diff --git a/RpcSystemAssetTracker/RpcSystemAssetTracker.csproj b/RpcSystemAssetTracker/RpcSystemAssetTracker.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b12f2523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RpcSystemAssetTracker/RpcSystemAssetTracker.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ 2.10.1
+ netstandard2.0
+ Neo.Plugins
+ latest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
diff --git a/RpcSystemAssetTracker/RpcSystemAssetTracker/config.json b/RpcSystemAssetTracker/RpcSystemAssetTracker/config.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..214c08939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RpcSystemAssetTracker/RpcSystemAssetTracker/config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "PluginConfiguration": {
+ "DBPath": "SystemAssetBalanceData",
+ "MaxReturnedUnspents": 1000,
+ "TrackUnclaimed": true
+ }
diff --git a/RpcSystemAssetTracker/RpcSystemAssetTrackerPlugin.cs b/RpcSystemAssetTracker/RpcSystemAssetTrackerPlugin.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2291aa757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RpcSystemAssetTracker/RpcSystemAssetTrackerPlugin.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
+using Neo.IO.Caching;
+using Neo.IO.Data.LevelDB;
+using Neo.IO.Json;
+using Neo.Network.P2P.Payloads;
+using Neo.Persistence.LevelDB;
+using Neo.Wallets;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Linq;
+using Neo.Ledger;
+using Neo.Persistence;
+using Snapshot = Neo.Persistence.Snapshot;
+namespace Neo.Plugins
+ public class RpcSystemAssetTrackerPlugin : Plugin, IPersistencePlugin, IRpcPlugin
+ {
+ private const byte SystemAssetUnspentCoinsPrefix = 0xfb;
+ private const byte SystemAssetSpentUnclaimedCoinsPrefix = 0xfc;
+ private DB _db;
+ private DataCache _userUnspentCoins;
+ private bool _shouldTrackUnclaimed;
+ private DataCache _userSpentUnclaimedCoins;
+ private WriteBatch _writeBatch;
+ private int _rpcMaxUnspents;
+ private uint _lastPersistedBlock;
+ private bool _shouldPersistBlock;
+ private Neo.IO.Data.LevelDB.Snapshot _levelDbSnapshot;
+ public override void Configure()
+ {
+ if (_db == null)
+ {
+ var dbPath = GetConfiguration().GetSection("DBPath").Value ?? "SystemAssetBalanceData";
+ _db = DB.Open(dbPath, new Options { CreateIfMissing = true });
+ _rpcMaxUnspents = int.Parse(GetConfiguration().GetSection("MaxReturnedUnspents").Value ?? "0");
+ _shouldTrackUnclaimed = (GetConfiguration().GetSection("TrackUnclaimed").Value ?? true.ToString()) != false.ToString();
+ try
+ {
+ _lastPersistedBlock = _db.Get(ReadOptions.Default, SystemAssetUnspentCoinsPrefix).ToUInt32();
+ }
+ catch (LevelDBException ex)
+ {
+ if (!ex.Message.Contains("not found"))
+ throw;
+ _lastPersistedBlock = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void ResetBatch()
+ {
+ _writeBatch = new WriteBatch();
+ _levelDbSnapshot?.Dispose();
+ _levelDbSnapshot = _db.GetSnapshot();
+ var dbOptions = new ReadOptions { FillCache = false, Snapshot = _levelDbSnapshot };
+ _userUnspentCoins = new DbCache(_db, dbOptions,
+ _writeBatch, SystemAssetUnspentCoinsPrefix);
+ if (!_shouldTrackUnclaimed) return;
+ _userSpentUnclaimedCoins = new DbCache(_db, dbOptions,
+ _writeBatch, SystemAssetSpentUnclaimedCoinsPrefix);
+ }
+ private bool ProcessBlock(Snapshot snapshot, Block block)
+ {
+ if (block.Transactions.Length <= 1)
+ {
+ _lastPersistedBlock = block.Index;
+ return false;
+ }
+ ResetBatch();
+ var transactionsCache = snapshot.Transactions;
+ foreach (Transaction tx in block.Transactions)
+ {
+ ushort outputIndex = 0;
+ foreach (TransactionOutput output in tx.Outputs)
+ {
+ bool isGoverningToken = output.AssetId.Equals(Blockchain.GoverningToken.Hash);
+ if (isGoverningToken || output.AssetId.Equals(Blockchain.UtilityToken.Hash))
+ {
+ // Add new unspent UTXOs by account script hash.
+ UserSystemAssetCoinOutputs outputs = _userUnspentCoins.GetAndChange(
+ new UserSystemAssetCoinOutputsKey(isGoverningToken, output.ScriptHash, tx.Hash),
+ () => new UserSystemAssetCoinOutputs());
+ outputs.AddTxIndex(outputIndex, output.Value);
+ }
+ outputIndex++;
+ }
+ // Iterate all input Transactions by grouping by common input hashes.
+ foreach (var group in tx.Inputs.GroupBy(p => p.PrevHash))
+ {
+ TransactionState txPrev = transactionsCache[group.Key];
+ // For each input being spent by this transaction.
+ foreach (CoinReference input in group)
+ {
+ // Get the output from the the previous transaction that is now being spent.
+ var outPrev = txPrev.Transaction.Outputs[input.PrevIndex];
+ bool isGoverningToken = outPrev.AssetId.Equals(Blockchain.GoverningToken.Hash);
+ if (isGoverningToken || outPrev.AssetId.Equals(Blockchain.UtilityToken.Hash))
+ {
+ // Remove spent UTXOs for unspent outputs by account script hash.
+ var userCoinOutputsKey =
+ new UserSystemAssetCoinOutputsKey(isGoverningToken, outPrev.ScriptHash, input.PrevHash);
+ UserSystemAssetCoinOutputs outputs = _userUnspentCoins.GetAndChange(
+ userCoinOutputsKey, () => new UserSystemAssetCoinOutputs());
+ outputs.RemoveTxIndex(input.PrevIndex);
+ if (outputs.AmountByTxIndex.Count == 0)
+ _userUnspentCoins.Delete(userCoinOutputsKey);
+ if (_shouldTrackUnclaimed && isGoverningToken)
+ {
+ UserSystemAssetCoinOutputs spentUnclaimedOutputs = _userSpentUnclaimedCoins.GetAndChange(
+ userCoinOutputsKey, () => new UserSystemAssetCoinOutputs());
+ spentUnclaimedOutputs.AddTxIndex(input.PrevIndex, outPrev.Value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (_shouldTrackUnclaimed && tx is ClaimTransaction claimTransaction)
+ {
+ foreach (CoinReference input in claimTransaction.Claims)
+ {
+ TransactionState txPrev = transactionsCache[input.PrevHash];
+ var outPrev = txPrev.Transaction.Outputs[input.PrevIndex];
+ var claimedCoinKey =
+ new UserSystemAssetCoinOutputsKey(true, outPrev.ScriptHash, input.PrevHash);
+ UserSystemAssetCoinOutputs spentUnclaimedOutputs = _userSpentUnclaimedCoins.GetAndChange(
+ claimedCoinKey, () => new UserSystemAssetCoinOutputs());
+ spentUnclaimedOutputs.RemoveTxIndex(input.PrevIndex);
+ if (spentUnclaimedOutputs.AmountByTxIndex.Count == 0)
+ _userSpentUnclaimedCoins.Delete(claimedCoinKey);
+ if (snapshot.SpentCoins.TryGet(input.PrevHash)?.Items.Remove(input.PrevIndex) == true)
+ snapshot.SpentCoins.GetAndChange(input.PrevHash);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Write the current height into the key of the prefix itself
+ _writeBatch.Put(SystemAssetUnspentCoinsPrefix, block.Index);
+ _lastPersistedBlock = block.Index;
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void ProcessSkippedBlocks(Snapshot snapshot)
+ {
+ for (uint blockIndex = _lastPersistedBlock + 1; blockIndex < snapshot.PersistingBlock.Index; blockIndex++)
+ {
+ var skippedBlock = Blockchain.Singleton.Store.GetBlock(blockIndex);
+ if (skippedBlock.Transactions.Length <= 1)
+ {
+ _lastPersistedBlock = skippedBlock.Index;
+ continue;
+ }
+ _shouldPersistBlock = ProcessBlock(snapshot, skippedBlock);
+ OnCommit(snapshot);
+ }
+ }
+ public void OnPersist(Snapshot snapshot, IReadOnlyList applicationExecutedList)
+ {
+ if (snapshot.PersistingBlock.Index > _lastPersistedBlock + 1)
+ ProcessSkippedBlocks(snapshot);
+ _shouldPersistBlock = ProcessBlock(snapshot, snapshot.PersistingBlock);
+ }
+ public void OnCommit(Snapshot snapshot)
+ {
+ if (!_shouldPersistBlock) return;
+ _userUnspentCoins.Commit();
+ if (_shouldTrackUnclaimed) _userSpentUnclaimedCoins.Commit();
+ _db.Write(WriteOptions.Default, _writeBatch);
+ }
+ public bool ShouldThrowExceptionFromCommit(Exception ex)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public void PreProcess(HttpContext context, string method, JArray _params)
+ {
+ }
+ private UInt160 GetScriptHashFromParam(string addressOrScriptHash)
+ {
+ return addressOrScriptHash.Length < 40 ?
+ addressOrScriptHash.ToScriptHash() : UInt160.Parse(addressOrScriptHash);
+ }
+ private long GetSysFeeAmountForHeight(DataCache blocks, uint height)
+ {
+ return blocks.TryGet(Blockchain.Singleton.GetBlockHash(height)).SystemFeeAmount;
+ }
+ private void CalculateClaimable(Snapshot snapshot, Fixed8 value, uint startHeight, uint endHeight, out Fixed8 generated, out Fixed8 sysFee)
+ {
+ uint amount = 0;
+ uint ustart = startHeight / Blockchain.DecrementInterval;
+ if (ustart < Blockchain.GenerationAmount.Length)
+ {
+ uint istart = startHeight % Blockchain.DecrementInterval;
+ uint uend = endHeight / Blockchain.DecrementInterval;
+ uint iend = endHeight % Blockchain.DecrementInterval;
+ if (uend >= Blockchain.GenerationAmount.Length)
+ {
+ uend = (uint)Blockchain.GenerationAmount.Length;
+ iend = 0;
+ }
+ if (iend == 0)
+ {
+ uend--;
+ iend = Blockchain.DecrementInterval;
+ }
+ while (ustart < uend)
+ {
+ amount += (Blockchain.DecrementInterval - istart) * Blockchain.GenerationAmount[ustart];
+ ustart++;
+ istart = 0;
+ }
+ amount += (iend - istart) * Blockchain.GenerationAmount[ustart];
+ }
+ Fixed8 fractionalShare = value / 100000000;
+ generated = fractionalShare * amount;
+ sysFee = fractionalShare * (GetSysFeeAmountForHeight(snapshot.Blocks, endHeight - 1) -
+ (startHeight == 0 ? 0 : GetSysFeeAmountForHeight(snapshot.Blocks, startHeight - 1)));
+ }
+ private bool AddClaims(JArray claimableOutput, ref Fixed8 runningTotal, int maxClaims,
+ Snapshot snapshot, DataCache storeSpentCoins,
+ KeyValuePair claimableInTx)
+ {
+ foreach (var claimTransaction in claimableInTx.Value.AmountByTxIndex)
+ {
+ var utxo = new JObject();
+ var txId = claimableInTx.Key.TxHash.ToString().Substring(2);
+ utxo["txid"] = txId;
+ utxo["n"] = claimTransaction.Key;
+ var spentCoinState = storeSpentCoins.TryGet(claimableInTx.Key.TxHash);
+ var startHeight = spentCoinState.TransactionHeight;
+ var endHeight = spentCoinState.Items[claimTransaction.Key];
+ CalculateClaimable(snapshot, claimTransaction.Value, startHeight, endHeight, out var generated,
+ out var sysFee);
+ var unclaimed = generated + sysFee;
+ utxo["value"] = (double) (decimal) claimTransaction.Value;
+ utxo["start_height"] = startHeight;
+ utxo["end_height"] = endHeight;
+ utxo["generated"] = (double) (decimal) generated;
+ utxo["sys_fee"] = (double) (decimal) sysFee;
+ utxo["unclaimed"] = (double) (decimal) unclaimed;
+ runningTotal += unclaimed;
+ claimableOutput.Add(utxo);
+ if (claimableOutput.Count > maxClaims)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private JObject ProcessGetClaimableSpents(JArray parameters)
+ {
+ UInt160 scriptHash = GetScriptHashFromParam(parameters[0].AsString());
+ var dbCache = new DbCache(
+ _db, null, null, SystemAssetSpentUnclaimedCoinsPrefix);
+ JObject json = new JObject();
+ JArray claimable = new JArray();
+ json["claimable"] = claimable;
+ json["address"] = scriptHash.ToAddress();
+ Fixed8 totalUnclaimed = Fixed8.Zero;
+ using (Snapshot snapshot = Blockchain.Singleton.GetSnapshot())
+ {
+ var storeSpentCoins = snapshot.SpentCoins;
+ byte[] prefix = new [] { (byte) 1 }.Concat(scriptHash.ToArray()).ToArray();
+ foreach (var claimableInTx in dbCache.Find(prefix))
+ if (!AddClaims(claimable, ref totalUnclaimed, _rpcMaxUnspents, snapshot, storeSpentCoins,
+ claimableInTx))
+ break;
+ }
+ json["unclaimed"] = (double) (decimal) totalUnclaimed;
+ return json;
+ }
+ private JObject ProcessGetUnclaimed(JArray parameters)
+ {
+ UInt160 scriptHash = GetScriptHashFromParam(parameters[0].AsString());
+ JObject json = new JObject();
+ Fixed8 available = Fixed8.Zero;
+ Fixed8 unavailable = Fixed8.Zero;
+ var spentsCache = new DbCache(
+ _db, null, null, SystemAssetSpentUnclaimedCoinsPrefix);
+ var unspentsCache = new DbCache(
+ _db, null, null, SystemAssetUnspentCoinsPrefix);
+ using (Snapshot snapshot = Blockchain.Singleton.GetSnapshot())
+ {
+ var storeSpentCoins = snapshot.SpentCoins;
+ byte[] prefix = new [] { (byte) 1 }.Concat(scriptHash.ToArray()).ToArray();
+ foreach (var claimableInTx in spentsCache.Find(prefix))
+ {
+ var spentCoinState = storeSpentCoins.TryGet(claimableInTx.Key.TxHash);
+ foreach (var claimTxIndex in claimableInTx.Value.AmountByTxIndex)
+ {
+ var startHeight = spentCoinState.TransactionHeight;
+ var endHeight = spentCoinState.Items[claimTxIndex.Key];
+ CalculateClaimable(snapshot, claimTxIndex.Value, startHeight, endHeight, out var generated,
+ out var sysFee);
+ available += generated + sysFee;
+ }
+ }
+ var transactionsCache = snapshot.Transactions;
+ foreach (var claimableInTx in unspentsCache.Find(prefix))
+ {
+ var transaction = transactionsCache.TryGet(claimableInTx.Key.TxHash);
+ foreach (var claimTxIndex in claimableInTx.Value.AmountByTxIndex)
+ {
+ var startHeight = transaction.BlockIndex;
+ var endHeight = Blockchain.Singleton.Height;
+ CalculateClaimable(snapshot, claimTxIndex.Value, startHeight, endHeight,
+ out var generated,
+ out var sysFee);
+ unavailable += generated + sysFee;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ json["available"] = (double) (decimal) available;
+ json["unavailable"] = (double) (decimal) unavailable;
+ json["unclaimed"] = (double) (decimal) (available + unavailable);
+ return json;
+ }
+ private bool AddUnspents(JArray unspents, ref Fixed8 runningTotal,
+ KeyValuePair unspentInTx)
+ {
+ var txId = unspentInTx.Key.TxHash.ToString().Substring(2);
+ foreach (var unspent in unspentInTx.Value.AmountByTxIndex)
+ {
+ var utxo = new JObject();
+ utxo["txid"] = txId;
+ utxo["n"] = unspent.Key;
+ utxo["value"] = (double) (decimal) unspent.Value;
+ runningTotal += unspent.Value;
+ unspents.Add(utxo);
+ if (unspents.Count > _rpcMaxUnspents)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private JObject ProcessGetUnspents(JArray _params)
+ {
+ UInt160 scriptHash = GetScriptHashFromParam(_params[0].AsString());
+ byte startingToken = 0; // 0 = Utility Token (GAS), 1 = Governing Token (NEO)
+ int maxIterations = 2;
+ if (_params.Count > 1)
+ {
+ maxIterations = 1;
+ bool isGoverningToken = _params[1].AsBoolean();
+ if (isGoverningToken) startingToken = 1;
+ }
+ var unspentsCache = new DbCache(
+ _db, null, null, SystemAssetUnspentCoinsPrefix);
+ string[] nativeAssetNames = {"GAS", "NEO"};
+ UInt256[] nativeAssetIds = {Blockchain.UtilityToken.Hash, Blockchain.GoverningToken.Hash};
+ JObject json = new JObject();
+ JArray balances = new JArray();
+ json["balance"] = balances;
+ json["address"] = scriptHash.ToAddress();
+ for (byte tokenIndex = startingToken; maxIterations-- > 0; tokenIndex++)
+ {
+ byte[] prefix = new [] { tokenIndex }.Concat(scriptHash.ToArray()).ToArray();
+ var unspents = new JArray();
+ Fixed8 total = new Fixed8(0);
+ foreach (var unspentInTx in unspentsCache.Find(prefix))
+ if (!AddUnspents(unspents, ref total, unspentInTx)) break;
+ if (unspents.Count <= 0) continue;
+ var balance = new JObject();
+ balance["unspent"] = unspents;
+ balance["asset_hash"] = nativeAssetIds[tokenIndex].ToString().Substring(2);
+ balance["asset_symbol"] = balance["asset"] = nativeAssetNames[tokenIndex];
+ balance["amount"] = new JNumber((double) (decimal) total); ;
+ balances.Add(balance);
+ }
+ return json;
+ }
+ public JObject OnProcess(HttpContext context, string method, JArray parameters)
+ {
+ if (_shouldTrackUnclaimed)
+ {
+ if (method == "getclaimable") return ProcessGetClaimableSpents(parameters);
+ if (method == "getunclaimed") return ProcessGetUnclaimed(parameters);
+ }
+ return method != "getunspents" ? null : ProcessGetUnspents(parameters);
+ }
+ public void PostProcess(HttpContext context, string method, JArray _params, JObject result)
+ {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/RpcSystemAssetTracker/UserSystemAssetCoinOutputs.cs b/RpcSystemAssetTracker/UserSystemAssetCoinOutputs.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08507c587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RpcSystemAssetTracker/UserSystemAssetCoinOutputs.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using Neo.IO;
+using Neo.Ledger;
+namespace Neo.Plugins
+ public class UserSystemAssetCoinOutputs : StateBase, ICloneable
+ {
+ public Fixed8 TotalAmount;
+ public Dictionary AmountByTxIndex;
+ public UserSystemAssetCoinOutputs()
+ {
+ TotalAmount = new Fixed8(0);
+ AmountByTxIndex = new Dictionary();
+ }
+ public void AddTxIndex(ushort index, Fixed8 amount)
+ {
+ TotalAmount += amount;
+ AmountByTxIndex.Add(index, amount);
+ }
+ public bool RemoveTxIndex(ushort index)
+ {
+ if(AmountByTxIndex.TryGetValue(index, out Fixed8 amount))
+ {
+ AmountByTxIndex.Remove(index);
+ TotalAmount -= amount;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public UserSystemAssetCoinOutputs Clone()
+ {
+ return new UserSystemAssetCoinOutputs()
+ {
+ TotalAmount = TotalAmount,
+ AmountByTxIndex = new Dictionary(AmountByTxIndex)
+ };
+ }
+ public void FromReplica(UserSystemAssetCoinOutputs replica)
+ {
+ TotalAmount = replica.TotalAmount;
+ AmountByTxIndex = replica.AmountByTxIndex;
+ }
+ public override void Serialize(BinaryWriter writer)
+ {
+ base.Serialize(writer);
+ writer.Write(TotalAmount);
+ writer.Write((ushort)AmountByTxIndex.Count);
+ foreach (KeyValuePair txIndex in AmountByTxIndex)
+ {
+ writer.Write(txIndex.Key);
+ writer.Write(txIndex.Value);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void Deserialize(BinaryReader reader)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(reader);
+ ((ISerializable)TotalAmount).Deserialize(reader);
+ ushort count = reader.ReadUInt16();
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ ushort txIndex = reader.ReadUInt16();
+ Fixed8 amount = reader.ReadSerializable();
+ AmountByTxIndex.Add(txIndex, amount);
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/RpcSystemAssetTracker/UserSystemAssetCoinOutputsKey.cs b/RpcSystemAssetTracker/UserSystemAssetCoinOutputsKey.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f0cad859
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RpcSystemAssetTracker/UserSystemAssetCoinOutputsKey.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using Neo.IO;
+namespace Neo.Plugins
+ public class UserSystemAssetCoinOutputsKey : IComparable, IEquatable,
+ ISerializable
+ {
+ public bool IsGoverningToken; // It's either the governing token or the utility token
+ public readonly UInt160 UserAddress;
+ public readonly UInt256 TxHash;
+ public int Size => 1 + UserAddress.Size + TxHash.Size;
+ public bool Equals(UserSystemAssetCoinOutputsKey other)
+ {
+ if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false;
+ if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true;
+ return IsGoverningToken == other.IsGoverningToken && Equals(UserAddress, other.UserAddress) && Equals(TxHash, other.TxHash);
+ }
+ public override bool Equals(object obj)
+ {
+ if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
+ if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
+ if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) return false;
+ return Equals((UserSystemAssetCoinOutputsKey) obj);
+ }
+ public int CompareTo(UserSystemAssetCoinOutputsKey other)
+ {
+ if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return 0;
+ if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return 1;
+ var isGoverningTokenComparison = IsGoverningToken.CompareTo(other.IsGoverningToken);
+ if (isGoverningTokenComparison != 0) return isGoverningTokenComparison;
+ var userAddressComparison = Comparer.Default.Compare(UserAddress, other.UserAddress);
+ if (userAddressComparison != 0) return userAddressComparison;
+ return Comparer.Default.Compare(TxHash, other.TxHash);
+ }
+ public override int GetHashCode()
+ {
+ unchecked
+ {
+ var hashCode = IsGoverningToken.GetHashCode();
+ hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (UserAddress != null ? UserAddress.GetHashCode() : 0);
+ hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (TxHash != null ? TxHash.GetHashCode() : 0);
+ return hashCode;
+ }
+ }
+ public UserSystemAssetCoinOutputsKey()
+ {
+ UserAddress = new UInt160();
+ TxHash = new UInt256();
+ }
+ public UserSystemAssetCoinOutputsKey(bool isGoverningToken, UInt160 userAddress, UInt256 txHash)
+ {
+ IsGoverningToken = isGoverningToken;
+ UserAddress = userAddress;
+ TxHash = txHash;
+ }
+ public void Serialize(BinaryWriter writer)
+ {
+ writer.Write(IsGoverningToken);
+ writer.Write(UserAddress.ToArray());
+ writer.Write(TxHash.ToArray());
+ }
+ public void Deserialize(BinaryReader reader)
+ {
+ IsGoverningToken = reader.ReadBoolean();
+ ((ISerializable) UserAddress).Deserialize(reader);
+ ((ISerializable) TxHash).Deserialize(reader);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file