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Notification Type: After User Inactivity

objectivehtml edited this page Dec 20, 2014 · 5 revisions


This event allows you to easily send notifications to users that haven't logged into the site, or changed their password within a specific duration or time. You can choose either action, or setup two different notifications if you need to perform both actions. You also have full control over which type of users will receive the reminders.


Select the type of notification you wish to send. You can choose "Change Password Reminder" or "Login Reminder".

User Types

Select the type of user accounts you want to include in your notification.

User Groups

Select the type of user accounts you want to include in your notification.

Login Inactivity

Elapsed time since last login

Enter a relative time stamp like "-1 week", or "-1 month". This will be calculated from the current time to get the users that have logged in during that time. Any value supported by the strtotime() function should work here.

Change Password

Elapsed time since last password change

Enter a relative time stamp like "-1 week", or "-1 month". This will be calculated from the current time to get the users that haven't changed their passwords during that time. Any value supported by the strtotime() function should work here.

Force a password reset on next login?

Set whether or not the user should be forced to reset their password after the elapsed time. If this setting is set to true, the user will be forced to reset their password after the elapsed time.



This variable will be the inactive user you are attempting to notify. This variable contains an UserModel, so any kind of parsing you would normally do with a UserModel will work here too.