diff --git a/ingest/defaults/config.yaml b/ingest/defaults/config.yaml
index 44c4976..d3d2ca3 100644
--- a/ingest/defaults/config.yaml
+++ b/ingest/defaults/config.yaml
@@ -124,5 +124,32 @@ curate:
   genotype_field: "virus_name"
   dataset_name: "nextstrain/measles/N450/WHO-2012"
-  field_map: "defaults/nextclade_field_map.tsv"
+  field_map:
+    # The first column should be the original column name of the Nextclade TSV
+    # The second column should be the new column name to use in the final metadata TSV
+    # Nextclade can have pathogen specific output columns so make sure to check which
+    # columns would be useful for your downstream phylogenetic analysis.
+    seqName: seqName
+    clade: clade
+    coverage: coverage
+    totalMissing: missing_data
+    totalSubstitutions: divergence
+    totalNonACGTNs: nonACGTN
+    qc.overallStatus: QC_overall
+    qc.missingData.status: QC_missing_data
+    qc.mixedSites.status: QC_mixed_sites
+    qc.privateMutations.status: QC_rare_mutations
+    qc.snpClusters.status: QC_snp_clusters
+    qc.frameShifts.status: QC_frame_shifts
+    qc.stopCodons.status: QC_stop_codons
+    frameShifts: frame_shifts
+    privateNucMutations.reversionSubstitutions: private_reversion_substitutions
+    privateNucMutations.labeledSubstitutions: private_labeled_substitutions
+    privateNucMutations.unlabeledSubstitutions: private_unlabeled_substitutions
+    privateNucMutations.totalReversionSubstitutions: private_total_reversion_substitutions
+    privateNucMutations.totalLabeledSubstitutions: private_total_labeled_substitutions
+    privateNucMutations.totalUnlabeledSubstitutions: private_total_unlabeled_substitutions
+    privateNucMutations.totalPrivateSubstitutions: private_total_private_substitutions
+    qc.snpClusters.clusteredSNPs: private_snp_clusters
+    qc.snpClusters.totalSNPs: private_total_snp_clusters
   id_field: "seqName"
diff --git a/ingest/defaults/nextclade_field_map.tsv b/ingest/defaults/nextclade_field_map.tsv
deleted file mode 100644
index e23c864..0000000
--- a/ingest/defaults/nextclade_field_map.tsv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# TSV file that is a mapping of column names for Nextclade output TSV
-# The first column should be the original column name of the Nextclade TSV
-# The second column should be the new column name to use in the final metadata TSV
-# Nextclade can have pathogen specific output columns so make sure to check which
-# columns would be useful for your downstream phylogenetic analysis.
-seqName	seqName
-clade	clade
-coverage	coverage
-totalMissing	missing_data
-totalSubstitutions	divergence
-totalNonACGTNs	nonACGTN
-qc.overallStatus	QC_overall
-qc.missingData.status	QC_missing_data
-qc.mixedSites.status	QC_mixed_sites
-qc.privateMutations.status	QC_rare_mutations
-qc.snpClusters.status	QC_snp_clusters
-qc.frameShifts.status	QC_frame_shifts
-qc.stopCodons.status	QC_stop_codons
-frameShifts	frame_shifts
-privateNucMutations.reversionSubstitutions	private_reversion_substitutions
-privateNucMutations.labeledSubstitutions	private_labeled_substitutions
-privateNucMutations.unlabeledSubstitutions	private_unlabeled_substitutions
-privateNucMutations.totalReversionSubstitutions	private_total_reversion_substitutions
-privateNucMutations.totalLabeledSubstitutions	private_total_labeled_substitutions
-privateNucMutations.totalUnlabeledSubstitutions	private_total_unlabeled_substitutions
-privateNucMutations.totalPrivateSubstitutions	private_total_private_substitutions
-qc.snpClusters.clusteredSNPs	private_snp_clusters
-qc.snpClusters.totalSNPs	private_total_snp_clusters
diff --git a/ingest/rules/nextclade.smk b/ingest/rules/nextclade.smk
index d88dcd6..ac0d311 100644
--- a/ingest/rules/nextclade.smk
+++ b/ingest/rules/nextclade.smk
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ and sequences.
 See Nextclade docs for more details on usage, inputs, and outputs if you would
 like to customize the rules
+import sys
 DATASET_NAME = config["nextclade"]["dataset_name"]
@@ -46,35 +48,53 @@ rule run_nextclade:
-rule join_metadata_and_nextclade:
+if isinstance(config["nextclade"]["field_map"], str):
+    print(f"Converting config['nextclade']['field_map'] from TSV file ({config['nextclade']['field_map']}) to dictionary; "
+          f"consider putting the field map directly in the config file.", file=sys.stderr)
+    with open(config["nextclade"]["field_map"], "r") as f:
+        config["nextclade"]["field_map"] = dict(line.rstrip("\n").split("\t", 1) for line in f if not line.startswith("#"))
+rule nextclade_metadata:
+    output:
+        nextclade_metadata=temp("results/nextclade_metadata.tsv"),
+    params:
+        nextclade_id_field=config["nextclade"]["id_field"],
+        nextclade_field_map=[f"{old}={new}" for old, new in config["nextclade"]["field_map"].items()],
+        nextclade_fields=",".join(config["nextclade"]["field_map"].values()),
+    shell:
+        r"""
+        augur curate rename \
+            --metadata {input.nextclade:q} \
+            --id-column {params.nextclade_id_field:q} \
+            --field-map {params.nextclade_field_map:q} \
+            --output-metadata - \
+        | tsv-select --header --fields {params.nextclade_fields:q} \
+        > {output.nextclade_metadata:q}
+        """
+rule join_metadata_and_nextclade:
+    input:
-        nextclade_field_map=config["nextclade"]["field_map"],
+        nextclade_metadata="results/nextclade_metadata.tsv",
+        r"""
+        augur merge \
+            --metadata \
+                metadata={input.metadata:q} \
+                nextclade={input.nextclade_metadata:q} \
+            --metadata-id-columns \
+                metadata={params.metadata_id_field:q} \
+                nextclade={params.nextclade_id_field:q} \
+            --output-metadata {output.metadata:q} \
+            --no-source-columns
-        export SUBSET_FIELDS=`grep -v '^#' {input.nextclade_field_map} | awk '{{print $1}}' | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//g'`
-        csvtk -tl cut -f $SUBSET_FIELDS \
-            {input.nextclade} \
-        | csvtk -tl rename2 \
-            -F \
-            -f '*' \
-            -p '(.+)' \
-            -r '{{kv}}' \
-            -k {input.nextclade_field_map} \
-        | tsv-join -H \
-            --filter-file - \
-            --key-fields {params.nextclade_id_field} \
-            --data-fields {params.metadata_id_field} \
-            --append-fields '*' \
-            --write-all ? \
-            {input.metadata} \
-        | tsv-select -H --exclude {params.nextclade_id_field} \
-            > {output.metadata}
-        """