From da7472710113b348e4d154dd0150ce001e6972f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: favonia
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2022 08:17:29 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Augment Inline.t with the information about being
src/document/ | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/document/ b/src/document/
index 154a81062a..c95c64423f 100644
--- a/src/document/
+++ b/src/document/
@@ -35,9 +35,11 @@ and Inline : sig
type href = string
+ type preformatted = { begin_ : bool; end_ : bool }
type t = one list
- and one = { attr : Class.t; desc : desc }
+ and one = { attr : Class.t; preformatted : preformatted; desc : desc }
and desc =
| Text of string
@@ -159,6 +161,34 @@ and Page : sig
end =
-let inline ?(attr = []) desc = Inline.{ attr; desc }
+let rec last = function
+ | [] -> invalid_arg "last"
+ | [ x ] -> x
+ | _ :: xs -> last xs
+let rec is_inline_preformatted =
+ let open Inline in
+ function
+ | Text _ | Linebreak -> { begin_ = false; end_ = false }
+ | Entity _ | Source _ -> { begin_ = true; end_ = true }
+ | Styled (_, is) | Link (_, is) -> is_inline_list_preformatted is
+ | InternalLink il -> is_internallink_preformatted il
+ (* Ideally, the markup should be parsed *)
+ | Raw_markup _ -> { begin_ = false; end_ = false }
+and is_inline_list_preformatted = function
+ | [] -> { begin_ = false; end_ = false }
+ | l ->
+ {
+ begin_ = (List.hd l).preformatted.begin_;
+ end_ = (last l).preformatted.end_;
+ }
+and is_internallink_preformatted = function
+ | Resolved (_, is) | Unresolved is -> is_inline_list_preformatted is
+let inline ?(attr = []) desc =
+ let preformatted = is_inline_preformatted desc in
+ Inline.{ attr; preformatted; desc }
let block ?(attr = []) desc = Block.{ attr; desc }
From 56fdef1eab5bdd02abbf8f6cbacb12cedd4f31e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: favonia
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2022 08:33:45 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Update the HTML generator
src/document/ | 3 +
src/html/ | 103 +++++++++++++-----
src/odoc/etc/odoc.css | 14 +++
test/generators/cases/markup.mli | 5 +-
test/generators/html/Markup.html | 10 +-
test/generators/html/Ocamlary.html | 43 +++++---
.../html/Recent-module-type-PolyS.html | 10 +-
test/generators/html/Recent.html | 15 ++-
test/generators/html/Type.html | 32 +++---
test/generators/latex/Markup.tex | 2 +-
test/generators/man/Markup.3o | 2 +-
11 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/document/ b/src/document/
index c95c64423f..b82e59fb58 100644
--- a/src/document/
+++ b/src/document/
@@ -166,6 +166,9 @@ let rec last = function
| [ x ] -> x
| _ :: xs -> last xs
+(* Checking whether an Inline.desc starts with or ends with preformatted text.
+ This is only an approximation as we did not check whether the text is empty
+ [Text ""] or the styled inline is empty [Style (_, [])]. *)
let rec is_inline_preformatted =
let open Inline in
diff --git a/src/html/ b/src/html/
index 73c1cda5e5..f68a48be04 100644
--- a/src/html/
+++ b/src/html/
@@ -28,6 +28,28 @@ type phrasing = Html_types.phrasing
type non_link_phrasing = Html_types.phrasing_without_interactive
+type context = { following_code : bool; followed_by_code : bool }
+let default_context = { following_code = false; followed_by_code = false }
+let rec inline_list_concat_map ~context ~f = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | [ x ] -> f ~context x
+ | x1 :: (x2 :: _ as xs) ->
+ let hd =
+ let context =
+ { context with followed_by_code = x2.Inline.preformatted.begin_ }
+ in
+ f ~context x1
+ in
+ let tl =
+ let context =
+ { context with following_code = x1.Inline.preformatted.end_ }
+ in
+ inline_list_concat_map ~context ~f xs
+ in
+ hd @ tl
let mk_anchor_link id =
[ Html.a ~a:[ Html.a_href ("#" ^ id); Html.a_class [ "anchor" ] ] [] ]
@@ -42,6 +64,14 @@ let mk_anchor anchor =
let class_ (l : Class.t) = if l = [] then [] else [ Html.a_class l ]
+let class_with_context ~context (l : Class.t) =
+ class_ @@ l
+ @ List.concat
+ [
+ (if context.following_code then [ "following-code" ] else []);
+ (if context.followed_by_code then [ "followed-by-code" ] else []);
+ ]
and raw_markup (t : Raw_markup.t) =
let target, content = t in
match Astring.String.Ascii.lowercase target with
@@ -74,13 +104,15 @@ and styled style ~emph_level =
| `Superscript -> (emph_level, Html.sup ~a:[])
| `Subscript -> (emph_level, Html.sub ~a:[])
-let rec internallink ~emph_level ~resolve ?(a = []) (t : InternalLink.t) =
+let rec internallink ~context ~emph_level ~resolve ?(a = [])
+ (t : InternalLink.t) =
match t with
| Resolved (uri, content) ->
let href = Link.href ~resolve uri in
let a = (a :> Html_types.a_attrib Html.attrib list) in
let elt =
- Html.a ~a:(Html.a_href href :: a) (inline_nolink ~emph_level content)
+ Html.a ~a:(Html.a_href href :: a)
+ (inline_nolink ~context ~emph_level content)
let elt = (elt :> phrasing Html.elt) in
[ elt ]
@@ -90,59 +122,66 @@ let rec internallink ~emph_level ~resolve ?(a = []) (t : InternalLink.t) =
* (ref_to_string ref)
* in *)
let a = Html.a_class [ "xref-unresolved" ] :: a in
- let elt = Html.span ~a (inline ~emph_level ~resolve content) in
+ let elt = Html.span ~a (inline ~context ~emph_level ~resolve content) in
let elt = (elt :> phrasing Html.elt) in
[ elt ]
-and internallink_nolink ~emph_level
+and internallink_nolink ~context ~emph_level
~(a : Html_types.span_attrib Html.attrib list) (t : InternalLink.t) =
match t with
| Resolved (_, content) | Unresolved content ->
- [ Html.span ~a (inline_nolink ~emph_level content) ]
+ [ Html.span ~a (inline_nolink ~context ~emph_level content) ]
-and inline ?(emph_level = 0) ~resolve (l : Inline.t) : phrasing Html.elt list =
- let one (t : =
+and inline ~context ?(emph_level = 0) ~resolve (l : Inline.t) :
+ phrasing Html.elt list =
+ let one ~context (t : =
let a = class_ t.attr in
match t.desc with
| Text "" -> []
| Text s ->
if a = [] then [ Html.txt s ] else [ Html.span ~a [ Html.txt s ] ]
| Entity s ->
+ let a = class_with_context ~context t.attr in
if a = [] then [ Html.entity s ] else [ Html.span ~a [ Html.entity s ] ]
| Linebreak -> [ ~a () ]
| Styled (style, c) ->
let emph_level, app_style = styled style ~emph_level in
- [ app_style @@ inline ~emph_level ~resolve c ]
+ [ app_style @@ inline ~context ~emph_level ~resolve c ]
| Link (href, c) ->
let a = (a :> Html_types.a_attrib Html.attrib list) in
- let content = inline_nolink ~emph_level c in
+ let content = inline_nolink ~context ~emph_level c in
[ Html.a ~a:(Html.a_href href :: a) content ]
- | InternalLink c -> internallink ~emph_level ~resolve ~a c
- | Source c -> source (inline ~emph_level ~resolve) ~a c
+ | InternalLink c -> internallink ~context ~emph_level ~resolve ~a c
+ | Source c ->
+ let a = class_with_context ~context t.attr in
+ source (inline ~context:default_context ~emph_level ~resolve) ~a c
| Raw_markup r -> raw_markup r
- Utils.list_concat_map ~f:one l
+ inline_list_concat_map ~context ~f:one l
-and inline_nolink ?(emph_level = 0) (l : Inline.t) :
+and inline_nolink ~context ?(emph_level = 0) (l : Inline.t) :
non_link_phrasing Html.elt list =
- let one (t : =
+ let one ~context (t : =
let a = class_ t.attr in
match t.desc with
| Text "" -> []
| Text s ->
if a = [] then [ Html.txt s ] else [ Html.span ~a [ Html.txt s ] ]
| Entity s ->
+ let a = class_with_context ~context t.attr in
if a = [] then [ Html.entity s ] else [ Html.span ~a [ Html.entity s ] ]
| Linebreak -> [ ~a () ]
| Styled (style, c) ->
let emph_level, app_style = styled style ~emph_level in
- [ app_style @@ inline_nolink ~emph_level c ]
- | Link (_, c) -> inline_nolink ~emph_level c
- | InternalLink c -> internallink_nolink ~emph_level ~a c
- | Source c -> source (inline_nolink ~emph_level) ~a c
+ [ app_style @@ inline_nolink ~context ~emph_level c ]
+ | Link (_, c) -> inline_nolink ~context ~emph_level c
+ | InternalLink c -> internallink_nolink ~context ~emph_level ~a c
+ | Source c ->
+ let a = class_with_context ~context t.attr in
+ source (inline_nolink ~context:default_context ~emph_level) ~a c
| Raw_markup r -> raw_markup r
- Utils.list_concat_map ~f:one l
+ inline_list_concat_map ~context ~f:one l
let heading ~resolve (h : Heading.t) =
let a, anchor =
@@ -150,7 +189,7 @@ let heading ~resolve (h : Heading.t) =
| Some id -> ([ Html.a_id id ], mk_anchor_link id)
| None -> ([], [])
- let content = inline ~resolve h.title in
+ let content = inline ~context:default_context ~resolve h.title in
let mk =
match h.level with
| 0 -> Html.h1
@@ -171,9 +210,11 @@ let rec block ~resolve (l : Block.t) : flow Html.elt list =
match t.desc with
| Inline i ->
- if t.attr = [] then as_flow @@ inline ~resolve i
- else mk_block Html.span (inline ~resolve i)
- | Paragraph i -> mk_block Html.p (inline ~resolve i)
+ if t.attr = [] then
+ as_flow @@ inline ~context:default_context ~resolve i
+ else mk_block Html.span (inline ~context:default_context ~resolve i)
+ | Paragraph i ->
+ mk_block Html.p (inline ~context:default_context ~resolve i)
| List (typ, l) ->
let mk = match typ with Ordered -> Html.ol | Unordered -> Html.ul in
mk_block mk ( (fun x -> (block ~resolve x)) l)
@@ -181,7 +222,7 @@ let rec block ~resolve (l : Block.t) : flow Html.elt list =
let item i =
let a = class_ i.Description.attr in
let term =
- (inline ~resolve i.Description.key
+ (inline ~resolve ~context:default_context i.Description.key
: phrasing Html.elt list
:> flow Html.elt list)
@@ -195,7 +236,8 @@ let rec block ~resolve (l : Block.t) : flow Html.elt list =
let extra_class =
match lang_tag with None -> [] | Some lang -> [ "language-" ^ lang ]
- mk_block ~extra_class Html.pre (source (inline ~resolve) c)
+ mk_block ~extra_class Html.pre
+ (source (inline ~context:default_context ~resolve) c)
Utils.list_concat_map l ~f:one
@@ -241,14 +283,16 @@ let rec documentedSrc ~resolve (t : DocumentedSrc.t) : item Html.elt list =
| [] -> []
| (Code _ | Alternative _) :: _ ->
let code, _, rest = take_code t in
- source (inline ~resolve) code @ to_html rest
+ source (inline ~context:default_context ~resolve) code @ to_html rest
| Subpage subp :: _ -> subpage ~resolve subp
| (Documented _ | Nested _) :: _ ->
let l, _, rest = take_descr t in
let one { DocumentedSrc.attrs; anchor; code; doc; markers } =
let content =
match code with
- | `D code -> (inline ~resolve code :> item Html.elt list)
+ | `D code ->
+ (inline ~context:default_context ~resolve code
+ :> item Html.elt list)
| `N n -> to_html n
let doc =
@@ -308,7 +352,8 @@ and items ~resolve l : item Html.elt list =
let summary =
let extra_attr, extra_class, anchor_link = mk_anchor anchor in
let a = spec_class (attr @ extra_class) @ extra_attr in
- Html.summary ~a @@ anchor_link @ source (inline ~resolve) summary
+ Html.summary ~a @@ anchor_link
+ @ source (inline ~context:default_context ~resolve) summary
[ Html.details ~a:open' summary included_html ]
@@ -337,7 +382,7 @@ module Toc = struct
let render_toc ~resolve (toc : Toc.t) =
let rec section { Toc.url; text; children } =
- let text = inline_nolink text in
+ let text = inline_nolink ~context:default_context text in
let text =
: non_link_phrasing Html.elt list
diff --git a/src/odoc/etc/odoc.css b/src/odoc/etc/odoc.css
index 4cbbfffcbd..9b9ec18f34 100644
--- a/src/odoc/etc/odoc.css
+++ b/src/odoc/etc/odoc.css
@@ -387,6 +387,20 @@ li code {
padding: 0 0.3ex;
+p code.followed-by-code,
+li code.followed-by-code {
+ border-top-right-radius: 0px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;
+ padding-right: 0px;
+p code.following-code,
+li code.following-code {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;
+ padding-left: 0px;
p a > code {
color: var(--link-color);
diff --git a/test/generators/cases/markup.mli b/test/generators/cases/markup.mli
index 64d44b0738..aae287f4f8 100644
--- a/test/generators/cases/markup.mli
+++ b/test/generators/cases/markup.mli
@@ -47,8 +47,9 @@
[code] is a different kind of markup that doesn't allow nested markup.
It's possible for two markup elements to appear {b next} {i to} each other
- and have a space, and appear {b next}{i to} each other with no space. It
- doesn't matter {b how} {i much} space it was in the source: in this
+ and have a space, and appear {b next}{i to} each other with no space.
+ This also applies to consecutive code phrases [f][ ][x].
+ It doesn't matter {b how} {i much} space it was in the source: in this
sentence, it was two space characters. And in this one, there is {b a}
{i newline}.
diff --git a/test/generators/html/Markup.html b/test/generators/html/Markup.html
index 8815b52b24..03591ace03 100644
--- a/test/generators/html/Markup.html
+++ b/test/generators/html/Markup.html
@@ -88,9 +88,13 @@
It's possible for two markup elements to appear next to
each other and have a space, and appear nextto each
- other with no space. It doesn't matter how much space
- it was in the source: in this sentence, it was two space characters.
- And in this one, there is a newline.
+ other with no space. This also applies to consecutive code phrases
+ f
+ x
. It doesn't matter how
+ much space it was in the source: in this sentence, it was
+ two space characters. And in this one, there is a newline
+ .
This is also true between non-code
and code
diff --git a/test/generators/html/Ocamlary.html b/test/generators/html/Ocamlary.html
index a77e59142c..0cf8b8974f 100644
--- a/test/generators/html/Ocamlary.html
+++ b/test/generators/html/Ocamlary.html
@@ -1040,12 +1040,15 @@
+ |
+ `TagA
- `ConstrB of int
+ |
+ `ConstrB of int
@@ -1267,13 +1270,15 @@
- poly_variant
+ |
+ poly_variant
+ |
+ `TagC
@@ -1292,8 +1297,8 @@
+ |
`TagA of
@@ -1314,8 +1319,8 @@
+ |
`TagA of
@@ -1324,8 +1329,8 @@
+ |
`ConstrB of
@@ -1445,12 +1450,13 @@
+ |
+ `A
+ |
`B of
[ `B1 | `B2 ]
@@ -1458,12 +1464,13 @@
+ |
+ `C
+ |
`D of
[ `D1 of [ `D1a ] ]
diff --git a/test/generators/html/Recent-module-type-PolyS.html b/test/generators/html/Recent-module-type-PolyS.html
index 6bee3b33b4..e27df5b826 100644
--- a/test/generators/html/Recent-module-type-PolyS.html
+++ b/test/generators/html/Recent-module-type-PolyS.html
@@ -23,12 +23,14 @@ Module type Recent.PolyS
- `A
+ |
+ `A
- `B
+ |
+ `B
diff --git a/test/generators/html/Recent.html b/test/generators/html/Recent.html
index 907983fab5..d647b629b4 100644
--- a/test/generators/html/Recent.html
+++ b/test/generators/html/Recent.html
@@ -151,23 +151,28 @@ Module Recent
+ |
+ `A
- `B of int
+ |
+ `B of int
+ |
+ `C
+ |
+ `D
diff --git a/test/generators/html/Type.html b/test/generators/html/Type.html
index 9c5849931a..d86b370533 100644
--- a/test/generators/html/Type.html
+++ b/test/generators/html/Type.html
@@ -387,22 +387,27 @@ Module Type
+ |
+ `A
- `B of int
+ |
+ `B of int
- `C of int * unit
+ |
+ `C of int * unit
+ |
+ `D
@@ -419,8 +424,8 @@ Module Type
class="def type anchored">
- |
+ |
@@ -428,7 +433,8 @@ Module Type
+ |
+ `E
@@ -444,8 +450,8 @@ Module Type
+ |
`A of
[ `B | `C ]
@@ -473,8 +479,8 @@ Module Type
+ |
diff --git a/test/generators/latex/Markup.tex b/test/generators/latex/Markup.tex
index 34d1abf2f7..f18e888448 100644
--- a/test/generators/latex/Markup.tex
+++ b/test/generators/latex/Markup.tex
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ \subsection{Styling\label{styling}}%
\ocamlinlinecode{code} is a different kind of markup that doesn't allow nested markup.
-It's possible for two markup elements to appear \bold{next} \emph{to} each other and have a space, and appear \bold{next}\emph{to} each other with no space. It doesn't matter \bold{how} \emph{much} space it was in the source: in this sentence, it was two space characters. And in this one, there is \bold{a} \emph{newline}.
+It's possible for two markup elements to appear \bold{next} \emph{to} each other and have a space, and appear \bold{next}\emph{to} each other with no space. This also applies to consecutive code phrases \ocamlinlinecode{f}\ocamlinlinecode{ }\ocamlinlinecode{x}. It doesn't matter \bold{how} \emph{much} space it was in the source: in this sentence, it was two space characters. And in this one, there is \bold{a} \emph{newline}.
This is also true between \emph{non-}\ocamlinlinecode{code} markup \emph{and} \ocamlinlinecode{code}.
diff --git a/test/generators/man/Markup.3o b/test/generators/man/Markup.3o
index f5742f1969..6039cb7746 100644
--- a/test/generators/man/Markup.3o
+++ b/test/generators/man/Markup.3o
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ links in italics with emphasis in emphasis\.
code is a different kind of markup that doesn't allow nested markup\.
-It's possible for two markup elements to appear \fBnext\fR \fIto\fR each other and have a space, and appear \fBnext\fR\fIto\fR each other with no space\. It doesn't matter \fBhow\fR \fImuch\fR space it was in the source: in this sentence, it was two space characters\. And in this one, there is \fBa\fR \fInewline\fR\.
+It's possible for two markup elements to appear \fBnext\fR \fIto\fR each other and have a space, and appear \fBnext\fR\fIto\fR each other with no space\. This also applies to consecutive code phrases f x\. It doesn't matter \fBhow\fR \fImuch\fR space it was in the source: in this sentence, it was two space characters\. And in this one, there is \fBa\fR \fInewline\fR\.
This is also true between non-code markup and code\.