diff --git a/website/docs/r/opensearch_domain.html.markdown b/website/docs/r/opensearch_domain.html.markdown
index 0bed22d4e6e..f23d55bdafd 100644
--- a/website/docs/r/opensearch_domain.html.markdown
+++ b/website/docs/r/opensearch_domain.html.markdown
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ AWS documentation: [Amazon Cognito Authentication for Kibana](https://docs.aws.a
* `ebs_enabled` - (Required) Whether EBS volumes are attached to data nodes in the domain.
* `iops` - (Optional) Baseline input/output (I/O) performance of EBS volumes attached to data nodes. Applicable only for the GP3 and Provisioned IOPS EBS volume types.
-* `throughput` - (Required if `volume_type` is set to `gp3`) Specifies the throughput (in MiB/s) of the EBS volumes attached to data nodes. Applicable only for the gp3 volume type. Valid values are between `125` and `1000`
+* `throughput` - (Required if `volume_type` is set to `gp3`) Specifies the throughput (in MiB/s) of the EBS volumes attached to data nodes. Applicable only for the gp3 volume type. Valid values are between `125` and `1000`.
* `volume_size` - (Required if `ebs_enabled` is set to `true`.) Size of EBS volumes attached to data nodes (in GiB).
* `volume_type` - (Optional) Type of EBS volumes attached to data nodes.