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Randomized texts

mkraska edited this page Jul 1, 2022 · 2 revisions

Sometimes you don't want to specify numbers but want to describe the task using text.

This can be randomized using a random index for access to a template list. The list contains factors and textual descriptions of these factors.

Question variables

template: [
  [ 2, "auf das Doppelte erh&oumlht" ], 
  [ 1.1, "um 10% erh&oumlht" ], 
  [ 1.5, "um 50% erh&oumlht" ],
  [ 0.5, "auf die H&aumllfte vermindert" ], 
  [ 0.9, "um 10% vermindert" ] 

Let's say you have a quantity L.

  • Li is the random list index.
  • Ltext is the text to be used in the question text.
  • Lfactor is the factor represented by the text.

Now assume that the result is proportional to the square root of L.

  • Lauf is to how many % the result changes.
  • Lum is by how many % the result changes.

It is not recommended to randomize also the question of 'to' or 'by', because this might get complicated with feedback.

Lexp: -0.5; 
Li: rand(length(template))+1;
Ltext: template[Li][2];
Lfactor: template[Li][1];
Lauf: Lfactor^Lexp*100;
Lum: (Lfactor^Lexp-1)*100;

Question text

<p>Um wieviel % (mit Vorzeichen) ändert sich die Eigenfrequenz eines mathematischen Pendels,</p>
<p>a), wenn die Länge {@Ltext@} wird? [[input:ans1]]% [[validation:ans1]] [[feedback:prt1]]</p>

Input and PRT

Use Lauf or Lum as model solution and teacher's answer, depending on what your actual question was.

Tryout Space

In order to try code snippets in jsfiddle,

  1. copy the code from the wiki page to the clipboard
  2. follow the link for the JSXGraph version you want to try
  3. Replace the code in the HTML section (contents of <p hidden id="init">) with the content of the clipboard
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