This is the repository for the circulation history app that is attached to My Account.
Clone the github repo
$ git clone
Set up the environment variables by copying .env-example
$ cp .env-example .env
$ vi .env
Build the image:
$ docker-compose build
Bundle install ruby gems
$ docker-compose run --rm web bundle install
To run the app:
$ docker-compose up
For Rails rspec tests make sure then database is running. Then run the tests:
$ docker-compose up -d database
$ docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rspec
has instructions for creating an image of the database that's preloaded with fake data. It's intended for use with patron_account/My Account.
When the rake task alma_circ_history:load runs a get request is made to a pushmon url. At the moment the pushmon account is owned by niquerio
Kubernetes Configuration lives in patron-account-kube
Backup xml files of the analytics reports are located in ./config/alma_analytics_reports/