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@@ -12,29 +12,29 @@ Schreiner, M., **Zettersten, M.**, Bergmann, C., Frank, Michael C., Fritzsche, T
Kosie, J.\*, **Zettersten, M.\***, & the ManyBabies5 team. (under review). ManyBabies5: A large-scale investigation of the proposed shift from familiarity preference to novelty preference in infant looking time. *equal authorship [[preprint]](https://psyarxiv.com/ck3vd/){:target="\_blank"}
-**Zettersten, M.\***, Cox, C.M.M.\*, Bergmann, C.\*, Tsui, A.S.M., Soderstrom, M., Mayor, J., Lundwall, R.A., Lewis, M., Kosie, J.E., Kartushina, N., Fusaroli, R., Frank, M.C., Byers-Heinlein, K., Black, A.K., & Mathur, M.B. (under review). Evidence for infant-directed speech preference is consistent across large-scale, multi-site replication and meta-analysis. \*equal authorship [[preprint]](https://psyarxiv.com/etqs7){:target="\_blank"}
**Zettersten, M.**, Choi, K., Kirkorian, H., & Saffran, J. (in prep). Children actively select words that support learning.
#### **ACCEPTED**
-Alessandroni, N., Altschul, D., Bazhydai, M., Byers-Heinlein, K., Elsherif, M., Gjoneska, B., Huber, L., Mazza, V., Miller, R., Nawroth, C., Pronizius, E., Qadri, M.A.J., Šlipogor, V., Soderstrom, M., Stevens, J.R., Visser, I., Williams, M., **Zettersten, M.**, & Prétôt, L. (under review). Comparative cognition needs Big Team Science: How large-scale collaborations will unlock the future of the field. *Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews*. [[preprint]](https://psyarxiv.com/rynvu){:target="\_blank"}
**Zettersten, M.\***, Weaver, H.\*, & Saffran, J. (Stage 1 registered report, in-principle acceptance). Becoming word meaning experts: Infants’ processing of familiar words in the context of typical and atypical exemplars. *Child Development*. \*equal authorship [[preprint]](https://psyarxiv.com/njh38/){:target="\_blank"}
+**Zettersten, M.\***, Cox, C.M.M.\*, Bergmann, C.\*, Tsui, A.S.M., Soderstrom, M., Mayor, J., Lundwall, R.A., Lewis, M., Kosie, J.E., Kartushina, N., Fusaroli, R., Frank, M.C., Byers-Heinlein, K., Black, A.K., & Mathur, M.B. (under review). Evidence for infant-directed speech preference is consistent across large-scale, multi-site replication and meta-analysis. \*equal authorship [[preprint]](https://psyarxiv.com/etqs7){:target="\_blank"}
+Alessandroni, N., Altschul, D., Bazhydai, M., Byers-Heinlein, K., Elsherif, M., Gjoneska, B., Huber, L., Mazza, V., Miller, R., Nawroth, C., Pronizius, E., Qadri, M.A.J., Šlipogor, V., Soderstrom, M., Stevens, J.R., Visser, I., Williams, M., **Zettersten, M.**, & Prétôt, L. (under review). Comparative cognition needs Big Team Science: How large-scale collaborations will unlock the future of the field. *Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews*. [[preprint]](https://psyarxiv.com/rynvu){:target="\_blank"}
#### **2023**
**Zettersten, M.**, Bredemann, C., Kaul, M., Vlach, H., Kirkorian, H., & Lupyan, G. (2023). [Nameability supports rule-based category learning in children and adults.](https://mzettersten.github.io/assets/pdf/Zettersten_et_al_2023_Child_Development.pdf) *Child Development*. [[preprint]](https://psyarxiv.com/umrj8/){:target="\_blank"}
-#### **2022**
+**Zettersten, M.**, Yurovsky, D., Xu, T. L., Uner, S., Tsui, A.S.T., Schneider, R. M., Saleh, A. N., Meylan, S. C., Marchman, V., Mankewitz, J., MacDonald, K., Long, B., Lewis, M., Kachergis, G., Handa, K., deMayo, B., Carstensen, A., Braginsky, M., Boyce, V., Bhatt, N., Bergey, C. A., & Frank, M.C. (2023). [Peekbank: An open, large-scale repository for developmental eye-tracking data of children's word recognition.](https://mzettersten.github.io/assets/pdf/peekbank_brm_paper_final.pdf) *Behavior Research Methods, 55*, 2485-2500. [[preprint]](https://psyarxiv.com/tgnzv){:target="\_blank"}
-**Zettersten, M.**, Yurovsky, D., Xu, T. L., Uner, S., Tsui, A.S.T., Schneider, R. M., Saleh, A. N., Meylan, S. C., Marchman, V., Mankewitz, J., MacDonald, K., Long, B., Lewis, M., Kachergis, G., Handa, K., deMayo, B., Carstensen, A., Braginsky, M., Boyce, V., Bhatt, N., Bergey, C. A., & Frank, M.C. (2022). [Peekbank: An open, large-scale repository for developmental eye-tracking data of children's word recognition.](https://mzettersten.github.io/assets/pdf/peekbank_brm_paper_final.pdf) *Behavior Research Methods*. [[preprint]](https://psyarxiv.com/tgnzv){:target="\_blank"}
+#### **2022**
-Koranda, M., **Zettersten, M.**, & MacDonald, M. (2022). [Good-enough production: Selecting easier words instead of more accurate ones.](https://mzettersten.github.io/assets/pdf/Koranda_et_al_2022.pdf) *Psychological Science*. [[preprint]](https://psyarxiv.com/q2h9d){:target="\_blank"}
+Koranda, M., **Zettersten, M.**, & MacDonald, M. (2022). [Good-enough production: Selecting easier words instead of more accurate ones.](https://mzettersten.github.io/assets/pdf/Koranda_et_al_2022.pdf) *Psychological Science, 33*(9), 1440–1451. [[preprint]](https://psyarxiv.com/q2h9d){:target="\_blank"}
**Zettersten, M.**, Pomper, R., & Saffran, J. (2022). [Valid points and looks: Reliability and validity go hand-in-hand when improving infant methods.](https://mzettersten.github.io/assets/pdf/Zettersten_Pomper_Saffran_2022.pdf) *Infant and Child Development*, e2326.
-Wojcik, E., **Zettersten, M.**, & Benitez, V. (2022). [The map trap: Why and how word learning research should move beyond mapping.](https://mzettersten.github.io/assets/pdf/Wojcik_Zettersten_Benitez_2022.pdf) *WIREs Cognitive Science*, e1596.
+Wojcik, E., **Zettersten, M.**, & Benitez, V. (2022). [The map trap: Why and how word learning research should move beyond mapping.](https://mzettersten.github.io/assets/pdf/Wojcik_Zettersten_Benitez_2022.pdf) *WIREs Cognitive Science, 13*(4), e1596.
Visser, I., Bergmann, C., Byers-Heinlein, K., Dal Ben, R., Duch, W., Forbes, S., Franchin, L., Frank, M. C., Geraci, A., Hamlin, J. K., Kaldy, Z., Kulke, L., Laverty, C., Lew-Williams, C., Mateu, V., Mayor, J., Moreau, D., Nomikou, I., Schuwerk, T., Simpson, E. A., Singh, L., Soderstrom, M., Sullivan, J., van den Heuvel, M. I., Westermann, G., Yamada, Y., Zaadnoordijk, L., **Zettersten, M.** (in press). [Improving the generalizability of infant psychological research: The ManyBabies model.](https://mzettersten.github.io/assets/pdf/ManyBabies_BBS_commentary.pdf) *Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 45*, E35. [commentary on The generalizability crisis, by Tal Yarkoni] [[preprint]](https://psyarxiv.com/8vwbf){:target="\_blank"}
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