diff --git a/docs/configuration.rst b/docs/configuration.rst
index 022e3c5268..432bc6e9fb 100644
--- a/docs/configuration.rst
+++ b/docs/configuration.rst
@@ -2376,6 +2376,31 @@ Description
for example ``tags_artist`` or ``tags_character``.
+ ``bool``
+ ``false``
+ Extract comments that include photo attachments made by the author of the post.
+ * ``bool``
+ * ``string``
+ ``true``
+ Control video download behavior.
+ * ``true``: Extract and download video & audio separately.
+ * ``"ytdl"``: Let |ytdl| handle video extraction and download, and merge video & audio streams.
+ * ``false``: Ignore videos.
diff --git a/docs/supportedsites.md b/docs/supportedsites.md
index 1c59a0ff0d..f779217e18 100644
--- a/docs/supportedsites.md
+++ b/docs/supportedsites.md
@@ -247,6 +247,12 @@ Consider all listed sites to potentially be NSFW.
Favorites, Galleries, Search Results |
Supported |
+ Facebook |
+ https://www.facebook.com/ |
+ Photos, Profiles, Sets, Videos |
+ Cookies |
Fanleaks |
https://fanleaks.club/ |
diff --git a/gallery_dl/extractor/__init__.py b/gallery_dl/extractor/__init__.py
index 8b0a158a4c..594ce41a96 100644
--- a/gallery_dl/extractor/__init__.py
+++ b/gallery_dl/extractor/__init__.py
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
+ "facebook",
diff --git a/gallery_dl/extractor/facebook.py b/gallery_dl/extractor/facebook.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8b5690f24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gallery_dl/extractor/facebook.py
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+"""Extractors for https://www.facebook.com/"""
+from .common import Extractor, Message
+from .. import text, exception
+BASE_PATTERN = r"(?:https?://)?(?:[\w-]+\.)?facebook\.com"
+class FacebookExtractor(Extractor):
+ """Base class for Facebook extractors"""
+ category = "facebook"
+ root = "https://www.facebook.com"
+ directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{username}", "{title} ({set_id})")
+ filename_fmt = "{id}.{extension}"
+ archive_fmt = "{id}.{extension}"
+ set_url_fmt = root + "/media/set/?set={set_id}"
+ photo_url_fmt = root + "/photo/?fbid={photo_id}&set={set_id}"
+ def _init(self):
+ headers = self.session.headers
+ headers["Accept"] = (
+ "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,"
+ "image/avif,image/webp,image/png,image/svg+xml,*/*;q=0.8"
+ )
+ headers["Sec-Fetch-Dest"] = "empty"
+ headers["Sec-Fetch-Mode"] = "navigate"
+ headers["Sec-Fetch-Site"] = "same-origin"
+ self.fallback_retries = self.config("fallback-retries", 2)
+ self.videos = self.config("videos", True)
+ self.author_followups = self.config("author-followups", False)
+ @staticmethod
+ def decode_all(txt):
+ return text.unescape(
+ txt.encode("utf-8").decode("unicode_escape")
+ ).replace("\\/", "/")
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_set_page(set_page):
+ directory = {
+ "set_id": text.extr(
+ set_page, '"mediaSetToken":"', '"'
+ ) or text.extr(
+ set_page, '"mediasetToken":"', '"'
+ ),
+ "username": FacebookExtractor.decode_all(
+ text.extr(
+ set_page, '"user":{"__isProfile":"User","name":"', '","'
+ ) or text.extr(
+ set_page, '"actors":[{"__typename":"User","name":"', '","'
+ )
+ ),
+ "user_id": text.extr(
+ set_page, '"owner":{"__typename":"User","id":"', '"'
+ ),
+ "title": FacebookExtractor.decode_all(text.extr(
+ set_page, '"title":{"text":"', '"'
+ )),
+ "first_photo_id": text.extr(
+ set_page,
+ '{"__typename":"Photo","__isMedia":"Photo","',
+ '","creation_story"'
+ ).rsplit('"id":"', 1)[-1] or
+ text.extr(
+ set_page, '{"__typename":"Photo","id":"', '"'
+ )
+ }
+ return directory
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_photo_page(photo_page):
+ photo = {
+ "id": text.extr(
+ photo_page, '"__isNode":"Photo","id":"', '"'
+ ),
+ "set_id": text.extr(
+ photo_page,
+ '"url":"https:\\/\\/www.facebook.com\\/photo\\/?fbid=',
+ '"'
+ ).rsplit("&set=", 1)[-1],
+ "username": FacebookExtractor.decode_all(text.extr(
+ photo_page, '"owner":{"__typename":"User","name":"', '"'
+ )),
+ "user_id": text.extr(
+ photo_page, '"owner":{"__typename":"User","id":"', '"'
+ ),
+ "caption": FacebookExtractor.decode_all(text.extr(
+ photo_page,
+ '"message":{"delight_ranges"',
+ '"},"message_preferred_body"'
+ ).rsplit('],"text":"', 1)[-1]),
+ "date": text.parse_timestamp(text.extr(
+ photo_page, '\\"publish_time\\":', ','
+ )),
+ "url": FacebookExtractor.decode_all(text.extr(
+ photo_page, ',"image":{"uri":"', '","'
+ )),
+ "next_photo_id": text.extr(
+ photo_page,
+ '"nextMediaAfterNodeId":{"__typename":"Photo","id":"',
+ '"'
+ ) or text.extr(
+ photo_page,
+ '"nextMedia":{"edges":[{"node":{"__typename":"Photo","id":"',
+ '"'
+ )
+ }
+ text.nameext_from_url(photo["url"], photo)
+ photo["followups_ids"] = []
+ for comment_raw in text.extract_iter(
+ photo_page, '{"node":{"id"', '"cursor":null}'
+ ):
+ if ('"is_author_original_poster":true' in comment_raw and
+ '{"__typename":"Photo","id":"' in comment_raw):
+ photo["followups_ids"].append(text.extr(
+ comment_raw,
+ '{"__typename":"Photo","id":"',
+ '"'
+ ))
+ return photo
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_post_page(post_page):
+ first_photo_url = text.extr(
+ text.extr(
+ post_page, '"__isMedia":"Photo"', '"target_group"'
+ ), '"url":"', ','
+ )
+ post = {
+ "set_id": text.extr(post_page, '{"mediaset_token":"', '"') or
+ text.extr(first_photo_url, 'set=', '"').rsplit("&", 1)[0]
+ }
+ return post
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_video_page(video_page):
+ video = {
+ "id": text.extr(
+ video_page, '\\"video_id\\":\\"', '\\"'
+ ),
+ "username": FacebookExtractor.decode_all(text.extr(
+ video_page, '"actors":[{"__typename":"User","name":"', '","'
+ )),
+ "user_id": text.extr(
+ video_page, '"owner":{"__typename":"User","id":"', '"'
+ ),
+ "date": text.parse_timestamp(text.extr(
+ video_page, '\\"publish_time\\":', ','
+ )),
+ "type": "video"
+ }
+ if not video["username"]:
+ video["username"] = FacebookExtractor.decode_all(text.extr(
+ video_page,
+ '"__typename":"User","id":"' + video["user_id"] + '","name":"',
+ '","'
+ ))
+ first_video_raw = text.extr(
+ video_page, '"permalink_url"', '\\/Period>\\u003C\\/MPD>'
+ )
+ audio = {
+ **video,
+ "url": FacebookExtractor.decode_all(text.extr(
+ text.extr(
+ first_video_raw,
+ "AudioChannelConfiguration",
+ "BaseURL>\\u003C"
+ ),
+ "BaseURL>", "\\u003C\\/"
+ )),
+ "type": "audio"
+ }
+ video["urls"] = {}
+ for raw_url in text.extract_iter(
+ first_video_raw, 'FBQualityLabel=\\"', '\\u003C\\/BaseURL>'
+ ):
+ resolution = raw_url.split('\\"', 1)[0]
+ video["urls"][resolution] = FacebookExtractor.decode_all(
+ raw_url.split('BaseURL>', 1)[1]
+ )
+ if not video["urls"]:
+ return video, audio
+ video["url"] = max(
+ video["urls"].items(),
+ key=lambda x: text.parse_int(x[0][:-1])
+ )[1]
+ text.nameext_from_url(video["url"], video)
+ audio["filename"] = video["filename"]
+ audio["extension"] = "m4a"
+ return video, audio
+ def photo_page_request_wrapper(self, url, **kwargs):
+ LEFT_OFF_TXT = "" if url.endswith("&set=") else (
+ "\nYou can use this URL to continue from "
+ "where you left off (added \"&setextract\"): "
+ "\n" + url + "&setextract"
+ )
+ res = self.request(url, **kwargs)
+ if res.url.startswith(self.root + "/login"):
+ raise exception.AuthenticationError(
+ "You must be logged in to continue viewing images." +
+ )
+ if b'{"__dr":"CometErrorRoot.react"}' in res.content:
+ raise exception.StopExtraction(
+ "You've been temporarily blocked from viewing images. "
+ "\nPlease try using a different account, "
+ "using a VPN or waiting before you retry." +
+ )
+ return res
+ def extract_set(self, first_photo_id, set_id):
+ all_photo_ids = [first_photo_id]
+ retries = 0
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(all_photo_ids):
+ photo_id = all_photo_ids[i]
+ photo_url = self.photo_url_fmt.format(
+ photo_id=photo_id, set_id=set_id
+ )
+ photo_page = self.photo_page_request_wrapper(photo_url).text
+ photo = self.parse_photo_page(photo_page)
+ photo["set_id"] = set_id
+ photo["num"] = i + 1
+ if self.author_followups:
+ for followup_id in photo["followups_ids"]:
+ if followup_id not in all_photo_ids:
+ self.log.debug(
+ "Found a followup in comments: %s", followup_id
+ )
+ all_photo_ids.append(followup_id)
+ if not photo["url"]:
+ if retries < self.fallback_retries and self._interval_429:
+ seconds = self._interval_429()
+ self.log.warning(
+ "Failed to find photo download URL for %s. "
+ "Retrying in %s seconds.", photo_url, seconds,
+ )
+ self.wait(seconds=seconds, reason="429 Too Many Requests")
+ retries += 1
+ continue
+ else:
+ self.log.error(
+ "Failed to find photo download URL for " + photo_url +
+ ". Skipping."
+ )
+ retries = 0
+ else:
+ retries = 0
+ yield Message.Url, photo["url"], photo
+ if photo["next_photo_id"] == "":
+ self.log.debug(
+ "Can't find next image in the set. "
+ "Extraction is over."
+ )
+ elif photo["next_photo_id"] in all_photo_ids:
+ if photo["next_photo_id"] != photo["id"]:
+ self.log.debug(
+ "Detected a loop in the set, it's likely finished. "
+ "Extraction is over."
+ )
+ else:
+ all_photo_ids.append(photo["next_photo_id"])
+ i += 1
+class FacebookSetExtractor(FacebookExtractor):
+ """Base class for Facebook Set extractors"""
+ subcategory = "set"
+ pattern = (
+ r"/(?:(?:media/set|photo)/?\?(?:[^]+&)*set=([^]+)"
+ r"[^/?#]*(?