diff --git a/locale/ca/get-involved/index.md b/locale/ca/get-involved/index.md index 7dfb104c168b5..0562cf8d76eac 100644 --- a/locale/ca/get-involved/index.md +++ b/locale/ca/get-involved/index.md @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ contribuir de la manera que puguin. Si vols [reportar un error](https://github.c - The [Node.js Foundation calendar](https://nodejs.org/calendar) with all public team meetings. - [Node.js Everywhere](https://newsletter.nodejs.org) és el Butlletí oficial mensual de Node.js. - [Node.js Collection](https://medium.com/the-node-js-collection) és una col·lecció de contingut comissat per la comunitat a Medium. -- [NodeUp](http://nodeup.com) és un podcast cobrint les últimes notícies en la comunitat de Node. - La [Community Committee](https://github.com/nodejs/community-committee) és una comissió de primer nivell a la Fundació Node.js centrada en els esforços que afronta la comunitat. ## Aprenentatge @@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ contribuir de la manera que puguin. Si vols [reportar un error](https://github.c - L'[etiqueta de Node.js en Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/node.js) col·lecciona nova informació cada dia. - L'[etiqueta de Node.js en la DEV Community](https://dev.to/t/node) és un lloc on compartir projectes de Node.js, articles i tutorials, així com iniciar debats i demanar realimentació sobre temes relacionats amb Node.js. Els desenvolupadors de tots els nivells d'experiència són benvinguts a participar. - [Nodeiflux](https://discordapp.com/invite/vUsrbjd) és una comunitat amigable de desenvolupadors de backend amb Node.js que es recolzen mútuament a Discord. -- [How To Node](http://howtonode.org/) té un nombre creixent d'útils tutorials. ## Llocs de la comunitat internacional i projectes diff --git a/locale/en/get-involved/index.md b/locale/en/get-involved/index.md index d291e33bb2ca7..394b9389c8cc2 100644 --- a/locale/en/get-involved/index.md +++ b/locale/en/get-involved/index.md @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ The Node.js community is large, inclusive, and excited to enable as many users t - The [Node.js Foundation calendar](https://nodejs.org/calendar) with all public team meetings. - [Node.js Everywhere](https://newsletter.nodejs.org) is the official Node.js Monthly Newsletter. - [Node.js Collection](https://medium.com/the-node-js-collection) is a collection of community-curated content on Medium. -- [NodeUp](http://nodeup.com) is a podcast covering the latest Node.js news in the community. - The [Community Committee](https://github.com/nodejs/community-committee) is a top-level committee in the Node.js Foundation focused on community-facing efforts. @@ -26,7 +25,6 @@ The Node.js community is large, inclusive, and excited to enable as many users t - [Stack Overflow Node.js tag](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/node.js) collects new information every day. - [The DEV Community Node.js tag](https://dev.to/t/node) is a place to share Node.js projects, articles and tutorials as well as start discussions and ask for feedback on Node.js-related topics. Developers of all skill-levels are welcome to take part. - [Nodeiflux](https://discordapp.com/invite/vUsrbjd) is a friendly community of Node.js backend developers supporting each other on Discord. -- [How To Node](http://howtonode.org/) has a growing number of useful tutorials. ## International community sites and projects diff --git a/locale/es/get-involved/index.md b/locale/es/get-involved/index.md index ebce003194651..13b7d40822f07 100644 --- a/locale/es/get-involved/index.md +++ b/locale/es/get-involved/index.md @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ a contribuir de cualquier forma posible. Si usted quiere [reportar un error](htt - La cuenta de Twitter oficial de Node.js es [nodejs](https://twitter.com/nodejs). - El [calendario de la Fundación Node.js](https://nodejs.org/calendar) con todas las reuniones del equipo público. - [Node Weekly](http://nodeweekly.com) es una lista de correo que recopila los últimos eventos y noticias alrededor de la comunidad de Node.js. -- [NodeUp](http://nodeup.com) es un podcast cubriendo las últimas noticias en la comunidad de Node. - La [Community Committee](https://github.com/nodejs/community-committee) es un comité de alto nivel de la Fundación Node.js centrado en los esfuerzos de la comunidad. @@ -26,7 +25,6 @@ a contribuir de cualquier forma posible. Si usted quiere [reportar un error](htt - La [Documentación oficial de la API](/api) detalla la API de Node. - [NodeSchool.io](http://nodeschool.io) le enseñará conceptos de Node.js de forma interactiva mediante juegos utilizando la línea de comandos. - La [etiqueta de Node.js en Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/node.js) colecciona nueva información cada día. -- [How To Node](http://howtonode.org/) tiene un número creciente de útiles tutoriales. ## Sitios de la comunidad internacional y proyectos diff --git a/locale/fa/get-involved/index.md b/locale/fa/get-involved/index.md index b7ef8e1e2fd44..10e6951b9074b 100644 --- a/locale/fa/get-involved/index.md +++ b/locale/fa/get-involved/index.md @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ The Node.js community is large, inclusive, and excited to enable as many users t - The official Node.js Twitter account is [nodejs](https://twitter.com/nodejs). - [Node.js Everywhere](https://newsletter.nodejs.org) is the official Node.js Monthly Newsletter. - [Node.js Collection](https://medium.com/the-node-js-collection) is a collection of community-curated content on Medium. -- [NodeUp](http://nodeup.com) is a podcast covering the latest Node news in the community. - The [Community Committee](https://github.com/nodejs/community-committee) is a top-level committee in the Node.js Foundation focused on community-facing efforts. @@ -25,7 +24,6 @@ The Node.js community is large, inclusive, and excited to enable as many users t - [Stack Overflow Node.js tag](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/node.js) collects new information every day. - [The DEV Community Node.js tag](https://dev.to/t/node) is a place to share Node.js projects, articles and tutorials as well as start discussions and ask for feedback on Node.js-related topics. Developers of all skill-levels are welcome to take part. - [Nodeiflux](https://discordapp.com/invite/vUsrbjd) is a friendly community of Node backend developers supporting each other on Discord. -- [How To Node](http://howtonode.org/) has a growing number of useful tutorials. ## International community sites and projects diff --git a/locale/fr/get-involved/index.md b/locale/fr/get-involved/index.md index 149672af518b3..0416fbfe19cca 100644 --- a/locale/fr/get-involved/index.md +++ b/locale/fr/get-involved/index.md @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ de notre communauté pour trouver comment vous pouvez aider: - [Node.js Collection](https://medium.com/the-node-js-collection) est une liste de contenus maintenue par la communauté sur Medium [en]. -- [NodeUp](http://nodeup.com) est un podcast sur les actualités de la communauté Node [en]. - - La [Community Committee](https://github.com/nodejs/community-committee) s'agit d'un comité de haut niveau de la Fondation Node.js axé sur les efforts communautaires. @@ -40,8 +38,6 @@ de notre communauté pour trouver comment vous pouvez aider: - [L'étiquette Stack Overflow Node.js](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/node.js) rassemble de nouvelles informations chaque jours [en]. -- [How To Node](http://howtonode.org/) a de nombreux tutoriaux utiles [en]. - ## Site et projets des commuanutés internationales diff --git a/locale/pt-br/get-involved/index.md b/locale/pt-br/get-involved/index.md index da09e9aff59ff..cc811f3306e72 100644 --- a/locale/pt-br/get-involved/index.md +++ b/locale/pt-br/get-involved/index.md @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ A comunidade Node.js é ampla, inclusiva e animada em possibilitar que todos os - O [calendário da Fundação Node.js](https://nodejs.org/calendar) contém todas as reuniões dos times públicos - [Node.js Everywhere](https://newsletter.nodejs.org) é o boletim oficial do Node.js. - [Node.js Collection](https://medium.com/the-node-js-collection) é uma coleção de conteúdos, com curadoria da comunidade, disponível no Medium. -- [NodeUp](http://nodeup.com) é um _podcast_ sobre as últimas notícias do Node.js na comunidade. - O [Community Committee](https://github.com/nodejs/community-committee) é um dos principais comitês na Fundação Node.js, focado nos esforços da comunidade. @@ -26,7 +25,6 @@ A comunidade Node.js é ampla, inclusiva e animada em possibilitar que todos os - [Tag Node.js no Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/node.js) coleta novas informações todos os dias. - [Tag Node.js na DEV Community](https://dev.to/t/node) é o lugar para compartilhar projetos, artigos e tutoriais, bem como iniciar discussões e solicitar _feedback_ sobre tópicos relacionados ao Node.js. Desenvolvedores de todos os níveis são bem-vindos a participar. - [Nodeiflux](https://discordapp.com/invite/vUsrbjd) é uma comunidade de desenvolvedores _backend_ que utilizam Node.js, auxiliando uns aos outros através do Discord. -- [How To Node](http://howtonode.org/) possui um número cada vez maior de tutoriais com grande utilidade. ## Sites e projetos internacionais da comunidade diff --git a/locale/uk/get-involved/index.md b/locale/uk/get-involved/index.md index b10d546071229..924c91e0ed521 100644 --- a/locale/uk/get-involved/index.md +++ b/locale/uk/get-involved/index.md @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ layout: contribute.hbs - Офіційний аккаунт Node.js у Twitter [nodejs](https://twitter.com/nodejs). - The [Node.js Foundation calendar](https://nodejs.org/calendar) with all public team meetings. - [Node Weekly](http://nodeweekly.com) це поштове розсилання, що збирає найсвіжіші події та новини довкола спільноти Node.js. -- [NodeUp](http://nodeup.com) подкаст в якому обговорюють найсвіжіші новини з Nod–спільноти. - [Community Committee](https://github.com/nodejs/community-committee) є комітетом вищого рівня в Node.js Фонд зосереджений на спільних зусиллях. @@ -24,7 +23,6 @@ layout: contribute.hbs - [Офіційна довідкова документація по API](/api) описує Node API. - [NodeSchool.io](http://nodeschool.io) навчить вас концепцій Node.js через інтерактивні консольні ігри. - [Stack Overflow Node.js tag](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/node.js) щодня поповнюється новою інформацією. -- [How To Node](http://howtonode.org/) має велику кількість корисних туторіалів. ## Сайти міжнародних спільнот та проекти diff --git a/locale/zh-cn/get-involved/index.md b/locale/zh-cn/get-involved/index.md index 8faa7fdd8f153..95015afedb540 100644 --- a/locale/zh-cn/get-involved/index.md +++ b/locale/zh-cn/get-involved/index.md @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ Node.js 是个包容的大家庭,因此我们鼓励用户各施所长。 若 - The [Node.js Foundation calendar](https://nodejs.org/calendar) with all public team meetings. - [Node.js Everywhere](https://newsletter.nodejs.org) 是 Node.js 官方的月报。 - [Node.js Collection](https://medium.com/the-node-js-collection) 是一堆在媒体上的社区策划内容集合。 -- [NodeUp](http://nodeup.com) 是一个播客,它覆盖了所有相关于 Node 社区最新消息。 - [Community Committee](https://github.com/nodejs/community-committee) 是 Node.js 基金会中的高级委员会,专注于社区事务。 @@ -26,7 +25,6 @@ Node.js 是个包容的大家庭,因此我们鼓励用户各施所长。 若 - [Stack Overflow Node.js tag](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/node.js) 每日收集最新资讯。 - [The DEV Community Node.js tag](https://dev.to/t/node) 是一个共享 Node.js 项目、文章和教程,以及开始讨论、并接受与 Node.js 相关的主题。欢迎所有技能级别的开发人员参与。 - [Nodeiflux](https://discordapp.com/invite/vUsrbjd) 是一个 Nodejs 后端开发者在 Discord 上互相支援的友好社区。 -- [How To Node](http://howtonode.org/) 包含不断增长的有用教程。 ## 国际化社区站点及项目 diff --git a/locale/zh-tw/get-involved/index.md b/locale/zh-tw/get-involved/index.md index aabde6c30a3ba..d03f051e6685c 100644 --- a/locale/zh-tw/get-involved/index.md +++ b/locale/zh-tw/get-involved/index.md @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ Node.js 是個包容的大家庭,我們鼓勵用戶一展長才。若你想[ - [Node.js Foundation 行事曆](https://nodejs.org/calendar) 中列出了所有的公開團隊會議。 - [Node.js Everywhere](https://newsletter.nodejs.org) 是 Node.js 官方的月報。 - [Node.js Collection](https://medium.com/the-node-js-collection) 是個由社群策劃的 Medium 文章合集。 -- [NodeUp](http://nodeup.com) 是關於 Node 社群最新消息的 podcast。 - [Community Committee](https://github.com/nodejs/community-committee) 是 Node.js 基金會中的高級委員會,專責社群事務。 @@ -24,6 +23,8 @@ Node.js 是個包容的大家庭,我們鼓勵用戶一展長才。若你想[ - [官方 API 參考文件](/api)中詳細介紹了 Node API。 - [NodeSchool.io](http://nodeschool.io) 以互動命令列的方式,教會你 Node.js 的概念。 - [Stack Overflow 上的 Node.js 標籤](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/node.js)搜羅了每日新資訊。 +- [開發社區上的 Node.js 標籤](https://dev.to/t/node) 是一個共亯 Node.js項目、文章和教程,以及開始討論、並接受與 Node.js 相關的主題。歡迎所有技能級別的開發人員參與。 +- [Nodeiflux](https://discordapp.com/invite/vUsrbjd) 是一個 Nodejs 後端開發者在 Discord 上互相支援的友好社區。 ## 國際性社群網站及專案