diff --git a/__tests__/appconfig.spec.ts b/__tests__/appconfig.spec.ts
index 2261546..a6ad792 100644
--- a/__tests__/appconfig.spec.ts
+++ b/__tests__/appconfig.spec.ts
@@ -3,15 +3,16 @@
  * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
 // ok as this is just for tests
 // eslint-disable-next-line n/no-extraneous-import
 import type { RollupOutput, OutputOptions, OutputChunk } from 'rollup'
 import { build, resolveConfig } from 'vite'
 import { describe, it, expect } from 'vitest'
-import { createAppConfig } from '../lib/appConfig'
+import { AppOptions, createAppConfig } from '../lib/appConfig'
 import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'
 import { resolve } from 'path'
-import { LibraryOptions } from '../lib/libConfig'
+import cssInjectedByJsPlugin from 'vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js'
 const __dirname = fileURLToPath(new URL('.', import.meta.url))
@@ -65,7 +66,31 @@ describe('app config', () => {
 		expect(assetFileNames({ name: 'foo.css' })).toBe('css/@nextcloud-vite-config-[name].css')
-	const createConfig = async (command: 'build' | 'serve' = 'build', mode: 'development' | 'production' = 'production', options?: LibraryOptions) => await resolveConfig(await createAppConfig({
+	describe('inlining css', () => {
+		const pluginName = cssInjectedByJsPlugin().name
+		it('does not inline css by default', async () => {
+			const resolved = await createConfig()
+			expect(resolved.plugins.filter(({ name }) => name === pluginName)).toHaveLength(0)
+		})
+		it('does not inline css when disabled', async () => {
+			const resolved = await createConfig('build', 'production', { inlineCSS: false })
+			expect(resolved.plugins.filter(({ name }) => name === pluginName)).toHaveLength(0)
+		})
+		it('does inline css when enabled', async () => {
+			const resolved = await createConfig('build', 'production', { inlineCSS: true })
+			expect(resolved.plugins.filter(({ name }) => name === pluginName)).toHaveLength(1)
+		})
+		it('does inline css when enabled with configuration', async () => {
+			const resolved = await createConfig('build', 'production', { inlineCSS: { useStrictCSP: true } })
+			expect(resolved.plugins.filter(({ name }) => name === pluginName)).toHaveLength(1)
+		})
+	})
+	const createConfig = async (command: 'build' | 'serve' = 'build', mode: 'development' | 'production' = 'production', options?: AppOptions) => await resolveConfig(await createAppConfig({
 		main: 'src/main.js',
 	}, options)({ command, mode, ssrBuild: false }), command)
diff --git a/lib/appConfig.ts b/lib/appConfig.ts
index b07648d..43ce863 100644
--- a/lib/appConfig.ts
+++ b/lib/appConfig.ts
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 import type { UserConfig, UserConfigFn } from 'vite'
+import type { PluginConfiguration as VitePluginInjectCSSOptions } from 'vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js/dist/esm/declarations/interface.js'
 import type { BaseOptions, NodePolyfillsOptions } from './baseConfig.js'
 import { mergeConfig } from 'vite'
@@ -18,7 +19,13 @@ export const appName = process.env.npm_package_name
 export const appVersion = process.env.npm_package_version
 export const appNameSanitized = appName.replace(/[/\\]/, '-')
-export interface AppOptions extends BaseOptions {
+export interface AppOptions extends Omit<BaseOptions, 'inlineCSS'> {
+	/**
+	 * Inject all styles inside the javascript bundle instead of emitting a .css file
+	 * @default false
+	 */
+	inlineCSS?: boolean | VitePluginInjectCSSOptions,
 	 * Whether to empty the output directory (`js/`)
 	 * @default true
@@ -66,7 +73,7 @@ export const createAppConfig = (entries: { [entryAlias: string]: string }, optio
 	return createBaseConfig({
-		...options,
+		...(options as BaseOptions),
 		config: async (env) => {
 			console.info(`Building ${appName} for ${env.mode}`)
@@ -76,8 +83,8 @@ export const createAppConfig = (entries: { [entryAlias: string]: string }, optio
 			const plugins = []
 			// Inject all imported styles into the javascript bundle by creating dynamic styles on the document
-			if (options?.inlineCSS !== false) {
-				plugins.push(injectCSSPlugin())
+			if (options.inlineCSS) {
+				plugins.push(injectCSSPlugin(typeof options.inlineCSS === 'object' ? options.inlineCSS : undefined))
 			// defaults to true so only not adding if explicitly set to false