diff --git a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/validation.php b/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/validation.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e625115..0000000
--- a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/validation.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
- }
- #calea catre cheia privata
- #cheia privata este generata de mobilpay, accesibil in Admin -> Conturi de comerciant -> Detalii -> Setari securitate
- $privateKeyFilePath = dirname(__FILE__).'/Mobilpay/certificates/private.key';
- try
- {
- $objPmReq = Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Abstract::factoryFromEncrypted($_POST['env_key'], $_POST['data'], $privateKeyFilePath);
- switch($objPmReq->objPmNotify->action)
- {
- #orice action este insotit de un cod de eroare si de un mesaj de eroare. Acestea pot fi citite folosind $cod_eroare = $objPmReq->objPmNotify->errorCode; respectiv $mesaj_eroare = $objPmReq->objPmNotify->errorMessage;
- #pentru a identifica ID-ul comenzii pentru care primim rezultatul platii folosim $id_comanda = $objPmReq->orderId;
- case 'confirmed':
- #cand action este confirmed avem certitudinea ca banii au plecat din contul posesorului de card si facem update al starii comenzii si livrarea produsului
- $errorMessage = $objPmReq->objPmNotify->getCrc();
- break;
- case 'confirmed_pending':
- #cand action este confirmed_pending inseamna ca tranzactia este in curs de verificare antifrauda. Nu facem livrare/expediere. In urma trecerii de aceasta verificare se va primi o noua notificare pentru o actiune de confirmare sau anulare.
- $errorMessage = $objPmReq->objPmNotify->getCrc();
- break;
- case 'paid_pending':
- #cand action este paid_pending inseamna ca tranzactia este in curs de verificare. Nu facem livrare/expediere. In urma trecerii de aceasta verificare se va primi o noua notificare pentru o actiune de confirmare sau anulare.
- $errorMessage = $objPmReq->objPmNotify->getCrc();
- break;
- case 'paid':
- #cand action este paid inseamna ca tranzactia este in curs de procesare. Nu facem livrare/expediere. In urma trecerii de aceasta procesare se va primi o noua notificare pentru o actiune de confirmare sau anulare.
- $errorMessage = $objPmReq->objPmNotify->getCrc();
- break;
- case 'canceled':
- #cand action este canceled inseamna ca tranzactia este anulata. Nu facem livrare/expediere.
- $errorMessage = $objPmReq->objPmNotify->getCrc();
- break;
- case 'credit':
- #cand action este credit inseamna ca banii sunt returnati posesorului de card. Daca s-a facut deja livrare, aceasta trebuie oprita sau facut un reverse.
- $errorMessage = $objPmReq->objPmNotify->getCrc();
- break;
- default:
- $errorType = Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Abstract::CONFIRM_ERROR_TYPE_PERMANENT;
- $errorCode = Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Abstract::ERROR_CONFIRM_INVALID_ACTION;
- $errorMessage = 'mobilpay_refference_action paramaters is invalid';
- break;
- }
- }
- catch(Exception $e)
- {
- $errorType = Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Abstract::CONFIRM_ERROR_TYPE_TEMPORARY;
- $errorCode = $e->getCode();
- $errorMessage = $e->getMessage();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $errorType = Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Abstract::CONFIRM_ERROR_TYPE_PERMANENT;
- $errorCode = Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Abstract::ERROR_CONFIRM_INVALID_POST_PARAMETERS;
- $errorMessage = 'mobilpay.ro posted invalid parameters';
- }
- $errorType = Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Abstract::CONFIRM_ERROR_TYPE_PERMANENT;
- $errorCode = Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Abstract::ERROR_CONFIRM_INVALID_POST_METHOD;
- $errorMessage = 'invalid request metod for payment confirmation';
-$Mobilpay_cc = new Mobilpay_cc();
-if(!empty($objPmReq->orderId) && $objPmReq->objPmNotify->errorCode == 0) {
- $orderIdParts = explode('#', $objPmReq->orderId);
- $realOrderId = intval($orderIdParts[0]);
- $cart = new Cart($realOrderId);
- $customer = new Customer((int)$cart->id_customer);
- //real order id
- $order_id = Order::getOrderByCartId($realOrderId);
- if(intval($order_id)>0) {
- $order = new Order(intval($order_id));
- $history = new OrderHistory();
- $history->id_order = $order_id;
- $history->changeIdOrderState(intval(Configuration::get('MPCC_OS_'.strtoupper($objPmReq->objPmNotify->action))), intval($order_id));
- $history->id_employee = 1;
- $carrier = new Carrier(intval($order->id_carrier), intval($order->id_lang));
- $templateVars = array('{followup}' => ($history->id_order_state == _PS_OS_SHIPPING_ AND $order->shipping_number) ? str_replace('@', $order->shipping_number, $carrier->url) : '');
- $history->addWithemail(true, $templateVars);
- }
- else {
- //create the order
- $Mobilpay_cc->validateOrder($objPmReq->orderId, intval(Configuration::get('MPCC_OS_'.strtoupper($objPmReq->objPmNotify->action))), floatval($objPmReq->invoice->amount), $Mobilpay_cc->displayName, NULL, array(), NULL, false, $customer->secure_key);
- /*Tools::redirect(
- $this->context->link->getPagelink(
- 'order-confirmation.php',
- null,
- null,
- array(
- 'id_cart' => (int)$realOrderIdd,
- 'id_module' => (int)$Mobilpay_cc->id,
- 'id_order' => (int)$Mobilpay_cc->currentOrder,
- 'key' => $customer->secure_key
- )
- )
- );*/
- }
-header('Content-type: application/xml');
-echo "\n";
-if($errorCode == 0)
- echo "{$errorMessage}";
- echo "{$errorMessage}";
diff --git a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Address.php b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Address.php
similarity index 100%
rename from 1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Address.php
rename to 1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Address.php
diff --git a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Invoice.php b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Invoice.php
similarity index 100%
rename from 1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Invoice.php
rename to 1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Invoice.php
diff --git a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Invoice/Item.php b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Invoice/Item.php
similarity index 100%
rename from 1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Invoice/Item.php
rename to 1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Invoice/Item.php
diff --git a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request.php b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request.php
similarity index 100%
rename from 1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request.php
rename to 1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request.php
diff --git a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request/Abstract.php b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request/Abstract.php
similarity index 100%
rename from 1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request/Abstract.php
rename to 1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request/Abstract.php
diff --git a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request/Card.php b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request/Card.php
similarity index 100%
rename from 1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request/Card.php
rename to 1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request/Card.php
diff --git a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request/Notify.php b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request/Notify.php
similarity index 100%
rename from 1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request/Notify.php
rename to 1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request/Notify.php
diff --git a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request/Sms.php b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request/Sms.php
similarity index 100%
rename from 1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request/Sms.php
rename to 1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/Payment/Request/Sms.php
diff --git a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/certificates/.htaccess b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/certificates/.htaccess
similarity index 100%
rename from 1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/certificates/.htaccess
rename to 1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/Mobilpay/certificates/.htaccess
diff --git a/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/README.me b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/README.me
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66c38ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/README.me
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Peresta upgrade for 1.7.7.x
+## change to str to Front Controller
+## to make it seperate called *ALFA*
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/config.xml b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/config.xml
similarity index 100%
rename from 1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/config.xml
rename to 1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/config.xml
diff --git a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/config_ro.xml b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/config_ro.xml
similarity index 100%
rename from 1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/config_ro.xml
rename to 1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/config_ro.xml
diff --git a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/confirmation.tpl b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/confirmation.tpl
similarity index 100%
rename from 1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/confirmation.tpl
rename to 1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/confirmation.tpl
diff --git a/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/controllers/front/betavalidation.php b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/controllers/front/betavalidation.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35df82f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/controllers/front/betavalidation.php
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+ }
+ public function postProcess()
+ {
+ if (strcasecmp($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], 'POST') == 0)
+ {
+ if(isset($_POST['env_key']) && isset($_POST['data']))
+ {
+ #calea catre cheia privata
+ #cheia privata este generata de mobilpay, accesibil in Admin -> Conturi de comerciant -> Detalii -> Setari securitate
+ $privateKeyFilePath = dirname(__FILE__).'/../../Mobilpay/certificates/private.key';
+ try{
+ $objPmReq = Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Abstract::factoryFromEncrypted($_POST['env_key'], $_POST['data'], $privateKeyFilePath);
+ switch($objPmReq->objPmNotify->action)
+ {
+ #orice action este insotit de un cod de eroare si de un mesaj de eroare. Acestea pot fi citite folosind $cod_eroare = $objPmReq->objPmNotify->errorCode; respectiv $mesaj_eroare = $objPmReq->objPmNotify->errorMessage;
+ #pentru a identifica ID-ul comenzii pentru care primim rezultatul platii folosim $id_comanda = $objPmReq->orderId;
+ case 'confirmed':
+ #cand action este confirmed avem certitudinea ca banii au plecat din contul posesorului de card si facem update al starii comenzii si livrarea produsului
+ $errorMessage = $objPmReq->objPmNotify->getCrc();
+ break;
+ case 'confirmed_pending':
+ #cand action este confirmed_pending inseamna ca tranzactia este in curs de verificare antifrauda. Nu facem livrare/expediere. In urma trecerii de aceasta verificare se va primi o noua notificare pentru o actiune de confirmare sau anulare.
+ $errorMessage = $objPmReq->objPmNotify->getCrc();
+ break;
+ case 'paid_pending':
+ #cand action este paid_pending inseamna ca tranzactia este in curs de verificare. Nu facem livrare/expediere. In urma trecerii de aceasta verificare se va primi o noua notificare pentru o actiune de confirmare sau anulare.
+ $errorMessage = $objPmReq->objPmNotify->getCrc();
+ break;
+ case 'paid':
+ #cand action este paid inseamna ca tranzactia este in curs de procesare. Nu facem livrare/expediere. In urma trecerii de aceasta procesare se va primi o noua notificare pentru o actiune de confirmare sau anulare.
+ $errorMessage = $objPmReq->objPmNotify->getCrc();
+ break;
+ case 'canceled':
+ #cand action este canceled inseamna ca tranzactia este anulata. Nu facem livrare/expediere.
+ $errorMessage = $objPmReq->objPmNotify->getCrc();
+ break;
+ case 'credit':
+ #cand action este credit inseamna ca banii sunt returnati posesorului de card. Daca s-a facut deja livrare, aceasta trebuie oprita sau facut un reverse.
+ $errorMessage = $objPmReq->objPmNotify->getCrc();
+ break;
+ default:
+ $errorType = Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Abstract::CONFIRM_ERROR_TYPE_PERMANENT;
+ $errorCode = Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Abstract::ERROR_CONFIRM_INVALID_ACTION;
+ $errorMessage = 'mobilpay_refference_action paramaters is invalid';
+ break;
+ }
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ $this->errorType = Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Abstract::CONFIRM_ERROR_TYPE_TEMPORARY;
+ $this->errorCode = $e->getCode();
+ $this->errorMessage = $e->getMessage();
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->errorType = Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Abstract::CONFIRM_ERROR_TYPE_PERMANENT;
+ $this->errorCode = Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Abstract::ERROR_CONFIRM_INVALID_POST_PARAMETERS;
+ $this->errorMessage = 'mobilpay.ro posted invalid parameters';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->errorType = Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Abstract::CONFIRM_ERROR_TYPE_PERMANENT;
+ $this->errorCode = Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Abstract::ERROR_CONFIRM_INVALID_POST_METHOD;
+ $this->errorMessage = 'invalid request metod for payment confirmation';
+ }
+ if(!empty($objPmReq->orderId) && $objPmReq->objPmNotify->errorCode == 0) {
+ $IpnOrderIdParts = explode('#', $objPmReq->orderId);
+ $realOrderId = intval($IpnOrderIdParts[0]);
+ $cart = new Cart($realOrderId);
+ $customer = new Customer((int)$cart->id_customer);
+ //real order id
+ $order_id = Order::getOrderByCartId($realOrderId);
+ if(intval($order_id)>0) {
+ $order = new Order(intval($order_id));
+ $history = new OrderHistory();
+ $history->id_order = $order_id;
+ $history->id_employee = 1;
+ $carrier = new Carrier(intval($order->id_carrier), intval($order->id_lang));
+ $templateVars = array('{followup}' => ($history->id_order_state == _PS_OS_SHIPPING_ AND $order->shipping_number) ? str_replace('@', $order->shipping_number, $carrier->url) : '');
+ $history->addWithemail(true, $templateVars);
+ }else{
+ /**
+ * Add Order
+ */
+ $result = $this->module->validateOrder(
+ (int) $cart->id,
+ (int) Configuration::get('MPCC_OS_'.strtoupper($objPmReq->objPmNotify->action)),
+ // $total,
+ floatval($objPmReq->invoice->amount),
+ $this->module->displayName,
+ null,
+ // $mailVars,
+ array(),
+ // (int) $currency->id,
+ null,
+ false,
+ $customer->secure_key
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ $this->context->smarty->assign([
+ 'errorType' => $this->errorType,
+ 'errorCode' => $this->errorCode,
+ 'errorMessage' => $this->errorMessage
+ ]);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/en.php b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/en.php
similarity index 100%
rename from 1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/en.php
rename to 1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/en.php
diff --git a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/it.php b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/it.php
similarity index 100%
rename from 1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/it.php
rename to 1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/it.php
diff --git a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/logo.gif b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/logo.gif
similarity index 100%
rename from 1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/logo.gif
rename to 1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/logo.gif
diff --git a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/mobilpay.gif b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/mobilpay.gif
similarity index 100%
rename from 1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/mobilpay.gif
rename to 1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/mobilpay.gif
diff --git a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/mobilpay_cc.php b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/mobilpay_cc.php
similarity index 64%
rename from 1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/mobilpay_cc.php
rename to 1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/mobilpay_cc.php
index 45f4dfe..c9e82cf 100644
--- a/1.7.6/mobilpay_cc/mobilpay_cc.php
+++ b/1.7.7/mobilpay_cc/mobilpay_cc.php
@@ -16,16 +16,13 @@ public function __construct()
$this->name = 'mobilpay_cc';
$this->tab = 'payments_gateways';
$this->version = '1.0';
$this->currencies = true;
$this->currencies_mode = 'checkbox';
- parent::__construct();
$this->page = basename(__FILE__, '.php');
$this->displayName = $this->l('Mobilpay - credit card');
$this->description = $this->l('Accept payments by credit card');
$this->confirmUninstall = $this->l('Are you sure you want to delete your details ?');
+ parent::__construct();
public function install()
@@ -33,14 +30,12 @@ public function install()
if (!parent::install()
OR !Configuration::updateValue('MPCC_SIGNATURE', '')
OR !Configuration::updateValue('MPCC_CART_DESCRIPTION', '')
OR !Configuration::updateValue('MPCC_OS_CONFIRMED_PENDING', '')
OR !Configuration::updateValue('MPCC_OS_CONFIRMED', '')
OR !Configuration::updateValue('MPCC_OS_PAID_PENDING', '')
OR !Configuration::updateValue('MPCC_OS_PAID', '')
OR !Configuration::updateValue('MPCC_OS_CANCELED', '')
OR !Configuration::updateValue('MPCC_OS_CREDIT', '')
OR !Configuration::updateValue('MPCC_TESTMODE', 1)
OR !$this->registerHook('paymentOptions')
OR !$this->registerHook('paymentReturn')
@@ -101,14 +96,12 @@ public function getContent()
Configuration::updateValue('MPCC_SIGNATURE', strval($_POST['MPCC_SIGNATURE']));
Configuration::updateValue('MPCC_CART_DESCRIPTION', strval($_POST['MPCC_CART_DESCRIPTION']));
Configuration::updateValue('MPCC_OS_CONFIRMED_PENDING', intval($_POST['MPCC_OS_CONFIRMED_PENDING']));
Configuration::updateValue('MPCC_OS_CONFIRMED', intval($_POST['MPCC_OS_CONFIRMED']));
Configuration::updateValue('MPCC_OS_PAID_PENDING', intval($_POST['MPCC_OS_PAID_PENDING']));
Configuration::updateValue('MPCC_OS_PAID', intval($_POST['MPCC_OS_PAID']));
Configuration::updateValue('MPCC_OS_CANCELED', intval($_POST['MPCC_OS_CANCELED']));
Configuration::updateValue('MPCC_OS_CREDIT', intval($_POST['MPCC_OS_CREDIT']));
Configuration::updateValue('MPCC_TESTMODE', intval($_POST['MPCC_TESTMODE']));
} else {
@@ -148,11 +141,15 @@ public function displayErrors()
public function displayPayex()
$this->_html .= '
- ' . $this->l('This module allows you to accept credit card payments by MobilPay.') . '
+ ' . $this->l('This module allows you to accept credit card payments by MobilPay.') . '
+ /**
+ * Make Backend Configuration Form
+ */
public function displayFormSettings()
global $cookie;
@@ -168,68 +165,44 @@ public function displayFormSettings()
- $MPCC_SIGNATURE = array_key_exists('MPCC_SIGNATURE',
- $_POST) ? $_POST['MPCC_SIGNATURE'] : (array_key_exists('MPCC_SIGNATURE',
- $conf) ? $conf['MPCC_SIGNATURE'] : '');
- $conf) ? $conf['MPCC_CART_DESCRIPTION'] : '');
- $conf) ? $conf['MPCC_OS_CONFIRMED_PENDING'] : '');
- $MPCC_OS_CONFIRMED = array_key_exists('MPCC_OS_CONFIRMED',
- $_POST) ? $_POST['MPCC_OS_CONFIRMED'] : (array_key_exists('MPCC_OS_CONFIRMED',
- $conf) ? $conf['MPCC_OS_CONFIRMED'] : '');
- $_POST) ? $_POST['MPCC_OS_PAID_PENDING'] : (array_key_exists('MPCC_OS_PAID_PENDING',
- $conf) ? $conf['MPCC_OS_PAID_PENDING'] : '');
- $MPCC_OS_PAID = array_key_exists('MPCC_OS_PAID',
- $_POST) ? $_POST['MPCC_OS_PAID'] : (array_key_exists('MPCC_OS_PAID', $conf) ? $conf['MPCC_OS_PAID'] : '');
- $MPCC_OS_CANCELED = array_key_exists('MPCC_OS_CANCELED',
- $_POST) ? $_POST['MPCC_OS_CANCELED'] : (array_key_exists('MPCC_OS_CANCELED',
- $conf) ? $conf['MPCC_OS_CANCELED'] : '');
- $MPCC_OS_CREDIT = array_key_exists('MPCC_OS_CREDIT',
- $_POST) ? $_POST['MPCC_OS_CREDIT'] : (array_key_exists('MPCC_OS_CREDIT',
- $conf) ? $conf['MPCC_OS_CREDIT'] : '');
- $MPCC_TESTMODE = array_key_exists('MPCC_TESTMODE',
- $_POST) ? $_POST['MPCC_TESTMODE'] : (array_key_exists('MPCC_TESTMODE',
- $conf) ? $conf['MPCC_TESTMODE'] : '');
+ $MPCC_SIGNATURE = array_key_exists('MPCC_SIGNATURE',$_POST) ? $_POST['MPCC_SIGNATURE'] : (array_key_exists('MPCC_SIGNATURE', $conf) ? $conf['MPCC_SIGNATURE'] : '');
+ $MPCC_OS_CONFIRMED = array_key_exists('MPCC_OS_CONFIRMED', $_POST) ? $_POST['MPCC_OS_CONFIRMED'] : (array_key_exists('MPCC_OS_CONFIRMED', $conf) ? $conf['MPCC_OS_CONFIRMED'] : '');
+ $MPCC_OS_PAID_PENDING = array_key_exists('MPCC_OS_PAID_PENDING', $_POST) ? $_POST['MPCC_OS_PAID_PENDING'] : (array_key_exists('MPCC_OS_PAID_PENDING', $conf) ? $conf['MPCC_OS_PAID_PENDING'] : '');
+ $MPCC_OS_PAID = array_key_exists('MPCC_OS_PAID', $_POST) ? $_POST['MPCC_OS_PAID'] : (array_key_exists('MPCC_OS_PAID', $conf) ? $conf['MPCC_OS_PAID'] : '');
+ $MPCC_OS_CANCELED = array_key_exists('MPCC_OS_CANCELED', $_POST) ? $_POST['MPCC_OS_CANCELED'] : (array_key_exists('MPCC_OS_CANCELED', $conf) ? $conf['MPCC_OS_CANCELED'] : '');
+ $MPCC_OS_CREDIT = array_key_exists('MPCC_OS_CREDIT', $_POST) ? $_POST['MPCC_OS_CREDIT'] : (array_key_exists('MPCC_OS_CREDIT', $conf) ? $conf['MPCC_OS_CREDIT'] : '');
+ $MPCC_TESTMODE = array_key_exists('MPCC_TESTMODE', $_POST) ? $_POST['MPCC_TESTMODE'] : (array_key_exists('MPCC_TESTMODE', $conf) ? $conf['MPCC_TESTMODE'] : '');
$this->_html .= '