService": { "local": "£øçæl", "remote": "Rëmøtë" diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index 1d67b36aa4..3070add14d 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ "Conflict: Deleted By Us": "Конфликт: удалено нами", "Continue Rebase": "Продолжить перемещение изменений из одной ветви в другую", "Continuing Rebase...": "Продолжается перемещение изменений из одной ветви в другую...", + "Copy Commit Hash": "Копировать хэш фиксации", "Could not clone your repository as Git is not installed.": "Не удалось клонировать ваш репозиторий, так как Git не установлен.", "Create Empty Commit": "Создать пустую фиксацию", "Current": "Текущая", @@ -112,10 +113,11 @@ "File \"{0}\" was deleted by us and modified by them.\n\nWhat would you like to do?": "Файл \"{0}\" был удален нами и изменен ими.\n\nЧто вы хотели бы сделать?", "Force Checkout": "Принудительное извлечение", "Force push is not allowed, please enable it with the \"git.allowForcePush\" setting.": "Принудительная отправка не разрешена. Включите ее, установив параметр \"git.allowForcePush\".", - "Git Blame Information": "Git Blame Information", + "Git Blame Information": "Сведения о Git Blame", "Git History": "Журнал Git", "Git error": "Ошибка Git", - "Git local working changes": "Локальные рабочие изменения Git", + "Git local changes (working tree + index)": "Локальные изменения Git (рабочее дерево + индекс)", + "Git local changes (working tree)": "Локальные изменения Git (рабочее дерево)", "Git not found. Install it or configure it using the \"git.path\" setting.": "Git не найден. Установите его или настройте с помощью параметра \"git.path\".", "Git repositories were found in the parent folders of the workspace or the open file(s). Would you like to open the repositories?": "В родительских папках рабочей области или открытых файлах найдены репозитории Git. Вы хотите открыть репозитории?", "Git: {0}": "Git: {0}", @@ -415,6 +417,7 @@ "command.branchFrom": "Создать ветвь из...", "command.checkout": "Извлечение в...", "command.checkoutDetached": "Извлечь в (отключено)...", + "command.checkoutRef": "Оформление заказа", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Извлечение (в отключенном режиме)", "command.cherryPick": "Выборочный отбор...", "command.cherryPickAbort": "Прервать выборочный отбор", @@ -552,8 +555,10 @@ "config.autofetch": "Если задано значение true, фиксации будут автоматически извлекаться из удаленного репозитория по умолчанию для текущего репозитория Git. Если задано значение all, фиксации будут извлекаться из всех удаленных репозиториев.", "config.autofetchPeriod": "Длительность в секундах между автоматическими извлечениями из git, если включен параметр \"#git.autofetch#\".", "config.autorefresh": "Включено ли автоматическое обновление.", - "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Определяет, следует ли отображать аннотацию git blame в редакторе с помощью оформления редактора.", - "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Определяет, следует ли отображать аннотацию git blame в строке состояния.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Управляет отображением сведений об авторстве в редакторе с использованием декораций редактора.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.template": "Шаблон для главного редактора информации. Поддерживаемые переменные:\r\n\r\n* \"hash\": фиксация hash\r\n\r\n* \"hashShort\": первые 8 символов для фиксации\r\n\r\n* \"subject\": первая строка сообщения фиксации\r\n\r\n* \"authorName\": имя автора\r\n\r\n* \"authorEmail\": автор сообщения электронной почты\r\n\r\n* \"authorDate\": дата автора\r\n\r\n* \"authorDateAgo\": разница во времени между сейчас и датой автора\r\n\r\n", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Управляет отображением информации blame в строке состояния.", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.template": "Шаблон для элемента панели состояния сведений о состоянии. Поддерживаемые переменные:\r\n\r\n* \"hash\": фиксация hash\r\n\r\n* \"hashShort\": первые 8 символов для фиксации\r\n\r\n* \"subject\": первая строка сообщения фиксации\r\n\r\n* \"authorName\": имя автора\r\n\r\n* \"authorEmail\": автор сообщения электронной почты\r\n\r\n* \"authorDate\": дата автора\r\n\r\n* \"authorDateAgo\": разница во времени между сейчас и датой автора\r\n\r\n", "config.branchPrefix": "Префикс, используемый при создании новой ветви.", "config.branchProtection": "Список защищенных ветвей. По умолчанию перед фиксацией изменений в защищенной ветви отображается запрос. Запросом можно управлять с помощью параметра `#git.branchProtectionPrompt#`.", "config.branchProtectionPrompt": "Управляет отображением подсказки перед фиксацией изменений в защищенной ветви.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json index a905b68f72..9eb572b532 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "$ref '{0}' in '{1}' can not be resolved.": "$ref \"{0}\" в \"{1}\" невозможно разрешить.", "": "", "A default value. Used by suggestions.": "Значение по умолчанию. Используется предложениями.", - "A descriptive title of the element.": "Описательное название элемента.", - "A long description of the element. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "Подробное описание элемента. Используется во всплывающих меню и предложениях.", + "A descriptive title of the schema.": "A descriptive title of the schema.", + "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.", "A map of property names to either an array of property names or a schema. An array of property names means the property named in the key depends on the properties in the array being present in the object in order to be valid. If the value is a schema, then the schema is only applied to the object if the property in the key exists on the object.": "Сопоставление имен свойств с массивом имен свойств или схемой. Массив имен свойств означает, что свойство, указанное в ключе, зависит от свойств в массиве, присутствующих в объекте, чтобы оно было допустимым. Если значение является схемой, то схема применяется к объекту, только когда свойство в ключе существует в объекте.", "A map of property names to schemas for each property.": "Сопоставление имен свойств со схемами для каждого свойства.", "A map of regular expressions on property names to schemas for matching properties.": "Сопоставление регулярных выражений имен свойств со схемами для соответствующих свойств.", @@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ "Configured in workspace settings": "Настроено в параметрах рабочей области", "Default value": "Значение по умолчанию", "Describes the content encoding of a string property.": "Описывает кодирование содержимого свойства строки.", - "Describes the format expected for the value.": "Описывает ожидаемый для значения формат.", + "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation": "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation", "Describes the media type of a string property.": "Описывает тип носителя свойства строки.", "Downloading schemas is disabled through setting '{0}'": "Скачивание схем отключено из-за параметра \"{0}\"", "Downloading schemas is disabled. Click to configure.": "Скачивание схем отключено. Щелкните, чтобы выполнить настройку.", "Draft-03 schemas are not supported.": "Схемы Draft-03 не поддерживаются.", "Duplicate anchor declaration: '{0}'": "Повторяющееся объявление привязки: \"{0}\"", "Duplicate object key": "Дублировать ключ объекта", - "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, then used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties' or 'patternProperties'. If false, then any properties not matched by either will cause this schema to fail.": "Схема или логическое значение. Если схема, то используется для проверки всех свойств, не соответствующих свойствам \"properties\" или \"patternProperties\". Если значение ЛОЖЬ, то любые свойства, не соответствующие ни одному из них, приведут к сбою этой схемы.", + "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.": "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.", "Either a string of one of the basic schema types (number, integer, null, array, object, boolean, string) or an array of strings specifying a subset of those types.": "Строка одного из основных типов схемы (число, целое число, null, массив, объект, логическое значение, строка) или массив строк, определяющий подмножество этих типов.", "End of file expected.": "Ожидался конец файла.", "Expected a JSON object, array or literal.": "Ожидается объект JSON, массив или литерал.", @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ "Expected comma or closing brace": "Ожидалась запятая или закрывающая фигурная скобка.", "Expected comma or closing bracket": "Ожидаемая запятая или закрывающая скобка", "Failed to sort the JSONC document, please consider opening an issue.": "Не удалось отсортировать документ JSONC. Попробуйте открыть проблему.", - "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If it is a schema, then this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items array. If it is false, then additional items will cause validation to fail.": "Для массивов, только если элементы определены как массив. Если это схема, то она проверяет элементы после тех, которые указаны в массиве элементов. Если ЛОЖЬ, дополнительные элементы приведут к сбою проверки.", + "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.": "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.", "For arrays. Can either be a schema to validate every element against or an array of schemas to validate each item against in order (the first schema will validate the first element, the second schema will validate the second element, and so on.": "Для массивов. Может быть схемой проверки всех элементов или массивом схем для проверки каждого элемента по порядку (первая схема проверяет первый элемент, вторая схема проверяет второй элемент и так далее).", "If all of the items in the array must be unique. Defaults to false.": "Должны ли все элементы массива быть уникальными. Значение по умолчанию — false.", "If the instance is an object, this keyword validates if every property name in the instance validates against the provided schema.": "Если экземпляр является объектом, это ключевое слово проверяет, выполняется ли проверка каждого имени свойства в экземпляре на соответствие указанной схеме.", @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ "String is not an e-mail address.": "Строка не является адресом электронной почты.", "String is shorter than the minimum length of {0}.": "Строка короче минимальной длины {0}.", "The \"else\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema fails.": "Если вложенная схема \"if\" не срабатывает, для проверки используется \"else\".", - "The \"if\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "Вложенная схема \"if\" используется для проверки при успешном выполнении вложенной схемы \"if\".", + "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.", "The maximum length of a string.": "Максимальная длина строки.", "The maximum number of items that can be inside an array. Inclusive.": "Максимальное число элементов, которые могут быть включены в массив. Инклюзивное.", "The maximum number of properties an object can have. Inclusive.": "Максимально допустимое число свойств объекта (включительно).", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json index c2c29aa4a8..1a5aeb116d 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.explicit": "Плавная анимация курсора включена, только если пользователь перемещает курсор явным жестом.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.off": "Плавная анимация курсора отключена.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.on": "Плавная анимация курсора всегда включена.", - "cursorStyle": "Управляет стилем курсора.", + "cursorStyle": "Управляет стилем курсора в режиме ввода со вставкой.", "cursorSurroundingLines": "Определяет минимальное число видимых начальных линий (минимум 0) и конечных линий (минимум 1), окружающих курсор. Этот параметр имеет название \"scrollOff\" или \"scrollOffset\" в некоторых других редакторах.", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle": "Определяет, когда следует принудительно применять \"#editor.cursorSurroundingLines#\".", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle.all": "\"cursorSurroundingLines\" принудительно применяется во всех случаях.", @@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ "inline": "Экспресс-предложения отображаются как едва различимый текст", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Определяет, следует ли предоставлять указание о специальных возможностях пользователям средства чтения с экрана при отображении встроенного завершения.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Определяет, следует ли включить экспериментальные правки во встроенных предложениях.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.onlyShowWhenCloseToCursor": "Определяет, следует ли отображать встроенные предложения только тогда, когда курсор находится близко к предложению.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useInterleavedLinesDiff": "Управляет включением экспериментальных различий чередующихся строк во встроенных предложениях.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useMixedLinesDiff": "Определяет, следует ли включить экспериментальные правки во встроенных предложениях.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "Определяет, следует ли автоматически показывать встроенные предложения в редакторе.", @@ -609,6 +610,8 @@ "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Управляет задержкой в миллисекундах, после которой выделяются вхождения.", "off": "Экспресс-предложения отключены", "on": "Экспресс-предложения отображаются в мини-приложении рекомендаций", + "overtypeCursorStyle": "Управляет стилем курсора в режиме ввода с заменой.", + "overtypeOnPaste": "Управляет заменой при вставке.", "overviewRulerBorder": "Определяет, должна ли отображаться граница на обзорной линейке.", "padding.bottom": "Задает пространство между нижним краем редактора и последней строкой.", "padding.top": "Задает пространство между верхним краем редактора и первой строкой.", @@ -1410,9 +1413,10 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Показывать следующее встроенное предложение", "action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "Показать предыдущее встроенное предложение", "action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "Активировать встроенное предложение", - "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.inlineEdit": "Активировать встроенную правку", + "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.explicitInlineEdit": "Активировать встроенную правку", "jump": "Перейти", - "noInlineEditAvailable": "Встроенное редактирование недоступно." + "noInlineEditAvailable": "Встроенное редактирование недоступно.", + "reject": "Reject" }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/controller/inlineCompletionContextKeys": { "cursorAtInlineEdit": "Находится ли курсор на встроенной правке", @@ -2045,12 +2049,14 @@ }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "Marketplace не включен", + "VS Code for Web": "{0} в Интернете", "incompatible platform": "Расширение \"{0}\" недоступно в {1} для {2}.", "incompatibleAPI": "Невозможно установить расширение \"{0}\". {1}", - "learn more": "Подробнее", + "learn why": "Узнайте, чем это вызвано", "malicious extension": "Не удается установить расширение «{0}», так как оно помечено как проблемное.", "multipleDependentsError": "Не удается удалить расширение \"{0}\". От него зависят расширения \"{1}\", \"{2}\" и другие расширения.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "Не удается удалить расширение \"{0}\". Для его удаления необходимо удалить расширения \"{1}\", \"{2}\", \"{3}\" и другие расширения, которые зависят от него.", + "not allowed to install": "Невозможно установить это расширение, так как {0}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "Невозможно установить расширение \"{0}\" из-за несовместимости с текущей версией {1} (версия {2}).", "notFoundDeprecatedReplacementExtension": "Невозможно установить расширение \"{0}\", так как оно устарело, а заменяющее расширение \"{1}\" не может быть найдено.", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "Не удается установить версию выпуска \"{0}\", так как отсутствует версия выпуска.", @@ -2059,6 +2065,13 @@ "twoDependentsError": "Не удается удалить расширение \"{0}\". От него зависят расширения \"{1}\" и \"{2}\".", "twoIndirectDependentsError": "Не удается удалить расширение \"{0}\". Для его удаления необходимо удалить расширения \"{1}\", \"{2}\" и \"{3}\", которые зависят от него." }, + "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/allowedExtensionsService": { + "extension prerelease not allowed": "предварительные версии этого расширения отсутствуют в [списке разрешенных]({0})", + "prerelease versions from this publisher not allowed": "предварительные версии этого издателя отсутствуют в [списке разрешенных]({1})", + "publisher not allowed": "расширения этого издателя отсутствуют в [списке разрешенных]({1})", + "specific extension not allowed": "нет в [списке разрешенных]({0})", + "specific version of extension not allowed": "версия {0} этого расширения отсутствует в [списке разрешенных]({1})" + }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { "extensions": "Расширения", "preferences": "Параметры" @@ -2096,10 +2109,6 @@ "updateMessage": "Обновление расширения \"{0}\" до версии {1}", "useId": "Убедитесь, что вы используете полный идентификатор расширения, включая издателя, например: {0}" }, - "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementIpc": { - "incompatible platform": "Расширение \"{0}\" недоступно в {1} для {2}.", - "learn more": "Подробнее" - }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionNls": { "missingNLSKey": "Не удалось найти сообщение для ключа {0}." }, @@ -2117,7 +2126,7 @@ "errorDeleting": "Не удается удалить существующую папку \"{0}\" при установке расширения \"{1}\". Удалите папку вручную и повторите попытку", "incompatible": "Не удается установить расширение \"{0}\", так как оно не совместимо с VS Code \"{1}\".", "invalidManifest": "Не удается установить расширение \"{0}\" из-за несоответствия манифеста с Marketplace", - "not signed": "Расширение не подписано.", + "notAllowed": "Невозможно установить это расширение, так как {0}", "removeError": "Ошибка при удалении расширения: {0}. Закройте и снова откройте VS Code, затем повторите попытку.", "restartCode": "Перезапустите VS Code перед повторной установкой {0}.", "signature verification failed": "Сбой проверки подписи, ошибка \"{0}\".", @@ -2725,6 +2734,9 @@ "activityWarningBadge.foreground": "Цвет переднего плана значка предупреждения об активности", "badgeBackground": "Цвет фона бэджа. Бэджи - небольшие информационные элементы, отображающие количество, например, результатов поиска.", "badgeForeground": "Цвет текста бэджа. Бэджи - небольшие информационные элементы, отображающие количество, например, результатов поиска.", + "chartAxis": "Цвет оси для диаграммы.", + "chartGuide": "Направляющие для диаграммы.", + "chartLine": "Цвет линии для диаграммы.", "progressBarBackground": "Цвет фона индикатора выполнения, который может отображаться для длительных операций.", "sashActiveBorder": "Цвет границы активных лент.", "scrollbarShadow": "Цвет тени полосы прокрутки, которая свидетельствует о том, что содержимое прокручивается.", @@ -3063,6 +3075,11 @@ "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadNotebookSaveParticipant": { "timeout.onWillSave": "Прервано onWillSaveTextDocument-event по истечении 1750 мс" }, + "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadOutputService": { + "status.showOutput": "Показать выходные данные", + "status.showOutputAria": "Показать выходной канал {0}", + "status.showOutputTooltip": "Показать выходной канал {0}" + }, "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadProgress": { "manageExtension": "Управление расширением" }, @@ -3868,6 +3885,7 @@ "miRestoreEditorsToMainWindow": "&&Восстановить редакторы в главном окне", "minimizeOtherEditorGroups": "Развернуть группу редакторов", "minimizeOtherEditorGroupsHideSidebar": "Развернуть группу редакторов и скрыть боковые панели", + "mitoggleOvertypeInsertMode": "&&Переключить режим замены/вставки", "moveActiveGroupDown": "Переместить группу редакторов вниз", "moveActiveGroupLeft": "Переместить группу редакторов влево", "moveActiveGroupRight": "Переместить группу редакторов вправо", @@ -3939,6 +3957,8 @@ "toggleEditorType": "Переключить тип редактора", "toggleEditorWidths": "Переключить размеры групп редактора", "toggleMaximizeEditorGroup": "Переключить максимальное развертывание группы редакторов", + "toggleOvertypeInsertMode": "Переключить режим замены/вставки", + "toggleOvertypeMode.description": "Переключение между режимом замены и режимом вставки", "unpinEditor": "Открепить редактор" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorCommands": { @@ -4045,6 +4065,7 @@ "guessedEncoding": "Предположение на основе содержимого", "indentConvert": "преобразовать файл", "indentView": "изменить представление", + "inputModeOvertype": "ЗАМ", "languageDescription": "({0}) — настроенный язык", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", "languagesPicks": "языки (идентификатор)", @@ -4071,6 +4092,7 @@ "spacesAndTabsSize": "Пробелы: {0} (размер табуляции: {1})", "spacesSize": "Пробелов: {0}", "status.editor.columnSelectionMode": "Режим выбора столбца", + "status.editor.enableInsertMode": "Включить режим вставки", "status.editor.encoding": "Кодировка в редакторе", "status.editor.eol": "Конец строки в редакторе", "status.editor.indentation": "Отступ в редакторе", @@ -4585,11 +4607,13 @@ "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.always": "Всегда развертывать панель при ее открытии.", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.never": "Никогда не развертывать панель при ее открытии. Панель откроется в неразвернутом состоянии.", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.preserve": "Открывать панель в том состоянии, в котором она находилась перед закрытием.", + "workbench.panel.output": "Представление выходных данных", "workbench.quickOpen.preserveInput": "Определяет, следует ли восстановить последние введенные данные в Quick Open при следующем открытии Quick Open. ", "workbench.reduceMotion": "Определяет, должно ли в рабочей среде отрисовываться меньшее число анимаций.", "workbench.reduceMotion.auto": "Отрисовывать с ограничением движений на основе конфигурации ОС.", "workbench.reduceMotion.off": "Не отрисовывать с ограничением движений", "workbench.reduceMotion.on": "Всегда отрисовывать с ограничением движений.", + "workbench.view.showQuietly": "Если какое-либо расширение запрашивает отображение скрытого представления, вместо него будет отображаться индикатор строки состояния, который мощно щелкнуть.", "wrapTabs": "Определяет, необходимо ли разместить вкладки на нескольких строках или отобразить полосу прокрутки при превышении доступного пространства. Это значение игнорируется, если для {0} не установлено значение \"{1}\".", "zenMode.centerLayout": "Определяет, будет ли выполняться выравнивание по центру при включении режима Zen. ", "zenMode.fullScreen": "Определяет, будет ли рабочее пространство переключаться в полноэкранный режим при включении режима Zen.", @@ -4775,6 +4799,7 @@ "panelStickyScrollBackground": "Цвет фона мини-приложения залипания прокрутки на панели.", "panelStickyScrollBorder": "Цвет границы липкой прокрутки на панели.", "panelStickyScrollShadow": "Цвет тени мини-приложения залипания прокрутки на панели.", + "panelTitleBorder": "Цвет границы заголовка панели внизу. Эта граница отделяет заголовок от представлений. Панели отображаются под областью редактора и содержат представления, такие как выходные данные и встроенный терминал.", "profileBadgeBackground": "Цвет фона значка профиля. Значок профиля отображается в верхней части значка шестеренки настроек на панели действий.", "profileBadgeForeground": "Цвет переднего плана значка профиля. Значок профиля отображается в верхней части значка шестеренки настроек на панели действий.", "sideBarActivityBarTopBorder": "Цвет границы между представлениями и панелью действий в верхней или в нижней части окна.", @@ -4789,6 +4814,7 @@ "sideBarStickyScrollBorder": "Цвет границы липкой прокрутки на боковой панели.", "sideBarStickyScrollShadow": "Цвет тени липкой прокрутки на боковой панели.", "sideBarTitleBackground": "Фоновый цвет названия боковой панели. Боковая панель — это контейнер таких представлений, как проводник и поиск.", + "sideBarTitleBorder": "Цвет границы заголовка боковой панели внизу. Эта граница отделяет заголовок от представлений. Боковая панель — это контейнер представлений, таких как проводник и поиск.", "sideBarTitleForeground": "Цвет переднего плана заголовка боковой панели. Боковая панель — это контейнер для таких представлений, как проводник и поиск.", "sideBySideEditor.horizontalBorder": "Цвет для разделения двух редакторов друг от друга при отображении рядом в группе редакторов сверху вниз.", "sideBySideEditor.verticalBorder": "Цвет для разделения двух редакторов друг от друга при отображении рядом в группе редакторов слева направо.", @@ -5427,12 +5453,16 @@ "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Переключиться в чат", "interactiveSession.open": "Открыть редактор", "learnMore": "Подробнее", + "managePlan": "Управление планом Copilot", + "manageSettings": "Управление настройками Copilot", "more": "Дополнительно...", "newChatTitle": "Название нового чата", "openChat": "Открыть чат", + "showCopilotUsageExtensions": "Показать расширения с помощью Copilot", "title4": "Чат", - "toggle.chatControl": "Элементы управления чатом", - "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Переключить видимость элементов управления чатом в строке заголовка" + "toggle.chatControl": "Элементы управления Copilot", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Переключить видимость элементов управления Copilot в строке заголовка", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { "chat.done.label": "Готово", @@ -5562,9 +5592,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Чат", - "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Управляет отображением в командном центре меню для действий в чате (требуется {0}).", + "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Управляет отображением меню действий для управления Copilot в командном центре (требуется {0}).", "chat.detectParticipant.enabled": "Включает автоматическое определение участников чата для чата панели.", - "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Всегда ли спрашивать перед сохранением файлов с изменениями, внесенными в чат.", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether files that have changes made by chat can be saved without confirmation.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Нужно ли показывать подтверждение перед удалением запроса и связанных с ним изменений.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Нужно ли показывать подтверждение перед повторной попыткой запроса и связанных с ним изменений.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Включает автоматическое определение участников чата для чата панели.", @@ -5594,7 +5624,11 @@ "reservedName": "Это расширение чата использует зарезервированное имя.", "viewExtensionLabel": "Просмотреть расширение" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAgentCommandContentPart": { + "rerun": "Перезапустить без {0}{1}" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAttachmentsContentPart": { + "chat.attachment": "Подключенный контекст, {0}", "chat.attachment3": "Подключенный контекст: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachment3": "Присоединено: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Присоединено: {0}, строка {1} к строке {2}.", @@ -5602,7 +5636,8 @@ "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Пропущено: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Пропущено: {0}, строка {1} до строки {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Частично присоединено: {0}.", - "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "Частично присоединено: {0}, строка {1} к строке {2}." + "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "Частично присоединено: {0}, строка {1} к строке {2}.", + "resource": "Полное значение ресурса вложения чата, включая схему и путь" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatCodeCitationContentPart": { "viewMatches": "Просмотреть совпадения" @@ -5617,7 +5652,16 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatMarkdownContentPart": { "chat.codeblock.applying": "Применение изменений...", "chat.codeblock.applyingPercentage": "Применение изменений ({0}%)...", - "chat.codeblock.generating": "Создание изменений..." + "chat.codeblock.deletions": "Удаления: {0}", + "chat.codeblock.deletions.one": "{0} удаление", + "chat.codeblock.generating": "Создание изменений...", + "chat.codeblock.insertions": "Вставки: {0}", + "chat.codeblock.insertions.one": "{0} вставка", + "summary": "Изменено {0}, {1}, {2}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatQuotaExceededPart": { + "signedUpClickToContinue": "Signed up? Click to continue!", + "upgradeToCopilotPro": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { "addToChat": "Добавить файл в чат", @@ -5646,13 +5690,15 @@ "file": "Файл", "files": "Файлы", "folder": "Папка", - "image": "Изображение" + "image": "Изображение", + "symbol": "Symbol" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingActions": { "accept": "Принять", "accept.file": "Принять", "acceptAllEdits": "Принять все изменения", "addFileToWorkingSet": "Добавить файл", + "addFilesFromReferences": "Добавить файлы из ссылок", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.manyFiles": "Это отменит изменения, внесенные {0} в файлах ({1}). Вы хотите продолжить?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.oneFile": "Это отменит изменения, внесенные {0} в {1}. Вы хотите продолжить?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.primaryButton": "Да", @@ -5669,12 +5715,11 @@ "chat.undoEdits.label": "Отменить изменения", "chatEditing.snapshot": "{0} (моментальный снимок {1})", "chatEditing.viewChanges": "Просмотреть все изменения", + "clearWorkingSet": "Очистить рабочий набор", "discard": "Отменить", "discard.file": "Отменить", "discardAllEdits": "Отменить все изменения", "open.fileInDiff": "Открыть изменения в редакторе различий", - "removeAll": "Remove All", - "removeAllFiles": "Remove All Files", "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Удалить файл", "workbench.action.chat.addSelectedFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Добавить выбранные файлы в рабочий набор" }, @@ -5706,6 +5751,7 @@ "undo2": "Отменить" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.ctxHasRequestInProgress": "The current editor shows a file from an edit session which is still in progress", "chat.hasEditorModifications": "Текущий редактор содержит изменения чата" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { @@ -5713,6 +5759,8 @@ "chatEditorName": "Чат" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorOverlay": { + "applyingPercentage": "{0}% Applying edits...", + "generating": "Generating edits...", "label": "Состояние навигации", "nOfM": "{0} из {1}", "tooltip_11": "1 изменение в 1 файле", @@ -5751,8 +5799,7 @@ "miGotoDefinition": "Перейти к &&определению", "miGotoImplementations": "Перейти к &&реализациям", "miGotoReference": "Перейти к &&ссылкам", - "miGotoTypeDefinition": "&&Перейти к определениям типов", - "resource": "Полное значение ресурса привязки, включая схему и путь" + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "&&Перейти к определениям типов" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Входные данные чата. Введите текст, чтобы задать вопрос, или введите \"/\", чтобы открыть разделы, нажмите клавишу ВВОД, чтобы отправить запрос. Используйте {0}, чтобы открыть справку по специальным возможностям чата.", @@ -5765,16 +5812,18 @@ "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Отправить в @{0}", "chatAddFiles": "{0} Добавить файлы...", "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "Достигнут предел файлов рабочего набора. {0} исключен из рабочего набора. Удалите другие файлы, чтобы освободить место для {0}.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} files)", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "(файлы {0}/{1})", "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "1 файл исключен из рабочего набора.", "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "Несколько ({0}) файлов исключены из рабочего набора.", "chatEditingSession.fileLimitReached": "Достигнуто максимальное число файлов, которые можно добавить в рабочий набор.", "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "(файлы: {0})", "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 файл)", + "chatEditingSession.removeSuggested": "Remove suggestion", "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Рабочий набор", "chatInput": "Ввод чата", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Ввод чата, введите здесь код и нажмите клавишу ВВОД для запуска. Для получения дополнительных сведений воспользуйтесь командой получения справки по специальным возможностям чата.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Дополнительно..." + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Дополнительно...", + "suggeste.title": "{0} - {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "выбрано \"{0}\"", @@ -5791,7 +5840,7 @@ "usedAgent": "[[(перезапуск без)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "используется {0} [[(перезапуск без)]]" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipant.contribution": { "chat.viewContainer.label": "Чат", "chatCommand": "Короткое имя, под которым эта команда указывается в пользовательском интерфейсе, например \"исправить\" или * \"объяснить\" для команд, которые исправляют проблему или объясняют код. Имя должно быть уникальным среди команд, предоставленных этим участником.", "chatCommandDescription": "Описание этой команды.", @@ -5804,7 +5853,7 @@ "chatCommandWhen": "Условие, которое должно иметь значение true, чтобы включить эту команду.", "chatCommandsDescription": "Доступные команды для этого участника чата, которые пользователь может вызывать с помощью \"/\".", "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Исправления Copilot", - "chatFailErrorMessage": "Chat failed to load because the installed version of the {0} extension is not compatible with this version of {1}. Please ensure that the {2} extension is up to date.", + "chatFailErrorMessage": "Не удалось загрузить чат, поскольку установленная версия расширения чата Copilot несовместима с этой версией {0}. Обновите расширение чата Copilot.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Описание этого участника чата, отображаемое в пользовательском интерфейсе.", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Метаданные для помощи с автоматической маршрутизацией вопросов пользователей к этому участнику чата.", "chatParticipantDisambiguationCategory": "Подробное имя для этой категории, например \"вопросы_рабочей_области\" или \"веб-вопросы\".", @@ -5821,22 +5870,53 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Добавляет участника чата" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedAttachment.multipleLines": "Строки: {0}", + "pastedAttachment.oneLine": "1 линия", + "pastedCodeAttachment": "Вставленный код вложения", + "pastedImageAttachment": "Вставленное изображение вложения", "pastedImageName": "Вставленное изображение" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup.contribution": { - "hideChatSetup": "Hide {0}", - "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide {0}?", - "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore chat controls from the 'chat.commandCenter.enabled' setting.", - "installChat": "Установить {0}", - "learnMore": "Подробнее", - "setup": "Установить {0}", - "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Setting up Chat for you...", - "setupChatSigningIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", - "setupFooter": "By proceeding you agree to our [privacy statement]({0}).", - "setupHeader": "{0} is your AI pair programmer.", - "signInAndInstallChat": "Войдите в систему, чтобы использовать {0}", - "signInAndSetup": "Войдите в систему, чтобы использовать {0}", - "triggerChatSetup": "Активация настройки чата" + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatQuotasService": { + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached the limits of your Copilot Free plan, click for details", + "chatQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly chat messages limit, click for details", + "completionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly code completions limit, click for details", + "copilotQuotaExceeded": "Copilot Limit Reached", + "dismiss": "Dismiss", + "indicator": "Copilot Quota Indicator", + "limit reached": "Copilot Free", + "limit reset": "Your limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitReached": "Limit Reached", + "managePlan": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "out of completions": "You've run out of free code completions, but free chat responses are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of free chat responses": "You've run out of free chat responses, but free code completions are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of limits": "You've reached the limits of the Copilot Free plan.", + "simulateCopilotQuotaExceeded": "Simulate Copilot Quota Exceeded", + "upgradeChat": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "upgradeToPro": "Here's what you can expect when upgrading to Copilot Pro:\r\n- Unlimited code completions\r\n- Unlimited chat interactions\r\n- 30 day free trial" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup": { + "detectionLabel": "Allow code suggestions that [match public code]({0})", + "featureChat": "Code faster with completions and Inline Chat", + "featureEdits": "Build features and resolve bugs with Copilot Edits", + "featureExplore": "Explore your codebase with chat", + "hideChatSetup": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupButton": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide Copilot?", + "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore Copilot by running the '{0}' command.", + "limitedSkuHeader": "$(sparkle-filled) We now offer [Copilot for free]({0}).", + "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Getting Copilot Ready...", + "setupChatProgress": "Getting Copilot ready...", + "setupChatSignIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", + "setupHeader": "[Copilot]({0} 'Copilot') is your AI pair programmer.", + "signInGh": "Sign in with a GitHub.com Account", + "signInGhe": "Sign in with a GHE.com Account", + "signUp": "Sign in to Use Copilot", + "signUpFree": "Sign in to Use Copilot for Free", + "startUp": "Use Copilot", + "startUpLimited": "Use Copilot for Free", + "termsLabel": "By continuing, you agree to our [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free...", + "welcomeChat": "Welcome to Copilot" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { "chatWidget.tips": "{0} или введите {1}, чтобы вложить контекст\r\n\r\n{2}, чтобы общаться в чате с расширениями\r\n\r\nВведите {3}, чтобы использовать команды", @@ -5849,8 +5929,8 @@ "chat.codeBlockHelp": "Блок кода", "chat.codeBlockLabel": "Блок кода {0}", "chat.compareCodeBlockLabel": "Изменения кода", - "chat.edits.1": "Внесено 1 изменение в [[``{0}``]]", - "chat.edits.N": "Внесены изменения ({0}) в [[``{1}``]]", + "chat.edits.1": "Applied 1 change in [[``{0}``]]", + "chat.edits.N": "Applied {0} changes in [[``{1}``]]", "chat.edits.rejected": "Изменения в [[\"\"{0}\"\"]] отклонены", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm": "Исходный файл изменен.", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm.detail": "Вы все равно хотите применить изменения?", @@ -5866,13 +5946,14 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { "fileEntryDescription": "{0} ({1})", "installLabel": "Установка расширений чата...", - "pickFileLabel": "Выберите файл" + "pickFileLabel": "Выберите файл", + "pickSymbolLabel": "Выбрать символ" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "Здесь есть часть наведения агента чата." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputRelatedFilesContrib": { - "relatedFile": "Рекомендуемый файл" + "relatedFile": "{0} (Suggested)" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { "screenshot": "Снимок экрана" @@ -5880,7 +5961,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { "toolInvocationMessage": "Использование {0}" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeHandler": { "chatViewsWelcome.content": "Контент приветствия. Первая ссылка на команду будет отображена как кнопка.", "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "Значок приветствия.", "chatViewsWelcome.title": "Заголовок приветствия.", @@ -5917,12 +5998,6 @@ "chatResponseFiltered": "Значение true, если ответ чата был отфильтрован сервером.", "chatResponseSupportsIssueReporting": "ИСТИНА, если текущий ответ чата поддерживает отчеты о проблемах.", "chatSessionResponseDetectedAgentOrCommand": "При автоматическом обнаружении агента или команды", - "chatSetupEntitled": "Имеет значение true, если настройка чата предлагается вошедшему в систему пользователю с соответствующими правами.", - "chatSetupInstalled": "True when the chat extension is installed.", - "chatSetupInstalling": "Имеет значение true, если настройка чата устанавливает чат.", - "chatSetupSignedIn": "Имеет значение true, если настройка чата предлагается вошедшему в систему пользователю.", - "chatSetupSigningIn": "Имеет значение true, если настройка чата ожидает вход.", - "chatSetupTriggered": "Имеет значение true, когда активируется настройка чата.", "inChat": "Значение TRUE, если фокус находится на мини-приложении чата, в противном случае — FALSE.", "inInteractiveInput": "Значение TRUE, если фокус находится на вводе текста в чате, в противном случае — FALSE.", "inQuickChat": "Значение true, если пользовательский интерфейс быстрого чата находится в фокусе, в противном случае — значение false.", @@ -5952,7 +6027,8 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.languageModels.whitespaceVendor": "Поле поставщика не может начинаться или заканчиваться пробелом." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelStats": { - "Language Models": "Языковые модели", + "Language Models": "Copilot", + "chat": "чат", "languageModels": "Статистика использования языковых моделей этого расширения." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { @@ -6672,6 +6748,7 @@ "findExtension": "&&Найти расширение {0}", "installExt": "Установка расширения...", "installLanguage": "Установка расширения для {0}...", + "moreOptionsForDebugType": "Дополнительные параметры ({0})...", "selectDebug": "Выберите отладчик", "suggestedDebuggers": "Рекомендуемое", "suppressMultipleSessionWarning": "Отключите предупреждение при попытке запуска одной и той же конфигурации отладки несколько раз." @@ -7037,7 +7114,6 @@ "allDebuggersDisabled": "Все расширения отладки отключены. Включите расширение отладки или установите новое расширение из Marketplace.", "customizeRunAndDebug": "Чтобы настроить выполнение и отладку, [создайте файл launch.json](command:{0}).", "customizeRunAndDebugOpenFolder": "Чтобы настроить выполнение и отладку, [откройте папку](command:{0}) и создайте файл launch.json.", - "detectThenRunAndDebug": "Показать все автоматические конфигурации отладки", "openAFileWhichCanBeDebugged": "[Откройте файл](command:{0}), который можно отладить или запустить.", "run": "Запустить", "runAndDebugAction": "Запуск и отладка" @@ -7057,6 +7133,7 @@ "breakpointWidgetVisibile": "Значение true, если мини-приложение зоны для редактора точек останова является видимым, в противном случае — false.", "breakpointsExist": "Значение true, если существует хотя бы одна точка останова.", "breakpointsFocused": "Значение true, если фокус находится на представлении \"Точки останова\", в противном случае — значение false.", + "callStackFocused": "ИСТИНА, если сфокусировано представление CALLSTACK, в противном случае ЛОЖЬ.", "callStackItemStopped": "Значение true, если элемент стека вызовов, на котором находится фокус, остановлен. Используется для внутренних меню в представлении \"Стек вызовов\".", "callStackItemType": "Представляет тип элемента, на котором находится фокус, в представлении \"Стек вызовов\". Примеры: \"session\" (сеанс), \"thread\" (поток), \"stackFrame\" (кадр стека).", "callStackSessionHasOneThread": "Значение true, если сеанс в представлении \"Стек вызовов\", на котором находится фокус, имеет ровно один поток. Используется для внутренних меню в представлении \"Стек вызовов\".", @@ -7325,10 +7402,10 @@ "errors": "Необработанных ошибок: {0}", "extensionActivating": "Расширение активируется...", "languageActivation": "Активировано {1}, так как вы открыли файл {0}", - "requests count": "Запросы {0}: {1} (всего)", + "requests count": "Использование {0}: запросы {1}", "requests count title": "Последний запрос был {0}.", "runtimeExtensions": "Расширения среды выполнения", - "session requests count": ", {0} (сеанс)", + "session requests count": ", запросы {0} (сеанс)", "showRuntimeExtensions": "Показать запущенные расширения", "starActivation": "Активировано {0} при запуске", "startupFinishedActivation": "Активируется событием {0} после завершения запуска.", @@ -7401,16 +7478,15 @@ "accessExtensionFeature": "Включить функцию \"{0}\"", "activation": "Активация", "cancel": "Отмена", + "chartDescription": "За последние 30 дней от этого расширения поступили запросы: {0} {1}.", "disableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "Вы хотите отменить для расширения \"{0}\" доступ к функции \"{1}\"?", "enable": "Разрешить доступ", "enableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "Вы хотите разрешить для расширения \"{0}\" доступ к функции \"{1}\"?", "extension features list": "Функции расширения", "grant": "Разрешить доступ", - "last request": "Последний запрос: \"{0}\"", + "label": "Использование {0}", "messaages": "Сообщений: {0}", "noFeatures": "Нет добавленных функций.", - "requests count session": "Запросы (сеанс): \"{0}\"", - "requests count total": "Запросы (общие): \"{0}\"", "revoke": "Отменить доступ", "revoked": "Нет доступа", "runtime": "Состояние среды выполнения", @@ -7461,6 +7537,7 @@ "enabled filter": "Включено", "extension": "Расширение", "extension updates filter": "Обновления", + "extension.publisher.allow.description": "Разрешение или запрет всех расширений от издателя.", "extensionInfoDescription": "Описание: {0}", "extensionInfoId": "Идентификатор: {0}", "extensionInfoName": "Имя: {0}", @@ -7470,11 +7547,25 @@ "extensionUpdates": "Показать обновления расширений", "extensions": "Расширения", "extensions.affinity": "Настройте расширение для выполнения в хост-процессе другого расширения.", + "extensions.allow.all.description": "Разрешение или запрет всех расширений.", + "extensions.allow.all.disable": "Запретить все расширения.", + "extensions.allow.all.enable": "Разрешить все расширения.", + "extensions.allow.description": "Разрешение или запрет расширения.", + "extensions.allow.version.description": "Разрешение или запрет определенных версий расширения. Чтобы указать конкретную версию платформы, используйте следующий формат: \"platform@1.2.3\". Например, \"win32-x64@1.2.3\". Поддерживаемые платформы: \"win32-x64\", \"win32-arm64\", \"linux-x64\", \"linux-arm64\", \"linux-armhf\", \"alpine-x64\", \"alpine-arm64\", \"darwin-x64\", \"darwin-arm64\"", + "extensions.allowed": "Specify a list of extensions that are allowed to use. This helps maintain a secure and consistent development environment by restricting the use of unauthorized extensions. For more information on how to configure this setting, please visit the [Configure Allowed Extensions](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/enterprise#_configure-allowed-extensions) section.", + "extensions.allowed.all": "Разрешены все расширения.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.desc": "Расширение не запрещено.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "Разрешение только стабильных версий расширения.", + "extensions.allowed.enable.desc": "Расширение разрешено.", + "extensions.allowed.none": "Расширения не разрешены.", "extensions.autoUpdate": "Управляет поведением автоматического обновления расширений. Обновления извлекаются из веб-службы Майкрософт.", "extensions.autoUpdate.enabled": "Скачивать и автоматически устанавливать обновления только для включенных расширений.", "extensions.autoUpdate.false": "Расширения не обновляются автоматически.", "extensions.autoUpdate.true": "Скачивать и автоматически устанавливать обновления для всех расширений.", "extensions.gallery.useUnpkgResourceApi": "Если эта функция включена, обновляемые расширения извлекаются из службы Unpkg.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.desc": "Запрещены все расширения от издателя.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "Разрешены только стабильные версии расширений от издателя.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.enable.desc": "Разрешены все расширения от издателя.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces": "Переопределение поддержки ненадежной рабочей области расширения. Расширения, использующие параметр «true», всегда будут включены. Расширения, использующие параметр «limited», всегда будут включены, и расширение будет скрывать функции, требующие доверия. Расширения, использующие параметр «false», будут включены только в том случае, если рабочая область является доверенной.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.false": "Расширение будет доступно только в том случае, если рабочая область является доверенной.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.limited": "Расширение всегда будет включено, а расширение будет скрывать функции, требующие доверия.", @@ -7485,6 +7576,7 @@ "extensions.verifySignature": "Если этот параметр включен, расширения проверяются на наличие подписи перед установкой.", "extensionsCheckUpdates": "Если этот параметр установлен, производится автоматическая проверка обновлений для расширений. Если для расширения доступно обновление, это расширение помечается как устаревшее в представлении \"Расширения\". Обновления передаются веб-службой Майкрософт.", "extensionsCloseExtensionDetailsOnViewChange": "Если этот параметр установлен, редакторы со сведениями о расширении будут автоматически закрыты при выходе из представления \"Расширения\".", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Расширения", "extensionsDeferredStartupFinishedActivation": "Если этот параметр включен, расширения, объявляющие событие активации onStartupFinished, будут активированы по истечении периода ожидания.", "extensionsIgnoreRecommendations": "Если этот параметр установлен, оповещения о рекомендациях по расширениям не будут отображаться.", "extensionsInQuickAccess": "Если этот параметр включен, можно использовать панель быстрого доступа, чтобы искать расширения и сообщать о проблемах.", @@ -7556,6 +7648,7 @@ "workbench.extensions.action.configureKeybindings": "Сочетания клавиш", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtension": "Копировать", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtensionId": "Копировать идентификатор расширения", + "workbench.extensions.action.copyLink": "Копировать ссылку", "workbench.extensions.action.ignoreRecommendation": "Пропустить рекомендацию", "workbench.extensions.action.removeExtensionFromWorkspaceRecommendations": "Удалить из рекомендаций рабочей области", "workbench.extensions.action.toggleApplyToAllProfiles": "Применить расширение для всех профилей", @@ -7614,6 +7707,7 @@ "disableGloballyAction": "Отключить", "disableGloballyActionToolTip": "Отключить это расширение", "disabled": "Отключен", + "disabled - not allowed": "Это расширение отключено, поскольку {0}", "disabled because of virtual workspace": "Это расширение было отключено, так как оно не поддерживает виртуальные рабочие области.", "disabled by environment": "Это расширение отключено средой.", "do not sync": "Не синхронизировать это расширение", @@ -7836,6 +7930,7 @@ "no local extensions": "Расширения для установки отсутствуют.", "offline error": "Невозможно выполнить поиск в Marketplace в автономном режиме. Проверьте сетевое подключение.", "open user settings": "Открыть параметры пользователя", + "showingExtensionsForFeature": "Extensions using {0} in the last 30 days", "suggestProxyError": "Marketplace возвратил ECONNREFUSED. Проверьте параметр http.proxy." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/extensionsWidgets": { @@ -7845,6 +7940,8 @@ "extensionIconStarForeground": "Цвет значка для оценок расширений.", "extensionIconVerifiedForeground": "Цвет значка для проверенного издателя расширений.", "extensionPreReleaseForeground": "Цвет значка для расширения предварительного выпуска.", + "feature access label": "Запросы: {0}", + "feature usage label": "Использование: {0}", "has prerelease": "Для этого расширения доступно: {0}.", "local extension": "Локальное расширение", "message": "1 сообщение", @@ -7856,6 +7953,7 @@ "sponsor": "Спонсор", "startup": "Запуск", "syncingore.label": "Это расширение игнорируется во время синхронизации.", + "total": "Итоговое число запросов за последние 30 дней: {0} {1}", "uncaught error": "Необработанных ошибок: 1", "uncaught errors": "Необработанных ошибок: {0}", "updateRequired": "Последняя версия:", @@ -7874,6 +7972,8 @@ "disable all": "Отключить все", "disableDependents": "Отключить расширение с зависимыми объектами", "disallowed": "Это расширение запрещено устанавливать.", + "disallowed extensions": "Some extensions are disabled because they are configured not to be allowed.", + "disallowed extensions by policy": "Some extensions are disabled because they are not allowed by your system administrator.", "download": "Скачать", "download title": "Выберите папку для загрузки VSIX", "download.completed": "Скачано: VSIX", @@ -7886,6 +7986,7 @@ "enableExtensionTitle": "Включить расширение", "extension not found": "Расширение \"{0}\" не найдено.", "extensionsAutoRestart": "Расширения автоматически перезапущены для включения обновлений.", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Расширения", "incompatible": "Не удается установить расширение \"{0},так как оно несовместимо.", "incompatibleExtensions": "Некоторые расширения отключены из-за несовместимости версий. Просмотрите и обновите их.", "installButtonLabel": "&&Установить расширение", @@ -7936,6 +8037,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/workspaceRecommendations": { "workspaceRecommendation": "Это расширение рекомендовано пользователями текущей рабочей области." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensions": { + "extensions": "Расширения" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensionsFileTemplate": { "app.extension.identifier.errorMessage": "Ожидается формат \"${publisher}.${name}\". Пример: \"vscode.csharp\".", "app.extensions.json.recommendations": "Список рекомендуемых расширений для пользователей этой рабочей области. Идентификатор расширения всегда имеет вид \"${publisher}.${name}\". Например, \"vscode.csharp\".", @@ -8548,8 +8652,14 @@ "welcome.2": "Идет подготовка…" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { - "inlineChatExpansion": "Включено ли расширение встроенного чата в конце только что введенной строки", - "startWithCurrentLine": "Начать в редакторе с текущей строкой" + "defaultTitle": "Чат", + "disableHint": "Отключить подсказку в чате", + "hideHint": "Скрыть подсказку для встроенного чата", + "inlineChatShowingHint": "Отображается ли во встроенном чате контекстная подсказка", + "showHint": "Показать подсказку для встроенного чата", + "startWithCurrentLine": "Начать в редакторе с текущей строкой", + "title1": "{0}, чтобы продолжить с помощью {1}", + "title2": "{0} для редактирования с помощью {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { "config": "Всегда сохранять с изменениями, созданными ИИ, без запроса", @@ -8574,6 +8684,7 @@ "accessibleDiffView.on": "Средство просмотра различий для лиц с ограниченными возможностями всегда включено.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatInserted": "Цвет маркера обзорной линейки для вставленного содержимого встроенного чата.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatRemoved": "Цвет маркера обзорной линейки для удаленного содержимого встроенного чата.", + "emptyLineHint": "Отображают ли пустые строки подсказку о необходимости создания кода с помощью встроенного чата.", "finishOnType": "Следует ли завершить сеанс встроенного чата при вводе за пределами измененных регионов.", "holdToSpeech": "При удержании настраиваемого сочетания клавиш встроенного чата автоматически включится распознавание речи.", "inlineChat.background": "Цвет фона виджета интерактивного редактора", @@ -8605,6 +8716,7 @@ "inlineChatResponseTypes": "Какой тип ответов получен: \"Пока ничего\", \"Только сообщения\" или \"Отправленные сообщения\" и \"Локальные изменения\"", "inlineChatUserDidEdit": "Внес ли пользователь изменения поверх встроенного чата", "inlineChatVisible": "Видны ли входные данные интерактивного редактора", + "lineSuffixHint": "Whether a hint to complete a line with inline chat is shown. Only shows when at the end of a line that is dominated by natural language, like `class Person with name and hobbies`", "mode": "Настройте, применяются ли изменения, созданные с помощью встроенного чата, непосредственно к документу или предварительно просматриваются.", "mode.live": "Изменения применяются непосредственно к документу, могут быть выделены с помощью встроенных различий и приняты или отброшены с помощью фрагментов. При завершении сеанса изменения сохраняются.", "mode.preview": "Изменения отображаются только в режиме предварительного просмотра и должны быть приняты с помощью кнопки \"Применить\". При завершении сеанса изменения будут отменены." @@ -9408,8 +9520,7 @@ "notebookActions.chatFixCellError": "Исправить ошибку ячейки" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellDiagnostics/diagnosticCellStatusBarContrib": { - "notebook.cell.status.explain": "Объяснить с помощью чата", - "notebook.cell.status.fix": "Исправить с помощью встроенного чата" + "notebook.cell.status.diagnostic": "Быстрые действия {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/executionStatusBarItemController": { "notebook.cell.status.executing": "Выполнение", @@ -9417,7 +9528,8 @@ "notebook.cell.status.pending": "Ожидание", "notebook.cell.status.success": "Выполнено", "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip": "**Последнее выполнение** {0}\r\n\r\n**Время выполнения** {1}\r\n\r\n**Дополнительные временные затраты** {2}\r\n\r\n**Время отрисовки**\r\n\r\n{3}", - "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Используйте ссылки выше, чтобы отправить проблему с помощью средства создания отчетов о проблемах." + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Используйте ссылки выше, чтобы отправить проблему с помощью средства создания отчетов о проблемах.", + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerVerbose": "Last Execution: {0}, Duration: {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/statusBarProviders": { "notebook.cell.status.autoDetectLanguage": "Принять обнаруженный язык: {0}", @@ -9775,6 +9887,9 @@ "insertToolbarLocation.notebookToolbar": "Панель инструментов в верхней части редактора записных книжек.", "notebook.VariablesView.description": "Включение экспериментального представления переменных записной книжки на панели отладки.", "notebook.backup.sizeLimit": "Предельный размер выходных данных записной книжки в килобайтах (КБ), после достижения которого больше не будет производиться резервное копирование файлов записных книжек для горячей перезагрузки. Чтобы указать неограниченный размер, используйте значение \"0\".", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.default.description": "The cell execution duration is visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.description": "Controls the verbosity of the cell execution time in the cell status bar.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.verbose.description": "The cell last execution timestamp and duration are visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", "notebook.cellFailureDiagnostics": "Отображение доступной диагностики для сбоев ячеек.", "notebook.cellGenerate": "Включите экспериментальное действие создания, чтобы создать ячейку кода с включенным встроенным чатом.", "notebook.cellToolbarLocation.description": "Следует ли отображать панель инструментов ячейки или скрыть ее.", @@ -12655,7 +12770,7 @@ "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshCode": "Пользовательские заполнители аргументов PowerShell будут зарегистрированы для CLI \"code\" и \"code-insiders\" в VS Code. В настоящее время эта функция является базовой и всегда предлагает флаги и подкоманды без проверки контекста.", "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshGit": "Пользовательские заполнители аргументов PowerShell будут зарегистрированы для CLI \"git\".", "suggest.enableExtensionCompletions": "Управляет включением завершений расширения.", - "suggest.enabled": "Enables experimental terminal Intellisense suggestions for supported shells ({0}) when {1} is set to {2}.\r\n\r\nIf shell integration is installed manually, {3} needs to be set to {4} before calling the shell integration script. \r\n\r\nFor extension provided completions, {5} will also need to be set.", + "suggest.enabled": "Включает экспериментальные предложения Intellisense для терминала для поддерживаемых оболочек ({0}), если для {1} установлено значение {2}.\r\n\r\nЕсли интеграция оболочки установлена вручную, необходимо установить для {3} значение {4}перед вызовом сценария интеграции оболочки. \r\n\r\nДля завершений, предоставленных расширением, также необходимо установить {5}.", "suggest.quickSuggestions": "Определяет, должны ли предложения автоматически отображаться при вводе. Необходимо также помнить о параметре{0}, который управляет активированием предложений специальными символами.", "suggest.runOnEnter": "Определяет, должны ли предложения запускаться немедленно, когда для принятия результата используется клавиша ВВОД (не TAB).", "suggest.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": "Определяет, должны ли при вводе триггерных символов автоматически отображаться предложения." @@ -12888,7 +13003,8 @@ "testingCountBadgePassed": "Пройдено тестов: {0}", "testingCountBadgeSkipped": "Пропущено тестов: {0}", "testingFindExtension": "Показать тесты рабочей области", - "testingNoTest": "В этом файле не найдены тесты." + "testingNoTest": "В этом файле не найдены тесты.", + "testingSelectConfig": "Выбрать конфигурацию..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Закрыть", @@ -13067,6 +13183,11 @@ "testError": "Произошла ошибка при попытке выполнения тестов: {0}", "testTrust": "Выполнение тестов может привести к выполнению кода в рабочей области." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/testTypes": { + "testing.runProfileBitset.coverage": "Охват", + "testing.runProfileBitset.debug": "Отладка", + "testing.runProfileBitset.run": "Запустить" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/themes/browser/themes.contribution": { "browseColorThemeInMarketPlace.label": "Обзор цветовых тем в Marketplace", "browseColorThemes": "Обзор дополнительных цветовых тем...", @@ -13656,7 +13777,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { "getStarted": "Приветствие", - "walkthroughPageTitle": "Пошаговое руководство: " + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Пошаговое руководство: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "Встроенный", @@ -13674,6 +13795,7 @@ "browsePopularWeb": "Обзор популярных веб-расширений", "cloneRepo": "Клонировать репозиторий", "commandPalette": "Открыть палитру команд", + "copilotTerms": "By continuing, you agree to Copilot [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", "enableSync": "Параметры резервного копирования и синхронизации", "enableTrust": "включить доверие", "getting-started-beginner-icon": "Значок, используемый для категории \"Начальный уровень\" на домашней странице", @@ -13695,6 +13817,8 @@ "gettingStarted.commandPalette.title": "Раскройте производительность с помощью палитры команд ", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.description.interpolated": "Выполняйте команды, не касаясь мыши, чтобы выполнить любую задачу в VS Code.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.title": "Повышайте производительность с помощью палитры команд ", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.description": "Write code faster and smarter with [Copilot]({0}) for free.", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.title": "Use AI features with Copilot for free", "gettingStarted.debug.description.interpolated": "Ускоряйте редактирование, сборку, тестирование и цикл отладки, настроив конфигурацию запуска.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.debug.title": "Просмотр кода в действии", "gettingStarted.extensions.description.interpolated": "Расширения представляют собой дополнительные возможности для VS Code. Это могут быть небольшие подспорья, дополнения встроенного функционала или абсолютно новые функции.\r\n{0}", @@ -13789,6 +13913,9 @@ "quickOpen": "Быстро открыть файл", "runProject": "Запустить проект", "runTasks": "Запустить автоматически определенные задачи", + "setupCopilotButton.chatWithCopilot": "Chat with Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.setup": "Setup Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.signIn": "Sign in to use Copilot", "showOrFocusHover": "Показать наведение или перевести на него фокус", "showTerminal": "Открыть терминал", "titleID": "Обзор цветовых тем", @@ -14046,6 +14173,7 @@ "menus.explorerContextShare": "Подменю \"Поделиться\" в контекстном меню проводника", "menus.extensionContext": "Контекстное меню расширения", "menus.historyItemContext": "Контекстное меню элемента журнала системы управления версиями", + "menus.historyItemRefContext": "Контекстное меню ссылки на элемент журнала системы управления исходным кодом", "menus.home": "Контекстное меню индикатора главной страницы (только веб-версия)", "menus.input": "Меню поля ввода системы управления версиями", "menus.mergeEditorResult": "Панель инструментов результата редактора слияния", @@ -14350,6 +14478,7 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/browser/extensionEnablementService": { "Reload": "Перезагрузить и включить расширения", "cannot change disablement environment": "Невозможно изменить включение расширения {0}, поскольку оно отключено в среде", + "cannot change disallowed extension enablement": "Не удается изменить включение расширения {0}, поскольку оно запрещено", "cannot change enablement dependency": "Невозможно включить расширение \"{0}\", поскольку оно зависит от расширения \"{1}\", которое не может быть включено", "cannot change enablement environment": "Невозможно изменить включение расширения {0}, поскольку оно включено в среде", "cannot change enablement extension kind": "Не удается изменить включение расширения {0} из-за его типа расширения", @@ -14371,9 +14500,6 @@ "allow": "Разрешить", "disallow": "Не разрешать" }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { - "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Расширения" - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementServerService": { "browser": "Браузер", "remote": "Удаленный" @@ -14403,11 +14529,6 @@ "singleDependentError": "Не удается удалить расширение \"{0}\". От него зависит расширение \"{1}\".", "twoDependentsError": "Не удается удалить расширение \"{0}\". От него зависят расширения \"{1}\" и \"{2}\"." }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/webExtensionManagementService": { - "VS Code for Web": "{0} в Интернете", - "learn why": "Узнайте, чем это вызвано", - "not web tooltip": "Расширение \"{0}\" недоступно в {1}." - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/extensionManagementServerService": { "local": "LOCAL", "remote": "Удаленный" diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index dd1fa0d0f3..f66188a26f 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ "Conflict: Deleted By Us": "Çakışma: Bizim Tarafımızdan Silindi", "Continue Rebase": "Yeniden Temellendirmeye Devam Edin", "Continuing Rebase...": "Yeniden Temellendirme Sürdürülüyor...", + "Copy Commit Hash": "İşleme Karmasını Kopyala", "Could not clone your repository as Git is not installed.": "Git yüklü olmadığından deponuz klonlanamadı.", "Create Empty Commit": "Boş Commit Oluştur", "Current": "Geçerli", @@ -112,10 +113,11 @@ "File \"{0}\" was deleted by us and modified by them.\n\nWhat would you like to do?": "\"{0}\" dosyası bizim tarafımızdan silindi ve onlar tarafından değiştirildi.\n\nNe yapmak istiyorsunuz?", "Force Checkout": "Kullanıma Almayı Zorla", "Force push is not allowed, please enable it with the \"git.allowForcePush\" setting.": "Gönderimi zorlamaya izin verilmiyor, lütfen \"git.allowForcePush\" ayarıyla etkinleştirin.", - "Git Blame Information": "Git Blame Information", + "Git Blame Information": "Git Blame Bilgileri", "Git History": "Git Geçmişi", "Git error": "Git hatası", - "Git local working changes": "Git yerel çalışma değişiklikleri", + "Git local changes (working tree + index)": "Git yerel değişiklikleri (çalışma ağacı + dizin)", + "Git local changes (working tree)": "Git yerel değişiklikleri (çalışma ağacı)", "Git not found. Install it or configure it using the \"git.path\" setting.": "Git bulunamadı. Git'i yükleyin veya \"git.path\" ayarını kullanarak yapılandırın.", "Git repositories were found in the parent folders of the workspace or the open file(s). Would you like to open the repositories?": "Çalışma alanının üst klasörlerinde veya açık dosyalarda git depoları bulundu. Depoları açmak istiyor musunuz?", "Git: {0}": "Git: {0}", @@ -415,6 +417,7 @@ "command.branchFrom": "Şuradan Dal Oluştur...", "command.checkout": "Kullanıma al...", "command.checkoutDetached": "Şurada kullanıma al (Ayrıldı)...", + "command.checkoutRef": "Sonuçlandır", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Kullanıma Alma (Ayrıldı)", "command.cherryPick": "Tek Tek Seç...", "command.cherryPickAbort": "Seçerek Uygulama İşlemini Durdur", @@ -552,8 +555,10 @@ "config.autofetch": "True olarak ayarlandığında commit'ler geçerli Git deposunun varsayılan uzak deposundan otomatik olarak getirilir. `all` olarak ayarlandığında tüm uzak depolardan getirilir.", "config.autofetchPeriod": "`#git.autofetch#` etkinleştirildiğinde her bir otomatik Git Fetch arasındaki süre (saniye cinsinden).", "config.autorefresh": "Otomatik yenilemenin etkinleştirilip etkinleştirilmediğini belirtir.", - "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Düzenleyici süslemelerini kullanarak git blame bilgilerinin düzenleyicide gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini denetler.", - "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Durum çubuğunda git blame bilgilerinin gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini denetler.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Düzenleyici süslemelerini kullanarak sorumlu bilgilerinin düzenleyicide gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini kontrol eder.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.template": "Sorumlu bilgi düzenleyicisi dekorasyonunun şablonu. Desteklenen değişkenler:\r\n\r\n* 'hash': İşleme karması\r\n\r\n* 'hashShort': İşleme karmasının ilk 8 karakteri\r\n\r\n* 'subject': İşleme iletisinin ilk satırı\r\n\r\n* 'authorName': Oluşturan adı\r\n\r\n* 'authorEmail': Oluşturan e-postası\r\n\r\n* 'authorDate': Oluşturma tarihi\r\n\r\n* 'authorDateAgo': Şu an ve oluşturma tarihi arasındaki zaman farkı\r\n\r\n", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Durum çubuğunda sorumlu bilgilerinin gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini kontrol eder.", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.template": "Sorumlu bilgi durum çubuğu öğesi şablonu. Desteklenen değişkenler:\r\n\r\n* 'hash': İşleme karması\r\n\r\n* 'hashShort': İşleme karmasının ilk 8 karakteri\r\n\r\n* 'subject': İşleme iletisinin ilk satırı\r\n\r\n* 'authorName': Oluşturan adı\r\n\r\n* 'authorEmail': Oluşturan e-postası\r\n\r\n* 'authorDate': Oluşturma tarihi\r\n\r\n* 'authorDateAgo': Şu an ve oluşturma tarihi arasındaki zaman farkı\r\n\r\n", "config.branchPrefix": "Yeni dal oluşturulurken kullanılan ön ek.", "config.branchProtection": "Korumalı dalların listesi. Varsayılan olarak, değişiklikler korumalı bir dala kaydedilmeden önce bir istem gösterilir. İstem, `#git.branchProtectionPrompt#` ayarı kullanılarak denetlenebilir.", "config.branchProtectionPrompt": "Değişiklikler korumalı bir dala kaydedilmeden önce bir istem olup olmadığını denetler.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json index b2d7f48fe5..efb29b9c8f 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "$ref '{0}' in '{1}' can not be resolved.": "'{1}' içindeki $ref '{0}' çözümlenemiyor.", "": "", "A default value. Used by suggestions.": "Varsayılan bir değer. Öneriler tarafından kullanılır.", - "A descriptive title of the element.": "Öğenin açıklayıcı bir başlığı.", - "A long description of the element. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "Öğenin uzun açıklaması. Üzerine gelme menülerinde ve önerilerinde kullanılır.", + "A descriptive title of the schema.": "A descriptive title of the schema.", + "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.", "A map of property names to either an array of property names or a schema. An array of property names means the property named in the key depends on the properties in the array being present in the object in order to be valid. If the value is a schema, then the schema is only applied to the object if the property in the key exists on the object.": "Özellik adlarının bir özellik adları dizisine veya şemaya eşlenmesi. Özellik adları dizisi, anahtarda adlandırılan özelliğin geçerli olması için nesnede mevcut olan dizideki özelliklere bağımlı olduğu anlamına gelir. Değer bir şemaysa, şema yalnızca anahtardaki özellik nesnede varsa nesneye uygulanır.", "A map of property names to schemas for each property.": "Özellik adlarının her özellik için şemalara eşlenmesi.", "A map of regular expressions on property names to schemas for matching properties.": "Özellik adlarındaki normal ifadelerin eşleşen özellikler için şemalara eşlenmesi.", @@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ "Configured in workspace settings": "Çalışma alanı ayarlarında yapılandırıldı", "Default value": "Varsayılan değer", "Describes the content encoding of a string property.": "Bir dize özelliğinin içerik kodlamasını açıklar.", - "Describes the format expected for the value.": "Değer için beklenen biçimi açıklar.", + "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation": "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation", "Describes the media type of a string property.": "Dize özelliğinin medya türünü açıklar.", "Downloading schemas is disabled through setting '{0}'": "'{0}' ayarı aracılığıyla şema indirme özelliği devre dışı bırakıldı", "Downloading schemas is disabled. Click to configure.": "Şema indirme özelliği devre dışı bırakıldı. Yapılandırmak için tıklayın.", "Draft-03 schemas are not supported.": "Taslak-03 şemaları desteklenmiyor.", "Duplicate anchor declaration: '{0}'": "Yinelenen bağlayıcı bildirimi: '{0}'", "Duplicate object key": "Yinelenen nesne anahtarı", - "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, then used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties' or 'patternProperties'. If false, then any properties not matched by either will cause this schema to fail.": "Bir şema veya boole. Şemaysa, 'properties' veya 'patternProperties' ile eşleşmeyen tüm özellikleri doğrulamak için kullanılır. False ise, her ikisiyle de eşleşmeyen özellikler bu şemanın başarısız olmasına neden olur.", + "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.": "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.", "Either a string of one of the basic schema types (number, integer, null, array, object, boolean, string) or an array of strings specifying a subset of those types.": "Temel şema türlerinden (sayı, tam sayı, null, dizi, nesne, boole, dize) birinin dizesi veya bu türlerin bir alt kümesini belirten dizelerin bir dizisi.", "End of file expected.": "Dosya sonu bekleniyor.", "Expected a JSON object, array or literal.": "JSON nesnesi, dizi veya sabit değer bekleniyordu.", @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ "Expected comma or closing brace": "Virgül veya kapama küme ayracı bekleniyordu", "Expected comma or closing bracket": "Virgül veya kapama köşeli ayracı bekleniyordu", "Failed to sort the JSONC document, please consider opening an issue.": "JSONC belgesi sıralanamadı, lütfen bir sorun açmayı düşünün.", - "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If it is a schema, then this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items array. If it is false, then additional items will cause validation to fail.": "Diziler için, yalnızca öğeler dizi olarak ayarlandığında. Bu bir şemaysa bu şema, öğeler dizisi tarafından belirtilen öğelerden sonra öğeleri doğrular. False ise, ek öğeler doğrulamanın başarısız olmasına neden olur.", + "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.": "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.", "For arrays. Can either be a schema to validate every element against or an array of schemas to validate each item against in order (the first schema will validate the first element, the second schema will validate the second element, and so on.": "Diziler için. Her öğenin doğrulanacağı bir şema veya her öğenin sırayla doğrulanacağı bir şema dizisi olabilir (ilk şema ilk öğeyi doğrular, ikinci şema ikinci öğeyi doğrular ve bu şekilde devam eder.", "If all of the items in the array must be unique. Defaults to false.": "Dizideki tüm öğelerin benzersiz olması gerekirse. Varsayılan olarak false değerini alır.", "If the instance is an object, this keyword validates if every property name in the instance validates against the provided schema.": "Örnek bir nesneyse bu anahtar sözcük, örnekteki her özellik adının sağlanan şemaya göre doğrulanması durumunda doğrulanır.", @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ "String is not an e-mail address.": "Dize bir e-posta adresi değil.", "String is shorter than the minimum length of {0}.": "Dize, uzunluk alt sınırı olan {0} değerinden düşük.", "The \"else\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema fails.": "\"if\" alt şeması başarısız olduğunda doğrulama için \"else\" alt şeması kullanılır.", - "The \"if\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "\"if\" alt şeması başarılı olduğunda doğrulama için \"if\" alt şeması kullanılır.", + "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.", "The maximum length of a string.": "Dizenin en yüksek uzunluğu.", "The maximum number of items that can be inside an array. Inclusive.": "Bir dizi içinde bulunabilecek en çok öğe sayısı. Kapsayıcı.", "The maximum number of properties an object can have. Inclusive.": "Bir nesnenin sahip olabileceği en yüksek özellik sayısı. Kapsayıcı.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json index 7ad93b9f84..73981cc974 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.explicit": "Düz şapka animasyonu yalnızca kullanıcı imleci belli bir hareketle hareket ettirdiğinde etkinleştirilir.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.off": "Düz şapka animasyonu devre dışı bırakıldı.", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.on": "Düz şapka animasyonu her zaman etkindir.", - "cursorStyle": "İmleç stilini denetler.", + "cursorStyle": "Ekleme giriş modunda imleç stilini denetler.", "cursorSurroundingLines": "İmlecin çevresindeki görünür önceki satırların (en az 0) ve sondaki satırların (en az 1) minimum sayısını belirler. Diğer düzenleyicilerde 'scrollOff' veya 'scrollOffset' olarak bilinir.", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle": "`#editor.cursorSurroundingLines#` değerinin ne zaman uygulanacağını denetler.", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle.all": "`cursorSurroundingLines` her zaman uygulanır.", @@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ "inline": "Hızlı öneriler hayalet metin olarak görünür", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Bir satır içi tamamlama gösterildiğinde ekran okuyucu kullanıcılarına erişilebilirlik ipucunun sağlanmasının gerekip gerek olmadığını kontrol eder.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Satır içi önerilerde deneysel düzenlemelerin etkinleştirilip etkinleştirilmeyeceğini denetler.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.onlyShowWhenCloseToCursor": "Satır içi önerilerin, yalnızca imleç öneriye yakın olduğunda gösterilmesini kontrol eder.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useInterleavedLinesDiff": "Satır içi önerilerde deneysel iç içe geçmiş satır farkının etkinleştirilip etkinleştirilmeyeceğini kontrol eder.", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useMixedLinesDiff": "Satır içi önerilerde deneysel düzenlemelerin etkinleştirilip etkinleştirilmeyeceğini denetler.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "Satır içi önerilerin düzenleyicide otomatik olarak gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini denetler.", @@ -609,6 +610,8 @@ "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Sonrasında oluşumların vurgulanacağı milisaniye cinsinden gecikmeyi denetler.", "off": "Hızlı öneriler devre dışı bırakıldı", "on": "Hızlı öneriler, öner pencere öğesinin içinde görünür", + "overtypeCursorStyle": "Üzerine yazma giriş modunda imleç stilini denetler.", + "overtypeOnPaste": "Yapıştırmanın üzerine yazıp yazmayacağını kontrol eder.", "overviewRulerBorder": "Genel bakış cetveli etrafına kenarlık çizilip çizilmeyeceğini denetler.", "padding.bottom": "Düzenleyicinin alt kenarı ile son satır arasındaki boşluk miktarını denetler.", "padding.top": "Düzenleyicinin üst kenarı ile ilk satır arasındaki boşluk miktarını denetler.", @@ -1410,9 +1413,10 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Sonraki Satır İçi Öneriyi Göster", "action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "Önceki Satır İçi Öneriyi Göster", "action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "Satır İçi Öneriyi Tetikle", - "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.inlineEdit": "Satır İçi Düzenlemeyi Tetikle", + "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.explicitInlineEdit": "Satır İçi Düzenlemeyi Tetikle", "jump": "Atlama", - "noInlineEditAvailable": "Satır içi düzenleme kullanılamıyor." + "noInlineEditAvailable": "Satır içi düzenleme kullanılamıyor.", + "reject": "Reject" }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/controller/inlineCompletionContextKeys": { "cursorAtInlineEdit": "İmlecin satır içi düzenlemede olup olmadığı", @@ -2045,12 +2049,14 @@ }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "Market etkin değil", + "VS Code for Web": "Web için {0}", "incompatible platform": "'{0}' uzantısı {1} tarayıcısında {2} için kullanılamıyor", "incompatibleAPI": "'{0}' uzantısı yüklenemiyor. {1}", - "learn more": "Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin", + "learn why": "Nedenini Öğrenin", "malicious extension": "Sorunlu olduğu bildirildiğinden '{0}' uzantısı yüklenemiyor.", "multipleDependentsError": "'{0}' uzantısı kaldırılamıyor. '{1}' ve '{2}' uzantıları ve başka uzantılar bu uzantıya bağımlı.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "'{0}' uzantısı kaldırılamıyor. '{1}' uzantısının kaldırılmasını içeriyor ancak '{2}', '{3}' ve diğer uzantılar buna bağlı.", + "not allowed to install": "Bu uzantı şu nedenle yüklenemiyor: {0}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "'{0}' uzantısı, geçerli {1} sürümü (sürüm {2}) ile uyumlu olmadığından yüklenemiyor.", "notFoundDeprecatedReplacementExtension": "'{0}' uzantısı, kullanım dışı olduğundan ve yerine geçen '{1}' uzantısı bulunamadığından yüklenemiyor .", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "Yayın sürümü olmadığından, '{0}' yayın sürümü uzantısı yüklenemiyor.", @@ -2059,6 +2065,13 @@ "twoDependentsError": "'{0}' uzantısı kaldırılamıyor. '{1}' ve '{2}' uzantıları bu uzantıya bağımlı.", "twoIndirectDependentsError": "'{0}' uzantısı kaldırılamıyor. '{1}' uzantısının kaldırılmasını içeriyor ancak '{2}' ve '{3}' uzantıları buna bağlı." }, + "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/allowedExtensionsService": { + "extension prerelease not allowed": "bu uzantının yayın öncesi sürümleri [izin verilenler listesinde]({0}) değil", + "prerelease versions from this publisher not allowed": "bu yayımcının yayın öncesi sürümleri [izin verilenler listesinde]({1}) değil", + "publisher not allowed": "bu yayımcıdan uzantılar [izin verilenler listesinde]({1}) değil", + "specific extension not allowed": "[izin verilenler listesinde]({0}) değil", + "specific version of extension not allowed": "bu uzantının {0} sürümü şu anda [izin verilenler listesinde]({1}) değil" + }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { "extensions": "Uzantılar", "preferences": "Tercihler" @@ -2096,10 +2109,6 @@ "updateMessage": "'{0}' uzantısı {1} sürümüne güncelleştiriliyor", "useId": "Yayımcı dahil olmak üzere tam uzantı kimliğini kullandığınızdan emin olun (ör. {0})" }, - "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementIpc": { - "incompatible platform": "'{0}' uzantısı {1} tarayıcısında {2} için kullanılamıyor", - "learn more": "Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin" - }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionNls": { "missingNLSKey": "{0} tuşu için ileti bulunamadı." }, @@ -2117,7 +2126,7 @@ "errorDeleting": "'{1}' uzantısı yüklenirken mevcut '{0}' klasörü silinemiyor. Lütfen klasörü el ile silip yeniden deneyin", "incompatible": "VS Code '{1}' ile uyumlu olmadığından '{0}' uzantısı yüklenemiyor.", "invalidManifest": "Market ile bildirim uyumsuzluğu nedeniyle '{0}' uzantısı yüklenemiyor", - "not signed": "Uzantı imzalanmadı.", + "notAllowed": "Bu uzantı şu nedenle yüklenemiyor: {0}", "removeError": "{0} uzantısı kaldırılırken hata oluştu. Yeniden denemeden önce lütfen VS Code'u kapatıp tekrar başlatın.", "restartCode": "{0} öğesini yeniden yüklemeden önce lütfen VS Code'u yeniden başlatın.", "signature verification failed": "İmza doğrulaması '{0}' hatasıyla başarısız oldu.", @@ -2725,6 +2734,9 @@ "activityWarningBadge.foreground": "Uyarı etkinliği rozetinin ön plan rengi", "badgeBackground": "Rozet arka plan rengi. Rozetler, arama sonuçları sayısı gibi bilgiler için küçük etiketlerdir.", "badgeForeground": "Rozet ön plan rengi. Rozetler, arama sonuçları sayısı gibi bilgiler için küçük etiketlerdir.", + "chartAxis": "Grafik için eksen rengi.", + "chartGuide": "Grafik için kılavuz çizgisi.", + "chartLine": "Grafik için çizgi rengi.", "progressBarBackground": "Uzun süre çalışan işlemler için gösterilebilecek ilerleme çubuğunun arka plan rengi.", "sashActiveBorder": "Etkin kuşakların kenarlık rengi.", "scrollbarShadow": "Görünümün kaydırıldığını göstermek için kaydırma çubuğu gölgesi.", @@ -3063,6 +3075,11 @@ "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadNotebookSaveParticipant": { "timeout.onWillSave": "onWillSaveNotebookDocument olayı 1750 ms'den sonra durduruldu" }, + "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadOutputService": { + "status.showOutput": "Çıkışı Göster", + "status.showOutputAria": "{0} Çıkış Kanalı Göster...", + "status.showOutputTooltip": "{0} Çıkış Kanalı Göster..." + }, "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadProgress": { "manageExtension": "Uzantıyı Yönet" }, @@ -3868,6 +3885,7 @@ "miRestoreEditorsToMainWindow": "&&Düzenleyicileri Ana Pencereye Geri Yükle", "minimizeOtherEditorGroups": "Düzenleyici Grubunu Genişlet", "minimizeOtherEditorGroupsHideSidebar": "Düzenleyici Grubunu Genişlet ve Yan Çubukları Gizle", + "mitoggleOvertypeInsertMode": "&&Üzerine Yazma ve Ekleme Modları Arasında Geçiş Yap", "moveActiveGroupDown": "Düzenleyici Grubunu Aşağı Taşı", "moveActiveGroupLeft": "Düzenleyici Grubunu Sola Taşı", "moveActiveGroupRight": "Düzenleyici Grubunu Sağa Taşı", @@ -3939,6 +3957,8 @@ "toggleEditorType": "Düzenleyici Türünü Aç/Kapat", "toggleEditorWidths": "Düzenleyici Grup Boyutlarını Aç/Kapat", "toggleMaximizeEditorGroup": "Düzenleyici Grubunu Ekranı Kapla olarak Aç/Kapat", + "toggleOvertypeInsertMode": "Üzerine Yazma ve Ekleme Modları Arasında Geçiş Yap", + "toggleOvertypeMode.description": "Üzerine yazma ve ekleme modları arasında geçiş yap", "unpinEditor": "Düzenleyicinin Sabitlemesini Kaldır" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorCommands": { @@ -4045,6 +4065,7 @@ "guessedEncoding": "İçerikten tahmin edildi", "indentConvert": "dosyayı dönüştür", "indentView": "görünümü değiştir", + "inputModeOvertype": "OVR", "languageDescription": "({0}) - Yapılandırılan Dil", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", "languagesPicks": "diller (tanımlayıcı)", @@ -4071,6 +4092,7 @@ "spacesAndTabsSize": "Alanlar: {0} (Sekme Boyutu: {1})", "spacesSize": "Boşluklar: {0}", "status.editor.columnSelectionMode": "Sütun Seçimi Modu", + "status.editor.enableInsertMode": "Eklemeyi Modunu Etkinleştir", "status.editor.encoding": "Düzenleyici Kodlaması", "status.editor.eol": "Düzenleyici Satır Sonu", "status.editor.indentation": "Düzenleyici Girintisi", @@ -4585,11 +4607,13 @@ "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.always": "Panel açılırken paneli her zaman tam ekran yapın.", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.never": "Paneli açarken hiçbir zaman tam ekran yapmayın. Panel, ekranı kaplamayacak şekilde açılır.", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.preserve": "Paneli kapatılmadan önceki durumunda açın.", + "workbench.panel.output": "Çıkış görünümü", "workbench.quickOpen.preserveInput": "Hızlı Aç özelliğine en son yazılan girişin bir sonraki sefer açıldığında geri yüklenip yüklenmediğini denetler.", "workbench.reduceMotion": "Workbench'in daha az animasyonla işlenip işlenmeyeceğini denetler.", "workbench.reduceMotion.auto": "İşletim sistemi yapılandırmasına göre azaltılmış hareketle işlendi.", "workbench.reduceMotion.off": "Azaltılmış hareketle işleme", "workbench.reduceMotion.on": "Her zaman azaltılmış hareketle işle.", + "workbench.view.showQuietly": "Uzantı gizli bir görünümün gösterilmesini isterse, bunun yerine tıklanabilir bir durum çubuğu göstergesi görüntüle.", "wrapTabs": "Sekmeler kullanılabilir alanı aştığında, bu sekmelerin birden çok satır üzerinde kaydırılıp kaydırılmayacağını veya bunun yerine bir kaydırma çubuğunun görüntülenip görüntülenmeyeceğini denetler. {0}, '{1}' olarak ayarlanmadığında bu değer yok sayılır.", "zenMode.centerLayout": "Zen Modu açıldığında düzenin ayrıca ortalanıp ortalanmayacağını denetler.", "zenMode.fullScreen": "Zen Modu açıldığında çalışma ekranının ayrıca tam ekran moduna geçip geçmeyeceğini denetler.", @@ -4775,6 +4799,7 @@ "panelStickyScrollBackground": "Paneldeki yapışkan kaydırmanın arka plan rengi.", "panelStickyScrollBorder": "Paneldeki yapışkan kaydırmanın kenarlık rengi.", "panelStickyScrollShadow": "Paneldeki yapışkan kaydırmanın gölge rengi.", + "panelTitleBorder": "Alttaki panel başlığını görünümlerden ayıran başlık kenarlık rengi. Paneller, düzenleyici alanının altında gösterilir ve çıkış ile tümleşik terminal gibi görünümleri içerir.", "profileBadgeBackground": "Profil rozeti arka plan rengi. Profil rozeti, etkinlik çubuğundaki ayarlar dişli simgesinin üstünde gösterilir.", "profileBadgeForeground": "Profil rozeti ön plan rengi. Profil rozeti, etkinlik çubuğundaki ayarlar dişli simgesinin üstünde gösterilir.", "sideBarActivityBarTopBorder": "Üst/alttaki etkinlik çubuğu ile görünümler arasındaki kenarlık rengi.", @@ -4789,6 +4814,7 @@ "sideBarStickyScrollBorder": "Kenar çubuğunda yapışkan kaydırmanın kenarlık rengi.", "sideBarStickyScrollShadow": "Düzenleyicide yapışkan kaydırmanın gölge rengi.", "sideBarTitleBackground": "Kenar çubuğu başlığı arka plan rengi. Kenar çubuğu, gezgin ve arama gibi görünümlere yönelik kapsayıcıdır.", + "sideBarTitleBorder": "Alttaki kenar çubuğunun başlığını görünümlerden ayıran başlık kenarlık rengi. Kenar çubuğu, gezgin ve arama gibi görünümlere yönelik kapsayıcıdır.", "sideBarTitleForeground": "Kenar çubuğu başlığı ön plan rengi. Kenar çubuğu, gezgin ve arama gibi görünümlere yönelik kapsayıcıdır.", "sideBySideEditor.horizontalBorder": "Düzenleyici grubunda soldan sağa yan yana gösterildiğinde iki düzenleyiciyi yukarıdan aşağıya birbirinden ayırmak için renk.", "sideBySideEditor.verticalBorder": "Düzenleyici grubunda soldan sağa yan yana gösterildiğinde iki düzenleyiciyi birbirinden ayırmak için renk.", @@ -5427,12 +5453,16 @@ "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Sohbete geç", "interactiveSession.open": "Düzenleyiciyi Aç", "learnMore": "Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin", + "managePlan": "Copilot Planını Yönet", + "manageSettings": "Copilot Ayarlarını Yönet", "more": "Diğer...", "newChatTitle": "Yeni sohbet başlığı", "openChat": "Sohbeti Aç", + "showCopilotUsageExtensions": "Uzantıları Copilot kullanarak göster", "title4": "Sohbet", - "toggle.chatControl": "Sohbet Denetimleri", - "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Başlık çubuğundaki Sohbet Denetimlerinin görünürlüğünü açar/kapatır" + "toggle.chatControl": "Copilot Denetimleri", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Başlık çubuğundaki Copilot Denetimlerinin görünürlüğünü açar ve kapatır", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { "chat.done.label": "Bitti", @@ -5562,9 +5592,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Sohbet", - "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Komuta merkezinin sohbet eylemleri için bir menü gösterip göstermediğini kontrol eder ({0} gerekli).", + "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Komut merkezinin Copilot’ı kontrol etmeye yönelik eylemler için bir menü gösterip göstermeyeceğini kontrol eder ({0} gereklidir).", "chat.detectParticipant.enabled": "Panel sohbeti için sohbet katılımcısını otomatik algılamayı etkinleştirir.", - "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Sohbet tarafından yapılan değişikliklerin olduğu dosyaları kaydetmeden önce her zaman sorulup sorulmayacağını belirler.", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether files that have changes made by chat can be saved without confirmation.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Bir isteği ve ilişkili düzenlemelerini kaldırmadan önce onayın gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini belirler.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Bir isteği ve ilişkili düzenlemelerini yeniden denemeden önce onay gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini belirler.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Panel sohbeti için sohbet katılımcısını otomatik algılamayı etkinleştirir.", @@ -5594,7 +5624,11 @@ "reservedName": "Bu sohbet uzantısı ayrılmış bir ad kullanıyor.", "viewExtensionLabel": "Görünüm Uzantısı" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAgentCommandContentPart": { + "rerun": "{0}{1} olmadan tekrar çalıştır" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAttachmentsContentPart": { + "chat.attachment": "Ekli bağlam, {0}", "chat.attachment3": "Eklenen bağlam: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachment3": "Eklendi: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Eklendi: {0}, satır {1} - satır {2}.", @@ -5602,7 +5636,8 @@ "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Atlandı: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Atlandı: {0}, satır {1}- satır {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Kısmen eklendi: {0}.", - "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "Kısmen eklendi: {0}, satır {1}- satır {2}." + "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "Kısmen eklendi: {0}, satır {1}- satır {2}.", + "resource": "Düzen ve yol dahil olmak üzere sohbet ek kaynağının tam değeri" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatCodeCitationContentPart": { "viewMatches": "Eşleşmeleri görüntüle" @@ -5617,7 +5652,16 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatMarkdownContentPart": { "chat.codeblock.applying": "Düzenlemeler uygulanıyor...", "chat.codeblock.applyingPercentage": "Düzenlemeler uygulanıyor (%{0})...", - "chat.codeblock.generating": "Düzenlemeler oluşturuluyor..." + "chat.codeblock.deletions": "{0} silme", + "chat.codeblock.deletions.one": "{0} silme", + "chat.codeblock.generating": "Düzenlemeler oluşturuluyor...", + "chat.codeblock.insertions": "{0} ekleme", + "chat.codeblock.insertions.one": "{0} ekleme", + "summary": "{0}, {1}, {2} düzenlendi" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatQuotaExceededPart": { + "signedUpClickToContinue": "Signed up? Click to continue!", + "upgradeToCopilotPro": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { "addToChat": "Dosyayı Sohbete Ekle", @@ -5646,13 +5690,15 @@ "file": "Dosya", "files": "Dosyalar", "folder": "Klasör", - "image": "Görüntü" + "image": "Görüntü", + "symbol": "Sembol" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingActions": { "accept": "Kabul Et", "accept.file": "Kabul Et", "acceptAllEdits": "Tüm Düzenlemeleri Kabul Et", "addFileToWorkingSet": "Dosya Ekle", + "addFilesFromReferences": "Başvurulardan Dosya Ekle", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.manyFiles": "Bu eylem {1} dosyada {0} tarafından yapılan değişiklikleri geri alır. Devam etmek istiyor musunuz?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.oneFile": "Bu eylem {1} dosyada {0} tarafından yapılan değişiklikleri geri alır. Devam etmek istiyor musunuz?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.primaryButton": "Evet", @@ -5669,12 +5715,11 @@ "chat.undoEdits.label": "Düzenlemeleri Geri Al", "chatEditing.snapshot": "{0} ({1} Anlık Görüntüsü)", "chatEditing.viewChanges": "Tüm Düzenlemeleri Görüntüle", + "clearWorkingSet": "Çalışma Kümesini Temizle", "discard": "At", "discard.file": "At", "discardAllEdits": "Tüm Düzenlemeleri At", "open.fileInDiff": "Değişiklikleri Fark Düzenleyicisinde Aç", - "removeAll": "Remove All", - "removeAllFiles": "Remove All Files", "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Dosyayı Kaldır", "workbench.action.chat.addSelectedFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Seçili Dosyaları Çalışma Kümesine Ekle" }, @@ -5706,6 +5751,7 @@ "undo2": "Geri al" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.ctxHasRequestInProgress": "The current editor shows a file from an edit session which is still in progress", "chat.hasEditorModifications": "Geçerli düzenleyici sohbet değişiklikleri içeriyor" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { @@ -5713,6 +5759,8 @@ "chatEditorName": "Sohbet" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorOverlay": { + "applyingPercentage": "{0}% Applying edits...", + "generating": "Generating edits...", "label": "Gezinti Durumu", "nOfM": "{0}/{1}", "tooltip_11": "1 dosyada 1 değişiklik", @@ -5751,8 +5799,7 @@ "miGotoDefinition": "&&Tanıma Git", "miGotoImplementations": "&&Uygulamalara Git", "miGotoReference": "&&Başvurulara Git", - "miGotoTypeDefinition": "&&Tür Tanımlarına Git", - "resource": "Şema ve yol dahil olmak üzere sohbet yer işareti kaynağının tam değeri" + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "&&Tür Tanımlarına Git" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Sohbet Girişi, Soru sormak için yazın veya konular için / yazın, isteği göndermek için Enter tuşuna basın. Sohbet Erişilebilirlik Yardımı için {0} kullanın.", @@ -5765,16 +5812,18 @@ "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "@{0} kullanıcısına gönder", "chatAddFiles": "{0} Dosya Ekle...", "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "Çalışma Kümesi dosya sınırına ulaşıldı. {0}Çalışma Kümesi'nin dışında bırakıldı. {0} için yer açmak üzere diğer dosyaları kaldırın.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} files)", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} dosya)", "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "1 dosya Çalışma Kümesi'nin dışında bırakıldı.", "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "Çalışma Kümesi'nden {0} dosya dışarıda bırakıldı.", "chatEditingSession.fileLimitReached": "Çalışma kümesine eklenebilecek dosya sayısı üst sınırına ulaştınız.", "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} dosya)", "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 dosya)", + "chatEditingSession.removeSuggested": "Remove suggestion", "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Çalışma Kümesi", "chatInput": "Sohbet Girişi", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Sohbet Girişi, Kodu buraya yazın ve çalıştırmak için Enter tuşuna basın. Daha fazla bilgi için Sohbet Erişilebilirlik Yardımı komutunu kullanın.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Diğer..." + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Diğer...", + "suggeste.title": "{0} - {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "\"{0}\" seçildi", @@ -5791,7 +5840,7 @@ "usedAgent": "[[(olmadan yeniden çalıştır)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "kullanılan {0} [[(olmadan yeniden çalıştır)]]" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipant.contribution": { "chat.viewContainer.label": "Sohbet", "chatCommand": "Kullanıcı arayüzünde bu komuta atıfta bulunulan kısa ad, ör. Bir sorunu düzelten veya kodu açıklayan komutlar için `fix` veya * `explain`. Adın bu katılımcı tarafından sağlanan komutlar arasında benzersiz olması gerekir.", "chatCommandDescription": "Bu komutun açıklaması.", @@ -5804,7 +5853,7 @@ "chatCommandWhen": "Bu komutu etkinleştirmek için doğru olması gereken bir koşul.", "chatCommandsDescription": "Bu sohbet katılımcısı için mevcut olan ve kullanıcının `/` işaretiyle çağırabileceği komutlar.", "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot Düzenlemeleri", - "chatFailErrorMessage": "Chat failed to load because the installed version of the {0} extension is not compatible with this version of {1}. Please ensure that the {2} extension is up to date.", + "chatFailErrorMessage": "Copilot Sohbet uzantısının yüklü sürümü bu {0} sürümüyle uyumlu olmadığından sohbet yüklenemedi. Lütfen Copilot Sohbet uzantısının güncel olduğundan emin olun.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Bu sohbet katılımcısının kullanıcı arayüzünde gösterilen açıklaması.", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Kullanıcı sorularını otomatik olarak bu sohbet katılımcısına yönlendirmeye yardımcı olan meta veriler.", "chatParticipantDisambiguationCategory": "Bu kategori için ayrıntılı bir ad, örneğin `calisma_alani_sorular` veya `web_sorulari`.", @@ -5821,22 +5870,53 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Bir sohbet katılımcısına katkıda bulunur" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedAttachment.multipleLines": "{0} satır", + "pastedAttachment.oneLine": "1 satır", + "pastedCodeAttachment": "Yapıştırılan Kod Eki", + "pastedImageAttachment": "Yapıştırılan Resim Eki", "pastedImageName": "Yapıştırılan Resim" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup.contribution": { - "hideChatSetup": "Hide {0}", - "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide {0}?", - "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore chat controls from the 'chat.commandCenter.enabled' setting.", - "installChat": "{0} özelliğini yükle", - "learnMore": "Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin", - "setup": "{0} özelliğini yükle", - "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Setting up Chat for you...", - "setupChatSigningIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", - "setupFooter": "By proceeding you agree to our [privacy statement]({0}).", - "setupHeader": "{0} is your AI pair programmer.", - "signInAndInstallChat": "{0} özelliğini kullanmak için oturum açın", - "signInAndSetup": "{0} özelliğini kullanmak için oturum açın", - "triggerChatSetup": "Sohbet Kurulumunu Tetikle" + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatQuotasService": { + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached the limits of your Copilot Free plan, click for details", + "chatQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly chat messages limit, click for details", + "completionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly code completions limit, click for details", + "copilotQuotaExceeded": "Copilot Limit Reached", + "dismiss": "Dismiss", + "indicator": "Copilot Quota Indicator", + "limit reached": "Copilot Free", + "limit reset": "Your limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitReached": "Limit Reached", + "managePlan": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "out of completions": "You've run out of free code completions, but free chat responses are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of free chat responses": "You've run out of free chat responses, but free code completions are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of limits": "You've reached the limits of the Copilot Free plan.", + "simulateCopilotQuotaExceeded": "Simulate Copilot Quota Exceeded", + "upgradeChat": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "upgradeToPro": "Here's what you can expect when upgrading to Copilot Pro:\r\n- Unlimited code completions\r\n- Unlimited chat interactions\r\n- 30 day free trial" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup": { + "detectionLabel": "Allow code suggestions that [match public code]({0})", + "featureChat": "Code faster with completions and Inline Chat", + "featureEdits": "Build features and resolve bugs with Copilot Edits", + "featureExplore": "Explore your codebase with chat", + "hideChatSetup": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupButton": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide Copilot?", + "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore Copilot by running the '{0}' command.", + "limitedSkuHeader": "$(sparkle-filled) We now offer [Copilot for free]({0}).", + "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Getting Copilot Ready...", + "setupChatProgress": "Getting Copilot ready...", + "setupChatSignIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", + "setupHeader": "[Copilot]({0} 'Copilot') is your AI pair programmer.", + "signInGh": "Sign in with a GitHub.com Account", + "signInGhe": "Sign in with a GHE.com Account", + "signUp": "Sign in to Use Copilot", + "signUpFree": "Sign in to Use Copilot for Free", + "startUp": "Use Copilot", + "startUpLimited": "Use Copilot for Free", + "termsLabel": "By continuing, you agree to our [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free...", + "welcomeChat": "Welcome to Copilot" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { "chatWidget.tips": "Bağlam eklemek için {0} veya {1} yazın\r\n\r\nUzantılarla sohbet etmek için {2}\r\n\r\nKomutları kullanmak için {3} yazın", @@ -5849,8 +5929,8 @@ "chat.codeBlockHelp": "Kod bloğu", "chat.codeBlockLabel": "{0} kod bloğu", "chat.compareCodeBlockLabel": "Kod Düzenlemeleri", - "chat.edits.1": "[[``{0}``]] içinde 1 değişiklik yapıldı", - "chat.edits.N": "[[``{1}``]] içinde {0} değişiklik yapıldı", + "chat.edits.1": "Applied 1 change in [[``{0}``]]", + "chat.edits.N": "Applied {0} changes in [[``{1}``]]", "chat.edits.rejected": "[[``{0}``]] altındaki düzenlemeler reddedildi", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm": "Özgün dosya değiştirildi.", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm.detail": "Değişiklikleri yine de uygulamak istiyor musunuz?", @@ -5866,13 +5946,14 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { "fileEntryDescription": "{0} ({1})", "installLabel": "Sohbet Uzantılarını Yükle...", - "pickFileLabel": "Dosya seç" + "pickFileLabel": "Dosya seç", + "pickSymbolLabel": "Simge seç" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "Burada bir sohbet aracısı üzerine gelme bölümü var." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputRelatedFilesContrib": { - "relatedFile": "Önerilen Dosya" + "relatedFile": "{0} (Suggested)" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { "screenshot": "Ekran görüntüsü" @@ -5880,7 +5961,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { "toolInvocationMessage": "{0} kullanılıyor" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeHandler": { "chatViewsWelcome.content": "Karşılama iletisinin içeriği. İlk komut bağlantısı bir düğme olarak işlenir.", "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "Hoş geldiniz iletisinin simgesi.", "chatViewsWelcome.title": "Hoş geldiniz iletisinin başlığı.", @@ -5917,12 +5998,6 @@ "chatResponseFiltered": "Sohbet yanıtı sunucu tarafından filtrelendiğinde true olur.", "chatResponseSupportsIssueReporting": "Geçerli sohbet yanıtı sorun raporlamayı desteklediğinde doğrudur.", "chatSessionResponseDetectedAgentOrCommand": "Aracı veya komut otomatik olarak algılandığında", - "chatSetupEntitled": "Oturum açmış yetkili bir kullanıcı için sohbet kurulumu sunulduğunda “doğru” değerini alır.", - "chatSetupInstalled": "True when the chat extension is installed.", - "chatSetupInstalling": "Sohbet kurulumu sohbet özelliğini yüklerken “doğru” değerini alır.", - "chatSetupSignedIn": "Oturum açmış bir kullanıcı için sohbet kurulumu sunulduğunda “doğru” değerini alır.", - "chatSetupSigningIn": "Sohbet kurulumu oturum açılmasını bekliyorsa “doğru” değerini alır.", - "chatSetupTriggered": "Sohbet kurulumu tetiklendiğinde “doğru” değerini alır.", "inChat": "Odak sohbet pencere öğesindeyken doğru, aksi takdirde yanlış.", "inInteractiveInput": "Odak sohbet girişindeyken doğru, aksi takdirde yanlış.", "inQuickChat": "Hızlı sohbet kullanıcı arabirimi odağına sahip olduğunda true, aksi takdirde false olur.", @@ -5952,7 +6027,8 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.languageModels.whitespaceVendor": "Satıcı alanı boşlukla başlayamaz veya bitemez." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelStats": { - "Language Models": "Dil Modelleri", + "Language Models": "Copilot", + "chat": "sohbet", "languageModels": "Bu uzantının dil modelleri kullanım istatistikleri." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { @@ -6672,6 +6748,7 @@ "findExtension": "{0} uzantısını &&bul", "installExt": "Uzantıyı yükleyin...", "installLanguage": "{0} için uzantı yükle...", + "moreOptionsForDebugType": "Diğer {0} seçenekleri...", "selectDebug": "Hata ayıklayıcı seçin", "suggestedDebuggers": "Önerilen", "suppressMultipleSessionWarning": "Aynı hata ayıklama yapılandırmasını birden çok kez başlatmaya çalışırken uyarıyı devre dışı bırakın." @@ -7037,7 +7114,6 @@ "allDebuggersDisabled": "Tüm hata ayıklama uzantıları devre dışı. Bir hata ayıklama uzantısını etkinleştirin veya Market'ten yeni bir uzantı yükleyin.", "customizeRunAndDebug": "Çalıştırma ve Hata Ayıklama'yı özelleştirmek için [launch.json dosyası oluşturun](command:{0}).", "customizeRunAndDebugOpenFolder": "Çalıştırma ve Hata Ayıklama'yı özelleştirmek için [klasör açın](command:{0}) ve launch.json dosyası oluşturun.", - "detectThenRunAndDebug": "Tüm otomatik hata ayıklama yapılandırmalarını gösterin", "openAFileWhichCanBeDebugged": "Üzerinde hata ayıklama gerçekleştirilebilen veya çalıştırılabilen [bir dosya açın](command:{0}).", "run": "Çalıştır", "runAndDebugAction": "Çalıştırma ve Hata Ayıklama" @@ -7057,6 +7133,7 @@ "breakpointWidgetVisibile": "Kesme noktası düzenleyicisi alan pencere öğesi görünür durumdaysa true, aksi takdirde false olur.", "breakpointsExist": "En az bir kesme noktası varsa true olur.", "breakpointsFocused": "KESME NOKTALARI görünümüne odaklanıldığında true, aksi takdirde false olur.", + "callStackFocused": "CALLSTACK görünümüne odaklanıldığında true, aksi takdirde false olur.", "callStackItemStopped": "ÇAĞRI YIĞININDAKİ odaklanılan öğe durdurulduğunda true olur. ÇAĞRI YIĞINI görünümündeki satır içi menüler için dahili olarak kullanılır.", "callStackItemType": "ÇAĞRI YIĞINI görünümündeki odaklanılan öğenin öğe türünü temsil eder. Örneğin: 'session', 'thread', 'stackFrame'", "callStackSessionHasOneThread": "ÇAĞRI YIĞINI görünümündeki odaklanılan oturum tam olarak bir iş parçacığı içerdiğinde true olur. ÇAĞRI YIĞINI görünümündeki satır içi menüler için dahili olarak kullanılır.", @@ -7325,10 +7402,10 @@ "errors": "{0} yakalanmayan hata", "extensionActivating": "Uzantı etkinleştiriliyor...", "languageActivation": "Bir {0} dosyası açtığınız için {1} tarafından etkinleştirildi", - "requests count": "{0} İstekleri: {1} (Genel)", + "requests count": "{0} Kullanımı: {1} İstek", "requests count title": "Son istek: {0}.", "runtimeExtensions": "Çalışma Zamanı Uzantıları", - "session requests count": ", {0} (Oturum)", + "session requests count": ", {0} İstek (Oturum)", "showRuntimeExtensions": "Çalışan Uzantıları Göster", "starActivation": "Başlangıçta {0} tarafından etkinleştirildi", "startupFinishedActivation": "Başlatma işlemi tamamlandıktan sonra {0} tarafından etkinleştirildi", @@ -7401,16 +7478,15 @@ "accessExtensionFeature": "'{0}' Özelliğini Etkinleştir", "activation": "Etkinleştirme", "cancel": "İptal", + "chartDescription": "Son 30 gün içinde bu uzantıdan {0} {1} istek alındı.", "disableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "'{1}' özelliğine erişmek için '{0}' uzantısını iptal etmek istiyor musunuz?", "enable": "Erişime İzin Ver", "enableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "'{1}' özelliğine erişmek için '{0}' uzantısına izin vermek istiyor musunuz?", "extension features list": "Uzantı Özellikleri", "grant": "Erişime İzin Ver", - "last request": "Son İstek: `{0}`", + "label": "{0} Kullanımı", "messaages": "İletiler ({0})", "noFeatures": "Katkıda bulunulan özellik yok.", - "requests count session": "İstekler (Oturum): `{0}`", - "requests count total": "İstekler (Genel): `{0}`", "revoke": "Erişimi İptal Et", "revoked": "Erişim Yok", "runtime": "Çalışma Zamanı Durumu", @@ -7461,6 +7537,7 @@ "enabled filter": "Etkin", "extension": "Uzantı", "extension updates filter": "Güncellemeler", + "extension.publisher.allow.description": "Yayımcının tüm uzantılarına izin verin veya izin vermeyin.", "extensionInfoDescription": "Açıklama: {0}", "extensionInfoId": "Kimlik: {0}", "extensionInfoName": "Ad: {0}", @@ -7470,11 +7547,25 @@ "extensionUpdates": "Uzantı Güncelleştirmelerini Göster", "extensions": "Uzantılar", "extensions.affinity": "Uzantıyı farklı bir uzantı ana işlemi içinde yürütülecek şekilde yapılandırın.", + "extensions.allow.all.description": "Tüm uzantılara izin verin veya izin vermeyin.", + "extensions.allow.all.disable": "Tüm uzantılara izin vermeyin.", + "extensions.allow.all.enable": "Tüm uzantılara izin verin.", + "extensions.allow.description": "Uzantıya izin verin veya izin vermeyin.", + "extensions.allow.version.description": "Uzantının belirli sürümlerine izin verin veya izin vermeyin. Platforma özgü bir sürümü belirtmek için 'platform@1.2.3' biçimini kullanın. Örneğin, 'win32-x64@1.2.3'. Desteklenen platformlar: 'win32-x64', 'win32-arm64', 'linux-x64', 'linux-arm64', 'linux-armhf', 'alpine-x64', 'alpine-arm64', 'darwin-x64', 'darwin-arm64'", + "extensions.allowed": "Specify a list of extensions that are allowed to use. This helps maintain a secure and consistent development environment by restricting the use of unauthorized extensions. For more information on how to configure this setting, please visit the [Configure Allowed Extensions](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/enterprise#_configure-allowed-extensions) section.", + "extensions.allowed.all": "Tüm uzantılara izin verilir.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.desc": "Uzantıya izin verilmiyor.", + "extensions.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "Uzantının yalnızca kararlı sürümlerine izin verin.", + "extensions.allowed.enable.desc": "Uzantıya izin verilir.", + "extensions.allowed.none": "Uzantıya izin verilmez.", "extensions.autoUpdate": "Uzantıların otomatik güncelleştirme davranışını denetler. Güncelleştirmeler, bir Microsoft çevrimiçi hizmetinden getirilir.", "extensions.autoUpdate.enabled": "Yalnızca etkin uzantılar için güncelleştirmeleri otomatik olarak indirin ve yükleyin.", "extensions.autoUpdate.false": "Uzantılar otomatik olarak güncelleştirilmiyor.", "extensions.autoUpdate.true": "Tüm uzantılar için güncelleştirmeleri otomatik olarak indirip yükleyin.", "extensions.gallery.useUnpkgResourceApi": "Etkinleştirildiğinde, güncelleştirilecek uzantılar Unpkg hizmetinden getirilir.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.desc": "Yayımcıdaki tüm uzantılara izin verilmez.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "Yayımcının uzantılarının yalnızca kararlı sürümlerine izin verin.", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.enable.desc": "Yayımcıdaki tüm uzantılara izin verilir.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces": "Bir uzantının güvenilmeyen çalışma alanı desteğini geçersiz kılın. 'True' değerini kullanan uzantılar her zaman etkinleştirilir. 'Limited' değerini kullanan uzantılar her zaman etkinleştirilir ve uzantı, güven gerektiren işlevleri gizler. 'False' değerini kullanan uzantılar yalnızca çalışma alanına güvenildiğinde etkinleştirilir.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.false": "Uzantı yalnızca çalışma alanına güvenildiğinde etkinleştirilir.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.limited": "Uzantı her zaman etkin olur ve güven gerektiren işlevleri gizler.", @@ -7485,6 +7576,7 @@ "extensions.verifySignature": "Etkinleştirildiğinde, uzantılar yüklenmeden önce imzalanmak üzere doğrulanır.", "extensionsCheckUpdates": "Etkinleştirildiğinde, güncelleştirmelerin uzantılarını otomatik olarak denetler. Bir uzantıya yönelik güncelleştirme varsa uzantı, Uzantılar görünümünde olarak işaretlenir. Güncelleştirmeler bir Microsoft çevrimiçi hizmetinden getirilir.", "extensionsCloseExtensionDetailsOnViewChange": "Etkinleştirildiğinde, uzantı ayrıntılarını içeren düzenleyiciler, Uzantılar Görünümünden uzaklaşıldığında otomatik olarak kapatılır.", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Uzantılar", "extensionsDeferredStartupFinishedActivation": "Etkinleştirildiğinde, 'onStartupFinished' etkinleştirme olayını bildiren uzantılar zaman aşımından sonra etkinleştirilir.", "extensionsIgnoreRecommendations": "Etkinleştirildiğinde, uzantı önerileri bildirimleri gösterilmez.", "extensionsInQuickAccess": "Etkinleştirildiğinde, uzantılar Hızlı Erişim yoluyla aranabilir ve sorunlar oradan raporlanabilir.", @@ -7556,6 +7648,7 @@ "workbench.extensions.action.configureKeybindings": "Klavye Kısayolları", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtension": "Kopyala", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtensionId": "Uzantı Kimliğini Kopyala", + "workbench.extensions.action.copyLink": "Bağlantıyı Kopyala", "workbench.extensions.action.ignoreRecommendation": "Öneriyi Yoksay", "workbench.extensions.action.removeExtensionFromWorkspaceRecommendations": "Çalışma Alanı Önerilerinden Kaldır", "workbench.extensions.action.toggleApplyToAllProfiles": "Uzantıyı Tüm Profillere Uygula", @@ -7614,6 +7707,7 @@ "disableGloballyAction": "Devre Dışı Bırak", "disableGloballyActionToolTip": "Bu uzantıyı devre dışı bırak", "disabled": "Devre Dışı", + "disabled - not allowed": "{0} nedeniyle bu uzantı devre dışı bırakıldı", "disabled because of virtual workspace": "Bu uzantı, sanal çalışma alanlarını desteklemediğinden devre dışı bırakıldı.", "disabled by environment": "Bu uzantı, ortam tarafından devre dışı bırakıldı.", "do not sync": "Bu uzantıyı eşitleme", @@ -7836,6 +7930,7 @@ "no local extensions": "Yüklenecek uzantı yok.", "offline error": "Çevrimdışıyken Market aranamıyor, lütfen ağ bağlantınızı denetleyin.", "open user settings": "Kullanıcı Ayarlarını Aç", + "showingExtensionsForFeature": "Extensions using {0} in the last 30 days", "suggestProxyError": "Market 'ECONNREFUSED' döndürdü. Lütfen 'http.proxy' ayarını denetleyin." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/extensionsWidgets": { @@ -7845,6 +7940,8 @@ "extensionIconStarForeground": "Uzantı derecelendirmelerinin simge rengi.", "extensionIconVerifiedForeground": "Doğrulanmış uzantı yayıncısı için simge rengi.", "extensionPreReleaseForeground": "Yayın öncesi uzantının simge rengi.", + "feature access label": "{0} istek", + "feature usage label": "{0} kullanım", "has prerelease": "Bu uzantıda kullanılabilir {0} var", "local extension": "Yerel Uzantı", "message": "1 ileti", @@ -7856,6 +7953,7 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor ol", "startup": "Başlangıç", "syncingore.label": "Bu uzantı, eşitleme sırasında yoksayılıyor.", + "total": "son 30 gün içinde {0} {1} istek", "uncaught error": "1 yakalanmayan hata", "uncaught errors": "{0} yakalanmayan hata", "updateRequired": "Son sürüm:", @@ -7874,6 +7972,8 @@ "disable all": "Tümünü Devre Dışı Bırak", "disableDependents": "Bağımlıları Olan Uzantıyı Devre Dışı Bırak", "disallowed": "Bu uzantının yüklenmesine izin verilmiyor.", + "disallowed extensions": "Some extensions are disabled because they are configured not to be allowed.", + "disallowed extensions by policy": "Some extensions are disabled because they are not allowed by your system administrator.", "download": "İndir", "download title": "VSIX’i indirmek için klasör seçin", "download.completed": "VSIX başarıyla indirildi", @@ -7886,6 +7986,7 @@ "enableExtensionTitle": "Uzantıyı Etkinleştir", "extension not found": "'{0}' uzantısı bulunamadı.", "extensionsAutoRestart": "Güncelleştirmeleri etkinleştirmek için uzantılar otomatik olarak yeniden başlatıldı.", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Uzantılar", "incompatible": "'{0}' uzantısı uyumlu olmadığından yüklenemiyor.", "incompatibleExtensions": "Sürüm uyumsuzluğunu nedeniyle bazı uzantılar devre dışı bırakıldı. Bunları gözden geçirip güncelleştirin.", "installButtonLabel": "&&Uzantıyı Yükle", @@ -7936,6 +8037,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/workspaceRecommendations": { "workspaceRecommendation": "Bu uzantı, geçerli çalışma alanının kullanıcıları tarafından önerilir." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensions": { + "extensions": "Uzantılar" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensionsFileTemplate": { "app.extension.identifier.errorMessage": "'${publisher}.${name}' biçimi bekleniyordu. Örnek: 'vscode.csharp'.", "app.extensions.json.recommendations": "Bu çalışma alanının kullanıcıları için önerilen uzantıların listesi. Bir uzantının tanımlayıcısı her zaman '${publisher}.${name}'. Örneğin: 'vscode.csharp'.", @@ -8548,8 +8652,14 @@ "welcome.2": "Hazırlanıyor..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { - "inlineChatExpansion": "Henüz yazılan bir satırın sonuna gelindiğinde satır içi sohbet genişletmenin etkin olup olmadığını belirtir", - "startWithCurrentLine": "Düzenleyicide Geçerli Satırla Başlat" + "defaultTitle": "Sohbet", + "disableHint": "Satır İçi Sohbet İpucunu Devre Dışı Bırak", + "hideHint": "Satır İçi Sohbet İpucunu Gizli", + "inlineChatShowingHint": "Satır içi sohbetin bağlamsal ipucu gösterip göstermediği", + "showHint": "Satır İçi Sohbet İpucunu Göster", + "startWithCurrentLine": "Düzenleyicide Geçerli Satırla Başlat", + "title1": "{0}, {1} ile devam edecek", + "title2": "{0}, {1} ile düzenlenebilir" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { "config": "Her zaman sormadan yapay zeka tarafından oluşturulan değişikliklerle birlikte kaydet", @@ -8574,6 +8684,7 @@ "accessibleDiffView.on": "Erişilebilir fark görüntüleyicisi her zaman etkindir.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatInserted": "Eklenen satırda sohbet içeriği için genel bakış cetvelinin işaretleyici rengi.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatRemoved": "Kaldırılan satır için sohbet içeriği için genel bakış cetvelinin işaretleyici rengi.", + "emptyLineHint": "Boş satırların satır içi sohbet ile kod oluşturmak için bir ipucu gösterip göstermediğini belirtir.", "finishOnType": "Değiştirilen bölgelerin dışında yazarken satır içi sohbet oturumunun tamamlanıp tamamlanmayacağı.", "holdToSpeech": "Satır içi sohbet tuş bağlaması basılı tutulduğunda konuşma tanımanın otomatik olarak etkinleştirip etkinleştirilemeyeceği.", "inlineChat.background": "Etkileşimli düzenleyici pencere öğesinin arka plan rengi", @@ -8605,6 +8716,7 @@ "inlineChatResponseTypes": "Ne tür yanıtların alındı, henüz hiçbir şey alınmadı, sadece mesajlar veya mesajlar ve yerel düzenlemeler.", "inlineChatUserDidEdit": "Kullanıcının satır içi sohbetin üzerinde değişiklik yapma durumu", "inlineChatVisible": "Etkileşimli düzenleyici girişinin görünür olup olmadığı", + "lineSuffixHint": "Whether a hint to complete a line with inline chat is shown. Only shows when at the end of a line that is dominated by natural language, like `class Person with name and hobbies`", "mode": "Satır içi sohbetle oluşturulan değişikliklerin doğrudan belgeye mi uygulanacağını yoksa önce önizlemelerinin mi görüntüleneceğini yapılandır.", "mode.live": "Değişiklikler doğrudan belgeye uygulanır, satır içi farklar aracılığıyla vurgulanabilir ve bölmeler tarafından kabul edilebilir/atılabilir. Oturum sonlandırıldığında değişiklikleriniz saklanır.", "mode.preview": "Değişiklikler yalnızca önizlenir ve uygula düğmesi aracılığıyla kabul edilmesi gerekir. Oturum sonlandırıldığında değişiklikler atılır." @@ -9408,8 +9520,7 @@ "notebookActions.chatFixCellError": "Hücre Hatasını Düzeltme" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellDiagnostics/diagnosticCellStatusBarContrib": { - "notebook.cell.status.explain": "Sohbet ile Açıklama", - "notebook.cell.status.fix": "Satır İçi Sohbetle Düzeltme" + "notebook.cell.status.diagnostic": "Hızlı İşlemler {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/executionStatusBarItemController": { "notebook.cell.status.executing": "Yürütülüyor", @@ -9417,7 +9528,8 @@ "notebook.cell.status.pending": "Bekliyor", "notebook.cell.status.success": "Başarılı", "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip": "**Son Yürütme** {0}\r\n\r\n**Yürütme Zamanı** {1}\r\n\r\n**Ek Yük Zamanı** {2}\r\n\r\n**İşleme Zamanları**\r\n\r\n{3}", - "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Sorun bildiriciyi kullanarak bir sorun bildirmek için yukarıdaki bağlantıları kullanın." + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "Sorun bildiriciyi kullanarak bir sorun bildirmek için yukarıdaki bağlantıları kullanın.", + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerVerbose": "Last Execution: {0}, Duration: {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/statusBarProviders": { "notebook.cell.status.autoDetectLanguage": "Algılanan Dili Kabul Et: {0}", @@ -9775,6 +9887,9 @@ "insertToolbarLocation.notebookToolbar": "Not defteri düzenleyicisinin üstündeki araç çubuğu.", "notebook.VariablesView.description": "Hata ayıklama paneli içinde deneysel not defteri değişkenleri görünümünü etkinleştirin.", "notebook.backup.sizeLimit": "Not defteri dosyalarının artık çalışırken yeniden yükleme için yedeklenmeyeceği kilobayt (KB) cinsinden not defteri çıkış boyutu sınırı. Sınırsız için 0 kullanın.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.default.description": "The cell execution duration is visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.description": "Controls the verbosity of the cell execution time in the cell status bar.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.verbose.description": "The cell last execution timestamp and duration are visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", "notebook.cellFailureDiagnostics": "Hücre hataları için kullanılabilir tanılamaları göster.", "notebook.cellGenerate": "Satır içi sohbet etkin kod hücresi oluşturmak için deneysel oluşturma eylemlerini etkinleştirin.", "notebook.cellToolbarLocation.description": "Hücre araç çubuğunun gösterileceği yeri veya gizlenip gizlenmeyeceğini belirtir.", @@ -12655,7 +12770,7 @@ "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshCode": "Özel Windows PowerShell bağımsız değişken tamamlayıcıları, VS Code 'code' ve 'code-insider' CLI'leri için kaydedilecek. Bu şu anda çok temeldir ve bağlamı denetlemeden her zaman bayraklar ve alt komutlar önerir.", "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshGit": "Özel Windows PowerShell bağımsız değişken tamamlayıcıları `git` CLI için kaydedilecek.", "suggest.enableExtensionCompletions": "Uzantı tamamlamalarının etkin olup olmadığını denetler.", - "suggest.enabled": "Enables experimental terminal Intellisense suggestions for supported shells ({0}) when {1} is set to {2}.\r\n\r\nIf shell integration is installed manually, {3} needs to be set to {4} before calling the shell integration script. \r\n\r\nFor extension provided completions, {5} will also need to be set.", + "suggest.enabled": "{1}, {2} olarak ayarlandığında desteklenen kabuklar ({0}) için deneysel terminal Intellisense önerilerini etkinleştirir.\r\n\r\nKabuk tümleştirmesi el ile yüklenirse, kabuk tümleştirme betiğini çağırmadan önce {3}, {4} olarak ayarlanmalıdır. \r\n\r\nUzantı sağlanan tamamlamalar için {5}'in de ayarlanması gerekir.", "suggest.quickSuggestions": "Yazarken önerilerin otomatik olarak görünüp görünmeyeceğini denetler. Ayrıca, önerilerin özel karakterlerle tetiklenip tetiklenmeyeceğini denetleyen '{0}' ayarına dikkat edin.", "suggest.runOnEnter": "Sonucu kabul etmek için `Enter` (`Sekme` değil) kullanıldığında önerilerin hemen çalıştırılıp çalıştırılmayacağını denetler.", "suggest.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": "Tetikleyici karakterleri yazılırken önerilerin otomatik olarak gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini denetler." @@ -12888,7 +13003,8 @@ "testingCountBadgePassed": "{0} başarılı test", "testingCountBadgeSkipped": "{0} atlanan test", "testingFindExtension": "Çalışma Alanı Testlerini göster", - "testingNoTest": "Bu dosyada test bulunamadı." + "testingNoTest": "Bu dosyada test bulunamadı.", + "testingSelectConfig": "Yapılandırma Seç..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Kapat", @@ -13067,6 +13183,11 @@ "testError": "Testler çalıştırılmaya çalışılırken bir hata oluştu: {0}", "testTrust": "Testleri çalıştırmak çalışma alanınızda kod yürütebilir." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/testTypes": { + "testing.runProfileBitset.coverage": "Kapsam", + "testing.runProfileBitset.debug": "Hata Ayıkla", + "testing.runProfileBitset.run": "Çalıştır" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/themes/browser/themes.contribution": { "browseColorThemeInMarketPlace.label": "Market'te Renk Temalarına Gözat", "browseColorThemes": "Ek Renk Temalarına Göz At...", @@ -13656,7 +13777,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { "getStarted": "Hoş Geldiniz", - "walkthroughPageTitle": "Kılavuz: " + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Kılavuz: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "Yerleşik", @@ -13674,6 +13795,7 @@ "browsePopularWeb": "Popüler Web Uzantılarına Göz Atın", "cloneRepo": "Depoyu Klonla", "commandPalette": "Komut Paletini Aç", + "copilotTerms": "By continuing, you agree to Copilot [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", "enableSync": "Yedekleme ve Eşitleme Ayarları", "enableTrust": "güveni etkinleştir", "getting-started-beginner-icon": "Giriş sayfasının başlangıç kategorisi için kullanılan simge", @@ -13695,6 +13817,8 @@ "gettingStarted.commandPalette.title": "Komut Paleti ile verimliliğin kilidini açın ", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.description.interpolated": "VS Code'da herhangi bir görevi gerçekleştirmek için komutları farenize uzanmadan çalıştırın.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.title": "Komut Paleti ile verimli çalışmaya başlayın ", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.description": "Write code faster and smarter with [Copilot]({0}) for free.", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.title": "Use AI features with Copilot for free", "gettingStarted.debug.description.interpolated": "Bir başlatma yapılandırması ayarlayarak düzenleme, derleme, test ve hata ayıklama döngülerinizi hızlandırın.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.debug.title": "Kodunuzu çalışırken izleyin", "gettingStarted.extensions.description.interpolated": "Uzantılar, VS Code'u güçlendiren özelliklerdir. Bunların arasında, kullanıma hazır özellikleri genişleten kullanışlı üretkenlik çözümlerinden tamamen yeni özellikler eklemeye kadar çeşitli çözümler bulunur.\r\n{0}", @@ -13789,6 +13913,9 @@ "quickOpen": "Dosyayı Hızlı Aç", "runProject": "Projenizi çalıştırın", "runTasks": "Otomatik Olarak Algılanan Görevleri Çalıştır", + "setupCopilotButton.chatWithCopilot": "Chat with Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.setup": "Setup Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.signIn": "Sign in to use Copilot", "showOrFocusHover": "Vurgulamayı Göster veya Odakla", "showTerminal": "Terminali Aç", "titleID": "Renk Temalarına Gözatma", @@ -14046,6 +14173,7 @@ "menus.explorerContextShare": "Dosya gezgini bağlam menüsündeki 'Paylaş' alt menüsü", "menus.extensionContext": "Uzantı bağlam menüsü", "menus.historyItemContext": "Kaynak Denetimi geçmişi öğesi bağlam menüsü", + "menus.historyItemRefContext": "Kaynak Denetimi geçmişi öğesi başvuru bağlam menüsü", "menus.home": "Giriş göstergesi bağlam menüsü (yalnızca web)", "menus.input": "Kaynak Denetimi giriş kutusu menüsü", "menus.mergeEditorResult": "Birleştirme düzenleyicisinin sonuç araç çubuğu", @@ -14350,6 +14478,7 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/browser/extensionEnablementService": { "Reload": "Uzantıları Yeniden Yükle ve Etkinleştir", "cannot change disablement environment": "Ortamda devre dışı bırakıldığından {0} uzantısının etkinleştirmesi değiştirilemiyor", + "cannot change disallowed extension enablement": "İzin verilmediğinden {0} uzantısının etkinleştirilmesi değiştirilemiyor", "cannot change enablement dependency": "'{0}' uzantısı, etkinleştirilemeyen '{1}' uzantısına bağımlı olduğundan etkinleştirilemiyor", "cannot change enablement environment": "Ortamda etkinleştirildiğinden {0} uzantısının etkinleştirmesi değiştirilemiyor", "cannot change enablement extension kind": "{0} uzantısının türü nedeniyle uzantının etkinleştirilmesi değiştirilemiyor", @@ -14371,9 +14500,6 @@ "allow": "İzin ver", "disallow": "İzin Verme" }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { - "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Uzantılar" - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementServerService": { "browser": "Tarayıcı", "remote": "Uzak" @@ -14403,11 +14529,6 @@ "singleDependentError": "'{0}' uzantısı kaldırılamıyor. '{1}' uzantısı bu uzantıya bağımlı.", "twoDependentsError": "'{0}' uzantısı kaldırılamıyor. '{1}' ve '{2}' uzantıları bu uzantıya bağımlı." }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/webExtensionManagementService": { - "VS Code for Web": "Web için {0}", - "learn why": "Nedenini Öğrenin", - "not web tooltip": "'{0}' uzantısı {1} içinde kullanılamıyor." - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/extensionManagementServerService": { "local": "Yerel", "remote": "Uzak" diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index ce1bc4c063..ecc425d32d 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ "Conflict: Deleted By Us": "冲突: 已由我们删除", "Continue Rebase": "继续变基", "Continuing Rebase...": "正在继续变基...", + "Copy Commit Hash": "复制提交哈希", "Could not clone your repository as Git is not installed.": "无法克隆存储库,因为未安装 Git。", "Create Empty Commit": "创建空提交", "Current": "当前", @@ -112,10 +113,11 @@ "File \"{0}\" was deleted by us and modified by them.\n\nWhat would you like to do?": "文件“{0}”已被我们删除且已经过他们修改。\n\n你想要执行什么操作?", "Force Checkout": "强制签出", "Force push is not allowed, please enable it with the \"git.allowForcePush\" setting.": "不允许强制推送,请启用 \"git. allowForcePush\" 设置。", - "Git Blame Information": "Git Blame Information", + "Git Blame Information": "Git 责任信息", "Git History": "Git 历史记录", "Git error": "Git 错误", - "Git local working changes": "Git 本地工作更改", + "Git local changes (working tree + index)": "Git 本地更改(工作树 + 索引)", + "Git local changes (working tree)": "Git 本地更改(工作树)", "Git not found. Install it or configure it using the \"git.path\" setting.": "未找到 Git。请安装 Git,或在 \"git.path\" 设置中配置。", "Git repositories were found in the parent folders of the workspace or the open file(s). Would you like to open the repositories?": "在工作区的父文件夹或打开的文件中找到了 Git 存储库。是否要打开存储库?", "Git: {0}": "Git: {0}", @@ -156,8 +158,8 @@ "Never": "从不", "No": "否", "No rebase in progress.": "没有正在进行的变基。", - "Not Committed Yet": "Not Committed Yet", - "Not Committed Yet (Staged)": "Not Committed Yet (Staged)", + "Not Committed Yet": "尚未提交", + "Not Committed Yet (Staged)": "尚未提交(暂存)", "OK": "确定", "OK, Don't Ask Again": "确定,且不再询问", "OK, Don't Show Again": "确定,且不再显示", @@ -175,7 +177,7 @@ "Pick a branch to pull from": "选择拉取的来源分支", "Pick a provider to publish the branch \"{0}\" to:": "选取提供程序以将分支“{0}”发布到:", "Pick a remote to publish the branch \"{0}\" to:": "选取要将分支“{0}”发布到的远程:", - "Pick a remote to pull the branch from": "选择要从其拉取分支的远程位置", + "Pick a remote to pull the branch from": "选择要拉取的源远程分支", "Pick a remote to remove": "选择要删除的远程库", "Pick a repository to mark as safe and open": "选择要标记为安全并打开的存储库", "Pick a repository to open": "选择要打开的存储库", @@ -284,7 +286,7 @@ "Untracked": "未跟踪的", "Untracked Changes": "未跟踪的更改", "Update Git": "更新 GIT", - "View Commit": "View Commit", + "View Commit": "查看提交", "Would you like to add \"{0}\" to .gitignore?": "是否要将“{0}”添加到 .gitignore?", "Would you like to open the cloned repository, or add it to the current workspace?": "您是希望打开克隆的仓库,还是将其添加到当前工作区?", "Would you like to open the cloned repository?": "是否要打开已克隆仓库?", @@ -308,9 +310,9 @@ "[main] Using git \"{0}\" from \"{1}\"": "[main] 使用来自 \"{1}\" 的 git \"{0}\"", "[main] Validating found git in: \"{0}\"": "[main] 正在验证在以下位置找到的 git: \"{0}\"", "branches": "分支", - "in {0}": "in {0}", + "in {0}": "{0} 后", "no": "否", - "now": "now", + "now": "现在", "remote branches": "远程分支", "tags": "标记", "yes": "是", @@ -337,63 +339,63 @@ "{0} Publish Branch/{Locked=\"Branch\"}Do not translate \"Branch\" as it is a git term": "{0} 发布 Branch", "{0} Sync Changes{1}{2}": "{0} 同步更改 {1}{2}", "{0} characters over {1} in current line": "当前行比 {1} 超出 {0} 个字符", - "{0} day": "{0} day", - "{0} day ago": "{0} day ago", - "{0} days": "{0} days", - "{0} days ago": "{0} days ago", - "{0} hour": "{0} hour", - "{0} hour ago": "{0} hour ago", - "{0} hours": "{0} hours", - "{0} hours ago": "{0} hours ago", - "{0} hr": "{0} hr", - "{0} hr ago": "{0} hr ago", - "{0} hrs": "{0} hrs", - "{0} hrs ago": "{0} hrs ago", - "{0} min": "{0} min", - "{0} min ago": "{0} min ago", - "{0} mins": "{0} mins", - "{0} mins ago": "{0} mins ago", - "{0} minute": "{0} minute", - "{0} minute ago": "{0} minute ago", - "{0} minutes": "{0} minutes", - "{0} minutes ago": "{0} minutes ago", - "{0} mo": "{0} mo", - "{0} mo ago": "{0} mo ago", - "{0} month": "{0} month", - "{0} month ago": "{0} month ago", - "{0} months": "{0} months", - "{0} months ago": "{0} months ago", - "{0} mos": "{0} mos", - "{0} mos ago": "{0} mos ago", - "{0} sec": "{0} sec", - "{0} sec ago": "{0} sec ago", - "{0} second": "{0} second", - "{0} second ago": "{0} second ago", - "{0} seconds": "{0} seconds", - "{0} seconds ago": "{0} seconds ago", - "{0} secs": "{0} secs", - "{0} secs ago": "{0} secs ago", - "{0} week": "{0} week", - "{0} week ago": "{0} week ago", - "{0} weeks": "{0} weeks", - "{0} weeks ago": "{0} weeks ago", - "{0} wk": "{0} wk", - "{0} wk ago": "{0} wk ago", - "{0} wks": "{0} wks", - "{0} wks ago": "{0} wks ago", - "{0} year": "{0} year", - "{0} year ago": "{0} year ago", - "{0} years": "{0} years", - "{0} years ago": "{0} years ago", - "{0} yr": "{0} yr", - "{0} yr ago": "{0} yr ago", - "{0} yrs": "{0} yrs", - "{0} yrs ago": "{0} yrs ago", + "{0} day": "{0} 天", + "{0} day ago": "{0} 天前", + "{0} days": "{0} 天", + "{0} days ago": "{0} 天前", + "{0} hour": "{0} 小时", + "{0} hour ago": "{0} 小时前", + "{0} hours": "{0} 小时", + "{0} hours ago": "{0} 小时前", + "{0} hr": "{0} 小时", + "{0} hr ago": "{0} 小时前", + "{0} hrs": "{0} 小时", + "{0} hrs ago": "{0} 小时前", + "{0} min": "{0} 分钟", + "{0} min ago": "{0} 分钟前", + "{0} mins": "{0} 分钟", + "{0} mins ago": "{0} 分钟前", + "{0} minute": "{0} 分钟", + "{0} minute ago": "{0} 分钟前", + "{0} minutes": "{0} 分钟", + "{0} minutes ago": "{0} 分钟前", + "{0} mo": "{0} 个月", + "{0} mo ago": "{0} 个月前", + "{0} month": "{0} 个月", + "{0} month ago": "{0} 个月前", + "{0} months": "{0} 个月", + "{0} months ago": "{0} 个月前", + "{0} mos": "{0} 个月", + "{0} mos ago": "{0} 个月前", + "{0} sec": "{0} 秒", + "{0} sec ago": "{0} 秒前", + "{0} second": "{0} 秒", + "{0} second ago": "{0} 秒前", + "{0} seconds": "{0} 秒", + "{0} seconds ago": "{0} 秒前", + "{0} secs": "{0} 秒", + "{0} secs ago": "{0} 秒前", + "{0} week": "{0} 周", + "{0} week ago": "{0} 周前", + "{0} weeks": "{0} 周", + "{0} weeks ago": "{0} 周前", + "{0} wk": "{0} 周", + "{0} wk ago": "{0} 周前", + "{0} wks": "{0} 周", + "{0} wks ago": "{0} 周前", + "{0} year": "{0} 年", + "{0} year ago": "{0} 年前", + "{0} years": "{0} 年", + "{0} years ago": "{0} 年前", + "{0} yr": "{0} 年", + "{0} yr ago": "{0} 年前", + "{0} yrs": "{0} 年", + "{0} yrs ago": "{0} 年前", "{0} ↔ {1}": "{0} ↔ {1}" }, "package": { "colors.added": "已添加资源的颜色。", - "colors.blameEditorDecoration": "Color for the blame editor decoration.", + "colors.blameEditorDecoration": "追溯编辑器修饰的颜色。", "colors.conflict": "存在冲突的资源的颜色。", "colors.deleted": "已删除资源的颜色。", "colors.ignored": "已忽略资源的颜色。", @@ -415,6 +417,7 @@ "command.branchFrom": "从现有来源创建新的分支...", "command.checkout": "签出到...", "command.checkoutDetached": "签出到(已分离)…", + "command.checkoutRef": "签出", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "签出(已分离)", "command.cherryPick": "挑拣…", "command.cherryPickAbort": "中止挑拣", @@ -458,8 +461,8 @@ "command.deleteRemoteTag": "删除远程标记...", "command.deleteTag": "删除标签...", "command.fetch": "抓取", - "command.fetchAll": "从所有远程存储库中拉取", - "command.fetchPrune": "获取 (删除)", + "command.fetchAll": "从所有远程存储库中抓取", + "command.fetchPrune": "抓取(删除)", "command.git.acceptMerge": "完成合并", "command.git.openMergeEditor": "在合并编辑器中解析", "command.git.runGitMerge": "计算与 Git 冲突", @@ -549,11 +552,13 @@ "config.autoRepositoryDetection.subFolders": "扫描当前打开文件夹的子文件夹。", "config.autoRepositoryDetection.true": "扫描当前打开文件夹与当前打开文件所在文件夹的子文件夹。", "config.autoStash": "在拉取前暂存所有更改,在成功拉取后还原这些更改。", - "config.autofetch": "若设置为 true,则自动从当前 Git 仓库的默认远程仓库提取提交。若设置为“全部”,则从所有远程仓库进行提取。", + "config.autofetch": "若设置为 true,则自动从当前 Git 仓库的默认远程仓库抓取提交。若设置为“全部”,则从所有远程仓库进行抓取。", "config.autofetchPeriod": "在启用“#git.autofetch#”情况下每次自动 git fetch 之间的间隔时间(以秒为单位)。", "config.autorefresh": "是否启用自动刷新。", - "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Controls whether to show git blame information in the editor using editor decorations.", - "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Controls whether to show git blame information in the status bar.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "控制是否使用编辑器修饰在编辑器中显示追溯信息。", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.template": "追溯信息编辑器修饰的模板。支持的变量:\r\n\r\n* `hash`: 提交哈希\r\n\r\n* `hashShort`: 提交哈希的前 8 个字符\r\n\r\n* `subject`: 提交消息的第一行\r\n\r\n* `authorName`: 作者姓名\r\n\r\n* `authorEmail`: 作者电子邮件地址\r\n\r\n* `authorDate`: 作者日期\r\n\r\n* `authorDateAgo`: 现在和作者日期之间的时间差\r\n\r\n", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "控制是否在状态栏中显示追溯信息。", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.template": "追溯信息状态栏项的模板。支持的变量:\r\n\r\n* `hash`: 提交哈希\r\n\r\n* `hashShort`: 提交哈希的前 8 个字符\r\n\r\n* `subject`: 提交消息的第一行\r\n\r\n* `authorName`: 作者姓名\r\n\r\n* `authorEmail`: 作者电子邮件地址\r\n\r\n* `authorDate`: 作者日期\r\n\r\n* `authorDateAgo`: 现在和作者日期之间的时间差\r\n\r\n", "config.branchPrefix": "创建新分支时使用的前缀。", "config.branchProtection": "受保护分支的列表。默认情况下,在将更改提交到受保护分支之前会显示提示。可以使用 `#git.branchProtectionPrompt#` 设置控制提示。", "config.branchProtectionPrompt": "控制是否在将更改提交到受保护的分支之前显示提示。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json index 840f2eeb60..c239124481 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "$ref '{0}' in '{1}' can not be resolved.": "无法解析“{1}”中的 $ref“{0}”。", "": "", "A default value. Used by suggestions.": "默认值。由建议使用。", - "A descriptive title of the element.": "元素的描述性标题。", - "A long description of the element. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "元素的长描述。在悬停菜单和建议中使用。", + "A descriptive title of the schema.": "A descriptive title of the schema.", + "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.", "A map of property names to either an array of property names or a schema. An array of property names means the property named in the key depends on the properties in the array being present in the object in order to be valid. If the value is a schema, then the schema is only applied to the object if the property in the key exists on the object.": "属性名称到属性名称数组或架构的映射。属性名称数组表示键中命名的属性需要对象中存在该数组中的属性,它才能有效。如果该值是架构,则仅当键中的属性存在于对象上时,架构才会应用于对象。", "A map of property names to schemas for each property.": "属性名称到每个属性的架构的映射。", "A map of regular expressions on property names to schemas for matching properties.": "属性名的常规表达式映射到匹配属性的架构。", @@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ "Configured in workspace settings": "已在工作区设置中配置", "Default value": "默认值", "Describes the content encoding of a string property.": "描述字符串属性的内容编码。", - "Describes the format expected for the value.": "描述值预期的格式。", + "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation": "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation", "Describes the media type of a string property.": "描述字符串属性的媒体类型。", "Downloading schemas is disabled through setting '{0}'": "已通过设置“{0}”禁用下载架构", "Downloading schemas is disabled. Click to configure.": "已禁用下载架构。单击以进行配置。", "Draft-03 schemas are not supported.": "不支持 Draft-03 架构。", "Duplicate anchor declaration: '{0}'": "重复的定位点声明:“{0}”", "Duplicate object key": "重复的对象键", - "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, then used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties' or 'patternProperties'. If false, then any properties not matched by either will cause this schema to fail.": "架构或布尔值。如果是架构,则用于验证与 \"properties\" 或 \"patternProperties\" 不匹配的所有属性。如果为 false,则与两者中任一不匹配的任何属性都将导致此架构失败。", + "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.": "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.", "Either a string of one of the basic schema types (number, integer, null, array, object, boolean, string) or an array of strings specifying a subset of those types.": "基本架构类型之一的字符串(数字、整数、null、数组、对象、布尔值、字符串)或指定这些类型的子集的字符串数组。", "End of file expected.": "预期为文件结尾。", "Expected a JSON object, array or literal.": "应为 JSON 对象、数组或文本。", @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ "Expected comma or closing brace": "预期为逗号或右大括号", "Expected comma or closing bracket": "应有逗号或右中括号", "Failed to sort the JSONC document, please consider opening an issue.": "无法对 JSONC 文档进行排序,请考虑打开问题。", - "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If it is a schema, then this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items array. If it is false, then additional items will cause validation to fail.": "对于数组,仅当项设置为数组时。如果它是架构,则此架构在项数组指定的项之后验证项。如果为 false,则其他项将导致验证失败。", + "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.": "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.", "For arrays. Can either be a schema to validate every element against or an array of schemas to validate each item against in order (the first schema will validate the first element, the second schema will validate the second element, and so on.": "对于数组。可以是用于验证每个元素的架构,也可以是要根据顺序验证每个项的架构数组(第一个架构将验证第一个元素,第二个架构将验证第二个元素,依此类推)。", "If all of the items in the array must be unique. Defaults to false.": "数组中的所有项是否都必须是唯一的。默认为 false。", "If the instance is an object, this keyword validates if every property name in the instance validates against the provided schema.": "如果实例是对象,则此关键字将验证实例中的每个属性名称是否针对提供的架构进行了验证。", @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ "String is not an e-mail address.": "字符串不是电子邮件地址。", "String is shorter than the minimum length of {0}.": "字符串短于最小长度 {0}。", "The \"else\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema fails.": "当“if”子架构失败时,使用“else”子架构进行验证。", - "The \"if\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "当“if”子架构成功时,“if”子架构会用于验证。", + "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.", "The maximum length of a string.": "字符串的最大长度。", "The maximum number of items that can be inside an array. Inclusive.": "可以位于数组内的最大项数(包含)。", "The maximum number of properties an object can have. Inclusive.": "对象可以具有的最大属性数(包含)。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index 10c828aadf..326687fc47 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -34,16 +34,16 @@ "Follow link": "转到链接", "Go to link definition": "转到链接定义", "Header does not exist in file: {0}": "文件中不存在标头: {0}", - "Insert Markdown Audio": "Insert Markdown Audio", + "Insert Markdown Audio": "插入 Markdown 音频", "Insert Markdown Image": "插入 Markdown 图像", "Insert Markdown Images": "插入 Markdown 图像", "Insert Markdown Images and Links": "插入 Markdown 图像和链接", "Insert Markdown Link": "插入 Markdown 链接", "Insert Markdown Links": "插入 Markdown 链接", "Insert Markdown Media": "插入 Markdown 媒体", - "Insert Markdown Media and Images": "Insert Markdown Media and Images", + "Insert Markdown Media and Images": "插入 Markdown 媒体和图像", "Insert Markdown Media and Links": "插入 Markdown 媒体和链接", - "Insert Markdown Video": "Insert Markdown Video", + "Insert Markdown Video": "插入 Markdown 视频", "Insert image": "插入映像", "Insert link": "插入链接", "Link definition for '{0}' already exists": "“{0}”的链接定义已存在", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json index 953a81d951..083ca60423 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.explicit": "仅当用户使用显式手势移动光标时,才启用平滑脱字号动画。", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.off": "已禁用平滑脱字号动画。", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.on": "始终启用平滑脱字号动画。", - "cursorStyle": "控制光标样式。", + "cursorStyle": "在插入输入模式下控制光标样式。", "cursorSurroundingLines": "控制光标周围可见的前置行(最小值为 0)和尾随行(最小值为 1)的最小数目。在其他一些编辑器中称为 “scrollOff” 或 “scrollOffset”。", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle": "控制何时应强制执行 `#editor.cursorSurroundingLines#`。", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle.all": "始终强制执行 \"cursorSurroundingLines\"", @@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ "inline": "快速建议显示为虚影文本", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "控制在显示内联完成时是否应向屏幕阅读器用户提供辅助功能提示。", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "控制是否在内联建议中启用实验性编辑。", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.onlyShowWhenCloseToCursor": "控制是否仅在光标靠近建议时显示内联建议。", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useInterleavedLinesDiff": "控制是否在内联建议中启用实验性错行差异。", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useMixedLinesDiff": "控制是否在内联建议中启用实验性编辑。", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "控制是否在编辑器中自动显示内联建议。", @@ -609,6 +610,8 @@ "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "控制突出显示出现次数前的等待时间(以毫秒为单位)。", "off": "已禁用快速建议", "on": "快速建议显示在建议小组件内", + "overtypeCursorStyle": "在改写输入模式中控制光标样式。", + "overtypeOnPaste": "控制粘贴是否改写。", "overviewRulerBorder": "控制是否在概览标尺周围绘制边框。", "padding.bottom": "控制编辑器的底边和最后一行之间的间距量。", "padding.top": "控制编辑器的顶边和第一行之间的间距量。", @@ -1082,12 +1085,12 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/copyPasteContribution": { "pasteAs": "粘贴为...", - "pasteAs.kind": "The kind of the paste edit to try pasting with.\r\nIf there are multiple edits for this kind, the editor will show a picker. If there are no edits of this kind, the editor will show an error message.", - "pasteAs.preferences": "List of preferred paste edit kind to try applying.\r\nThe first edit matching the preferences will be applied.", + "pasteAs.kind": "要尝试粘贴的粘贴编辑的类型。\r\n如果有多个此类编辑,编辑器将显示一个选取器。如果没有此类编辑,编辑器将显示错误消息。", + "pasteAs.preferences": "要尝试应用的首选粘贴编辑类型列表。\r\n将应用与首选项匹配的第一个编辑。", "pasteAsText": "粘贴为文本" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/copyPasteController": { - "noPreferences": "empty", + "noPreferences": "空", "pasteAsDefault": "配置默认粘贴操作", "pasteAsError": "找不到“{0}”的粘贴编辑", "pasteAsPickerPlaceholder": "选择粘贴操作", @@ -1410,9 +1413,10 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "显示下一个内联建议", "action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "显示上一个内联建议", "action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "触发内联建议", - "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.inlineEdit": "触发内联编辑", + "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.explicitInlineEdit": "触发内联编辑", "jump": "跳转", - "noInlineEditAvailable": "无内联编辑可用。" + "noInlineEditAvailable": "无内联编辑可用。", + "reject": "Reject" }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/controller/inlineCompletionContextKeys": { "cursorAtInlineEdit": "光标是否处于内联编辑状态", @@ -2045,12 +2049,14 @@ }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "市场未启用", + "VS Code for Web": "{0} Web 版", "incompatible platform": "'{0}' 扩展在 {1} 中对于 {2} 不可用。", "incompatibleAPI": "无法安装“{0}”扩展。{1}", - "learn more": "Learn More", + "learn why": "了解原因", "malicious extension": "无法安装 '{0}' 扩展,因为其被报告为存在问题。", "multipleDependentsError": "无法卸载扩展“{0}”。“{1}”、“{2}”以及其他扩展都依赖于它。", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "无法卸载扩展“{0}”。该操作会一并卸载依赖于它的扩展“{1}”、“{2}”、“{3}”和其他扩展。", + "not allowed to install": "无法安装此扩展,因为 {0}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "无法安装“{0}”扩展,因为它与当前 {1} 版本不兼容(版本 {2})。", "notFoundDeprecatedReplacementExtension": "无法安装“{0}”扩展,因为它已被弃用,并且找不到替换扩展“{1}”。", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "由于 '{0}' 扩展没有发布版本,因此无法安装。", @@ -2059,6 +2065,13 @@ "twoDependentsError": "无法卸载扩展“{0}”。扩展“{1}”和“{2}”依赖于它。", "twoIndirectDependentsError": "无法卸载扩展“{0}”。该操作会一并卸载依赖于它的扩展“{1}”、“{2}”和“{3}”。" }, + "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/allowedExtensionsService": { + "extension prerelease not allowed": "此扩展的预发布版本不在[允许列表]({0})中", + "prerelease versions from this publisher not allowed": "来自此发布者的预发布版本不在[允许列表]({1})中", + "publisher not allowed": "来自此发布者的扩展不在[允许列表]({1})中", + "specific extension not allowed": "它不在[允许列表]({0})中", + "specific version of extension not allowed": "此扩展的版本 {0} 不在[允许列表]({1})中" + }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { "extensions": "扩展", "preferences": "首选项" @@ -2096,10 +2109,6 @@ "updateMessage": "将扩展 \"{0}\" 更新到版本 {1}", "useId": "确认使用了包括发布者在内的完整扩展 ID,例如: {0}" }, - "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementIpc": { - "incompatible platform": "'{0}' 扩展在 {1} 中对于 {2} 不可用。", - "learn more": "Learn More" - }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionNls": { "missingNLSKey": "无法找到键 {0} 的消息。" }, @@ -2117,7 +2126,7 @@ "errorDeleting": "安装扩展“{1}”时无法删除现有文件夹“{0}”。请手动删除此文件夹,然后重试", "incompatible": "无法安装扩展“{0}”,因为它与 VS Code“{1}”不兼容。", "invalidManifest": "无法安装“{0}”扩展,因为清单与市场不匹配", - "not signed": "扩展未签名。", + "notAllowed": "无法安装此扩展,因为 {0}", "removeError": "删除扩展时出错: {0}。请重启 VS Code,然后重试。", "restartCode": "请在重新安装{0}之前重新启动 VS Code。", "signature verification failed": "签名验证失败,出现“{0}”错误。", @@ -2725,6 +2734,9 @@ "activityWarningBadge.foreground": "警告活动徽章的前景色", "badgeBackground": "Badge 背景色。Badge 是小型的信息标签,如表示搜索结果数量的标签。", "badgeForeground": "Badge 前景色。Badge 是小型的信息标签,如表示搜索结果数量的标签。", + "chartAxis": "图表的轴颜色。", + "chartGuide": "图表的参考线。", + "chartLine": "图表的线条颜色。", "progressBarBackground": "表示长时间操作的进度条的背景色。", "sashActiveBorder": "活动框格的边框颜色。", "scrollbarShadow": "表示视图被滚动的滚动条阴影。", @@ -3063,6 +3075,11 @@ "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadNotebookSaveParticipant": { "timeout.onWillSave": "1750ms 后中止 onWillSaveNotebookDocument-event" }, + "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadOutputService": { + "status.showOutput": "显示输出", + "status.showOutputAria": "显示 {0} 输出通道", + "status.showOutputTooltip": "显示 {0} 输出通道" + }, "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadProgress": { "manageExtension": "管理扩展" }, @@ -3868,6 +3885,7 @@ "miRestoreEditorsToMainWindow": "将编辑器还原到主窗口(&&R)", "minimizeOtherEditorGroups": "展开编辑器组", "minimizeOtherEditorGroupsHideSidebar": "扩展编辑器组并隐藏侧栏", + "mitoggleOvertypeInsertMode": "切换改写/插入模式(&&T)", "moveActiveGroupDown": "向下移动编辑器组", "moveActiveGroupLeft": "向左移动编辑器组", "moveActiveGroupRight": "向右移动编辑器组", @@ -3939,6 +3957,8 @@ "toggleEditorType": "切换编辑器类型", "toggleEditorWidths": "切换编辑器组大小", "toggleMaximizeEditorGroup": "切换最大化编辑器组", + "toggleOvertypeInsertMode": "切换改写/插入模式", + "toggleOvertypeMode.description": "切换改写/插入模式", "unpinEditor": "取消固定编辑器" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorCommands": { @@ -4045,6 +4065,7 @@ "guessedEncoding": "通过内容猜测", "indentConvert": "转换文件", "indentView": "更改视图", + "inputModeOvertype": "OVR", "languageDescription": "({0}) - 已配置的语言", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", "languagesPicks": "语言(标识符)", @@ -4071,6 +4092,7 @@ "spacesAndTabsSize": "空格: {0}(选项卡大小: {1})", "spacesSize": "空格: {0}", "status.editor.columnSelectionMode": "列选择模式", + "status.editor.enableInsertMode": "启用插入模式", "status.editor.encoding": "编辑器编码", "status.editor.eol": "编辑器结束行", "status.editor.indentation": "编辑器缩进", @@ -4314,7 +4336,7 @@ "toggle.layoutDescription": "切换标题栏中布局控件的可见性", "toggle.navigation": "导航控件", "toggle.navigationDescription": "切换标题栏中导航控件的可见性", - "toggle.titleBarStyle": "Restore Native Title Bar" + "toggle.titleBarStyle": "还原本机标题栏" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/titlebar/titlebarPart": { "ariaLabelTitleActions": "标题操作", @@ -4585,11 +4607,13 @@ "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.always": "始终以最大化方式打开面板。", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.never": "永不以最大化方式打开面板。面板将以非最大化方式打开。", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.preserve": "以关闭面板前的状态打开面板。", + "workbench.panel.output": "输出视图", "workbench.quickOpen.preserveInput": "在打开 Quick Open 视图时,控制是否自动恢复上一次输入的值。", "workbench.reduceMotion": "控制工作台是否应以更少的动画呈现。", "workbench.reduceMotion.auto": "根据 OS 配置减少运动呈现。", "workbench.reduceMotion.off": "不要减少运动呈现", "workbench.reduceMotion.on": "始终减少动作呈现。", + "workbench.view.showQuietly": "如果扩展请求显示隐藏视图,则改为显示可单击的状态栏指示器。", "wrapTabs": "控制当超出可用空间时,选项卡是否应在多行之间换行,或者是否应显示滚动条。如果未将 {0} 设置为 {1},则会忽略此值。", "zenMode.centerLayout": "控制在打开禅模式时是否启用居中布局。", "zenMode.fullScreen": "控制在打开禅模式时是否将工作台切换到全屏。", @@ -4775,6 +4799,7 @@ "panelStickyScrollBackground": "面板中粘滞滚动的背景色。", "panelStickyScrollBorder": "面板中粘滞滚动的边框颜色。", "panelStickyScrollShadow": "面板中粘滞滚动的阴影颜色。", + "panelTitleBorder": "底部的面板标题边框颜色,将标题与视图隔开。面板显示在编辑器区域下方,可包含输出和集成终端等视图。", "profileBadgeBackground": "配置文件徽章背景色。配置文件徽章显示在活动栏中设置齿轮图标的顶部。", "profileBadgeForeground": "配置文件徽章前景颜色。配置文件徽章显示在活动栏中设置齿轮图标的顶部。", "sideBarActivityBarTopBorder": "顶部/底部的活动栏与视图之间的边框颜色。", @@ -4789,6 +4814,7 @@ "sideBarStickyScrollBorder": "边栏中粘滞滚动的边框颜色。", "sideBarStickyScrollShadow": "边栏中粘滞滚动的阴影颜色。", "sideBarTitleBackground": "边栏标题背景色。边栏是资源管理器和搜索等视图的容器。", + "sideBarTitleBorder": "底部的侧栏标题边框颜色,将标题与视图隔开。边栏是资源管理器和搜索等视图的容器。", "sideBarTitleForeground": "侧边栏标题前景色。侧边栏是资源管理器和搜索等视图的容器。", "sideBySideEditor.horizontalBorder": "在编辑器组中上下并排显示时,用于分隔两个编辑器的颜色。", "sideBySideEditor.verticalBorder": "在编辑器组中左右并排显示时,用于区分两个编辑器的颜色。", @@ -5417,7 +5443,7 @@ "chat.clear.label": "清除所有工作区聊天", "chat.history.label": "显示聊天...", "chat.history.rename": "重命名", - "chat.releaseNotes.label": "Explore New Features", + "chat.releaseNotes.label": "探索新功能", "chatWith": "使用扩展聊天", "currentChatLabel": "当前", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "清除输入历史记录", @@ -5427,12 +5453,16 @@ "interactiveSession.history.pick": "切换到聊天", "interactiveSession.open": "打开编辑器", "learnMore": "了解详细信息", + "managePlan": "管理 Copilot 计划", + "manageSettings": "管理 Copilot 设置", "more": "更多...", "newChatTitle": "新聊天标题", "openChat": "打开聊天", + "showCopilotUsageExtensions": "显示使用 Copilot 的扩展", "title4": "聊天", - "toggle.chatControl": "聊天控件", - "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "切换标题栏中聊天控件的可见性" + "toggle.chatControl": "Copilot 控件", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "切换标题栏中 Copilot 控件的可见性", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { "chat.done.label": "完成", @@ -5532,9 +5562,9 @@ "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "这将撤消自此请求以来对工作集中的 {0} 文件所做的编辑。是否继续?", "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "是否要重试上一个请求?", "chat.startEditing.label2": "使用 Copilot 编辑", - "chat.startEditing.last": "The last {0} requests", - "chat.startEditing.pickAll": "All requests from the conversation", - "chat.startEditing.pickCustom": "Manually select requests...", + "chat.startEditing.last": "最后 {0} 个请求", + "chat.startEditing.pickAll": "来自对话的所有请求", + "chat.startEditing.pickCustom": "手动选择请求...", "chat.startEditing.pickRequest": "选择要用于编辑的请求", "interactive.helpful.label": "有用", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "插入笔记本", @@ -5562,9 +5592,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "聊天", - "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "控制命令中心是否显示聊天操作的菜单(需要 {0})。", + "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "控制命令中心是否显示用于控制 Copilot 的操作菜单(需要 {0})。", "chat.detectParticipant.enabled": "为 panel 聊天启用聊天参与者自动删除功能。", - "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "在保存聊天更改过的文件之前是否始终询问。", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether files that have changes made by chat can be saved without confirmation.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "是否在删除请求及其关联的编辑之前显示确认消息。", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "是否在重试请求及其关联的编辑之前显示确认消息。", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "为 panel 聊天启用聊天参与者自动删除功能。", @@ -5594,7 +5624,11 @@ "reservedName": "此聊天扩展使用的是保留名称。", "viewExtensionLabel": "查看扩展" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAgentCommandContentPart": { + "rerun": "重新运行而不使用 {0}{1}" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAttachmentsContentPart": { + "chat.attachment": "附加上下文,{0}", "chat.attachment3": "附加上下文: {0}。", "chat.fileAttachment3": "已附加: {0}。", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "已附加: {0},行 {1} 到行 {2}。", @@ -5602,7 +5636,8 @@ "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "已省略: {0}。", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "已省略: {0},行 {1} 到行 {2}。", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "已部分附加: {0}。", - "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "已部分附加: {0},行 {1} 到行 {2}。" + "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "已部分附加: {0},行 {1} 到行 {2}。", + "resource": "聊天附件资源的完整值,包括方案和路径" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatCodeCitationContentPart": { "viewMatches": "查看匹配项" @@ -5617,7 +5652,16 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatMarkdownContentPart": { "chat.codeblock.applying": "正在应用编辑...", "chat.codeblock.applyingPercentage": "正在应用编辑({0}%)...", - "chat.codeblock.generating": "正在生成编辑..." + "chat.codeblock.deletions": "{0} 个删除", + "chat.codeblock.deletions.one": "{0} 个删除", + "chat.codeblock.generating": "正在生成编辑...", + "chat.codeblock.insertions": "{0} 个插入", + "chat.codeblock.insertions.one": "{0} 个插入", + "summary": "已编辑 {0}、{1}、{2}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatQuotaExceededPart": { + "signedUpClickToContinue": "Signed up? Click to continue!", + "upgradeToCopilotPro": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { "addToChat": "将文件添加到聊天", @@ -5646,13 +5690,15 @@ "file": "文件", "files": "文件", "folder": "文件夹", - "image": "图像" + "image": "图像", + "symbol": "符号" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingActions": { "accept": "接受", "accept.file": "接受", "acceptAllEdits": "接受所有编辑", "addFileToWorkingSet": "添加文件", + "addFilesFromReferences": "从引用添加文件", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.manyFiles": "这将撤消 {0} 在 {1} 中所做的更改。是否继续?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.oneFile": "这将撤消 {0} 在 {1} 中所做的更改。是否继续?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.primaryButton": "是", @@ -5669,12 +5715,11 @@ "chat.undoEdits.label": "撤消编辑", "chatEditing.snapshot": "{0} (快照 {1})", "chatEditing.viewChanges": "查看所有编辑", + "clearWorkingSet": "清除工作集", "discard": "放弃", "discard.file": "放弃", "discardAllEdits": "放弃所有编辑", "open.fileInDiff": "在差异编辑器中打开更改", - "removeAll": "Remove All", - "removeAllFiles": "Remove All Files", "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "删除文件", "workbench.action.chat.addSelectedFilesToWorkingSet.label": "将所选文件添加到工作集" }, @@ -5687,7 +5732,7 @@ "chatEditing.modified": "挂起的{0}更改", "chatEditing.modified2": "挂起的聊天更改", "chatEditing.startingSession": "正在生成编辑...", - "join.chatEditingSession": "Saving chat edits history" + "join.chatEditingSession": "正在保存聊天编辑历史记录" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingSession": { "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0}想创建文件。选择应保存的位置。", @@ -5706,6 +5751,7 @@ "undo2": "撤消" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.ctxHasRequestInProgress": "The current editor shows a file from an edit session which is still in progress", "chat.hasEditorModifications": "当前编辑器包含聊天修改" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { @@ -5713,12 +5759,14 @@ "chatEditorName": "聊天" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorOverlay": { + "applyingPercentage": "{0}% Applying edits...", + "generating": "Generating edits...", "label": "导航状态", "nOfM": "{0}/{1}", - "tooltip_11": "1 change in 1 file", - "tooltip_1n": "1 change in {0} files", - "tooltip_n1": "{0} changes in 1 file", - "tooltip_nm": "{0} changes in {1} files" + "tooltip_11": "1 个文件中有 1 个更改", + "tooltip_1n": "{0} 个文件中有 1 个更改", + "tooltip_n1": "1 个文件中有 {0} 个更改", + "tooltip_nm": "{1} 个文件中的 {0} 个更改" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { "chat": "聊天", @@ -5751,8 +5799,7 @@ "miGotoDefinition": "转到定义(&&D)", "miGotoImplementations": "转到实现(&&I)", "miGotoReference": "转到引用(&&R)", - "miGotoTypeDefinition": "转到类型定义(&&T)", - "resource": "聊天定位点资源的完整值,包括方案和路径" + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "转到类型定义(&&T)" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "聊天输入,键入内容进行提问或者键入 / 来查找主题,按 Enter 可发送请求。使用 {0} 查看聊天辅助功能帮助。", @@ -5764,17 +5811,19 @@ "chat.imageAttachment": "附加的图像,{0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "发送到 @{0}", "chatAddFiles": "{0} 添加文件...", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "The Working Set file limit has ben reached. {0} is excluded from the Woking Set. Remove other files to make space for {0}.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} files)", - "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "1 file is excluded from the Working Set.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "{0} files are excluded from the Working Set.", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "已达到工作集文件限制。从工作集中排除 {0}。删除其他文件,为 {0} 腾出空间。", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0} 个文件/共 {1} 个)", + "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "从工作集中排除 1 个文件。", + "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "从工作集中排除 {0} 个文件。", "chatEditingSession.fileLimitReached": "你已达到可添加到工作集的最大文件数。", "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} 个文件)", "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 个文件)", + "chatEditingSession.removeSuggested": "Remove suggestion", "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "工作集", "chatInput": "聊天输入", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "聊天输入,在此处键入代码,然后按 Enter 运行。有关详细信息,请使用“聊天辅助功能帮助”命令。", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "更多..." + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "更多...", + "suggeste.title": "{0} - {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "已选择“{0}”", @@ -5791,7 +5840,7 @@ "usedAgent": "[[(重新运行而不使用)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "已使用 {0} [[(重新运行而不使用)]]" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipant.contribution": { "chat.viewContainer.label": "聊天", "chatCommand": "在 UI 中引用此命令时使用的段名称,例如 `fix` 或 * `explain` (用于解决问题或解释代码的命令)。名称在此参与者提供的命令中应是唯一的。", "chatCommandDescription": "此命令的说明。", @@ -5804,7 +5853,7 @@ "chatCommandWhen": "启用命令时必须为 true 的条件。", "chatCommandsDescription": "可用于此聊天参与者的命令,用户可使用 `/` 进行调用。", "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot 编辑", - "chatFailErrorMessage": "Chat failed to load because the installed version of the {0} extension is not compatible with this version of {1}. Please ensure that the {2} extension is up to date.", + "chatFailErrorMessage": "无法加载聊天,因为安装的 Copilot 聊天扩展版本与此版本的 {0} 不兼容。请确保 Copilot 聊天扩展处于最新状态。", "chatParticipantDescription": "此聊天参与者的说明,显示在 UI 中。", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "用于帮助自动将用户问题路由到此聊天参与者的元数据。", "chatParticipantDisambiguationCategory": "此类别的详细名称,例如 `workspace_questions` 或 `web_questions`。", @@ -5815,28 +5864,59 @@ "chatParticipantName": "此聊天参与者面向用户的名称。用户将使用 \"@\" 与此名称来调用参与者。名词不能包含空格。", "chatParticipantWhen": "启用此参与者时必须为 true 的条件。", "chatSampleRequest": "当用户在 `/help` 中单击此参与者时,此文本将提交给参与者。", - "miToggleChat": "聊天", - "miToggleEdits": "Copilot 编辑", + "miToggleChat": "聊天(&&C)", + "miToggleEdits": "Copilot 编辑(&&I)", "showExtension": "显示扩展", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "提供聊天参与者" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedAttachment.multipleLines": "{0} 行", + "pastedAttachment.oneLine": "1 行", + "pastedCodeAttachment": "粘贴的代码附件", + "pastedImageAttachment": "粘贴的图像附件", "pastedImageName": "粘贴的图像" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup.contribution": { - "hideChatSetup": "Hide {0}", - "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide {0}?", - "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore chat controls from the 'chat.commandCenter.enabled' setting.", - "installChat": "安装 {0}", - "learnMore": "了解详细信息", - "setup": "安装 {0}", - "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Setting up Chat for you...", - "setupChatSigningIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", - "setupFooter": "By proceeding you agree to our [privacy statement]({0}).", - "setupHeader": "{0} is your AI pair programmer.", - "signInAndInstallChat": "登录以使用 {0}", - "signInAndSetup": "登录以使用 {0}", - "triggerChatSetup": "触发聊天设置" + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatQuotasService": { + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached the limits of your Copilot Free plan, click for details", + "chatQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly chat messages limit, click for details", + "completionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly code completions limit, click for details", + "copilotQuotaExceeded": "Copilot Limit Reached", + "dismiss": "Dismiss", + "indicator": "Copilot Quota Indicator", + "limit reached": "Copilot Free", + "limit reset": "Your limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitReached": "Limit Reached", + "managePlan": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "out of completions": "You've run out of free code completions, but free chat responses are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of free chat responses": "You've run out of free chat responses, but free code completions are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of limits": "You've reached the limits of the Copilot Free plan.", + "simulateCopilotQuotaExceeded": "Simulate Copilot Quota Exceeded", + "upgradeChat": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "upgradeToPro": "Here's what you can expect when upgrading to Copilot Pro:\r\n- Unlimited code completions\r\n- Unlimited chat interactions\r\n- 30 day free trial" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup": { + "detectionLabel": "Allow code suggestions that [match public code]({0})", + "featureChat": "Code faster with completions and Inline Chat", + "featureEdits": "Build features and resolve bugs with Copilot Edits", + "featureExplore": "Explore your codebase with chat", + "hideChatSetup": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupButton": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide Copilot?", + "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore Copilot by running the '{0}' command.", + "limitedSkuHeader": "$(sparkle-filled) We now offer [Copilot for free]({0}).", + "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Getting Copilot Ready...", + "setupChatProgress": "Getting Copilot ready...", + "setupChatSignIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", + "setupHeader": "[Copilot]({0} 'Copilot') is your AI pair programmer.", + "signInGh": "Sign in with a GitHub.com Account", + "signInGhe": "Sign in with a GHE.com Account", + "signUp": "Sign in to Use Copilot", + "signUpFree": "Sign in to Use Copilot for Free", + "startUp": "Use Copilot", + "startUpLimited": "Use Copilot for Free", + "termsLabel": "By continuing, you agree to our [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free...", + "welcomeChat": "Welcome to Copilot" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { "chatWidget.tips": "{0} 或输入 {1} 以附加上下文\r\n\r\n{2} 与扩展聊天\r\n\r\n输入 {3} 以使用命令", @@ -5849,8 +5929,8 @@ "chat.codeBlockHelp": "代码块", "chat.codeBlockLabel": "代码块 {0}", "chat.compareCodeBlockLabel": "代码编辑", - "chat.edits.1": "在 [[{0}]] 中进行了 1 次更改", - "chat.edits.N": "在 [[``{1}``]] 中进行了 {0} 次更改", + "chat.edits.1": "Applied 1 change in [[``{0}``]]", + "chat.edits.N": "Applied {0} changes in [[``{1}``]]", "chat.edits.rejected": "[['''{0}']] 中的编辑已被拒绝", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm": "已修改原始文件。", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm.detail": "是否仍要应用更改?", @@ -5866,13 +5946,14 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { "fileEntryDescription": "{0}({1})", "installLabel": "安装聊天扩展...", - "pickFileLabel": "选择文件" + "pickFileLabel": "选择文件", + "pickSymbolLabel": "选择符号" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "此处有一个聊天代理悬停部件。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputRelatedFilesContrib": { - "relatedFile": "建议的文件" + "relatedFile": "{0} (Suggested)" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { "screenshot": "屏幕截图" @@ -5880,7 +5961,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { "toolInvocationMessage": "正在使用 {0}" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeHandler": { "chatViewsWelcome.content": "欢迎消息的内容。第一个命令链接将呈现为按钮。", "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "欢迎消息的图标。", "chatViewsWelcome.title": "欢迎消息的标题。", @@ -5917,12 +5998,6 @@ "chatResponseFiltered": "服务器筛选掉聊天响应时为 True。", "chatResponseSupportsIssueReporting": "如果当前聊天响应支持问题报告,则为 True。", "chatSessionResponseDetectedAgentOrCommand": "当自动检测到代理或命令时", - "chatSetupEntitled": "已为已登录且有权限的用户提供聊天设置时为 True。", - "chatSetupInstalled": "True when the chat extension is installed.", - "chatSetupInstalling": "聊天设置在安装聊天时为 True。", - "chatSetupSignedIn": "已为已登录用户提供聊天设置时为 True。", - "chatSetupSigningIn": "当聊天设置正在等待登录时为 True。", - "chatSetupTriggered": "触发聊天设置时为 True。", "inChat": "当焦点位于聊天小组件中时为 true,否则为 false。", "inInteractiveInput": "当焦点位于聊天输入中时为 true,否则为 false。", "inQuickChat": "如果快速聊天 UI 具有焦点,则为 true,否则为 false。", @@ -5952,7 +6027,8 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.languageModels.whitespaceVendor": "供应商字段不能以空格开头或结尾。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelStats": { - "Language Models": "语言模型", + "Language Models": "Copilot", + "chat": "聊天", "languageModels": "此扩展的语言模型使用情况统计信息。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { @@ -6672,6 +6748,7 @@ "findExtension": "查找 {0} 扩展(&&F)", "installExt": "安装扩展...", "installLanguage": "安装 {0} 的扩展...", + "moreOptionsForDebugType": "另外 {0} 个选项...", "selectDebug": "选择调试器", "suggestedDebuggers": "建议", "suppressMultipleSessionWarning": "在尝试多次启动同一调试配置时禁用该警告。" @@ -7037,7 +7114,6 @@ "allDebuggersDisabled": "禁用所有调试扩展。启用调试扩展或从市场安装新的扩展。", "customizeRunAndDebug": "要自定义运行和调试[创建 launch.json 文件](command:{0})。", "customizeRunAndDebugOpenFolder": "要自定义运行和调试,请[打开文件夹](command:{0}) 并创建一个 launch.json 文件。", - "detectThenRunAndDebug": "显示所有自动调试配置", "openAFileWhichCanBeDebugged": "[打开文件](command:{0}),可调试或运行。", "run": "运行", "runAndDebugAction": "运行和调试" @@ -7057,6 +7133,7 @@ "breakpointWidgetVisibile": "如果显示断点编辑器区域小组件,则为 True;否则为 false。", "breakpointsExist": "当至少存在一个断点时为 True。", "breakpointsFocused": "如果 \"BREAKPOINTS\" 视图处于焦点,则为 True;否则为 false。", + "callStackFocused": "当 \"CALLSTACK\" 视图聚焦时为 true,否则为 false。", "callStackItemStopped": "当停止调用堆栈中具有焦点的项目时为 true。在内部用于调用堆栈视图中的内联菜单。", "callStackItemType": "表示“调用堆栈”视图中聚焦元素的项目类型。例如: \"session\"、\"thread\"、\"stackFrame\"", "callStackSessionHasOneThread": "当调用堆栈视图中具有焦点的会话恰好具有一个线程时为 true。在内部用于调用堆栈视图中的内联菜单。", @@ -7325,10 +7402,10 @@ "errors": "{0} 个未捕获的错误", "extensionActivating": "正在激活扩展...", "languageActivation": "因你打开 {0} 文件而被 {1} 激活", - "requests count": "{0} 请求: {1} (总体)", + "requests count": "{0} 使用情况: {1} 个请求", "requests count title": "上一次请求为 {0}。", "runtimeExtensions": "运行时扩展", - "session requests count": ",{0} (会话)", + "session requests count": ",{0} 个请求(会话)", "showRuntimeExtensions": "显示正在运行的扩展", "starActivation": "已在启动时由 {0} 激活", "startupFinishedActivation": "启动完成后已由 {0} 激活", @@ -7401,16 +7478,15 @@ "accessExtensionFeature": "启用“{0}”功能", "activation": "激活", "cancel": "取消", + "chartDescription": "在过去 30 天内,有来此扩展的 {0} {1} 个请求。", "disableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "是否要撤销“{0}”扩展以访问“{1}”功能?", "enable": "允许访问", "enableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "是否要允许“{0}”扩展以访问“{1}”功能?", "extension features list": "扩展功能", "grant": "允许访问", - "last request": "上次请求: `{0}`", + "label": "{0} 使用情况", "messaages": "消息({0})", "noFeatures": "未提供任何功能。", - "requests count session": "请求数(会话): `{0}`", - "requests count total": "请求数(总体): `{0}`", "revoke": "撤消访问权限", "revoked": "无访问权限", "runtime": "运行时状态", @@ -7461,6 +7537,7 @@ "enabled filter": "已启用", "extension": "扩展", "extension updates filter": "更新", + "extension.publisher.allow.description": "允许或禁止使用来自该发布者的所有扩展。", "extensionInfoDescription": "说明: {0}", "extensionInfoId": "ID: {0}", "extensionInfoName": "名称: {0}", @@ -7470,11 +7547,25 @@ "extensionUpdates": "显示扩展更新", "extensions": "扩展", "extensions.affinity": "配置要在其他扩展主机进程中执行的扩展。", + "extensions.allow.all.description": "允许或禁止使用所有扩展。", + "extensions.allow.all.disable": "禁止使用所有扩展。", + "extensions.allow.all.enable": "允许使用所有扩展。", + "extensions.allow.description": "允许或禁止使用该扩展。", + "extensions.allow.version.description": "允许或禁止使用扩展的特定版本。若要指定特定于平台的版本,请使用“platform@1.2.3”格式,例如“win32-x64@1.2.3”。支持的平台包括“win32-x64”、“win32-arm64”、“linux-x64”、“linux-arm64”、“linux-armhf”、“alpine-x64”、“alpine-arm64”、“darwin-x64”、“darwin-arm64”", + "extensions.allowed": "Specify a list of extensions that are allowed to use. This helps maintain a secure and consistent development environment by restricting the use of unauthorized extensions. For more information on how to configure this setting, please visit the [Configure Allowed Extensions](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/enterprise#_configure-allowed-extensions) section.", + "extensions.allowed.all": "允许使用所有扩展。", + "extensions.allowed.disable.desc": "不允许使用扩展。", + "extensions.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "仅允许使用扩展的稳定版本。", + "extensions.allowed.enable.desc": "允许使用扩展。", + "extensions.allowed.none": "不允许使用任何扩展。", "extensions.autoUpdate": "控制扩展的自动更新行为。更新是从 Microsoft 联机服务中获取的。", "extensions.autoUpdate.enabled": "仅为启用的扩展自动下载和安装更新。", "extensions.autoUpdate.false": "扩展不会自动更新。", "extensions.autoUpdate.true": "为所有扩展自动下载并安装更新。", "extensions.gallery.useUnpkgResourceApi": "启用后,将从 Unpkg 服务提取要更新的扩展。", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.desc": "不允许使用来自该发布者的所有扩展。", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "仅允许使用来自该发布者的扩展的稳定版本。", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.enable.desc": "允许使用来自该发布者的所有扩展。", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces": "替代扩展的不受信任的工作区支持。将始终启用使用 “true” 的扩展。将始终启用使用 “limited” 的扩展,并且扩展将隐藏需要信任的功能。仅当工作区受信任时才会启用使用 “false” 的扩展。", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.false": "只有在工作区受信任时才会启用扩展。", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.limited": "将始终启用扩展,并且扩展将隐藏需要信任的功能。", @@ -7485,6 +7576,7 @@ "extensions.verifySignature": "启用后,将在安装之前验证扩展是否已签名。", "extensionsCheckUpdates": "启用后,将自动检查扩展更新。若扩展存在更新,将在“扩展”视图中将其标记为过时扩展。更新将从 Microsoft 联机服务中获取。", "extensionsCloseExtensionDetailsOnViewChange": "启用后,将在离开“扩展”视图时,自动关闭扩展详细信息页面。", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "扩展", "extensionsDeferredStartupFinishedActivation": "启用后,将在超时后激活声明“onStartupFinished”激活事件的扩展。", "extensionsIgnoreRecommendations": "启用后,将不会显示扩展建议的通知。", "extensionsInQuickAccess": "启用后,可通过快速访问搜索该扩展,并从中报告问题。", @@ -7556,6 +7648,7 @@ "workbench.extensions.action.configureKeybindings": "键盘快捷方式", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtension": "复制", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtensionId": "复制扩展 ID", + "workbench.extensions.action.copyLink": "复制链接", "workbench.extensions.action.ignoreRecommendation": "忽略建议", "workbench.extensions.action.removeExtensionFromWorkspaceRecommendations": "从工作区建议中删除", "workbench.extensions.action.toggleApplyToAllProfiles": "将扩展应用于所有配置文件", @@ -7614,6 +7707,7 @@ "disableGloballyAction": "禁用", "disableGloballyActionToolTip": "禁用此扩展", "disabled": "已禁用", + "disabled - not allowed": "已禁用此扩展,因为 {0}", "disabled because of virtual workspace": "此扩展已禁用,因为它不支持虚拟工作区。", "disabled by environment": "环境已禁用此扩展。", "do not sync": "不同步此扩展", @@ -7836,6 +7930,7 @@ "no local extensions": "没有要安装的扩展。", "offline error": "离线时无法搜索市场,请检查网络连接。", "open user settings": "打开用户设置", + "showingExtensionsForFeature": "Extensions using {0} in the last 30 days", "suggestProxyError": "市场返回了 \"ECONNREFUSED\"。请检查 \"http.proxy\" 设置。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/extensionsWidgets": { @@ -7845,6 +7940,8 @@ "extensionIconStarForeground": "扩展分级的图标颜色。", "extensionIconVerifiedForeground": "已验证扩展的发布服务器图标颜色。", "extensionPreReleaseForeground": "预发布扩展的图标颜色。", + "feature access label": "{0} 请求", + "feature usage label": "{0} 使用情况", "has prerelease": "此扩展具有可用的 {0}", "local extension": "本地扩展", "message": "1 条消息", @@ -7856,6 +7953,7 @@ "sponsor": "发起人", "startup": "启动", "syncingore.label": "此扩展在同步期间被忽略。", + "total": "{0} {1} 过去 30 天内的请求", "uncaught error": "1 个未捕获错误", "uncaught errors": "{0} 个未捕获错误", "updateRequired": "最新版本:", @@ -7874,6 +7972,8 @@ "disable all": "全部禁用", "disableDependents": "禁用带依赖项的扩展", "disallowed": "不允许安装此扩展。", + "disallowed extensions": "Some extensions are disabled because they are configured not to be allowed.", + "disallowed extensions by policy": "Some extensions are disabled because they are not allowed by your system administrator.", "download": "下载", "download title": "选择文件夹以下载 VSIX", "download.completed": "已成功下载 VSIX", @@ -7886,6 +7986,7 @@ "enableExtensionTitle": "启用扩展", "extension not found": "找不到扩展“{0}”。", "extensionsAutoRestart": "已自动重启扩展来启用更新。", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "扩展", "incompatible": "无法安装“{0}”扩展,因为它不兼容。", "incompatibleExtensions": "由于版本不兼容,某些扩展被禁用。查看并更新它们。", "installButtonLabel": "安装扩展(&&I)", @@ -7936,6 +8037,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/workspaceRecommendations": { "workspaceRecommendation": "当前工作区的用户建议使用此扩展。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensions": { + "extensions": "扩展" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensionsFileTemplate": { "app.extension.identifier.errorMessage": "预期的格式 \"${publisher}.${name}\"。例如: \"vscode.csharp\"。", "app.extensions.json.recommendations": "向此工作区的用户推荐的扩展列表。扩展的标识符始终为 \"${publisher}.${name}\"。例如: \"vscode.csharp\"。", @@ -8548,8 +8652,14 @@ "welcome.2": "正在准备..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { - "inlineChatExpansion": "在刚键入的行末尾是否启用内联聊天扩展", - "startWithCurrentLine": "在编辑器中从当前行开始" + "defaultTitle": "聊天", + "disableHint": "禁用内联聊天提示", + "hideHint": "隐藏内联聊天提示", + "inlineChatShowingHint": "内联聊天是否显示上下文提示", + "showHint": "显示内联聊天提示", + "startWithCurrentLine": "在编辑器中从当前行开始", + "title1": "请 {0} 以继续处理 {1}", + "title2": "请 {0} 以使用 {1} 进行编辑" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { "config": "始终使用 AI 生成的更改保存而不询问", @@ -8574,6 +8684,7 @@ "accessibleDiffView.on": "始终启用可访问的差异查看器。", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatInserted": "内联聊天插入内容的概述标尺的标记颜色。", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatRemoved": "内联聊天删除的内容的概述标尺的标记颜色。", + "emptyLineHint": "空行是否显示通过内联聊天生成代码的提示。", "finishOnType": "在已更改区域之外输入内容时是否结束内联聊天会话。", "holdToSpeech": "保持内联聊天键绑定是否将自动启用语音识别。", "inlineChat.background": "交互式编辑器小组件的背景色", @@ -8605,6 +8716,7 @@ "inlineChatResponseTypes": "回复的类型:已收到、尚未收到、仅消息,或已传递消息和本地编辑", "inlineChatUserDidEdit": "用户是否在内联聊天顶部进行了更改", "inlineChatVisible": "交互式编辑器输入是否可见", + "lineSuffixHint": "Whether a hint to complete a line with inline chat is shown. Only shows when at the end of a line that is dominated by natural language, like `class Person with name and hobbies`", "mode": "配置是将在内联聊天中创建的更改直接应用到文档还是先预览它们。", "mode.live": "将更改直接应用到文档,但可通过内联差异突出显示更改,以及通过 hunks 接收/舍弃更改。结束会话将保留更改。", "mode.preview": "仅预览更改,但需要通过“应用”按钮接受这些更改。结束会话将放弃更改。" @@ -9408,8 +9520,7 @@ "notebookActions.chatFixCellError": "修复单元格错误" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellDiagnostics/diagnosticCellStatusBarContrib": { - "notebook.cell.status.explain": "通过聊天进行解释", - "notebook.cell.status.fix": "使用内联聊天进行修复" + "notebook.cell.status.diagnostic": "快速操作 {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/executionStatusBarItemController": { "notebook.cell.status.executing": "正在执行", @@ -9417,7 +9528,8 @@ "notebook.cell.status.pending": "挂起", "notebook.cell.status.success": "成功", "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip": "**上次执行** {0}\r\n\r\n**执行时间** {1}\r\n\r\n**开销时间** {2}\r\n\r\n**呈现时间**\r\n\r\n{3}", - "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "通过上面的链接使用问题报告器提交问题。" + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "通过上面的链接使用问题报告器提交问题。", + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerVerbose": "Last Execution: {0}, Duration: {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/statusBarProviders": { "notebook.cell.status.autoDetectLanguage": "接受检测到的语言: {0}", @@ -9775,6 +9887,9 @@ "insertToolbarLocation.notebookToolbar": "位于笔记本编辑器顶部的工具栏。", "notebook.VariablesView.description": "在调试面板中启用实验性笔记本变量视图。", "notebook.backup.sizeLimit": "笔记本文件将不再备份以进行热重载的笔记本输出大小限制(以 KB 为单位)。使用 0 表示无限制。", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.default.description": "The cell execution duration is visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.description": "Controls the verbosity of the cell execution time in the cell status bar.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.verbose.description": "The cell last execution timestamp and duration are visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", "notebook.cellFailureDiagnostics": "显示可用的单元故障诊断。", "notebook.cellGenerate": "启用实验性生成操作,以创建已启用内联聊天的代码单元格。", "notebook.cellToolbarLocation.description": "应在何处显示单元格工具栏,或是否隐藏它。", @@ -12655,7 +12770,7 @@ "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshCode": "将为 VS Code 的 `code` 和 `code-insiders` CLI 注册自定义 PowerShell 参数补全程序。这在目前是非常基本的,并且始终建议使用标志和子命令,但不检查上下文。", "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshGit": "将为 `git` CLI 注册自定义 PowerShell 参数补全程序。", "suggest.enableExtensionCompletions": "控制是否启用扩展完成。", - "suggest.enabled": "Enables experimental terminal Intellisense suggestions for supported shells ({0}) when {1} is set to {2}.\r\n\r\nIf shell integration is installed manually, {3} needs to be set to {4} before calling the shell integration script. \r\n\r\nFor extension provided completions, {5} will also need to be set.", + "suggest.enabled": "当 {1} 设置为 {2} 时,为受支持的 shell ({0})启用实验性终端 Intellisense 建议。\r\n\r\n如果 shell 集成是手动安装的,则在调用 shell 集成脚本之前,需要将 {3} 设置为 {4}。\r\n\r\n对于扩展提供的完成,还需要设置 {5}。", "suggest.quickSuggestions": "控制是否应在键入时自动显示建议。另请注意控制建议是否由特殊字符触发的 {0} 设置。", "suggest.runOnEnter": "控制是否应在使用 `Enter` (而不是 `Tab`)接受结果时立即运行建议。", "suggest.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": "控制在键入触发字符后是否自动显示建议。" @@ -12888,7 +13003,8 @@ "testingCountBadgePassed": "{0} 个测试已通过", "testingCountBadgeSkipped": "已跳过 {0} 个测试", "testingFindExtension": "显示工作区测试", - "testingNoTest": "此文件中未发现任何测试。" + "testingNoTest": "此文件中未发现任何测试。", + "testingSelectConfig": "选择配置..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "关闭", @@ -13067,6 +13183,11 @@ "testError": "尝试运行测试时出错: {0}", "testTrust": "运行测试可能会执行工作区中的代码。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/testTypes": { + "testing.runProfileBitset.coverage": "覆盖", + "testing.runProfileBitset.debug": "调试", + "testing.runProfileBitset.run": "运行" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/themes/browser/themes.contribution": { "browseColorThemeInMarketPlace.label": "在市场中浏览颜色主题", "browseColorThemes": "浏览其他颜色主题...", @@ -13656,7 +13777,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { "getStarted": "欢迎", - "walkthroughPageTitle": "演练:" + "walkthroughPageTitle": "演练: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "内置", @@ -13674,6 +13795,7 @@ "browsePopularWeb": "浏览热门 Web 扩展", "cloneRepo": "克隆仓库", "commandPalette": "打开命令面板", + "copilotTerms": "By continuing, you agree to Copilot [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", "enableSync": "备份和同步设置", "enableTrust": "启用信任", "getting-started-beginner-icon": "用于欢迎页面初学者类别的图标", @@ -13695,6 +13817,8 @@ "gettingStarted.commandPalette.title": "使用命令面板解锁工作效率 ", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.description.interpolated": "在 VS Code 中运行命令,无需动用鼠标即可完成任何任务。\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.title": "使用命令面板释放工作效率", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.description": "Write code faster and smarter with [Copilot]({0}) for free.", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.title": "Use AI features with Copilot for free", "gettingStarted.debug.description.interpolated": "通过设置启动配置来加速编辑、生成、测试和调试循环。\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.debug.title": "在操作中查看代码", "gettingStarted.extensions.description.interpolated": "扩展是 VS Code 的精华。扩展范围包括方便地提升生产力、扩展现成的功能以及添加全新的功能。\r\n{0}", @@ -13789,6 +13913,9 @@ "quickOpen": "快速打开一个文件", "runProject": "运行项目", "runTasks": "运行自动检测到的任务", + "setupCopilotButton.chatWithCopilot": "Chat with Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.setup": "Setup Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.signIn": "Sign in to use Copilot", "showOrFocusHover": "显示或聚焦悬停", "showTerminal": "打开终端", "titleID": "浏览颜色主题", @@ -14046,6 +14173,7 @@ "menus.explorerContextShare": "文件资源管理器上下文菜单中的“共享”子菜单", "menus.extensionContext": "扩展上下文菜单", "menus.historyItemContext": "源代码管理历史记录项的上下文菜单", + "menus.historyItemRefContext": "源代码管理历史记录项引用上下文菜单", "menus.home": "主指示器上下文菜单(仅限 Web)", "menus.input": "“源代码管理”输入框菜单", "menus.mergeEditorResult": "合并编辑器的结果工具栏", @@ -14350,6 +14478,7 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/browser/extensionEnablementService": { "Reload": "重新加载并启用扩展", "cannot change disablement environment": "无法更改 {0} 扩展的启用,因为它在环境中被禁用", + "cannot change disallowed extension enablement": "无法更改 {0} 扩展的启用,因为它是不允许的", "cannot change enablement dependency": "无法启用“{0}”扩展,因为它依赖于无法启用的“{1}”扩展", "cannot change enablement environment": "无法更改 {0} 扩展的启用,因为它已在环境中启用", "cannot change enablement extension kind": "由于扩展类型,{0} 扩展的启用无法更改", @@ -14371,9 +14500,6 @@ "allow": "允许", "disallow": "不允许" }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { - "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "扩展" - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementServerService": { "browser": "浏览器", "remote": "远程" @@ -14403,11 +14529,6 @@ "singleDependentError": "无法卸载扩展程序“{0}”。扩展程序“{1}”依赖于此。", "twoDependentsError": "无法卸载扩展程序“{0}”。扩展程序“{1}”、“{2}”依赖于此。" }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/webExtensionManagementService": { - "VS Code for Web": "{0} Web 版", - "learn why": "Learn Why", - "not web tooltip": "“{0}”扩展在 {1} 中不可用。" - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/extensionManagementServerService": { "local": "本地", "remote": "远程" diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index 2ebef9a8a7..99e9f5c455 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ "Conflict: Deleted By Us": "衝突: 由我們刪除", "Continue Rebase": "繼續重訂基底", "Continuing Rebase...": "繼續重訂基底...", + "Copy Commit Hash": "複製認可雜湊", "Could not clone your repository as Git is not installed.": "因為未安裝 Git,所以無法複製您的存放庫。", "Create Empty Commit": "建立空白提交", "Current": "目前", @@ -112,10 +113,11 @@ "File \"{0}\" was deleted by us and modified by them.\n\nWhat would you like to do?": "檔案 \"{0}\" 已由我們刪除,但由對方修改。\n\n要執行什麼動作?", "Force Checkout": "強制簽出", "Force push is not allowed, please enable it with the \"git.allowForcePush\" setting.": "不允許強制更新,請啟用 \"git.allowForcePush\" 設定。", - "Git Blame Information": "Git Blame Information", + "Git Blame Information": "Git Blame 資訊", "Git History": "Git 歷程記錄", "Git error": "Git 錯誤", - "Git local working changes": "Git 本機工作變更", + "Git local changes (working tree + index)": "Git 本機變更 (工作樹狀目錄 + 索引)", + "Git local changes (working tree)": "Git 本機變更 (工作樹狀目錄)", "Git not found. Install it or configure it using the \"git.path\" setting.": "找不到 Git。安裝它或使用 \"git.path\" 設置。", "Git repositories were found in the parent folders of the workspace or the open file(s). Would you like to open the repositories?": "在工作區或開啟檔案的上層資料夾中找到 Git 存放庫。您要開啟存放庫嗎?", "Git: {0}": "Git: {0}", @@ -156,8 +158,8 @@ "Never": "永不", "No": "否", "No rebase in progress.": "沒有進行中的重訂基底。", - "Not Committed Yet": "Not Committed Yet", - "Not Committed Yet (Staged)": "Not Committed Yet (Staged)", + "Not Committed Yet": "尚未提交", + "Not Committed Yet (Staged)": "尚未認可 (分段)", "OK": "確定", "OK, Don't Ask Again": "確定,不要再詢問", "OK, Don't Show Again": "確定,不要再顯示", @@ -284,7 +286,7 @@ "Untracked": "已取消追蹤", "Untracked Changes": "未追蹤的變更", "Update Git": "更新 Git", - "View Commit": "View Commit", + "View Commit": "檢視認可", "Would you like to add \"{0}\" to .gitignore?": "要將 \"{0}\" 新增至 .gitignore 嗎?", "Would you like to open the cloned repository, or add it to the current workspace?": "要開啟以複製的儲存庫, 或將其新增到目前工作區?", "Would you like to open the cloned repository?": "要開啟複製的儲存庫嗎?", @@ -308,9 +310,9 @@ "[main] Using git \"{0}\" from \"{1}\"": "[主要] 正在使用來自 \"{1}\" 的 Git \"{0}\"", "[main] Validating found git in: \"{0}\"": "[主要] 正在驗證在下列位置找到的 Git:\"{0}\"", "branches": "分支", - "in {0}": "in {0}", + "in {0}": "於 {0}", "no": "否", - "now": "now", + "now": "現在", "remote branches": "遠端分支", "tags": "標籤", "yes": "是", @@ -337,63 +339,63 @@ "{0} Publish Branch/{Locked=\"Branch\"}Do not translate \"Branch\" as it is a git term": "{0} 發佈 Branch", "{0} Sync Changes{1}{2}": "{0} 同步變更{1}{2}", "{0} characters over {1} in current line": "在目前行數有 {0} 個字元已超過 {1} 個", - "{0} day": "{0} day", - "{0} day ago": "{0} day ago", - "{0} days": "{0} days", - "{0} days ago": "{0} days ago", - "{0} hour": "{0} hour", - "{0} hour ago": "{0} hour ago", - "{0} hours": "{0} hours", - "{0} hours ago": "{0} hours ago", - "{0} hr": "{0} hr", - "{0} hr ago": "{0} hr ago", - "{0} hrs": "{0} hrs", - "{0} hrs ago": "{0} hrs ago", - "{0} min": "{0} min", - "{0} min ago": "{0} min ago", - "{0} mins": "{0} mins", - "{0} mins ago": "{0} mins ago", - "{0} minute": "{0} minute", - "{0} minute ago": "{0} minute ago", - "{0} minutes": "{0} minutes", - "{0} minutes ago": "{0} minutes ago", - "{0} mo": "{0} mo", - "{0} mo ago": "{0} mo ago", - "{0} month": "{0} month", - "{0} month ago": "{0} month ago", - "{0} months": "{0} months", - "{0} months ago": "{0} months ago", - "{0} mos": "{0} mos", - "{0} mos ago": "{0} mos ago", - "{0} sec": "{0} sec", - "{0} sec ago": "{0} sec ago", - "{0} second": "{0} second", - "{0} second ago": "{0} second ago", - "{0} seconds": "{0} seconds", - "{0} seconds ago": "{0} seconds ago", - "{0} secs": "{0} secs", - "{0} secs ago": "{0} secs ago", - "{0} week": "{0} week", - "{0} week ago": "{0} week ago", - "{0} weeks": "{0} weeks", - "{0} weeks ago": "{0} weeks ago", - "{0} wk": "{0} wk", - "{0} wk ago": "{0} wk ago", - "{0} wks": "{0} wks", - "{0} wks ago": "{0} wks ago", - "{0} year": "{0} year", - "{0} year ago": "{0} year ago", - "{0} years": "{0} years", - "{0} years ago": "{0} years ago", - "{0} yr": "{0} yr", - "{0} yr ago": "{0} yr ago", - "{0} yrs": "{0} yrs", - "{0} yrs ago": "{0} yrs ago", + "{0} day": "{0} 天", + "{0} day ago": "{0} 天前", + "{0} days": "{0} 天", + "{0} days ago": "{0} 天前", + "{0} hour": "{0} 小時", + "{0} hour ago": "{0} 小時前", + "{0} hours": "{0} 小時", + "{0} hours ago": "{0} 小時前", + "{0} hr": "{0} 小時", + "{0} hr ago": "{0} 小時前", + "{0} hrs": "{0} 小時", + "{0} hrs ago": "{0} 小時前", + "{0} min": "{0} 分鐘", + "{0} min ago": "{0} 分鐘前", + "{0} mins": "{0} 分鐘", + "{0} mins ago": "{0} 分鐘前", + "{0} minute": "{0} 分鐘", + "{0} minute ago": "{0} 分鐘前", + "{0} minutes": "{0} 分鐘", + "{0} minutes ago": "{0} 分鐘前", + "{0} mo": "{0} 個月", + "{0} mo ago": "{0} 個月前", + "{0} month": "{0} 個月", + "{0} month ago": "{0} 個月前", + "{0} months": "{0} 個月", + "{0} months ago": "{0} 個月前", + "{0} mos": "{0} 個月", + "{0} mos ago": "{0} 個月前", + "{0} sec": "{0} 秒", + "{0} sec ago": "{0} 秒前", + "{0} second": "{0} 秒", + "{0} second ago": "{0} 秒前", + "{0} seconds": "{0} 秒", + "{0} seconds ago": "{0} 秒前", + "{0} secs": "{0} 秒", + "{0} secs ago": "{0} 秒前", + "{0} week": "{0} 週", + "{0} week ago": "{0} 週前", + "{0} weeks": "{0} 週", + "{0} weeks ago": "{0} 週前", + "{0} wk": "{0} 週", + "{0} wk ago": "{0} 週前", + "{0} wks": "{0} 週", + "{0} wks ago": "{0} 週前", + "{0} year": "{0} 年", + "{0} year ago": "{0} 年前", + "{0} years": "{0} 年", + "{0} years ago": "{0} 年前", + "{0} yr": "{0} 年", + "{0} yr ago": "{0} 年前", + "{0} yrs": "{0} 年", + "{0} yrs ago": "{0} 年前", "{0} ↔ {1}": "{0} ↔ {1}" }, "package": { "colors.added": "已新增資源的顏色。", - "colors.blameEditorDecoration": "Color for the blame editor decoration.", + "colors.blameEditorDecoration": "改動記錄編輯器裝飾的色彩。", "colors.conflict": "帶有衝突資源的顏色。", "colors.deleted": "刪除資源的顏色", "colors.ignored": "忽略資源的顏色。", @@ -415,6 +417,7 @@ "command.branchFrom": "從下列來源建立分支…", "command.checkout": "簽出至...", "command.checkoutDetached": "簽出至 (已中斷連結)...", + "command.checkoutRef": "結帳", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "簽出 (已中斷連結)", "command.cherryPick": "揀選...", "command.cherryPickAbort": "中止揀選", @@ -552,8 +555,10 @@ "config.autofetch": "設定為 true 時,會自動從目前 Git 存放庫的預設遠端擷取提交。設定為 `all` 將從所有遠端進行擷取。", "config.autofetchPeriod": "當啟用 `#git.autofetch#` 時,每個自動 git 擷取的間隔時間 (秒)。", "config.autorefresh": "是否啟用自動重新整理。", - "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "Controls whether to show git blame information in the editor using editor decorations.", - "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "Controls whether to show git blame information in the status bar.", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.enabled": "控制是否要使用編輯器裝飾,在編輯器中顯示改動記錄資訊。", + "config.blameEditorDecoration.template": "改動記錄資訊編輯器裝飾的範本。支援的變數:\r\n\r\n* `hash`: 認可雜湊\r\n\r\n* `hashShort`: 認可雜湊的前 8 個字元\r\n\r\n* `subject`: 認可訊息的第一行\r\n\r\n* `authorName`: 作者名稱\r\n\r\n* `authorEmail`: 作者電子郵件\r\n\r\n* `authorDate`: 作者日期\r\n\r\n* `authorDateAgo`: 從作者日期到現在的時間差距\r\n\r\n", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.enabled": "控制是否要在狀態列中顯示改動記錄資訊。", + "config.blameStatusBarItem.template": "改動記錄資訊狀態列項目的範本。支援的變數:\r\n\r\n* `hash`: 認可雜湊\r\n\r\n* `hashShort`: 認可雜湊的前 8 個字元\r\n\r\n* `subject`: 認可訊息的第一行\r\n\r\n* `authorName`: 作者名稱\r\n\r\n* `authorEmail`: 作者電子郵件\r\n\r\n* `authorDate`: 作者日期\r\n\r\n* `authorDateAgo`: 從作者日期到現在的時間差距\r\n\r\n", "config.branchPrefix": "建立新分支時使用的首碼。", "config.branchProtection": "受保護分支的清單。根據預設,在將變更提交到受保護的分支之前,會先顯示提示。可使用 `#git.branchProtectionPrompt#` 設定控制提示。", "config.branchProtectionPrompt": "控制是否要在變更提交至受保護的分支之前先顯示提示。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json index 084fa534d6..bcc66454ec 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.json-language-features.i18n.json @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "$ref '{0}' in '{1}' can not be resolved.": "'{1}' 中的 $ref '{0}' 無法解析。", "": "", "A default value. Used by suggestions.": "預設值。由建議使用。", - "A descriptive title of the element.": "元素的描述性標題。", - "A long description of the element. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "元素的詳細描述。用於暫留功能表和建議。", + "A descriptive title of the schema.": "A descriptive title of the schema.", + "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.": "A long description of the schema. Used in hover menus and suggestions.", "A map of property names to either an array of property names or a schema. An array of property names means the property named in the key depends on the properties in the array being present in the object in order to be valid. If the value is a schema, then the schema is only applied to the object if the property in the key exists on the object.": "屬性名稱與屬性名稱陣列或結構描述的對應。屬性名稱陣列表示索引碼中指定的屬性取決於出現於物件之陣列中的屬性,才可成為有效。如果值是結構描述,則只有索引碼中的屬性出現在物件上時,結構描述才會套用至物件。", "A map of property names to schemas for each property.": "每個屬性之屬性名稱與結構描述的對應。", "A map of regular expressions on property names to schemas for matching properties.": "屬性名稱上規則運算式與結構描述的對應,用於比對屬性。", @@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ "Configured in workspace settings": "在工作區設定中設定", "Default value": "預設值", "Describes the content encoding of a string property.": "描述字串屬性的內容編碼。", - "Describes the format expected for the value.": "描述值的預期格式。", + "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation": "Describes the format expected for the value. By default, not used for validation", "Describes the media type of a string property.": "描述字串屬性的媒體類型。", "Downloading schemas is disabled through setting '{0}'": "已透過設定 '{0}' 停用下載結構描述", "Downloading schemas is disabled. Click to configure.": "已停用下載結構描述。按一下以進行設定。", "Draft-03 schemas are not supported.": "不支援 Draft-03 結構描述。", "Duplicate anchor declaration: '{0}'": "重複的錨點宣告: '{0}'", "Duplicate object key": "重複的物件索引碼", - "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, then used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties' or 'patternProperties'. If false, then any properties not matched by either will cause this schema to fail.": "結構描述或布林值。如果是結構描述,則用來驗證與 'properties' 或 'patternProperties' 不符的所有屬性。如果為 False,則任何不符的屬性都會導致此結構描述失敗。", + "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.": "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties', 'propertyNames', or 'patternProperties'. If false, any properties not defined by the adajacent keywords will cause this schema to fail.", "Either a string of one of the basic schema types (number, integer, null, array, object, boolean, string) or an array of strings specifying a subset of those types.": "可以是其中一個基本結構描述類型 (數字、整數、Null、陣列、物件、布林值、字串) 的字串,或指定這些類型子集的字串陣列。", "End of file expected.": "必須有檔案結尾。", "Expected a JSON object, array or literal.": "預期為 JSON 物件、陣列或文字。", @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ "Expected comma or closing brace": "必須是逗號或右大括弧", "Expected comma or closing bracket": "預期為逗號或右中括弧", "Failed to sort the JSONC document, please consider opening an issue.": "無法排序 JSONC 文件,請考慮開啟問題。", - "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If it is a schema, then this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items array. If it is false, then additional items will cause validation to fail.": "針對陣列,只有在項目設定為陣列時。如果是結構描述,則此結構描述會驗證項目陣列所指定項目之後的項目。如果為 False,則其他項目將導致驗證失敗。", + "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.": "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If items are a schema, this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items schema. If false, additional items will cause validation to fail.", "For arrays. Can either be a schema to validate every element against or an array of schemas to validate each item against in order (the first schema will validate the first element, the second schema will validate the second element, and so on.": "針對陣列。可以是結構描述,用來驗證每個元素或結構描述的陣列,用來依序驗證每個項目 (第一個結構描述將驗證第一個元素,第二個結構描述將驗證第二個元素,以此類推)。", "If all of the items in the array must be unique. Defaults to false.": "如果陣列中的所有項目都必須是唯一。預設為 false。", "If the instance is an object, this keyword validates if every property name in the instance validates against the provided schema.": "如果執行個體是物件,則此關鍵字會驗證執行個體中的每個屬性名稱是否可針對提供的結構描述進行驗證。", @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ "String is not an e-mail address.": "字串不是電子郵件地址。", "String is shorter than the minimum length of {0}.": "字串短於最小長度 {0}。", "The \"else\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema fails.": "\"if\" 子結構描述失敗時,會使用 \"else\" 子結構描述進行驗證。", - "The \"if\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "\"if\" 子結構描述成功時,會使用 \"if\" 子結構描述進行驗證。", + "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.": "The \"then\" subschema is used for validation when the \"if\" subschema succeeds.", "The maximum length of a string.": "字串的長度上限。", "The maximum number of items that can be inside an array. Inclusive.": "可以在陣列內的項目數目上限。包含。", "The maximum number of properties an object can have. Inclusive.": "物件可以擁有的屬性數目上限。包含。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index 6af4e2e04d..4144ea2729 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -34,16 +34,16 @@ "Follow link": "追蹤連結", "Go to link definition": "前往連結定義", "Header does not exist in file: {0}": "標頭不存在於檔案中: {0}", - "Insert Markdown Audio": "Insert Markdown Audio", + "Insert Markdown Audio": "插入 Markdown 音訊", "Insert Markdown Image": "插入 Markdown 影像", "Insert Markdown Images": "插入 Markdown 影像", "Insert Markdown Images and Links": "插入 Markdown 影像和連結", "Insert Markdown Link": "插入 Markdown 連結", "Insert Markdown Links": "插入 Markdown 連結", "Insert Markdown Media": "插入 Markdown 媒體", - "Insert Markdown Media and Images": "Insert Markdown Media and Images", + "Insert Markdown Media and Images": "插入 Markdown 媒體和影像", "Insert Markdown Media and Links": "插入 Markdown 媒體和連結", - "Insert Markdown Video": "Insert Markdown Video", + "Insert Markdown Video": "插入 Markdown 影片", "Insert image": "插入映像", "Insert link": "插入連結", "Link definition for '{0}' already exists": "'{0}' 的連結定義已存在", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json index 543c7cb155..6cad00cba9 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.microsoft-authentication.i18n.json @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ "package": { "description": "Microsoft 驗證提供者", "displayName": "Microsoft 帳戶", - "microsoft-authentication.implementation.description": "The authentication implementation to use for signing in with a Microsoft account.", - "microsoft-authentication.implementation.enumDescriptions.classic": "Use the classic authentication flow to sign in with a Microsoft account.", + "microsoft-authentication.implementation.description": "用於使用 Microsoft 帳戶登入的驗證實作。", + "microsoft-authentication.implementation.enumDescriptions.classic": "使用傳統驗證流程以使用 Microsoft 帳戶登入。", "microsoft-authentication.implementation.enumDescriptions.msal": "使用 Microsoft 驗證程式庫 (MSAL) 登入 Microsoft 帳戶。", "microsoft-sovereign-cloud.customEnvironment.activeDirectoryEndpointUrl.description": "自訂主權雲端的 Active Directory 端點。", "microsoft-sovereign-cloud.customEnvironment.activeDirectoryResourceId.description": "自訂主權雲端的 Active Directory 資源識別碼。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json index 930d5316d4..45277899ca 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.terminal-suggest.i18n.json @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ "version": "1.0.0", "contents": { "package": { - "description": "Extension to add terminal completions for zsh, bash, and fish terminals.", - "displayName": "Terminal Suggest for VS Code", - "view.name": "Terminal Suggest" + "description": "用來新增 zsh、bash 和 fish 終端機的終端機完成的延伸模組。", + "displayName": "VS Code 的終端機建議", + "view.name": "終端機建議" } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json index 1e72e4ffb0..f592823eec 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.explicit": "只有當使用者使用明確手勢移動游標時,才會啟用平滑插入號動畫。", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.off": "平滑插入號動畫已停用。", "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation.on": "永遠啟用平滑插入號動畫。", - "cursorStyle": "控制資料指標樣式。", + "cursorStyle": "控制插入輸入模式中的游標樣式。", "cursorSurroundingLines": "控制游標上下周圍可顯示的前置線 (最小為 0) 和後置線 (最小為 1) 的最小數目。在某些編輯器中稱為 'scrollOff' 或 'scrollOffset'。", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle": "控制應強制執行 `#editor.cursorSurroundingLines#` 的時間。", "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle.all": "一律強制執行 `cursorSurroundingLines`", @@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ "find.autoFindInSelection": "控制自動開啟 [在選取範圍中尋找] 的條件。", "find.cursorMoveOnType": "控制在輸入期間是否要跳過游標來尋找相符的項目。", "find.globalFindClipboard": "控制尋找小工具是否在 macOS 上讀取或修改共用尋找剪貼簿。", - "find.history": "Controls how the find widget history should be stored", + "find.history": "控制應如何儲存尋找小工具歷程記錄", "find.loop": "當再也找不到其他相符項目時,控制是否自動從開頭 (或結尾) 重新開始搜尋。", "find.seedSearchStringFromSelection": "控制 [尋找小工具] 中的搜尋字串是否來自編輯器選取項目。", "folding": "控制編輯器是否啟用程式碼摺疊功能。", @@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ "inline": "快速建議會顯示為浮水印文字", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "控制當顯示內嵌完成時,是否應提供協助工具提示給螢幕助讀程式使用者。", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "控制是否要在內嵌建議中啟用實驗性編輯。", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.onlyShowWhenCloseToCursor": "控制是否只在指標接近建議時顯示內嵌建議。", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useInterleavedLinesDiff": "控制是否要在內嵌建議中啟用實驗交錯行差異。", "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.useMixedLinesDiff": "控制是否要在內嵌建議中啟用實驗性編輯。", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "控制是否要在編輯器中自動顯示內嵌建議。", @@ -609,6 +610,8 @@ "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "控制項目在強調顯示後的延遲 (以毫秒為單位)。", "off": "已停用快速建議", "on": "快速建議會顯示在建議小工具內", + "overtypeCursorStyle": "控制取代輸入模式中的游標樣式。", + "overtypeOnPaste": "控制貼上是否應該取代。", "overviewRulerBorder": "控制是否應在概觀尺規周圍繪製框線。", "padding.bottom": "控制編輯器下邊緣與最後一行之間的空格數。", "padding.top": "控制編輯器上邊緣與第一行之間的空格數。", @@ -1082,12 +1085,12 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/copyPasteContribution": { "pasteAs": "貼上為...", - "pasteAs.kind": "The kind of the paste edit to try pasting with.\r\nIf there are multiple edits for this kind, the editor will show a picker. If there are no edits of this kind, the editor will show an error message.", - "pasteAs.preferences": "List of preferred paste edit kind to try applying.\r\nThe first edit matching the preferences will be applied.", + "pasteAs.kind": "要嘗試貼上的貼上編輯的種類。\r\n如果有此種類的多個編輯,編輯器會顯示選擇器。如果沒有此種類的編輯,編輯器會顯示錯誤訊息。", + "pasteAs.preferences": "要嘗試套用的偏好貼上編輯種類清單。\r\n將套用符合喜好設定的第一個編輯。", "pasteAsText": "貼上為文字" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/copyPasteController": { - "noPreferences": "empty", + "noPreferences": "空白", "pasteAsDefault": "設定預設貼上動作", "pasteAsError": "找不到 '{0}' 的貼上編輯", "pasteAsPickerPlaceholder": "選取貼上動作", @@ -1410,9 +1413,10 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "顯示下一個內嵌建議", "action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "顯示上一個內嵌建議", "action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "觸發內嵌建議", - "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.inlineEdit": "觸發內嵌編輯", + "action.inlineSuggest.trigger.explicitInlineEdit": "觸發內嵌編輯", "jump": "跳", - "noInlineEditAvailable": "沒有可用的內嵌編輯。" + "noInlineEditAvailable": "沒有可用的內嵌編輯。", + "reject": "Reject" }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/controller/inlineCompletionContextKeys": { "cursorAtInlineEdit": "游標是否位於內嵌編輯", @@ -2045,12 +2049,14 @@ }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "未啟用市集", + "VS Code for Web": "{0} 網頁版", "incompatible platform": "{1} 中無法針對 {2} 使用 {0}' 延伸模組。", "incompatibleAPI": "無法安裝 '{0}' 延伸模組。'{1}'", - "learn more": "Learn More", + "learn why": "了解原因", "malicious extension": "因為有使用者回報 '{0}' 延伸模組有問題,所以無法安裝。", "multipleDependentsError": "無法將 '{0}' 延伸模組解除安裝。其為 '{1}'、'{2}' 與其他延伸模組的相依對象。", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "無法將 '{0}' 延伸模組解除安裝。這麼做會將與其相依的 '{1}' 延伸模組及 '{2}'、'{3}' 和其他延伸模組解除安裝。", + "not allowed to install": "無法安裝此延伸模組,因為{0}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "因為 '{0}' 延伸模組與目前的 {1} 版本 ({2} 版) 不相容,所以無法安裝。", "notFoundDeprecatedReplacementExtension": "因為 '{0}' 延伸模組已過時,而且找不到替代延伸模組 '{1}',所以無法安裝。", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "無法安裝 '{0}' 擴充功能的發行版本,因為它沒有發行版本。", @@ -2059,6 +2065,13 @@ "twoDependentsError": "無法將 '{0}' 延伸模組解除安裝。其為 '{1}' 及 '{2}' 延伸模組的相依對象。", "twoIndirectDependentsError": "無法將 '{0}' 延伸模組解除安裝。這麼做會將與其相依的 '{1}' 延伸模組及 '{2}' 和 '{3}' 延伸模組解除安裝。" }, + "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/allowedExtensionsService": { + "extension prerelease not allowed": "此延伸模組的發行前版本不在[允許清單]({0})中", + "prerelease versions from this publisher not allowed": "來自此發行者的發行前版本不在[允許清單]({1})中", + "publisher not allowed": "來自此發行者的延伸模組不在[允許清單]({1})中", + "specific extension not allowed": "其不在[允許清單]({0})中", + "specific version of extension not allowed": "此延伸模組的版本 {0} 不在[允許清單]({1})中" + }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { "extensions": "延伸模組", "preferences": "喜好設定" @@ -2096,10 +2109,6 @@ "updateMessage": "正在將延伸模組 '{0}' 更新至版本 {1}", "useId": "請確保您使用包含發行者的完整延伸模組識別碼,例如: {0}" }, - "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementIpc": { - "incompatible platform": "{1} 中無法針對 {2} 使用 {0}' 延伸模組。", - "learn more": "Learn More" - }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionNls": { "missingNLSKey": "找不到金鑰 {0} 的訊息。" }, @@ -2117,7 +2126,7 @@ "errorDeleting": "安裝延伸模組 '{1}' 時無法刪除現有的資料夾 '{0}'。請手動刪除該資料夾後,再試一次", "incompatible": "因為延伸模組 '{0}' 與 VS Code '{1}' 不相容,所以無法安裝該延伸模組。", "invalidManifest": "無法安裝 '{0}' 延伸模組,因為資訊清單與 Marketplace 不符", - "not signed": "延伸模組未簽署。", + "notAllowed": "無法安裝此延伸模組,因為{0}", "removeError": "移除延伸模組: {0} 時發生錯誤。重新嘗試前請離開並再次啟動 VS Code。", "restartCode": "請在重新安裝 {0} 前重新啟動 VS Code。", "signature verification failed": "簽章驗證失敗,發生 '{0}' 錯誤。", @@ -2725,6 +2734,9 @@ "activityWarningBadge.foreground": "警告活動徽章的前景色彩", "badgeBackground": "標記的背景顏色。標記為小型的訊息標籤,例如搜尋結果的數量。", "badgeForeground": "標記的前景顏色。標記為小型的訊息標籤,例如搜尋結果的數量。", + "chartAxis": "圖表的座標軸色彩。", + "chartGuide": "圖表的參考線。", + "chartLine": "圖表的線條色彩。", "progressBarBackground": "長時間運行進度條的背景色彩.", "sashActiveBorder": "使用中飾帶的框線色彩。", "scrollbarShadow": "指出在捲動該檢視的捲軸陰影。", @@ -3063,6 +3075,11 @@ "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadNotebookSaveParticipant": { "timeout.onWillSave": "在 1750 亳秒後中止 onWillSaveNotebookDocument-event 事件" }, + "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadOutputService": { + "status.showOutput": "顯示輸出", + "status.showOutputAria": "顯示 {0} 輸出通道", + "status.showOutputTooltip": "顯示 {0} 輸出通道" + }, "vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadProgress": { "manageExtension": "管理延伸模組" }, @@ -3868,6 +3885,7 @@ "miRestoreEditorsToMainWindow": "將編輯器還原到主視窗(&&R)", "minimizeOtherEditorGroups": "展開編輯器群組", "minimizeOtherEditorGroupsHideSidebar": "展開編輯器群組並隱藏提要欄位", + "mitoggleOvertypeInsertMode": "切換取代/插入模式(&&T)", "moveActiveGroupDown": "向下移動編輯器群組", "moveActiveGroupLeft": "將編輯器群組向左移", "moveActiveGroupRight": "將編輯器群組向右移", @@ -3939,6 +3957,8 @@ "toggleEditorType": "切換編輯器類型", "toggleEditorWidths": "切換編輯器群組大小", "toggleMaximizeEditorGroup": "切換最大化編輯器群組", + "toggleOvertypeInsertMode": "切換取代/插入模式", + "toggleOvertypeMode.description": "在取代與插入模式之間切換", "unpinEditor": "取消鎖定編輯器" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorCommands": { @@ -4045,6 +4065,7 @@ "guessedEncoding": "已從內容猜測", "indentConvert": "轉換檔案", "indentView": "變更檢視", + "inputModeOvertype": "OVR", "languageDescription": "({0}) - 設定的語言", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", "languagesPicks": "語言 (識別碼)", @@ -4071,6 +4092,7 @@ "spacesAndTabsSize": "空格: {0} (索引標籤大小: {1})", "spacesSize": "空格: {0}", "status.editor.columnSelectionMode": "資料行選取模式", + "status.editor.enableInsertMode": "啟用插入模式", "status.editor.encoding": "編輯器編碼", "status.editor.eol": "編輯器行結尾", "status.editor.indentation": "編輯器縮排", @@ -4314,7 +4336,7 @@ "toggle.layoutDescription": "切換版面配置控制項在標題列中的可見度", "toggle.navigation": "瀏覽控制項", "toggle.navigationDescription": "切換瀏覽控制項在標題列中的可見度", - "toggle.titleBarStyle": "Restore Native Title Bar" + "toggle.titleBarStyle": "還原原生標題列" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/titlebar/titlebarPart": { "ariaLabelTitleActions": "標題動作", @@ -4585,11 +4607,13 @@ "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.always": "開啟面板時,永遠將面板最大化。", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.never": "開啟面板時,永不將面板最大化。面板將不會以最大化方式開啟。", "workbench.panel.opensMaximized.preserve": "以關閉前的狀態開啟面板。", + "workbench.panel.output": "輸出檢視", "workbench.quickOpen.preserveInput": "控制最後鍵入 Quick Open 的輸入是否應在下次開啟時還原。", "workbench.reduceMotion": "控制工作台是否應以較少的動畫呈現。", "workbench.reduceMotion.auto": "根據 OS 設定以精簡動作呈現。", "workbench.reduceMotion.off": "不要以精簡動作呈現", "workbench.reduceMotion.on": "一律以精簡動作呈現。", + "workbench.view.showQuietly": "如果延伸模組要求顯示隱藏的檢視,請改為顯示可點選的狀態列指示器。", "wrapTabs": "控制索引標籤在超過可用空間時是否要換成多行,或是否改為顯示捲軸。當未設為 '{1}' 時,會忽略 {0}。", "zenMode.centerLayout": "控制開啟無干擾模式時,是否也應將版面配置置中。", "zenMode.fullScreen": "控制開啟無干擾模式時,是否也應讓工作台進入全螢幕模式。", @@ -4775,6 +4799,7 @@ "panelStickyScrollBackground": "面板中自黏捲動的背景色彩。", "panelStickyScrollBorder": "面板中自黏捲動的框線色彩。", "panelStickyScrollShadow": "面板中自黏捲動的陰影色彩。", + "panelTitleBorder": "面板標題邊框色彩位於底部,可將標題與檢視隔開。面板會顯示在編輯器區域的下方,其中包含如輸出與整合式終端等檢視。", "profileBadgeBackground": "設定檔徽章背景色彩。設定檔徽章會顯示在活動列的設定齒輪圖示上方。", "profileBadgeForeground": "設定檔徽章前景色彩。設定檔徽章會顯示在活動列的設定齒輪圖示上方。", "sideBarActivityBarTopBorder": "位於頂端/底部的活動列與檢視之間的框線色彩。", @@ -4789,6 +4814,7 @@ "sideBarStickyScrollBorder": "提要欄位中自黏捲動的框線色彩。", "sideBarStickyScrollShadow": "提要欄位中自黏捲動的陰影色彩。", "sideBarTitleBackground": "提要欄位標題背景色彩。提要欄位是總管和搜尋之類檢視的容器。", + "sideBarTitleBorder": "提要欄位標題邊框色彩位於底部,可將標題與檢視隔開。提要欄位是總管和搜尋之類的檢視容器。", "sideBarTitleForeground": "提要欄位標題的前景色彩。提要欄位是檢視 (例如 Explorer 與搜尋) 的容器。", "sideBySideEditor.horizontalBorder": "在編輯器群組中從上到下並排顯示時,用來將兩個編輯器彼此分開的色彩。", "sideBySideEditor.verticalBorder": "在編輯器群組中從左到右並排顯示時,用來將兩個編輯器彼此分開的色彩。", @@ -5417,7 +5443,7 @@ "chat.clear.label": "清除所有工作區聊天", "chat.history.label": "顯示聊天...", "chat.history.rename": "重新命名", - "chat.releaseNotes.label": "Explore New Features", + "chat.releaseNotes.label": "探索新功能", "chatWith": "使用延伸模組聊天", "currentChatLabel": "目前", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "清除輸入歷程記錄", @@ -5427,12 +5453,16 @@ "interactiveSession.history.pick": "切換至聊天", "interactiveSession.open": "開啟編輯器", "learnMore": "深入了解", + "managePlan": "管理 Copilot 方案", + "manageSettings": "管理 Copilot 設定", "more": "其他...", "newChatTitle": "新增聊天標題", "openChat": "開啟聊天", + "showCopilotUsageExtensions": "顯示使用 Copilot 的延伸模組", "title4": "聊天", - "toggle.chatControl": "聊天控制項", - "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "切換聊天控制項在標題列中的可見度" + "toggle.chatControl": "Copilot 控制項", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "切換 Copilot 控制項在標題列中的可見度", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { "chat.done.label": "完成", @@ -5532,9 +5562,9 @@ "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "這會將在此要求後,對您工作集內 {0} 檔案所做的編輯復原。要繼續嗎?", "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "要重試上一個要求嗎?", "chat.startEditing.label2": "使用 Copilot 編輯", - "chat.startEditing.last": "The last {0} requests", - "chat.startEditing.pickAll": "All requests from the conversation", - "chat.startEditing.pickCustom": "Manually select requests...", + "chat.startEditing.last": "最後 {0} 個要求", + "chat.startEditing.pickAll": "來自交談的所有要求", + "chat.startEditing.pickCustom": "手動選取要求...", "chat.startEditing.pickRequest": "選取您想要用於編輯的要求", "interactive.helpful.label": "實用", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "插入至筆記本", @@ -5562,9 +5592,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "聊天", - "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "控制命令中心是否顯示聊天動作的功能表,(需要 {0})。", + "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "控制命令中心是否顯示可控制 Copilot 的動作功能表 (需要 {0})。", "chat.detectParticipant.enabled": "為小組聊天啟用聊天參與者自動偵測。", - "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "在儲存包含聊天所做變更的檔案之前是否一律詢問。", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether files that have changes made by chat can be saved without confirmation.", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "是否要在移除要求及其相關編輯之前顯示確認。", "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "是否要在擷取要求及其相關編輯之前顯示確認。", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "為小組聊天啟用聊天參與者自動偵測。", @@ -5594,7 +5624,11 @@ "reservedName": "此聊天延伸模組使用保留名稱。", "viewExtensionLabel": "檢視延伸模組" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAgentCommandContentPart": { + "rerun": "重新運行而不 {0}{1}" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatAttachmentsContentPart": { + "chat.attachment": "附加的內容,{0}", "chat.attachment3": "已連結的內容: {0}。", "chat.fileAttachment3": "已連結: {0}。", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "已連結: {0},行 {1} 至行 {2}。", @@ -5602,7 +5636,8 @@ "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "已省略: {0}。", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "已省略: {0},行 {1} 到行 {2}。", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "部分已連結: {0}。", - "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "部分已連結: {0},行 {1} 到行 {2}。" + "chat.partialFileAttachmentWithRange": "部分已連結: {0},行 {1} 到行 {2}。", + "resource": "聊天附件資源的完整值,包括配置與路徑" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatCodeCitationContentPart": { "viewMatches": "檢視相符項目" @@ -5617,7 +5652,16 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatMarkdownContentPart": { "chat.codeblock.applying": "正在套用編輯...", "chat.codeblock.applyingPercentage": "正在套用編輯 ({0}%)...", - "chat.codeblock.generating": "正在產生編輯..." + "chat.codeblock.deletions": "{0} 次刪除", + "chat.codeblock.deletions.one": "{0} 次刪除", + "chat.codeblock.generating": "正在產生編輯...", + "chat.codeblock.insertions": "{0} 次插入", + "chat.codeblock.insertions.one": "{0} 次插入", + "summary": "已編輯 {0}、{1}、{2}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatQuotaExceededPart": { + "signedUpClickToContinue": "Signed up? Click to continue!", + "upgradeToCopilotPro": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { "addToChat": "將檔案新增至聊天", @@ -5646,13 +5690,15 @@ "file": "檔案", "files": "檔案", "folder": "資料夾", - "image": "影像" + "image": "影像", + "symbol": "符號" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingActions": { "accept": "接受", "accept.file": "接受", "acceptAllEdits": "接受所有編輯", "addFileToWorkingSet": "新增檔案", + "addFilesFromReferences": "從參考新增檔案", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.manyFiles": "這將會復原 {0} 對 {1} 個檔案進行的變更。是否要繼續?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.oneFile": "這將會復原 {0} 對 {1} 進行的變更。是否要繼續?", "chat.editing.discardAll.confirmation.primaryButton": "是", @@ -5669,12 +5715,11 @@ "chat.undoEdits.label": "復原編輯", "chatEditing.snapshot": "{0} (快照集 {1})", "chatEditing.viewChanges": "檢視所有編輯", + "clearWorkingSet": "清除工作集", "discard": "捨棄", "discard.file": "捨棄", "discardAllEdits": "捨棄所有編輯", "open.fileInDiff": "在 Diff 編輯器中開啟變更", - "removeAll": "Remove All", - "removeAllFiles": "Remove All Files", "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "移除檔案", "workbench.action.chat.addSelectedFilesToWorkingSet.label": "將選取的檔案新增至工作集" }, @@ -5687,7 +5732,7 @@ "chatEditing.modified": "來自 {0} 的擱置中變更", "chatEditing.modified2": "來自聊天的擱置中變更", "chatEditing.startingSession": "正在產生編輯...", - "join.chatEditingSession": "Saving chat edits history" + "join.chatEditingSession": "正在儲存聊天編輯歷程記錄" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditing/chatEditingSession": { "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0} 想要建立檔案。選擇應該儲存的位置。", @@ -5706,6 +5751,7 @@ "undo2": "復原" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.ctxHasRequestInProgress": "The current editor shows a file from an edit session which is still in progress", "chat.hasEditorModifications": "目前的編輯器包含聊天修改" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { @@ -5713,12 +5759,14 @@ "chatEditorName": "聊天" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorOverlay": { + "applyingPercentage": "{0}% Applying edits...", + "generating": "Generating edits...", "label": "瀏覽狀態", "nOfM": "{0}/{1}", - "tooltip_11": "1 change in 1 file", - "tooltip_1n": "1 change in {0} files", - "tooltip_n1": "{0} changes in 1 file", - "tooltip_nm": "{0} changes in {1} files" + "tooltip_11": "1 個檔案中 1 個變更", + "tooltip_1n": "{0} 個檔案中 1 個變更", + "tooltip_n1": "1 個檔案中 {0} 個變更", + "tooltip_nm": "{1} 檔案中 {0} 個變更" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { "chat": "聊天", @@ -5751,8 +5799,7 @@ "miGotoDefinition": "移至 [定義](&&D)", "miGotoImplementations": "前往實作(&&I)", "miGotoReference": "移至 [參考](&&R)", - "miGotoTypeDefinition": "前往類型定義(&&T)", - "resource": "聊天錨點資源的完整值,包括配置與路徑" + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "前往類型定義(&&T)" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "聊天輸入,輸入以提出問題或輸入以取得主題,按 Enter 以送出要求。使用 {0} 以取得聊天協助工具說明。", @@ -5764,17 +5811,19 @@ "chat.imageAttachment": "已附加影像,{0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "傳送至 @{0}", "chatAddFiles": "{0} 新增檔案...", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "The Working Set file limit has ben reached. {0} is excluded from the Woking Set. Remove other files to make space for {0}.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} files)", - "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "1 file is excluded from the Working Set.", - "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "{0} files are excluded from the Working Set.", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFile": "已達到工作集檔案限制。已從工作集排除 {0}。移除其他檔案以便為 {0} 騰出空間。", + "chatEditingSession.excludedFiles": "({0}/{1} 個檔案)", + "chatEditingSession.excludedOneFile": "已從工作集排除 1 個檔案。", + "chatEditingSession.excludedSomeFiles": "已從工作集排除 {0} 個檔案。", "chatEditingSession.fileLimitReached": "您已達到可新增至工作集的檔案數目上限。", "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} 個檔案)", "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 個檔案)", + "chatEditingSession.removeSuggested": "Remove suggestion", "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "工作集", "chatInput": "聊天輸入", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "聊天輸入,在這裡輸入代碼,然後按 Enter 以執行。如需詳細資訊,請使用聊天協助工具說明命令。", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "其他..." + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "其他...", + "suggeste.title": "{0} - {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "已選取 \"{0}\"", @@ -5791,7 +5840,7 @@ "usedAgent": "[[(未重新執行)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "已使用 {0} [[(未重新執行)]]" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipant.contribution": { "chat.viewContainer.label": "聊天", "chatCommand": "在 UI 中參考此命令的簡短名稱,例如,針對可修正問題或說明程式碼的命令使用 `fix` 或 * `explain`。名稱在此參與者提供的命令中應該是唯一的。", "chatCommandDescription": "此命令的描述。", @@ -5803,8 +5852,8 @@ "chatCommandSticky": "叫用命令是否會將聊天置於持續性模式,其中命令會自動新增至下一個訊息的聊天輸入。", "chatCommandWhen": "必須為 True 才能啟用此命令的條件。", "chatCommandsDescription": "可供此聊天參與者使用的命令,使用者可以使用 `/` 來叫用。", - "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot 編輯", - "chatFailErrorMessage": "Chat failed to load because the installed version of the {0} extension is not compatible with this version of {1}. Please ensure that the {2} extension is up to date.", + "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot Edits", + "chatFailErrorMessage": "因為已安裝的 Copilot 聊天延伸模組版本與此版本的 {0} 不相容,所以無法載入聊天。請確定 Copilot 聊天延伸模組是最新的。", "chatParticipantDescription": "此聊天參與者的描述,顯示在 UI 中。", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "中繼資料,可協助將使用者問題自動路由傳送至此聊天參與者。", "chatParticipantDisambiguationCategory": "此類別的詳細名稱,例如 `workspace_questions` 或 `web_questions`。", @@ -5816,27 +5865,58 @@ "chatParticipantWhen": "必須為 True 才能啟用此參與者的條件。", "chatSampleRequest": "當使用者在 `/help` 中按一下此參與者時,此文字會提交給參與者。", "miToggleChat": "聊天(&&C)", - "miToggleEdits": "Copilot 編輯(&&I)", - "showExtension": "顯示擴充功能", + "miToggleEdits": "Copilot Edits(&&I)", + "showExtension": "顯示延伸模組", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "參與聊天參與者" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedAttachment.multipleLines": "{0} 行", + "pastedAttachment.oneLine": "1 行", + "pastedCodeAttachment": "貼上的程式碼附件", + "pastedImageAttachment": "貼上的影像附件", "pastedImageName": "貼上的影像" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup.contribution": { - "hideChatSetup": "Hide {0}", - "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide {0}?", - "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore chat controls from the 'chat.commandCenter.enabled' setting.", - "installChat": "安裝 {0}", - "learnMore": "深入了解", - "setup": "安裝 {0}", - "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Setting up Chat for you...", - "setupChatSigningIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", - "setupFooter": "By proceeding you agree to our [privacy statement]({0}).", - "setupHeader": "{0} is your AI pair programmer.", - "signInAndInstallChat": "登入以使用 {0}", - "signInAndSetup": "登入以使用 {0}", - "triggerChatSetup": "觸發聊天設定" + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatQuotasService": { + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached the limits of your Copilot Free plan, click for details", + "chatQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly chat messages limit, click for details", + "completionsQuotaExceeded": "You've reached your monthly code completions limit, click for details", + "copilotQuotaExceeded": "Copilot Limit Reached", + "dismiss": "Dismiss", + "indicator": "Copilot Quota Indicator", + "limit reached": "Copilot Free", + "limit reset": "Your limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitReached": "Limit Reached", + "managePlan": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "out of completions": "You've run out of free code completions, but free chat responses are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of free chat responses": "You've run out of free chat responses, but free code completions are still available as part of the Copilot Free plan.", + "out of limits": "You've reached the limits of the Copilot Free plan.", + "simulateCopilotQuotaExceeded": "Simulate Copilot Quota Exceeded", + "upgradeChat": "Upgrade to Copilot Pro", + "upgradeToPro": "Here's what you can expect when upgrading to Copilot Pro:\r\n- Unlimited code completions\r\n- Unlimited chat interactions\r\n- 30 day free trial" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatSetup": { + "detectionLabel": "Allow code suggestions that [match public code]({0})", + "featureChat": "Code faster with completions and Inline Chat", + "featureEdits": "Build features and resolve bugs with Copilot Edits", + "featureExplore": "Explore your codebase with chat", + "hideChatSetup": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupButton": "Hide Copilot", + "hideChatSetupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to hide Copilot?", + "hideChatSetupDetail": "You can restore Copilot by running the '{0}' command.", + "limitedSkuHeader": "$(sparkle-filled) We now offer [Copilot for free]({0}).", + "setupChatInstalling": "$(loading~spin) Getting Copilot Ready...", + "setupChatProgress": "Getting Copilot ready...", + "setupChatSignIn": "$(loading~spin) Signing in to {0}...", + "setupHeader": "[Copilot]({0} 'Copilot') is your AI pair programmer.", + "signInGh": "Sign in with a GitHub.com Account", + "signInGhe": "Sign in with a GHE.com Account", + "signUp": "Sign in to Use Copilot", + "signUpFree": "Sign in to Use Copilot for Free", + "startUp": "Use Copilot", + "startUpLimited": "Use Copilot for Free", + "termsLabel": "By continuing, you agree to our [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", + "triggerChatSetup": "Use AI Features with Copilot for Free...", + "welcomeChat": "Welcome to Copilot" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { "chatWidget.tips": "{0} 或輸入 {1} 以附加內容\r\n\r\n{2} 可使用延伸模組聊天\r\n\r\n輸入 {3} 可使用命令", @@ -5849,8 +5929,8 @@ "chat.codeBlockHelp": "程式碼區塊", "chat.codeBlockLabel": "程式碼區塊 {0}", "chat.compareCodeBlockLabel": "程式碼編輯", - "chat.edits.1": "在 [[``{0}``]] 中進行了 1 個變更", - "chat.edits.N": "在 [[``{1}``]] 中進行了 {0} 個變更", + "chat.edits.1": "Applied 1 change in [[``{0}``]]", + "chat.edits.N": "Applied {0} changes in [[``{1}``]]", "chat.edits.rejected": "已拒絕 [[''{0}'']] 中的編輯", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm": "原始檔案已修改。", "interactive.compare.apply.confirm.detail": "您仍要套用變更嗎?", @@ -5866,13 +5946,14 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { "fileEntryDescription": "{0} ({1})", "installLabel": "安裝聊天延伸模組...", - "pickFileLabel": "挑選檔案。" + "pickFileLabel": "挑選檔案。", + "pickSymbolLabel": "挑選符號" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "此處有聊天專員懸停部分。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputRelatedFilesContrib": { - "relatedFile": "建議的檔案" + "relatedFile": "{0} (Suggested)" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { "screenshot": "螢幕擷取畫面" @@ -5880,7 +5961,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { "toolInvocationMessage": "使用 {0}" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeHandler": { "chatViewsWelcome.content": "歡迎訊息的內容。第一個命令連結將以按鈕呈現。", "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "歡迎訊息的圖示。", "chatViewsWelcome.title": "歡迎訊息的標題。", @@ -5917,12 +5998,6 @@ "chatResponseFiltered": "當伺服器篩選出聊天回應時為 True。", "chatResponseSupportsIssueReporting": "目前的聊天回應支持問題報告時為 True。", "chatSessionResponseDetectedAgentOrCommand": "自動偵測到代理程式或命令時", - "chatSetupEntitled": "為已登入、獲授權的使用者提供聊天設定時為 True。", - "chatSetupInstalled": "True when the chat extension is installed.", - "chatSetupInstalling": "當聊天設定正在安裝聊天時為 True。", - "chatSetupSignedIn": "為已登入的使用者提供聊天設定時為 True。", - "chatSetupSigningIn": "聊天設定正在等候登入時為 True。", - "chatSetupTriggered": "觸發聊天設定時為 True。", "inChat": "聚焦於聊天小工具時為 True,否則為 False。", "inInteractiveInput": "聚焦於聊天輸入時為 True,否則為 False。", "inQuickChat": "當快速聊天 UI 有焦點時為 True,否則為 False。", @@ -5952,7 +6027,8 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.languageModels.whitespaceVendor": "廠商欄位的開頭或結尾不能含有空格。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelStats": { - "Language Models": "語言模型", + "Language Models": "Copilot", + "chat": "聊天", "languageModels": "此延伸模組的語言模型使用統計資料。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { @@ -6672,6 +6748,7 @@ "findExtension": "尋找 {0} 延伸模組(&&F)", "installExt": "安裝延伸模組...", "installLanguage": "安裝 {0} 的延伸模組...", + "moreOptionsForDebugType": "其他 {0} 選項...", "selectDebug": "選取偵錯工具", "suggestedDebuggers": "建議", "suppressMultipleSessionWarning": "嘗試多次啟動相同的偵錯組態時停用警告。" @@ -7037,7 +7114,6 @@ "allDebuggersDisabled": "已停用所有偵錯延伸模組。啟用偵錯延伸模組,或從 Marketplace 安裝新的延伸模組。", "customizeRunAndDebug": "如果要自訂執行並偵錯,請[建立 launch.json 檔案](command:{0})。", "customizeRunAndDebugOpenFolder": "如果要自訂執行並偵錯,請[開啟資料夾](command:{0}) 並建立 launch.json 檔案。", - "detectThenRunAndDebug": "顯示所有自動偵錯組態", "openAFileWhichCanBeDebugged": "[開啟檔案](command:{0}),該檔案可供偵錯或執行。", "run": "執行", "runAndDebugAction": "執行與偵錯" @@ -7057,6 +7133,7 @@ "breakpointWidgetVisibile": "當中斷點編輯器區域小工具可見時為 true,否則為 false。", "breakpointsExist": "當存在至少一個中斷點時為 true。", "breakpointsFocused": "當 [中斷點] 檢視是焦點時為 true,否則為 false。", + "callStackFocused": "當 [CALLSTACK] 檢視是焦點時為 true,否則為 false。", "callStackItemStopped": "當 [呼叫堆疊] 中的焦點項目停止時,為 True。會在內部用於 [呼叫堆疊] 檢視中的內嵌功能表。", "callStackItemType": "代表 [呼叫堆疊] 檢視中焦點元素的項目類型。例如: 'session'、'thread'、'stackFrame'", "callStackSessionHasOneThread": "當 [呼叫堆疊] 檢視中的焦點工作階段正好有一個執行緒時,為 True。會在內部用於 [呼叫堆疊] 檢視中的內嵌功能表。", @@ -7325,10 +7402,10 @@ "errors": "{0} 未攔截錯誤", "extensionActivating": "正在啟用延伸模組...", "languageActivation": "{1} 已啟用,因為您開啟了 {0} 檔案", - "requests count": "{0} 要求: {1} (整體)", + "requests count": "{0} 使用方式: {1} 個要求", "requests count title": "上次要求為 {0}。", "runtimeExtensions": "執行階段延伸模組", - "session requests count": ",{0} (工作階段)", + "session requests count": ",{0} 個要求 (工作階段)", "showRuntimeExtensions": "顯示正在執行的延伸模組", "starActivation": "{0} 已在啟動時啟用", "startupFinishedActivation": "在啟動完成後由 {0} 啟用", @@ -7401,16 +7478,15 @@ "accessExtensionFeature": "啟用 '{0}' 功能", "activation": "啟用", "cancel": "取消", + "chartDescription": "在過去 30 天內,此延伸模組有 {0} {1} 個要求。", "disableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "要撤銷 '{0}' 延伸模組以存取 '{1}' 功能嗎?", "enable": "允許存取", "enableAccessExtensionFeatureMessage": "是否要允許 '{0}' 延伸模組存取 '{1}' 功能?", "extension features list": "延伸模組功能", "grant": "允許存取", - "last request": "上次要求: '{0}'", + "label": "{0} 使用方式", "messaages": "訊息 ({0})", "noFeatures": "未提供任何功能。", - "requests count session": "要求 (工作階段): '{0}'", - "requests count total": "要求 (整體): '{0}'", "revoke": "撤銷存取權", "revoked": "無權存取", "runtime": "執行階段狀態", @@ -7461,6 +7537,7 @@ "enabled filter": "啟用", "extension": "延伸模組", "extension updates filter": "更新", + "extension.publisher.allow.description": "允許或禁止來自此發行者的所有延伸模組。", "extensionInfoDescription": "描述: {0}", "extensionInfoId": "識別碼: {0}", "extensionInfoName": "名稱: {0}", @@ -7470,11 +7547,25 @@ "extensionUpdates": "顯示延伸項目更新", "extensions": "延伸模組", "extensions.affinity": "設定延伸模組以在不同的延伸模組主機處理序中執行。", + "extensions.allow.all.description": "允許或禁止所有延伸模組。", + "extensions.allow.all.disable": "禁止所有延伸模組。", + "extensions.allow.all.enable": "允許所有延伸模組。", + "extensions.allow.description": "允許或禁止延伸模組。", + "extensions.allow.version.description": "允許或禁止延伸模組的特定版本。若要指定平台特定版本,請使用 `platform@1.2.3` 的格式,例如 `win32-x64@1.2.3`。支援的平台為 `win32-x64`、`win32-arm64`、`linux-x64`、`linux-arm64`、`linux-armhf`、`alpine-x64`、`alpine-arm64`、`darwin-x64`、`darwin-arm64`", + "extensions.allowed": "Specify a list of extensions that are allowed to use. This helps maintain a secure and consistent development environment by restricting the use of unauthorized extensions. For more information on how to configure this setting, please visit the [Configure Allowed Extensions](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/enterprise#_configure-allowed-extensions) section.", + "extensions.allowed.all": "允許所有延伸模組。", + "extensions.allowed.disable.desc": "不允許延伸模組。", + "extensions.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "只允許延伸模組的穩定版本。", + "extensions.allowed.enable.desc": "允許延伸模組。", + "extensions.allowed.none": "未允許任何延伸模組。", "extensions.autoUpdate": "控制延伸模組的自動更新表現方式。更新擷取自 Microsoft 線上服務。", "extensions.autoUpdate.enabled": "僅為已啟用的延伸模組自動下載和安裝更新。", "extensions.autoUpdate.false": "延伸模組不會自動更新。", "extensions.autoUpdate.true": "自動下載並安裝所有延伸模組的更新。", "extensions.gallery.useUnpkgResourceApi": "啟用時,會從 Unpkg 服務擷取要更新的延伸模組。", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.desc": "不允許來自此發行者的所有延伸模組。", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.disable.stable.desc": "只允許來自此發行者的延伸模組穩定版本。", + "extensions.publisher.allowed.enable.desc": "允許來自此發行者的所有延伸模組。", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces": "覆寫延伸模組不受信任的工作區支援。將一律啟用使用 'true' 的延伸模組。將一律啟用使用 'limited' 的延伸模組,且延伸模組將會隱藏需要信任的功能。只有在工作空間受信任時,才會啟用使用 'false' 的延伸模組。", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.false": "只有在工作區受信任時,才能啟用延伸模組。", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.limited": "一律會啟用延伸模組,且延伸模組會隱藏需要信任的功能。", @@ -7485,6 +7576,7 @@ "extensions.verifySignature": "啟用時,延伸模組會在安裝前驗證為經過簽署。", "extensionsCheckUpdates": "啟用時,會自動檢查延伸模組更新。若延伸模組有更新,就會在 [延伸模組] 檢視中標記為過時。更新會從 Microsoft 線上服務擷取。", "extensionsCloseExtensionDetailsOnViewChange": "啟用時,包含延伸模組詳細資料的編輯器會自動在從 [延伸模組] 檢視導覽到他處時,自動關閉。", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "延伸模組", "extensionsDeferredStartupFinishedActivation": "啟用時,會在逾時之後啟用宣告 'onStartupFinished' 啟用事件的延伸模組。", "extensionsIgnoreRecommendations": "啟用時,延伸模組建議的通知就不會顯示。", "extensionsInQuickAccess": "啟用時,可以透過快速存取搜尋延伸模組,並從該處回報問題。", @@ -7556,6 +7648,7 @@ "workbench.extensions.action.configureKeybindings": "鍵盤快速鍵", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtension": "複製", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtensionId": "複製延伸模組識別碼", + "workbench.extensions.action.copyLink": "複製連結", "workbench.extensions.action.ignoreRecommendation": "忽略建議", "workbench.extensions.action.removeExtensionFromWorkspaceRecommendations": "從工作區中移除建議", "workbench.extensions.action.toggleApplyToAllProfiles": "將延伸模組套用至所有設定檔", @@ -7614,6 +7707,7 @@ "disableGloballyAction": "停用", "disableGloballyActionToolTip": "停用此延伸模組", "disabled": "停用", + "disabled - not allowed": "禁止此延伸模組,因為{0}", "disabled because of virtual workspace": "已停用此延伸模組,因為它不支援虛擬工作區。", "disabled by environment": "此延伸模組已由環境停用。", "do not sync": "不要同步此延伸模組", @@ -7836,6 +7930,7 @@ "no local extensions": "沒有任何要安裝的延伸模組。", "offline error": "離線時無法搜尋 Marketplace,請檢查網路連接。", "open user settings": "開啟使用者設定", + "showingExtensionsForFeature": "Extensions using {0} in the last 30 days", "suggestProxyError": "Marketplace 傳回了 'ECONNREFUSED'。請檢查 'http.proxy' 設定。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/extensionsWidgets": { @@ -7845,6 +7940,8 @@ "extensionIconStarForeground": "延伸模組分級的圖示色彩。", "extensionIconVerifiedForeground": "用於延伸模組已驗證發行者的圖示色彩。", "extensionPreReleaseForeground": "發行前版本延伸模組的圖示色彩。", + "feature access label": "{0} 要求", + "feature usage label": "{0} 使用方式", "has prerelease": "此延伸模組有可用的 {0}", "local extension": "本機延伸模組", "message": "1 則訊息", @@ -7856,6 +7953,7 @@ "sponsor": "贊助者", "startup": "啟動", "syncingore.label": "同步期間會忽略此延伸模組。", + "total": "過去 30 天内的 {0} {1} 個要求", "uncaught error": "1 個未攔截錯誤", "uncaught errors": "{0} 個未攔截錯誤", "updateRequired": "最新版本:", @@ -7873,11 +7971,13 @@ "deprecated extensions": "偵測到已被取代的延伸模組。檢閱並移轉至替代項目。", "disable all": "全部停用", "disableDependents": "停用具有相依項目的延伸模組", - "disallowed": "This extension is disallowed to be installed.", - "download": "Download", + "disallowed": "禁止安裝此延伸模組。", + "disallowed extensions": "Some extensions are disabled because they are configured not to be allowed.", + "disallowed extensions by policy": "Some extensions are disabled because they are not allowed by your system administrator.", + "download": "下載", "download title": "選取要下載 VSIX 的資料夾", "download.completed": "已成功下載 VSIX", - "downloading...": "Downlading VSIX...", + "downloading...": "正在下載 VSIX...", "enable locally": "請 {0} 以本機啟用此延伸模組。", "enable remote": "請 {0} 以於 {1} 啟用此延伸模組。", "enableButtonLabel": "啟用延伸模組(&&E)", @@ -7886,6 +7986,7 @@ "enableExtensionTitle": "啟用延伸模組", "extension not found": "找不到延伸模組 '{0}'。", "extensionsAutoRestart": "已自動重新啟動延伸模組來啟用更新。", + "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "延伸模組", "incompatible": "無法安裝 '{0}' 延伸模組,因為它不相容。", "incompatibleExtensions": "某些延伸模組已停用,因為版本不相容。加以檢閱並更新。", "installButtonLabel": "安裝延伸模組(&&I)", @@ -7899,12 +8000,12 @@ "malicious": "有人回報此延伸模組有問題。", "multipleDependentsError": "無法單獨停用 '{0}' 延伸模組。'{1}'、'{2}' 及其他延伸模組相依於此項。要停用這全部的延伸模組嗎?", "multipleDependentsUninstallError": "無法單獨解除安裝 '{0}' 延伸模組。其為 '{1}'、'{2}' 及其他延伸模組的相依對象。確定要將這些延伸模組解除安裝嗎?", - "not an extension": "The provided object is not an extension.", + "not an extension": "提供的物件不是延伸模組。", "not found": "無法安裝 '{0}' 延伸模組,因為找不到它。", "not found version": "找不到要求的版本 '{1}',因此無法安裝延伸模組 '{0}'。", - "not signed": "This extension is not signed.", + "not signed": "此延伸模組未簽署。", "open": "開啟延伸模組", - "platform placeholder": "Please select the platform for which you want to download the VSIX", + "platform placeholder": "請選取您想要下載 VSIX 的平台", "postDisableTooltip": "請 {0} 以停用此延伸模組。", "postEnableTooltip": "請 {0} 以啟用此延伸模組。", "postUninstallTooltip": "請 {0} 以完成此延伸模組的解除安裝。", @@ -7936,6 +8037,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/workspaceRecommendations": { "workspaceRecommendation": "目前工作區的使用者建議使用此延伸模組。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensions": { + "extensions": "延伸模組" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/common/extensionsFileTemplate": { "app.extension.identifier.errorMessage": "格式應為 '${publisher}.${name}'。範例: 'vscode.csharp'。", "app.extensions.json.recommendations": "應建議此工作區使用者使用的延伸模組清單。延伸模組識別碼一律為 '${publisher}.${name}'。例如: 'vscode.csharp'。 ", @@ -8548,8 +8652,14 @@ "welcome.2": "即將就緒..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { - "inlineChatExpansion": "在剛輸入的行結束時是否啟用內嵌聊天擴充", - "startWithCurrentLine": "在編輯器中從目前行開始" + "defaultTitle": "聊天", + "disableHint": "停用內嵌聊天提示", + "hideHint": "隱藏內嵌聊天提示", + "inlineChatShowingHint": "內嵌聊天是否顯示內容相關的提示", + "showHint": "顯示內嵌聊天提示", + "startWithCurrentLine": "在編輯器中從目前行開始", + "title1": "{0} 以在 {1} 繼續", + "title2": "{0} 以使用 {1} 編輯" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { "config": "一律使用 AI 產生的變更儲存,不需詢問", @@ -8574,6 +8684,7 @@ "accessibleDiffView.on": "一律會啟用具有協助工具功能的 Diff 檢視器。", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatInserted": "內嵌聊天所插入內容的概觀尺規標記色彩。", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatRemoved": "內嵌聊天所移除內容的概觀尺規標記色彩。", + "emptyLineHint": "空白行是否顯示透過內嵌聊天產生程式碼的提示。", "finishOnType": "在變更的區域以外輸入時,是否要完成內嵌聊天會話。", "holdToSpeech": "按住內嵌聊天按鍵繫結關係是否會自動啟用語音辨識。", "inlineChat.background": "互動式編輯器小工具的背景色彩", @@ -8605,6 +8716,7 @@ "inlineChatResponseTypes": "收到的回應類型是什麼,尚未收到任何回應,只有訊息,或訊息和本機編輯", "inlineChatUserDidEdit": "使用者是否在內嵌聊天上進行變更", "inlineChatVisible": "互動式編輯器輸入是否顯示", + "lineSuffixHint": "Whether a hint to complete a line with inline chat is shown. Only shows when at the end of a line that is dominated by natural language, like `class Person with name and hobbies`", "mode": "設定使用內嵌聊天製作的變更是要直接套用至文件還是先預覽。", "mode.live": "變更會直接套用至文件、可以透過內嵌差異來強調顯示,且由 hunks 接受/捨棄。結束工作階段將會保留變更。", "mode.preview": "變更僅限預覽,且必須透過套用按鈕接受。結束工作階段將捨棄變更。" @@ -9408,8 +9520,7 @@ "notebookActions.chatFixCellError": "修正儲存格錯誤" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellDiagnostics/diagnosticCellStatusBarContrib": { - "notebook.cell.status.explain": "使用聊天說明", - "notebook.cell.status.fix": "使用內嵌聊天修正" + "notebook.cell.status.diagnostic": "快速動作 {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/executionStatusBarItemController": { "notebook.cell.status.executing": "正在執行", @@ -9417,7 +9528,8 @@ "notebook.cell.status.pending": "暫止", "notebook.cell.status.success": "成功", "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip": "**上次執行** {0}\r\n\r\n**執行時間** {1}\r\n\r\n**額外負荷時間** {2}\r\n\r\n**轉譯時間**\r\n\r\n{3}", - "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "使用上述連結來使用問題回報程式提出問題。" + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerTooltip.reportIssueFootnote": "使用上述連結來使用問題回報程式提出問題。", + "notebook.cell.statusBar.timerVerbose": "Last Execution: {0}, Duration: {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/cellStatusBar/statusBarProviders": { "notebook.cell.status.autoDetectLanguage": "接受偵測到的語言: {0}", @@ -9775,6 +9887,9 @@ "insertToolbarLocation.notebookToolbar": "筆記本編輯器最上方的工具列。", "notebook.VariablesView.description": "在偵錯面板中啟用實驗性筆記本變數檢視。", "notebook.backup.sizeLimit": "筆記本輸出大小的限制,以 KB 為單位,將不再備份筆記本檔案以進行熱重新載入。使用 0 表示無限制。", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.default.description": "The cell execution duration is visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.description": "Controls the verbosity of the cell execution time in the cell status bar.", + "notebook.cellExecutionTimeVerbosity.verbose.description": "The cell last execution timestamp and duration are visible, with advanced information in the hover tooltip.", "notebook.cellFailureDiagnostics": "顯示儲存格失敗的可用診斷。", "notebook.cellGenerate": "啟用實驗性產生動作,以建立已啟用內嵌聊天的程式碼儲存格。", "notebook.cellToolbarLocation.description": "應顯示儲存格工具列的位置,或是否應隱藏。", @@ -12654,8 +12769,8 @@ "suggest.builtinCompletions": "控制要啟動哪些內建完成。如果在殼層配置檔中設定自訂殼層完成,此設定可能會造成衝突。", "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshCode": "將為 VS Code 的 `code` 和 `code-insider` CLI 註冊自訂 PowerShell 引數完成程式。這目前非常基本,且一律建議旗標和子命令,而不檢查內容。", "suggest.builtinCompletions.pwshGit": "將為 `git` CLI 註冊自訂 PowerShell 引數完成程式。", - "suggest.enableExtensionCompletions": "Controls whether extension completions are enabled.", - "suggest.enabled": "Enables experimental terminal Intellisense suggestions for supported shells ({0}) when {1} is set to {2}.\r\n\r\nIf shell integration is installed manually, {3} needs to be set to {4} before calling the shell integration script. \r\n\r\nFor extension provided completions, {5} will also need to be set.", + "suggest.enableExtensionCompletions": "控制是否啟用延伸模組完成。", + "suggest.enabled": "在 {1} 設為 {2} 時,為支援的殼層 ({0}) 啟用實驗性終端機 IntelliSense 建議。\r\n\r\n如果手動安裝殼層整合,需要先將 {3} 設為 {4},才能呼叫殼層整合指令碼。\r\n\r\n若為延伸模組提供的完成,還需要設定 {5}。", "suggest.quickSuggestions": "控制輸入時是否應自動顯示建議。另外也請注意 {0} 設定,其會控制建議是否由特殊字元所觸發。", "suggest.runOnEnter": "控制使用 `Enter` 鍵 (非 `Tab` 鍵) 接受結果時是否應立即執行建議。", "suggest.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": "控制建議是否應在鍵入觸發字元時自動顯示。" @@ -12888,7 +13003,8 @@ "testingCountBadgePassed": "{0} 個通過的測試", "testingCountBadgeSkipped": "{0} 個略過的測試", "testingFindExtension": "顯示工作區測試", - "testingNoTest": "在此檔案中找不到測試。" + "testingNoTest": "在此檔案中找不到測試。", + "testingSelectConfig": "選取設定..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "關閉", @@ -13067,6 +13183,11 @@ "testError": "嘗試執行測試時發生錯誤: {0}", "testTrust": "執行測試可能會執行工作區中的程式碼。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/testTypes": { + "testing.runProfileBitset.coverage": "涵蓋範圍", + "testing.runProfileBitset.debug": "偵錯", + "testing.runProfileBitset.run": "執行" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/themes/browser/themes.contribution": { "browseColorThemeInMarketPlace.label": "在 Marketplace 中瀏覽色彩主題", "browseColorThemes": "瀏覽其他色彩佈景主題...", @@ -13656,7 +13777,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { "getStarted": "歡迎", - "walkthroughPageTitle": "逐步解說:" + "walkthroughPageTitle": "逐步解說: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "內建", @@ -13674,6 +13795,7 @@ "browsePopularWeb": "瀏覽熱門 Web 延伸模組", "cloneRepo": "複製存放庫", "commandPalette": "開啟命令選擇區", + "copilotTerms": "By continuing, you agree to Copilot [Terms]({0}) and [Privacy Policy]({1}).", "enableSync": "備份與同步設定", "enableTrust": "啟用信任", "getting-started-beginner-icon": "用於歡迎頁面初學者類別的圖示", @@ -13695,6 +13817,8 @@ "gettingStarted.commandPalette.title": "使用命令選擇區發掘生產力 ", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.description.interpolated": "在 VS Code 中執行命令而不需使用滑鼠來完成任何工作。\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.commandPaletteAccessibility.title": "使用命令選擇區發掘生產力", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.description": "Write code faster and smarter with [Copilot]({0}) for free.", + "gettingStarted.copilotSetup.title": "Use AI features with Copilot for free", "gettingStarted.debug.description.interpolated": "設定啟動設定,加速您的編輯、編譯、測試和偵錯迴圈。\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.debug.title": "觀看您的程式碼執行", "gettingStarted.extensions.description.interpolated": "延伸模組是 VS Code 的一大助力。範圍涵蓋實用的生產力工具,可以不斷擴展現成可用的功能,以及持續增加的新功能。\r\n{0}", @@ -13789,6 +13913,9 @@ "quickOpen": "快速開啟檔案", "runProject": "執行您的專案", "runTasks": "執行自動偵測的工作", + "setupCopilotButton.chatWithCopilot": "Chat with Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.setup": "Setup Copilot", + "setupCopilotButton.signIn": "Sign in to use Copilot", "showOrFocusHover": "顯示或聚焦暫留", "showTerminal": "開啟終端機", "titleID": "瀏覽色彩主題", @@ -14046,6 +14173,7 @@ "menus.explorerContextShare": "檔案總管操作功能表中的 [共用] 子功能表", "menus.extensionContext": "延伸模組操作功能表", "menus.historyItemContext": "原始檔控制歷程記錄項目操作功能表", + "menus.historyItemRefContext": "原始檔控制歷程記錄項目參考操作功能表", "menus.home": "主指示器操作功能表 (僅限網頁版)", "menus.input": "原始檔控制輸入方塊選單", "menus.mergeEditorResult": "合併編輯器的結果工具列", @@ -14350,6 +14478,7 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/browser/extensionEnablementService": { "Reload": "重新載入並啟用延伸模組", "cannot change disablement environment": "無法變更 {0} 延伸模組的啟用,因為它在環境中已停用", + "cannot change disallowed extension enablement": "因為不允許 {0} 延伸模組,所以無法變更其啟用。", "cannot change enablement dependency": "無法啟用 '{0}' 延伸模組,因為它依賴無法啟用的 '{1}' 延伸模組", "cannot change enablement environment": "無法變更 {0} 延伸模組的啟用,因為它在環境中已啟用", "cannot change enablement extension kind": "因為延伸模組種類的影響,所以無法變更 {0} 延伸模組的啟用", @@ -14371,9 +14500,6 @@ "allow": "允許", "disallow": "不允許" }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement": { - "extensionsConfigurationTitle": "延伸模組" - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementServerService": { "browser": "瀏覽器", "remote": "遠端" @@ -14403,11 +14529,6 @@ "singleDependentError": "無法將延伸模組 '{0}' 解除安裝。其為延伸模組 '{1}' 的相依對象。", "twoDependentsError": "無法將延伸模組 '{0}' 解除安裝。其為延伸模組 '{1}' 及 '{2}' 的相依對象。" }, - "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/common/webExtensionManagementService": { - "VS Code for Web": "{0} 網頁版", - "learn why": "Learn Why", - "not web tooltip": "{1} 中無法使用 '{0}' 延伸模組。" - }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/extensionManagementServerService": { "local": "LOCAL", "remote": "遠端" @@ -14485,7 +14606,7 @@ "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onSearch": "在每次透過指定的配置於資料夾中開始搜尋時,所發出的啟用事件。 ", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onStartupFinished": "已在啟動完成之後 (在所有 '*' 啟用的延伸模組皆完成啟用之後) 發出啟用事件。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onTaskType": "每當需要列出或解析特定類型的工作時,就會發出啟用事件。", - "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onTerminalCompletionsRequested": "An activation event emitted when terminal completions are requested.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onTerminalCompletionsRequested": "要求終端機完成時發出啟用事件。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onTerminalProfile": "啟動特定終端機設定檔時,會發出啟用事件。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onTerminalQuickFixRequest": "當命令符合與此識別碼關聯的選取器時,會發出啟用事件", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onUri": "每當指向此延伸模組的全系統 URI 開啟時,都會發出啟動事件。",