From 7bd0606367db5d534696892884ac30604c9d8a4b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anatoli Papirovski <>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2017 13:20:37 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] http2: set decodeStrings to false, test

Set writableStream decodeStrings to false to let the
native layer handle converting strings to buffer.
 benchmark/http2/write.js                   | 28 +++++++++
 lib/internal/http2/core.js                 | 11 ++--
 test/parallel/test-http2-createwritereq.js | 68 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 benchmark/http2/write.js
 create mode 100644 test/parallel/test-http2-createwritereq.js

diff --git a/benchmark/http2/write.js b/benchmark/http2/write.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..df76794468b4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmark/http2/write.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common.js');
+const PORT = common.PORT;
+var bench = common.createBenchmark(main, {
+  streams: [100, 200, 1000],
+  length: [64 * 1024, 128 * 1024, 256 * 1024, 1024 * 1024],
+}, { flags: ['--expose-http2', '--no-warnings'] });
+function main(conf) {
+  const m = +conf.streams;
+  const l = +conf.length;
+  const http2 = require('http2');
+  const server = http2.createServer();
+  server.on('stream', (stream) => {
+    stream.respond();
+    stream.write('ΓΌ'.repeat(l));
+    stream.end();
+  });
+  server.listen(PORT, () => {
+    bench.http({
+      path: '/',
+      requests: 10000,
+      maxConcurrentStreams: m,
+    }, () => { server.close(); });
+  });
diff --git a/lib/internal/http2/core.js b/lib/internal/http2/core.js
index 492a2baa5fb77e..df49d9d41cacd0 100644
--- a/lib/internal/http2/core.js
+++ b/lib/internal/http2/core.js
@@ -1154,11 +1154,6 @@ class ClientHttp2Session extends Http2Session {
 function createWriteReq(req, handle, data, encoding) {
   switch (encoding) {
-    case 'latin1':
-    case 'binary':
-      return handle.writeLatin1String(req, data);
-    case 'buffer':
-      return handle.writeBuffer(req, data);
     case 'utf8':
     case 'utf-8':
       return handle.writeUtf8String(req, data);
@@ -1169,6 +1164,11 @@ function createWriteReq(req, handle, data, encoding) {
     case 'utf16le':
     case 'utf-16le':
       return handle.writeUcs2String(req, data);
+    case 'latin1':
+    case 'binary':
+      return handle.writeLatin1String(req, data);
+    case 'buffer':
+      return handle.writeBuffer(req, data);
       return handle.writeBuffer(req, Buffer.from(data, encoding));
@@ -1280,6 +1280,7 @@ function abort(stream) {
 class Http2Stream extends Duplex {
   constructor(session, options) {
     options.allowHalfOpen = true;
+    options.decodeStrings = false;
     this[kSession] = session;
diff --git a/test/parallel/test-http2-createwritereq.js b/test/parallel/test-http2-createwritereq.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..7e4bd5cf112ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/parallel/test-http2-createwritereq.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// Flags: --expose-http2
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+if (!common.hasCrypto)
+  common.skip('missing crypto');
+const assert = require('assert');
+const http2 = require('http2');
+// Tests that write uses the correct encoding when writing
+// using the helper function createWriteReq
+const testString = 'a\u00A1\u0100\uD83D\uDE00';
+const encodings = {
+  'buffer': 'utf8',
+  'ascii': 'ascii',
+  'latin1': 'latin1',
+  'binary': 'latin1',
+  'utf8': 'utf8',
+  'utf-8': 'utf8',
+  'ucs2': 'ucs2',
+  'ucs-2': 'ucs2',
+  'utf16le': 'ucs2',
+  'utf-16le': 'ucs2',
+  'UTF8': 'utf8' // should fall through to Buffer.from
+const testsToRun = Object.keys(encodings).length;
+let testsFinished = 0;
+const server = http2.createServer(common.mustCall((req, res) => {
+  const testEncoding = encodings[req.path.slice(1)];
+  req.on('data', common.mustCall((chunk) => assert.ok(
+    Buffer.from(testString, testEncoding).equals(chunk)
+  )));
+  req.on('end', () => res.end());
+}, Object.keys(encodings).length));
+server.listen(0, common.mustCall(function() {
+  Object.keys(encodings).forEach((writeEncoding) => {
+    const client = http2.connect(`http://localhost:${this.address().port}`);
+    const req = client.request({
+      ':path': `/${writeEncoding}`,
+      ':method': 'POST'
+    });
+    assert.strictEqual(req._writableState.decodeStrings, false);
+    req.write(
+      writeEncoding !== 'buffer' ? testString : Buffer.from(testString),
+      writeEncoding !== 'buffer' ? writeEncoding : undefined
+    );
+    req.resume();
+    req.on('end', common.mustCall(function() {
+      client.destroy();
+      testsFinished++;
+      if (testsFinished === testsToRun) {
+        server.close();
+      }
+    }));
+    req.end();
+  });