diff --git a/packages/mui-material/src/styles/ThemeProviderWithVars.test.js b/packages/mui-material/src/styles/ThemeProviderWithVars.test.js
index 57cc558313c691..e06a6d304d63dd 100644
--- a/packages/mui-material/src/styles/ThemeProviderWithVars.test.js
+++ b/packages/mui-material/src/styles/ThemeProviderWithVars.test.js
@@ -408,4 +408,35 @@ describe('[Material UI] ThemeProviderWithVars', () => {
+ it('theme should remain the same when ThemeProvider rerenders', () => {
+ const theme = createTheme({ cssVariables: true });
+ function Inner() {
+ const upperTheme = useTheme();
+ const themeRef = React.useRef(upperTheme);
+ const [changed, setChanged] = React.useState(false);
+ React.useEffect(() => {
+ if (themeRef.current !== upperTheme) {
+ setChanged(true);
+ }
+ }, [upperTheme]);
+ return changed ?
: null;
+ }
+ function App() {
+ const [, setState] = React.useState({});
+ const rerender = () => setState({});
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+ render();
+ fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole('button'));
+ expect(screen.queryByTestId('theme-changed')).to.equal(null);
+ });
diff --git a/packages/mui-system/src/cssVars/createCssVarsProvider.js b/packages/mui-system/src/cssVars/createCssVarsProvider.js
index e7a2a21febb207..64ed9f9fc4037d 100644
--- a/packages/mui-system/src/cssVars/createCssVarsProvider.js
+++ b/packages/mui-system/src/cssVars/createCssVarsProvider.js
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ export default function createCssVarsProvider(options) {
const useColorScheme = () => React.useContext(ColorSchemeContext) || defaultContext;
+ const defaultColorSchemes = {};
+ const defaultComponents = {};
function CssVarsProvider(props) {
const {
@@ -75,12 +78,12 @@ export default function createCssVarsProvider(options) {
return typeof defaultTheme === 'function' ? defaultTheme() : defaultTheme;
}, [themeProp]);
const scopedTheme = initialTheme[themeId];
+ const restThemeProp = scopedTheme || initialTheme;
const {
- colorSchemes = {},
- components = {},
+ colorSchemes = defaultColorSchemes,
+ components = defaultComponents,
- ...restThemeProp
- } = scopedTheme || initialTheme;
+ } = restThemeProp;
const joinedColorSchemes = Object.keys(colorSchemes)
.filter((k) => !!colorSchemes[k])
@@ -126,42 +129,46 @@ export default function createCssVarsProvider(options) {
colorScheme = ctx.colorScheme;
- // `colorScheme` is undefined on the server and hydration phase
- const calculatedColorScheme = colorScheme || restThemeProp.defaultColorScheme;
+ const memoTheme = React.useMemo(() => {
+ // `colorScheme` is undefined on the server and hydration phase
+ const calculatedColorScheme = colorScheme || restThemeProp.defaultColorScheme;
- // 2. get the `vars` object that refers to the CSS custom properties
- const themeVars = restThemeProp.generateThemeVars?.() || restThemeProp.vars;
+ // 2. get the `vars` object that refers to the CSS custom properties
+ const themeVars = restThemeProp.generateThemeVars?.() || restThemeProp.vars;
- // 3. Start composing the theme object
- const theme = {
- ...restThemeProp,
- components,
- colorSchemes,
- cssVarPrefix,
- vars: themeVars,
- };
- if (typeof theme.generateSpacing === 'function') {
- theme.spacing = theme.generateSpacing();
- }
+ // 3. Start composing the theme object
+ const theme = {
+ ...restThemeProp,
+ components,
+ colorSchemes,
+ cssVarPrefix,
+ vars: themeVars,
+ };
+ if (typeof theme.generateSpacing === 'function') {
+ theme.spacing = theme.generateSpacing();
+ }
- // 4. Resolve the color scheme and merge it to the theme
- if (calculatedColorScheme) {
- const scheme = colorSchemes[calculatedColorScheme];
- if (scheme && typeof scheme === 'object') {
- // 4.1 Merge the selected color scheme to the theme
- Object.keys(scheme).forEach((schemeKey) => {
- if (scheme[schemeKey] && typeof scheme[schemeKey] === 'object') {
- // shallow merge the 1st level structure of the theme.
- theme[schemeKey] = {
- ...theme[schemeKey],
- ...scheme[schemeKey],
- };
- } else {
- theme[schemeKey] = scheme[schemeKey];
- }
- });
+ // 4. Resolve the color scheme and merge it to the theme
+ if (calculatedColorScheme) {
+ const scheme = colorSchemes[calculatedColorScheme];
+ if (scheme && typeof scheme === 'object') {
+ // 4.1 Merge the selected color scheme to the theme
+ Object.keys(scheme).forEach((schemeKey) => {
+ if (scheme[schemeKey] && typeof scheme[schemeKey] === 'object') {
+ // shallow merge the 1st level structure of the theme.
+ theme[schemeKey] = {
+ ...theme[schemeKey],
+ ...scheme[schemeKey],
+ };
+ } else {
+ theme[schemeKey] = scheme[schemeKey];
+ }
+ });
+ }
- }
+ return resolveTheme ? resolveTheme(theme) : theme;
+ }, [restThemeProp, colorScheme, components, colorSchemes, cssVarPrefix]);
// 5. Declaring effects
// 5.1 Updates the selector value to use the current color scheme which tells CSS to use the proper stylesheet.
@@ -248,7 +255,7 @@ export default function createCssVarsProvider(options) {
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
? setMode
: (newMode) => {
- if (theme.colorSchemeSelector === 'media') {
+ if (memoTheme.colorSchemeSelector === 'media') {
'MUI: The `setMode` function has no effect if `colorSchemeSelector` is `media` (`media` is the default value).',
@@ -270,7 +277,7 @@ export default function createCssVarsProvider(options) {
- theme.colorSchemeSelector,
+ memoTheme.colorSchemeSelector,
@@ -285,13 +292,12 @@ export default function createCssVarsProvider(options) {
const element = (
- {shouldGenerateStyleSheet && }
+ {shouldGenerateStyleSheet && (
+ )}