From 494a0b82450e40050ff0b2097dfa6e199aa70417 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Node.js GitHub Bot" <>
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2024 00:33:34 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] deps: update nghttp2 to 1.64.0

 deps/nghttp2/lib/                  |    1 +
 deps/nghttp2/lib/includes/         |    1 +
 deps/nghttp2/lib/includes/nghttp2/nghttp2.h   |  220 +-
 .../nghttp2/lib/includes/nghttp2/nghttp2ver.h |    4 +-
 deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_callbacks.c          |  100 +-
 deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_debug.c              |    6 +-
 deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_frame.c              |   12 +-
 deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd.c                 |  189 +-
 deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd_huffman.c         |    2 +-
 deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd_huffman_data.c    | 9896 ++++++++---------
 deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_helper.c             |  770 +-
 deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_helper.h             |   36 +-
 deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_http.c               |   90 +-
 deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_map.c                |  218 +-
 deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_map.h                |   60 +-
 deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_option.c             |    6 +-
 deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_queue.c              |    2 +-
 deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_session.c            |  552 +-
 deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_stream.c             |   14 +-
 deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_stream.h             |   15 +-
 deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_submit.c             |   43 +-
 deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_time.c               |    2 +-
 deps/nghttp2/lib/sfparse.c                    |   29 +-
 23 files changed, 6139 insertions(+), 6129 deletions(-)

diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/
index c4ab62421eaab0..14686ef14b1a4f 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/includes/ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/includes/
index e2150c10c6dd1d..778dcb874c926b 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/includes/
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/includes/
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/includes/nghttp2/nghttp2.h b/deps/nghttp2/lib/includes/nghttp2/nghttp2.h
index 5afd02479c34eb..2ef49b8d68f4ed 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/includes/nghttp2/nghttp2.h
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/includes/nghttp2/nghttp2.h
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ extern "C" {
 #  define NGHTTP2_EXTERN
-#elif defined(WIN32) || (__has_declspec_attribute(dllexport) &&                \
-                         __has_declspec_attribute(dllimport))
+#elif defined(WIN32) ||                                                        \
+  (__has_declspec_attribute(dllexport) && __has_declspec_attribute(dllimport))
 #    define NGHTTP2_EXTERN __declspec(dllexport)
 #  else /* !BUILDING_NGHTTP2 */
@@ -977,8 +977,8 @@ typedef enum {
  * signal the entire session failure.
 typedef ssize_t (*nghttp2_data_source_read_callback)(
-    nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id, uint8_t *buf, size_t length,
-    uint32_t *data_flags, nghttp2_data_source *source, void *user_data);
+  nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id, uint8_t *buf, size_t length,
+  uint32_t *data_flags, nghttp2_data_source *source, void *user_data);
 #endif /* NGHTTP2_NO_SSIZE_T */
@@ -1046,8 +1046,8 @@ typedef ssize_t (*nghttp2_data_source_read_callback)(
  * signal the entire session failure.
 typedef nghttp2_ssize (*nghttp2_data_source_read_callback2)(
-    nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id, uint8_t *buf, size_t length,
-    uint32_t *data_flags, nghttp2_data_source *source, void *user_data);
+  nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id, uint8_t *buf, size_t length,
+  uint32_t *data_flags, nghttp2_data_source *source, void *user_data);
@@ -1708,8 +1708,8 @@ typedef int (*nghttp2_on_frame_recv_callback)(nghttp2_session *session,
  * `nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_invalid_frame_recv_callback()`.
 typedef int (*nghttp2_on_invalid_frame_recv_callback)(
-    nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_frame *frame, int lib_error_code,
-    void *user_data);
+  nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_frame *frame, int lib_error_code,
+  void *user_data);
  * @functypedef
@@ -2069,9 +2069,9 @@ typedef int (*nghttp2_on_header_callback2)(nghttp2_session *session,
  * not reset.
 typedef int (*nghttp2_on_invalid_header_callback)(
-    nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_frame *frame, const uint8_t *name,
-    size_t namelen, const uint8_t *value, size_t valuelen, uint8_t flags,
-    void *user_data);
+  nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_frame *frame, const uint8_t *name,
+  size_t namelen, const uint8_t *value, size_t valuelen, uint8_t flags,
+  void *user_data);
  * @functypedef
@@ -2102,8 +2102,8 @@ typedef int (*nghttp2_on_invalid_header_callback)(
  * :enum:`nghttp2_error.NGHTTP2_ERR_TEMPORAL_CALLBACK_FAILURE`.
 typedef int (*nghttp2_on_invalid_header_callback2)(
-    nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_frame *frame, nghttp2_rcbuf *name,
-    nghttp2_rcbuf *value, uint8_t flags, void *user_data);
+  nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_frame *frame, nghttp2_rcbuf *name,
+  nghttp2_rcbuf *value, uint8_t flags, void *user_data);
@@ -2155,8 +2155,8 @@ typedef ssize_t (*nghttp2_select_padding_callback)(nghttp2_session *session,
  * `nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_select_padding_callback2()`.
 typedef nghttp2_ssize (*nghttp2_select_padding_callback2)(
-    nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_frame *frame, size_t max_payloadlen,
-    void *user_data);
+  nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_frame *frame, size_t max_payloadlen,
+  void *user_data);
@@ -2190,9 +2190,9 @@ typedef nghttp2_ssize (*nghttp2_select_padding_callback2)(
  * `nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_data_source_read_length_callback()`.
 typedef ssize_t (*nghttp2_data_source_read_length_callback)(
-    nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t frame_type, int32_t stream_id,
-    int32_t session_remote_window_size, int32_t stream_remote_window_size,
-    uint32_t remote_max_frame_size, void *user_data);
+  nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t frame_type, int32_t stream_id,
+  int32_t session_remote_window_size, int32_t stream_remote_window_size,
+  uint32_t remote_max_frame_size, void *user_data);
 #endif /* NGHTTP2_NO_SSIZE_T */
@@ -2222,9 +2222,9 @@ typedef ssize_t (*nghttp2_data_source_read_length_callback)(
  * `nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_data_source_read_length_callback2()`.
 typedef nghttp2_ssize (*nghttp2_data_source_read_length_callback2)(
-    nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t frame_type, int32_t stream_id,
-    int32_t session_remote_window_size, int32_t stream_remote_window_size,
-    uint32_t remote_max_frame_size, void *user_data);
+  nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t frame_type, int32_t stream_id,
+  int32_t session_remote_window_size, int32_t stream_remote_window_size,
+  uint32_t remote_max_frame_size, void *user_data);
  * @functypedef
@@ -2274,8 +2274,8 @@ typedef int (*nghttp2_on_begin_frame_callback)(nghttp2_session *session,
  * :enum:`nghttp2_error.NGHTTP2_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE`.
 typedef int (*nghttp2_on_extension_chunk_recv_callback)(
-    nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_frame_hd *hd, const uint8_t *data,
-    size_t len, void *user_data);
+  nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_frame_hd *hd, const uint8_t *data,
+  size_t len, void *user_data);
  * @functypedef
@@ -2386,8 +2386,8 @@ typedef ssize_t (*nghttp2_pack_extension_callback)(nghttp2_session *session,
  * :enum:`nghttp2_error.NGHTTP2_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE`.
 typedef nghttp2_ssize (*nghttp2_pack_extension_callback2)(
-    nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t *buf, size_t len,
-    const nghttp2_frame *frame, void *user_data);
+  nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t *buf, size_t len,
+  const nghttp2_frame *frame, void *user_data);
  * @functypedef
@@ -2499,7 +2499,7 @@ nghttp2_session_callbacks_del(nghttp2_session_callbacks *callbacks);
  * transmit.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_send_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_send_callback send_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_send_callback send_callback);
 #endif /* NGHTTP2_NO_SSIZE_T */
@@ -2512,7 +2512,7 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_send_callback(
  * transmit.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_send_callback2(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_send_callback2 send_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_send_callback2 send_callback);
@@ -2529,7 +2529,7 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_send_callback2(
  * received data.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_recv_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_recv_callback recv_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_recv_callback recv_callback);
 #endif /* NGHTTP2_NO_SSIZE_T */
@@ -2542,7 +2542,7 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_recv_callback(
  * received data.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_recv_callback2(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_recv_callback2 recv_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_recv_callback2 recv_callback);
  * @function
@@ -2551,8 +2551,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_recv_callback2(
  * `nghttp2_session_mem_recv2()` when a frame is received.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_frame_recv_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_frame_recv_callback on_frame_recv_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_frame_recv_callback on_frame_recv_callback);
  * @function
@@ -2563,8 +2563,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_frame_recv_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_invalid_frame_recv_callback on_invalid_frame_recv_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_invalid_frame_recv_callback on_invalid_frame_recv_callback);
  * @function
@@ -2573,8 +2573,8 @@ nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_invalid_frame_recv_callback(
  * is received.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_data_chunk_recv_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_data_chunk_recv_callback on_data_chunk_recv_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_data_chunk_recv_callback on_data_chunk_recv_callback);
  * @function
@@ -2582,8 +2582,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_data_chunk_recv_callback(
  * Sets callback function invoked before a non-DATA frame is sent.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_before_frame_send_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_before_frame_send_callback before_frame_send_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_before_frame_send_callback before_frame_send_callback);
  * @function
@@ -2591,8 +2591,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_before_frame_send_callback(
  * Sets callback function invoked after a frame is sent.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_frame_send_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_frame_send_callback on_frame_send_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_frame_send_callback on_frame_send_callback);
  * @function
@@ -2601,8 +2601,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_frame_send_callback(
  * because of an error.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_frame_not_send_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_frame_not_send_callback on_frame_not_send_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_frame_not_send_callback on_frame_not_send_callback);
  * @function
@@ -2610,8 +2610,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_frame_not_send_callback(
  * Sets callback function invoked when the stream is closed.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_stream_close_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_stream_close_callback on_stream_close_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_stream_close_callback on_stream_close_callback);
  * @function
@@ -2620,8 +2620,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_stream_close_callback(
  * in HEADERS or PUSH_PROMISE is started.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_begin_headers_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_begin_headers_callback on_begin_headers_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_begin_headers_callback on_begin_headers_callback);
  * @function
@@ -2633,8 +2633,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_begin_headers_callback(
  * set callbacks, the latter has the precedence.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_header_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_header_callback on_header_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_header_callback on_header_callback);
  * @function
@@ -2643,8 +2643,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_header_callback(
  * received.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_header_callback2(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_header_callback2 on_header_callback2);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_header_callback2 on_header_callback2);
  * @function
@@ -2656,8 +2656,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_header_callback2(
  * used to set callbacks, the latter takes the precedence.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_invalid_header_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_invalid_header_callback on_invalid_header_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_invalid_header_callback on_invalid_header_callback);
  * @function
@@ -2666,8 +2666,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_invalid_header_callback(
  * pair is received.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_invalid_header_callback2(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_invalid_header_callback2 on_invalid_header_callback2);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_invalid_header_callback2 on_invalid_header_callback2);
@@ -2684,8 +2684,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_invalid_header_callback2(
  * given frame.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_select_padding_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_select_padding_callback select_padding_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_select_padding_callback select_padding_callback);
 #endif /* NGHTTP2_NO_SSIZE_T */
@@ -2697,8 +2697,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_select_padding_callback(
  * given frame.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_select_padding_callback2(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_select_padding_callback2 select_padding_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_select_padding_callback2 select_padding_callback);
@@ -2715,8 +2715,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_select_padding_callback2(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_data_source_read_length_callback data_source_read_length_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_data_source_read_length_callback data_source_read_length_callback);
 #endif /* NGHTTP2_NO_SSIZE_T */
@@ -2728,8 +2728,8 @@ nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_data_source_read_length_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_data_source_read_length_callback2 data_source_read_length_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_data_source_read_length_callback2 data_source_read_length_callback);
  * @function
@@ -2737,8 +2737,8 @@ nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_data_source_read_length_callback2(
  * Sets callback function invoked when a frame header is received.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_begin_frame_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_begin_frame_callback on_begin_frame_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_begin_frame_callback on_begin_frame_callback);
  * @function
@@ -2748,8 +2748,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_begin_frame_callback(
  * :type:`nghttp2_data_source_read_callback2` to avoid data copy.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_send_data_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_send_data_callback send_data_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_send_data_callback send_data_callback);
@@ -2765,8 +2765,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_send_data_callback(
  * application to pack extension frame payload in wire format.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_pack_extension_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_pack_extension_callback pack_extension_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_pack_extension_callback pack_extension_callback);
 #endif /* NGHTTP2_NO_SSIZE_T */
@@ -2777,8 +2777,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_pack_extension_callback(
  * application to pack extension frame payload in wire format.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_pack_extension_callback2(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_pack_extension_callback2 pack_extension_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_pack_extension_callback2 pack_extension_callback);
  * @function
@@ -2787,8 +2787,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_pack_extension_callback2(
  * application to unpack extension frame payload from wire format.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_unpack_extension_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_unpack_extension_callback unpack_extension_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_unpack_extension_callback unpack_extension_callback);
  * @function
@@ -2798,8 +2798,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_unpack_extension_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_extension_chunk_recv_callback on_extension_chunk_recv_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_extension_chunk_recv_callback on_extension_chunk_recv_callback);
  * @function
@@ -2818,7 +2818,7 @@ nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_extension_chunk_recv_callback(
  * precedence.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_error_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_error_callback error_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_error_callback error_callback);
  * @function
@@ -2831,7 +2831,7 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_error_callback(
  * precedence.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_error_callback2(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_error_callback2 error_callback2);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_error_callback2 error_callback2);
  * @functypedef
@@ -3195,7 +3195,7 @@ nghttp2_option_set_server_fallback_rfc7540_priorities(nghttp2_option *option,
-    nghttp2_option *option, int val);
+  nghttp2_option *option, int val);
  * @function
@@ -3351,8 +3351,8 @@ nghttp2_session_server_new2(nghttp2_session **session_ptr,
  *     Out of memory.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN int nghttp2_session_client_new3(
-    nghttp2_session **session_ptr, const nghttp2_session_callbacks *callbacks,
-    void *user_data, const nghttp2_option *option, nghttp2_mem *mem);
+  nghttp2_session **session_ptr, const nghttp2_session_callbacks *callbacks,
+  void *user_data, const nghttp2_option *option, nghttp2_mem *mem);
  * @function
@@ -3376,8 +3376,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN int nghttp2_session_client_new3(
  *     Out of memory.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN int nghttp2_session_server_new3(
-    nghttp2_session **session_ptr, const nghttp2_session_callbacks *callbacks,
-    void *user_data, const nghttp2_option *option, nghttp2_mem *mem);
+  nghttp2_session **session_ptr, const nghttp2_session_callbacks *callbacks,
+  void *user_data, const nghttp2_option *option, nghttp2_mem *mem);
  * @function
@@ -3807,7 +3807,7 @@ nghttp2_session_get_outbound_queue_size(nghttp2_session *session);
  * This function returns -1 if it fails.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN int32_t nghttp2_session_get_stream_effective_recv_data_length(
-    nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id);
+  nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id);
  * @function
@@ -3827,7 +3827,7 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN int32_t nghttp2_session_get_stream_effective_recv_data_length(
  * This function returns -1 if it fails.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN int32_t nghttp2_session_get_stream_effective_local_window_size(
-    nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id);
+  nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id);
  * @function
@@ -3842,7 +3842,7 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN int32_t nghttp2_session_get_stream_effective_local_window_size(
  * This function returns -1 if it fails.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN int32_t nghttp2_session_get_stream_local_window_size(
-    nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id);
+  nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id);
  * @function
@@ -3910,7 +3910,7 @@ nghttp2_session_get_local_window_size(nghttp2_session *session);
  * This function returns -1 if it fails.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN int32_t nghttp2_session_get_stream_remote_window_size(
-    nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id);
+  nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id);
  * @function
@@ -4064,7 +4064,7 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN int nghttp2_submit_shutdown_notice(nghttp2_session *session);
  * :enum:`nghttp2_settings_id`.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN uint32_t nghttp2_session_get_remote_settings(
-    nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_settings_id id);
+  nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_settings_id id);
  * @function
@@ -4074,7 +4074,7 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN uint32_t nghttp2_session_get_remote_settings(
  * in :enum:`nghttp2_settings_id`.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN uint32_t nghttp2_session_get_local_settings(
-    nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_settings_id id);
+  nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_settings_id id);
  * @function
@@ -4399,7 +4399,7 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN int nghttp2_session_upgrade2(nghttp2_session *session,
  *     The provided |buflen| size is too small to hold the output.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN ssize_t nghttp2_pack_settings_payload(
-    uint8_t *buf, size_t buflen, const nghttp2_settings_entry *iv, size_t niv);
+  uint8_t *buf, size_t buflen, const nghttp2_settings_entry *iv, size_t niv);
 #endif /* NGHTTP2_NO_SSIZE_T */
@@ -4425,7 +4425,7 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN ssize_t nghttp2_pack_settings_payload(
  *     The provided |buflen| size is too small to hold the output.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_pack_settings_payload2(
-    uint8_t *buf, size_t buflen, const nghttp2_settings_entry *iv, size_t niv);
+  uint8_t *buf, size_t buflen, const nghttp2_settings_entry *iv, size_t niv);
  * @function
@@ -4583,9 +4583,9 @@ nghttp2_priority_spec_check_default(const nghttp2_priority_spec *pri_spec);
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN int32_t nghttp2_submit_request(
-    nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_priority_spec *pri_spec,
-    const nghttp2_nv *nva, size_t nvlen, const nghttp2_data_provider *data_prd,
-    void *stream_user_data);
+  nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_priority_spec *pri_spec,
+  const nghttp2_nv *nva, size_t nvlen, const nghttp2_data_provider *data_prd,
+  void *stream_user_data);
 #endif /* NGHTTP2_NO_SSIZE_T */
@@ -4674,9 +4674,9 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN int32_t nghttp2_submit_request(
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN int32_t nghttp2_submit_request2(
-    nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_priority_spec *pri_spec,
-    const nghttp2_nv *nva, size_t nvlen, const nghttp2_data_provider2 *data_prd,
-    void *stream_user_data);
+  nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_priority_spec *pri_spec,
+  const nghttp2_nv *nva, size_t nvlen, const nghttp2_data_provider2 *data_prd,
+  void *stream_user_data);
@@ -4975,9 +4975,9 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN int nghttp2_submit_trailer(nghttp2_session *session,
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN int32_t nghttp2_submit_headers(
-    nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags, int32_t stream_id,
-    const nghttp2_priority_spec *pri_spec, const nghttp2_nv *nva, size_t nvlen,
-    void *stream_user_data);
+  nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags, int32_t stream_id,
+  const nghttp2_priority_spec *pri_spec, const nghttp2_nv *nva, size_t nvlen,
+  void *stream_user_data);
@@ -5308,8 +5308,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN int nghttp2_submit_settings(nghttp2_session *session,
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN int32_t nghttp2_submit_push_promise(
-    nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags, int32_t stream_id,
-    const nghttp2_nv *nva, size_t nvlen, void *promised_stream_user_data);
+  nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags, int32_t stream_id,
+  const nghttp2_nv *nva, size_t nvlen, void *promised_stream_user_data);
  * @function
@@ -5802,8 +5802,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN int nghttp2_submit_priority_update(nghttp2_session *session,
  *     found.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN int nghttp2_session_change_extpri_stream_priority(
-    nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id, const nghttp2_extpri *extpri,
-    int ignore_client_signal);
+  nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id, const nghttp2_extpri *extpri,
+  int ignore_client_signal);
  * @function
@@ -5831,7 +5831,7 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN int nghttp2_session_change_extpri_stream_priority(
  *     found.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN int nghttp2_session_get_extpri_stream_priority(
-    nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_extpri *extpri, int32_t stream_id);
+  nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_extpri *extpri, int32_t stream_id);
  * @function
@@ -6073,6 +6073,12 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN int nghttp2_check_path(const uint8_t *value, size_t len);
  * :authority or host header field is valid according to
+ * Note that :authority and host field values are not authority.  They
+ * do not include userinfo in RFC 3986, see
+ *, that
+ * is, it does not include '@'.  This function treats '@' as a valid
+ * character.
+ *
  * |value| is valid if it merely consists of the allowed characters.
  * In particular, it does not check whether |value| follows the syntax
  * of authority.
@@ -6304,8 +6310,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN ssize_t nghttp2_hd_deflate_hd_vec(nghttp2_hd_deflater *deflater,
  *     The provided |buflen| size is too small to hold the output.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_hd_deflate_hd_vec2(
-    nghttp2_hd_deflater *deflater, const nghttp2_vec *vec, size_t veclen,
-    const nghttp2_nv *nva, size_t nvlen);
+  nghttp2_hd_deflater *deflater, const nghttp2_vec *vec, size_t veclen,
+  const nghttp2_nv *nva, size_t nvlen);
  * @function
@@ -6728,8 +6734,8 @@ NGHTTP2_EXTERN ssize_t nghttp2_hd_inflate_hd2(nghttp2_hd_inflater *inflater,
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_hd_inflate_hd3(
-    nghttp2_hd_inflater *inflater, nghttp2_nv *nv_out, int *inflate_flags,
-    const uint8_t *in, size_t inlen, int in_final);
+  nghttp2_hd_inflater *inflater, nghttp2_nv *nv_out, int *inflate_flags,
+  const uint8_t *in, size_t inlen, int in_final);
  * @function
@@ -7002,7 +7008,7 @@ typedef void (*nghttp2_debug_vprintf_callback)(const char *format,
  *   this is important.
 NGHTTP2_EXTERN void nghttp2_set_debug_vprintf_callback(
-    nghttp2_debug_vprintf_callback debug_vprintf_callback);
+  nghttp2_debug_vprintf_callback debug_vprintf_callback);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/includes/nghttp2/nghttp2ver.h b/deps/nghttp2/lib/includes/nghttp2/nghttp2ver.h
index 40570cfa1d1392..827c99896846e3 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/includes/nghttp2/nghttp2ver.h
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/includes/nghttp2/nghttp2ver.h
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
  * @macro
  * Version number of the nghttp2 library release
-#define NGHTTP2_VERSION "1.63.0"
+#define NGHTTP2_VERSION "1.64.0"
  * @macro
@@ -37,6 +37,6 @@
  * release. This is a 24 bit number with 8 bits for major number, 8 bits
  * for minor and 8 bits for patch. Version 1.2.3 becomes 0x010203.
-#define NGHTTP2_VERSION_NUM 0x013f00
+#define NGHTTP2_VERSION_NUM 0x014000
 #endif /* NGHTTP2VER_H */
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_callbacks.c b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_callbacks.c
index 1776f7d276b79f..32fedd52d85a3f 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_callbacks.c
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_callbacks.c
@@ -41,163 +41,163 @@ void nghttp2_session_callbacks_del(nghttp2_session_callbacks *callbacks) {
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_send_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_send_callback send_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_send_callback send_callback) {
   cbs->send_callback = send_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_send_callback2(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_send_callback2 send_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_send_callback2 send_callback) {
   cbs->send_callback2 = send_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_recv_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_recv_callback recv_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_recv_callback recv_callback) {
   cbs->recv_callback = recv_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_recv_callback2(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_recv_callback2 recv_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_recv_callback2 recv_callback) {
   cbs->recv_callback2 = recv_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_frame_recv_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_frame_recv_callback on_frame_recv_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_frame_recv_callback on_frame_recv_callback) {
   cbs->on_frame_recv_callback = on_frame_recv_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_invalid_frame_recv_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_invalid_frame_recv_callback on_invalid_frame_recv_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_invalid_frame_recv_callback on_invalid_frame_recv_callback) {
   cbs->on_invalid_frame_recv_callback = on_invalid_frame_recv_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_data_chunk_recv_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_data_chunk_recv_callback on_data_chunk_recv_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_data_chunk_recv_callback on_data_chunk_recv_callback) {
   cbs->on_data_chunk_recv_callback = on_data_chunk_recv_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_before_frame_send_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_before_frame_send_callback before_frame_send_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_before_frame_send_callback before_frame_send_callback) {
   cbs->before_frame_send_callback = before_frame_send_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_frame_send_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_frame_send_callback on_frame_send_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_frame_send_callback on_frame_send_callback) {
   cbs->on_frame_send_callback = on_frame_send_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_frame_not_send_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_frame_not_send_callback on_frame_not_send_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_frame_not_send_callback on_frame_not_send_callback) {
   cbs->on_frame_not_send_callback = on_frame_not_send_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_stream_close_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_stream_close_callback on_stream_close_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_stream_close_callback on_stream_close_callback) {
   cbs->on_stream_close_callback = on_stream_close_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_begin_headers_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_begin_headers_callback on_begin_headers_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_begin_headers_callback on_begin_headers_callback) {
   cbs->on_begin_headers_callback = on_begin_headers_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_header_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_header_callback on_header_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_header_callback on_header_callback) {
   cbs->on_header_callback = on_header_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_header_callback2(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_header_callback2 on_header_callback2) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_header_callback2 on_header_callback2) {
   cbs->on_header_callback2 = on_header_callback2;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_invalid_header_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_invalid_header_callback on_invalid_header_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_invalid_header_callback on_invalid_header_callback) {
   cbs->on_invalid_header_callback = on_invalid_header_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_invalid_header_callback2(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_invalid_header_callback2 on_invalid_header_callback2) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_invalid_header_callback2 on_invalid_header_callback2) {
   cbs->on_invalid_header_callback2 = on_invalid_header_callback2;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_select_padding_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_select_padding_callback select_padding_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_select_padding_callback select_padding_callback) {
   cbs->select_padding_callback = select_padding_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_select_padding_callback2(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_select_padding_callback2 select_padding_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_select_padding_callback2 select_padding_callback) {
   cbs->select_padding_callback2 = select_padding_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_data_source_read_length_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_data_source_read_length_callback data_source_read_length_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_data_source_read_length_callback data_source_read_length_callback) {
   cbs->read_length_callback = data_source_read_length_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_data_source_read_length_callback2(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_data_source_read_length_callback2
-                                        data_source_read_length_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_data_source_read_length_callback2 data_source_read_length_callback) {
   cbs->read_length_callback2 = data_source_read_length_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_begin_frame_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_begin_frame_callback on_begin_frame_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_begin_frame_callback on_begin_frame_callback) {
   cbs->on_begin_frame_callback = on_begin_frame_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_send_data_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_send_data_callback send_data_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_send_data_callback send_data_callback) {
   cbs->send_data_callback = send_data_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_pack_extension_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_pack_extension_callback pack_extension_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_pack_extension_callback pack_extension_callback) {
   cbs->pack_extension_callback = pack_extension_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_pack_extension_callback2(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_pack_extension_callback2 pack_extension_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_pack_extension_callback2 pack_extension_callback) {
   cbs->pack_extension_callback2 = pack_extension_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_unpack_extension_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_unpack_extension_callback unpack_extension_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_unpack_extension_callback unpack_extension_callback) {
   cbs->unpack_extension_callback = unpack_extension_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_extension_chunk_recv_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
-    nghttp2_on_extension_chunk_recv_callback on_extension_chunk_recv_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs,
+  nghttp2_on_extension_chunk_recv_callback on_extension_chunk_recv_callback) {
   cbs->on_extension_chunk_recv_callback = on_extension_chunk_recv_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_error_callback(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_error_callback error_callback) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_error_callback error_callback) {
   cbs->error_callback = error_callback;
 void nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_error_callback2(
-    nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_error_callback2 error_callback2) {
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs, nghttp2_error_callback2 error_callback2) {
   cbs->error_callback2 = error_callback2;
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_debug.c b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_debug.c
index cb2779700bd38b..09dd2b28587af5 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_debug.c
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_debug.c
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ static void nghttp2_default_debug_vfprintf_callback(const char *fmt,
 static nghttp2_debug_vprintf_callback static_debug_vprintf_callback =
-    nghttp2_default_debug_vfprintf_callback;
+  nghttp2_default_debug_vfprintf_callback;
 void nghttp2_debug_vprintf(const char *format, ...) {
   if (static_debug_vprintf_callback) {
@@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ void nghttp2_debug_vprintf(const char *format, ...) {
 void nghttp2_set_debug_vprintf_callback(
-    nghttp2_debug_vprintf_callback debug_vprintf_callback) {
+  nghttp2_debug_vprintf_callback debug_vprintf_callback) {
   static_debug_vprintf_callback = debug_vprintf_callback;
 #else /* !DEBUGBUILD */
 void nghttp2_set_debug_vprintf_callback(
-    nghttp2_debug_vprintf_callback debug_vprintf_callback) {
+  nghttp2_debug_vprintf_callback debug_vprintf_callback) {
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_frame.c b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_frame.c
index 77cb463df5441f..edc2aaaae9ed75 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_frame.c
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_frame.c
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ int nghttp2_frame_pack_settings(nghttp2_bufs *bufs, nghttp2_settings *frame) {
   nghttp2_frame_pack_frame_hd(buf->pos, &frame->hd);
   buf->last +=
-      nghttp2_frame_pack_settings_payload(buf->last, frame->iv, frame->niv);
+    nghttp2_frame_pack_settings_payload(buf->last, frame->iv, frame->niv);
   return 0;
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ int nghttp2_frame_unpack_settings_payload2(nghttp2_settings_entry **iv_ptr,
   *iv_ptr =
-      nghttp2_mem_malloc(mem, (*niv_ptr) * sizeof(nghttp2_settings_entry));
+    nghttp2_mem_malloc(mem, (*niv_ptr) * sizeof(nghttp2_settings_entry));
   if (*iv_ptr == NULL) {
     return NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM;
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ int nghttp2_frame_pack_push_promise(nghttp2_bufs *bufs,
 void nghttp2_frame_unpack_push_promise_payload(nghttp2_push_promise *frame,
                                                const uint8_t *payload) {
   frame->promised_stream_id =
-      nghttp2_get_uint32(payload) & NGHTTP2_STREAM_ID_MASK;
+    nghttp2_get_uint32(payload) & NGHTTP2_STREAM_ID_MASK;
   frame->nva = NULL;
   frame->nvlen = 0;
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ void nghttp2_frame_pack_ping(nghttp2_bufs *bufs, nghttp2_ping *frame) {
   nghttp2_frame_pack_frame_hd(buf->pos, &frame->hd);
   buf->last =
-      nghttp2_cpymem(buf->last, frame->opaque_data, sizeof(frame->opaque_data));
+    nghttp2_cpymem(buf->last, frame->opaque_data, sizeof(frame->opaque_data));
 void nghttp2_frame_unpack_ping_payload(nghttp2_ping *frame,
@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ void nghttp2_frame_pack_window_update(nghttp2_bufs *bufs,
 void nghttp2_frame_unpack_window_update_payload(nghttp2_window_update *frame,
                                                 const uint8_t *payload) {
   frame->window_size_increment =
-      nghttp2_get_uint32(payload) & NGHTTP2_WINDOW_SIZE_INCREMENT_MASK;
+    nghttp2_get_uint32(payload) & NGHTTP2_WINDOW_SIZE_INCREMENT_MASK;
 void nghttp2_frame_pack_altsvc(nghttp2_bufs *bufs, nghttp2_extension *frame) {
@@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ void nghttp2_frame_unpack_priority_update_payload(nghttp2_extension *frame,
   priority_update = frame->payload;
   priority_update->stream_id =
-      nghttp2_get_uint32(payload) & NGHTTP2_STREAM_ID_MASK;
+    nghttp2_get_uint32(payload) & NGHTTP2_STREAM_ID_MASK;
   if (payloadlen > 4) {
     priority_update->field_value = payload + 4;
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd.c b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd.c
index a4137ef14ab719..55fc2cc6bfea3d 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd.c
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd.c
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@
 /* Make scalar initialization form of nghttp2_hd_entry */
 #define MAKE_STATIC_ENT(N, V, T, H)                                            \
   {                                                                            \
-      {NULL, NULL, (uint8_t *)(N), sizeof((N)) - 1, -1},                       \
-      {NULL, NULL, (uint8_t *)(V), sizeof((V)) - 1, -1},                       \
-      {(uint8_t *)(N), (uint8_t *)(V), sizeof((N)) - 1, sizeof((V)) - 1, 0},   \
-      T,                                                                       \
-      H,                                                                       \
+    {NULL, NULL, (uint8_t *)(N), sizeof((N)) - 1, -1},                         \
+    {NULL, NULL, (uint8_t *)(V), sizeof((V)) - 1, -1},                         \
+    {(uint8_t *)(N), (uint8_t *)(V), sizeof((N)) - 1, sizeof((V)) - 1, 0},     \
+    T,                                                                         \
+    H,                                                                         \
 /* Generated by */
@@ -47,67 +47,67 @@
    first enum value if same header names are repeated (e.g.,
    :status). */
 static const nghttp2_hd_static_entry static_table[] = {
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":authority", "", 0, 3153725150u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":method", "GET", 1, 695666056u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":method", "POST", 1, 695666056u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":path", "/", 3, 3292848686u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":path", "/index.html", 3, 3292848686u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":scheme", "http", 5, 2510477674u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":scheme", "https", 5, 2510477674u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":status", "200", 7, 4000288983u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":status", "204", 7, 4000288983u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":status", "206", 7, 4000288983u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":status", "304", 7, 4000288983u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":status", "400", 7, 4000288983u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":status", "404", 7, 4000288983u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":status", "500", 7, 4000288983u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("accept-charset", "", 14, 3664010344u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("accept-encoding", "gzip, deflate", 15, 3379649177u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("accept-language", "", 16, 1979086614u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("accept-ranges", "", 17, 1713753958u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("accept", "", 18, 136609321u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("access-control-allow-origin", "", 19, 2710797292u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("age", "", 20, 742476188u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("allow", "", 21, 2930878514u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("authorization", "", 22, 2436257726u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("cache-control", "", 23, 1355326669u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("content-disposition", "", 24, 3889184348u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("content-encoding", "", 25, 65203592u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("content-language", "", 26, 24973587u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("content-length", "", 27, 1308181789u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("content-location", "", 28, 2302364718u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("content-range", "", 29, 3555523146u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("content-type", "", 30, 4244048277u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("cookie", "", 31, 2007449791u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("date", "", 32, 3564297305u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("etag", "", 33, 113792960u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("expect", "", 34, 2530896728u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("expires", "", 35, 1049544579u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("from", "", 36, 2513272949u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("host", "", 37, 2952701295u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("if-match", "", 38, 3597694698u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("if-modified-since", "", 39, 2213050793u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("if-none-match", "", 40, 2536202615u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("if-range", "", 41, 2340978238u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("if-unmodified-since", "", 42, 3794814858u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("last-modified", "", 43, 3226950251u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("link", "", 44, 232457833u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("location", "", 45, 200649126u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("max-forwards", "", 46, 1826162134u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("proxy-authenticate", "", 47, 2709445359u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("proxy-authorization", "", 48, 2686392507u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("range", "", 49, 4208725202u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("referer", "", 50, 3969579366u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("refresh", "", 51, 3572655668u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("retry-after", "", 52, 3336180598u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("server", "", 53, 1085029842u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("set-cookie", "", 54, 1848371000u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("strict-transport-security", "", 55, 4138147361u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("transfer-encoding", "", 56, 3719590988u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("user-agent", "", 57, 606444526u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("vary", "", 58, 1085005381u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("via", "", 59, 1762798611u),
-    MAKE_STATIC_ENT("www-authenticate", "", 60, 779865858u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":authority", "", 0, 3153725150u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":method", "GET", 1, 695666056u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":method", "POST", 1, 695666056u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":path", "/", 3, 3292848686u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":path", "/index.html", 3, 3292848686u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":scheme", "http", 5, 2510477674u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":scheme", "https", 5, 2510477674u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":status", "200", 7, 4000288983u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":status", "204", 7, 4000288983u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":status", "206", 7, 4000288983u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":status", "304", 7, 4000288983u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":status", "400", 7, 4000288983u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":status", "404", 7, 4000288983u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT(":status", "500", 7, 4000288983u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("accept-charset", "", 14, 3664010344u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("accept-encoding", "gzip, deflate", 15, 3379649177u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("accept-language", "", 16, 1979086614u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("accept-ranges", "", 17, 1713753958u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("accept", "", 18, 136609321u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("access-control-allow-origin", "", 19, 2710797292u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("age", "", 20, 742476188u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("allow", "", 21, 2930878514u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("authorization", "", 22, 2436257726u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("cache-control", "", 23, 1355326669u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("content-disposition", "", 24, 3889184348u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("content-encoding", "", 25, 65203592u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("content-language", "", 26, 24973587u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("content-length", "", 27, 1308181789u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("content-location", "", 28, 2302364718u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("content-range", "", 29, 3555523146u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("content-type", "", 30, 4244048277u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("cookie", "", 31, 2007449791u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("date", "", 32, 3564297305u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("etag", "", 33, 113792960u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("expect", "", 34, 2530896728u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("expires", "", 35, 1049544579u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("from", "", 36, 2513272949u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("host", "", 37, 2952701295u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("if-match", "", 38, 3597694698u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("if-modified-since", "", 39, 2213050793u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("if-none-match", "", 40, 2536202615u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("if-range", "", 41, 2340978238u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("if-unmodified-since", "", 42, 3794814858u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("last-modified", "", 43, 3226950251u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("link", "", 44, 232457833u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("location", "", 45, 200649126u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("max-forwards", "", 46, 1826162134u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("proxy-authenticate", "", 47, 2709445359u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("proxy-authorization", "", 48, 2686392507u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("range", "", 49, 4208725202u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("referer", "", 50, 3969579366u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("refresh", "", 51, 3572655668u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("retry-after", "", 52, 3336180598u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("server", "", 53, 1085029842u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("set-cookie", "", 54, 1848371000u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("strict-transport-security", "", 55, 4138147361u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("transfer-encoding", "", 56, 3719590988u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("user-agent", "", 57, 606444526u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("vary", "", 58, 1085005381u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("via", "", 59, 1762798611u),
+  MAKE_STATIC_ENT("www-authenticate", "", 60, 779865858u),
 static int memeq(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n) {
@@ -678,8 +678,8 @@ static int hd_context_init(nghttp2_hd_context *context, nghttp2_mem *mem) {
   context->bad = 0;
   context->hd_table_bufsize_max = NGHTTP2_HD_DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE;
   rv = hd_ringbuf_init(
-      &context->hd_table,
-      context->hd_table_bufsize_max / NGHTTP2_HD_ENTRY_OVERHEAD, mem);
+    &context->hd_table,
+    context->hd_table_bufsize_max / NGHTTP2_HD_ENTRY_OVERHEAD, mem);
   if (rv != 0) {
     return rv;
@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ static void hd_context_free(nghttp2_hd_context *context) {
 int nghttp2_hd_deflate_init(nghttp2_hd_deflater *deflater, nghttp2_mem *mem) {
   return nghttp2_hd_deflate_init2(
 int nghttp2_hd_deflate_init2(nghttp2_hd_deflater *deflater,
@@ -1078,8 +1078,8 @@ static int emit_newname_block(nghttp2_bufs *bufs, const nghttp2_nv *nv,
   int rv;
-      "deflatehd: emit newname namelen=%zu, valuelen=%zu, indexing_mode=%d\n",
-      nv->namelen, nv->valuelen, indexing_mode);
+    "deflatehd: emit newname namelen=%zu, valuelen=%zu, indexing_mode=%d\n",
+    nv->namelen, nv->valuelen, indexing_mode);
   rv = nghttp2_bufs_addb(bufs, pack_first_byte(indexing_mode));
   if (rv != 0) {
@@ -1112,12 +1112,11 @@ static int add_hd_table_incremental(nghttp2_hd_context *context,
   while (context->hd_table_bufsize + room > context->hd_table_bufsize_max &&
          context->hd_table.len > 0) {
     size_t idx = context->hd_table.len - 1;
     nghttp2_hd_entry *ent = hd_ringbuf_get(&context->hd_table, idx);
     context->hd_table_bufsize -=
-        entry_room(ent->>len, ent->nv.value->len);
+      entry_room(ent->>len, ent->nv.value->len);
     DEBUGF("hpack: remove item from header table: %s: %s\n",
            (char *)ent->>base, (char *)ent->nv.value->base);
@@ -1233,7 +1232,7 @@ static void hd_context_shrink_table_size(nghttp2_hd_context *context,
     size_t idx = context->hd_table.len - 1;
     nghttp2_hd_entry *ent = hd_ringbuf_get(&context->hd_table, idx);
     context->hd_table_bufsize -=
-        entry_room(ent->>len, ent->nv.value->len);
+      entry_room(ent->>len, ent->nv.value->len);
     if (map) {
       hd_map_remove(map, ent);
@@ -1245,14 +1244,14 @@ static void hd_context_shrink_table_size(nghttp2_hd_context *context,
 int nghttp2_hd_deflate_change_table_size(
-    nghttp2_hd_deflater *deflater, size_t settings_max_dynamic_table_size) {
+  nghttp2_hd_deflater *deflater, size_t settings_max_dynamic_table_size) {
   size_t next_bufsize = nghttp2_min_size(
-      settings_max_dynamic_table_size, deflater->deflate_hd_table_bufsize_max);
+    settings_max_dynamic_table_size, deflater->deflate_hd_table_bufsize_max);
   deflater->ctx.hd_table_bufsize_max = next_bufsize;
   deflater->min_hd_table_bufsize_max =
-      nghttp2_min_size(deflater->min_hd_table_bufsize_max, next_bufsize);
+    nghttp2_min_size(deflater->min_hd_table_bufsize_max, next_bufsize);
   deflater->notify_table_size_change = 1;
@@ -1261,7 +1260,7 @@ int nghttp2_hd_deflate_change_table_size(
 int nghttp2_hd_inflate_change_table_size(
-    nghttp2_hd_inflater *inflater, size_t settings_max_dynamic_table_size) {
+  nghttp2_hd_inflater *inflater, size_t settings_max_dynamic_table_size) {
   switch (inflater->state) {
@@ -1304,7 +1303,7 @@ nghttp2_hd_nv nghttp2_hd_table_get(nghttp2_hd_context *context, size_t idx) {
   assert(INDEX_RANGE_VALID(context, idx));
     return hd_ringbuf_get(&context->hd_table, idx - NGHTTP2_STATIC_TABLE_LENGTH)
-        ->nv;
+      ->nv;
   } else {
     const nghttp2_hd_static_entry *ent = &static_table[idx];
     nghttp2_hd_nv nv = {(nghttp2_rcbuf *)&ent->name,
@@ -1320,7 +1319,7 @@ static const nghttp2_nv *nghttp2_hd_table_get2(nghttp2_hd_context *context,
     return &hd_ringbuf_get(&context->hd_table,
                            idx - NGHTTP2_STATIC_TABLE_LENGTH)
-                ->cnv;
+              ->cnv;
   return &static_table[idx].cnv;
@@ -1334,7 +1333,7 @@ static int hd_deflate_decide_indexing(nghttp2_hd_deflater *deflater,
       token == NGHTTP2_TOKEN_SET_COOKIE ||
       entry_room(nv->namelen, nv->valuelen) >
-          deflater->ctx.hd_table_bufsize_max * 3 / 4) {
+        deflater->ctx.hd_table_bufsize_max * 3 / 4) {
@@ -1367,12 +1366,11 @@ static int deflate_nv(nghttp2_hd_deflater *deflater, nghttp2_bufs *bufs,
      entropy secret data (e.g., id/password).  Also cookie header
      field with less than 20 bytes value is also never indexed.  This
      is the same criteria used in Firefox codebase. */
-  indexing_mode =
-              (token == NGHTTP2_TOKEN_COOKIE && nv->valuelen < 20) ||
-              (nv->flags & NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NO_INDEX)
-          : hd_deflate_decide_indexing(deflater, nv, token);
+  indexing_mode = token == NGHTTP2_TOKEN_AUTHORIZATION ||
+                      (token == NGHTTP2_TOKEN_COOKIE && nv->valuelen < 20) ||
+                      (nv->flags & NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NO_INDEX)
+                    ? NGHTTP2_HD_NEVER_INDEXING
+                    : hd_deflate_decide_indexing(deflater, nv, token);
   res = search_hd_table(&deflater->ctx, nv, token, indexing_mode,
                         &deflater->map, hash);
@@ -1380,7 +1378,6 @@ static int deflate_nv(nghttp2_hd_deflater *deflater, nghttp2_bufs *bufs,
   idx = res.index;
   if (res.name_value_match) {
     DEBUGF("deflatehd: name/value match index=%td\n", idx);
     rv = emit_indexed_block(bufs, (size_t)idx);
@@ -1458,7 +1455,6 @@ int nghttp2_hd_deflate_hd_bufs(nghttp2_hd_deflater *deflater,
     deflater->min_hd_table_bufsize_max = UINT32_MAX;
     if (deflater->ctx.hd_table_bufsize_max > min_hd_table_bufsize_max) {
       rv = emit_table_size(bufs, min_hd_table_bufsize_max);
       if (rv != 0) {
@@ -1962,9 +1958,9 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_hd_inflate_hd_nv(nghttp2_hd_inflater *inflater,
       rfin = 0;
       rv = hd_inflate_read_len(
-          inflater, &rfin, in, last, 5,
-          nghttp2_min_size(inflater->min_hd_table_bufsize_max,
-                           inflater->settings_hd_table_bufsize_max));
+        inflater, &rfin, in, last, 5,
+        nghttp2_min_size(inflater->min_hd_table_bufsize_max,
+                         inflater->settings_hd_table_bufsize_max));
       if (rv < 0) {
         goto fail;
@@ -2051,8 +2047,8 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_hd_inflate_hd_nv(nghttp2_hd_inflater *inflater,
         inflater->state = NGHTTP2_HD_STATE_NEWNAME_READ_NAMEHUFF;
-        rv = nghttp2_rcbuf_new(&inflater->namercbuf, inflater->left * 2 + 1,
-                               mem);
+        rv =
+          nghttp2_rcbuf_new(&inflater->namercbuf, inflater->left * 2 + 1, mem);
       } else {
         inflater->state = NGHTTP2_HD_STATE_NEWNAME_READ_NAME;
         rv = nghttp2_rcbuf_new(&inflater->namercbuf, inflater->left + 1, mem);
@@ -2136,8 +2132,8 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_hd_inflate_hd_nv(nghttp2_hd_inflater *inflater,
         inflater->state = NGHTTP2_HD_STATE_READ_VALUEHUFF;
-        rv = nghttp2_rcbuf_new(&inflater->valuercbuf, inflater->left * 2 + 1,
-                               mem);
+        rv =
+          nghttp2_rcbuf_new(&inflater->valuercbuf, inflater->left * 2 + 1, mem);
       } else {
         inflater->state = NGHTTP2_HD_STATE_READ_VALUE;
@@ -2308,7 +2304,6 @@ void nghttp2_hd_inflate_del(nghttp2_hd_inflater *inflater) {
 int nghttp2_hd_emit_indname_block(nghttp2_bufs *bufs, size_t idx,
                                   nghttp2_nv *nv, int indexing_mode) {
   return emit_indname_block(bufs, idx, nv, indexing_mode);
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd_huffman.c b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd_huffman.c
index f848f3690b347d..de2620076a6e0d 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd_huffman.c
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd_huffman.c
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ int nghttp2_hd_huff_encode(nghttp2_bufs *bufs, const uint8_t *src,
   if (nbits) {
     rv = nghttp2_bufs_addb(
-        bufs, (uint8_t)((uint8_t)(code >> 56) | ((1 << (8 - nbits)) - 1)));
+      bufs, (uint8_t)((uint8_t)(code >> 56) | ((1 << (8 - nbits)) - 1)));
     if (rv != 0) {
       return rv;
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd_huffman_data.c b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd_huffman_data.c
index 2e2e13f7bee0ff..c8f4a6fa266708 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd_huffman_data.c
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd_huffman_data.c
@@ -27,4954 +27,4954 @@
 /* Generated by */
 const nghttp2_huff_sym huff_sym_table[] = {
-    {13, 0xffc00000u}, {23, 0xffffb000u}, {28, 0xfffffe20u}, {28, 0xfffffe30u},
-    {28, 0xfffffe40u}, {28, 0xfffffe50u}, {28, 0xfffffe60u}, {28, 0xfffffe70u},
-    {28, 0xfffffe80u}, {24, 0xffffea00u}, {30, 0xfffffff0u}, {28, 0xfffffe90u},
-    {28, 0xfffffea0u}, {30, 0xfffffff4u}, {28, 0xfffffeb0u}, {28, 0xfffffec0u},
-    {28, 0xfffffed0u}, {28, 0xfffffee0u}, {28, 0xfffffef0u}, {28, 0xffffff00u},
-    {28, 0xffffff10u}, {28, 0xffffff20u}, {30, 0xfffffff8u}, {28, 0xffffff30u},
-    {28, 0xffffff40u}, {28, 0xffffff50u}, {28, 0xffffff60u}, {28, 0xffffff70u},
-    {28, 0xffffff80u}, {28, 0xffffff90u}, {28, 0xffffffa0u}, {28, 0xffffffb0u},
-    {6, 0x50000000u},  {10, 0xfe000000u}, {10, 0xfe400000u}, {12, 0xffa00000u},
-    {13, 0xffc80000u}, {6, 0x54000000u},  {8, 0xf8000000u},  {11, 0xff400000u},
-    {10, 0xfe800000u}, {10, 0xfec00000u}, {8, 0xf9000000u},  {11, 0xff600000u},
-    {8, 0xfa000000u},  {6, 0x58000000u},  {6, 0x5c000000u},  {6, 0x60000000u},
-    {5, 0x0u},         {5, 0x8000000u},   {5, 0x10000000u},  {6, 0x64000000u},
-    {6, 0x68000000u},  {6, 0x6c000000u},  {6, 0x70000000u},  {6, 0x74000000u},
-    {6, 0x78000000u},  {6, 0x7c000000u},  {7, 0xb8000000u},  {8, 0xfb000000u},
-    {15, 0xfff80000u}, {6, 0x80000000u},  {12, 0xffb00000u}, {10, 0xff000000u},
-    {13, 0xffd00000u}, {6, 0x84000000u},  {7, 0xba000000u},  {7, 0xbc000000u},
-    {7, 0xbe000000u},  {7, 0xc0000000u},  {7, 0xc2000000u},  {7, 0xc4000000u},
-    {7, 0xc6000000u},  {7, 0xc8000000u},  {7, 0xca000000u},  {7, 0xcc000000u},
-    {7, 0xce000000u},  {7, 0xd0000000u},  {7, 0xd2000000u},  {7, 0xd4000000u},
-    {7, 0xd6000000u},  {7, 0xd8000000u},  {7, 0xda000000u},  {7, 0xdc000000u},
-    {7, 0xde000000u},  {7, 0xe0000000u},  {7, 0xe2000000u},  {7, 0xe4000000u},
-    {8, 0xfc000000u},  {7, 0xe6000000u},  {8, 0xfd000000u},  {13, 0xffd80000u},
-    {19, 0xfffe0000u}, {13, 0xffe00000u}, {14, 0xfff00000u}, {6, 0x88000000u},
-    {15, 0xfffa0000u}, {5, 0x18000000u},  {6, 0x8c000000u},  {5, 0x20000000u},
-    {6, 0x90000000u},  {5, 0x28000000u},  {6, 0x94000000u},  {6, 0x98000000u},
-    {6, 0x9c000000u},  {5, 0x30000000u},  {7, 0xe8000000u},  {7, 0xea000000u},
-    {6, 0xa0000000u},  {6, 0xa4000000u},  {6, 0xa8000000u},  {5, 0x38000000u},
-    {6, 0xac000000u},  {7, 0xec000000u},  {6, 0xb0000000u},  {5, 0x40000000u},
-    {5, 0x48000000u},  {6, 0xb4000000u},  {7, 0xee000000u},  {7, 0xf0000000u},
-    {7, 0xf2000000u},  {7, 0xf4000000u},  {7, 0xf6000000u},  {15, 0xfffc0000u},
-    {11, 0xff800000u}, {14, 0xfff40000u}, {13, 0xffe80000u}, {28, 0xffffffc0u},
-    {20, 0xfffe6000u}, {22, 0xffff4800u}, {20, 0xfffe7000u}, {20, 0xfffe8000u},
-    {22, 0xffff4c00u}, {22, 0xffff5000u}, {22, 0xffff5400u}, {23, 0xffffb200u},
-    {22, 0xffff5800u}, {23, 0xffffb400u}, {23, 0xffffb600u}, {23, 0xffffb800u},
-    {23, 0xffffba00u}, {23, 0xffffbc00u}, {24, 0xffffeb00u}, {23, 0xffffbe00u},
-    {24, 0xffffec00u}, {24, 0xffffed00u}, {22, 0xffff5c00u}, {23, 0xffffc000u},
-    {24, 0xffffee00u}, {23, 0xffffc200u}, {23, 0xffffc400u}, {23, 0xffffc600u},
-    {23, 0xffffc800u}, {21, 0xfffee000u}, {22, 0xffff6000u}, {23, 0xffffca00u},
-    {22, 0xffff6400u}, {23, 0xffffcc00u}, {23, 0xffffce00u}, {24, 0xffffef00u},
-    {22, 0xffff6800u}, {21, 0xfffee800u}, {20, 0xfffe9000u}, {22, 0xffff6c00u},
-    {22, 0xffff7000u}, {23, 0xffffd000u}, {23, 0xffffd200u}, {21, 0xfffef000u},
-    {23, 0xffffd400u}, {22, 0xffff7400u}, {22, 0xffff7800u}, {24, 0xfffff000u},
-    {21, 0xfffef800u}, {22, 0xffff7c00u}, {23, 0xffffd600u}, {23, 0xffffd800u},
-    {21, 0xffff0000u}, {21, 0xffff0800u}, {22, 0xffff8000u}, {21, 0xffff1000u},
-    {23, 0xffffda00u}, {22, 0xffff8400u}, {23, 0xffffdc00u}, {23, 0xffffde00u},
-    {20, 0xfffea000u}, {22, 0xffff8800u}, {22, 0xffff8c00u}, {22, 0xffff9000u},
-    {23, 0xffffe000u}, {22, 0xffff9400u}, {22, 0xffff9800u}, {23, 0xffffe200u},
-    {26, 0xfffff800u}, {26, 0xfffff840u}, {20, 0xfffeb000u}, {19, 0xfffe2000u},
-    {22, 0xffff9c00u}, {23, 0xffffe400u}, {22, 0xffffa000u}, {25, 0xfffff600u},
-    {26, 0xfffff880u}, {26, 0xfffff8c0u}, {26, 0xfffff900u}, {27, 0xfffffbc0u},
-    {27, 0xfffffbe0u}, {26, 0xfffff940u}, {24, 0xfffff100u}, {25, 0xfffff680u},
-    {19, 0xfffe4000u}, {21, 0xffff1800u}, {26, 0xfffff980u}, {27, 0xfffffc00u},
-    {27, 0xfffffc20u}, {26, 0xfffff9c0u}, {27, 0xfffffc40u}, {24, 0xfffff200u},
-    {21, 0xffff2000u}, {21, 0xffff2800u}, {26, 0xfffffa00u}, {26, 0xfffffa40u},
-    {28, 0xffffffd0u}, {27, 0xfffffc60u}, {27, 0xfffffc80u}, {27, 0xfffffca0u},
-    {20, 0xfffec000u}, {24, 0xfffff300u}, {20, 0xfffed000u}, {21, 0xffff3000u},
-    {22, 0xffffa400u}, {21, 0xffff3800u}, {21, 0xffff4000u}, {23, 0xffffe600u},
-    {22, 0xffffa800u}, {22, 0xffffac00u}, {25, 0xfffff700u}, {25, 0xfffff780u},
-    {24, 0xfffff400u}, {24, 0xfffff500u}, {26, 0xfffffa80u}, {23, 0xffffe800u},
-    {26, 0xfffffac0u}, {27, 0xfffffcc0u}, {26, 0xfffffb00u}, {26, 0xfffffb40u},
-    {27, 0xfffffce0u}, {27, 0xfffffd00u}, {27, 0xfffffd20u}, {27, 0xfffffd40u},
-    {27, 0xfffffd60u}, {28, 0xffffffe0u}, {27, 0xfffffd80u}, {27, 0xfffffda0u},
-    {27, 0xfffffdc0u}, {27, 0xfffffde0u}, {27, 0xfffffe00u}, {26, 0xfffffb80u},
-    {30, 0xfffffffcu}};
+  {13, 0xffc00000u}, {23, 0xffffb000u}, {28, 0xfffffe20u}, {28, 0xfffffe30u},
+  {28, 0xfffffe40u}, {28, 0xfffffe50u}, {28, 0xfffffe60u}, {28, 0xfffffe70u},
+  {28, 0xfffffe80u}, {24, 0xffffea00u}, {30, 0xfffffff0u}, {28, 0xfffffe90u},
+  {28, 0xfffffea0u}, {30, 0xfffffff4u}, {28, 0xfffffeb0u}, {28, 0xfffffec0u},
+  {28, 0xfffffed0u}, {28, 0xfffffee0u}, {28, 0xfffffef0u}, {28, 0xffffff00u},
+  {28, 0xffffff10u}, {28, 0xffffff20u}, {30, 0xfffffff8u}, {28, 0xffffff30u},
+  {28, 0xffffff40u}, {28, 0xffffff50u}, {28, 0xffffff60u}, {28, 0xffffff70u},
+  {28, 0xffffff80u}, {28, 0xffffff90u}, {28, 0xffffffa0u}, {28, 0xffffffb0u},
+  {6, 0x50000000u},  {10, 0xfe000000u}, {10, 0xfe400000u}, {12, 0xffa00000u},
+  {13, 0xffc80000u}, {6, 0x54000000u},  {8, 0xf8000000u},  {11, 0xff400000u},
+  {10, 0xfe800000u}, {10, 0xfec00000u}, {8, 0xf9000000u},  {11, 0xff600000u},
+  {8, 0xfa000000u},  {6, 0x58000000u},  {6, 0x5c000000u},  {6, 0x60000000u},
+  {5, 0x0u},         {5, 0x8000000u},   {5, 0x10000000u},  {6, 0x64000000u},
+  {6, 0x68000000u},  {6, 0x6c000000u},  {6, 0x70000000u},  {6, 0x74000000u},
+  {6, 0x78000000u},  {6, 0x7c000000u},  {7, 0xb8000000u},  {8, 0xfb000000u},
+  {15, 0xfff80000u}, {6, 0x80000000u},  {12, 0xffb00000u}, {10, 0xff000000u},
+  {13, 0xffd00000u}, {6, 0x84000000u},  {7, 0xba000000u},  {7, 0xbc000000u},
+  {7, 0xbe000000u},  {7, 0xc0000000u},  {7, 0xc2000000u},  {7, 0xc4000000u},
+  {7, 0xc6000000u},  {7, 0xc8000000u},  {7, 0xca000000u},  {7, 0xcc000000u},
+  {7, 0xce000000u},  {7, 0xd0000000u},  {7, 0xd2000000u},  {7, 0xd4000000u},
+  {7, 0xd6000000u},  {7, 0xd8000000u},  {7, 0xda000000u},  {7, 0xdc000000u},
+  {7, 0xde000000u},  {7, 0xe0000000u},  {7, 0xe2000000u},  {7, 0xe4000000u},
+  {8, 0xfc000000u},  {7, 0xe6000000u},  {8, 0xfd000000u},  {13, 0xffd80000u},
+  {19, 0xfffe0000u}, {13, 0xffe00000u}, {14, 0xfff00000u}, {6, 0x88000000u},
+  {15, 0xfffa0000u}, {5, 0x18000000u},  {6, 0x8c000000u},  {5, 0x20000000u},
+  {6, 0x90000000u},  {5, 0x28000000u},  {6, 0x94000000u},  {6, 0x98000000u},
+  {6, 0x9c000000u},  {5, 0x30000000u},  {7, 0xe8000000u},  {7, 0xea000000u},
+  {6, 0xa0000000u},  {6, 0xa4000000u},  {6, 0xa8000000u},  {5, 0x38000000u},
+  {6, 0xac000000u},  {7, 0xec000000u},  {6, 0xb0000000u},  {5, 0x40000000u},
+  {5, 0x48000000u},  {6, 0xb4000000u},  {7, 0xee000000u},  {7, 0xf0000000u},
+  {7, 0xf2000000u},  {7, 0xf4000000u},  {7, 0xf6000000u},  {15, 0xfffc0000u},
+  {11, 0xff800000u}, {14, 0xfff40000u}, {13, 0xffe80000u}, {28, 0xffffffc0u},
+  {20, 0xfffe6000u}, {22, 0xffff4800u}, {20, 0xfffe7000u}, {20, 0xfffe8000u},
+  {22, 0xffff4c00u}, {22, 0xffff5000u}, {22, 0xffff5400u}, {23, 0xffffb200u},
+  {22, 0xffff5800u}, {23, 0xffffb400u}, {23, 0xffffb600u}, {23, 0xffffb800u},
+  {23, 0xffffba00u}, {23, 0xffffbc00u}, {24, 0xffffeb00u}, {23, 0xffffbe00u},
+  {24, 0xffffec00u}, {24, 0xffffed00u}, {22, 0xffff5c00u}, {23, 0xffffc000u},
+  {24, 0xffffee00u}, {23, 0xffffc200u}, {23, 0xffffc400u}, {23, 0xffffc600u},
+  {23, 0xffffc800u}, {21, 0xfffee000u}, {22, 0xffff6000u}, {23, 0xffffca00u},
+  {22, 0xffff6400u}, {23, 0xffffcc00u}, {23, 0xffffce00u}, {24, 0xffffef00u},
+  {22, 0xffff6800u}, {21, 0xfffee800u}, {20, 0xfffe9000u}, {22, 0xffff6c00u},
+  {22, 0xffff7000u}, {23, 0xffffd000u}, {23, 0xffffd200u}, {21, 0xfffef000u},
+  {23, 0xffffd400u}, {22, 0xffff7400u}, {22, 0xffff7800u}, {24, 0xfffff000u},
+  {21, 0xfffef800u}, {22, 0xffff7c00u}, {23, 0xffffd600u}, {23, 0xffffd800u},
+  {21, 0xffff0000u}, {21, 0xffff0800u}, {22, 0xffff8000u}, {21, 0xffff1000u},
+  {23, 0xffffda00u}, {22, 0xffff8400u}, {23, 0xffffdc00u}, {23, 0xffffde00u},
+  {20, 0xfffea000u}, {22, 0xffff8800u}, {22, 0xffff8c00u}, {22, 0xffff9000u},
+  {23, 0xffffe000u}, {22, 0xffff9400u}, {22, 0xffff9800u}, {23, 0xffffe200u},
+  {26, 0xfffff800u}, {26, 0xfffff840u}, {20, 0xfffeb000u}, {19, 0xfffe2000u},
+  {22, 0xffff9c00u}, {23, 0xffffe400u}, {22, 0xffffa000u}, {25, 0xfffff600u},
+  {26, 0xfffff880u}, {26, 0xfffff8c0u}, {26, 0xfffff900u}, {27, 0xfffffbc0u},
+  {27, 0xfffffbe0u}, {26, 0xfffff940u}, {24, 0xfffff100u}, {25, 0xfffff680u},
+  {19, 0xfffe4000u}, {21, 0xffff1800u}, {26, 0xfffff980u}, {27, 0xfffffc00u},
+  {27, 0xfffffc20u}, {26, 0xfffff9c0u}, {27, 0xfffffc40u}, {24, 0xfffff200u},
+  {21, 0xffff2000u}, {21, 0xffff2800u}, {26, 0xfffffa00u}, {26, 0xfffffa40u},
+  {28, 0xffffffd0u}, {27, 0xfffffc60u}, {27, 0xfffffc80u}, {27, 0xfffffca0u},
+  {20, 0xfffec000u}, {24, 0xfffff300u}, {20, 0xfffed000u}, {21, 0xffff3000u},
+  {22, 0xffffa400u}, {21, 0xffff3800u}, {21, 0xffff4000u}, {23, 0xffffe600u},
+  {22, 0xffffa800u}, {22, 0xffffac00u}, {25, 0xfffff700u}, {25, 0xfffff780u},
+  {24, 0xfffff400u}, {24, 0xfffff500u}, {26, 0xfffffa80u}, {23, 0xffffe800u},
+  {26, 0xfffffac0u}, {27, 0xfffffcc0u}, {26, 0xfffffb00u}, {26, 0xfffffb40u},
+  {27, 0xfffffce0u}, {27, 0xfffffd00u}, {27, 0xfffffd20u}, {27, 0xfffffd40u},
+  {27, 0xfffffd60u}, {28, 0xffffffe0u}, {27, 0xfffffd80u}, {27, 0xfffffda0u},
+  {27, 0xfffffdc0u}, {27, 0xfffffde0u}, {27, 0xfffffe00u}, {26, 0xfffffb80u},
+  {30, 0xfffffffcu}};
 const nghttp2_huff_decode huff_decode_table[][16] = {
-    /* 0 */
-    {
-        {0x04, 0},
-        {0x05, 0},
-        {0x07, 0},
-        {0x08, 0},
-        {0x0b, 0},
-        {0x0c, 0},
-        {0x10, 0},
-        {0x13, 0},
-        {0x19, 0},
-        {0x1c, 0},
-        {0x20, 0},
-        {0x23, 0},
-        {0x2a, 0},
-        {0x31, 0},
-        {0x39, 0},
-        {0x4040, 0},
-    },
-    /* 1 */
-    {
-        {0xc000, 48},
-        {0xc000, 49},
-        {0xc000, 50},
-        {0xc000, 97},
-        {0xc000, 99},
-        {0xc000, 101},
-        {0xc000, 105},
-        {0xc000, 111},
-        {0xc000, 115},
-        {0xc000, 116},
-        {0x0d, 0},
-        {0x0e, 0},
-        {0x11, 0},
-        {0x12, 0},
-        {0x14, 0},
-        {0x15, 0},
-    },
-    /* 2 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 48},
-        {0xc016, 48},
-        {0x8001, 49},
-        {0xc016, 49},
-        {0x8001, 50},
-        {0xc016, 50},
-        {0x8001, 97},
-        {0xc016, 97},
-        {0x8001, 99},
-        {0xc016, 99},
-        {0x8001, 101},
-        {0xc016, 101},
-        {0x8001, 105},
-        {0xc016, 105},
-        {0x8001, 111},
-        {0xc016, 111},
-    },
-    /* 3 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 48},
-        {0x8009, 48},
-        {0x8017, 48},
-        {0xc028, 48},
-        {0x8002, 49},
-        {0x8009, 49},
-        {0x8017, 49},
-        {0xc028, 49},
-        {0x8002, 50},
-        {0x8009, 50},
-        {0x8017, 50},
-        {0xc028, 50},
-        {0x8002, 97},
-        {0x8009, 97},
-        {0x8017, 97},
-        {0xc028, 97},
-    },
-    /* 4 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 48},
-        {0x8006, 48},
-        {0x800a, 48},
-        {0x800f, 48},
-        {0x8018, 48},
-        {0x801f, 48},
-        {0x8029, 48},
-        {0xc038, 48},
-        {0x8003, 49},
-        {0x8006, 49},
-        {0x800a, 49},
-        {0x800f, 49},
-        {0x8018, 49},
-        {0x801f, 49},
-        {0x8029, 49},
-        {0xc038, 49},
-    },
-    /* 5 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 50},
-        {0x8006, 50},
-        {0x800a, 50},
-        {0x800f, 50},
-        {0x8018, 50},
-        {0x801f, 50},
-        {0x8029, 50},
-        {0xc038, 50},
-        {0x8003, 97},
-        {0x8006, 97},
-        {0x800a, 97},
-        {0x800f, 97},
-        {0x8018, 97},
-        {0x801f, 97},
-        {0x8029, 97},
-        {0xc038, 97},
-    },
-    /* 6 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 99},
-        {0x8009, 99},
-        {0x8017, 99},
-        {0xc028, 99},
-        {0x8002, 101},
-        {0x8009, 101},
-        {0x8017, 101},
-        {0xc028, 101},
-        {0x8002, 105},
-        {0x8009, 105},
-        {0x8017, 105},
-        {0xc028, 105},
-        {0x8002, 111},
-        {0x8009, 111},
-        {0x8017, 111},
-        {0xc028, 111},
-    },
-    /* 7 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 99},
-        {0x8006, 99},
-        {0x800a, 99},
-        {0x800f, 99},
-        {0x8018, 99},
-        {0x801f, 99},
-        {0x8029, 99},
-        {0xc038, 99},
-        {0x8003, 101},
-        {0x8006, 101},
-        {0x800a, 101},
-        {0x800f, 101},
-        {0x8018, 101},
-        {0x801f, 101},
-        {0x8029, 101},
-        {0xc038, 101},
-    },
-    /* 8 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 105},
-        {0x8006, 105},
-        {0x800a, 105},
-        {0x800f, 105},
-        {0x8018, 105},
-        {0x801f, 105},
-        {0x8029, 105},
-        {0xc038, 105},
-        {0x8003, 111},
-        {0x8006, 111},
-        {0x800a, 111},
-        {0x800f, 111},
-        {0x8018, 111},
-        {0x801f, 111},
-        {0x8029, 111},
-        {0xc038, 111},
-    },
-    /* 9 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 115},
-        {0xc016, 115},
-        {0x8001, 116},
-        {0xc016, 116},
-        {0xc000, 32},
-        {0xc000, 37},
-        {0xc000, 45},
-        {0xc000, 46},
-        {0xc000, 47},
-        {0xc000, 51},
-        {0xc000, 52},
-        {0xc000, 53},
-        {0xc000, 54},
-        {0xc000, 55},
-        {0xc000, 56},
-        {0xc000, 57},
-    },
-    /* 10 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 115},
-        {0x8009, 115},
-        {0x8017, 115},
-        {0xc028, 115},
-        {0x8002, 116},
-        {0x8009, 116},
-        {0x8017, 116},
-        {0xc028, 116},
-        {0x8001, 32},
-        {0xc016, 32},
-        {0x8001, 37},
-        {0xc016, 37},
-        {0x8001, 45},
-        {0xc016, 45},
-        {0x8001, 46},
-        {0xc016, 46},
-    },
-    /* 11 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 115},
-        {0x8006, 115},
-        {0x800a, 115},
-        {0x800f, 115},
-        {0x8018, 115},
-        {0x801f, 115},
-        {0x8029, 115},
-        {0xc038, 115},
-        {0x8003, 116},
-        {0x8006, 116},
-        {0x800a, 116},
-        {0x800f, 116},
-        {0x8018, 116},
-        {0x801f, 116},
-        {0x8029, 116},
-        {0xc038, 116},
-    },
-    /* 12 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 32},
-        {0x8009, 32},
-        {0x8017, 32},
-        {0xc028, 32},
-        {0x8002, 37},
-        {0x8009, 37},
-        {0x8017, 37},
-        {0xc028, 37},
-        {0x8002, 45},
-        {0x8009, 45},
-        {0x8017, 45},
-        {0xc028, 45},
-        {0x8002, 46},
-        {0x8009, 46},
-        {0x8017, 46},
-        {0xc028, 46},
-    },
-    /* 13 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 32},
-        {0x8006, 32},
-        {0x800a, 32},
-        {0x800f, 32},
-        {0x8018, 32},
-        {0x801f, 32},
-        {0x8029, 32},
-        {0xc038, 32},
-        {0x8003, 37},
-        {0x8006, 37},
-        {0x800a, 37},
-        {0x800f, 37},
-        {0x8018, 37},
-        {0x801f, 37},
-        {0x8029, 37},
-        {0xc038, 37},
-    },
-    /* 14 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 45},
-        {0x8006, 45},
-        {0x800a, 45},
-        {0x800f, 45},
-        {0x8018, 45},
-        {0x801f, 45},
-        {0x8029, 45},
-        {0xc038, 45},
-        {0x8003, 46},
-        {0x8006, 46},
-        {0x800a, 46},
-        {0x800f, 46},
-        {0x8018, 46},
-        {0x801f, 46},
-        {0x8029, 46},
-        {0xc038, 46},
-    },
-    /* 15 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 47},
-        {0xc016, 47},
-        {0x8001, 51},
-        {0xc016, 51},
-        {0x8001, 52},
-        {0xc016, 52},
-        {0x8001, 53},
-        {0xc016, 53},
-        {0x8001, 54},
-        {0xc016, 54},
-        {0x8001, 55},
-        {0xc016, 55},
-        {0x8001, 56},
-        {0xc016, 56},
-        {0x8001, 57},
-        {0xc016, 57},
-    },
-    /* 16 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 47},
-        {0x8009, 47},
-        {0x8017, 47},
-        {0xc028, 47},
-        {0x8002, 51},
-        {0x8009, 51},
-        {0x8017, 51},
-        {0xc028, 51},
-        {0x8002, 52},
-        {0x8009, 52},
-        {0x8017, 52},
-        {0xc028, 52},
-        {0x8002, 53},
-        {0x8009, 53},
-        {0x8017, 53},
-        {0xc028, 53},
-    },
-    /* 17 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 47},
-        {0x8006, 47},
-        {0x800a, 47},
-        {0x800f, 47},
-        {0x8018, 47},
-        {0x801f, 47},
-        {0x8029, 47},
-        {0xc038, 47},
-        {0x8003, 51},
-        {0x8006, 51},
-        {0x800a, 51},
-        {0x800f, 51},
-        {0x8018, 51},
-        {0x801f, 51},
-        {0x8029, 51},
-        {0xc038, 51},
-    },
-    /* 18 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 52},
-        {0x8006, 52},
-        {0x800a, 52},
-        {0x800f, 52},
-        {0x8018, 52},
-        {0x801f, 52},
-        {0x8029, 52},
-        {0xc038, 52},
-        {0x8003, 53},
-        {0x8006, 53},
-        {0x800a, 53},
-        {0x800f, 53},
-        {0x8018, 53},
-        {0x801f, 53},
-        {0x8029, 53},
-        {0xc038, 53},
-    },
-    /* 19 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 54},
-        {0x8009, 54},
-        {0x8017, 54},
-        {0xc028, 54},
-        {0x8002, 55},
-        {0x8009, 55},
-        {0x8017, 55},
-        {0xc028, 55},
-        {0x8002, 56},
-        {0x8009, 56},
-        {0x8017, 56},
-        {0xc028, 56},
-        {0x8002, 57},
-        {0x8009, 57},
-        {0x8017, 57},
-        {0xc028, 57},
-    },
-    /* 20 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 54},
-        {0x8006, 54},
-        {0x800a, 54},
-        {0x800f, 54},
-        {0x8018, 54},
-        {0x801f, 54},
-        {0x8029, 54},
-        {0xc038, 54},
-        {0x8003, 55},
-        {0x8006, 55},
-        {0x800a, 55},
-        {0x800f, 55},
-        {0x8018, 55},
-        {0x801f, 55},
-        {0x8029, 55},
-        {0xc038, 55},
-    },
-    /* 21 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 56},
-        {0x8006, 56},
-        {0x800a, 56},
-        {0x800f, 56},
-        {0x8018, 56},
-        {0x801f, 56},
-        {0x8029, 56},
-        {0xc038, 56},
-        {0x8003, 57},
-        {0x8006, 57},
-        {0x800a, 57},
-        {0x800f, 57},
-        {0x8018, 57},
-        {0x801f, 57},
-        {0x8029, 57},
-        {0xc038, 57},
-    },
-    /* 22 */
-    {
-        {0x1a, 0},
-        {0x1b, 0},
-        {0x1d, 0},
-        {0x1e, 0},
-        {0x21, 0},
-        {0x22, 0},
-        {0x24, 0},
-        {0x25, 0},
-        {0x2b, 0},
-        {0x2e, 0},
-        {0x32, 0},
-        {0x35, 0},
-        {0x3a, 0},
-        {0x3d, 0},
-        {0x41, 0},
-        {0x4044, 0},
-    },
-    /* 23 */
-    {
-        {0xc000, 61},
-        {0xc000, 65},
-        {0xc000, 95},
-        {0xc000, 98},
-        {0xc000, 100},
-        {0xc000, 102},
-        {0xc000, 103},
-        {0xc000, 104},
-        {0xc000, 108},
-        {0xc000, 109},
-        {0xc000, 110},
-        {0xc000, 112},
-        {0xc000, 114},
-        {0xc000, 117},
-        {0x26, 0},
-        {0x27, 0},
-    },
-    /* 24 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 61},
-        {0xc016, 61},
-        {0x8001, 65},
-        {0xc016, 65},
-        {0x8001, 95},
-        {0xc016, 95},
-        {0x8001, 98},
-        {0xc016, 98},
-        {0x8001, 100},
-        {0xc016, 100},
-        {0x8001, 102},
-        {0xc016, 102},
-        {0x8001, 103},
-        {0xc016, 103},
-        {0x8001, 104},
-        {0xc016, 104},
-    },
-    /* 25 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 61},
-        {0x8009, 61},
-        {0x8017, 61},
-        {0xc028, 61},
-        {0x8002, 65},
-        {0x8009, 65},
-        {0x8017, 65},
-        {0xc028, 65},
-        {0x8002, 95},
-        {0x8009, 95},
-        {0x8017, 95},
-        {0xc028, 95},
-        {0x8002, 98},
-        {0x8009, 98},
-        {0x8017, 98},
-        {0xc028, 98},
-    },
-    /* 26 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 61},
-        {0x8006, 61},
-        {0x800a, 61},
-        {0x800f, 61},
-        {0x8018, 61},
-        {0x801f, 61},
-        {0x8029, 61},
-        {0xc038, 61},
-        {0x8003, 65},
-        {0x8006, 65},
-        {0x800a, 65},
-        {0x800f, 65},
-        {0x8018, 65},
-        {0x801f, 65},
-        {0x8029, 65},
-        {0xc038, 65},
-    },
-    /* 27 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 95},
-        {0x8006, 95},
-        {0x800a, 95},
-        {0x800f, 95},
-        {0x8018, 95},
-        {0x801f, 95},
-        {0x8029, 95},
-        {0xc038, 95},
-        {0x8003, 98},
-        {0x8006, 98},
-        {0x800a, 98},
-        {0x800f, 98},
-        {0x8018, 98},
-        {0x801f, 98},
-        {0x8029, 98},
-        {0xc038, 98},
-    },
-    /* 28 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 100},
-        {0x8009, 100},
-        {0x8017, 100},
-        {0xc028, 100},
-        {0x8002, 102},
-        {0x8009, 102},
-        {0x8017, 102},
-        {0xc028, 102},
-        {0x8002, 103},
-        {0x8009, 103},
-        {0x8017, 103},
-        {0xc028, 103},
-        {0x8002, 104},
-        {0x8009, 104},
-        {0x8017, 104},
-        {0xc028, 104},
-    },
-    /* 29 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 100},
-        {0x8006, 100},
-        {0x800a, 100},
-        {0x800f, 100},
-        {0x8018, 100},
-        {0x801f, 100},
-        {0x8029, 100},
-        {0xc038, 100},
-        {0x8003, 102},
-        {0x8006, 102},
-        {0x800a, 102},
-        {0x800f, 102},
-        {0x8018, 102},
-        {0x801f, 102},
-        {0x8029, 102},
-        {0xc038, 102},
-    },
-    /* 30 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 103},
-        {0x8006, 103},
-        {0x800a, 103},
-        {0x800f, 103},
-        {0x8018, 103},
-        {0x801f, 103},
-        {0x8029, 103},
-        {0xc038, 103},
-        {0x8003, 104},
-        {0x8006, 104},
-        {0x800a, 104},
-        {0x800f, 104},
-        {0x8018, 104},
-        {0x801f, 104},
-        {0x8029, 104},
-        {0xc038, 104},
-    },
-    /* 31 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 108},
-        {0xc016, 108},
-        {0x8001, 109},
-        {0xc016, 109},
-        {0x8001, 110},
-        {0xc016, 110},
-        {0x8001, 112},
-        {0xc016, 112},
-        {0x8001, 114},
-        {0xc016, 114},
-        {0x8001, 117},
-        {0xc016, 117},
-        {0xc000, 58},
-        {0xc000, 66},
-        {0xc000, 67},
-        {0xc000, 68},
-    },
-    /* 32 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 108},
-        {0x8009, 108},
-        {0x8017, 108},
-        {0xc028, 108},
-        {0x8002, 109},
-        {0x8009, 109},
-        {0x8017, 109},
-        {0xc028, 109},
-        {0x8002, 110},
-        {0x8009, 110},
-        {0x8017, 110},
-        {0xc028, 110},
-        {0x8002, 112},
-        {0x8009, 112},
-        {0x8017, 112},
-        {0xc028, 112},
-    },
-    /* 33 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 108},
-        {0x8006, 108},
-        {0x800a, 108},
-        {0x800f, 108},
-        {0x8018, 108},
-        {0x801f, 108},
-        {0x8029, 108},
-        {0xc038, 108},
-        {0x8003, 109},
-        {0x8006, 109},
-        {0x800a, 109},
-        {0x800f, 109},
-        {0x8018, 109},
-        {0x801f, 109},
-        {0x8029, 109},
-        {0xc038, 109},
-    },
-    /* 34 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 110},
-        {0x8006, 110},
-        {0x800a, 110},
-        {0x800f, 110},
-        {0x8018, 110},
-        {0x801f, 110},
-        {0x8029, 110},
-        {0xc038, 110},
-        {0x8003, 112},
-        {0x8006, 112},
-        {0x800a, 112},
-        {0x800f, 112},
-        {0x8018, 112},
-        {0x801f, 112},
-        {0x8029, 112},
-        {0xc038, 112},
-    },
-    /* 35 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 114},
-        {0x8009, 114},
-        {0x8017, 114},
-        {0xc028, 114},
-        {0x8002, 117},
-        {0x8009, 117},
-        {0x8017, 117},
-        {0xc028, 117},
-        {0x8001, 58},
-        {0xc016, 58},
-        {0x8001, 66},
-        {0xc016, 66},
-        {0x8001, 67},
-        {0xc016, 67},
-        {0x8001, 68},
-        {0xc016, 68},
-    },
-    /* 36 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 114},
-        {0x8006, 114},
-        {0x800a, 114},
-        {0x800f, 114},
-        {0x8018, 114},
-        {0x801f, 114},
-        {0x8029, 114},
-        {0xc038, 114},
-        {0x8003, 117},
-        {0x8006, 117},
-        {0x800a, 117},
-        {0x800f, 117},
-        {0x8018, 117},
-        {0x801f, 117},
-        {0x8029, 117},
-        {0xc038, 117},
-    },
-    /* 37 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 58},
-        {0x8009, 58},
-        {0x8017, 58},
-        {0xc028, 58},
-        {0x8002, 66},
-        {0x8009, 66},
-        {0x8017, 66},
-        {0xc028, 66},
-        {0x8002, 67},
-        {0x8009, 67},
-        {0x8017, 67},
-        {0xc028, 67},
-        {0x8002, 68},
-        {0x8009, 68},
-        {0x8017, 68},
-        {0xc028, 68},
-    },
-    /* 38 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 58},
-        {0x8006, 58},
-        {0x800a, 58},
-        {0x800f, 58},
-        {0x8018, 58},
-        {0x801f, 58},
-        {0x8029, 58},
-        {0xc038, 58},
-        {0x8003, 66},
-        {0x8006, 66},
-        {0x800a, 66},
-        {0x800f, 66},
-        {0x8018, 66},
-        {0x801f, 66},
-        {0x8029, 66},
-        {0xc038, 66},
-    },
-    /* 39 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 67},
-        {0x8006, 67},
-        {0x800a, 67},
-        {0x800f, 67},
-        {0x8018, 67},
-        {0x801f, 67},
-        {0x8029, 67},
-        {0xc038, 67},
-        {0x8003, 68},
-        {0x8006, 68},
-        {0x800a, 68},
-        {0x800f, 68},
-        {0x8018, 68},
-        {0x801f, 68},
-        {0x8029, 68},
-        {0xc038, 68},
-    },
-    /* 40 */
-    {
-        {0x2c, 0},
-        {0x2d, 0},
-        {0x2f, 0},
-        {0x30, 0},
-        {0x33, 0},
-        {0x34, 0},
-        {0x36, 0},
-        {0x37, 0},
-        {0x3b, 0},
-        {0x3c, 0},
-        {0x3e, 0},
-        {0x3f, 0},
-        {0x42, 0},
-        {0x43, 0},
-        {0x45, 0},
-        {0x4048, 0},
-    },
-    /* 41 */
-    {
-        {0xc000, 69},
-        {0xc000, 70},
-        {0xc000, 71},
-        {0xc000, 72},
-        {0xc000, 73},
-        {0xc000, 74},
-        {0xc000, 75},
-        {0xc000, 76},
-        {0xc000, 77},
-        {0xc000, 78},
-        {0xc000, 79},
-        {0xc000, 80},
-        {0xc000, 81},
-        {0xc000, 82},
-        {0xc000, 83},
-        {0xc000, 84},
-    },
-    /* 42 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 69},
-        {0xc016, 69},
-        {0x8001, 70},
-        {0xc016, 70},
-        {0x8001, 71},
-        {0xc016, 71},
-        {0x8001, 72},
-        {0xc016, 72},
-        {0x8001, 73},
-        {0xc016, 73},
-        {0x8001, 74},
-        {0xc016, 74},
-        {0x8001, 75},
-        {0xc016, 75},
-        {0x8001, 76},
-        {0xc016, 76},
-    },
-    /* 43 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 69},
-        {0x8009, 69},
-        {0x8017, 69},
-        {0xc028, 69},
-        {0x8002, 70},
-        {0x8009, 70},
-        {0x8017, 70},
-        {0xc028, 70},
-        {0x8002, 71},
-        {0x8009, 71},
-        {0x8017, 71},
-        {0xc028, 71},
-        {0x8002, 72},
-        {0x8009, 72},
-        {0x8017, 72},
-        {0xc028, 72},
-    },
-    /* 44 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 69},
-        {0x8006, 69},
-        {0x800a, 69},
-        {0x800f, 69},
-        {0x8018, 69},
-        {0x801f, 69},
-        {0x8029, 69},
-        {0xc038, 69},
-        {0x8003, 70},
-        {0x8006, 70},
-        {0x800a, 70},
-        {0x800f, 70},
-        {0x8018, 70},
-        {0x801f, 70},
-        {0x8029, 70},
-        {0xc038, 70},
-    },
-    /* 45 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 71},
-        {0x8006, 71},
-        {0x800a, 71},
-        {0x800f, 71},
-        {0x8018, 71},
-        {0x801f, 71},
-        {0x8029, 71},
-        {0xc038, 71},
-        {0x8003, 72},
-        {0x8006, 72},
-        {0x800a, 72},
-        {0x800f, 72},
-        {0x8018, 72},
-        {0x801f, 72},
-        {0x8029, 72},
-        {0xc038, 72},
-    },
-    /* 46 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 73},
-        {0x8009, 73},
-        {0x8017, 73},
-        {0xc028, 73},
-        {0x8002, 74},
-        {0x8009, 74},
-        {0x8017, 74},
-        {0xc028, 74},
-        {0x8002, 75},
-        {0x8009, 75},
-        {0x8017, 75},
-        {0xc028, 75},
-        {0x8002, 76},
-        {0x8009, 76},
-        {0x8017, 76},
-        {0xc028, 76},
-    },
-    /* 47 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 73},
-        {0x8006, 73},
-        {0x800a, 73},
-        {0x800f, 73},
-        {0x8018, 73},
-        {0x801f, 73},
-        {0x8029, 73},
-        {0xc038, 73},
-        {0x8003, 74},
-        {0x8006, 74},
-        {0x800a, 74},
-        {0x800f, 74},
-        {0x8018, 74},
-        {0x801f, 74},
-        {0x8029, 74},
-        {0xc038, 74},
-    },
-    /* 48 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 75},
-        {0x8006, 75},
-        {0x800a, 75},
-        {0x800f, 75},
-        {0x8018, 75},
-        {0x801f, 75},
-        {0x8029, 75},
-        {0xc038, 75},
-        {0x8003, 76},
-        {0x8006, 76},
-        {0x800a, 76},
-        {0x800f, 76},
-        {0x8018, 76},
-        {0x801f, 76},
-        {0x8029, 76},
-        {0xc038, 76},
-    },
-    /* 49 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 77},
-        {0xc016, 77},
-        {0x8001, 78},
-        {0xc016, 78},
-        {0x8001, 79},
-        {0xc016, 79},
-        {0x8001, 80},
-        {0xc016, 80},
-        {0x8001, 81},
-        {0xc016, 81},
-        {0x8001, 82},
-        {0xc016, 82},
-        {0x8001, 83},
-        {0xc016, 83},
-        {0x8001, 84},
-        {0xc016, 84},
-    },
-    /* 50 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 77},
-        {0x8009, 77},
-        {0x8017, 77},
-        {0xc028, 77},
-        {0x8002, 78},
-        {0x8009, 78},
-        {0x8017, 78},
-        {0xc028, 78},
-        {0x8002, 79},
-        {0x8009, 79},
-        {0x8017, 79},
-        {0xc028, 79},
-        {0x8002, 80},
-        {0x8009, 80},
-        {0x8017, 80},
-        {0xc028, 80},
-    },
-    /* 51 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 77},
-        {0x8006, 77},
-        {0x800a, 77},
-        {0x800f, 77},
-        {0x8018, 77},
-        {0x801f, 77},
-        {0x8029, 77},
-        {0xc038, 77},
-        {0x8003, 78},
-        {0x8006, 78},
-        {0x800a, 78},
-        {0x800f, 78},
-        {0x8018, 78},
-        {0x801f, 78},
-        {0x8029, 78},
-        {0xc038, 78},
-    },
-    /* 52 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 79},
-        {0x8006, 79},
-        {0x800a, 79},
-        {0x800f, 79},
-        {0x8018, 79},
-        {0x801f, 79},
-        {0x8029, 79},
-        {0xc038, 79},
-        {0x8003, 80},
-        {0x8006, 80},
-        {0x800a, 80},
-        {0x800f, 80},
-        {0x8018, 80},
-        {0x801f, 80},
-        {0x8029, 80},
-        {0xc038, 80},
-    },
-    /* 53 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 81},
-        {0x8009, 81},
-        {0x8017, 81},
-        {0xc028, 81},
-        {0x8002, 82},
-        {0x8009, 82},
-        {0x8017, 82},
-        {0xc028, 82},
-        {0x8002, 83},
-        {0x8009, 83},
-        {0x8017, 83},
-        {0xc028, 83},
-        {0x8002, 84},
-        {0x8009, 84},
-        {0x8017, 84},
-        {0xc028, 84},
-    },
-    /* 54 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 81},
-        {0x8006, 81},
-        {0x800a, 81},
-        {0x800f, 81},
-        {0x8018, 81},
-        {0x801f, 81},
-        {0x8029, 81},
-        {0xc038, 81},
-        {0x8003, 82},
-        {0x8006, 82},
-        {0x800a, 82},
-        {0x800f, 82},
-        {0x8018, 82},
-        {0x801f, 82},
-        {0x8029, 82},
-        {0xc038, 82},
-    },
-    /* 55 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 83},
-        {0x8006, 83},
-        {0x800a, 83},
-        {0x800f, 83},
-        {0x8018, 83},
-        {0x801f, 83},
-        {0x8029, 83},
-        {0xc038, 83},
-        {0x8003, 84},
-        {0x8006, 84},
-        {0x800a, 84},
-        {0x800f, 84},
-        {0x8018, 84},
-        {0x801f, 84},
-        {0x8029, 84},
-        {0xc038, 84},
-    },
-    /* 56 */
-    {
-        {0xc000, 85},
-        {0xc000, 86},
-        {0xc000, 87},
-        {0xc000, 89},
-        {0xc000, 106},
-        {0xc000, 107},
-        {0xc000, 113},
-        {0xc000, 118},
-        {0xc000, 119},
-        {0xc000, 120},
-        {0xc000, 121},
-        {0xc000, 122},
-        {0x46, 0},
-        {0x47, 0},
-        {0x49, 0},
-        {0x404a, 0},
-    },
-    /* 57 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 85},
-        {0xc016, 85},
-        {0x8001, 86},
-        {0xc016, 86},
-        {0x8001, 87},
-        {0xc016, 87},
-        {0x8001, 89},
-        {0xc016, 89},
-        {0x8001, 106},
-        {0xc016, 106},
-        {0x8001, 107},
-        {0xc016, 107},
-        {0x8001, 113},
-        {0xc016, 113},
-        {0x8001, 118},
-        {0xc016, 118},
-    },
-    /* 58 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 85},
-        {0x8009, 85},
-        {0x8017, 85},
-        {0xc028, 85},
-        {0x8002, 86},
-        {0x8009, 86},
-        {0x8017, 86},
-        {0xc028, 86},
-        {0x8002, 87},
-        {0x8009, 87},
-        {0x8017, 87},
-        {0xc028, 87},
-        {0x8002, 89},
-        {0x8009, 89},
-        {0x8017, 89},
-        {0xc028, 89},
-    },
-    /* 59 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 85},
-        {0x8006, 85},
-        {0x800a, 85},
-        {0x800f, 85},
-        {0x8018, 85},
-        {0x801f, 85},
-        {0x8029, 85},
-        {0xc038, 85},
-        {0x8003, 86},
-        {0x8006, 86},
-        {0x800a, 86},
-        {0x800f, 86},
-        {0x8018, 86},
-        {0x801f, 86},
-        {0x8029, 86},
-        {0xc038, 86},
-    },
-    /* 60 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 87},
-        {0x8006, 87},
-        {0x800a, 87},
-        {0x800f, 87},
-        {0x8018, 87},
-        {0x801f, 87},
-        {0x8029, 87},
-        {0xc038, 87},
-        {0x8003, 89},
-        {0x8006, 89},
-        {0x800a, 89},
-        {0x800f, 89},
-        {0x8018, 89},
-        {0x801f, 89},
-        {0x8029, 89},
-        {0xc038, 89},
-    },
-    /* 61 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 106},
-        {0x8009, 106},
-        {0x8017, 106},
-        {0xc028, 106},
-        {0x8002, 107},
-        {0x8009, 107},
-        {0x8017, 107},
-        {0xc028, 107},
-        {0x8002, 113},
-        {0x8009, 113},
-        {0x8017, 113},
-        {0xc028, 113},
-        {0x8002, 118},
-        {0x8009, 118},
-        {0x8017, 118},
-        {0xc028, 118},
-    },
-    /* 62 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 106},
-        {0x8006, 106},
-        {0x800a, 106},
-        {0x800f, 106},
-        {0x8018, 106},
-        {0x801f, 106},
-        {0x8029, 106},
-        {0xc038, 106},
-        {0x8003, 107},
-        {0x8006, 107},
-        {0x800a, 107},
-        {0x800f, 107},
-        {0x8018, 107},
-        {0x801f, 107},
-        {0x8029, 107},
-        {0xc038, 107},
-    },
-    /* 63 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 113},
-        {0x8006, 113},
-        {0x800a, 113},
-        {0x800f, 113},
-        {0x8018, 113},
-        {0x801f, 113},
-        {0x8029, 113},
-        {0xc038, 113},
-        {0x8003, 118},
-        {0x8006, 118},
-        {0x800a, 118},
-        {0x800f, 118},
-        {0x8018, 118},
-        {0x801f, 118},
-        {0x8029, 118},
-        {0xc038, 118},
-    },
-    /* 64 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 119},
-        {0xc016, 119},
-        {0x8001, 120},
-        {0xc016, 120},
-        {0x8001, 121},
-        {0xc016, 121},
-        {0x8001, 122},
-        {0xc016, 122},
-        {0xc000, 38},
-        {0xc000, 42},
-        {0xc000, 44},
-        {0xc000, 59},
-        {0xc000, 88},
-        {0xc000, 90},
-        {0x4b, 0},
-        {0x4e, 0},
-    },
-    /* 65 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 119},
-        {0x8009, 119},
-        {0x8017, 119},
-        {0xc028, 119},
-        {0x8002, 120},
-        {0x8009, 120},
-        {0x8017, 120},
-        {0xc028, 120},
-        {0x8002, 121},
-        {0x8009, 121},
-        {0x8017, 121},
-        {0xc028, 121},
-        {0x8002, 122},
-        {0x8009, 122},
-        {0x8017, 122},
-        {0xc028, 122},
-    },
-    /* 66 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 119},
-        {0x8006, 119},
-        {0x800a, 119},
-        {0x800f, 119},
-        {0x8018, 119},
-        {0x801f, 119},
-        {0x8029, 119},
-        {0xc038, 119},
-        {0x8003, 120},
-        {0x8006, 120},
-        {0x800a, 120},
-        {0x800f, 120},
-        {0x8018, 120},
-        {0x801f, 120},
-        {0x8029, 120},
-        {0xc038, 120},
-    },
-    /* 67 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 121},
-        {0x8006, 121},
-        {0x800a, 121},
-        {0x800f, 121},
-        {0x8018, 121},
-        {0x801f, 121},
-        {0x8029, 121},
-        {0xc038, 121},
-        {0x8003, 122},
-        {0x8006, 122},
-        {0x800a, 122},
-        {0x800f, 122},
-        {0x8018, 122},
-        {0x801f, 122},
-        {0x8029, 122},
-        {0xc038, 122},
-    },
-    /* 68 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 38},
-        {0xc016, 38},
-        {0x8001, 42},
-        {0xc016, 42},
-        {0x8001, 44},
-        {0xc016, 44},
-        {0x8001, 59},
-        {0xc016, 59},
-        {0x8001, 88},
-        {0xc016, 88},
-        {0x8001, 90},
-        {0xc016, 90},
-        {0x4c, 0},
-        {0x4d, 0},
-        {0x4f, 0},
-        {0x51, 0},
-    },
-    /* 69 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 38},
-        {0x8009, 38},
-        {0x8017, 38},
-        {0xc028, 38},
-        {0x8002, 42},
-        {0x8009, 42},
-        {0x8017, 42},
-        {0xc028, 42},
-        {0x8002, 44},
-        {0x8009, 44},
-        {0x8017, 44},
-        {0xc028, 44},
-        {0x8002, 59},
-        {0x8009, 59},
-        {0x8017, 59},
-        {0xc028, 59},
-    },
-    /* 70 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 38},
-        {0x8006, 38},
-        {0x800a, 38},
-        {0x800f, 38},
-        {0x8018, 38},
-        {0x801f, 38},
-        {0x8029, 38},
-        {0xc038, 38},
-        {0x8003, 42},
-        {0x8006, 42},
-        {0x800a, 42},
-        {0x800f, 42},
-        {0x8018, 42},
-        {0x801f, 42},
-        {0x8029, 42},
-        {0xc038, 42},
-    },
-    /* 71 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 44},
-        {0x8006, 44},
-        {0x800a, 44},
-        {0x800f, 44},
-        {0x8018, 44},
-        {0x801f, 44},
-        {0x8029, 44},
-        {0xc038, 44},
-        {0x8003, 59},
-        {0x8006, 59},
-        {0x800a, 59},
-        {0x800f, 59},
-        {0x8018, 59},
-        {0x801f, 59},
-        {0x8029, 59},
-        {0xc038, 59},
-    },
-    /* 72 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 88},
-        {0x8009, 88},
-        {0x8017, 88},
-        {0xc028, 88},
-        {0x8002, 90},
-        {0x8009, 90},
-        {0x8017, 90},
-        {0xc028, 90},
-        {0xc000, 33},
-        {0xc000, 34},
-        {0xc000, 40},
-        {0xc000, 41},
-        {0xc000, 63},
-        {0x50, 0},
-        {0x52, 0},
-        {0x54, 0},
-    },
-    /* 73 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 88},
-        {0x8006, 88},
-        {0x800a, 88},
-        {0x800f, 88},
-        {0x8018, 88},
-        {0x801f, 88},
-        {0x8029, 88},
-        {0xc038, 88},
-        {0x8003, 90},
-        {0x8006, 90},
-        {0x800a, 90},
-        {0x800f, 90},
-        {0x8018, 90},
-        {0x801f, 90},
-        {0x8029, 90},
-        {0xc038, 90},
-    },
-    /* 74 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 33},
-        {0xc016, 33},
-        {0x8001, 34},
-        {0xc016, 34},
-        {0x8001, 40},
-        {0xc016, 40},
-        {0x8001, 41},
-        {0xc016, 41},
-        {0x8001, 63},
-        {0xc016, 63},
-        {0xc000, 39},
-        {0xc000, 43},
-        {0xc000, 124},
-        {0x53, 0},
-        {0x55, 0},
-        {0x58, 0},
-    },
-    /* 75 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 33},
-        {0x8009, 33},
-        {0x8017, 33},
-        {0xc028, 33},
-        {0x8002, 34},
-        {0x8009, 34},
-        {0x8017, 34},
-        {0xc028, 34},
-        {0x8002, 40},
-        {0x8009, 40},
-        {0x8017, 40},
-        {0xc028, 40},
-        {0x8002, 41},
-        {0x8009, 41},
-        {0x8017, 41},
-        {0xc028, 41},
-    },
-    /* 76 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 33},
-        {0x8006, 33},
-        {0x800a, 33},
-        {0x800f, 33},
-        {0x8018, 33},
-        {0x801f, 33},
-        {0x8029, 33},
-        {0xc038, 33},
-        {0x8003, 34},
-        {0x8006, 34},
-        {0x800a, 34},
-        {0x800f, 34},
-        {0x8018, 34},
-        {0x801f, 34},
-        {0x8029, 34},
-        {0xc038, 34},
-    },
-    /* 77 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 40},
-        {0x8006, 40},
-        {0x800a, 40},
-        {0x800f, 40},
-        {0x8018, 40},
-        {0x801f, 40},
-        {0x8029, 40},
-        {0xc038, 40},
-        {0x8003, 41},
-        {0x8006, 41},
-        {0x800a, 41},
-        {0x800f, 41},
-        {0x8018, 41},
-        {0x801f, 41},
-        {0x8029, 41},
-        {0xc038, 41},
-    },
-    /* 78 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 63},
-        {0x8009, 63},
-        {0x8017, 63},
-        {0xc028, 63},
-        {0x8001, 39},
-        {0xc016, 39},
-        {0x8001, 43},
-        {0xc016, 43},
-        {0x8001, 124},
-        {0xc016, 124},
-        {0xc000, 35},
-        {0xc000, 62},
-        {0x56, 0},
-        {0x57, 0},
-        {0x59, 0},
-        {0x5a, 0},
-    },
-    /* 79 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 63},
-        {0x8006, 63},
-        {0x800a, 63},
-        {0x800f, 63},
-        {0x8018, 63},
-        {0x801f, 63},
-        {0x8029, 63},
-        {0xc038, 63},
-        {0x8002, 39},
-        {0x8009, 39},
-        {0x8017, 39},
-        {0xc028, 39},
-        {0x8002, 43},
-        {0x8009, 43},
-        {0x8017, 43},
-        {0xc028, 43},
-    },
-    /* 80 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 39},
-        {0x8006, 39},
-        {0x800a, 39},
-        {0x800f, 39},
-        {0x8018, 39},
-        {0x801f, 39},
-        {0x8029, 39},
-        {0xc038, 39},
-        {0x8003, 43},
-        {0x8006, 43},
-        {0x800a, 43},
-        {0x800f, 43},
-        {0x8018, 43},
-        {0x801f, 43},
-        {0x8029, 43},
-        {0xc038, 43},
-    },
-    /* 81 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 124},
-        {0x8009, 124},
-        {0x8017, 124},
-        {0xc028, 124},
-        {0x8001, 35},
-        {0xc016, 35},
-        {0x8001, 62},
-        {0xc016, 62},
-        {0xc000, 0},
-        {0xc000, 36},
-        {0xc000, 64},
-        {0xc000, 91},
-        {0xc000, 93},
-        {0xc000, 126},
-        {0x5b, 0},
-        {0x5c, 0},
-    },
-    /* 82 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 124},
-        {0x8006, 124},
-        {0x800a, 124},
-        {0x800f, 124},
-        {0x8018, 124},
-        {0x801f, 124},
-        {0x8029, 124},
-        {0xc038, 124},
-        {0x8002, 35},
-        {0x8009, 35},
-        {0x8017, 35},
-        {0xc028, 35},
-        {0x8002, 62},
-        {0x8009, 62},
-        {0x8017, 62},
-        {0xc028, 62},
-    },
-    /* 83 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 35},
-        {0x8006, 35},
-        {0x800a, 35},
-        {0x800f, 35},
-        {0x8018, 35},
-        {0x801f, 35},
-        {0x8029, 35},
-        {0xc038, 35},
-        {0x8003, 62},
-        {0x8006, 62},
-        {0x800a, 62},
-        {0x800f, 62},
-        {0x8018, 62},
-        {0x801f, 62},
-        {0x8029, 62},
-        {0xc038, 62},
-    },
-    /* 84 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 0},
-        {0xc016, 0},
-        {0x8001, 36},
-        {0xc016, 36},
-        {0x8001, 64},
-        {0xc016, 64},
-        {0x8001, 91},
-        {0xc016, 91},
-        {0x8001, 93},
-        {0xc016, 93},
-        {0x8001, 126},
-        {0xc016, 126},
-        {0xc000, 94},
-        {0xc000, 125},
-        {0x5d, 0},
-        {0x5e, 0},
-    },
-    /* 85 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 0},
-        {0x8009, 0},
-        {0x8017, 0},
-        {0xc028, 0},
-        {0x8002, 36},
-        {0x8009, 36},
-        {0x8017, 36},
-        {0xc028, 36},
-        {0x8002, 64},
-        {0x8009, 64},
-        {0x8017, 64},
-        {0xc028, 64},
-        {0x8002, 91},
-        {0x8009, 91},
-        {0x8017, 91},
-        {0xc028, 91},
-    },
-    /* 86 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 0},
-        {0x8006, 0},
-        {0x800a, 0},
-        {0x800f, 0},
-        {0x8018, 0},
-        {0x801f, 0},
-        {0x8029, 0},
-        {0xc038, 0},
-        {0x8003, 36},
-        {0x8006, 36},
-        {0x800a, 36},
-        {0x800f, 36},
-        {0x8018, 36},
-        {0x801f, 36},
-        {0x8029, 36},
-        {0xc038, 36},
-    },
-    /* 87 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 64},
-        {0x8006, 64},
-        {0x800a, 64},
-        {0x800f, 64},
-        {0x8018, 64},
-        {0x801f, 64},
-        {0x8029, 64},
-        {0xc038, 64},
-        {0x8003, 91},
-        {0x8006, 91},
-        {0x800a, 91},
-        {0x800f, 91},
-        {0x8018, 91},
-        {0x801f, 91},
-        {0x8029, 91},
-        {0xc038, 91},
-    },
-    /* 88 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 93},
-        {0x8009, 93},
-        {0x8017, 93},
-        {0xc028, 93},
-        {0x8002, 126},
-        {0x8009, 126},
-        {0x8017, 126},
-        {0xc028, 126},
-        {0x8001, 94},
-        {0xc016, 94},
-        {0x8001, 125},
-        {0xc016, 125},
-        {0xc000, 60},
-        {0xc000, 96},
-        {0xc000, 123},
-        {0x5f, 0},
-    },
-    /* 89 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 93},
-        {0x8006, 93},
-        {0x800a, 93},
-        {0x800f, 93},
-        {0x8018, 93},
-        {0x801f, 93},
-        {0x8029, 93},
-        {0xc038, 93},
-        {0x8003, 126},
-        {0x8006, 126},
-        {0x800a, 126},
-        {0x800f, 126},
-        {0x8018, 126},
-        {0x801f, 126},
-        {0x8029, 126},
-        {0xc038, 126},
-    },
-    /* 90 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 94},
-        {0x8009, 94},
-        {0x8017, 94},
-        {0xc028, 94},
-        {0x8002, 125},
-        {0x8009, 125},
-        {0x8017, 125},
-        {0xc028, 125},
-        {0x8001, 60},
-        {0xc016, 60},
-        {0x8001, 96},
-        {0xc016, 96},
-        {0x8001, 123},
-        {0xc016, 123},
-        {0x60, 0},
-        {0x6e, 0},
-    },
-    /* 91 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 94},
-        {0x8006, 94},
-        {0x800a, 94},
-        {0x800f, 94},
-        {0x8018, 94},
-        {0x801f, 94},
-        {0x8029, 94},
-        {0xc038, 94},
-        {0x8003, 125},
-        {0x8006, 125},
-        {0x800a, 125},
-        {0x800f, 125},
-        {0x8018, 125},
-        {0x801f, 125},
-        {0x8029, 125},
-        {0xc038, 125},
-    },
-    /* 92 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 60},
-        {0x8009, 60},
-        {0x8017, 60},
-        {0xc028, 60},
-        {0x8002, 96},
-        {0x8009, 96},
-        {0x8017, 96},
-        {0xc028, 96},
-        {0x8002, 123},
-        {0x8009, 123},
-        {0x8017, 123},
-        {0xc028, 123},
-        {0x61, 0},
-        {0x65, 0},
-        {0x6f, 0},
-        {0x85, 0},
-    },
-    /* 93 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 60},
-        {0x8006, 60},
-        {0x800a, 60},
-        {0x800f, 60},
-        {0x8018, 60},
-        {0x801f, 60},
-        {0x8029, 60},
-        {0xc038, 60},
-        {0x8003, 96},
-        {0x8006, 96},
-        {0x800a, 96},
-        {0x800f, 96},
-        {0x8018, 96},
-        {0x801f, 96},
-        {0x8029, 96},
-        {0xc038, 96},
-    },
-    /* 94 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 123},
-        {0x8006, 123},
-        {0x800a, 123},
-        {0x800f, 123},
-        {0x8018, 123},
-        {0x801f, 123},
-        {0x8029, 123},
-        {0xc038, 123},
-        {0x62, 0},
-        {0x63, 0},
-        {0x66, 0},
-        {0x69, 0},
-        {0x70, 0},
-        {0x77, 0},
-        {0x86, 0},
-        {0x99, 0},
-    },
-    /* 95 */
-    {
-        {0xc000, 92},
-        {0xc000, 195},
-        {0xc000, 208},
-        {0x64, 0},
-        {0x67, 0},
-        {0x68, 0},
-        {0x6a, 0},
-        {0x6b, 0},
-        {0x71, 0},
-        {0x74, 0},
-        {0x78, 0},
-        {0x7e, 0},
-        {0x87, 0},
-        {0x8e, 0},
-        {0x9a, 0},
-        {0xa9, 0},
-    },
-    /* 96 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 92},
-        {0xc016, 92},
-        {0x8001, 195},
-        {0xc016, 195},
-        {0x8001, 208},
-        {0xc016, 208},
-        {0xc000, 128},
-        {0xc000, 130},
-        {0xc000, 131},
-        {0xc000, 162},
-        {0xc000, 184},
-        {0xc000, 194},
-        {0xc000, 224},
-        {0xc000, 226},
-        {0x6c, 0},
-        {0x6d, 0},
-    },
-    /* 97 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 92},
-        {0x8009, 92},
-        {0x8017, 92},
-        {0xc028, 92},
-        {0x8002, 195},
-        {0x8009, 195},
-        {0x8017, 195},
-        {0xc028, 195},
-        {0x8002, 208},
-        {0x8009, 208},
-        {0x8017, 208},
-        {0xc028, 208},
-        {0x8001, 128},
-        {0xc016, 128},
-        {0x8001, 130},
-        {0xc016, 130},
-    },
-    /* 98 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 92},
-        {0x8006, 92},
-        {0x800a, 92},
-        {0x800f, 92},
-        {0x8018, 92},
-        {0x801f, 92},
-        {0x8029, 92},
-        {0xc038, 92},
-        {0x8003, 195},
-        {0x8006, 195},
-        {0x800a, 195},
-        {0x800f, 195},
-        {0x8018, 195},
-        {0x801f, 195},
-        {0x8029, 195},
-        {0xc038, 195},
-    },
-    /* 99 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 208},
-        {0x8006, 208},
-        {0x800a, 208},
-        {0x800f, 208},
-        {0x8018, 208},
-        {0x801f, 208},
-        {0x8029, 208},
-        {0xc038, 208},
-        {0x8002, 128},
-        {0x8009, 128},
-        {0x8017, 128},
-        {0xc028, 128},
-        {0x8002, 130},
-        {0x8009, 130},
-        {0x8017, 130},
-        {0xc028, 130},
-    },
-    /* 100 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 128},
-        {0x8006, 128},
-        {0x800a, 128},
-        {0x800f, 128},
-        {0x8018, 128},
-        {0x801f, 128},
-        {0x8029, 128},
-        {0xc038, 128},
-        {0x8003, 130},
-        {0x8006, 130},
-        {0x800a, 130},
-        {0x800f, 130},
-        {0x8018, 130},
-        {0x801f, 130},
-        {0x8029, 130},
-        {0xc038, 130},
-    },
-    /* 101 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 131},
-        {0xc016, 131},
-        {0x8001, 162},
-        {0xc016, 162},
-        {0x8001, 184},
-        {0xc016, 184},
-        {0x8001, 194},
-        {0xc016, 194},
-        {0x8001, 224},
-        {0xc016, 224},
-        {0x8001, 226},
-        {0xc016, 226},
-        {0xc000, 153},
-        {0xc000, 161},
-        {0xc000, 167},
-        {0xc000, 172},
-    },
-    /* 102 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 131},
-        {0x8009, 131},
-        {0x8017, 131},
-        {0xc028, 131},
-        {0x8002, 162},
-        {0x8009, 162},
-        {0x8017, 162},
-        {0xc028, 162},
-        {0x8002, 184},
-        {0x8009, 184},
-        {0x8017, 184},
-        {0xc028, 184},
-        {0x8002, 194},
-        {0x8009, 194},
-        {0x8017, 194},
-        {0xc028, 194},
-    },
-    /* 103 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 131},
-        {0x8006, 131},
-        {0x800a, 131},
-        {0x800f, 131},
-        {0x8018, 131},
-        {0x801f, 131},
-        {0x8029, 131},
-        {0xc038, 131},
-        {0x8003, 162},
-        {0x8006, 162},
-        {0x800a, 162},
-        {0x800f, 162},
-        {0x8018, 162},
-        {0x801f, 162},
-        {0x8029, 162},
-        {0xc038, 162},
-    },
-    /* 104 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 184},
-        {0x8006, 184},
-        {0x800a, 184},
-        {0x800f, 184},
-        {0x8018, 184},
-        {0x801f, 184},
-        {0x8029, 184},
-        {0xc038, 184},
-        {0x8003, 194},
-        {0x8006, 194},
-        {0x800a, 194},
-        {0x800f, 194},
-        {0x8018, 194},
-        {0x801f, 194},
-        {0x8029, 194},
-        {0xc038, 194},
-    },
-    /* 105 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 224},
-        {0x8009, 224},
-        {0x8017, 224},
-        {0xc028, 224},
-        {0x8002, 226},
-        {0x8009, 226},
-        {0x8017, 226},
-        {0xc028, 226},
-        {0x8001, 153},
-        {0xc016, 153},
-        {0x8001, 161},
-        {0xc016, 161},
-        {0x8001, 167},
-        {0xc016, 167},
-        {0x8001, 172},
-        {0xc016, 172},
-    },
-    /* 106 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 224},
-        {0x8006, 224},
-        {0x800a, 224},
-        {0x800f, 224},
-        {0x8018, 224},
-        {0x801f, 224},
-        {0x8029, 224},
-        {0xc038, 224},
-        {0x8003, 226},
-        {0x8006, 226},
-        {0x800a, 226},
-        {0x800f, 226},
-        {0x8018, 226},
-        {0x801f, 226},
-        {0x8029, 226},
-        {0xc038, 226},
-    },
-    /* 107 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 153},
-        {0x8009, 153},
-        {0x8017, 153},
-        {0xc028, 153},
-        {0x8002, 161},
-        {0x8009, 161},
-        {0x8017, 161},
-        {0xc028, 161},
-        {0x8002, 167},
-        {0x8009, 167},
-        {0x8017, 167},
-        {0xc028, 167},
-        {0x8002, 172},
-        {0x8009, 172},
-        {0x8017, 172},
-        {0xc028, 172},
-    },
-    /* 108 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 153},
-        {0x8006, 153},
-        {0x800a, 153},
-        {0x800f, 153},
-        {0x8018, 153},
-        {0x801f, 153},
-        {0x8029, 153},
-        {0xc038, 153},
-        {0x8003, 161},
-        {0x8006, 161},
-        {0x800a, 161},
-        {0x800f, 161},
-        {0x8018, 161},
-        {0x801f, 161},
-        {0x8029, 161},
-        {0xc038, 161},
-    },
-    /* 109 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 167},
-        {0x8006, 167},
-        {0x800a, 167},
-        {0x800f, 167},
-        {0x8018, 167},
-        {0x801f, 167},
-        {0x8029, 167},
-        {0xc038, 167},
-        {0x8003, 172},
-        {0x8006, 172},
-        {0x800a, 172},
-        {0x800f, 172},
-        {0x8018, 172},
-        {0x801f, 172},
-        {0x8029, 172},
-        {0xc038, 172},
-    },
-    /* 110 */
-    {
-        {0x72, 0},
-        {0x73, 0},
-        {0x75, 0},
-        {0x76, 0},
-        {0x79, 0},
-        {0x7b, 0},
-        {0x7f, 0},
-        {0x82, 0},
-        {0x88, 0},
-        {0x8b, 0},
-        {0x8f, 0},
-        {0x92, 0},
-        {0x9b, 0},
-        {0xa2, 0},
-        {0xaa, 0},
-        {0xb4, 0},
-    },
-    /* 111 */
-    {
-        {0xc000, 176},
-        {0xc000, 177},
-        {0xc000, 179},
-        {0xc000, 209},
-        {0xc000, 216},
-        {0xc000, 217},
-        {0xc000, 227},
-        {0xc000, 229},
-        {0xc000, 230},
-        {0x7a, 0},
-        {0x7c, 0},
-        {0x7d, 0},
-        {0x80, 0},
-        {0x81, 0},
-        {0x83, 0},
-        {0x84, 0},
-    },
-    /* 112 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 176},
-        {0xc016, 176},
-        {0x8001, 177},
-        {0xc016, 177},
-        {0x8001, 179},
-        {0xc016, 179},
-        {0x8001, 209},
-        {0xc016, 209},
-        {0x8001, 216},
-        {0xc016, 216},
-        {0x8001, 217},
-        {0xc016, 217},
-        {0x8001, 227},
-        {0xc016, 227},
-        {0x8001, 229},
-        {0xc016, 229},
-    },
-    /* 113 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 176},
-        {0x8009, 176},
-        {0x8017, 176},
-        {0xc028, 176},
-        {0x8002, 177},
-        {0x8009, 177},
-        {0x8017, 177},
-        {0xc028, 177},
-        {0x8002, 179},
-        {0x8009, 179},
-        {0x8017, 179},
-        {0xc028, 179},
-        {0x8002, 209},
-        {0x8009, 209},
-        {0x8017, 209},
-        {0xc028, 209},
-    },
-    /* 114 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 176},
-        {0x8006, 176},
-        {0x800a, 176},
-        {0x800f, 176},
-        {0x8018, 176},
-        {0x801f, 176},
-        {0x8029, 176},
-        {0xc038, 176},
-        {0x8003, 177},
-        {0x8006, 177},
-        {0x800a, 177},
-        {0x800f, 177},
-        {0x8018, 177},
-        {0x801f, 177},
-        {0x8029, 177},
-        {0xc038, 177},
-    },
-    /* 115 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 179},
-        {0x8006, 179},
-        {0x800a, 179},
-        {0x800f, 179},
-        {0x8018, 179},
-        {0x801f, 179},
-        {0x8029, 179},
-        {0xc038, 179},
-        {0x8003, 209},
-        {0x8006, 209},
-        {0x800a, 209},
-        {0x800f, 209},
-        {0x8018, 209},
-        {0x801f, 209},
-        {0x8029, 209},
-        {0xc038, 209},
-    },
-    /* 116 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 216},
-        {0x8009, 216},
-        {0x8017, 216},
-        {0xc028, 216},
-        {0x8002, 217},
-        {0x8009, 217},
-        {0x8017, 217},
-        {0xc028, 217},
-        {0x8002, 227},
-        {0x8009, 227},
-        {0x8017, 227},
-        {0xc028, 227},
-        {0x8002, 229},
-        {0x8009, 229},
-        {0x8017, 229},
-        {0xc028, 229},
-    },
-    /* 117 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 216},
-        {0x8006, 216},
-        {0x800a, 216},
-        {0x800f, 216},
-        {0x8018, 216},
-        {0x801f, 216},
-        {0x8029, 216},
-        {0xc038, 216},
-        {0x8003, 217},
-        {0x8006, 217},
-        {0x800a, 217},
-        {0x800f, 217},
-        {0x8018, 217},
-        {0x801f, 217},
-        {0x8029, 217},
-        {0xc038, 217},
-    },
-    /* 118 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 227},
-        {0x8006, 227},
-        {0x800a, 227},
-        {0x800f, 227},
-        {0x8018, 227},
-        {0x801f, 227},
-        {0x8029, 227},
-        {0xc038, 227},
-        {0x8003, 229},
-        {0x8006, 229},
-        {0x800a, 229},
-        {0x800f, 229},
-        {0x8018, 229},
-        {0x801f, 229},
-        {0x8029, 229},
-        {0xc038, 229},
-    },
-    /* 119 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 230},
-        {0xc016, 230},
-        {0xc000, 129},
-        {0xc000, 132},
-        {0xc000, 133},
-        {0xc000, 134},
-        {0xc000, 136},
-        {0xc000, 146},
-        {0xc000, 154},
-        {0xc000, 156},
-        {0xc000, 160},
-        {0xc000, 163},
-        {0xc000, 164},
-        {0xc000, 169},
-        {0xc000, 170},
-        {0xc000, 173},
-    },
-    /* 120 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 230},
-        {0x8009, 230},
-        {0x8017, 230},
-        {0xc028, 230},
-        {0x8001, 129},
-        {0xc016, 129},
-        {0x8001, 132},
-        {0xc016, 132},
-        {0x8001, 133},
-        {0xc016, 133},
-        {0x8001, 134},
-        {0xc016, 134},
-        {0x8001, 136},
-        {0xc016, 136},
-        {0x8001, 146},
-        {0xc016, 146},
-    },
-    /* 121 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 230},
-        {0x8006, 230},
-        {0x800a, 230},
-        {0x800f, 230},
-        {0x8018, 230},
-        {0x801f, 230},
-        {0x8029, 230},
-        {0xc038, 230},
-        {0x8002, 129},
-        {0x8009, 129},
-        {0x8017, 129},
-        {0xc028, 129},
-        {0x8002, 132},
-        {0x8009, 132},
-        {0x8017, 132},
-        {0xc028, 132},
-    },
-    /* 122 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 129},
-        {0x8006, 129},
-        {0x800a, 129},
-        {0x800f, 129},
-        {0x8018, 129},
-        {0x801f, 129},
-        {0x8029, 129},
-        {0xc038, 129},
-        {0x8003, 132},
-        {0x8006, 132},
-        {0x800a, 132},
-        {0x800f, 132},
-        {0x8018, 132},
-        {0x801f, 132},
-        {0x8029, 132},
-        {0xc038, 132},
-    },
-    /* 123 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 133},
-        {0x8009, 133},
-        {0x8017, 133},
-        {0xc028, 133},
-        {0x8002, 134},
-        {0x8009, 134},
-        {0x8017, 134},
-        {0xc028, 134},
-        {0x8002, 136},
-        {0x8009, 136},
-        {0x8017, 136},
-        {0xc028, 136},
-        {0x8002, 146},
-        {0x8009, 146},
-        {0x8017, 146},
-        {0xc028, 146},
-    },
-    /* 124 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 133},
-        {0x8006, 133},
-        {0x800a, 133},
-        {0x800f, 133},
-        {0x8018, 133},
-        {0x801f, 133},
-        {0x8029, 133},
-        {0xc038, 133},
-        {0x8003, 134},
-        {0x8006, 134},
-        {0x800a, 134},
-        {0x800f, 134},
-        {0x8018, 134},
-        {0x801f, 134},
-        {0x8029, 134},
-        {0xc038, 134},
-    },
-    /* 125 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 136},
-        {0x8006, 136},
-        {0x800a, 136},
-        {0x800f, 136},
-        {0x8018, 136},
-        {0x801f, 136},
-        {0x8029, 136},
-        {0xc038, 136},
-        {0x8003, 146},
-        {0x8006, 146},
-        {0x800a, 146},
-        {0x800f, 146},
-        {0x8018, 146},
-        {0x801f, 146},
-        {0x8029, 146},
-        {0xc038, 146},
-    },
-    /* 126 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 154},
-        {0xc016, 154},
-        {0x8001, 156},
-        {0xc016, 156},
-        {0x8001, 160},
-        {0xc016, 160},
-        {0x8001, 163},
-        {0xc016, 163},
-        {0x8001, 164},
-        {0xc016, 164},
-        {0x8001, 169},
-        {0xc016, 169},
-        {0x8001, 170},
-        {0xc016, 170},
-        {0x8001, 173},
-        {0xc016, 173},
-    },
-    /* 127 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 154},
-        {0x8009, 154},
-        {0x8017, 154},
-        {0xc028, 154},
-        {0x8002, 156},
-        {0x8009, 156},
-        {0x8017, 156},
-        {0xc028, 156},
-        {0x8002, 160},
-        {0x8009, 160},
-        {0x8017, 160},
-        {0xc028, 160},
-        {0x8002, 163},
-        {0x8009, 163},
-        {0x8017, 163},
-        {0xc028, 163},
-    },
-    /* 128 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 154},
-        {0x8006, 154},
-        {0x800a, 154},
-        {0x800f, 154},
-        {0x8018, 154},
-        {0x801f, 154},
-        {0x8029, 154},
-        {0xc038, 154},
-        {0x8003, 156},
-        {0x8006, 156},
-        {0x800a, 156},
-        {0x800f, 156},
-        {0x8018, 156},
-        {0x801f, 156},
-        {0x8029, 156},
-        {0xc038, 156},
-    },
-    /* 129 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 160},
-        {0x8006, 160},
-        {0x800a, 160},
-        {0x800f, 160},
-        {0x8018, 160},
-        {0x801f, 160},
-        {0x8029, 160},
-        {0xc038, 160},
-        {0x8003, 163},
-        {0x8006, 163},
-        {0x800a, 163},
-        {0x800f, 163},
-        {0x8018, 163},
-        {0x801f, 163},
-        {0x8029, 163},
-        {0xc038, 163},
-    },
-    /* 130 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 164},
-        {0x8009, 164},
-        {0x8017, 164},
-        {0xc028, 164},
-        {0x8002, 169},
-        {0x8009, 169},
-        {0x8017, 169},
-        {0xc028, 169},
-        {0x8002, 170},
-        {0x8009, 170},
-        {0x8017, 170},
-        {0xc028, 170},
-        {0x8002, 173},
-        {0x8009, 173},
-        {0x8017, 173},
-        {0xc028, 173},
-    },
-    /* 131 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 164},
-        {0x8006, 164},
-        {0x800a, 164},
-        {0x800f, 164},
-        {0x8018, 164},
-        {0x801f, 164},
-        {0x8029, 164},
-        {0xc038, 164},
-        {0x8003, 169},
-        {0x8006, 169},
-        {0x800a, 169},
-        {0x800f, 169},
-        {0x8018, 169},
-        {0x801f, 169},
-        {0x8029, 169},
-        {0xc038, 169},
-    },
-    /* 132 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 170},
-        {0x8006, 170},
-        {0x800a, 170},
-        {0x800f, 170},
-        {0x8018, 170},
-        {0x801f, 170},
-        {0x8029, 170},
-        {0xc038, 170},
-        {0x8003, 173},
-        {0x8006, 173},
-        {0x800a, 173},
-        {0x800f, 173},
-        {0x8018, 173},
-        {0x801f, 173},
-        {0x8029, 173},
-        {0xc038, 173},
-    },
-    /* 133 */
-    {
-        {0x89, 0},
-        {0x8a, 0},
-        {0x8c, 0},
-        {0x8d, 0},
-        {0x90, 0},
-        {0x91, 0},
-        {0x93, 0},
-        {0x96, 0},
-        {0x9c, 0},
-        {0x9f, 0},
-        {0xa3, 0},
-        {0xa6, 0},
-        {0xab, 0},
-        {0xae, 0},
-        {0xb5, 0},
-        {0xbe, 0},
-    },
-    /* 134 */
-    {
-        {0xc000, 178},
-        {0xc000, 181},
-        {0xc000, 185},
-        {0xc000, 186},
-        {0xc000, 187},
-        {0xc000, 189},
-        {0xc000, 190},
-        {0xc000, 196},
-        {0xc000, 198},
-        {0xc000, 228},
-        {0xc000, 232},
-        {0xc000, 233},
-        {0x94, 0},
-        {0x95, 0},
-        {0x97, 0},
-        {0x98, 0},
-    },
-    /* 135 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 178},
-        {0xc016, 178},
-        {0x8001, 181},
-        {0xc016, 181},
-        {0x8001, 185},
-        {0xc016, 185},
-        {0x8001, 186},
-        {0xc016, 186},
-        {0x8001, 187},
-        {0xc016, 187},
-        {0x8001, 189},
-        {0xc016, 189},
-        {0x8001, 190},
-        {0xc016, 190},
-        {0x8001, 196},
-        {0xc016, 196},
-    },
-    /* 136 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 178},
-        {0x8009, 178},
-        {0x8017, 178},
-        {0xc028, 178},
-        {0x8002, 181},
-        {0x8009, 181},
-        {0x8017, 181},
-        {0xc028, 181},
-        {0x8002, 185},
-        {0x8009, 185},
-        {0x8017, 185},
-        {0xc028, 185},
-        {0x8002, 186},
-        {0x8009, 186},
-        {0x8017, 186},
-        {0xc028, 186},
-    },
-    /* 137 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 178},
-        {0x8006, 178},
-        {0x800a, 178},
-        {0x800f, 178},
-        {0x8018, 178},
-        {0x801f, 178},
-        {0x8029, 178},
-        {0xc038, 178},
-        {0x8003, 181},
-        {0x8006, 181},
-        {0x800a, 181},
-        {0x800f, 181},
-        {0x8018, 181},
-        {0x801f, 181},
-        {0x8029, 181},
-        {0xc038, 181},
-    },
-    /* 138 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 185},
-        {0x8006, 185},
-        {0x800a, 185},
-        {0x800f, 185},
-        {0x8018, 185},
-        {0x801f, 185},
-        {0x8029, 185},
-        {0xc038, 185},
-        {0x8003, 186},
-        {0x8006, 186},
-        {0x800a, 186},
-        {0x800f, 186},
-        {0x8018, 186},
-        {0x801f, 186},
-        {0x8029, 186},
-        {0xc038, 186},
-    },
-    /* 139 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 187},
-        {0x8009, 187},
-        {0x8017, 187},
-        {0xc028, 187},
-        {0x8002, 189},
-        {0x8009, 189},
-        {0x8017, 189},
-        {0xc028, 189},
-        {0x8002, 190},
-        {0x8009, 190},
-        {0x8017, 190},
-        {0xc028, 190},
-        {0x8002, 196},
-        {0x8009, 196},
-        {0x8017, 196},
-        {0xc028, 196},
-    },
-    /* 140 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 187},
-        {0x8006, 187},
-        {0x800a, 187},
-        {0x800f, 187},
-        {0x8018, 187},
-        {0x801f, 187},
-        {0x8029, 187},
-        {0xc038, 187},
-        {0x8003, 189},
-        {0x8006, 189},
-        {0x800a, 189},
-        {0x800f, 189},
-        {0x8018, 189},
-        {0x801f, 189},
-        {0x8029, 189},
-        {0xc038, 189},
-    },
-    /* 141 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 190},
-        {0x8006, 190},
-        {0x800a, 190},
-        {0x800f, 190},
-        {0x8018, 190},
-        {0x801f, 190},
-        {0x8029, 190},
-        {0xc038, 190},
-        {0x8003, 196},
-        {0x8006, 196},
-        {0x800a, 196},
-        {0x800f, 196},
-        {0x8018, 196},
-        {0x801f, 196},
-        {0x8029, 196},
-        {0xc038, 196},
-    },
-    /* 142 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 198},
-        {0xc016, 198},
-        {0x8001, 228},
-        {0xc016, 228},
-        {0x8001, 232},
-        {0xc016, 232},
-        {0x8001, 233},
-        {0xc016, 233},
-        {0xc000, 1},
-        {0xc000, 135},
-        {0xc000, 137},
-        {0xc000, 138},
-        {0xc000, 139},
-        {0xc000, 140},
-        {0xc000, 141},
-        {0xc000, 143},
-    },
-    /* 143 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 198},
-        {0x8009, 198},
-        {0x8017, 198},
-        {0xc028, 198},
-        {0x8002, 228},
-        {0x8009, 228},
-        {0x8017, 228},
-        {0xc028, 228},
-        {0x8002, 232},
-        {0x8009, 232},
-        {0x8017, 232},
-        {0xc028, 232},
-        {0x8002, 233},
-        {0x8009, 233},
-        {0x8017, 233},
-        {0xc028, 233},
-    },
-    /* 144 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 198},
-        {0x8006, 198},
-        {0x800a, 198},
-        {0x800f, 198},
-        {0x8018, 198},
-        {0x801f, 198},
-        {0x8029, 198},
-        {0xc038, 198},
-        {0x8003, 228},
-        {0x8006, 228},
-        {0x800a, 228},
-        {0x800f, 228},
-        {0x8018, 228},
-        {0x801f, 228},
-        {0x8029, 228},
-        {0xc038, 228},
-    },
-    /* 145 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 232},
-        {0x8006, 232},
-        {0x800a, 232},
-        {0x800f, 232},
-        {0x8018, 232},
-        {0x801f, 232},
-        {0x8029, 232},
-        {0xc038, 232},
-        {0x8003, 233},
-        {0x8006, 233},
-        {0x800a, 233},
-        {0x800f, 233},
-        {0x8018, 233},
-        {0x801f, 233},
-        {0x8029, 233},
-        {0xc038, 233},
-    },
-    /* 146 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 1},
-        {0xc016, 1},
-        {0x8001, 135},
-        {0xc016, 135},
-        {0x8001, 137},
-        {0xc016, 137},
-        {0x8001, 138},
-        {0xc016, 138},
-        {0x8001, 139},
-        {0xc016, 139},
-        {0x8001, 140},
-        {0xc016, 140},
-        {0x8001, 141},
-        {0xc016, 141},
-        {0x8001, 143},
-        {0xc016, 143},
-    },
-    /* 147 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 1},
-        {0x8009, 1},
-        {0x8017, 1},
-        {0xc028, 1},
-        {0x8002, 135},
-        {0x8009, 135},
-        {0x8017, 135},
-        {0xc028, 135},
-        {0x8002, 137},
-        {0x8009, 137},
-        {0x8017, 137},
-        {0xc028, 137},
-        {0x8002, 138},
-        {0x8009, 138},
-        {0x8017, 138},
-        {0xc028, 138},
-    },
-    /* 148 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 1},
-        {0x8006, 1},
-        {0x800a, 1},
-        {0x800f, 1},
-        {0x8018, 1},
-        {0x801f, 1},
-        {0x8029, 1},
-        {0xc038, 1},
-        {0x8003, 135},
-        {0x8006, 135},
-        {0x800a, 135},
-        {0x800f, 135},
-        {0x8018, 135},
-        {0x801f, 135},
-        {0x8029, 135},
-        {0xc038, 135},
-    },
-    /* 149 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 137},
-        {0x8006, 137},
-        {0x800a, 137},
-        {0x800f, 137},
-        {0x8018, 137},
-        {0x801f, 137},
-        {0x8029, 137},
-        {0xc038, 137},
-        {0x8003, 138},
-        {0x8006, 138},
-        {0x800a, 138},
-        {0x800f, 138},
-        {0x8018, 138},
-        {0x801f, 138},
-        {0x8029, 138},
-        {0xc038, 138},
-    },
-    /* 150 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 139},
-        {0x8009, 139},
-        {0x8017, 139},
-        {0xc028, 139},
-        {0x8002, 140},
-        {0x8009, 140},
-        {0x8017, 140},
-        {0xc028, 140},
-        {0x8002, 141},
-        {0x8009, 141},
-        {0x8017, 141},
-        {0xc028, 141},
-        {0x8002, 143},
-        {0x8009, 143},
-        {0x8017, 143},
-        {0xc028, 143},
-    },
-    /* 151 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 139},
-        {0x8006, 139},
-        {0x800a, 139},
-        {0x800f, 139},
-        {0x8018, 139},
-        {0x801f, 139},
-        {0x8029, 139},
-        {0xc038, 139},
-        {0x8003, 140},
-        {0x8006, 140},
-        {0x800a, 140},
-        {0x800f, 140},
-        {0x8018, 140},
-        {0x801f, 140},
-        {0x8029, 140},
-        {0xc038, 140},
-    },
-    /* 152 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 141},
-        {0x8006, 141},
-        {0x800a, 141},
-        {0x800f, 141},
-        {0x8018, 141},
-        {0x801f, 141},
-        {0x8029, 141},
-        {0xc038, 141},
-        {0x8003, 143},
-        {0x8006, 143},
-        {0x800a, 143},
-        {0x800f, 143},
-        {0x8018, 143},
-        {0x801f, 143},
-        {0x8029, 143},
-        {0xc038, 143},
-    },
-    /* 153 */
-    {
-        {0x9d, 0},
-        {0x9e, 0},
-        {0xa0, 0},
-        {0xa1, 0},
-        {0xa4, 0},
-        {0xa5, 0},
-        {0xa7, 0},
-        {0xa8, 0},
-        {0xac, 0},
-        {0xad, 0},
-        {0xaf, 0},
-        {0xb1, 0},
-        {0xb6, 0},
-        {0xb9, 0},
-        {0xbf, 0},
-        {0xcf, 0},
-    },
-    /* 154 */
-    {
-        {0xc000, 147},
-        {0xc000, 149},
-        {0xc000, 150},
-        {0xc000, 151},
-        {0xc000, 152},
-        {0xc000, 155},
-        {0xc000, 157},
-        {0xc000, 158},
-        {0xc000, 165},
-        {0xc000, 166},
-        {0xc000, 168},
-        {0xc000, 174},
-        {0xc000, 175},
-        {0xc000, 180},
-        {0xc000, 182},
-        {0xc000, 183},
-    },
-    /* 155 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 147},
-        {0xc016, 147},
-        {0x8001, 149},
-        {0xc016, 149},
-        {0x8001, 150},
-        {0xc016, 150},
-        {0x8001, 151},
-        {0xc016, 151},
-        {0x8001, 152},
-        {0xc016, 152},
-        {0x8001, 155},
-        {0xc016, 155},
-        {0x8001, 157},
-        {0xc016, 157},
-        {0x8001, 158},
-        {0xc016, 158},
-    },
-    /* 156 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 147},
-        {0x8009, 147},
-        {0x8017, 147},
-        {0xc028, 147},
-        {0x8002, 149},
-        {0x8009, 149},
-        {0x8017, 149},
-        {0xc028, 149},
-        {0x8002, 150},
-        {0x8009, 150},
-        {0x8017, 150},
-        {0xc028, 150},
-        {0x8002, 151},
-        {0x8009, 151},
-        {0x8017, 151},
-        {0xc028, 151},
-    },
-    /* 157 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 147},
-        {0x8006, 147},
-        {0x800a, 147},
-        {0x800f, 147},
-        {0x8018, 147},
-        {0x801f, 147},
-        {0x8029, 147},
-        {0xc038, 147},
-        {0x8003, 149},
-        {0x8006, 149},
-        {0x800a, 149},
-        {0x800f, 149},
-        {0x8018, 149},
-        {0x801f, 149},
-        {0x8029, 149},
-        {0xc038, 149},
-    },
-    /* 158 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 150},
-        {0x8006, 150},
-        {0x800a, 150},
-        {0x800f, 150},
-        {0x8018, 150},
-        {0x801f, 150},
-        {0x8029, 150},
-        {0xc038, 150},
-        {0x8003, 151},
-        {0x8006, 151},
-        {0x800a, 151},
-        {0x800f, 151},
-        {0x8018, 151},
-        {0x801f, 151},
-        {0x8029, 151},
-        {0xc038, 151},
-    },
-    /* 159 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 152},
-        {0x8009, 152},
-        {0x8017, 152},
-        {0xc028, 152},
-        {0x8002, 155},
-        {0x8009, 155},
-        {0x8017, 155},
-        {0xc028, 155},
-        {0x8002, 157},
-        {0x8009, 157},
-        {0x8017, 157},
-        {0xc028, 157},
-        {0x8002, 158},
-        {0x8009, 158},
-        {0x8017, 158},
-        {0xc028, 158},
-    },
-    /* 160 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 152},
-        {0x8006, 152},
-        {0x800a, 152},
-        {0x800f, 152},
-        {0x8018, 152},
-        {0x801f, 152},
-        {0x8029, 152},
-        {0xc038, 152},
-        {0x8003, 155},
-        {0x8006, 155},
-        {0x800a, 155},
-        {0x800f, 155},
-        {0x8018, 155},
-        {0x801f, 155},
-        {0x8029, 155},
-        {0xc038, 155},
-    },
-    /* 161 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 157},
-        {0x8006, 157},
-        {0x800a, 157},
-        {0x800f, 157},
-        {0x8018, 157},
-        {0x801f, 157},
-        {0x8029, 157},
-        {0xc038, 157},
-        {0x8003, 158},
-        {0x8006, 158},
-        {0x800a, 158},
-        {0x800f, 158},
-        {0x8018, 158},
-        {0x801f, 158},
-        {0x8029, 158},
-        {0xc038, 158},
-    },
-    /* 162 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 165},
-        {0xc016, 165},
-        {0x8001, 166},
-        {0xc016, 166},
-        {0x8001, 168},
-        {0xc016, 168},
-        {0x8001, 174},
-        {0xc016, 174},
-        {0x8001, 175},
-        {0xc016, 175},
-        {0x8001, 180},
-        {0xc016, 180},
-        {0x8001, 182},
-        {0xc016, 182},
-        {0x8001, 183},
-        {0xc016, 183},
-    },
-    /* 163 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 165},
-        {0x8009, 165},
-        {0x8017, 165},
-        {0xc028, 165},
-        {0x8002, 166},
-        {0x8009, 166},
-        {0x8017, 166},
-        {0xc028, 166},
-        {0x8002, 168},
-        {0x8009, 168},
-        {0x8017, 168},
-        {0xc028, 168},
-        {0x8002, 174},
-        {0x8009, 174},
-        {0x8017, 174},
-        {0xc028, 174},
-    },
-    /* 164 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 165},
-        {0x8006, 165},
-        {0x800a, 165},
-        {0x800f, 165},
-        {0x8018, 165},
-        {0x801f, 165},
-        {0x8029, 165},
-        {0xc038, 165},
-        {0x8003, 166},
-        {0x8006, 166},
-        {0x800a, 166},
-        {0x800f, 166},
-        {0x8018, 166},
-        {0x801f, 166},
-        {0x8029, 166},
-        {0xc038, 166},
-    },
-    /* 165 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 168},
-        {0x8006, 168},
-        {0x800a, 168},
-        {0x800f, 168},
-        {0x8018, 168},
-        {0x801f, 168},
-        {0x8029, 168},
-        {0xc038, 168},
-        {0x8003, 174},
-        {0x8006, 174},
-        {0x800a, 174},
-        {0x800f, 174},
-        {0x8018, 174},
-        {0x801f, 174},
-        {0x8029, 174},
-        {0xc038, 174},
-    },
-    /* 166 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 175},
-        {0x8009, 175},
-        {0x8017, 175},
-        {0xc028, 175},
-        {0x8002, 180},
-        {0x8009, 180},
-        {0x8017, 180},
-        {0xc028, 180},
-        {0x8002, 182},
-        {0x8009, 182},
-        {0x8017, 182},
-        {0xc028, 182},
-        {0x8002, 183},
-        {0x8009, 183},
-        {0x8017, 183},
-        {0xc028, 183},
-    },
-    /* 167 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 175},
-        {0x8006, 175},
-        {0x800a, 175},
-        {0x800f, 175},
-        {0x8018, 175},
-        {0x801f, 175},
-        {0x8029, 175},
-        {0xc038, 175},
-        {0x8003, 180},
-        {0x8006, 180},
-        {0x800a, 180},
-        {0x800f, 180},
-        {0x8018, 180},
-        {0x801f, 180},
-        {0x8029, 180},
-        {0xc038, 180},
-    },
-    /* 168 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 182},
-        {0x8006, 182},
-        {0x800a, 182},
-        {0x800f, 182},
-        {0x8018, 182},
-        {0x801f, 182},
-        {0x8029, 182},
-        {0xc038, 182},
-        {0x8003, 183},
-        {0x8006, 183},
-        {0x800a, 183},
-        {0x800f, 183},
-        {0x8018, 183},
-        {0x801f, 183},
-        {0x8029, 183},
-        {0xc038, 183},
-    },
-    /* 169 */
-    {
-        {0xc000, 188},
-        {0xc000, 191},
-        {0xc000, 197},
-        {0xc000, 231},
-        {0xc000, 239},
-        {0xb0, 0},
-        {0xb2, 0},
-        {0xb3, 0},
-        {0xb7, 0},
-        {0xb8, 0},
-        {0xba, 0},
-        {0xbb, 0},
-        {0xc0, 0},
-        {0xc7, 0},
-        {0xd0, 0},
-        {0xdf, 0},
-    },
-    /* 170 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 188},
-        {0xc016, 188},
-        {0x8001, 191},
-        {0xc016, 191},
-        {0x8001, 197},
-        {0xc016, 197},
-        {0x8001, 231},
-        {0xc016, 231},
-        {0x8001, 239},
-        {0xc016, 239},
-        {0xc000, 9},
-        {0xc000, 142},
-        {0xc000, 144},
-        {0xc000, 145},
-        {0xc000, 148},
-        {0xc000, 159},
-    },
-    /* 171 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 188},
-        {0x8009, 188},
-        {0x8017, 188},
-        {0xc028, 188},
-        {0x8002, 191},
-        {0x8009, 191},
-        {0x8017, 191},
-        {0xc028, 191},
-        {0x8002, 197},
-        {0x8009, 197},
-        {0x8017, 197},
-        {0xc028, 197},
-        {0x8002, 231},
-        {0x8009, 231},
-        {0x8017, 231},
-        {0xc028, 231},
-    },
-    /* 172 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 188},
-        {0x8006, 188},
-        {0x800a, 188},
-        {0x800f, 188},
-        {0x8018, 188},
-        {0x801f, 188},
-        {0x8029, 188},
-        {0xc038, 188},
-        {0x8003, 191},
-        {0x8006, 191},
-        {0x800a, 191},
-        {0x800f, 191},
-        {0x8018, 191},
-        {0x801f, 191},
-        {0x8029, 191},
-        {0xc038, 191},
-    },
-    /* 173 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 197},
-        {0x8006, 197},
-        {0x800a, 197},
-        {0x800f, 197},
-        {0x8018, 197},
-        {0x801f, 197},
-        {0x8029, 197},
-        {0xc038, 197},
-        {0x8003, 231},
-        {0x8006, 231},
-        {0x800a, 231},
-        {0x800f, 231},
-        {0x8018, 231},
-        {0x801f, 231},
-        {0x8029, 231},
-        {0xc038, 231},
-    },
-    /* 174 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 239},
-        {0x8009, 239},
-        {0x8017, 239},
-        {0xc028, 239},
-        {0x8001, 9},
-        {0xc016, 9},
-        {0x8001, 142},
-        {0xc016, 142},
-        {0x8001, 144},
-        {0xc016, 144},
-        {0x8001, 145},
-        {0xc016, 145},
-        {0x8001, 148},
-        {0xc016, 148},
-        {0x8001, 159},
-        {0xc016, 159},
-    },
-    /* 175 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 239},
-        {0x8006, 239},
-        {0x800a, 239},
-        {0x800f, 239},
-        {0x8018, 239},
-        {0x801f, 239},
-        {0x8029, 239},
-        {0xc038, 239},
-        {0x8002, 9},
-        {0x8009, 9},
-        {0x8017, 9},
-        {0xc028, 9},
-        {0x8002, 142},
-        {0x8009, 142},
-        {0x8017, 142},
-        {0xc028, 142},
-    },
-    /* 176 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 9},
-        {0x8006, 9},
-        {0x800a, 9},
-        {0x800f, 9},
-        {0x8018, 9},
-        {0x801f, 9},
-        {0x8029, 9},
-        {0xc038, 9},
-        {0x8003, 142},
-        {0x8006, 142},
-        {0x800a, 142},
-        {0x800f, 142},
-        {0x8018, 142},
-        {0x801f, 142},
-        {0x8029, 142},
-        {0xc038, 142},
-    },
-    /* 177 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 144},
-        {0x8009, 144},
-        {0x8017, 144},
-        {0xc028, 144},
-        {0x8002, 145},
-        {0x8009, 145},
-        {0x8017, 145},
-        {0xc028, 145},
-        {0x8002, 148},
-        {0x8009, 148},
-        {0x8017, 148},
-        {0xc028, 148},
-        {0x8002, 159},
-        {0x8009, 159},
-        {0x8017, 159},
-        {0xc028, 159},
-    },
-    /* 178 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 144},
-        {0x8006, 144},
-        {0x800a, 144},
-        {0x800f, 144},
-        {0x8018, 144},
-        {0x801f, 144},
-        {0x8029, 144},
-        {0xc038, 144},
-        {0x8003, 145},
-        {0x8006, 145},
-        {0x800a, 145},
-        {0x800f, 145},
-        {0x8018, 145},
-        {0x801f, 145},
-        {0x8029, 145},
-        {0xc038, 145},
-    },
-    /* 179 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 148},
-        {0x8006, 148},
-        {0x800a, 148},
-        {0x800f, 148},
-        {0x8018, 148},
-        {0x801f, 148},
-        {0x8029, 148},
-        {0xc038, 148},
-        {0x8003, 159},
-        {0x8006, 159},
-        {0x800a, 159},
-        {0x800f, 159},
-        {0x8018, 159},
-        {0x801f, 159},
-        {0x8029, 159},
-        {0xc038, 159},
-    },
-    /* 180 */
-    {
-        {0xc000, 171},
-        {0xc000, 206},
-        {0xc000, 215},
-        {0xc000, 225},
-        {0xc000, 236},
-        {0xc000, 237},
-        {0xbc, 0},
-        {0xbd, 0},
-        {0xc1, 0},
-        {0xc4, 0},
-        {0xc8, 0},
-        {0xcb, 0},
-        {0xd1, 0},
-        {0xd8, 0},
-        {0xe0, 0},
-        {0xee, 0},
-    },
-    /* 181 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 171},
-        {0xc016, 171},
-        {0x8001, 206},
-        {0xc016, 206},
-        {0x8001, 215},
-        {0xc016, 215},
-        {0x8001, 225},
-        {0xc016, 225},
-        {0x8001, 236},
-        {0xc016, 236},
-        {0x8001, 237},
-        {0xc016, 237},
-        {0xc000, 199},
-        {0xc000, 207},
-        {0xc000, 234},
-        {0xc000, 235},
-    },
-    /* 182 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 171},
-        {0x8009, 171},
-        {0x8017, 171},
-        {0xc028, 171},
-        {0x8002, 206},
-        {0x8009, 206},
-        {0x8017, 206},
-        {0xc028, 206},
-        {0x8002, 215},
-        {0x8009, 215},
-        {0x8017, 215},
-        {0xc028, 215},
-        {0x8002, 225},
-        {0x8009, 225},
-        {0x8017, 225},
-        {0xc028, 225},
-    },
-    /* 183 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 171},
-        {0x8006, 171},
-        {0x800a, 171},
-        {0x800f, 171},
-        {0x8018, 171},
-        {0x801f, 171},
-        {0x8029, 171},
-        {0xc038, 171},
-        {0x8003, 206},
-        {0x8006, 206},
-        {0x800a, 206},
-        {0x800f, 206},
-        {0x8018, 206},
-        {0x801f, 206},
-        {0x8029, 206},
-        {0xc038, 206},
-    },
-    /* 184 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 215},
-        {0x8006, 215},
-        {0x800a, 215},
-        {0x800f, 215},
-        {0x8018, 215},
-        {0x801f, 215},
-        {0x8029, 215},
-        {0xc038, 215},
-        {0x8003, 225},
-        {0x8006, 225},
-        {0x800a, 225},
-        {0x800f, 225},
-        {0x8018, 225},
-        {0x801f, 225},
-        {0x8029, 225},
-        {0xc038, 225},
-    },
-    /* 185 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 236},
-        {0x8009, 236},
-        {0x8017, 236},
-        {0xc028, 236},
-        {0x8002, 237},
-        {0x8009, 237},
-        {0x8017, 237},
-        {0xc028, 237},
-        {0x8001, 199},
-        {0xc016, 199},
-        {0x8001, 207},
-        {0xc016, 207},
-        {0x8001, 234},
-        {0xc016, 234},
-        {0x8001, 235},
-        {0xc016, 235},
-    },
-    /* 186 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 236},
-        {0x8006, 236},
-        {0x800a, 236},
-        {0x800f, 236},
-        {0x8018, 236},
-        {0x801f, 236},
-        {0x8029, 236},
-        {0xc038, 236},
-        {0x8003, 237},
-        {0x8006, 237},
-        {0x800a, 237},
-        {0x800f, 237},
-        {0x8018, 237},
-        {0x801f, 237},
-        {0x8029, 237},
-        {0xc038, 237},
-    },
-    /* 187 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 199},
-        {0x8009, 199},
-        {0x8017, 199},
-        {0xc028, 199},
-        {0x8002, 207},
-        {0x8009, 207},
-        {0x8017, 207},
-        {0xc028, 207},
-        {0x8002, 234},
-        {0x8009, 234},
-        {0x8017, 234},
-        {0xc028, 234},
-        {0x8002, 235},
-        {0x8009, 235},
-        {0x8017, 235},
-        {0xc028, 235},
-    },
-    /* 188 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 199},
-        {0x8006, 199},
-        {0x800a, 199},
-        {0x800f, 199},
-        {0x8018, 199},
-        {0x801f, 199},
-        {0x8029, 199},
-        {0xc038, 199},
-        {0x8003, 207},
-        {0x8006, 207},
-        {0x800a, 207},
-        {0x800f, 207},
-        {0x8018, 207},
-        {0x801f, 207},
-        {0x8029, 207},
-        {0xc038, 207},
-    },
-    /* 189 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 234},
-        {0x8006, 234},
-        {0x800a, 234},
-        {0x800f, 234},
-        {0x8018, 234},
-        {0x801f, 234},
-        {0x8029, 234},
-        {0xc038, 234},
-        {0x8003, 235},
-        {0x8006, 235},
-        {0x800a, 235},
-        {0x800f, 235},
-        {0x8018, 235},
-        {0x801f, 235},
-        {0x8029, 235},
-        {0xc038, 235},
-    },
-    /* 190 */
-    {
-        {0xc2, 0},
-        {0xc3, 0},
-        {0xc5, 0},
-        {0xc6, 0},
-        {0xc9, 0},
-        {0xca, 0},
-        {0xcc, 0},
-        {0xcd, 0},
-        {0xd2, 0},
-        {0xd5, 0},
-        {0xd9, 0},
-        {0xdc, 0},
-        {0xe1, 0},
-        {0xe7, 0},
-        {0xef, 0},
-        {0xf6, 0},
-    },
-    /* 191 */
-    {
-        {0xc000, 192},
-        {0xc000, 193},
-        {0xc000, 200},
-        {0xc000, 201},
-        {0xc000, 202},
-        {0xc000, 205},
-        {0xc000, 210},
-        {0xc000, 213},
-        {0xc000, 218},
-        {0xc000, 219},
-        {0xc000, 238},
-        {0xc000, 240},
-        {0xc000, 242},
-        {0xc000, 243},
-        {0xc000, 255},
-        {0xce, 0},
-    },
-    /* 192 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 192},
-        {0xc016, 192},
-        {0x8001, 193},
-        {0xc016, 193},
-        {0x8001, 200},
-        {0xc016, 200},
-        {0x8001, 201},
-        {0xc016, 201},
-        {0x8001, 202},
-        {0xc016, 202},
-        {0x8001, 205},
-        {0xc016, 205},
-        {0x8001, 210},
-        {0xc016, 210},
-        {0x8001, 213},
-        {0xc016, 213},
-    },
-    /* 193 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 192},
-        {0x8009, 192},
-        {0x8017, 192},
-        {0xc028, 192},
-        {0x8002, 193},
-        {0x8009, 193},
-        {0x8017, 193},
-        {0xc028, 193},
-        {0x8002, 200},
-        {0x8009, 200},
-        {0x8017, 200},
-        {0xc028, 200},
-        {0x8002, 201},
-        {0x8009, 201},
-        {0x8017, 201},
-        {0xc028, 201},
-    },
-    /* 194 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 192},
-        {0x8006, 192},
-        {0x800a, 192},
-        {0x800f, 192},
-        {0x8018, 192},
-        {0x801f, 192},
-        {0x8029, 192},
-        {0xc038, 192},
-        {0x8003, 193},
-        {0x8006, 193},
-        {0x800a, 193},
-        {0x800f, 193},
-        {0x8018, 193},
-        {0x801f, 193},
-        {0x8029, 193},
-        {0xc038, 193},
-    },
-    /* 195 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 200},
-        {0x8006, 200},
-        {0x800a, 200},
-        {0x800f, 200},
-        {0x8018, 200},
-        {0x801f, 200},
-        {0x8029, 200},
-        {0xc038, 200},
-        {0x8003, 201},
-        {0x8006, 201},
-        {0x800a, 201},
-        {0x800f, 201},
-        {0x8018, 201},
-        {0x801f, 201},
-        {0x8029, 201},
-        {0xc038, 201},
-    },
-    /* 196 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 202},
-        {0x8009, 202},
-        {0x8017, 202},
-        {0xc028, 202},
-        {0x8002, 205},
-        {0x8009, 205},
-        {0x8017, 205},
-        {0xc028, 205},
-        {0x8002, 210},
-        {0x8009, 210},
-        {0x8017, 210},
-        {0xc028, 210},
-        {0x8002, 213},
-        {0x8009, 213},
-        {0x8017, 213},
-        {0xc028, 213},
-    },
-    /* 197 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 202},
-        {0x8006, 202},
-        {0x800a, 202},
-        {0x800f, 202},
-        {0x8018, 202},
-        {0x801f, 202},
-        {0x8029, 202},
-        {0xc038, 202},
-        {0x8003, 205},
-        {0x8006, 205},
-        {0x800a, 205},
-        {0x800f, 205},
-        {0x8018, 205},
-        {0x801f, 205},
-        {0x8029, 205},
-        {0xc038, 205},
-    },
-    /* 198 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 210},
-        {0x8006, 210},
-        {0x800a, 210},
-        {0x800f, 210},
-        {0x8018, 210},
-        {0x801f, 210},
-        {0x8029, 210},
-        {0xc038, 210},
-        {0x8003, 213},
-        {0x8006, 213},
-        {0x800a, 213},
-        {0x800f, 213},
-        {0x8018, 213},
-        {0x801f, 213},
-        {0x8029, 213},
-        {0xc038, 213},
-    },
-    /* 199 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 218},
-        {0xc016, 218},
-        {0x8001, 219},
-        {0xc016, 219},
-        {0x8001, 238},
-        {0xc016, 238},
-        {0x8001, 240},
-        {0xc016, 240},
-        {0x8001, 242},
-        {0xc016, 242},
-        {0x8001, 243},
-        {0xc016, 243},
-        {0x8001, 255},
-        {0xc016, 255},
-        {0xc000, 203},
-        {0xc000, 204},
-    },
-    /* 200 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 218},
-        {0x8009, 218},
-        {0x8017, 218},
-        {0xc028, 218},
-        {0x8002, 219},
-        {0x8009, 219},
-        {0x8017, 219},
-        {0xc028, 219},
-        {0x8002, 238},
-        {0x8009, 238},
-        {0x8017, 238},
-        {0xc028, 238},
-        {0x8002, 240},
-        {0x8009, 240},
-        {0x8017, 240},
-        {0xc028, 240},
-    },
-    /* 201 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 218},
-        {0x8006, 218},
-        {0x800a, 218},
-        {0x800f, 218},
-        {0x8018, 218},
-        {0x801f, 218},
-        {0x8029, 218},
-        {0xc038, 218},
-        {0x8003, 219},
-        {0x8006, 219},
-        {0x800a, 219},
-        {0x800f, 219},
-        {0x8018, 219},
-        {0x801f, 219},
-        {0x8029, 219},
-        {0xc038, 219},
-    },
-    /* 202 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 238},
-        {0x8006, 238},
-        {0x800a, 238},
-        {0x800f, 238},
-        {0x8018, 238},
-        {0x801f, 238},
-        {0x8029, 238},
-        {0xc038, 238},
-        {0x8003, 240},
-        {0x8006, 240},
-        {0x800a, 240},
-        {0x800f, 240},
-        {0x8018, 240},
-        {0x801f, 240},
-        {0x8029, 240},
-        {0xc038, 240},
-    },
-    /* 203 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 242},
-        {0x8009, 242},
-        {0x8017, 242},
-        {0xc028, 242},
-        {0x8002, 243},
-        {0x8009, 243},
-        {0x8017, 243},
-        {0xc028, 243},
-        {0x8002, 255},
-        {0x8009, 255},
-        {0x8017, 255},
-        {0xc028, 255},
-        {0x8001, 203},
-        {0xc016, 203},
-        {0x8001, 204},
-        {0xc016, 204},
-    },
-    /* 204 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 242},
-        {0x8006, 242},
-        {0x800a, 242},
-        {0x800f, 242},
-        {0x8018, 242},
-        {0x801f, 242},
-        {0x8029, 242},
-        {0xc038, 242},
-        {0x8003, 243},
-        {0x8006, 243},
-        {0x800a, 243},
-        {0x800f, 243},
-        {0x8018, 243},
-        {0x801f, 243},
-        {0x8029, 243},
-        {0xc038, 243},
-    },
-    /* 205 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 255},
-        {0x8006, 255},
-        {0x800a, 255},
-        {0x800f, 255},
-        {0x8018, 255},
-        {0x801f, 255},
-        {0x8029, 255},
-        {0xc038, 255},
-        {0x8002, 203},
-        {0x8009, 203},
-        {0x8017, 203},
-        {0xc028, 203},
-        {0x8002, 204},
-        {0x8009, 204},
-        {0x8017, 204},
-        {0xc028, 204},
-    },
-    /* 206 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 203},
-        {0x8006, 203},
-        {0x800a, 203},
-        {0x800f, 203},
-        {0x8018, 203},
-        {0x801f, 203},
-        {0x8029, 203},
-        {0xc038, 203},
-        {0x8003, 204},
-        {0x8006, 204},
-        {0x800a, 204},
-        {0x800f, 204},
-        {0x8018, 204},
-        {0x801f, 204},
-        {0x8029, 204},
-        {0xc038, 204},
-    },
-    /* 207 */
-    {
-        {0xd3, 0},
-        {0xd4, 0},
-        {0xd6, 0},
-        {0xd7, 0},
-        {0xda, 0},
-        {0xdb, 0},
-        {0xdd, 0},
-        {0xde, 0},
-        {0xe2, 0},
-        {0xe4, 0},
-        {0xe8, 0},
-        {0xeb, 0},
-        {0xf0, 0},
-        {0xf3, 0},
-        {0xf7, 0},
-        {0xfa, 0},
-    },
-    /* 208 */
-    {
-        {0xc000, 211},
-        {0xc000, 212},
-        {0xc000, 214},
-        {0xc000, 221},
-        {0xc000, 222},
-        {0xc000, 223},
-        {0xc000, 241},
-        {0xc000, 244},
-        {0xc000, 245},
-        {0xc000, 246},
-        {0xc000, 247},
-        {0xc000, 248},
-        {0xc000, 250},
-        {0xc000, 251},
-        {0xc000, 252},
-        {0xc000, 253},
-    },
-    /* 209 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 211},
-        {0xc016, 211},
-        {0x8001, 212},
-        {0xc016, 212},
-        {0x8001, 214},
-        {0xc016, 214},
-        {0x8001, 221},
-        {0xc016, 221},
-        {0x8001, 222},
-        {0xc016, 222},
-        {0x8001, 223},
-        {0xc016, 223},
-        {0x8001, 241},
-        {0xc016, 241},
-        {0x8001, 244},
-        {0xc016, 244},
-    },
-    /* 210 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 211},
-        {0x8009, 211},
-        {0x8017, 211},
-        {0xc028, 211},
-        {0x8002, 212},
-        {0x8009, 212},
-        {0x8017, 212},
-        {0xc028, 212},
-        {0x8002, 214},
-        {0x8009, 214},
-        {0x8017, 214},
-        {0xc028, 214},
-        {0x8002, 221},
-        {0x8009, 221},
-        {0x8017, 221},
-        {0xc028, 221},
-    },
-    /* 211 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 211},
-        {0x8006, 211},
-        {0x800a, 211},
-        {0x800f, 211},
-        {0x8018, 211},
-        {0x801f, 211},
-        {0x8029, 211},
-        {0xc038, 211},
-        {0x8003, 212},
-        {0x8006, 212},
-        {0x800a, 212},
-        {0x800f, 212},
-        {0x8018, 212},
-        {0x801f, 212},
-        {0x8029, 212},
-        {0xc038, 212},
-    },
-    /* 212 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 214},
-        {0x8006, 214},
-        {0x800a, 214},
-        {0x800f, 214},
-        {0x8018, 214},
-        {0x801f, 214},
-        {0x8029, 214},
-        {0xc038, 214},
-        {0x8003, 221},
-        {0x8006, 221},
-        {0x800a, 221},
-        {0x800f, 221},
-        {0x8018, 221},
-        {0x801f, 221},
-        {0x8029, 221},
-        {0xc038, 221},
-    },
-    /* 213 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 222},
-        {0x8009, 222},
-        {0x8017, 222},
-        {0xc028, 222},
-        {0x8002, 223},
-        {0x8009, 223},
-        {0x8017, 223},
-        {0xc028, 223},
-        {0x8002, 241},
-        {0x8009, 241},
-        {0x8017, 241},
-        {0xc028, 241},
-        {0x8002, 244},
-        {0x8009, 244},
-        {0x8017, 244},
-        {0xc028, 244},
-    },
-    /* 214 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 222},
-        {0x8006, 222},
-        {0x800a, 222},
-        {0x800f, 222},
-        {0x8018, 222},
-        {0x801f, 222},
-        {0x8029, 222},
-        {0xc038, 222},
-        {0x8003, 223},
-        {0x8006, 223},
-        {0x800a, 223},
-        {0x800f, 223},
-        {0x8018, 223},
-        {0x801f, 223},
-        {0x8029, 223},
-        {0xc038, 223},
-    },
-    /* 215 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 241},
-        {0x8006, 241},
-        {0x800a, 241},
-        {0x800f, 241},
-        {0x8018, 241},
-        {0x801f, 241},
-        {0x8029, 241},
-        {0xc038, 241},
-        {0x8003, 244},
-        {0x8006, 244},
-        {0x800a, 244},
-        {0x800f, 244},
-        {0x8018, 244},
-        {0x801f, 244},
-        {0x8029, 244},
-        {0xc038, 244},
-    },
-    /* 216 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 245},
-        {0xc016, 245},
-        {0x8001, 246},
-        {0xc016, 246},
-        {0x8001, 247},
-        {0xc016, 247},
-        {0x8001, 248},
-        {0xc016, 248},
-        {0x8001, 250},
-        {0xc016, 250},
-        {0x8001, 251},
-        {0xc016, 251},
-        {0x8001, 252},
-        {0xc016, 252},
-        {0x8001, 253},
-        {0xc016, 253},
-    },
-    /* 217 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 245},
-        {0x8009, 245},
-        {0x8017, 245},
-        {0xc028, 245},
-        {0x8002, 246},
-        {0x8009, 246},
-        {0x8017, 246},
-        {0xc028, 246},
-        {0x8002, 247},
-        {0x8009, 247},
-        {0x8017, 247},
-        {0xc028, 247},
-        {0x8002, 248},
-        {0x8009, 248},
-        {0x8017, 248},
-        {0xc028, 248},
-    },
-    /* 218 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 245},
-        {0x8006, 245},
-        {0x800a, 245},
-        {0x800f, 245},
-        {0x8018, 245},
-        {0x801f, 245},
-        {0x8029, 245},
-        {0xc038, 245},
-        {0x8003, 246},
-        {0x8006, 246},
-        {0x800a, 246},
-        {0x800f, 246},
-        {0x8018, 246},
-        {0x801f, 246},
-        {0x8029, 246},
-        {0xc038, 246},
-    },
-    /* 219 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 247},
-        {0x8006, 247},
-        {0x800a, 247},
-        {0x800f, 247},
-        {0x8018, 247},
-        {0x801f, 247},
-        {0x8029, 247},
-        {0xc038, 247},
-        {0x8003, 248},
-        {0x8006, 248},
-        {0x800a, 248},
-        {0x800f, 248},
-        {0x8018, 248},
-        {0x801f, 248},
-        {0x8029, 248},
-        {0xc038, 248},
-    },
-    /* 220 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 250},
-        {0x8009, 250},
-        {0x8017, 250},
-        {0xc028, 250},
-        {0x8002, 251},
-        {0x8009, 251},
-        {0x8017, 251},
-        {0xc028, 251},
-        {0x8002, 252},
-        {0x8009, 252},
-        {0x8017, 252},
-        {0xc028, 252},
-        {0x8002, 253},
-        {0x8009, 253},
-        {0x8017, 253},
-        {0xc028, 253},
-    },
-    /* 221 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 250},
-        {0x8006, 250},
-        {0x800a, 250},
-        {0x800f, 250},
-        {0x8018, 250},
-        {0x801f, 250},
-        {0x8029, 250},
-        {0xc038, 250},
-        {0x8003, 251},
-        {0x8006, 251},
-        {0x800a, 251},
-        {0x800f, 251},
-        {0x8018, 251},
-        {0x801f, 251},
-        {0x8029, 251},
-        {0xc038, 251},
-    },
-    /* 222 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 252},
-        {0x8006, 252},
-        {0x800a, 252},
-        {0x800f, 252},
-        {0x8018, 252},
-        {0x801f, 252},
-        {0x8029, 252},
-        {0xc038, 252},
-        {0x8003, 253},
-        {0x8006, 253},
-        {0x800a, 253},
-        {0x800f, 253},
-        {0x8018, 253},
-        {0x801f, 253},
-        {0x8029, 253},
-        {0xc038, 253},
-    },
-    /* 223 */
-    {
-        {0xc000, 254},
-        {0xe3, 0},
-        {0xe5, 0},
-        {0xe6, 0},
-        {0xe9, 0},
-        {0xea, 0},
-        {0xec, 0},
-        {0xed, 0},
-        {0xf1, 0},
-        {0xf2, 0},
-        {0xf4, 0},
-        {0xf5, 0},
-        {0xf8, 0},
-        {0xf9, 0},
-        {0xfb, 0},
-        {0xfc, 0},
-    },
-    /* 224 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 254},
-        {0xc016, 254},
-        {0xc000, 2},
-        {0xc000, 3},
-        {0xc000, 4},
-        {0xc000, 5},
-        {0xc000, 6},
-        {0xc000, 7},
-        {0xc000, 8},
-        {0xc000, 11},
-        {0xc000, 12},
-        {0xc000, 14},
-        {0xc000, 15},
-        {0xc000, 16},
-        {0xc000, 17},
-        {0xc000, 18},
-    },
-    /* 225 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 254},
-        {0x8009, 254},
-        {0x8017, 254},
-        {0xc028, 254},
-        {0x8001, 2},
-        {0xc016, 2},
-        {0x8001, 3},
-        {0xc016, 3},
-        {0x8001, 4},
-        {0xc016, 4},
-        {0x8001, 5},
-        {0xc016, 5},
-        {0x8001, 6},
-        {0xc016, 6},
-        {0x8001, 7},
-        {0xc016, 7},
-    },
-    /* 226 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 254},
-        {0x8006, 254},
-        {0x800a, 254},
-        {0x800f, 254},
-        {0x8018, 254},
-        {0x801f, 254},
-        {0x8029, 254},
-        {0xc038, 254},
-        {0x8002, 2},
-        {0x8009, 2},
-        {0x8017, 2},
-        {0xc028, 2},
-        {0x8002, 3},
-        {0x8009, 3},
-        {0x8017, 3},
-        {0xc028, 3},
-    },
-    /* 227 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 2},
-        {0x8006, 2},
-        {0x800a, 2},
-        {0x800f, 2},
-        {0x8018, 2},
-        {0x801f, 2},
-        {0x8029, 2},
-        {0xc038, 2},
-        {0x8003, 3},
-        {0x8006, 3},
-        {0x800a, 3},
-        {0x800f, 3},
-        {0x8018, 3},
-        {0x801f, 3},
-        {0x8029, 3},
-        {0xc038, 3},
-    },
-    /* 228 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 4},
-        {0x8009, 4},
-        {0x8017, 4},
-        {0xc028, 4},
-        {0x8002, 5},
-        {0x8009, 5},
-        {0x8017, 5},
-        {0xc028, 5},
-        {0x8002, 6},
-        {0x8009, 6},
-        {0x8017, 6},
-        {0xc028, 6},
-        {0x8002, 7},
-        {0x8009, 7},
-        {0x8017, 7},
-        {0xc028, 7},
-    },
-    /* 229 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 4},
-        {0x8006, 4},
-        {0x800a, 4},
-        {0x800f, 4},
-        {0x8018, 4},
-        {0x801f, 4},
-        {0x8029, 4},
-        {0xc038, 4},
-        {0x8003, 5},
-        {0x8006, 5},
-        {0x800a, 5},
-        {0x800f, 5},
-        {0x8018, 5},
-        {0x801f, 5},
-        {0x8029, 5},
-        {0xc038, 5},
-    },
-    /* 230 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 6},
-        {0x8006, 6},
-        {0x800a, 6},
-        {0x800f, 6},
-        {0x8018, 6},
-        {0x801f, 6},
-        {0x8029, 6},
-        {0xc038, 6},
-        {0x8003, 7},
-        {0x8006, 7},
-        {0x800a, 7},
-        {0x800f, 7},
-        {0x8018, 7},
-        {0x801f, 7},
-        {0x8029, 7},
-        {0xc038, 7},
-    },
-    /* 231 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 8},
-        {0xc016, 8},
-        {0x8001, 11},
-        {0xc016, 11},
-        {0x8001, 12},
-        {0xc016, 12},
-        {0x8001, 14},
-        {0xc016, 14},
-        {0x8001, 15},
-        {0xc016, 15},
-        {0x8001, 16},
-        {0xc016, 16},
-        {0x8001, 17},
-        {0xc016, 17},
-        {0x8001, 18},
-        {0xc016, 18},
-    },
-    /* 232 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 8},
-        {0x8009, 8},
-        {0x8017, 8},
-        {0xc028, 8},
-        {0x8002, 11},
-        {0x8009, 11},
-        {0x8017, 11},
-        {0xc028, 11},
-        {0x8002, 12},
-        {0x8009, 12},
-        {0x8017, 12},
-        {0xc028, 12},
-        {0x8002, 14},
-        {0x8009, 14},
-        {0x8017, 14},
-        {0xc028, 14},
-    },
-    /* 233 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 8},
-        {0x8006, 8},
-        {0x800a, 8},
-        {0x800f, 8},
-        {0x8018, 8},
-        {0x801f, 8},
-        {0x8029, 8},
-        {0xc038, 8},
-        {0x8003, 11},
-        {0x8006, 11},
-        {0x800a, 11},
-        {0x800f, 11},
-        {0x8018, 11},
-        {0x801f, 11},
-        {0x8029, 11},
-        {0xc038, 11},
-    },
-    /* 234 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 12},
-        {0x8006, 12},
-        {0x800a, 12},
-        {0x800f, 12},
-        {0x8018, 12},
-        {0x801f, 12},
-        {0x8029, 12},
-        {0xc038, 12},
-        {0x8003, 14},
-        {0x8006, 14},
-        {0x800a, 14},
-        {0x800f, 14},
-        {0x8018, 14},
-        {0x801f, 14},
-        {0x8029, 14},
-        {0xc038, 14},
-    },
-    /* 235 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 15},
-        {0x8009, 15},
-        {0x8017, 15},
-        {0xc028, 15},
-        {0x8002, 16},
-        {0x8009, 16},
-        {0x8017, 16},
-        {0xc028, 16},
-        {0x8002, 17},
-        {0x8009, 17},
-        {0x8017, 17},
-        {0xc028, 17},
-        {0x8002, 18},
-        {0x8009, 18},
-        {0x8017, 18},
-        {0xc028, 18},
-    },
-    /* 236 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 15},
-        {0x8006, 15},
-        {0x800a, 15},
-        {0x800f, 15},
-        {0x8018, 15},
-        {0x801f, 15},
-        {0x8029, 15},
-        {0xc038, 15},
-        {0x8003, 16},
-        {0x8006, 16},
-        {0x800a, 16},
-        {0x800f, 16},
-        {0x8018, 16},
-        {0x801f, 16},
-        {0x8029, 16},
-        {0xc038, 16},
-    },
-    /* 237 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 17},
-        {0x8006, 17},
-        {0x800a, 17},
-        {0x800f, 17},
-        {0x8018, 17},
-        {0x801f, 17},
-        {0x8029, 17},
-        {0xc038, 17},
-        {0x8003, 18},
-        {0x8006, 18},
-        {0x800a, 18},
-        {0x800f, 18},
-        {0x8018, 18},
-        {0x801f, 18},
-        {0x8029, 18},
-        {0xc038, 18},
-    },
-    /* 238 */
-    {
-        {0xc000, 19},
-        {0xc000, 20},
-        {0xc000, 21},
-        {0xc000, 23},
-        {0xc000, 24},
-        {0xc000, 25},
-        {0xc000, 26},
-        {0xc000, 27},
-        {0xc000, 28},
-        {0xc000, 29},
-        {0xc000, 30},
-        {0xc000, 31},
-        {0xc000, 127},
-        {0xc000, 220},
-        {0xc000, 249},
-        {0xfd, 0},
-    },
-    /* 239 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 19},
-        {0xc016, 19},
-        {0x8001, 20},
-        {0xc016, 20},
-        {0x8001, 21},
-        {0xc016, 21},
-        {0x8001, 23},
-        {0xc016, 23},
-        {0x8001, 24},
-        {0xc016, 24},
-        {0x8001, 25},
-        {0xc016, 25},
-        {0x8001, 26},
-        {0xc016, 26},
-        {0x8001, 27},
-        {0xc016, 27},
-    },
-    /* 240 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 19},
-        {0x8009, 19},
-        {0x8017, 19},
-        {0xc028, 19},
-        {0x8002, 20},
-        {0x8009, 20},
-        {0x8017, 20},
-        {0xc028, 20},
-        {0x8002, 21},
-        {0x8009, 21},
-        {0x8017, 21},
-        {0xc028, 21},
-        {0x8002, 23},
-        {0x8009, 23},
-        {0x8017, 23},
-        {0xc028, 23},
-    },
-    /* 241 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 19},
-        {0x8006, 19},
-        {0x800a, 19},
-        {0x800f, 19},
-        {0x8018, 19},
-        {0x801f, 19},
-        {0x8029, 19},
-        {0xc038, 19},
-        {0x8003, 20},
-        {0x8006, 20},
-        {0x800a, 20},
-        {0x800f, 20},
-        {0x8018, 20},
-        {0x801f, 20},
-        {0x8029, 20},
-        {0xc038, 20},
-    },
-    /* 242 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 21},
-        {0x8006, 21},
-        {0x800a, 21},
-        {0x800f, 21},
-        {0x8018, 21},
-        {0x801f, 21},
-        {0x8029, 21},
-        {0xc038, 21},
-        {0x8003, 23},
-        {0x8006, 23},
-        {0x800a, 23},
-        {0x800f, 23},
-        {0x8018, 23},
-        {0x801f, 23},
-        {0x8029, 23},
-        {0xc038, 23},
-    },
-    /* 243 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 24},
-        {0x8009, 24},
-        {0x8017, 24},
-        {0xc028, 24},
-        {0x8002, 25},
-        {0x8009, 25},
-        {0x8017, 25},
-        {0xc028, 25},
-        {0x8002, 26},
-        {0x8009, 26},
-        {0x8017, 26},
-        {0xc028, 26},
-        {0x8002, 27},
-        {0x8009, 27},
-        {0x8017, 27},
-        {0xc028, 27},
-    },
-    /* 244 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 24},
-        {0x8006, 24},
-        {0x800a, 24},
-        {0x800f, 24},
-        {0x8018, 24},
-        {0x801f, 24},
-        {0x8029, 24},
-        {0xc038, 24},
-        {0x8003, 25},
-        {0x8006, 25},
-        {0x800a, 25},
-        {0x800f, 25},
-        {0x8018, 25},
-        {0x801f, 25},
-        {0x8029, 25},
-        {0xc038, 25},
-    },
-    /* 245 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 26},
-        {0x8006, 26},
-        {0x800a, 26},
-        {0x800f, 26},
-        {0x8018, 26},
-        {0x801f, 26},
-        {0x8029, 26},
-        {0xc038, 26},
-        {0x8003, 27},
-        {0x8006, 27},
-        {0x800a, 27},
-        {0x800f, 27},
-        {0x8018, 27},
-        {0x801f, 27},
-        {0x8029, 27},
-        {0xc038, 27},
-    },
-    /* 246 */
-    {
-        {0x8001, 28},
-        {0xc016, 28},
-        {0x8001, 29},
-        {0xc016, 29},
-        {0x8001, 30},
-        {0xc016, 30},
-        {0x8001, 31},
-        {0xc016, 31},
-        {0x8001, 127},
-        {0xc016, 127},
-        {0x8001, 220},
-        {0xc016, 220},
-        {0x8001, 249},
-        {0xc016, 249},
-        {0xfe, 0},
-        {0xff, 0},
-    },
-    /* 247 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 28},
-        {0x8009, 28},
-        {0x8017, 28},
-        {0xc028, 28},
-        {0x8002, 29},
-        {0x8009, 29},
-        {0x8017, 29},
-        {0xc028, 29},
-        {0x8002, 30},
-        {0x8009, 30},
-        {0x8017, 30},
-        {0xc028, 30},
-        {0x8002, 31},
-        {0x8009, 31},
-        {0x8017, 31},
-        {0xc028, 31},
-    },
-    /* 248 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 28},
-        {0x8006, 28},
-        {0x800a, 28},
-        {0x800f, 28},
-        {0x8018, 28},
-        {0x801f, 28},
-        {0x8029, 28},
-        {0xc038, 28},
-        {0x8003, 29},
-        {0x8006, 29},
-        {0x800a, 29},
-        {0x800f, 29},
-        {0x8018, 29},
-        {0x801f, 29},
-        {0x8029, 29},
-        {0xc038, 29},
-    },
-    /* 249 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 30},
-        {0x8006, 30},
-        {0x800a, 30},
-        {0x800f, 30},
-        {0x8018, 30},
-        {0x801f, 30},
-        {0x8029, 30},
-        {0xc038, 30},
-        {0x8003, 31},
-        {0x8006, 31},
-        {0x800a, 31},
-        {0x800f, 31},
-        {0x8018, 31},
-        {0x801f, 31},
-        {0x8029, 31},
-        {0xc038, 31},
-    },
-    /* 250 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 127},
-        {0x8009, 127},
-        {0x8017, 127},
-        {0xc028, 127},
-        {0x8002, 220},
-        {0x8009, 220},
-        {0x8017, 220},
-        {0xc028, 220},
-        {0x8002, 249},
-        {0x8009, 249},
-        {0x8017, 249},
-        {0xc028, 249},
-        {0xc000, 10},
-        {0xc000, 13},
-        {0xc000, 22},
-        {0x100, 0},
-    },
-    /* 251 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 127},
-        {0x8006, 127},
-        {0x800a, 127},
-        {0x800f, 127},
-        {0x8018, 127},
-        {0x801f, 127},
-        {0x8029, 127},
-        {0xc038, 127},
-        {0x8003, 220},
-        {0x8006, 220},
-        {0x800a, 220},
-        {0x800f, 220},
-        {0x8018, 220},
-        {0x801f, 220},
-        {0x8029, 220},
-        {0xc038, 220},
-    },
-    /* 252 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 249},
-        {0x8006, 249},
-        {0x800a, 249},
-        {0x800f, 249},
-        {0x8018, 249},
-        {0x801f, 249},
-        {0x8029, 249},
-        {0xc038, 249},
-        {0x8001, 10},
-        {0xc016, 10},
-        {0x8001, 13},
-        {0xc016, 13},
-        {0x8001, 22},
-        {0xc016, 22},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-    },
-    /* 253 */
-    {
-        {0x8002, 10},
-        {0x8009, 10},
-        {0x8017, 10},
-        {0xc028, 10},
-        {0x8002, 13},
-        {0x8009, 13},
-        {0x8017, 13},
-        {0xc028, 13},
-        {0x8002, 22},
-        {0x8009, 22},
-        {0x8017, 22},
-        {0xc028, 22},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-    },
-    /* 254 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 10},
-        {0x8006, 10},
-        {0x800a, 10},
-        {0x800f, 10},
-        {0x8018, 10},
-        {0x801f, 10},
-        {0x8029, 10},
-        {0xc038, 10},
-        {0x8003, 13},
-        {0x8006, 13},
-        {0x800a, 13},
-        {0x800f, 13},
-        {0x8018, 13},
-        {0x801f, 13},
-        {0x8029, 13},
-        {0xc038, 13},
-    },
-    /* 255 */
-    {
-        {0x8003, 22},
-        {0x8006, 22},
-        {0x800a, 22},
-        {0x800f, 22},
-        {0x8018, 22},
-        {0x801f, 22},
-        {0x8029, 22},
-        {0xc038, 22},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-    },
-    /* 256 */
-    {
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-        {0x100, 0},
-    },
+  /* 0 */
+  {
+    {0x04, 0},
+    {0x05, 0},
+    {0x07, 0},
+    {0x08, 0},
+    {0x0b, 0},
+    {0x0c, 0},
+    {0x10, 0},
+    {0x13, 0},
+    {0x19, 0},
+    {0x1c, 0},
+    {0x20, 0},
+    {0x23, 0},
+    {0x2a, 0},
+    {0x31, 0},
+    {0x39, 0},
+    {0x4040, 0},
+  },
+  /* 1 */
+  {
+    {0xc000, 48},
+    {0xc000, 49},
+    {0xc000, 50},
+    {0xc000, 97},
+    {0xc000, 99},
+    {0xc000, 101},
+    {0xc000, 105},
+    {0xc000, 111},
+    {0xc000, 115},
+    {0xc000, 116},
+    {0x0d, 0},
+    {0x0e, 0},
+    {0x11, 0},
+    {0x12, 0},
+    {0x14, 0},
+    {0x15, 0},
+  },
+  /* 2 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 48},
+    {0xc016, 48},
+    {0x8001, 49},
+    {0xc016, 49},
+    {0x8001, 50},
+    {0xc016, 50},
+    {0x8001, 97},
+    {0xc016, 97},
+    {0x8001, 99},
+    {0xc016, 99},
+    {0x8001, 101},
+    {0xc016, 101},
+    {0x8001, 105},
+    {0xc016, 105},
+    {0x8001, 111},
+    {0xc016, 111},
+  },
+  /* 3 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 48},
+    {0x8009, 48},
+    {0x8017, 48},
+    {0xc028, 48},
+    {0x8002, 49},
+    {0x8009, 49},
+    {0x8017, 49},
+    {0xc028, 49},
+    {0x8002, 50},
+    {0x8009, 50},
+    {0x8017, 50},
+    {0xc028, 50},
+    {0x8002, 97},
+    {0x8009, 97},
+    {0x8017, 97},
+    {0xc028, 97},
+  },
+  /* 4 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 48},
+    {0x8006, 48},
+    {0x800a, 48},
+    {0x800f, 48},
+    {0x8018, 48},
+    {0x801f, 48},
+    {0x8029, 48},
+    {0xc038, 48},
+    {0x8003, 49},
+    {0x8006, 49},
+    {0x800a, 49},
+    {0x800f, 49},
+    {0x8018, 49},
+    {0x801f, 49},
+    {0x8029, 49},
+    {0xc038, 49},
+  },
+  /* 5 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 50},
+    {0x8006, 50},
+    {0x800a, 50},
+    {0x800f, 50},
+    {0x8018, 50},
+    {0x801f, 50},
+    {0x8029, 50},
+    {0xc038, 50},
+    {0x8003, 97},
+    {0x8006, 97},
+    {0x800a, 97},
+    {0x800f, 97},
+    {0x8018, 97},
+    {0x801f, 97},
+    {0x8029, 97},
+    {0xc038, 97},
+  },
+  /* 6 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 99},
+    {0x8009, 99},
+    {0x8017, 99},
+    {0xc028, 99},
+    {0x8002, 101},
+    {0x8009, 101},
+    {0x8017, 101},
+    {0xc028, 101},
+    {0x8002, 105},
+    {0x8009, 105},
+    {0x8017, 105},
+    {0xc028, 105},
+    {0x8002, 111},
+    {0x8009, 111},
+    {0x8017, 111},
+    {0xc028, 111},
+  },
+  /* 7 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 99},
+    {0x8006, 99},
+    {0x800a, 99},
+    {0x800f, 99},
+    {0x8018, 99},
+    {0x801f, 99},
+    {0x8029, 99},
+    {0xc038, 99},
+    {0x8003, 101},
+    {0x8006, 101},
+    {0x800a, 101},
+    {0x800f, 101},
+    {0x8018, 101},
+    {0x801f, 101},
+    {0x8029, 101},
+    {0xc038, 101},
+  },
+  /* 8 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 105},
+    {0x8006, 105},
+    {0x800a, 105},
+    {0x800f, 105},
+    {0x8018, 105},
+    {0x801f, 105},
+    {0x8029, 105},
+    {0xc038, 105},
+    {0x8003, 111},
+    {0x8006, 111},
+    {0x800a, 111},
+    {0x800f, 111},
+    {0x8018, 111},
+    {0x801f, 111},
+    {0x8029, 111},
+    {0xc038, 111},
+  },
+  /* 9 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 115},
+    {0xc016, 115},
+    {0x8001, 116},
+    {0xc016, 116},
+    {0xc000, 32},
+    {0xc000, 37},
+    {0xc000, 45},
+    {0xc000, 46},
+    {0xc000, 47},
+    {0xc000, 51},
+    {0xc000, 52},
+    {0xc000, 53},
+    {0xc000, 54},
+    {0xc000, 55},
+    {0xc000, 56},
+    {0xc000, 57},
+  },
+  /* 10 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 115},
+    {0x8009, 115},
+    {0x8017, 115},
+    {0xc028, 115},
+    {0x8002, 116},
+    {0x8009, 116},
+    {0x8017, 116},
+    {0xc028, 116},
+    {0x8001, 32},
+    {0xc016, 32},
+    {0x8001, 37},
+    {0xc016, 37},
+    {0x8001, 45},
+    {0xc016, 45},
+    {0x8001, 46},
+    {0xc016, 46},
+  },
+  /* 11 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 115},
+    {0x8006, 115},
+    {0x800a, 115},
+    {0x800f, 115},
+    {0x8018, 115},
+    {0x801f, 115},
+    {0x8029, 115},
+    {0xc038, 115},
+    {0x8003, 116},
+    {0x8006, 116},
+    {0x800a, 116},
+    {0x800f, 116},
+    {0x8018, 116},
+    {0x801f, 116},
+    {0x8029, 116},
+    {0xc038, 116},
+  },
+  /* 12 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 32},
+    {0x8009, 32},
+    {0x8017, 32},
+    {0xc028, 32},
+    {0x8002, 37},
+    {0x8009, 37},
+    {0x8017, 37},
+    {0xc028, 37},
+    {0x8002, 45},
+    {0x8009, 45},
+    {0x8017, 45},
+    {0xc028, 45},
+    {0x8002, 46},
+    {0x8009, 46},
+    {0x8017, 46},
+    {0xc028, 46},
+  },
+  /* 13 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 32},
+    {0x8006, 32},
+    {0x800a, 32},
+    {0x800f, 32},
+    {0x8018, 32},
+    {0x801f, 32},
+    {0x8029, 32},
+    {0xc038, 32},
+    {0x8003, 37},
+    {0x8006, 37},
+    {0x800a, 37},
+    {0x800f, 37},
+    {0x8018, 37},
+    {0x801f, 37},
+    {0x8029, 37},
+    {0xc038, 37},
+  },
+  /* 14 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 45},
+    {0x8006, 45},
+    {0x800a, 45},
+    {0x800f, 45},
+    {0x8018, 45},
+    {0x801f, 45},
+    {0x8029, 45},
+    {0xc038, 45},
+    {0x8003, 46},
+    {0x8006, 46},
+    {0x800a, 46},
+    {0x800f, 46},
+    {0x8018, 46},
+    {0x801f, 46},
+    {0x8029, 46},
+    {0xc038, 46},
+  },
+  /* 15 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 47},
+    {0xc016, 47},
+    {0x8001, 51},
+    {0xc016, 51},
+    {0x8001, 52},
+    {0xc016, 52},
+    {0x8001, 53},
+    {0xc016, 53},
+    {0x8001, 54},
+    {0xc016, 54},
+    {0x8001, 55},
+    {0xc016, 55},
+    {0x8001, 56},
+    {0xc016, 56},
+    {0x8001, 57},
+    {0xc016, 57},
+  },
+  /* 16 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 47},
+    {0x8009, 47},
+    {0x8017, 47},
+    {0xc028, 47},
+    {0x8002, 51},
+    {0x8009, 51},
+    {0x8017, 51},
+    {0xc028, 51},
+    {0x8002, 52},
+    {0x8009, 52},
+    {0x8017, 52},
+    {0xc028, 52},
+    {0x8002, 53},
+    {0x8009, 53},
+    {0x8017, 53},
+    {0xc028, 53},
+  },
+  /* 17 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 47},
+    {0x8006, 47},
+    {0x800a, 47},
+    {0x800f, 47},
+    {0x8018, 47},
+    {0x801f, 47},
+    {0x8029, 47},
+    {0xc038, 47},
+    {0x8003, 51},
+    {0x8006, 51},
+    {0x800a, 51},
+    {0x800f, 51},
+    {0x8018, 51},
+    {0x801f, 51},
+    {0x8029, 51},
+    {0xc038, 51},
+  },
+  /* 18 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 52},
+    {0x8006, 52},
+    {0x800a, 52},
+    {0x800f, 52},
+    {0x8018, 52},
+    {0x801f, 52},
+    {0x8029, 52},
+    {0xc038, 52},
+    {0x8003, 53},
+    {0x8006, 53},
+    {0x800a, 53},
+    {0x800f, 53},
+    {0x8018, 53},
+    {0x801f, 53},
+    {0x8029, 53},
+    {0xc038, 53},
+  },
+  /* 19 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 54},
+    {0x8009, 54},
+    {0x8017, 54},
+    {0xc028, 54},
+    {0x8002, 55},
+    {0x8009, 55},
+    {0x8017, 55},
+    {0xc028, 55},
+    {0x8002, 56},
+    {0x8009, 56},
+    {0x8017, 56},
+    {0xc028, 56},
+    {0x8002, 57},
+    {0x8009, 57},
+    {0x8017, 57},
+    {0xc028, 57},
+  },
+  /* 20 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 54},
+    {0x8006, 54},
+    {0x800a, 54},
+    {0x800f, 54},
+    {0x8018, 54},
+    {0x801f, 54},
+    {0x8029, 54},
+    {0xc038, 54},
+    {0x8003, 55},
+    {0x8006, 55},
+    {0x800a, 55},
+    {0x800f, 55},
+    {0x8018, 55},
+    {0x801f, 55},
+    {0x8029, 55},
+    {0xc038, 55},
+  },
+  /* 21 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 56},
+    {0x8006, 56},
+    {0x800a, 56},
+    {0x800f, 56},
+    {0x8018, 56},
+    {0x801f, 56},
+    {0x8029, 56},
+    {0xc038, 56},
+    {0x8003, 57},
+    {0x8006, 57},
+    {0x800a, 57},
+    {0x800f, 57},
+    {0x8018, 57},
+    {0x801f, 57},
+    {0x8029, 57},
+    {0xc038, 57},
+  },
+  /* 22 */
+  {
+    {0x1a, 0},
+    {0x1b, 0},
+    {0x1d, 0},
+    {0x1e, 0},
+    {0x21, 0},
+    {0x22, 0},
+    {0x24, 0},
+    {0x25, 0},
+    {0x2b, 0},
+    {0x2e, 0},
+    {0x32, 0},
+    {0x35, 0},
+    {0x3a, 0},
+    {0x3d, 0},
+    {0x41, 0},
+    {0x4044, 0},
+  },
+  /* 23 */
+  {
+    {0xc000, 61},
+    {0xc000, 65},
+    {0xc000, 95},
+    {0xc000, 98},
+    {0xc000, 100},
+    {0xc000, 102},
+    {0xc000, 103},
+    {0xc000, 104},
+    {0xc000, 108},
+    {0xc000, 109},
+    {0xc000, 110},
+    {0xc000, 112},
+    {0xc000, 114},
+    {0xc000, 117},
+    {0x26, 0},
+    {0x27, 0},
+  },
+  /* 24 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 61},
+    {0xc016, 61},
+    {0x8001, 65},
+    {0xc016, 65},
+    {0x8001, 95},
+    {0xc016, 95},
+    {0x8001, 98},
+    {0xc016, 98},
+    {0x8001, 100},
+    {0xc016, 100},
+    {0x8001, 102},
+    {0xc016, 102},
+    {0x8001, 103},
+    {0xc016, 103},
+    {0x8001, 104},
+    {0xc016, 104},
+  },
+  /* 25 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 61},
+    {0x8009, 61},
+    {0x8017, 61},
+    {0xc028, 61},
+    {0x8002, 65},
+    {0x8009, 65},
+    {0x8017, 65},
+    {0xc028, 65},
+    {0x8002, 95},
+    {0x8009, 95},
+    {0x8017, 95},
+    {0xc028, 95},
+    {0x8002, 98},
+    {0x8009, 98},
+    {0x8017, 98},
+    {0xc028, 98},
+  },
+  /* 26 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 61},
+    {0x8006, 61},
+    {0x800a, 61},
+    {0x800f, 61},
+    {0x8018, 61},
+    {0x801f, 61},
+    {0x8029, 61},
+    {0xc038, 61},
+    {0x8003, 65},
+    {0x8006, 65},
+    {0x800a, 65},
+    {0x800f, 65},
+    {0x8018, 65},
+    {0x801f, 65},
+    {0x8029, 65},
+    {0xc038, 65},
+  },
+  /* 27 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 95},
+    {0x8006, 95},
+    {0x800a, 95},
+    {0x800f, 95},
+    {0x8018, 95},
+    {0x801f, 95},
+    {0x8029, 95},
+    {0xc038, 95},
+    {0x8003, 98},
+    {0x8006, 98},
+    {0x800a, 98},
+    {0x800f, 98},
+    {0x8018, 98},
+    {0x801f, 98},
+    {0x8029, 98},
+    {0xc038, 98},
+  },
+  /* 28 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 100},
+    {0x8009, 100},
+    {0x8017, 100},
+    {0xc028, 100},
+    {0x8002, 102},
+    {0x8009, 102},
+    {0x8017, 102},
+    {0xc028, 102},
+    {0x8002, 103},
+    {0x8009, 103},
+    {0x8017, 103},
+    {0xc028, 103},
+    {0x8002, 104},
+    {0x8009, 104},
+    {0x8017, 104},
+    {0xc028, 104},
+  },
+  /* 29 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 100},
+    {0x8006, 100},
+    {0x800a, 100},
+    {0x800f, 100},
+    {0x8018, 100},
+    {0x801f, 100},
+    {0x8029, 100},
+    {0xc038, 100},
+    {0x8003, 102},
+    {0x8006, 102},
+    {0x800a, 102},
+    {0x800f, 102},
+    {0x8018, 102},
+    {0x801f, 102},
+    {0x8029, 102},
+    {0xc038, 102},
+  },
+  /* 30 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 103},
+    {0x8006, 103},
+    {0x800a, 103},
+    {0x800f, 103},
+    {0x8018, 103},
+    {0x801f, 103},
+    {0x8029, 103},
+    {0xc038, 103},
+    {0x8003, 104},
+    {0x8006, 104},
+    {0x800a, 104},
+    {0x800f, 104},
+    {0x8018, 104},
+    {0x801f, 104},
+    {0x8029, 104},
+    {0xc038, 104},
+  },
+  /* 31 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 108},
+    {0xc016, 108},
+    {0x8001, 109},
+    {0xc016, 109},
+    {0x8001, 110},
+    {0xc016, 110},
+    {0x8001, 112},
+    {0xc016, 112},
+    {0x8001, 114},
+    {0xc016, 114},
+    {0x8001, 117},
+    {0xc016, 117},
+    {0xc000, 58},
+    {0xc000, 66},
+    {0xc000, 67},
+    {0xc000, 68},
+  },
+  /* 32 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 108},
+    {0x8009, 108},
+    {0x8017, 108},
+    {0xc028, 108},
+    {0x8002, 109},
+    {0x8009, 109},
+    {0x8017, 109},
+    {0xc028, 109},
+    {0x8002, 110},
+    {0x8009, 110},
+    {0x8017, 110},
+    {0xc028, 110},
+    {0x8002, 112},
+    {0x8009, 112},
+    {0x8017, 112},
+    {0xc028, 112},
+  },
+  /* 33 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 108},
+    {0x8006, 108},
+    {0x800a, 108},
+    {0x800f, 108},
+    {0x8018, 108},
+    {0x801f, 108},
+    {0x8029, 108},
+    {0xc038, 108},
+    {0x8003, 109},
+    {0x8006, 109},
+    {0x800a, 109},
+    {0x800f, 109},
+    {0x8018, 109},
+    {0x801f, 109},
+    {0x8029, 109},
+    {0xc038, 109},
+  },
+  /* 34 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 110},
+    {0x8006, 110},
+    {0x800a, 110},
+    {0x800f, 110},
+    {0x8018, 110},
+    {0x801f, 110},
+    {0x8029, 110},
+    {0xc038, 110},
+    {0x8003, 112},
+    {0x8006, 112},
+    {0x800a, 112},
+    {0x800f, 112},
+    {0x8018, 112},
+    {0x801f, 112},
+    {0x8029, 112},
+    {0xc038, 112},
+  },
+  /* 35 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 114},
+    {0x8009, 114},
+    {0x8017, 114},
+    {0xc028, 114},
+    {0x8002, 117},
+    {0x8009, 117},
+    {0x8017, 117},
+    {0xc028, 117},
+    {0x8001, 58},
+    {0xc016, 58},
+    {0x8001, 66},
+    {0xc016, 66},
+    {0x8001, 67},
+    {0xc016, 67},
+    {0x8001, 68},
+    {0xc016, 68},
+  },
+  /* 36 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 114},
+    {0x8006, 114},
+    {0x800a, 114},
+    {0x800f, 114},
+    {0x8018, 114},
+    {0x801f, 114},
+    {0x8029, 114},
+    {0xc038, 114},
+    {0x8003, 117},
+    {0x8006, 117},
+    {0x800a, 117},
+    {0x800f, 117},
+    {0x8018, 117},
+    {0x801f, 117},
+    {0x8029, 117},
+    {0xc038, 117},
+  },
+  /* 37 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 58},
+    {0x8009, 58},
+    {0x8017, 58},
+    {0xc028, 58},
+    {0x8002, 66},
+    {0x8009, 66},
+    {0x8017, 66},
+    {0xc028, 66},
+    {0x8002, 67},
+    {0x8009, 67},
+    {0x8017, 67},
+    {0xc028, 67},
+    {0x8002, 68},
+    {0x8009, 68},
+    {0x8017, 68},
+    {0xc028, 68},
+  },
+  /* 38 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 58},
+    {0x8006, 58},
+    {0x800a, 58},
+    {0x800f, 58},
+    {0x8018, 58},
+    {0x801f, 58},
+    {0x8029, 58},
+    {0xc038, 58},
+    {0x8003, 66},
+    {0x8006, 66},
+    {0x800a, 66},
+    {0x800f, 66},
+    {0x8018, 66},
+    {0x801f, 66},
+    {0x8029, 66},
+    {0xc038, 66},
+  },
+  /* 39 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 67},
+    {0x8006, 67},
+    {0x800a, 67},
+    {0x800f, 67},
+    {0x8018, 67},
+    {0x801f, 67},
+    {0x8029, 67},
+    {0xc038, 67},
+    {0x8003, 68},
+    {0x8006, 68},
+    {0x800a, 68},
+    {0x800f, 68},
+    {0x8018, 68},
+    {0x801f, 68},
+    {0x8029, 68},
+    {0xc038, 68},
+  },
+  /* 40 */
+  {
+    {0x2c, 0},
+    {0x2d, 0},
+    {0x2f, 0},
+    {0x30, 0},
+    {0x33, 0},
+    {0x34, 0},
+    {0x36, 0},
+    {0x37, 0},
+    {0x3b, 0},
+    {0x3c, 0},
+    {0x3e, 0},
+    {0x3f, 0},
+    {0x42, 0},
+    {0x43, 0},
+    {0x45, 0},
+    {0x4048, 0},
+  },
+  /* 41 */
+  {
+    {0xc000, 69},
+    {0xc000, 70},
+    {0xc000, 71},
+    {0xc000, 72},
+    {0xc000, 73},
+    {0xc000, 74},
+    {0xc000, 75},
+    {0xc000, 76},
+    {0xc000, 77},
+    {0xc000, 78},
+    {0xc000, 79},
+    {0xc000, 80},
+    {0xc000, 81},
+    {0xc000, 82},
+    {0xc000, 83},
+    {0xc000, 84},
+  },
+  /* 42 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 69},
+    {0xc016, 69},
+    {0x8001, 70},
+    {0xc016, 70},
+    {0x8001, 71},
+    {0xc016, 71},
+    {0x8001, 72},
+    {0xc016, 72},
+    {0x8001, 73},
+    {0xc016, 73},
+    {0x8001, 74},
+    {0xc016, 74},
+    {0x8001, 75},
+    {0xc016, 75},
+    {0x8001, 76},
+    {0xc016, 76},
+  },
+  /* 43 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 69},
+    {0x8009, 69},
+    {0x8017, 69},
+    {0xc028, 69},
+    {0x8002, 70},
+    {0x8009, 70},
+    {0x8017, 70},
+    {0xc028, 70},
+    {0x8002, 71},
+    {0x8009, 71},
+    {0x8017, 71},
+    {0xc028, 71},
+    {0x8002, 72},
+    {0x8009, 72},
+    {0x8017, 72},
+    {0xc028, 72},
+  },
+  /* 44 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 69},
+    {0x8006, 69},
+    {0x800a, 69},
+    {0x800f, 69},
+    {0x8018, 69},
+    {0x801f, 69},
+    {0x8029, 69},
+    {0xc038, 69},
+    {0x8003, 70},
+    {0x8006, 70},
+    {0x800a, 70},
+    {0x800f, 70},
+    {0x8018, 70},
+    {0x801f, 70},
+    {0x8029, 70},
+    {0xc038, 70},
+  },
+  /* 45 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 71},
+    {0x8006, 71},
+    {0x800a, 71},
+    {0x800f, 71},
+    {0x8018, 71},
+    {0x801f, 71},
+    {0x8029, 71},
+    {0xc038, 71},
+    {0x8003, 72},
+    {0x8006, 72},
+    {0x800a, 72},
+    {0x800f, 72},
+    {0x8018, 72},
+    {0x801f, 72},
+    {0x8029, 72},
+    {0xc038, 72},
+  },
+  /* 46 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 73},
+    {0x8009, 73},
+    {0x8017, 73},
+    {0xc028, 73},
+    {0x8002, 74},
+    {0x8009, 74},
+    {0x8017, 74},
+    {0xc028, 74},
+    {0x8002, 75},
+    {0x8009, 75},
+    {0x8017, 75},
+    {0xc028, 75},
+    {0x8002, 76},
+    {0x8009, 76},
+    {0x8017, 76},
+    {0xc028, 76},
+  },
+  /* 47 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 73},
+    {0x8006, 73},
+    {0x800a, 73},
+    {0x800f, 73},
+    {0x8018, 73},
+    {0x801f, 73},
+    {0x8029, 73},
+    {0xc038, 73},
+    {0x8003, 74},
+    {0x8006, 74},
+    {0x800a, 74},
+    {0x800f, 74},
+    {0x8018, 74},
+    {0x801f, 74},
+    {0x8029, 74},
+    {0xc038, 74},
+  },
+  /* 48 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 75},
+    {0x8006, 75},
+    {0x800a, 75},
+    {0x800f, 75},
+    {0x8018, 75},
+    {0x801f, 75},
+    {0x8029, 75},
+    {0xc038, 75},
+    {0x8003, 76},
+    {0x8006, 76},
+    {0x800a, 76},
+    {0x800f, 76},
+    {0x8018, 76},
+    {0x801f, 76},
+    {0x8029, 76},
+    {0xc038, 76},
+  },
+  /* 49 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 77},
+    {0xc016, 77},
+    {0x8001, 78},
+    {0xc016, 78},
+    {0x8001, 79},
+    {0xc016, 79},
+    {0x8001, 80},
+    {0xc016, 80},
+    {0x8001, 81},
+    {0xc016, 81},
+    {0x8001, 82},
+    {0xc016, 82},
+    {0x8001, 83},
+    {0xc016, 83},
+    {0x8001, 84},
+    {0xc016, 84},
+  },
+  /* 50 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 77},
+    {0x8009, 77},
+    {0x8017, 77},
+    {0xc028, 77},
+    {0x8002, 78},
+    {0x8009, 78},
+    {0x8017, 78},
+    {0xc028, 78},
+    {0x8002, 79},
+    {0x8009, 79},
+    {0x8017, 79},
+    {0xc028, 79},
+    {0x8002, 80},
+    {0x8009, 80},
+    {0x8017, 80},
+    {0xc028, 80},
+  },
+  /* 51 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 77},
+    {0x8006, 77},
+    {0x800a, 77},
+    {0x800f, 77},
+    {0x8018, 77},
+    {0x801f, 77},
+    {0x8029, 77},
+    {0xc038, 77},
+    {0x8003, 78},
+    {0x8006, 78},
+    {0x800a, 78},
+    {0x800f, 78},
+    {0x8018, 78},
+    {0x801f, 78},
+    {0x8029, 78},
+    {0xc038, 78},
+  },
+  /* 52 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 79},
+    {0x8006, 79},
+    {0x800a, 79},
+    {0x800f, 79},
+    {0x8018, 79},
+    {0x801f, 79},
+    {0x8029, 79},
+    {0xc038, 79},
+    {0x8003, 80},
+    {0x8006, 80},
+    {0x800a, 80},
+    {0x800f, 80},
+    {0x8018, 80},
+    {0x801f, 80},
+    {0x8029, 80},
+    {0xc038, 80},
+  },
+  /* 53 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 81},
+    {0x8009, 81},
+    {0x8017, 81},
+    {0xc028, 81},
+    {0x8002, 82},
+    {0x8009, 82},
+    {0x8017, 82},
+    {0xc028, 82},
+    {0x8002, 83},
+    {0x8009, 83},
+    {0x8017, 83},
+    {0xc028, 83},
+    {0x8002, 84},
+    {0x8009, 84},
+    {0x8017, 84},
+    {0xc028, 84},
+  },
+  /* 54 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 81},
+    {0x8006, 81},
+    {0x800a, 81},
+    {0x800f, 81},
+    {0x8018, 81},
+    {0x801f, 81},
+    {0x8029, 81},
+    {0xc038, 81},
+    {0x8003, 82},
+    {0x8006, 82},
+    {0x800a, 82},
+    {0x800f, 82},
+    {0x8018, 82},
+    {0x801f, 82},
+    {0x8029, 82},
+    {0xc038, 82},
+  },
+  /* 55 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 83},
+    {0x8006, 83},
+    {0x800a, 83},
+    {0x800f, 83},
+    {0x8018, 83},
+    {0x801f, 83},
+    {0x8029, 83},
+    {0xc038, 83},
+    {0x8003, 84},
+    {0x8006, 84},
+    {0x800a, 84},
+    {0x800f, 84},
+    {0x8018, 84},
+    {0x801f, 84},
+    {0x8029, 84},
+    {0xc038, 84},
+  },
+  /* 56 */
+  {
+    {0xc000, 85},
+    {0xc000, 86},
+    {0xc000, 87},
+    {0xc000, 89},
+    {0xc000, 106},
+    {0xc000, 107},
+    {0xc000, 113},
+    {0xc000, 118},
+    {0xc000, 119},
+    {0xc000, 120},
+    {0xc000, 121},
+    {0xc000, 122},
+    {0x46, 0},
+    {0x47, 0},
+    {0x49, 0},
+    {0x404a, 0},
+  },
+  /* 57 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 85},
+    {0xc016, 85},
+    {0x8001, 86},
+    {0xc016, 86},
+    {0x8001, 87},
+    {0xc016, 87},
+    {0x8001, 89},
+    {0xc016, 89},
+    {0x8001, 106},
+    {0xc016, 106},
+    {0x8001, 107},
+    {0xc016, 107},
+    {0x8001, 113},
+    {0xc016, 113},
+    {0x8001, 118},
+    {0xc016, 118},
+  },
+  /* 58 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 85},
+    {0x8009, 85},
+    {0x8017, 85},
+    {0xc028, 85},
+    {0x8002, 86},
+    {0x8009, 86},
+    {0x8017, 86},
+    {0xc028, 86},
+    {0x8002, 87},
+    {0x8009, 87},
+    {0x8017, 87},
+    {0xc028, 87},
+    {0x8002, 89},
+    {0x8009, 89},
+    {0x8017, 89},
+    {0xc028, 89},
+  },
+  /* 59 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 85},
+    {0x8006, 85},
+    {0x800a, 85},
+    {0x800f, 85},
+    {0x8018, 85},
+    {0x801f, 85},
+    {0x8029, 85},
+    {0xc038, 85},
+    {0x8003, 86},
+    {0x8006, 86},
+    {0x800a, 86},
+    {0x800f, 86},
+    {0x8018, 86},
+    {0x801f, 86},
+    {0x8029, 86},
+    {0xc038, 86},
+  },
+  /* 60 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 87},
+    {0x8006, 87},
+    {0x800a, 87},
+    {0x800f, 87},
+    {0x8018, 87},
+    {0x801f, 87},
+    {0x8029, 87},
+    {0xc038, 87},
+    {0x8003, 89},
+    {0x8006, 89},
+    {0x800a, 89},
+    {0x800f, 89},
+    {0x8018, 89},
+    {0x801f, 89},
+    {0x8029, 89},
+    {0xc038, 89},
+  },
+  /* 61 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 106},
+    {0x8009, 106},
+    {0x8017, 106},
+    {0xc028, 106},
+    {0x8002, 107},
+    {0x8009, 107},
+    {0x8017, 107},
+    {0xc028, 107},
+    {0x8002, 113},
+    {0x8009, 113},
+    {0x8017, 113},
+    {0xc028, 113},
+    {0x8002, 118},
+    {0x8009, 118},
+    {0x8017, 118},
+    {0xc028, 118},
+  },
+  /* 62 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 106},
+    {0x8006, 106},
+    {0x800a, 106},
+    {0x800f, 106},
+    {0x8018, 106},
+    {0x801f, 106},
+    {0x8029, 106},
+    {0xc038, 106},
+    {0x8003, 107},
+    {0x8006, 107},
+    {0x800a, 107},
+    {0x800f, 107},
+    {0x8018, 107},
+    {0x801f, 107},
+    {0x8029, 107},
+    {0xc038, 107},
+  },
+  /* 63 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 113},
+    {0x8006, 113},
+    {0x800a, 113},
+    {0x800f, 113},
+    {0x8018, 113},
+    {0x801f, 113},
+    {0x8029, 113},
+    {0xc038, 113},
+    {0x8003, 118},
+    {0x8006, 118},
+    {0x800a, 118},
+    {0x800f, 118},
+    {0x8018, 118},
+    {0x801f, 118},
+    {0x8029, 118},
+    {0xc038, 118},
+  },
+  /* 64 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 119},
+    {0xc016, 119},
+    {0x8001, 120},
+    {0xc016, 120},
+    {0x8001, 121},
+    {0xc016, 121},
+    {0x8001, 122},
+    {0xc016, 122},
+    {0xc000, 38},
+    {0xc000, 42},
+    {0xc000, 44},
+    {0xc000, 59},
+    {0xc000, 88},
+    {0xc000, 90},
+    {0x4b, 0},
+    {0x4e, 0},
+  },
+  /* 65 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 119},
+    {0x8009, 119},
+    {0x8017, 119},
+    {0xc028, 119},
+    {0x8002, 120},
+    {0x8009, 120},
+    {0x8017, 120},
+    {0xc028, 120},
+    {0x8002, 121},
+    {0x8009, 121},
+    {0x8017, 121},
+    {0xc028, 121},
+    {0x8002, 122},
+    {0x8009, 122},
+    {0x8017, 122},
+    {0xc028, 122},
+  },
+  /* 66 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 119},
+    {0x8006, 119},
+    {0x800a, 119},
+    {0x800f, 119},
+    {0x8018, 119},
+    {0x801f, 119},
+    {0x8029, 119},
+    {0xc038, 119},
+    {0x8003, 120},
+    {0x8006, 120},
+    {0x800a, 120},
+    {0x800f, 120},
+    {0x8018, 120},
+    {0x801f, 120},
+    {0x8029, 120},
+    {0xc038, 120},
+  },
+  /* 67 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 121},
+    {0x8006, 121},
+    {0x800a, 121},
+    {0x800f, 121},
+    {0x8018, 121},
+    {0x801f, 121},
+    {0x8029, 121},
+    {0xc038, 121},
+    {0x8003, 122},
+    {0x8006, 122},
+    {0x800a, 122},
+    {0x800f, 122},
+    {0x8018, 122},
+    {0x801f, 122},
+    {0x8029, 122},
+    {0xc038, 122},
+  },
+  /* 68 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 38},
+    {0xc016, 38},
+    {0x8001, 42},
+    {0xc016, 42},
+    {0x8001, 44},
+    {0xc016, 44},
+    {0x8001, 59},
+    {0xc016, 59},
+    {0x8001, 88},
+    {0xc016, 88},
+    {0x8001, 90},
+    {0xc016, 90},
+    {0x4c, 0},
+    {0x4d, 0},
+    {0x4f, 0},
+    {0x51, 0},
+  },
+  /* 69 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 38},
+    {0x8009, 38},
+    {0x8017, 38},
+    {0xc028, 38},
+    {0x8002, 42},
+    {0x8009, 42},
+    {0x8017, 42},
+    {0xc028, 42},
+    {0x8002, 44},
+    {0x8009, 44},
+    {0x8017, 44},
+    {0xc028, 44},
+    {0x8002, 59},
+    {0x8009, 59},
+    {0x8017, 59},
+    {0xc028, 59},
+  },
+  /* 70 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 38},
+    {0x8006, 38},
+    {0x800a, 38},
+    {0x800f, 38},
+    {0x8018, 38},
+    {0x801f, 38},
+    {0x8029, 38},
+    {0xc038, 38},
+    {0x8003, 42},
+    {0x8006, 42},
+    {0x800a, 42},
+    {0x800f, 42},
+    {0x8018, 42},
+    {0x801f, 42},
+    {0x8029, 42},
+    {0xc038, 42},
+  },
+  /* 71 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 44},
+    {0x8006, 44},
+    {0x800a, 44},
+    {0x800f, 44},
+    {0x8018, 44},
+    {0x801f, 44},
+    {0x8029, 44},
+    {0xc038, 44},
+    {0x8003, 59},
+    {0x8006, 59},
+    {0x800a, 59},
+    {0x800f, 59},
+    {0x8018, 59},
+    {0x801f, 59},
+    {0x8029, 59},
+    {0xc038, 59},
+  },
+  /* 72 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 88},
+    {0x8009, 88},
+    {0x8017, 88},
+    {0xc028, 88},
+    {0x8002, 90},
+    {0x8009, 90},
+    {0x8017, 90},
+    {0xc028, 90},
+    {0xc000, 33},
+    {0xc000, 34},
+    {0xc000, 40},
+    {0xc000, 41},
+    {0xc000, 63},
+    {0x50, 0},
+    {0x52, 0},
+    {0x54, 0},
+  },
+  /* 73 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 88},
+    {0x8006, 88},
+    {0x800a, 88},
+    {0x800f, 88},
+    {0x8018, 88},
+    {0x801f, 88},
+    {0x8029, 88},
+    {0xc038, 88},
+    {0x8003, 90},
+    {0x8006, 90},
+    {0x800a, 90},
+    {0x800f, 90},
+    {0x8018, 90},
+    {0x801f, 90},
+    {0x8029, 90},
+    {0xc038, 90},
+  },
+  /* 74 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 33},
+    {0xc016, 33},
+    {0x8001, 34},
+    {0xc016, 34},
+    {0x8001, 40},
+    {0xc016, 40},
+    {0x8001, 41},
+    {0xc016, 41},
+    {0x8001, 63},
+    {0xc016, 63},
+    {0xc000, 39},
+    {0xc000, 43},
+    {0xc000, 124},
+    {0x53, 0},
+    {0x55, 0},
+    {0x58, 0},
+  },
+  /* 75 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 33},
+    {0x8009, 33},
+    {0x8017, 33},
+    {0xc028, 33},
+    {0x8002, 34},
+    {0x8009, 34},
+    {0x8017, 34},
+    {0xc028, 34},
+    {0x8002, 40},
+    {0x8009, 40},
+    {0x8017, 40},
+    {0xc028, 40},
+    {0x8002, 41},
+    {0x8009, 41},
+    {0x8017, 41},
+    {0xc028, 41},
+  },
+  /* 76 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 33},
+    {0x8006, 33},
+    {0x800a, 33},
+    {0x800f, 33},
+    {0x8018, 33},
+    {0x801f, 33},
+    {0x8029, 33},
+    {0xc038, 33},
+    {0x8003, 34},
+    {0x8006, 34},
+    {0x800a, 34},
+    {0x800f, 34},
+    {0x8018, 34},
+    {0x801f, 34},
+    {0x8029, 34},
+    {0xc038, 34},
+  },
+  /* 77 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 40},
+    {0x8006, 40},
+    {0x800a, 40},
+    {0x800f, 40},
+    {0x8018, 40},
+    {0x801f, 40},
+    {0x8029, 40},
+    {0xc038, 40},
+    {0x8003, 41},
+    {0x8006, 41},
+    {0x800a, 41},
+    {0x800f, 41},
+    {0x8018, 41},
+    {0x801f, 41},
+    {0x8029, 41},
+    {0xc038, 41},
+  },
+  /* 78 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 63},
+    {0x8009, 63},
+    {0x8017, 63},
+    {0xc028, 63},
+    {0x8001, 39},
+    {0xc016, 39},
+    {0x8001, 43},
+    {0xc016, 43},
+    {0x8001, 124},
+    {0xc016, 124},
+    {0xc000, 35},
+    {0xc000, 62},
+    {0x56, 0},
+    {0x57, 0},
+    {0x59, 0},
+    {0x5a, 0},
+  },
+  /* 79 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 63},
+    {0x8006, 63},
+    {0x800a, 63},
+    {0x800f, 63},
+    {0x8018, 63},
+    {0x801f, 63},
+    {0x8029, 63},
+    {0xc038, 63},
+    {0x8002, 39},
+    {0x8009, 39},
+    {0x8017, 39},
+    {0xc028, 39},
+    {0x8002, 43},
+    {0x8009, 43},
+    {0x8017, 43},
+    {0xc028, 43},
+  },
+  /* 80 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 39},
+    {0x8006, 39},
+    {0x800a, 39},
+    {0x800f, 39},
+    {0x8018, 39},
+    {0x801f, 39},
+    {0x8029, 39},
+    {0xc038, 39},
+    {0x8003, 43},
+    {0x8006, 43},
+    {0x800a, 43},
+    {0x800f, 43},
+    {0x8018, 43},
+    {0x801f, 43},
+    {0x8029, 43},
+    {0xc038, 43},
+  },
+  /* 81 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 124},
+    {0x8009, 124},
+    {0x8017, 124},
+    {0xc028, 124},
+    {0x8001, 35},
+    {0xc016, 35},
+    {0x8001, 62},
+    {0xc016, 62},
+    {0xc000, 0},
+    {0xc000, 36},
+    {0xc000, 64},
+    {0xc000, 91},
+    {0xc000, 93},
+    {0xc000, 126},
+    {0x5b, 0},
+    {0x5c, 0},
+  },
+  /* 82 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 124},
+    {0x8006, 124},
+    {0x800a, 124},
+    {0x800f, 124},
+    {0x8018, 124},
+    {0x801f, 124},
+    {0x8029, 124},
+    {0xc038, 124},
+    {0x8002, 35},
+    {0x8009, 35},
+    {0x8017, 35},
+    {0xc028, 35},
+    {0x8002, 62},
+    {0x8009, 62},
+    {0x8017, 62},
+    {0xc028, 62},
+  },
+  /* 83 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 35},
+    {0x8006, 35},
+    {0x800a, 35},
+    {0x800f, 35},
+    {0x8018, 35},
+    {0x801f, 35},
+    {0x8029, 35},
+    {0xc038, 35},
+    {0x8003, 62},
+    {0x8006, 62},
+    {0x800a, 62},
+    {0x800f, 62},
+    {0x8018, 62},
+    {0x801f, 62},
+    {0x8029, 62},
+    {0xc038, 62},
+  },
+  /* 84 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 0},
+    {0xc016, 0},
+    {0x8001, 36},
+    {0xc016, 36},
+    {0x8001, 64},
+    {0xc016, 64},
+    {0x8001, 91},
+    {0xc016, 91},
+    {0x8001, 93},
+    {0xc016, 93},
+    {0x8001, 126},
+    {0xc016, 126},
+    {0xc000, 94},
+    {0xc000, 125},
+    {0x5d, 0},
+    {0x5e, 0},
+  },
+  /* 85 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 0},
+    {0x8009, 0},
+    {0x8017, 0},
+    {0xc028, 0},
+    {0x8002, 36},
+    {0x8009, 36},
+    {0x8017, 36},
+    {0xc028, 36},
+    {0x8002, 64},
+    {0x8009, 64},
+    {0x8017, 64},
+    {0xc028, 64},
+    {0x8002, 91},
+    {0x8009, 91},
+    {0x8017, 91},
+    {0xc028, 91},
+  },
+  /* 86 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 0},
+    {0x8006, 0},
+    {0x800a, 0},
+    {0x800f, 0},
+    {0x8018, 0},
+    {0x801f, 0},
+    {0x8029, 0},
+    {0xc038, 0},
+    {0x8003, 36},
+    {0x8006, 36},
+    {0x800a, 36},
+    {0x800f, 36},
+    {0x8018, 36},
+    {0x801f, 36},
+    {0x8029, 36},
+    {0xc038, 36},
+  },
+  /* 87 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 64},
+    {0x8006, 64},
+    {0x800a, 64},
+    {0x800f, 64},
+    {0x8018, 64},
+    {0x801f, 64},
+    {0x8029, 64},
+    {0xc038, 64},
+    {0x8003, 91},
+    {0x8006, 91},
+    {0x800a, 91},
+    {0x800f, 91},
+    {0x8018, 91},
+    {0x801f, 91},
+    {0x8029, 91},
+    {0xc038, 91},
+  },
+  /* 88 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 93},
+    {0x8009, 93},
+    {0x8017, 93},
+    {0xc028, 93},
+    {0x8002, 126},
+    {0x8009, 126},
+    {0x8017, 126},
+    {0xc028, 126},
+    {0x8001, 94},
+    {0xc016, 94},
+    {0x8001, 125},
+    {0xc016, 125},
+    {0xc000, 60},
+    {0xc000, 96},
+    {0xc000, 123},
+    {0x5f, 0},
+  },
+  /* 89 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 93},
+    {0x8006, 93},
+    {0x800a, 93},
+    {0x800f, 93},
+    {0x8018, 93},
+    {0x801f, 93},
+    {0x8029, 93},
+    {0xc038, 93},
+    {0x8003, 126},
+    {0x8006, 126},
+    {0x800a, 126},
+    {0x800f, 126},
+    {0x8018, 126},
+    {0x801f, 126},
+    {0x8029, 126},
+    {0xc038, 126},
+  },
+  /* 90 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 94},
+    {0x8009, 94},
+    {0x8017, 94},
+    {0xc028, 94},
+    {0x8002, 125},
+    {0x8009, 125},
+    {0x8017, 125},
+    {0xc028, 125},
+    {0x8001, 60},
+    {0xc016, 60},
+    {0x8001, 96},
+    {0xc016, 96},
+    {0x8001, 123},
+    {0xc016, 123},
+    {0x60, 0},
+    {0x6e, 0},
+  },
+  /* 91 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 94},
+    {0x8006, 94},
+    {0x800a, 94},
+    {0x800f, 94},
+    {0x8018, 94},
+    {0x801f, 94},
+    {0x8029, 94},
+    {0xc038, 94},
+    {0x8003, 125},
+    {0x8006, 125},
+    {0x800a, 125},
+    {0x800f, 125},
+    {0x8018, 125},
+    {0x801f, 125},
+    {0x8029, 125},
+    {0xc038, 125},
+  },
+  /* 92 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 60},
+    {0x8009, 60},
+    {0x8017, 60},
+    {0xc028, 60},
+    {0x8002, 96},
+    {0x8009, 96},
+    {0x8017, 96},
+    {0xc028, 96},
+    {0x8002, 123},
+    {0x8009, 123},
+    {0x8017, 123},
+    {0xc028, 123},
+    {0x61, 0},
+    {0x65, 0},
+    {0x6f, 0},
+    {0x85, 0},
+  },
+  /* 93 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 60},
+    {0x8006, 60},
+    {0x800a, 60},
+    {0x800f, 60},
+    {0x8018, 60},
+    {0x801f, 60},
+    {0x8029, 60},
+    {0xc038, 60},
+    {0x8003, 96},
+    {0x8006, 96},
+    {0x800a, 96},
+    {0x800f, 96},
+    {0x8018, 96},
+    {0x801f, 96},
+    {0x8029, 96},
+    {0xc038, 96},
+  },
+  /* 94 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 123},
+    {0x8006, 123},
+    {0x800a, 123},
+    {0x800f, 123},
+    {0x8018, 123},
+    {0x801f, 123},
+    {0x8029, 123},
+    {0xc038, 123},
+    {0x62, 0},
+    {0x63, 0},
+    {0x66, 0},
+    {0x69, 0},
+    {0x70, 0},
+    {0x77, 0},
+    {0x86, 0},
+    {0x99, 0},
+  },
+  /* 95 */
+  {
+    {0xc000, 92},
+    {0xc000, 195},
+    {0xc000, 208},
+    {0x64, 0},
+    {0x67, 0},
+    {0x68, 0},
+    {0x6a, 0},
+    {0x6b, 0},
+    {0x71, 0},
+    {0x74, 0},
+    {0x78, 0},
+    {0x7e, 0},
+    {0x87, 0},
+    {0x8e, 0},
+    {0x9a, 0},
+    {0xa9, 0},
+  },
+  /* 96 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 92},
+    {0xc016, 92},
+    {0x8001, 195},
+    {0xc016, 195},
+    {0x8001, 208},
+    {0xc016, 208},
+    {0xc000, 128},
+    {0xc000, 130},
+    {0xc000, 131},
+    {0xc000, 162},
+    {0xc000, 184},
+    {0xc000, 194},
+    {0xc000, 224},
+    {0xc000, 226},
+    {0x6c, 0},
+    {0x6d, 0},
+  },
+  /* 97 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 92},
+    {0x8009, 92},
+    {0x8017, 92},
+    {0xc028, 92},
+    {0x8002, 195},
+    {0x8009, 195},
+    {0x8017, 195},
+    {0xc028, 195},
+    {0x8002, 208},
+    {0x8009, 208},
+    {0x8017, 208},
+    {0xc028, 208},
+    {0x8001, 128},
+    {0xc016, 128},
+    {0x8001, 130},
+    {0xc016, 130},
+  },
+  /* 98 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 92},
+    {0x8006, 92},
+    {0x800a, 92},
+    {0x800f, 92},
+    {0x8018, 92},
+    {0x801f, 92},
+    {0x8029, 92},
+    {0xc038, 92},
+    {0x8003, 195},
+    {0x8006, 195},
+    {0x800a, 195},
+    {0x800f, 195},
+    {0x8018, 195},
+    {0x801f, 195},
+    {0x8029, 195},
+    {0xc038, 195},
+  },
+  /* 99 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 208},
+    {0x8006, 208},
+    {0x800a, 208},
+    {0x800f, 208},
+    {0x8018, 208},
+    {0x801f, 208},
+    {0x8029, 208},
+    {0xc038, 208},
+    {0x8002, 128},
+    {0x8009, 128},
+    {0x8017, 128},
+    {0xc028, 128},
+    {0x8002, 130},
+    {0x8009, 130},
+    {0x8017, 130},
+    {0xc028, 130},
+  },
+  /* 100 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 128},
+    {0x8006, 128},
+    {0x800a, 128},
+    {0x800f, 128},
+    {0x8018, 128},
+    {0x801f, 128},
+    {0x8029, 128},
+    {0xc038, 128},
+    {0x8003, 130},
+    {0x8006, 130},
+    {0x800a, 130},
+    {0x800f, 130},
+    {0x8018, 130},
+    {0x801f, 130},
+    {0x8029, 130},
+    {0xc038, 130},
+  },
+  /* 101 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 131},
+    {0xc016, 131},
+    {0x8001, 162},
+    {0xc016, 162},
+    {0x8001, 184},
+    {0xc016, 184},
+    {0x8001, 194},
+    {0xc016, 194},
+    {0x8001, 224},
+    {0xc016, 224},
+    {0x8001, 226},
+    {0xc016, 226},
+    {0xc000, 153},
+    {0xc000, 161},
+    {0xc000, 167},
+    {0xc000, 172},
+  },
+  /* 102 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 131},
+    {0x8009, 131},
+    {0x8017, 131},
+    {0xc028, 131},
+    {0x8002, 162},
+    {0x8009, 162},
+    {0x8017, 162},
+    {0xc028, 162},
+    {0x8002, 184},
+    {0x8009, 184},
+    {0x8017, 184},
+    {0xc028, 184},
+    {0x8002, 194},
+    {0x8009, 194},
+    {0x8017, 194},
+    {0xc028, 194},
+  },
+  /* 103 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 131},
+    {0x8006, 131},
+    {0x800a, 131},
+    {0x800f, 131},
+    {0x8018, 131},
+    {0x801f, 131},
+    {0x8029, 131},
+    {0xc038, 131},
+    {0x8003, 162},
+    {0x8006, 162},
+    {0x800a, 162},
+    {0x800f, 162},
+    {0x8018, 162},
+    {0x801f, 162},
+    {0x8029, 162},
+    {0xc038, 162},
+  },
+  /* 104 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 184},
+    {0x8006, 184},
+    {0x800a, 184},
+    {0x800f, 184},
+    {0x8018, 184},
+    {0x801f, 184},
+    {0x8029, 184},
+    {0xc038, 184},
+    {0x8003, 194},
+    {0x8006, 194},
+    {0x800a, 194},
+    {0x800f, 194},
+    {0x8018, 194},
+    {0x801f, 194},
+    {0x8029, 194},
+    {0xc038, 194},
+  },
+  /* 105 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 224},
+    {0x8009, 224},
+    {0x8017, 224},
+    {0xc028, 224},
+    {0x8002, 226},
+    {0x8009, 226},
+    {0x8017, 226},
+    {0xc028, 226},
+    {0x8001, 153},
+    {0xc016, 153},
+    {0x8001, 161},
+    {0xc016, 161},
+    {0x8001, 167},
+    {0xc016, 167},
+    {0x8001, 172},
+    {0xc016, 172},
+  },
+  /* 106 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 224},
+    {0x8006, 224},
+    {0x800a, 224},
+    {0x800f, 224},
+    {0x8018, 224},
+    {0x801f, 224},
+    {0x8029, 224},
+    {0xc038, 224},
+    {0x8003, 226},
+    {0x8006, 226},
+    {0x800a, 226},
+    {0x800f, 226},
+    {0x8018, 226},
+    {0x801f, 226},
+    {0x8029, 226},
+    {0xc038, 226},
+  },
+  /* 107 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 153},
+    {0x8009, 153},
+    {0x8017, 153},
+    {0xc028, 153},
+    {0x8002, 161},
+    {0x8009, 161},
+    {0x8017, 161},
+    {0xc028, 161},
+    {0x8002, 167},
+    {0x8009, 167},
+    {0x8017, 167},
+    {0xc028, 167},
+    {0x8002, 172},
+    {0x8009, 172},
+    {0x8017, 172},
+    {0xc028, 172},
+  },
+  /* 108 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 153},
+    {0x8006, 153},
+    {0x800a, 153},
+    {0x800f, 153},
+    {0x8018, 153},
+    {0x801f, 153},
+    {0x8029, 153},
+    {0xc038, 153},
+    {0x8003, 161},
+    {0x8006, 161},
+    {0x800a, 161},
+    {0x800f, 161},
+    {0x8018, 161},
+    {0x801f, 161},
+    {0x8029, 161},
+    {0xc038, 161},
+  },
+  /* 109 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 167},
+    {0x8006, 167},
+    {0x800a, 167},
+    {0x800f, 167},
+    {0x8018, 167},
+    {0x801f, 167},
+    {0x8029, 167},
+    {0xc038, 167},
+    {0x8003, 172},
+    {0x8006, 172},
+    {0x800a, 172},
+    {0x800f, 172},
+    {0x8018, 172},
+    {0x801f, 172},
+    {0x8029, 172},
+    {0xc038, 172},
+  },
+  /* 110 */
+  {
+    {0x72, 0},
+    {0x73, 0},
+    {0x75, 0},
+    {0x76, 0},
+    {0x79, 0},
+    {0x7b, 0},
+    {0x7f, 0},
+    {0x82, 0},
+    {0x88, 0},
+    {0x8b, 0},
+    {0x8f, 0},
+    {0x92, 0},
+    {0x9b, 0},
+    {0xa2, 0},
+    {0xaa, 0},
+    {0xb4, 0},
+  },
+  /* 111 */
+  {
+    {0xc000, 176},
+    {0xc000, 177},
+    {0xc000, 179},
+    {0xc000, 209},
+    {0xc000, 216},
+    {0xc000, 217},
+    {0xc000, 227},
+    {0xc000, 229},
+    {0xc000, 230},
+    {0x7a, 0},
+    {0x7c, 0},
+    {0x7d, 0},
+    {0x80, 0},
+    {0x81, 0},
+    {0x83, 0},
+    {0x84, 0},
+  },
+  /* 112 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 176},
+    {0xc016, 176},
+    {0x8001, 177},
+    {0xc016, 177},
+    {0x8001, 179},
+    {0xc016, 179},
+    {0x8001, 209},
+    {0xc016, 209},
+    {0x8001, 216},
+    {0xc016, 216},
+    {0x8001, 217},
+    {0xc016, 217},
+    {0x8001, 227},
+    {0xc016, 227},
+    {0x8001, 229},
+    {0xc016, 229},
+  },
+  /* 113 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 176},
+    {0x8009, 176},
+    {0x8017, 176},
+    {0xc028, 176},
+    {0x8002, 177},
+    {0x8009, 177},
+    {0x8017, 177},
+    {0xc028, 177},
+    {0x8002, 179},
+    {0x8009, 179},
+    {0x8017, 179},
+    {0xc028, 179},
+    {0x8002, 209},
+    {0x8009, 209},
+    {0x8017, 209},
+    {0xc028, 209},
+  },
+  /* 114 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 176},
+    {0x8006, 176},
+    {0x800a, 176},
+    {0x800f, 176},
+    {0x8018, 176},
+    {0x801f, 176},
+    {0x8029, 176},
+    {0xc038, 176},
+    {0x8003, 177},
+    {0x8006, 177},
+    {0x800a, 177},
+    {0x800f, 177},
+    {0x8018, 177},
+    {0x801f, 177},
+    {0x8029, 177},
+    {0xc038, 177},
+  },
+  /* 115 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 179},
+    {0x8006, 179},
+    {0x800a, 179},
+    {0x800f, 179},
+    {0x8018, 179},
+    {0x801f, 179},
+    {0x8029, 179},
+    {0xc038, 179},
+    {0x8003, 209},
+    {0x8006, 209},
+    {0x800a, 209},
+    {0x800f, 209},
+    {0x8018, 209},
+    {0x801f, 209},
+    {0x8029, 209},
+    {0xc038, 209},
+  },
+  /* 116 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 216},
+    {0x8009, 216},
+    {0x8017, 216},
+    {0xc028, 216},
+    {0x8002, 217},
+    {0x8009, 217},
+    {0x8017, 217},
+    {0xc028, 217},
+    {0x8002, 227},
+    {0x8009, 227},
+    {0x8017, 227},
+    {0xc028, 227},
+    {0x8002, 229},
+    {0x8009, 229},
+    {0x8017, 229},
+    {0xc028, 229},
+  },
+  /* 117 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 216},
+    {0x8006, 216},
+    {0x800a, 216},
+    {0x800f, 216},
+    {0x8018, 216},
+    {0x801f, 216},
+    {0x8029, 216},
+    {0xc038, 216},
+    {0x8003, 217},
+    {0x8006, 217},
+    {0x800a, 217},
+    {0x800f, 217},
+    {0x8018, 217},
+    {0x801f, 217},
+    {0x8029, 217},
+    {0xc038, 217},
+  },
+  /* 118 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 227},
+    {0x8006, 227},
+    {0x800a, 227},
+    {0x800f, 227},
+    {0x8018, 227},
+    {0x801f, 227},
+    {0x8029, 227},
+    {0xc038, 227},
+    {0x8003, 229},
+    {0x8006, 229},
+    {0x800a, 229},
+    {0x800f, 229},
+    {0x8018, 229},
+    {0x801f, 229},
+    {0x8029, 229},
+    {0xc038, 229},
+  },
+  /* 119 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 230},
+    {0xc016, 230},
+    {0xc000, 129},
+    {0xc000, 132},
+    {0xc000, 133},
+    {0xc000, 134},
+    {0xc000, 136},
+    {0xc000, 146},
+    {0xc000, 154},
+    {0xc000, 156},
+    {0xc000, 160},
+    {0xc000, 163},
+    {0xc000, 164},
+    {0xc000, 169},
+    {0xc000, 170},
+    {0xc000, 173},
+  },
+  /* 120 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 230},
+    {0x8009, 230},
+    {0x8017, 230},
+    {0xc028, 230},
+    {0x8001, 129},
+    {0xc016, 129},
+    {0x8001, 132},
+    {0xc016, 132},
+    {0x8001, 133},
+    {0xc016, 133},
+    {0x8001, 134},
+    {0xc016, 134},
+    {0x8001, 136},
+    {0xc016, 136},
+    {0x8001, 146},
+    {0xc016, 146},
+  },
+  /* 121 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 230},
+    {0x8006, 230},
+    {0x800a, 230},
+    {0x800f, 230},
+    {0x8018, 230},
+    {0x801f, 230},
+    {0x8029, 230},
+    {0xc038, 230},
+    {0x8002, 129},
+    {0x8009, 129},
+    {0x8017, 129},
+    {0xc028, 129},
+    {0x8002, 132},
+    {0x8009, 132},
+    {0x8017, 132},
+    {0xc028, 132},
+  },
+  /* 122 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 129},
+    {0x8006, 129},
+    {0x800a, 129},
+    {0x800f, 129},
+    {0x8018, 129},
+    {0x801f, 129},
+    {0x8029, 129},
+    {0xc038, 129},
+    {0x8003, 132},
+    {0x8006, 132},
+    {0x800a, 132},
+    {0x800f, 132},
+    {0x8018, 132},
+    {0x801f, 132},
+    {0x8029, 132},
+    {0xc038, 132},
+  },
+  /* 123 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 133},
+    {0x8009, 133},
+    {0x8017, 133},
+    {0xc028, 133},
+    {0x8002, 134},
+    {0x8009, 134},
+    {0x8017, 134},
+    {0xc028, 134},
+    {0x8002, 136},
+    {0x8009, 136},
+    {0x8017, 136},
+    {0xc028, 136},
+    {0x8002, 146},
+    {0x8009, 146},
+    {0x8017, 146},
+    {0xc028, 146},
+  },
+  /* 124 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 133},
+    {0x8006, 133},
+    {0x800a, 133},
+    {0x800f, 133},
+    {0x8018, 133},
+    {0x801f, 133},
+    {0x8029, 133},
+    {0xc038, 133},
+    {0x8003, 134},
+    {0x8006, 134},
+    {0x800a, 134},
+    {0x800f, 134},
+    {0x8018, 134},
+    {0x801f, 134},
+    {0x8029, 134},
+    {0xc038, 134},
+  },
+  /* 125 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 136},
+    {0x8006, 136},
+    {0x800a, 136},
+    {0x800f, 136},
+    {0x8018, 136},
+    {0x801f, 136},
+    {0x8029, 136},
+    {0xc038, 136},
+    {0x8003, 146},
+    {0x8006, 146},
+    {0x800a, 146},
+    {0x800f, 146},
+    {0x8018, 146},
+    {0x801f, 146},
+    {0x8029, 146},
+    {0xc038, 146},
+  },
+  /* 126 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 154},
+    {0xc016, 154},
+    {0x8001, 156},
+    {0xc016, 156},
+    {0x8001, 160},
+    {0xc016, 160},
+    {0x8001, 163},
+    {0xc016, 163},
+    {0x8001, 164},
+    {0xc016, 164},
+    {0x8001, 169},
+    {0xc016, 169},
+    {0x8001, 170},
+    {0xc016, 170},
+    {0x8001, 173},
+    {0xc016, 173},
+  },
+  /* 127 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 154},
+    {0x8009, 154},
+    {0x8017, 154},
+    {0xc028, 154},
+    {0x8002, 156},
+    {0x8009, 156},
+    {0x8017, 156},
+    {0xc028, 156},
+    {0x8002, 160},
+    {0x8009, 160},
+    {0x8017, 160},
+    {0xc028, 160},
+    {0x8002, 163},
+    {0x8009, 163},
+    {0x8017, 163},
+    {0xc028, 163},
+  },
+  /* 128 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 154},
+    {0x8006, 154},
+    {0x800a, 154},
+    {0x800f, 154},
+    {0x8018, 154},
+    {0x801f, 154},
+    {0x8029, 154},
+    {0xc038, 154},
+    {0x8003, 156},
+    {0x8006, 156},
+    {0x800a, 156},
+    {0x800f, 156},
+    {0x8018, 156},
+    {0x801f, 156},
+    {0x8029, 156},
+    {0xc038, 156},
+  },
+  /* 129 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 160},
+    {0x8006, 160},
+    {0x800a, 160},
+    {0x800f, 160},
+    {0x8018, 160},
+    {0x801f, 160},
+    {0x8029, 160},
+    {0xc038, 160},
+    {0x8003, 163},
+    {0x8006, 163},
+    {0x800a, 163},
+    {0x800f, 163},
+    {0x8018, 163},
+    {0x801f, 163},
+    {0x8029, 163},
+    {0xc038, 163},
+  },
+  /* 130 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 164},
+    {0x8009, 164},
+    {0x8017, 164},
+    {0xc028, 164},
+    {0x8002, 169},
+    {0x8009, 169},
+    {0x8017, 169},
+    {0xc028, 169},
+    {0x8002, 170},
+    {0x8009, 170},
+    {0x8017, 170},
+    {0xc028, 170},
+    {0x8002, 173},
+    {0x8009, 173},
+    {0x8017, 173},
+    {0xc028, 173},
+  },
+  /* 131 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 164},
+    {0x8006, 164},
+    {0x800a, 164},
+    {0x800f, 164},
+    {0x8018, 164},
+    {0x801f, 164},
+    {0x8029, 164},
+    {0xc038, 164},
+    {0x8003, 169},
+    {0x8006, 169},
+    {0x800a, 169},
+    {0x800f, 169},
+    {0x8018, 169},
+    {0x801f, 169},
+    {0x8029, 169},
+    {0xc038, 169},
+  },
+  /* 132 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 170},
+    {0x8006, 170},
+    {0x800a, 170},
+    {0x800f, 170},
+    {0x8018, 170},
+    {0x801f, 170},
+    {0x8029, 170},
+    {0xc038, 170},
+    {0x8003, 173},
+    {0x8006, 173},
+    {0x800a, 173},
+    {0x800f, 173},
+    {0x8018, 173},
+    {0x801f, 173},
+    {0x8029, 173},
+    {0xc038, 173},
+  },
+  /* 133 */
+  {
+    {0x89, 0},
+    {0x8a, 0},
+    {0x8c, 0},
+    {0x8d, 0},
+    {0x90, 0},
+    {0x91, 0},
+    {0x93, 0},
+    {0x96, 0},
+    {0x9c, 0},
+    {0x9f, 0},
+    {0xa3, 0},
+    {0xa6, 0},
+    {0xab, 0},
+    {0xae, 0},
+    {0xb5, 0},
+    {0xbe, 0},
+  },
+  /* 134 */
+  {
+    {0xc000, 178},
+    {0xc000, 181},
+    {0xc000, 185},
+    {0xc000, 186},
+    {0xc000, 187},
+    {0xc000, 189},
+    {0xc000, 190},
+    {0xc000, 196},
+    {0xc000, 198},
+    {0xc000, 228},
+    {0xc000, 232},
+    {0xc000, 233},
+    {0x94, 0},
+    {0x95, 0},
+    {0x97, 0},
+    {0x98, 0},
+  },
+  /* 135 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 178},
+    {0xc016, 178},
+    {0x8001, 181},
+    {0xc016, 181},
+    {0x8001, 185},
+    {0xc016, 185},
+    {0x8001, 186},
+    {0xc016, 186},
+    {0x8001, 187},
+    {0xc016, 187},
+    {0x8001, 189},
+    {0xc016, 189},
+    {0x8001, 190},
+    {0xc016, 190},
+    {0x8001, 196},
+    {0xc016, 196},
+  },
+  /* 136 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 178},
+    {0x8009, 178},
+    {0x8017, 178},
+    {0xc028, 178},
+    {0x8002, 181},
+    {0x8009, 181},
+    {0x8017, 181},
+    {0xc028, 181},
+    {0x8002, 185},
+    {0x8009, 185},
+    {0x8017, 185},
+    {0xc028, 185},
+    {0x8002, 186},
+    {0x8009, 186},
+    {0x8017, 186},
+    {0xc028, 186},
+  },
+  /* 137 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 178},
+    {0x8006, 178},
+    {0x800a, 178},
+    {0x800f, 178},
+    {0x8018, 178},
+    {0x801f, 178},
+    {0x8029, 178},
+    {0xc038, 178},
+    {0x8003, 181},
+    {0x8006, 181},
+    {0x800a, 181},
+    {0x800f, 181},
+    {0x8018, 181},
+    {0x801f, 181},
+    {0x8029, 181},
+    {0xc038, 181},
+  },
+  /* 138 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 185},
+    {0x8006, 185},
+    {0x800a, 185},
+    {0x800f, 185},
+    {0x8018, 185},
+    {0x801f, 185},
+    {0x8029, 185},
+    {0xc038, 185},
+    {0x8003, 186},
+    {0x8006, 186},
+    {0x800a, 186},
+    {0x800f, 186},
+    {0x8018, 186},
+    {0x801f, 186},
+    {0x8029, 186},
+    {0xc038, 186},
+  },
+  /* 139 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 187},
+    {0x8009, 187},
+    {0x8017, 187},
+    {0xc028, 187},
+    {0x8002, 189},
+    {0x8009, 189},
+    {0x8017, 189},
+    {0xc028, 189},
+    {0x8002, 190},
+    {0x8009, 190},
+    {0x8017, 190},
+    {0xc028, 190},
+    {0x8002, 196},
+    {0x8009, 196},
+    {0x8017, 196},
+    {0xc028, 196},
+  },
+  /* 140 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 187},
+    {0x8006, 187},
+    {0x800a, 187},
+    {0x800f, 187},
+    {0x8018, 187},
+    {0x801f, 187},
+    {0x8029, 187},
+    {0xc038, 187},
+    {0x8003, 189},
+    {0x8006, 189},
+    {0x800a, 189},
+    {0x800f, 189},
+    {0x8018, 189},
+    {0x801f, 189},
+    {0x8029, 189},
+    {0xc038, 189},
+  },
+  /* 141 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 190},
+    {0x8006, 190},
+    {0x800a, 190},
+    {0x800f, 190},
+    {0x8018, 190},
+    {0x801f, 190},
+    {0x8029, 190},
+    {0xc038, 190},
+    {0x8003, 196},
+    {0x8006, 196},
+    {0x800a, 196},
+    {0x800f, 196},
+    {0x8018, 196},
+    {0x801f, 196},
+    {0x8029, 196},
+    {0xc038, 196},
+  },
+  /* 142 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 198},
+    {0xc016, 198},
+    {0x8001, 228},
+    {0xc016, 228},
+    {0x8001, 232},
+    {0xc016, 232},
+    {0x8001, 233},
+    {0xc016, 233},
+    {0xc000, 1},
+    {0xc000, 135},
+    {0xc000, 137},
+    {0xc000, 138},
+    {0xc000, 139},
+    {0xc000, 140},
+    {0xc000, 141},
+    {0xc000, 143},
+  },
+  /* 143 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 198},
+    {0x8009, 198},
+    {0x8017, 198},
+    {0xc028, 198},
+    {0x8002, 228},
+    {0x8009, 228},
+    {0x8017, 228},
+    {0xc028, 228},
+    {0x8002, 232},
+    {0x8009, 232},
+    {0x8017, 232},
+    {0xc028, 232},
+    {0x8002, 233},
+    {0x8009, 233},
+    {0x8017, 233},
+    {0xc028, 233},
+  },
+  /* 144 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 198},
+    {0x8006, 198},
+    {0x800a, 198},
+    {0x800f, 198},
+    {0x8018, 198},
+    {0x801f, 198},
+    {0x8029, 198},
+    {0xc038, 198},
+    {0x8003, 228},
+    {0x8006, 228},
+    {0x800a, 228},
+    {0x800f, 228},
+    {0x8018, 228},
+    {0x801f, 228},
+    {0x8029, 228},
+    {0xc038, 228},
+  },
+  /* 145 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 232},
+    {0x8006, 232},
+    {0x800a, 232},
+    {0x800f, 232},
+    {0x8018, 232},
+    {0x801f, 232},
+    {0x8029, 232},
+    {0xc038, 232},
+    {0x8003, 233},
+    {0x8006, 233},
+    {0x800a, 233},
+    {0x800f, 233},
+    {0x8018, 233},
+    {0x801f, 233},
+    {0x8029, 233},
+    {0xc038, 233},
+  },
+  /* 146 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 1},
+    {0xc016, 1},
+    {0x8001, 135},
+    {0xc016, 135},
+    {0x8001, 137},
+    {0xc016, 137},
+    {0x8001, 138},
+    {0xc016, 138},
+    {0x8001, 139},
+    {0xc016, 139},
+    {0x8001, 140},
+    {0xc016, 140},
+    {0x8001, 141},
+    {0xc016, 141},
+    {0x8001, 143},
+    {0xc016, 143},
+  },
+  /* 147 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 1},
+    {0x8009, 1},
+    {0x8017, 1},
+    {0xc028, 1},
+    {0x8002, 135},
+    {0x8009, 135},
+    {0x8017, 135},
+    {0xc028, 135},
+    {0x8002, 137},
+    {0x8009, 137},
+    {0x8017, 137},
+    {0xc028, 137},
+    {0x8002, 138},
+    {0x8009, 138},
+    {0x8017, 138},
+    {0xc028, 138},
+  },
+  /* 148 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 1},
+    {0x8006, 1},
+    {0x800a, 1},
+    {0x800f, 1},
+    {0x8018, 1},
+    {0x801f, 1},
+    {0x8029, 1},
+    {0xc038, 1},
+    {0x8003, 135},
+    {0x8006, 135},
+    {0x800a, 135},
+    {0x800f, 135},
+    {0x8018, 135},
+    {0x801f, 135},
+    {0x8029, 135},
+    {0xc038, 135},
+  },
+  /* 149 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 137},
+    {0x8006, 137},
+    {0x800a, 137},
+    {0x800f, 137},
+    {0x8018, 137},
+    {0x801f, 137},
+    {0x8029, 137},
+    {0xc038, 137},
+    {0x8003, 138},
+    {0x8006, 138},
+    {0x800a, 138},
+    {0x800f, 138},
+    {0x8018, 138},
+    {0x801f, 138},
+    {0x8029, 138},
+    {0xc038, 138},
+  },
+  /* 150 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 139},
+    {0x8009, 139},
+    {0x8017, 139},
+    {0xc028, 139},
+    {0x8002, 140},
+    {0x8009, 140},
+    {0x8017, 140},
+    {0xc028, 140},
+    {0x8002, 141},
+    {0x8009, 141},
+    {0x8017, 141},
+    {0xc028, 141},
+    {0x8002, 143},
+    {0x8009, 143},
+    {0x8017, 143},
+    {0xc028, 143},
+  },
+  /* 151 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 139},
+    {0x8006, 139},
+    {0x800a, 139},
+    {0x800f, 139},
+    {0x8018, 139},
+    {0x801f, 139},
+    {0x8029, 139},
+    {0xc038, 139},
+    {0x8003, 140},
+    {0x8006, 140},
+    {0x800a, 140},
+    {0x800f, 140},
+    {0x8018, 140},
+    {0x801f, 140},
+    {0x8029, 140},
+    {0xc038, 140},
+  },
+  /* 152 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 141},
+    {0x8006, 141},
+    {0x800a, 141},
+    {0x800f, 141},
+    {0x8018, 141},
+    {0x801f, 141},
+    {0x8029, 141},
+    {0xc038, 141},
+    {0x8003, 143},
+    {0x8006, 143},
+    {0x800a, 143},
+    {0x800f, 143},
+    {0x8018, 143},
+    {0x801f, 143},
+    {0x8029, 143},
+    {0xc038, 143},
+  },
+  /* 153 */
+  {
+    {0x9d, 0},
+    {0x9e, 0},
+    {0xa0, 0},
+    {0xa1, 0},
+    {0xa4, 0},
+    {0xa5, 0},
+    {0xa7, 0},
+    {0xa8, 0},
+    {0xac, 0},
+    {0xad, 0},
+    {0xaf, 0},
+    {0xb1, 0},
+    {0xb6, 0},
+    {0xb9, 0},
+    {0xbf, 0},
+    {0xcf, 0},
+  },
+  /* 154 */
+  {
+    {0xc000, 147},
+    {0xc000, 149},
+    {0xc000, 150},
+    {0xc000, 151},
+    {0xc000, 152},
+    {0xc000, 155},
+    {0xc000, 157},
+    {0xc000, 158},
+    {0xc000, 165},
+    {0xc000, 166},
+    {0xc000, 168},
+    {0xc000, 174},
+    {0xc000, 175},
+    {0xc000, 180},
+    {0xc000, 182},
+    {0xc000, 183},
+  },
+  /* 155 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 147},
+    {0xc016, 147},
+    {0x8001, 149},
+    {0xc016, 149},
+    {0x8001, 150},
+    {0xc016, 150},
+    {0x8001, 151},
+    {0xc016, 151},
+    {0x8001, 152},
+    {0xc016, 152},
+    {0x8001, 155},
+    {0xc016, 155},
+    {0x8001, 157},
+    {0xc016, 157},
+    {0x8001, 158},
+    {0xc016, 158},
+  },
+  /* 156 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 147},
+    {0x8009, 147},
+    {0x8017, 147},
+    {0xc028, 147},
+    {0x8002, 149},
+    {0x8009, 149},
+    {0x8017, 149},
+    {0xc028, 149},
+    {0x8002, 150},
+    {0x8009, 150},
+    {0x8017, 150},
+    {0xc028, 150},
+    {0x8002, 151},
+    {0x8009, 151},
+    {0x8017, 151},
+    {0xc028, 151},
+  },
+  /* 157 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 147},
+    {0x8006, 147},
+    {0x800a, 147},
+    {0x800f, 147},
+    {0x8018, 147},
+    {0x801f, 147},
+    {0x8029, 147},
+    {0xc038, 147},
+    {0x8003, 149},
+    {0x8006, 149},
+    {0x800a, 149},
+    {0x800f, 149},
+    {0x8018, 149},
+    {0x801f, 149},
+    {0x8029, 149},
+    {0xc038, 149},
+  },
+  /* 158 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 150},
+    {0x8006, 150},
+    {0x800a, 150},
+    {0x800f, 150},
+    {0x8018, 150},
+    {0x801f, 150},
+    {0x8029, 150},
+    {0xc038, 150},
+    {0x8003, 151},
+    {0x8006, 151},
+    {0x800a, 151},
+    {0x800f, 151},
+    {0x8018, 151},
+    {0x801f, 151},
+    {0x8029, 151},
+    {0xc038, 151},
+  },
+  /* 159 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 152},
+    {0x8009, 152},
+    {0x8017, 152},
+    {0xc028, 152},
+    {0x8002, 155},
+    {0x8009, 155},
+    {0x8017, 155},
+    {0xc028, 155},
+    {0x8002, 157},
+    {0x8009, 157},
+    {0x8017, 157},
+    {0xc028, 157},
+    {0x8002, 158},
+    {0x8009, 158},
+    {0x8017, 158},
+    {0xc028, 158},
+  },
+  /* 160 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 152},
+    {0x8006, 152},
+    {0x800a, 152},
+    {0x800f, 152},
+    {0x8018, 152},
+    {0x801f, 152},
+    {0x8029, 152},
+    {0xc038, 152},
+    {0x8003, 155},
+    {0x8006, 155},
+    {0x800a, 155},
+    {0x800f, 155},
+    {0x8018, 155},
+    {0x801f, 155},
+    {0x8029, 155},
+    {0xc038, 155},
+  },
+  /* 161 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 157},
+    {0x8006, 157},
+    {0x800a, 157},
+    {0x800f, 157},
+    {0x8018, 157},
+    {0x801f, 157},
+    {0x8029, 157},
+    {0xc038, 157},
+    {0x8003, 158},
+    {0x8006, 158},
+    {0x800a, 158},
+    {0x800f, 158},
+    {0x8018, 158},
+    {0x801f, 158},
+    {0x8029, 158},
+    {0xc038, 158},
+  },
+  /* 162 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 165},
+    {0xc016, 165},
+    {0x8001, 166},
+    {0xc016, 166},
+    {0x8001, 168},
+    {0xc016, 168},
+    {0x8001, 174},
+    {0xc016, 174},
+    {0x8001, 175},
+    {0xc016, 175},
+    {0x8001, 180},
+    {0xc016, 180},
+    {0x8001, 182},
+    {0xc016, 182},
+    {0x8001, 183},
+    {0xc016, 183},
+  },
+  /* 163 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 165},
+    {0x8009, 165},
+    {0x8017, 165},
+    {0xc028, 165},
+    {0x8002, 166},
+    {0x8009, 166},
+    {0x8017, 166},
+    {0xc028, 166},
+    {0x8002, 168},
+    {0x8009, 168},
+    {0x8017, 168},
+    {0xc028, 168},
+    {0x8002, 174},
+    {0x8009, 174},
+    {0x8017, 174},
+    {0xc028, 174},
+  },
+  /* 164 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 165},
+    {0x8006, 165},
+    {0x800a, 165},
+    {0x800f, 165},
+    {0x8018, 165},
+    {0x801f, 165},
+    {0x8029, 165},
+    {0xc038, 165},
+    {0x8003, 166},
+    {0x8006, 166},
+    {0x800a, 166},
+    {0x800f, 166},
+    {0x8018, 166},
+    {0x801f, 166},
+    {0x8029, 166},
+    {0xc038, 166},
+  },
+  /* 165 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 168},
+    {0x8006, 168},
+    {0x800a, 168},
+    {0x800f, 168},
+    {0x8018, 168},
+    {0x801f, 168},
+    {0x8029, 168},
+    {0xc038, 168},
+    {0x8003, 174},
+    {0x8006, 174},
+    {0x800a, 174},
+    {0x800f, 174},
+    {0x8018, 174},
+    {0x801f, 174},
+    {0x8029, 174},
+    {0xc038, 174},
+  },
+  /* 166 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 175},
+    {0x8009, 175},
+    {0x8017, 175},
+    {0xc028, 175},
+    {0x8002, 180},
+    {0x8009, 180},
+    {0x8017, 180},
+    {0xc028, 180},
+    {0x8002, 182},
+    {0x8009, 182},
+    {0x8017, 182},
+    {0xc028, 182},
+    {0x8002, 183},
+    {0x8009, 183},
+    {0x8017, 183},
+    {0xc028, 183},
+  },
+  /* 167 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 175},
+    {0x8006, 175},
+    {0x800a, 175},
+    {0x800f, 175},
+    {0x8018, 175},
+    {0x801f, 175},
+    {0x8029, 175},
+    {0xc038, 175},
+    {0x8003, 180},
+    {0x8006, 180},
+    {0x800a, 180},
+    {0x800f, 180},
+    {0x8018, 180},
+    {0x801f, 180},
+    {0x8029, 180},
+    {0xc038, 180},
+  },
+  /* 168 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 182},
+    {0x8006, 182},
+    {0x800a, 182},
+    {0x800f, 182},
+    {0x8018, 182},
+    {0x801f, 182},
+    {0x8029, 182},
+    {0xc038, 182},
+    {0x8003, 183},
+    {0x8006, 183},
+    {0x800a, 183},
+    {0x800f, 183},
+    {0x8018, 183},
+    {0x801f, 183},
+    {0x8029, 183},
+    {0xc038, 183},
+  },
+  /* 169 */
+  {
+    {0xc000, 188},
+    {0xc000, 191},
+    {0xc000, 197},
+    {0xc000, 231},
+    {0xc000, 239},
+    {0xb0, 0},
+    {0xb2, 0},
+    {0xb3, 0},
+    {0xb7, 0},
+    {0xb8, 0},
+    {0xba, 0},
+    {0xbb, 0},
+    {0xc0, 0},
+    {0xc7, 0},
+    {0xd0, 0},
+    {0xdf, 0},
+  },
+  /* 170 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 188},
+    {0xc016, 188},
+    {0x8001, 191},
+    {0xc016, 191},
+    {0x8001, 197},
+    {0xc016, 197},
+    {0x8001, 231},
+    {0xc016, 231},
+    {0x8001, 239},
+    {0xc016, 239},
+    {0xc000, 9},
+    {0xc000, 142},
+    {0xc000, 144},
+    {0xc000, 145},
+    {0xc000, 148},
+    {0xc000, 159},
+  },
+  /* 171 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 188},
+    {0x8009, 188},
+    {0x8017, 188},
+    {0xc028, 188},
+    {0x8002, 191},
+    {0x8009, 191},
+    {0x8017, 191},
+    {0xc028, 191},
+    {0x8002, 197},
+    {0x8009, 197},
+    {0x8017, 197},
+    {0xc028, 197},
+    {0x8002, 231},
+    {0x8009, 231},
+    {0x8017, 231},
+    {0xc028, 231},
+  },
+  /* 172 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 188},
+    {0x8006, 188},
+    {0x800a, 188},
+    {0x800f, 188},
+    {0x8018, 188},
+    {0x801f, 188},
+    {0x8029, 188},
+    {0xc038, 188},
+    {0x8003, 191},
+    {0x8006, 191},
+    {0x800a, 191},
+    {0x800f, 191},
+    {0x8018, 191},
+    {0x801f, 191},
+    {0x8029, 191},
+    {0xc038, 191},
+  },
+  /* 173 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 197},
+    {0x8006, 197},
+    {0x800a, 197},
+    {0x800f, 197},
+    {0x8018, 197},
+    {0x801f, 197},
+    {0x8029, 197},
+    {0xc038, 197},
+    {0x8003, 231},
+    {0x8006, 231},
+    {0x800a, 231},
+    {0x800f, 231},
+    {0x8018, 231},
+    {0x801f, 231},
+    {0x8029, 231},
+    {0xc038, 231},
+  },
+  /* 174 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 239},
+    {0x8009, 239},
+    {0x8017, 239},
+    {0xc028, 239},
+    {0x8001, 9},
+    {0xc016, 9},
+    {0x8001, 142},
+    {0xc016, 142},
+    {0x8001, 144},
+    {0xc016, 144},
+    {0x8001, 145},
+    {0xc016, 145},
+    {0x8001, 148},
+    {0xc016, 148},
+    {0x8001, 159},
+    {0xc016, 159},
+  },
+  /* 175 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 239},
+    {0x8006, 239},
+    {0x800a, 239},
+    {0x800f, 239},
+    {0x8018, 239},
+    {0x801f, 239},
+    {0x8029, 239},
+    {0xc038, 239},
+    {0x8002, 9},
+    {0x8009, 9},
+    {0x8017, 9},
+    {0xc028, 9},
+    {0x8002, 142},
+    {0x8009, 142},
+    {0x8017, 142},
+    {0xc028, 142},
+  },
+  /* 176 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 9},
+    {0x8006, 9},
+    {0x800a, 9},
+    {0x800f, 9},
+    {0x8018, 9},
+    {0x801f, 9},
+    {0x8029, 9},
+    {0xc038, 9},
+    {0x8003, 142},
+    {0x8006, 142},
+    {0x800a, 142},
+    {0x800f, 142},
+    {0x8018, 142},
+    {0x801f, 142},
+    {0x8029, 142},
+    {0xc038, 142},
+  },
+  /* 177 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 144},
+    {0x8009, 144},
+    {0x8017, 144},
+    {0xc028, 144},
+    {0x8002, 145},
+    {0x8009, 145},
+    {0x8017, 145},
+    {0xc028, 145},
+    {0x8002, 148},
+    {0x8009, 148},
+    {0x8017, 148},
+    {0xc028, 148},
+    {0x8002, 159},
+    {0x8009, 159},
+    {0x8017, 159},
+    {0xc028, 159},
+  },
+  /* 178 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 144},
+    {0x8006, 144},
+    {0x800a, 144},
+    {0x800f, 144},
+    {0x8018, 144},
+    {0x801f, 144},
+    {0x8029, 144},
+    {0xc038, 144},
+    {0x8003, 145},
+    {0x8006, 145},
+    {0x800a, 145},
+    {0x800f, 145},
+    {0x8018, 145},
+    {0x801f, 145},
+    {0x8029, 145},
+    {0xc038, 145},
+  },
+  /* 179 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 148},
+    {0x8006, 148},
+    {0x800a, 148},
+    {0x800f, 148},
+    {0x8018, 148},
+    {0x801f, 148},
+    {0x8029, 148},
+    {0xc038, 148},
+    {0x8003, 159},
+    {0x8006, 159},
+    {0x800a, 159},
+    {0x800f, 159},
+    {0x8018, 159},
+    {0x801f, 159},
+    {0x8029, 159},
+    {0xc038, 159},
+  },
+  /* 180 */
+  {
+    {0xc000, 171},
+    {0xc000, 206},
+    {0xc000, 215},
+    {0xc000, 225},
+    {0xc000, 236},
+    {0xc000, 237},
+    {0xbc, 0},
+    {0xbd, 0},
+    {0xc1, 0},
+    {0xc4, 0},
+    {0xc8, 0},
+    {0xcb, 0},
+    {0xd1, 0},
+    {0xd8, 0},
+    {0xe0, 0},
+    {0xee, 0},
+  },
+  /* 181 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 171},
+    {0xc016, 171},
+    {0x8001, 206},
+    {0xc016, 206},
+    {0x8001, 215},
+    {0xc016, 215},
+    {0x8001, 225},
+    {0xc016, 225},
+    {0x8001, 236},
+    {0xc016, 236},
+    {0x8001, 237},
+    {0xc016, 237},
+    {0xc000, 199},
+    {0xc000, 207},
+    {0xc000, 234},
+    {0xc000, 235},
+  },
+  /* 182 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 171},
+    {0x8009, 171},
+    {0x8017, 171},
+    {0xc028, 171},
+    {0x8002, 206},
+    {0x8009, 206},
+    {0x8017, 206},
+    {0xc028, 206},
+    {0x8002, 215},
+    {0x8009, 215},
+    {0x8017, 215},
+    {0xc028, 215},
+    {0x8002, 225},
+    {0x8009, 225},
+    {0x8017, 225},
+    {0xc028, 225},
+  },
+  /* 183 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 171},
+    {0x8006, 171},
+    {0x800a, 171},
+    {0x800f, 171},
+    {0x8018, 171},
+    {0x801f, 171},
+    {0x8029, 171},
+    {0xc038, 171},
+    {0x8003, 206},
+    {0x8006, 206},
+    {0x800a, 206},
+    {0x800f, 206},
+    {0x8018, 206},
+    {0x801f, 206},
+    {0x8029, 206},
+    {0xc038, 206},
+  },
+  /* 184 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 215},
+    {0x8006, 215},
+    {0x800a, 215},
+    {0x800f, 215},
+    {0x8018, 215},
+    {0x801f, 215},
+    {0x8029, 215},
+    {0xc038, 215},
+    {0x8003, 225},
+    {0x8006, 225},
+    {0x800a, 225},
+    {0x800f, 225},
+    {0x8018, 225},
+    {0x801f, 225},
+    {0x8029, 225},
+    {0xc038, 225},
+  },
+  /* 185 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 236},
+    {0x8009, 236},
+    {0x8017, 236},
+    {0xc028, 236},
+    {0x8002, 237},
+    {0x8009, 237},
+    {0x8017, 237},
+    {0xc028, 237},
+    {0x8001, 199},
+    {0xc016, 199},
+    {0x8001, 207},
+    {0xc016, 207},
+    {0x8001, 234},
+    {0xc016, 234},
+    {0x8001, 235},
+    {0xc016, 235},
+  },
+  /* 186 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 236},
+    {0x8006, 236},
+    {0x800a, 236},
+    {0x800f, 236},
+    {0x8018, 236},
+    {0x801f, 236},
+    {0x8029, 236},
+    {0xc038, 236},
+    {0x8003, 237},
+    {0x8006, 237},
+    {0x800a, 237},
+    {0x800f, 237},
+    {0x8018, 237},
+    {0x801f, 237},
+    {0x8029, 237},
+    {0xc038, 237},
+  },
+  /* 187 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 199},
+    {0x8009, 199},
+    {0x8017, 199},
+    {0xc028, 199},
+    {0x8002, 207},
+    {0x8009, 207},
+    {0x8017, 207},
+    {0xc028, 207},
+    {0x8002, 234},
+    {0x8009, 234},
+    {0x8017, 234},
+    {0xc028, 234},
+    {0x8002, 235},
+    {0x8009, 235},
+    {0x8017, 235},
+    {0xc028, 235},
+  },
+  /* 188 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 199},
+    {0x8006, 199},
+    {0x800a, 199},
+    {0x800f, 199},
+    {0x8018, 199},
+    {0x801f, 199},
+    {0x8029, 199},
+    {0xc038, 199},
+    {0x8003, 207},
+    {0x8006, 207},
+    {0x800a, 207},
+    {0x800f, 207},
+    {0x8018, 207},
+    {0x801f, 207},
+    {0x8029, 207},
+    {0xc038, 207},
+  },
+  /* 189 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 234},
+    {0x8006, 234},
+    {0x800a, 234},
+    {0x800f, 234},
+    {0x8018, 234},
+    {0x801f, 234},
+    {0x8029, 234},
+    {0xc038, 234},
+    {0x8003, 235},
+    {0x8006, 235},
+    {0x800a, 235},
+    {0x800f, 235},
+    {0x8018, 235},
+    {0x801f, 235},
+    {0x8029, 235},
+    {0xc038, 235},
+  },
+  /* 190 */
+  {
+    {0xc2, 0},
+    {0xc3, 0},
+    {0xc5, 0},
+    {0xc6, 0},
+    {0xc9, 0},
+    {0xca, 0},
+    {0xcc, 0},
+    {0xcd, 0},
+    {0xd2, 0},
+    {0xd5, 0},
+    {0xd9, 0},
+    {0xdc, 0},
+    {0xe1, 0},
+    {0xe7, 0},
+    {0xef, 0},
+    {0xf6, 0},
+  },
+  /* 191 */
+  {
+    {0xc000, 192},
+    {0xc000, 193},
+    {0xc000, 200},
+    {0xc000, 201},
+    {0xc000, 202},
+    {0xc000, 205},
+    {0xc000, 210},
+    {0xc000, 213},
+    {0xc000, 218},
+    {0xc000, 219},
+    {0xc000, 238},
+    {0xc000, 240},
+    {0xc000, 242},
+    {0xc000, 243},
+    {0xc000, 255},
+    {0xce, 0},
+  },
+  /* 192 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 192},
+    {0xc016, 192},
+    {0x8001, 193},
+    {0xc016, 193},
+    {0x8001, 200},
+    {0xc016, 200},
+    {0x8001, 201},
+    {0xc016, 201},
+    {0x8001, 202},
+    {0xc016, 202},
+    {0x8001, 205},
+    {0xc016, 205},
+    {0x8001, 210},
+    {0xc016, 210},
+    {0x8001, 213},
+    {0xc016, 213},
+  },
+  /* 193 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 192},
+    {0x8009, 192},
+    {0x8017, 192},
+    {0xc028, 192},
+    {0x8002, 193},
+    {0x8009, 193},
+    {0x8017, 193},
+    {0xc028, 193},
+    {0x8002, 200},
+    {0x8009, 200},
+    {0x8017, 200},
+    {0xc028, 200},
+    {0x8002, 201},
+    {0x8009, 201},
+    {0x8017, 201},
+    {0xc028, 201},
+  },
+  /* 194 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 192},
+    {0x8006, 192},
+    {0x800a, 192},
+    {0x800f, 192},
+    {0x8018, 192},
+    {0x801f, 192},
+    {0x8029, 192},
+    {0xc038, 192},
+    {0x8003, 193},
+    {0x8006, 193},
+    {0x800a, 193},
+    {0x800f, 193},
+    {0x8018, 193},
+    {0x801f, 193},
+    {0x8029, 193},
+    {0xc038, 193},
+  },
+  /* 195 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 200},
+    {0x8006, 200},
+    {0x800a, 200},
+    {0x800f, 200},
+    {0x8018, 200},
+    {0x801f, 200},
+    {0x8029, 200},
+    {0xc038, 200},
+    {0x8003, 201},
+    {0x8006, 201},
+    {0x800a, 201},
+    {0x800f, 201},
+    {0x8018, 201},
+    {0x801f, 201},
+    {0x8029, 201},
+    {0xc038, 201},
+  },
+  /* 196 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 202},
+    {0x8009, 202},
+    {0x8017, 202},
+    {0xc028, 202},
+    {0x8002, 205},
+    {0x8009, 205},
+    {0x8017, 205},
+    {0xc028, 205},
+    {0x8002, 210},
+    {0x8009, 210},
+    {0x8017, 210},
+    {0xc028, 210},
+    {0x8002, 213},
+    {0x8009, 213},
+    {0x8017, 213},
+    {0xc028, 213},
+  },
+  /* 197 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 202},
+    {0x8006, 202},
+    {0x800a, 202},
+    {0x800f, 202},
+    {0x8018, 202},
+    {0x801f, 202},
+    {0x8029, 202},
+    {0xc038, 202},
+    {0x8003, 205},
+    {0x8006, 205},
+    {0x800a, 205},
+    {0x800f, 205},
+    {0x8018, 205},
+    {0x801f, 205},
+    {0x8029, 205},
+    {0xc038, 205},
+  },
+  /* 198 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 210},
+    {0x8006, 210},
+    {0x800a, 210},
+    {0x800f, 210},
+    {0x8018, 210},
+    {0x801f, 210},
+    {0x8029, 210},
+    {0xc038, 210},
+    {0x8003, 213},
+    {0x8006, 213},
+    {0x800a, 213},
+    {0x800f, 213},
+    {0x8018, 213},
+    {0x801f, 213},
+    {0x8029, 213},
+    {0xc038, 213},
+  },
+  /* 199 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 218},
+    {0xc016, 218},
+    {0x8001, 219},
+    {0xc016, 219},
+    {0x8001, 238},
+    {0xc016, 238},
+    {0x8001, 240},
+    {0xc016, 240},
+    {0x8001, 242},
+    {0xc016, 242},
+    {0x8001, 243},
+    {0xc016, 243},
+    {0x8001, 255},
+    {0xc016, 255},
+    {0xc000, 203},
+    {0xc000, 204},
+  },
+  /* 200 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 218},
+    {0x8009, 218},
+    {0x8017, 218},
+    {0xc028, 218},
+    {0x8002, 219},
+    {0x8009, 219},
+    {0x8017, 219},
+    {0xc028, 219},
+    {0x8002, 238},
+    {0x8009, 238},
+    {0x8017, 238},
+    {0xc028, 238},
+    {0x8002, 240},
+    {0x8009, 240},
+    {0x8017, 240},
+    {0xc028, 240},
+  },
+  /* 201 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 218},
+    {0x8006, 218},
+    {0x800a, 218},
+    {0x800f, 218},
+    {0x8018, 218},
+    {0x801f, 218},
+    {0x8029, 218},
+    {0xc038, 218},
+    {0x8003, 219},
+    {0x8006, 219},
+    {0x800a, 219},
+    {0x800f, 219},
+    {0x8018, 219},
+    {0x801f, 219},
+    {0x8029, 219},
+    {0xc038, 219},
+  },
+  /* 202 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 238},
+    {0x8006, 238},
+    {0x800a, 238},
+    {0x800f, 238},
+    {0x8018, 238},
+    {0x801f, 238},
+    {0x8029, 238},
+    {0xc038, 238},
+    {0x8003, 240},
+    {0x8006, 240},
+    {0x800a, 240},
+    {0x800f, 240},
+    {0x8018, 240},
+    {0x801f, 240},
+    {0x8029, 240},
+    {0xc038, 240},
+  },
+  /* 203 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 242},
+    {0x8009, 242},
+    {0x8017, 242},
+    {0xc028, 242},
+    {0x8002, 243},
+    {0x8009, 243},
+    {0x8017, 243},
+    {0xc028, 243},
+    {0x8002, 255},
+    {0x8009, 255},
+    {0x8017, 255},
+    {0xc028, 255},
+    {0x8001, 203},
+    {0xc016, 203},
+    {0x8001, 204},
+    {0xc016, 204},
+  },
+  /* 204 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 242},
+    {0x8006, 242},
+    {0x800a, 242},
+    {0x800f, 242},
+    {0x8018, 242},
+    {0x801f, 242},
+    {0x8029, 242},
+    {0xc038, 242},
+    {0x8003, 243},
+    {0x8006, 243},
+    {0x800a, 243},
+    {0x800f, 243},
+    {0x8018, 243},
+    {0x801f, 243},
+    {0x8029, 243},
+    {0xc038, 243},
+  },
+  /* 205 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 255},
+    {0x8006, 255},
+    {0x800a, 255},
+    {0x800f, 255},
+    {0x8018, 255},
+    {0x801f, 255},
+    {0x8029, 255},
+    {0xc038, 255},
+    {0x8002, 203},
+    {0x8009, 203},
+    {0x8017, 203},
+    {0xc028, 203},
+    {0x8002, 204},
+    {0x8009, 204},
+    {0x8017, 204},
+    {0xc028, 204},
+  },
+  /* 206 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 203},
+    {0x8006, 203},
+    {0x800a, 203},
+    {0x800f, 203},
+    {0x8018, 203},
+    {0x801f, 203},
+    {0x8029, 203},
+    {0xc038, 203},
+    {0x8003, 204},
+    {0x8006, 204},
+    {0x800a, 204},
+    {0x800f, 204},
+    {0x8018, 204},
+    {0x801f, 204},
+    {0x8029, 204},
+    {0xc038, 204},
+  },
+  /* 207 */
+  {
+    {0xd3, 0},
+    {0xd4, 0},
+    {0xd6, 0},
+    {0xd7, 0},
+    {0xda, 0},
+    {0xdb, 0},
+    {0xdd, 0},
+    {0xde, 0},
+    {0xe2, 0},
+    {0xe4, 0},
+    {0xe8, 0},
+    {0xeb, 0},
+    {0xf0, 0},
+    {0xf3, 0},
+    {0xf7, 0},
+    {0xfa, 0},
+  },
+  /* 208 */
+  {
+    {0xc000, 211},
+    {0xc000, 212},
+    {0xc000, 214},
+    {0xc000, 221},
+    {0xc000, 222},
+    {0xc000, 223},
+    {0xc000, 241},
+    {0xc000, 244},
+    {0xc000, 245},
+    {0xc000, 246},
+    {0xc000, 247},
+    {0xc000, 248},
+    {0xc000, 250},
+    {0xc000, 251},
+    {0xc000, 252},
+    {0xc000, 253},
+  },
+  /* 209 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 211},
+    {0xc016, 211},
+    {0x8001, 212},
+    {0xc016, 212},
+    {0x8001, 214},
+    {0xc016, 214},
+    {0x8001, 221},
+    {0xc016, 221},
+    {0x8001, 222},
+    {0xc016, 222},
+    {0x8001, 223},
+    {0xc016, 223},
+    {0x8001, 241},
+    {0xc016, 241},
+    {0x8001, 244},
+    {0xc016, 244},
+  },
+  /* 210 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 211},
+    {0x8009, 211},
+    {0x8017, 211},
+    {0xc028, 211},
+    {0x8002, 212},
+    {0x8009, 212},
+    {0x8017, 212},
+    {0xc028, 212},
+    {0x8002, 214},
+    {0x8009, 214},
+    {0x8017, 214},
+    {0xc028, 214},
+    {0x8002, 221},
+    {0x8009, 221},
+    {0x8017, 221},
+    {0xc028, 221},
+  },
+  /* 211 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 211},
+    {0x8006, 211},
+    {0x800a, 211},
+    {0x800f, 211},
+    {0x8018, 211},
+    {0x801f, 211},
+    {0x8029, 211},
+    {0xc038, 211},
+    {0x8003, 212},
+    {0x8006, 212},
+    {0x800a, 212},
+    {0x800f, 212},
+    {0x8018, 212},
+    {0x801f, 212},
+    {0x8029, 212},
+    {0xc038, 212},
+  },
+  /* 212 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 214},
+    {0x8006, 214},
+    {0x800a, 214},
+    {0x800f, 214},
+    {0x8018, 214},
+    {0x801f, 214},
+    {0x8029, 214},
+    {0xc038, 214},
+    {0x8003, 221},
+    {0x8006, 221},
+    {0x800a, 221},
+    {0x800f, 221},
+    {0x8018, 221},
+    {0x801f, 221},
+    {0x8029, 221},
+    {0xc038, 221},
+  },
+  /* 213 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 222},
+    {0x8009, 222},
+    {0x8017, 222},
+    {0xc028, 222},
+    {0x8002, 223},
+    {0x8009, 223},
+    {0x8017, 223},
+    {0xc028, 223},
+    {0x8002, 241},
+    {0x8009, 241},
+    {0x8017, 241},
+    {0xc028, 241},
+    {0x8002, 244},
+    {0x8009, 244},
+    {0x8017, 244},
+    {0xc028, 244},
+  },
+  /* 214 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 222},
+    {0x8006, 222},
+    {0x800a, 222},
+    {0x800f, 222},
+    {0x8018, 222},
+    {0x801f, 222},
+    {0x8029, 222},
+    {0xc038, 222},
+    {0x8003, 223},
+    {0x8006, 223},
+    {0x800a, 223},
+    {0x800f, 223},
+    {0x8018, 223},
+    {0x801f, 223},
+    {0x8029, 223},
+    {0xc038, 223},
+  },
+  /* 215 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 241},
+    {0x8006, 241},
+    {0x800a, 241},
+    {0x800f, 241},
+    {0x8018, 241},
+    {0x801f, 241},
+    {0x8029, 241},
+    {0xc038, 241},
+    {0x8003, 244},
+    {0x8006, 244},
+    {0x800a, 244},
+    {0x800f, 244},
+    {0x8018, 244},
+    {0x801f, 244},
+    {0x8029, 244},
+    {0xc038, 244},
+  },
+  /* 216 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 245},
+    {0xc016, 245},
+    {0x8001, 246},
+    {0xc016, 246},
+    {0x8001, 247},
+    {0xc016, 247},
+    {0x8001, 248},
+    {0xc016, 248},
+    {0x8001, 250},
+    {0xc016, 250},
+    {0x8001, 251},
+    {0xc016, 251},
+    {0x8001, 252},
+    {0xc016, 252},
+    {0x8001, 253},
+    {0xc016, 253},
+  },
+  /* 217 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 245},
+    {0x8009, 245},
+    {0x8017, 245},
+    {0xc028, 245},
+    {0x8002, 246},
+    {0x8009, 246},
+    {0x8017, 246},
+    {0xc028, 246},
+    {0x8002, 247},
+    {0x8009, 247},
+    {0x8017, 247},
+    {0xc028, 247},
+    {0x8002, 248},
+    {0x8009, 248},
+    {0x8017, 248},
+    {0xc028, 248},
+  },
+  /* 218 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 245},
+    {0x8006, 245},
+    {0x800a, 245},
+    {0x800f, 245},
+    {0x8018, 245},
+    {0x801f, 245},
+    {0x8029, 245},
+    {0xc038, 245},
+    {0x8003, 246},
+    {0x8006, 246},
+    {0x800a, 246},
+    {0x800f, 246},
+    {0x8018, 246},
+    {0x801f, 246},
+    {0x8029, 246},
+    {0xc038, 246},
+  },
+  /* 219 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 247},
+    {0x8006, 247},
+    {0x800a, 247},
+    {0x800f, 247},
+    {0x8018, 247},
+    {0x801f, 247},
+    {0x8029, 247},
+    {0xc038, 247},
+    {0x8003, 248},
+    {0x8006, 248},
+    {0x800a, 248},
+    {0x800f, 248},
+    {0x8018, 248},
+    {0x801f, 248},
+    {0x8029, 248},
+    {0xc038, 248},
+  },
+  /* 220 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 250},
+    {0x8009, 250},
+    {0x8017, 250},
+    {0xc028, 250},
+    {0x8002, 251},
+    {0x8009, 251},
+    {0x8017, 251},
+    {0xc028, 251},
+    {0x8002, 252},
+    {0x8009, 252},
+    {0x8017, 252},
+    {0xc028, 252},
+    {0x8002, 253},
+    {0x8009, 253},
+    {0x8017, 253},
+    {0xc028, 253},
+  },
+  /* 221 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 250},
+    {0x8006, 250},
+    {0x800a, 250},
+    {0x800f, 250},
+    {0x8018, 250},
+    {0x801f, 250},
+    {0x8029, 250},
+    {0xc038, 250},
+    {0x8003, 251},
+    {0x8006, 251},
+    {0x800a, 251},
+    {0x800f, 251},
+    {0x8018, 251},
+    {0x801f, 251},
+    {0x8029, 251},
+    {0xc038, 251},
+  },
+  /* 222 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 252},
+    {0x8006, 252},
+    {0x800a, 252},
+    {0x800f, 252},
+    {0x8018, 252},
+    {0x801f, 252},
+    {0x8029, 252},
+    {0xc038, 252},
+    {0x8003, 253},
+    {0x8006, 253},
+    {0x800a, 253},
+    {0x800f, 253},
+    {0x8018, 253},
+    {0x801f, 253},
+    {0x8029, 253},
+    {0xc038, 253},
+  },
+  /* 223 */
+  {
+    {0xc000, 254},
+    {0xe3, 0},
+    {0xe5, 0},
+    {0xe6, 0},
+    {0xe9, 0},
+    {0xea, 0},
+    {0xec, 0},
+    {0xed, 0},
+    {0xf1, 0},
+    {0xf2, 0},
+    {0xf4, 0},
+    {0xf5, 0},
+    {0xf8, 0},
+    {0xf9, 0},
+    {0xfb, 0},
+    {0xfc, 0},
+  },
+  /* 224 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 254},
+    {0xc016, 254},
+    {0xc000, 2},
+    {0xc000, 3},
+    {0xc000, 4},
+    {0xc000, 5},
+    {0xc000, 6},
+    {0xc000, 7},
+    {0xc000, 8},
+    {0xc000, 11},
+    {0xc000, 12},
+    {0xc000, 14},
+    {0xc000, 15},
+    {0xc000, 16},
+    {0xc000, 17},
+    {0xc000, 18},
+  },
+  /* 225 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 254},
+    {0x8009, 254},
+    {0x8017, 254},
+    {0xc028, 254},
+    {0x8001, 2},
+    {0xc016, 2},
+    {0x8001, 3},
+    {0xc016, 3},
+    {0x8001, 4},
+    {0xc016, 4},
+    {0x8001, 5},
+    {0xc016, 5},
+    {0x8001, 6},
+    {0xc016, 6},
+    {0x8001, 7},
+    {0xc016, 7},
+  },
+  /* 226 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 254},
+    {0x8006, 254},
+    {0x800a, 254},
+    {0x800f, 254},
+    {0x8018, 254},
+    {0x801f, 254},
+    {0x8029, 254},
+    {0xc038, 254},
+    {0x8002, 2},
+    {0x8009, 2},
+    {0x8017, 2},
+    {0xc028, 2},
+    {0x8002, 3},
+    {0x8009, 3},
+    {0x8017, 3},
+    {0xc028, 3},
+  },
+  /* 227 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 2},
+    {0x8006, 2},
+    {0x800a, 2},
+    {0x800f, 2},
+    {0x8018, 2},
+    {0x801f, 2},
+    {0x8029, 2},
+    {0xc038, 2},
+    {0x8003, 3},
+    {0x8006, 3},
+    {0x800a, 3},
+    {0x800f, 3},
+    {0x8018, 3},
+    {0x801f, 3},
+    {0x8029, 3},
+    {0xc038, 3},
+  },
+  /* 228 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 4},
+    {0x8009, 4},
+    {0x8017, 4},
+    {0xc028, 4},
+    {0x8002, 5},
+    {0x8009, 5},
+    {0x8017, 5},
+    {0xc028, 5},
+    {0x8002, 6},
+    {0x8009, 6},
+    {0x8017, 6},
+    {0xc028, 6},
+    {0x8002, 7},
+    {0x8009, 7},
+    {0x8017, 7},
+    {0xc028, 7},
+  },
+  /* 229 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 4},
+    {0x8006, 4},
+    {0x800a, 4},
+    {0x800f, 4},
+    {0x8018, 4},
+    {0x801f, 4},
+    {0x8029, 4},
+    {0xc038, 4},
+    {0x8003, 5},
+    {0x8006, 5},
+    {0x800a, 5},
+    {0x800f, 5},
+    {0x8018, 5},
+    {0x801f, 5},
+    {0x8029, 5},
+    {0xc038, 5},
+  },
+  /* 230 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 6},
+    {0x8006, 6},
+    {0x800a, 6},
+    {0x800f, 6},
+    {0x8018, 6},
+    {0x801f, 6},
+    {0x8029, 6},
+    {0xc038, 6},
+    {0x8003, 7},
+    {0x8006, 7},
+    {0x800a, 7},
+    {0x800f, 7},
+    {0x8018, 7},
+    {0x801f, 7},
+    {0x8029, 7},
+    {0xc038, 7},
+  },
+  /* 231 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 8},
+    {0xc016, 8},
+    {0x8001, 11},
+    {0xc016, 11},
+    {0x8001, 12},
+    {0xc016, 12},
+    {0x8001, 14},
+    {0xc016, 14},
+    {0x8001, 15},
+    {0xc016, 15},
+    {0x8001, 16},
+    {0xc016, 16},
+    {0x8001, 17},
+    {0xc016, 17},
+    {0x8001, 18},
+    {0xc016, 18},
+  },
+  /* 232 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 8},
+    {0x8009, 8},
+    {0x8017, 8},
+    {0xc028, 8},
+    {0x8002, 11},
+    {0x8009, 11},
+    {0x8017, 11},
+    {0xc028, 11},
+    {0x8002, 12},
+    {0x8009, 12},
+    {0x8017, 12},
+    {0xc028, 12},
+    {0x8002, 14},
+    {0x8009, 14},
+    {0x8017, 14},
+    {0xc028, 14},
+  },
+  /* 233 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 8},
+    {0x8006, 8},
+    {0x800a, 8},
+    {0x800f, 8},
+    {0x8018, 8},
+    {0x801f, 8},
+    {0x8029, 8},
+    {0xc038, 8},
+    {0x8003, 11},
+    {0x8006, 11},
+    {0x800a, 11},
+    {0x800f, 11},
+    {0x8018, 11},
+    {0x801f, 11},
+    {0x8029, 11},
+    {0xc038, 11},
+  },
+  /* 234 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 12},
+    {0x8006, 12},
+    {0x800a, 12},
+    {0x800f, 12},
+    {0x8018, 12},
+    {0x801f, 12},
+    {0x8029, 12},
+    {0xc038, 12},
+    {0x8003, 14},
+    {0x8006, 14},
+    {0x800a, 14},
+    {0x800f, 14},
+    {0x8018, 14},
+    {0x801f, 14},
+    {0x8029, 14},
+    {0xc038, 14},
+  },
+  /* 235 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 15},
+    {0x8009, 15},
+    {0x8017, 15},
+    {0xc028, 15},
+    {0x8002, 16},
+    {0x8009, 16},
+    {0x8017, 16},
+    {0xc028, 16},
+    {0x8002, 17},
+    {0x8009, 17},
+    {0x8017, 17},
+    {0xc028, 17},
+    {0x8002, 18},
+    {0x8009, 18},
+    {0x8017, 18},
+    {0xc028, 18},
+  },
+  /* 236 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 15},
+    {0x8006, 15},
+    {0x800a, 15},
+    {0x800f, 15},
+    {0x8018, 15},
+    {0x801f, 15},
+    {0x8029, 15},
+    {0xc038, 15},
+    {0x8003, 16},
+    {0x8006, 16},
+    {0x800a, 16},
+    {0x800f, 16},
+    {0x8018, 16},
+    {0x801f, 16},
+    {0x8029, 16},
+    {0xc038, 16},
+  },
+  /* 237 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 17},
+    {0x8006, 17},
+    {0x800a, 17},
+    {0x800f, 17},
+    {0x8018, 17},
+    {0x801f, 17},
+    {0x8029, 17},
+    {0xc038, 17},
+    {0x8003, 18},
+    {0x8006, 18},
+    {0x800a, 18},
+    {0x800f, 18},
+    {0x8018, 18},
+    {0x801f, 18},
+    {0x8029, 18},
+    {0xc038, 18},
+  },
+  /* 238 */
+  {
+    {0xc000, 19},
+    {0xc000, 20},
+    {0xc000, 21},
+    {0xc000, 23},
+    {0xc000, 24},
+    {0xc000, 25},
+    {0xc000, 26},
+    {0xc000, 27},
+    {0xc000, 28},
+    {0xc000, 29},
+    {0xc000, 30},
+    {0xc000, 31},
+    {0xc000, 127},
+    {0xc000, 220},
+    {0xc000, 249},
+    {0xfd, 0},
+  },
+  /* 239 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 19},
+    {0xc016, 19},
+    {0x8001, 20},
+    {0xc016, 20},
+    {0x8001, 21},
+    {0xc016, 21},
+    {0x8001, 23},
+    {0xc016, 23},
+    {0x8001, 24},
+    {0xc016, 24},
+    {0x8001, 25},
+    {0xc016, 25},
+    {0x8001, 26},
+    {0xc016, 26},
+    {0x8001, 27},
+    {0xc016, 27},
+  },
+  /* 240 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 19},
+    {0x8009, 19},
+    {0x8017, 19},
+    {0xc028, 19},
+    {0x8002, 20},
+    {0x8009, 20},
+    {0x8017, 20},
+    {0xc028, 20},
+    {0x8002, 21},
+    {0x8009, 21},
+    {0x8017, 21},
+    {0xc028, 21},
+    {0x8002, 23},
+    {0x8009, 23},
+    {0x8017, 23},
+    {0xc028, 23},
+  },
+  /* 241 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 19},
+    {0x8006, 19},
+    {0x800a, 19},
+    {0x800f, 19},
+    {0x8018, 19},
+    {0x801f, 19},
+    {0x8029, 19},
+    {0xc038, 19},
+    {0x8003, 20},
+    {0x8006, 20},
+    {0x800a, 20},
+    {0x800f, 20},
+    {0x8018, 20},
+    {0x801f, 20},
+    {0x8029, 20},
+    {0xc038, 20},
+  },
+  /* 242 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 21},
+    {0x8006, 21},
+    {0x800a, 21},
+    {0x800f, 21},
+    {0x8018, 21},
+    {0x801f, 21},
+    {0x8029, 21},
+    {0xc038, 21},
+    {0x8003, 23},
+    {0x8006, 23},
+    {0x800a, 23},
+    {0x800f, 23},
+    {0x8018, 23},
+    {0x801f, 23},
+    {0x8029, 23},
+    {0xc038, 23},
+  },
+  /* 243 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 24},
+    {0x8009, 24},
+    {0x8017, 24},
+    {0xc028, 24},
+    {0x8002, 25},
+    {0x8009, 25},
+    {0x8017, 25},
+    {0xc028, 25},
+    {0x8002, 26},
+    {0x8009, 26},
+    {0x8017, 26},
+    {0xc028, 26},
+    {0x8002, 27},
+    {0x8009, 27},
+    {0x8017, 27},
+    {0xc028, 27},
+  },
+  /* 244 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 24},
+    {0x8006, 24},
+    {0x800a, 24},
+    {0x800f, 24},
+    {0x8018, 24},
+    {0x801f, 24},
+    {0x8029, 24},
+    {0xc038, 24},
+    {0x8003, 25},
+    {0x8006, 25},
+    {0x800a, 25},
+    {0x800f, 25},
+    {0x8018, 25},
+    {0x801f, 25},
+    {0x8029, 25},
+    {0xc038, 25},
+  },
+  /* 245 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 26},
+    {0x8006, 26},
+    {0x800a, 26},
+    {0x800f, 26},
+    {0x8018, 26},
+    {0x801f, 26},
+    {0x8029, 26},
+    {0xc038, 26},
+    {0x8003, 27},
+    {0x8006, 27},
+    {0x800a, 27},
+    {0x800f, 27},
+    {0x8018, 27},
+    {0x801f, 27},
+    {0x8029, 27},
+    {0xc038, 27},
+  },
+  /* 246 */
+  {
+    {0x8001, 28},
+    {0xc016, 28},
+    {0x8001, 29},
+    {0xc016, 29},
+    {0x8001, 30},
+    {0xc016, 30},
+    {0x8001, 31},
+    {0xc016, 31},
+    {0x8001, 127},
+    {0xc016, 127},
+    {0x8001, 220},
+    {0xc016, 220},
+    {0x8001, 249},
+    {0xc016, 249},
+    {0xfe, 0},
+    {0xff, 0},
+  },
+  /* 247 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 28},
+    {0x8009, 28},
+    {0x8017, 28},
+    {0xc028, 28},
+    {0x8002, 29},
+    {0x8009, 29},
+    {0x8017, 29},
+    {0xc028, 29},
+    {0x8002, 30},
+    {0x8009, 30},
+    {0x8017, 30},
+    {0xc028, 30},
+    {0x8002, 31},
+    {0x8009, 31},
+    {0x8017, 31},
+    {0xc028, 31},
+  },
+  /* 248 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 28},
+    {0x8006, 28},
+    {0x800a, 28},
+    {0x800f, 28},
+    {0x8018, 28},
+    {0x801f, 28},
+    {0x8029, 28},
+    {0xc038, 28},
+    {0x8003, 29},
+    {0x8006, 29},
+    {0x800a, 29},
+    {0x800f, 29},
+    {0x8018, 29},
+    {0x801f, 29},
+    {0x8029, 29},
+    {0xc038, 29},
+  },
+  /* 249 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 30},
+    {0x8006, 30},
+    {0x800a, 30},
+    {0x800f, 30},
+    {0x8018, 30},
+    {0x801f, 30},
+    {0x8029, 30},
+    {0xc038, 30},
+    {0x8003, 31},
+    {0x8006, 31},
+    {0x800a, 31},
+    {0x800f, 31},
+    {0x8018, 31},
+    {0x801f, 31},
+    {0x8029, 31},
+    {0xc038, 31},
+  },
+  /* 250 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 127},
+    {0x8009, 127},
+    {0x8017, 127},
+    {0xc028, 127},
+    {0x8002, 220},
+    {0x8009, 220},
+    {0x8017, 220},
+    {0xc028, 220},
+    {0x8002, 249},
+    {0x8009, 249},
+    {0x8017, 249},
+    {0xc028, 249},
+    {0xc000, 10},
+    {0xc000, 13},
+    {0xc000, 22},
+    {0x100, 0},
+  },
+  /* 251 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 127},
+    {0x8006, 127},
+    {0x800a, 127},
+    {0x800f, 127},
+    {0x8018, 127},
+    {0x801f, 127},
+    {0x8029, 127},
+    {0xc038, 127},
+    {0x8003, 220},
+    {0x8006, 220},
+    {0x800a, 220},
+    {0x800f, 220},
+    {0x8018, 220},
+    {0x801f, 220},
+    {0x8029, 220},
+    {0xc038, 220},
+  },
+  /* 252 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 249},
+    {0x8006, 249},
+    {0x800a, 249},
+    {0x800f, 249},
+    {0x8018, 249},
+    {0x801f, 249},
+    {0x8029, 249},
+    {0xc038, 249},
+    {0x8001, 10},
+    {0xc016, 10},
+    {0x8001, 13},
+    {0xc016, 13},
+    {0x8001, 22},
+    {0xc016, 22},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+  },
+  /* 253 */
+  {
+    {0x8002, 10},
+    {0x8009, 10},
+    {0x8017, 10},
+    {0xc028, 10},
+    {0x8002, 13},
+    {0x8009, 13},
+    {0x8017, 13},
+    {0xc028, 13},
+    {0x8002, 22},
+    {0x8009, 22},
+    {0x8017, 22},
+    {0xc028, 22},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+  },
+  /* 254 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 10},
+    {0x8006, 10},
+    {0x800a, 10},
+    {0x800f, 10},
+    {0x8018, 10},
+    {0x801f, 10},
+    {0x8029, 10},
+    {0xc038, 10},
+    {0x8003, 13},
+    {0x8006, 13},
+    {0x800a, 13},
+    {0x800f, 13},
+    {0x8018, 13},
+    {0x801f, 13},
+    {0x8029, 13},
+    {0xc038, 13},
+  },
+  /* 255 */
+  {
+    {0x8003, 22},
+    {0x8006, 22},
+    {0x800a, 22},
+    {0x800f, 22},
+    {0x8018, 22},
+    {0x801f, 22},
+    {0x8029, 22},
+    {0xc038, 22},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+  },
+  /* 256 */
+  {
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+    {0x100, 0},
+  },
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_helper.c b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_helper.c
index 9a2407ab6f518f..f54f37c13e2716 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_helper.c
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_helper.c
@@ -53,70 +53,70 @@ uint32_t nghttp2_get_uint32(const uint8_t *data) {
 /* Generated by */
 static const uint8_t DOWNCASE_TBL[] = {
-    0 /* NUL  */,   1 /* SOH  */,   2 /* STX  */,   3 /* ETX  */,
-    4 /* EOT  */,   5 /* ENQ  */,   6 /* ACK  */,   7 /* BEL  */,
-    8 /* BS   */,   9 /* HT   */,   10 /* LF   */,  11 /* VT   */,
-    12 /* FF   */,  13 /* CR   */,  14 /* SO   */,  15 /* SI   */,
-    16 /* DLE  */,  17 /* DC1  */,  18 /* DC2  */,  19 /* DC3  */,
-    20 /* DC4  */,  21 /* NAK  */,  22 /* SYN  */,  23 /* ETB  */,
-    24 /* CAN  */,  25 /* EM   */,  26 /* SUB  */,  27 /* ESC  */,
-    28 /* FS   */,  29 /* GS   */,  30 /* RS   */,  31 /* US   */,
-    32 /* SPC  */,  33 /* !    */,  34 /* "    */,  35 /* #    */,
-    36 /* $    */,  37 /* %    */,  38 /* &    */,  39 /* '    */,
-    40 /* (    */,  41 /* )    */,  42 /* *    */,  43 /* +    */,
-    44 /* ,    */,  45 /* -    */,  46 /* .    */,  47 /* /    */,
-    48 /* 0    */,  49 /* 1    */,  50 /* 2    */,  51 /* 3    */,
-    52 /* 4    */,  53 /* 5    */,  54 /* 6    */,  55 /* 7    */,
-    56 /* 8    */,  57 /* 9    */,  58 /* :    */,  59 /* ;    */,
-    60 /* <    */,  61 /* =    */,  62 /* >    */,  63 /* ?    */,
-    64 /* @    */,  97 /* A    */,  98 /* B    */,  99 /* C    */,
-    100 /* D    */, 101 /* E    */, 102 /* F    */, 103 /* G    */,
-    104 /* H    */, 105 /* I    */, 106 /* J    */, 107 /* K    */,
-    108 /* L    */, 109 /* M    */, 110 /* N    */, 111 /* O    */,
-    112 /* P    */, 113 /* Q    */, 114 /* R    */, 115 /* S    */,
-    116 /* T    */, 117 /* U    */, 118 /* V    */, 119 /* W    */,
-    120 /* X    */, 121 /* Y    */, 122 /* Z    */, 91 /* [    */,
-    92 /* \    */,  93 /* ]    */,  94 /* ^    */,  95 /* _    */,
-    96 /* `    */,  97 /* a    */,  98 /* b    */,  99 /* c    */,
-    100 /* d    */, 101 /* e    */, 102 /* f    */, 103 /* g    */,
-    104 /* h    */, 105 /* i    */, 106 /* j    */, 107 /* k    */,
-    108 /* l    */, 109 /* m    */, 110 /* n    */, 111 /* o    */,
-    112 /* p    */, 113 /* q    */, 114 /* r    */, 115 /* s    */,
-    116 /* t    */, 117 /* u    */, 118 /* v    */, 119 /* w    */,
-    120 /* x    */, 121 /* y    */, 122 /* z    */, 123 /* {    */,
-    124 /* |    */, 125 /* }    */, 126 /* ~    */, 127 /* DEL  */,
-    128 /* 0x80 */, 129 /* 0x81 */, 130 /* 0x82 */, 131 /* 0x83 */,
-    132 /* 0x84 */, 133 /* 0x85 */, 134 /* 0x86 */, 135 /* 0x87 */,
-    136 /* 0x88 */, 137 /* 0x89 */, 138 /* 0x8a */, 139 /* 0x8b */,
-    140 /* 0x8c */, 141 /* 0x8d */, 142 /* 0x8e */, 143 /* 0x8f */,
-    144 /* 0x90 */, 145 /* 0x91 */, 146 /* 0x92 */, 147 /* 0x93 */,
-    148 /* 0x94 */, 149 /* 0x95 */, 150 /* 0x96 */, 151 /* 0x97 */,
-    152 /* 0x98 */, 153 /* 0x99 */, 154 /* 0x9a */, 155 /* 0x9b */,
-    156 /* 0x9c */, 157 /* 0x9d */, 158 /* 0x9e */, 159 /* 0x9f */,
-    160 /* 0xa0 */, 161 /* 0xa1 */, 162 /* 0xa2 */, 163 /* 0xa3 */,
-    164 /* 0xa4 */, 165 /* 0xa5 */, 166 /* 0xa6 */, 167 /* 0xa7 */,
-    168 /* 0xa8 */, 169 /* 0xa9 */, 170 /* 0xaa */, 171 /* 0xab */,
-    172 /* 0xac */, 173 /* 0xad */, 174 /* 0xae */, 175 /* 0xaf */,
-    176 /* 0xb0 */, 177 /* 0xb1 */, 178 /* 0xb2 */, 179 /* 0xb3 */,
-    180 /* 0xb4 */, 181 /* 0xb5 */, 182 /* 0xb6 */, 183 /* 0xb7 */,
-    184 /* 0xb8 */, 185 /* 0xb9 */, 186 /* 0xba */, 187 /* 0xbb */,
-    188 /* 0xbc */, 189 /* 0xbd */, 190 /* 0xbe */, 191 /* 0xbf */,
-    192 /* 0xc0 */, 193 /* 0xc1 */, 194 /* 0xc2 */, 195 /* 0xc3 */,
-    196 /* 0xc4 */, 197 /* 0xc5 */, 198 /* 0xc6 */, 199 /* 0xc7 */,
-    200 /* 0xc8 */, 201 /* 0xc9 */, 202 /* 0xca */, 203 /* 0xcb */,
-    204 /* 0xcc */, 205 /* 0xcd */, 206 /* 0xce */, 207 /* 0xcf */,
-    208 /* 0xd0 */, 209 /* 0xd1 */, 210 /* 0xd2 */, 211 /* 0xd3 */,
-    212 /* 0xd4 */, 213 /* 0xd5 */, 214 /* 0xd6 */, 215 /* 0xd7 */,
-    216 /* 0xd8 */, 217 /* 0xd9 */, 218 /* 0xda */, 219 /* 0xdb */,
-    220 /* 0xdc */, 221 /* 0xdd */, 222 /* 0xde */, 223 /* 0xdf */,
-    224 /* 0xe0 */, 225 /* 0xe1 */, 226 /* 0xe2 */, 227 /* 0xe3 */,
-    228 /* 0xe4 */, 229 /* 0xe5 */, 230 /* 0xe6 */, 231 /* 0xe7 */,
-    232 /* 0xe8 */, 233 /* 0xe9 */, 234 /* 0xea */, 235 /* 0xeb */,
-    236 /* 0xec */, 237 /* 0xed */, 238 /* 0xee */, 239 /* 0xef */,
-    240 /* 0xf0 */, 241 /* 0xf1 */, 242 /* 0xf2 */, 243 /* 0xf3 */,
-    244 /* 0xf4 */, 245 /* 0xf5 */, 246 /* 0xf6 */, 247 /* 0xf7 */,
-    248 /* 0xf8 */, 249 /* 0xf9 */, 250 /* 0xfa */, 251 /* 0xfb */,
-    252 /* 0xfc */, 253 /* 0xfd */, 254 /* 0xfe */, 255 /* 0xff */,
+  0 /* NUL  */,   1 /* SOH  */,   2 /* STX  */,   3 /* ETX  */,
+  4 /* EOT  */,   5 /* ENQ  */,   6 /* ACK  */,   7 /* BEL  */,
+  8 /* BS   */,   9 /* HT   */,   10 /* LF   */,  11 /* VT   */,
+  12 /* FF   */,  13 /* CR   */,  14 /* SO   */,  15 /* SI   */,
+  16 /* DLE  */,  17 /* DC1  */,  18 /* DC2  */,  19 /* DC3  */,
+  20 /* DC4  */,  21 /* NAK  */,  22 /* SYN  */,  23 /* ETB  */,
+  24 /* CAN  */,  25 /* EM   */,  26 /* SUB  */,  27 /* ESC  */,
+  28 /* FS   */,  29 /* GS   */,  30 /* RS   */,  31 /* US   */,
+  32 /* SPC  */,  33 /* !    */,  34 /* "    */,  35 /* #    */,
+  36 /* $    */,  37 /* %    */,  38 /* &    */,  39 /* '    */,
+  40 /* (    */,  41 /* )    */,  42 /* *    */,  43 /* +    */,
+  44 /* ,    */,  45 /* -    */,  46 /* .    */,  47 /* /    */,
+  48 /* 0    */,  49 /* 1    */,  50 /* 2    */,  51 /* 3    */,
+  52 /* 4    */,  53 /* 5    */,  54 /* 6    */,  55 /* 7    */,
+  56 /* 8    */,  57 /* 9    */,  58 /* :    */,  59 /* ;    */,
+  60 /* <    */,  61 /* =    */,  62 /* >    */,  63 /* ?    */,
+  64 /* @    */,  97 /* A    */,  98 /* B    */,  99 /* C    */,
+  100 /* D    */, 101 /* E    */, 102 /* F    */, 103 /* G    */,
+  104 /* H    */, 105 /* I    */, 106 /* J    */, 107 /* K    */,
+  108 /* L    */, 109 /* M    */, 110 /* N    */, 111 /* O    */,
+  112 /* P    */, 113 /* Q    */, 114 /* R    */, 115 /* S    */,
+  116 /* T    */, 117 /* U    */, 118 /* V    */, 119 /* W    */,
+  120 /* X    */, 121 /* Y    */, 122 /* Z    */, 91 /* [    */,
+  92 /* \    */,  93 /* ]    */,  94 /* ^    */,  95 /* _    */,
+  96 /* `    */,  97 /* a    */,  98 /* b    */,  99 /* c    */,
+  100 /* d    */, 101 /* e    */, 102 /* f    */, 103 /* g    */,
+  104 /* h    */, 105 /* i    */, 106 /* j    */, 107 /* k    */,
+  108 /* l    */, 109 /* m    */, 110 /* n    */, 111 /* o    */,
+  112 /* p    */, 113 /* q    */, 114 /* r    */, 115 /* s    */,
+  116 /* t    */, 117 /* u    */, 118 /* v    */, 119 /* w    */,
+  120 /* x    */, 121 /* y    */, 122 /* z    */, 123 /* {    */,
+  124 /* |    */, 125 /* }    */, 126 /* ~    */, 127 /* DEL  */,
+  128 /* 0x80 */, 129 /* 0x81 */, 130 /* 0x82 */, 131 /* 0x83 */,
+  132 /* 0x84 */, 133 /* 0x85 */, 134 /* 0x86 */, 135 /* 0x87 */,
+  136 /* 0x88 */, 137 /* 0x89 */, 138 /* 0x8a */, 139 /* 0x8b */,
+  140 /* 0x8c */, 141 /* 0x8d */, 142 /* 0x8e */, 143 /* 0x8f */,
+  144 /* 0x90 */, 145 /* 0x91 */, 146 /* 0x92 */, 147 /* 0x93 */,
+  148 /* 0x94 */, 149 /* 0x95 */, 150 /* 0x96 */, 151 /* 0x97 */,
+  152 /* 0x98 */, 153 /* 0x99 */, 154 /* 0x9a */, 155 /* 0x9b */,
+  156 /* 0x9c */, 157 /* 0x9d */, 158 /* 0x9e */, 159 /* 0x9f */,
+  160 /* 0xa0 */, 161 /* 0xa1 */, 162 /* 0xa2 */, 163 /* 0xa3 */,
+  164 /* 0xa4 */, 165 /* 0xa5 */, 166 /* 0xa6 */, 167 /* 0xa7 */,
+  168 /* 0xa8 */, 169 /* 0xa9 */, 170 /* 0xaa */, 171 /* 0xab */,
+  172 /* 0xac */, 173 /* 0xad */, 174 /* 0xae */, 175 /* 0xaf */,
+  176 /* 0xb0 */, 177 /* 0xb1 */, 178 /* 0xb2 */, 179 /* 0xb3 */,
+  180 /* 0xb4 */, 181 /* 0xb5 */, 182 /* 0xb6 */, 183 /* 0xb7 */,
+  184 /* 0xb8 */, 185 /* 0xb9 */, 186 /* 0xba */, 187 /* 0xbb */,
+  188 /* 0xbc */, 189 /* 0xbd */, 190 /* 0xbe */, 191 /* 0xbf */,
+  192 /* 0xc0 */, 193 /* 0xc1 */, 194 /* 0xc2 */, 195 /* 0xc3 */,
+  196 /* 0xc4 */, 197 /* 0xc5 */, 198 /* 0xc6 */, 199 /* 0xc7 */,
+  200 /* 0xc8 */, 201 /* 0xc9 */, 202 /* 0xca */, 203 /* 0xcb */,
+  204 /* 0xcc */, 205 /* 0xcd */, 206 /* 0xce */, 207 /* 0xcf */,
+  208 /* 0xd0 */, 209 /* 0xd1 */, 210 /* 0xd2 */, 211 /* 0xd3 */,
+  212 /* 0xd4 */, 213 /* 0xd5 */, 214 /* 0xd6 */, 215 /* 0xd7 */,
+  216 /* 0xd8 */, 217 /* 0xd9 */, 218 /* 0xda */, 219 /* 0xdb */,
+  220 /* 0xdc */, 221 /* 0xdd */, 222 /* 0xde */, 223 /* 0xdf */,
+  224 /* 0xe0 */, 225 /* 0xe1 */, 226 /* 0xe2 */, 227 /* 0xe3 */,
+  228 /* 0xe4 */, 229 /* 0xe5 */, 230 /* 0xe6 */, 231 /* 0xe7 */,
+  232 /* 0xe8 */, 233 /* 0xe9 */, 234 /* 0xea */, 235 /* 0xeb */,
+  236 /* 0xec */, 237 /* 0xed */, 238 /* 0xee */, 239 /* 0xef */,
+  240 /* 0xf0 */, 241 /* 0xf1 */, 242 /* 0xf2 */, 243 /* 0xf3 */,
+  244 /* 0xf4 */, 245 /* 0xf5 */, 246 /* 0xf6 */, 247 /* 0xf7 */,
+  248 /* 0xf8 */, 249 /* 0xf9 */, 250 /* 0xfa */, 251 /* 0xfb */,
+  252 /* 0xfc */, 253 /* 0xfd */, 254 /* 0xfe */, 255 /* 0xff */,
 void nghttp2_downcase(uint8_t *s, size_t len) {
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ int nghttp2_adjust_local_window_size(int32_t *local_window_size_ptr,
     int32_t recv_reduction_delta;
     int32_t delta;
     int32_t new_recv_window_size =
-        nghttp2_max_int32(0, *recv_window_size_ptr) - *delta_ptr;
+      nghttp2_max_int32(0, *recv_window_size_ptr) - *delta_ptr;
     if (new_recv_window_size >= 0) {
       *recv_window_size_ptr = new_recv_window_size;
@@ -345,70 +345,70 @@ const char *nghttp2_strerror(int error_code) {
 /* Generated by */
 static const int VALID_HD_NAME_CHARS[] = {
-    0 /* NUL  */, 0 /* SOH  */, 0 /* STX  */, 0 /* ETX  */,
-    0 /* EOT  */, 0 /* ENQ  */, 0 /* ACK  */, 0 /* BEL  */,
-    0 /* BS   */, 0 /* HT   */, 0 /* LF   */, 0 /* VT   */,
-    0 /* FF   */, 0 /* CR   */, 0 /* SO   */, 0 /* SI   */,
-    0 /* DLE  */, 0 /* DC1  */, 0 /* DC2  */, 0 /* DC3  */,
-    0 /* DC4  */, 0 /* NAK  */, 0 /* SYN  */, 0 /* ETB  */,
-    0 /* CAN  */, 0 /* EM   */, 0 /* SUB  */, 0 /* ESC  */,
-    0 /* FS   */, 0 /* GS   */, 0 /* RS   */, 0 /* US   */,
-    0 /* SPC  */, 1 /* !    */, 0 /* "    */, 1 /* #    */,
-    1 /* $    */, 1 /* %    */, 1 /* &    */, 1 /* '    */,
-    0 /* (    */, 0 /* )    */, 1 /* *    */, 1 /* +    */,
-    0 /* ,    */, 1 /* -    */, 1 /* .    */, 0 /* /    */,
-    1 /* 0    */, 1 /* 1    */, 1 /* 2    */, 1 /* 3    */,
-    1 /* 4    */, 1 /* 5    */, 1 /* 6    */, 1 /* 7    */,
-    1 /* 8    */, 1 /* 9    */, 0 /* :    */, 0 /* ;    */,
-    0 /* <    */, 0 /* =    */, 0 /* >    */, 0 /* ?    */,
-    0 /* @    */, 0 /* A    */, 0 /* B    */, 0 /* C    */,
-    0 /* D    */, 0 /* E    */, 0 /* F    */, 0 /* G    */,
-    0 /* H    */, 0 /* I    */, 0 /* J    */, 0 /* K    */,
-    0 /* L    */, 0 /* M    */, 0 /* N    */, 0 /* O    */,
-    0 /* P    */, 0 /* Q    */, 0 /* R    */, 0 /* S    */,
-    0 /* T    */, 0 /* U    */, 0 /* V    */, 0 /* W    */,
-    0 /* X    */, 0 /* Y    */, 0 /* Z    */, 0 /* [    */,
-    0 /* \    */, 0 /* ]    */, 1 /* ^    */, 1 /* _    */,
-    1 /* `    */, 1 /* a    */, 1 /* b    */, 1 /* c    */,
-    1 /* d    */, 1 /* e    */, 1 /* f    */, 1 /* g    */,
-    1 /* h    */, 1 /* i    */, 1 /* j    */, 1 /* k    */,
-    1 /* l    */, 1 /* m    */, 1 /* n    */, 1 /* o    */,
-    1 /* p    */, 1 /* q    */, 1 /* r    */, 1 /* s    */,
-    1 /* t    */, 1 /* u    */, 1 /* v    */, 1 /* w    */,
-    1 /* x    */, 1 /* y    */, 1 /* z    */, 0 /* {    */,
-    1 /* |    */, 0 /* }    */, 1 /* ~    */, 0 /* DEL  */,
-    0 /* 0x80 */, 0 /* 0x81 */, 0 /* 0x82 */, 0 /* 0x83 */,
-    0 /* 0x84 */, 0 /* 0x85 */, 0 /* 0x86 */, 0 /* 0x87 */,
-    0 /* 0x88 */, 0 /* 0x89 */, 0 /* 0x8a */, 0 /* 0x8b */,
-    0 /* 0x8c */, 0 /* 0x8d */, 0 /* 0x8e */, 0 /* 0x8f */,
-    0 /* 0x90 */, 0 /* 0x91 */, 0 /* 0x92 */, 0 /* 0x93 */,
-    0 /* 0x94 */, 0 /* 0x95 */, 0 /* 0x96 */, 0 /* 0x97 */,
-    0 /* 0x98 */, 0 /* 0x99 */, 0 /* 0x9a */, 0 /* 0x9b */,
-    0 /* 0x9c */, 0 /* 0x9d */, 0 /* 0x9e */, 0 /* 0x9f */,
-    0 /* 0xa0 */, 0 /* 0xa1 */, 0 /* 0xa2 */, 0 /* 0xa3 */,
-    0 /* 0xa4 */, 0 /* 0xa5 */, 0 /* 0xa6 */, 0 /* 0xa7 */,
-    0 /* 0xa8 */, 0 /* 0xa9 */, 0 /* 0xaa */, 0 /* 0xab */,
-    0 /* 0xac */, 0 /* 0xad */, 0 /* 0xae */, 0 /* 0xaf */,
-    0 /* 0xb0 */, 0 /* 0xb1 */, 0 /* 0xb2 */, 0 /* 0xb3 */,
-    0 /* 0xb4 */, 0 /* 0xb5 */, 0 /* 0xb6 */, 0 /* 0xb7 */,
-    0 /* 0xb8 */, 0 /* 0xb9 */, 0 /* 0xba */, 0 /* 0xbb */,
-    0 /* 0xbc */, 0 /* 0xbd */, 0 /* 0xbe */, 0 /* 0xbf */,
-    0 /* 0xc0 */, 0 /* 0xc1 */, 0 /* 0xc2 */, 0 /* 0xc3 */,
-    0 /* 0xc4 */, 0 /* 0xc5 */, 0 /* 0xc6 */, 0 /* 0xc7 */,
-    0 /* 0xc8 */, 0 /* 0xc9 */, 0 /* 0xca */, 0 /* 0xcb */,
-    0 /* 0xcc */, 0 /* 0xcd */, 0 /* 0xce */, 0 /* 0xcf */,
-    0 /* 0xd0 */, 0 /* 0xd1 */, 0 /* 0xd2 */, 0 /* 0xd3 */,
-    0 /* 0xd4 */, 0 /* 0xd5 */, 0 /* 0xd6 */, 0 /* 0xd7 */,
-    0 /* 0xd8 */, 0 /* 0xd9 */, 0 /* 0xda */, 0 /* 0xdb */,
-    0 /* 0xdc */, 0 /* 0xdd */, 0 /* 0xde */, 0 /* 0xdf */,
-    0 /* 0xe0 */, 0 /* 0xe1 */, 0 /* 0xe2 */, 0 /* 0xe3 */,
-    0 /* 0xe4 */, 0 /* 0xe5 */, 0 /* 0xe6 */, 0 /* 0xe7 */,
-    0 /* 0xe8 */, 0 /* 0xe9 */, 0 /* 0xea */, 0 /* 0xeb */,
-    0 /* 0xec */, 0 /* 0xed */, 0 /* 0xee */, 0 /* 0xef */,
-    0 /* 0xf0 */, 0 /* 0xf1 */, 0 /* 0xf2 */, 0 /* 0xf3 */,
-    0 /* 0xf4 */, 0 /* 0xf5 */, 0 /* 0xf6 */, 0 /* 0xf7 */,
-    0 /* 0xf8 */, 0 /* 0xf9 */, 0 /* 0xfa */, 0 /* 0xfb */,
-    0 /* 0xfc */, 0 /* 0xfd */, 0 /* 0xfe */, 0 /* 0xff */
+  0 /* NUL  */, 0 /* SOH  */, 0 /* STX  */, 0 /* ETX  */,
+  0 /* EOT  */, 0 /* ENQ  */, 0 /* ACK  */, 0 /* BEL  */,
+  0 /* BS   */, 0 /* HT   */, 0 /* LF   */, 0 /* VT   */,
+  0 /* FF   */, 0 /* CR   */, 0 /* SO   */, 0 /* SI   */,
+  0 /* DLE  */, 0 /* DC1  */, 0 /* DC2  */, 0 /* DC3  */,
+  0 /* DC4  */, 0 /* NAK  */, 0 /* SYN  */, 0 /* ETB  */,
+  0 /* CAN  */, 0 /* EM   */, 0 /* SUB  */, 0 /* ESC  */,
+  0 /* FS   */, 0 /* GS   */, 0 /* RS   */, 0 /* US   */,
+  0 /* SPC  */, 1 /* !    */, 0 /* "    */, 1 /* #    */,
+  1 /* $    */, 1 /* %    */, 1 /* &    */, 1 /* '    */,
+  0 /* (    */, 0 /* )    */, 1 /* *    */, 1 /* +    */,
+  0 /* ,    */, 1 /* -    */, 1 /* .    */, 0 /* /    */,
+  1 /* 0    */, 1 /* 1    */, 1 /* 2    */, 1 /* 3    */,
+  1 /* 4    */, 1 /* 5    */, 1 /* 6    */, 1 /* 7    */,
+  1 /* 8    */, 1 /* 9    */, 0 /* :    */, 0 /* ;    */,
+  0 /* <    */, 0 /* =    */, 0 /* >    */, 0 /* ?    */,
+  0 /* @    */, 0 /* A    */, 0 /* B    */, 0 /* C    */,
+  0 /* D    */, 0 /* E    */, 0 /* F    */, 0 /* G    */,
+  0 /* H    */, 0 /* I    */, 0 /* J    */, 0 /* K    */,
+  0 /* L    */, 0 /* M    */, 0 /* N    */, 0 /* O    */,
+  0 /* P    */, 0 /* Q    */, 0 /* R    */, 0 /* S    */,
+  0 /* T    */, 0 /* U    */, 0 /* V    */, 0 /* W    */,
+  0 /* X    */, 0 /* Y    */, 0 /* Z    */, 0 /* [    */,
+  0 /* \    */, 0 /* ]    */, 1 /* ^    */, 1 /* _    */,
+  1 /* `    */, 1 /* a    */, 1 /* b    */, 1 /* c    */,
+  1 /* d    */, 1 /* e    */, 1 /* f    */, 1 /* g    */,
+  1 /* h    */, 1 /* i    */, 1 /* j    */, 1 /* k    */,
+  1 /* l    */, 1 /* m    */, 1 /* n    */, 1 /* o    */,
+  1 /* p    */, 1 /* q    */, 1 /* r    */, 1 /* s    */,
+  1 /* t    */, 1 /* u    */, 1 /* v    */, 1 /* w    */,
+  1 /* x    */, 1 /* y    */, 1 /* z    */, 0 /* {    */,
+  1 /* |    */, 0 /* }    */, 1 /* ~    */, 0 /* DEL  */,
+  0 /* 0x80 */, 0 /* 0x81 */, 0 /* 0x82 */, 0 /* 0x83 */,
+  0 /* 0x84 */, 0 /* 0x85 */, 0 /* 0x86 */, 0 /* 0x87 */,
+  0 /* 0x88 */, 0 /* 0x89 */, 0 /* 0x8a */, 0 /* 0x8b */,
+  0 /* 0x8c */, 0 /* 0x8d */, 0 /* 0x8e */, 0 /* 0x8f */,
+  0 /* 0x90 */, 0 /* 0x91 */, 0 /* 0x92 */, 0 /* 0x93 */,
+  0 /* 0x94 */, 0 /* 0x95 */, 0 /* 0x96 */, 0 /* 0x97 */,
+  0 /* 0x98 */, 0 /* 0x99 */, 0 /* 0x9a */, 0 /* 0x9b */,
+  0 /* 0x9c */, 0 /* 0x9d */, 0 /* 0x9e */, 0 /* 0x9f */,
+  0 /* 0xa0 */, 0 /* 0xa1 */, 0 /* 0xa2 */, 0 /* 0xa3 */,
+  0 /* 0xa4 */, 0 /* 0xa5 */, 0 /* 0xa6 */, 0 /* 0xa7 */,
+  0 /* 0xa8 */, 0 /* 0xa9 */, 0 /* 0xaa */, 0 /* 0xab */,
+  0 /* 0xac */, 0 /* 0xad */, 0 /* 0xae */, 0 /* 0xaf */,
+  0 /* 0xb0 */, 0 /* 0xb1 */, 0 /* 0xb2 */, 0 /* 0xb3 */,
+  0 /* 0xb4 */, 0 /* 0xb5 */, 0 /* 0xb6 */, 0 /* 0xb7 */,
+  0 /* 0xb8 */, 0 /* 0xb9 */, 0 /* 0xba */, 0 /* 0xbb */,
+  0 /* 0xbc */, 0 /* 0xbd */, 0 /* 0xbe */, 0 /* 0xbf */,
+  0 /* 0xc0 */, 0 /* 0xc1 */, 0 /* 0xc2 */, 0 /* 0xc3 */,
+  0 /* 0xc4 */, 0 /* 0xc5 */, 0 /* 0xc6 */, 0 /* 0xc7 */,
+  0 /* 0xc8 */, 0 /* 0xc9 */, 0 /* 0xca */, 0 /* 0xcb */,
+  0 /* 0xcc */, 0 /* 0xcd */, 0 /* 0xce */, 0 /* 0xcf */,
+  0 /* 0xd0 */, 0 /* 0xd1 */, 0 /* 0xd2 */, 0 /* 0xd3 */,
+  0 /* 0xd4 */, 0 /* 0xd5 */, 0 /* 0xd6 */, 0 /* 0xd7 */,
+  0 /* 0xd8 */, 0 /* 0xd9 */, 0 /* 0xda */, 0 /* 0xdb */,
+  0 /* 0xdc */, 0 /* 0xdd */, 0 /* 0xde */, 0 /* 0xdf */,
+  0 /* 0xe0 */, 0 /* 0xe1 */, 0 /* 0xe2 */, 0 /* 0xe3 */,
+  0 /* 0xe4 */, 0 /* 0xe5 */, 0 /* 0xe6 */, 0 /* 0xe7 */,
+  0 /* 0xe8 */, 0 /* 0xe9 */, 0 /* 0xea */, 0 /* 0xeb */,
+  0 /* 0xec */, 0 /* 0xed */, 0 /* 0xee */, 0 /* 0xef */,
+  0 /* 0xf0 */, 0 /* 0xf1 */, 0 /* 0xf2 */, 0 /* 0xf3 */,
+  0 /* 0xf4 */, 0 /* 0xf5 */, 0 /* 0xf6 */, 0 /* 0xf7 */,
+  0 /* 0xf8 */, 0 /* 0xf9 */, 0 /* 0xfa */, 0 /* 0xfb */,
+  0 /* 0xfc */, 0 /* 0xfd */, 0 /* 0xfe */, 0 /* 0xff */
 int nghttp2_check_header_name(const uint8_t *name, size_t len) {
@@ -433,70 +433,70 @@ int nghttp2_check_header_name(const uint8_t *name, size_t len) {
 /* Generated by */
 static const int VALID_HD_VALUE_CHARS[] = {
-    0 /* NUL  */, 0 /* SOH  */, 0 /* STX  */, 0 /* ETX  */,
-    0 /* EOT  */, 0 /* ENQ  */, 0 /* ACK  */, 0 /* BEL  */,
-    0 /* BS   */, 1 /* HT   */, 0 /* LF   */, 0 /* VT   */,
-    0 /* FF   */, 0 /* CR   */, 0 /* SO   */, 0 /* SI   */,
-    0 /* DLE  */, 0 /* DC1  */, 0 /* DC2  */, 0 /* DC3  */,
-    0 /* DC4  */, 0 /* NAK  */, 0 /* SYN  */, 0 /* ETB  */,
-    0 /* CAN  */, 0 /* EM   */, 0 /* SUB  */, 0 /* ESC  */,
-    0 /* FS   */, 0 /* GS   */, 0 /* RS   */, 0 /* US   */,
-    1 /* SPC  */, 1 /* !    */, 1 /* "    */, 1 /* #    */,
-    1 /* $    */, 1 /* %    */, 1 /* &    */, 1 /* '    */,
-    1 /* (    */, 1 /* )    */, 1 /* *    */, 1 /* +    */,
-    1 /* ,    */, 1 /* -    */, 1 /* .    */, 1 /* /    */,
-    1 /* 0    */, 1 /* 1    */, 1 /* 2    */, 1 /* 3    */,
-    1 /* 4    */, 1 /* 5    */, 1 /* 6    */, 1 /* 7    */,
-    1 /* 8    */, 1 /* 9    */, 1 /* :    */, 1 /* ;    */,
-    1 /* <    */, 1 /* =    */, 1 /* >    */, 1 /* ?    */,
-    1 /* @    */, 1 /* A    */, 1 /* B    */, 1 /* C    */,
-    1 /* D    */, 1 /* E    */, 1 /* F    */, 1 /* G    */,
-    1 /* H    */, 1 /* I    */, 1 /* J    */, 1 /* K    */,
-    1 /* L    */, 1 /* M    */, 1 /* N    */, 1 /* O    */,
-    1 /* P    */, 1 /* Q    */, 1 /* R    */, 1 /* S    */,
-    1 /* T    */, 1 /* U    */, 1 /* V    */, 1 /* W    */,
-    1 /* X    */, 1 /* Y    */, 1 /* Z    */, 1 /* [    */,
-    1 /* \    */, 1 /* ]    */, 1 /* ^    */, 1 /* _    */,
-    1 /* `    */, 1 /* a    */, 1 /* b    */, 1 /* c    */,
-    1 /* d    */, 1 /* e    */, 1 /* f    */, 1 /* g    */,
-    1 /* h    */, 1 /* i    */, 1 /* j    */, 1 /* k    */,
-    1 /* l    */, 1 /* m    */, 1 /* n    */, 1 /* o    */,
-    1 /* p    */, 1 /* q    */, 1 /* r    */, 1 /* s    */,
-    1 /* t    */, 1 /* u    */, 1 /* v    */, 1 /* w    */,
-    1 /* x    */, 1 /* y    */, 1 /* z    */, 1 /* {    */,
-    1 /* |    */, 1 /* }    */, 1 /* ~    */, 0 /* DEL  */,
-    1 /* 0x80 */, 1 /* 0x81 */, 1 /* 0x82 */, 1 /* 0x83 */,
-    1 /* 0x84 */, 1 /* 0x85 */, 1 /* 0x86 */, 1 /* 0x87 */,
-    1 /* 0x88 */, 1 /* 0x89 */, 1 /* 0x8a */, 1 /* 0x8b */,
-    1 /* 0x8c */, 1 /* 0x8d */, 1 /* 0x8e */, 1 /* 0x8f */,
-    1 /* 0x90 */, 1 /* 0x91 */, 1 /* 0x92 */, 1 /* 0x93 */,
-    1 /* 0x94 */, 1 /* 0x95 */, 1 /* 0x96 */, 1 /* 0x97 */,
-    1 /* 0x98 */, 1 /* 0x99 */, 1 /* 0x9a */, 1 /* 0x9b */,
-    1 /* 0x9c */, 1 /* 0x9d */, 1 /* 0x9e */, 1 /* 0x9f */,
-    1 /* 0xa0 */, 1 /* 0xa1 */, 1 /* 0xa2 */, 1 /* 0xa3 */,
-    1 /* 0xa4 */, 1 /* 0xa5 */, 1 /* 0xa6 */, 1 /* 0xa7 */,
-    1 /* 0xa8 */, 1 /* 0xa9 */, 1 /* 0xaa */, 1 /* 0xab */,
-    1 /* 0xac */, 1 /* 0xad */, 1 /* 0xae */, 1 /* 0xaf */,
-    1 /* 0xb0 */, 1 /* 0xb1 */, 1 /* 0xb2 */, 1 /* 0xb3 */,
-    1 /* 0xb4 */, 1 /* 0xb5 */, 1 /* 0xb6 */, 1 /* 0xb7 */,
-    1 /* 0xb8 */, 1 /* 0xb9 */, 1 /* 0xba */, 1 /* 0xbb */,
-    1 /* 0xbc */, 1 /* 0xbd */, 1 /* 0xbe */, 1 /* 0xbf */,
-    1 /* 0xc0 */, 1 /* 0xc1 */, 1 /* 0xc2 */, 1 /* 0xc3 */,
-    1 /* 0xc4 */, 1 /* 0xc5 */, 1 /* 0xc6 */, 1 /* 0xc7 */,
-    1 /* 0xc8 */, 1 /* 0xc9 */, 1 /* 0xca */, 1 /* 0xcb */,
-    1 /* 0xcc */, 1 /* 0xcd */, 1 /* 0xce */, 1 /* 0xcf */,
-    1 /* 0xd0 */, 1 /* 0xd1 */, 1 /* 0xd2 */, 1 /* 0xd3 */,
-    1 /* 0xd4 */, 1 /* 0xd5 */, 1 /* 0xd6 */, 1 /* 0xd7 */,
-    1 /* 0xd8 */, 1 /* 0xd9 */, 1 /* 0xda */, 1 /* 0xdb */,
-    1 /* 0xdc */, 1 /* 0xdd */, 1 /* 0xde */, 1 /* 0xdf */,
-    1 /* 0xe0 */, 1 /* 0xe1 */, 1 /* 0xe2 */, 1 /* 0xe3 */,
-    1 /* 0xe4 */, 1 /* 0xe5 */, 1 /* 0xe6 */, 1 /* 0xe7 */,
-    1 /* 0xe8 */, 1 /* 0xe9 */, 1 /* 0xea */, 1 /* 0xeb */,
-    1 /* 0xec */, 1 /* 0xed */, 1 /* 0xee */, 1 /* 0xef */,
-    1 /* 0xf0 */, 1 /* 0xf1 */, 1 /* 0xf2 */, 1 /* 0xf3 */,
-    1 /* 0xf4 */, 1 /* 0xf5 */, 1 /* 0xf6 */, 1 /* 0xf7 */,
-    1 /* 0xf8 */, 1 /* 0xf9 */, 1 /* 0xfa */, 1 /* 0xfb */,
-    1 /* 0xfc */, 1 /* 0xfd */, 1 /* 0xfe */, 1 /* 0xff */
+  0 /* NUL  */, 0 /* SOH  */, 0 /* STX  */, 0 /* ETX  */,
+  0 /* EOT  */, 0 /* ENQ  */, 0 /* ACK  */, 0 /* BEL  */,
+  0 /* BS   */, 1 /* HT   */, 0 /* LF   */, 0 /* VT   */,
+  0 /* FF   */, 0 /* CR   */, 0 /* SO   */, 0 /* SI   */,
+  0 /* DLE  */, 0 /* DC1  */, 0 /* DC2  */, 0 /* DC3  */,
+  0 /* DC4  */, 0 /* NAK  */, 0 /* SYN  */, 0 /* ETB  */,
+  0 /* CAN  */, 0 /* EM   */, 0 /* SUB  */, 0 /* ESC  */,
+  0 /* FS   */, 0 /* GS   */, 0 /* RS   */, 0 /* US   */,
+  1 /* SPC  */, 1 /* !    */, 1 /* "    */, 1 /* #    */,
+  1 /* $    */, 1 /* %    */, 1 /* &    */, 1 /* '    */,
+  1 /* (    */, 1 /* )    */, 1 /* *    */, 1 /* +    */,
+  1 /* ,    */, 1 /* -    */, 1 /* .    */, 1 /* /    */,
+  1 /* 0    */, 1 /* 1    */, 1 /* 2    */, 1 /* 3    */,
+  1 /* 4    */, 1 /* 5    */, 1 /* 6    */, 1 /* 7    */,
+  1 /* 8    */, 1 /* 9    */, 1 /* :    */, 1 /* ;    */,
+  1 /* <    */, 1 /* =    */, 1 /* >    */, 1 /* ?    */,
+  1 /* @    */, 1 /* A    */, 1 /* B    */, 1 /* C    */,
+  1 /* D    */, 1 /* E    */, 1 /* F    */, 1 /* G    */,
+  1 /* H    */, 1 /* I    */, 1 /* J    */, 1 /* K    */,
+  1 /* L    */, 1 /* M    */, 1 /* N    */, 1 /* O    */,
+  1 /* P    */, 1 /* Q    */, 1 /* R    */, 1 /* S    */,
+  1 /* T    */, 1 /* U    */, 1 /* V    */, 1 /* W    */,
+  1 /* X    */, 1 /* Y    */, 1 /* Z    */, 1 /* [    */,
+  1 /* \    */, 1 /* ]    */, 1 /* ^    */, 1 /* _    */,
+  1 /* `    */, 1 /* a    */, 1 /* b    */, 1 /* c    */,
+  1 /* d    */, 1 /* e    */, 1 /* f    */, 1 /* g    */,
+  1 /* h    */, 1 /* i    */, 1 /* j    */, 1 /* k    */,
+  1 /* l    */, 1 /* m    */, 1 /* n    */, 1 /* o    */,
+  1 /* p    */, 1 /* q    */, 1 /* r    */, 1 /* s    */,
+  1 /* t    */, 1 /* u    */, 1 /* v    */, 1 /* w    */,
+  1 /* x    */, 1 /* y    */, 1 /* z    */, 1 /* {    */,
+  1 /* |    */, 1 /* }    */, 1 /* ~    */, 0 /* DEL  */,
+  1 /* 0x80 */, 1 /* 0x81 */, 1 /* 0x82 */, 1 /* 0x83 */,
+  1 /* 0x84 */, 1 /* 0x85 */, 1 /* 0x86 */, 1 /* 0x87 */,
+  1 /* 0x88 */, 1 /* 0x89 */, 1 /* 0x8a */, 1 /* 0x8b */,
+  1 /* 0x8c */, 1 /* 0x8d */, 1 /* 0x8e */, 1 /* 0x8f */,
+  1 /* 0x90 */, 1 /* 0x91 */, 1 /* 0x92 */, 1 /* 0x93 */,
+  1 /* 0x94 */, 1 /* 0x95 */, 1 /* 0x96 */, 1 /* 0x97 */,
+  1 /* 0x98 */, 1 /* 0x99 */, 1 /* 0x9a */, 1 /* 0x9b */,
+  1 /* 0x9c */, 1 /* 0x9d */, 1 /* 0x9e */, 1 /* 0x9f */,
+  1 /* 0xa0 */, 1 /* 0xa1 */, 1 /* 0xa2 */, 1 /* 0xa3 */,
+  1 /* 0xa4 */, 1 /* 0xa5 */, 1 /* 0xa6 */, 1 /* 0xa7 */,
+  1 /* 0xa8 */, 1 /* 0xa9 */, 1 /* 0xaa */, 1 /* 0xab */,
+  1 /* 0xac */, 1 /* 0xad */, 1 /* 0xae */, 1 /* 0xaf */,
+  1 /* 0xb0 */, 1 /* 0xb1 */, 1 /* 0xb2 */, 1 /* 0xb3 */,
+  1 /* 0xb4 */, 1 /* 0xb5 */, 1 /* 0xb6 */, 1 /* 0xb7 */,
+  1 /* 0xb8 */, 1 /* 0xb9 */, 1 /* 0xba */, 1 /* 0xbb */,
+  1 /* 0xbc */, 1 /* 0xbd */, 1 /* 0xbe */, 1 /* 0xbf */,
+  1 /* 0xc0 */, 1 /* 0xc1 */, 1 /* 0xc2 */, 1 /* 0xc3 */,
+  1 /* 0xc4 */, 1 /* 0xc5 */, 1 /* 0xc6 */, 1 /* 0xc7 */,
+  1 /* 0xc8 */, 1 /* 0xc9 */, 1 /* 0xca */, 1 /* 0xcb */,
+  1 /* 0xcc */, 1 /* 0xcd */, 1 /* 0xce */, 1 /* 0xcf */,
+  1 /* 0xd0 */, 1 /* 0xd1 */, 1 /* 0xd2 */, 1 /* 0xd3 */,
+  1 /* 0xd4 */, 1 /* 0xd5 */, 1 /* 0xd6 */, 1 /* 0xd7 */,
+  1 /* 0xd8 */, 1 /* 0xd9 */, 1 /* 0xda */, 1 /* 0xdb */,
+  1 /* 0xdc */, 1 /* 0xdd */, 1 /* 0xde */, 1 /* 0xdf */,
+  1 /* 0xe0 */, 1 /* 0xe1 */, 1 /* 0xe2 */, 1 /* 0xe3 */,
+  1 /* 0xe4 */, 1 /* 0xe5 */, 1 /* 0xe6 */, 1 /* 0xe7 */,
+  1 /* 0xe8 */, 1 /* 0xe9 */, 1 /* 0xea */, 1 /* 0xeb */,
+  1 /* 0xec */, 1 /* 0xed */, 1 /* 0xee */, 1 /* 0xef */,
+  1 /* 0xf0 */, 1 /* 0xf1 */, 1 /* 0xf2 */, 1 /* 0xf3 */,
+  1 /* 0xf4 */, 1 /* 0xf5 */, 1 /* 0xf6 */, 1 /* 0xf7 */,
+  1 /* 0xf8 */, 1 /* 0xf9 */, 1 /* 0xfa */, 1 /* 0xfb */,
+  1 /* 0xfc */, 1 /* 0xfd */, 1 /* 0xfe */, 1 /* 0xff */
 int nghttp2_check_header_value(const uint8_t *value, size_t len) {
@@ -524,70 +524,70 @@ int nghttp2_check_header_value_rfc9113(const uint8_t *value, size_t len) {
 /* Generated by */
 static char VALID_METHOD_CHARS[] = {
-    0 /* NUL  */, 0 /* SOH  */, 0 /* STX  */, 0 /* ETX  */,
-    0 /* EOT  */, 0 /* ENQ  */, 0 /* ACK  */, 0 /* BEL  */,
-    0 /* BS   */, 0 /* HT   */, 0 /* LF   */, 0 /* VT   */,
-    0 /* FF   */, 0 /* CR   */, 0 /* SO   */, 0 /* SI   */,
-    0 /* DLE  */, 0 /* DC1  */, 0 /* DC2  */, 0 /* DC3  */,
-    0 /* DC4  */, 0 /* NAK  */, 0 /* SYN  */, 0 /* ETB  */,
-    0 /* CAN  */, 0 /* EM   */, 0 /* SUB  */, 0 /* ESC  */,
-    0 /* FS   */, 0 /* GS   */, 0 /* RS   */, 0 /* US   */,
-    0 /* SPC  */, 1 /* !    */, 0 /* "    */, 1 /* #    */,
-    1 /* $    */, 1 /* %    */, 1 /* &    */, 1 /* '    */,
-    0 /* (    */, 0 /* )    */, 1 /* *    */, 1 /* +    */,
-    0 /* ,    */, 1 /* -    */, 1 /* .    */, 0 /* /    */,
-    1 /* 0    */, 1 /* 1    */, 1 /* 2    */, 1 /* 3    */,
-    1 /* 4    */, 1 /* 5    */, 1 /* 6    */, 1 /* 7    */,
-    1 /* 8    */, 1 /* 9    */, 0 /* :    */, 0 /* ;    */,
-    0 /* <    */, 0 /* =    */, 0 /* >    */, 0 /* ?    */,
-    0 /* @    */, 1 /* A    */, 1 /* B    */, 1 /* C    */,
-    1 /* D    */, 1 /* E    */, 1 /* F    */, 1 /* G    */,
-    1 /* H    */, 1 /* I    */, 1 /* J    */, 1 /* K    */,
-    1 /* L    */, 1 /* M    */, 1 /* N    */, 1 /* O    */,
-    1 /* P    */, 1 /* Q    */, 1 /* R    */, 1 /* S    */,
-    1 /* T    */, 1 /* U    */, 1 /* V    */, 1 /* W    */,
-    1 /* X    */, 1 /* Y    */, 1 /* Z    */, 0 /* [    */,
-    0 /* \    */, 0 /* ]    */, 1 /* ^    */, 1 /* _    */,
-    1 /* `    */, 1 /* a    */, 1 /* b    */, 1 /* c    */,
-    1 /* d    */, 1 /* e    */, 1 /* f    */, 1 /* g    */,
-    1 /* h    */, 1 /* i    */, 1 /* j    */, 1 /* k    */,
-    1 /* l    */, 1 /* m    */, 1 /* n    */, 1 /* o    */,
-    1 /* p    */, 1 /* q    */, 1 /* r    */, 1 /* s    */,
-    1 /* t    */, 1 /* u    */, 1 /* v    */, 1 /* w    */,
-    1 /* x    */, 1 /* y    */, 1 /* z    */, 0 /* {    */,
-    1 /* |    */, 0 /* }    */, 1 /* ~    */, 0 /* DEL  */,
-    0 /* 0x80 */, 0 /* 0x81 */, 0 /* 0x82 */, 0 /* 0x83 */,
-    0 /* 0x84 */, 0 /* 0x85 */, 0 /* 0x86 */, 0 /* 0x87 */,
-    0 /* 0x88 */, 0 /* 0x89 */, 0 /* 0x8a */, 0 /* 0x8b */,
-    0 /* 0x8c */, 0 /* 0x8d */, 0 /* 0x8e */, 0 /* 0x8f */,
-    0 /* 0x90 */, 0 /* 0x91 */, 0 /* 0x92 */, 0 /* 0x93 */,
-    0 /* 0x94 */, 0 /* 0x95 */, 0 /* 0x96 */, 0 /* 0x97 */,
-    0 /* 0x98 */, 0 /* 0x99 */, 0 /* 0x9a */, 0 /* 0x9b */,
-    0 /* 0x9c */, 0 /* 0x9d */, 0 /* 0x9e */, 0 /* 0x9f */,
-    0 /* 0xa0 */, 0 /* 0xa1 */, 0 /* 0xa2 */, 0 /* 0xa3 */,
-    0 /* 0xa4 */, 0 /* 0xa5 */, 0 /* 0xa6 */, 0 /* 0xa7 */,
-    0 /* 0xa8 */, 0 /* 0xa9 */, 0 /* 0xaa */, 0 /* 0xab */,
-    0 /* 0xac */, 0 /* 0xad */, 0 /* 0xae */, 0 /* 0xaf */,
-    0 /* 0xb0 */, 0 /* 0xb1 */, 0 /* 0xb2 */, 0 /* 0xb3 */,
-    0 /* 0xb4 */, 0 /* 0xb5 */, 0 /* 0xb6 */, 0 /* 0xb7 */,
-    0 /* 0xb8 */, 0 /* 0xb9 */, 0 /* 0xba */, 0 /* 0xbb */,
-    0 /* 0xbc */, 0 /* 0xbd */, 0 /* 0xbe */, 0 /* 0xbf */,
-    0 /* 0xc0 */, 0 /* 0xc1 */, 0 /* 0xc2 */, 0 /* 0xc3 */,
-    0 /* 0xc4 */, 0 /* 0xc5 */, 0 /* 0xc6 */, 0 /* 0xc7 */,
-    0 /* 0xc8 */, 0 /* 0xc9 */, 0 /* 0xca */, 0 /* 0xcb */,
-    0 /* 0xcc */, 0 /* 0xcd */, 0 /* 0xce */, 0 /* 0xcf */,
-    0 /* 0xd0 */, 0 /* 0xd1 */, 0 /* 0xd2 */, 0 /* 0xd3 */,
-    0 /* 0xd4 */, 0 /* 0xd5 */, 0 /* 0xd6 */, 0 /* 0xd7 */,
-    0 /* 0xd8 */, 0 /* 0xd9 */, 0 /* 0xda */, 0 /* 0xdb */,
-    0 /* 0xdc */, 0 /* 0xdd */, 0 /* 0xde */, 0 /* 0xdf */,
-    0 /* 0xe0 */, 0 /* 0xe1 */, 0 /* 0xe2 */, 0 /* 0xe3 */,
-    0 /* 0xe4 */, 0 /* 0xe5 */, 0 /* 0xe6 */, 0 /* 0xe7 */,
-    0 /* 0xe8 */, 0 /* 0xe9 */, 0 /* 0xea */, 0 /* 0xeb */,
-    0 /* 0xec */, 0 /* 0xed */, 0 /* 0xee */, 0 /* 0xef */,
-    0 /* 0xf0 */, 0 /* 0xf1 */, 0 /* 0xf2 */, 0 /* 0xf3 */,
-    0 /* 0xf4 */, 0 /* 0xf5 */, 0 /* 0xf6 */, 0 /* 0xf7 */,
-    0 /* 0xf8 */, 0 /* 0xf9 */, 0 /* 0xfa */, 0 /* 0xfb */,
-    0 /* 0xfc */, 0 /* 0xfd */, 0 /* 0xfe */, 0 /* 0xff */
+  0 /* NUL  */, 0 /* SOH  */, 0 /* STX  */, 0 /* ETX  */,
+  0 /* EOT  */, 0 /* ENQ  */, 0 /* ACK  */, 0 /* BEL  */,
+  0 /* BS   */, 0 /* HT   */, 0 /* LF   */, 0 /* VT   */,
+  0 /* FF   */, 0 /* CR   */, 0 /* SO   */, 0 /* SI   */,
+  0 /* DLE  */, 0 /* DC1  */, 0 /* DC2  */, 0 /* DC3  */,
+  0 /* DC4  */, 0 /* NAK  */, 0 /* SYN  */, 0 /* ETB  */,
+  0 /* CAN  */, 0 /* EM   */, 0 /* SUB  */, 0 /* ESC  */,
+  0 /* FS   */, 0 /* GS   */, 0 /* RS   */, 0 /* US   */,
+  0 /* SPC  */, 1 /* !    */, 0 /* "    */, 1 /* #    */,
+  1 /* $    */, 1 /* %    */, 1 /* &    */, 1 /* '    */,
+  0 /* (    */, 0 /* )    */, 1 /* *    */, 1 /* +    */,
+  0 /* ,    */, 1 /* -    */, 1 /* .    */, 0 /* /    */,
+  1 /* 0    */, 1 /* 1    */, 1 /* 2    */, 1 /* 3    */,
+  1 /* 4    */, 1 /* 5    */, 1 /* 6    */, 1 /* 7    */,
+  1 /* 8    */, 1 /* 9    */, 0 /* :    */, 0 /* ;    */,
+  0 /* <    */, 0 /* =    */, 0 /* >    */, 0 /* ?    */,
+  0 /* @    */, 1 /* A    */, 1 /* B    */, 1 /* C    */,
+  1 /* D    */, 1 /* E    */, 1 /* F    */, 1 /* G    */,
+  1 /* H    */, 1 /* I    */, 1 /* J    */, 1 /* K    */,
+  1 /* L    */, 1 /* M    */, 1 /* N    */, 1 /* O    */,
+  1 /* P    */, 1 /* Q    */, 1 /* R    */, 1 /* S    */,
+  1 /* T    */, 1 /* U    */, 1 /* V    */, 1 /* W    */,
+  1 /* X    */, 1 /* Y    */, 1 /* Z    */, 0 /* [    */,
+  0 /* \    */, 0 /* ]    */, 1 /* ^    */, 1 /* _    */,
+  1 /* `    */, 1 /* a    */, 1 /* b    */, 1 /* c    */,
+  1 /* d    */, 1 /* e    */, 1 /* f    */, 1 /* g    */,
+  1 /* h    */, 1 /* i    */, 1 /* j    */, 1 /* k    */,
+  1 /* l    */, 1 /* m    */, 1 /* n    */, 1 /* o    */,
+  1 /* p    */, 1 /* q    */, 1 /* r    */, 1 /* s    */,
+  1 /* t    */, 1 /* u    */, 1 /* v    */, 1 /* w    */,
+  1 /* x    */, 1 /* y    */, 1 /* z    */, 0 /* {    */,
+  1 /* |    */, 0 /* }    */, 1 /* ~    */, 0 /* DEL  */,
+  0 /* 0x80 */, 0 /* 0x81 */, 0 /* 0x82 */, 0 /* 0x83 */,
+  0 /* 0x84 */, 0 /* 0x85 */, 0 /* 0x86 */, 0 /* 0x87 */,
+  0 /* 0x88 */, 0 /* 0x89 */, 0 /* 0x8a */, 0 /* 0x8b */,
+  0 /* 0x8c */, 0 /* 0x8d */, 0 /* 0x8e */, 0 /* 0x8f */,
+  0 /* 0x90 */, 0 /* 0x91 */, 0 /* 0x92 */, 0 /* 0x93 */,
+  0 /* 0x94 */, 0 /* 0x95 */, 0 /* 0x96 */, 0 /* 0x97 */,
+  0 /* 0x98 */, 0 /* 0x99 */, 0 /* 0x9a */, 0 /* 0x9b */,
+  0 /* 0x9c */, 0 /* 0x9d */, 0 /* 0x9e */, 0 /* 0x9f */,
+  0 /* 0xa0 */, 0 /* 0xa1 */, 0 /* 0xa2 */, 0 /* 0xa3 */,
+  0 /* 0xa4 */, 0 /* 0xa5 */, 0 /* 0xa6 */, 0 /* 0xa7 */,
+  0 /* 0xa8 */, 0 /* 0xa9 */, 0 /* 0xaa */, 0 /* 0xab */,
+  0 /* 0xac */, 0 /* 0xad */, 0 /* 0xae */, 0 /* 0xaf */,
+  0 /* 0xb0 */, 0 /* 0xb1 */, 0 /* 0xb2 */, 0 /* 0xb3 */,
+  0 /* 0xb4 */, 0 /* 0xb5 */, 0 /* 0xb6 */, 0 /* 0xb7 */,
+  0 /* 0xb8 */, 0 /* 0xb9 */, 0 /* 0xba */, 0 /* 0xbb */,
+  0 /* 0xbc */, 0 /* 0xbd */, 0 /* 0xbe */, 0 /* 0xbf */,
+  0 /* 0xc0 */, 0 /* 0xc1 */, 0 /* 0xc2 */, 0 /* 0xc3 */,
+  0 /* 0xc4 */, 0 /* 0xc5 */, 0 /* 0xc6 */, 0 /* 0xc7 */,
+  0 /* 0xc8 */, 0 /* 0xc9 */, 0 /* 0xca */, 0 /* 0xcb */,
+  0 /* 0xcc */, 0 /* 0xcd */, 0 /* 0xce */, 0 /* 0xcf */,
+  0 /* 0xd0 */, 0 /* 0xd1 */, 0 /* 0xd2 */, 0 /* 0xd3 */,
+  0 /* 0xd4 */, 0 /* 0xd5 */, 0 /* 0xd6 */, 0 /* 0xd7 */,
+  0 /* 0xd8 */, 0 /* 0xd9 */, 0 /* 0xda */, 0 /* 0xdb */,
+  0 /* 0xdc */, 0 /* 0xdd */, 0 /* 0xde */, 0 /* 0xdf */,
+  0 /* 0xe0 */, 0 /* 0xe1 */, 0 /* 0xe2 */, 0 /* 0xe3 */,
+  0 /* 0xe4 */, 0 /* 0xe5 */, 0 /* 0xe6 */, 0 /* 0xe7 */,
+  0 /* 0xe8 */, 0 /* 0xe9 */, 0 /* 0xea */, 0 /* 0xeb */,
+  0 /* 0xec */, 0 /* 0xed */, 0 /* 0xee */, 0 /* 0xef */,
+  0 /* 0xf0 */, 0 /* 0xf1 */, 0 /* 0xf2 */, 0 /* 0xf3 */,
+  0 /* 0xf4 */, 0 /* 0xf5 */, 0 /* 0xf6 */, 0 /* 0xf7 */,
+  0 /* 0xf8 */, 0 /* 0xf9 */, 0 /* 0xfa */, 0 /* 0xfb */,
+  0 /* 0xfc */, 0 /* 0xfd */, 0 /* 0xfe */, 0 /* 0xff */
 int nghttp2_check_method(const uint8_t *value, size_t len) {
@@ -605,70 +605,70 @@ int nghttp2_check_method(const uint8_t *value, size_t len) {
 /* Generated by */
 static char VALID_PATH_CHARS[] = {
-    0 /* NUL  */, 0 /* SOH  */, 0 /* STX  */, 0 /* ETX  */,
-    0 /* EOT  */, 0 /* ENQ  */, 0 /* ACK  */, 0 /* BEL  */,
-    0 /* BS   */, 0 /* HT   */, 0 /* LF   */, 0 /* VT   */,
-    0 /* FF   */, 0 /* CR   */, 0 /* SO   */, 0 /* SI   */,
-    0 /* DLE  */, 0 /* DC1  */, 0 /* DC2  */, 0 /* DC3  */,
-    0 /* DC4  */, 0 /* NAK  */, 0 /* SYN  */, 0 /* ETB  */,
-    0 /* CAN  */, 0 /* EM   */, 0 /* SUB  */, 0 /* ESC  */,
-    0 /* FS   */, 0 /* GS   */, 0 /* RS   */, 0 /* US   */,
-    0 /* SPC  */, 1 /* !    */, 1 /* "    */, 1 /* #    */,
-    1 /* $    */, 1 /* %    */, 1 /* &    */, 1 /* '    */,
-    1 /* (    */, 1 /* )    */, 1 /* *    */, 1 /* +    */,
-    1 /* ,    */, 1 /* -    */, 1 /* .    */, 1 /* /    */,
-    1 /* 0    */, 1 /* 1    */, 1 /* 2    */, 1 /* 3    */,
-    1 /* 4    */, 1 /* 5    */, 1 /* 6    */, 1 /* 7    */,
-    1 /* 8    */, 1 /* 9    */, 1 /* :    */, 1 /* ;    */,
-    1 /* <    */, 1 /* =    */, 1 /* >    */, 1 /* ?    */,
-    1 /* @    */, 1 /* A    */, 1 /* B    */, 1 /* C    */,
-    1 /* D    */, 1 /* E    */, 1 /* F    */, 1 /* G    */,
-    1 /* H    */, 1 /* I    */, 1 /* J    */, 1 /* K    */,
-    1 /* L    */, 1 /* M    */, 1 /* N    */, 1 /* O    */,
-    1 /* P    */, 1 /* Q    */, 1 /* R    */, 1 /* S    */,
-    1 /* T    */, 1 /* U    */, 1 /* V    */, 1 /* W    */,
-    1 /* X    */, 1 /* Y    */, 1 /* Z    */, 1 /* [    */,
-    1 /* \    */, 1 /* ]    */, 1 /* ^    */, 1 /* _    */,
-    1 /* `    */, 1 /* a    */, 1 /* b    */, 1 /* c    */,
-    1 /* d    */, 1 /* e    */, 1 /* f    */, 1 /* g    */,
-    1 /* h    */, 1 /* i    */, 1 /* j    */, 1 /* k    */,
-    1 /* l    */, 1 /* m    */, 1 /* n    */, 1 /* o    */,
-    1 /* p    */, 1 /* q    */, 1 /* r    */, 1 /* s    */,
-    1 /* t    */, 1 /* u    */, 1 /* v    */, 1 /* w    */,
-    1 /* x    */, 1 /* y    */, 1 /* z    */, 1 /* {    */,
-    1 /* |    */, 1 /* }    */, 1 /* ~    */, 0 /* DEL  */,
-    1 /* 0x80 */, 1 /* 0x81 */, 1 /* 0x82 */, 1 /* 0x83 */,
-    1 /* 0x84 */, 1 /* 0x85 */, 1 /* 0x86 */, 1 /* 0x87 */,
-    1 /* 0x88 */, 1 /* 0x89 */, 1 /* 0x8a */, 1 /* 0x8b */,
-    1 /* 0x8c */, 1 /* 0x8d */, 1 /* 0x8e */, 1 /* 0x8f */,
-    1 /* 0x90 */, 1 /* 0x91 */, 1 /* 0x92 */, 1 /* 0x93 */,
-    1 /* 0x94 */, 1 /* 0x95 */, 1 /* 0x96 */, 1 /* 0x97 */,
-    1 /* 0x98 */, 1 /* 0x99 */, 1 /* 0x9a */, 1 /* 0x9b */,
-    1 /* 0x9c */, 1 /* 0x9d */, 1 /* 0x9e */, 1 /* 0x9f */,
-    1 /* 0xa0 */, 1 /* 0xa1 */, 1 /* 0xa2 */, 1 /* 0xa3 */,
-    1 /* 0xa4 */, 1 /* 0xa5 */, 1 /* 0xa6 */, 1 /* 0xa7 */,
-    1 /* 0xa8 */, 1 /* 0xa9 */, 1 /* 0xaa */, 1 /* 0xab */,
-    1 /* 0xac */, 1 /* 0xad */, 1 /* 0xae */, 1 /* 0xaf */,
-    1 /* 0xb0 */, 1 /* 0xb1 */, 1 /* 0xb2 */, 1 /* 0xb3 */,
-    1 /* 0xb4 */, 1 /* 0xb5 */, 1 /* 0xb6 */, 1 /* 0xb7 */,
-    1 /* 0xb8 */, 1 /* 0xb9 */, 1 /* 0xba */, 1 /* 0xbb */,
-    1 /* 0xbc */, 1 /* 0xbd */, 1 /* 0xbe */, 1 /* 0xbf */,
-    1 /* 0xc0 */, 1 /* 0xc1 */, 1 /* 0xc2 */, 1 /* 0xc3 */,
-    1 /* 0xc4 */, 1 /* 0xc5 */, 1 /* 0xc6 */, 1 /* 0xc7 */,
-    1 /* 0xc8 */, 1 /* 0xc9 */, 1 /* 0xca */, 1 /* 0xcb */,
-    1 /* 0xcc */, 1 /* 0xcd */, 1 /* 0xce */, 1 /* 0xcf */,
-    1 /* 0xd0 */, 1 /* 0xd1 */, 1 /* 0xd2 */, 1 /* 0xd3 */,
-    1 /* 0xd4 */, 1 /* 0xd5 */, 1 /* 0xd6 */, 1 /* 0xd7 */,
-    1 /* 0xd8 */, 1 /* 0xd9 */, 1 /* 0xda */, 1 /* 0xdb */,
-    1 /* 0xdc */, 1 /* 0xdd */, 1 /* 0xde */, 1 /* 0xdf */,
-    1 /* 0xe0 */, 1 /* 0xe1 */, 1 /* 0xe2 */, 1 /* 0xe3 */,
-    1 /* 0xe4 */, 1 /* 0xe5 */, 1 /* 0xe6 */, 1 /* 0xe7 */,
-    1 /* 0xe8 */, 1 /* 0xe9 */, 1 /* 0xea */, 1 /* 0xeb */,
-    1 /* 0xec */, 1 /* 0xed */, 1 /* 0xee */, 1 /* 0xef */,
-    1 /* 0xf0 */, 1 /* 0xf1 */, 1 /* 0xf2 */, 1 /* 0xf3 */,
-    1 /* 0xf4 */, 1 /* 0xf5 */, 1 /* 0xf6 */, 1 /* 0xf7 */,
-    1 /* 0xf8 */, 1 /* 0xf9 */, 1 /* 0xfa */, 1 /* 0xfb */,
-    1 /* 0xfc */, 1 /* 0xfd */, 1 /* 0xfe */, 1 /* 0xff */
+  0 /* NUL  */, 0 /* SOH  */, 0 /* STX  */, 0 /* ETX  */,
+  0 /* EOT  */, 0 /* ENQ  */, 0 /* ACK  */, 0 /* BEL  */,
+  0 /* BS   */, 0 /* HT   */, 0 /* LF   */, 0 /* VT   */,
+  0 /* FF   */, 0 /* CR   */, 0 /* SO   */, 0 /* SI   */,
+  0 /* DLE  */, 0 /* DC1  */, 0 /* DC2  */, 0 /* DC3  */,
+  0 /* DC4  */, 0 /* NAK  */, 0 /* SYN  */, 0 /* ETB  */,
+  0 /* CAN  */, 0 /* EM   */, 0 /* SUB  */, 0 /* ESC  */,
+  0 /* FS   */, 0 /* GS   */, 0 /* RS   */, 0 /* US   */,
+  0 /* SPC  */, 1 /* !    */, 1 /* "    */, 1 /* #    */,
+  1 /* $    */, 1 /* %    */, 1 /* &    */, 1 /* '    */,
+  1 /* (    */, 1 /* )    */, 1 /* *    */, 1 /* +    */,
+  1 /* ,    */, 1 /* -    */, 1 /* .    */, 1 /* /    */,
+  1 /* 0    */, 1 /* 1    */, 1 /* 2    */, 1 /* 3    */,
+  1 /* 4    */, 1 /* 5    */, 1 /* 6    */, 1 /* 7    */,
+  1 /* 8    */, 1 /* 9    */, 1 /* :    */, 1 /* ;    */,
+  1 /* <    */, 1 /* =    */, 1 /* >    */, 1 /* ?    */,
+  1 /* @    */, 1 /* A    */, 1 /* B    */, 1 /* C    */,
+  1 /* D    */, 1 /* E    */, 1 /* F    */, 1 /* G    */,
+  1 /* H    */, 1 /* I    */, 1 /* J    */, 1 /* K    */,
+  1 /* L    */, 1 /* M    */, 1 /* N    */, 1 /* O    */,
+  1 /* P    */, 1 /* Q    */, 1 /* R    */, 1 /* S    */,
+  1 /* T    */, 1 /* U    */, 1 /* V    */, 1 /* W    */,
+  1 /* X    */, 1 /* Y    */, 1 /* Z    */, 1 /* [    */,
+  1 /* \    */, 1 /* ]    */, 1 /* ^    */, 1 /* _    */,
+  1 /* `    */, 1 /* a    */, 1 /* b    */, 1 /* c    */,
+  1 /* d    */, 1 /* e    */, 1 /* f    */, 1 /* g    */,
+  1 /* h    */, 1 /* i    */, 1 /* j    */, 1 /* k    */,
+  1 /* l    */, 1 /* m    */, 1 /* n    */, 1 /* o    */,
+  1 /* p    */, 1 /* q    */, 1 /* r    */, 1 /* s    */,
+  1 /* t    */, 1 /* u    */, 1 /* v    */, 1 /* w    */,
+  1 /* x    */, 1 /* y    */, 1 /* z    */, 1 /* {    */,
+  1 /* |    */, 1 /* }    */, 1 /* ~    */, 0 /* DEL  */,
+  1 /* 0x80 */, 1 /* 0x81 */, 1 /* 0x82 */, 1 /* 0x83 */,
+  1 /* 0x84 */, 1 /* 0x85 */, 1 /* 0x86 */, 1 /* 0x87 */,
+  1 /* 0x88 */, 1 /* 0x89 */, 1 /* 0x8a */, 1 /* 0x8b */,
+  1 /* 0x8c */, 1 /* 0x8d */, 1 /* 0x8e */, 1 /* 0x8f */,
+  1 /* 0x90 */, 1 /* 0x91 */, 1 /* 0x92 */, 1 /* 0x93 */,
+  1 /* 0x94 */, 1 /* 0x95 */, 1 /* 0x96 */, 1 /* 0x97 */,
+  1 /* 0x98 */, 1 /* 0x99 */, 1 /* 0x9a */, 1 /* 0x9b */,
+  1 /* 0x9c */, 1 /* 0x9d */, 1 /* 0x9e */, 1 /* 0x9f */,
+  1 /* 0xa0 */, 1 /* 0xa1 */, 1 /* 0xa2 */, 1 /* 0xa3 */,
+  1 /* 0xa4 */, 1 /* 0xa5 */, 1 /* 0xa6 */, 1 /* 0xa7 */,
+  1 /* 0xa8 */, 1 /* 0xa9 */, 1 /* 0xaa */, 1 /* 0xab */,
+  1 /* 0xac */, 1 /* 0xad */, 1 /* 0xae */, 1 /* 0xaf */,
+  1 /* 0xb0 */, 1 /* 0xb1 */, 1 /* 0xb2 */, 1 /* 0xb3 */,
+  1 /* 0xb4 */, 1 /* 0xb5 */, 1 /* 0xb6 */, 1 /* 0xb7 */,
+  1 /* 0xb8 */, 1 /* 0xb9 */, 1 /* 0xba */, 1 /* 0xbb */,
+  1 /* 0xbc */, 1 /* 0xbd */, 1 /* 0xbe */, 1 /* 0xbf */,
+  1 /* 0xc0 */, 1 /* 0xc1 */, 1 /* 0xc2 */, 1 /* 0xc3 */,
+  1 /* 0xc4 */, 1 /* 0xc5 */, 1 /* 0xc6 */, 1 /* 0xc7 */,
+  1 /* 0xc8 */, 1 /* 0xc9 */, 1 /* 0xca */, 1 /* 0xcb */,
+  1 /* 0xcc */, 1 /* 0xcd */, 1 /* 0xce */, 1 /* 0xcf */,
+  1 /* 0xd0 */, 1 /* 0xd1 */, 1 /* 0xd2 */, 1 /* 0xd3 */,
+  1 /* 0xd4 */, 1 /* 0xd5 */, 1 /* 0xd6 */, 1 /* 0xd7 */,
+  1 /* 0xd8 */, 1 /* 0xd9 */, 1 /* 0xda */, 1 /* 0xdb */,
+  1 /* 0xdc */, 1 /* 0xdd */, 1 /* 0xde */, 1 /* 0xdf */,
+  1 /* 0xe0 */, 1 /* 0xe1 */, 1 /* 0xe2 */, 1 /* 0xe3 */,
+  1 /* 0xe4 */, 1 /* 0xe5 */, 1 /* 0xe6 */, 1 /* 0xe7 */,
+  1 /* 0xe8 */, 1 /* 0xe9 */, 1 /* 0xea */, 1 /* 0xeb */,
+  1 /* 0xec */, 1 /* 0xed */, 1 /* 0xee */, 1 /* 0xef */,
+  1 /* 0xf0 */, 1 /* 0xf1 */, 1 /* 0xf2 */, 1 /* 0xf3 */,
+  1 /* 0xf4 */, 1 /* 0xf5 */, 1 /* 0xf6 */, 1 /* 0xf7 */,
+  1 /* 0xf8 */, 1 /* 0xf9 */, 1 /* 0xfa */, 1 /* 0xfb */,
+  1 /* 0xfc */, 1 /* 0xfd */, 1 /* 0xfe */, 1 /* 0xff */
 int nghttp2_check_path(const uint8_t *value, size_t len) {
@@ -683,70 +683,70 @@ int nghttp2_check_path(const uint8_t *value, size_t len) {
 /* Generated by */
 static char VALID_AUTHORITY_CHARS[] = {
-    0 /* NUL  */, 0 /* SOH  */, 0 /* STX  */, 0 /* ETX  */,
-    0 /* EOT  */, 0 /* ENQ  */, 0 /* ACK  */, 0 /* BEL  */,
-    0 /* BS   */, 0 /* HT   */, 0 /* LF   */, 0 /* VT   */,
-    0 /* FF   */, 0 /* CR   */, 0 /* SO   */, 0 /* SI   */,
-    0 /* DLE  */, 0 /* DC1  */, 0 /* DC2  */, 0 /* DC3  */,
-    0 /* DC4  */, 0 /* NAK  */, 0 /* SYN  */, 0 /* ETB  */,
-    0 /* CAN  */, 0 /* EM   */, 0 /* SUB  */, 0 /* ESC  */,
-    0 /* FS   */, 0 /* GS   */, 0 /* RS   */, 0 /* US   */,
-    0 /* SPC  */, 1 /* !    */, 0 /* "    */, 0 /* #    */,
-    1 /* $    */, 1 /* %    */, 1 /* &    */, 1 /* '    */,
-    1 /* (    */, 1 /* )    */, 1 /* *    */, 1 /* +    */,
-    1 /* ,    */, 1 /* -    */, 1 /* .    */, 0 /* /    */,
-    1 /* 0    */, 1 /* 1    */, 1 /* 2    */, 1 /* 3    */,
-    1 /* 4    */, 1 /* 5    */, 1 /* 6    */, 1 /* 7    */,
-    1 /* 8    */, 1 /* 9    */, 1 /* :    */, 1 /* ;    */,
-    0 /* <    */, 1 /* =    */, 0 /* >    */, 0 /* ?    */,
-    1 /* @    */, 1 /* A    */, 1 /* B    */, 1 /* C    */,
-    1 /* D    */, 1 /* E    */, 1 /* F    */, 1 /* G    */,
-    1 /* H    */, 1 /* I    */, 1 /* J    */, 1 /* K    */,
-    1 /* L    */, 1 /* M    */, 1 /* N    */, 1 /* O    */,
-    1 /* P    */, 1 /* Q    */, 1 /* R    */, 1 /* S    */,
-    1 /* T    */, 1 /* U    */, 1 /* V    */, 1 /* W    */,
-    1 /* X    */, 1 /* Y    */, 1 /* Z    */, 1 /* [    */,
-    0 /* \    */, 1 /* ]    */, 0 /* ^    */, 1 /* _    */,
-    0 /* `    */, 1 /* a    */, 1 /* b    */, 1 /* c    */,
-    1 /* d    */, 1 /* e    */, 1 /* f    */, 1 /* g    */,
-    1 /* h    */, 1 /* i    */, 1 /* j    */, 1 /* k    */,
-    1 /* l    */, 1 /* m    */, 1 /* n    */, 1 /* o    */,
-    1 /* p    */, 1 /* q    */, 1 /* r    */, 1 /* s    */,
-    1 /* t    */, 1 /* u    */, 1 /* v    */, 1 /* w    */,
-    1 /* x    */, 1 /* y    */, 1 /* z    */, 0 /* {    */,
-    0 /* |    */, 0 /* }    */, 1 /* ~    */, 0 /* DEL  */,
-    0 /* 0x80 */, 0 /* 0x81 */, 0 /* 0x82 */, 0 /* 0x83 */,
-    0 /* 0x84 */, 0 /* 0x85 */, 0 /* 0x86 */, 0 /* 0x87 */,
-    0 /* 0x88 */, 0 /* 0x89 */, 0 /* 0x8a */, 0 /* 0x8b */,
-    0 /* 0x8c */, 0 /* 0x8d */, 0 /* 0x8e */, 0 /* 0x8f */,
-    0 /* 0x90 */, 0 /* 0x91 */, 0 /* 0x92 */, 0 /* 0x93 */,
-    0 /* 0x94 */, 0 /* 0x95 */, 0 /* 0x96 */, 0 /* 0x97 */,
-    0 /* 0x98 */, 0 /* 0x99 */, 0 /* 0x9a */, 0 /* 0x9b */,
-    0 /* 0x9c */, 0 /* 0x9d */, 0 /* 0x9e */, 0 /* 0x9f */,
-    0 /* 0xa0 */, 0 /* 0xa1 */, 0 /* 0xa2 */, 0 /* 0xa3 */,
-    0 /* 0xa4 */, 0 /* 0xa5 */, 0 /* 0xa6 */, 0 /* 0xa7 */,
-    0 /* 0xa8 */, 0 /* 0xa9 */, 0 /* 0xaa */, 0 /* 0xab */,
-    0 /* 0xac */, 0 /* 0xad */, 0 /* 0xae */, 0 /* 0xaf */,
-    0 /* 0xb0 */, 0 /* 0xb1 */, 0 /* 0xb2 */, 0 /* 0xb3 */,
-    0 /* 0xb4 */, 0 /* 0xb5 */, 0 /* 0xb6 */, 0 /* 0xb7 */,
-    0 /* 0xb8 */, 0 /* 0xb9 */, 0 /* 0xba */, 0 /* 0xbb */,
-    0 /* 0xbc */, 0 /* 0xbd */, 0 /* 0xbe */, 0 /* 0xbf */,
-    0 /* 0xc0 */, 0 /* 0xc1 */, 0 /* 0xc2 */, 0 /* 0xc3 */,
-    0 /* 0xc4 */, 0 /* 0xc5 */, 0 /* 0xc6 */, 0 /* 0xc7 */,
-    0 /* 0xc8 */, 0 /* 0xc9 */, 0 /* 0xca */, 0 /* 0xcb */,
-    0 /* 0xcc */, 0 /* 0xcd */, 0 /* 0xce */, 0 /* 0xcf */,
-    0 /* 0xd0 */, 0 /* 0xd1 */, 0 /* 0xd2 */, 0 /* 0xd3 */,
-    0 /* 0xd4 */, 0 /* 0xd5 */, 0 /* 0xd6 */, 0 /* 0xd7 */,
-    0 /* 0xd8 */, 0 /* 0xd9 */, 0 /* 0xda */, 0 /* 0xdb */,
-    0 /* 0xdc */, 0 /* 0xdd */, 0 /* 0xde */, 0 /* 0xdf */,
-    0 /* 0xe0 */, 0 /* 0xe1 */, 0 /* 0xe2 */, 0 /* 0xe3 */,
-    0 /* 0xe4 */, 0 /* 0xe5 */, 0 /* 0xe6 */, 0 /* 0xe7 */,
-    0 /* 0xe8 */, 0 /* 0xe9 */, 0 /* 0xea */, 0 /* 0xeb */,
-    0 /* 0xec */, 0 /* 0xed */, 0 /* 0xee */, 0 /* 0xef */,
-    0 /* 0xf0 */, 0 /* 0xf1 */, 0 /* 0xf2 */, 0 /* 0xf3 */,
-    0 /* 0xf4 */, 0 /* 0xf5 */, 0 /* 0xf6 */, 0 /* 0xf7 */,
-    0 /* 0xf8 */, 0 /* 0xf9 */, 0 /* 0xfa */, 0 /* 0xfb */,
-    0 /* 0xfc */, 0 /* 0xfd */, 0 /* 0xfe */, 0 /* 0xff */
+  0 /* NUL  */, 0 /* SOH  */, 0 /* STX  */, 0 /* ETX  */,
+  0 /* EOT  */, 0 /* ENQ  */, 0 /* ACK  */, 0 /* BEL  */,
+  0 /* BS   */, 0 /* HT   */, 0 /* LF   */, 0 /* VT   */,
+  0 /* FF   */, 0 /* CR   */, 0 /* SO   */, 0 /* SI   */,
+  0 /* DLE  */, 0 /* DC1  */, 0 /* DC2  */, 0 /* DC3  */,
+  0 /* DC4  */, 0 /* NAK  */, 0 /* SYN  */, 0 /* ETB  */,
+  0 /* CAN  */, 0 /* EM   */, 0 /* SUB  */, 0 /* ESC  */,
+  0 /* FS   */, 0 /* GS   */, 0 /* RS   */, 0 /* US   */,
+  0 /* SPC  */, 1 /* !    */, 0 /* "    */, 0 /* #    */,
+  1 /* $    */, 1 /* %    */, 1 /* &    */, 1 /* '    */,
+  1 /* (    */, 1 /* )    */, 1 /* *    */, 1 /* +    */,
+  1 /* ,    */, 1 /* -    */, 1 /* .    */, 0 /* /    */,
+  1 /* 0    */, 1 /* 1    */, 1 /* 2    */, 1 /* 3    */,
+  1 /* 4    */, 1 /* 5    */, 1 /* 6    */, 1 /* 7    */,
+  1 /* 8    */, 1 /* 9    */, 1 /* :    */, 1 /* ;    */,
+  0 /* <    */, 1 /* =    */, 0 /* >    */, 0 /* ?    */,
+  1 /* @    */, 1 /* A    */, 1 /* B    */, 1 /* C    */,
+  1 /* D    */, 1 /* E    */, 1 /* F    */, 1 /* G    */,
+  1 /* H    */, 1 /* I    */, 1 /* J    */, 1 /* K    */,
+  1 /* L    */, 1 /* M    */, 1 /* N    */, 1 /* O    */,
+  1 /* P    */, 1 /* Q    */, 1 /* R    */, 1 /* S    */,
+  1 /* T    */, 1 /* U    */, 1 /* V    */, 1 /* W    */,
+  1 /* X    */, 1 /* Y    */, 1 /* Z    */, 1 /* [    */,
+  0 /* \    */, 1 /* ]    */, 0 /* ^    */, 1 /* _    */,
+  0 /* `    */, 1 /* a    */, 1 /* b    */, 1 /* c    */,
+  1 /* d    */, 1 /* e    */, 1 /* f    */, 1 /* g    */,
+  1 /* h    */, 1 /* i    */, 1 /* j    */, 1 /* k    */,
+  1 /* l    */, 1 /* m    */, 1 /* n    */, 1 /* o    */,
+  1 /* p    */, 1 /* q    */, 1 /* r    */, 1 /* s    */,
+  1 /* t    */, 1 /* u    */, 1 /* v    */, 1 /* w    */,
+  1 /* x    */, 1 /* y    */, 1 /* z    */, 0 /* {    */,
+  0 /* |    */, 0 /* }    */, 1 /* ~    */, 0 /* DEL  */,
+  0 /* 0x80 */, 0 /* 0x81 */, 0 /* 0x82 */, 0 /* 0x83 */,
+  0 /* 0x84 */, 0 /* 0x85 */, 0 /* 0x86 */, 0 /* 0x87 */,
+  0 /* 0x88 */, 0 /* 0x89 */, 0 /* 0x8a */, 0 /* 0x8b */,
+  0 /* 0x8c */, 0 /* 0x8d */, 0 /* 0x8e */, 0 /* 0x8f */,
+  0 /* 0x90 */, 0 /* 0x91 */, 0 /* 0x92 */, 0 /* 0x93 */,
+  0 /* 0x94 */, 0 /* 0x95 */, 0 /* 0x96 */, 0 /* 0x97 */,
+  0 /* 0x98 */, 0 /* 0x99 */, 0 /* 0x9a */, 0 /* 0x9b */,
+  0 /* 0x9c */, 0 /* 0x9d */, 0 /* 0x9e */, 0 /* 0x9f */,
+  0 /* 0xa0 */, 0 /* 0xa1 */, 0 /* 0xa2 */, 0 /* 0xa3 */,
+  0 /* 0xa4 */, 0 /* 0xa5 */, 0 /* 0xa6 */, 0 /* 0xa7 */,
+  0 /* 0xa8 */, 0 /* 0xa9 */, 0 /* 0xaa */, 0 /* 0xab */,
+  0 /* 0xac */, 0 /* 0xad */, 0 /* 0xae */, 0 /* 0xaf */,
+  0 /* 0xb0 */, 0 /* 0xb1 */, 0 /* 0xb2 */, 0 /* 0xb3 */,
+  0 /* 0xb4 */, 0 /* 0xb5 */, 0 /* 0xb6 */, 0 /* 0xb7 */,
+  0 /* 0xb8 */, 0 /* 0xb9 */, 0 /* 0xba */, 0 /* 0xbb */,
+  0 /* 0xbc */, 0 /* 0xbd */, 0 /* 0xbe */, 0 /* 0xbf */,
+  0 /* 0xc0 */, 0 /* 0xc1 */, 0 /* 0xc2 */, 0 /* 0xc3 */,
+  0 /* 0xc4 */, 0 /* 0xc5 */, 0 /* 0xc6 */, 0 /* 0xc7 */,
+  0 /* 0xc8 */, 0 /* 0xc9 */, 0 /* 0xca */, 0 /* 0xcb */,
+  0 /* 0xcc */, 0 /* 0xcd */, 0 /* 0xce */, 0 /* 0xcf */,
+  0 /* 0xd0 */, 0 /* 0xd1 */, 0 /* 0xd2 */, 0 /* 0xd3 */,
+  0 /* 0xd4 */, 0 /* 0xd5 */, 0 /* 0xd6 */, 0 /* 0xd7 */,
+  0 /* 0xd8 */, 0 /* 0xd9 */, 0 /* 0xda */, 0 /* 0xdb */,
+  0 /* 0xdc */, 0 /* 0xdd */, 0 /* 0xde */, 0 /* 0xdf */,
+  0 /* 0xe0 */, 0 /* 0xe1 */, 0 /* 0xe2 */, 0 /* 0xe3 */,
+  0 /* 0xe4 */, 0 /* 0xe5 */, 0 /* 0xe6 */, 0 /* 0xe7 */,
+  0 /* 0xe8 */, 0 /* 0xe9 */, 0 /* 0xea */, 0 /* 0xeb */,
+  0 /* 0xec */, 0 /* 0xed */, 0 /* 0xee */, 0 /* 0xef */,
+  0 /* 0xf0 */, 0 /* 0xf1 */, 0 /* 0xf2 */, 0 /* 0xf3 */,
+  0 /* 0xf4 */, 0 /* 0xf5 */, 0 /* 0xf6 */, 0 /* 0xf7 */,
+  0 /* 0xf8 */, 0 /* 0xf9 */, 0 /* 0xfa */, 0 /* 0xfb */,
+  0 /* 0xfc */, 0 /* 0xfd */, 0 /* 0xfe */, 0 /* 0xff */
 int nghttp2_check_authority(const uint8_t *value, size_t len) {
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_helper.h b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_helper.h
index 89b0d4f535db79..f5de6290dab0e1 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_helper.h
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_helper.h
@@ -38,28 +38,28 @@
 #define nghttp2_max_def(SUFFIX, T)                                             \
   static inline T nghttp2_max_##SUFFIX(T a, T b) { return a < b ? b : a; }
-nghttp2_max_def(int8, int8_t);
-nghttp2_max_def(int16, int16_t);
-nghttp2_max_def(int32, int32_t);
-nghttp2_max_def(int64, int64_t);
-nghttp2_max_def(uint8, uint8_t);
-nghttp2_max_def(uint16, uint16_t);
-nghttp2_max_def(uint32, uint32_t);
-nghttp2_max_def(uint64, uint64_t);
-nghttp2_max_def(size, size_t);
+nghttp2_max_def(int8, int8_t)
+nghttp2_max_def(int16, int16_t)
+nghttp2_max_def(int32, int32_t)
+nghttp2_max_def(int64, int64_t)
+nghttp2_max_def(uint8, uint8_t)
+nghttp2_max_def(uint16, uint16_t)
+nghttp2_max_def(uint32, uint32_t)
+nghttp2_max_def(uint64, uint64_t)
+nghttp2_max_def(size, size_t)
 #define nghttp2_min_def(SUFFIX, T)                                             \
   static inline T nghttp2_min_##SUFFIX(T a, T b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
-nghttp2_min_def(int8, int8_t);
-nghttp2_min_def(int16, int16_t);
-nghttp2_min_def(int32, int32_t);
-nghttp2_min_def(int64, int64_t);
-nghttp2_min_def(uint8, uint8_t);
-nghttp2_min_def(uint16, uint16_t);
-nghttp2_min_def(uint32, uint32_t);
-nghttp2_min_def(uint64, uint64_t);
-nghttp2_min_def(size, size_t);
+nghttp2_min_def(int8, int8_t)
+nghttp2_min_def(int16, int16_t)
+nghttp2_min_def(int32, int32_t)
+nghttp2_min_def(int64, int64_t)
+nghttp2_min_def(uint8, uint8_t)
+nghttp2_min_def(uint16, uint16_t)
+nghttp2_min_def(uint32, uint32_t)
+nghttp2_min_def(uint64, uint64_t)
+nghttp2_min_def(size, size_t)
 #define lstreq(A, B, N) ((sizeof((A)) - 1) == (N) && memcmp((A), (B), (N)) == 0)
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_http.c b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_http.c
index ecdeb21ddb694c..f222fe5e3fbe3c 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_http.c
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_http.c
@@ -347,6 +347,84 @@ static int lws(const uint8_t *s, size_t n) {
   return 1;
+/* Generated by, but '@' is not allowed */
+static char VALID_AUTHORITY_CHARS[] = {
+  0 /* NUL  */, 0 /* SOH  */, 0 /* STX  */, 0 /* ETX  */,
+  0 /* EOT  */, 0 /* ENQ  */, 0 /* ACK  */, 0 /* BEL  */,
+  0 /* BS   */, 0 /* HT   */, 0 /* LF   */, 0 /* VT   */,
+  0 /* FF   */, 0 /* CR   */, 0 /* SO   */, 0 /* SI   */,
+  0 /* DLE  */, 0 /* DC1  */, 0 /* DC2  */, 0 /* DC3  */,
+  0 /* DC4  */, 0 /* NAK  */, 0 /* SYN  */, 0 /* ETB  */,
+  0 /* CAN  */, 0 /* EM   */, 0 /* SUB  */, 0 /* ESC  */,
+  0 /* FS   */, 0 /* GS   */, 0 /* RS   */, 0 /* US   */,
+  0 /* SPC  */, 1 /* !    */, 0 /* "    */, 0 /* #    */,
+  1 /* $    */, 1 /* %    */, 1 /* &    */, 1 /* '    */,
+  1 /* (    */, 1 /* )    */, 1 /* *    */, 1 /* +    */,
+  1 /* ,    */, 1 /* -    */, 1 /* .    */, 0 /* /    */,
+  1 /* 0    */, 1 /* 1    */, 1 /* 2    */, 1 /* 3    */,
+  1 /* 4    */, 1 /* 5    */, 1 /* 6    */, 1 /* 7    */,
+  1 /* 8    */, 1 /* 9    */, 1 /* :    */, 1 /* ;    */,
+  0 /* <    */, 1 /* =    */, 0 /* >    */, 0 /* ?    */,
+  0 /* @    */, 1 /* A    */, 1 /* B    */, 1 /* C    */,
+  1 /* D    */, 1 /* E    */, 1 /* F    */, 1 /* G    */,
+  1 /* H    */, 1 /* I    */, 1 /* J    */, 1 /* K    */,
+  1 /* L    */, 1 /* M    */, 1 /* N    */, 1 /* O    */,
+  1 /* P    */, 1 /* Q    */, 1 /* R    */, 1 /* S    */,
+  1 /* T    */, 1 /* U    */, 1 /* V    */, 1 /* W    */,
+  1 /* X    */, 1 /* Y    */, 1 /* Z    */, 1 /* [    */,
+  0 /* \    */, 1 /* ]    */, 0 /* ^    */, 1 /* _    */,
+  0 /* `    */, 1 /* a    */, 1 /* b    */, 1 /* c    */,
+  1 /* d    */, 1 /* e    */, 1 /* f    */, 1 /* g    */,
+  1 /* h    */, 1 /* i    */, 1 /* j    */, 1 /* k    */,
+  1 /* l    */, 1 /* m    */, 1 /* n    */, 1 /* o    */,
+  1 /* p    */, 1 /* q    */, 1 /* r    */, 1 /* s    */,
+  1 /* t    */, 1 /* u    */, 1 /* v    */, 1 /* w    */,
+  1 /* x    */, 1 /* y    */, 1 /* z    */, 0 /* {    */,
+  0 /* |    */, 0 /* }    */, 1 /* ~    */, 0 /* DEL  */,
+  0 /* 0x80 */, 0 /* 0x81 */, 0 /* 0x82 */, 0 /* 0x83 */,
+  0 /* 0x84 */, 0 /* 0x85 */, 0 /* 0x86 */, 0 /* 0x87 */,
+  0 /* 0x88 */, 0 /* 0x89 */, 0 /* 0x8a */, 0 /* 0x8b */,
+  0 /* 0x8c */, 0 /* 0x8d */, 0 /* 0x8e */, 0 /* 0x8f */,
+  0 /* 0x90 */, 0 /* 0x91 */, 0 /* 0x92 */, 0 /* 0x93 */,
+  0 /* 0x94 */, 0 /* 0x95 */, 0 /* 0x96 */, 0 /* 0x97 */,
+  0 /* 0x98 */, 0 /* 0x99 */, 0 /* 0x9a */, 0 /* 0x9b */,
+  0 /* 0x9c */, 0 /* 0x9d */, 0 /* 0x9e */, 0 /* 0x9f */,
+  0 /* 0xa0 */, 0 /* 0xa1 */, 0 /* 0xa2 */, 0 /* 0xa3 */,
+  0 /* 0xa4 */, 0 /* 0xa5 */, 0 /* 0xa6 */, 0 /* 0xa7 */,
+  0 /* 0xa8 */, 0 /* 0xa9 */, 0 /* 0xaa */, 0 /* 0xab */,
+  0 /* 0xac */, 0 /* 0xad */, 0 /* 0xae */, 0 /* 0xaf */,
+  0 /* 0xb0 */, 0 /* 0xb1 */, 0 /* 0xb2 */, 0 /* 0xb3 */,
+  0 /* 0xb4 */, 0 /* 0xb5 */, 0 /* 0xb6 */, 0 /* 0xb7 */,
+  0 /* 0xb8 */, 0 /* 0xb9 */, 0 /* 0xba */, 0 /* 0xbb */,
+  0 /* 0xbc */, 0 /* 0xbd */, 0 /* 0xbe */, 0 /* 0xbf */,
+  0 /* 0xc0 */, 0 /* 0xc1 */, 0 /* 0xc2 */, 0 /* 0xc3 */,
+  0 /* 0xc4 */, 0 /* 0xc5 */, 0 /* 0xc6 */, 0 /* 0xc7 */,
+  0 /* 0xc8 */, 0 /* 0xc9 */, 0 /* 0xca */, 0 /* 0xcb */,
+  0 /* 0xcc */, 0 /* 0xcd */, 0 /* 0xce */, 0 /* 0xcf */,
+  0 /* 0xd0 */, 0 /* 0xd1 */, 0 /* 0xd2 */, 0 /* 0xd3 */,
+  0 /* 0xd4 */, 0 /* 0xd5 */, 0 /* 0xd6 */, 0 /* 0xd7 */,
+  0 /* 0xd8 */, 0 /* 0xd9 */, 0 /* 0xda */, 0 /* 0xdb */,
+  0 /* 0xdc */, 0 /* 0xdd */, 0 /* 0xde */, 0 /* 0xdf */,
+  0 /* 0xe0 */, 0 /* 0xe1 */, 0 /* 0xe2 */, 0 /* 0xe3 */,
+  0 /* 0xe4 */, 0 /* 0xe5 */, 0 /* 0xe6 */, 0 /* 0xe7 */,
+  0 /* 0xe8 */, 0 /* 0xe9 */, 0 /* 0xea */, 0 /* 0xeb */,
+  0 /* 0xec */, 0 /* 0xed */, 0 /* 0xee */, 0 /* 0xef */,
+  0 /* 0xf0 */, 0 /* 0xf1 */, 0 /* 0xf2 */, 0 /* 0xf3 */,
+  0 /* 0xf4 */, 0 /* 0xf5 */, 0 /* 0xf6 */, 0 /* 0xf7 */,
+  0 /* 0xf8 */, 0 /* 0xf9 */, 0 /* 0xfa */, 0 /* 0xfb */,
+  0 /* 0xfc */, 0 /* 0xfd */, 0 /* 0xfe */, 0 /* 0xff */
+static int check_authority(const uint8_t *value, size_t len) {
+  const uint8_t *last;
+  for (last = value + len; value != last; ++value) {
+    if (!VALID_AUTHORITY_CHARS[*value]) {
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  return 1;
 int nghttp2_http_on_header(nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_stream *stream,
                            nghttp2_frame *frame, nghttp2_hd_nv *nv,
                            int trailer) {
@@ -388,10 +466,10 @@ int nghttp2_http_on_header(nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_stream *stream,
     if (session->server || frame->hd.type == NGHTTP2_PUSH_PROMISE) {
-      rv = nghttp2_check_authority(nv->value->base, nv->value->len);
+      rv = check_authority(nv->value->base, nv->value->len);
     } else if (
-        stream->flags &
+      stream->flags &
       rv = nghttp2_check_header_value(nv->value->base, nv->value->len);
     } else {
       rv = nghttp2_check_header_value_rfc9113(nv->value->base, nv->value->len);
@@ -435,7 +513,7 @@ int nghttp2_http_on_header(nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_stream *stream,
   if (session->server || frame->hd.type == NGHTTP2_PUSH_PROMISE) {
     return http_request_on_header(stream, nv, trailer,
                                   session->server &&
-                                      session->pending_enable_connect_protocol);
+                                    session->pending_enable_connect_protocol);
   return http_response_on_header(stream, nv, trailer);
@@ -453,7 +531,7 @@ int nghttp2_http_on_request_headers(nghttp2_stream *stream,
     stream->content_length = -1;
   } else {
     if ((stream->http_flags & NGHTTP2_HTTP_FLAG_REQ_HEADERS) !=
         (stream->http_flags &
       return -1;
@@ -493,7 +571,7 @@ int nghttp2_http_on_response_headers(nghttp2_stream *stream) {
   stream->http_flags =
-      stream->http_flags & (uint32_t)~NGHTTP2_HTTP_FLAG_EXPECT_FINAL_RESPONSE;
+    stream->http_flags & (uint32_t)~NGHTTP2_HTTP_FLAG_EXPECT_FINAL_RESPONSE;
   if (!expect_response_body(stream)) {
     stream->content_length = 0;
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_map.c b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_map.c
index 0aaaf29155cd02..ee6bb1967ec6da 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_map.c
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_map.c
@@ -35,8 +35,7 @@
 void nghttp2_map_init(nghttp2_map *map, nghttp2_mem *mem) {
   map->mem = mem;
-  map->tablelen = 0;
-  map->tablelenbits = 0;
+  map->hashbits = 0;
   map->table = NULL;
   map->size = 0;
@@ -49,33 +48,20 @@ void nghttp2_map_free(nghttp2_map *map) {
   nghttp2_mem_free(map->mem, map->table);
-void nghttp2_map_each_free(nghttp2_map *map, int (*func)(void *data, void *ptr),
-                           void *ptr) {
-  uint32_t i;
-  nghttp2_map_bucket *bkt;
-  for (i = 0; i < map->tablelen; ++i) {
-    bkt = &map->table[i];
-    if (bkt->data == NULL) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    func(bkt->data, ptr);
-  }
-int nghttp2_map_each(nghttp2_map *map, int (*func)(void *data, void *ptr),
+int nghttp2_map_each(const nghttp2_map *map, int (*func)(void *data, void *ptr),
                      void *ptr) {
   int rv;
-  uint32_t i;
+  size_t i;
   nghttp2_map_bucket *bkt;
+  size_t tablelen;
   if (map->size == 0) {
     return 0;
-  for (i = 0; i < map->tablelen; ++i) {
+  tablelen = 1u << map->hashbits;
+  for (i = 0; i < tablelen; ++i) {
     bkt = &map->table[i];
     if (bkt->data == NULL) {
@@ -91,82 +77,61 @@ int nghttp2_map_each(nghttp2_map *map, int (*func)(void *data, void *ptr),
   return 0;
-static uint32_t hash(nghttp2_map_key_type key) {
-  return (uint32_t)key * 2654435769u;
-static size_t h2idx(uint32_t hash, uint32_t bits) {
-  return hash >> (32 - bits);
-static size_t distance(uint32_t tablelen, uint32_t tablelenbits,
-                       nghttp2_map_bucket *bkt, size_t idx) {
-  return (idx - h2idx(bkt->hash, tablelenbits)) & (tablelen - 1);
+static size_t hash(nghttp2_map_key_type key, size_t bits) {
+  return (size_t)(((uint32_t)key * 2654435769u) >> (32 - bits));
-static void map_bucket_swap(nghttp2_map_bucket *bkt, uint32_t *phash,
-                            nghttp2_map_key_type *pkey, void **pdata) {
-  uint32_t h = bkt->hash;
-  nghttp2_map_key_type key = bkt->key;
-  void *data = bkt->data;
-  bkt->hash = *phash;
-  bkt->key = *pkey;
-  bkt->data = *pdata;
+static void map_bucket_swap(nghttp2_map_bucket *a, nghttp2_map_bucket *b) {
+  nghttp2_map_bucket c = *a;
-  *phash = h;
-  *pkey = key;
-  *pdata = data;
-static void map_bucket_set_data(nghttp2_map_bucket *bkt, uint32_t hash,
-                                nghttp2_map_key_type key, void *data) {
-  bkt->hash = hash;
-  bkt->key = key;
-  bkt->data = data;
+  *a = *b;
+  *b = c;
 #ifndef WIN32
-void nghttp2_map_print_distance(nghttp2_map *map) {
-  uint32_t i;
+void nghttp2_map_print_distance(const nghttp2_map *map) {
+  size_t i;
   size_t idx;
   nghttp2_map_bucket *bkt;
+  size_t tablelen;
-  for (i = 0; i < map->tablelen; ++i) {
+  if (map->size == 0) {
+    return;
+  }
+  tablelen = 1u << map->hashbits;
+  for (i = 0; i < tablelen; ++i) {
     bkt = &map->table[i];
     if (bkt->data == NULL) {
-      fprintf(stderr, "@%u <EMPTY>\n", i);
+      fprintf(stderr, "@%zu <EMPTY>\n", i);
-    idx = h2idx(bkt->hash, map->tablelenbits);
-    fprintf(stderr, "@%u hash=%08x key=%d base=%zu distance=%zu\n", i,
-            bkt->hash, bkt->key, idx,
-            distance(map->tablelen, map->tablelenbits, bkt, idx));
+    idx = hash(bkt->key, map->hashbits);
+    fprintf(stderr, "@%zu hash=%zu key=%d base=%zu distance=%u\n", i,
+            hash(bkt->key, map->hashbits), bkt->key, idx, bkt->psl);
 #endif /* !WIN32 */
-static int insert(nghttp2_map_bucket *table, uint32_t tablelen,
-                  uint32_t tablelenbits, uint32_t hash,
+static int insert(nghttp2_map_bucket *table, size_t hashbits,
                   nghttp2_map_key_type key, void *data) {
-  size_t idx = h2idx(hash, tablelenbits);
-  size_t d = 0, dd;
-  nghttp2_map_bucket *bkt;
+  size_t idx = hash(key, hashbits);
+  nghttp2_map_bucket b = {0, key, data}, *bkt;
+  size_t mask = (1u << hashbits) - 1;
   for (;;) {
     bkt = &table[idx];
     if (bkt->data == NULL) {
-      map_bucket_set_data(bkt, hash, key, data);
+      *bkt = b;
       return 0;
-    dd = distance(tablelen, tablelenbits, bkt, idx);
-    if (d > dd) {
-      map_bucket_swap(bkt, &hash, &key, &data);
-      d = dd;
+    if (b.psl > bkt->psl) {
+      map_bucket_swap(bkt, &b);
     } else if (bkt->key == key) {
       /* TODO This check is just a waste after first swap or if this
          function is called from map_resize.  That said, there is no
@@ -175,41 +140,42 @@ static int insert(nghttp2_map_bucket *table, uint32_t tablelen,
-    ++d;
-    idx = (idx + 1) & (tablelen - 1);
+    ++b.psl;
+    idx = (idx + 1) & mask;
-/* new_tablelen must be power of 2 and new_tablelen == (1 <<
-   new_tablelenbits) must hold. */
-static int map_resize(nghttp2_map *map, uint32_t new_tablelen,
-                      uint32_t new_tablelenbits) {
-  uint32_t i;
+static int map_resize(nghttp2_map *map, size_t new_hashbits) {
+  size_t i;
   nghttp2_map_bucket *new_table;
   nghttp2_map_bucket *bkt;
+  size_t tablelen;
   int rv;
-  new_table =
-      nghttp2_mem_calloc(map->mem, new_tablelen, sizeof(nghttp2_map_bucket));
+  new_table = nghttp2_mem_calloc(map->mem, 1u << new_hashbits,
+                                 sizeof(nghttp2_map_bucket));
   if (new_table == NULL) {
     return NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM;
-  for (i = 0; i < map->tablelen; ++i) {
-    bkt = &map->table[i];
-    if (bkt->data == NULL) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    rv = insert(new_table, new_tablelen, new_tablelenbits, bkt->hash, bkt->key,
-                bkt->data);
+  if (map->size) {
+    tablelen = 1u << map->hashbits;
-    assert(0 == rv);
+    for (i = 0; i < tablelen; ++i) {
+      bkt = &map->table[i];
+      if (bkt->data == NULL) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      rv = insert(new_table, new_hashbits, bkt->key, bkt->data);
+      assert(0 == rv);
+    }
   nghttp2_mem_free(map->mem, map->table);
-  map->tablelen = new_tablelen;
-  map->tablelenbits = new_tablelenbits;
+  map->hashbits = new_hashbits;
   map->table = new_table;
   return 0;
@@ -221,48 +187,49 @@ int nghttp2_map_insert(nghttp2_map *map, nghttp2_map_key_type key, void *data) {
   /* Load factor is 0.75 */
-  if ((map->size + 1) * 4 > map->tablelen * 3) {
-    if (map->tablelen) {
-      rv = map_resize(map, map->tablelen * 2, map->tablelenbits + 1);
+  /* Under the very initial condition, that is map->size == 0 and
+     map->hashbits == 0, 4 > 3 still holds nicely. */
+  if ((map->size + 1) * 4 > (1u << map->hashbits) * 3) {
+    if (map->hashbits) {
+      rv = map_resize(map, map->hashbits + 1);
       if (rv != 0) {
         return rv;
     } else {
-      rv = map_resize(map, 1 << NGHTTP2_INITIAL_TABLE_LENBITS,
-                      NGHTTP2_INITIAL_TABLE_LENBITS);
+      rv = map_resize(map, NGHTTP2_INITIAL_TABLE_LENBITS);
       if (rv != 0) {
         return rv;
-  rv = insert(map->table, map->tablelen, map->tablelenbits, hash(key), key,
-              data);
+  rv = insert(map->table, map->hashbits, key, data);
   if (rv != 0) {
     return rv;
   return 0;
-void *nghttp2_map_find(nghttp2_map *map, nghttp2_map_key_type key) {
-  uint32_t h;
+void *nghttp2_map_find(const nghttp2_map *map, nghttp2_map_key_type key) {
   size_t idx;
   nghttp2_map_bucket *bkt;
-  size_t d = 0;
+  size_t psl = 0;
+  size_t mask;
   if (map->size == 0) {
     return NULL;
-  h = hash(key);
-  idx = h2idx(h, map->tablelenbits);
+  idx = hash(key, map->hashbits);
+  mask = (1u << map->hashbits) - 1;
   for (;;) {
     bkt = &map->table[idx];
-    if (bkt->data == NULL ||
-        d > distance(map->tablelen, map->tablelenbits, bkt, idx)) {
+    if (bkt->data == NULL || psl > bkt->psl) {
       return NULL;
@@ -270,50 +237,47 @@ void *nghttp2_map_find(nghttp2_map *map, nghttp2_map_key_type key) {
       return bkt->data;
-    ++d;
-    idx = (idx + 1) & (map->tablelen - 1);
+    ++psl;
+    idx = (idx + 1) & mask;
 int nghttp2_map_remove(nghttp2_map *map, nghttp2_map_key_type key) {
-  uint32_t h;
-  size_t idx, didx;
-  nghttp2_map_bucket *bkt;
-  size_t d = 0;
+  size_t idx;
+  nghttp2_map_bucket *b, *bkt;
+  size_t psl = 0;
+  size_t mask;
   if (map->size == 0) {
-  h = hash(key);
-  idx = h2idx(h, map->tablelenbits);
+  idx = hash(key, map->hashbits);
+  mask = (1u << map->hashbits) - 1;
   for (;;) {
     bkt = &map->table[idx];
-    if (bkt->data == NULL ||
-        d > distance(map->tablelen, map->tablelenbits, bkt, idx)) {
+    if (bkt->data == NULL || psl > bkt->psl) {
     if (bkt->key == key) {
-      map_bucket_set_data(bkt, 0, 0, NULL);
-      didx = idx;
-      idx = (idx + 1) & (map->tablelen - 1);
+      b = bkt;
+      idx = (idx + 1) & mask;
       for (;;) {
         bkt = &map->table[idx];
-        if (bkt->data == NULL ||
-            distance(map->tablelen, map->tablelenbits, bkt, idx) == 0) {
+        if (bkt->data == NULL || bkt->psl == 0) {
+          b->data = NULL;
-        map->table[didx] = *bkt;
-        map_bucket_set_data(bkt, 0, 0, NULL);
-        didx = idx;
+        --bkt->psl;
+        *b = *bkt;
+        b = bkt;
-        idx = (idx + 1) & (map->tablelen - 1);
+        idx = (idx + 1) & mask;
@@ -321,18 +285,18 @@ int nghttp2_map_remove(nghttp2_map *map, nghttp2_map_key_type key) {
       return 0;
-    ++d;
-    idx = (idx + 1) & (map->tablelen - 1);
+    ++psl;
+    idx = (idx + 1) & mask;
 void nghttp2_map_clear(nghttp2_map *map) {
-  if (map->tablelen == 0) {
+  if (map->size == 0) {
-  memset(map->table, 0, sizeof(*map->table) * map->tablelen);
+  memset(map->table, 0, sizeof(*map->table) * (1u << map->hashbits));
   map->size = 0;
-size_t nghttp2_map_size(nghttp2_map *map) { return map->size; }
+size_t nghttp2_map_size(const nghttp2_map *map) { return map->size; }
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_map.h b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_map.h
index 236d28296e31da..5adfb78d027679 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_map.h
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_map.h
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 typedef int32_t nghttp2_map_key_type;
 typedef struct nghttp2_map_bucket {
-  uint32_t hash;
+  uint32_t psl;
   nghttp2_map_key_type key;
   void *data;
 } nghttp2_map_bucket;
@@ -48,33 +48,24 @@ typedef struct nghttp2_map {
   nghttp2_map_bucket *table;
   nghttp2_mem *mem;
   size_t size;
-  uint32_t tablelen;
-  uint32_t tablelenbits;
+  size_t hashbits;
 } nghttp2_map;
- * Initializes the map |map|.
+ * nghttp2_map_init initializes the map |map|.
 void nghttp2_map_init(nghttp2_map *map, nghttp2_mem *mem);
- * Deallocates any resources allocated for |map|. The stored entries
- * are not freed by this function. Use nghttp2_map_each_free() to free
- * each entries.
+ * nghttp2_map_free deallocates any resources allocated for |map|.
+ * The stored entries are not freed by this function.  Use
+ * nghttp2_map_each() to free each entry.
 void nghttp2_map_free(nghttp2_map *map);
- * Deallocates each entries using |func| function and any resources
- * allocated for |map|. The |func| function is responsible for freeing
- * given the |data| object. The |ptr| will be passed to the |func| as
- * send argument. The return value of the |func| will be ignored.
- */
-void nghttp2_map_each_free(nghttp2_map *map, int (*func)(void *data, void *ptr),
-                           void *ptr);
- * Inserts the new |data| with the |key| to the map |map|.
+ * nghttp2_map_insert inserts the new |data| with the |key| to the map
+ * |map|.
  * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
  * negative error codes:
@@ -82,57 +73,56 @@ void nghttp2_map_each_free(nghttp2_map *map, int (*func)(void *data, void *ptr),
  *     The item associated by |key| already exists.
- *   Out of memory
+ *     Out of memory
 int nghttp2_map_insert(nghttp2_map *map, nghttp2_map_key_type key, void *data);
- * Returns the data associated by the key |key|.  If there is no such
- * data, this function returns NULL.
+ * nghttp2_map_find returns the entry associated by the key |key|.  If
+ * there is no such entry, this function returns NULL.
-void *nghttp2_map_find(nghttp2_map *map, nghttp2_map_key_type key);
+void *nghttp2_map_find(const nghttp2_map *map, nghttp2_map_key_type key);
- * Removes the data associated by the key |key| from the |map|.  The
- * removed data is not freed by this function.
+ * nghttp2_map_remove removes the entry associated by the key |key|
+ * from the |map|.  The removed entry is not freed by this function.
  * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
  * negative error codes:
- *     The data associated by |key| does not exist.
+ *     The entry associated by |key| does not exist.
 int nghttp2_map_remove(nghttp2_map *map, nghttp2_map_key_type key);
- * Removes all entries from |map|.
+ * nghttp2_map_clear removes all entries from |map|.  The removed
+ * entry is not freed by this function.
 void nghttp2_map_clear(nghttp2_map *map);
- * Returns the number of items stored in the map |map|.
+ * nghttp2_map_size returns the number of items stored in the map
+ * |map|.
-size_t nghttp2_map_size(nghttp2_map *map);
+size_t nghttp2_map_size(const nghttp2_map *map);
- * Applies the function |func| to each data in the |map| with the
- * optional user supplied pointer |ptr|.
+ * nghttp2_map_each applies the function |func| to each entry in the
+ * |map| with the optional user supplied pointer |ptr|.
  * If the |func| returns 0, this function calls the |func| with the
- * next data.  If the |func| returns nonzero, it will not call the
+ * next entry.  If the |func| returns nonzero, it will not call the
  * |func| for further entries and return the return value of the
  * |func| immediately.  Thus, this function returns 0 if all the
  * invocations of the |func| return 0, or nonzero value which the last
  * invocation of |func| returns.
- *
- * Don't use this function to free each data. Use
- * nghttp2_map_each_free() instead.
-int nghttp2_map_each(nghttp2_map *map, int (*func)(void *data, void *ptr),
+int nghttp2_map_each(const nghttp2_map *map, int (*func)(void *data, void *ptr),
                      void *ptr);
 #ifndef WIN32
-void nghttp2_map_print_distance(nghttp2_map *map);
+void nghttp2_map_print_distance(const nghttp2_map *map);
 #endif /* !WIN32 */
 #endif /* NGHTTP2_MAP_H */
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_option.c b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_option.c
index 53144b9b75c289..02a24eee6b2605 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_option.c
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_option.c
@@ -132,15 +132,15 @@ void nghttp2_option_set_max_settings(nghttp2_option *option, size_t val) {
 void nghttp2_option_set_server_fallback_rfc7540_priorities(
-    nghttp2_option *option, int val) {
+  nghttp2_option *option, int val) {
   option->opt_set_mask |= NGHTTP2_OPT_SERVER_FALLBACK_RFC7540_PRIORITIES;
   option->server_fallback_rfc7540_priorities = val;
 void nghttp2_option_set_no_rfc9113_leading_and_trailing_ws_validation(
-    nghttp2_option *option, int val) {
+  nghttp2_option *option, int val) {
   option->opt_set_mask |=
   option->no_rfc9113_leading_and_trailing_ws_validation = val;
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_queue.c b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_queue.c
index 055eb69c7e5535..3b63158524593b 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_queue.c
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_queue.c
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ void nghttp2_queue_free(nghttp2_queue *queue) {
 int nghttp2_queue_push(nghttp2_queue *queue, void *data) {
   nghttp2_queue_cell *new_cell =
-      (nghttp2_queue_cell *)malloc(sizeof(nghttp2_queue_cell));
+    (nghttp2_queue_cell *)malloc(sizeof(nghttp2_queue_cell));
   if (!new_cell) {
     return NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM;
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_session.c b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_session.c
index 54746fb37b376d..df33a89efdc1d3 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_session.c
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_session.c
@@ -239,9 +239,9 @@ static int session_terminate_session(nghttp2_session *session,
     debug_datalen = strlen(reason);
-  rv = nghttp2_session_add_goaway(session, last_stream_id, error_code,
-                                  debug_data, debug_datalen,
-                                  NGHTTP2_GOAWAY_AUX_TERM_ON_SEND);
+  rv =
+    nghttp2_session_add_goaway(session, last_stream_id, error_code, debug_data,
+                               debug_datalen, NGHTTP2_GOAWAY_AUX_TERM_ON_SEND);
   if (rv != 0) {
     return rv;
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ static int session_new(nghttp2_session **session_ptr,
   int rv;
   size_t nbuffer;
   size_t max_deflate_dynamic_table_size =
   size_t i;
   if (mem == NULL) {
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ static int session_new(nghttp2_session **session_ptr,
   (*session_ptr)->remote_last_stream_id = (1u << 31) - 1;
   (*session_ptr)->pending_local_max_concurrent_stream =
   (*session_ptr)->pending_enable_push = 1;
   (*session_ptr)->pending_no_rfc7540_priorities = UINT8_MAX;
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ static int session_new(nghttp2_session **session_ptr,
   (*session_ptr)->max_incoming_reserved_streams =
   /* Limit max outgoing concurrent streams to sensible value */
   (*session_ptr)->remote_settings.max_concurrent_streams = 100;
@@ -502,31 +502,26 @@ static int session_new(nghttp2_session **session_ptr,
   if (option) {
     if ((option->opt_set_mask & NGHTTP2_OPT_NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE) &&
         option->no_auto_window_update) {
       (*session_ptr)->opt_flags |= NGHTTP2_OPTMASK_NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE;
     if (option->opt_set_mask & NGHTTP2_OPT_PEER_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS) {
       (*session_ptr)->remote_settings.max_concurrent_streams =
-          option->peer_max_concurrent_streams;
+        option->peer_max_concurrent_streams;
     if (option->opt_set_mask & NGHTTP2_OPT_MAX_RESERVED_REMOTE_STREAMS) {
       (*session_ptr)->max_incoming_reserved_streams =
-          option->max_reserved_remote_streams;
+        option->max_reserved_remote_streams;
     if ((option->opt_set_mask & NGHTTP2_OPT_NO_RECV_CLIENT_MAGIC) &&
         option->no_recv_client_magic) {
       (*session_ptr)->opt_flags |= NGHTTP2_OPTMASK_NO_RECV_CLIENT_MAGIC;
     if ((option->opt_set_mask & NGHTTP2_OPT_NO_HTTP_MESSAGING) &&
         option->no_http_messaging) {
       (*session_ptr)->opt_flags |= NGHTTP2_OPTMASK_NO_HTTP_MESSAGING;
@@ -546,7 +541,7 @@ static int session_new(nghttp2_session **session_ptr,
     if (option->opt_set_mask & NGHTTP2_OPT_MAX_SEND_HEADER_BLOCK_LENGTH) {
       (*session_ptr)->max_send_header_block_length =
-          option->max_send_header_block_length;
+        option->max_send_header_block_length;
     if (option->opt_set_mask & NGHTTP2_OPT_MAX_DEFLATE_DYNAMIC_TABLE_SIZE) {
@@ -571,14 +566,14 @@ static int session_new(nghttp2_session **session_ptr,
         option->server_fallback_rfc7540_priorities) {
       (*session_ptr)->opt_flags |=
     if ((option->opt_set_mask &
         option->no_rfc9113_leading_and_trailing_ws_validation) {
       (*session_ptr)->opt_flags |=
     if (option->opt_set_mask & NGHTTP2_OPT_STREAM_RESET_RATE_LIMIT) {
@@ -819,7 +814,7 @@ void nghttp2_session_del(nghttp2_session *session) {
   /* Have to free streams first, so that we can check
      stream->item->queued */
-  nghttp2_map_each_free(&session->streams, free_streams, session);
+  nghttp2_map_each(&session->streams, free_streams, session);
   ob_q_free(&session->ob_urgent, mem);
@@ -835,8 +830,8 @@ void nghttp2_session_del(nghttp2_session *session) {
 int nghttp2_session_reprioritize_stream(
-    nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_stream *stream,
-    const nghttp2_priority_spec *pri_spec_in) {
+  nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_stream *stream,
+  const nghttp2_priority_spec *pri_spec_in) {
   int rv;
   nghttp2_stream *dep_stream = NULL;
   nghttp2_priority_spec pri_spec_default;
@@ -855,12 +850,11 @@ int nghttp2_session_reprioritize_stream(
     if (!dep_stream &&
         session_detect_idle_stream(session, pri_spec->stream_id)) {
       dep_stream = nghttp2_session_open_stream(
-          session, pri_spec->stream_id, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE, &pri_spec_default,
+        session, pri_spec->stream_id, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE, &pri_spec_default,
       if (dep_stream == NULL) {
         return NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM;
@@ -1186,9 +1180,9 @@ int nghttp2_session_add_item(nghttp2_session *session,
                                NGHTTP2_DEFAULT_WEIGHT, 0);
     if (!nghttp2_session_open_stream(
-            session, frame->push_promise.promised_stream_id,
-            aux_data->stream_user_data)) {
+          session, frame->push_promise.promised_stream_id,
+          aux_data->stream_user_data)) {
       return NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM;
@@ -1254,7 +1248,6 @@ int nghttp2_session_add_rst_stream(nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id,
     assert(headers_frame->hd.type == NGHTTP2_HEADERS);
     if (headers_frame->hd.stream_id <= stream_id) {
       for (item = session->ob_syn.head; item; item = item->qnext) {
         aux_data = &item->aux_data.headers;
@@ -1368,8 +1361,8 @@ nghttp2_stream *nghttp2_session_open_stream(nghttp2_session *session,
       dep_stream = nghttp2_session_open_stream(
-          session, pri_spec->stream_id, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE, &pri_spec_default,
+        session, pri_spec->stream_id, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE, &pri_spec_default,
       if (dep_stream == NULL) {
         if (stream_alloc) {
@@ -1494,8 +1487,7 @@ int nghttp2_session_close_stream(nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id,
   if (session->callbacks.on_stream_close_callback) {
     if (session->callbacks.on_stream_close_callback(
-            session, stream_id, error_code, session->user_data) != 0) {
+          session, stream_id, error_code, session->user_data) != 0) {
@@ -1663,7 +1655,7 @@ int nghttp2_session_adjust_closed_stream(nghttp2_session *session) {
   while (session->num_closed_streams > 0 &&
          session->num_closed_streams + session->num_incoming_streams >
-             num_stream_max) {
+           num_stream_max) {
     nghttp2_stream *head_stream;
     nghttp2_stream *next;
@@ -1701,10 +1693,10 @@ int nghttp2_session_adjust_idle_stream(nghttp2_session *session) {
   /* Make minimum number of idle streams 16, and maximum 100, which
      are arbitrary chosen numbers. */
   max = nghttp2_min_uint32(
-      100, nghttp2_max_uint32(
-               16, nghttp2_min_uint32(
-                       session->local_settings.max_concurrent_streams,
-                       session->pending_local_max_concurrent_stream)));
+    100,
+    nghttp2_max_uint32(
+      16, nghttp2_min_uint32(session->local_settings.max_concurrent_streams,
+                             session->pending_local_max_concurrent_stream)));
   DEBUGF("stream: adjusting kept idle streams num_idle_streams=%zu, max=%zu\n",
          session->num_idle_streams, max);
@@ -2125,18 +2117,18 @@ static int session_predicate_priority_update_send(nghttp2_session *session,
 /* Take into account settings max frame size and both connection-level
    flow control here */
 static nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_enforce_flow_control_limits(
-    nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_stream *stream,
-    nghttp2_ssize requested_window_size) {
+  nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_stream *stream,
+  nghttp2_ssize requested_window_size) {
   DEBUGF("send: remote windowsize connection=%d, remote maxframsize=%u, "
          "stream(id %d)=%d\n",
          session->remote_window_size, session->remote_settings.max_frame_size,
          stream->stream_id, stream->remote_window_size);
   return nghttp2_min_int32(
-      nghttp2_min_int32(nghttp2_min_int32((int32_t)requested_window_size,
-                                          stream->remote_window_size),
-                        session->remote_window_size),
-      (int32_t)session->remote_settings.max_frame_size);
+    nghttp2_min_int32(nghttp2_min_int32((int32_t)requested_window_size,
+                                        stream->remote_window_size),
+                      session->remote_window_size),
+    (int32_t)session->remote_settings.max_frame_size);
@@ -2150,7 +2142,7 @@ static size_t nghttp2_session_next_data_read(nghttp2_session *session,
   nghttp2_ssize window_size;
   window_size = nghttp2_session_enforce_flow_control_limits(
-      session, stream, NGHTTP2_DATA_PAYLOADLEN);
+    session, stream, NGHTTP2_DATA_PAYLOADLEN);
   DEBUGF("send: available window=%td\n", window_size);
@@ -2220,14 +2212,14 @@ static nghttp2_ssize session_call_select_padding(nghttp2_session *session,
   max_paddedlen =
-      nghttp2_min_size(frame->hd.length + NGHTTP2_MAX_PADLEN, max_payloadlen);
+    nghttp2_min_size(frame->hd.length + NGHTTP2_MAX_PADLEN, max_payloadlen);
   if (session->callbacks.select_padding_callback2) {
     rv = session->callbacks.select_padding_callback2(
-        session, frame, max_paddedlen, session->user_data);
+      session, frame, max_paddedlen, session->user_data);
   } else {
     rv = (nghttp2_ssize)session->callbacks.select_padding_callback(
-        session, frame, max_paddedlen, session->user_data);
+      session, frame, max_paddedlen, session->user_data);
   if (rv < (nghttp2_ssize)frame->hd.length ||
       rv > (nghttp2_ssize)max_paddedlen) {
@@ -2254,7 +2246,7 @@ static int session_headers_add_pad(nghttp2_session *session,
                                     frame->hd.length + NGHTTP2_MAX_PADLEN);
   padded_payloadlen =
-      session_call_select_padding(session, frame, max_payloadlen);
+    session_call_select_padding(session, frame, max_payloadlen);
   if (nghttp2_is_fatal((int)padded_payloadlen)) {
     return (int)padded_payloadlen;
@@ -2298,7 +2290,7 @@ static int session_pack_extension(nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_bufs *bufs,
                                                      frame, session->user_data);
   } else {
     rv = (nghttp2_ssize)session->callbacks.pack_extension_callback(
-        session, buf->last, buflen, frame, session->user_data);
+      session, buf->last, buflen, frame, session->user_data);
   if (rv == NGHTTP2_ERR_CANCEL) {
     return (int)rv;
@@ -2364,7 +2356,6 @@ static int session_prep_frame(nghttp2_session *session,
     next_readmax = nghttp2_session_next_data_read(session, stream);
     if (next_readmax == 0) {
       /* This must be true since we only pop DATA frame item from
          queue when session->remote_window_size > 0 */
       assert(session->remote_window_size > 0);
@@ -2377,9 +2368,9 @@ static int session_prep_frame(nghttp2_session *session,
       return NGHTTP2_ERR_DEFERRED;
-    rv = nghttp2_session_pack_data(session, &session->aob.framebufs,
-                                   next_readmax, frame, &item->,
-                                   stream);
+    rv =
+      nghttp2_session_pack_data(session, &session->aob.framebufs, next_readmax,
+                                frame, &item->, stream);
     if (rv == NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE) {
       return rv;
@@ -2419,9 +2410,9 @@ static int session_prep_frame(nghttp2_session *session,
       nghttp2_stream *stream;
       stream = nghttp2_session_open_stream(
-          session, frame->hd.stream_id, NGHTTP2_STREAM_FLAG_NONE,
-          &frame->headers.pri_spec, NGHTTP2_STREAM_INITIAL,
-          aux_data->stream_user_data);
+        session, frame->hd.stream_id, NGHTTP2_STREAM_FLAG_NONE,
+        &frame->headers.pri_spec, NGHTTP2_STREAM_INITIAL,
+        aux_data->stream_user_data);
       if (stream == NULL) {
         return NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM;
@@ -2468,8 +2459,8 @@ static int session_prep_frame(nghttp2_session *session,
     estimated_payloadlen = session_estimate_headers_payload(
-        session, frame->headers.nva, frame->headers.nvlen,
+      session, frame->headers.nva, frame->headers.nvlen,
     if (estimated_payloadlen > session->max_send_header_block_length) {
@@ -2557,14 +2548,14 @@ static int session_prep_frame(nghttp2_session *session,
     estimated_payloadlen = session_estimate_headers_payload(
-        session, frame->push_promise.nva, frame->push_promise.nvlen, 0);
+      session, frame->push_promise.nva, frame->push_promise.nvlen, 0);
     if (estimated_payloadlen > session->max_send_header_block_length) {
     rv = nghttp2_frame_pack_push_promise(
-        &session->aob.framebufs, &frame->push_promise, &session->hd_deflater);
+      &session->aob.framebufs, &frame->push_promise, &session->hd_deflater);
     if (rv != 0) {
       return rv;
@@ -2920,7 +2911,7 @@ static int session_after_frame_sent1(nghttp2_session *session) {
         int stream_closed;
         stream_closed =
-            (stream->shut_flags & NGHTTP2_SHUT_RDWR) == NGHTTP2_SHUT_RDWR;
+          (stream->shut_flags & NGHTTP2_SHUT_RDWR) == NGHTTP2_SHUT_RDWR;
         nghttp2_stream_shutdown(stream, NGHTTP2_SHUT_WR);
@@ -3041,8 +3032,8 @@ static int session_after_frame_sent1(nghttp2_session *session) {
       stream = nghttp2_session_open_stream(
-          session, frame->hd.stream_id, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE,
-          &frame->priority.pri_spec, NGHTTP2_STREAM_IDLE, NULL);
+        session, frame->hd.stream_id, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE,
+        &frame->priority.pri_spec, NGHTTP2_STREAM_IDLE, NULL);
       if (!stream) {
         return NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM;
@@ -3074,7 +3065,6 @@ static int session_after_frame_sent1(nghttp2_session *session) {
     aux_data = &item->aux_data.goaway;
     if ((aux_data->flags & NGHTTP2_GOAWAY_AUX_SHUTDOWN_NOTICE) == 0) {
       if (aux_data->flags & NGHTTP2_GOAWAY_AUX_TERM_ON_SEND) {
         session->goaway_flags |= NGHTTP2_GOAWAY_TERM_SENT;
@@ -3124,7 +3114,7 @@ static int session_after_frame_sent1(nghttp2_session *session) {
       rv = session_update_stream_consumed_size(session, stream, 0);
     } else {
       rv =
-          nghttp2_session_update_recv_stream_window_size(session, stream, 0, 1);
+        nghttp2_session_update_recv_stream_window_size(session, stream, 0, 1);
     if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
@@ -3154,10 +3144,8 @@ static void session_after_frame_sent2(nghttp2_session *session) {
   frame = &item->frame;
   if (frame->hd.type != NGHTTP2_DATA) {
     if (frame->hd.type == NGHTTP2_HEADERS ||
         frame->hd.type == NGHTTP2_PUSH_PROMISE) {
       if (nghttp2_bufs_next_present(framebufs)) {
         framebufs->cur = framebufs->cur->next;
@@ -3294,8 +3282,7 @@ static nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_send_internal(nghttp2_session *session,
              it. */
           if (frame->hd.type != NGHTTP2_WINDOW_UPDATE &&
-                  session, frame, rv, session->user_data) != 0) {
+                session, frame, rv, session->user_data) != 0) {
             nghttp2_outbound_item_free(item, mem);
             nghttp2_mem_free(mem, item);
@@ -3323,8 +3310,8 @@ static nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_send_internal(nghttp2_session *session,
         if (opened_stream_id) {
           /* careful not to override rv */
-          rv2 = nghttp2_session_close_stream(session, opened_stream_id,
-                                             error_code);
+          rv2 =
+            nghttp2_session_close_stream(session, opened_stream_id, error_code);
         nghttp2_outbound_item_free(item, mem);
@@ -3338,8 +3325,8 @@ static nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_send_internal(nghttp2_session *session,
         if (rv == NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP) {
           /* If header compression error occurred, should terminate
              connection. */
-          rv = nghttp2_session_terminate_session(session,
-                                                 NGHTTP2_INTERNAL_ERROR);
+          rv =
+            nghttp2_session_terminate_session(session, NGHTTP2_INTERNAL_ERROR);
         if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
           return rv;
@@ -3372,7 +3359,7 @@ static nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_send_internal(nghttp2_session *session,
           if (session->callbacks.on_frame_not_send_callback) {
             if (session->callbacks.on_frame_not_send_callback(
-                    session, frame, rv, session->user_data) != 0) {
+                  session, frame, rv, session->user_data) != 0) {
               return NGHTTP2_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE;
@@ -3589,10 +3576,10 @@ int nghttp2_session_send(nghttp2_session *session) {
     if (session->callbacks.send_callback2) {
       sentlen = session->callbacks.send_callback2(
-          session, data, (size_t)datalen, 0, session->user_data);
+        session, data, (size_t)datalen, 0, session->user_data);
     } else {
       sentlen = (nghttp2_ssize)session->callbacks.send_callback(
-          session, data, (size_t)datalen, 0, session->user_data);
+        session, data, (size_t)datalen, 0, session->user_data);
     if (sentlen < 0) {
       if (sentlen == NGHTTP2_ERR_WOULDBLOCK) {
@@ -3634,7 +3621,6 @@ static int session_call_on_begin_frame(nghttp2_session *session,
   int rv;
   if (session->callbacks.on_begin_frame_callback) {
     rv = session->callbacks.on_begin_frame_callback(session, hd,
@@ -3683,11 +3669,11 @@ static int session_call_on_header(nghttp2_session *session,
   int rv = 0;
   if (session->callbacks.on_header_callback2) {
     rv = session->callbacks.on_header_callback2(
-        session, frame, nv->name, nv->value, nv->flags, session->user_data);
+      session, frame, nv->name, nv->value, nv->flags, session->user_data);
   } else if (session->callbacks.on_header_callback) {
     rv = session->callbacks.on_header_callback(
-        session, frame, nv->name->base, nv->name->len, nv->value->base,
-        nv->value->len, nv->flags, session->user_data);
+      session, frame, nv->name->base, nv->name->len, nv->value->base,
+      nv->value->len, nv->flags, session->user_data);
@@ -3706,11 +3692,11 @@ static int session_call_on_invalid_header(nghttp2_session *session,
   int rv;
   if (session->callbacks.on_invalid_header_callback2) {
     rv = session->callbacks.on_invalid_header_callback2(
-        session, frame, nv->name, nv->value, nv->flags, session->user_data);
+      session, frame, nv->name, nv->value, nv->flags, session->user_data);
   } else if (session->callbacks.on_invalid_header_callback) {
     rv = session->callbacks.on_invalid_header_callback(
-        session, frame, nv->name->base, nv->name->len, nv->value->base,
-        nv->value->len, nv->flags, session->user_data);
+      session, frame, nv->name->base, nv->name->len, nv->value->base,
+      nv->value->len, nv->flags, session->user_data);
   } else {
@@ -3734,7 +3720,7 @@ session_call_on_extension_chunk_recv_callback(nghttp2_session *session,
   if (session->callbacks.on_extension_chunk_recv_callback) {
     rv = session->callbacks.on_extension_chunk_recv_callback(
-        session, &frame->hd, data, len, session->user_data);
+      session, &frame->hd, data, len, session->user_data);
     if (rv == NGHTTP2_ERR_CANCEL) {
       return rv;
@@ -3753,7 +3739,7 @@ static int session_call_unpack_extension_callback(nghttp2_session *session) {
   void *payload = NULL;
   rv = session->callbacks.unpack_extension_callback(
-      session, &payload, &frame->hd, session->user_data);
+    session, &payload, &frame->hd, session->user_data);
   if (rv == NGHTTP2_ERR_CANCEL) {
     return rv;
@@ -3816,7 +3802,7 @@ static int session_call_on_invalid_frame_recv_callback(nghttp2_session *session,
                                                        int lib_error_code) {
   if (session->callbacks.on_invalid_frame_recv_callback) {
     if (session->callbacks.on_invalid_frame_recv_callback(
-            session, frame, lib_error_code, session->user_data) != 0) {
+          session, frame, lib_error_code, session->user_data) != 0) {
@@ -3829,13 +3815,13 @@ static int session_handle_invalid_stream2(nghttp2_session *session,
                                           int lib_error_code) {
   int rv;
   rv = nghttp2_session_add_rst_stream(
-      session, stream_id, get_error_code_from_lib_error_code(lib_error_code));
+    session, stream_id, get_error_code_from_lib_error_code(lib_error_code));
   if (rv != 0) {
     return rv;
   if (session->callbacks.on_invalid_frame_recv_callback) {
     if (session->callbacks.on_invalid_frame_recv_callback(
-            session, frame, lib_error_code, session->user_data) != 0) {
+          session, frame, lib_error_code, session->user_data) != 0) {
@@ -3869,12 +3855,12 @@ static int session_handle_invalid_connection(nghttp2_session *session,
                                              const char *reason) {
   if (session->callbacks.on_invalid_frame_recv_callback) {
     if (session->callbacks.on_invalid_frame_recv_callback(
-            session, frame, lib_error_code, session->user_data) != 0) {
+          session, frame, lib_error_code, session->user_data) != 0) {
   return nghttp2_session_terminate_session_with_reason(
-      session, get_error_code_from_lib_error_code(lib_error_code), reason);
+    session, get_error_code_from_lib_error_code(lib_error_code), reason);
 static int session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(nghttp2_session *session,
@@ -3883,7 +3869,7 @@ static int session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(nghttp2_session *session,
                                                      const char *reason) {
   int rv;
   rv =
-      session_handle_invalid_connection(session, frame, lib_error_code, reason);
+    session_handle_invalid_connection(session, frame, lib_error_code, reason);
   if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
     return rv;
@@ -3933,7 +3919,7 @@ static int inflate_header_block(nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_frame *frame,
   if (frame->hd.type == NGHTTP2_PUSH_PROMISE) {
     subject_stream = nghttp2_session_get_stream(
-        session, frame->push_promise.promised_stream_id);
+      session, frame->push_promise.promised_stream_id);
   } else {
     subject_stream = stream;
     trailer = session_trailer_headers(session, stream, frame);
@@ -3954,7 +3940,7 @@ static int inflate_header_block(nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_frame *frame,
              from invoking subsequent callbacks for the same stream
              ID. */
           rv = nghttp2_session_add_rst_stream(
-              session, subject_stream->stream_id, NGHTTP2_COMPRESSION_ERROR);
+            session, subject_stream->stream_id, NGHTTP2_COMPRESSION_ERROR);
           if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
             return rv;
@@ -3962,7 +3948,7 @@ static int inflate_header_block(nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_frame *frame,
       rv =
-          nghttp2_session_terminate_session(session, NGHTTP2_COMPRESSION_ERROR);
+        nghttp2_session_terminate_session(session, NGHTTP2_COMPRESSION_ERROR);
       if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
         return rv;
@@ -4000,11 +3986,11 @@ static int inflate_header_block(nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_frame *frame,
            >base, (int)nv.value->len, nv.value->base);
               rv2 = session_call_error_callback(
-                  session, NGHTTP2_ERR_HTTP_HEADER,
-                  "Ignoring received invalid HTTP header field: frame type: "
-                  "%u, stream: %d, name: [%.*s], value: [%.*s]",
-                  frame->hd.type, frame->hd.stream_id, (int)>len,
-        >base, (int)nv.value->len, nv.value->base);
+                session, NGHTTP2_ERR_HTTP_HEADER,
+                "Ignoring received invalid HTTP header field: frame type: "
+                "%u, stream: %d, name: [%.*s], value: [%.*s]",
+                frame->hd.type, frame->hd.stream_id, (int)>len,
+      >base, (int)nv.value->len, nv.value->base);
               if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv2)) {
                 return rv2;
@@ -4018,19 +4004,19 @@ static int inflate_header_block(nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_frame *frame,
          >base, (int)nv.value->len, nv.value->base);
             rv = session_call_error_callback(
-                session, NGHTTP2_ERR_HTTP_HEADER,
-                "Invalid HTTP header field was received: frame type: "
-                "%u, stream: %d, name: [%.*s], value: [%.*s]",
-                frame->hd.type, frame->hd.stream_id, (int)>len,
-      >base, (int)nv.value->len, nv.value->base);
+              session, NGHTTP2_ERR_HTTP_HEADER,
+              "Invalid HTTP header field was received: frame type: "
+              "%u, stream: %d, name: [%.*s], value: [%.*s]",
+              frame->hd.type, frame->hd.stream_id, (int)>len,
+    >base, (int)nv.value->len, nv.value->base);
             if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
               return rv;
-            rv = session_handle_invalid_stream2(session,
-                                                subject_stream->stream_id,
-                                                frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_HTTP_HEADER);
+            rv =
+              session_handle_invalid_stream2(session, subject_stream->stream_id,
+                                             frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_HTTP_HEADER);
             if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
               return rv;
@@ -4118,7 +4104,7 @@ static int session_after_header_block_received(nghttp2_session *session) {
       nghttp2_stream *subject_stream;
       subject_stream = nghttp2_session_get_stream(
-          session, frame->push_promise.promised_stream_id);
+        session, frame->push_promise.promised_stream_id);
       if (subject_stream) {
         rv = nghttp2_http_on_request_headers(subject_stream, frame);
@@ -4190,7 +4176,7 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_request_headers_received(nghttp2_session *session,
   nghttp2_stream *stream;
   if (frame->hd.stream_id == 0) {
     return session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(
-        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "request HEADERS: stream_id == 0");
+      session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "request HEADERS: stream_id == 0");
   /* If client receives idle stream from server, it is invalid
@@ -4199,8 +4185,8 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_request_headers_received(nghttp2_session *session,
   if (!session->server) {
     if (session_detect_idle_stream(session, frame->hd.stream_id)) {
       return session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(
-          session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
-          "request HEADERS: client received request");
+        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
+        "request HEADERS: client received request");
@@ -4212,8 +4198,8 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_request_headers_received(nghttp2_session *session,
     if (frame->hd.stream_id == 0 ||
         nghttp2_session_is_my_stream_id(session, frame->hd.stream_id)) {
       return session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(
-          session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
-          "request HEADERS: invalid stream_id");
+        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
+        "request HEADERS: invalid stream_id");
     /* RFC 7540 says if an endpoint receives a HEADERS with invalid
@@ -4239,7 +4225,7 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_request_headers_received(nghttp2_session *session,
     stream = nghttp2_session_get_stream_raw(session, frame->hd.stream_id);
     if (stream && (stream->shut_flags & NGHTTP2_SHUT_RD)) {
       return session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(
-          session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_STREAM_CLOSED, "HEADERS: stream closed");
+        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_STREAM_CLOSED, "HEADERS: stream closed");
@@ -4248,8 +4234,8 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_request_headers_received(nghttp2_session *session,
   if (session_is_incoming_concurrent_streams_max(session)) {
     return session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(
-        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
-        "request HEADERS: max concurrent streams exceeded");
+      session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
+      "request HEADERS: max concurrent streams exceeded");
   if (!session_allow_incoming_new_stream(session)) {
@@ -4259,7 +4245,7 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_request_headers_received(nghttp2_session *session,
   if (frame->headers.pri_spec.stream_id == frame->hd.stream_id) {
     return session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(
-        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "request HEADERS: depend on itself");
+      session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "request HEADERS: depend on itself");
   if (session_is_incoming_concurrent_streams_pending_max(session)) {
@@ -4268,8 +4254,8 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_request_headers_received(nghttp2_session *session,
   stream = nghttp2_session_open_stream(
-      session, frame->hd.stream_id, NGHTTP2_STREAM_FLAG_NONE,
-      &frame->headers.pri_spec, NGHTTP2_STREAM_OPENING, NULL);
+    session, frame->hd.stream_id, NGHTTP2_STREAM_FLAG_NONE,
+    &frame->headers.pri_spec, NGHTTP2_STREAM_OPENING, NULL);
   if (!stream) {
     return NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM;
@@ -4298,7 +4284,7 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_response_headers_received(nghttp2_session *session,
          nghttp2_session_is_my_stream_id(session, frame->hd.stream_id));
   if (frame->hd.stream_id == 0) {
     return session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(
-        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "response HEADERS: stream_id == 0");
+      session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "response HEADERS: stream_id == 0");
   if (stream->shut_flags & NGHTTP2_SHUT_RD) {
     /* half closed (remote): from the spec:
@@ -4310,7 +4296,7 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_response_headers_received(nghttp2_session *session,
        We go further, and make it connection error.
     return session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(
-        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_STREAM_CLOSED, "HEADERS: stream closed");
+      session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_STREAM_CLOSED, "HEADERS: stream closed");
   stream->state = NGHTTP2_STREAM_OPENED;
   rv = session_call_on_begin_headers(session, frame);
@@ -4327,20 +4313,20 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_push_response_headers_received(nghttp2_session *session,
   assert(stream->state == NGHTTP2_STREAM_RESERVED);
   if (frame->hd.stream_id == 0) {
     return session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(
-        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
-        "push response HEADERS: stream_id == 0");
+      session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
+      "push response HEADERS: stream_id == 0");
   if (session->server) {
     return session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(
-        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
-        "HEADERS: no HEADERS allowed from client in reserved state");
+      session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
+      "HEADERS: no HEADERS allowed from client in reserved state");
   if (session_is_incoming_concurrent_streams_max(session)) {
     return session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(
-        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
-        "push response HEADERS: max concurrent streams exceeded");
+      session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
+      "push response HEADERS: max concurrent streams exceeded");
   if (!session_allow_incoming_new_stream(session)) {
@@ -4371,7 +4357,7 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_headers_received(nghttp2_session *session,
   int rv = 0;
   if (frame->hd.stream_id == 0) {
     return session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(
-        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "HEADERS: stream_id == 0");
+      session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "HEADERS: stream_id == 0");
   if ((stream->shut_flags & NGHTTP2_SHUT_RD)) {
     /* half closed (remote): from the spec:
@@ -4383,7 +4369,7 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_headers_received(nghttp2_session *session,
        we go further, and make it connection error.
     return session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(
-        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_STREAM_CLOSED, "HEADERS: stream closed");
+      session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_STREAM_CLOSED, "HEADERS: stream closed");
   if (nghttp2_session_is_my_stream_id(session, frame->hd.stream_id)) {
     if (stream->state == NGHTTP2_STREAM_OPENED) {
@@ -4453,7 +4439,7 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_priority_received(nghttp2_session *session,
   if (frame->priority.pri_spec.stream_id == frame->hd.stream_id) {
     return nghttp2_session_terminate_session_with_reason(
-        session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "depend on itself");
+      session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "depend on itself");
   if (!session->server) {
@@ -4471,8 +4457,8 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_priority_received(nghttp2_session *session,
     stream = nghttp2_session_open_stream(
-        session, frame->hd.stream_id, NGHTTP2_STREAM_FLAG_NONE,
-        &frame->priority.pri_spec, NGHTTP2_STREAM_IDLE, NULL);
+      session, frame->hd.stream_id, NGHTTP2_STREAM_FLAG_NONE,
+      &frame->priority.pri_spec, NGHTTP2_STREAM_IDLE, NULL);
     if (stream == NULL) {
       return NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM;
@@ -4578,7 +4564,7 @@ static int update_remote_initial_window_size_func(void *entry, void *ptr) {
   stream = (nghttp2_stream *)entry;
   rv = nghttp2_stream_update_remote_initial_window_size(
-      stream, arg->new_window_size, arg->old_window_size);
+    stream, arg->new_window_size, arg->old_window_size);
   if (rv != 0) {
     return nghttp2_session_add_rst_stream(arg->session, stream->stream_id,
@@ -4588,9 +4574,8 @@ static int update_remote_initial_window_size_func(void *entry, void *ptr) {
      outbound queue. */
   if (stream->remote_window_size > 0 &&
       nghttp2_stream_check_deferred_by_flow_control(stream)) {
     rv = session_resume_deferred_stream_item(
-        arg->session, stream, NGHTTP2_STREAM_FLAG_DEFERRED_FLOW_CONTROL);
+      arg->session, stream, NGHTTP2_STREAM_FLAG_DEFERRED_FLOW_CONTROL);
     if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
       return rv;
@@ -4629,7 +4614,7 @@ static int update_local_initial_window_size_func(void *entry, void *ptr) {
   arg = (nghttp2_update_window_size_arg *)ptr;
   stream = (nghttp2_stream *)entry;
   rv = nghttp2_stream_update_local_initial_window_size(
-      stream, arg->new_window_size, arg->old_window_size);
+    stream, arg->new_window_size, arg->old_window_size);
   if (rv != 0) {
     return nghttp2_session_add_rst_stream(arg->session, stream->stream_id,
@@ -4645,7 +4630,6 @@ static int update_local_initial_window_size_func(void *entry, void *ptr) {
   if (nghttp2_should_send_window_update(stream->local_window_size,
                                         stream->recv_window_size)) {
     rv = nghttp2_session_add_window_update(arg->session, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE,
@@ -4711,7 +4695,7 @@ int nghttp2_session_update_local_settings(nghttp2_session *session,
       header_table_size_seen = 1;
       header_table_size = iv[i].value;
       min_header_table_size =
-          nghttp2_min_uint32(min_header_table_size, iv[i].value);
+        nghttp2_min_uint32(min_header_table_size, iv[i].value);
       new_initial_window_size = (int32_t)iv[i].value;
@@ -4735,8 +4719,8 @@ int nghttp2_session_update_local_settings(nghttp2_session *session,
   if (new_initial_window_size != -1) {
     rv = session_update_local_initial_window_size(
-        session, new_initial_window_size,
-        (int32_t)session->local_settings.initial_window_size);
+      session, new_initial_window_size,
+      (int32_t)session->local_settings.initial_window_size);
     if (rv != 0) {
       return rv;
@@ -4790,15 +4774,15 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_settings_received(nghttp2_session *session,
   if (frame->hd.flags & NGHTTP2_FLAG_ACK) {
     if (frame->settings.niv != 0) {
       return session_handle_invalid_connection(
-          session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_FRAME_SIZE_ERROR,
-          "SETTINGS: ACK and payload != 0");
+        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_FRAME_SIZE_ERROR,
+        "SETTINGS: ACK and payload != 0");
     settings = session->inflight_settings_head;
     if (!settings) {
       return session_handle_invalid_connection(
-          session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "SETTINGS: unexpected ACK");
+        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "SETTINGS: unexpected ACK");
     rv = nghttp2_session_update_local_settings(session, settings->iv,
@@ -4819,7 +4803,7 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_settings_received(nghttp2_session *session,
   if (!session->remote_settings_received) {
     session->remote_settings.max_concurrent_streams =
     session->remote_settings_received = 1;
@@ -4836,7 +4820,7 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_settings_received(nghttp2_session *session,
           return rv;
         } else {
           return session_handle_invalid_connection(
-              session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP, NULL);
+            session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP, NULL);
@@ -4847,14 +4831,14 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_settings_received(nghttp2_session *session,
       if (entry->value != 0 && entry->value != 1) {
         return session_handle_invalid_connection(
-            session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
-            "SETTINGS: invalid SETTINGS_ENBLE_PUSH");
+          session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
+          "SETTINGS: invalid SETTINGS_ENBLE_PUSH");
       if (!session->server && entry->value != 0) {
         return session_handle_invalid_connection(
-            session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
-            "SETTINGS: server attempted to enable push");
+          session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
+          "SETTINGS: server attempted to enable push");
       session->remote_settings.enable_push = entry->value;
@@ -4871,8 +4855,8 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_settings_received(nghttp2_session *session,
       /* Check that initial_window_size < (1u << 31) */
       if (entry->value > NGHTTP2_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE) {
         return session_handle_invalid_connection(
-            session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_FLOW_CONTROL,
+          session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_FLOW_CONTROL,
       rv = session_update_remote_initial_window_size(session,
@@ -4884,7 +4868,7 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_settings_received(nghttp2_session *session,
       if (rv != 0) {
         return session_handle_invalid_connection(
-            session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_FLOW_CONTROL, NULL);
+          session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_FLOW_CONTROL, NULL);
       session->remote_settings.initial_window_size = entry->value;
@@ -4895,8 +4879,8 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_settings_received(nghttp2_session *session,
       if (entry->value < NGHTTP2_MAX_FRAME_SIZE_MIN ||
           entry->value > NGHTTP2_MAX_FRAME_SIZE_MAX) {
         return session_handle_invalid_connection(
-            session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
-            "SETTINGS: invalid SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE");
+          session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
+          "SETTINGS: invalid SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE");
       session->remote_settings.max_frame_size = entry->value;
@@ -4911,17 +4895,17 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_settings_received(nghttp2_session *session,
       if (entry->value != 0 && entry->value != 1) {
         return session_handle_invalid_connection(
-            session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
+          session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
       if (!session->server &&
           session->remote_settings.enable_connect_protocol &&
           entry->value == 0) {
         return session_handle_invalid_connection(
-            session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
-            "SETTINGS: server attempted to disable "
+          session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
+          "SETTINGS: server attempted to disable "
       session->remote_settings.enable_connect_protocol = entry->value;
@@ -4931,15 +4915,15 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_settings_received(nghttp2_session *session,
       if (entry->value != 0 && entry->value != 1) {
         return session_handle_invalid_connection(
-            session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
-            "SETTINGS: invalid SETTINGS_NO_RFC7540_PRIORITIES");
+          session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
+          "SETTINGS: invalid SETTINGS_NO_RFC7540_PRIORITIES");
       if (session->remote_settings.no_rfc7540_priorities != UINT32_MAX &&
           session->remote_settings.no_rfc7540_priorities != entry->value) {
         return session_handle_invalid_connection(
-            session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
-            "SETTINGS: SETTINGS_NO_RFC7540_PRIORITIES cannot be changed");
+          session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
+          "SETTINGS: SETTINGS_NO_RFC7540_PRIORITIES cannot be changed");
       session->remote_settings.no_rfc7540_priorities = entry->value;
@@ -5020,16 +5004,16 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_push_promise_received(nghttp2_session *session,
   if (frame->hd.stream_id == 0) {
     return session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(
-        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "PUSH_PROMISE: stream_id == 0");
+      session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "PUSH_PROMISE: stream_id == 0");
   if (session->server || session->local_settings.enable_push == 0) {
     return session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(
-        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "PUSH_PROMISE: push disabled");
+      session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "PUSH_PROMISE: push disabled");
   if (!nghttp2_session_is_my_stream_id(session, frame->hd.stream_id)) {
     return session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(
-        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "PUSH_PROMISE: invalid stream_id");
+      session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "PUSH_PROMISE: invalid stream_id");
   if (!session_allow_incoming_new_stream(session)) {
@@ -5043,13 +5027,13 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_push_promise_received(nghttp2_session *session,
        illegal stream ID is subject to a connection error of type
        PROTOCOL_ERROR. */
     return session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(
-        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
-        "PUSH_PROMISE: invalid promised_stream_id");
+      session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
+      "PUSH_PROMISE: invalid promised_stream_id");
   if (session_detect_idle_stream(session, frame->hd.stream_id)) {
     return session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(
-        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "PUSH_PROMISE: stream in idle");
+      session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "PUSH_PROMISE: stream in idle");
   session->last_recv_stream_id = frame->push_promise.promised_stream_id;
@@ -5057,12 +5041,12 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_push_promise_received(nghttp2_session *session,
   if (!stream || stream->state == NGHTTP2_STREAM_CLOSING ||
       !session->pending_enable_push ||
       session->num_incoming_reserved_streams >=
-          session->max_incoming_reserved_streams) {
+        session->max_incoming_reserved_streams) {
     /* Currently, client does not retain closed stream, so we don't
        check NGHTTP2_SHUT_RD condition here. */
     rv = nghttp2_session_add_rst_stream(
-        session, frame->push_promise.promised_stream_id, NGHTTP2_CANCEL);
+      session, frame->push_promise.promised_stream_id, NGHTTP2_CANCEL);
     if (rv != 0) {
       return rv;
@@ -5071,16 +5055,15 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_push_promise_received(nghttp2_session *session,
   if (stream->shut_flags & NGHTTP2_SHUT_RD) {
     return session_inflate_handle_invalid_connection(
-        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_STREAM_CLOSED,
-        "PUSH_PROMISE: stream closed");
+      session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_STREAM_CLOSED, "PUSH_PROMISE: stream closed");
   nghttp2_priority_spec_init(&pri_spec, stream->stream_id,
                              NGHTTP2_DEFAULT_WEIGHT, 0);
   promised_stream = nghttp2_session_open_stream(
-      session, frame->push_promise.promised_stream_id, NGHTTP2_STREAM_FLAG_NONE,
-      &pri_spec, NGHTTP2_STREAM_RESERVED, NULL);
+    session, frame->push_promise.promised_stream_id, NGHTTP2_STREAM_FLAG_NONE,
   if (!promised_stream) {
     return NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM;
@@ -5187,8 +5170,8 @@ session_on_connection_window_update_received(nghttp2_session *session,
   /* Handle connection-level flow control */
   if (frame->window_update.window_size_increment == 0) {
     return session_handle_invalid_connection(
-        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
-        "WINDOW_UPDATE: window_size_increment == 0");
+      session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
+      "WINDOW_UPDATE: window_size_increment == 0");
   if (NGHTTP2_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE - frame->window_update.window_size_increment <
@@ -5217,12 +5200,12 @@ static int session_on_stream_window_update_received(nghttp2_session *session,
   if (state_reserved_remote(session, stream)) {
     return session_handle_invalid_connection(
-        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "WINDOW_UPADATE to reserved stream");
+      session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO, "WINDOW_UPADATE to reserved stream");
   if (frame->window_update.window_size_increment == 0) {
     return session_handle_invalid_connection(
-        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
-        "WINDOW_UPDATE: window_size_increment == 0");
+      session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
+      "WINDOW_UPDATE: window_size_increment == 0");
   if (NGHTTP2_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE - frame->window_update.window_size_increment <
       stream->remote_window_size) {
@@ -5233,9 +5216,8 @@ static int session_on_stream_window_update_received(nghttp2_session *session,
   if (stream->remote_window_size > 0 &&
       nghttp2_stream_check_deferred_by_flow_control(stream)) {
     rv = session_resume_deferred_stream_item(
     if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
       return rv;
@@ -5326,8 +5308,8 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_priority_update_received(nghttp2_session *session,
   if (nghttp2_session_is_my_stream_id(session, priority_update->stream_id)) {
     if (session_detect_idle_stream(session, priority_update->stream_id)) {
       return session_handle_invalid_connection(
-          session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
-          "PRIORITY_UPDATE: prioritizing idle push is not allowed");
+        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
+        "PRIORITY_UPDATE: prioritizing idle push is not allowed");
     /* TODO Ignore priority signal to a push stream for now */
@@ -5344,8 +5326,8 @@ int nghttp2_session_on_priority_update_received(nghttp2_session *session,
     if (session->num_idle_streams + session->num_incoming_streams >=
         session->local_settings.max_concurrent_streams) {
       return session_handle_invalid_connection(
-          session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
-          "PRIORITY_UPDATE: max concurrent streams exceeded");
+        session, frame, NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO,
+        "PRIORITY_UPDATE: max concurrent streams exceeded");
@@ -5385,8 +5367,8 @@ static int session_process_altsvc_frame(nghttp2_session *session) {
   nghttp2_frame *frame = &iframe->frame;
-      &frame->ext, nghttp2_get_uint16(iframe->sbuf.pos), iframe->lbuf.pos,
-      nghttp2_buf_len(&iframe->lbuf));
+    &frame->ext, nghttp2_get_uint16(iframe->sbuf.pos), iframe->lbuf.pos,
+    nghttp2_buf_len(&iframe->lbuf));
   /* nghttp2_frame_unpack_altsvc_payload steals buffer from
      iframe->lbuf */
@@ -5539,9 +5521,8 @@ int nghttp2_session_update_recv_stream_window_size(nghttp2_session *session,
       stream->window_update_queued == 0 &&
                                         stream->recv_window_size)) {
-    rv = nghttp2_session_add_window_update(session, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE,
-                                           stream->stream_id,
-                                           stream->recv_window_size);
+    rv = nghttp2_session_add_window_update(
+      session, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE, stream->stream_id, stream->recv_window_size);
     if (rv != 0) {
       return rv;
@@ -5619,16 +5600,16 @@ static int session_update_stream_consumed_size(nghttp2_session *session,
                                                nghttp2_stream *stream,
                                                size_t delta_size) {
   return session_update_consumed_size(
-      session, &stream->consumed_size, &stream->recv_window_size,
-      stream->window_update_queued, stream->stream_id, delta_size,
-      stream->local_window_size);
+    session, &stream->consumed_size, &stream->recv_window_size,
+    stream->window_update_queued, stream->stream_id, delta_size,
+    stream->local_window_size);
 static int session_update_connection_consumed_size(nghttp2_session *session,
                                                    size_t delta_size) {
   return session_update_consumed_size(
-      session, &session->consumed_size, &session->recv_window_size,
-      session->window_update_queued, 0, delta_size, session->local_window_size);
+    session, &session->consumed_size, &session->recv_window_size,
+    session->window_update_queued, 0, delta_size, session->local_window_size);
@@ -5842,7 +5823,7 @@ static nghttp2_ssize
 inbound_frame_effective_readlen(nghttp2_inbound_frame *iframe,
                                 size_t payloadleft, size_t readlen) {
   size_t trail_padlen =
-      nghttp2_frame_trail_padlen(&iframe->frame, iframe->padlen);
+    nghttp2_frame_trail_padlen(&iframe->frame, iframe->padlen);
   if (trail_padlen > payloadleft) {
     size_t padlen;
@@ -5933,17 +5914,17 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
       if (iframe->sbuf.pos[3] != NGHTTP2_SETTINGS ||
           (iframe->sbuf.pos[4] & NGHTTP2_FLAG_ACK)) {
         rv = session_call_error_callback(
-            session, NGHTTP2_ERR_SETTINGS_EXPECTED,
-            "Remote peer returned unexpected data while we expected "
-            "SETTINGS frame.  Perhaps, peer does not support HTTP/2 "
-            "properly.");
+          session, NGHTTP2_ERR_SETTINGS_EXPECTED,
+          "Remote peer returned unexpected data while we expected "
+          "SETTINGS frame.  Perhaps, peer does not support HTTP/2 "
+          "properly.");
         if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
           return rv;
         rv = nghttp2_session_terminate_session_with_reason(
-            session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "SETTINGS expected");
+          session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "SETTINGS expected");
         if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
           return rv;
@@ -5979,7 +5960,7 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
         rv = nghttp2_session_terminate_session_with_reason(
-            session, NGHTTP2_FRAME_SIZE_ERROR, "too large frame size");
+          session, NGHTTP2_FRAME_SIZE_ERROR, "too large frame size");
         if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
           return rv;
@@ -5993,7 +5974,7 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
         DEBUGF("recv: DATA\n");
         iframe->frame.hd.flags &=
         /* Check stream is open. If it is not open or closing,
            ignore payload. */
         busy = 1;
@@ -6016,8 +5997,8 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
         rv = inbound_frame_handle_pad(iframe, &iframe->frame.hd);
         if (rv < 0) {
           rv = nghttp2_session_terminate_session_with_reason(
-              session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
-              "DATA: insufficient padding space");
+            session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
+            "DATA: insufficient padding space");
           if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
             return rv;
@@ -6038,14 +6019,14 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
         DEBUGF("recv: HEADERS\n");
         iframe->frame.hd.flags &=
         rv = inbound_frame_handle_pad(iframe, &iframe->frame.hd);
         if (rv < 0) {
           rv = nghttp2_session_terminate_session_with_reason(
-              session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
-              "HEADERS: insufficient padding space");
+            session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
+            "HEADERS: insufficient padding space");
           if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
             return rv;
@@ -6097,7 +6078,7 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
           rv = nghttp2_session_add_rst_stream(
-              session, iframe->frame.hd.stream_id, NGHTTP2_INTERNAL_ERROR);
+            session, iframe->frame.hd.stream_id, NGHTTP2_INTERNAL_ERROR);
           if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
             return rv;
@@ -6184,12 +6165,12 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
           /* We allocate iv with additional one entry, to store the
              minimum header table size. */
           iframe->max_niv =
-              iframe->frame.hd.length / NGHTTP2_FRAME_SETTINGS_ENTRY_LENGTH + 1;
+            iframe->frame.hd.length / NGHTTP2_FRAME_SETTINGS_ENTRY_LENGTH + 1;
           if (iframe->max_niv - 1 > session->max_settings) {
             rv = nghttp2_session_terminate_session_with_reason(
-                session, NGHTTP2_ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM,
-                "SETTINGS: too many setting entries");
+              session, NGHTTP2_ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM,
+              "SETTINGS: too many setting entries");
             if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
               return rv;
@@ -6197,7 +6178,7 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
           iframe->iv = nghttp2_mem_malloc(mem, sizeof(nghttp2_settings_entry) *
-                                                   iframe->max_niv);
+                                                 iframe->max_niv);
           if (!iframe->iv) {
             return NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM;
@@ -6205,7 +6186,7 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
           min_header_table_size_entry = &iframe->iv[iframe->max_niv - 1];
           min_header_table_size_entry->settings_id =
           min_header_table_size_entry->value = UINT32_MAX;
           inbound_frame_set_mark(iframe, NGHTTP2_FRAME_SETTINGS_ENTRY_LENGTH);
@@ -6221,13 +6202,13 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
         DEBUGF("recv: PUSH_PROMISE\n");
         iframe->frame.hd.flags &=
         rv = inbound_frame_handle_pad(iframe, &iframe->frame.hd);
         if (rv < 0) {
           rv = nghttp2_session_terminate_session_with_reason(
-              session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
-              "PUSH_PROMISE: insufficient padding space");
+            session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
+            "PUSH_PROMISE: insufficient padding space");
           if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
             return rv;
@@ -6286,7 +6267,7 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
         /* Receiving CONTINUATION in this state are subject to
            connection error of type PROTOCOL_ERROR */
         rv = nghttp2_session_terminate_session_with_reason(
-            session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "CONTINUATION: unexpected");
+          session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "CONTINUATION: unexpected");
         if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
           return rv;
@@ -6393,12 +6374,12 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
             iframe->frame.hd.flags = NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE;
             iframe->frame.ext.payload =
-                &iframe->ext_frame_payload.priority_update;
+              &iframe->ext_frame_payload.priority_update;
             if (!session->server) {
               rv = nghttp2_session_terminate_session_with_reason(
-                  session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
-                  "PRIORITY_UPDATE is received from server");
+                session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
+                "PRIORITY_UPDATE is received from server");
               if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
                 return rv;
@@ -6476,7 +6457,7 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
           if (padlen < 0 ||
               (size_t)padlen + pri_fieldlen > 1 + iframe->payloadleft) {
             rv = nghttp2_session_terminate_session_with_reason(
-                session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "HEADERS: invalid padding");
+              session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "HEADERS: invalid padding");
             if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
               return rv;
@@ -6512,7 +6493,7 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
           rv = nghttp2_session_add_rst_stream(
-              session, iframe->frame.hd.stream_id, NGHTTP2_INTERNAL_ERROR);
+            session, iframe->frame.hd.stream_id, NGHTTP2_INTERNAL_ERROR);
           if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
             return rv;
@@ -6562,10 +6543,9 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
             (iframe->frame.hd.flags & NGHTTP2_FLAG_PADDED)) {
           padlen = inbound_frame_compute_pad(iframe);
           if (padlen < 0 || (size_t)padlen + 4 /* promised stream id */
-                                > 1 + iframe->payloadleft) {
+                              > 1 + iframe->payloadleft) {
             rv = nghttp2_session_terminate_session_with_reason(
-                session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
-                "PUSH_PROMISE: invalid padding");
+              session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "PUSH_PROMISE: invalid padding");
             if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
               return rv;
@@ -6600,8 +6580,8 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
           rv = nghttp2_session_add_rst_stream(
-              session, iframe->frame.push_promise.promised_stream_id,
-              NGHTTP2_INTERNAL_ERROR);
+            session, iframe->frame.push_promise.promised_stream_id,
           if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
             return rv;
@@ -6680,7 +6660,7 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
         if (iframe->frame.hd.length > 2) {
           iframe->raw_lbuf =
-              nghttp2_mem_malloc(mem, iframe->frame.hd.length - 2);
+            nghttp2_mem_malloc(mem, iframe->frame.hd.length - 2);
           if (iframe->raw_lbuf == NULL) {
             return NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM;
@@ -6734,7 +6714,7 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
              iframe->payloadleft - readlen);
       data_readlen = inbound_frame_effective_readlen(
-          iframe, iframe->payloadleft - readlen, readlen);
+        iframe, iframe->payloadleft - readlen, readlen);
       if (data_readlen == -1) {
         /* everything is padding */
@@ -6752,9 +6732,9 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
         DEBUGF("recv: block final=%d\n", final);
         rv =
-            inflate_header_block(session, &iframe->frame, &hd_proclen,
-                                 (uint8_t *)in, (size_t)data_readlen, final,
-                                 iframe->state == NGHTTP2_IB_READ_HEADER_BLOCK);
+          inflate_header_block(session, &iframe->frame, &hd_proclen,
+                               (uint8_t *)in, (size_t)data_readlen, final,
+                               iframe->state == NGHTTP2_IB_READ_HEADER_BLOCK);
         if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
           return rv;
@@ -6780,11 +6760,11 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
           /* Use promised stream ID for PUSH_PROMISE */
           rv = nghttp2_session_add_rst_stream(
-              session,
-              iframe->frame.hd.type == NGHTTP2_PUSH_PROMISE
-                  ? iframe->frame.push_promise.promised_stream_id
-                  : iframe->frame.hd.stream_id,
-              NGHTTP2_INTERNAL_ERROR);
+            session,
+            iframe->frame.hd.type == NGHTTP2_PUSH_PROMISE
+              ? iframe->frame.push_promise.promised_stream_id
+              : iframe->frame.hd.stream_id,
           if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
             return rv;
@@ -6816,7 +6796,6 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
       if ((iframe->frame.hd.flags & NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_HEADERS) == 0) {
         inbound_frame_set_mark(iframe, NGHTTP2_FRAME_HDLEN);
         iframe->padlen = 0;
@@ -6981,8 +6960,8 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
                iframe->frame.hd.stream_id, NGHTTP2_CONTINUATION,
                cont_hd.stream_id, cont_hd.type);
         rv = nghttp2_session_terminate_session_with_reason(
-            session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
-            "unexpected non-CONTINUATION frame or stream_id is invalid");
+          session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
+          "unexpected non-CONTINUATION frame or stream_id is invalid");
         if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
           return rv;
@@ -6993,8 +6972,8 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
       /* CONTINUATION won't bear NGHTTP2_PADDED flag */
       iframe->frame.hd.flags =
-          (uint8_t)(iframe->frame.hd.flags |
-                    (cont_hd.flags & NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_HEADERS));
+        (uint8_t)(iframe->frame.hd.flags |
+                  (cont_hd.flags & NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_HEADERS));
       iframe->frame.hd.length += cont_hd.length;
       busy = 1;
@@ -7038,7 +7017,7 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
       /* Pad Length field is consumed immediately */
       rv =
-          nghttp2_session_consume(session, iframe->frame.hd.stream_id, readlen);
+        nghttp2_session_consume(session, iframe->frame.hd.stream_id, readlen);
       if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
         return rv;
@@ -7051,9 +7030,9 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
       stream = nghttp2_session_get_stream(session, iframe->frame.hd.stream_id);
       if (stream) {
         rv = nghttp2_session_update_recv_stream_window_size(
-            session, stream, readlen,
-            iframe->payloadleft ||
-                (iframe->frame.hd.flags & NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_STREAM) == 0);
+          session, stream, readlen,
+          iframe->payloadleft ||
+            (iframe->frame.hd.flags & NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_STREAM) == 0);
         if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
           return rv;
@@ -7064,7 +7043,7 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
       padlen = inbound_frame_compute_pad(iframe);
       if (padlen < 0) {
         rv = nghttp2_session_terminate_session_with_reason(
-            session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "DATA: invalid padding");
+          session, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "DATA: invalid padding");
         if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
           return rv;
@@ -7097,8 +7076,8 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
       if (readlen > 0) {
         nghttp2_ssize data_readlen;
-        rv = nghttp2_session_update_recv_connection_window_size(session,
-                                                                readlen);
+        rv =
+          nghttp2_session_update_recv_connection_window_size(session, readlen);
         if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
           return rv;
@@ -7108,15 +7087,15 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
         rv = nghttp2_session_update_recv_stream_window_size(
-            session, stream, readlen,
-            iframe->payloadleft ||
-                (iframe->frame.hd.flags & NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_STREAM) == 0);
+          session, stream, readlen,
+          iframe->payloadleft ||
+            (iframe->frame.hd.flags & NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_STREAM) == 0);
         if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
           return rv;
-        data_readlen = inbound_frame_effective_readlen(
-            iframe, iframe->payloadleft, readlen);
+        data_readlen =
+          inbound_frame_effective_readlen(iframe, iframe->payloadleft, readlen);
         if (data_readlen == -1) {
           /* everything is padding */
@@ -7147,7 +7126,7 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
               if (session->opt_flags & NGHTTP2_OPTMASK_NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE) {
                 /* Consume all data for connection immediately here */
                 rv = session_update_connection_consumed_size(
-                    session, (size_t)data_readlen);
+                  session, (size_t)data_readlen);
                 if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
                   return rv;
@@ -7159,7 +7138,7 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
               rv = nghttp2_session_add_rst_stream(
-                  session, iframe->frame.hd.stream_id, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
+                session, iframe->frame.hd.stream_id, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
               if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
                 return rv;
@@ -7170,8 +7149,8 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
           if (session->callbacks.on_data_chunk_recv_callback) {
             rv = session->callbacks.on_data_chunk_recv_callback(
-                session, iframe->frame.hd.flags, iframe->frame.hd.stream_id,
-                in - readlen, (size_t)data_readlen, session->user_data);
+              session, iframe->frame.hd.flags, iframe->frame.hd.stream_id,
+              in - readlen, (size_t)data_readlen, session->user_data);
             if (rv == NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE) {
               return (nghttp2_ssize)(in - first);
@@ -7208,8 +7187,8 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
       if (readlen > 0) {
         /* Update connection-level flow control window for ignored
            DATA frame too */
-        rv = nghttp2_session_update_recv_connection_window_size(session,
-                                                                readlen);
+        rv =
+          nghttp2_session_update_recv_connection_window_size(session, readlen);
         if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
           return rv;
@@ -7219,7 +7198,6 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
         if (session->opt_flags & NGHTTP2_OPTMASK_NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE) {
           /* Ignored DATA is considered as "consumed" immediately. */
           rv = session_update_connection_consumed_size(session, readlen);
@@ -7254,7 +7232,7 @@ nghttp2_ssize nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(nghttp2_session *session,
       if (readlen > 0) {
         rv = session_call_on_extension_chunk_recv_callback(
-            session, in - readlen, readlen);
+          session, in - readlen, readlen);
         if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
           return rv;
@@ -7363,7 +7341,7 @@ int nghttp2_session_recv(nghttp2_session *session) {
     readlen = session_recv(session, buf, sizeof(buf));
     if (readlen > 0) {
       nghttp2_ssize proclen =
-          nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(session, buf, (size_t)readlen);
+        nghttp2_session_mem_recv2(session, buf, (size_t)readlen);
       if (proclen < 0) {
         return (int)proclen;
@@ -7513,7 +7491,7 @@ int nghttp2_session_add_goaway(nghttp2_session *session, int32_t last_stream_id,
   /* last_stream_id must not be increased from the value previously
      sent */
   last_stream_id =
-      nghttp2_min_int32(last_stream_id, session->local_last_stream_id);
+    nghttp2_min_int32(last_stream_id, session->local_last_stream_id);
   nghttp2_frame_goaway_init(&frame->goaway, last_stream_id, error_code,
                             opaque_data_copy, opaque_data_len);
@@ -7719,20 +7697,20 @@ int nghttp2_session_pack_data(nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_bufs *bufs,
       session->callbacks.read_length_callback) {
     if (session->callbacks.read_length_callback2) {
       payloadlen = session->callbacks.read_length_callback2(
-          session, frame->hd.type, stream->stream_id,
-          session->remote_window_size, stream->remote_window_size,
-          session->remote_settings.max_frame_size, session->user_data);
+        session, frame->hd.type, stream->stream_id, session->remote_window_size,
+        stream->remote_window_size, session->remote_settings.max_frame_size,
+        session->user_data);
     } else {
       payloadlen = (nghttp2_ssize)session->callbacks.read_length_callback(
-          session, frame->hd.type, stream->stream_id,
-          session->remote_window_size, stream->remote_window_size,
-          session->remote_settings.max_frame_size, session->user_data);
+        session, frame->hd.type, stream->stream_id, session->remote_window_size,
+        stream->remote_window_size, session->remote_settings.max_frame_size,
+        session->user_data);
     DEBUGF("send: read_length_callback=%td\n", payloadlen);
-    payloadlen = nghttp2_session_enforce_flow_control_limits(session, stream,
-                                                             payloadlen);
+    payloadlen =
+      nghttp2_session_enforce_flow_control_limits(session, stream, payloadlen);
     DEBUGF("send: read_length_callback after flow control=%td\n", payloadlen);
@@ -7769,14 +7747,14 @@ int nghttp2_session_pack_data(nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_bufs *bufs,
   switch (aux_data->dpw.version) {
     payloadlen = (nghttp2_ssize)aux_data->dpw.data_prd.v1.read_callback(
-        session, frame->hd.stream_id, buf->pos, datamax, &data_flags,
-        &aux_data->dpw.data_prd.source, session->user_data);
+      session, frame->hd.stream_id, buf->pos, datamax, &data_flags,
+      &aux_data->dpw.data_prd.source, session->user_data);
     payloadlen = aux_data->dpw.data_prd.v2.read_callback(
-        session, frame->hd.stream_id, buf->pos, datamax, &data_flags,
-        &aux_data->dpw.data_prd.source, session->user_data);
+      session, frame->hd.stream_id, buf->pos, datamax, &data_flags,
+      &aux_data->dpw.data_prd.source, session->user_data);
@@ -7828,10 +7806,10 @@ int nghttp2_session_pack_data(nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_bufs *bufs,
   frame->data.padlen = 0;
   max_payloadlen =
-      nghttp2_min_size(datamax, frame->hd.length + NGHTTP2_MAX_PADLEN);
+    nghttp2_min_size(datamax, frame->hd.length + NGHTTP2_MAX_PADLEN);
   padded_payloadlen =
-      session_call_select_padding(session, frame, max_payloadlen);
+    session_call_select_padding(session, frame, max_payloadlen);
   if (nghttp2_is_fatal((int)padded_payloadlen)) {
     return (int)padded_payloadlen;
@@ -8108,8 +8086,8 @@ static int nghttp2_session_upgrade_internal(nghttp2_session *session,
   stream = nghttp2_session_open_stream(
-      session, 1, NGHTTP2_STREAM_FLAG_NONE, &pri_spec, NGHTTP2_STREAM_OPENING,
-      session->server ? NULL : stream_user_data);
+    session->server ? NULL : stream_user_data);
   if (stream == NULL) {
     return NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM;
@@ -8330,8 +8308,8 @@ int nghttp2_session_check_server_session(nghttp2_session *session) {
 int nghttp2_session_change_stream_priority(
-    nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id,
-    const nghttp2_priority_spec *pri_spec) {
+  nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id,
+  const nghttp2_priority_spec *pri_spec) {
   int rv;
   nghttp2_stream *stream;
   nghttp2_priority_spec pri_spec_copy;
@@ -8390,8 +8368,8 @@ int nghttp2_session_create_idle_stream(nghttp2_session *session,
   stream =
-      nghttp2_session_open_stream(session, stream_id, NGHTTP2_STREAM_FLAG_NONE,
-                                  &pri_spec_copy, NGHTTP2_STREAM_IDLE, NULL);
+    nghttp2_session_open_stream(session, stream_id, NGHTTP2_STREAM_FLAG_NONE,
+                                &pri_spec_copy, NGHTTP2_STREAM_IDLE, NULL);
   if (!stream) {
     return NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM;
@@ -8419,8 +8397,8 @@ void nghttp2_session_set_user_data(nghttp2_session *session, void *user_data) {
 int nghttp2_session_change_extpri_stream_priority(
-    nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id,
-    const nghttp2_extpri *extpri_in, int ignore_client_signal) {
+  nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id, const nghttp2_extpri *extpri_in,
+  int ignore_client_signal) {
   nghttp2_stream *stream;
   nghttp2_extpri extpri = *extpri_in;
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_stream.c b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_stream.c
index bf8b8c39e25acb..f2362447903755 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_stream.c
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_stream.c
@@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ void nghttp2_stream_change_weight(nghttp2_stream *stream, int32_t weight) {
   /* Compute old stream->pending_penalty we used to calculate
      stream->cycle */
   stream->pending_penalty =
-      (uint32_t)((stream->pending_penalty + (uint32_t)old_weight -
-                  (wlen_penalty % (uint32_t)old_weight)) %
-                 (uint32_t)old_weight);
+    (uint32_t)((stream->pending_penalty + (uint32_t)old_weight -
+                (wlen_penalty % (uint32_t)old_weight)) %
+               (uint32_t)old_weight);
   last_cycle = stream->cycle -
                (wlen_penalty + stream->pending_penalty) / (uint32_t)old_weight;
@@ -571,16 +571,16 @@ static int update_initial_window_size(int32_t *window_size_ptr,
 int nghttp2_stream_update_remote_initial_window_size(
-    nghttp2_stream *stream, int32_t new_initial_window_size,
-    int32_t old_initial_window_size) {
+  nghttp2_stream *stream, int32_t new_initial_window_size,
+  int32_t old_initial_window_size) {
   return update_initial_window_size(&stream->remote_window_size,
 int nghttp2_stream_update_local_initial_window_size(
-    nghttp2_stream *stream, int32_t new_initial_window_size,
-    int32_t old_initial_window_size) {
+  nghttp2_stream *stream, int32_t new_initial_window_size,
+  int32_t old_initial_window_size) {
   return update_initial_window_size(&stream->local_window_size,
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_stream.h b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_stream.h
index 71b9fb1140c932..28add165469d94 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_stream.h
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_stream.h
@@ -124,10 +124,9 @@ typedef enum {
-                               NGHTTP2_HTTP_FLAG_METH_HEAD |
-                               NGHTTP2_HTTP_FLAG_METH_OPTIONS |
-                               NGHTTP2_HTTP_FLAG_METH_UPGRADE_WORKAROUND,
   /* :path category */
   /* path starts with "/" */
@@ -296,8 +295,8 @@ int nghttp2_stream_check_deferred_by_flow_control(nghttp2_stream *stream);
  * overflow.
 int nghttp2_stream_update_remote_initial_window_size(
-    nghttp2_stream *stream, int32_t new_initial_window_size,
-    int32_t old_initial_window_size);
+  nghttp2_stream *stream, int32_t new_initial_window_size,
+  int32_t old_initial_window_size);
  * Updates the local window size with the new value
@@ -308,8 +307,8 @@ int nghttp2_stream_update_remote_initial_window_size(
  * overflow.
 int nghttp2_stream_update_local_initial_window_size(
-    nghttp2_stream *stream, int32_t new_initial_window_size,
-    int32_t old_initial_window_size);
+  nghttp2_stream *stream, int32_t new_initial_window_size,
+  int32_t old_initial_window_size);
  * Call this function if promised stream |stream| is replied with
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_submit.c b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_submit.c
index 72e6588ffbe77d..81c1ab7046bc33 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_submit.c
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_submit.c
@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ static int32_t submit_headers_shared(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags,
   item->aux_data.headers.stream_user_data = stream_user_data;
   flags_copy =
-      (uint8_t)((flags & (NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_STREAM | NGHTTP2_FLAG_PRIORITY)) |
-                NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_HEADERS);
+    (uint8_t)((flags & (NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_STREAM | NGHTTP2_FLAG_PRIORITY)) |
+              NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_HEADERS);
   if (stream_id == -1) {
     if (session->next_stream_id > INT32_MAX) {
@@ -174,9 +174,8 @@ int nghttp2_submit_trailer(nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id,
-  return (int)submit_headers_shared_nva(session, NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_STREAM,
-                                        stream_id, NULL, nva, nvlen, NULL,
-                                        NULL);
+  return (int)submit_headers_shared_nva(
+    session, NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_STREAM, stream_id, NULL, nva, nvlen, NULL, NULL);
 int32_t nghttp2_submit_headers(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags,
@@ -389,8 +388,8 @@ int nghttp2_submit_window_update(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags,
   if (stream_id == 0) {
     rv = nghttp2_adjust_local_window_size(
-        &session->local_window_size, &session->recv_window_size,
-        &session->recv_reduction, &window_size_increment);
+      &session->local_window_size, &session->recv_window_size,
+      &session->recv_reduction, &window_size_increment);
     if (rv != 0) {
       return rv;
@@ -401,8 +400,8 @@ int nghttp2_submit_window_update(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags,
     rv = nghttp2_adjust_local_window_size(
-        &stream->local_window_size, &stream->recv_window_size,
-        &stream->recv_reduction, &window_size_increment);
+      &stream->local_window_size, &stream->recv_window_size,
+      &stream->recv_reduction, &window_size_increment);
     if (rv != 0) {
       return rv;
@@ -411,10 +410,10 @@ int nghttp2_submit_window_update(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags,
   if (window_size_increment > 0) {
     if (stream_id == 0) {
       session->consumed_size =
-          nghttp2_max_int32(0, session->consumed_size - window_size_increment);
+        nghttp2_max_int32(0, session->consumed_size - window_size_increment);
     } else {
       stream->consumed_size =
-          nghttp2_max_int32(0, stream->consumed_size - window_size_increment);
+        nghttp2_max_int32(0, stream->consumed_size - window_size_increment);
     return nghttp2_session_add_window_update(session, 0, stream_id,
@@ -444,13 +443,13 @@ int nghttp2_session_set_local_window_size(nghttp2_session *session,
     if (window_size_increment < 0) {
       return nghttp2_adjust_local_window_size(
-          &session->local_window_size, &session->recv_window_size,
-          &session->recv_reduction, &window_size_increment);
+        &session->local_window_size, &session->recv_window_size,
+        &session->recv_reduction, &window_size_increment);
     rv = nghttp2_increase_local_window_size(
-        &session->local_window_size, &session->recv_window_size,
-        &session->recv_reduction, &window_size_increment);
+      &session->local_window_size, &session->recv_window_size,
+      &session->recv_reduction, &window_size_increment);
     if (rv != 0) {
       return rv;
@@ -477,13 +476,13 @@ int nghttp2_session_set_local_window_size(nghttp2_session *session,
     if (window_size_increment < 0) {
       return nghttp2_adjust_local_window_size(
-          &stream->local_window_size, &stream->recv_window_size,
-          &stream->recv_reduction, &window_size_increment);
+        &stream->local_window_size, &stream->recv_window_size,
+        &stream->recv_reduction, &window_size_increment);
     rv = nghttp2_increase_local_window_size(
-        &stream->local_window_size, &stream->recv_window_size,
-        &stream->recv_reduction, &window_size_increment);
+      &stream->local_window_size, &stream->recv_window_size,
+      &stream->recv_reduction, &window_size_increment);
     if (rv != 0) {
       return rv;
@@ -614,7 +613,7 @@ int nghttp2_submit_origin(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags,
     /* The last nov is added for terminal NULL character. */
     ov_copy =
-        nghttp2_mem_malloc(mem, nov * sizeof(nghttp2_origin_entry) + len + nov);
+      nghttp2_mem_malloc(mem, nov * sizeof(nghttp2_origin_entry) + len + nov);
     if (ov_copy == NULL) {
       return NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM;
@@ -898,7 +897,7 @@ int nghttp2_submit_data(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags,
   return nghttp2_submit_data_shared(
-      session, flags, stream_id, nghttp2_data_provider_wrap_v1(&dpw, data_prd));
+    session, flags, stream_id, nghttp2_data_provider_wrap_v1(&dpw, data_prd));
 int nghttp2_submit_data2(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags,
@@ -909,7 +908,7 @@ int nghttp2_submit_data2(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags,
   return nghttp2_submit_data_shared(
-      session, flags, stream_id, nghttp2_data_provider_wrap_v2(&dpw, data_prd));
+    session, flags, stream_id, nghttp2_data_provider_wrap_v2(&dpw, data_prd));
 ssize_t nghttp2_pack_settings_payload(uint8_t *buf, size_t buflen,
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_time.c b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_time.c
index 947b5449e5ac6d..148ccfdce81c12 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_time.c
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_time.c
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ static uint64_t time_now_sec(void) {
 #if defined(HAVE_GETTICKCOUNT64) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
 uint64_t nghttp2_time_now_sec(void) { return GetTickCount64() / 1000; }
 #elif defined(HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME) && defined(HAVE_DECL_CLOCK_MONOTONIC) &&     \
 uint64_t nghttp2_time_now_sec(void) {
   struct timespec tp;
   int rv = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tp);
diff --git a/deps/nghttp2/lib/sfparse.c b/deps/nghttp2/lib/sfparse.c
index efa2850c9d661d..b5e94cc281533b 100644
--- a/deps/nghttp2/lib/sfparse.c
+++ b/deps/nghttp2/lib/sfparse.c
@@ -1075,21 +1075,20 @@ void sf_unescape(sf_vec *dest, const sf_vec *src) {
 void sf_base64decode(sf_vec *dest, const sf_vec *src) {
   static const int index_tbl[] = {
-      -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-      -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-      -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 62, -1, -1, -1, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,
-      58, 59, 60, 61, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,
-      7,  8,  9,  10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
-      25, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
-      37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, -1, -1, -1,
-      -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-      -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-      -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-      -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-      -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-      -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-      -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-      -1, -1, -1, -1};
+    -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+    -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+    -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 62, -1, -1, -1, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60,
+    61, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10,
+    11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+    -1, -1, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
+    43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
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