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chambart committed Jul 29, 2023
1 parent a35c0cd commit eb5cf15
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Showing 14 changed files with 734 additions and 0 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions test_kb_wasm/
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../ocamlopt -c terms.mli
../ocamlopt -c
../ocamlopt -c equations.mli
../ocamlopt -c
../ocamlopt -c orderings.mli
../ocamlopt -c
../ocamlopt -c kb.mli
../ocamlopt -c
../ocamlopt -c
../ocamlopt terms.cmx equations.cmx orderings.cmx kb.cmx kbmain.cmx
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions test_kb_wasm/
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

rm -f *.cmi *.cmx *.o a.out*
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions test_kb_wasm/
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@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
(****************** Equation manipulations *************)

open Terms

type rule =
{ number: int;
numvars: int;
lhs: term;
rhs: term }

(* standardizes an equation so its variables are 1,2,... *)

let mk_rule num m n =
let all_vars = union (vars m) (vars n) in
let counter = ref 0 in
let subst = (fun v -> incr counter; (v, Var !counter)) (List.rev all_vars) in
{ number = num;
numvars = !counter;
lhs = substitute subst m;
rhs = substitute subst n }

(* checks that rules are numbered in sequence and returns their number *)

let check_rules rules =
let counter = ref 0 in
List.iter (fun r -> incr counter;
if r.number <> !counter
then failwith "Rule numbers not in sequence")

let pretty_rule rule =
print_int rule.number; print_string " : ";
pretty_term rule.lhs; print_string " = "; pretty_term rule.rhs;

let pretty_rules rules = List.iter pretty_rule rules

(****************** Rewriting **************************)

(* Top-level rewriting. Let eq:L=R be an equation, M be a term such that L<=M.
With sigma = matching L M, we define the image of M by eq as sigma(R) *)
let reduce l m r =
substitute (matching l m) r

(* Test whether m can be reduced by l, i.e. m contains an instance of l. *)

let can_match l m =
try let _ = matching l m in true
with Failure _ -> false

let rec reducible l m =
can_match l m ||
(match m with
| Term(_,sons) -> List.exists (reducible l) sons
| _ -> false)

(* Top-level rewriting with multiple rules. *)

let rec mreduce rules m =
match rules with
[] -> failwith "mreduce"
| rule::rest ->
reduce rule.lhs m rule.rhs
with Failure _ ->
mreduce rest m

(* One step of rewriting in leftmost-outermost strategy,
with multiple rules. Fails if no redex is found *)

let rec mrewrite1 rules m =
mreduce rules m
with Failure _ ->
match m with
Var n -> failwith "mrewrite1"
| Term(f, sons) -> Term(f, mrewrite1_sons rules sons)

and mrewrite1_sons rules = function
[] -> failwith "mrewrite1"
| son::rest ->
mrewrite1 rules son :: rest
with Failure _ ->
son :: mrewrite1_sons rules rest

(* Iterating rewrite1. Returns a normal form. May loop forever *)

let rec mrewrite_all rules m =
mrewrite_all rules (mrewrite1 rules m)
with Failure _ ->
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions test_kb_wasm/equations.mli
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open Terms

type rule =
{ number: int;
numvars: int;
lhs: term;
rhs: term }

val mk_rule: int -> term -> term -> rule
val check_rules: rule list -> int
val pretty_rule: rule -> unit
val pretty_rules: rule list -> unit
val reduce: term -> term -> term -> term
val reducible: term -> term -> bool
val mreduce: rule list -> term -> term
val mrewrite1: rule list -> term -> term
val mrewrite1_sons: rule list -> term list -> term list
val mrewrite_all: rule list -> term -> term
173 changes: 173 additions & 0 deletions test_kb_wasm/
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open Terms
open Equations

(****************** Critical pairs *********************)

(* All (u,subst) such that N/u (&var) unifies with M,
with principal unifier subst *)

let rec super m = function
Term(_,sons) as n ->
let rec collate n = function
[] -> []
| son::rest -> (fun (u, subst) -> (n::u, subst)) (super m son)
@ collate (n+1) rest in
let insides = collate 1 sons in
begin try
([], unify m n) :: insides
with Failure _ ->
| _ -> []

(* Ex :
let (m,_) = <<F(A,B)>>
and (n,_) = <<H(F(A,x),F(x,y))>> in super m n
==> [[1],[2,Term ("B",[])]; x <- B
[2],[2,Term ("A",[]); 1,Term ("B",[])]] x <- A y <- B

(* All (u,subst), u&[], such that n/u unifies with m *)

let super_strict m = function
Term(_,sons) ->
let rec collate n = function
[] -> []
| son::rest -> (fun (u, subst) -> (n::u, subst)) (super m son)
@ collate (n+1) rest in
collate 1 sons
| _ -> []

(* Critical pairs of l1=r1 with l2=r2 *)
(* critical_pairs : term_pair -> term_pair -> term_pair list *)
let critical_pairs (l1,r1) (l2,r2) =
let mk_pair (u,subst) =
substitute subst (replace l2 u r1), substitute subst r2 in mk_pair (super l1 l2)

(* Strict critical pairs of l1=r1 with l2=r2 *)
(* strict_critical_pairs : term_pair -> term_pair -> term_pair list *)
let strict_critical_pairs (l1,r1) (l2,r2) =
let mk_pair (u,subst) =
substitute subst (replace l2 u r1), substitute subst r2 in mk_pair (super_strict l1 l2)

(* All critical pairs of eq1 with eq2 *)
let mutual_critical_pairs eq1 eq2 =
(strict_critical_pairs eq1 eq2) @ (critical_pairs eq2 eq1)

(* Renaming of variables *)

let rename n (t1,t2) =
let rec ren_rec = function
Var k -> Var(k+n)
| Term(op,sons) -> Term(op, ren_rec sons) in
(ren_rec t1, ren_rec t2)

(************************ Completion ******************************)

let deletion_message rule =
print_string "Rule ";print_int rule.number; print_string " deleted";

(* Generate failure message *)
let non_orientable (m,n) =
pretty_term m; print_string " = "; pretty_term n; print_newline()

let rec partition p = function
[] -> ([], [])
| x::l -> let (l1, l2) = partition p l in
if p x then (x::l1, l2) else (l1, x::l2)

let rec get_rule n = function
[] -> raise Not_found
| r::l -> if n = r.number then r else get_rule n l

(* Improved Knuth-Bendix completion procedure *)

let kb_completion greater =
let rec kbrec j rules =
let rec process failures (k,l) eqs =
print_string "***kb_completion "; print_int j; print_newline();
pretty_rules rules;
List.iter non_orientable failures;
print_int k; print_string " "; print_int l; print_newline();
List.iter non_orientable eqs;
match eqs with
[] ->
if k<l then next_criticals failures (k+1,l) else
if l<j then next_criticals failures (1,l+1) else
begin match failures with
[] -> rules (* successful completion *)
| _ -> print_string "Non-orientable equations :"; print_newline();
List.iter non_orientable failures;
failwith "kb_completion"
| (m,n)::eqs ->
let m' = mrewrite_all rules m
and n' = mrewrite_all rules n
and enter_rule(left,right) =
let new_rule = mk_rule (j+1) left right in
pretty_rule new_rule;
let left_reducible rule = reducible left rule.lhs in
let (redl,irredl) = partition left_reducible rules in
List.iter deletion_message redl;
let right_reduce rule =
mk_rule rule.number rule.lhs
(mrewrite_all (new_rule::rules) rule.rhs) in
let irreds = right_reduce irredl in
let eqs' = (fun rule -> (rule.lhs, rule.rhs)) redl in
kbrec (j+1) (new_rule::irreds) [] (k,l) (eqs @ eqs' @ failures) in
print_string "--- Considering "; non_orientable (m', n');
if m' = n' then process failures (k,l) eqs else
if greater(m',n') then enter_rule(m',n') else
if greater(n',m') then enter_rule(n',m') else
process ((m',n')::failures) (k,l) eqs

and next_criticals failures (k,l) =
print_string "***next_criticals ";
print_int k; print_string " "; print_int l ; print_newline();
let rl = get_rule l rules in
let el = (rl.lhs, rl.rhs) in
if k=l then
process failures (k,l)
(strict_critical_pairs el (rename rl.numvars el))
let rk = get_rule k rules in
let ek = (rk.lhs, rk.rhs) in
process failures (k,l)
(mutual_critical_pairs el (rename rl.numvars ek))
with Not_found -> next_criticals failures (k+1,l)
with Not_found -> next_criticals failures (1,l+1)
in process
in kbrec

(* complete_rules is assumed locally confluent, and checked Noetherian with
ordering greater, rules is any list of rules *)

let kb_complete greater complete_rules rules =
let n = check_rules complete_rules
and eqs = (fun rule -> (rule.lhs, rule.rhs)) rules in
let completed_rules =
kb_completion greater n complete_rules [] (n,n) eqs in
print_string "Canonical set found :"; print_newline();
pretty_rules (List.rev completed_rules)
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions test_kb_wasm/kb.mli
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open Terms
open Equations

val super: term -> term -> (int list * (int * term) list) list
val super_strict: term -> term -> (int list * (int * term) list) list
val critical_pairs: term * term -> term * term -> (term * term) list
val strict_critical_pairs: term * term -> term * term -> (term * term) list
val mutual_critical_pairs: term * term -> term * term -> (term * term) list
val rename: int -> term * term -> term * term
val deletion_message: rule -> unit
val non_orientable: term * term -> unit
val partition: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
val get_rule: int -> rule list -> rule
val kb_completion:
(term * term -> bool) -> int -> rule list -> (term * term) list
-> int * int -> (term * term) list -> rule list
val kb_complete: (term * term -> bool) -> rule list -> rule list -> unit
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions test_kb_wasm/
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@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
modules = ""

open Terms
open Equations
open Orderings
open Kb

let group_rules = [
{ number = 1; numvars = 1;
lhs = Term("*", [Term("U",[]); Var 1]); rhs = Var 1 };
{ number = 2; numvars = 1;
lhs = Term("*", [Term("I",[Var 1]); Var 1]); rhs = Term("U",[]) };
{ number = 3; numvars = 3;
lhs = Term("*", [Term("*", [Var 1; Var 2]); Var 3]);
rhs = Term("*", [Var 1; Term("*", [Var 2; Var 3])]) }

let geom_rules = [
{ number = 1; numvars = 1;
lhs = Term ("*",[(Term ("U",[])); (Var 1)]);
rhs = Var 1 };
{ number = 2; numvars = 1;
lhs = Term ("*",[(Term ("I",[(Var 1)])); (Var 1)]);
rhs = Term ("U",[]) };
{ number = 3; numvars = 3;
lhs = Term ("*",[(Term ("*",[(Var 1); (Var 2)])); (Var 3)]);
rhs = Term ("*",[(Var 1); (Term ("*",[(Var 2); (Var 3)]))]) };
{ number = 4; numvars = 0;
lhs = Term ("*",[(Term ("A",[])); (Term ("B",[]))]);
rhs = Term ("*",[(Term ("B",[])); (Term ("A",[]))]) };
{ number = 5; numvars = 0;
lhs = Term ("*",[(Term ("C",[])); (Term ("C",[]))]);
rhs = Term ("U",[]) };
{ number = 6; numvars = 0;
lhs = Term("*",
[(Term ("C",[]));
(Term ("*",[(Term ("A",[])); (Term ("I",[(Term ("C",[]))]))]))]);
rhs = Term ("I",[(Term ("A",[]))]) };
{ number = 7; numvars = 0;
lhs = Term("*",
[(Term ("C",[]));
(Term ("*",[(Term ("B",[])); (Term ("I",[(Term ("C",[]))]))]))]);
rhs = Term ("B",[]) }

let group_rank = function
"U" -> 0
| "*" -> 1
| "I" -> 2
| "B" -> 3
| "C" -> 4
| "A" -> 5
| _ -> assert false

let group_precedence op1 op2 =
let r1 = group_rank op1
and r2 = group_rank op2 in
if r1 = r2 then Equal else
if r1 > r2 then Greater else NotGE

let group_order = rpo group_precedence lex_ext

let greater pair =
match group_order pair with Greater -> true | _ -> false

let _ =
kb_complete greater [] geom_rules

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