diff --git a/assets/plugins/managermanager/mm.inc.php b/assets/plugins/managermanager/mm.inc.php
index 71dc53cbb1..79782947c7 100755
--- a/assets/plugins/managermanager/mm.inc.php
+++ b/assets/plugins/managermanager/mm.inc.php
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
// Add in TVs to the list of available fields
-$all_tvs = $modx->db->makeArray($modx->db->select('name,type,id', $modx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvars'), '', 'name ASC'));
+$all_tvs = $modx->db->makeArray($modx->db->select('name,type,id', $modx->db->config['table_prefix'].'site_tmplvars', '', 'name ASC'));
foreach ($all_tvs as $thisTv){
// What is the field name?
$n = $thisTv['name'];
@@ -210,13 +210,13 @@ function initJQddManagerManager(){
case 'OnPluginFormRender':
// The ID of the plugin we're editing
$plugin_id_editing = $e->params['id'];
- $result = $modx->db->select('name', $modx->getFullTableName('site_plugins'), "id='{$plugin_id_editing}'");
+ $result = $modx->db->select('name', $modx->db->config['table_prefix'].'site_plugins', "id='{$plugin_id_editing}'");
$plugin_editing_name = $modx->db->getValue($result);
// if it's the right plugin
if (strtolower($plugin_editing_name) == 'managermanager'){
// Get all templates
- $result = $modx->db->select('templatename, id, description', $modx->getFullTableName('site_templates'), '', 'templatename ASC');
+ $result = $modx->db->select('templatename, id, description', $modx->db->config['table_prefix'].'site_templates', '', 'templatename ASC');
$all_templates = $modx->db->makeArray($result);
$template_table = '
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ function initJQddManagerManager(){
$template_table .= '
// Get all tvs
- $result = $modx->db->select('name,caption,id', $modx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvars'), '', 'name ASC');
+ $result = $modx->db->select('name,caption,id', $modx->db->config['table_prefix'].'site_tmplvars', '', 'name ASC');
$all_tvs = $modx->db->makeArray($result);
$tvs_table = '';
$tvs_table .= '
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ function initJQddManagerManager(){
$tvs_table .= '
// Get all roles
- $result = $modx->db->select('name, id', $modx->getFullTableName('user_roles'), '', 'name ASC');
+ $result = $modx->db->select('name, id', $modx->db->config['table_prefix'].'user_roles', '', 'name ASC');
$all_roles = $modx->db->makeArray($result);
$roles_table = '';
diff --git a/assets/plugins/managermanager/modx.ddtools.class.php b/assets/plugins/managermanager/modx.ddtools.class.php
index 6fc8e2aa77..9da24fb8b1 100755
--- a/assets/plugins/managermanager/modx.ddtools.class.php
+++ b/assets/plugins/managermanager/modx.ddtools.class.php
@@ -488,8 +488,8 @@ public static function getDocuments($ids = array(), $published = false, $deleted
$limit = ($limit != "") ? "LIMIT $limit" : ""; // LIMIT capabilities - rad14701
// modify field names to use sc. table reference
- $fields = 'sc.' . implode(',sc.', array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $fields))));
- $sort = ($sort == "") ? "" : 'sc.' . implode(',sc.', array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $sort))));
+ $fields = 'sc.' . implode(',sc.', preg_replace("/^\s/i", "", explode(',', $fields)));
+ $sort = ($sort == "") ? "" : 'sc.' . implode(',sc.', preg_replace("/^\s/i", "", explode(',', $sort)));
if ($where != ''){
$where = 'AND '.$where;
@@ -592,8 +592,8 @@ public static function getTemplateVars($idnames = array(), $fields = "*", $docid
// get user defined template variables
- $fields = ($fields == "") ? "tv.*" : 'tv.'.implode(',tv.', array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $fields))));
- $sort = ($sort == "") ? "" : 'tv.'.implode(',tv.', array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $sort))));
+ $fields = ($fields == "") ? "tv.*" : 'tv.'.implode(',tv.', preg_replace("/^\s/i", "", explode(',', $fields)));
+ $sort = ($sort == "") ? "" : 'tv.'.implode(',tv.', preg_replace("/^\s/i", "", explode(',', $sort)));
if ($idnames == "*"){
$query = "tv.id<>0";
@@ -716,8 +716,8 @@ public static function getDocumentChildren($parentid = 0, $published = 1, $delet
// modify field names to use sc. table reference
- $fields = 'sc.'.implode(',sc.', array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $fields))));
- $sortBy = ($sortBy == "") ? "" : 'sc.'.implode(',sc.', array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $sortBy))));
+ $fields = 'sc.'.implode(',sc.', preg_replace("/^\s/i", "", explode(',', $fields)));
+ $sortBy = ($sortBy == "") ? "" : 'sc.'.implode(',sc.', preg_replace("/^\s/i", "", explode(',', $sortBy)));
// get document groups for current user
if ($docgrp = $modx->getUserDocGroups()){
diff --git a/assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/showimagetvs/showimagetvs.php b/assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/showimagetvs/showimagetvs.php
index c7ba1f7e55..8146faf4c5 100755
--- a/assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/showimagetvs/showimagetvs.php
+++ b/assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/showimagetvs/showimagetvs.php
@@ -65,9 +65,8 @@ function mm_widget_showimagetvs($tvs = '', $w = 300, $h = 100, $thumbnailerUrl =
// If we have a PHPThumb URL
- $thumbnailerCode = '';
if (!empty($thumbnailerUrl)){
- $thumbnailerCode = 'url = "'.$thumbnailerUrl.'?src="+escape(url)+"&w='.$w.'&h='.$h.'"; ' . "\n";
+ $output .= 'url = "'.$thumbnailerUrl.'?src="+escape(url)+"&w='.$w.'&h='.$h.'"; ' . "\n";
$output .= '
@@ -76,7 +75,6 @@ function mm_widget_showimagetvs($tvs = '', $w = 300, $h = 100, $thumbnailerUrl =
if (url != ""){
// Create a new preview
- '.$thumbnailerCode.'
// Attach a browse event to the picture, so it can trigger too
diff --git a/manager/includes/document.parser.class.inc.php b/manager/includes/document.parser.class.inc.php
index e87ded7eda..7be6d2778c 100755
--- a/manager/includes/document.parser.class.inc.php
+++ b/manager/includes/document.parser.class.inc.php
@@ -2303,7 +2303,7 @@ function makeUrl($id, $alias= '', $args= '', $scheme= '') {
$f_url_prefix = $this->config['friendly_url_prefix'];
$f_url_suffix = $this->config['friendly_url_suffix'];
if (!is_numeric($id)) {
- $this->messageQuit('`{$id}` is not numeric and may not be passed to makeUrl().');
+ $this->messageQuit('`' . $id . '` is not numeric and may not be passed to makeUrl()');
if ($args != '' && $this->config['friendly_urls'] == 1) {
// add ? to $args if missing
@@ -2766,8 +2766,8 @@ function getTemplateVars($idnames = array(), $fields = '*', $docid = '', $publis
"{$fields}, IF(tvc.value != '', tvc.value, tv.default_text) as value",
$this->getFullTableName('site_tmplvars') . " tv
INNER JOIN " . $this->getFullTableName('site_tmplvar_templates') . " tvtpl ON tvtpl.tmplvarid = tv.id
- LEFT JOIN " . $this->getFullTableName('site_tmplvar_contentvalues') . " tvc ON tvc.tmplvarid=tv.id AND tvc.contentid = '{$docid}'"
- "{$query} AND tvtpl.templateid = '{$docRow['template']}'",
+ LEFT JOIN " . $this->getFullTableName('site_tmplvar_contentvalues') . " tvc ON tvc.tmplvarid=tv.id AND tvc.contentid = '{$docid}'
+ {$query} AND tvtpl.templateid = '{$docRow['template']}'",
($sort ? "{$sort} {$dir}" : "")
diff --git a/manager/includes/tmplvars.inc.php b/manager/includes/tmplvars.inc.php
index 8249f5abda..4b9a3da0e8 100755
--- a/manager/includes/tmplvars.inc.php
+++ b/manager/includes/tmplvars.inc.php
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ function ParseIntputOptions($v) {
$a = array();
if(is_array($v)) return $v;
else if(is_resource($v)) {
- $a = $modx->db->makeArray($v);
+ while ($cols = $modx->db->getRow($v,'num')) $a[] = $cols;
else $a = explode("||", $v);
return $a;