output workflow variables
build web resources
lint terraform code
test javascript code
api unit tests 1
api unit tests 2
api unit tests 3
miscellaneous unit tests
build, scan and push
docker_build_scan_push (client-webserver, ., client/docker/web/Dockerfile)
docker_build_scan_push (client, ., client/docker/app/Dockerfile)
docker_build_scan_push (api-webserver, ., api/docker/web/Dockerfile)
docker_build_scan_push (api, ., api/docker/app/Dockerfile)
docker_build_scan_push (sync, orchestration, Dockerfile)
docker_build_scan_push (htmltopdf, ., htmltopdf/Dockerfile)
docker_build_scan_push (file-scanner, ., file-scanner/Dockerfile)
docker_build_scan_push (dr-backup, disaster-recovery/backup, Dockerfile)
docker_build_scan_push (custom-sql-lambda, lambdas/functions/custom_sql_query, Dockerfile)
client unit tests
account plan terraform development
environment apply terraform
upload to codecov
ecr scan results
scale up services
reset database
smoke tests
integration tests frontend 1
integration tests frontend 2
integration tests admin
integration tests sequential 1
integration tests sequential 2
integration tests sequential 3
scale down services
end of workflow
notify of success
notify of failure
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