An example Dockerfile for a Java webapp + a few dependencies:
- JDK 8
- Nginx
- git 1.7
- Maven 3.1.1
I assume you have installed Docker and it is running.
See the Docker website for installation instructions.
Steps to build a Docker image:
Clone this repo
git clone
Manually download JDK 8u20 (x64 rpm) from the Oracle site
Copy the JDK rpm to the appropriate folder
cd docker-sample mkdir jdk cp ~/Downloads/jdk-8u20-linux-x64.rpm jdk
Build the image
cd .. docker build -t="my-app" docker-sample
This will take a few minutes.
Run the image's default command, which should start everything up. The
option forwards the container's port 80 to port 8000 on the host. (Note that the host will actually be a guest if you are using boot2docker, so you may need to re-forward the port in VirtualBox.)docker run -p="8000:80" my-app
Once everything has started up, you should be able to access the webapp via http://localhost:8000/ on your host machine.
open http://localhost:8000/
You can also login to the image and have a look around:
docker run -i -t my-app /bin/bash