diff --git a/tests/optimizer/test_power_limit_optimizer.py b/tests/optimizer/test_power_limit_optimizer.py
index 281bf733..03e7ed90 100644
--- a/tests/optimizer/test_power_limit_optimizer.py
+++ b/tests/optimizer/test_power_limit_optimizer.py
@@ -126,7 +126,8 @@ def test_power_limit_optimizer(
     tmp_path: Path,
     # Mock PyNVML.
-    pynvml_mock = mocker.patch("zeus.optimizer.power_limit.pynvml", autospec=True)
+    # pynvml_mock = mocker.patch("zeus.optimizer.power_limit.pynvml", autospec=True)
+    pynvml_mock = mocker.patch("zeus.device.gpu.pynvml", autospec=True)
     pynvml_mock.nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex.side_effect = lambda i: f"handle{i}"
     pynvml_mock.nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimitConstraints.side_effect = \
         lambda _: (min(replay_log.power_limits) * 1000, max(replay_log.power_limits) * 1000)
diff --git a/zeus/device/gpu.py b/zeus/device/gpu.py
index bf88b86d..fda6e5c1 100644
--- a/zeus/device/gpu.py
+++ b/zeus/device/gpu.py
@@ -26,13 +26,15 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
 import abc
 import pynvml
 import os
 # from exception import ZeusBaseGPUError
-import contextlib
+    import pynvml
 # import amdsmi
diff --git a/zeus/optimizer/old_power_limit.py b/zeus/optimizer/old_power_limit.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c584ca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zeus/optimizer/old_power_limit.py
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2023 Jae-Won Chung <jwnchung@umich.edu>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Optimizers that select the optimum power limit.
+This module contains the following pieces:
+- [`GlobalPowerLimitOptimizer`][zeus.optimizer.power_limit.GlobalPowerLimitOptimizer]
+  is the main class that implements the state machine
+  and the logic for profiling power limits and selecting
+  the optimum power limit.
+- [`PowerLimitMeasurement`][zeus.optimizer.power_limit.PowerLimitMeasurement] and various
+  state classes are helpers that support the state machine.
+- [`OptimumSelector`][zeus.optimizer.power_limit.OptimumSelector]
+  is an abstract base class for selecting the optimum power limit
+  from a list of power limit profiling results. There are concrete classes
+  that implement different selection strategies, like
+  [minimizing energy][zeus.optimizer.power_limit.Energy],
+  [minimizing time][zeus.optimizer.power_limit.Time],
+  [minimizing the Zeus time-energy cost][zeus.optimizer.power_limit.ZeusCost],
+  or [selecting the lowest power limit that meets the given maximum training time slowdown factor][zeus.optimizer.power_limit.MaxSlowdownConstraint].
+- [`HFGlobalPowerLimitOptimizer`][zeus.optimizer.power_limit.HFGlobalPowerLimitOptimizer]
+  is a wrapper for the Hugging Face `TrainerCallback` class that uses `GlobalPowerLimitOptimizer`.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import atexit
+from pathlib import Path
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+import pynvml
+from zeus.callback import Callback
+from zeus.monitor import ZeusMonitor
+from zeus.util.logging import get_logger
+from zeus.util.metric import zeus_cost
+from zeus.util.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, PositiveInt, PositiveFloat
+# from zeus.device.gpu import gpus
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+class OptimumSelector(ABC):
+    """Base class for optimum power limit selectors."""
+    @abstractmethod
+    def select(self, measurements: list[PowerLimitMeasurement]) -> int:
+        """Select the optimal power limit (W) from measurements."""
+class Energy(OptimumSelector):
+    """Selects the power limit that minimizes energy consumption."""
+    def select(self, measurements: list[PowerLimitMeasurement]) -> int:
+        """Select the optimal power limit (W) from measurements."""
+        return min(measurements, key=lambda x: x.energy).power_limit
+class Time(OptimumSelector):
+    """Selects the power limit that minimizes training time.
+    This may not necessarily choose the maximum power limit, as time profiling
+    results can be slightly noisy. However, we believe that's actually better
+    because it means that training time is very similar among higher power limits,
+    but lower power limit will consume less power.
+    """
+    def select(self, measurements: list[PowerLimitMeasurement]) -> int:
+        """Select the optimal power limit (W) from measurements."""
+        return min(measurements, key=lambda x: x.time).power_limit
+class ZeusCost(OptimumSelector):
+    r"""Selects the power limit that minimizes a linear Zeus time-energy cost function.
+    Cost function is $C = \eta \cdot Energy + MaxPower \cdot (1 - \eta) \cdot Time$.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, eta_knob: float, world_size: int = 1) -> None:
+        r"""Initialize the selector.
+        Args:
+            eta_knob: The $0 \le \eta \le 1$ knob for the Zeus time-energy cost function.
+            world_size: The number of GPUs in the training job. Defaults to 1.
+        """
+        if eta_knob < 0 or eta_knob > 1:
+            raise ValueError("eta_knob must be between 0 and 1, inclusive both sides.")
+        if world_size < 1:
+            raise ValueError("world_size must be greater than or equal to 1.")
+        self.eta_knob = eta_knob
+        self.world_size = world_size
+    def select(self, measurements: list[PowerLimitMeasurement]) -> int:
+        """Select the optimal power limit (W) from measurements."""
+        max_power = (
+            max(measurement.power_limit for measurement in measurements)
+            * self.world_size
+        )
+        zeus_cost_map = {
+            measurement.power_limit: zeus_cost(
+                energy=measurement.energy,
+                time=measurement.time,
+                eta_knob=self.eta_knob,
+                max_power=max_power,
+            )
+            for measurement in measurements
+        }
+        return min(zeus_cost_map, key=lambda x: zeus_cost_map[x])
+class MaxSlowdownConstraint(OptimumSelector):
+    """Selects the minumum power limit that does not slow down training by more than the given factor."""
+    def __init__(self, factor: float) -> None:
+        """Initialize the selector.
+        Args:
+            factor: The maximum allowed slowdown factor. Greater than or equal to 1.0.
+        """
+        if factor < 1.0:
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"max_slowdown_factor must be greater than or equal to 1.0. Got {factor}.",
+            )
+        self.factor = factor
+    def select(self, measurements: list[PowerLimitMeasurement]) -> int:
+        """Select the optimal power limit (W) from measurements."""
+        feasible_power_limits = []
+        max_power = max(measurement.power_limit for measurement in measurements)
+        shortest_time = next(
+            measurement.time
+            for measurement in measurements
+            if measurement.power_limit == max_power
+        )
+        for measurement in measurements:
+            if measurement.time <= self.factor * shortest_time:
+                feasible_power_limits.append(measurement.power_limit)
+        return min(feasible_power_limits)
+class Ready(BaseModel):
+    """State for when we are ready to start measuring the next power limit.
+    Initial state of the state machine if no previous profiling results were given.
+    `Ready` -> `Warmup` after `step`'th `on_step_begin`.
+    """
+    next_power_limit: PositiveInt
+    steps: PositiveInt
+class Warmup(BaseModel):
+    """State for when we are warming up for a power limit.
+    `Warmup` -> `Profiling` on the `steps`'th `on_step_begin`.
+    `Warmup` -> `Ready` on `on_epoch_end` before `steps`'th `on_step_begin`.
+    """
+    current_power_limit: PositiveInt
+    steps: PositiveInt
+class Profiling(BaseModel):
+    """State for when we are profiling a power limit.
+    `Profiling` -> `Warmup` after `steps`'th `on_step_begin` and
+        there are still power limits left to profile.
+    `Profiling` -> `Done` after `steps`'th `on_step_begin` and
+        there are no more power limits left to profile.
+    `Profiling` -> `Ready` on `on_epoch_end` before `steps`'th `on_step_begin`.
+    """
+    current_power_limit: PositiveInt
+    steps: PositiveInt
+class Done(BaseModel):
+    """State for when we are done profiling all power limits.
+    Initial state of the state machine if previous profiling results were given.
+    Final state of the state machine in any case.
+    """
+    optimal_power_limit: PositiveInt
+class PowerLimitMeasurement(BaseModel):
+    """POD for GPU energy and time measurements for one power limit (W)."""
+    power_limit: PositiveInt  # In Watts.
+    energy: PositiveFloat
+    time: PositiveFloat
+class _PowerLimitMeasurementList(BaseModel):
+    """Proxy class to save and load a list of `PowerLimitMeasurement`s."""
+    measurements: list[PowerLimitMeasurement]
+class GlobalPowerLimitOptimizer(Callback):
+    """Optimizer for the power limit knob.
+    This optimizer uses the JIT profiling log to determine the optimal power limit.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        monitor: ZeusMonitor,
+        optimum_selector: OptimumSelector | None = None,
+        wait_steps: int = 1,
+        warmup_steps: int = 10,
+        profile_steps: int = 40,
+        pl_step: int = 25,
+        profile_path: str | Path | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        r"""Initialize the optimizer.
+        GPU indices to profile and optimize for are taken from `monitor.gpu_indices`.
+        Args:
+            monitor: `ZeusMonitor` instance used to profile GPU time and energy consumption.
+            optimum_selector: The optimum selector to use. If not given, use `ZeusCost` with \eta=0.5.
+            wait_steps: Number of steps to pass by before doing anything at the beginning.
+                Useful if you have something like `torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark=True`,
+                because the first iteration won't be representative of the rest of the iterations.
+            warmup_steps: Number of warmup iterations for each power limit.
+            profile_steps: Number of profie iterations for each power limit.
+            pl_step: The stride between power limits to explore, in unites of Watts.
+            profile_path: If the path points to an existing file, load the profile from the file
+                and do not run any profiling. If the path points to a non-existing file, profile
+                and save the profile to the file. If `None`, do not save or load any profile.
+        """
+        # Sanity checks.
+        if wait_steps < 0:
+            raise ValueError("wait_steps must be non-negative.")
+        if warmup_steps < 0:
+            raise ValueError("warmup_steps must be non-negative.")
+        if profile_steps <= 0:
+            raise ValueError("profile_steps must be positive.")
+        if pl_step <= 0:
+            raise ValueError("pl_step must be positive.")
+        self.monitor = monitor
+        self.optimum_selector = optimum_selector or ZeusCost(
+            eta_knob=0.5,
+            world_size=len(monitor.gpu_indices),
+        )
+        self.warmup_steps = warmup_steps
+        self.profile_steps = profile_steps
+        self.pl_step = pl_step * 1000  # Internally, we use milliWatts.
+        self.profile_path = (
+            Path(profile_path) if isinstance(profile_path, str) else profile_path
+        )
+        # Setup logging.
+        self.logger = get_logger(type(self).__name__)
+        # Set the range of power limits to explore.
+        # Assert that supported power limits ranges are uniform across GPUs.
+        pynvml.nvmlInit()
+        pls = []
+        self.handles = []
+        for index in monitor.nvml_gpu_indices:
+            device = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(index)
+            self.handles.append(device)
+            pls.append(pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimitConstraints(device))
+        if not all(pls[0] == pl for pl in pls):
+            raise ValueError("Power limits ranges are not uniform across GPUs.")
+        self.power_limits = list(
+            range(pls[0][1], pls[0][0] - self.pl_step, -self.pl_step)
+        )
+        # Turn on persistence mode and set to the highest power limit.
+        try:
+            for handle in self.handles:
+                pynvml.nvmlDeviceSetPersistenceMode(handle, pynvml.NVML_FEATURE_ENABLED)
+        except pynvml.NVMLError_NoPermission:  # type: ignore
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                "SYS_ADMIN capability is required to modify GPU power limits. "
+                "Using --cap-add SYS_ADMIN when running the Docker container "
+                "is the easiest way to do this."
+            ) from None
+        self.current_power_limit = 0
+        # Store `Measurement` objects in a list, one for each power limit.
+        self.measurements: list[PowerLimitMeasurement] = []
+        # State for the profiler state machine.
+        self.state: Ready | Warmup | Profiling | Done
+        # Initialize JIT profiling states.
+        if self.profile_path is None:
+            self.logger.info("JIT profiling enabled.")
+            self.logger.info("Will wait %d step(s) before profiling.", wait_steps)
+            self.state = Ready(
+                next_power_limit=self.power_limits[0], steps=wait_steps + 1
+            )
+            self.logger.info("Set power limit to the maximum before starting.")
+            self._set_power_limit(max(self.power_limits))
+        elif not self.profile_path.exists():
+            self.logger.info(
+                "JIT Profiling enabled. Profile will be saved to '%s'.",
+                str(self.profile_path),
+            )
+            self.logger.info("Will wait %d step(s) before profiling.", wait_steps)
+            self.state = Ready(
+                next_power_limit=self.power_limits[0], steps=wait_steps + 1
+            )
+            self.logger.info("Set power limit to the maximum before starting.")
+            self._set_power_limit(max(self.power_limits))
+        else:
+            self.measurements = _PowerLimitMeasurementList.parse_file(
+                self.profile_path,
+            ).measurements
+            # self.measurements = _PowerLimitMeasurementList.model_validate_json(
+            #     open(self.profile_path).read(),
+            #     strict=True,
+            # ).measurements
+            self.logger.info(
+                "Loaded previous profiling results from '%s'.", str(self.profile_path)
+            )
+            optimal_power_limit = self._compute_optimal_power_limit()
+            self.logger.info(
+                "Optimal power limit is %d W.", optimal_power_limit // 1000
+            )
+            self.state = Done(optimal_power_limit=optimal_power_limit)
+            self._set_power_limit(self.state.optimal_power_limit)
+        # Restore all GPUs back to their maximum power limit on exit.
+        atexit.register(lambda: self._set_power_limit(max(self.power_limits)))
+    def on_epoch_end(self) -> None:
+        """Mark the end of a training epoch."""
+        if isinstance(self.state, Ready):
+            pass
+        elif isinstance(self.state, (Warmup, Profiling)):
+            # Warmup/Profiling stage interrupted by the end of an epoch.
+            self.logger.info(
+                "%s phase for %d W interrupted by the end of a training epoch.",
+                type(self.state).__name__,
+                self.state.current_power_limit // 1000,
+            )
+            if isinstance(self.state, Profiling):
+                self.monitor.end_window(
+                    f"__GlobalPowerLimitOptimizer_{self.state.current_power_limit // 1000}",
+                    cancel=True,
+                )
+            self.state = Ready(next_power_limit=self.state.current_power_limit, steps=1)
+            self._set_power_limit(max(self.power_limits))
+        elif isinstance(self.state, Done):
+            pass
+    def on_step_begin(self) -> None:
+        """Mark the beginning of a training step."""
+        if isinstance(self.state, Ready):
+            self.state.steps -= 1
+            if self.state.steps == 0:
+                self.logger.info(
+                    "Starting warmup for power limit %d W.",
+                    self.state.next_power_limit // 1000,
+                )
+                self._set_power_limit(self.state.next_power_limit)
+                self.state = Warmup(
+                    current_power_limit=self.state.next_power_limit,
+                    steps=self.warmup_steps,
+                )
+        elif isinstance(self.state, Warmup):
+            self.state.steps -= 1
+            if self.state.steps == 0:
+                self.logger.info(
+                    "Starting actual profiling for power limit %d W.",
+                    self.state.current_power_limit // 1000,
+                )
+                self.state = Profiling(
+                    current_power_limit=self.state.current_power_limit,
+                    steps=self.profile_steps,
+                )
+                self.monitor.begin_window(
+                    f"__GlobalPowerLimitOptimizer_{self.state.current_power_limit // 1000}",
+                )
+        elif isinstance(self.state, Profiling):
+            self.state.steps -= 1
+            if self.state.steps == 0:
+                measurement = self.monitor.end_window(
+                    f"__GlobalPowerLimitOptimizer_{self.state.current_power_limit // 1000}",
+                )
+                self.logger.info(
+                    "Finished profiling for power limit %d W.",
+                    self.state.current_power_limit // 1000,
+                )
+                self.measurements.append(
+                    PowerLimitMeasurement(
+                        power_limit=self.state.current_power_limit // 1000,
+                        energy=measurement.total_energy,
+                        time=measurement.time,
+                    )
+                )
+                # If we're done profiling all power limits, compute the optimal
+                # power limit and transition to the Done state. Otherwise, move
+                # on to the Warmup phase for the next power limit.
+                current_power_limit_index = self.power_limits.index(
+                    self.state.current_power_limit
+                )
+                if current_power_limit_index == len(self.power_limits) - 1:
+                    self.state = Done(
+                        optimal_power_limit=self._compute_optimal_power_limit(),
+                    )
+                    self._set_power_limit(self.state.optimal_power_limit)
+                    self._save_profile()
+                else:
+                    next_power_limit = self.power_limits[current_power_limit_index + 1]
+                    self.logger.info(
+                        "Starting warmup for power limit %d W.",
+                        next_power_limit // 1000,
+                    )
+                    self._set_power_limit(next_power_limit)
+                    self.state = Warmup(
+                        current_power_limit=next_power_limit,
+                        steps=self.warmup_steps,
+                    )
+        elif isinstance(self.state, Done):
+            pass
+    def _set_power_limit(self, power_limit: int) -> None:
+        """Set the power limit for all GPUs.
+        Args:
+            power_limit: The power limit to set, in milliWatts.
+        """
+        self.logger.info("Setting power limit to %d W.", power_limit // 1000)
+        if self.current_power_limit == power_limit:
+            return
+        for handle in self.handles:
+            pynvml.nvmlDeviceSetPowerManagementLimit(handle, power_limit)
+        self.current_power_limit = power_limit
+    def _compute_optimal_power_limit(self) -> int:
+        """Compute the optimal power limit in milliWatts."""
+        optimal_power_limit = self.optimum_selector.select(self.measurements) * 1000
+        self.logger.info("Optimal power limit is %d W.", optimal_power_limit // 1000)
+        return optimal_power_limit
+    def _save_profile(self) -> None:
+        """Save JIT profiling results and the optimal power limit to a JSON file."""
+        if self.profile_path is None:
+            return
+        assert isinstance(self.state, Done)
+        with self.profile_path.open("w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+            f.write(
+                _PowerLimitMeasurementList(measurements=self.measurements).json(
+                    indent=4
+                ),
+            )
+        self.logger.info("JIT profiling results saved to '%s'.", str(self.profile_path))
+# Only import HuggingFace Classes when type checking, to avoid hard dependency on HuggingFace Transformers
+    from transformers import (
+        TrainingArguments,
+        TrainerState,
+        TrainerControl,
+        PreTrainedModel,
+    )
+    from transformers import TrainerCallback
+    transformers_available = True
+except ModuleNotFoundError:
+    transformers_available = False
+    TrainerCallback = object  # Fallback base class
+class HFGlobalPowerLimitOptimizer(TrainerCallback):
+    """[Wrapped for Hugging Face Trainer Callback] Optimizer for the power limit knob.
+    This optimizer uses the JIT profiling log to determine the optimal power limit.
+    See [`GlobalPowerLimitOptimizer`][zeus.optimizer.power_limit.GlobalPowerLimitOptimizer]
+    for the underlying optimizer implementation.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        monitor: ZeusMonitor,
+        optimum_selector: OptimumSelector | None = None,
+        wait_steps: int = 1,
+        warmup_steps: int = 10,
+        profile_steps: int = 40,
+        pl_step: int = 25,
+        profile_path: str | Path | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        r"""Initialize the optimizer.
+        GPU indices to profile and optimize for are taken from `monitor.gpu_indices`.
+        Args:
+            monitor: `ZeusMonitor` instance used to profile GPU time and energy consumption.
+            optimum_selector: The optimum selector to use. If not given, use `ZeusCost` with \eta=0.5.
+            wait_steps: Number of steps to pass by before doing anything at the beginning.
+                Useful if you have something like `torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark=True`,
+                because the first iteration won't be representative of the rest of the iterations.
+            warmup_steps: Number of warmup iterations for each power limit.
+            profile_steps: Number of profie iterations for each power limit.
+            pl_step: The stride between power limits to explore, in unites of Watts.
+            profile_path: If the path points to an existing file, load the profile from the file
+                and do not run any profiling. If the path points to a non-existing file, profile
+                and save the profile to the file. If `None`, do not save or load any profile.
+        """
+        if not transformers_available:
+            raise ImportError(
+                "The transformers package is not installed. Please install it to use the HFGlobalPowerLimitOptimizer."
+            )
+        self.optimizer = GlobalPowerLimitOptimizer(
+            monitor=monitor,
+            optimum_selector=optimum_selector,
+            wait_steps=wait_steps,
+            warmup_steps=warmup_steps,
+            profile_steps=profile_steps,
+            pl_step=pl_step,
+            profile_path=profile_path,
+        )
+    def on_epoch_end(
+        self,
+        args: TrainingArguments,
+        state: TrainerState,
+        control: TrainerControl,
+        model: PreTrainedModel,
+        **kwargs,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Mark the end of a training epoch."""
+        self.optimizer.on_epoch_end()
+    def on_step_begin(
+        self,
+        args: TrainingArguments,
+        state: TrainerState,
+        control: TrainerControl,
+        model: PreTrainedModel,
+        **kwargs,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Mark the beginning of a training step."""
+        self.optimizer.on_step_begin()
diff --git a/zeus/optimizer/new_power_limit.py b/zeus/optimizer/power_limit.py
similarity index 100%
rename from zeus/optimizer/new_power_limit.py
rename to zeus/optimizer/power_limit.py