From 5a1c38a3edffd5aa2d44c3786c514f97197c9a72 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Arseniy Alekseyev <>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2019 13:11:56 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] dir_contents

Signed-off-by: Arseniy Alekseyev <>
 src/  | 374 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 src/dir_contents.mli |  12 +-
 src/     |  22 +--
 src/ |   4 +-
 src/          |   2 +-
 src/      |   2 +-
 src/ |   2 +-
 7 files changed, 261 insertions(+), 157 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 01d804d7258..8cf611d00d9 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -177,14 +177,14 @@ type t =
   { kind : kind
   ; dir : Path.t
   ; text_files : String.Set.t
-  ; modules : Modules.t Lazy.t
-  ; c_sources : C_sources.t Lazy.t
-  ; mlds : (Dune_file.Documentation.t * Path.t list) list Lazy.t
+  ; modules : unit -> Modules.t
+  ; c_sources : unit -> C_sources.t
+  ; mlds : unit -> (Dune_file.Documentation.t * Path.t list) list
 and kind =
   | Standalone
-  | Group_root of t list Lazy.t
+  | Group_root of (unit -> t list)
   | Group_part of t
 let kind t = t.kind
@@ -193,14 +193,14 @@ let dir t = t.dir
 let dirs t =
   match t.kind with
   | Standalone -> [t]
-  | Group_root (lazy l)
-  | Group_part { kind = Group_root (lazy l); _ } -> t :: l
+  | Group_root l
+  | Group_part { kind = Group_root l; _ } -> t :: l ()
   | Group_part { kind = _; _ } -> assert false
 let text_files t = t.text_files
 let modules_of_library t ~name =
-  let map = (Lazy.force t.modules).libraries in
+  let map = (t.modules ()).libraries in
   match Lib_name.Map.find map name with
   | Some m -> m
   | None ->
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ let modules_of_library t ~name =
 let modules_of_executables t ~first_exe =
-  let map = (Lazy.force t.modules).executables in
+  let map = (t.modules ()).executables in
   match String.Map.find map first_exe with
   | Some m -> m
   | None ->
@@ -220,13 +220,13 @@ let modules_of_executables t ~first_exe =
 let c_sources_of_library t ~name =
-  C_sources.for_lib (Lazy.force t.c_sources) ~dir:t.dir ~name
+  C_sources.for_lib (t.c_sources ()) ~dir:t.dir ~name
 let lookup_module t name =
-  Module.Name.Map.find (Lazy.force t.modules).rev_map name
+  Module.Name.Map.find (t.modules ()).rev_map name
 let mlds t (doc : Documentation.t) =
-  let map = Lazy.force t.mlds in
+  let map = t.mlds () in
     List.find_map map ~f:(fun (doc', x) ->
       Option.some_if (Loc.equal doc.loc doc'.loc) x)
@@ -314,16 +314,16 @@ let modules_of_files ~dir ~files =
 let build_mlds_map (d : _ Dir_with_dune.t) ~files =
   let dir = d.ctx_dir in
-  let mlds = lazy (
-    String.Set.fold files ~init:String.Map.empty ~f:(fun fn acc ->
-      match String.lsplit2 fn ~on:'.' with
-      | Some (s, "mld") -> String.Map.add acc s fn
-      | _ -> acc))
+  let mlds = Memo.lazy_ (fun () -> (
+      String.Set.fold files ~init:String.Map.empty ~f:(fun fn acc ->
+        match String.lsplit2 fn ~on:'.' with
+        | Some (s, "mld") -> String.Map.add acc s fn
+        | _ -> acc)))
   List.filter_map ~f:(function
     | Documentation doc ->
       let mlds =
-        let mlds = Lazy.force mlds in
+        let mlds = mlds () in
         Ordered_set_lang.String.eval_unordered doc.mld_files
           ~parse:(fun ~loc s ->
             match String.Map.find mlds s with
@@ -339,144 +339,236 @@ let build_mlds_map (d : _ Dir_with_dune.t) ~files =
       Some (doc, (String.Map.values mlds) ~f:(Path.relative dir))
     | _ -> None)
-let cache = Hashtbl.create 32
+type result0_here = {
+  t : t;
+  (* [rules] includes rules for subdirectories too *)
+  rules : Build_system.rule_collection_implicit_output option;
+  subdirs : t Path.Map.t;
-let clear_cache () =
-  Hashtbl.reset cache
+type result0 =
+  | See_above of int
+  | Here of result0_here
-let () = Hooks.End_of_build.always clear_cache
+let get_without_rules_fdecl : (Super_context.t * Path.t -> t) Fdecl.t =
+  Fdecl.create ()
-let rec get sctx ~dir =
-  match Hashtbl.find cache dir with
-  | Some t -> t
-  | None ->
-    let dir_status_db = Super_context.dir_status_db sctx in
-    match Dir_status.DB.get dir_status_db ~dir with
-    | Standalone x ->
-      let t =
-        match x with
-        | Some (ft_dir, Some d) ->
+module Key = struct
+  type t = Super_context.t * Path.t
+  let to_dyn (sctx, path) =
+    Dyn.Tuple [Super_context.to_dyn sctx; Path.to_dyn path;]
+  let to_sexp t = Dyn.to_sexp (to_dyn t)
+  let equal = Tuple.T2.equal Super_context.equal Path.equal
+  let hash = Tuple.T2.hash Super_context.hash Path.hash
+let get0_impl (sctx, dir) : result0 =
+  let dir_status_db = Super_context.dir_status_db sctx in
+  match Dir_status.DB.get dir_status_db ~dir with
+  | Standalone x ->
+    (match x with
+     | Some (ft_dir, Some d) ->
+       let files, rules =
+         Memo.Implicit_output.collect_sync
+           Build_system.rule_collection_implicit_output
+           (fun () -> load_text_files sctx ft_dir d)
+       in
+       Here {
+         t = { kind = Standalone
+             ; dir
+             ; text_files = files
+             ; modules = Memo.lazy_ (fun () ->
+                 Modules.make d
+                   ~modules:(modules_of_files ~dir:d.ctx_dir ~files))
+             ; mlds = Memo.lazy_ (fun () -> build_mlds_map d ~files)
+             ; c_sources = Memo.lazy_ (fun () ->
+                 let dune_version = d.dune_version in
+                 C_sources.make d
+                   ~c_sources:(C_sources.load_sources ~dune_version ~dir:d.ctx_dir
+                                 ~files))
+             };
+         rules;
+         subdirs = Path.Map.empty;
+       }
+     | Some (_, None)
+     | None ->
+       Here {
+         t = { kind = Standalone
+             ; dir
+             ; text_files = String.Set.empty
+             ; modules = (fun () -> Modules.empty)
+             ; mlds = (fun () -> [])
+             ; c_sources = (fun () -> C_sources.empty)
+             };
+         rules = None;
+         subdirs = Path.Map.empty;
+       })
+  | Is_component_of_a_group_but_not_the_root { depth; _ } ->
+    See_above depth
+  | Group_root (ft_dir, d) ->
+    let rec walk ft_dir ~dir acc =
+      match
+        Dir_status.DB.get dir_status_db ~dir
+      with
+      | Is_component_of_a_group_but_not_the_root { stanzas = d; depth = _ } ->
+        let files =
+          match d with
+          | None -> File_tree.Dir.files ft_dir
+          | Some d -> load_text_files sctx ft_dir d
+        in
+        walk_children ft_dir ~dir ((dir, files) :: acc)
+      | _ -> acc
+    and walk_children ft_dir ~dir acc =
+      String.Map.foldi (File_tree.Dir.sub_dirs ft_dir) ~init:acc
+        ~f:(fun name ft_dir acc ->
+          let dir = Path.relative dir name in
+          walk ft_dir ~dir acc)
+    in
+    let (files, subdirs), rules =
+      Memo.Implicit_output.collect_sync
+        Build_system.rule_collection_implicit_output (fun () ->
           let files = load_text_files sctx ft_dir d in
-          { kind = Standalone
-          ; dir
-          ; text_files = files
-          ; modules = lazy (Modules.make d
-                              ~modules:(modules_of_files ~dir:d.ctx_dir ~files))
-          ; mlds = lazy (build_mlds_map d ~files)
-          ; c_sources = lazy (
-              let dune_version = d.dune_version in
-              C_sources.make d
-                ~c_sources:(C_sources.load_sources ~dune_version ~dir:d.ctx_dir
-                              ~files))
-          }
-        | Some (_, None)
-        | None ->
-          { kind = Standalone
-          ; dir
-          ; text_files = String.Set.empty
-          ; modules = lazy Modules.empty
-          ; mlds = lazy []
-          ; c_sources = lazy C_sources.empty
-          }
-      in
-      Hashtbl.add cache dir t;
-      t
-    | Is_component_of_a_group_but_not_the_root _ -> begin
-        match Hashtbl.find cache dir with
-        | Some t -> t
-        | None ->
-          ignore (get sctx ~dir:(Path.parent_exn dir) : t);
-          (* Filled while scanning the group root *)
-          Hashtbl.find_exn cache dir
-      end
-    | Group_root (ft_dir, d) ->
-      let rec walk ft_dir ~dir acc =
-        match
-          Dir_status.DB.get dir_status_db ~dir
-        with
-        | Is_component_of_a_group_but_not_the_root d ->
-          let files =
-            match d with
-            | None -> File_tree.Dir.files ft_dir
-            | Some d -> load_text_files sctx ft_dir d
-          in
-          walk_children ft_dir ~dir ((dir, files) :: acc)
-        | _ -> acc
-      and walk_children ft_dir ~dir acc =
-        String.Map.foldi (File_tree.Dir.sub_dirs ft_dir) ~init:acc
-          ~f:(fun name ft_dir acc ->
-            let dir = Path.relative dir name in
-            walk ft_dir ~dir acc)
+          let subdirs = walk_children ft_dir ~dir [] in
+          files, subdirs)
+    in
+    let modules = Memo.lazy_ (fun () ->
+      let modules =
+        List.fold_left ((dir, files) :: subdirs) ~init:Module.Name.Map.empty
+          ~f:(fun acc (dir, files) ->
+            let modules = modules_of_files ~dir ~files in
+            Module.Name.Map.union acc modules ~f:(fun name x y ->
+     (Loc.in_file
+                             (match File_tree.Dir.dune_file ft_dir with
+                              | None ->
+                                Path.relative (File_tree.Dir.path ft_dir)
+                                  "_unknown_"
+                              | Some d -> File_tree.Dune_file.path d))
+                "Module %a appears in several directories:\
+                 @\n- %a\
+                 @\n- %a"
+                Module.Name.pp_quote name
+                (Fmt.optional Path.pp) (Module.Source.src_dir x)
+                (Fmt.optional Path.pp) (Module.Source.src_dir y)))
-      let files = load_text_files sctx ft_dir d in
-      let subdirs = walk_children ft_dir ~dir [] in
-      let modules = lazy (
-        let modules =
-          List.fold_left ((dir, files) :: subdirs) ~init:Module.Name.Map.empty
-            ~f:(fun acc (dir, files) ->
-              let modules = modules_of_files ~dir ~files in
-              Module.Name.Map.union acc modules ~f:(fun name x y ->
+      Modules.make d ~modules)
+    in
+    let c_sources = Memo.lazy_ (fun () ->
+      let dune_version = d.dune_version in
+      let init = C.Kind.Dict.make String.Map.empty in
+      let c_sources =
+        List.fold_left ((dir, files) :: subdirs) ~init
+          ~f:(fun acc (dir, files) ->
+            let sources = C_sources.load_sources ~dir ~dune_version ~files in
+            let f acc sources =
+              String.Map.union acc sources ~f:(fun name x y ->
                                (match File_tree.Dir.dune_file ft_dir with
                                 | None ->
                                   Path.relative (File_tree.Dir.path ft_dir)
                                 | Some d -> File_tree.Dune_file.path d))
-                  "Module %a appears in several directories:\
+                  "%a file %s appears in several directories:\
                    @\n- %a\
-                   @\n- %a"
-                  Module.Name.pp_quote name
-                  (Fmt.optional Path.pp) (Module.Source.src_dir x)
-                  (Fmt.optional Path.pp) (Module.Source.src_dir y)))
-        in
-        Modules.make d ~modules)
+                   @\n- %a\
+                   @\nThis is not allowed, please rename one of them."
+                  (C.Kind.pp) (C.Source.kind x)
+                  name
+                  Path.pp_in_source (C.Source.src_dir x)
+                  Path.pp_in_source (C.Source.src_dir y))
+            in
+            C.Kind.Dict.merge acc sources ~f)
-      let c_sources = lazy (
-        let dune_version = d.dune_version in
-        let init = C.Kind.Dict.make String.Map.empty in
-        let c_sources =
-          List.fold_left ((dir, files) :: subdirs) ~init
-            ~f:(fun acc (dir, files) ->
-              let sources = C_sources.load_sources ~dir ~dune_version ~files in
-              let f acc sources =
-                String.Map.union acc sources ~f:(fun name x y ->
-         (Loc.in_file
-                                (match File_tree.Dir.dune_file ft_dir with
-                                  | None ->
-                                    Path.relative (File_tree.Dir.path ft_dir)
-                                      "_unknown_"
-                                  | Some d -> File_tree.Dune_file.path d))
-                    "%a file %s appears in several directories:\
-                    @\n- %a\
-                    @\n- %a\
-                    @\nThis is not allowed, please rename one of them."
-                    (C.Kind.pp) (C.Source.kind x)
-                    name
-                    Path.pp_in_source (C.Source.src_dir x)
-                    Path.pp_in_source (C.Source.src_dir y))
-              in
-              C.Kind.Dict.merge acc sources ~f)
-        in
-        C_sources.make d ~c_sources
-      ) in
-      let t =
-        { kind = Group_root
-                   (lazy ( subdirs ~f:(fun (dir, _) -> get sctx ~dir)))
+      C_sources.make d ~c_sources
+    ) in
+    let t =
+      { kind = Group_root
+                 (Memo.lazy_ (fun () ->
+           subdirs ~f:(fun (dir, _) ->
+                      Fdecl.get get_without_rules_fdecl (sctx, dir)
+                    )))
+      ; dir
+      ; text_files = files
+      ; modules
+      ; c_sources
+      ; mlds = Memo.lazy_ (fun () -> build_mlds_map d ~files)
+      }
+    in
+    let
+      subdirs =
+ subdirs ~f:(fun (dir, files) ->
+        dir,
+        { kind = Group_part t
         ; dir
         ; text_files = files
         ; modules
         ; c_sources
-        ; mlds = lazy (build_mlds_map d ~files)
-        }
-      in
-      Hashtbl.add cache dir t;
-      List.iter subdirs ~f:(fun (dir, files) ->
-        Hashtbl.add cache dir
-          { kind = Group_part t
-          ; dir
-          ; text_files = files
-          ; modules
-          ; c_sources
-          ; mlds = lazy (build_mlds_map d ~files)
-          });
-      t
+        ; mlds = Memo.lazy_ (fun () -> (build_mlds_map d ~files))
+        })
+      |> Path.Map.of_list_exn
+    in
+    Here {
+      t;
+      rules;
+      subdirs;
+    }
+let memo0 =
+  let module Output = struct
+    type t = result0
+    let to_sexp _ = Sexp.Atom "<opaque>"
+  end
+  in
+  Memo.create
+    "dir-contents-memo0"
+    ~input:(module Key)
+    ~output:(Simple (module Output))
+    ~doc:"dir contents"
+    ~visibility:Hidden
+    Sync
+    (Some get0_impl)
+let rec strip_suffix n dir =
+  assert (n >= 0);
+  if n = 0 then
+    dir
+  else
+    strip_suffix (n - 1) (Path.parent_exn dir)
+type get_result =
+  | Standalone_or_root of t
+  | Group_part of Path.t
+let get key =
+  match Memo.exec memo0 key with
+  | See_above depth ->
+    let (_, dir) = key in
+    None, Group_part (strip_suffix depth dir)
+  | Here { t; rules; subdirs = _ } ->
+    rules, Standalone_or_root t
+let get_without_rules key =
+  let _rules, res = get key in
+  match res with
+  | Standalone_or_root t -> t
+  | Group_part group_root ->
+    let (sctx, dir) = key in
+    match Memo.exec memo0 (sctx, group_root) with
+    | See_above _ -> assert false
+    | Here { t = _; rules; subdirs } ->
+      ignore rules;
+      Path.Map.find_exn subdirs dir
+let () =
+  Fdecl.set get_without_rules_fdecl
+    get_without_rules
+let get_without_rules sctx ~dir = get_without_rules (sctx, dir)
+let get sctx ~dir =
+  let rules, res = get (sctx, dir) in
+  (Memo.Implicit_output.produce_opt
+     Build_system.rule_collection_implicit_output
+     rules);
+  res
diff --git a/src/dir_contents.mli b/src/dir_contents.mli
index 7c466c7abea..6e7d4ec1e0b 100644
--- a/src/dir_contents.mli
+++ b/src/dir_contents.mli
@@ -34,11 +34,19 @@ val lookup_module : t -> Module.Name.t -> Dune_file.Buildable.t option
 (** All mld files attached to this documentation stanza *)
 val mlds : t -> Dune_file.Documentation.t -> Path.t list
-val get : Super_context.t -> dir:Path.t -> t
+type get_result =
+  | Standalone_or_root of t
+  | Group_part of Path.t
+(** Produces rules for all group parts when it returns [Standalone_or_root].
+    Does not generate any rules when it returns [Group_part]. *)
+val get : Super_context.t -> dir:Path.t -> get_result
+val get_without_rules : Super_context.t -> dir:Path.t -> t
 type kind = private
   | Standalone
-  | Group_root of t list Lazy.t (** Sub-directories part of the group *)
+  | Group_root of (unit -> t list) (** Sub-directories part of the group *)
   | Group_part of t
 val kind : t -> kind
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 499fd4e17cc..e1ef8e77935 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -240,16 +240,20 @@ module Gen(P : sig val sctx : Super_context.t end) = struct
          | Some _ ->
            (* This interprets "rule" and "copy_files" stanzas. *)
            let dir_contents = Dir_contents.get sctx ~dir in
-           match Dir_contents.kind dir_contents with
-           | Standalone ->
-             ignore (gen_rules dir_contents [] ~dir : _ list)
+           match dir_contents with
            | Group_part root ->
-             Build_system.load_dir ~dir:(Dir_contents.dir root)
-           | Group_root (lazy subs) ->
-             let cctxs = gen_rules dir_contents [] ~dir in
-             List.iter subs ~f:(fun dc ->
-               ignore (gen_rules dir_contents cctxs ~dir:(Dir_contents.dir dc)
-                       : _ list))
+             Build_system.load_dir ~dir:root
+           | Standalone_or_root dir_contents ->
+             match Dir_contents.kind dir_contents with
+             | Group_part _ -> assert false
+             | Standalone ->
+               ignore (gen_rules dir_contents [] ~dir : _ list)
+             | Group_root subs ->
+               let cctxs = gen_rules dir_contents [] ~dir in
+               let subs = subs () in
+               List.iter subs ~f:(fun dc ->
+                 ignore (gen_rules dir_contents cctxs ~dir:(Dir_contents.dir dc)
+                         : _ list))
     match components with
     | [] -> These (String.Set.of_list [".js"; "_doc"; ".ppx"])
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 9f45c2f9deb..9b8d9e3ecc2 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ let gen_dune_package sctx ~version ~(pkg : Local_package.t) =
             |> ~f:(fun lib ->
               let name = lib in
               let dir_contents =
-                Dir_contents.get sctx ~dir:(Lib.src_dir lib) in
+                Dir_contents.get_without_rules sctx ~dir:(Lib.src_dir lib) in
               let lib_modules =
                 Dir_contents.modules_of_library dir_contents ~name in
               let foreign_objects =
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ let init_install sctx (package : Local_package.t) entries =
                  ; dune_version = _
                  } ->
               let sub_dir = (Option.value_exn lib.public).sub_dir in
-              let dir_contents = Dir_contents.get sctx ~dir in
+              let dir_contents = Dir_contents.get_without_rules sctx ~dir in
               lib_install_files sctx ~dir ~sub_dir lib ~scope
                 ~dir_kind ~dir_contents)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 7c02c9cc848..9743ddd4ac2 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ let setup_package_aliases sctx (pkg : Package.t) =
 let entry_modules_by_lib sctx lib =
-  Dir_contents.get sctx ~dir:(Lib.src_dir lib)
+  Dir_contents.get_without_rules sctx ~dir:(Lib.src_dir lib)
   |> Dir_contents.modules_of_library ~name:( lib)
   |> Lib_modules.entry_modules
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 778cf892800..6f1f09850c3 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ let mlds_by_package_def =
        |> List.concat_map ~f:(fun (w : _ Dir_with_dune.t) ->
          List.filter_map ~f:(function
            | Documentation d ->
-             let dc = Dir_contents.get sctx ~dir:w.ctx_dir in
+             let dc = Dir_contents.get_without_rules sctx ~dir:w.ctx_dir in
              let mlds = Dir_contents.mlds dc d in
              Some (, mlds)
            | _ ->
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 04b80eab0ce..b8aad0d515d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ let impl sctx ~dir ~(lib : Dune_file.Library.t) ~scope ~modules =
         | Local, Local ->
           let name = vlib in
           let dir_contents =
-            Dir_contents.get sctx ~dir:(Lib.src_dir vlib) in
+            Dir_contents.get_without_rules sctx ~dir:(Lib.src_dir vlib) in
           let modules =
             let pp_spec =
               Pp_spec.make lib.buildable.preprocess