diff --git a/src/bin.rs b/src/bin.rs
index 4aa9212..af225ee 100644
--- a/src/bin.rs
+++ b/src/bin.rs
@@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
-use cuid::cuid;
-use std::process::exit;
+use cuid::{cuid, slug};
+use std::{
+    env::{self, Args},
+    process::exit,
 /// Generate a new CUID and print it to stdout
 pub fn main() {
-    match cuid() {
+    let args: CuidArgs = env::args().into();
+    let res = if args.slug { slug() } else { cuid() };
+    match res {
         Ok(id) => println!("{}", id),
         Err(err) => {
             eprintln!("{:?}", err);
@@ -11,3 +18,46 @@ pub fn main() {
+const HELP: &'static str = r#"Usage: cuid [OPTION]...
+Generate and print a CUID.
+  --slug         generate a slug instead of a full CUID
+  -h, --help     display this help and exit
+  -v, --version  display version information and exit"#;
+const VERSION: &'static str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
+/// Commandline arguments for the CUID binary
+struct CuidArgs {
+    /// Whether to produce a slug instead of a CUID
+    slug: bool,
+impl From<Args> for CuidArgs {
+    fn from(args: Args) -> Self {
+        let mut slug = false;
+        // The first argument should be the binary name. Skip it.
+        args.skip(1).for_each(|arg| match arg.as_str() {
+            "-h" | "--help" => {
+                println!("{}", HELP);
+                exit(0);
+            }
+            "-v" | "--version" => {
+                println!("{}", VERSION);
+                exit(0);
+            }
+            "--slug" => slug = true,
+            _ => {
+                println!("error: unrecognized argument {}", arg);
+                println!("");
+                println!("{}", HELP);
+                exit(1);
+            }
+        });
+        CuidArgs { slug }
+    }