0.7.0 (2018-09-13)
- increase allowed length of TLD part of the mail (thanks to @DBX12) (#357) (c9a392a)
- package: update react-native to version 0.57.0. Major update including android sdk updates (#397) (2793899)
- update misc dependencies (#398) (e0420c1)
- fixed typo (thanks to @parasdaryanani)
0.6.0 (2018-06-04)
0.5.1 (2018-05-30)
- package: update react-navigation to version 2.0.4 (#232) (5a2b5cd), closes #231
- package: update typesafe-actions to version 2.0.4 (#235) (64b0668)
- package: update frisbee to version 2.0.5 (#243) (a5e385d)
- package: update react to version 16.4.0 (ea548ed)
- package: update react-native-code-push to version 5.3.4 (854a1d2)
- package: update react-native-splash-screen to version 3.0.7 (#245) (78abfbb)
- package: update react-navigation to version 2.0.2 (2f02ebd)
0.5.0 (2018-05-21)
- allows login on other monica instances (7f1e224)
- added met through information (a5e76c8)
- display contact fields (a30ca81)
- use of a no contacts results image (2b7ca99)
- contact relationships display (f49a6f3)
- login + add contact labels (ae65b7a)
- login react array key (23b8463)
- android: checkbox icon size (5a02013)
- search calling wrong pages (2db911c)
- removed beta messages from the app for apple acceptation (b3041d5)
- upgraded react-navigation to 2.0.0 (+ auth flow support) (f2c2e21)
0.4.2 (2018-04-15)
- new monica 2.0.0 relationships (06c94f2)
- android: changed from SegmentedControlIOS to SegmentedControlTab (#166) (a37d627)
- android: contact page toolbar (6b9f277)
- android: fontello tabbar icons (5c0b70e)
- package: update react-native to version 0.55.2 (9cb2467), closes #156
- package: update react-native-actionsheet to version 2.4.0 (ce2f36f)
- package: update react-native-vector-icons to version 4.6.0 (9827775)
0.4.1 (2018-04-07)
- android: react-native-device-info is now included (f435c5e)
- package: update i18next to version 11.1.1 (8e73e14), closes #159
0.4.0 (2018-03-30)
- package: update react-native to version 0.54.3 (9c55eec)
- removed monthly chart for activities (0ec70ea)