All HTTP statuses from RFC 7231 implemented as separated Exceptions.
These Exceptions support a straightforward implementation of the IETF Problem Details for HTTP APIs RFC 7807.
abstract HttpException
class and its subclasses provide exceptions corresponding to HTTP
error status codes. The most common are included, but you can create exceptions
for other status codes by using (or subclassing) HttpException
and providing
the reason phrase as the $title
and the status code as the $statusCode
This package provides the following exception classes in the
namespace for 4xx http errors.
And Chiron\Http\Exception\Server
namespace for 5xx http errors.
4xx: Client Error - The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled 5xx: Server Error - The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request
Client errors :
Server errors :
Exception | Code | Message |
InternalServerErrorHttpException | 500 | "Internal Server Error" |
NotImplementedHttpException | 501 | "'Not Implemented" |
BadGatewayHttpException | 502 | "Bad Gateway" |
ServiceUnavailableHttpException | 503 | "Service Unavailable" |
GatewayTimeoutHttpException | 504 | "Gateway Timeout" |
HttpVersionNotSupportedHttpException | 505 | "HTTP Version Not Supported" |
VariantAlsoNegotiatesHttpException | 506 | "Variant Also Negotiates" |
InsufficientStorageHttpException | 507 | "Insufficient Storage" |
LoopDetectedHttpException | 508 | "Loop Detected" |
NotExtendedHttpException | 510 | "Not Extended" |
NetworkAuthenticationRequiredHttpException | 511 | "Network Authentication Required" |
References for HTTP status code
Throw an exception.
throw new \Chiron\Http\Exception\Client\BadRequestHttpException();
Throw an exception with a custom message.
$e = new \Chiron\Http\Exception\Client\BadRequestHttpException("Invalid syntax !");
throw $e->setHeaders(['X-Custom-Header' => 'foobar']);
Catch an exception and output an HTML response.
try {
// ...
} catch (\Chiron\Http\Exception\HttpException $e) {
header("Content-type: text/html");
print "<h1>" . $e->getMessage() . "</h1>";
Or, if you're using PSR7 response :
try {
// ...
} catch (\Chiron\Http\Exception\HttpExceptionInterface $e) {
$response = $response
->withHeader("Content-type", "text/html")
->getBody()->write("<h1>" . $e->getMessage() . "</h1>");
The following properties are available to use it for API Problem RFC 7807.
$e = new \Chiron\Http\Exception\Client\ForbiddenHttpException();
$e->setTitle('You do not have enough credit.');
$e->setDetail('Your current balance is 30, but that costs 50.');
$e->setAdditionalData(['balance' => 30, 'accounts' => ['', '']]);
throw $e;
And output the API Problem response like this :
try {
// ...
} catch (\Chiron\Http\Exception\HttpException $e) {
header("Content-type: application/problem+json");
print json_encode($e);
For XML output you can use the function $e->toArray()
and serialize the data.
Add Chiron/http-exceptions
to your composer.json
"require": {
"chiron/http-exceptions": "^2.0"
Licensed under the MIT license
Tips : Usage Suggestion