package alidayu is a Golang SDK for alidayu(阿里大鱼) APIs.
Update: This package is obsolete because alidayu(阿里大鱼) is merged into aliyun(阿里云). Use package message instead.
// Create a new client(创建一个新的Client实例).
c := &alidayu.Client{AppKey: "", AppSecret: "", UseHTTPS: false}
// ---------------------------------------
// Send Verification Code in SMS(发送短信验证码).
// ---------------------------------------
// Set parameters(设置API所需的所有参数,包括公共参数和方法相关参数).
params := map[string]string{}
// Common parameters will be filled with default values automatically.
// You may also set them to override default ones.
// 公共参数会自动使用默认值填充,不需要用户设置.
// 当然,用户可以使用自己的设置来覆盖默认值.
// params["format"] = "json" // "json" or "xml"
// params["v"] = "2.0" // "2.0" by default
// params["sign_method"] = "md5" // "md5" or "hmac"
// No need to set "timestamp" and "sign", these parameters will be calculated and filled automatically.
// 不需要用户设置"timestamp"和"sign",这些参数会被自动计算和设置.
// Set method specified parameters(设置方法相关特定参数).
params["method"] = "alibaba.aliqin.fc.sms.num.send" // Set method to send SMS(API接口名称).
params["sms_type"] = "normal" // Set SMS type(短信类型).
params["sms_free_sign_name"] = "" // Set SMS signature(短信签名).
params["sms_param"] = `{"code":"123456", "product":"My App"}` // Set variable for SMS template(短信模板变量).
params["sms_template_code"] = "" // Set SMS template code(短信模板ID).
params["rec_num"] = "" // Set phone number to send SMS(短信接收号码).
// Call Exec() to post the request.
success, result, err := c.Exec(params)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "c.Exec() error: %v\nsuccess: %v\nresult: %v\n", err, success, result)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "c.Exec() successfully\nsuccess: %v\nresult: %s\n", success, result)
// ------------------------------------------
// Send Verification Code in Single Call(发送文本转语音通知验证码).
// ------------------------------------------
// Set Parameters.
params = map[string]string{}
params["method"] = "alibaba.aliqin.fc.tts.num.singlecall" // Set method to make single call(API接口名称).
params["tts_param"] = `{"code":"123456", "product":"My App"}` // Set variable for TTS template(文本转语音(TTS)模板变量).
params["called_num"] = "" // Set phone number to make single call(被叫号码).
params["called_show_num"] = "" // Set show number(被叫号显).
params["tts_code"] = "" // Set TTS code(TTS模板ID).
// Call Exec() to post the request.
success, result, err = c.Exec(params)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "c.Exec() error: %v\nsuccess: %v\nresult: %v\n", err, success, result)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "c.Exec() successfully\nsuccess: %v\nresult: %s\n", success, result)