diff --git a/src/__tests__/create-file-node.js b/src/__tests__/create-file-node.js
index 3224b1ad833c4..cf3da21806a17 100644
--- a/src/__tests__/create-file-node.js
+++ b/src/__tests__/create-file-node.js
@@ -1,11 +1,48 @@
const path = require(`path`)
const { createFileNode } = require(`../create-file-node`)
+const fs = require(`fs-extra`)
+const fsStatBak = fs.stat
// FIXME: This test needs to not use snapshots because of file differences
// and locations across users and CI systems
describe(`create-file-node`, () => {
- it(`creates a file node`, () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ // If this breaks, note that the actual values here are not relevant. They just need to be mocked because
+ // otherwise the tests change due to changing timestamps. The returned object should mimic the real fs.stat
+ // Note: async tests should run in serial so this mock should not cause cross test polution on this thread.
+ fs.stat = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(
+ Promise.resolve({
+ isDirectory() {
+ return false
+ },
+ dev: 123456,
+ mode: 123456,
+ nlink: 123456,
+ uid: 123456,
+ rdev: 123456,
+ blksize: 123456,
+ ino: 123456,
+ size: 123456,
+ blocks: 123456,
+ atimeMs: 123456,
+ mtimeMs: 123456,
+ ctimeMs: 123456,
+ birthtimeMs: 123456,
+ atime: new Date(123456),
+ mtime: new Date(123456),
+ ctime: new Date(123456),
+ birthtime: new Date(123456),
+ })
+ )
+ })
+ afterEach(() => {
+ fs.stat = fsStatBak
+ })
+ it(`creates a file node`, async () => {
const createNodeId = jest.fn()
return createFileNode(
@@ -14,4 +51,90 @@ describe(`create-file-node`, () => {
+ it(`records the shape of the node`, async () => {
+ const dname = fs.mkdtempSync(`gatsby-create-file-node-test`).trim()
+ try {
+ const fname = path.join(dname, `f`)
+ console.log(dname, fname)
+ fs.writeFileSync(fname, `data`)
+ try {
+ const createNodeId = jest.fn()
+ createNodeId.mockReturnValue(`uuid-from-gatsby`)
+ const node = await createFileNode(fname, createNodeId, {})
+ // Sanitize all filenames
+ Object.keys(node).forEach(key => {
+ if (typeof node[key] === `string`) {
+ node[key] = node[key].replace(new RegExp(dname, `g`), `
+ node[key] = node[key].replace(new RegExp(fname, `g`), ``)
+ }
+ })
+ Object.keys(node.internal).forEach(key => {
+ if (typeof node.internal[key] === `string`) {
+ node.internal[key] = node.internal[key].replace(
+ new RegExp(dname, `g`),
+ ``
+ )
+ node.internal[key] = node.internal[key].replace(
+ new RegExp(fname, `g`),
+ ``
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ // Note: this snapshot should update if the mock above is changed
+ expect(node).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ Object {
+ "absolutePath": "/f",
+ "accessTime": "1970-01-01T00:02:03.456Z",
+ "atime": "1970-01-01T00:02:03.456Z",
+ "atimeMs": 123456,
+ "base": "f",
+ "birthTime": "1970-01-01T00:02:03.456Z",
+ "birthtime": "1970-01-01T00:02:03.456Z",
+ "birthtimeMs": 123456,
+ "blksize": 123456,
+ "blocks": 123456,
+ "changeTime": "1970-01-01T00:02:03.456Z",
+ "children": Array [],
+ "ctime": "1970-01-01T00:02:03.456Z",
+ "ctimeMs": 123456,
+ "dev": 123456,
+ "dir": "",
+ "ext": "",
+ "extension": "",
+ "id": "uuid-from-gatsby",
+ "ino": 123456,
+ "internal": Object {
+ "contentDigest": "8d777f385d3dfec8815d20f7496026dc",
+ "description": "File \\"/f\\"",
+ "mediaType": "application/octet-stream",
+ "type": "File",
+ },
+ "mode": 123456,
+ "modifiedTime": "1970-01-01T00:02:03.456Z",
+ "mtime": "1970-01-01T00:02:03.456Z",
+ "mtimeMs": 123456,
+ "name": "f",
+ "nlink": 123456,
+ "parent": null,
+ "prettySize": "123 kB",
+ "rdev": 123456,
+ "relativeDirectory": "",
+ "relativePath": "/f",
+ "root": "",
+ "size": 123456,
+ "sourceInstanceName": "__PROGRAMMATIC__",
+ "uid": 123456,
+ }
+ `)
+ } finally {
+ fs.unlinkSync(fname)
+ }
+ } finally {
+ fs.rmdirSync(dname)
+ }
+ })
diff --git a/src/create-file-node.js b/src/create-file-node.js
index 12e72bc7eb1aa..3e9730fad6593 100644
--- a/src/create-file-node.js
+++ b/src/create-file-node.js
@@ -45,33 +45,48 @@ exports.createFileNode = async (
- // Stringify date objects.
- return JSON.parse(
- JSON.stringify({
- // Don't actually make the File id the absolute path as otherwise
- // people will use the id for that and ids shouldn't be treated as
- // useful information.
- id: createNodeId(pathToFile),
- children: [],
- parent: null,
- internal,
- sourceInstanceName: pluginOptions.name || `__PROGRAMMATIC__`,
- absolutePath: slashedFile.absolutePath,
- relativePath: slash(
- path.relative(
- pluginOptions.path || process.cwd(),
- slashedFile.absolutePath
- )
- ),
- extension: slashedFile.ext.slice(1).toLowerCase(),
- size: stats.size,
- prettySize: prettyBytes(stats.size),
- modifiedTime: stats.mtime,
- accessTime: stats.atime,
- changeTime: stats.ctime,
- birthTime: stats.birthtime,
- ...slashedFile,
- ...stats,
- })
- )
+ return {
+ // Don't actually make the File id the absolute path as otherwise
+ // people will use the id for that and ids shouldn't be treated as
+ // useful information.
+ id: createNodeId(pathToFile),
+ children: [],
+ parent: null,
+ internal,
+ sourceInstanceName: pluginOptions.name || `__PROGRAMMATIC__`,
+ relativePath: slash(
+ path.relative(
+ pluginOptions.path || process.cwd(),
+ slashedFile.absolutePath
+ )
+ ),
+ extension: slashedFile.ext.slice(1).toLowerCase(),
+ prettySize: prettyBytes(stats.size),
+ modifiedTime: stats.mtime.toJSON(),
+ accessTime: stats.atime.toJSON(),
+ changeTime: stats.ctime.toJSON(),
+ birthTime: stats.birthtime.toJSON(),
+ // Note: deprecate splatting the slashedFile object
+ // Note: the object may contain different properties depending on File or Dir
+ ...slashedFile,
+ // TODO: deprecate copying the entire object
+ // Note: not splatting for perf reasons (make sure Date objects are serialized)
+ dev: stats.dev,
+ mode: stats.mode,
+ nlink: stats.nlink,
+ uid: stats.uid,
+ rdev: stats.rdev,
+ blksize: stats.blksize,
+ ino: stats.ino,
+ size: stats.size,
+ blocks: stats.blocks,
+ atimeMs: stats.atimeMs,
+ mtimeMs: stats.mtimeMs,
+ ctimeMs: stats.ctimeMs,
+ birthtimeMs: stats.birthtimeMs,
+ atime: stats.atime.toJSON(),
+ mtime: stats.mtime.toJSON(),
+ ctime: stats.ctime.toJSON(),
+ birthtime: stats.birthtime.toJSON(),
+ }