diff --git a/ding/torch_utils/network/nn_module.py b/ding/torch_utils/network/nn_module.py
index b0d1daa5ba..600d00e2d0 100644
--- a/ding/torch_utils/network/nn_module.py
+++ b/ding/torch_utils/network/nn_module.py
@@ -314,8 +314,8 @@ def MLP(
     norm_type: str = None,
     use_dropout: bool = False,
     dropout_probability: float = 0.5,
-    output_activation: nn.Module = None,
-    output_norm_type: str = None,
+    output_activation: bool = True,
+    output_norm: bool = True,
     last_linear_layer_init_zero: bool = False
@@ -328,15 +328,18 @@ def MLP(
         - hidden_channels (:obj:`int`): Number of channels in the hidden tensor.
         - out_channels (:obj:`int`): Number of channels in the output tensor.
         - layer_num (:obj:`int`): Number of layers.
-        - layer_fn (:obj:`Callable`): layer function.
-        - activation (:obj:`nn.Module`): the optional activation function.
-        - norm_type (:obj:`str`): type of the normalization.
-        - use_dropout (:obj:`bool`): whether to use dropout in the fully-connected block.
-        - dropout_probability (:obj:`float`): probability of an element to be zeroed in the dropout. Default: 0.5.
-        - output_activation (:obj:`nn.Module`): the optional activation function in the last layer.
-        - output_norm_type (:obj:`str`): type of the normalization in the last layer.
-        - last_linear_layer_init_zero (:obj:`bool`): zero initialization for the last linear layer (including w and b),
-            which can provide stable zero outputs in the beginning.
+        - layer_fn (:obj:`Callable`): Layer function.
+        - activation (:obj:`nn.Module`): The optional activation function.
+        - norm_type (:obj:`str`): The type of the normalization.
+        - use_dropout (:obj:`bool`): Whether to use dropout in the fully-connected block.
+        - dropout_probability (:obj:`float`): The probability of an element to be zeroed in the dropout. Default: 0.5.
+        - output_activation (:obj:`bool`): Whether to use activation in the output layer. If True,
+            we use the same activation as front layers. Default: True.
+        - output_norm (:obj:`bool`): Whether to use normalization in the output layer. If True,
+            we use the same normalization as front layers. Default: True.
+        - last_linear_layer_init_zero (:obj:`bool`): Whether to use zero initializations for the last linear layer
+            (including w and b), which can provide stable zero outputs in the beginning,
+            usually used in the policy network in RL settings.
         - block (:obj:`nn.Sequential`): a sequential list containing the torch layers of the fully-connected block.
@@ -361,30 +364,31 @@ def MLP(
         if use_dropout:
-    # the last layer
+    # The last layer
     in_channels = channels[-2]
     out_channels = channels[-1]
-    if output_activation is None and output_norm_type is None:
-        #  the last layer use the same norm and activation as front layers
-        block.append(layer_fn(in_channels, out_channels))
+    block.append(layer_fn(in_channels, out_channels))
+    """
+    In the final layer of a neural network, whether to use normalization and activation are typically determined
+    based on user specifications. These specifications depend on the problem at hand and the desired properties of
+    the model's output.
+    """
+    if output_norm is True:
+        # The last layer uses the same norm as front layers.
         if norm_type is not None:
             block.append(build_normalization(norm_type, dim=1)(out_channels))
+    if output_activation is True:
+        # The last layer uses the same activation as front layers.
         if activation is not None:
-        if use_dropout:
-            block.append(nn.Dropout(dropout_probability))
-    else:
-        #  the last layer use the specific norm and activation
-        block.append(layer_fn(in_channels, out_channels))
-        if output_norm_type is not None:
-            block.append(build_normalization(output_norm_type, dim=1)(out_channels))
-        if output_activation is not None:
-            block.append(output_activation)
-        if use_dropout:
-            block.append(nn.Dropout(dropout_probability))
-        if last_linear_layer_init_zero:
-            block[-2].weight.data.fill_(0)
-            block[-2].bias.data.fill_(0)
+    if last_linear_layer_init_zero:
+        # Locate the last linear layer and initialize its weights and biases to 0.
+        for _, layer in enumerate(reversed(block)):
+            if isinstance(layer, nn.Linear):
+                nn.init.zeros_(layer.weight)
+                nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias)
+                break
     return sequential_pack(block)
diff --git a/ding/torch_utils/network/tests/test_nn_module.py b/ding/torch_utils/network/tests/test_nn_module.py
index 394aa5856d..8fdc7845ee 100644
--- a/ding/torch_utils/network/tests/test_nn_module.py
+++ b/ding/torch_utils/network/tests/test_nn_module.py
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
-import torch
 import pytest
-from ding.torch_utils import build_activation, build_normalization
+import torch
+from torch.testing import assert_allclose
+from ding.torch_utils import build_activation
 from ding.torch_utils.network.nn_module import MLP, conv1d_block, conv2d_block, fc_block, deconv2d_block, \
     ChannelShuffle, one_hot, NearestUpsample, BilinearUpsample, binary_encode, weight_init_, NaiveFlatten, \
     normed_linear, normed_conv2d
@@ -44,20 +46,48 @@ def test_weight_init(self):
             weight_init_(weight, 'xxx')
     def test_mlp(self):
-        input = torch.rand(batch_size, in_channels).requires_grad_(True)
-        block = MLP(
-            in_channels=in_channels,
-            hidden_channels=hidden_channels,
-            out_channels=out_channels,
-            layer_num=2,
-            activation=torch.nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
-            norm_type='BN',
-            output_activation=torch.nn.Identity(),
-            output_norm_type=None,
-            last_linear_layer_init_zero=True
-        )
-        output = self.run_model(input, block)
-        assert output.shape == (batch_size, out_channels)
+        layer_num = 3
+        input_tensor = torch.rand(batch_size, in_channels).requires_grad_(True)
+        for output_activation in [True, False]:
+            for output_norm in [True, False]:
+                for activation in [torch.nn.ReLU(), torch.nn.LeakyReLU(), torch.nn.Tanh(), None]:
+                    for norm_type in ["LN", "BN", None]:
+                        # Test case 1: MLP without last linear layer initialized to 0.
+                        model = MLP(
+                            in_channels,
+                            hidden_channels,
+                            out_channels,
+                            layer_num,
+                            activation=activation,
+                            norm_type=norm_type,
+                            output_activation=output_activation,
+                            output_norm=output_norm
+                        )
+                        output_tensor = self.run_model(input_tensor, model)
+                        assert output_tensor.shape == (batch_size, out_channels)
+                        # Test case 2: MLP with last linear layer initialized to 0.
+                        model = MLP(
+                            in_channels,
+                            hidden_channels,
+                            out_channels,
+                            layer_num,
+                            activation=activation,
+                            norm_type=norm_type,
+                            output_activation=output_activation,
+                            output_norm=output_norm,
+                            last_linear_layer_init_zero=True
+                        )
+                        output_tensor = self.run_model(input_tensor, model)
+                        assert output_tensor.shape == (batch_size, out_channels)
+                        last_linear_layer = None
+                        for layer in reversed(model):
+                            if isinstance(layer, torch.nn.Linear):
+                                last_linear_layer = layer
+                                break
+                        assert_allclose(last_linear_layer.weight, torch.zeros_like(last_linear_layer.weight))
+                        assert_allclose(last_linear_layer.bias, torch.zeros_like(last_linear_layer.bias))
     def test_conv1d_block(self):
         length = 2