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Niclas17 edited this page Jul 5, 2022 · 5 revisions

[ "disp", "name", [x,y], angle, offset, length]

small red arrow with label (indication of displacement). Same as dir, except for the color.

  • "name" label, typeset in MathJax math mode
  • [x,y] start point
  • angle arrow direction, counter-clockwise from x-axis, in °.
  • offset (optional, defaults to 10 pixels) distance from arrow to text anchor point in pixels. If offset < 0, then the label is placed at the tail of the arrow, otherwise at the head.
  • length (optional, defaults to equivalent of 24 pixels), in standard grid units
Bildschirmfoto 2022-07-05 um 19 26 08
  [ "grid", "","", -5,5,-4,5, 50, [1,1], [0,0] ],
  [ "point", "start point", [2,1] ],
  [ "angle1", "\\alpha", [2, 1], [3,1], 0.7, 45 ],
  [ "angle1", "\\alpha", [-2, 1], [-1,1], 0.7, 45 ],
  [ "disp", "name", [2,1], 45, 10, 2],
  [ "disp", "name", [-2,1], 45, -10, 2]

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  3. Replace the code in the HTML section (contents of <p hidden id="init">) with the content of the clipboard
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