LoRaWAN Probe This is a simple LoRaWAN probe that sends multiple messages at different datarates to test the range of a LoRaWAN network. It uses the GPS to get a location and sends this in the message. Supports TTGO T-Beam with Pycom Firmware and OLED display.
- Create your app at TTN, use the following sample as payload formatter:
function decodeUplink(input) {
var bytes = input.bytes;
var port = input.fPort;
var decoded = {};
if(port == 1) {
if(bytes.length == 10) {
decoded.gpsfix = true;
decoded.latitude = ((bytes[0]<<16)>>>0) + ((bytes[1]<<8)>>>0) + bytes[2];
decoded.latitude = (decoded.latitude / 16777215.0 * 180) - 90;
decoded.longitude = ((bytes[3]<<16)>>>0) + ((bytes[4]<<8)>>>0) + bytes[5];
decoded.longitude = (decoded.longitude / 16777215.0 * 360) - 180;
var altValue = ((bytes[6]<<8)>>>0) + bytes[7];
var sign = bytes[6] & (1 << 7);
decoded.altitude = 0xFFFF0000 | altValue;
decoded.altitude = altValue;
decoded.hdop = bytes[8] / 10.0;
decoded.sats = bytes[9];
if (decoded.latitude == -90) {
decoded = {};
decoded.gpsfix = false;
return {
data: decoded
- Create a device in your app
- Configure the device to use OTAA or ABP, ABP is better for testing range
- Configure an integration to store your received data together with network metrics (rssi and snr)
- Configure settings in lib/config.py, including your newly created device at TTN
- Push everything to the TTGO
- Wait for the messages to arrive at TTN
- Check the data in your integration and push it to TTN Mapper
- Use the data to create a map of the range of your network
- Profit!