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negan07 edited this page May 28, 2021 · 18 revisions

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Press Refresh GUI to force web GUI interface refresh in case of forced browser cache retain or to force the left menu frame reload when installing a package from console. Note that some Safari browsers may require a complete cache page cleanup in addition.

Router Infos

Show some useful informations from the router (see the option list).

File Editing

Edit a specific text file (script, config, ...).

File must have an absolute path. If file name not existing a new file will be created on given path with 0755 attributes.

If the file path is not writable because nonexistent or without write permissions, it won't be created.

Note that editing a binary file obtains a file failure. Moreover, a wrong editing may bring failure or unwanted results.

Regenerate Web GUI Encryption Key and Cert

Here's possible to regenerate the mini_httpd.pem key encryption file and certificate used when connecting through an https web GUI session on a remote connection.

Digest encryption algorithm

Here's possible to select the cryptographic hash function to use. The more complex/longest it is the more secure the web GUI connection will be, but it can also become slower.

(Default: sha256).

Key length

Here's possible to select the length of the encryption key to use. The longest it is the more secure the web GUI connection will be, but it can also become slower.

(Default: 2048 bytes).

Certificate duration

Here's possible to select the certificate duration. When expired, the certificate becomes invalid and it must be regenerated.

(Default: 3650 (10 Years)).

Pem key Regeneration

To regenerate the key type:

/usr/sbin/scripts/ <digest_algo> <key_length> <days>

If called without parameters, default values will be used.

GUI Click: Regenerate PEM .

Renew CA Bundle Certs

Here's possible to update/renew the ca-bundle.crt SSL certificate store file used when connecting an https web server through curl cmd/lib.

For more related infos: CURL - SSL CA Certificates

To update the key type:


GUI Click: Renew Certs .

Note that if remote bundle cert file has not changed since the last update, it won't be downloaded.

Download Nvram Settings

Download full raw /tmp/nvram file settings into a binary archive.

Note that this form differs from the original Backup Settings web gui page because, once extracted from the .zip archive, the obtained file is not parsed as text and contains also the additional packages project settings.

The obtained nvram file cannot be read/edited with a normal text viewer but only through an hex-editor or with router's nvram show command.

Restore Nvram Settings

Restore a previously saved nvram settings file. File must be named nvram not archived/compressed & not encrypted. Note that no file content check is made.