From 30ac00eca79f7e84c1fd7617386a99f0f6e44a86 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: NeoForged Localizations Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2023 20:48:20 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Add translations from Crowdin (#446) --- .../resources/assets/neoforge/lang/de_de.json | 220 ++++++++++++++++++ .../resources/assets/neoforge/lang/en_gb.json | 220 ++++++++++++++++++ .../resources/assets/neoforge/lang/es_es.json | 220 ++++++++++++++++++ .../resources/assets/neoforge/lang/fr_fr.json | 220 ++++++++++++++++++ .../resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ru_ru.json | 220 ++++++++++++++++++ .../resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_cn.json | 220 ++++++++++++++++++ .../resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_hk.json | 220 ++++++++++++++++++ 7 files changed, 1540 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/de_de.json create mode 100644 src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/en_gb.json create mode 100644 src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/es_es.json create mode 100644 src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/fr_fr.json create mode 100644 src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ru_ru.json create mode 100644 src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_cn.json create mode 100644 src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_hk.json diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/de_de.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/de_de.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5cd6508168 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/de_de.json @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +{ + "": "Mods", + "": "Mods", + "": "Aus", + "": "Suche", + "": "A-Z", + "": "Z-A", + "": "Konfiguration", + "": "Mods-Ordner öffnen", + "": "Mod-Optionen...", + "": "Version: {0}", + "": "ModID: {0} Status: {1,lower}", + "": "Credits: {0}", + "": "Autoren: {0}", + "": "Webseite: {0}", + "": "Lizenz: {0}", + "": "Sichere Mod-Features deaktiviert, JDK aktualisieren", + "": "Signatur: {0}", + "": "UNSIGNIERT", + "": "Trust: {0}", + "": "Keine", + "": "Keine Unter-Mods gefunden", + "": "Unter-Mods: {0}", + "": "Update verfügbar: {0}", + "": "Änderungen:", + "": "Kompatibler FML modifizierter Server\n{0,choice,1#1 Mod|1<{0} Mods} vorhanden", + "": "Inkompatibler FML modifizierter Server", + "": "Inkompatibler FML modifizierter Server {0}", + "": "Daten können aufgrund von Protokollgrößenbeschränkungen ungenau sein.", + "": "Vanilla Server", + "": "Inkompatibler Vanilla Server", + "": "Unbekannter Server {0}", + "": "NeoForge-Server-Netzwerkversion ist veraltet", + "": "NeoForge-Client-Netzwerkversion ist veraltet", + "": "Server hat zusätzliche Mods, die auf dem Client benötigt werden können", + "": "Server-Mod-Liste ist nicht kompatibel", + "": "Server-Netzwerknachrichtenliste ist nicht kompatibel", + "": "Erforderliche Datapack-Registries fehlen: {0}", + "": "{0,choice,0#Keine Mods|1#1 Mod|1<{0} Mods} geladen", + "": "Start-Benachrichtigung", + "": "Serverzugriff verweigert", + "": "Fancy Mod Loader konnte sich nicht zu diesem Server verbinden\nDer Server {0} hat modifizierten Zugriff verboten", + "": "Backup fehlgeschlagen", + "": "Fehler beim Speichern des Archivs {0}\nBitte beheben und erneut versuchen", + "": "Öffne {0}", + "": "Mods-Ordner öffnen", + "fml.button.continue.launch": "Weiter zum Hauptmenü", + "fml.loadingerrorscreen.errorheader": "Fehler beim Laden von Mods\n{0,choice,1#1 Fehler|1<{0} Fehler sind} beim Laden aufgetreten", + "fml.loadingerrorscreen.warningheader": "{0,choice,1#Warnung|1", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_title": "Generating chunks...", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "Generating {0} chunks - ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "({0} errors!)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.already_running": "Generation already running. Please execute '/neoforge generate stop' first and then you can start a new generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "Generiere {0} Chunks, in einem Bereich von {1}x{2} Chunks ({3}x{4} Blöcke).", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.success": "Generation Done!", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.error": "Generation experienced {0} errors! Check the log for more information.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "Generation stopped! {0} out of {1} chunks generated. ({2}%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! {0} out of {1} chunks generated. ({2}%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.config.getwithtype": "Konfiguration für %s vom Typ %s gefunden bei %s", + "commands.config.noconfig": "Konfiguration für %s vom Typ %s nicht gefunden", + "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNUNG: %sNeoForge Beta", + "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", + "neoforge.update.newversion": "Neue NeoForge-Version verfügbar: %s", + "": "Mod Update", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Behandle leere Tags als Luft", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Ladewarnungen anzeigen", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable NeoForge Version Check", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.alt": "ALT + %s", + "neoforge.container.enchant.limitedEnchantability": "Limitierte Verzauberung", + "neoforge.swim_speed": "Swim Speed", + "neoforge.name_tag_distance": "Nametag Render Distance", + "neoforge.entity_gravity": "Schwerkraft", + "neoforge.block_reach": "Block-Reichweite", + "neoforge.entity_reach": "Entity-Reichweite", + "neoforge.step_height": "Schritthöhe", + "fluid_type.minecraft.milk": "Milch", + "fluid_type.minecraft.flowing_milk": "Milch", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.title": "NeoForge snapshots notice", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.text": "Froge is not officially supported. Bugs and instability are expected.", + "neoforge.froge.supportWarning": "WARNING: Froge is not supported by NeoForge", + "neoforge.gui.exit": "Exit", + "neoforge.experimentalsettings.tooltip": "This world uses experimental settings, which could stop working at any time.", + "neoforge.selectWorld.backupWarning.experimental.additional": "Diese Nachricht wird für diese Welt nicht mehr angezeigt.", + "neoforge.chatType.system": "{0}", + "pack.neoforge.description": "NeoForge data/resource pack" +} diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/en_gb.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/en_gb.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e7fce6859a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/en_gb.json @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +{ + "": "Mods", + "": "Mods", + "": "Off", + "": "Search", + "": "A-Z", + "": "Z-A", + "": "Config", + "": "Open mods folder", + "": "Mod Options...", + "": "Version: {0}", + "": "ModID: {0} State: {1,lower}", + "": "Credits: {0}", + "": "Authors: {0}", + "": "Homepage: {0}", + "": "License: {0}", + "": "Secure mod features disabled, update JDK", + "": "Signature: {0}", + "": "UNSIGNED", + "": "Trust: {0}", + "": "None", + "": "No child mods found", + "": "Child mods: {0}", + "": "Update available: {0}", + "": "Changelog:", + "": "Compatible FML modded server\n{0,choice,1#1 mod|1<{0} mods} present", + "": "Incompatible FML modded server", + "": "Incompatible FML modded server\n{0}", + "": "Data may be inaccurate due to protocol size limits.", + "": "Vanilla server", + "": "Incompatible Vanilla server", + "": "Unknown server {0}", + "": "NeoForge server network version is outdated", + "": "NeoForge client network version is outdated", + "": "Server has additional mods that may be needed on the client", + "": "Server mod list is not compatible", + "": "Server network message list is not compatible", + "": "Missing required datapack registries: {0}", + "": "{0,choice,0#No mods|1#1 mod|1<{0} mods} loaded", + "": "Startup Notification", + "": "Server Access Denied", + "": "Fancy Mod Loader could not connect to this server\nThe server {0} has forbidden modded access", + "": "Backup Failed", + "": "There was an error saving the archive {0}\nPlease fix the problem and try again", + "": "Open {0}", + "": "Open Mods Folder", + "fml.button.continue.launch": "Proceed to main menu", + "fml.loadingerrorscreen.errorheader": "Error loading mods\n{0,choice,1#1 error has|1<{0} errors have} occurred during loading", + "fml.loadingerrorscreen.warningheader": "{0,choice,1#Warning|1", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_title": "Generating chunks...", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "Generating {0} chunks - ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "({0} errors!)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.already_running": "Generation already running. Please execute '/neoforge generate stop' first and then you can start a new generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "Generating {0} chunks, in an area of {1}x{2} chunks ({3}x{4} blocks).", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.success": "Generation Done!", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.error": "Generation experienced {0} errors! Check the log for more information.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "Generation stopped! {0} out of {1} chunks generated. ({2}%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! {0} out of {1} chunks generated. ({2}%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", + "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", + "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sNeoForge Beta", + "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", + "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", + "": "Mod Update", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable NeoForge Version Check", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.alt": "ALT + %s", + "neoforge.container.enchant.limitedEnchantability": "Limited Enchantability", + "neoforge.swim_speed": "Swim Speed", + "neoforge.name_tag_distance": "Nametag Render Distance", + "neoforge.entity_gravity": "Gravity", + "neoforge.block_reach": "Block Reach", + "neoforge.entity_reach": "Entity Reach", + "neoforge.step_height": "Step Height", + "fluid_type.minecraft.milk": "Milk", + "fluid_type.minecraft.flowing_milk": "Milk", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.title": "NeoForge snapshots notice", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.text": "Froge is not officially supported. Bugs and instability are expected.", + "neoforge.froge.supportWarning": "WARNING: Froge is not supported by NeoForge", + "neoforge.gui.exit": "Exit", + "neoforge.experimentalsettings.tooltip": "This world uses experimental settings, which could stop working at any time.", + "neoforge.selectWorld.backupWarning.experimental.additional": "This message will not show again for this world.", + "neoforge.chatType.system": "{0}", + "pack.neoforge.description": "NeoForge data/resource pack" +} diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/es_es.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/es_es.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e7fce6859a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/es_es.json @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +{ + "": "Mods", + "": "Mods", + "": "Off", + "": "Search", + "": "A-Z", + "": "Z-A", + "": "Config", + "": "Open mods folder", + "": "Mod Options...", + "": "Version: {0}", + "": "ModID: {0} State: {1,lower}", + "": "Credits: {0}", + "": "Authors: {0}", + "": "Homepage: {0}", + "": "License: {0}", + "": "Secure mod features disabled, update JDK", + "": "Signature: {0}", + "": "UNSIGNED", + "": "Trust: {0}", + "": "None", + "": "No child mods found", + "": "Child mods: {0}", + "": "Update available: {0}", + "": "Changelog:", + "": "Compatible FML modded server\n{0,choice,1#1 mod|1<{0} mods} present", + "": "Incompatible FML modded server", + "": "Incompatible FML modded server\n{0}", + "": "Data may be inaccurate due to protocol size limits.", + "": "Vanilla server", + "": "Incompatible Vanilla server", + "": "Unknown server {0}", + "": "NeoForge server network version is outdated", + "": "NeoForge client network version is outdated", + "": "Server has additional mods that may be needed on the client", + "": "Server mod list is not compatible", + "": "Server network message list is not compatible", + "": "Missing required datapack registries: {0}", + "": "{0,choice,0#No mods|1#1 mod|1<{0} mods} loaded", + "": "Startup Notification", + "": "Server Access Denied", + "": "Fancy Mod Loader could not connect to this server\nThe server {0} has forbidden modded access", + "": "Backup Failed", + "": "There was an error saving the archive {0}\nPlease fix the problem and try again", + "": "Open {0}", + "": "Open Mods Folder", + "fml.button.continue.launch": "Proceed to main menu", + "fml.loadingerrorscreen.errorheader": "Error loading mods\n{0,choice,1#1 error has|1<{0} errors have} occurred during loading", + "fml.loadingerrorscreen.warningheader": "{0,choice,1#Warning|1", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_title": "Generating chunks...", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "Generating {0} chunks - ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "({0} errors!)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.already_running": "Generation already running. Please execute '/neoforge generate stop' first and then you can start a new generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "Generating {0} chunks, in an area of {1}x{2} chunks ({3}x{4} blocks).", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.success": "Generation Done!", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.error": "Generation experienced {0} errors! Check the log for more information.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "Generation stopped! {0} out of {1} chunks generated. ({2}%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! {0} out of {1} chunks generated. ({2}%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", + "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", + "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sNeoForge Beta", + "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", + "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", + "": "Mod Update", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable NeoForge Version Check", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.alt": "ALT + %s", + "neoforge.container.enchant.limitedEnchantability": "Limited Enchantability", + "neoforge.swim_speed": "Swim Speed", + "neoforge.name_tag_distance": "Nametag Render Distance", + "neoforge.entity_gravity": "Gravity", + "neoforge.block_reach": "Block Reach", + "neoforge.entity_reach": "Entity Reach", + "neoforge.step_height": "Step Height", + "fluid_type.minecraft.milk": "Milk", + "fluid_type.minecraft.flowing_milk": "Milk", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.title": "NeoForge snapshots notice", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.text": "Froge is not officially supported. Bugs and instability are expected.", + "neoforge.froge.supportWarning": "WARNING: Froge is not supported by NeoForge", + "neoforge.gui.exit": "Exit", + "neoforge.experimentalsettings.tooltip": "This world uses experimental settings, which could stop working at any time.", + "neoforge.selectWorld.backupWarning.experimental.additional": "This message will not show again for this world.", + "neoforge.chatType.system": "{0}", + "pack.neoforge.description": "NeoForge data/resource pack" +} diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/fr_fr.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/fr_fr.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e7fce6859a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/fr_fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +{ + "": "Mods", + "": "Mods", + "": "Off", + "": "Search", + "": "A-Z", + "": "Z-A", + "": "Config", + "": "Open mods folder", + "": "Mod Options...", + "": "Version: {0}", + "": "ModID: {0} State: {1,lower}", + "": "Credits: {0}", + "": "Authors: {0}", + "": "Homepage: {0}", + "": "License: {0}", + "": "Secure mod features disabled, update JDK", + "": "Signature: {0}", + "": "UNSIGNED", + "": "Trust: {0}", + "": "None", + "": "No child mods found", + "": "Child mods: {0}", + "": "Update available: {0}", + "": "Changelog:", + "": "Compatible FML modded server\n{0,choice,1#1 mod|1<{0} mods} present", + "": "Incompatible FML modded server", + "": "Incompatible FML modded server\n{0}", + "": "Data may be inaccurate due to protocol size limits.", + "": "Vanilla server", + "": "Incompatible Vanilla server", + "": "Unknown server {0}", + "": "NeoForge server network version is outdated", + "": "NeoForge client network version is outdated", + "": "Server has additional mods that may be needed on the client", + "": "Server mod list is not compatible", + "": "Server network message list is not compatible", + "": "Missing required datapack registries: {0}", + "": "{0,choice,0#No mods|1#1 mod|1<{0} mods} loaded", + "": "Startup Notification", + "": "Server Access Denied", + "": "Fancy Mod Loader could not connect to this server\nThe server {0} has forbidden modded access", + "": "Backup Failed", + "": "There was an error saving the archive {0}\nPlease fix the problem and try again", + "": "Open {0}", + "": "Open Mods Folder", + "fml.button.continue.launch": "Proceed to main menu", + "fml.loadingerrorscreen.errorheader": "Error loading mods\n{0,choice,1#1 error has|1<{0} errors have} occurred during loading", + "fml.loadingerrorscreen.warningheader": "{0,choice,1#Warning|1", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_title": "Generating chunks...", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "Generating {0} chunks - ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "({0} errors!)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.already_running": "Generation already running. Please execute '/neoforge generate stop' first and then you can start a new generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "Generating {0} chunks, in an area of {1}x{2} chunks ({3}x{4} blocks).", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.success": "Generation Done!", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.error": "Generation experienced {0} errors! Check the log for more information.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "Generation stopped! {0} out of {1} chunks generated. ({2}%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! {0} out of {1} chunks generated. ({2}%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", + "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", + "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sNeoForge Beta", + "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", + "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", + "": "Mod Update", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable NeoForge Version Check", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.alt": "ALT + %s", + "neoforge.container.enchant.limitedEnchantability": "Limited Enchantability", + "neoforge.swim_speed": "Swim Speed", + "neoforge.name_tag_distance": "Nametag Render Distance", + "neoforge.entity_gravity": "Gravity", + "neoforge.block_reach": "Block Reach", + "neoforge.entity_reach": "Entity Reach", + "neoforge.step_height": "Step Height", + "fluid_type.minecraft.milk": "Milk", + "fluid_type.minecraft.flowing_milk": "Milk", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.title": "NeoForge snapshots notice", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.text": "Froge is not officially supported. Bugs and instability are expected.", + "neoforge.froge.supportWarning": "WARNING: Froge is not supported by NeoForge", + "neoforge.gui.exit": "Exit", + "neoforge.experimentalsettings.tooltip": "This world uses experimental settings, which could stop working at any time.", + "neoforge.selectWorld.backupWarning.experimental.additional": "This message will not show again for this world.", + "neoforge.chatType.system": "{0}", + "pack.neoforge.description": "NeoForge data/resource pack" +} diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ru_ru.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ru_ru.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e7fce6859a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ru_ru.json @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +{ + "": "Mods", + "": "Mods", + "": "Off", + "": "Search", + "": "A-Z", + "": "Z-A", + "": "Config", + "": "Open mods folder", + "": "Mod Options...", + "": "Version: {0}", + "": "ModID: {0} State: {1,lower}", + "": "Credits: {0}", + "": "Authors: {0}", + "": "Homepage: {0}", + "": "License: {0}", + "": "Secure mod features disabled, update JDK", + "": "Signature: {0}", + "": "UNSIGNED", + "": "Trust: {0}", + "": "None", + "": "No child mods found", + "": "Child mods: {0}", + "": "Update available: {0}", + "": "Changelog:", + "": "Compatible FML modded server\n{0,choice,1#1 mod|1<{0} mods} present", + "": "Incompatible FML modded server", + "": "Incompatible FML modded server\n{0}", + "": "Data may be inaccurate due to protocol size limits.", + "": "Vanilla server", + "": "Incompatible Vanilla server", + "": "Unknown server {0}", + "": "NeoForge server network version is outdated", + "": "NeoForge client network version is outdated", + "": "Server has additional mods that may be needed on the client", + "": "Server mod list is not compatible", + "": "Server network message list is not compatible", + "": "Missing required datapack registries: {0}", + "": "{0,choice,0#No mods|1#1 mod|1<{0} mods} loaded", + "": "Startup Notification", + "": "Server Access Denied", + "": "Fancy Mod Loader could not connect to this server\nThe server {0} has forbidden modded access", + "": "Backup Failed", + "": "There was an error saving the archive {0}\nPlease fix the problem and try again", + "": "Open {0}", + "": "Open Mods Folder", + "fml.button.continue.launch": "Proceed to main menu", + "fml.loadingerrorscreen.errorheader": "Error loading mods\n{0,choice,1#1 error has|1<{0} errors have} occurred during loading", + "fml.loadingerrorscreen.warningheader": "{0,choice,1#Warning|1", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_title": "Generating chunks...", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "Generating {0} chunks - ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "({0} errors!)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.already_running": "Generation already running. Please execute '/neoforge generate stop' first and then you can start a new generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "Generating {0} chunks, in an area of {1}x{2} chunks ({3}x{4} blocks).", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.success": "Generation Done!", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.error": "Generation experienced {0} errors! Check the log for more information.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "Generation stopped! {0} out of {1} chunks generated. ({2}%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! {0} out of {1} chunks generated. ({2}%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", + "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", + "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sNeoForge Beta", + "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", + "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", + "": "Mod Update", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable NeoForge Version Check", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.alt": "ALT + %s", + "neoforge.container.enchant.limitedEnchantability": "Limited Enchantability", + "neoforge.swim_speed": "Swim Speed", + "neoforge.name_tag_distance": "Nametag Render Distance", + "neoforge.entity_gravity": "Gravity", + "neoforge.block_reach": "Block Reach", + "neoforge.entity_reach": "Entity Reach", + "neoforge.step_height": "Step Height", + "fluid_type.minecraft.milk": "Milk", + "fluid_type.minecraft.flowing_milk": "Milk", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.title": "NeoForge snapshots notice", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.text": "Froge is not officially supported. Bugs and instability are expected.", + "neoforge.froge.supportWarning": "WARNING: Froge is not supported by NeoForge", + "neoforge.gui.exit": "Exit", + "neoforge.experimentalsettings.tooltip": "This world uses experimental settings, which could stop working at any time.", + "neoforge.selectWorld.backupWarning.experimental.additional": "This message will not show again for this world.", + "neoforge.chatType.system": "{0}", + "pack.neoforge.description": "NeoForge data/resource pack" +} diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_cn.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_cn.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e1cff6c5c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_cn.json @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +{ + "": "模组", + "": "模组", + "": "关闭", + "": "搜索", + "": "A-Z", + "": "Z-A", + "": "配置", + "": "打开模组文件夹", + "": "模组选项……", + "": "版本:{0}", + "": "MODID:{0} 状态:{1,lower}", + "": "鸣谢:{0}", + "": "作者:{0}", + "": "主页:{0}", + "": "开源许可:{0}", + "": "安全模组功能已禁用,请更新 JDK", + "": "签名:{0}", + "": "未签名", + "": "信任:{0}", + "": "无", + "": "未发现子模组", + "": "子模组:{0}", + "": "有更新可用:{0}", + "": "更新日志:", + "": "兼容的 FML 模组服务器\n有 {0,choice,0<{0} 个} 模组", + "": "不兼容的 FML 模组服务器", + "": "不兼容的 FML 模组服务器 {0}", + "": "由于协议大小限制,数据可能不准确。", + "": "原版服务器", + "": "不兼容的原版服务器", + "": "未知服务器 {0}", + "": "NeoForge 服务端网络版本已过时", + "": "NeoForge客户端网络版本已过时", + "": "服务器有可能需要在客户端上的其他模组", + "": "服务器模组列表不兼容", + "": "服务器网络消息列表不兼容", + "": "缺少所需数据包注册表:{0}", + "": "{0,choice,0#没有模组|0<{0}} 模组已加载", + "": "启动提醒", + "": "服务器访问被拒绝", + "": "Fancy Mod Loader 无法连接到该服务器\n服务器 {0} 禁止被修改的访问", + "": "备份失败", + "": "保存存档 {0} 时出错。\n请修复问题并重试", + "": "打开 {0}", + "": "打开模组文件夹", + "fml.button.continue.launch": "继续进入主菜单", + "fml.loadingerrorscreen.errorheader": "模组加载出错\n加载时发生了{0,choice,1#1个错误|1<{0}个错误}", + "fml.loadingerrorscreen.warningheader": "{0,choice,0<}加载模组时的警告\n加载模组时有 {0,choice,1#1 个警告|1<{0} 个警告} 发生", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.client": "您的客户端缺少以下模组,安装这些模组来加入此服务器:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.server": "服务器缺少以下模组,请从客户端移除这些模组以加入此服务器:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.mismatchedmods": "以下模组版本不匹配,请安装相同版本的这些模组以加入此服务器:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.modname": "模组名", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youneed": "你需要", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youhave": "你已安装", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.serverhas": "服务器已安装", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.additional": "[还有 {0} 个,查看 latest.log 获取完整列表]", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.homepage": "点击来访问这个模组的主页", + "fml.language.missingversion": "模组文件 {5} 需要语言提供模组 {3}:{4,vr} 才能加载\n§7我们找到 {6,i18n,fml.messages.artifactversion}", + "fml.modloading.missingclasses": "模组文件 {3} 有已声明但未找到的模组", + "fml.modloading.missingmetadata": "mods.toml 缺少模组 id {3} 的元数据", + "fml.modloading.failedtoloadmodclass": "{0,modinfo,name} 有类加载错误\n§7{2,exc,msg}", + "fml.modloading.failedtoloadmod": "{0,modinfo,name}({0,modinfo,id})未能正确加载\n§7{2,exc,msg}", + "fml.modloading.feature.missing": "{0,modinfo,name}({0,modinfo,id})缺少一个运行需要的特性\n§7它需要 {3,featurebound} 但 {4} 可用", + "fml.modloading.uncaughterror": "发生了一个未捕获的并行处理错误。\n§7{2,exc,msg}", + "fml.modloading.errorduringevent": "{0,modinfo,name}({0,modinfo,id})在 {1,lower} 事件阶段发生错误\n§7{2,exc,msg}", + "fml.modloading.failedtoloadforge": "加载 NeoForge 失败", + "fml.modloading.missingdependency": "模组§e{4}§r 需要 §6{3}§r §r §o{5,vr}§r\n§7目前§6{3}§r§7 是 §o{6,i18n,fml.messages.artifactversion.ornotinstalled}}\n{7,optional,§7使用此依赖的原因:§r}", + "fml.modloading.missingdependency.optional": "模组 §e{4}§r 只支持 §3{3}§r §r §o{5,vr}§r\n§7目前,§3{3}§r§7 是 §o{6}", + "fml.modloading.incompatiblemod": "模组§e{4}§r 与 §3{3}§r §o{5,vr}§r §c不兼容§r\n§7目前§3{3}§r§7 是 §o{6}\n§7不兼容的原因是:§r §o{7,i18ntranslate}§r", + "fml.modloading.discouragedmod": "模组§e{3}§r §d不推荐§r 使用 §3{2}§r §o{4,vr}§r\n§7目前§3{2}§r§7 是 §o{5}\n§7不推荐的理由是:§r §o{6,i18ntranslate}§r", + "fml.modloading.discouragedmod.proceed": "若继续,自行承担风险", + "fml.modloading.incompatiblemod.noreason": "§e未提供理由§r", + "fml.modloading.discouragedmod.noreason": "§e未提供理由§r", + "fml.dependencyloading.conflictingdependencies": "有些模组要求的版本与下列模组冲突:§6{3}§r。由 §e{4}§r请求。", + "fml.dependencyloading.mismatchedcontaineddependencies": "有些模组已经提供了一个可以接受的版本范围:§6{3}§r,但没有提供匹配范围的 jar。 由 §e{4}§r 请求。", + "fml.modloading.cycle": "检测到模组依赖循环:{0}", + "fml.modloading.failedtoprocesswork": "{0,modinfo,name}({0,modinfo,id})在处理延迟工作时发生错误\n§7{2,exc,msg}", + "fml.modloading.brokenfile": "文件 {2} 不是一个有效的模组文件", + "fml.modloading.brokenfile.oldforge": "文件 {2} 为旧版本的 NeoForge 设计,不能加载", + "fml.modloading.brokenfile.liteloader": "文件 {2} 是 LiteLoader 模组,无法加载", + "fml.modloading.brokenfile.fabric": "文件 {2} 是 Fabric 模组,无法加载", + "fml.modloading.brokenfile.optifine": "文件 {2} 是不兼容的 OptiFine 版本", + "fml.modloading.brokenfile.bukkit": "文件 {2} 是 Bukkit 或其他 Bukkit 实现(Spigot、Paper 等)的插件,不能加载", + "fml.modloading.brokenfile.invalidzip": "文件 {2} 不是 jar 文件", + "fml.modloading.brokenresources": "文件 {2} 加载有效的 ResourcePackInfo 失败", + "fml.modloading.missinglicense": "文件 {3} 中缺少许可证信息", + "fml.resources.modresources": "{0} 模组文件的资源", + "fml.resources.moddata": "{0} 模组文件数据", + "fml.messages.artifactversion.ornotinstalled": "{0,ornull,fml.messages.artifactversion.notinstalled}", + "fml.messages.artifactversion": "{0,ornull,fml.messages.artifactversion.none}", + "fml.messages.artifactversion.none": "无", + "fml.messages.artifactversion.notinstalled": "§n未安装", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.any": "任一", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.lower.inclusive": "{0} 或以上", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.lower.exclusive": "{0} 以上", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.upper.inclusive": "{0} 或以下", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.upper.exclusive": "{0} 以下", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded": "{0} 和 {1} 之间", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.inclusive": "{0} 和 {1} 之间(含)", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.exclusive": "{0} 和 {1} 之间(不含)", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.lowerexclusive": "{0} 以上,或 {1} 或更低", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.upperexclusive": "{0} 或以上,并低于 {1}", + "loadwarning.neoforge.prbuild": "这个 NeoForge 构建由社区成员创建,是 §c§l不受支持§r 的", + "commands.neoforge.arguments.enum.invalid": "枚举常数必须是 {0} 之一,找到 {1}", + "commands.neoforge.dimensions.list": "当前按类型注册的维度:", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalid": "无效的过滤器,与任何实体不匹配。/neoforge entity list 提供正确列表。", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalidworld": "无法加载维度 {0} 的世界。请选择一个有效维度。", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.none": "找不到实体。", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.single.header": "实体:{0} 总计:{1}", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.multiple.header": "总计:{0}", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.entity": "所选的实体({0})无效。", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.dim": "指定的维度 ID({0})无效。", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.nochange": "选定的实体({0})已经在指定的维度({1})中。", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.deprecated": "此命令将在1.17中被废弃去除,请使用 %s 代替。", + "commands.neoforge.tps.invalid": "无效的维度 {0} 可能的值:{1}", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.all": "总体:平均刻时间:{0} 毫秒。平均 TPS:{1}", + "commands.neoforge.mods.list": "模组列表:{0}", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.basic": "维度 {0}:平均刻时间:{1} 毫秒。平均 TPS:{2}", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.named": "维度 {0}({1}):平均刻时间:{2} 毫秒。平均 TPS:{3}", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.enabled": "实体跟踪已启用,时长 %d 秒。", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.reset": "实体计时数据已被清理!", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.invalid": "无效的跟踪数据。", + "": "方块实体跟踪已启用,时长 %d 秒。", + "": "方块实体计时数据已被清理!", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.timing_entry": "{0} - {1} [{2}, {3}, {4}]:{5}", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.no_data": "尚未记录数据。", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_registry": "未知注册表 ‘%s’", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_tag": "未知标签 ‘%s’ 在注册表 ‘%s’ 中", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_element": "未知元素 ‘%s’ 在注册表 ‘%s’ 中", + "commands.neoforge.tags.registry_key": "%s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.tag_count": "标签:%s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.copy_tag_names": "点击复制所有标签名称到剪贴板", + "commands.neoforge.tags.element_count": "元素:%s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.copy_element_names": "点击复制所有元素名称到剪贴板", + "commands.neoforge.tags.tag_key": "%s / %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.containing_tag_count": "包含标签:%s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.element": "%s:%s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.page_info": "%s ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_title": "生成区块中……", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "生成 {0} 区块中 - ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "({0} 个错误!)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.already_running": "生成已在进行。请先执行 '/neoforge generate stop' 再开始新生成。", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "正在 {1}x{2} 区块中生成 {0} 区块({3}x{4} 个方块)。", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.success": "生成完毕!", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.error": "生成遇到了 {0} 错误!请检查日志获取更多信息。", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "生成停止!{1} 中有 {0} 个区块已生成。({2}%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "生成状态!{1} 中有 {0} 个区块已生成。({2}%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "无进行中的预生成。运行 `/neoforge generate help` 以查看开始生成的命令。", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- 生成一个以给定坐标为中心的、边长为 chunkRadius * 2 的正方形。\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- 停止当前生成,显示完成进度。\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- 显示当前生成的完成进度。\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- 显示此消息\n通用提示:如果从服务器控制台执行,可以通过 '/execute in neoforge generate...' 在特定维度执行。", + "commands.config.getwithtype": "%s 类型 %s 的配置在 %s 发现", + "commands.config.noconfig": "未发现 %s(类型为 %s)的配置", + "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%s警告:%s NeoForge 为测试版", + "neoforge.update.beta.2": "可能会出现重大问题,请在报告之前进行核实。", + "neoforge.update.newversion": "新版本 NeoForge 可用:%s", + "": "模组更新", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "将此设置为 true,以删除任何在\"update\"方法中出现错误的实体,而不是关闭服务器和报告崩溃日志。 警告:这可能损坏一切,我们不对此负任何责任。", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "删除错误实体", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "将此设置为 true,以删除任何在\"update\"方法中出现错误的方块实体,而不是关闭服务器和报告崩溃日志。 警告:这可能损坏一切,我们不对此负任何责任。", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "删除错误方块实体", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "将此设置为true,以为梯子检查整个实体的绑定箱,而不仅仅是它们所处的方块。导致明显的机制差异,因此默认是原版行为。默认:false。", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "全绑定箱梯子", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "记录地形生成中的连锁生成问题。", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "记录连锁世界生成", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "修复导致连锁世界生成的原版问题。 此会改变原版世界生成。如果打开这个,请不要报告与世界差异相关的错误。", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "修复原版连锁生成", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "服务器等待某维度排队卸载时的延迟,以游戏刻为单位。 当快速加载和卸载维度时,这可能是有用的,例如每秒通过下界传送门扔物品。", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "卸载维度时的延迟", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "控制 Packet51 优先于 Packet52,默认和最小为 64,最多 1024。", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "数据包克隆阈值", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "原版将使用空标签合成配方视为空气,并允许您在这个格子中没有任何东西。 这会更改空标签以使用屏障作为条目。防止与空气一起合成。", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "将空标签视为空气", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "在无序配方反序列化过程中跳过检查成分是否为空,以防止复杂的成分过早缓存标签。", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "跳过无须配方反序列化中的空成分检查", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "强制使用 System.nanoTime 而不是 glfwGetTime 为主要客户端提供时间。", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "强制使用 System.nanoTime", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "切换关闭以使界面中缺失的模型文本适合于格子内。", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "放大图形界面中缺少的模型文本", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "启用上传云几何图形到 GPU 以便更快渲染。", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "使用 NeoForge 云渲染器", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "禁用剔除楼梯和板块旁边的隐藏面。造成额外的渲染,但可能会修复一些会导致原版机制出错的资源包。", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "禁用楼梯/台阶剔除", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "启用来使所有区块更新移动到专门的线程。\n可能显著提升 FPS", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "强制线程化区块渲染", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "启用 NeoForge 方块渲染管线 - 修复自定义模型的光照。", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge 光照渲染管线启用", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "启用时,会进行特定的重新加载任务,例如更快地更改语言。", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "启用选择性资源加载", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "如果启用,NeoForge 将显示加载过程中出现的任何警告。", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "显示加载警告", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "设置为 true 以禁用 NeoForge 版本检查机制。NeoForge 在我们的服务器上查询一个小 json 文件以获取版本信息。欲了解更多详情,请参阅我们 GitHub 中的 ForgeVersion 类。", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "禁用 NeoForge 版本检查", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "设置为 true 以缓存资源包和数据包中的资源列表", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "缓存包访问", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "设置为 true 以在线程上索引原版资源包和数据包", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "在线程上索引原版资源包", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "设置为 true 以在线程上索引模组资源包和数据包", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "在线程上索引模组资源包", + "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.alt": "ALT + %s", + "neoforge.container.enchant.limitedEnchantability": "有限附魔性", + "neoforge.swim_speed": "游泳速度", + "neoforge.name_tag_distance": "名称标签渲染距离", + "neoforge.entity_gravity": "重力", + "neoforge.block_reach": "方块触及范围", + "neoforge.entity_reach": "实体触及范围", + "neoforge.step_height": "步骤高度", + "fluid_type.minecraft.milk": "奶", + "fluid_type.minecraft.flowing_milk": "奶", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.title": "NeoForge快照提示", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.text": "Froge 不被官方支持。错误和不稳定是预期的。", + "neoforge.froge.supportWarning": "警告:NeoForge 不支持 Froge", + "neoforge.gui.exit": "退出", + "neoforge.experimentalsettings.tooltip": "这个世界使用实验性设置,可能随时停止工作。", + "neoforge.selectWorld.backupWarning.experimental.additional": "此消息将不会再为这个世界显示。", + "neoforge.chatType.system": "{0}", + "pack.neoforge.description": "NeoForge 数据/资源包" +} diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_hk.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_hk.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0cc2d08c99 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_hk.json @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +{ + "": "模組", + "": "模組", + "": "關閉", + "": "搜尋", + "": "A-Z", + "": "Z-A", + "": "配置", + "": "開啟模組文件夾", + "": "模組選項...", + "": "版本:{0}", + "": "ModID: {0} State: {1,lower}", + "": "鳴謝:{0}", + "": "作者:{0}", + "": "主頁:{0}", + "": "授權條款: {0}", + "": "安全模組功能已被禁用,請更新 JDK", + "": "簽處:{0}", + "": "未簽署", + "": "信任:{0}", + "": "無", + "": "未發現子模組", + "": "子模組:{0}", + "": "可用更新:{0}", + "": "更新日誌:", + "": "兼容 FML 模組伺服器\n目前擁有 {0,choice,1#1 個模組|1<{0} 個模組}", + "": "不兼容 FML 模組伺服器", + "": "不兼容 FML 模組伺服器 {0}", + "": "由於協議大小限制,數據可能不准確。", + "": "原版伺服器", + "": "不兼容的原版伺服器", + "": "未知伺服器 {0}", + "": "NeoForge 伺服器端網路版本已過時", + "": "NeoForge 客户端網路版本已過時", + "": "伺服器有客戶端可能需要的附加模組", + "": "伺服器模組列表不兼容", + "": "伺服器網路訊息列表不兼容", + "": "缺少所需數據包注冊表:{0}", + "": "{0,choice,0#沒有模組|1#1 個模組|1<{0} 個模組} 已加載", + "": "啟動提醒", + "": "伺服器訪問被拒絕", + "": "Fancy Mod Loader 無法連線到該伺服器\n伺服器 {0} 禁止被修改的訪問", + "": "備份失敗", + "": "保存存檔 {0} 時出現錯誤\n請修複問題並重试", + "": "開啟 {0}", + "": "開啟模組文件夾", + "fml.button.continue.launch": "前往主菜單", + "fml.loadingerrorscreen.errorheader": "加載模組時出現錯誤\n{0,choice,1#1 個錯誤|1<{0} 個錯誤} 在加載過程中出現", + "fml.loadingerrorscreen.warningheader": "{0,choice,1#個警告|1<個警告} 在加載模組時出現\n{0,choice,1#1 個警告|1<{0} 個警告} 在加載過程中出現", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.client": "您的客户端缺少以下模組,請安裝這些模組以加入此伺服器:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.server": "此伺服器缺少以下模組,請從客户端移除這些模組以加入此伺服器:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.mismatchedmods": "以下模組版本不匹配,請安裝相同版本的這些模組以加入此伺服器:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.modname": "模組名稱", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youneed": "你需要", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youhave": "你擁有", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.serverhas": "伺服器擁有", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.additional": "[還有 {0} 個,查閲 latest.log 獲取完整列表]", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.homepage": "點擊以進入該模組的主頁", + "fml.language.missingversion": "模組檔案 {5} 需要語言提供者 {3}:{4,vr} 以加載\n§7我们找到 {6,i18n,fml.messages.artifactversion}", + "fml.modloading.missingclasses": "模組檔案 {3} 有要求的模組未找到", + "fml.modloading.missingmetadata": "mods.toml 缺少模組 id {3} 的元數據", + "fml.modloading.failedtoloadmodclass": "{0,modinfo,name} 有類別加載錯誤\n§7{2,exc,msg}", + "fml.modloading.failedtoloadmod": "{0,modinfo,name} ({0,modinfo,id}) 未能正確加載\n§7{2,exc,msg}", + "fml.modloading.feature.missing": "{0,modinfo,name} ({0,modinfo,id}) 缺少一個運行必要的功能\n§7它需要 {3,featurebound} 但 {4} 可用", + "fml.modloading.uncaughterror": "出現沒有被發現的平行處理錯誤。\n§7{2,exc,msg}", + "fml.modloading.errorduringevent": "{0,modinfo,name} ({0,modinfo,id})在 {1,lower} 事件階段發生錯誤\n§7{2,exc,msg}", + "fml.modloading.failedtoloadforge": "載入 NeoForge 失敗", + "fml.modloading.missingdependency": "Mod §e{4}§r requires §6{3}§r §o{5,vr}§r\n§7Currently, §6{3}§r§7 is §o{6,i18n,fml.messages.artifactversion.ornotinstalled}§r\n{7,optional,§7Reason for the dependency: §r}", + "fml.modloading.missingdependency.optional": "模組 §e{4}§r 只支援 §3{3}§r §r §o{5,vr}§r\n§7目前,§3{3}§r§7 是 §o{6}", + "fml.modloading.incompatiblemod": "Mod §e{4}§r is §cincompatible§r with §3{3}§r §o{5,vr}§r\n§7Currently, §3{3}§r§7 is §o{6}§r\n§7The reason is:§r §o{7,i18ntranslate}§r", + "fml.modloading.discouragedmod": "Mod §e{3}§r §ddiscourages§r the use of §3{2}§r §o{4,vr}§r\n§7Currently, §3{2}§r§7 is §o{5}§r\n§7The reason is:§r §o{6,i18ntranslate}§r", + "fml.modloading.discouragedmod.proceed": "Proceed at your own risk", + "fml.modloading.incompatiblemod.noreason": "§eNo reason provided§r", + "fml.modloading.discouragedmod.noreason": "§eNo reason provided§r", + "fml.dependencyloading.conflictingdependencies": "有些模組要求的版本與下列模組沖突:§6{3}§r。由 §e{4}§r請求。", + "fml.dependencyloading.mismatchedcontaineddependencies": "有些模組已經提供了一個可以接受的版本範圍:§6{3}§r,但沒有提供匹配範圍的 jar。 由 §e{4}§r 請求。", + "fml.modloading.cycle": "檢測到一個模組循環依賴:{0}", + "fml.modloading.failedtoprocesswork": "{0,modinfo,name} ({0,modinfo,id}) 在處理延遲工作時發生錯誤\n§7{2,exc,msg}", + "fml.modloading.brokenfile": "檔案 {2} 不是一個有效的模組檔案", + "fml.modloading.brokenfile.oldforge": "檔案 {2} 是為舊版本的 NeoForge 以設,所以無法加載", + "fml.modloading.brokenfile.liteloader": "檔案 {2} 是一個 LiteLoader 模組,所以無法加載", + "fml.modloading.brokenfile.fabric": "檔案 {2} 是一個 Fabric 模組,所以無法加載", + "fml.modloading.brokenfile.optifine": "檔案 {2} 是一個不兼容的 OptiFine 版本", + "fml.modloading.brokenfile.bukkit": "檔案 {2} 是一個 Bukkit 或 Bukkit的附屬執行器 (Spigot、Paper等) 的插件,所以無法加載", + "fml.modloading.brokenfile.invalidzip": "檔案 {2} 不是一個 jar 檔案", + "fml.modloading.brokenresources": "檔案 {2} 加載有效的 ResourcePackInfo 失敗", + "fml.modloading.missinglicense": "檔案 {3} 缺少授權條款資訊", + "fml.resources.modresources": "用於 {0} 模組檔案的資源", + "fml.resources.moddata": "Data for {0} mod files", + "fml.messages.artifactversion.ornotinstalled": "{0,ornull,fml.messages.artifactversion.notinstalled}", + "fml.messages.artifactversion": "{0,ornull,fml.messages.artifactversion.none}", + "fml.messages.artifactversion.none": "無", + "fml.messages.artifactversion.notinstalled": "§n未安裝", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.any": "任何", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.lower.inclusive": "{0} 或以上", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.lower.exclusive": "{0} 以上", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.upper.inclusive": "{0} 或以下", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.upper.exclusive": "{0} 以下", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded": "{0} 和 {1} 之間", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.inclusive": "{0} 和 {1} 之間 (包含)", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.exclusive": "{0} 和 {1} 之間 (不包含)", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.lowerexclusive": "{0} 以上,和 {1} 或以下", + "fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.upperexclusive": "{0} 或以上,和 {1} 以下", + "loadwarning.neoforge.prbuild": "This build of NeoForge was created by a community member and is thus §c§lUNSUPPORTED§r", + "commands.neoforge.arguments.enum.invalid": "枚舉常數必須是 {0} 之一,找到 {1}", + "commands.neoforge.dimensions.list": "當前按類型註冊的維度:", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalid": "無效的過濾器,與任何實體不相符。請使用 /neoforge entity list 以提供正確列表", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalidworld": "無法加載維度 {0} 的世界。請選擇一個有效維度。", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.none": "找不到實體", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.single.header": "實體:{0} 總數:{1}", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.multiple.header": "總數:{0}", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.entity": "所選的實體 ({0}) 無效。", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.dim": "指定的維度 ID ({0}) 無效。", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.nochange": "選定的實體 ({0}) 已經在指定的維度 ({1}) 中。", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.deprecated": "此命令以在1.17中已棄用,請使用 %s 代替。", + "commands.neoforge.tps.invalid": "無效的維度 {0} 可能的數值:{1}", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.all": "總體:平均刻時間:{0} 毫秒。平均 TPS:{1}", + "commands.neoforge.mods.list": "模組清單:{0}", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.basic": "維度 {0}:平均刻時間:{1} 毫秒。平均 TPS:{2}", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.named": "維度 {0} ({1}):平均刻時間:{2} 毫秒。平均 TPS:{3}", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.enabled": "實體追踪已開啟 %d 秒。", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.reset": "實體計時數據已被清理!", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.invalid": "無效跟蹤數據", + "": "方塊實體跟蹤已啟用,時長 %d 秒。", + "": "方塊實體計時數據已被清理!", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.timing_entry": "{0} - {1} [{2}, {3}, {4}]:{5}", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.no_data": "尚未有記錄任何數據。", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_registry": "未知注冊表 ‘%s’", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_tag": "未知標籤 ‘%s’ 在注冊表 ‘%s’ 中", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_element": "未知元素 ‘%s’ 在注冊表 ‘%s’ 中", + "commands.neoforge.tags.registry_key": "%s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.tag_count": "標籤:%s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.copy_tag_names": "點擊以複製所有標籤名稱到剪貼板", + "commands.neoforge.tags.element_count": "元素:%s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.copy_element_names": "點擊以複製所有元素名稱到剪貼板", + "commands.neoforge.tags.tag_key": "%s / %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.containing_tag_count": "包含標籤:%s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.element": "%s:%s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.page_info": "%s ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_title": "Generating chunks...", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "Generating {0} chunks - ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "({0} errors!)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.already_running": "Generation already running. Please execute '/neoforge generate stop' first and then you can start a new generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "Generating {0} chunks, in an area of {1}x{2} chunks ({3}x{4} blocks).", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.success": "Generation Done!", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.error": "Generation experienced {0} errors! Check the log for more information.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "Generation stopped! {0} out of {1} chunks generated. ({2}%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! {0} out of {1} chunks generated. ({2}%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.config.getwithtype": "%s 類型 %s 的配置在 %s 發現", + "commands.config.noconfig": "%s 類型 %s 的配置未發現", + "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%s警告:%s Beta版 NeoForge", + "neoforge.update.beta.2": "可能會出現重大問題,請在回報問題之前進行核實。", + "neoforge.update.newversion": "最新 NeoForge 版本可用:%s", + "": "模組更新", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "將此設為 True 以移除任何在更新方法中出現錯誤的實體,而不是直接關閉伺服器並回報崩潰日誌。你已被警告,這可能破壞一切,請謹慎使用,我們不會負責由此造成的損失。", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "移除錯誤實體", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "將此設為 True 以移除任何在更新方法中出現錯誤的方塊實體,而不是直接關閉伺服器並回報崩潰日誌。你已被警告,這可能破壞一切,請謹慎使用,我們不會負責由此造成的損失。", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "移除錯誤方塊實體", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "將此設為 True 以檢查整個實體的碰撞邊界框梯子,而不只是它們所處的方塊。這會導致機制上明顯的差異。因此默認為原版行為。默認:False", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "全邊界框梯子", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "記錄地形填充過程中的連鎖區塊生成問題。", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "記錄連鎖世界生成", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "修複原版連鎖生成", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "當卸載維度時延遲", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "封包聚合閾值", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "將空標籤視為空氣", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "強制使用 System.nanoTime", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "啟用將雲幾何圖形上傳到 GPU 以加快渲染速度。", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "使用 NeoForge 雲渲染器", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "禁用階梯/半磚渲染優化", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "允許NeoForge將所有區塊更新排入區塊更新綫程。\n可能有效增加FPS,但也可能導致奇怪的渲染延遲。\n不建議沒有一定可用核心數目的電腦使用。", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "強制線程區塊渲染", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "啟用 NeoForge 方块渲染管綫 - 以修複自定義模型的光照問題。", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge 光照渲染管綫已啟用", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "當啟用時,將會進行特定的重新加載任務,例如更快地更改語言。", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "啟用選擇性資源加載", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "當啟用時,NeoForge 將會顯示在加載過程中發生的任何警告。", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "顯示加載警告", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "將此設為 True 以禁用 NeoForge 版本檢查機制。NeoForge 在我們的伺服器上查詢一個小 json 檔案以獲取版本資信。欲了解更多詳情,請查閱我們 GitHub 中的 ForgeVersion 類別。", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "禁用 NeoForge 版本檢查", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "將此設為 True 以緩存資源包和數據包中的資源列表", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "緩存包訪問", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "將此設為 True 以使用綫程上索引原版資源包和數據包", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "在綫程上索引原版資源包", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "將此設為 True 以使用綫程上索引模組資源包和數據包", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "在綫程上索引模組資源包", + "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.alt": "ALT + %s", + "neoforge.container.enchant.limitedEnchantability": "有限可附魔性", + "neoforge.swim_speed": "游泳速度", + "neoforge.name_tag_distance": "名稱標籤渲染距離", + "neoforge.entity_gravity": "重力", + "neoforge.block_reach": "方塊破壞距離", + "neoforge.entity_reach": "實體攻擊距離", + "neoforge.step_height": "行走高度", + "fluid_type.minecraft.milk": "奶", + "fluid_type.minecraft.flowing_milk": "奶", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.title": "NeoForge 快照提醒", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.text": "Froge 不被官方支援。錯誤及不穩定性是預期的。", + "neoforge.froge.supportWarning": "警告:NeoForge 不支持 Froge", + "neoforge.gui.exit": "退出", + "neoforge.experimentalsettings.tooltip": "此世界使用實驗性設定,並代表此世界可能隨時停止運作。", + "neoforge.selectWorld.backupWarning.experimental.additional": "此訊息將不會再為此世界顯示。", + "neoforge.chatType.system": "{0}", + "pack.neoforge.description": "NeoForge data/resource pack" +}