diff --git a/CHANGES.md b/CHANGES.md
index 01db603e6cc..1f75c8a4c58 100644
--- a/CHANGES.md
+++ b/CHANGES.md
@@ -121,6 +121,8 @@
   files. This is useful for installing only the binaries in a workspace for
   example. (#2609, fixes #2554, @rgrinberg)
+- Drop support for `jbuild` and `jbuild-ignore` files (#2607, @diml)
 1.11.3 (23/08/2019)
diff --git a/bin/upgrade.ml b/bin/upgrade.ml
index 45231e1d9c1..e792aabb253 100644
--- a/bin/upgrade.ml
+++ b/bin/upgrade.ml
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ let term =
   Common.set_common common ~targets:[];
   Scheduler.go ~common (fun () ->
-        (Dune.File_tree.load Path.Source.root
-           ~warn_when_seeing_jbuild_file:false ~ancestor_vcs:None)
+        (Dune.File_tree.load Path.Source.root ~recognize_jbuilder_projects:true
+           ~ancestor_vcs:None)
       |> Fiber.return)
 let command = (term, info)
diff --git a/src/dune/action_dune_lang.ml b/src/dune/action_dune_lang.ml
index db1c11cd96d..f98e7691f02 100644
--- a/src/dune/action_dune_lang.ml
+++ b/src/dune/action_dune_lang.ml
@@ -29,15 +29,6 @@ include Action_ast.Make (String_with_vars) (String_with_vars)
 module Mapper = Action_mapper.Make (Uast) (Uast)
-let upgrade_to_dune =
-  let id ~dir:_ p = p in
-  let dir = String_with_vars.make_text Loc.none "" in
-  Mapper.map ~dir ~f_program:id ~f_path:id ~f_target:id
-    ~f_string:(fun ~dir:_ sw ->
-      String_with_vars.upgrade_to_dune sw ~allow_first_dep_var:false)
-let encode_and_upgrade a = encode (upgrade_to_dune a)
 let remove_locs =
   let dir = String_with_vars.make_text Loc.none "" in
   let f_program ~dir:_ = String_with_vars.remove_locs in
diff --git a/src/dune/action_dune_lang.mli b/src/dune/action_dune_lang.mli
index 55430f1e22f..4ae005a57e1 100644
--- a/src/dune/action_dune_lang.mli
+++ b/src/dune/action_dune_lang.mli
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ include
 include Dune_lang.Conv with type t := t
-val encode_and_upgrade : t Dune_lang.Encoder.t
     with type t := t
diff --git a/src/dune/dune b/src/dune/dune
index 7120f2ea1a4..900a62537a9 100644
--- a/src/dune/dune
+++ b/src/dune/dune
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  (name dune)
  (libraries unix stdune fiber incremental_cycles dag memo xdg dune_re
    threads.posix opam_file_format dune_lang dune_manager dune_memory
-   ocaml_config catapult)
+   ocaml_config catapult jbuild_support)
  (synopsis "Internal Dune library, do not use!")
  (preprocess future_syntax))
diff --git a/src/dune/dune_file.ml b/src/dune/dune_file.ml
index 75c6b2dc064..a02b5059535 100644
--- a/src/dune/dune_file.ml
+++ b/src/dune/dune_file.ml
@@ -1347,7 +1347,6 @@ module Executables = struct
       ; project : Dune_project.t
       ; loc : Loc.t
       ; multi : bool
-      ; file_kind : Dune_lang.File_syntax.t
     let names t = t.names
@@ -1403,7 +1402,6 @@ module Executables = struct
       and+ loc = loc
       and+ dune_syntax = Syntax.get_exn Stanza.syntax
-      and+ file_kind = Stanza.file_kind ()
       and+ package =
         field_o "package"
           (let+ loc = loc
@@ -1456,13 +1454,12 @@ module Executables = struct
                   Pkg.default_exn ~loc project (pluralize "executable" ~multi)
         | Some (loc, _), None ->
-          User_warning.emit ~is_error:(file_kind = Dune) ~loc
+          User_error.raise ~loc
             [ Pp.textf "This field is useless without a (%s ...) field."
                 (pluralize "public_name" ~multi)
-            ];
-          None
+            ]
-      { names; public; project; stanza; loc; multi; file_kind }
+      { names; public; project; stanza; loc; multi }
     let install_conf t ~ext =
       Option.map t.public ~f:(fun { package; public_names } ->
diff --git a/src/dune/dune_init.ml b/src/dune/dune_init.ml
index 9ebd24f136e..300a89f2d62 100644
--- a/src/dune/dune_init.ml
+++ b/src/dune/dune_init.ml
@@ -176,9 +176,10 @@ module Init_context = struct
     let project =
         Dune_project.load ~dir:Path.Source.root ~files:String.Set.empty
+          ~infer_from_opam_files:true
       | Some p -> p
-      | None -> Lazy.force Dune_project.anonymous
+      | None -> Dune_project.anonymous ~dir:Path.Source.root
     let dir =
       match path with
diff --git a/src/dune/dune_load.ml b/src/dune/dune_load.ml
index 17d38a7355e..74a97636299 100644
--- a/src/dune/dune_load.ml
+++ b/src/dune/dune_load.ml
@@ -7,10 +7,9 @@ module Dune_file = struct
     { dir : Path.Source.t
     ; project : Dune_project.t
     ; stanzas : Stanzas.t
-    ; kind : Dune_lang.File_syntax.t
-  let parse sexps ~dir ~file ~project ~kind =
+  let parse sexps ~dir ~file ~project =
     let stanzas = Stanzas.parse ~file project sexps in
     let stanzas =
       if !Clflags.ignore_promoted_rules then
@@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ module Dune_file = struct
-    { dir; project; stanzas; kind }
+    { dir; project; stanzas }
   let rec fold_stanzas l ~init ~f =
     match l with
@@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ module Dune_files = struct
     { dir : Path.Source.t
     ; file : Path.Source.t
     ; project : Dune_project.t
-    ; kind : Dune_lang.File_syntax.t
   type one =
@@ -54,56 +52,32 @@ module Dune_files = struct
   let ensure_parent_dir_exists path =
     Path.build path |> Path.parent |> Option.iter ~f:Path.mkdir_p
-  type requires =
-    | No_requires
-    | Unix
-  let extract_requires path str ~kind =
-    let rec loop n lines acc =
-      match lines with
-      | [] -> acc
-      | line :: lines ->
-        let acc =
-          match Scanf.sscanf line "#require %S" (fun x -> x) with
-          | exception _ -> acc
-          | s -> (
-            let loc : Loc.t =
-              let start : Lexing.position =
-                { pos_fname = Path.to_string path
-                ; pos_lnum = n
-                ; pos_cnum = 0
-                ; pos_bol = 0
-                }
-              in
-              { start; stop = { start with pos_cnum = String.length line } }
+  let check_no_requires path str =
+    List.iteri (String.split str ~on:'\n') ~f:(fun n line ->
+        match Scanf.sscanf line "#require %S" (fun x -> x) with
+        | exception _ -> ()
+        | (_ : string) ->
+          let loc : Loc.t =
+            let start : Lexing.position =
+              { pos_fname = Path.to_string path
+              ; pos_lnum = n
+              ; pos_cnum = 0
+              ; pos_bol = 0
+              }
-            ( match (kind : Dune_lang.File_syntax.t) with
-            | Jbuild -> ()
-            | Dune ->
-              User_error.raise ~loc
-                [ Pp.text "#require is no longer supported in dune files."
-                ; Pp.text
-                    "You can use the following function instead of \
-                     Unix.open_process_in:\n\n\
-                    \  (** Execute a command and read it's output *)\n\
-                    \  val run_and_read_lines : string -> string list"
-                ] );
-            match String.split s ~on:',' with
-            | [] -> acc
-            | [ "unix" ] -> Unix
-            | _ ->
-              User_error.raise ~loc
-                [ Pp.text
-                    "Using libraries other that \"unix\" is not supported."
-                ; Pp.text "See the manual for details."
-                ] )
-        in
-        loop (n + 1) lines acc
-    in
-    loop 1 (String.split str ~on:'\n') No_requires
+            { start; stop = { start with pos_cnum = String.length line } }
+          in
+          User_error.raise ~loc
+            [ Pp.text "#require is no longer supported in dune files."
+            ; Pp.text
+                "You can use the following function instead of \
+                 Unix.open_process_in:\n\n\
+                \  (** Execute a command and read it's output *)\n\
+                \  val run_and_read_lines : string -> string list"
+            ])
   let create_plugin_wrapper (context : Context.t) ~exec_dir ~plugin ~wrapper
-      ~target ~kind =
+      ~target =
     let plugin_contents = Io.read_file plugin in
     Io.with_file_out (Path.build wrapper) ~f:(fun oc ->
         let ocamlc_config =
@@ -168,7 +142,7 @@ end
           context.name context.version_string ocamlc_config
           (Path.reach ~from:exec_dir (Path.build target))
           (Path.to_string plugin) plugin_contents);
-    extract_requires plugin plugin_contents ~kind
+    check_no_requires plugin plugin_contents
   let eval dune_files ~(context : Context.t) =
     let open Fiber.O in
@@ -177,7 +151,7 @@ end
         | Literal x -> Left x
         | Script x -> Right x)
-    Fiber.parallel_map dynamic ~f:(fun { dir; file; project; kind } ->
+    Fiber.parallel_map dynamic ~f:(fun { dir; file; project } ->
         let generated_dune_file =
             (Path.Build.relative generated_dune_files_dir context.name)
@@ -187,27 +161,15 @@ end
           Path.Build.extend_basename generated_dune_file ~suffix:".ml"
         ensure_parent_dir_exists generated_dune_file;
-        let requires =
-          create_plugin_wrapper context ~exec_dir:(Path.source dir)
-            ~plugin:(Path.source file) ~wrapper ~target:generated_dune_file
-            ~kind
-        in
+        create_plugin_wrapper context ~exec_dir:(Path.source dir)
+          ~plugin:(Path.source file) ~wrapper ~target:generated_dune_file;
         let context = Option.value context.for_host ~default:context in
-        let cmas =
-          match requires with
-          | No_requires -> []
-          | Unix -> [ "unix.cma" ]
-        in
         let args =
             [ [ "-I"; "+compiler-libs" ]
-            ; cmas
             ; [ Path.to_absolute_filename (Path.build wrapper) ]
-        (* CR-someday jdimino: if we want to allow plugins to use findlib: {[
-           let args = match context.toplevel_path with | None -> args | Some
-           path -> "-I" :: Path.reach ~from:dir path :: args in ]} *)
         let* () =
           Process.run Strict ~dir:(Path.source dir) ~env:context.env
             context.ocaml args
@@ -219,11 +181,8 @@ end
             ; Pp.textf "Did you forgot to call [Jbuild_plugin.V*.send]?"
-          ( Dune_lang.Io.load
-              (Path.build generated_dune_file)
-              ~mode:Many
-              ~lexer:(Dune_lang.Lexer.of_syntax kind)
-          |> Dune_file.parse ~dir ~file ~project ~kind ))
+          ( Dune_lang.Io.load (Path.build generated_dune_file) ~mode:Many
+          |> Dune_file.parse ~dir ~file ~project ))
     >>| fun dynamic -> static @ dynamic
@@ -235,19 +194,20 @@ type conf =
 let interpret ~dir ~project ~(dune_file : File_tree.Dune_file.t) =
-  match dune_file.contents with
+  match dune_file with
   | Plain p ->
     let dune_file =
-      Dune_files.Literal
-        (Dune_file.parse p.sexps ~dir ~file:p.path ~project
-           ~kind:dune_file.kind)
+      Dune_files.Literal (Dune_file.parse p.sexps ~dir ~file:p.path ~project)
     p.sexps <- [];
-  | Ocaml_script file -> Script { dir; project; file; kind = dune_file.kind }
+  | Ocaml_script file -> Script { dir; project; file }
 let load ~ancestor_vcs () =
-  let ftree = File_tree.load Path.Source.root ~ancestor_vcs in
+  let ftree =
+    File_tree.load Path.Source.root ~ancestor_vcs
+      ~recognize_jbuilder_projects:false
+  in
   let projects =
     File_tree.fold ftree
       ~traverse:{ data_only = false; vendored = true; normal = true } ~init:[]
diff --git a/src/dune/dune_load.mli b/src/dune/dune_load.mli
index 6d27ff59112..6013ff73ab8 100644
--- a/src/dune/dune_load.mli
+++ b/src/dune/dune_load.mli
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ module Dune_file : sig
     { dir : Path.Source.t
     ; project : Dune_project.t
     ; stanzas : Dune_file.Stanzas.t
-    ; kind : Dune_lang.File_syntax.t
   val fold_stanzas :
diff --git a/src/dune/dune_project.ml b/src/dune/dune_project.ml
index 997d56085c1..bac9e4f0476 100644
--- a/src/dune/dune_project.ml
+++ b/src/dune/dune_project.ml
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ module Name : sig
   val named : string -> t option
-  val anonymous_root : t
   module Infix : Comparator.OPS with type t = t
   module Map : Map.S with type key = t
@@ -578,51 +576,6 @@ let format_config t =
   let dune_lang = t.format_config in
   Format_config.of_config ~ext ~dune_lang
-let anonymous =
-  lazy
-    (let lang = get_dune_lang () in
-     let name = Name.anonymous_root in
-     let project_file =
-       { Project_file.file = Path.Source.relative Path.Source.root filename
-       ; exists = false
-       ; project_name = name
-       }
-     in
-     let parsing_context, stanza_parser, extension_args =
-       interpret_lang_and_extensions ~lang ~explicit_extensions:[]
-         ~project_file
-     in
-     let implicit_transitive_deps = implicit_transitive_deps_default ~lang in
-     let wrapped_executables = wrapped_executables_default ~lang in
-     let explicit_js_mode = explicit_js_mode_default ~lang in
-     let root = Path.Source.root in
-     let file_key = File_key.make ~root ~name in
-     { name
-     ; packages = Package.Name.Map.empty
-     ; root
-     ; source = None
-     ; license = None
-     ; homepage = None
-     ; bug_reports = None
-     ; documentation = None
-     ; maintainers = []
-     ; authors = []
-     ; version = None
-     ; implicit_transitive_deps
-     ; wrapped_executables
-     ; stanza_parser
-     ; project_file
-     ; extension_args
-     ; parsing_context
-     ; dune_version = lang.version
-     ; allow_approx_merlin = true
-     ; generate_opam_files = false
-     ; file_key
-     ; dialects = Dialect.DB.builtin
-     ; explicit_js_mode
-     ; format_config = None
-     })
 let default_name ~dir ~packages =
   match Package.Name.Map.choose packages with
   | None -> Name.anonymous dir
@@ -642,6 +595,51 @@ let default_name ~dir ~packages =
       User_error.raise ~loc:pkg.loc
         [ Pp.textf "%S is not a valid opam package name." name ] )
+let infer ~dir packages =
+  let lang = get_dune_lang () in
+  let name = default_name ~dir ~packages in
+  let project_file =
+    { Project_file.file = Path.Source.relative dir filename
+    ; exists = false
+    ; project_name = name
+    }
+  in
+  let parsing_context, stanza_parser, extension_args =
+    interpret_lang_and_extensions ~lang ~explicit_extensions:[] ~project_file
+  in
+  let implicit_transitive_deps = implicit_transitive_deps_default ~lang in
+  let wrapped_executables = wrapped_executables_default ~lang in
+  let explicit_js_mode = explicit_js_mode_default ~lang in
+  let root = dir in
+  let file_key = File_key.make ~root ~name in
+  { name
+  ; packages
+  ; root
+  ; source = None
+  ; license = None
+  ; homepage = None
+  ; bug_reports = None
+  ; documentation = None
+  ; maintainers = []
+  ; authors = []
+  ; version = None
+  ; implicit_transitive_deps
+  ; wrapped_executables
+  ; stanza_parser
+  ; project_file
+  ; extension_args
+  ; parsing_context
+  ; dune_version = lang.version
+  ; allow_approx_merlin = true
+  ; generate_opam_files = false
+  ; file_key
+  ; dialects = Dialect.DB.builtin
+  ; explicit_js_mode
+  ; format_config = None
+  }
+let anonymous ~dir = infer ~dir Package.Name.Map.empty
 let parse ~dir ~lang ~opam_packages ~file =
     (let+ name = field_o "name" Name.decode
@@ -820,51 +818,7 @@ let load_dune_project ~dir opam_packages =
   load (Path.source file) ~f:(fun lang ->
       parse ~dir ~lang ~opam_packages ~file)
-let make_jbuilder_project ~dir opam_packages =
-  let lang = get_dune_lang () in
-  let packages =
-    Package.Name.Map.map opam_packages ~f:(fun (_loc, p) -> Lazy.force p)
-  in
-  let name = default_name ~dir ~packages in
-  let project_file =
-    { Project_file.file = Path.Source.relative dir filename
-    ; exists = false
-    ; project_name = name
-    }
-  in
-  let parsing_context, stanza_parser, extension_args =
-    interpret_lang_and_extensions ~lang ~explicit_extensions:[] ~project_file
-  in
-  let root = dir in
-  let file_key = File_key.make ~root ~name in
-  let dialects = Dialect.DB.builtin in
-  { name
-  ; root
-  ; file_key
-  ; version = None
-  ; source = None
-  ; license = None
-  ; homepage = None
-  ; bug_reports = None
-  ; documentation = None
-  ; maintainers = []
-  ; authors = []
-  ; packages
-  ; stanza_parser
-  ; project_file
-  ; extension_args
-  ; parsing_context
-  ; implicit_transitive_deps = true
-  ; dune_version = lang.version
-  ; allow_approx_merlin = true
-  ; generate_opam_files = false
-  ; wrapped_executables = false
-  ; dialects
-  ; explicit_js_mode = explicit_js_mode_default ~lang
-  ; format_config = None
-  }
-let load ~dir ~files =
+let load ~dir ~files ~infer_from_opam_files =
   let opam_packages =
     String.Set.fold files ~init:[] ~f:(fun fn acc ->
         match Filename.split_extension fn with
@@ -913,8 +867,13 @@ let load ~dir ~files =
   if String.Set.mem files filename then
     Some (load_dune_project ~dir opam_packages)
-  else if not (Package.Name.Map.is_empty opam_packages) then
-    Some (make_jbuilder_project ~dir opam_packages)
+  else if
+    Path.Source.is_root dir
+    || (infer_from_opam_files && not (Package.Name.Map.is_empty opam_packages))
+  then
+    Some
+      (infer ~dir
+         (Package.Name.Map.map opam_packages ~f:(fun (_loc, p) -> Lazy.force p)))
diff --git a/src/dune/dune_project.mli b/src/dune/dune_project.mli
index 68e2c818ad8..7c343c30e5c 100644
--- a/src/dune/dune_project.mli
+++ b/src/dune/dune_project.mli
@@ -148,16 +148,23 @@ module Extension : sig
 (** Load a project description from the following directory. [files] is the set
-    of files in this directory. *)
-val load : dir:Path.Source.t -> files:String.Set.t -> t option
+    of files in this directory.
+    If [infer_from_opam_files] is true and the directory contains no
+    [dune-project] file but contains at least one [>package>.opam] files, then
+    a project description is inferred from the opam files. *)
+val load :
+     dir:Path.Source.t
+  -> files:String.Set.t
+  -> infer_from_opam_files:bool
+  -> t option
+(** Create an anonymous project with no package rooted at the given directory *)
+val anonymous : dir:Path.Source.t -> t
 (** "dune-project" *)
 val filename : string
-(** Represent the scope at the root of the workspace when the root of the
-    workspace contains no [dune-project] or [<package>.opam] files. *)
-val anonymous : t Lazy.t
 type created_or_already_exist =
   | Created
   | Already_exist
diff --git a/src/dune/file_tree.ml b/src/dune/file_tree.ml
index c9440165775..7d133c8668b 100644
--- a/src/dune/file_tree.ml
+++ b/src/dune/file_tree.ml
@@ -35,33 +35,21 @@ module Dune_file = struct
-  module Contents = struct
-    type t =
-      | Plain of Plain.t
-      | Ocaml_script of Path.Source.t
-  end
   type t =
-    { contents : Contents.t
-    ; kind : Dune_lang.File_syntax.t
-    }
+    | Plain of Plain.t
+    | Ocaml_script of Path.Source.t
-  let path t =
-    match t.contents with
+  let path = function
     | Plain x -> x.path
     | Ocaml_script p -> p
-  let load file ~project ~kind =
+  let load file ~project =
     Io.with_lexbuf_from_file (Path.source file) ~f:(fun lb ->
-        let contents, sub_dirs =
+        let t, sub_dirs =
           if Dune_lexer.is_script lb then
-            (Contents.Ocaml_script file, Sub_dirs.default)
+            (Ocaml_script file, Sub_dirs.default)
-            let sexps =
-              Dune_lang.Parser.parse lb
-                ~lexer:(Dune_lang.Lexer.of_syntax kind)
-                ~mode:Many
-            in
+            let sexps = Dune_lang.Parser.parse lb ~mode:Many in
             let decoder =
               Dune_project.set_parsing_context project Sub_dirs.decode
@@ -71,7 +59,7 @@ module Dune_file = struct
             (Plain { path = file; sexps }, sub_dirs)
-        ({ contents; kind }, sub_dirs))
+        (t, sub_dirs))
 module Dir = struct
@@ -205,22 +193,22 @@ let readdir path =
     |> Result.ok
-let load ?(warn_when_seeing_jbuild_file = true) path ~ancestor_vcs =
+let load path ~ancestor_vcs ~recognize_jbuilder_projects =
   let open Result.O in
   let nb_path_visited = ref 0 in
   let rec walk path ~dirs_visited ~project:parent_project ~vcs
-      ~(dir_status : Sub_dirs.Status.t) : (_, _) Result.t =
+      ~(dir_status : Sub_dirs.Status.t) { dirs; files } =
     incr nb_path_visited;
     if !nb_path_visited mod 100 = 0 then
         (Pp.verbatim (Printf.sprintf "Scanned %i directories" !nb_path_visited));
-    let+ { dirs; files } = readdir path in
     let project =
       if dir_status = Data_only then
-          (Dune_project.load ~dir:path ~files)
+          (Dune_project.load ~dir:path ~files
+             ~infer_from_opam_files:recognize_jbuilder_projects)
     let vcs =
@@ -242,57 +230,33 @@ let load ?(warn_when_seeing_jbuild_file = true) path ~ancestor_vcs =
         (let dune_file, sub_dirs =
            if dir_status = Data_only then
              (None, Sub_dirs.default)
-           else
-             let dune_file, sub_dirs =
-               match
-                 List.filter [ "dune"; "jbuild" ] ~f:(String.Set.mem files)
-               with
-               | [] -> (None, Sub_dirs.default)
-               | [ fn ] ->
-                 let file = Path.Source.relative path fn in
-                 let warn_about_jbuild =
-                   warn_when_seeing_jbuild_file && dir_status <> Vendored
-                 in
-                 if fn = "dune" then
-                   ignore
-                     ( Dune_project.ensure_project_file_exists project
-                       : Dune_project.created_or_already_exist )
-                 else if Dune_project.dune_version project >= (2, 0) then
-                   User_warning.emit
-                     ~loc:(Loc.in_file (Path.source file))
-                     [ Pp.text
-                         "jbuild files are not allowed inside Dune 2.0 \
-                          projects, please convert this file to a dune file \
-                          instead."
-                     ; Pp.text
-                         "Note: You can use \"dune upgrade\" to convert your \
-                          project to dune."
-                     ]
-                 else if warn_about_jbuild then
-                   User_warning.emit
-                     ~loc:(Loc.in_file (Path.source file))
-                     [ Pp.text
-                         "jbuild files are deprecated, please convert this \
-                          file to a dune file instead."
-                     ; Pp.text
-                         "Note: You can use \"dune upgrade\" to convert your \
-                          project to dune."
-                     ];
-                 let dune_file, sub_dirs =
-                   Dune_file.load file ~project
-                     ~kind:
-                       (Option.value_exn (Dune_lang.File_syntax.of_basename fn))
-                 in
-                 (Some dune_file, sub_dirs)
-               | _ ->
-                 User_error.raise
-                   [ Pp.textf
-                       "Directory %s has both a 'dune' and 'jbuild' file.\n\
-                        This is not allowed"
-                       (Path.Source.to_string_maybe_quoted path)
-                   ]
-             in
-             (dune_file, sub_dirs)
+           else (
+             if
+               (not recognize_jbuilder_projects)
+               && String.Set.mem files "jbuild"
+             then
+               User_error.raise
+                 ~loc:
+                   (Loc.in_file
+                      (Path.source (Path.Source.relative path "jbuild")))
+                 [ Pp.text
+                     "jbuild files are no longer supported, please convert \
+                      this file to a dune file instead."
+                 ; Pp.text
+                     "Note: You can use \"dune upgrade\" to convert your \
+                      project to dune."
+                 ];
+             if not (String.Set.mem files "dune") then
+               (None, Sub_dirs.default)
+             else (
+               ignore
+                 ( Dune_project.ensure_project_file_exists project
+                   : Dune_project.created_or_already_exist );
+               let file = Path.Source.relative path "dune" in
+               let dune_file, sub_dirs = Dune_file.load file ~project in
+               (Some dune_file, sub_dirs)
+             )
+           )
          let sub_dirs =
            Sub_dirs.eval sub_dirs ~dirs:(List.map ~f:(fun (a, _, _) -> a) dirs)
@@ -332,7 +296,8 @@ let load ?(warn_when_seeing_jbuild_file = true) path ~ancestor_vcs =
-                      walk path ~dirs_visited ~project ~dir_status ~vcs
+                      let+ x = readdir path in
+                      walk path ~dirs_visited ~project ~dir_status ~vcs x
                     | Ok dir -> String.Map.set acc fn dir
                     | Error _ -> acc ))
@@ -342,11 +307,17 @@ let load ?(warn_when_seeing_jbuild_file = true) path ~ancestor_vcs =
     Dir.create ~path ~contents ~status:dir_status ~project ~vcs
   let walk =
+    let+ x = readdir path in
+    let project =
+      match
+        Dune_project.load ~dir:path ~files:x.files ~infer_from_opam_files:true
+      with
+      | None -> Dune_project.anonymous ~dir:path
+      | Some p -> p
+    in
     walk path
       ~dirs_visited:(File.Map.singleton (File.of_source_path path) path)
-      ~dir_status:Normal
-      ~project:(Lazy.force Dune_project.anonymous)
-      ~vcs:ancestor_vcs
+      ~dir_status:Normal ~project ~vcs:ancestor_vcs x
   Console.clear_status_line ();
   match walk with
diff --git a/src/dune/file_tree.mli b/src/dune/file_tree.mli
index 553e7da9588..f2f94221681 100644
--- a/src/dune/file_tree.mli
+++ b/src/dune/file_tree.mli
@@ -14,16 +14,9 @@ module Dune_file : sig
-  module Contents : sig
-    type t = private
-      | Plain of Plain.t
-      | Ocaml_script of Path.Source.t
-  end
   type t = private
-    { contents : Contents.t
-    ; kind : Dune_lang.File_syntax.t
-    }
+    | Plain of Plain.t
+    | Ocaml_script of Path.Source.t
   val path : t -> Path.Source.t
@@ -43,8 +36,8 @@ module Dir : sig
   val sub_dir_names : t -> String.Set.t
-  (** Whether this directory is ignored by an [ignored_subdirs] stanza or
-      [jbuild-ignore] file in one of its ancestor directories. *)
+  (** Whether this directory is ignored by an [ignored_subdirs] stanza in one
+      of its ancestor directories. *)
   val ignored : t -> bool
   (** Whether this directory is vendored or sits within a vendored directory *)
@@ -65,14 +58,13 @@ module Dir : sig
 (** A [t] value represent a view of the source tree. It is lazily constructed
-    by scanning the file system and interpreting a few stanzas in [dune] files
-    as well as [jbuild-ignore] files for backward compatibility. *)
+    by scanning the file system and interpreting a few stanzas in [dune] files. *)
 type t
 val load :
-     ?warn_when_seeing_jbuild_file:bool
-  -> Path.Source.t
+     Path.Source.t
   -> ancestor_vcs:Vcs.t option
+  -> recognize_jbuilder_projects:bool
   -> t
 (** Passing [~traverse_data_only_dirs:true] to this functions causes the whole
diff --git a/src/dune/inline_tests.ml b/src/dune/inline_tests.ml
index c69e450f258..38c1e3bf42f 100644
--- a/src/dune/inline_tests.ml
+++ b/src/dune/inline_tests.ml
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ module Backend = struct
         ; flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
         ; generate_runner : (Loc.t * Action_unexpanded.t) option
         ; extends : (Loc.t * Lib_name.t) list
-        ; file_kind : Stanza.File_kind.t
       type Sub_system_info.t += T of t
@@ -44,14 +43,8 @@ module Backend = struct
              field_o "generate_runner" (located Action_dune_lang.decode)
            and+ extends =
              field "extends" (repeat (located Lib_name.decode)) ~default:[]
-           and+ file_kind = Stanza.file_kind () in
-           { loc
-           ; runner_libraries
-           ; flags
-           ; generate_runner
-           ; extends
-           ; file_kind
-           })
+           in
+           { loc; runner_libraries; flags; generate_runner; extends })
     type t =
@@ -101,9 +94,8 @@ module Backend = struct
       ( (1, 0)
       , record_fields
         @@ [ field_l "runner_libraries" lib (Result.ok_exn t.runner_libraries)
-           ; field_i "flags" Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.encode_and_upgrade
-               t.info.flags
-           ; field_o "generate_runner" Action_dune_lang.encode_and_upgrade
+           ; field_i "flags" Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.encode t.info.flags
+           ; field_o "generate_runner" Action_dune_lang.encode
                (Option.map t.info.generate_runner ~f:snd)
            ; field_l "extends" f (Result.ok_exn t.extends)
            ] )
diff --git a/src/dune/ordered_set_lang.ml b/src/dune/ordered_set_lang.ml
index daa33eac56b..0afcf529514 100644
--- a/src/dune/ordered_set_lang.ml
+++ b/src/dune/ordered_set_lang.ml
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ module Parse = struct
   let generic ~inc ~elt =
     let open Dune_lang.Decoder in
-    let rec one (kind : Dune_lang.File_syntax.t) =
+    let rec one () =
       >>= function
       | Atom (loc, A "\\") -> User_error.raise ~loc [ Pp.text "unexpected \\" ]
@@ -58,31 +58,28 @@ module Parse = struct
           User_error.raise ~loc [ Pp.textf "undefined symbol %s" s ]
         | _ -> elt )
       | List (_, Atom (loc, A s) :: _) -> (
-        match (s, kind) with
-        | ":include", _ -> inc
-        | s, Dune when s <> "" && s.[0] <> '-' && s.[0] <> ':' ->
+        match s with
+        | ":include" -> inc
+        | s when s <> "" && s.[0] <> '-' && s.[0] <> ':' ->
           User_error.raise ~loc
             [ Pp.text
                 "This atom must be quoted because it is the first element of \
                  a list and doesn't start with - or:"
-        | _ -> enter (many [] kind) )
-      | List _ -> enter (many [] kind)
-    and many acc kind =
+        | _ -> enter (many []) )
+      | List _ -> enter (many [])
+    and many acc =
       >>= function
       | None -> return (Union (List.rev acc))
       | Some (Atom (_, A "\\")) ->
-        let+ to_remove = junk >>> many [] kind in
+        let+ to_remove = junk >>> many [] in
         Diff (Union (List.rev acc), to_remove)
       | Some _ ->
-        let* x = one kind in
-        many (x :: acc) kind
+        let* x = one () in
+        many (x :: acc)
-    let* kind = Stanza.file_kind () in
-    match kind with
-    | Dune -> many [] kind
-    | Jbuild -> one kind
+    many []
   let with_include ~elt =
     generic ~elt
@@ -210,13 +207,6 @@ let eval_loc t ~parse ~eq ~standard =
 let standard = { ast = Ast.Standard; loc = None; context = Univ_map.empty }
-let dune_kind t =
-  match Univ_map.find t.context (Syntax.key Stanza.syntax) with
-  | Some (0, _) -> Dune_lang.File_syntax.Jbuild
-  | None
-   |Some (_, _) ->
-    Dune
 let field ?check name =
   let decode =
     match check with
@@ -240,18 +230,6 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
     { ast; loc = Some loc; context }
-  let map t ~f : t =
-    let rec map_ast : ast -> ast =
-      let open Ast in
-      function
-      | Element sw -> Element (f sw)
-      | Include sw -> Include (f sw)
-      | Union xs -> Union (List.map ~f:map_ast xs)
-      | Diff (x, y) -> Diff (map_ast x, map_ast y)
-      | Standard as t -> t
-    in
-    { t with ast = map_ast t.ast }
   let encode t =
     let open Ast in
     let rec loop = function
@@ -271,14 +249,6 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
     | Diff (a, b) -> [ loop a; Dune_lang.unsafe_atom_of_string "\\"; loop b ]
     | ast -> [ loop ast ]
-  let upgrade_to_dune t =
-    match dune_kind t with
-    | Dune -> t
-    | Jbuild ->
-      map t ~f:(String_with_vars.upgrade_to_dune ~allow_first_dep_var:false)
-  let encode_and_upgrade t = encode (upgrade_to_dune t)
   let standard = standard
   let of_strings ~pos l =
diff --git a/src/dune/ordered_set_lang.mli b/src/dune/ordered_set_lang.mli
index a65fcb6115c..a5f4aaaf6ff 100644
--- a/src/dune/ordered_set_lang.mli
+++ b/src/dune/ordered_set_lang.mli
@@ -75,8 +75,6 @@ module Unexpanded : sig
   val encode : t -> Dune_lang.t list
-  val encode_and_upgrade : t -> Dune_lang.t list
   val standard : t
   val of_strings : pos:string * int * int * int -> string list -> t
diff --git a/src/dune/predicate_lang.ml b/src/dune/predicate_lang.ml
index 8ab1387d154..3d9bdb42668 100644
--- a/src/dune/predicate_lang.ml
+++ b/src/dune/predicate_lang.ml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module Ast = struct
       let+ e = elt in
       Element e
-    let rec one (kind : Dune_lang.File_syntax.t) =
+    let rec one () =
       >>= function
       | Atom (loc, A "\\") -> User_error.raise ~loc [ Pp.text "unexpected \\" ]
@@ -46,40 +46,40 @@ module Ast = struct
           User_error.raise ~loc [ Pp.textf "undefined symbol %s" s ]
         | _ -> elt )
       | List (_, Atom (loc, A s) :: _) -> (
-        match (s, kind) with
-        | ":include", _ ->
+        match s with
+        | ":include" ->
           User_error.raise ~loc
             [ Pp.text ":include isn't supported in the predicate language" ]
-        | ("or" | "and" | "not"), _ -> bool_ops kind
-        | s, Dune when s <> "" && s.[0] <> '-' && s.[0] <> ':' ->
+        | "or"
+         |"and"
+         |"not" ->
+          bool_ops ()
+        | s when s <> "" && s.[0] <> '-' && s.[0] <> ':' ->
           User_error.raise ~loc
             [ Pp.text
                 "This atom must be quoted because it is the first element of \
                  a list and doesn't start with - or:"
-        | _ -> enter (many union [] kind) )
-      | List _ -> enter (many union [] kind)
-    and bool_ops kind =
+        | _ -> enter (many union []) )
+      | List _ -> enter (many union [])
+    and bool_ops () =
-        [ ("or", many union [] kind)
-        ; ("and", many inter [] kind)
-        ; ("not", many not_union [] kind)
+        [ ("or", many union [])
+        ; ("and", many inter [])
+        ; ("not", many not_union [])
-    and many k acc kind =
+    and many k acc =
       >>= function
       | None -> return (k (List.rev acc))
       | Some (Atom (_, A "\\")) ->
-        junk >>> many union [] kind
+        junk >>> many union []
         >>| fun to_remove -> diff (k (List.rev acc)) to_remove
       | Some _ ->
-        let* x = one kind in
-        many k (x :: acc) kind
+        let* x = one () in
+        many k (x :: acc)
-    let* kind = Stanza.file_kind () in
-    match kind with
-    | Dune -> many union [] kind
-    | Jbuild -> one kind
+    many union []
   let rec to_dyn f =
     let open Dyn.Encoder in
diff --git a/src/dune/preprocessing.ml b/src/dune/preprocessing.ml
index 963d13246f5..46af9110f4b 100644
--- a/src/dune/preprocessing.ml
+++ b/src/dune/preprocessing.ml
@@ -128,7 +128,6 @@ module Driver = struct
         ; lint_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
         ; main : string
         ; replaces : (Loc.t * Lib_name.t) list
-        ; file_kind : Stanza.File_kind.t
       type Sub_system_info.t += T of t
@@ -155,8 +154,8 @@ module Driver = struct
            and+ main = field "main" string
            and+ replaces =
              field "replaces" (repeat (located Lib_name.decode)) ~default:[]
-           and+ file_kind = Stanza.file_kind () in
-           { loc; flags; as_ppx_flags; lint_flags; main; replaces; file_kind })
+           in
+           { loc; flags; as_ppx_flags; lint_flags; main; replaces })
     (* The [lib] field is lazy so that we don't need to fill it for hardcoded
@@ -206,10 +205,9 @@ module Driver = struct
       let f x = Lib_name.encode (Lib.name (Lazy.force x.lib)) in
       ( (1, 0)
       , record_fields
-        @@ [ field_i "flags" Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.encode_and_upgrade
-               t.info.flags
-           ; field_i "lint_flags"
-               Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.encode_and_upgrade t.info.lint_flags
+        @@ [ field_i "flags" Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.encode t.info.flags
+           ; field_i "lint_flags" Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.encode
+               t.info.lint_flags
            ; field "main" string t.info.main
            ; field_l "replaces" f (Result.ok_exn t.replaces)
            ] )
diff --git a/src/dune/stanza.ml b/src/dune/stanza.ml
index 0c11683ef2b..0b1efc23aee 100644
--- a/src/dune/stanza.ml
+++ b/src/dune/stanza.ml
@@ -10,18 +10,4 @@ let latest_version = (2, 0)
 let syntax =
   Syntax.create ~name:"dune" ~desc:"the dune language"
-    [ (0, 0) (* Jbuild syntax *); (1, 12); latest_version ]
-module File_kind = struct
-  type t = Dune_lang.File_syntax.t =
-    | Jbuild
-    | Dune
-  let of_syntax = function
-    | 0, _ -> Jbuild
-    | _, _ -> Dune
-let file_kind () =
-  let open Dune_lang.Decoder in
-  Syntax.get_exn syntax >>| File_kind.of_syntax
+    [ (1, 12); latest_version ]
diff --git a/src/dune/stanza.mli b/src/dune/stanza.mli
index ccaac52bab2..17e305126a2 100644
--- a/src/dune/stanza.mli
+++ b/src/dune/stanza.mli
@@ -17,14 +17,3 @@ end
 (** Syntax identifier for the Dune language. [(0, X)] correspond to the Jbuild
     language while versions from [(1, 0)] correspond to the Dune one. *)
 val syntax : Syntax.t
-module File_kind : sig
-  type t = Dune_lang.File_syntax.t =
-    | Jbuild
-    | Dune
-  val of_syntax : Syntax.Version.t -> t
-(** Whether we are parsing a [jbuild] or [dune] file. *)
-val file_kind : unit -> (File_kind.t, _) Dune_lang.Decoder.parser
diff --git a/src/dune/string_with_vars.ml b/src/dune/string_with_vars.ml
index c5d6f53fffd..56890920d8a 100644
--- a/src/dune/string_with_vars.ml
+++ b/src/dune/string_with_vars.ml
@@ -14,97 +14,17 @@ let compare_no_loc t1 t2 =
 let make_syntax = (1, 0)
-let make ?(quoted = false) loc part =
-  { template = { parts = [ part ]; quoted; loc }
-  ; syntax_version = make_syntax
-  }
+let make template = { template; syntax_version = make_syntax }
-let make_text ?quoted loc s = make ?quoted loc (Text s)
+let make_text ?(quoted = false) loc s =
+  make { parts = [ Text s ]; quoted; loc }
-let make_var ?quoted loc ?payload name =
+let make_var ?(quoted = false) loc ?payload name =
   let var = { loc; name; payload; syntax = Percent } in
-  make ?quoted loc (Var var)
+  make { parts = [ Var var ]; quoted; loc }
 let literal ~quoted ~loc s = { parts = [ Text s ]; quoted; loc }
-(* This module implements the "old" template parsing that is only used in
-   jbuild files *)
-module Jbuild : sig
-  val parse : string -> loc:Loc.t -> quoted:bool -> Dune_lang.Template.t
-end = struct
-  type var_syntax =
-    | Parens
-    | Braces
-  module Token = struct
-    type t =
-      | String of string
-      | Open of var_syntax
-      | Close of var_syntax
-    let tokenise s =
-      let len = String.length s in
-      let sub i j = String.sub s ~pos:i ~len:(j - i) in
-      let cons_str i j acc =
-        if i = j then
-          acc
-        else
-          String (sub i j) :: acc
-      in
-      let rec loop i j =
-        if j = len then
-          cons_str i j []
-        else
-          match s.[j] with
-          | '}' -> cons_str i j (Close Braces :: loop (j + 1) (j + 1))
-          | ')' -> cons_str i j (Close Parens :: loop (j + 1) (j + 1))
-          | '$' when j + 1 < len -> (
-            match s.[j + 1] with
-            | '{' -> cons_str i j (Open Braces :: loop (j + 2) (j + 2))
-            | '(' -> cons_str i j (Open Parens :: loop (j + 2) (j + 2))
-            | _ -> loop i (j + 1) )
-          | _ -> loop i (j + 1)
-      in
-      loop 0 0
-    let to_string = function
-      | String s -> s
-      | Open Braces -> "${"
-      | Open Parens -> "$("
-      | Close Braces -> "}"
-      | Close Parens -> ")"
-  end
-  (* Remark: Consecutive [Text] items are concatenated. *)
-  let rec of_tokens : Loc.t -> Token.t list -> part list =
-   fun loc -> function
-    | [] -> []
-    | Open a :: String s :: Close b :: rest when a = b ->
-      let name, payload =
-        match String.lsplit2 s ~on:':' with
-        | None -> (s, None)
-        | Some (n, p) -> (n, Some p)
-      in
-      Var
-        { loc
-        ; name
-        ; payload
-        ; syntax =
-            ( match a with
-            | Parens -> Dollar_paren
-            | Braces -> Dollar_brace )
-        }
-      :: of_tokens loc rest
-    | token :: rest -> (
-      let s = Token.to_string token in
-      match of_tokens loc rest with
-      | Text s' :: l -> Text (s ^ s') :: l
-      | l -> Text s :: l )
-  let parse s ~loc ~quoted =
-    { parts = of_tokens loc (Token.tokenise s); loc; quoted }
 let decode =
   let open Dune_lang.Decoder in
   let template_parser =
@@ -123,10 +43,6 @@ let loc t = t.template.loc
 let syntax_version t = t.syntax_version
-let virt ?(quoted = false) pos s =
-  let template = Jbuild.parse ~quoted ~loc:(Loc.of_pos pos) s in
-  { template; syntax_version = make_syntax }
 let virt_var ?(quoted = false) pos s =
   assert (
     String.for_all s ~f:(function
@@ -400,112 +316,6 @@ let to_dyn t = Dune_lang.to_dyn (encode t)
 let remove_locs t =
   { t with template = Dune_lang.Template.remove_locs t.template }
-module Upgrade_var = struct
-  type info =
-    | Keep
-    | Deleted of string
-    | Renamed_to of string
-  let map =
-    let macros =
-      [ ("exe", Keep)
-      ; ("bin", Keep)
-      ; ("lib", Keep)
-      ; ("libexec", Keep)
-      ; ("lib-available", Keep)
-      ; ("version", Keep)
-      ; ("read", Keep)
-      ; ("read-lines", Keep)
-      ; ("read-strings", Keep)
-      ; ("path", Renamed_to "dep")
-      ; ("findlib", Renamed_to "lib")
-      ; ("path-no-dep", Deleted "")
-      ; ("ocaml-config", Keep)
-      ]
-    in
-    let static_vars =
-      [ ( "<"
-        , Deleted
-            "Use a named dependency instead:\n\n\
-            \  (deps (:x <dep>) ...)\n\
-            \   ... %{x} ..." )
-      ; ("@", Renamed_to "targets")
-      ; ("^", Renamed_to "deps")
-      ; ("SCOPE_ROOT", Renamed_to "project_root")
-      ]
-    in
-    let lowercased =
-      [ ("cpp", Keep)
-      ; ("pa_cpp", Keep)
-      ; ("cc", Keep)
-      ; ("cxx", Keep)
-      ; ("ocaml", Keep)
-      ; ("ocamlc", Keep)
-      ; ("ocamlopt", Keep)
-      ; ("arch_sixtyfour", Keep)
-      ; ("make", Keep)
-      ]
-    in
-    let uppercased =
-      List.map lowercased ~f:(fun (k, _) -> (String.uppercase k, Renamed_to k))
-    in
-    let other =
-      [ ("-verbose", Keep)
-      ; ("ocaml_bin", Keep)
-      ; ("ocaml_version", Keep)
-      ; ("ocaml_where", Keep)
-      ; ("null", Keep)
-      ; ("ext_obj", Keep)
-      ; ("ext_asm", Keep)
-      ; ("ext_lib", Keep)
-      ; ("ext_dll", Keep)
-      ; ("ext_exe", Keep)
-      ; ("profile", Keep)
-      ; ("workspace_root", Keep)
-      ; ("context_name", Keep)
-      ; ("ROOT", Renamed_to "workspace_root")
-      ; ("corrected-suffix", Keep)
-      ; ("library-name", Keep)
-      ; ("impl-files", Keep)
-      ; ("intf-files", Keep)
-      ]
-    in
-    String.Map.of_list_exn
-      (List.concat [ macros; static_vars; lowercased; uppercased; other ])
-let upgrade_to_dune t ~allow_first_dep_var =
-  if t.syntax_version >= make_syntax then
-    t
-  else
-    let map_var (v : Var.t) =
-      match String.Map.find Upgrade_var.map v.name with
-      | None -> None
-      | Some info -> (
-        match info with
-        | Deleted repl ->
-          if v.name = "<" && allow_first_dep_var then
-            Some v.name
-          else
-            User_error.raise ~loc:v.loc
-              [ Pp.textf "%s is not supported in dune files.%s"
-                  (Var.describe v) repl
-              ]
-        | Keep -> Some v.name
-        | Renamed_to new_name -> Some new_name )
-    in
-    let map_part = function
-      | Text _ as part -> part
-      | Var v -> (
-        match map_var v with
-        | None -> Text (string_of_var v)
-        | Some name -> Var { v with name; syntax = Percent } )
-    in
-    { syntax_version = make_syntax
-    ; template =
-        { t.template with parts = List.map t.template.parts ~f:map_part }
-    }
 module Partial = struct
   include Private.Partial
diff --git a/src/dune/string_with_vars.mli b/src/dune/string_with_vars.mli
index ee3c6d3dedf..df30fdee8e3 100644
--- a/src/dune/string_with_vars.mli
+++ b/src/dune/string_with_vars.mli
@@ -21,11 +21,7 @@ val to_dyn : t Dyn.Encoder.t
 include Dune_lang.Conv with type t := t
 (** [t] generated by the OCaml code. The first argument should be [__POS__].
-    The second is either a string to parse, a variable name or plain text.
-    [quoted] says whether the string is quoted ([false] by default). Those
-    functions expect jbuild syntax. *)
-val virt : ?quoted:bool -> string * int * int * int -> string -> t
+    [quoted] says whether the string is quoted ([false] by default). *)
 val virt_var : ?quoted:bool -> string * int * int * int -> string -> t
 val virt_text : string * int * int * int -> string -> t
@@ -34,6 +30,8 @@ val make_var : ?quoted:bool -> Loc.t -> ?payload:string -> string -> t
 val make_text : ?quoted:bool -> Loc.t -> string -> t
+val make : Dune_lang.Template.t -> t
 val is_var : t -> name:string -> bool
 val has_vars : t -> bool
@@ -118,8 +116,3 @@ val partial_expand :
   -> 'a Partial.t
 val remove_locs : t -> t
-(** Upgrade the following string with variables coming from a jbuild file to
-    one suitable for a dune file. Fail if the [<] variable is found and
-    [allow_first_dep_var] is [true]. *)
-val upgrade_to_dune : t -> allow_first_dep_var:bool -> t
diff --git a/src/dune/super_context.ml b/src/dune/super_context.ml
index 2d4006e7fba..4074507f835 100644
--- a/src/dune/super_context.ml
+++ b/src/dune/super_context.ml
@@ -426,8 +426,7 @@ let create ~(context : Context.t) ?host ~projects ~file_tree ~packages ~stanzas
       libs external_variants
   let stanzas =
-    List.map stanzas
-      ~f:(fun { Dune_load.Dune_file.dir; project; stanzas; kind = _ } ->
+    List.map stanzas ~f:(fun { Dune_load.Dune_file.dir; project; stanzas } ->
         let ctx_dir = Path.Build.append_source context.build_dir dir in
         let dune_version = Dune_project.dune_version project in
         { Dir_with_dune.src_dir = dir
diff --git a/src/dune/upgrader.ml b/src/dune/upgrader.ml
index 1c7fd11134d..f73c4a67517 100644
--- a/src/dune/upgrader.ml
+++ b/src/dune/upgrader.ml
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ let scan_included_files path =
       let csts =
         Dune_lang.parse_cst_string s
           ~fname:(Path.Source.to_string path)
-          ~lexer:Dune_lang.Lexer.jbuild_token
+          ~lexer:Jbuild_support.Lexer.token
         |> List.map ~f:(Dune_lang.Cst.fetch_legacy_comments ~file_contents:s)
       let comments = Dune_lang.Cst.extract_comments csts in
@@ -98,22 +98,20 @@ let upgrade_stanza stanza =
               | x -> x)
-  let upgrade_string sexp =
-    let loc = Dune_lang.Ast.loc sexp in
-    Dune_lang.Decoder.parse String_with_vars.decode
-      (Univ_map.singleton (Syntax.key Stanza.syntax) (0, 0))
-      sexp
-    |> String_with_vars.upgrade_to_dune ~allow_first_dep_var:true
-    |> String_with_vars.encode |> Dune_lang.add_loc ~loc
+  let upgrade_string s ~loc ~quoted =
+    Jbuild_support.String_with_vars.upgrade_to_dune s ~loc ~quoted
+      ~allow_first_dep_var:true
+    |> String_with_vars.make |> String_with_vars.encode
+    |> Dune_lang.add_loc ~loc
   let rec upgrade = function
-    | Atom (loc, A s) as x -> (
+    | Atom (loc, A s) -> (
       match s with
       | "files_recursively_in" ->
         Atom (loc, Dune_lang.Atom.of_string "source_tree")
-      | _ -> upgrade_string x )
+      | _ -> upgrade_string s ~loc ~quoted:false )
     | Template _ as x -> x
-    | Quoted_string _ as x -> upgrade_string x
+    | Quoted_string (loc, s) -> upgrade_string s ~loc ~quoted:true
     | List (loc, l) ->
       let l =
         match l with
@@ -362,21 +360,20 @@ let upgrade_dir todo dir =
         let fn = Package.opam_file pkg in
         if Path.exists (Path.source fn) then upgrade_opam_file todo fn)
-  Option.iter (File_tree.Dir.dune_file dir) ~f:(fun dune_file ->
-      match (dune_file.kind, dune_file.contents) with
-      | Dune, _ -> ()
-      | Jbuild, Ocaml_script fn ->
-        User_warning.emit
-          ~loc:(Loc.in_file (Path.source fn))
-          [ Pp.text
-              "Cannot upgrade this jbuild file as it is using the OCaml syntax."
-          ; Pp.text "You need to upgrade it manually."
-          ]
-      | Jbuild, Plain { path; sexps = _ } ->
-        let files = scan_included_files path in
-        Path.Source.Map.iteri files ~f:(fun fn (sexps, comments) ->
-            upgrade_file todo fn sexps comments
-              ~look_for_jbuild_ignore:(Path.Source.equal fn path)))
+  if String.Set.mem (File_tree.Dir.files dir) "jbuild" then
+    let fn = Path.Source.relative (File_tree.Dir.path dir) "jbuild" in
+    if Io.with_lexbuf_from_file (Path.source fn) ~f:Dune_lexer.is_script then
+      User_warning.emit
+        ~loc:(Loc.in_file (Path.source fn))
+        [ Pp.text
+            "Cannot upgrade this jbuild file as it is using the OCaml syntax."
+        ; Pp.text "You need to upgrade it manually."
+        ]
+    else
+      let files = scan_included_files fn in
+      Path.Source.Map.iteri files ~f:(fun fn' (sexps, comments) ->
+          upgrade_file todo fn' sexps comments
+            ~look_for_jbuild_ignore:(Path.Source.equal fn fn'))
 let upgrade ft =
   Dune_project.default_dune_language_version := (1, 0);
diff --git a/src/dune_lang/atom.ml b/src/dune_lang/atom.ml
index fc86f8b9877..314be979641 100644
--- a/src/dune_lang/atom.ml
+++ b/src/dune_lang/atom.ml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ let to_dyn (A s) =
 let equal (A a) (A b) = String.equal a b
-let is_valid_dune =
+let is_valid =
   let rec loop s i len =
     i = len
@@ -41,51 +41,16 @@ let is_valid_dune =
     let len = String.length s in
     len > 0 && loop s 0 len
-let is_valid_jbuild str =
-  let len = String.length str in
-  len > 0
-  &&
-  let rec loop ix =
-    match str.[ix] with
-    | '"'
-     |'('
-     |')'
-     |';' ->
-      true
-    | '|' ->
-      ix > 0
-      &&
-      let next = ix - 1 in
-      str.[next] = '#' || loop next
-    | '#' ->
-      ix > 0
-      &&
-      let next = ix - 1 in
-      str.[next] = '|' || loop next
-    | ' '
-     |'\t'
-     |'\n'
-     |'\012'
-     |'\r' ->
-      true
-    | _ -> ix > 0 && loop (ix - 1)
-  in
-  not (loop (len - 1))
 let of_string s = A s
 let to_string (A s) = s
-let is_valid (A t) = function
-  | File_syntax.Jbuild -> is_valid_jbuild t
-  | Dune -> is_valid_dune t
-let print (A atom as t) =
-  if is_valid t Dune then
-    atom
+let print (A s) =
+  if is_valid s then
+    s
     Code_error.raise "atom cannot be printed in dune syntax"
-      [ ("atom", String atom) ]
+      [ ("atom", String s) ]
 let of_int i = of_string (string_of_int i)
diff --git a/src/dune_lang/atom.mli b/src/dune_lang/atom.mli
index 7fda81e66b6..770d0712fc1 100644
--- a/src/dune_lang/atom.mli
+++ b/src/dune_lang/atom.mli
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ type t = private A of string [@@unboxed]
 val equal : t -> t -> bool
-val is_valid_dune : string -> bool
-val is_valid : t -> File_syntax.t -> bool
+val is_valid : string -> bool
 val of_string : string -> t
diff --git a/src/dune_lang/dune b/src/dune_lang/dune
index 74a46eb08d5..01cd610f8cf 100644
--- a/src/dune_lang/dune
+++ b/src/dune_lang/dune
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
  (public_name dune._dune_lang)
  (preprocess future_syntax))
-(ocamllex dune_lexer jbuild_lexer)
+(ocamllex lexer)
diff --git a/src/dune_lang/dune_lang.ml b/src/dune_lang/dune_lang.ml
index 8d629cabd3a..df55405ac4f 100644
--- a/src/dune_lang/dune_lang.ml
+++ b/src/dune_lang/dune_lang.ml
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 open! Stdune
 module Atom = Atom
 module Template = Template
-module File_syntax = File_syntax
 type t =
   | Atom of Atom.t
@@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ type t =
   | Template of Template.t
 let atom_or_quoted_string s =
-  if Atom.is_valid_dune s then
+  if Atom.is_valid s then
     Atom (Atom.of_string s)
     Quoted_string s
@@ -166,7 +165,7 @@ let rec add_loc t ~loc : Ast.t =
   | Template t -> Template { t with loc }
 module Cst = struct
-  module Comment = Lexer_shared.Token.Comment
+  module Comment = Lexer.Token.Comment
   type t =
     | Atom of Loc.t * Atom.t
diff --git a/src/dune_lang/dune_lang.mli b/src/dune_lang/dune_lang.mli
index b893841676c..1716e5c4cda 100644
--- a/src/dune_lang/dune_lang.mli
+++ b/src/dune_lang/dune_lang.mli
@@ -3,12 +3,10 @@
     This library is internal to dune and guarantees no API stability.*)
 open! Stdune
-module File_syntax = File_syntax
 module Atom : sig
   type t = private A of string [@@unboxed]
-  val is_valid : t -> File_syntax.t -> bool
+  val is_valid : string -> bool
   val equal : t -> t -> bool
@@ -180,10 +178,6 @@ module Lexer : sig
   type t = with_comments:bool -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Token.t
   val token : t
-  val jbuild_token : t
-  val of_syntax : File_syntax.t -> t
 module Parser : sig
diff --git a/src/dune_lang/dune_lexer.mli b/src/dune_lang/dune_lexer.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d1e70f7e0e..00000000000
--- a/src/dune_lang/dune_lexer.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-val token : Lexer_shared.t
diff --git a/src/dune_lang/file_syntax.ml b/src/dune_lang/file_syntax.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 342f7ce45b0..00000000000
--- a/src/dune_lang/file_syntax.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-open Stdune
-type t =
-  | Jbuild
-  | Dune
-let equal = ( = )
-let hash = Hashtbl.hash
-let of_basename = function
-  | "jbuild" -> Some Jbuild
-  | "dune" -> Some Dune
-  | _ -> None
-let to_dyn =
-  let open Dyn.Encoder in
-  function
-  | Jbuild -> constr "Jbuild" []
-  | Dune -> constr "Dune" []
diff --git a/src/dune_lang/file_syntax.mli b/src/dune_lang/file_syntax.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e6386592d1..00000000000
--- a/src/dune_lang/file_syntax.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-open Stdune
-type t =
-  | Jbuild
-  | Dune
-val equal : t -> t -> bool
-val hash : t -> int
-val of_basename : string -> t option
-val to_dyn : t -> Dyn.t
diff --git a/src/dune_lang/jbuild_lexer.mli b/src/dune_lang/jbuild_lexer.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d1e70f7e0e..00000000000
--- a/src/dune_lang/jbuild_lexer.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-val token : Lexer_shared.t
diff --git a/src/dune_lang/lexer.ml b/src/dune_lang/lexer.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0815a334f4f..00000000000
--- a/src/dune_lang/lexer.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-module Token = Lexer_shared.Token
-type t = Lexer_shared.t
-let token = Dune_lexer.token
-let jbuild_token = Jbuild_lexer.token
-let of_syntax = function
-  | File_syntax.Dune -> token
-  | Jbuild -> jbuild_token
diff --git a/src/dune_lang/lexer.mli b/src/dune_lang/lexer.mli
index 07bdaf1547a..f7c55371ac2 100644
--- a/src/dune_lang/lexer.mli
+++ b/src/dune_lang/lexer.mli
@@ -1,9 +1,25 @@
-module Token = Lexer_shared.Token
+open Stdune
-type t = with_comments:bool -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Token.t
+module Token : sig
+  module Comment : sig
+    type t =
+      | Lines of string list
+      | Legacy
-val token : t
+    val to_dyn : t -> Dyn.t
+  end
-val jbuild_token : t
+  type t =
+    | Atom of Atom.t
+    | Quoted_string of string
+    | Lparen
+    | Rparen
+    | Sexp_comment
+    | Eof
+    | Template of Template.t
+    | Comment of Comment.t
-val of_syntax : File_syntax.t -> t
+type t = with_comments:bool -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Token.t
+val token : t
diff --git a/src/dune_lang/dune_lexer.mll b/src/dune_lang/lexer.mll
similarity index 84%
rename from src/dune_lang/dune_lexer.mll
rename to src/dune_lang/lexer.mll
index 19aa81b1862..0757c3b420b 100644
--- a/src/dune_lang/dune_lexer.mll
+++ b/src/dune_lang/lexer.mll
@@ -1,6 +1,67 @@
 open! Stdune
-open Lexer_shared
+open Stdune
+module Token = struct
+  module Comment = struct
+    type t =
+      | Lines of string list
+      | Legacy
+    let to_dyn =
+      let open Dyn.Encoder in
+      function
+      | Legacy -> constr "Legacy" []
+      | Lines l -> constr "Lines" [ list string l ]
+  end
+  type t =
+    | Atom of Atom.t
+    | Quoted_string of string
+    | Lparen
+    | Rparen
+    | Sexp_comment
+    | Eof
+    | Template of Template.t
+    | Comment of Comment.t
+type t = with_comments:bool -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Token.t
+let error ?(delta = 0) lexbuf message =
+  let start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in
+  let loc : Loc.t =
+    { start = { start with pos_cnum = start.pos_cnum + delta }
+    ; stop = Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf
+    }
+  in
+  User_error.raise ~loc [ Pp.text message ]
+let invalid_dune_or_jbuild lexbuf =
+  let start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in
+  let fname = Filename.basename start.pos_fname in
+  error lexbuf (sprintf "Invalid %s file" fname)
+type escape_sequence =
+  | Newline
+  | Other
+let eval_decimal_char c = Char.code c - Char.code '0'
+let eval_decimal_escape c1 c2 c3 =
+  (eval_decimal_char c1 * 100)
+  + (eval_decimal_char c2 * 10)
+  + eval_decimal_char c3
+let eval_hex_char c =
+  match c with
+  | '0' .. '9' -> Char.code c - Char.code '0'
+  | 'a' .. 'f' -> Char.code c - Char.code 'a' + 10
+  | 'A' .. 'F' -> Char.code c - Char.code 'A' + 10
+  | _ -> -1
+let eval_hex_escape c1 c2 = (eval_hex_char c1 * 16) + eval_hex_char c2
 type block_string_line_kind =
   | With_escape_sequences
diff --git a/src/dune_lang/lexer_shared.ml b/src/dune_lang/lexer_shared.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index aeb60c2912f..00000000000
--- a/src/dune_lang/lexer_shared.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-open Stdune
-module Token = struct
-  module Comment = struct
-    type t =
-      | Lines of string list
-      | Legacy
-    let to_dyn =
-      let open Dyn.Encoder in
-      function
-      | Legacy -> constr "Legacy" []
-      | Lines l -> constr "Lines" [ list string l ]
-  end
-  type t =
-    | Atom of Atom.t
-    | Quoted_string of string
-    | Lparen
-    | Rparen
-    | Sexp_comment
-    | Eof
-    | Template of Template.t
-    | Comment of Comment.t
-type t = with_comments:bool -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Token.t
-let error ?(delta = 0) lexbuf message =
-  let start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in
-  let loc : Loc.t =
-    { start = { start with pos_cnum = start.pos_cnum + delta }
-    ; stop = Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf
-    }
-  in
-  User_error.raise ~loc [ Pp.text message ]
-let invalid_dune_or_jbuild lexbuf =
-  let start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in
-  let fname = Filename.basename start.pos_fname in
-  error lexbuf (sprintf "Invalid %s file" fname)
-let escaped_buf = Buffer.create 256
-type escape_sequence =
-  | Newline
-  | Other
-let eval_decimal_char c = Char.code c - Char.code '0'
-let eval_decimal_escape c1 c2 c3 =
-  (eval_decimal_char c1 * 100)
-  + (eval_decimal_char c2 * 10)
-  + eval_decimal_char c3
-let eval_hex_char c =
-  match c with
-  | '0' .. '9' -> Char.code c - Char.code '0'
-  | 'a' .. 'f' -> Char.code c - Char.code 'a' + 10
-  | 'A' .. 'F' -> Char.code c - Char.code 'A' + 10
-  | _ -> -1
-let eval_hex_escape c1 c2 = (eval_hex_char c1 * 16) + eval_hex_char c2
diff --git a/src/dune_lang/lexer_shared.mli b/src/dune_lang/lexer_shared.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 049df3d72a4..00000000000
--- a/src/dune_lang/lexer_shared.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-open Stdune
-module Token : sig
-  module Comment : sig
-    type t =
-      | Lines of string list
-      | Legacy
-    val to_dyn : t -> Dyn.t
-  end
-  type t =
-    | Atom of Atom.t
-    | Quoted_string of string
-    | Lparen
-    | Rparen
-    | Sexp_comment
-    | Eof
-    | Template of Template.t
-    | Comment of Comment.t
-type t = with_comments:bool -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Token.t
-val error : ?delta:int -> Lexing.lexbuf -> string -> 'a
-val invalid_dune_or_jbuild : Lexing.lexbuf -> 'a
-val escaped_buf : Buffer.t
-type escape_sequence =
-  | Newline
-  | Other
-val eval_decimal_char : char -> int
-val eval_decimal_escape : char -> char -> char -> int
-val eval_hex_escape : char -> char -> int
diff --git a/src/dune_lang/template.ml b/src/dune_lang/template.ml
index b318a8c8bb8..7cf0c419a01 100644
--- a/src/dune_lang/template.ml
+++ b/src/dune_lang/template.ml
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ end = struct
     Buffer.add_string buf after
   let check_valid_unquoted s ~loc =
-    if not (Atom.is_valid (Atom.of_string s) Dune) then
+    if not (Atom.is_valid s) then
       Code_error.raise ~loc "Invalid text in unquoted template"
         [ ("s", String s) ]
diff --git a/src/jbuild_support/atom.ml b/src/jbuild_support/atom.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c33232d00ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jbuild_support/atom.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+open Stdune
+let is_valid str =
+  let len = String.length str in
+  len > 0
+  &&
+  let rec loop ix =
+    match str.[ix] with
+    | '"'
+     |'('
+     |')'
+     |';' ->
+      true
+    | '|' ->
+      ix > 0
+      &&
+      let next = ix - 1 in
+      str.[next] = '#' || loop next
+    | '#' ->
+      ix > 0
+      &&
+      let next = ix - 1 in
+      str.[next] = '|' || loop next
+    | ' '
+     |'\t'
+     |'\n'
+     |'\012'
+     |'\r' ->
+      true
+    | _ -> ix > 0 && loop (ix - 1)
+  in
+  not (loop (len - 1))
diff --git a/src/jbuild_support/atom.mli b/src/jbuild_support/atom.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..213168f1ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jbuild_support/atom.mli
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+val is_valid : string -> bool
diff --git a/src/jbuild_support/dune b/src/jbuild_support/dune
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9ebfef4ec86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jbuild_support/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ (name jbuild_support)
+ (libraries stdune dune_lang)
+ (synopsis "Internal Dune library, do not use!")
+ (preprocess future_syntax))
+(ocamllex lexer)
diff --git a/src/jbuild_support/lexer.mli b/src/jbuild_support/lexer.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e396cc7e010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jbuild_support/lexer.mli
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+val token : Dune_lang.Lexer.t
diff --git a/src/dune_lang/jbuild_lexer.mll b/src/jbuild_support/lexer.mll
similarity index 80%
rename from src/dune_lang/jbuild_lexer.mll
rename to src/jbuild_support/lexer.mll
index 3b74db152c9..55d9f95bcb0 100644
--- a/src/dune_lang/jbuild_lexer.mll
+++ b/src/jbuild_support/lexer.mll
@@ -1,5 +1,42 @@
-  open Lexer_shared
+open Stdune
+open Dune_lang
+let error ?(delta = 0) lexbuf message =
+  let start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in
+  let loc : Loc.t =
+    { start = { start with pos_cnum = start.pos_cnum + delta }
+    ; stop = Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf
+    }
+  in
+  User_error.raise ~loc [ Pp.text message ]
+let invalid_dune_or_jbuild lexbuf =
+  let start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in
+  let fname = Filename.basename start.pos_fname in
+  error lexbuf (sprintf "Invalid %s file" fname)
+let escaped_buf = Buffer.create 256
+type escape_sequence =
+  | Newline
+  | Other
+let eval_decimal_char c = Char.code c - Char.code '0'
+let eval_decimal_escape c1 c2 c3 =
+  (eval_decimal_char c1 * 100)
+  + (eval_decimal_char c2 * 10)
+  + eval_decimal_char c3
+let eval_hex_char c =
+  match c with
+  | '0' .. '9' -> Char.code c - Char.code '0'
+  | 'a' .. 'f' -> Char.code c - Char.code 'a' + 10
+  | 'A' .. 'F' -> Char.code c - Char.code 'A' + 10
+  | _ -> -1
+let eval_hex_escape c1 c2 = (eval_hex_char c1 * 16) + eval_hex_char c2
 (* The difference between the old and new syntax is that the old
    syntax allows backslash following by any characters other than 'n',
@@ -34,7 +71,7 @@ rule token with_comments = parse
         token with_comments lexbuf
   | '('
-    { Token.Lparen }
+    { Lexer.Token.Lparen }
   | ')'
     { Rparen }
   | '"'
@@ -64,7 +101,7 @@ and comment_trail acc = parse
   | newline blank* ';' (comment_body as s)
     { comment_trail (s :: acc) lexbuf }
   | ""
-    { Token.Comment (Lines (List.rev acc)) }
+    { Lexer.Token.Comment (Lines (List.rev acc)) }
 and atom acc start = parse
   | '#'+ '|'
@@ -81,7 +118,7 @@ and atom acc start = parse
   | ""
     { if acc = "" then invalid_dune_or_jbuild lexbuf;
       lexbuf.lex_start_p <- start;
-      Token.Atom (Atom.of_string acc)
+      Lexer.Token.Atom (Atom.of_string acc)
 and quoted_string mode = parse
diff --git a/src/jbuild_support/string_with_vars.ml b/src/jbuild_support/string_with_vars.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4027fcd2893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jbuild_support/string_with_vars.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+open Stdune
+type var_syntax =
+  | Parens
+  | Braces
+module Token = struct
+  type t =
+    | String of string
+    | Open of var_syntax
+    | Close of var_syntax
+  let tokenise s =
+    let len = String.length s in
+    let sub i j = String.sub s ~pos:i ~len:(j - i) in
+    let cons_str i j acc =
+      if i = j then
+        acc
+      else
+        String (sub i j) :: acc
+    in
+    let rec loop i j =
+      if j = len then
+        cons_str i j []
+      else
+        match s.[j] with
+        | '}' -> cons_str i j (Close Braces :: loop (j + 1) (j + 1))
+        | ')' -> cons_str i j (Close Parens :: loop (j + 1) (j + 1))
+        | '$' when j + 1 < len -> (
+          match s.[j + 1] with
+          | '{' -> cons_str i j (Open Braces :: loop (j + 2) (j + 2))
+          | '(' -> cons_str i j (Open Parens :: loop (j + 2) (j + 2))
+          | _ -> loop i (j + 1) )
+        | _ -> loop i (j + 1)
+    in
+    loop 0 0
+  let to_string = function
+    | String s -> s
+    | Open Braces -> "${"
+    | Open Parens -> "$("
+    | Close Braces -> "}"
+    | Close Parens -> ")"
+(* Remark: Consecutive [Text] items are concatenated. *)
+let rec of_tokens : Loc.t -> Token.t list -> Dune_lang.Template.part list =
+ fun loc -> function
+  | [] -> []
+  | Open a :: String s :: Close b :: rest when a = b ->
+    let name, payload =
+      match String.lsplit2 s ~on:':' with
+      | None -> (s, None)
+      | Some (n, p) -> (n, Some p)
+    in
+    Var
+      { loc
+      ; name
+      ; payload
+      ; syntax =
+          ( match a with
+          | Parens -> Dollar_paren
+          | Braces -> Dollar_brace )
+      }
+    :: of_tokens loc rest
+  | token :: rest -> (
+    let s = Token.to_string token in
+    match of_tokens loc rest with
+    | Text s' :: l -> Text (s ^ s') :: l
+    | l -> Text s :: l )
+let parse ~loc s = of_tokens loc (Token.tokenise s)
+module Upgrade_var = struct
+  type info =
+    | Keep
+    | Deleted of string
+    | Renamed_to of string
+  let map =
+    let macros =
+      [ ("exe", Keep)
+      ; ("bin", Keep)
+      ; ("lib", Keep)
+      ; ("libexec", Keep)
+      ; ("lib-available", Keep)
+      ; ("version", Keep)
+      ; ("read", Keep)
+      ; ("read-lines", Keep)
+      ; ("read-strings", Keep)
+      ; ("path", Renamed_to "dep")
+      ; ("findlib", Renamed_to "lib")
+      ; ("path-no-dep", Deleted "")
+      ; ("ocaml-config", Keep)
+      ]
+    in
+    let static_vars =
+      [ ( "<"
+        , Deleted
+            "Use a named dependency instead:\n\n\
+            \  (deps (:x <dep>) ...)\n\
+            \   ... %{x} ..." )
+      ; ("@", Renamed_to "targets")
+      ; ("^", Renamed_to "deps")
+      ; ("SCOPE_ROOT", Renamed_to "project_root")
+      ]
+    in
+    let lowercased =
+      [ ("cpp", Keep)
+      ; ("pa_cpp", Keep)
+      ; ("cc", Keep)
+      ; ("cxx", Keep)
+      ; ("ocaml", Keep)
+      ; ("ocamlc", Keep)
+      ; ("ocamlopt", Keep)
+      ; ("arch_sixtyfour", Keep)
+      ; ("make", Keep)
+      ]
+    in
+    let uppercased =
+      List.map lowercased ~f:(fun (k, _) -> (String.uppercase k, Renamed_to k))
+    in
+    let other =
+      [ ("-verbose", Keep)
+      ; ("ocaml_bin", Keep)
+      ; ("ocaml_version", Keep)
+      ; ("ocaml_where", Keep)
+      ; ("null", Keep)
+      ; ("ext_obj", Keep)
+      ; ("ext_asm", Keep)
+      ; ("ext_lib", Keep)
+      ; ("ext_dll", Keep)
+      ; ("ext_exe", Keep)
+      ; ("profile", Keep)
+      ; ("workspace_root", Keep)
+      ; ("context_name", Keep)
+      ; ("ROOT", Renamed_to "workspace_root")
+      ; ("corrected-suffix", Keep)
+      ; ("library-name", Keep)
+      ; ("impl-files", Keep)
+      ; ("intf-files", Keep)
+      ]
+    in
+    String.Map.of_list_exn
+      (List.concat [ macros; static_vars; lowercased; uppercased; other ])
+let upgrade_to_dune s ~loc ~quoted ~allow_first_dep_var =
+  let open Dune_lang.Template in
+  let map_var v =
+    match String.Map.find Upgrade_var.map v.name with
+    | None -> None
+    | Some info -> (
+      match info with
+      | Deleted repl ->
+        if v.name = "<" && allow_first_dep_var then
+          Some v.name
+        else
+          User_error.raise ~loc:v.loc
+            [ Pp.textf "this form is not allowed in dune files.%s" repl ]
+      | Keep -> Some v.name
+      | Renamed_to new_name -> Some new_name )
+  in
+  let map_part = function
+    | Text _ as part -> part
+    | Var v -> (
+      match map_var v with
+      | None -> Text (string_of_var v)
+      | Some name -> Var { v with name; syntax = Percent } )
+  in
+  let parts = List.map (parse ~loc s) ~f:map_part in
+  { Dune_lang.Template.quoted; parts; loc }
diff --git a/src/jbuild_support/string_with_vars.mli b/src/jbuild_support/string_with_vars.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..53a25a7f57f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jbuild_support/string_with_vars.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+open Stdune
+(** Upgrade string with variables coming from a jbuild file to one suitable for
+    a dune file. Fail if the [<] variable is found and [allow_first_dep_var] is
+    [true]. *)
+val upgrade_to_dune :
+     string
+  -> loc:Loc.t
+  -> quoted:bool
+  -> allow_first_dep_var:bool
+  -> Dune_lang.Template.t
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/test-cases/embed-jbuild/run.t b/test/blackbox-tests/test-cases/embed-jbuild/run.t
index e9c98e4cc0e..ad7623196fa 100644
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/test-cases/embed-jbuild/run.t
+++ b/test/blackbox-tests/test-cases/embed-jbuild/run.t
@@ -7,35 +7,23 @@ Now lets try with a jbuild project in the subdirectory:
   $ cd a-jbuild-proj && dune build version.ml --root=.
   File "jbuild", line 1, characters 0-0:
-  Warning: jbuild files are not allowed inside Dune 2.0 projects, please
-  convert this file to a dune file instead.
+  Error: jbuild files are no longer supported, please convert this file to a
+  dune file instead.
   Note: You can use "dune upgrade" to convert your project to dune.
-  File "jbuild", line 1, characters 0-18:
-  1 | (jbuild_version 1)
-      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-  Error: 'jbuild_version' was deleted in version 1.0 of the dune language
 Now lets try it from the current directory:
   $ dune build a-dune-proj/version.ml --root=.
   File "a-jbuild-proj/jbuild", line 1, characters 0-0:
-  Warning: jbuild files are not allowed inside Dune 2.0 projects, please
-  convert this file to a dune file instead.
+  Error: jbuild files are no longer supported, please convert this file to a
+  dune file instead.
   Note: You can use "dune upgrade" to convert your project to dune.
-  File "a-jbuild-proj/jbuild", line 1, characters 0-18:
-  1 | (jbuild_version 1)
-      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-  Error: 'jbuild_version' was deleted in version 1.0 of the dune language
   $ dune build a-jbuild-proj/version.ml --root=.
   File "a-jbuild-proj/jbuild", line 1, characters 0-0:
-  Warning: jbuild files are not allowed inside Dune 2.0 projects, please
-  convert this file to a dune file instead.
+  Error: jbuild files are no longer supported, please convert this file to a
+  dune file instead.
   Note: You can use "dune upgrade" to convert your project to dune.
-  File "a-jbuild-proj/jbuild", line 1, characters 0-18:
-  1 | (jbuild_version 1)
-      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-  Error: 'jbuild_version' was deleted in version 1.0 of the dune language
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/test-cases/syntax-versioning/run.t b/test/blackbox-tests/test-cases/syntax-versioning/run.t
index 4ce214785e0..9c3deabd4d3 100644
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/test-cases/syntax-versioning/run.t
+++ b/test/blackbox-tests/test-cases/syntax-versioning/run.t
@@ -12,13 +12,9 @@
   $ echo '(jbuild_version 1)' > jbuild
   $ dune build
   File "jbuild", line 1, characters 0-0:
-  Warning: jbuild files are deprecated, please convert this file to a dune file
-  instead.
+  Error: jbuild files are no longer supported, please convert this file to a
+  dune file instead.
   Note: You can use "dune upgrade" to convert your project to dune.
-  File "jbuild", line 1, characters 0-18:
-  1 | (jbuild_version 1)
-      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-  Error: 'jbuild_version' was deleted in version 1.0 of the dune language
   $ rm -f jbuild
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/test-cases/upgrader/run.t b/test/blackbox-tests/test-cases/upgrader/run.t
index d8e91e9c301..d5b69bace67 100644
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/test-cases/upgrader/run.t
+++ b/test/blackbox-tests/test-cases/upgrader/run.t
@@ -2,10 +2,6 @@
   Info: Creating file dune-project with this contents:
   | (lang dune 1.0)
   | (name foo)
-  File "jbuild", line 1, characters 0-0:
-  Warning: jbuild files are not allowed inside Dune 2.0 projects, please
-  convert this file to a dune file instead.
-  Note: You can use "dune upgrade" to convert your project to dune.
   Upgrading foo.opam...
   Upgrading jbuild.inc to dune.inc...
   Upgrading jbuild to dune...
@@ -16,13 +12,16 @@
-   (deps x y z) ; abc
+   (deps
+    (:< x)
+    y
+    z) ; abc
    (targets z)
    ; def
-     (run echo ${<})))
+     (run echo %{<})))
    (mode fallback))
   ; other
@@ -38,10 +37,11 @@
   $ cat dune.inc
-   (deps a)
+   (deps
+    (:< a))
    (targets b)
-    (copy ${<} ${@})))
+    (copy %{<} %{targets})))
   $ cat foo.opam
   build: [
diff --git a/test/expect-tests/dune_lang/dune b/test/expect-tests/dune_lang/dune
index 6c67f0990d0..f8e210bb294 100644
--- a/test/expect-tests/dune_lang/dune
+++ b/test/expect-tests/dune_lang/dune
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
+  jbuild_support
   ;; This is because of the (implicit_transitive_deps false)
   ;; in dune-project
diff --git a/test/expect-tests/dune_lang/sexp_tests.ml b/test/expect-tests/dune_lang/sexp_tests.ml
index 6e9f4e23c20..5fcd40c8d9f 100644
--- a/test/expect-tests/dune_lang/sexp_tests.ml
+++ b/test/expect-tests/dune_lang/sexp_tests.ml
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ let parse s =
     | User_error.E msg -> Error (string_of_user_error msg)
     | e -> Error (Printexc.to_string e)
-  let jbuild = f ~lexer:Dune_lang.Lexer.jbuild_token in
+  let jbuild = f ~lexer:Jbuild_support.Lexer.token in
   let dune = f ~lexer:Dune_lang.Lexer.token in
   let res =
     if jbuild <> dune then
@@ -268,13 +268,20 @@ let l x = Dune_lang.List x
 let var ?(syntax = Dune_lang.Template.Percent) ?payload name =
   { Dune_lang.Template.loc; name; payload; syntax }
-type sexp = S of Dune_lang.File_syntax.t * Dune_lang.t
+type syntax =
+  | Dune
+  | Jbuild
+type sexp = S of syntax * Dune_lang.t
 let dyn_of_sexp (S (syntax, dlang)) =
   let open Dyn.Encoder in
   constr "S"
-    [ Dyn.Encoder.pair Dune_lang.File_syntax.to_dyn Dune_lang.to_dyn
-        (syntax, dlang)
+    [ Dyn.Encoder.pair
+        (function
+          | Dune -> Variant ("Dune", [])
+          | Jbuild -> Variant ("Jbuild", []))
+        Dune_lang.to_dyn (syntax, dlang)
 let print_sexp ppf (S (_, sexp)) = Dune_lang.Deprecated.pp ppf sexp
@@ -303,7 +310,7 @@ let test syntax sexp =
         Dune_lang.parse_string s ~mode:Single ~fname:""
             ( match syntax with
-            | Jbuild -> Dune_lang.Lexer.jbuild_token
+            | Jbuild -> Jbuild_support.Lexer.token
             | Dune -> Dune_lang.Lexer.token )
       | sexp' ->
@@ -410,7 +417,7 @@ comment|#
 let%expect_test _ =
-  Dune_lang.Parser.parse_cst ~lexer:Dune_lang.Lexer.jbuild_token
+  Dune_lang.Parser.parse_cst ~lexer:Jbuild_support.Lexer.token
     (Lexing.from_string jbuild_file)
   |> List.map
        ~f:(Dune_lang.Cst.fetch_legacy_comments ~file_contents:jbuild_file)
diff --git a/test/unit-tests/dune b/test/unit-tests/dune
index 16b0820685e..f290f6df9c8 100644
--- a/test/unit-tests/dune
+++ b/test/unit-tests/dune
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  (name sexp_tests)
  (modules sexp_tests)
- (libraries stdune dune_lang))
+ (libraries stdune dune_lang jbuild_support))
  (name runtest)
diff --git a/test/unit-tests/sexp_tests.ml b/test/unit-tests/sexp_tests.ml
index 5983c854f37..e112a637159 100644
--- a/test/unit-tests/sexp_tests.ml
+++ b/test/unit-tests/sexp_tests.ml
@@ -5,18 +5,19 @@ let () = Printexc.record_backtrace true
 (* Test that all strings of length <= 3 such that [Dune_lang.Atom.is_valid s]
    are recignized as atoms by the parser *)
-let string_of_syntax (x : Dune_lang.File_syntax.t) =
-  match x with
+type syntax =
+  | Dune
+  | Jbuild
+let string_of_syntax = function
   | Dune -> "dune"
   | Jbuild -> "jbuild"
 let () =
-  [ ( Dune_lang.File_syntax.Dune
-    , Dune_lang.Lexer.token
-    , fun s -> Dune_lang.Atom.is_valid s Dune )
+  [ (Dune, Dune_lang.Lexer.token, fun s -> Dune_lang.Atom.is_valid s)
   ; ( Jbuild
-    , Dune_lang.Lexer.jbuild_token
-    , fun s -> Dune_lang.Atom.is_valid s Jbuild )
+    , Jbuild_support.Lexer.token
+    , fun s -> Jbuild_support.Atom.is_valid s )
   |> List.iter ~f:(fun (syntax, lexer, validator) ->
          for len = 0 to 3 do
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ let () =
                | Atom _ -> true
                | _ -> false
-             let valid_dune_atom = validator (Dune_lang.Atom.of_string s) in
+             let valid_dune_atom = validator s in
              if valid_dune_atom <> parser_recognizes_as_atom then (
                  "Dune_lang.Atom.is_valid error:\n\