This plugin adds support for serializing UObjects to json. It supports nested objects, arrays, structs, etc. It serializes all non-transient properties, and it does not serialize cyclical references.
It comes with one function:
TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> FJsonSerializationModule::SerializeUObjectToJson(const UObject* Object)
It's also got a blueprint function that does the same thing:
If you use the blueprint function, remember to enable the Json Blueprint Utilities
plugin to be able to convert the outputted json to a string in BP.
Here's an example of the output. Here's a blueprint:
And it's json serialization:
"StartTime": "2023.06.29-19.28.24",
"EndTime": "2023.06.29-19.28.25",
"BuildData": {
"BuildVersion": "++UE5+Release-5.2-CL-25360045",
"BuildConfiguration": "Development",
"PlatformName": "Windows"
"PlayerControllerData": [
"IsLocal": true,
"PawnData": [
"ClassName": "BP_PlayerCactusCharacter_C",
"PossessTime": "2023.06.29-19.28.24",
"Level": "/Game/Cactus/Maps/JobInterview/JobInterview.JobInterview:PersistentLevel",
"ExtraData": {
"DeathData": []
"IsUsingSteam": false,
"IsPlayInEditorSession": true
As you can see, it supports nested objects (BP_PlayerControllerData
) and arrays and structs.