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+## 404: Sayfa bulunamadı
+### ENOENT: dosya yada dizin bulunamadı
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@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ joyent/node@0.12.x (V8 3.26) sürümü ile `--harmony` bayrağı tüm **tamamlan
Bu bayrağın belirtilmesi ile [proxies](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Proxy) gibi bazı bozuk veya hatalı özellikleri ile geliştiricilerin kullanımına hazır, az veya hiç hata belirtilmemiş [generators](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/function*) gibi özelliklerde aktif olacaktır.
Belirtilen sebeplerden ötürü en mantıklı uygulamalar, bazı özellikleri aktif etmek için özel bayraklar belirlemek (örn: `--harmony-generators`) veya tüm özellikleri etkinleştirip, daha sonra bir alt komut setini sınırlamak olacaktır.
-io.js@1.x (V8 4.1+) sürümüyle beraber tüm bu karmaşıklık ortadan kalkmaktadır. Tüm ES6 (harmoni) özellikleri **taşınıyor**, **düzenleme** ve **geliştirme** olmak üzere mantıksal üç gruba ayrılmıştır. Bu özellikler;
+io.js (V8 4.1+) sürümüyle beraber tüm bu karmaşıklık ortadan kalkmaktadır. Tüm ES6 (harmoni) özellikleri **taşınıyor**, **düzenleme** ve **geliştirme** olmak üzere mantıksal üç gruba ayrılmıştır. Bu özellikler;
-* Tüm **taşınıyor** özellikleri V8 tarafından kararlı olarak kabul görmüş, [generators](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/function*), [templates](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/template_strings), [yeni string metodları](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/New_in_JavaScript/ECMAScript_6_support_in_Mozilla#Additions_to_the_String_object) gibi özellikler ile **io.js tarafından varsayılan** olarak açılmış özelliklerdir ve herhangi bir çalışma bayrağına gerek **duymazlar**.
+* Tüm **taşınıyor** özellikleri V8 tarafından kararlı olarak kabul görmüş,[classes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Classes), [generators](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/function*), [templates](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/template_strings), [yeni string metodları](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/New_in_JavaScript/ECMAScript_6_support_in_Mozilla#Additions_to_the_String_object) gibi özellikler ile **io.js tarafından varsayılan** olarak açılmış özelliklerdir ve herhangi bir çalışma bayrağına gerek **duymazlar**.
* **düzenleme** durumunda ki özellikler testleri tamamlanmamış veya son tanımlayıcı dökümanına uygun hale getirilmemiş ve V8 takımı tarafından kararlı olarak belirtilmemiş özellikleri içerir. (örn: henüz keşfedilmemiş, araştırılmamış kısımlar olabilir). V8 3.26 sürümünde [generators](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/function*) bu duruma eşdeğer yapıdadır. Bu özellikleri kullanmakta ki riski göze alıyorsanız, `--es_staging` (veya eşanlamlısı `--harmony`) çalışma bayrağını kullanmanız gerekir.
* Yüksek ihtimalle test işlemlerinde dahi olsa sorun yaratacak, diğer tüm **geliştirme** aşamasındaki özellikleri kendilerine özel harmoni bayraklarıyla etkinleştirebilirsiniz. (örn: `--harmony_arrow_functions`)
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ io.js@1.x (V8 4.1+) sürümüyle beraber tüm bu karmaşıklık ortadan kalkmakt
* `function`-in-blocks
>V8 üstünde blok-alanına [özel, katı mod kodlama yapısına uyumlu olmayan sınırlama bulunmaktadır](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/v8-users/3UXNCkAU8Es). Geliştiriciler bu kuralın V8 üstünde, ilerleyen dönemlerde ES6 tanımlayıcı dökümanına uyumlu yapılacak güncellemelerle değişeceğini unutmamalıdır.
+* [Classlar](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Classes) (sadece strict modda)
* Koleksiyonlar
@@ -41,6 +42,8 @@ io.js@1.x (V8 4.1+) sürümüyle beraber tüm bu karmaşıklık ortadan kalkmakt
* [İkili ve Sekizli Sayısal Sabitler](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Lexical_grammar#Numeric_literals)
+* [Object literal extensions](https://github.com/lukehoban/es6features#enhanced-object-literals) (shorthand properties and methods)
* [Promises](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise)
* [Yeni String metodları](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/New_in_JavaScript/ECMAScript_6_support_in_Mozilla#Additions_to_the_String_object)
@@ -53,9 +56,6 @@ Ayrıntılı bir liste arıyorsanız, diğer derleyici motorlarının karşıla
## --es_staging bayrağı ile kullanılabilen ES6 özellikleri nelerdir?
-* [Classes](https://github.com/lukehoban/es6features#classes) (sadece katı modda kullanılabilir)
-* [Sabit Obje Uzantıları](https://github.com/lukehoban/es6features#enhanced-object-literals)
* [`Symbol.toStringTag`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Symbol) (kullanıcı tanımlı sonuçlar için `Object.prototype.toString`)
## --harmony bayrağı kullanan bir alt yapıya sahibim. Bu bayrağı kaldırmalımıyım?
diff --git a/content/tr/governance.md b/content/tr/governance.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# io.js Project Governance
+## Technical Committee
+The io.js project is jointly governed by a Technical Committee (TC)
+which is responsible for high-level guidance of the project.
+The TC has final authority over this project including:
+* Technical direction
+* Project governance and process (including this policy)
+* Contribution policy
+* GitHub repository hosting
+* Conduct guidelines
+* Maintaining the list of additional Collaborators
+Initial membership invitations to the TC were given to individuals who
+had been active contributors to io.js, and who have significant
+experience with the management of the io.js project. Membership is
+expected to evolve over time according to the needs of the project.
+For the current list of TC members, see the project
+## Collaborators
+The [iojs/io.js](https://github.com/nodejs/io.js) GitHub repository is
+maintained by the TC and additional Collaborators who are added by the
+TC on an ongoing basis.
+Individuals making significant and valuable contributions are made
+Collaborators and given commit-access to the project. These
+individuals are identified by the TC and their addition as
+Collaborators is discussed during the weekly TC meeting.
+_Note:_ If you make a significant contribution and are not considered
+for commit-access, log an issue or contact a TC member directly and it
+will be brought up in the next TC meeting.
+Modifications of the contents of the iojs/io.js repository are made on
+a collaborative basis. Anybody with a GitHub account may propose a
+modification via pull request and it will be considered by the project
+Collaborators. All pull requests must be reviewed and accepted by a
+Collaborator with sufficient expertise who is able to take full
+responsibility for the change. In the case of pull requests proposed
+by an existing Collaborator, an additional Collaborator is required
+for sign-off. Consensus should be sought if additional Collaborators
+participate and there is disagreement around a particular
+modification. See _Consensus Seeking Process_ below for further detail
+on the consensus model used for governance.
+Collaborators may opt to elevate significant or controversial
+modifications, or modifications that have not found consensus to the
+TC for discussion by assigning the ***tc-agenda*** tag to a pull
+request or issue. The TC should serve as the final arbiter where
+For the current list of Collaborators, see the project
+A guide for Collaborators is maintained in
+## TC Membership
+TC seats are not time-limited. There is no fixed size of the TC.
+However, the expected target is between 6 and 12, to ensure adequate
+coverage of important areas of expertise, balanced with the ability to
+make decisions efficiently.
+There is no specific set of requirements or qualifications for TC
+membership beyond these rules.
+The TC may add additional members to the TC by a standard TC motion.
+A TC member may be removed from the TC by voluntary resignation, or by
+a standard TC motion.
+Changes to TC membership should be posted in the agenda, and may be
+suggested as any other agenda item (see "TC Meetings" below).
+No more than 1/3 of the TC members may be affiliated with the same
+employer. If removal or resignation of a TC member, or a change of
+employment by a TC member, creates a situation where more than 1/3 of
+the TC membership shares an employer, then the situation must be
+immediately remedied by the resignation or removal of one or more TC
+members affiliated with the over-represented employer(s).
+## TC Meetings
+The TC meets weekly on a Google Hangout On Air. The meeting is run by
+a designated moderator approved by the TC. Each meeting should be
+published to YouTube.
+Items are added to the TC agenda which are considered contentious or
+are modifications of governance, contribution policy, TC membership,
+or release process.
+The intention of the agenda is not to approve or review all patches.
+That should happen continuously on GitHub and be handled by the larger
+group of Collaborators.
+Any community member or contributor can ask that something be added to
+the next meeting's agenda by logging a GitHub Issue. Any Collaborator,
+TC member or the moderator can add the item to the agenda by adding
+the ***tc-agenda*** tag to the issue.
+Prior to each TC meeting, the moderator will share the Agenda with
+members of the TC. TC members can add any items they like to the
+agenda at the beginning of each meeting. The moderator and the TC
+cannot veto or remove items.
+The TC may invite persons or representatives from certain projects to
+participate in a non-voting capacity. These invitees currently are:
+* A representative from [build](https://github.com/node-forward/build)
+ chosen by that project.
+The moderator is responsible for summarizing the discussion of each
+agenda item and sending it as a pull request after the meeting.
+## Consensus Seeking Process
+The TC follows a
+[Consensus Seeking](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consensus-seeking_decision-making)
+decision making model.
+When an agenda item has appeared to reach a consensus, the moderator
+will ask "Does anyone object?" as a final call for dissent from the
+If an agenda item cannot reach a consensus, a TC member can call for
+either a closing vote or a vote to table the issue to the next
+meeting. The call for a vote must be approved by a majority of the TC
+or else the discussion will continue. Simple majority wins.
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-# JavaScript I/O
-[ES6](es6.html)'ı Node topluluğuna kazandırdık
-[io.js](https://github.com/nodejs/io.js), [node.js](https://nodejs.org/)™'e dayalı ve [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/)'le uyumlu bir platformdur.
-[Sürüm {{project.current_version}}](https://iojs.org/dist/v{{project.current_version}}/)
-Yüklenebilir Dağıtımlar
-[Win32](https://iojs.org/dist/v{{project.current_version}}/iojs-v{{project.current_version}}-x86.msi), [Win64](https://iojs.org/dist/v{{project.current_version}}/iojs-v{{project.current_version}}-x64.msi),
-ve [diğerleri](https://iojs.org/dist/v{{project.current_version}}/)
-Test amaçlı olarak [gecelik derlemeleri kullanabilirsiniz](https://iojs.org/download/nightly/)
-[Sık Sorulan Sorular](faq.html)
diff --git a/content/tr/template.json b/content/tr/template.json
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--- a/content/tr/template.json
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@@ -1,14 +1,55 @@
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- "logo-text":"io.js",
- "roadmap-url": "http://roadmap.iojs.org/tr/",
- "roadmap-link": "Roadmap",
- "faq-link":"SSS",
- "es6-link":"ES6",
- "api-link":"API Dökümanları",
- "issues-link":"GitHub Hatalar",
- "org-link":"GitHub Org",
- "irc-link":"IRC Chat",
- "irc-logs-link":"Kayıtlar",
- "gov-link":"Yönetim Modeli"
+ "browser-title": "io.js - JavaScript I/O",
+ "contribute-message": "See something you like? Want to help? Visit https://github.com/nodejs/website to contribute",
+ "heading-languages": "Diller",
+ "logo-text": "io.js",
+ "roadmap-url": "http://roadmap.iojs.org",
+ "roadmap-link": "Yol Haritası",
+ "faq-link": "SSS",
+ "es6-link": "ES6",
+ "api-link": "API Dökümanları",
+ "issues-link": "GitHub Hatalar",
+ "org-link": "GitHub Org",
+ "irc-link": "IRC Chat",
+ "irc-logs-link": "Kayıtlar",
+ "gov-link": "Yönetim Modeli",
+ "downloads": {
+ "linux": "Linux",
+ "win32": "Win32",
+ "win64": "Win64",
+ "mac": "Mac",
+ "all": "Diğerleri"
+ },
+ "verbose_version": "Sürüm {{project.current_version}}",
+ "home": {
+ "download_links": "Yüklenebilir Dağıtımlar {{> current_download_links}}",
+ "faq_verbose": "{{link 'pages.faq_verbose'}}",
+ "nightly_releases": "{{link 'Gecelik Derlemeler' 'https://iojs.org/download/nightly/'}}'i Test amaçlı olarak kullanabilirsiniz,
ve {{link 'gelecek major versiyonuda ' 'https://iojs.org/download/next-nightly/'}} iojs'da kullanabilirsiniz.",
+ "short_description": "{{link 'website'}},{{link 'nodejs'}}™'e dayalı ve {link 'npm'}}'le uyumlu bir platformdur.",
+ "slogan": "{{link 'pages.es6'}}'ı Node topluluğuna kazandırdık!",
+ "news_link": "{{link 'Haftalık Bülten – 19 Haziran: Linux vakfı Node.js Vakfını duyurdu' 'https://medium.com/iojstr-haftalik-bulten/io-js-19-may%C4%B1s-2015-haftas%C4%B1-5720853aeeaf'}}
diğer bültenler için ({{link 'Medium Bülten Arşivine göz atın' 'https://medium.com/@iojs_tr/latest'}})"
+ },
+ "releases": {
+ "title": "io.js Sürüm Geçmişi",
+ "downloads": "Linkler"
+ },
+ "links": {
+ "nodejs": "Node.js™",
+ "npm": "npm",
+ "website": "io.js",
+ "pages": {
+ "changelog": "Değişiklikler",
+ "releases": "Sürümler",
+ "home": "Anasayfa",
+ "es6": "ES6",
+ "faq": "SSS",
+ "faq_verbose": "Sık Sorulan Sorular"
+ },
+ "rss": [
+ {
+ "title": "Haftalık Bültenler (Medium)",
+ "url": "https://medium.com/feed/@iojs_tr"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/content/tr/working-groups.md b/content/tr/working-groups.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+# io.js Working Groups
+io.js Working Groups are autonomous projects created by the
+[Technical Committee (TC)](https://github.com/nodejs/io.js/blob/master/GOVERNANCE.md#technical-committee).
+Working Groups can be formed at any time but must be ratified by the TC.
+Once formed the work defined in the Working Group charter is the
+responsibility of the WG rather than the TC.
+It is important that Working Groups are not formed pre-maturely. Working
+Groups are not formed to *begin* a set of tasks but instead are formed
+once that work is already underway and the contributors
+think it would benefit from being done as an autonomous project.
+If the work defined in a Working Group charter is completed the Working
+Group should be dissolved and the responsibility for governance absorbed
+back in to the TC.
+## Current Working Groups
+* [Website](#website)
+* [Streams](#streams)
+* [Build](#build)
+* [Tracing](#tracing)
+* [i18n](#i18n)
+* [Evangelism](#evangelism)
+* [Roadmap](#roadmap)
+* [Docker](#docker)
+* [Addon API](#addon-api)
+* [Starting a Working Group](#starting-a-wg)
+* [Bootstrap Governance](#bootstrap-governance)
+### [Website](https://github.com/nodejs/website)
+The website working group's purpose is to build and maintain a public
+website for the `io.js` project.
+Its responsibilities are:
+* Develop and maintain a build and automation system for `iojs.org`.
+* Ensure the site is regularly updated with changes made to `io.js` like
+releases and features.
+* Foster and enable a community of translators.
+### [Streams](https://github.com/nodejs/readable-stream)
+The Streams WG is dedicated to the support and improvement of the Streams API
+as used in io.js and the npm ecosystem. We seek to create a composable API that
+solves the problem of representing multiple occurrences of an event over time
+in a humane, low-overhead fashion. Improvements to the API will be driven by
+the needs of the ecosystem; interoperability and backwards compatibility with
+other solutions and prior versions are paramount in importance. Our
+responsibilities include:
+* Addressing stream issues on the io.js issue tracker.
+* Authoring and editing stream documentation within the io.js project.
+* Reviewing changes to stream subclasses within the io.js project.
+* Redirecting changes to streams from the io.js project to this project.
+* Assisting in the implementation of stream providers within io.js.
+* Recommending versions of readable-stream to be included in io.js.
+* Messaging about the future of streams to give the community advance notice of changes.
+### [Build](https://github.com/nodejs/build)
+The build working group's purpose is to create and maintain a
+distributed automation infrastructure.
+Its responsibilities are:
+* Produce Packages for all target platforms.
+* Run tests.
+* Run performance testing and comparisons.
+* Creates and manages build-containers.
+### [Tracing](https://github.com/nodejs/tracing-wg)
+The tracing working group's purpose is to increase the
+transparency of software written in io.js.
+Its responsibilities are:
+* Collaboration with V8 to integrate with `trace_event`.
+* Maintenance and iteration on AsyncWrap.
+* Maintenance and improvements to system tracing support (DTrace, LTTng, etc.)
+* Documentation of tracing and debugging techniques.
+* Fostering a tracing and debugging ecosystem.
+### i18n
+The i18n working groups handle more than just translations. They
+are endpoints for community members to collaborate with each
+other in their language of choice.
+Each team is organized around a common spoken language. Each
+language community might then produce multiple localizations for
+various project resources.
+Their responsibilities are:
+* Translations of any io.js materials they believe are relevant to their
+* Review processes for keeping translations up
+to date and of high quality.
+* Social media channels in their language.
+* Promotion of io.js speakers for meetups and conferences in their
+Each language community maintains its own membership.
+* [iojs-ar - Arabic (اللغة العربية)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-ar)
+* [iojs-bg - Bulgarian (български език)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-bg)
+* [iojs-bn - Bengali (বাংলা)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-bn)
+* [iojs-cn - Chinese (中文)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-cn)
+* [iojs-cs - Czech (Český Jazyk)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-cs)
+* [iojs-da - Danish (Dansk)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-da)
+* [iojs-de - German (Deutsch)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-de)
+* [iojs-el - Greek (Ελληνικά)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-el)
+* [iojs-es - Spanish (Español)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-es)
+* [iojs-fa - Persian (فارسی)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-fa)
+* [iojs-fi - Finnish (Suomi)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-fi)
+* [iojs-fr - French (Français)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-fr)
+* [iojs-he - Hebrew (עברית)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-he)
+* [iojs-hi - Hindi (फिजी बात)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-hi)
+* [iojs-hu - Hungarian (Magyar)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-hu)
+* [iojs-id - Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-id)
+* [iojs-it - Italian (Italiano)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-it)
+* [iojs-ja - Japanese (日本語)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-ja)
+* [iojs-ka - Georgian (ქართული)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-ka)
+* [iojs-ko - Korean (조선말)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-ko)
+* [iojs-mk - Macedonian (Mакедонски)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-mk)
+* [iojs-ms - Malay (بهاس ملايو)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-ms)
+* [iojs-nl - Dutch (Nederlands)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-nl)
+* [iojs-no - Norwegian (Norsk)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-no)
+* [iojs-pl - Polish (Język Polski)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-pl)
+* [iojs-pt - Portuguese (Português)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-pt)
+* [iojs-ro - Romanian (Română)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-ro)
+* [iojs-ru - Russian (Русский)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-ru)
+* [iojs-sv - Swedish (Svenska)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-sv)
+* [iojs-ta - Tamil (தமிழ்)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-ta)
+* [iojs-tr - Turkish (Türkçe)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-tr)
+* [iojs-tw - Taiwanese (Hō-ló)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-tw)
+* [iojs-uk - Ukrainian (Українська)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-uk)
+* [iojs-vi - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việtnam)](https://github.com/nodejs/iojs-vi)
+### [Evangelism](https://github.com/nodejs/evangelism)
+The evangelism working group promotes the accomplishments
+of io.js and lets the community know how they can get involved.
+Their responsibilities are:
+* Project messaging.
+* Official project social media.
+* Promotion of speakers for meetups and conferences.
+* Promotion of community events.
+* Publishing regular update summaries and other promotional
+### [Roadmap](https://github.com/nodejs/roadmap)
+The roadmap working group is responsible for user community outreach
+and the translation of their concerns into a plan of action for io.js.
+The final [ROADMAP](./ROADMAP.md) document is still owned by the TC and requires
+the same approval for changes as any other project asset.
+Their responsibilities are:
+* Attract and summarize user community needs and feedback.
+* Find or potentially create tools that allow for broader participation.
+* Create Pull Requests for relevant changes to [Roadmap.md](./ROADMAP.md)
+### [Docker](https://github.com/nodejs/docker-iojs)
+The Docker working group's purpose is to build, maintain, and improve official
+Docker images for the `io.js` project.
+Their responsibilities are:
+* Keep the official Docker images updated in line with new `io.js` releases.
+* Decide and implement image improvements and/or fixes.
+* Maintain and improve the images' documentation.
+### [Addon API](https://github.com/nodejs/nan)
+The Addon API Working Group is responsible for maintaining the NAN project and
+corresponding _nan_ package in npm. The NAN project makes available an
+abstraction layer for native add-on authors for both Node.js and io.js,
+assisting in the writing of code that is compatible with many actively used
+versions of Node.js, io.js, V8 and libuv.
+Their responsibilities are:
+* Maintaining the [NAN](https://github.com/nodejs/nan) GitHub repository,
+ including code, issues and documentation.
+* Maintaining the [addon-examples](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples)
+ GitHub repository, including code, issues and documentation.
+* Maintaining the C++ Addon API within the io.js project, in subordination to
+ the io.js TC.
+* Maintaining the Addon documentation within the io.js project, in
+ subordination to the io.js TC.
+* Maintaining the _nan_ package in npm, releasing new versions as appropriate.
+* Messaging about the future of the io.js and NAN interface to give the
+ community advance notice of changes.
+The current members can be found in their
+## Starting a WG
+A Working Group is established by first defining a charter that can be
+ratified by the TC. A charter is a *statement of purpose*, a
+*list of responsibilities* and a *list of initial membership*.
+A working group needs 3 initial members. These should be individuals
+already undertaking the work described in the charter.
+The list of responsibilities should be specific. Once established, these
+responsibilities are no longer governed by the TC and therefore should
+not be broad or subjective. The only recourse the TC has over the working
+group is to revoke the entire charter and take on the work previously
+done by the working group themselves.
+If the responsibilities described in the charter are currently
+undertaken by another WG then the charter will additionally have to be
+ratified by that WG.
+You can submit the WG charter for ratification by sending
+a Pull Request to this document, which adds it to the
+list of current Working Groups. Once ratified the list of
+members should be maintained in the Working Group's
+## Bootstrap Governance
+Once the TC ratifies a charter the WG inherits the following
+documentation for governance, contribution, conduct and an MIT
+LICENSE. The WG is free to change these documents through their own
+governance process, hence the term "bootstrap."
+### *[insert WG name]* Working Group
+The io.js *[insert WG name]* is jointly governed by a Working Group (WG)
+that is responsible for high-level guidance of the project.
+The WG has final authority over this project including:
+* Technical direction
+* Project governance and process (including this policy)
+* Contribution policy
+* GitHub repository hosting
+* Conduct guidelines
+* Maintaining the list of additional Collaborators
+For the current list of WG members, see the project
+### Collaborators
+The *[insert WG name]* GitHub repository is
+maintained by the WG and additional Collaborators who are added by the
+WG on an ongoing basis.
+Individuals making significant and valuable contributions are made
+Collaborators and given commit-access to the project. These
+individuals are identified by the WG and their addition as
+Collaborators is discussed during the weekly WG meeting.
+_Note:_ If you make a significant contribution and are not considered
+for commit-access log an issue or contact a WG member directly and it
+will be brought up in the next WG meeting.
+Modifications of the contents of the *[insert WG repo]* repository are made on
+a collaborative basis. Anybody with a GitHub account may propose a
+modification via pull request and it will be considered by the project
+Collaborators. All pull requests must be reviewed and accepted by a
+Collaborator with sufficient expertise who is able to take full
+responsibility for the change. In the case of pull requests proposed
+by an existing Collaborator, an additional Collaborator is required
+for sign-off. Consensus should be sought if additional Collaborators
+participate and there is disagreement around a particular
+modification. See _Consensus Seeking Process_ below for further detail
+on the consensus model used for governance.
+Collaborators may opt to elevate significant or controversial
+modifications, or modifications that have not found consensus to the
+WG for discussion by assigning the ***WG-agenda*** tag to a pull
+request or issue. The WG should serve as the final arbiter where
+For the current list of Collaborators, see the project
+### WG Membership
+WG seats are not time-limited. There is no fixed size of the WG.
+However, the expected target is between 6 and 12, to ensure adequate
+coverage of important areas of expertise, balanced with the ability to
+make decisions efficiently.
+There is no specific set of requirements or qualifications for WG
+membership beyond these rules.
+The WG may add additional members to the WG by unanimous consensus.
+A WG member may be removed from the WG by voluntary resignation, or by
+unanimous consensus of all other WG members.
+Changes to WG membership should be posted in the agenda, and may be
+suggested as any other agenda item (see "WG Meetings" below).
+If an addition or removal is proposed during a meeting, and the full
+WG is not in attendance to participate, then the addition or removal
+is added to the agenda for the subsequent meeting. This is to ensure
+that all members are given the opportunity to participate in all
+membership decisions. If a WG member is unable to attend a meeting
+where a planned membership decision is being made, then their consent
+is assumed.
+No more than 1/3 of the WG members may be affiliated with the same
+employer. If removal or resignation of a WG member, or a change of
+employment by a WG member, creates a situation where more than 1/3 of
+the WG membership shares an employer, then the situation must be
+immediately remedied by the resignation or removal of one or more WG
+members affiliated with the over-represented employer(s).
+### WG Meetings
+The WG meets weekly on a Google Hangout On Air. A designated moderator
+approved by the WG runs the meeting. Each meeting should be
+published to YouTube.
+Items are added to the WG agenda that are considered contentious or
+are modifications of governance, contribution policy, WG membership,
+or release process.
+The intention of the agenda is not to approve or review all patches;
+that should happen continuously on GitHub and be handled by the larger
+group of Collaborators.
+Any community member or contributor can ask that something be added to
+the next meeting's agenda by logging a GitHub Issue. Any Collaborator,
+WG member or the moderator can add the item to the agenda by adding
+the ***WG-agenda*** tag to the issue.
+Prior to each WG meeting the moderator will share the Agenda with
+members of the WG. WG members can add any items they like to the
+agenda at the beginning of each meeting. The moderator and the WG
+cannot veto or remove items.
+The WG may invite persons or representatives from certain projects to
+participate in a non-voting capacity.
+The moderator is responsible for summarizing the discussion of each
+agenda item and sends it as a pull request after the meeting.
+### Consensus Seeking Process
+The WG follows a
+[Consensus Seeking](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consensus-seeking_decision-making)
+decision-making model.
+When an agenda item has appeared to reach a consensus the moderator
+will ask "Does anyone object?" as a final call for dissent from the
+If an agenda item cannot reach a consensus a WG member can call for
+either a closing vote or a vote to table the issue to the next
+meeting. The call for a vote must be seconded by a majority of the WG
+or else the discussion will continue. Simple majority wins.
+Note that changes to WG membership require unanimous consensus. See
+"WG Membership" above.
+### Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.0
+By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:
+* (a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
+ have the right to submit it under the open source license indicated
+ in the file; or
+* (b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
+ of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source license
+ and I have the right under that license to submit that work with
+ modifications, whether created in whole or in part by me, under the
+ same open source license (unless I am permitted to submit under a
+ different license), as indicated in the file; or
+* (c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
+ person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified it.
+### Code of Conduct
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from [Rust's wonderful
+* We are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming
+ environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation,
+ disability, ethnicity, religion, or similar personal characteristic.
+* Please avoid using overtly sexual nicknames or other nicknames that
+ might detract from a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for
+ all.
+* Please be kind and courteous. There's no need to be mean or rude.
+* Respect that people have differences of opinion and that every
+ design or implementation choice carries a trade-off and numerous
+ costs. There is seldom a right answer.
+* Please keep unstructured critique to a minimum. If you have solid
+ ideas you want to experiment with, make a fork and see how it works.
+* We will exclude you from interaction if you insult, demean or harass
+ anyone. That is not welcome behaviour. We interpret the term
+ "harassment" as including the definition in the [Citizen Code of
+ Conduct](http://citizencodeofconduct.org/); if you have any lack of
+ clarity about what might be included in that concept, please read
+ their definition. In particular, we don't tolerate behavior that
+ excludes people in socially marginalized groups.
+* Private harassment is also unacceptable. No matter who you are, if
+ you feel you have been or are being harassed or made uncomfortable
+ by a community member, please contact one of the channel ops or any
+ of the TC members immediately with a capture (log, photo, email) of
+ the harassment if possible. Whether you're a regular contributor or
+ a newcomer, we care about making this community a safe place for you
+ and we've got your back.
+* Likewise any spamming, trolling, flaming, baiting or other
+ attention-stealing behaviour is not welcome.
+* Avoid the use of personal pronouns in code comments or
+ documentation. There is no need to address persons when explaining
+ code (e.g. "When the developer")