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mkraska edited this page Nov 21, 2024 · 4 revisions

[txt, OK]: fb_system(names, sys, env, hint)

  • names list from the names input field
  • sys list of indices of elements which belong to the system (to be active)
  • env list of indices of elements which belong to the environment and have to be deactivated and replaced by reactions
  • hint text, problem-specific hint if the system boundaries aren't correct.


Question variables: Define the lists

i_sys: [....];
i_env: [....];

Question text


Feedback variables

obj: stackjson_parse(objects);
[txt, OK]: fb_system(names, i_sys, i_env, "");


Field Value
sans OK
tans true
feedback true {@txt@}
feedback false {@txt@}


names[n]="show" is true if element with index n is activated and false if not.

This can be used to check if all supports or distributed loads are de-activated.

The following snippet from the Feedback variables sets OK to true if the object with number i_beam are activated and the objects i_S1, i_S2 and i_S3 are not.

i_beam: 2; i_S1: 5; i_S2: 6; i_S3: 7; 
OK: is(
  names[i_S1]   # "show" and 
  names[i_S2]   # "show" and 
  names[i_S3]   # "show" and 
  names[i_beam] = "show");
txt: if OK then " Die Systemgrenzen stimmen." 
  else " Die Systemgrenzen stimmen nicht. Nur der Balken gehört zum System. Mindestens die Stäbe müssen entfernt (deaktiviert) werden.";

Use AlgEquiv question test with OK as sans and true as tans.

In both branches, say


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