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- [Suggest](datasets/other/suggest/suggest.md)
- [Sponsored Tiles](datasets/other/sponsored_tiles/sponsored_tiles.md)
- [Newtab_Interactions](datasets/other/newtab_interactions/reference.md)
+ - [Urlbar Events](datasets/other/urlbar_events/reference.md)
- [Firefox Accounts Datasets](datasets/fxa.md)
- [Firefox Account Attribution](datasets/fxa_metrics/attribution.md)
- [Firefox Account Funnel Metrics](datasets/fxa_metrics/funnels.md)
diff --git a/src/datasets/other/urlbar_events/reference.md b/src/datasets/other/urlbar_events/reference.md
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+# Urlbar Events
+## Table of Contents
+## Introduction
+The `urlbar_events` table, derived from Glean `urlbar` events,
+provides a data source for understanding user interactions with the urlbar and search.
+Its structure and fields are designed around the notion of urlbar search sessions.
+This data is Desktop-only.
+## Urlbar search sessions
+A **urlbar search session** is a sequence of interactions with the
+starting from when the urlbar receives focus,
+and ending when the user navigates to a new page or focuses outside of it,
+causing the result panel to close.
+In this context, **search** means _using the urlbar to search for a page_,
+not specifically _using a search engine_.
+The following diagram shows the user interaction flow through a search session.
+The most common case ("user types a query and clicks on a result") is shown with **bold** arrows.
+Unusual cases are shown with dotted lines.
+flowchart LR
+A[Urlbar receives focus]
+A ==> B[Initial results displayed]
+B ==> C[User types character
Results update]
+C ==> D{User takes
event action}
+D ==>|engaged| E([Selects result
+D -->|abandoned| F([Focus outside of urlbar
+D -.->|annoyance| G([Selects result option
+E ==> H[Urlbar loses focus
Result panel closes]
+A -.->|paste & go| E
+B -->|zero prefix| D
+C ==> C
+F --> H
+G -.->|panel closes| H
+G -.->|panel stays open| B
+E -.->|search mode| B
+A search session includes one or more **event actions** taken by the user,
+usually in response to the results that are displayed.
+There are 3 types of event action:
+- **Engaged:** the user selects a result.
+ This includes pressing Enter after typing, which has the effect of selecting the first result.
+- **Abandoned:** the user focuses outside of the urlbar without selecting a result.
+- **Annoyance:** the user selects an auxiliary option associated with a result,
+ e.g. `Dismiss` in the meatball menu.
+The search session ends if the event action causes the panel to close, e.g. by navigating to a new page.
+Most search sessions see the user typing some characters and selecting a result,
+ending the session after one event action.
+However, in some instances the event action leaves the panel open for further interaction,
+e.g. selecting the `Dismiss` annoyance signal.
+In such cases, the search session will contain multiple event actions.
+Also, in some search sessions, the user can take an event action without typing any characters
+or without results being displayed, e.g. using the `Paste & Go` context menu option.
+An event action is called **terminal** if it causes the session to end.
+Whether or not an event action is terminal is determined _a posteriori_ from its characteristics.
+For the complete logic on terminal event actions, see
+[this code](https://github.com/mozilla/bigquery-etl/blob/main/sql_generators/urlbar_events/templates/desktop_query.sql#L30).
+### Measurement
+Measurement for search sessions is collected through Glean
+events, which record one event for each event action.
+(There is also a
+event, but it is not currently used for data analysis).
+These contain a snapshot of the urlbar state at the moment when the event action was taken,
+such as the types of results that were showing, and the result that was selected (if any).
+This means that we have information about the final set of results from which the user made a selection,
+but not the intermediate result sets shown on each keystroke.
+A search session with multiple event actions will generate multiple Glean events.
+There is currently no "session ID" linking these together,
+as the majority of search sessions generate only 1 event,
+and the analytical focus is on counting occurrences rather than event sequences.
+Also, the events do not contain an indicator of whether they are terminal.
+This determination is made at ETL time based on the event contents.
+### Summary
+This table summarizes key information about the 3 types of event action:
+| Event action | Terminal? | Glean event | Event extra fields of interest |
+| ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| Engaged |
- Usually yes (e.g. clicking on a result)
- Sometimes no (e.g. entering search mode)
| `urlbar.engagement` | - Ordered list of displayed results: `results`
- Selected result type: `selected_result`
- Selected result position (1-indexed): `selected_position`
+| Abandoned | Yes | `urlbar.abandonment` | Ordered list of displayed results: `results` |
+| Annoyance | - Sometimes yes (e.g. "Learn More")
- Sometimes no (e.g. "Dismiss")
| `urlbar.engagement` | - Ordered list of displayed results: `results`
- Selected result type: `selected_result`
- Selected result position (1-indexed): `selected_position`
- Annoyance signal (the option selected for a result): `engagement_type`
+## Results, impressions and clicks
+The primary use case for this data is calculating click and impression rates
+for different types of urlbar search results in order to answer Product questions.
+The [Urlbar Events Looker explore](https://mozilla.cloud.looker.com/explore/firefox_desktop/urlbar_events)
+is built on top of the `urlbar_events` table to serve this need.
+The `results` and `selected_result` fields in the Glean event extras report "raw" result types,
+which are sometimes more granular than Product needs.
+Product has developed a
+which translates these raw values into interpretable **Product result types** (e.g. "search suggestion").
+All columns in the `urlbar_events` table containing raw result types (e.g. `selected_result`)
+have a corresponding Product version (e.g. `product_selected_result`) with the mapped values.
+If a raw result type does not map to any Product result type, the mapping returns `other`.
+An **impression** is defined as a result that is showing in the result panel at event action time.
+This means:
+- We only consider 1 set of impressions per event action. As the user types characters,
+ they will see intermediate result sets, as the result panel updates on each keystroke.
+ However, these are currently not taken into account.
+- At event action time, there are usually multiple results showing, i.e. multiple impressions.
+ Many impression sets have 10 impressions (the default number).
+ The number of impressions shown on an event action is given in the `num_total_results` column.
+- An impression set may have multiple impressions of the same type.
+ e.g. multiple search suggestions are usually surfaced for a typed query.
+The ordered list of result impressions for each event action is given in the array-valued column `results`.
+A **click** occurs when the user selects a result, i.e. taking an engaged event action.
+- We use this as standard terminology, even though the user may not have physically clicked a mouse.
+- The majority of clicks are terminal: they cause a page to be loaded and the search session to end.
+ In a few rare cases, a click is not terminal.
+The type of result selected is given in the `selected_result`/`product_selected_result` columns.
+**CTR** can be computed in 2 ways for a given result type:
+1. num clicks / total num impressions
+2. num clicks / num search sessions with at least 1 such impression
+We generally use (2.) for Product-focused analyses and experiments, including the
+[Looker explore](https://mozilla.cloud.looker.com/explore/firefox_desktop/urlbar_events).
+For result types that have at most 1 impression per result set (e.g. navigational),
+these will be the same.
+For types that tend to have multiple impressions per result set (e.g. search suggestions),
+(1.) could be much lower than (2.).
+An **annoyance** occurs when the user selects an option associated with a result, e.g. "Dismiss",
+without selecting the result itself.
+These are usually found in the meatball menu next to the displayed result.
+The `annoyance_signal_type` column gives the type of annoyance option that was selected,
+and `selected_result`/`product_selected_result` give the result type with which the annoyance is associated.
+For more examples of previously used metrics, see the
+[Firefox Suggest Jetstream outcome](https://github.com/mozilla/metric-hub/blob/main/jetstream/outcomes/firefox_desktop/firefox_suggest.toml).
+## Urlbar events table
+The [`mozdata.firefox_desktop.urlbar_events`](https://github.com/mozilla/bigquery-etl/tree/main/sql_generators/urlbar_events/templates)
+table contains 1 row for each Glean event (i.e. 1 row per event action) reported across all Desktop users.
+As discussed above, most search sessions only have 1 associated row, but some have multiple.
+There is no session identifier linking rows associated with the same session
+(although it may be possible to infer such linkage from event sequencing).
+However, the `is_terminal` column indicates whether the event action was terminal.
+The event action type is listed in the `event_action` column.
+Most of the Glean event extras fields are included in separate columns.
+- The array-valued `results` column lists the ordered results showing at event action time.
+ Each array element is a struct with `result_type`, `product_result_type`, `position`, and `result_group`.
+- `selected_result`, `product_selected_result`, `selected_position` give the selected result
+ associated with an engagement or annoyance.
+- `annoyance_signal_type` gives the annoyance option selected, if any.
+- `event_id` is a row identifier UUID. This is mainly useful when unnesting the `results` column.
+- `glean_client_id`, `seq` (from the event's `ping_info`), `event_timestamp` can be used
+ to build event sequences and interlace with SERP events.
+This table summarizes the main column values associated with each event action:
+| Event action | `event_action` | `is_terminal` | `selected_result` | `annoyance_signal_type` |
+| ------------ | -------------- | ----------------- | --------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+| Engaged | `engaged` | `true` or `false` | `selected_result` from Glean engagement event | `null` |
+| Abandoned | `abandoned` | `true` | `null` | `null` |
+| Annoyance | `annoyance` | `true` or `false` | `selected_result` from Glean engagement event | `engagement_type` from Glean engagement event |
+### Gotchas
+- Each search session may have multiple associated rows.
+ To count **unique search sessions** (the most common use case), condition on `is_terminal = true`.
+- To work with impressions, `UNNEST` the `results` column.
+### Example queries
+To count number of search sessions:
+ COUNT(*)
+ `mozdata.firefox_desktop.urlbar_events`
+ is_terminal
+Engagement rate (proportion of search sessions ending with an engaged action):
+ COUNTIF(event_action = 'engaged') / COUNT(*)
+ `mozdata.firefox_desktop.urlbar_events`
+ is_terminal
+Impression rate for history (proportion of search sessions that ended with a history impression showing):
+ COUNT(DISTINCT IF(r.product_result_type = 'history', event_id, NULL))
+ / COUNT(DISTINCT event_id)
+ `mozdata.firefox_desktop.urlbar_events`,
+ UNNEST(results) AS r
+ is_terminal
+Number of clicks on a history result:
+ COUNT(*)
+ `mozdata.firefox_desktop.urlbar_events`
+ is_terminal
+ AND event_action = 'engaged'
+ AND product_selected_result = 'history'
+CTR for history (denominator is search sessions that had an impression,
+not number of impressions):
+ COUNT(DISTINCT IF(event_action = 'engaged' AND product_selected_result = 'history', event_id, NULL))
+ / COUNT(DISTINCT IF(r.product_result_type = 'history', event_id, NULL))
+ `mozdata.firefox_desktop.urlbar_events`,
+ UNNEST(results) AS r
+ is_terminal
+Number of result dismissals (annoyance):
+ COUNT(*)
+ `mozdata.firefox_desktop.urlbar_events`
+ event_action = 'annoyance'
+ AND annoyance_signal_type = 'dismiss'
+### Scheduling
+This dataset is scheduled on Airflow and updated daily.
+### Schema
+The data is partitioned by `submission_date`.
+### Code Reference
+This table is
+from a templated query defined under