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- [First-Party Code](./first-party-code.md)
- [FAQ](./faq.md)
- [Commands](./commands.md)
+ - [The Algorithm](./algorithm.md)
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+# The Cargo Vet Algorithm
+The heart of `vet` is the "[resolver](https://github.com/mozilla/cargo-vet/blob/main/src/resolver.rs)" which takes in your build graph and your supply_chain dir, and determines whether `vet check` should pass.
+If `check` fails, it tries to determine the reason for that failure (which as we'll see is a non-trivial question). If you request a `suggest` it will then try to suggest "good" audits that will definitely satisfy `check` (which is again, non-trivial).
+These results are a basic building block that most other commands will defer to:
+* `vet check` (the command run with bare `vet`) is just this operation
+* `vet suggest` is this operation with all suggestable exemptions deleted
+* `vet certify` fills in any unspecified information using this operation
+* `vet regenerate` generally uses this operation to know what to do
+For the sake of clarity, this chapter will also include some discussion of "initialization" which gathers up the input state that the resolver needs.
+## Initialization Steps
+This phase is generally just a bunch of loading, parsing, and validating. Different commands
+may vary slightly in how they do these steps, as they may implicitly be --locked or --frozen,
+or want to query hypothetical states.
+1. Acquire the build graph ([cargo metadata][] via the [cargo_metadata][] crate)
+2. Acquire the store (`supply_chain`) (load, parse, validate)
+3. Update the imports (fetch, parse, validate)
+4. Check `audit-as-crates-io` (check against local cargo registry)
+## Resolve Steps
+These are the logical steps of the resolver, although they are more interleaved than this
+initial summary implies:
+1. Build data structures
+ 1. Construct the `DepGraph`
+ 2. Construct the `CriteriaMapper`
+ 3. Construct the `AuditGraphs` for each package (and check violations)
+2. Resolve the validated criteria for each package
+ 1. Resolve third parties (crates.io)
+ 2. Resolve first parties (non-crates.io)
+3. Check that policies are satisfied (find "root failures")
+ 1. Check explicit self-policies and root packages
+ 2. Check tests (dev-policies)
+4. Blame packages for policy failures (find "leaf failures")
+5. Suggest audits to fix leaf failures (the dance of a thousand diffs)
+Here in all of its glory is the entirety of the resolver algorithm today in
+abbreviated pseudo-rust. Each of these steps will of course be elaborated on
+in the previous sections or subsequent sections.
+```rust ,ignore
+// Step 1: Build Datastructures
+let violations = vec![];
+let root_failures = vec![];
+// Step 1a: Build the DepGraph
+let graph = DepGraph::new(..);
+// Step 1b: Build the CriteriaMapper
+let mapper = CriteriaMapper::new(..);
+// Analyze all the packages, ignoring dev-dependencies
+for package in &graph.topo_index {
+ // Step 2: Resolve Validated Criteria
+ if package.is_third_party {
+ // Step 2a: Compute validated criteria (also Step 1c: Build AuditGraph)
+ resolve_third_party(package, ..);
+ } else {
+ // Step 2b: Inherit validated criteria from dependencies
+ resolve_first_party(package, ..);
+ }
+ // Step 3a: Check any policy on self, or default root policies
+ resolve_self_policy(package, ..);
+// Step 3b: Check dev-dependencies (dev-policy)
+for package in &graph.topo_index {
+ if package.is_workspace_member {
+ resolve_dev_policy(package, ..);
+ }
+// If there were any conflicts with violation entries, bail!
+if !violations.is_empty() {
+ return ResolveReport { conclusion: Conclusion::FailForViolationConflict(..), .. };
+// If there were no failures, we're done!
+if root_failures.is_empty() {
+ return ResolveReport { conclusion: Conclusion::Success(..), .. };
+// Step 4: Blame time! If there were root failures, find the leaf failures that caused them!
+let leaf_failures = visit_failures(..);
+// Step 5: Suggest time! Compute the simplest audits to fix the leaf failures!
+let suggest = compute_suggest(..);
+return ResolveReport { conclusion: Conclusion::FailForVet(..), .. };
+One perhaps surprising detail of all of this is that **analysis is inherently bottom-up**.
+We start at the leaves of your dependency tree and work our way up to the roots. As a
+result of this, we don't know any of the policies that are our actual *goals* until
+we work our way up to a node with a policy (usually a root).
+Only if we find root failures do we then descend back down to compute the leaves which
+are the origin of these failures, because only then do we actually know that they
+weren't good enough, and why not. However the "blame edges" that we descend are all
+precomputed during the bottom-up analysis, we're just choosing which ones to follow
+based on the required criteria.
+# Step 1a: The DepGraph (Processing Cargo Metadata)
+All of our analysis derives from the output of [cargo metadata][] and our
+interpretation of that, so it's worth discussing how we use it, and what we
+believe to be true of its output.
+Our interpretation of the metadata is the DepGraph. You can dump the DepGraph with
+`cargo vet dump-graph`. Most commands take a `--filter-graph` argument which will
+force us to discard certain parts of the DepGraph before performing the operation
+of the command. This can be useful for debugging issues, but we recommend only doing
+this while `--locked` to avoid corrupting your store.
+By default we run `cargo metadata --locked --all-features`. If you pass `--locked` to vet,
+we will instead pass `--frozen` to `cargo metadata`. `--all-features` can be negated
+by passing `--no-all-features` to vet. We otherwise expose the usual feature flags of
+cargo directly.
+The reason we pass `--all-features` is because we want the "maximal" build graph, which
+all "real" builds are simply a subset of. Cargo metadata in general provides this, but
+will omit optional dependencies that are locked behind disabled features. By enabling them all,
+we should get every possible dependency for every possible feature and platform.
+By validating that the maximal build graph is vetted, all possible builds should in turn
+be vetted, because they are simply subsets of that graph.
+Cargo metadata produces the build graph in a kind of awkward way where some information
+for the packages is in `"packages"` and some information is in `"resolve"`, and we need
+to manually compute lots of facts like "roots", "only for tests", and "[topological sort][]"
+(metadata has a notion of roots, but it's not what you think, and mostly reflects an
+internal concept of cargo that isn't useful to us).
+If we knew about it at the time we might have used [guppy][] to handle interpretting
+cargo metadata's results. As it stands, we've hand-rolled all that stuff.
+Cargo metadata largely uses [PackageId][]s as primary keys for identifying a package
+in your build, and we largely agree with that internally, but some human-facing interfaces
+like audits also treat (PackageName, [Version][]) as a valid key. This is a true
+statement on crates.io itself, but may not hold when you include unpublished packages,
+patches/renames(?), or third party registries. We don't really have a solid disambiguation
+strategy at the moment, we just assume it doesn't happen and don't worry about it.
+The resolver primarily use a PackageIdx as a primary key for packages, which is an interned PackageId.
+The DepGraph holds this interner.
+## Dealing With Cycles From Tests
+The resolver assumes the maximal graph is a [DAG][], which is an almost true statement
+that we can make true with a minor desugaring of the graph. There is only one situation
+where the cargo build graph is not a DAG: the tests for a crate. This can happen very
+easily, and is kind of natural, but also very evil when you first learn about it.
+As a concrete example, there is kind of a conceptual cycle between [serde](https://github.com/serde-rs/serde/blob/master/serde/Cargo.toml) and [serde_derive](https://github.com/serde-rs/serde/blob/master/serde_derive/Cargo.toml). However serde_derive is a standalone crate, and serde (optionally)
+pulls in serde_derive as a dependency... unless you're testing serde_derive, and then serde_derive
+quite reasonably depends on serde to test its output, creating a cyclic dependency on itself!
+The way to resolve this monstrosity is to realize that the *tests* for serde_derive are actually
+a different package from serde_derive, which we call serde_derive_dev (because cargo calls test
+edges "dev dependencies"). So although the graph reported by cargo_metadata looks like a cycle:
+serde <-----+
+ | |
+ | |
+ +--> serde_derive
+In actuality, serde_derive_dev breaks the cycle and creates a nice clean DAG:
+ +--serde_derive_dev ---+
+ | | |
+ v | v
+serde | test_only_dep
+ | | |
+ | v ...
+ +--> serde_derive
+There is a subtle distinction to be made here for packages *only* used for tests:
+these wouldn't be part of the build graph without dev-dependencies (dev edges) but
+they are still "real" nodes, and all of their dependencies are "real" and still
+must form a proper DAG. The only packages which can have cycle-causing dev-dependencies,
+and therefore require a desugaring to produce "fake" nodes, are *workspace members*.
+These are the packages that will be tested if you run `cargo test --workspace`.
+Actually doing this desugaring is really messy, because a lot of things about the "real"
+node are still true about the "fake" node, and we generally want to talk about the "real"
+node and the "fake" node as if they were one thing. So we actually just analyze the build graph
+in two steps. To understand how this works, we need to first look at how DAGs are analyzed.
+Any analysis on a [DAG][] generally starts with a [toplogical sort][], which is just a fancy way of saying you do depth-first-search ([DFS][]) on every root and only use a node only after you've searched all its children (this is the post-order, for graph people). Note that each iteration of DFS reuses the
+"visited" from the previous iterations, because we only want to visit each node once.
+Also note that knowing the roots is simply an optimization, you can just run DFS on every node and you will get a valid topological order -- we run it for all the workspace members, which includes all of
+the roots, but none of the test-only packages, which will be useful for identifying test-only packages
+when we get to our desugaring. (You may have workspace members which in fact are only for testing,
+but as far as `vet` is concerned those are proper packages in their own right -- those packages are
+however good candidates for a `safe-to-run` policy override.)
+The key property of a DAG is that if you visit every node in a topological order, then all the transitive dependencies of a node will be visited before it. You can use this fact to compute any
+property of a node which recursively depends on the properties of its dependencies. More plainly,
+you can just have a for-loop that computes the properties of each node, and blindly assume that
+any query about your dependencies will have its results already computed. Nice!
+With that established, here is the *actual* approach we use to emulate the "fake" node desugaring:
+1. analyze the build graph without dev deps (edges), which is definitely a DAG
+2. add back the dev deps and reprocess all the nodes as if they were the "fake" node
+The key insight to this approach is that the implicit dev nodes are all roots -- nothing
+depends on them. As a result, adding these nodes can't change which packages the "real"
+nodes depend on, and any analysis done on them is valid without the dev edges!
+When doing the topological sort, because we only run DFS from workspace members,
+the result of this is that we will visit all the nodes that are part of a "real" build
+in the first pass, and then the test-only packages in the second pass. This makes computing
+"test only" packages a convenient side-effect of the topological sort. Hopefully it's clear
+to you that the resulting ordering functions as a topological sort as long as our recrusive
+analyses take the form of two loops as so:
+for node in topological_sort:
+ analysis_that_DOESNT_query_dev_dependencies(node)
+for node in topological_sort:
+ analysis_that_CAN_query_dev_dependencies(node)
+The second loop is essentially handling all the "fake" dev nodes.
+## The DepGraph's Contents
+The hardest task of the DepGraph is computing the topological sort of the packages as
+described in the previous section, but it also computes the following facts for each package
+* [PackageId][] (primary key)
+* [Version][]
+* name
+* is_third_party (is_crates_io)
+* is_root
+* is_workspace_member
+* is_dev_only
+* normal_deps
+* build_deps
+* dev_deps
+* reverse_deps
+Whether a package is third party is deferred to [cargo_metadata][]'s [is_crates_io][] method
+but overrideable by `audit-as-crates-io` in config.toml. This completely changes how the
+resolver handles validating criteria for that package. Packages which aren't third party
+are referred to as "first party".
+Roots are simply packages which have no reverse-deps, which matters because those will
+implicitly be required to pass the default root policy (safe-to-deploy) if no other policy
+is specified for them.
+Workspace members must pass a dev-policy check, which is the only place where
+we query dev-dependencies (in the fabled "second pass" from the previous section).
+Dev-only packages are only used in tests, and therefore will only by queried in
+dev-policy checks (and so by default only need to be safe-to-run).
+# Step 1b: The CriteriaMapper
+The CriteriaMapper handles the process of converting between criteria names and
+CriteriaIndices. It's basically an interner, but made more complicated by the existence
+of builtins, namespaces (from imported audits.toml files), and "implies" relationships.
+The resolver primarily operates on CriteriaSets, which are sets of CriteriaIndices.
+The purpose of this is to try to handle all the subtleties of criteria in one place
+to avoid bugs, and to make everything more efficient.
+Most of the resolver's operations are things like "union these criteria sets" or
+"check if this criteria set is a superset of the required one".
+There is currently an artificial maximum limit of 64 criteria for you and all your
+imports to make CriteriaSets effecient (they're just a u64 internally).
+The code is designed to allow this limit to be easily raised if anyone ever hits it
+(either with a u128 or a proper BitSet).
+The biggest complexity of this process is handling "implies" (and the mapping of
+imported criteria onto local criteria, which is basically another form of "implies"
+where both criteria imply eachother).
+This makes a criteria like safe-to-deploy *actually* safe-to-deploy AND safe-to-run
+in most situations. The CriteriaMapper will precompute the [transitive closure][] of
+implies relationships for each criteria as a CriteriaSet. When mapping the name of
+a criteria to CriteriaIndices, this CriteriaSet is the thing returned.
+When mapping a criteria set to a list of criteria names, we will add `import_name::`
+in front of any imported criteria. So if you import a "fuzzed" criteria from "google",
+we will print `google::fuzzed`. We will also elide implied criteria
+(so a `["safe-to-deploy", "safe-to-run"]` will just be `["safe-to-deploy"]`).
+If an imported criteria is mapped onto a local criteria, we will only show the local
+criteria (so `["fuzzed", "google::fuzzed"]` will just be `["fuzzed"]`).
+## Computing The Transitive Closure of Criteria
+The [transitive closure][] of a criteria is the CriteriaSet that would result if you
+add the criteria itself, and every criteria that implies, and every criteria THEY imply,
+and so on. This resulting CriteriaSet is effectively the "true" value of a criteria.
+We do this by constructing a directed "criteria graph" where an "implies" is an edge.
+The transitive closure for each criteria can then be computed by running depth-first-search
+([DFS][]) on that node, and adding every reachable node to the CriteriaSet.
+That's it!
+Being able to precompute the transitive closure massively simplifies the resolver,
+as it means we never have to "re-evaulate" the implies relationships when unioning
+CriteriaSets, making potentially O(n3) operations into constant time ones,
+where n is the number of criteria (the criteria graph can have O(n2) criteria,
+and a criteria set can have O(n) criteria, and we might have to look at every edge of
+the graph for every criteria whenever we add a criteria).
+The *existence* of the transitive closure is however not a fundamental truth. It
+exists because we have artifically limited what import maps and implies is allowed to
+do. In particular, if you ever allowed an implies relationship that requires
+*two different criteria* to imply another, the transitive closure would not be
+a useful concept, and we'd be forced to re-check every implies rule whenever
+a criteria got added to a criteria set (which is happening constantly in the resolver).
+[See this issue for a detailed example demonstrating this problem](https://github.com/mozilla/cargo-vet/issues/240).
+# Step 1c: The AuditGraph
+The AuditGraph is the graph of all audits for a particular package *name*.
+The nodes of the graph are [Version][]s and the edges are delta audits (e.g. `0.1.0 -> 0.2.0`).
+Each edge has a list of criteria is claims to certify, and dependency_criteria that the
+dependencies of this package must satisfy for the edge to be considered "valid" (see
+the next section for details).
+There is an implicit Root Version which represents an empty package. As of this writing
+the Root Version is simply 0.0.0, but this isn't really correct and nodes should be more
+like `Option`.
+When trying to validate whether a particular version of a package is audited, we also add
+a Target Version to the graph (if it doesn't exist already).
+Full audits are desugarred to delta audits from the Root Version (so an audit for `0.2.0` would
+be lowered to a delta audit from `Root -> 0.2.0`).
+Exemptions are desugarred to full audits (and therefore deltas) with a flag indicating their origin.
+This flag is used to "deprioritize" the edges so that we can more easily detect exemptions that
+aren't needed anymore.
+Imported audits are lowered in the exact same way as local criteria, except their criteria names are
+treated as namespaced when feeding them into the CriteriaMapper. (In the future, another flag may be
+set indicating their origin. This flag would similarly lets us "deprioritize" imported audits, to
+help determine if they're needed.)
+With all of this established. the problem of determining whether a package is audited for a given
+criteria can be reduced to determining if there *exists* a path from the Root Version to the
+Target Version along edges that certify that criteria. Suggesting an audit similarly becomes
+finding the "best" edge to add to make the Root and Target connected for the desired criteria.
+## Dependency Criteria
+dependency_criteria are the source of basically all complexity in cargo-vet, and why
+the resolver isn't completely precise when blaming packages for errors, and therefore
+suggesting fixes for errors.
+When an edge (audit/exemption) has explicit dependency_criteria, the edge is only
+valid (traversable when searching for a path) if the dependency satisfies that criteria.
+The absence of a dependency_criteria for a dependency is *almost* equivalent to
+the certified criteria, but is more powerful than that. This is because audits are
+considered "decomposable" into audits for each of their individual criteria, including
+inherited criteria.
+So for instance, if an audit claimed `["safe-to-deploy", "fuzzed"]`
+then this is equivalent to three separate audits for "safe-to-deploy", "safe-to-run",
+and "fuzzed". This distinction doesn't matter with explicit dependency criteria,
+but with implicit dependency criteria this means that if some of your dependencies
+are only "safe-to-run", the edge will still be valid for certifying "safe-to-run".
+We originally considered requiring you to be explicit about this and manually
+make 3 different audits, but we couldn't think of any particular realistic situations
+where this wasn't desirable (and you can use explicit dependency criteria if you
+don't want this behaviour).
+## The Fundamental Imprecision Of The Resolver
+If the search for a path ever reaches an edge that has the desired criteria but isn't valid,
+because of dependency criteria, this is noted for the purposes of the blaming step.
+This is the fundamental imprecision of resolving: at best it's difficult to say why
+a path doesn't exist, and at worse it's genuinely ambiguous. You could have two
+possible paths with different edges failing for different dependencies. Fixing either
+one would work, so which one do we recommend? This is only made more complicated by
+the possibility of a path that requires multiple edges to be fixed with
+various different dependencies and criteria.
+To be completely conservative, the resolver generally just takes the union of
+every problem it finds and recommends you fix them all. In the vast majority of
+cases this will be perfectly precise, (in particular, I believe this will always
+be precise if you only use implicit dependency_criteria). Only in situations
+where there are multiple possible paths and explicit dependency_criteria
+will we start conservatively recommending potentially excessive things.
+Also if there's no possible path regardless of dependency_criteria, any
+audits we recommend for dependencies have to in some sense be a guess, because
+the way you resolve this package can change the requirements for your dependencies.
+## Checking Violations
+During AuditGraph construction violations are also checked. Violations have a [VersionReq][] and
+a list of violated criteria. They claim that, for all versions covered by the VersionReq, you believe
+that the listed criteria are explicitly violated. An error is produced if any edge is
+added to the AuditGraph where *either* endpoint matches the VersionReq and *any* criteria
+it claims to be an audit for is listed by the violation.
+This is an extremely complicated statement to parse, so let's look at some examples:
+violation: safe-to-deploy, audit: safe-to-deploy -- ERROR!
+violation: safe-to-deploy, audit: safe-to-run -- OK!
+violation: safe-to-run, audit: safe-to-deploy -- ERROR!
+violation: [a, b], audit: [a, c] -- ERROR!
+One very notable implication of this is that a violation for `["safe-to-run", "safe-to-deploy"]`
+is actually equivalent to `["safe-to-run"]`, not `["safe-to-deploy"]`! This means that the normal
+way of handling things, turning the violation's criteria into one CriteriaSet and checking
+if `audit.contains(violation)` is incorrect!
+We must instead do this check for each individual item in the violation:
+let has_violation = violation.iter().any(|item| audit.contains(item));
+It may seem a bit strange to produce an error if *any* audit is in any way contradicted
+by *any* violation. Is that necessary? Is that sufficient?
+It's definitely sufficient: it's impossible to validate a version without having an audit edge
+with an end-point in that version.
+I would argue that it's also *necessary*: the existence of any audit (or exemption)
+that is directly contradicted by a violation is essentially an integrity error on the
+claims that we are working with. Even if you don't even use the audit for anything
+anymore, people who are peering with you and importing your audits might be, so you
+should do something about those audits as soon as you find out they might be wrong!
+There is currently no mechanism for mechanically dealing with such an integrity error,
+even if the audit or violation comes from a foreign import. Such a situation is serious
+enough that it merits direct discussion between humans. That said, if this becomes
+enough of a problem we may eventually add such a feature.
+# Step 2a: Resolving Third Parties (Analyzing Audits)
+A lot of the heavy lifting for this task is in Step 1c (AuditGraph).
+Trying to validate all criteria at once is slightly brain-melty (because
+different criteria may be validated by different paths), so as a simplifying
+step we validate each criteria individually (so everything I'm about to
+describe happens in a for loop).
+If all we care about is finding out if a package has some criteria, then all
+we need to do is run depth-first-search ([DFS][]) from the Root Node and see if it reaches
+the Target Node, with the constraint that we'll only follow edges that are
+valid (based on the already validated criteria of our dependencies).
+If it does, we've validated the criteria for the Target Version. If it doesn't,
+then we haven't.
+But things are much more complicated because we want to provide more feedback
+about the state of the audits:
+* Did this validation require an exemption? (Is it fully audited?)
+* Did this validation even use any audits? (Is it at least partially audited?)
+* Did this validation need any new imports? (Should we update imports.lock?)
+* If we failed, was there a possible path? (Should we blame our deps for our failure?)
+* What nodes were reachable from the Root and reverse-reachable from the Target? (candidates for suggest)
+This is accomplished by running the search off of a priority queue, rather than
+using a stack, such that we only try to use the "best" edges first, and can
+be certain that we don't try to use a "worse" edge until we've tried all of the
+paths using better edges.
+The best edge of all is a local audit. If we can find a path using only
+those edges, then we're fully audited, we don't need any exemptions we
+might have for this package (a lot of caveats to this, so we don't really
+make that conclusion reliably), and the imports.lock doesn't need to be updated.
+If we need to add back in exemptions to find a path, then the exemptions
+were necessary to validate this criteria.
+If we need to add back in new imports to find a path, then we need to update
+imports.lock to cache necessary audits for --locked executions. (The fact
+that this comes after exemptions means we may be slightly imprecise about
+whether something is "fully audited" when updating imports, as subsequent
+runs won't get this far. We think this is worth the upside of minimizing
+imports.lock updates.)
+If any of those succeed, then we return SearchResult::Connected and the
+criteria is unioned into the this package's validated_criteria.
+If none of that worked, then we start allowing ourselves to follow *invalid*
+edges (edges which exist but have unsatisfied dependency_criteria). If we
+manage to find a path with those edges, then in some sense we are "blameless"
+for our failure, and we return SearchResult::PossiblyConnected with a list
+of the failed edges. During blaming (Step 4) we will use these results
+to compute leaf failures.
+If even invalid edges are insufficient, then we will return
+SearchResult::Disconnected and consider ourselves fundamentally to blame
+for our failures, and this node will be a leaf failure if blaming reaches
+it with this required criteria.
+In doing this, we also compute the nodes that are reachable from the Root
+Version and the nodes that are reverse-reachable from the Target Version.
+The latter is computed by following all edges backwards, which is to say
+in Step 1c we actually build another copy of the AuditGraph, with the edges
+all reversed, and rerun the algorithm with Root and Target reversed.
+This information is useful because in the Disconnected case we want
+to suggest a diff to audit, and any diff from the Root Reachable nodes
+to the Target Reachable nodes is sufficient.
+All SearchResults are stored in the ResolveResult for a node along with
+validated criteria and other fun facts we found along the way. The
+contents of the ResolveResult will be used by our reverse-dependencies
+in steps 2 and 3.
+It's worth noting here that delta audits can "go backwards" (i.e. `1.0.1 -> 1.0.0`),
+and all of this code handles that perfectly fine without any special cases.
+It *does* make it possible for there to be cycles in the AuditGraph, but
+[DFS][] doesn't care about cycles at all since you keep track of nodes you've
+visited to avoid revisits (slightly complicated by us iteratively introducing edges).
+Note that when checking dependencies, dependencies that are dev-only
+are ignored (this only matters for workspace members).
+# Step 2b: Resolving First Parties (Inheriting Audits)
+First parties (non-crates.io packages) simply "inherit" the intersection of the
+validated criteria of all their dependencies. If they have no dependencies then
+the become validated for *all* criteria by default.
+If they have a dependency_criteria in their policy then that dependency is
+treated as either having all_criteria or no_criteria based on whether it passed
+the dependency_criteria. This is equivalent to how explicit dependency_criteria
+are handled in step 2a, and self-policies are handled in step 3a.
+If a criteria isn't in the intersection, then we record the dependencies that
+failed to satisfy this condition as a SearchResult::PossiblyConnected, as
+first parties are *never* to blame. It's those dang peasant third-parties!
+Note that when checking dependencies, dependencies that are dev-only
+are ignored (this only matters for workspace members).
+...That's it! Everything's a lot easier when audits aren't involved!
+# Step 3a: Checking Self-Policies
+Any package which is a root of the DepGraph or has a `policy.criteria` needs to
+check their validated criteria against that self_policy (if it's only a root,
+then the default root policy, safe-to-deploy, is used). If the policy is satisfied
+(`validated_criteria.contains(self_policy)`), then everything's fine.
+If the policy fails, then this node becomes a "root failure" (as in, it's a root
+of the "failure/blame graph", it doesn't have to be a root in the DepGraph,
+although it's usually also that). When registering the root failure, we record
+which criteria were missing, which will be used in blaming (Step 4).
+It's worth noting that if a package has an explicit `policy.criteria`, then
+its reverse-dependencies (parents) can never make any demands of it. This is necessary
+to allow a self_policy to be either *weaker* or *stronger* than the requirements
+of the reverse-dependency.
+To further indicate this, when checking a self_policy we either set the node's
+validated criteria to all_criteria or no_criteria.
+It's also worth noting that, due to audit-as-crates-io and `[patch]`
+declarations, you can end up in a situation where a third-party depends on a
+first-party, or third-parties have `policy.criteria` entries. This is why
+Step 3a is interleaved with Step 2.
+# Step 3b: Checking Dev-Policies (Tests)
+This is the one and only place where we consider dev-dependencies, and happens
+strictly after the primary loop that processes Step 2, and 3a. In this step
+we're validating the "fake" test node that's required to break cycles, as
+discussed in Step 1a.
+We essentially repeat the steps of 2b here, but include *all* dependencies,
+where in 2b we ignored dev-dependencies. The resulting dev_validated_criteria
+is then checked against the dev_policy for this node.
+If the node has a policy.dev-criteria then that's the dev_policy. Otherwise
+it gets the default dev_policy, safe-to-run. If the dev_policy is satisfied
+(`dev_validated_criteria.contains(dev_policy)`), then we silently continue
+on. Unlike in Step 3a we don't update the validated_criteria.
+If the node fails the dev_policy, then we register the "root failure" as in
+Step 3a.
+(It's perhaps notable that we recheck the normal dependencies of the package,
+and don't use the validated_criteria of the package itself. I don't *think*
+this really matters but there's an argument that this is semantically wrong,
+as the "fake" node depends on the "real" node. But the "fake" node also
+contains all the same code as the "real" node and the only source of
+divergence is a self_policy, which will handle its own root failure reporting.
+I think the only situation where this could matter is if the dev_policy is *stronger*
+than the self_policy, which feels like... An Incorrect Decision.)
+# Step 4: Blaming Children For Our Problems
+If there are any "root failures" recorded by 3a or 3b, then we need to
+descend down the "blame graph" to find the dependencies that *caused*
+this failure (the "leaf failures"). Blame The Children!
+The blame graph is something we've already implicitly constructed.
+The nodes of the blame graph are the ResolveResults for each package
+(populated in Step 2), and the edges of the blame graph are SearchResults
+inside those ResolveResults which have SearchResult::PossiblyConnected
+for the criteria that we are trying to blame. Any node which has
+SearchResult::Disconnected for the criteria we're interested in is a leaf.
+At a high level, the idea is to run depth-first-search ([DFS][]) from the
+root failures and report any leaves we reach.
+However this is complicated by two factors:
+* Our traversals have criteria associated with them, so the notion of
+"visited" must keep which blame-criteria a node has been visited with
+* To get as much information as possible at once, we want to speculatively
+blame "deeper" than a leaf. This may be useful if e.g. you update both of
+serde and serde_derive at once, and therefore need audits for both, even
+if the latter only appears as a dependency of the former.
+To handle these problems, we use augmented CriteriaSets -- CriteriaFailureSets.
+These contain *two* criteria sets, "confident" and "all". Each search path
+originates from a "root failure" and has a CriteriaFailureSet for the missing
+criteria that caused that failure.
+Initially, all search paths have the same values for "confident" and "all".
+However, whenever a search path speculatively pushes "deeper" than a leaf,
+that part of the path is marked as a "guess" and any node visited from there
+will only mark "all".
+When a search path reaches a node, we union the current CriteriaFailureSet
+into the visited entry for that node. If this doesn't change the value
+of the CriteriaFailureSet then visiting it won't change anything and
+we don't need to perform the visit. We also refuse to visit any node
+which was itself a root failure, as this indicates they had a self-policy
+and are therefore immune to parent demands.
+The edges that a search path will try to follow are the SearchResult::PossiblyConnected
+entries for the criteria this search path is currently trying to blame for
+(it's CriteriaFailureSet). Explicit dependency_criteria may modify the blame
+criteria, as for instance if we're blaming for "safe-to-deploy" but a dependency
+explicitly only needed to be "safe-to-run" we don't want to claim that it should
+have been "safe-to-deploy".
+If a search path reaches a node that has some SearchResult::Disconnected entries
+then we record that overlap as a leaf failure (unioning into a CriteriaFailureSet
+for that node's leaf failures).
+This is where the guessing is performed. We assume any audit you add to fix
+this package will only have default dependency_criteria, and therefore any
+dependency that *also* doesn't have any of the leaf's blamed criteria will
+cause a cascading failure. We push the search path onto those nodes as if
+there was a PartiallyConnected entry for them, and then mark those search
+heads as "guesses" as disucssed above.
+This is *probably* correct, and is perfectly precise in the happy path where
+no one ever uses custom dependency_criteria. But the auditor may add any
+explicit dependency_criteria they please, invalidating our guess.
+Now the *reason* we do all this careful work to track whether things are
+guesses or not is so that, when we're done all our searching, we can determine
+if all the blames for a leaf failure are "confident" (whether "confident" == "all").
+We always report "all" to the end-user, but we de-emphasize any result
+that isn't completely confident, indicating that they should prefer resolving
+the fully confident (parent) failures first, because it might change the suggestion
+(or completely eliminate the failure!).
+The guesses are useful for helping the user gauge how much work they have
+ahead of them, and let us have *something* to use if they disregard our
+recommendation and decide they want to work bottom up and start `certify`ing
+those packages.
+# Step 5: Suggesting Audits (Death By A Thousand Diffs)
+This step takes the "blamed" "leaf failures" from Step 4 and recommends
+audits that will fix them. In Step 2a we compute the Root Reachable Nodes
+and the Target Reachable Nodes for a SearchResult::Disconnected package.
+In this phase we use those as candidates and try to find the best possible
+diff audit.
+More specifically, we use the intersection of all the Root Reachable Nodes
+for every criteria this package was blamed for (ditto for Target Reachable).
+By using the intersection, any diff we recommend from one set to the other
+is guaranteed to cover all required criteria, allowing us to suggest a single
+diff to fix everything. Since the Root and Target are always in their respective
+sets, we are guaranteed that the intersections are non-empty.
+So how do we pick the *best* diff? Well, we straight up download every version of the package that
+we have audits for and diff-stat all the combinations. Smallest diff wins! Does that sound horrible
+and slow? It is! That's why we have a secret global diff-stat cache on your system.
+Also we don't *literally* diff every combination. We turn the O(n2) diffs
+into "only" O(n) diffs with a simple heuristic: for each Target Reachable Node,
+we find the package closest version *smaller* than that version and the closest version
+*bigger* than that version. We then diff that version against only those two versions.
+This may potentially miss some magical diff where a big change is made and then reverted,
+but this diffing stuff needs some amount of taming!
+It's worth noting that [Version]s don't form a proper metric space: We cannot compute
+the "distance" between two Versions in the abstract, and then compare that to the "distance"
+between two other versions. Versions *do* however have a total ordering, so we *can*
+compute minimum and maximum versions, and say whether a version is bigger or smaller
+than another. As a result it's possible to compute "the largest version that's smaller than X"
+and "the smallest version that's larger than X", which is what we use. There is however
+no way to say whether the smaller-maximum or the bigger-minimum is closer to X, so we "must"
+try both.
+It's also worth reiterating here that diffs *can* "go backwards". If you're on 1.0.0 and
+have an audit for 1.0.1, we will happily recommend the reverse-diff from `1.0.1 -> 1.0.0`.
+This is slightly brain melty at first but nothing really needs to specially handle this,
+it Just Works.
+Any diff we recommend from the Root Version is "resugared" into recommending a full audit,
+(and is also computed by diffing against an empty directory). It should be impossible to
+recommend a diff *to* the Root Version because there should never be audits of the Root
+Version (barring the fact that we're sloppy right now and use 0.0.0 which totally can be
+[cargo metadata]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/commands/cargo-metadata.html
+[cargo_metadata]: https://docs.rs/cargo_metadata/latest/cargo_metadata/
+[is_crates_io]: https://docs.rs/cargo_metadata/latest/cargo_metadata/struct.Source.html#method.is_crates_io
+[DAG]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directed_acyclic_graph
+[PackageId]: https://docs.rs/cargo_metadata/latest/cargo_metadata/struct.PackageId.html
+[Version]: https://docs.rs/semver/latest/semver/struct.Version.html
+[VersionReq]: https://docs.rs/semver/latest/semver/struct.VersionReq.html
+[guppy]: https://docs.rs/guppy/latest/guppy/
+[topological sort]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting
+[transitive closure]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transitive_closure
+[DFS]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depth-first_search
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