diff --git a/helm/tenant/values.yaml b/helm/tenant/values.yaml index f8e10020ff3..7bf917fbaa2 100644 --- a/helm/tenant/values.yaml +++ b/helm/tenant/values.yaml @@ -280,3 +280,20 @@ ingress: host: minio-console.local path: / pathType: Prefix + +## Use an extraResources template section to include additional Kubernetes resources +## with the Helm deployment. +## Example: the following creates the config secret together with the tenant: +#secrets: +# existingSecret: custom-env-configuration +#extraResources: +# - | +# apiVersion: v1 +# kind: Secret +# type: Opaque +# metadata: +# name: {{ dig "secrets" "existingSecret" "" (.Values | merge (dict)) }} +# stringData: +# config.env: |- +# export MINIO_ROOT_USER='minio' +# export MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD='minio123'