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[do not merge] test branch for case/cond #8232

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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ Unreleased

- Add `dune show rules` as alias of the `dune rules` command. (#8000, @Alizter)

- Fix `%{deps}` to expand properly in `(cat ...)` when containing 2 or more
items. (#8196, @Alizter)

- Add `dune show installed-libraries` as an alias of the `dune
installed-libraries` command. (#8135, @Alizter)

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9 changes: 0 additions & 9 deletions otherlibs/stdune/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -414,15 +414,6 @@ end = struct

let to_dyn t = Dyn.variant "External" [ Dyn.string t ]

(* let rec cd_dot_dot t = match Unix.readlink t with | exception _ ->
Filename.dirname t | t -> cd_dot_dot t

let relative initial_t path = let rec loop t components = match components
with | [] | ["." | ".."] -> die "invalid filename concatenation: %s / %s"
initial_t path | [fn] -> Filename.concat t fn | "." :: rest -> loop t rest
| ".." :: rest -> loop (cd_dot_dot t) rest | comp :: rest -> loop
(Filename.concat t comp) rest in loop initial_t (explode_path path) *)

let relative x y =
match y with
| "." -> x
Expand Down
119 changes: 109 additions & 10 deletions src/dune_lang/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ type t =
| Patch of String_with_vars.t
| Substitute of String_with_vars.t * String_with_vars.t
| Withenv of String_with_vars.t Env_update.t list * t
| Case of String_with_vars.t * (String_with_vars.t * t) list * t
| Cond of (Blang.t * t) list * t

let is_dev_null t = String_with_vars.is_pform t (Var Dev_null)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,6 +233,66 @@ let decode_with_accepted_exit_codes =

let sw = String_with_vars.decode

module type Pattern = sig
type t

val decode : t Decoder.t

val equal_no_loc : t -> t -> bool

let decode_case_cond (type pattern) (module P : Pattern with type t = pattern) t
let open Decoder in
let+ cases =
repeat1 @@ enter
@@ let+ pat =
(let+ loc, _ = located (keyword "_") in
`Default loc)
<|> let+ loc, pat = located P.decode in
`Case (loc, pat)
and+ branch = t in
(pat, branch)
(* we need to check that there is at most one default case and that it
appears last *)
let cases, default =
match List.rev cases with
| [] -> Code_error.raise "decode_case_cond: empty cases list" []
| (`Case (loc, _), _) :: _ ->
User_error.raise ~loc
~hints:[ Pp.text "Add a (_ (...)) case at the end." ]
[ Pp.text "Only the default case can be at the end." ]
| (`Default default_loc, default) :: l ->
let err_duplicate_case loc1 loc2 msg =
[ Pp.text msg
; Pp.map_tags ~f:(fun _ -> User_message.Style.Loc) (Loc.pp loc1)
; Pp.map_tags ~f:(fun _ -> User_message.Style.Loc) (Loc.pp loc2)
let rec loop (patterns : (Loc.t * P.t) list) cases =
match cases with
| [] -> []
(* The default case has already been handled, any other is an error *)
| (`Default loc, _) :: _ ->
err_duplicate_case loc default_loc "Multiple default cases."
(* If a pattern has been seen before, it's an error *)
| (`Case (loc, pat), _) :: _
when List.mem ( ~f:snd patterns) pat ~equal:P.equal_no_loc ->
let other_loc =
List.find_exn patterns ~f:(fun (_, x) -> P.equal_no_loc pat x)
|> fst
err_duplicate_case loc other_loc "Duplicate case."
(* If a pattern is new, we add it to the list of seen patterns *)
| (`Case (loc, pat), branch) :: cases ->
(pat, branch) :: loop ((loc, pat) :: patterns) cases
(loop [] l, default)
(cases, default)

let cstrs_dune_file t =
let open Decoder in
[ ( "run"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -331,6 +393,15 @@ let cstrs_dune_file t =
, Syntax.since Stanza.syntax (2, 7)
>>> let+ script = sw in
Cram script )
; ( "case"
, Syntax.since Stanza.syntax (3, 10)
>>> let+ arg = sw
and+ cases, default = decode_case_cond (module String_with_vars) t in
Case (arg, cases, default) )
; ( "cond"
, Syntax.since Stanza.syntax (3, 10)
>>> let+ cases, default = decode_case_cond (module Blang) t in
Cond (cases, default) )

let decode_dune_file = Decoder.fix @@ fun t -> Decoder.sum (cstrs_dune_file t)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -415,6 +486,17 @@ let rec encode =
| Substitute (i, o) -> List [ atom "substitute"; sw i; sw o ]
| Withenv (ops, t) ->
List [ atom "withenv"; List ( ~f:Env_update.encode ops); encode t ]
| Case (var, cases, default) ->
([ atom "case"; sw var ]
@ cases ~f:(fun (var, t) -> List [ sw var; encode t ])
@ [ List [ atom "_"; encode default ] ])
| Cond (cases, default) ->
(atom "cond"
:: cases ~f:(fun (cond, t) ->
List [ Blang.encode cond; encode t ])
@ [ List [ atom "_"; encode default ] ])

(* In [Action_exec] we rely on one-to-one mapping between the cwd-relative paths
seen by the action and [Path.t] seen by dune.
Expand All @@ -427,7 +509,17 @@ let rec encode =
Moreover, we also check that 'dynamic-run' is not used within
'with-exit-codes', since the meaning of this interaction is not clear. *)
let ensure_at_most_one_dynamic_run ~loc action =
let rec loop : t -> bool = function
let rec ensure_at_most_one_dynamic_run_list ts =
List.fold_left ts ~init:false ~f:(fun acc t ->
let have_dyn = loop t in
if acc && have_dyn then
User_error.raise ~loc
[ Pp.text
"Multiple 'dynamic-run' commands within single action are not \
else acc || have_dyn)
and loop : t -> bool = function
| Dynamic_run _ -> true
| Chdir (_, t)
| Setenv (_, _, t)
Expand All @@ -452,16 +544,13 @@ let ensure_at_most_one_dynamic_run ~loc action =
| Patch _
| Cram _ -> false
| Pipe (_, ts) | Progn ts | Concurrent ts ->
List.fold_left ts ~init:false ~f:(fun acc t ->
let have_dyn = loop t in
if acc && have_dyn then
User_error.raise ~loc
[ Pp.text
"Multiple 'dynamic-run' commands within single action are \
not supported."
else acc || have_dyn)
ensure_at_most_one_dynamic_run_list ts
| Case (_, cases, default) ->
ensure_at_most_one_dynamic_run_list (default :: ~f:snd cases)
| Cond (cases, default) ->
ensure_at_most_one_dynamic_run_list (default :: ~f:snd cases)

ignore (loop action)

let validate ~loc t = ensure_at_most_one_dynamic_run ~loc t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -501,6 +590,16 @@ let rec map_string_with_vars t ~f =
( ops ~f:(fun (op : _ Env_update.t) ->
{ op with value = f op.value })
, map_string_with_vars t ~f )
| Case (sw, cases, default) ->
( f sw
, cases ~f:(fun (sw, t) -> (f sw, map_string_with_vars t ~f))
, map_string_with_vars default ~f )
| Cond (cases, default) ->
( cases ~f:(fun (cond, t) ->
(Blang.map_string_with_vars cond ~f, map_string_with_vars t ~f))
, map_string_with_vars default ~f )

let remove_locs = map_string_with_vars ~f:String_with_vars.remove_locs

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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/dune_lang/action.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,6 +124,8 @@ type t =
| Patch of String_with_vars.t
| Substitute of String_with_vars.t * String_with_vars.t
| Withenv of String_with_vars.t Env_update.t list * t
| Case of String_with_vars.t * (String_with_vars.t * t) list * t
| Cond of (Blang.t * t) list * t

val encode : t Encoder.t

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76 changes: 73 additions & 3 deletions src/dune_lang/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,25 @@ module Op = struct
| (Eq | Gte | Lte), Eq | (Neq | Lt | Lte), Lt | (Neq | Gt | Gte), Gt -> true
| _, _ -> false

let compare a b : Ordering.t =
match (a, b) with
| Eq, Eq -> Eq
| Eq, _ -> Lt
| _, Eq -> Gt
| Gt, Gt -> Eq
| Gt, _ -> Gt
| _, Gt -> Lt
| Gte, Gte -> Eq
| Gte, _ -> Gt
| _, Gte -> Lt
| Lte, Lte -> Eq
| Lte, _ -> Lt
| _, Lte -> Gt
| Lt, Lt -> Eq
| Lt, _ -> Lt
| _, Lt -> Gt
| Neq, Neq -> Eq

let to_dyn =
let open Dyn in
Expand All @@ -24,6 +43,16 @@ module Op = struct
| Lte -> string "Lte"
| Lt -> string "Lt"
| Neq -> string "Neq"

let all =
[ ("=", Eq); (">=", Gte); ("<=", Lte); (">", Gt); ("<", Lt); ("<>", Neq) ]

let encode x =
match List.assoc ( ~f:Tuple.T2.swap all) x with
| Some x -> x
| None -> Code_error.raise "Unknown op" []

type t =
Expand All @@ -34,6 +63,15 @@ type t =
| Or of t list
| Compare of Op.t * String_with_vars.t * String_with_vars.t

let rec map_string_with_vars t ~f =
match t with
| Const _ -> t
| Not t -> Not (map_string_with_vars t ~f)
| Expr e -> Expr (f e)
| And t -> And ( ~f:(map_string_with_vars ~f) t)
| Or t -> Or ( ~f:(map_string_with_vars ~f) t)
| Compare (o, s1, s2) -> Compare (o, f s1, f s2)

let true_ = Const true

let rec to_dyn =
Expand All @@ -48,13 +86,21 @@ let rec to_dyn =
variant "Compare"
[ Op.to_dyn o; String_with_vars.to_dyn s1; String_with_vars.to_dyn s2 ]

let ops =
[ ("=", Op.Eq); (">=", Gte); ("<=", Lte); (">", Gt); ("<", Lt); ("<>", Neq) ]
let rec encode =
let open Encoder in
| Const b -> bool b
| Not t -> List [ atom "not"; encode t ]
| Expr e -> String_with_vars.encode e
| And t -> List (atom "and" :: ~f:encode t)
| Or t -> List (atom "or" :: ~f:encode t)
| Compare (o, s1, s2) ->
List [ Op.encode o; String_with_vars.encode s1; String_with_vars.encode s2 ]

let decode_gen decode_string =
let open Decoder in
let ops = ops ~f:(fun (name, op) -> Op.all ~f:(fun (name, op) ->
( name
, let+ x = decode_string
and+ y = decode_string in
Expand All @@ -77,3 +123,27 @@ let decode_gen decode_string =
let decode = decode_gen String_with_vars.decode

let decode_manually f = decode_gen (String_with_vars.decode_manually f)

let rec compare_no_loc a b : Ordering.t =
let open Ordering.O in
match (a, b) with
| Const a, Const b -> a b
| Const _, _ -> Lt
| _, Const _ -> Gt
| Not a, Not b -> compare_no_loc a b
| Not _, _ -> Lt
| _, Not _ -> Gt
| Expr a, Expr b -> String_with_vars.compare_no_loc a b
| Expr _, _ -> Lt
| _, Expr _ -> Gt
| And a, And b | Or a, Or b -> ~compare:compare_no_loc a b
| And _, _ -> Lt
| _, And _ -> Gt
| Compare (o1, s1, s2), Compare (o2, s3, s4) ->
let= () = o1 o2 in
let= () = String_with_vars.compare_no_loc s1 s3 in
String_with_vars.compare_no_loc s2 s4
| Compare _, _ -> Lt
| _, Compare _ -> Gt

let equal_no_loc a b = Ordering.is_eq (compare_no_loc a b)
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/dune_lang/blang.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,10 +21,17 @@ type t =
| Or of t list
| Compare of Op.t * String_with_vars.t * String_with_vars.t

val equal_no_loc : t -> t -> bool

val true_ : t

val to_dyn : t -> Dyn.t

val map_string_with_vars :
t -> f:(String_with_vars.t -> String_with_vars.t) -> t

val encode : t Encoder.t

val decode : t Decoder.t

(** Resolve variables manually. For complex cases such as [enabled_if] *)
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