This is a basic little gem to serve as an API client for laa-criminal-applications-datastore.
Currently it supports:
- Create an application (submission)
- Get an application by its ID
- Get all application filtered by status, optionally paginated
- Update an application by its ID, providing a payload with attributes to update
- Delete an application by its ID
It will support more operations in the future, or extend the existing ones, as we need them.
For now this gem is not being published to rubygems as it is under heavy development so to use it just add the following to your Gemfile:
gem 'laa-criminal-applications-datastore-api-client',
github: 'ministryofjustice/laa-criminal-applications-datastore-api-client'
You can lock it to a specific branch or sha if you want too.
You need to configure the client before you can use it. You can do this, for example with an initializer:
require 'datastore_api'
DatastoreApi.configure do |config|
config.api_root = ENV.fetch('DATASTORE_API_ROOT', nil)
config.basic_auth_username = ENV.fetch('DATASTORE_AUTH_USERNAME', nil)
config.basic_auth_password = ENV.fetch('DATASTORE_AUTH_PASSWORD', nil)
# You can customise the logger/level, for example:
config.logger =
config.logger.level = Logger::WARN
There are several options you can configure, like open and read timeouts, logging, and more. Please refer to the Configuration class for more details.
response =
payload: { id: 'uuid', reference: 12345, status: 'submitted', ... }
This will return a Responses::ApplicationResult
class with the API response. A few basic attributes will be mapped to instance attributes. The rest can be obtained with bracket syntax. For example: # "uuid"
response.reference # 12345
response['status'] # "submitted"
response =
application_id: 'uuid'
This, as with the create action, will return a Responses::ApplicationResult
response =
status: :submitted
The response is slightly different. It will return a collection of Responses::ApplicationResult
, but additionally it includes a #pagination
method to obtain the pagination metadata.
# To update an existing application
application_id: 'uuid', payload: { status: :returned }
# To delete an existing application
application_id: 'uuid'
# Search applications, optionally paginated
search_text: 'John',
pagination: { per_page: 5, page: 2 }
# Health check endpoint
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec rake
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
This gem uses rubocop and simplecov (at 100% coverage).
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.