require 'rubygems' require 'bundler/setup' require 'rake/testtask' do |test| test.libs << 'lib' << 'test' test.pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb' test.verbose = true end namespace :services do task :load do require File.expand_path("../config/load", __FILE__) end desc "Writes JSON config to FILE || config/services.json, Docs to DOCS" task :build => [:config, :docs] desc "Writes a JSON config to FILE || config/services.json" task :config => :load do file = ENV["FILE"] || default_services_config services = [] Service.load_services do |svc| services << {:name => svc.hook_name, :events => svc.default_events, :supported_events => svc.supported_events, :title => svc.title, :schema => svc.schema} end services.sort! { |x, y| x[:name] <=> y[:name] } data = { :metadata => { :generated_at => }, :services => services } puts "Writing config to #{file}" file, 'w' do |io| io << Yajl.dump(data, :pretty => true) end end desc "Writes Docs to DOCS" task :docs => :load do dir = ENV['DOCS'] || default_docs_dir docs = Dir[File.expand_path("../docs/*", __FILE__)] docs.each do |path| name = File.basename(path) next if GitHubDocs.include?(name) new_name = dir.include?('{name}') ? dir.sub('{name}', name) : File.join(dir, name) new_dir = File.dirname(new_name) FileUtils.mkdir_p(new_dir) puts "COPY #{path} => #{new_name}" FileUtils.cp(path, new_name) end end require 'set' GitHubDocs = payload_data)) def base_github_path ENV['GH_PATH'] || "#{ENV['HOME']}/github/github" end def default_services_config "#{base_github_path}/config/services.json" end def default_docs_dir "#{base_github_path}/app/views/edit_repositories/hooks/_{name}.erb" end end